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FT 2304 - Knitted Fabric Structure
Two marks Question with Answer
Unit II sin!e "erse# deri$ati$es %& 'ist out t#(es sin!e "erse# deri$ati$es& La-coste , Cross tuck, Satin Knitted twill Knops fabric (honey comb) Popcorn ersey blister !rency terry "hick fleece #ibbed effect Plaitin$ Seek sucker effect Plush (loop file) Pi%ue &irds eye 2& )ention the t#(es stitches a((!ied in accordion *abric& Knit, tuck and miss stitches are normally used' 3& +hat do #ou meant b# (!ush *abrics, "he plush fabric is nothin$ but loop pile fabric and it(s obtained by simultaneously knittin$ two ends of yarn with a feed' )ne yarn forms normal stitches which appear on the technical face side and form $round structure' Second one form a stitch with e*tended sinker loops' "he sinker loops form the pile which appears on the re+erse side of the fabric' 4& 'ist out the (ro(erties o* (o(corn& "he fabric is not balanced and a puckered effect is created ,ultiple tuck produced elon$ated and inclined stitches, which cause cur+ed effect in the fabric -& .raw the diarammatic re(resentation *or doub!e (i/ue structure, 0& 1i$e the s#mbo!ic re(resentation *or ce!!u!ar b!ister, 2& .istinuish between rib and mock rib structure& S& 3o 4ibbed e**ect )ock rib % Combination of knit and tuck stitch Combination of knit and miss stitch 2 - * -, .*., /*/, /*- are produced .*. are produced 5& .raw the diarammatic re(resentation *or cross tuck, 6& )ention the characteristics o* sin!e "erse# *abric& "he loops ha+e a 0-shaped loop appearance on technical face side and show semi-circular loops on the technical back side' &ecause of the side limbs of the loop on the face side, it feels smoother on face side than on the back side' 1t is thus not re+ersible, from the feel and appearance point of +iew' "he interlockin$ semi-circles at the technical back can be used to produce interestin$ effects if alternate courses are knitted in different coloured yarns' Knitted loops in plain-knit fabrics tend to distort easily under tension which help to $i+e a 2form fittin$( and 2comfort( due to property of elastic reco+ery' 1t has potential reco+ery of about /3 per cent in width after stretchin$' 1ts width shortens if the len$th is e*tended by tensions while the len$th shortens if width is stretched' 4ormally width way e*tensibility is appro*imately twice the len$th-way e*tensibility' 1t is knitted on a sin$le cylinder machine with a sin$le set of latch needles' "he structures can be unro+ed from the course knitted last by pullin$ the 2needle loops( throu$h from technical back or from the course knitted first by pullin$ the 2sinker loops( throu$h from the technical face side' 1f the unrela*ed plain knit fabric is kept flat on the surface, it curls upwards at the top and bottom and backwards at the sides' 1ts production rate is +ery hi$h because of stitch simplicity and its cost is low because of machine simplicity (Capital cost also low) and rate of production is hi$h "he stitch len$th can be +aried with cam settin$ $i+in$ more courses per unit len$th with short stitch len$th and +ice-+ersa' "he properties such as ri$idity, air permeability, wei$ht per unit area, burstin$ stren$th chan$es with the stitch len$th' "he fabric may appear thick or flimsy is the stitch len$th is reduced or increased %0& +hat is meant b# seer sucker e**ects, 1t(s achie+ed by knittin$ one yarn with a lar$er stitch than the others' 1t is produce the crinkle effects' %%& )ention the (ro(erties o* sin!e "erse# *abric& Simplest knit structure' !ace side smooth and sheen' &ack side rou$h and dull' Li$hter fabric' 5conomical' 5asily ra+els at both the ends' 6i$hly e*tensible in len$th and width' "he fabric curls towards the face at the top and bottom and towards the back at the sides' Ladderin$ is +ery common in these fabrics' Knitted loops in plain knit fabrics tend to distort easily under tension which helps to $i+e a form fittin$ and comfort due to property of elastic' %2& +hat are methods used *or ornamentation o* sin!e "erse# knitted *abric, 6ori7ontal stripes different colour , feeders "wist S 8 9 "wist !ancy yarn Piece yarn Printin$ Plated :ersey fabric - yarn from sin$le feeder %3& 7ow to c!assi*# the accordion structure, Strai$ht accordion ;lternati+e accordion Selecti+e accordion %4& 'ist out the t#(es o* need!es used *or ornamentation o* sin!e "erse# knitted *abric "hree types of needles normally used< =' Low butt needle -' 6i$h butt needle .' Combination of low 8 hi$h butt needles %-& )ention the diarammatic re(resentation *or knitted twi!!& %0& +hat is satin structure, Satin structure is combination of knit and miss stitch' Knittin$ and floatin$ takes place at e+ery alternati+e course on e+ery needle' %2& +rite the characteristics o* French terr#& Low stretchability and hi$h elastic reco+ery Soft, resilient and thick fabric >armth retention 4on re+ersible fabric different or same yarns used for face and back 6i$h drapability and $ood fall 6i$hly absorbent ?imensional stability is hi$h %5& 1i$e the (ro(erties o* (i/ue structure& Stretchability is low and elastic reco+ery is more than weft knit sin$le :ersey Soft and resilient 4on #e+ersible type 6i$h drapability and $ood fall @ood ?imensional stability 6i$h shrinka$e in natural fiber %6& )ention the (ro(erties o* (!ush or 8e!our *abrics& 6i$h stretchability and elastic reco+ery Soft and resilient fabric >armth retention 4on re+ersible fabric @ood drapability and fall ?imensional stability is hi$h' 20& )ention the diarammatic re(resentation *or birds e#e& 2%& .e*ine& 9!aitin& Plaitin$ is accomplished by incorporatin$ two different yarns simultaneously in to the knitted fabrics' Ased for different yarn colour, fibre types, fineness, filamentBspun, softBhard)' )ne yarn is face side' ;nother yarn is back side' 22& +rite down the :haracteristics o* !a coste *abric Stitches are not hori7ontal ali$nment &oth lon$ and short stitches are present in face side #epeat si7e is two courses !or -/ feed =- course per re+olution C3 D of structure is EC5LLAL;#F 23& .raw the diarammatic structure *or (o(corn