This report analyzes the BMW Super Eta engine to determine if using the original Eta connecting rods or the connecting rods from the M20 series BMW engine has any significant impact on the Super Eta's performance. Through kinetic and dynamic analysis of the Super Eta with varied connecting rod lengths, the report confirmed that the original shorter Eta connecting rod would cause greater loading on components like the journal bearing and gudgeon pin, as well as greater piston acceleration, while the longer M20 rod resulted in smaller loadings. However, the difference was found to be negligible and would not meaningfully impact wear or performance. The report recommends the original Eta connecting rods are acceptable due to cost and availability considerations.
This report analyzes the BMW Super Eta engine to determine if using the original Eta connecting rods or the connecting rods from the M20 series BMW engine has any significant impact on the Super Eta's performance. Through kinetic and dynamic analysis of the Super Eta with varied connecting rod lengths, the report confirmed that the original shorter Eta connecting rod would cause greater loading on components like the journal bearing and gudgeon pin, as well as greater piston acceleration, while the longer M20 rod resulted in smaller loadings. However, the difference was found to be negligible and would not meaningfully impact wear or performance. The report recommends the original Eta connecting rods are acceptable due to cost and availability considerations.
Original Description:
Kinematic and Kinetic analysis of an engine conrod
This report analyzes the BMW Super Eta engine to determine if using the original Eta connecting rods or the connecting rods from the M20 series BMW engine has any significant impact on the Super Eta's performance. Through kinetic and dynamic analysis of the Super Eta with varied connecting rod lengths, the report confirmed that the original shorter Eta connecting rod would cause greater loading on components like the journal bearing and gudgeon pin, as well as greater piston acceleration, while the longer M20 rod resulted in smaller loadings. However, the difference was found to be negligible and would not meaningfully impact wear or performance. The report recommends the original Eta connecting rods are acceptable due to cost and availability considerations.
This report analyzes the BMW Super Eta engine to determine if using the original Eta connecting rods or the connecting rods from the M20 series BMW engine has any significant impact on the Super Eta's performance. Through kinetic and dynamic analysis of the Super Eta with varied connecting rod lengths, the report confirmed that the original shorter Eta connecting rod would cause greater loading on components like the journal bearing and gudgeon pin, as well as greater piston acceleration, while the longer M20 rod resulted in smaller loadings. However, the difference was found to be negligible and would not meaningfully impact wear or performance. The report recommends the original Eta connecting rods are acceptable due to cost and availability considerations.
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The report is analyzing the impact of using different connecting rod lengths in the BMW Super Eta engine.
The report is analyzing the impact of using the original Eta connecting rod versus the connecting rod from the 2.5i BMW engine in the Super Eta engine.
Simplifications made to the engine model included removing x displacement of the piston, treating components as rigid bodies, and assuming no energy loss or combustion forces.
School of Engineering, Discipline of Mechanical Engineering
Super Eta Engine
Analysis and Report Dynamics II Joel Forbes Harper 3146568 12/14/2012 Super Eta Engine 2 Abstract This report is concerned with the BMW Super Eta engine. It ais to deterine if using the original Eta connecting rods o!er the connecting rods produced for the ".#i series BMW engine has any significant changes to the Super Eta$s running. The iportance of the choice of conrod in the Super Eta, while seeingly negligi%le, could potentially affect the engines o!erall power output and lifespan. This report aied to in!estigate the e&tent of ipact that using the shorter original eta conrods has on the Super Eta, o!er the con!entionally preferred ".#i conrod. Through 'ineatic and 'inetic analysis of the Super Eta with !aried conrod length, the report confired con!entional wisdo that the original eta conrod of length ()* cause greater loading on the +ournal %earing, the gudgeon pin and the cylinder wall, as well as resulting in a greater piston acceleration, while the longer rod resulted in saller loading. Although there is a nota%le difference %etween the conrods in ters of the resulting acceleration of the piston, as well as the loadings on the gudgeon pin and +ournal %earing, the difference is negligi%le. The difference in conrod length will result in no noticea%le increases of wear on parts or increases in perforance. It is this report$s recoendation that the use of the original Eta conrods is accepta%le and e!en prefera%le in ters of cost and a!aila%ility. There is a significant difference %etween the conrods in ters of the resulting acceleration of the piston, as well as the loadings on the gudgeon pin and +ournal %earing. The ipact of using the original eta conrod is such that it will ad!ersely affect the engine$s running through increased wear on the piston, conrod and cran'shaft, increasing the li'elihood of engine failure. It is this report$s recoendation that the ".#i conrod is a ore accepta%le and ore !ia%le option, e!en with liited a!alia%lilty of the parts. negligi%le. The University of Newcastle 3146568 Super Eta Engine 3 Intro!ction ,i!en the worlds e!er shrin'ing supply of petroleu fuel products, it is of particular iportance that the engineering of autoo%iles reflect a need to conser!e fuel. The trend in the industry has %een toward fuel efficiency since the early (-.*$s, and has intensified since then as the glo%e %ecoes ore conscious of its ecological footprint. It is especially iportant to note howe!er, that the challenge of designing efficient engines coes not +ust fro lowering consuption and waste, %ut also fro ensuring an accepta%le and copetiti!e le!el of power output can %e o%tained fro the engine. This pro%le is particularly apparent in the design of the Super Eta engine. The Super Eta is an offshoot of the Eta engine ade %y BMW in the eighties, which focused on fuel efficiency. While the Eta engine achie!ed fuel efficiency, with this cae a trade off of outright power. As such, the Super Eta aied to aintain the original Eta$s efficiency while producing significantly ore power, effecti!ely %alancing the drop in fuel consuption with a %oosted power output. In the Super eta, there is a choice to %e ade on the type of conrod used/ a ()* long one fro the original Eta, or a longer ()# conrod fro the ".#i engine. While %oth conrods wor' in the engine, there is liited 'nowledge on the o!erall effects the use of conrod has on the Super Eta. To a!oid negating the effort put into %alancing the fuel econoy with power output, it is therefore iportant to fully e&plore the effects that the choice of conrod has on the engine$s perforance and longe!ity. The pro%le in particular concerns itself with deterining the loadings on iportant coponents of the engine, as well as the resulting acceleration of the piston associated with each conrod. The data recorded for %oth conrods ust then %e copared to highlight any significant differences, and the effects of these differences e!aluated in order to 0uantitati!ely conclude if there are any nota%le ad!erse ipacts fro using a particular conrod. This will %e achie!ed through pro%les of 'ineatics associated with idealised rigid %odies, as well as the 'inetics of a echanical syste. 1ro here, a coputer siulation will %e %uilt to odel profiles of significant properties of the syste for ease of coparison. The University of Newcastle 3146568 Super Eta Engine 4 Analysis o" t#e system Analysis of the syste was perfored largely using odel %ased representations of the coponents. The cran'2conrod2piston asse%ly was pro!ided as a detailed diagra of a single piston and conrod attached to the cran'shaft, seen in figure (. 1or the purposes of further analysis, the a%o!e diagra was siplified to a uch ore copact odel, pictured in 1igure ". This allowed for a uch clearer approach to calculation and o%ser!ation of the syste. 3alue sy%ols and 'ey geoetrical points are consistent in figures ( and ". Two !alues, 4 5theta6 and 7 5phi6 ha!e %een added to trac' the angular displaceent of %oth the conrod and cran'throw. It can %e o%ser!ed through siple trigonoetric relation that8 It was stipulated that all analysis was to %e ta'en at the a&iu designed re!olution rate, 9*** R:M. 1or all calculation purposes this was con!erted into radians per second, and interpreted as the angular !elocity of the cran'shaft AB, denoted ; a% 8 9*** re! < in = 9*** re! < in & "> radian < re! & ( in < ?* sec
The University of Newcastle 3146568 Figure 1 !etaile" "iagra# of engine asse#$ly% along with relevant infor#ation for varie" conro"& Figure ' ("ealise" syste# use" in )ine#atic analysis Super Eta Engine 5 ; a% = 9)).*).) rad < s This eans that the syste undergoes a single cycle after a specific tie, denoted as @T$, where T is8 T= ( < fre0uency = (< 59***<?*6 re! < s T =*.**.#9(A". sec < re! Simplifcations of the model Bo & displaceent of the piston Rigid %odies Energy ass, oentu all conser!ed 1rictionless piston o!eents Bo energy loss due to heat at +oints Bo forces due to co%ustion Assue 4 * ; a% +t It was at this point that 'ineatics was introduced to deterine 'ey !alues for the syste. $inematics Determination of Piston properties 1ro figure one, and fro the e0uation for the !elocity of a rigid lin'8 Siilarly, the !elocity of point C could %e e&presses as8 Dsing our pre!ious assuption that there is no o!eent of the piston in the & direction, we can put all of 3c$s i coponents e0ual to Eero, put 7 in ters of 4 and use our assuption that 4 = ; a% Ft To get the angular acceleration of lin' BC 5the conrod6, the deri!ati!e of ; %c was ta'en8 The University of Newcastle 3146568 Super Eta Engine 6 Boting that the piston o!es only up and down, we can consider the G coponents of 3c to %e the !elocity of the piston, then su% in the e0uation for ; %c .
A siilar e&pression for the acceleration of the piston can %e o%tained %y differentiating 3c. As can %e seen, the !alues R, , a$ an" t are the sa#e for $oth conro"s use"% $ut the results of all the a$ove vary with -& The University of Newcastle 3146568