Southeast Asia Series

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ohio university press

Research in International Studies

Asia series
This series of publications on Southeast Asia
is designed to present significant research,
translation, and opinion to area specialists and
to a wide community of persons interested in
world affairs. The editors seek manuscripts of
quality in a wide range of disciplines and work
closely with authors to produce high-quality
books. The series, published in association with
the Center for International Studies at Ohio
University, appears in paperback format and
is distributed worldwide.

Gillian Berchowitz William H. Frederick

Ohio University Press Ohio University
Executive Editor Consultant

w w w. o h i o s w a l l o w. c o m
NEW Southeast Asia Series

Sino–Malay Trade Southeast Asian Locating Southeast Islam and the

and Diplomacy Lives Asia State in Indonesia
Personal Narratives and Geographies of Knowledge Bahtiar Effendy
from the Tenth
through the Historical Experience and Politics of Space “Bahtiar’s narrative and analysis
Edited by Paul H. Kratoska, is lucid, detailed and admirably
Fourteenth Century Edited by Roxana Waterson balanced. . . . an authoritative
Remco Raben, and
Derek Heng These histories are from the period of and thoughtful contribution on
Henk Schulte Nordholt
European colonialism, through the war- Indonesian Islamic politics.
“A welcome and important time occupation by the Japanese, “This is a book brimming with impor- —Inside Indonesia
addition to the literature on to the new nation states. tant topics and new approaches
No. 109  •  2004  250 pages
the history of maritime trade to students of Southeast Asia to
No. 113  •  2007  320 pages, illus. 978-0-89680-238-4  pb $26
during the first age of global examine and debate. All of the essays
978-0-89680-250-6  pb $28.95 
trade. Using a remarkably will be useful in university courses
broad array of sources, from Copublished by NUS Press
at the undergraduate and graduate
Chinese and Southeast Asian
written accounts through Winner of the 2008
levels.”—Indonesia Tensions of Empire
Harry J. Benda Prize No. 111   •  2005  350 pages, illus.
the archaeological record (of 978-0-89680-242-1  pb $28
Japan and Southeast
shipwrecks in particular) to The Komedie Copublished by NUS Press Asia in the Colonial and
economic sources which he
skillfully mines, Professor Heng Stamboel Postcolonial World
Ken’ichi Goto
offers the first comprehensive Popular Theater in Colonial Power Plays Edited with an introduction
history of Sino-Malay trade in Indonesia, 1891–1903
the pre-European period. This Wayang Golek Puppet Theater by Paul H. Kratoska
Matthew Isaac Cohen of West Java
is a notable achievement.” “This is an excellent collection of
—John W. Chaffee, author of “This book makes an important Andrew N. Weintraub articles written by Japan’s foremost
Branches of Heaven: A History of contribution to the literature both on historian of Japan’s evolving relations
the Imperial Clan of Sung China Indonesian theater and on the cultural “I know of no other study of
with Southeast Asia during the 20th
history of the Netherlands Indies con­temporary performing arts
No. 121  •  2009  304 pages century.”—The Japan Times
around the turn of the twentieth in Indonesia that goes so deeply
978-0-89680-271-1  pb $28  No.108  •  2003  344 pages
century. It is meticulously and into the politics of meaning within
such a complex genre.” 978-0-89680-231-5  pb $29.95
thoroughly researched and written
—R. Anderson Sutton Copublished by NUS Press
in a clear, fluid, accessible style.”
—Barbara Hatley No. 110  •  2004  320 pages CD-ROM, illus.
978-0-89680-240-7  pb $32
No. 112  •  2006  492 pages, illus.
978-0-89680-246-9  pb $30 Copublished by ISEAS
Surabaya, City
of Work
New Terrains in Secrets Need Words A Socioeconomic History,
Southeast Asian Indonesian Poetry, 1900–2000
H. W. Dick
History 1966–1998
“With its explicit emphasis on long-
Edited and translated
Edited by Abu Talib Ahmad term trends and the socio-political
by Harry Aveling
and Tan Liok Ee context, it is a readable book for
“Secrets Need Words provides an the general student of Indonesia or
New Terrains in Southeast Asian
intriguing glimpse into Indonesian urban history. At the same time the
History captures the richness and
poetry . . . this book succeeds in the richness of the data presented, and
diversity of historical discourse among
best way possible—it leaves the reader the sophis­tication of his judgment,
wanting more.”—Pacific Reader make it a rewarding source for the
No. 107  •  2003  480 pages
978-0-89680-228-5  pb $35 No. 105   •  2001  328 pages specialist.”—Heather Sutherland
978-0-89680-216-2  pb $26
Copublished by NUS Press No. 106  •  2002  480 pages, illus.
En face, English and Indonesian 978-0-89680-221-6  pb $30
Southeast Asia Series NEW

The Memoir of a Chinese-Indonesian

Family in the Twentieth Century

BitterSweet Burma’s Mass Lay Realizing the Dream Wartime in Burma

The Memoir of a Chinese Meditation of R. A. Kartini A Diary, January
to June 1942
Indonesian Family Movement Her Sisters’ Letters from
in the Twentieth Century Colonial Java By Theippan Maung Wa
Buddhism and the Cultural Edited by L. E. Bagshawe
An Utari Sudibjo Construction of Power Edited and translated and Anna Allott
Told by Stuart Pearson by Joost Coté
Ingrid Jordt Wartime in Burma is a stir-
An Sudibjo’s story stretches over the “Coté presents what is probably the
“A subtle, sympathetic, and astute ring memoir that presents a
generations as her family’s fortune last of the Kartini-related letters
examination of lay piety in Burma personal account of Theippan’s
waxed and waned through revolution, extant . . . a precious and unique
and its political implications. feelings about the war, his anx-
riots, war, depression, occupation, resource. The translations are first-
Jordt combines an insider’s iety for the safety of his family,
and finally emigration. It is a valuable class, and the person who probably
comprehension of Buddhist the bombing of Rangoon, and
resource for studying Indonesian knows more about Kartini and her
meditation with a capacity to stand what happened to them dur-
history and the Chinese Diaspora. family than anyone else in the world
back and take a wider view. The ing the next six chaotic months
No. 117  •  2008  352 pages, illus. has edited them.”—William H. of the British retreat.
result is a book rich in illuminating
978-0-89680-264-3  pb $28 Frederick
insights.”—James Scott No. 120  •  2009  240 pages
Copublished by NUS Press No. 114  •  2008  304 pages, illus.
No. 115  •  2007  272 pages, illus. 978-0-89680-270-4
978-0-89680-253-7  $28 
978-0-89680-255-1  pb $28  pb $24 
Copublished by NKITLV
Being “Dutch”
in the Indies
A History of Creolisation and Indonesian Silenced Voices
Empire, 1500 –1920 Exports, Peasant Uncovering a Family’s
Ulbe Bosma and Remco Raben Colonial History
Translated by Wendie Shaffer
in Indonesia
In telling the story of the Creole
and the World Inez Hollander
empire, the authors draw on govern- Economy, 1850– Hollander’s story comes to
ment archives, newspapers, and
literary works as well as genealogical
2000 grips with her family’s past by
weaving together personal
studies that follow the fortunes of Economic Structures in records with historical and
individual families over generations. a Southeast Asian State literary accounts of the period.
No. 116  •  2008  288 pages, illus. Hiroyoshi Kano No. 119  •  2008  312 pages
978-0-89680-261-2  pb $28 
Kano identifies key actors and 978-0-89680-269-8  pb $28 
Copublished by NUS Press analyzes long-term changes
in agricultural production
Television, Nation, and rural society, examining
how they shaped the national
and Culture in Indonesian economy.
Indonesia No. 118  •  2008  442 pages
978-0-89680-268-1  pb $27 
Philip Kitley
“This book is much more than the Copublished by NUS Press
mere translation of a representative
work: it reveals a too well hidden
culture, its refinement and its depth.”­
—Denise Bernot
No. 104  •  2000  426 pages, illus. 
978-0-89680-212-4  pb $30 

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Also in the series
Not Out of Hate Imagining Indonesia
A Novel of Burma Cultural Politics and Political Culture
Ma Ma Lay Jim Schiller and Barbara Martin-Schiller
Translated by Margaret Aung-Thwin No. 97  •  1997  384 pages
Edited by William H. Frederick 978-0-89680-190-5  pb $34
No. 88  •  1991  260 pages, illus.
978-0-89680-167-7   pb $22 Text/Politics in Island
Southeast Asia
Memoirs of an Indo Woman
Essays in Interpretation
Twentieth Century Life in the
East Indies and Abroad Edited by D. M. E. Roskies
Marguérite Schenkhuizen No. 91  •  1993  330 pages
978-0-89680-175-2  pb $30
Edited by Lizelot Stout van Balgooy
No. 92  •  1994  248 pages, illus.
978-0-89680-178-3   pb $32 Military Ascendancy and
Political Culture
Theater and Martial Arts A Study of Indonesia’s Golkar
in West Sumatra Leo Suryadinata
The Return of the Randai and Silek of the Minangkabau No. 85  •  1989  235 pages
Galon King Kirstin Pauka 978-0-89680-154-7  pb $24

History, Law, and Rebellion No. 103  •  1998  288 pages, illus.
in Colonial Burma 978-0-89680-205-6   pb $28 From Jail to Jail
Tan Malaka
Maitrii Aung–Thwin Myth and History in the Translated by Helen Jarvis
“An important contribution to Historiography of Early Burma No. 83  •  1991  (3 vol.) 1209 pages
Myanmar studies, historiography, and 978-0-89680-150-9  pb $60
Paradigms, Primary Sources,
social science methodology.” —Robert and Prejudices
H. Taylor, author of The State in Burma
Michael A. Aung-Thwin
History of the Malay
and Burma: Political Economy under No. 102  •  1998  210 pages Kingdom of Patani
Military Rule 978-0-89680-201-8   pb $28 Ibrahim Syukri
No. 124  •  2010   216 pages Copublished by ISEAS Translated by Conner Bailey and John N. Miksic
978-0-89680-276-6  pb $28 No. 68  •  1985  135 pages
Japanese Empire in the Tropics 978-0-89680-123-3  pb $18
Selected Documents and Reports
of the Japanese Period in Sarawak, The Red Earth
Northwest Borneo, 1941–1945 A Vietnamese Memoir of Life on
Forthcoming Edited and introduced
by Ooi Keat Gin
a Colonial Rubber Plantation
Binh Tu Tran
No. 101  •  1998  (2 vols.) 600 pages
Edited by David G. Marr
Resistance on the 978-0-89680-199-8   pb $55
Translated by John Spagens, Jr.
National Stage Language, Power, and Ideology
No. 66  •  1985  102 pages
978-0-89680-119-6  pb $11
Theater and Politics in Late in Brunei Darussalam
New Order Indonesia Geoffrey C. Gunn
No. 99  •  1996  334 pages Of related interest
Michael H. Bodden 978-0-89680-192-9   pb $26
“The scholarship of the manuscript
A Comprehensive
is impressive, and the research Eight Prison Camps Indonesian-English Dictionary
thorough, painstaking and up SECOND EDITION
A Dutch Family in Japanese Java
to date. Its original contribution
Dieuwke Wendelaar Bonga Alan M. Stevens & A. Ed. Schmidgall-Tellings
lies in the detailed, perceptive
No. 98  •  1996  219 pages, illus. “This major new dictionary is the most modern and
discussion of theatre activities
978-0-89680-191-2  pb $26
and performances, linked with inclusive Indonesian-English dictionary available.”
sophisticated, highly-informed —Bali Advertiser
analysis of contemporaneous 2004   1,184 pages 978-0-8214-1584-9  pb $65
political structures, events
and currents of thought. The
breadth of sources drawn on for Ordering Exam Copies
such analysis, including many • Order from To request an exam copy, please call
newspaper reports and reviews as   and receive a 20% discount. Judy Wilson at 740-593-1154, or
well as play-scripts, unpublished download the Exam Copy Form at
papers and interviews, is a major • Order by calling toll free: 800-621-2736
strength of the study.”   or FAX orders to 800-621-8476.
—Barbara Hatley,author of Electronic books
Javanese Performances on an • A mail-in form can be printed from our Web Check individual book pages at
Indonesian Stage site. Go to for available formats.
No. 123  • 2010  352 pages
978-0-89680-275-9 pb $29.95
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