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The document discusses ITON's capabilities and approach for migrating data from a mainframe and non-relational databases like Adabas to a relational database. It outlines the challenges, ITON's methodology using tools like TSI and Software AG, and maintaining synchronization between databases using DPS Propagation.
Some of the challenges mentioned are transforming non-relational data structures, minimizing performance impact, reducing downtime, reducing learning curve and discovery time for the data.
ITON's approach involves making expert Adabas/Natural programmers analyze the data models and use tools like TSI for migration. Custom scripts may be generated if needed. The methodology uses tools like TSI for Adabas migration and Software AG for integration services.
ITON Approach and Capabilities for ROP Mainframe
Integration and Migration Services
A Technical Report
June 2011 08 Fall ROP Mainframe Data Services
I T O N S o f t w a r e L L C . # 0 2 0 4 1 , K n o w l e d g e O a s i s M u s c a t , O m a n .
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 2
Copyright ITON 2011 All Rights Reserved ROP Mainframe Data Services
Ref No: ITON/WP-41/2011 No. of Pages: 30
Author: ITON Software Group Business Contact: Siva Prasad +968 99437934 [email protected] ITON Corporation PO Box 54667, Dubai Dubai Airport Free Zone United Arab Emirates Phone (+971) 4 204 5518 Fax (+968) 4 204 5519 URL Version 1.0 (04 June 2011) No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission of: ITON Corporation
NOTICE: This document contains proprietary details of ITON and ROP and is derived in whole or in part from materials developed by ITON and ROP. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. ITON assumes no responsibilities for any errors that may appear in this document. ITON and the ITON logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ITON Corporation Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
Annotations [ITON] ITON Corporation [ROP] Royal Oman Police
Document History Version 1.0: Related Documents
ROP Mainframe Data Services 1.0
In the event of any ambiguity or conflict this response takes precedence over the above documents and any other communication either written or verbal.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS:
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION
ROP Mainframe Environment:
ROP Business Applications are developed using Natural Development Tools. The ADABAS database is the repository of defined pieces of data that make up records. These records are stored using ADABAS management System. ADABAS is a DBMS that uses inverted lists with relational capabilities developed by Software AG for Mainframe. It comprises of ADABAS data files, which are collections of logically related data, organized by data fields and logical records where Indexes are not embedded into the Data.
ROP uses EntireX V7 as middleware for Application, Data Connectivity and Integration, which ITON team has worked with ROP for various other Projects that are delivered with in ROP like ROP Immigration & ROP Prison Management. EntireX V7 provides data and application connectivity. The EntireX suite is comprised of an EntireX Kernel plus EntireX Broker and Security Components that support RPC and Messaging Communication among Client-Server applications. EntireX is a Message orinented Middleware (MOM) that offers guarantee delivery of messages along with Push-pull services.
Data Volume: 17 Million Travel Documents to be considered to be moved out of Mainframe.
MOFA Lotus DOMINO Architecture:
Lotus Domino Application architecture at MOFA is designed by ITON to serve all MOFA missions using Lotus Databases with Replication facilities running on Domino Clusters. ITON has built and designed the Entire MOFA Domino application Infrastructure and is well versed the architecture and data models that are applied with in the whole solution. ITON has custom tools and processes ready for MOFA migration and will be mapped to the new eVISA System and Data Architecture.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 5 2.0 ITON Experience
ITON has been working with Royal Oman Police for over 10 years and has successfully integrated with Mainframe for various ROP Business Applications. The key challenge is always integration with ROP Mainframe for various business applications like ROP Prison System, ROP Immigration DMS and ROP FIU. ITON has successfully handled the Integration and Migration Services with ROP using EntireX as a middleware platform provided by ROP. ITON can utilize Software AG tools like Natural Engineer and SQL Gateway, if available with ROP which is not mandatory.
ITON has partnered with various international experts from organizations like TreeHouse Inc, USA who are specialized in dealing with Mainframe Migrations especially ADABAS to handle ROP Mainframe Migration and Integration Requirements. We at ITON understand how Important and Complicated is the Mainframe Data Migration for eVisa Project. ITON will be putting in all the best resources for this entire activitiy. As part of this Program, ITON will have Mr. Moosa Al Lawati, who is ex-ROP and has worked in DGIT for over 27 years in various projects, planning, development and managing Mainframe based Applications. Mr. Moosa, having years of hands on Expereince, he clearly understands the core mainframe design and the migration requirements. Many Expert teams and Consultants are made available for this Data Migration Project.
ITON has worked extensively with EntireX .Net for integration services. ITON has experience working with .Net Wrapper, .Net Client or .Net Server DLL. The EntireX .Net wrapper provides acces to the EntireX RPC servers for .Net client application and .Net servers for any EntireX client. The .Net Wrapper takes as input an EntireX IDL file, that describes the interface for the RPC, and generates C# classes that implement the methods and data types of the interface.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 6
The EntireX .NET Wrapper works as follows: C# code is generated from the EntireX IDL file. Using C# is a natural choice when full fledged .NET programming is required, since C# was designed for the .NET platform. The .NET Wrapper runtime implements functionality that is not specific to a given IDL file (e.g., marshalling and unmarshalling of data). The C# code makes use of the .NET wrapper runtime functionality. The customer interface and the .NET Wrapper runtime is "managed" .NET code (C#) and makes use of advanced .NET features such as Attributes, VersionInfo, etc. The .NET Wrapper runtime makes use of the functionality of the "unmanaged" EntireX runtime ("dllimport" in C#). "Managed" .NET code and "unmanaged" DLL code can be combined safely. The EntireX IDL compiler and an appropriate template are used for the C# code generation.
The .Net Client Application for a given IL file, the For a given IDL file, the EntireX IDL compiler (erxidl.exe) and a C# code generation template csharp_client.tpl are used to generate a client stub. The source code generated by the .NET Wrapper can be compiled into a .NET assembly with the Visual Studio .NET C# compiler. Application developers can use the generated client stub assembly to write .NET applications that access EntireX RPC servers. They are not limited to C# as programming language. Any .NET programming language based on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) can make use of the client stub assembly. Choices are C#, VisualBasic.NET or managed C++.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 7
The .Net Server DLL model
The EntireX IDL compiler and a C# code generation template csharp-server.tpl are used to generate a C# code frame for a specific IDL. Application developers can use the generated frame to write their own server code for each program in the IDL. The source code can be compiled into a .NET assembly (DLL) with the Visual Studio.NET C# compiler.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 8 Following are some of ITON Implementations implemented using SoftwareAG EntireX Components and Services:
ROP ePrison System:
ITON has worked closely with ROP team to build EntireX components to provide mainframe data services for all Prisoner related information which was used to connect from Lotus Domino to extract all Prisoner details from various files in mainframe and store in the ePrison Domino system. The data would be updated on a periodic basis into Domino System by communicating with EntireX Gateway.
ROP Immigration EDMS:
ITON again has worked closely in integrating Passport EDMS system ROP Mainframe again using EntireX components for searching Omani Citizen information for indexing purposes at the Passport Imaging and Indexing facility in ROP and store into RDBMS System.
ROP FIU System:
ITON has successfully worked with ROP DGIT and ROP DGCS to connect to NRS Web Services to extract various personal data from the system and save into the Local RDBMS System and maintain the updated information.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 9 3.0 Issues in Migrating Natural/ADABAS
There are a variety of problems that must be handled in migrating Natural and ADABAS-based COBOL code: Database Conversion o Conversion of the ADABAS data model to a Relational model. The ADABAS data model is not relational and definitely not normalized. The data model must be converted into an efficient, maintainable Relational model, using data types supported by the Relational model as opposed to the legacy ADABAS data types. A key consequence is that the placement and representation of the data in the database will not be the same and therefore data accesses and updates must change. o Conversion of ADABAS data base content into Relational database content. It is called "data processing" because ultimately these applications are about the data! The existing ADABAS database content must be extracted and moved into the new Relational form without losing any information. If the new target platform is not the mainframe, the data must moved off the mainframe. COBOL code modification to change ADABAS calls to relational calls. If COBOL programs will be retained on the mainframe, then ADABAS calls in the COBOL programs must be modified to access the data from the new Relational model. Code translation of Natural or COBOL code with ADABAS calls to modern OO languages. If the goal is to move from mainframe then o The source code of the application must be converted to Java or C# o Explicit ADABAS calls in COBOL code and implicit calls in Natural must be replaced by database calls that understand the relational model and the representational changes. Reads and writes of flat files must be replaced by modern file reads and writes. o External interfaces to other systems must be replaced by some equivalent
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 10 o EntireX interfaces must be converted in a way that enables short- term continued access through EntireX with eventual ability to replace by equivalent remote access facilities such as Web services. o Job Control and Scheduling must be replaced o Security must revised to support the broader accessibility of the application Application Testing. This provides assurance to all parties that the result preserves the business logic and functionality. Maintenance change Integration. Migrations take time. o The legacy application will continue to serve the organization during the migration, and business needs will force changes to the legacy application to even as the migration occurs. These changes must be moved into the migrated application.
ITON works with various Adabas migration tools and services from Tree House Inc, USA, which is a very specialized, company dealing primarily with Adabas Migration Services. Tree House, primarily looks in to the 10,000 IBM mainframe sites worldwide, with particular focus on the 2,500 organizations using ADABAS and NATURAL, 500 of these being in North America.
Most mainframe users face critical data management challenges due to the complexity and proprietary nature of ADABAS and other databases. TSI meets the needs of these customers through a comprehensive and robust set of productswith supporting servicesto enable standards-based access to, and replication and integration of, mainframe data sources throughout the technology architecture. The companys visionary leadership in this market has included pioneering ADABAS-to-RDBMS ETL (extract-transform-load) and CDC (change data capture) with tRelational/DPS in the mid- 1990s, and launching of the era of real-time ADABAS-to-RDBMS replication with DPSync in 2004. Today, TSI stands alone in its product maturity, capability and breadth of product portfolio. Despite the rapid pace of change in the IT landscape, TSIs customer base can be assured that there remains a strong commitment to providing continued support and upgrades for the product suite.
The increasing demand for mainframe application modernization and migration particularly in the Software AG customer arenahas enabled TSI to position itself as an important contributor to such initiatives. TSIs long experience, deep knowledge and wide-ranging capabilities in ADABAS/NATURAL and other mainframe technologies make the company a valued partner for third-party solution providers and a trusted advisor to customers.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 12
Finally, for customers and service providers struggling with a shortage of mainframe- skilled resources and rapidly changing IT environments, TSI offers staff augmentation and outsourcing services for technical roles. TSI works with over 700 large Corporations in the world. Some of the references: Banking & Finance Asian Development Bank, Philippines B-Source SA, Switzerland Banco Real, Brazil Bank Vontobel AG, Switzerland Dexia Banque Internationale Luxembourg, Luxembourg KAS BANK N.V., The Netherlands Volkswagen Bank, Germany Communication Verizon, Colorado Telemar, Brazil U.S. Sprint, California, Kansas, Texas Education Penn State University, Pennsylvania University of Texas, Austin (several campuses) University of Toronto, Canada Entertainment Club Med, France Universal Music, International Food Dansk Supermarked A/S, Denmark Dole Fresh Vegetables, California EDEKA ZENTRALE AG & Co. KG, Germany
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 13
Food Lion, North Carolina Government (Federal) NASA, U.S. Royal Oman Police, Oman Department of Labor, United States Government (Local) County of Sacramento, California County of Los Angeles, California Government (State) Informatikzentrum Landesverwaltung Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany State of California (Several Sites) State of Minnesota State of Utah Services First American Real Estate, California, Florida, Texas Insurance GMAC Insurance, Missouri Berufsgenossenschaft Druck und Papierverarbeitung, Germany Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenwirtschaft, Germany Berufsgenossenschaft Metall Nord Sd, Germany Regence Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Oregon SIGNAL IDUNA, Germany Manufacturing Bradford Exchange, Illinois EATON Corporation, Pennsylvania Dow Chemical Company, Michigan Newell Companies, Illinois Nissan Motor Manufacturing Ltd., United Kingdom, United States REHAU AG + Co, Germany Yves Rocher, Germany Outsourcing CSC, United States EDS, United Kingdom, Canada IBM Global Services, United States, Canada Publishing Hachette Book Group, Massachusetts Curtis Circulation Co., New Jersey Transportation Federal Express, Tennessee NMBS Holding, Belgium Southwest Airlines, Texas Utilities American Electric Power Service, Ohio Tampa Electric Company (TECO), Florida
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 14 High Level Migration Process for Open Technical Platform:
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 15
ITON uses various TSI Products and Tools to perform Adabas Data Migration in cooperation with TSI. Various product components that are used for ROP eVisa data migration services include:
tRelational, An ADABAS-to-RDBMS modeling, mapping and data analysis tool Data Propagation System (DPS), an ADABAS-to-RDBMS data migration and propagation system for data distribution and warehousing tRelationalPC, a windows-based client/server GUI data modeling and mapping environment (included with tRelational) Treehouse Remote Access (TRA), middleware that allows tRelationalPC to communicate with tRelational on the Mainframe (included with tRelational) tRelational Features:
Modeling and Mapping - Native ADABAS/NATURAL application - Predict metadata discovery and ADABAS file analysis - Automated generation of normalized RDBMS schemata with explicit ADABAS field to RDBMS column mapping - Robust modeling and mapping normalize, denormalize, substring, concatenate - Single rule base and metadata repository Code Generation - RDBMS Data Definition Language (DDL) Create tables, columns and contraints - DPS Parameters Extract and Transformation parameters
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 16 tRelational and DPS Functionality:
- Captures Logical (PREDICT) and Physical (ADABAS FDT) file definitions and resolves any discrepancies. - The implemented file provides the basis for modeling and mapping to the RDBMS table(s). - Captures statistical analysis to provide or confirm the understanding of the source data. The analysis provides for improved modeling and early identification of problem data. - Provides physical modeling and explicit ADABAS to RDBMS mapping. Auto Generation provides intelligent and automatic modeling and mapping from an Implemented File. - tRelational generates all input parameters needed to begin Materialization and Propagation.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 17 tRelational Data Analysis and Modeling
- tRelational generates output for the creation of tables, columns, and constraints for your target RDBMS. - The Materialization process requires No Direct ADABAS Access - Extracts from an ADABAS utility backup - Extracted data is transformed into a relational form - RDBMS tables are then populated by the native RDBMS loader utility - The Propagation process requires No Direct ADABAS Access - ADABAS transaction data is extracted from the ADABAS Protection Log Files - The extracted data is transformed into SQL UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 18 tRelational File Implementation:
Capture Logical (Predict) file, Userviews, and Physical (FDT) definitions.
Fields that are defined logically and physically are highlighted.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 19 tRelational ADABAS File Analysis
One time capture of statistical analysis of repeating data (MUs and PEs), Candidate variable text data, and descriptors for improved modeling.
Statistics of MUs and PEs for sizing of child tables and potential de-normalization of tables to individual columns.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 20
Statistics of alphanumeric fields for candidate variable character text columns
This Screen shows descriptor/superdescriptor usage statistics to determine candidate Primary Keys and Indexed Columns.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 21 RDBMS Schema Auto-Generation
Generates table(s), Columns, constraints, and mappings for a selected implemented file. tRelationalPC Auto-Generation
Auto Generation Example: 4 tables with Primary Key and Foreign Key Constrains, and the added DPS PE Sequencer (PE Occurrence).
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 22 Output Generated from Metadata
- RDBMS Data Definition Language (DDL) - DPS specifications (parameters) for ETL and CDC Processing - Metadata Reports (Summary and Detail) - tRelational API enables Metadata export to other tools and repositories Generated RDBMS DDL from Sample:
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 23 DPS Architecture
- Written in Assembler for efficiency - Executed as batch job - No Calls to active ADBAS required - No Impact on Production Environment - External Transformation Routines (ETRs) - A Call to a Linked Object - Dozens of Built-ins - Custom Transformation and Data Cleansing
DPS Materialization (ETL)
- Provides initial load of the RDBMS - Extracts from ADASAV - Intelligent Transformation based on Model/Mappings - Generates rows for target tables and SQL Utility Load Control Statements - Provide refresh of the RDBMS when required or desired
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 24
DPS Materialization Data
Contains all row images to be loaded into the RDBMS REPOSITORY. Each row is prefixed with a Table ID and is formatted and delimited natively for the RDBMS loader.
Native loader control statements are automatically generated with each DPS Materialization run.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 25 DPS Propagation (CDC)
DPS Propagation
- provides periodic synchronization of the RDBMS target with the source ADABAS database - Extracts from PLOG archives - Intelligent transformation based on Update and model/mappings - Generates SQL for Inserts, Updates, Deletes and Commits
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 26 DPS Propagation
Sample SQL resulting from an update to Personnel ID, mapped to a Primary Key showing the Deletes and Inserts generated to maintain referential integrity.
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 27
Overall Data Migration and Integration Challenges:
DATA MIGRATION Challenges Transform Non- Relational data Structures Minimize Performance IMPACT to production systems Minimize System Downtimes Reduce Learning Curve Reduce Data Discovery Time Quality Control
ITON Mainframe Data Services Confidential 28
Solution Architecture Data Migration:
ITON will be making expert Adbas/Natural Programmers to run the entire process under the Guidance of Mr. Moosa Al Lawati. These expert Programmers will be analysing the data models and use the right tools to deliver the data out of the mainframe. In required the Programming team will be generating custom scripts in Mainframe to handle the complex data migration scenarios.
ITON approach is mainly utilizing powerful TSI tools for ADABAS Migration and Software AG EntireX, SOA Gateway for Mainframe Integration Services.
Availability of Specialized Adabas / Natural Developers in the team will give more flexibility to generate required scripts for smooth Migration of Data.