The document discusses the Soviet Combined Arms Battalion and potential reorganization for increased tactical flexibility. It also discusses combat in built-up and winter conditions based on Soviet sources.
The article is about potential reorganization of the Soviet motorized rifle and tank battalions to extend the combined arms structure down to the battalion level to increase tactical flexibility.
Critical economic, political and training factors must be considered before the Soviets implement tactical reorganization at the battalion level.
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Roi 11", .1 q.. THEmo SOVIE COBIE AM-BIANON RERGNIATO FOR TCTICA 4-U SOVIET ROFZAIFCEATIA fil 00 FLEIBILIY M I M, Fort Leaenworth Kansa f .a.M01O? A'~K.4 4 itS - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - :, 4 t;- j- I-L rproe ff~~ ~~~qQl(I L ur nclassified " ,CURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. 0704-0188 la. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS Unclassified q 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF REPORT ~Unclassified/Unlimited 2b. DECLASSIFICATION I DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 6a. NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION (If applicable) Soviet Army Studies Offi e ATZL: SAS 6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) HQ CAC ATZL: SAS FT. Leavenworth, KS 66027-5015 8a. NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING 18b. OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (if applicable) Combined Arms Center CAC 8c. ADDRESS(City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS CAC PROGRAM PROJECT ITASK IWORK UNIT Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027 ELEMENT NO. NO. NO. ACCESSION NO. 1 ovE-. /94. 0,T7"T 0A,)-- C c2 -AE9 7,e7 T A) f?,,E 17C--Fl CA- FLEX I BII/T Y 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) 'R L -ES Te~ W. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Mon h,Day) 115. P,.I4dNT Final FROM TO I_ _ __E , ' i 1 / G 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP C'AAIED 8ATTAL/O/iU -FAqCr1C4L- pOce s-rR"cTtm; CO.,e)AT )R6- TDA, ,/ / - , I"C 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) S -_ / "Fpep CReUE" /(ESTj qC.T4,eM& Em)(Es rilt c Sol7 TR cvPJsi br&)6- WHAI A AWVY MAS PIAJJ HAVE L-sA'6- ,%OVOCf7-p - - -l FOFMqfT/O F COI IP P AP-l ,4S &TThRL/OS,! t*UT1*le pESENrS SUBS7,1m40A- D/fTQ FOOM S5ovI~r EX6&C,!- 40't C~f*4r E~XFIWCrS :510C VWOI WAe :u7 CL -PgLy S/IoW1)& -rH4T- BA77T1/DO 4 17-rtr 6*OL4P RAVE AM*iftLY geEA/ Co,)S7Tc-f1r'FJ:0 'r fOSSFr5 A1 Co"M/EPI ,4eMS 1 4 M11X WMT4 JAJC.EIEt, ctM.0! PWEp &0A) /AfA)UVEAfi 77 - . 20. .. STRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION L UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED 0] SAME AS RPT. 0 DTIC USERS U r b TLPO(nclssifieode 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE (include Area Code) 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL Tim Sanz q13 A4-4,3I ATZT: SAS DD Form 1473, JUN 86 Previous editions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Unclassified THE SOVIET COMBINED ARMS BATTALION- REORGANIZATION FOR TACTICAL FLEXIBILITY by LTC Lester W. Grau Soviet Army Studies Office U. S. Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth. Kansas September 1989 The views expressed here are those of the Soviet Army Studies Office. They should not necessarily be construed as validated threat doctrine. THE SOVIET COMBINED ARMS BATTALION- REORGANIZATION FOR TACTICAL FLEXIBILITY One of the key issues facing Soviet force planners is whether to extend the combined arms TO&E structure down to the motorized rifle and tank battalion. As this paper demonstrates, sufficient military rationale exists for Soviet planners to consider such a step. Critical economic, political and training factors must be considered, however, before the Soviets implement this tactical perestroyka. Recent Soviet writings characterize modern combined arms battle as one of maneuver, and simultaneous attacks from the front, flanks, rear and air by formations, units and battalion tactical groups.' The authoritative 1987 edition of Taktika [Tactics) describes what it calls the "battalion tactical group", as a modern tank or motorized rifle battalion with significant, tailored reinforcements. The tank or motorized rifle battalion ...may be furnished with significant quantities of reinforcements--an artillery battalion or battery, antitank weapons, an antiaircraft battery (platoon) and engineer and chemical troop subunits. Tank subunits may be added to a motorized rifle battalion and motorized rifle subunits may be added to a tank battalion.2 The essential question is whether the Soviets will continue to form battalion tactical groups "through attachment" or through integration of reinforcing weapons directly into the organizational structure by forming true "combined arms battalions." Significantly, Soviet writings emphasize that combined arms integration at battalion level satisfies the requirements of modern battle. Hence, the battalion tactical group or combined arms battalion remains a principal focus of tactical writings and exercises. In early.1989, a Soviet tactician stated that experience in local wars and in conflicts of the last several years demonstrates that a battalion, reinforced with artillery, air defense weapons, etc. (in all, up to eight attached subunits) is the basic tactical entity on the battlefield. This, to a certain degree, is explained by the fact that here the commander still has the ability to personally observe the situation on his front and immediately react to it. 3 As the Soviets consider restructuring their forces in light of their recent political declarations, the creation of TO&E "combined arms battalions" has clearly emerged as a viable variant for Soviet force planners. 4 Examination of peacetime force structure and training options should best reflect how tactical maneuver forces would fight in future battle. The Soviet view of future battle envisions a need for battalions capable of functioning independently on a fragmented battlefield, since to make it possible for commanders and staffs to exercise control, their forces are broken down into the appropriate number of smaller elements. Moreover, the numerical strength and armament of the latter have been calculated so that, without being unwieldy, they will be able to accomplish an assigned combat mission or execute a maneuver in a short period of time. When forces are being subdivided into independent elements, a long-standing rule must apply- subdivisions for administrative and combat purposes must coincide. 5 To comprehend what these changes may entail, this paper examines the optimum composition of a Soviet combined arms battalion based / on the study of over five hundred battalioi-sized Soviet exercise 2 and training experiences reported in the open press from January 1962 through June 1989. BACKGROUND Soviet motorized rifle battalion composition has undergone several significant changes since World War II. In 1949, the Soviet mechanized regiment's motorized rifle battalion (Figure 2) was not as heavily armed or manned as the rifle regiment's rifle battalion (Figure 1). This may be due to the fact that there were no tanks in the rifle regiment, whereas the mechanized regiment was organized with two motorized rifle battalions and a tank battalion. Thus the motorized rifle battalion could be more readily reinforced. Both the rifle battalion and the motorized rifle battalion had a direct fire artillery battery and a mortar company/battery to provide fire support. A primary function of the artillery battery was antitank fires. 1949 Rifle Battalion BNRifle Mortar Artillery HI Company Company Battery 9X82mm 2 X 57mm 4 X 12.7mm For 3X3MMG 4 X AT Rifles - 0 Signal Supply Medical to Company Platoon Platoon Platoon 9 MMG ion/ Figure 1 Availability Codes jvail and/or 3 Dist 1 Special 1949 MR HI Rifle 1 Mortar Antitank Company Company Battery 6 X 82mm 4 X 57mm gun IVIVG JSignal Company 6MGPlatoon 6 MMG Figure 2 6 By 1954, the support structure of the motorized rifle battalion had changed and its personnel strength had decreased from 547 to 433 (Figure 3). Moreover, rifle divisions were converting to a totally motorized structure. F I HO&C dRfeMortar Artillery Platoon Company Battery Battery /J 6 X 82ram 4 X 57mm eIrG rvice Medical Figure 3 pany latoon Section 7 6 HMG By 1958, the motorized rifle battalion had increased to 500 men (Figure 4). The mortar battery was eliminated, two 82-mm recoilless rifles and two 10 7 -mm recoilless rifles were added to the artillery battery, an antiaircraft machine gun platoun was added (in addition to the machine gun company), 27 RPG-2 antitank 4 grenade launchers were introduced and the AK-47 was becoming the standard shoulder weapon of the Soviet Army. 1958 MR BN B Q I Artillery Company Battery 4 X 57mm 2 X82mm RR 2 X 107mm RR Antiair Machinegun Service MG Pit Company Elements Figure 4 3X14.5mm AAMG 6X7.62mmHMG By 1966, several significant changes had occurred in the motorized rifle battalion (Figure 5). The BTR 60-PB, in production for five years, was replacing the BTR-152 and BTR- 50P as the standard armored personnel carrier. Mortars returned to the battalion, but were now organized as a platoon or three 82-mm mortars instead of the battery of six. The artillery battery shrunk to an antitank platoon of two 5 7 -mm direct fire guns and the three-gun antiaircraft machine gun platoon decreased to a two-gun antiaircraft section. The machine gun company disappeared as more machine guns were placed in the motorized rifle company. Service units were also reorganized and the strength of the motorized rifle battaliou fell to 386. This was an organization optimized for combat on the nuclear battlefield. 5 S1966 MR BN SHQ & Serv MVR } Antitank Mortar Units Company Gun PIt Platoon 2 X 57mm 3 X 82mm Antiai r MG Sect Figure 5 2 X 14.5 AAMG By 1967, the Soviets had introduced the BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle and motorized rifle battalions were now equiipped with either BMPs or BTRs. The AKM was replacing the AK-47 as the standard shoulder arm, the RPG-7 was replacing the RPG-2 and the SA-7 shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile (introduced in 1966) was supplementing antiaircraft machine guns. Thus, the Soviets were fielding a more balanced force capable of functioning on both a nuclear and a conventional battlefield. By 1977, the BTR equipped motorized rifle battalion was organized as shown in Figure 6: 1977 MR MRMortar Antitank Company Battery Platoon 6 X 120mm 2 X SPG-9 2 X SAGGER Supply Repair Medcal Commo Platoon Workshop Station Platoon Figure 6 10 6 The mortar platoon was upgraded to a mortar battery and the 120- mm mortar replaced the 82-am mortar. Two SPG-9 recoilless rifles and two SAGGER antitank guided weapons replaced the 57-mm guns in the antitank platoon. The antiaircraft machine gun section was eliminated with the introduction of three SA-7 surface-to-air guided missiles (SAMs) into each motorized rifle company. The battalion strength was 449. The 1977 BMP-equipped mot.orized rifle battalion had 430 men and was organized as shown in Figure 7: .1977 MR BN (BMP) BnH RMortar Commo Company Battery Platoon 6 X 120mm Supply Repair Medical Platoon Workshop Station Figure 7 11 The primary difference between the BTR-equipped and BMP- equipped motorized rifle battalions was the absence of the antitank platoon in the latter. The BMP-1's 73-mm smoothbore antitank gun and ATGM launcher substituted for the antitank weapons of the antitank platoon. The 1982 BTR-equipped motorized rifle battalion (Figure 8) was organized essentially the same as the 1977 model. 7 S1982 MR BN (BTR) M ortar Antitank n Company Battery Platoon 6 X 120mm 2 X SPG-9 4 X AT-3/AT-4 Commo Supply Repair Medical Platoon Platoon Workshop Station Figure 8 1 2 Two additional AT-3/SAGGER or AT-4/SPIGGOT antitank guided missiles were added to the antitank platoon as were two RPG-16 antitank grenade launchers. A weapons squad was created in the motorized rifle company which employed two AGS-17 grenade launchers. The battalion had 455 men. 1 3 The 1982 BMP-equipped motorized rifle battalion (Figure 9) differed from its 1977 predecessor: F 1982MR BN (BMVP) M R Antiair Mortar Company Platoon Battery 9 X SA-7/14 6X 120mm AGS-17 Commo Supply Repair Platoon Platoon Platoon Workshop 6 X AGS-17 Medical Station Figure 9 8 The BMP-2 with a 30-mm chain gun and antitank guided missile mounts was introduced in 1981. The nine SA-7 (or its replacement, the SA-14) shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles were taken from the motorized rifle companies and consolidated into an antiaircraft platoon. A platoon of six AGS-17 30-mm automatic grenade launchers was established. The battalion had 432 men. 1 s Like the 1982 BMP-equipped battalion, the current BTR- equipped battalion has taken issets from the motorized rifle companies to form an air defeose platoon and an automatic grenade launcher platoon (Figure 10). 1989 MR BN (BTR) HMRMortar Attn Company Battery Platoon 8 X 120rn 2 X SPG-9 or 82mm Auto 4 X AT-3/AT-4 Signal Supply Repair Medical Platoon Platoon Workshop Station Antiair AGS-17 Platoon Platoon Figure 1.0 19f-Paol 6 9 X SA-7/14/16 6 X AGS-17 The number of mortars i.. the mortar battery has increased from six to eight and, in some instances, the 120-mm mortar has been replaced by the 82-mm automatic mortar (Vasilek). In the motorized rifle company, the weapons squad, which originally 9 contained two AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers, has been changed to a machine gun/anti Lank platoon containing three AT-7 antitank guided missiles arl three machine guns. 17 The current BMP-equippeJ mutorized rifle battalion has not changed its force structure from 1977 but has increased to an authorized 497 personnel. This increase is due to the addition of two mortars in the mortar battery and the addition of the machine gun platoon in each of the motorized rifle companies. The BMP-equipped motorized rifle company lacks the AT-7 antitank guided missile system in their machine gun platoon, sinc'e every BMP can mount an AT-3, AT-4 or AT-5 antitank guided missile.' 8 Soviet tank battalion organization has also changed since World War II. In 1949, the medium tank battalion of both the tank and mechanized division consisted of 35 tanks organized as shown in Figure 11: Tank BN TankRecon Technical BN HQ Company Platoon Company 2 Tanks 3 Tanks 3 X 10 Tanks Figure 11 19 In 1954, the tank battalion strength decreased to 21 tanks, although the standard tank :mpany remained at ten tanks (Figure 12). 10 1154 Tank BN HQ & Cmd TankSevcMdia plafftoon Company Platoon Section 1 Tank I 2 X 10 Tanks Figure 12 2 0 The reconnaissance platoon was eliminated, as was one entire tank company. Support elements were also reorganized. In 1958, six tanks were added to each of the tank companies. 2 ' A tank battalion of a tank regiment (Figure 13) was also organized differently than a tank battalion of a mechanized regiment (Figure 14). The tank regiment's Lanl battalion was organized with two companies while the tank battalion of a mechanized regiment also had two tank companies and an additional 122-mm assault gun company. 1958 Tank BN BNHQCompany Elements 2 Tanks 1 2 X 16 Tanks Figure 13 2 2 11 958 Tank sit Gn BN I- I I BN HQ Tank sslt Gun] Service Company Company Elements 2 Tanks ! 11 122mm Figure 14 2 X 16 Tanks Asslt Guns 2 3 Tank battalion strength between 1960 and 1970 varied from 31 to 32 tanks (the tank in question was that of the battalion chief of staff) , but the strucLure waxs uniform for all Lank battalioris (Figure 15). 11960"1970 if iTand more Sa Mediea Section Company Maint Pit aSection One Tank i 3 X 10 Tanks II I I a/Supply re aigrCommo e6[.Mess ection Man etSection Section Figure 15 26 By the mid 1970s, however, the tank battalion in the motorized rifle regiment had more tanks than did the tanic battalion in the tank regiment, although the battalion structure appeared identical (Figure 16).25s Han &8Nr Tn 8nQ 1 Q& erPatoon I n ]Company Figure 16 2 6 1.2 The principal difference was that the 31-tank battalion of the tank regiment had three tanks in each tank platoon, while the 40-tank battalion of the motorized rifle battalion had four tanks in each platoon, making companies of ten and thirteen tanks respectively. This structure has remained up to the present. Given these structural changes in the motorized rifle and tank battalion since the end of World War II, an important question remains. Did the Soviets exercise these battalions as organized or did they task-organize them to fulfill particular -assignments? The study of exercise experience provides an answer to this question. METHODOLOGY Publications such as Voyennyy Vestnik [Military Herald-the Soviet official tactical monthly journal] and various tactical studies depicted battalion-sized exercises in twenty-five categories. These exercises were differentiated by type of mission (forward detachment, advance guard, flanking detachment, etc.), type of combat (attack from the march, transition to the defense, committal of second echelon battalion, etc.), specialized circumstances (night attack, river crossing, amphibious landing, etc.) or locale (desert, mountains, polar regions, etc.). Since many exercises fit into more than one of the categories (for example, a forward detachment making a night attack from the march across a river in swampy terrain could fit into any one of five categories), I have listed each exercise in only one category to avoid double counting. I then cross checked 13 categories to determine patterns of force organization for various types of tactical activity and then noted differences and similarities between the period of overwhelming nuclear emphasis of the early sixties and today's more balanced conventional/nuclear emphasis. ORGANIZATION FOR COMBAT Combined Arms: The motorized rifle battalion and tank battalion were always organized to be the nucleus of a combined arms fbrce. In only 12 of the examined 551 exercises (2%) did a pure battalion act without attachments or supporting units. None of the 12 examples occurred after 1972. In an additional 4 examples, motorized rifle and tank battalions fought "pure" but were reinforced by additional artillery or other assets. Thus, motorized rifle and tank battalions were organized as a combined arms force 97% of the time. A motorized rifle battalion had a tank company attached 80% of the time, two tank companies attached 5 % of the time, a tank battalion attached in one instance (0.2%), two tank platoons attached 1% of the time, a tank platoon attached 0.7% of the time and no armor attached 11% of the time. In seven instances, the armor attachments were characterized as "subunits"-which can be anything from a single tank to a tank battalion. Thus, armor was attached to the 427 motorized rifle battalion examples 89% of the time. 14 Armor was not attached when the motorized rifle battalion had an airmobile mission. Armor was often not attached when operating in the mountains and occasionally not attached during the defense. When no armor was attached in the defense, an armor battalion normally supported the motorized rifle battalion with a counterattack. In some examples which dealt with the role of a particular supporting element (a mortar platoon, air defense platoon, artillery battery or reconnaissance platoon in support of a motorized rifle battalion), the other attached or supporting elements were mentioned in passing or not at all. Thus, it is most likely that the actual instances of attachment of armor to motorized rifle battalions exceeded 89%. Tank battalions, however, did not receive attachments as frequently as motorized rifle battalions. In the 124 tank battalion examples, a motorized rifle company was attached 44% of the time, two motorized rifle platoons were attached 3% of the time, and a motorized rifle platoon was attached 8% of the time. In one instance, two motorized rifle companies were attached and in another instance, a motorized rifle squad was attached. In two instances, the motorized rifle attachments were characterized as subunits. The tank battalions apparently acted without motorized rifle attachments 41% of the time. For the reasons stated above, the figure for attachments may actually be higher. It is clear, however, that armored elements are much more likely to be attached to motorized rifle battalions than the reverse. 15 Artillery: Artillery was normally attached to or in support of both battalions.' 7 In 37 of the 551 articles (7%), there was no mention of supporting artillery, but in only 8 of these articles was it clear that no attached or supporting artillery was employed (2%). The 427 motorized rifle battalion examples had 2 examples where 2 artillery battalions were attached to a single motorized rifle battalion (0.5%), 23 examples where an artillery battalion plus a battery were attached to a motorized rifle battalion (5%), and 187 examples where an artillery battalion was attached to a motorized rifle battalion (34%). In 13 of the 187 examples, additional artillery (a battalion or more) also supported the battalion tactical group. In 16 of the examples, nuclear strikes also supported the battalion tactical group. In another 20 exercises, 2 batteries (sometimes supported by additional artillery and nuclear strikes) were attached to a motorized rifle battalion. In 91 exercises (21%), a battery was attached to a motorized rifle battalion. Of these 91 exercises, 48 had no additional supporting artillery, 23 were supported by additional artillery, 13 were supported by additional artillery and nuclear strikes and 7 were supported by nuclear strikes. The exercises in which batteries, vice artillery battalions, were attached to motorized rifle battalions were usually during the 1960s and early 1970s (during this period, the motorized rifle battalion had its own organic artillery battery and nuclear fires played the dominant role on the battlefield). In five instances, the size of the artillery unit attached to the motorized rifle 16 battalion could not be determined. In 77% of the exercises, artillery was attached to the motorized rifle battalion. In 18% of the exercises, artillery was used to support the motorized rifle battalion. Usually artillery was in support during the defense or during an attack against a prepared defense. In five exercises, multiple battalions supported a single motorized rifle battalion; in one exercise, an artillery battalion and a battery were supported a single motorized rifle battalion and in 59 exercises, an artillery battalion supported a motorized rifle battalion. In 14 of these 59 exercises, the supporting artillery battalion was reinforced with nuclear strikes. In an additional 13 exercises, supporting artillery was mentioned, but the size of that artillery could not be determined. Tank battalions had attached or supporting artillery in 87% of the exercises. When tank battalions exercised with artillery, it was attached 86% of the time. In 3 instances, an artillery battalion plus a battery were attached (3%) and in 74 exercises (80%) an artillery battalion was attached. In 8 of these 74 exercises, the attached battalion was supported by nuclear strikes or additional artillery. In four exercises, two batteries were attached to the tank battalion and in ten exercise, a battery was attached to a tank battalion. In one instance, the size of the attached artillery could not be determined. When artillery was placed in support of a tank battalion (13%), it was usually an artillery battalion (56%) but 17 could be as much as two battalions or as little as a battery. In 16 of the instances, artillery was not mentioned (17%). Thus, artillery is most often attached to rather than in support of tank battalions and the attachment is usually an artillery battalion. Engineers: Engineer attachment to the maneuver battalion did not always occur or, at least, was not always reported. Of the 427 motorized rifle battalion examples, engineers were attached in. 243 instances (62%). Of these, 21 exercises featured an attached engineer company (9%), 23 exercises featured 2 attached engineer platoons (10%), 202 exercises featured an attached engineer platoon (83%), 6 exercises featured an attached engineer squad (3%), 1 exercise featured 2 attached of a non-specified subunit (4%). Thus, engineer units were attached more often than not to motorized rifle battalions and the most common attachment was an engineer platoon. The primary determinant of the size and type of engineer units and equipment attached was the mission and terrain. Of the 124 tank battalion examples, engineers were attached in 71 instances (57%). Of these, 4 exercises featured an attached engineer company (6%), 12 exercises featured the attachment of 2 platoons (17%), 41 exercises featured an attached engineer platoon (58%), 11 exercises featured an attached engineer squad (15.5%), 1 exercise featured attachments in excess of an engineer company (1%), and 2 exercises featured the attachment of unspecified engineer subunits (3%). Thus, 18 engineer units were attached to tank battalions just over half the time and the most common attachment was an engineer platoon. Engineers were attached for a variety of tasks, the most common of which were river crossings, road maintenance, reconnaissance, obstacle breaching and obstacle emplacement. Terrain and the enemy were the primary factors in determining attachment of engineers. Reconnaissance: Reconnaissance units were seldom attached to motorized rifle and tank battalions, but usually were in support of them, particularly in theadvance guard and forward detachment, and in transitioning to defense. In virtually all instances, the battalion constituted its own reconnaissance platoon from a second echelon company's platoon and relied on additional reconnaissance support from higher headquarters. Air Defense: Air defenses were seldom attached to tank and motorized rifle battalions, as the battalions relied on their organic air defenses. In the 427 motorized rifle battalion exercises, air defense forces were attached in only 90 exercises (21%). Of these, 31 of the exercises featured an attached air defense battery (34%), 58 of the exercises featured an attached air defense platoon (64%), and 1 exercise featured the attachment of an undetermined subunit (1%). In the 124 tank battalion exercises, only 25 involved the attachment of air defense forces (20%). In these 25 exercises, 6 featured an attached air defense battery (24%), 18 featured an 19 attached air defense platoon (72%) and 1 exercise featured the attachment of an undetermined subunit (4%). Air defense forces were likely to be attached to forward detachments and advance guards, march columns and when conducting river crossings. Antitank: Antitank elements were seldom attached, probably since the motorized rifle and tank battalions have always had a potent, organic antitank capability, and the Soviets like to have large antitank reserves with which to influence the battle. Of the 427 motorized rifle exercises, only 37 (9%) involved the attachment of antitank elements (1 antitank battalion, 17 antitank batteries, 12 antitank platoons and 7 subunits). Of the 124 tank battalion exercises, only 3 (2%) involved the attachment of antitank elements (1 battery and 2 platoons). Antitank units were normally held by the higher headquarters as part of the antitank reserve and placed in support of maneuver battalions. Chemical and radiological reconnaissance: The chemical and radiation reconnaissance squad was a common attachment, particularly for the forward detachment and advance guard missions. Of the 427 motorized rifle battalion exercises, 151 (35%) had a chemical and radiation reconnaissance squad attached. Of the 124 tank battalion exercises, 42 (34%) had a chemical and radiation reconnaissance squad attached. General findings: During the exercises, Soviet battalions normally functioned as combined arms groups, but only with 20 attachments. The most common grouping was a motorized rifle battalion with a tank company, an artillery battalion, and an engineer platoon. The most common tank battalion organization for combined arms combat was the tank battalion with a motorized rifle company, an artillery battalion and an engineer platoon. Tank battalions were less likely to organize as combined arms battalions. Both motorized rifle and tank battalions were most likely to organize into combined arms groups to function as a forward detachment, advance guard, in the attack from the march, or when forcing a river crossing. The attachments have tended to increase in number and size from 1975 onward. This may have produced a contemporary Soviet judgement that reinforcing or attached elements should be organically included in future battalions to make them truly combined arms in their own right. These combined arms groups are suited for maneuver warfare and seem to fit the Soviet view of future war. The Soviets believe that the future battlefield will be a high tempo, lethal arena in which the meeting battle will be the primary form of combat. The prolonged, linear struggle against a prepared defender with tied-in flanks must be avoided despite enemy efforts to impose it, since this would heighten the possibility of the war becoming nuclear and facilitate targeting by the adversary. The changing Soviet concept of future war will require units which are organized and equipped differently than in the past and today. Units must be more self-sufficient on the fragmented future battlefield. 2 8 The Soviets envision the use of 21 a TO&E combined arms structure down to battalion level, with the combined arms battalion clearly a candidate for becoming the standard maneuver unit of the future. 2 9 Only other realities, such as political and economic difficulties or a deception system for converting a peacetime structure into a wartime structure would preclude or delay peacetime creation of these battalions. THE COMBINED ARMS BATTALION The optimum organization for the combined arms battalion would be one designed for maneuver warfare which resembles the forward detachment of the past, i.e., a tactical grouping with both defensive and offensive applications. It should contain armored, motorized rifle, artillery, air defense, chemical and radiological defense, reconnaissance and engineer forces. In all variants, either the motorized rifle battalion or the tank battalion could form a nucleus for the combined arms battalion. Exercise experience demonstrates that the motorized rifle battalion is more likely to be reinforced than is the tank battalion. Furthermore, the current motorized rifle battalion structure is more adaptable to combined arms conversion than is the tank battalion. Therefore, the current motorized rifle battalion structure is used as the base for the following variants. 22 Combined I Arms Bn TaH MRFnk Recon Company Company Platoon 10 Tanks 3 X BMP/BTR Mortar AGS-1 7 Antitank Antiair Battery Platoon Platoon Platoon 8 X 120mm 6 X AGS-17 2 X SPG-9 9 X SA-7/14/16 4 X AT-3/AT-4 Signal Supply epair & Medical Platoon Platoon Evac Pit Station Figure 17 This first variant combines all the essentials except for sufficient artillery and engineer forces (Figure 17). The morLar battery and AGS-17 platoon provide indirect and direct fire capability, but still lack the punch of the normally attached artillery battalion. Engineer forces are not included in this variant since the introduction of battalion-level engineers wi].l probably be postponed until sufficient forces and equipme, . arc! available. A chemical and radiation reconnaissance squad is embedded in the battalion headquarters and the repair arid evacuation detachment of the current motorized rifle battalion has been upgraded to a platoon in order to service the additional tank company. The supply platoon will also require additional transport. A reconnaissance platoon is also included because of the shortcomings inherent in assigninig elements from Lhe motorized 23 rifle companies to this role. Almost all exercise examples employed a reconnaissance platoon, normally from a second echelon company. Since the Soviet army is a conscript army, the platoon can be well trained as either a reconnaissance platoon or a motorized rifle platoon. It cannot do both successfully. 3 0 Therefore, probably only one platoon in the battalion is well- trained as a reconnaissance platoon. This fact dictates that the battalion commander must habitually assign the parent company of the reconnaissance platoon as the second echelon company and means that the second echelon can never be committed at full combat strength. There is a clear advantage inherent in an organic, dedicated, battalion-level, reconnaissance element. The current battalion has another problem, a readiness imbalance experienced every six months in troop rotation when the Soviets create companies manned by members of the same call-up. Thus, in a single battalion, there may be seasoned companies which have served from six months to over a year serving side by side with a company of new recruits. This status may be acceptable for motorized rifle companies, but a battalion cannot afford to have its reconnaissance platoon composed entirely of new recruits, the reconnaissance element is too vital. Thus, the reconnaissance ?latoon responsibility must either be rotated from one m- to the next (with predictable degradation in the level of training) or a reconnaissance platoon must be established that will be able to function effectively despite troop rotation. Further, a three-squad reconnaissance platoon 24 seems ideal. The combined arms battalion tank company will usually be in support of the motorized rifle companies or will be in the second echelon. Thus, the maximum number of reconnaissance squads normally required will be three. Such a combined arms battalion variant seems to be a reasonable first step. It integrates into the battalion essential armor and reconnaissance elements and provides an ideal training vehicle for combined arms commanders. The force, Lowever, is st. iI I ightl in f ire support. and engineers. Hence an artillery battalion and engineers would continue to be attached as ICombined I required .ArsB T an Rneco Company ompany Platoon 10 Tanks 3 X BMP/BTR Mortar AGS-17 AntitnAtir Battery Platoon Platoon Platoon 8 X 120mm 6 X AGS-17 2 X SPG-9 9 X SA-7/14/16 4 X AT-3/AT-4 Signal Supply Repair& Medical Platoon Platoon Evac PIt Station SEngineer Figure 18 Platoon A second variant of the combined arms battalion is an evolutionary development of the first (Figure 18). It adds an engineer platoon to meet stated Soviet requirements for movement support. and obstacle emplacement at tactical levels. As shown by 25 the exercises, engineers would construct fortifications, enplace mines and obstacles, clear minefields and obstacles, support the deception and camouflage plan, support river crossings, maintain roads, provide water, conduct rescue and restoration following nuclear strikes and conduct engineer reconnaissance. Many of these functions are beyond the capability of one conscript engineer platoon, and so additional engineer forces will be attached as needed. As a minimum, the battalion's engineer platoon should have a limited water crossing capability (MTU-or follow-on), a mine-laying capability (PMR-3), a mine-clearing capability (KMT-4/5 mine plows and mine rollers), carriers and Combined explosives. 31 M:{ h] lTank I Recon ] Company Company Platoon 10 Tanks 3 X BMP/BTR I -_ - Arty AGS'17 Antitank Antiair Btry Platoon Platoon Platoon [ 6 X AGS-17 2 X SPG-9 9 X SA-7/14/16 16 X 2S9 4 X AT-3/AT-4 Signal Supply epair&Meia Platoon Platoon vac Plt Station Engineer Figure 19 Platoon The final two variants of the combined armed battalion are an evolution of the first two and address the problem of fire support and span of control. The third variant. (Figure 19) replaces the mortar battery with two artillery batteries of 2S9 26 combination guns. The combination gun is capable of the trajectories of the mortar and howitzer and can also perform direct fire missions. Apparently, however, its range is limited and its rate of fire is less then that of a mortar. This variant will not replicate the firepower of an attached artillery battalion. A much bigger problem exists. There are too many units for the battalion commander to control. The optimum span of control is from five to ten separate entities. 32 With the limited battalion staff and the numerous entities, functions either need to be returned to the companies (such as air defense and the AGS- 17 grenade launcher) or the force needs to be restructured to facil&;tate the commanders span of control. A fourth combined arms variant addresses this span of control problem (Figure 20). Whereas the Western solution is to create headquarters and combat support companies, the Soviet solution is to group entitities under various deputy commanders. This variant adds a battalion deputy commander for the rear--a step that the Soviets have debated since the mid-1970s. 27 Commander I Caie o M latooy },, Comm pany pay rnI~ mandorl Bn Staf [ ir Spt,+ Subunitpato ignal Pit Re nPi A ai irn E/g n ] IDeputy for Deputy for he Rear rmaments Pateriel Medicalb Figure 20 Ppt Subunit P The Chief of Staff is a deputy commander and already controls the battalion signal officer (who is also the signal platoon leader). The Chief of Staff would also control the new battalion staff intelligence officer (the reconnaissance platoon leader) in an arrangement similar to that currently practiced at regiment. The battalion deputy commander would control the other staff elements. The deputy commander for armaments would control the expanded mobile repair and evacuation subunit, while the additional deputy, the deputy for the rear, would control the new battalion materiel support subunit and the medical platoon. 3 The commander now has 8 entities to control instead of 14. Further, the commander now h[ns a fire support element integrated into his force structure. The engineer platoon has been reinforced with PTS and GSP ferries to facilitate river crossings. This structure replicates the most common battalion tactical grouping of the 551 exercises. A major difficulty remaining is that this is a very large organization. Since the majority of Soviet battalion commanders are senior captains or 28 junior majors, this may prove too cumbersome for these officers to manage efre(:tively in garrison, even with an augmented staff. The remaining problem is determining the most effective fire support element. Based on exercise experience, an artillery battalion or battalion-sized element is normally considered sufficient. An optimum battalion fire support group might look like Figure 21. BR Fire ISpt Grp F _I I I I HQ&FDArtillery Mortar AGS-1 7 C Battery Battery Platoon 8 X20mm 6 X AGS-17 2 X 8 2S9 Figure 21 This battalion fire support group employs two batteries of the 2S9, the 120-mm mortar battery arid the AGS-17 platoon. Since the combined arms battalion is optimized for maneuver warfare, centralized fire planning from above will not. normally prove effective, and a responsive fire direction center is necessary. Creating a battalion-sized group within a battalion does have some drawback and there are no apparent historical precedents for the permanent subordination of a battalion within a battalion. Another possibility relies on future technology to solve the fire support problem. If the technology of the 82-mm Vasilek automatic mortar could be applied to a 120-mm combination gun arid 29 this gun mounted on a 2SI, MTLB or similar chassis, the new system should be able to carry enough ready ammunition arid achieve a rate of fire that two batteries (perhaps even one) could do the job currently performed by the attached artillery battalion. If this were the case, the following fire support subunit (Figure 22) could be created: Fire Spt Subunit Artillery AGS-17 Battery Platoon I 6 X AGS-1 7 2 X 8 120mm Figure 22 combo gun A rapid fire, multi-trajectory weapons system could well solve the fire support problem and provide sufficient lethality while remaining manageable. This then might prove the optimum fire support subunit for the combined arms batLalion. CONCLUS IONS The combined arms battalion offers a force structure to Soviet force planners that clearly has been tested and evaluated. They must now decide whether they want to structure tactical forces in peacetime as they would organize them for combat. If so, the combined arms battalion would support either offensive or defensive combat. actions and fit the Soviet view of a future war that envisions rapid shifts between the two forms of combat and emphasizes maneuver. What the formation of the 30 combined arms battalion could represent is a decision to do in peacetime organization what the Soviets have routinely done in exercise and war through attachment. 3 4 This permits units and subunits to habitually train in all circumstances with a complete combined arms mix. Tactical units and subunits are the building blocks upon which operations are built. Emerging operational concepts subsumed under the Warsaw Pact "defensive doctrine" may place more emphasis on initial defense and feature units and formations in the force structure designed to fulfill such functions. Maneuver forces, perhaps built around the combined arms battalion with its organic direct support tanks and artillery, would counterattack enemy breakthrough forces or pass through the defenses to meet the enemy in a series of meeting battles. After the main enemy groupings had been defeated or forced to ground, deep exploitation forces from the interior (primarily mechanized or tank heavy) would attack deep into the enemy territory to seize those crucial points that would insure the success of the ground offensive/counteroffensive. Whether the Soviets adopt a combined arms battalion to help meet operational requirements or continue to use attachments to create provisional battalion tactical groups prior to exercises, during crisis or before commitment is an issue now being considered by Soviet planners. 31 ENDNOTES 1. This view is developed most fully in V. G. Reznichenko, Taktika [Tactics] (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1987), p. 65 and throughout D. A. Dragunskiy, Motostrelkovyy (tankovy) batal'on v boyu (The motorized rifle (tank) battalion in combat] (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1986). 2. Reznichenko, Taktika, p. 208. 3. A. Bagaev, "S pozitsii teorii upravleniya" [From the position of a theory of control], Voyennyy vestnik [Military herald], No. 1 (January 1989), 49-50. The author, who is not military, but is writing in a professional military journal, is a senior science researcher in an all-union scientific institute for the improvement of control. His contention is that the optimum span of control for a battalion is between five and ten subordinate entities. He also posits the seven-company battalion consisting of five motorized rifle companies and two tank companies and other variations. 4. For a discussion of the restructuring issue, see David M. Glantz, "Force Structure--Meeting Contemporary Requirements", Military Review, Volume LXVIII, No. 12 (December 1988), 58-70. 5. M. M. Kir'yan, Voyenno-tekhnicheskiy progress i vooruzhennyye sily SSSR [Military-technical progress and the armed forces of the USSR] (Mogkva: Voyenizdat, 1982), 298-299. 6. The War Office, The Soviet Army: Tactics and Organization (London: The War Office, 1949). Pp. 81 & 83. 7. Office, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Soviet Army Organization: The Mechanized Division (Wartime), (Washington: January 1954). 8. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 30-5-1, Handbook on the Soviet Army, (Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1958), p. 75 and A. A. Babakov, Vooruzhennyye sily SSSR posle voyny [The armed forces of the USSR after the war], (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1987), Pp. 83-92. 9. Defense Intelligence Agency, Soviet Armed Forces (U): Motorized Rifle Regiment (Washington: US Government Printing Office, June 1966), p. 5. 10. Defense Intelligence Agency, The Soviet Motorized Rifle Battalion (Washington: US Government Printing Office, September 1978), p. 26. Department of the Army, FM 30-40: Handbook on Soviet Ground Forces (Washington: US Government Printing 32 Office, 30 June 1975), Pp. A-6, A-7. Christopher Donnelly, "The Soviet Ground Forces", The Soviet War Machine (New York: Chartwell, 1976), pp. 156, 158. Friedrich Wiener and William J. Lewis, The Warsaw Pact Armies (Vienna: Carl Ueberreuter Publishers, 1977), p. 73. 11. Ibid. 12. Department of the Army, FM 100-2-3, The Soviet Army: Troops, Organization and Equipment (Washington: US Government Printing Office, 16 July 1984), p. 4-4. 13. Ibid., pp. 4-3, 4-4 & 4-6. 14. Ibid. p. 4-24. 15. Ibid. p. 4-4. 16. Department of the Army, FM 100-2-3 (DRAFT) The Soviet Army: Troops, Organization and Equipment, (Fort Leavenworth, November 1988), p. 4-4. 17. Ibid. p. 4-3. A. S. Noskova, Motostrelkovaya (tankovaya) rota v boyu [The motorized rifle (tank) battalion in combat], (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1988), p. 11. 18. Ibid., p. 4-24. 19. The War Office, p. 83. 20. Assistant Chief of Staff G-2. 21. There was a net increase in the mechanized division from 185 tanks to 227 tanks - a gain of 23%. 22. Department of the Army Pamphlet 30-50-1, p. 7 2 . 23. Ibid., p. 74. 24. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 30-77, Soviet Tactics: Medium Tank Regiment (Washington: US Government Printing Office, November 1960), p. 6. Defense Intelligence Agency, Soviet Armed Forces: Motorized Rifle Regiment (Washington: US Government Printing Office, June 1966), p. 6. Defense Intelligence Agency, Soviet Armed Forces: Medium Tank Battalion (Washington: US Government Printing Office, September 1970), p. 3. 25. FM 30-40, p. A-13. 26. FM100-2-3, p. 4-100 and 4-14. 33 27. Attached artillery (pridannaya artilleriya) is directly subordinated to the commander of the force to which it is attached. Attached artillery is normally exclusive and fires only those missions assigned by the force commander. (In an emergency, fire missions for a senior commander may be fired. Supporting artillery (podderzhivayushchaya artilleriya) is under the command of the senior artillery commander and fires assigned missions established by the combined arms commander. Thus a supporting artillery battalion may be in support of several maneuver battalions, whereas an attached artillery battalion will fire exclusively for one maneuver battalion/regiment. V. Ya. Lebedev, Spravochnik ofitsera nazemnoy artillerii (Field artillery officer's handbook], (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1984), 8. A. M. Plekhov, Slovar' voyennykh terminov [Dictionary of military terminology], (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1989), 212 and 227. 28. On a fragmented battlefield, it is difficult to provide reinforcements in a timely manner. Thus, if a battalion has lost the initiative and is forced into a defense while isolated from the rest of the regiment/ brigade, it must be capable of handling the battle on its own. The combined arms battalion would be more capable of handling this situation than the current motorized rifle or tank battalion. 29. David M. Glantz, "Soviet Force Structure in an Era of Reform," (Ft. Leavenworth, KS: Soviet Army Studies Office, 1989). This study discusses several variants of future Soviet force structure in light of current Soviet writings, combat and exercise experience, and announced troop reductions. Lester W. Grau, "Changing Soviet Objective Depths: A Reflection of Changing Combat Circumstances," (Ft. Leavenworth, KS: Soviet Army Studies Office, 1989). This study discusses the Soviet concept of future war and its impact on objective depths. It should be remembered that Soviet operational forces have had a different wartime structure than that of the prewar structure. Soviet force planners need to decide whether the advantages gained by prestructuring tactical units and training tactical units in peacetime with their wartime structure outweigh the advantages of tactical surprise gained by confronting their opponent with an unfamiliar force structure during crisis and war. 30. F. I Gredasov. Podrazdeleniya v razvedke [Subunits in reconnaissance], (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1988). This book lays out the involved nature of reconnaissance training and demonstrates that while some reconnaissance skills can be taught to all the soldiers, the development of a reconnaissance unit requires time and specialization. 31. E. S. Kolibenov, V. I. Kornev, and A. A. Soskov. Inzhenernoye obespecheniye boya [Engineer combat support], (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1988). This book does not give the ideal engineer platoon composition for a combined arms battalion, but 34 does provide an excellent overview of the work of combat engineers. 32. Bagaev, 50. 33. The other deputy, the deputy for political affairs, has not been given any additional responsibilities. Job descriptions and relationships are discussed is Yu. M. Artyunov, Shtab batal'ona v boyu [The battalion staff in combat] (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1988) and in the 1989 Combined Arms Regulations published as a supplement to Krasnaya Zvezda [Red Star] on 11 July 1989. 34. It is also possible that to conceal their wartime structure the Soviets could retain key elements of combined arms battalions, such as a tank company, under regimental control in a single battalion. Companies of the battalion could train and exercise with a specific battalion, but only integrate fully into the combined arms battalion during mobilization. 35 APPENDICES: A Forward Detachment B Advance Guard C Meeting Battle D River Crossing E Attack from the March F Attack from a Position in Direct Contact G Committal of a Second Echelon Battalion H Battle in the Depth of the Enemy Defense I Transitioning to the Defense J Defense K Security Detachment L Counter Air Assault Reserve M Withdrawal N Night Combat- O Combat in Swampy, Forested Terrain P Combat in Mountains Q Combat in Polar Regions R Protection against Weapons of Mass Destruction S Relief in Place T March U Combat in the Desert V Amphibious Landing W Tactical Air Assault X Combat in Built Up Areas/Fortified Zones Y Combat under Winter Conditions Entries with transliterated titles were consulted in the original source document. The title Military Herald indicates that the author did not have access to the original Voyennyy Vestnik and had to rely on a translation. Appendix A- Battalion composition-Forward Detachment Source Bn w/attachments Organic Sovetskoye Voyennoye Obozreniye 2/89 Tank Bn "Vzaimodeystviya s desantom" SP Arty Bn [Coordination with an (air) assault". MR Company Concerns Fwd det seizing a river ZSU 23-4 plt crossing site. Engr platoon GSP platoon Voyennyy Vestnik 11/88 MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "V peredovom otryade"[In a forward Arty Bn detachment]. V. Vadishchevich. Tank Company Concerns Fwd det defending and AD Btry withdrawing in security zone in Engr Company single echelon with MR plt & TK plt as reserve. Support: Helicopter gunships Voyennyy Vestnik 4/87 Tank Bn "Takticheskaya zadacha No. 6" SP Arty Bn [Tactical problem No. 6]. Concerns MR Company (BMP) attack across a river in conjunction ZSU 23-4 platoon with a company sized air assault. Engr platoon GSP ferry platoon Peredovyye otryady v boyu [Forward detachments in combat]. F. D. Svrdlov. (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1986). River crossing (p. 85). Tank Bn Arty Bn (minus one btry) MR Company Recon platoon Engr platoon Aslt crossing plt (3 PTS) Two Tk recovery vehicles Chemical recon sqd Seize a river crossing site MR Bn Mort Btry in conjunction with a tactical air Arty Bn AT plt assault and support the crossing Tank Co of the main force (p. 87). AD Msl & Arty Btry Engr plt Aslt Xing plts (6 PTS, 2 GSP) Bulldozer tank Chemical recon sqd A-i Exploit a nuclear strike to Tank Bn (minus co) penetrate into an enemy tactical Arty Bn defense zone (p. 107). MR Co (BTR) Recon platoon Conduct a meeting battle to seize Tank Bn a line in advance of the main body Arty Bn (p. 182). AD Msl & Arty Btry Engr platoon Seize a line from the enemy in a Tank Bn meeting battle (p. 183). Arty Bn MR Co Meeting Engagement (p. 184). Tank Bn Arty Bn MR Co Support: Aviation Meeting Engagement (p. 185). Tank Bn Arty Bn MR Co Voyennyy Vestnik 5/86. "Svyaz' v MR Bn (BTR) AD plt peredovom otryade" (Communications Arty Bn AT plt in a forward detachment]. V. Perelygin. Tank Company AGS 17 plt Concerns communication in night action. Engr platoon Mort Btry Chem recon sqd Supply plt Voyennyy Vestnik 11/85. "Peredovoy Tank Bn otryad forsiruyet reku" [The forward Sp Arty Btry detachment forces a river crossing]. Mortar Btry L. Smishchenko. MR Company Assault Crossing Company Engr platoon Pontoon platoon GSP platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 8/81. "Takticheskaya MR Bn (BMP) zadacha" (Tactical problem]. Arty Bn Forward detachment forces a river Tank company crossing. Engr platoon GSP platoon Engr recon sqd Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 7/81. "Svyaz' v MR Bn peredovom otryade" [Communications in Arty Bn a forward detachment]. A. Tukhonov. ZSU 23-4 platoon Concerns signal support in a forced Engr platoon A-2 river crossing. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 12/80. "V interesakh MR Bn peredovogo otryada" [In the interests Arty Bn of the forward detachment). V. Zhukov Tank Company and E. Fedotov. Concerns engineer Engr platoon w/ BAT-M, support of a forced river crossing. MTU, and mine-laying capabilities. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/77. Tank Bn "Vosstanovleniye boyesposobnosti v Arty Bn nastuplenii" [The restoration of 2 MR plts combat potential during an advance]. GSP plt B. Gudymenko. Operating in the enemy Chem recon sqd depths to seize a river crossing site, the forward detachment is struck by chemical strikes and a nuclear strike. Regimental artillery group supports the forward detachment. Voyennyy Vestnik 12/75. Tank Bn "Artilleriya v atakuyushchem boyevom Arty Bn poryadke" (Artillery in the attack Engr platoon formation). V. Krysanov. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 2/73. "B sostave Tank Bn Bn rear peredovogo otryada" [In the make-up Arty Bn of a forward detachment]. F. Kuznetsov. ZSU 23-4 platoon Actions in the depth of an enemy Chem recon sqd defense. Tankovyy batal'on v boyu [Tank Tank Bn Tech point battalion in combat]. P. I. Konoplya Arty Bn Bn Rear & N. A. Maykov. (Moskva: Voyenizdat, MR platoon Med point 1972). p. 45. When battalion moves as AD platoon part of the main body, attachments are Engr platoon MR platoon, engineer platoon and MTU. MTU Forward detachment and advance guard Chem recon sqd are identical in composition. Military Herald 6/71. "Tank Tank Bn battalion as a forward detachment". Arty Bn V. Sayko & A. Timoshenko. Article MR Company concerns actions of a forward detach- AA plt (ZSU 23-4) ment in a river crossing. Translation Engr plt (GSP, PTS states that the forward detachment had Road maint platoon an artillery division attached to it. AT platoon Continually throughout the trans- Chem recon sqd lations, the translator apparently confuses divizion (artillery battalion) with diviziya (division). This lack of familiarity with military terminology A-3 runs throughout the translations. For example, this article states that a regimental forward detachment consists of a tank brigade, two artillery divisions, a mountain rifle platoon, etc. The 3d platoon of the 3d tank company acting as a reserve becomes 3 tank platoons, and 3 tank companys act as the battalion reserve. Lacking the originals, I have had to use my best judgement as to what the translators were actually reading. Military Herald 5/70. "The MR Bn Mort Btry motorized rifle battalion in the Arty Bn AT gun plt forward detachment". V. Yesinin and Tank Company Bn rear V. Kudinev. Forward detachment ZSU 23-4 Btry supported by a nuclear strike, an air Engr platoon landing and aviation. This is a GSP platoon comprehensive article on the formation, BTU coordination and control of a forward MTU detachment. KMT-5 Two PTS sqds Chem recon sqd Military Herald 5/69. "Forward detachments in attack". I. Vorobyev. Forward detachments should be combined arms employing a tank battalion or a motorized rifle battalion as the base. The terrain and mission will determine the optimal base unit. The base has either motorized rifle or tank subunits and artillery and antiaircraft artillery added to it. Military Herald 9/67. "Operating MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt in the forward detachment". S. Arty Bn AT gun plt Vikarchuk. Second echelon battalion Tank Company Bn rear conducts a forced river crossing to Engr platoon seize dominant terrain and hold a MTU bridgehead for the main body. Three K61s Two prime movers Chem recon sqd Military Herald 12/65. "Forward Tank Bn detachment in the attack". Kh. Two arty Btrys Ismailov. Recon platoon resubordinated MR Company to the battalion from higher. Recon platoon Battalion forces a river crossing and Engr platoon expands a bridgehead. Chem recon sqd Three K61 Two prime movers Military Herald 2/65. MR Bn Mort plt "Communications in a forward detach- Arty Bn AT arty podr A-4 ment". S. Vasil'yev. Communications Tank Company Bn rear during a forced crossing to link up Two aslt xing platoons with a tactical air assault using both Chem recon sqd a motorized rifle and a tank battalion as examples of forward detachment Tank Bn Bn rear communications. Arty Bn Evac gp Two aslt xing platoons Military Herald 9/64. "Rapid attack MR Bn (BTR 152) Mort plt and radio communications". V. Arty podraz Burkovskiy. Attack against an enemy Tank subunit in a hasty position. Military Herald 6/64. "In a forward MR Bn Mort plt detachment". A. Serov. Second Arty Bn AT gun plt echelon battalion committed in Two tank companies pursuit of the enemy. Resubordinated Engr platoon Supply plt artillery battalion attached to Bn Med pt forward detachment. Exercise crosses the Dnepr river. Military Herald 5/64. "Solve this Tank Bn Bn rear problem". Forward detachment meets Arty Bn (-) defending enemy, chemical and air MR platoon strikes enroute to seizing a river Engr platoon crossing site. Aviation is in MTU support. The artillery battalion is Chem recon sqd minus one battery. Military Herald 2/63. "Rocket Tank Bn battery supports a tank company". Arty Bn M. Kolesnikov. Use of MLRS to Rocket Btry suppress ATGMs. This article needs to be reread in the original. Military Herald 11/62. "Tank Tank Bn company in a forward detachment". L. Arty Bn Kozlovskiy. Forward security element Rifle Company forces a river. Engr platoon Tank transporter podraz Chem recon sqd Military Herald 4/62. "A motorized MR Bn AT gun plt rifle battalion in the forward Arty Bn detachment". No author. Forward Tank Company detachment, operating in the depths of Engr platoon the enemy defenses seizes a bridgehead. Chem recon sqd A-5 Appendix B-Battalion Composition-Advance Guard Source Bn w/attachments Organic Soviet Military Review June 88. MR Bn (BMP) "Battalion as an Advance Arty Bn Detachment". Concerns a river Tank Company crossing to seize and hold a line for the main body. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/86. "V MR Bn predvidenii vstupleniya v boy" Arty Bn [Foresight in entering battle]. Tank Company V. Mikhaylov. Concerns employment AD platoon (two vehicle)* of a short range missile ADA plt Engr platoon in support of an advance guard. *There is an anamoly here. This is not a SA7 platoon (3 vehicles) or a Regimental SA9 or SA 13 platoon (4 vehicles). The division SA6 platoon consists of two vehicles, but it is not a short-range system and it is slaved to a central radar system, hardly what you'd want in an advance guard. Motostrelkovyy (tankovyy) batal'on MR Bn AT plt v boyu. [Motorized rifle (tank) Arty En Mort btry battalion in combat] D. A. Tank Co AD plt Dragunsky (Moskva: Voyenizdat, Engr plt AGS 17 plt 1986). Concerns march planning. 1 MTU Signal plt p. 297. Chem recon sqd Tech Maint sec Artilleriyskiy divizion v boyu MR Bn Mort Btry [Artillery battalion in combat] Arty Bn ATGM plt G. E. Peredel'skiy. (Moskva: Tank Company Bn rear Voyenizdat, 1984). p. 156. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/82. "Tankovyy Tank Bn batal'on v avangarde" [Tank Arty Bn battalion in the advance guard]. MR Company (BMP) M. Loginov. ZSU 23-4 platoon Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 7/81. "Komandir Tank Bn menyayet resheniye" [The commander Arty Bn changes the decision]. D. MR platoon (BMP) Kravchenko & V. Popov. Concerns ZSU 23-4 platoon march & meeting battle. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 7/81. MR Bn (BTR) "Inzhenernoye obespecheniye" Arty Bn [Engineer support]. Yu. Parfilov. Tank company Concerns engineer support of an Engr platoon 2 recon sqds B-I advance guard in two river BTU tank crossings and a meeting battle. BAT sqd MTU sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 2/81. "Reshite MR Bn(BMP) etu zadachu" [Solve this problem]. Arty Bn Advance guard security mission. Tank company Mortar btry Engr platoon AD plt Voyennyy Vestnik 8/79. MR Bn (BMP) Mort plt "S marsha - v boy" [From the Arty Bn Spt elm march into combat]. G. Pischikov. Tank Company Advance guard conducts a meeting ZSU 23-4 plt battle. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 8/78. MR Bn (BTR) Mort podr "Sravnite svoye resheniye" Arty Bn AT podraz (Compare your solution]. Tank Company AD Communications platoon Engr platoon Supply plt diagram. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 7/78. MR Bn (BTR) Mort podr "Sravnite svoye resheniye" Arty Bn AT podraz (Compare your solution]. Tank Company Signal plt Engr platoon Support gr AD Btry Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 6/78. "Zadachi MR Bn po upravlennyu i svyazi-zadacha Arty Bn no. 4" (Problems for control and Tank Company communications-problem number 4]. ZSU 23-4 platoon Advance guard handles aerial Engr platoon attack, an air assault force and Chem recon sqd prepares for a meeting battle. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/78. "Zadachi MR Bn po upravlennyu i svyazi-zadacha Arty Bn no. 5" [Problems for control and Tank Company communications-problem number 5]. ZSU 23-4 platoon Advance guard transitions to the Engr platoon defense. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 8/74. MR Bn "Usloviya uspekha" [Conditions Arty Bn for success]. A. Zheltoukhov. Tank Company Discusses the role of maneuver in Engr platoon B-2 the meeting battle. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/74. Tank Bn "0 nauchitel'nosti zanyatiy i Arty Bn ucheniy" [Concerning the instruction of training and exercises]. V. Shul'gin. Incomplete listing of battalion composition during an advance guard action. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/74. MR Bn (BTR) ATGM podr "Zashchita batal'ona na marshe i Arty Bn Bn rear vo vstrechnom boyu" [Protection Tank Company of a battalion on the march and Mortar Btry during the meeting engagement]. Engr platoon E. Kruchinin. Defense against Chem recon sqd chemical and nuclear strikes duringa night march and night- morning meeting engagement. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/73. Tank Bn "Ognevoye uprezhdeniye protivnika" Arty Bn [Fire anticipation of the enemy] AD platoon V. Krysanov & N. Medvedev. Engr platoon Calculations for anticipating the MTU enemy and engaging him first in a Chem recon sqd meeting battle. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/73. MR Bn ATGM podr "A byla li na uchenii taktika?" 76mm gun Btry [But were tactics used during the Tank Company exercise?]. S. Ursov. Advance Engr platoon guard actions in the depth of the Chem recon sqd enemy defense. Criticism of exercise. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/73. "Svyaz' MR Bn (BTR) ATGM podr v avangarde" [Communications in Arty Bn Supply plt the advance guard]. L. Titov & Tank Company Tech spt V. Shadrin. Subordination of AD Mort platoon platoon and mortar platoon AD platoon uncertain. Chem recon sqd Voyenny Vestnik 6/72. "Svyaz' Tank Bn Evac Gp v tankovom batal'one na marshe" Arty Bn Log elem [Tank battalion communications MR Company (BTR) during a march]. S. Samsonov & AD Btry V. Kalinin. Movement to a meeting Engr platoon MTU battle. Communications also tied Chem recon sqd to reconnaissance group. B-3 Voyennyy Vestnik 5/72. Tank Bn "Tankovaya rota v GPZ" [The tank Arty Bn company in the forward security Engr platoon element]. A. Myshkovskiy. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 3/72. MR Bn Mort podr "Divizion v avangarde" [Artillery Arty Bn ATGM podr battalion in the advance guard]. Arty Btry A. Khryashchev. Pursuit of an Tank Company enemy falling back to deeper positions. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Rota v golovnoy pokhodnoy Arty Bn zastave" [The company in the Tank Company forward security element]. V. AT platoon Kulikov & A. Borisov. Actions in Engr platoon the depth of the enemy-defense. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/71. "Field MR Bn firing exercise". V. Matyash. Arty Bn (minus one battery) Critique of a 57-mm SP AA Btry Tank Company (ZSU 57-2 or S-60) in a training AA Btry exercise. Engr platoon River Xing unit Military Herald 6/71. "Offensive MR Bn movement by a division while on Arty Bn the march". A. Khryashchev. Mortar Btry Artillery battalion (divizion) Tank Company (minus one plt) during a pursuit within the AA Btry enemy defensive depths. Engr podr (GSP, PTS, K-61) Bn supported by artillery group (presumably regimental). Military Herald 4/71. "Meeting MR Bn engagement of battle". B. Arty Bn Valyvalov. Meeting battle by Tank Company advance guard. ZSU 23-4 platoon Engr platoon (MTU) Road repair platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 1/71. "Tank Tank Bn battalion in vanguard". P. Shebarshinov. Advance guard training exercise, apparently without any external support. Military Herald 3/70. "Solve MR Bn this problem". Advance guard Arty Bn B-4 moving to plug a breach in the Tank Company defense encounters enemy forces. 100-mm AT gun Btry Military Herald 8/69. " A MR Bn mortar battery in a meeting 122-mm Arty Btry engagement". V. Dementyev. 120-mm Mort Btry Tank Company Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 5/69. "Solve Tank Bn this problem". Advance guard, Arty Bn conducting a forced crossing, is MR Company attacked by helocopters. 57-mm AA Btry Engr platoon Military Herald 3/69. "Solve MR Bn this problem". Advance guard is Arty Bn attacked by V-gas and an adjacent Tank Company advance guard is hit by a nuccler Engr platoon strike. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 10/68. "Solve MR Bn this problem". Advance guard, Arty Bn having forced a river and holding Tank Company the bridgehead for the main body AD platoon is attacked by a large combined Engr platoon arms force and fighter bombers. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/68. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Motorized rifle battalion in the Arty Bn Signal plt advance guard". G. Golofast, V. Tank Company Bn rear Sayko, & A. Timoshenko. Article AA platoon (ZSU 23-4) concerns the march planning Engr platoon process. Advance guard is One MTU supported by aviation. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 11/67. "In Tank Bn Bn rear order not to have disruption of Arty Bn control". B. Nechayev. Article MTU on communications in a tank AD podraz battalion functioning as the Chem recon sqd advance guard. Military Herald 8/67. MR Bn Mort plt "Artillery battalion deployment". Arty Bn Bn rear V. Odnoletkov. Actions of an AA platoon (HMG) artillery battalion attached to an advanced guard MR Bn. Military Herald 1/67. "Tactical Tank Bn exercise involving combat firing". Arty Bn B-5 N. Lemeshko. Regimental advance Engr platoon guard conducts a march and an Chem recon sqd attack from the march. Attack supported by two nuclear strikes (of four initially employed by the regiment) amd a 24-minute artillery preparation. Military Herald 6/66. "Solve MR Bn Mort plt this problem". Advance guard Arty Bn AT gun plt moves to a meeting battle. Tank Company Bn rear AA platoon Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/65. "Tactical- MR Bn drill exercise with a battery". Arty Bn Kupriyanov and I. Chirkov. Engr platoon Article on battery actions when Chem recon sqd attacked from the air, passing through a contaminated area, deploying for firing, repulsing a tank attack, dispacing and conducting reconnaissance and performing decontamination when attached to the leading advance guard company. Military Herald 7/65. "A MR Bn AT plt battery tactical exercise with Arty Bn live firing". G. Fisenko and G. Engr platoon Kryuchkov. Battery in support Chem recon sqd of lead motorized rifle company in an advance guard during a pursuit. No tanks are attached. Military Herald 6/65. "Surprise Tank Bn and win". V. Padalkin. Maneuver Arty Btry and surprise in a meeting battle. Motorized rifle and engineer support not mentioned. Military Herald 3/65. "Fire and Tank Bn maneuver in combat". L. 122-mm Arty Bn Druzhinin. Detailed article on MR Company regimental advance guard actions. Military Herald 2/65. MR Bn Bn rear "Protection of a battalion on 122-mm How Btry the march". M. Mal'nov. Tank Company Protection against gas attack. Tank destroyer Btry B-6 Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/64. "In a MR Bn combat situation". M. Nazarov. Arty Bn Advance guard communications Tank Company including traffic sector commandant and traffic control check points. Military Herald 6/64. MR Bn "Battalion teamwork". A. Arty Bn Razubayev. Article on training Tank Company artillery batteries. Military Herald 5/64. Tank Bn Bn rear "Communications in tank subunits". Arty Bn Evac Gp S. Vasil'yev. Communications on Chem recon sqd a nuclear battlefield. Military Herald 4/64. "On MR Bn Bn rear contaminated terrain". I. Arty Bn Degtyarev. Night movement Tank Company negotiating chemical and radio- Engr platoon active contaminated zones and a Chem recon sqd forest fire. Military Herald 4/64. "A Tank Bn tactical training session". N. Arty Bn Shishkin. Attack against a Engr platoon mechanized infantry battalion in a meeting battle. Military Herald 3/64. "Solve Tank Bn this problem-tank battalion in Arty Bn the advance guard". Regimental MR platoon advance guard actions through a Engr platoon contaminated zone and in anti- Chem recon sqd cipation of a meeting battle. Military Herald 5/63. MR Bn 120-mm mort plt "Battalion in the advance guard 122-mm How Btry 57-mm gun plt on a march". M. Beznoshchenko. AT gun Btry Tank Company Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 2/63. MR Bn Mort platoon "Controlling a battalion on the 85-mm gun Btry 57-mm gun plt march and in a meeting engage- How Btry ment". P. Belous. Tank Company Engr platoon (w/BAT) Chem recon sqd B-7 Three motorcycles and crews B-8 Appendix C-Battalion Composition-Meeting Battle Source Bn/w attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 3/89. Tank Bn "Protivnik-real'nyy" (A realistic 122mm How Btry "enemy"]. A. Vil'chanskiy. Force MR Company (BMP) on force exercise involving two battalions of the same regiment Tank Bn employing Soviet MILES gear. MR Company (BMP) The battalion without actual artillery simulated its employment and fired FASCAM. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/88. "Tankovyy Tank Bn batal'on vo vstrechnom boyu" SP Arty Bn [Tank battalion in the meeting MR Company battle]. A. Stupin & V. AD platoon Shtukin. Engr platoon Voyennyy Vestnik 7/86. "Rozygrysh MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry vstrechnogo boya" [Playing out 122 btry a meeting battle]. A. Zheltoukhov. Tank Company Concerns a force-on-force exercise AT btry involving two battalions from the Engr platoon same regiment (which may explain Chem recon sqd the low representation of artillery). versus MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry 122 Arty Bn (minus one btry) Tank Company Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 6/86. "Uspekh MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry vstrechnogo boya reshayut minuty" Arty Bn AD platoon [Success in a meeting battle is Tank Company AGS 17 plt decided in minutes]. V. Buryakov. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Motostrelkovyy (tankovyy) MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry batal'on v boyu [Motorized rifle Arty Bn AT platoon (tank) battalion in combat]. Tank Company AGS 17 plt D. A. Dragunskiy. (Moskva: AT platoon AD platoon Voyenizdat, 1986). p. 167. ZSU 23-4 platoon Engr platoon 1 MTU Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 8/84. MR Bn (BTR) "Vstrechnyy boy" [Meeting battle]. 2 SP Arty btrys Concerns a force-on-force Tank Company C-i exercise with battalions not from the same regiment. versus MR Bn (BMP) Mort btry 2 Btrys MRL Tank Company AT btry Voyennyy Vestnik 4/77. MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry "Vo vstrechnom boyu" (In a Arty Bn meeting battle]. I. Proskurin. Tank Company Advance guard in depths of Engr platoon enemy defenses conducts a meeting Chem recon sqd battle with the enemy reserve. Sovetskaya Voyennaya MR Bn EntsikloDediya [Soviet Military Arty Bn Encyclopedia]. "Vstrechnyy boy" Tank Company [Meeting battle]. A. A. Siderenko. (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1976). Vol 2, pp. 407-408. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/76. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Zadacha No. 2" (Mission No. 2]. Arty Bn ATGM podr Advance guard in meeting battle. Tank Company AD platoon Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 3/75. MR Bn Mort plt "Vstrechnyy boy motostrelkovogo Arty Bn ATGM podr batal'ona" [The meeting battle of Tank Company Bn rear a motorized rifle battalion]. AD platoon V. Kokhanov. Forward detachment Engr platoon conducts the meeting battle. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/73. Tank Bn "Batal'on vedet vstrechnyy boy" Arty Bn [A battalion conducts a meeting Engr platoon battle]. V. Izotov. Advance Chem recon sqd guard defeats enemy force of twenty tanks and thirteen APCs in an hour. Tankovyy batal'on v boyu (Tank Tank Bn battalion in combat]. P. I. Arty Bn Konoplya & N. A. Maykov. (Moskva: MR Company Voyenizdat, 1972). p. 16. Discusses precombat formations. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/72. Tank Bn Tech Maint "Tanko-teknicheskoe obespechenie C-2 v previdenii boya" [Tank technical support in anticipated battle]. V. Utkin. Discusses battalion maintenance support in terms of a meeting battle or attack against a hasty defense. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/72. Tank Bn "Vstrechnyy boy batal'ona" [The Arty Bn battalion in a meeting battle]. Engr platoon A. Serov. Reserve committed through a break in the enemy defense conducts a meeting engagement. Military Herald 4/70. MR Bn "Reconnaissance in the motorized Arty Bn rifle battalion on the march and Tank Company in meeting engagements". V. Korotkykn. Advance guard actions against an enemy trying to reestablish a defense. Military Herald 7/69. Tank Bn Bn rear "Communications in a tank Arty Bn battalion in a meeting engagement". A. Dubovitskiy. Tank battalion serving as an advanced guard. Military Herald 7/69. "Defense MR Bn Mort Btry of podrazdeleniya in a meeting Arty Bn AT plt engagement". V. Kokhanov. Tank Company Bn rear Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 4/68. "An anti- MR Bn aircraft battery in a meeting Tank Company engagement". M. Kiryukhin. AA Battery Article makes no mention of artillery or engineer support. Military Herald 4/68. "If a MR Bn meeting engagement is Arty Bn anticipated" M. Golovkin. Tank Company Article concerns engineer support Engr platoon of a meeting battle. Engineer Chem recon sqd platoon has BAT tractor with bull- dozer blade, MTU bridgelayer, mine clearer, 150 AT mines, 50 bangalore torpedos, 100 kg explosives, 5 mine detectors, 3 mine clearing kits, and route and obstacle signs. Military Herald 3/68. "A two MR Bn MR Bn sided exercise with combat Arty Bn vs. Mort Btry C-3 firing." S. Kondratenko. Tank Company Tank Co Article concerns meeting battle exercise involving two-sided maneuver followed by live fire at targets to the flanks. Military Herald 1/66. "In MR Bn (BTR) keeping with the demands of Arty Bn modern combat". S. Vikarchuk. Tank Company Motostrelkovyy batal'on v MR Bn(BTR) Mort plt sovremennom boyu [The motorized Arty Bn AT gun plt rifle battalion in modern combat]. Tank Company Bn rear D. F. Loza, G. I. Garbuz, and I. AT gun Btry F. Sazonov. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, Engr platoon 1965). Pp. 7-29. Chem recon sqd Vzaimodeystvie voysk v boyu MR Bn [Coordinating forces in battle]. Arty Bn G. A. Zubarev. (Voyenizdat: Tank Company Moskva, 1965). Pp. 40-68. AT gun Btry AD Btry Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/65. "In an MR Bn Mort plt encounter battle". S. Vikarchuk. Arty Btry AT gun plt Regimental advance guard actions Tank Company described in detail. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 2/65. MR Bn "Artillery battalion in a Arty Bn meeting engagement". B. Tank Company Strelchenko. Regimental advance Engr platoon guard supported by a reconnaissance helicopter. Military Herald 5/64. "A MR Bn AT gun plt company on the march and in a Tank Company meeting engagement". V. Ivoylov. Engr platoon Motorized rifle company as the Chem recon sqd forward security element in the advance guard battalion. AT gun platoon provides immediate fire support. Military Herald 3/64. "March MR Bn Mort plt and meeting engagement of a Arty Bn AT gun plt motorized rifle battalion". F. Tank Company Bn med pt Gavrikov, N. Medvedev and V. Engr platoon Levin. Very detailed article Chem recon sqd C-4 on march and meeting battle planning and execution from the perspective of the motorized rifle battalion commander, artillery battalion commander and engineer platoon leader. Military Herald 2/64. "Always Tank Bn in the flank?" T. Kudryzvtsev. Arty Bn Article argues that a frontal, Rifle Company rather than a flanking, attack Engr platoon with MTU during a meeting battle will Chem recon sqd get deeper into an enemy column faster and permit the earlier destruction of enemy nuclear weapons. Military Herald 5/63. "A tank Tank Bn battalion in a meeting engage- Arty Btry ment". L. Kozlovskiy. Good Rifle platoon-Company theoretical article. Engr squad-platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 5/63. Tank Bn "Artillery battalion in a meeting Arty Bn engagement". N. Men'shonkov. Excellent fire coordination article. Military Herald 5/63. Tank Bn Bn rear "Communication on the march and Arty Bn in a meeting engagement". S. Rifle Company Samsonov. Advance guard Chem recon sqd communications. Military Herald 11/62. "The Tank Bn commander makes a decision for a How Btry march". Kh. Ismailov. Forward Rifle platoon security element actions in a Engr squad meeting battle. Commander leads Chem recon sqd too far forward. Military Herald 10/62. "On the MR Bn Mort plt march and in a meeting engage- Arty podraz 57mm gun plt ment". S. Taran. Rifle company Tank Company serves as a forward security Engr platoon element in an advance guard. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 5/62. "On the MR Bn march and in a meeting engage- Arty Bn ment". F. Khorin. Engineer Two tank Companies support to an advance guard in Two Engr platoons the depths of the enemy defense. Chem recon sqd Supported by regimental movement support detachment and an assault C-5 crossing podrazdeleniya. The tank companies are designated NPP tanks (close support to the infantry). Military Herald 4/62. "The tank Tank Bn battalion in a meeting engage- Rifle podraz ment". Tank battalion as an advance guard. Article recommends against attaching towed artillery. Tanks can cover the deployment of other tanks much more effectively. C-6 Appendix D-Battalion Composition-River Crossing Source Bn w/attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 5/89. "Cherez MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry vodnuyu pregradu s khodu" Arty Bn (Crossing a water obstacle from Tank Company the March]. V. Minabutdinov, A. Engr Asslt Xing Co GSP plt Zverev & A. Zubanov. Regimental AD platoon PTS plt forward detachment is supported Engr platoon by 4 Mi-24 helos and 2 SU-25 Chem recon sqd and a company air assault. Tank recovery vehicle Soviet Military Review 12/88. Tank Bn "To Capture a Bridgehead". Arty Bn MR Company (BMP) AD platoon Engr platoon GSP platoon Voyennyy Vestnik 1/88. MR Bn (BMP) "Khimicheskoe obespechenie Arty Bn forsirovaniya" [Chemical support Tank Company of a forced crossing]. N. Bykov Engr sqd & S. Ugol'kov. GPT sqd Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 5/87. "Zashita MR Bn podrazdeleniy pri forsirovanii" Arty Bn [Defense of subunits during a Tank Company forced crossing]. B. Mazan. ZSU 23-4 platoon Concerns chemical defense and GSP platoon smoke utilization during a forced Chem recon sqd crossing. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/87. MR Bn "Podgotovka k forcirovaniyu" Arty Bn [Preparation for a forced Tank Company crossing]. Concerns an artillery Incomplete listing of engineer battalion's support. assets including GTS, PKP, PTS & PRP. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/86. "Cherez MR Bn vodnuyu pregradu s khodu" SP Arty Bn [Crossing water obstacles from Tank Company the march]. I. Selyuk & E. Engr platoon Shepel'. AD platoon GPT (K-61) plt GSP platoon Chem recon sqd Karta ofitsera [The officer's MR Bn Mort Btry D-1 map]. I. D. Pombrik and N. A. Arty Bn AT platoon Shevchenko. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, Tank Company AD platoon 1985). P. 133. Example in a ZSU 23-4 platoon book on map symbology. Nine PTS 4 GSP Voyennyy Vestnik 9/85. MR Bn (BMP) "Forsirovanye vodnoy pregradye Arty Bn s khodu" [Forced crossing of a Tank Company water obstacle from the march]. AD platoon K. Groshev. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Artilleriyskiy divizion v boyu [Artillery battalion in combat] fIR Bn Mort Btry G. E. Peredel'skiy. (Moskva: Arty Bn AT platoon Voyenizdat, 1984), p. 124. Tank Company Advance guard forces a crossing. Asslt Xing podr 6 PTS, 3 PKP, 2 GSP Voyennyy Vestnik 9/83. MR Bn " Motostrelkovyy batal'on Arty Bn forsiruet reku" [Motorized rifle Tank Company battalion conducts a forced river AD platoon crossing]. A. Gusev. Engr platoon GSP platoon Asslt xing platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 9/83. "Reshil MR Bn (BMP) i obespechil" [Decided and Arty Bn supported]. I. Bevz. Concerns Engr platoon engineer support for a forced Asslt xing platoon crossing. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 5/82. MR Bn (BMP) "Batal'on forsiruet reky" Arty Bn (Battalion conducts a forced Tank Company crossing of a river]. I. Sotnikov Engr platoon Concerns engineer support of a GSP platoon forward detachment. PTS platoon Voyennyy Vestnik 5/81. Tank Bn "Avangard preodolevaet reku s SP Arty Btry khodu" [The advance guard over- MR Company (BMP) comes a river from the march]. AD platoon N. Koven'. Engr platoon Mortar btry GSP platoon Engr recon plt Voyennyy Vestnik 5/81. MR Bn Mort plt D-2 "Artilleriyskaya podderzhka Arty Bn (152) AT plt Forsirovaniya" (Artillery support Tank Company of a forced river crossing]. Yu. Koloskov. The first example MR Bn Mort plt is of a forward detachment or 2 Arty Bns AT plt advance guard. The second Tank Company example is of a battalion as part of the main body. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/81. Tank Bn "Khimicheskoe obespechenie Arty Bn deystviy batal'ona" [Chemical MR Company (BMP) support of battalion actions]. AD battery N. I. Moiseev. Concerns forward Engr platoon detachment. States that when a GSP platoon tank battalion is an advance Chem recon sqd guard or forward detachment, it routinely receives a Chemical reconnaissance squad. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/81. " I reki MR Bn (BTR 60-P) ne pregrada" [And rivers aren't Arty Bn obstacles]. M. Smirnov. Tank Company Engr platoon GSP platoon GPT squad Engr recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 11/79. MR Bn (BTR) "Peredovoy otryad forsiruet reku" Arty Bn [A forward detachment forces a Tank Company river]. A. Gusev. Attacking in Mortar Btry depth of enemy. Mortar btry ZSU 23-4"plt carried as reinforcement. No Engr platoon mention is made of the organic GSP platoon mortar battery. PTS platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 10/76. MR En (BMP) Mort Btry "Batal'on forsiruet vodnuyu Arty Bn pregradu" (The battalion forces Tank Company a river obstacle]. A. Gramkovs. ZSU 23-4 platoon Advance guard operating in pursuit Engr platoon conducts an opposed crossing. GSP platoon PTS platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 3/75. MR Bn Mort plt "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Arty Bn ATGM podr mission]. Forward detachment Tank Company Supply plt forces a river from the march. ZSU 23-4 plt Engr platoon D-3 Assault crossing company minus two K-61 squads. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/75. MR Bn Mort plt "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Tank Company ATGM podr Mission]. Bn forces river from GSP platoon the march supported by an artillery battalion. Bn seizes bridge. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/74. Tank Bn Bn Rear "Cherez vodnuyu pregradu s khodu" Arty Bn [Across a water obstacle from the MR Company (BTR) march]. A. Zyryanov. Advance AD platoon guard overruns a hasty defense Engr platoon and forces a river. GSP platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 5/74. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Obuchenie batal'ona forsiro- Tank Company ATGM podr vaniyu" [The training of a ZSU 23-4 plt battalion in forcing a river]. GSP platoon A. Lepalovskiy. Artillery PTS platoon support not mentioned. Subordination of ATGM and mortar platoon uncertain. Attack from the march as part of the main body. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/74. MR Bn Mort plt "Divizion pri forsirovanii vodnoy Arty Bn pregrady" [An artillery battalion Tank Company during the forcing of a water Asslt xing unit 6 PTS obstacle]. V. Ivanov :. Pankov. 3 PKP Artillery support of an advanced 4 GSP guard during an opposed crossing. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/74. MR Bn Mort Btry "V interesakh peredovogo otryada" Arty Btry [In the interests of the forward Tank Company detachment]. I. Vas'ko & A Engr platoon KMT Tyshchenko. Engineer support of GSP platoon BAT a forced river crossing. At GPT platoon MTU least one artillery battalion TMM supporting. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/74."Dymovaya MR Bn zabesa na vodnoy pregrade" [Smoke Arty Bn screen of a water crossing]. A. Tank Company Kiselev & A Zherebtsov. Forward AD 8try detachment conducts a forced Engr platoon crossing. GSP platoon Two sqds PTS Chem recon sqd D-4 Voyennyy Vestnik 5/73. MR Bn Mort plt "Batal'on forsiruet reku" C A Arty Bn ATGM podr battalion forces a river]. A. Tank Company Bn rear Puzienko. A battalion operating Engr platoon in the depth of an enemy defense K-61 platoon defeats a force on the far bank, GSP platoon forces the river and continues. Bulldozer sqd Supported by air strikes and a fifteen minute preparation involving additional artillery. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/72. "Cherez MR Bn (BTR) Arty Btry bodnuyu nregradu s khody" Tank Company [Crossing a water obstacle from the march]. K. Urtaev. Unspecified amount of PTS and GSP engineer assets support this theoretical example. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Deystviya diviziona pri forsir- Arty Bn ATGM podr ovanii reki" (Actions of an Arty Btry artillery battalion during the Engr Asslt Xing Co forced river crossing]. A. Tokmakov. Artillery support of a forward detachment. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/72. "Batareya MR Bn Mort Btry ZSU pri forsirovanii" [ZSU 23-4 Arty Bn AT platoon battery during a forced crossing]. Tank Company Bn rear E. Popov. AD coverage of a ZSU 23-4 Btry forward detachment. Engr GSP & PTS vehicles Tankovyy batal'on v boyu [Tank Tank Bn battalion in combat]. P. I. Arty Bn Konoplya & N. A. Maykov. (Moskva: Up to MR Company Voyenizdat, 1972). pp. 203-204. AD Btry (plt) This composition is for a forward GSP platoon detachment or advance guard. Engr platoon Composition will be adjusted if Road platoon the battalion is part of the main Chem recon sqd body. Military Herald 6/71. MR Bn Mort plt "Communications in a motorized Arty Bn ATGM podr rifle battalion during an offen- Tank Company Supply & sive action involving the AA Btry service crossing of a water obstacle." GSP platoon plt V. Shchadrin. Forward detachment PTS sqd Repair/ communications operating in BTU Evac Grp conjunction with air-landing MTU Veh Coll force. Engr platoon pt D-5 Voyenny Vestnik 9/70. Tank Bn "Takticheskaya zadacha" (Tactical Arty Bn mission]. Forward detachment, in MR Company coordination with a company sized AD platoon air insertion and fighter-bomber GSP platoon aviation, seizes a river crossing Chem recon sqd site. Military Herald 6/66. "Assault MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt crossing of water obstacles". Tank Company AT gun plt N. Gorbunov. Artillery battalion Engr platoon and a nuclear strike are in Chem recon sqd support of the river crossing. Enemy employs a nuclear strike and fighter bomberes against the crossing. Military Herald 6/66. MR Bn Mort pit "Artillery battalion in the Arty Bn AT gun plt assault crossing of a water Tank Company obstacle". N. Shibayev. PTS Motorized rifle battalion pursues enemy and forces a river crossing for the regiment. Military Herald 6/66. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Communications at a crossing". Arty Btry Bn rear M. Nazarov and S. Syrygin. A Tank Company forward detachment forces a river Engr platoon (w/ 3 K61) crossing and secures a bridgehead Chem recon sqd for the main body. Military Herald 7/64. "Crossing MR Bn Mort plt a broad river". K. Kostenko. Arty Bn AT gun plt Translation speaks of an attached Tank Company artillery regiment, but the AA Btry diagram indicates a battalion. Engr platoon K-61 platoon BAV platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 5/64. "Tanks Tank Bn force a river". A. Gal'tsev. Arty Bn Tank company, in a pursuit, MR Company cannot take a river from the Engr platoon march column and conducts a Chem recon sqd forced crossing. Military Herald 5/64. "Battery MR Bn (BTR) in an attack with the forcing of 122mm Btry a river". P. Bystrykh. Anti- Tank Company aircraft battery in support of a Engr platoon D-6 forward detachment. Ferry vehicles Military Herald 6/63. "The MR Bn 82mm Mort plt battalion forces a water 122mm Btry 57mm gun plt obstacle from movement". N. Tank Company Bn med pt Fomin. Planning and organization Engr platoon of a forced river crossing. Four K-61 Four large amphibious vehicles Three special tank ferrys Chem recon sqd Military Herald 6/63. "Engineer MR Bn support of forcing a river from Arty Btry the march". I. Suyetin. Tank Company AA Btry Engr platoon Amphibious transporter squad Two tank ferry squads Chem recon sqd Military Herald 6/62. "Attack MR Bn while forcing water obstacle". Arty Btry M. Beznoshchenko. Tank Company Three BAV Two K-61 Engr squad Chem recon sqd Military Herald 6/62. "Across MR Bn Mort plt a river at night". P. Morozov Tank Company AT gun plt and V. Yevstratov. Supported Engr platoon Bn med pt by an artillery battalion. Three ferries Four tracked amphibious vehs Three DL-10 boats Military Herald 6/62. MR Bn "Artillery battalion attacks Arty Bn while crossing water obstacle". Tank Company M. Pankov. Forward detachment seizes a bridgehead. Military Herald 6/62. "Engineer Tank Bn support of crossing tanks". L. Arty podraz Simonov. Tank battalion serves Rifle podraz as a forward detachment. Engr platoon Ferry platoon K-61 squad Diving station Military Herald 6/62. "Problems MR Bn for readers to solve-battalion Mortar Btry forcing a water obstacle". Tank Company D-7 Forward detachment seizes a Engr platoon bridgehead to link up with air Chem recon sqd assault force. Supported by a nuclear strike. D-8 Appendix E-Battalion Composition-Attack from the March Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy "estnik 2/89. "V MR Bn(BMP) AD plt bloknot komandira" [In the Tank Company commander's notebook]. No author. ZSU 23-4 platoon Article on employment of the organic battalion air defense platoon in the offense and defense. Artillery support not discussed. Motostrelkovaya (tankovaya) rota MR Bn (BMP) Mort podr v boyu [Motorized rifle (tank) Tank Bn (- One Co) AGS 17 plt company in combat]. A. S. Noskov. Bn rear (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1988) p. 95. Battalion supported by artillery battalion and aerial delivered nuclear strike. Shtab batal'ona v boyu [Battalion MR Bn Mort Btry staff in combat]. Yu. M. Arty Bn AGS17 plt Arutuynov. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, Tank Company AT platoon 1988), pp. 26-30, 124-127. Two AD platoon AD platoon helicopters supporting. Engr platoon Signal plt Tech inspec pt Repr & evac gp Bn Med pt Takticheskaya podgotovka moto- Tank Bn strelkovykh i tankovykh podraz- Arty Bn deleniy [Tactical preparation of AD platoon motorized rifle and tank sub- Engr platoon units]. V. A. Merimskiy. Chem recon sqd (Voyenizdat: Moskva, 1987). P. 223. Motostrelkovyy (tankovyy) batal'on Tank Bn v boyu [Motorized rifle (tank) Arty Bn battalion in combat]. D. A. MR Company Dragunskiy. (Moskva: Engr Plt Voyenizdat, 1986). P. 87. Chem Recon sqd Concerns exploitation of a nuclear strike on a prepared defense. Attached for the attack: 2 Additional artillery and aviation KMT-5, 9 KMT-4, 1 MTU, 3 BTU supporting. & I recovery vehicle. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/85. "Batal'on Tank Bn nastupayet s khodu" [Battalion Arty Bn attacks from the march]. MR Company Additional artillery and Air ZSU 23-4 btry E- 1 Defense supporting. 1 MTU-20 Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 2/83. "V MR Bn Mort btry zhestkom limite vremeni" Arty Bn AGS 17 plt [Within severe time limits]. E. Tank Company Frolov. Additional artillery and ZSU 23-4 platoon Air Defense supporting. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 4/82. "Cherez MR Bn Mort Btry zagrazhdeniya" [Through Arty Bn obstacles]. V. Mikaylov. "Zapad Tank Company 81" experience in obstacle Engr platoon reduction during an attack. AT platoon Voyennyy Vestnik 4/82. "Svyaz' MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry rabotala ustoychivo" Arty Bn AD platoon [Communications worked stead- Tank Company Supply plt fastly]. D. Moskalenko. Engr platoon Tech point Supported by additional artillery Evac Group and a pair of helicopters. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/81. Tank Bn "Batal'on nastupayet s khodu" SP Arty btry [Battalion attacks from the MR Company (BMP) march]. M. Zhabyko. Attack AD platoon (ZSU) supported by three nuclear Engr platoon strikes and additional artillery. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/81. MR Bn "Deystviya ognemetnoy roty v Arty Bn nastuplenii" [Actions of the Tank Company flamethrower company in the Flamethrower Company offensive]. V. Yavtushenko. Shows use of three nuclear strikes by the defending enemy. Voyennyy Vestnik 11/80. "V MR Bn usloviyakh massirovannogo Arty Btry primeneniya zagrazhdeniy" [Under Tank Company conditions of the massive employ- Engr platoon ment of obstacles]. Yu. Parfilov. Tank launched bridge Concerns obstacle reduction. Attack supported by additional artillery. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/80. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Kontrol'noye taktiko-stroyevoye Arty Bn AD platoon zanyatiye s usilennym Tank Bn motostrelkovym batal'onom" [Control tactical drill training with a E- 2 reinforced motorized rifle battalion]. V. Zhukov. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/80. "Metod MR Bn (BMP) raboty komandira opredelyayetsya Arty Bn nalichiyem vremeni" [Commander's Tank Company method of work is determined by ZSU 23-4 platoon available time]. Yu. Bukreyev. Engr platoon Attack supported by additional Chem recon sqd artillery and air defense. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/80. Tank Bn "Preodoleniye oborony MR BN (minus one company)(BMP) nasyshchennoy protivotankovymi Engr platoon Mort Btry sredstvami" [Overcoming a defense AD platoon saturated with antitank assets]. P. Konoplya. Artillery battalion and helicopters in support. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/78. Tank Bn "Vnezapnost' v boyu i puti yeye Arty Bn dostizheniya" [Surprise in battle and the course of its attainment]. N. Shishkin. Use of maneuver and a feint to obtain surprise. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/78. MR Bn (BMP) Mort plt "Batal'on nastupayet s khodu" Arty Bn Bn rear [A battalion attacks from the Tank Company Bn med pt march]. V. Kalinin, K. Zhauteev, ZSU 23-4 plt and G. Kotov. Detailed article Engr platoon from the perspective of the Chem recon sqd motorized rifle battalion commander, chief of staff, and artillery battalion commander. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/78. MR Bn (BTR) Mort podr "Nachal'nik shtaba rukovodit Tank Company AT podraz svyazyu" [The Chief of Staff Engr platoon Signal plt directs communications]. V. Supply Shadrin & A. Kreer. At. Bn Maint in support. Med pt. Osnovy upravleniya voyskami v MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt boyu [Principles of control of Arty Bn ATGM podr forces in battle]. D. A. Ivanov, Tank Company Evac grp V. P. Savel'ev & P. V. Shemanskiy. (Moskva: Voyenizdat, 1977), p. 134. E- 3 p. 390. MR Bn Mort plt Supported by at least one Mortar Btry Bn rear artillery battalion, a nuclear Tank company strike, fighter bombers and unspecified air defense assets. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/77. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Batal'on na uchenii s boyevoy Arty Bn strel'boy" [A battalion on live Tank Company fire exercise]. V. Gamaliy. Engr platoon Reserve battalion commited after first echelon battalion hit by two nuclear strikes. Attack supported by additional artillery and helicopters. Voyennyy Vestnik 12/76. Tank Bn "Primeneniye dymov v nastuplenii" Arty Bn [Use of smoke in the offensive]. MR Company B. Abramtsev. Bn attacks through AT Btry (PTURS) defending bn and regimental Mortar Btry reserve company. Considers the ZSU 23-4 platoon lessons of the '73 Arab-Israeli Engr squad war and the role of ATGM. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/76. MR Bn (BTR) "Inzhenernoye obespecheniye Tank Company proryva oborony" [Engineer AT reserve support in the breakthrough of a Engr platoon defense]. Yu. Parfilov. Movement spt plt Unspecified artillery support in BTU and KMT-5s an attack against a prepared defense. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/76. MR Bn (BMP) "Cherez zagrazhdeniya i zavaly" Arty Btry [Across obstacles & obstructions] Two Tank Companies L. Silenko. Engineer support to Engineer platoon TMM sqd an attack against a hasty defense. IMR sqd MTU sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 6/76. Tank Bn "Kak gotoviloc' nastupleniye" Engr platoon [How to preprare for an offensive]. L. Degtev. Attack against an enemyat an intermediate defensive position supported by a 35-minute artillery prep. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/75. MR Bn (BMP) "Nastupayut motostrelki" Tank Company [Motorized riflemen advance]. Engr platoon E- 4 G. Petrovskiy. Artillery bn & Chem recon sqd mortar battery in support. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/74. Tank Bn "Inzhenernoye obespecheniye Arty Bn nastupleniya tankovogo batal'ona" Engr platoon [Engineer support of a tank Chem recon sqd battalion advance]. V. Komar. Three KMT-5 Supported by a nuclear strike, One MTU battalion attacks through a defending battalion and forces a river crossing. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/74. MR Bn (BTR) "Nastupleniye batal'ona" [The Arty Btry advance of a battalion]. K. Tank Company Chernyak & G. Kirilenko. Drills Mortar Btry and formations used in an attack from the march. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/74. MR Bn Mort Btry "Batareya unichtozhayet PTURS" Arty Btry [A battery destroys ATGMs]. Tank Company V. Mikhal'ik. Supported by at least one artillery battalion in a 15-minute preparation. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/74. MR Bn "V interesakh obshchey zadachi" Tank Company [In the interest of a common Mortar Btry mission]. I. Panevin & A. Engr platoon Gor'kov. Coordination of two artillery battalions in support of an attacking maneuver battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/74. MR Bn Bn rear "Organizuya vzaimodeystviye" Arty Bn (Organizing coordination]. B. Two tank companies Rudakov. Coordination of fire and manuever elements. Also employs two nuclear strikes. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/74. MR Bn (BTR) "Vzaimodeystviye saperov s nastu- Arty Btry payushchimi podrazdeleniyami" Two Tank Companies [Coordination of engineers with Engr platoon advancing subunits]. B. MTU Basalenko & E. Protasov. Two BTU Eight mineplows Voyennyy Vestnik 11/73. MR Bn (BTR) "Inzhenernoye obespecheniye Tank Company E- 5 nastupleniya" [Engineer support of Mortar Btry (6 mortars) an offensive]. A. Gontarev. AT means (ATGM) Supported by an artillery Engr platoon battalion. MTU Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 8/73. MR Bn (BTR) "Obespechivaya nastupleniye" Tank Company [Supporting the advance]. M. Engr platoon Smirnov. Concerns engineer support of the crossing of a mine field, the crossing of a stream, overcoming a heavily fortified zone and forcing a river from the march. Various engineer equipment is added for each example. Fire support is not mentioned until the forced river crossing, when an artilley battalion appears. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/73. "Svyaz' Tank Battalion Repair & v tankovom batal'one v nastu- MR Company Evac Gp plenii" [Communications in a tank battalion during the advance]. A. Dubovitskiy. Supported by an artillery battalion. Tankovyy batal'on v boyu [Tank Tank Bn Spt plt battalion in combat]. P. I. Arty Bn Evac grp Konoplya & H. A. Maykov. (Moskva: MR Company (BTR) Tech spt Voyenizdat, 1972). pp 148-149. Med pt Identical composition for an attack supported by a nuclear strike and aviation and a conventional attack. Frontages are adjusted. p. 158. Supported by an Tank Bn Spt plt artillery battalion and a nuclear MR Co (- pit) Evac grp strike. Engr platoon Tech spt KMT-5 Med pt MTU Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 12/72. MR Bn Arty Btry "Komandir organizuyet vzaimo- Tank Company Mort pit deystviye" [The commander Engr pit AD pit organizes coordination]. P. Bn rear Ivanov. Supported by an artillery battalion, aviation, and a nuclear strike. The arty btry is apparently the 76-mm btry noted in E- 6 other articles. The AD plt is shown with the large-caliber AA machine gun symbol..The artillery battalion is acting as part of a larger fire plan. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/72. MR Bn Mort plt "V interesakh obshchevoyskovogo Arty Btry ATGM podr boya" [In the interest of the Mortar Btry combined arms battle]. L. Tank Company Veselov & V. Selyavin. Artillery battalion supports an attack as part of a larger attack. Utilizes nuclear strike to penetrate defense. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Komandiram-neprepyvnuyu svyaz' Arty Bn ATGM podr [Uninterrupted command communica- Tank Company tions]. V. Kalinin. No scenario in this communications article. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/72. Tank Bn "Vosstanovleniye boyesposobnosti Arty Btry tankovoy roty" [Restoration of the combat potential of a tank company]. I. Levchenko, F. Kuznetsov, & Yu Nelikhov. Unspecified artillery support. After being hit by a 10-KT low aerial nuclear burst, attack uses two airburst nuclear rounds during the attack from the march. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/72. "0 MR Bn zadachakh podrazdeleniy v nastu- Arty Bn plenii" [Subunit missions in an Tank Company offensive]. V. Vinnikov. Attack through a prepared defense -utilizing a nuclear strike. Bn subsequent mission is to the depth of the defending battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/72. MR Bn "Inzhenernoye obespecheniye v Arty Btry nastuplenii" [Engineer support Tank Company of an offensive]. M. Smirnov. Engr platoon Voyennyy Vestnik 2/72. Tank Bn "Taktiko-stroyevoye zanyatiye s tankovym batal'onom" [Tactical drill training for a tank E- 7 battalion]. A. Demidov. Pure tank battalion without any support conducts a march, an attack against two platoons of a defending company (immediate objective) and a meeting battle against a counterattacking force. Military Herald 11/71. "Solve MR Bn this problem. Problem in setting Tank Company up communications for an attack Engr platoon on an intermediate defensive position. Bn supported by an artillery battalion. Military Herald 6/71. "A MR Bn Mort pit battalion offensive on the Two Tank Companies ATGM podr march". B. Shchitikov. Engr platoon Bn rear Attack supported by an artillery battalion, nuclear strike, a thirty-two minute artillery preparation and aviation. Immediate mission to the depth of the defending battalion and subsequent mission through the depth of the defending brigade. Military Herald 6/71. "A Tank Bn battalion commander evaluates Arty Bn an airborne enemy". N. Sharapov. ZSU 23-4 platoon Action against helicopters with ATGMs while attacking a hastily- prepared defense. Translation is flawed. Military Herald 10/70. MR Bn Mort plt "Organizing mutual support and Two Tank Companies Btry maintaining it in battle". G. Engr platoon ATGM podr Zubarev. Supported by artillery MTU battalion, two nuclear strikes Dozer and aviation. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/70. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Organizatsiya vzaimodeystviya Tank Company ATGM podr v batal'one v nastuplenii" Engr platoon Signal plt (Organization of coordination in Bn rear a battalion in the offense]. V. Sayko & A. Timoshenko. Battalion supported by artillery battalion, a nuclear strike and aviation. Bn attacks dismounted. Immediate mission is to the depth of the E- 8 defending battalion (5 km). Direcion of further advance into depths of enemy defense. Military Herald 3/71. "Tank attack and artillery fire". N. Shibayev. Tank battalion or motorized rifle battalion with attached tanks can be supported by an artillery battalion for the suppression of anti-tank weapons. Article discusses the effects of artillery fire on antitank weapons. Military Herald 2/70. "Tank company Tank Bn fire in an offensive operation". V. Lysenko. Tank battalion attacks without support to overcome an enemy in a hasty defense. Military Herald 11/69. "Optional MR Bn and tactical training exercise in Arty Btry evaluating the radiological and Tank Company chemical situation". B. Shubin. Attack through enemy nuclear strikes. Military Herald 11/69. "Tank Tank Bn combat with antitank weapons in the Arty Bn offense". N. Yezhov. Military Herald 10/69. "Certain MR Bn Btry principles of coordinated actions in Tank Company combat". A. Ryazansky. Artillery AA Btry battalion in support. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/69. "Defenses MR Bn against incendiaries in the attack". Arty Etry I. Vorobyev and V. Kokhanov. Defense Tank Company against napalm. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 4/69. "Coordination MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt and support of the offensive". I. Arty Bn Taran. Communications support to the Tank Company attack. Military Herald 9/68. "Attack from MR Bn AT gun plt march column". P. Kunitskiy. Attack Arty Btry from the march supported by a nuclear Tank Company strike and an artillery battalion. Military Herald 8/68. "Drilling in MR Bn fire control". A. Khryashchev. Tank Company Battalion supported by artillery battalion. Article concerns artillery fire planning. E- 9 Military Herald 8/68. "Engineer MR Bn (BTR) missions in a battalion". F. Khorin. Arty Btry Tank Company Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 4/68. "The tank Tank Bn battalion in the attack". A. Sevast'yanov. Pure tank battalion conducts attack from the march. Motostrelkovyy batal'on v sovremennom MR Bn Mort plt boyu [The motorized rifle battalion in SAUl00 Btry AT gun plt modern combat]. D. F. Loza, G. I. Tank Company Bn rear Garbuz and I. F. Sazonov. (Voyenizdat: Engr platoon Moskva, 1965). Pp 44-168. Supported Tank with mine roller by an artillery battalion, nuclear BTU strike, aviation and a thirty-minute Chem recon sqd artillery preparation. Immediate mission is to the depth of the defending battalion. Direction of further advance is through the defending brigade reserve. Military Herald 7/66. Tank Bn "Engineering problems on an exercise Engr platoon with tank crews". I. Bubnov. Engineer support of a march, attack from the march and river crossing. March is conducted on HETs. Artillery support is not addressed. Military Herald 5/66. "Artillery MR Bn firing training in the field". S. Arty Bn Varygin. Training batteries to Tank Company support an attack from the march. Military Herald 10/66. "Coordinated MR Bn action in combat". V. Krilov. Attack Two tank Companies through forces in contact supported by Engr platoon an artillery battalion, nuclear strike Chem recon sqd and fighter bombers. Detailed account of an attack from the march and pursuit and the coordination required to effect it. Military Herald 3/66. "Classes with MR Bn (BTR) officers on the terrain". N. Fomin. Tank Company An artillery battalion is in support. During the follow-on pursuit, the battalion becomes an advance guard and E-10 the artillery battalion is attached. Vzaimodeystviye voysk v boyu MR Bn Mort plt [Coordinating forces in combat]. G. Tank Bn (-) AT gun plt A. Zubapev. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, AT gun Btry Bn rear 1965). Pp. 69-100. Supported by an Engr platoon artillery battalion and a nuclear strike. Tank battalion is minus one company. Pp. 105-115. MR Bn Mort plt Arty Bn AT gun plt Tank Company Military Herald 10/65. MR Bn Mort plt "Organizational principles". V. Arty Btry Bn rear Terekh. Radio communications within Tank Company a battalion. Military Herald 7/65. "Battalion MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt attacks from the march". G. Golofast, Two tank Companies V. Sayko, A. Timoshenko, and A. Engr platoon AT gun plt Poletayev. Artillery battalion and Three mine flails nuclear strike in support of this MTU Bn rear attack through units in contact. Chem recon sqd Battalion immediate mission is to the depth of the defending battalion. The attack goes through the middle of the irradiated zone. Very detailed explanation of the attack from the perspective of the motorized rifle battalion commander, chief of staff, and artillery battalion commander. Military Herald 6/65. "Engineer MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt support of an attack from the march Arty Bn AT gun plt by a motorized rifle battalion". M. Tank Company Bn rear Golovkin. Engineer platoon has BAT, Engr platoon 150 AT mines, 200 sections of banga- Chem recon sqd lore torpedo, 100 kg HE, 100 meters of road mat and 20 meters of prefab wooden bridge. There is a BTU mine plow and a mine flail in the tank company. Military Herald 6/65. "Communciations MR Bn Mort plt in a battalion attacking from the Arty Bn Vehicle march". B. Ryzhonok. Radio and Tank Company maint & signal communications in the attack. Engr squad evac pt Chem recon sqd Military Herald 3/65. "Artillery MR Bn Mort plt battalion in an attack from Lhe 122-mm How Bn march". N. Shibayev and L. Tsymbal. E-11 Attack supported by a nuclear strike. No armor is employed. Detailed article on fire planning. Military Herald 3/65. "So that MR Bn (BTR) commands are received". B. Pomykallo Arty Bn and Ye. Sinitsyn. Insuring communica- Tank Company tions during the attack. Military Herald 3/65. "Fire control MR Bn 120-mm Mort plt training". S. Mutsynov. Unspecified Tank Co 57mm AT gun pit artillery support. Military Herald 12/64. "A battalion MR Bn 120-mm Mort plt attacks from the march". P. Lukoyanov Arty Bn (-) AT gun plt Battalion supported by nuclear strike. Tank Company Artillery battalion is short one Engr platoon battery. Battalion immediate mission Chem recon sqd is to the depth of the defending enemy company which is in prepared defenses. Further direction of attack takes the main attack through the nuclear strike zone. Detailed article on troop leading procedures and coordination. Military Herald 10/64. MR Bn Mort plt "Organizational principles". V. Arty Btry Terekhin. Discussion of offensive Tank Company communications including breakthrough and linkup with air assault and river crossing. Military Herald 9/64. "Coordination MR Bn Mort plt in a motorized rifle battalion". P. Arty Bn AT gun plt Sirotkin. Attack against a prepared Tank Company enemy using a nuclear strike. The Tank destroyer Btry immediate mission is to the rear of Engr platoon the defending battalion. Military Herald 7/64. "Direction MR Bn Mort plt of a company in the attack". P. Arty Bn AT gun pit Belousov. Company makes the battalion Two tank Companies main attack supported by a nuclear strike. Company immediate mission is to the depth of the defending platoons. The direction of further attack is past the depth of the defending company. There are at least two tank companies, and there may be as much as a tank battalion attached to the motorized rifle battalion. The company has an artillery battery and a tank company E-12 attached. Military Herald 7/64. " Control and MR Bn Mort plt communication in motorized rifle small Tank Company units". V. Khokhlov. Attack supported Engr platoon by a nuclear strike and an artillery Chem recon sqd battalion. Military Herald 6/64. "This also MR Bn Mort plt means help to the commander". V. Tank Company AT gun plt Paramanov. Artillery battalion and Tank destroyer Btry nuclear strike supports the attack. Engr platoon Battalion immediate mission is to the rear of the defending battalion. Article deals with staff support to the commander. Military Herald 5/64. "Under MR Bn Mort plt conditions approximating combat". V. SP Arty Btry Pikalov. Battalion, exploiting a Tank Company nuclear strike, is in turn struck by two enemy airburst nuclear strikes totalling 20 KT. When struck, the battalion is transitioning from battalion column to battalion prebattle formation. Article deals with battlefield reconstitution. Military Herald 5/64. "A battery MR Bn supports a battalion attacking from Arty Btry the march". G. Kolesnichenko. Battery exercise in crossing a contaminated area, deployment, indirect fire, reconnaissance, communications, displacement and repelling a tank attack from the march. Military Herald 2/64. "In a MR Bn At gun pit situation which is close'to the combat Tank Company situation". A. Mel'nikov. Battalion AA podraz supported by an artillery battalion, Engr platoon a nuclear strike and a movement support detachment. Describes an exercise in overcoming rubble and blowdown in an attack through a nuclear impact area. Military Herald 2/64. "The map as a MR Bn Mort Btry combat document". A. Shardin. Arty Bn Bn rear Article on proper symbology and Tank Company drawing on maps. This attack is the AA Btry article's example. Whether the anti- aircraft battery and the artillery E-13 battalion are attached or supporting cannot be determined. Attack supported by a 10-KT airburst nuclear strike which was rocket-delivered. Attack is supported by AT reserve. Military Herald 6/63. "Battalion MR Bn Mort plt staff in an attack from the march". Tank Company AT gun podr P. Shemanskiy. Attack supported by Engr platoon Bn med pt an artillery battalion and a 10-kt rocket-delivered airburst nuclear strike. Military Herald 6/63. "Operations of Tank Bn an artillery battalion during an Arty Bn attack from the march". N. Shibayev. Detailed article on fire coordination. Military Herald 6/63. "The MR Bn AT gun podr acomplishment of engineer tasks in an Arty Bn attack by a motorized rifle battalion". Tank Company R. Gabrielyan. Attack supported by ATGM Btry four rocket delivered airburst nuclear AA Btry strikes ( 2-5-kt, 1-10-kt, 1-unk) plus Engr platoon-MTU the fires of the unit in contact that Chem recon sqd the battalion attacks through. Military Herald 3/63. "Tankers Tank Bn attack from the march". I. Popov. Arty Bn Attack against a company and a half Rifle Company in a hasty defense supported by a Engr platoon nuclear strike. Military Herald 1/63. "Coordination MR Bn communications". V. Khokhlov. Arty Bn Article on coordination of various Tank Company elements reinforcing a motorized rifle Engr Company battalion and a tank battalion. The EAT tanks are designated NPP. No mention MTU is made of mortar platoon commo or its Chem recon sqd lashup with the artillery battalion. Tank Bn Arty Bn Rifle Company Engr platoon MTU Chem recon sqd Military Herald 12/62. "Tactical MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt maturity in the officer". F. Gavrikov SP Arty podraz and Ya. Davydov. Nuclear strike and Tank Company undetermined artillery supports the Engr platoon E-14 main attack. Rifle company makes a supporting night attack. After the breakthrough, the company becomes the FSE for the advance guard and receives two K-61s and a platoon of river crossing vehicles for a river crossing and transition to the defense. Military Herald 5/62. MR Bn Mort plt "Communications in a battalion Arty podraz attacking from the march". A. Tank Company Rutskoy. Tanks are designated NPP (close infantry support). Military Herald 4/62. Tank Bn Bn rear "Communications in a tank battalion". Repair shop S. Vasil'yev. Artillery battalion Rep-evac grp supporting. Article discusses the Tech obs pst possibility of assigning tank companies as NPP but does not discuss rifle companies attached to tank battalions. Discusses communications with engineers during river crossings. E-15 Appendix F-Battalion Composition-Attack from a Position in Direct Contact with the Enemy Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Motostrelkovyy (tankovyy) MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry batal'on v boyu [Motorized rifle Arty Bn AD platoon (tank) battalion in Combat]. D.A. Tank Company AT platoon Dragunskiy. (Moskva: Voyenizdat, AT platoon 1986), P. 132. Supported by additional artillery and aviation. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/82. "Vo MR Bn Mort Btry vzaimodeystvii s artilleriyey" Arty Bn AT platoon rCoordination with artillery]. Tank Company Z Kireyev. Supported by a nuclear Engr platoon strike and additional artillery. Voyenny Vestnik 7/82. "Ataka na MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry boyevykh mashinakh pekhoty" Arty Bn AD platoon [Attacks on BMPs]. V. Tank Company Ivashchenko. "Zapad 81" exercise Engr Platoon experience. Voyennyy Vestnik 6/82. " Kak Tank Bn gotovilos' nastupleniye" [How to Arty Bn prepare for an offensive]. V. MR Company Skulushkin. "Zapad 81" exercise AT platoon experience supported by additional artillery and aviation. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/82. MR Bn "Nastupayet batal'on" [Battalion Tank Company advances]. S. Marov. Attack Engr platoon supported by an artillery battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/80. "Razvedka MR Bn (BMP) boyem" [Reconnaissance in force]. Tank Company A. Nazarov & R. Trofimov. Engr platoon Supported by an artillery battalion and an ATGM battery. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/74. "Borba MR Bn artillerii s protivotankovymi Arty Bn sredstvami" [Artillery combats Tank Company antitank assets]. A. Rodin. Mortar Btry ATGM Btry Voyennyy Vestnik 8/73. MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry "Upravleniye protivotankovymi Tank Company AT podr sredstvami v period ARTPODGOTOVKI" ATGM Btry Bn rear F-i [Control of antitank assets during the artillery preparation]. R. Kiudma. Supported by artillery battery for direct fire and at least one artillery battalion during the artillery preparation. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/72. Mr Bn Mort Btry "Divizion v nastuplenii" Arty Bn [Artillery battalion in the Tank Company offensive]. N. Kozlov. Artillery planning including a nuclear strike. Military Herald 4/71. MR Bn Mort plt Irganization of battalion fire Tank Company ATGM podr .. the offensive". V. Sayko, A. Lovi & N. Yezhov. Bn supported by an artillery battalion and additional artillery. Motostrelkovyy batal'on v MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt sovremennom boyu [The motorized Arty Bn AT gun plt rifle battalion in modern combat]. Mortar podraz Bn rear D. F. Loza, G. I. Garbuz and I. F. 1-2 Tank Companies Sazonov. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, AT gun Btry 1965), pp. 30-44, 169-176. 1-3 Engr platoons Mine plows Several MTUs Chemical defensd podr Military Herald 5/64. "Fire MR Bn Mort plt control of subunits in the 122-mm Arty Bn AT gun plt attack". N. Yezhov. Principles Tank Company of fire control for an attack from positions in direct contact and from the march. F-2 Appendix G-Battalion Composition-Committal of Second Echelon Battalion Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 3/83. "Vvoditsya MR Bn (BMP) vtoroy eshelon" [Introduction of Tank Company the second echelon]. A. Gal'tsev. Engr platoon Battalion supported by an artillery battalion and covered by battery of ZSU 23-4. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/83. "Protivo- MR Bn Mort btry vozdushnaya oborona pri vvode v AD platoon AD platoon boy vtorogo eshelona" [ Air defense during the introduction of the second echelon into combat]. A. Koryt'ko. Attached AD platoon has 2 ZSU 23-4 and missiles. An artillery battalion, apparently in support of a first echelon battalion, apparently shifted its supporting role to the second echelon battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/78. MR Bn "Vvod v boy vtorog- eshelona" Tank Company [Introduction of the second echelon into combat]. G. Petrovskiy. Supported by arty bn, MR bn and AT platoon. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/77. Tank Bn "Vvod v boy vtorogo eshelona" MR platoon [Introduction of the second AD platoon echelon into combat]. M. Loginov. Engr platoon Supported by two artillery battalions. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/75. MR Bn (BMP) ATGM podr "Vvod v boy vtorogo eshelona" Tank Company (minus platocn) [Introduction of the second echelon into combat]. M. Kramskoy. Supported by ten-minute artillery strike by one artillery battalion. Military Herald 10/71. " A rear MR Bn Mort plt echelon enters battle". M. Tank Company ATGM podr Kalabskiy. Bn supporte )y a ten- AT Reserve (plt?) minute artillery strike by one Engr platoon artillery battalion. Chem recon sqd G-1 Military Herald 8/64. MR Bn AT gun plt "Exploitation of intervals and 120mm Mort Btry gaps". N. Gorbunov. First Tank Company example concerns the exploitation of a nuclear strike by a reserve Amphibious Tank Bn battalion with unspecified Engr squad artillery in support. The second example concerns an arctic region night attack. Military Herald 1/64. "An MR Bn AT gun plt examination for tactical Arty Btry maturity". A. Shurygin. Mortar Btry Exploitation of a nuclear strike. Engr platoon G-2 Appendix H-Battalion Composition-Battle in the Depth of the Enemy Defense Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 3/87. MR Bn (BMP) Mort btry "Takticheskaya zadacha No. 4" Arty Bn AD platoon [Tactical problem No. 4]. Tank Company AGS 17 plt Battalion, having achieved the immediate mission and enroute to the subsequent mission, is faced with a strong counterattack. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/83. MR Bn (BTR) Mort btry "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Arty Bn AT platoon problem]. Second echelon bn, Tank Company AD platoon having been introduced into Engr platoon combat, is faced with a strong counterattack. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/83. "Protivo- MR Bn (BMP) vozdushnaya oborona batal'ona pri Arty btry boye v tylu protivnika" [Air Tank Company defense of a battalion during AD btry (ZSU 23-4) combat in the enemy's rear area]. Engr platoon N. Sharapov. Concerns air defense of a MR Bn and a Tank Bn in deep Tank Bn battle. SP Arty btry MR Co (with SA7/14 gunners) ZSU 23-4 platoon Voyennyy Vestnik 6/83. MR Bn (BMP) Mort btry "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Arty Bn AD platoon problem]. Battalion encounters Tank company defending enemy backed by a Engr platoon counterattacking force. Battalion is supported by fighter-bombers. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/83. MR Bn (BTR) Mort btry "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Arty btry AT platoon problem]. Bn attacks through a AT btry AD platoon defending enemy to achieve its Engr platoon subsequent mission. Artillery Chem recon sqd battalion in support. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/82. MR Bn Mort btry "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Arty Bn AD platoon problem]. Bn attacks through a Tank Company AT platoon defending enemy to achieve its Engr platoon AGS 17 pit subsequent mission. Two flights Chem recon sqd of aviation in support. H-i .. . .. Im m mmmllmm mm m m m m Voyennyy Vestnik 7/82. MR Bn "Sovmestnaya takticheskaya Arty Bn letuchka" [A combined tactical Tank Company exercise]. M. Pankov. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/82. MR Bn (BMP) "Batal'on otrazhayet kontrataku" Arty Bn [Battalion repels a counter- Tank Company attack]. V. Datiy. Mortar btry is Mortar btry listed as a reinforcement. No AD platoon mention is made of the organic Engr platoon mortar btry. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/82. MR Bn Mort btry "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Tank Company AT platoon problem]. Supported by artillery Engr platoon battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 12/81. MR Bn(BMP) Mort btry "Batal'on presleduyet protivnika" Arty Bn [Battalion pursues the enemy]. Tank Company V. Akimov. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/81. MR Bn (BMP) "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Tank Company problem]. Battalion acts as a Engr platoon reconnaissance detachment during Chem recon sqd a pursuit. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/80. Tank Bn "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical MR platoon problem]. Battalion in pursuit Engr platoon attacks to its subsequent mission. Chem recon sqd Arty Bn in support. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/80. MR Bn (BMP) "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Tank Company problem]. Battalion supported by Mortar btry artillery battalion and aviation. Engr Platoon Mortar btry is listed as a rein- forcement. No mention is made of the organic mortar battery. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/77. MR Bn (BMP) "Reshite etu zadachu" [Solve this Arty Btry provlem]. Mortar battery listed Mortar Btry as reinforcement. Bn hit by Engr platoon three low-yield nuclear weapons delivered by fighter bombers. Bn supported by an artillery battalion. H-2 Voyennyy Vestnik 5/77. MR Bn (BMP) "Nastupleniye v glubine oborony" Arty Bn [Advance in the depths of the Tank Company defense]. G. Mukhamedzhanov. Mortar Btry Advance guard attacks a Engr platoon retreating enemy, defeats a counterattack and seizes a river crossing. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/77. Tank Bn "Takticheskaya letuchka" Arty Bn [Tactical exercise]. B. Perfil'ev. Enemy employs two nuclear weapons against battalion and three nuclear weapons against neighboring units. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/77. Tank Bn "Predvideniye v boyu" [Foresight Arty Bn in combat]. N. Shishkin. Battalion prevents a retreating enemy from establishing a defense. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/76. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Zadacha No. 4" (Problem No. 4]. Arty Bn ATGM podr MR Bn attacks from hasty defense Tank Company Signal plt and advances along with regiment. AD platoon Supply plt Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 4/76. MR Bn Mort plt "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Tank Company ATGM podr problem]. Attack against an enemy Engr platoon defending at an intermediate position. Supported by an artillery battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/73. MR Bn ATGM podr "Likvidatsiya posledstviy Tank Company yadernykh i khimicheskikh udarov" Chem recon sqd [Elimination of the after-effects of chemical and nuclear strikes]. N. Luganskii & V Glushchenko. Battalion supported by artillery battalion. Military Herald 3/71. "Tactical MR Bn AT podr instruction". P. Kunitskiy. Arty Bn Flawed translation. Attack Mortar Btry supported by aviation. Engr platoon Military Herald 2/70. "Tactical MR Bn problem". Battalion advancing in Tank Company H-3 the depths attacks a defended Engr platoon hill. No mention is made of Chem recon sqd supporting artillery. Military Herald 9/66. "Directing MR Bn battalion fire". I. Bardadym. An artillery battalion supports a motorized rifle battalion in the attack. The article is concerned with training artillery batteries and does not address armor, engineer, or air defense support. Military Herald 7/66. "You MR Bn solve this problem". Forward 122-mm How Bn detachmen! -n the pursuit. Two tank Companies AT BN AA Btry Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 7/66. MR Bn "Conducting pursuit operations" Tank podraz I. Tsarev. Article on engineer Engr platoon support of a pursuit. Artillery MTU support not discussed. Military Herald 3/66. "Solve Tank Bn this problem". Artillery battalion in support. Military Herald 10/65. "Group Tank Bn training". S. Sivitskiy. Pure tank battalion, exploiting a nuclear strike, attacks into the depths of an enemy defense. No artillery, engineer, antiaircraft, or motorized rifle support is mentioned. Military Herald 6/65. MR Bn "Displacement by an artillery Arty Bn battalion during combat in the depths". I. Fedotov. Article on how to displace batteries while maintaining fire support. No armor employed. Military Herald 6/65. "Solve MR Bn Mort Btry this problem". Battalion, Tank Company AT Btry exploiting a nuclear strike, Engr platoon attacks into the enemy depth and Chem recon sqd H-4 I I I I II I I ! 4 prepares to meet a counterattack. Military Herald 6/65. "An Tank Bn exercise with field firing". P. Arty Bn Zargaryan. Exercise of a battery supporting a tank company in an attack from the march against an enemy in a hasty defense. No engineer or motorized rifle element is mentioned. Military Herald 7/64. MR Bn "Artillery battalion in the Tank Company depth of the enemy's defense". N. Lastochkin. Artillery battalion and nuclear strike support the commitment of a reserve battalion to combat. Military Herald 7/64. "What is Tank Bn your decision?" Tank battalion, Arty Bn supported by a nuclear strike, MR platoon is attacking deep in the enemy depths. Military Herald 7/64. "Solve MR Bn Mort plt this problem". Arty Bn Tank Company Engr platoon Ferry squad *~~0-0 C. ** -. **. ... *0 *iiitaryHerald 4/64. "Mortar MR En Mort plt platoon in the attack". M. 122mm Btry AT gun plt Grigor'yev. Pursuing battalion Tank Company attacks an enemy in hasty defensive positions. Military Herald 4/64. "Solve MR Bn this problem-Engineer support of Arty Btry the attack of a motorized rifle Tank Company battalion". Engineer platoon has Engr platoon 3 armored carriers, 100 fuses, Chem recon sqd 150 kg of HE and an MTU. Tank company has a BTU kit per platoon and a PT54 miae roller kit. Military Herald 2/64. "Solve MR Bn this problem". Battalion 120-mm Mort Btry supported by an artillery Tank Company battalion and a nuclear strike. Engr platoon Fight to seize a river crossing Chem recon sqd against a near bank hasty defense. H-5 Military Herald 11/63. "Flank Tank Bn attack". N. Fomin. Pure tank battalion makes an unopposed river crossing and hits the enemy in the flank. Military Herald 6/63. "The MR Bn 120-mm Mort pit attack by a motorized rifle 122-mm How Btry 57-mm gun pit battalion on an enemy who has assumed the defense in the course of battle". I. Sviryayev. Battalion conducts pursuit in company march column. Immediate mission with nuclear weapons is equal to the depth of destruction of the units of the enemy first echelon. In a nonnuclear attack, the immediate mission is to the depth of the defending battalion. Both attacks have a direction of further advance. Military Review 5/63. "The MR Bn 85-mm gun pit I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - L ,| . . f %Y&|&&=1.j 'V-V An artili=y --ttalion and two Tank Company nuclear strikes support L Engr platoon advance. The article is about Chem recon sqd training company level officers on battlefield coc-rdination. Military Review 4/63. "What MR Bn is your solution?". Advance Mortar Btry supported by medium yield Tank Company nuclear strike. Problem involves Engr platoon reaction to an enemy sarin strike. Military Review 3/63. "In th- MR Bn depth of the defense (a battery 85-mm gun Btry supports the attack of a battalion from the march)". B. Strel'chenko. Advance supported by a nuclear strike r I unspecified mortar a i artillery fire. Military Herald 7/62. "A MR Bn Mort plt tactical problem - A motorized Two tank Companies AT gun pit rifle battalion fights in the Engr platoon depths of the defense". Supported by an artillery battalion, atomic strike and H-6 regimental AT reserve. Military Herald 4/62. "Tactical MR Bn drill exercises involving a Arty Btry motorized infantry battalion" Tank Company A. Serov. Pursuit and meeting battle. H-7 Appendix I-Battalion Composition-Transitioning to the Defense Source Bn w/Attachments Organic a nyy Vestnik 4/89. "V MR Bn .ceresakh oborony" [In the Tank Company interest of the defense]. Yu. Chem recon sqd Kuznetsov. Battalion supported by artillery battalion. Article concerned with reconnaissance by observation posts and forward patrols while transitioning to defense while in direct contact with the enemy. Takticheskaya podgotovka moto- MR Bn strelkovykh i tankovykh podraz- Arty Bn deleniy [Tactical training of Tank Company motorized rifle and tank subunits].Engr platoon V. A. Merimskiy. (Voyenizdat: Chem recon sqd Moskva, 1987). P. 293. Motostrelkovyy (tankovyy) batal'on MR Bn (BMP) Mort btry v boyu [Motorized rifle (tank) Arty Bn AD platoon battalion in combat]. D. A. 2 Tank Companies AT platoon Dragunskiy. (Moskva: Voyenizdat, Engr platoon AGS 17 plt 1986). p. 216. Chem recon sqd Supply plt Maint grp Artilleriyskiy divizion v boyu MR Bn AT plt (Artillery battalion in combat] Arty Bn G. E. Peredel'skiy. (Moskva: Tank Company Voyenizdat, 1984). p. 171. Voennyy Vestnik 9/83. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Perekhod k oborone" [Transition Arty Bn AT platoon to the defense]. V. Konstantinov. Tank Company AD platoon Forward detachment seizes a river Engr platoon AGS 17 plt crossing site. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/81. MR Bn (BMP) Mort plt? "Zanimaya oboronu" [Occupying Arty Btry the defense]. V. Zhukov. Tank Company Additional artillery supporting AT platoon defense. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/79. MR Bn (BMP) Mort plt "Zakhvat i zakrepleniye vygodnykh Arty Bn rubezhey" [Seizing and fortifying Tank Company advantageous lines]. S. Davidov. ZSU 23-4 plt Engr platoon I-1 Voyennyy Vestnik 3/78. MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry "Po kompleksnoy teme" [On a Tank Company AT platoon complex theme]. K. Kurenkov & V Rudoy. Supported by artillery battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/78. MR Bn (BTR) "Reshite eti zadachi" [Solve Arty Bn these problems]. Going over to a Tank company defense on both sides of a river. Engr platoon BKM machine Voyennyy Vestnik 4/77. MR Bn Mort Btry "Vashe Resheniye?" [Your Arty Bn AT platoon solution?] Advance guart Tank Company attacking in depth of enemy ZSU 23-4 platoon defenses, crosses a river crossing Eng- platoon and prepares to meet a strong GSP platoon enemy. Enemy is employing gas. PTS platoon Bn is supported by an additional artillery battalion. Voyennyy Vestik 7/76. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Perekhod k oborone vodnoy Tank Company pregrady" [Transitioning to the Engr platoon defense of a water obstacle]. A. Vinogradov. Withdrawing bn establishes defense in coordination with neighboring battalion and regt. Supported by artillery battalion, regimental AT reserve and counterattack force. V_- nnyy Vestnik 10/74. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Konkurs" [Competition]. Bn Tank Company ATGM podr establishes defense away from AT platoon enemy contact. Suppported by an artillery battalion. Struck by enemy nuclear round. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/73. Tank Bn "Tankisty perekhodyat k oborone" Arty Btry 122-mm [Tankers transition to the MR Company defense]. A. Gusarov. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/73. MR Bn (BTR) Bn rear "Svyaz' v batal'one pri perekhode Arty Bn k oborone" [Communications in a Mortar platoon battalion during the transition ATGM podraz to a defense]; V. Shadrin. Subordination of mortar platoon and ATGM podrazdeleniye uncertain. 1-2 Military Herald 7/71. "The MR Bn Mort Btry defense of a podrazdeleniye". Tank Company Ye. Sherstobitov. Good theoretical article on battalion defense. Battalion supported by an artillery battalion and anti- tank reserve. Military Herald 7/71. "Battalion MR Bn Mort plt actions of the defense". N. Stroganov. Artillery battalion supports a defending motorized rifle battalion. Military Herald 7/71. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Organizing the fire system of Mortar Btry ATGM podr a battalion on the dafense". V. Tank Company (- plt) Btry Stepanchikov. Battalion AT gun platoon supported by artillery battery. Additional artillery support planned. Military Herald 1/71. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Motorized infantry company Tank Company Btry assumes the defense". V. Karpov. Engr platoon ATGM podr Battalion supported by an artillery battalion. Military Herald 7/70. "Answer MR Bn Mort plt to a tactical problem". Arty Bn Battalion transitions to a Tank Company defense to meet a counterattack Engr platoon while continuing a one-company attack to secure advantageous terrain. Military Herald 2/69. MR Bn "Eliminating the results of Arty Btry nuclear and chemical attack". Tank Company V. Demin and I. Serukhov. Battalion hit by a nuclear strike. Two Mi-4 helocopters and an ad hoc team of motorized rifle, engineer, chemical defense, medical and repair and evacuation subunits help restore the situation. Military Herald 7/67. "Fire MR Bn (BTR) AT gun plt system of a company in the Arty Bn defense". I. Glebov. Article Tank Company concerns establishing firing Engr platoon 1-3 sectors in a company. Military Herald 9/66. MR Bn Mort plt "Motorized rifle battalion in the Two Tank Companies AT gun plt defense". G. Golofast, V. Sayko, Engr platoon Bn rear A. Timoshenko, G. Spuskanynk, and Chem recon sqd A. Poletayev. Artillery battalion supporting. Battalion transitions while in direct contact. An engineer company ,with the BAT and BTU, is assigned to lay an AT minefield. One tank company is withdrawn as the defense gels. This is a very detailed article on actions of the battalion commander, engineer support, artillery support, staff functions and fire control in the defense. Military Herald 9/66. "Under MR Bn 120-mm mort plt enemy fire". I Sviryayev. Tank company AT gun plt Fire support &nd engineer support are not addressed. Military Herald 9/66. MR Bn Mort plt "Communicating in a battalion Arty Btry At gun plt when reverting to the defense". Tank Company A. Kedich. The establishment of Engr squad radio and wire communications in Chem recon sqd a defense. Motostrelkovyy batal'on v MR Bn Mort pit sovremennom boyu [The motorized Tank Company AT gun pit rifle battalion in modern combat]. Mortar Btry D. F. Loza, G. I. Garbuz and I. F. ATGM platoon Sazonov. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, 1965). Pp. 224-291. Supported by an artillery battalion, regimental counterattack, nuclear strike and engineer. Military Herald 8/65. MR Bn "Repelling counterattacks". I. Arty Bn Velenets. Motorized rifle Two tank companies battalion operating in the depth AT Bn of the enemy defense assumes a defense to repel an expected MR Bn counterattack by firepower from Sp How Btry advantageous positions. The Tank Company enemy employs a 1-KT nuclear 1-4 weapon. In the second example, battalion seizes advantageous terrain to repel a counterattack. Military Herald 11/64. "Solve MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt this problem". Battalion, Tank Company AT gun plt fighting in the depth of the enemy, transitions to the defense. Artillery battalion supports. 1-5 Appendix J-Battalion Composition-Defense Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 6/89. MR Bn "Razvedka v oborone" [Reconn- Arty Bn aissance in the defense]. A. Tank Company Batenev. Article on procedures and responsibilities. Inzhenernoye obespecheniye boya MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry (Engineer support of battle]. Tank Company AT platoon E. S. Kolibernov, V. I. Kornev & AD platoon A. A'. Soskov. (Moskva: AGS 17 plt Voyenizdat,1988). p. 80. Book Supply plt discusses preparing field positions for a forward battalion but does not discuss artillery in support. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/88. "Na MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry rubezhakh oborony" [On the lines Arty Bn AT platoon of defense]. Discussion of a Tank Company AD platoon Tamen Guards Division battalion AD battery AGS 17 plt defensive position constructed AT battery Supply plt for officer professional develop- Engr platoon Maint grp ment. Supported by helicopters. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/87. MR Bn Mort Btry "Upravleniye v oborone" [Control Tank Company AT platoon in the defense]. A. Zhukov. Supported by an artillery battalion. Motostrelkovyy (tankovyy) MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry batal'on v boyu [Motorized rifle Arty Bn AT platoon (tank) battalion ri combat]. D. A. Tank Company AD platoon Dragunskiy. (Moskva: Voyenizdat, Engr platoon AGS 17 plt 1986). p. 219. Chem recon sqd Supply plt BTU Maint grp 2 KVSU(corrugated steel shltr) 4FVU(Filtering venilation set) Karta ofitsera [The officer's MR Bn Mort Btry map]. I. D. Pombrik and N. A. Arty Bn AT platoon Shevchenko. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, AD platoon 1985). Front flyleaf. Book on Bn rear map symbols uses this as an example. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/84. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Batal'on oboronyayet poberezh'ye" Tank Company J- 1 (Battalion defends a coastline]. ZSU 23-4 platoon Artillery battalion in support. Engr squad Voyennyy Vestnik 5/82. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Reshitel'nost' kontratak" Art:, Bn (minus btry) [Decisiveness of counterattacks]. Tank Company(minus platoon) I. Velenets. Concerns two bn counterattacks. Enemy employs MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry three nuclear strikes, aerial Arty Btry attack, two air assault landings Tank Company and ground attack. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/82. MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry "Oboronyayetsya batal'on" [The 2 Tank plts AT platoon battalion is defending]. V. ZSU 23-4 plt AD platoon Galkin. Battalion defending at ATGM platoon AGS 17 plt night, supported by the artillery Engr platoon available to regiment. 2 BTM Voyennyy Vestnik 3/82. Tank Bn "Kontrataka" [Counterattack]. Yu. Zavatskiy. Tank bn counter- attacks from regimental second echelon. Night counter attack supported by an artillery battalion and a platoon of ZSU 23-4s. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/82. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Inzhenernoye obespecheniye" Arty Bn AT platoon [Engineer support]. M. Smirnov. Tank Company Medical pt Concerns night defense and Engr platoon illumination. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 2/82. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Takticheskaya zadacha" [Tactical problem]. Bn defending in regt 2d echelon counterattacks supported by arty bn and AT btry. Enemy ground attack supported by aviation and air assault landing. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/81. MR Bn (BMP) AT platoon "Kontrataka" [Counterattack] Arty Bn S. Shevchenko. Concerns defense Tank Company of a coastline supported by Mortar btry additional artillery. The mortar Engr platoon battery is listed as a reinforce- Chem recon sqd ment. No mention is made of the organic mortar battery. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/81. "V MR Bn(BMP) J- 2 ogranichennom sroku" [With Tank Company limited time]. N. Vinokur. Mortar btry Defense supported by artillery battalion. The mortar battery is listed as a reinforcement. No mention is made of the organic mortar battery. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/81. MR Bn Mort plt? "Sistema ognya artillerii pri Tank Company At platoon podderzhke motostrelkovogo ZSU 23-4 plt batal'ona" [System of artillery Engr platoon support for a MR Bn]. V. Il'in & V. Sofronov. Supported by artillery battalion and AT platoon. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/81. MR Bn Mort btry "Zenitnaya batareya v boyu" Arty Bn AD platoon [Air defense battery in combat]. AD btry (4 ZSU 23-4) V. Subbotin. Composition is map- At least 4 tanks. derived and thus artillery sub- ordination is uncertain. Article clearly shows that the four ZSU 23-4 AD weapons found at regiment are organized in a battery of two platoon, not a platoon as carried in FM 100-2-3. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/81. MR Bn(BMP) Mort Btry "Oborudovaniye pozitsiy" Tank Company AD platoon [Engineer preparation of Arty Btry positions]. V. Nikul'shin. ZSU 23-4 plt Exercise in a mountainous desert Engr platoon region. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/81. MR Bn (BMP) "Taktucheskaya zadacha" [Tactical Tank Company problem]. Actions of a Mortar battery penetrated battalion during a ZSU 23-4 platoon counterattack by another MR bn. Engr platoon Bn supported by an artillery battalion. Mortar btry is listed as a reinforcement. No mention is made of the organic mortar battery. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/81. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Komandir batal'ona organizuyet Tank Company AT platoon ogon'" [The battalion commander ZSU 23-4 plt AD platoon organizes fire]. I. Proskurin. Engr platoon Supply plt Concerns defensive fire planning. J- 3 Supported by artillery battalion, artillery group and regimental AT platoon. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/80. MR Bn Mort Btry "Aktivnost' oborony" [Dynamism in the defense]. V. Tumas. Composition not totally clear, but defense is reinforced/ supported by at least one artillery battalion, supported by a tank battalion counterattack and an AT platoon. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/79. MR Bn (BMP) Mort plt "Oborona morskogo poberezh'ya" Arty Bn AT platoon [Defense of a coastline]. I. Tank Company Proskurin. Battalion defends a ZSU 23-4 plt coastline and fortifies a point. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 7/78. MR Bn Mort plt "Organizatsiya oborony morskogo 122-mm Btry poberezh'ya" [Organizing the Tank Company defense of a coastline]. A. Engr platoon Tymchenko. Supported by an artillery battalion, the regimental AT reserve, and a battery of coastal artillery. Voyennyy Vestnik 11/77. MR Bn (BMP) "Kontrataka v oborone batal'ona" Arty Bn [Counterattack in the defense of Tank Company a battalion]. V. Boriskin. Mortar Btry Voyenny Vestnik 3/77. MR Bn Mort plt "Komandir batal'ona stavit Arty Bn AT platoon zadachi artillerii v oborone" AT platoon [The battalion commander assigns the artillery mission in the defense]. Supported by Regimental artillery group and armored counterattack force. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/77. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Zashchita voysk pri oborone Tank Company AT platoon morskogo poberezh'ya" [Protection Engr platoon Supply of the forces during the defense Chem recon sqd Med point of a coastline]. V. Tkachev. KhRD vehicle Enemy employs two nuclear strikes, a chemical strike and smoke J- 4 against a coastal defense. Bn supported by unspecified artillery and coastal artillery. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/76. MR Bn Mort Btry "Zenitchiki v oboronitel'nom Arty Bn AD platoon boyu" [Air defenders in the Tank Company defense]. V. Subbotin. Air ZSU 23- 4 plt defense of bn defending a AT reserve riverline. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/75. MR Bn "Kogda batal'on vedet Arty Btry oboronitel'nyy boy" [When the Tank Company battalion conducts defensive Mortar Btry combat]. V. Selyavin & L. ATGM podraz Veselov. Bn supported by arty battalion and nuclear strike. Tankovyy batal'on v boyu [Tank Tank Bn Supply plt battalion in combat]. P. I. Arty Bn Evac Grp Konoplya & N. A. Maykov. (Moskva: MR Co (-plt) Tech pt Voyenizdat, 1972). p. 240. Engr platoon Transition to the defense in Chem recon sqd direct contact with the enemy. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/72. Tank Bn Repair & "Zashchita tankovogo batal'ona Arty Bn Evac Gp v oborone" [Protection of a tank MR Company Bn rear battalion in the defense]. V. Engr platoon Dibrov. Protection against chemical and nuclear attack. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Motostrelkovyy batal'on v Tank Company ATGM podr oborone" [The motorized rifle AD platoon battalion in the defense]. A. Serov. Supported by an artillery battalion and unspecified engineer assets. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort pit "Ob ognevykh meshkakh v oborone" Tank Company ATGM podr [On fire pockets in the defense]. AD platoon G. Ashin & P. Trifonov. Defending battalion, supported by an artillery battalion, is penetrated but holds with an internal fire pocket. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/72. "Svyaz' MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt v oborone batal'ona vtorogo ATGM podr J- 5 eshelona" [Communications in a Bn rear second echelon battalion in the defense]. N. Shishov. Communications diagram shows variant with a tank company. Communications are established with the antitank reserve, artillery, neighboring tank subunit, and surrounding units. Logistics net and specific AD forces not shown. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/72. Mr Bn Mort plt "Vzaimodeystviye zenitnoy batarei Tank Company s podrazdeleniyami MSB v oborone" AD Btry (Coordination of an air defense Engr platoon battery with the subunits of a AT platoon motorized rifle battalion in the defense]. N. Sharapov. Battalion supported by an artillery battalion. Military Herald 8/71. "The MR Bn Mort plt battalion in the defense". M. Tank Company ATGM podr Tychkov. Bn moves into area & establishes defense at night. Artillery battalion in support of three motorized rifle battalions. Military Herald 7/71. "Tanks Tank Bn close the breach". V. Vinnikov. Tank battalion (company) is inserted into the breach created by an enemy nuclear strike to restore the defense. Theoretical article does not discuss artillery support or attachments. Military Herald 7/71. MR Bn Mort plt "Communications on the defense". Tank Company ATGM podr N. Shishkov. Artillery battalion Engr platoon supports the defending battalion. Military Herald 7/71. MR Bn Mort plt "Eliminating the after effects of Arty Btry ATGM podr enemy nuclear and chemical Tank Company Bn rear strikes". Yu. Chebotarev. Chem recon sqd Defense struck by 2-KT nuclear strike and sarin gas. Military Herald 3/71. "Defense MR Bn activity". P. Vashurin. Theory Tank Company J- 6 of defense article. Artillery and engineer support are essential, but recommended size of attachment/ support is unspecified. Military Herald 1/71. "Control MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry of the result of enemy nuclear Arty Bn ATGM podr attack". Yu. Lysak and Ye. Tank Company Bn rear Belousov. Battalion, supported by regimental anti-tank reserve, hit by nuclear strike and sarin. Military Herald 11/70. MR Bn (BTR) ATGM podr "Battalion combat in encircle- 122-mm Btry ment". G. Dmitriyev. Bn, trapped Mortar Btry during an offensive, holds a 10- Tank Company km perimeter and then breaks out. Engr platoon Military Herald 10/69. "The MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry role and place of armored Tank Company personnel carriers. Article on the use and positioning of the BTR. Artillery and engineer support are not addressed. Military Herald 9/69. "Defense Tank Bn of a tank company". N. Surikov. Arty Bn Military Herald 9/69. "Defense MR Bn Mort Btry of subunits when nuclear weapons Arty Btry AT podr are not being employed". D. Tank Company Dragunskiy. Battalion supported by an artillery battalion and the anti-tank reserve. Military Herald 3/69. "Engineer MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt organization of a battalion Arty Bn 57-mm gun plt defense area" Battalion 120-mm Mort Btry Bn rear supported by the regimental anti- Tank Company tank reserve and additional Engr platoon engineers. Military Herald 1/69. MR Bn Mort Btry "Battalion defense on a water Tank Company AT podr barrier". P. Kukushin. Battalion Engr platoon supported by artillery battalion. Battalion struck by nuclear strike during defense. Military Herald 9/68. "An MR Bn artillery battalion in the Arty Bn J- 7 defense of a seacoast". N. Shibayev. Detailed article on artillery fire planning. Article provides no further details on the motorized rifle battalion compostion or the presence or absence of tanks, air defense or engineers. Military Herald 8/68. "The MR Bn Mort plt mortar platoon in the defense." Tank Company V. Shchetinin. Motorized rifle battalion supported by an artillery battalion. During the defense, the battalion is struck by a nuclear weapon. Military Herald 1/67. MR Bn (BTR) "Strengthening the defense". A. Tank Company Limno. Article on engineer Engr platoon support of the defense. AT gun Btry Artillery support is not addressed. In an antitank reserve containing an antitank battery, the normal engineer mobile obstacle detachment is a platoon mounted on three APCs pulling mining trailers. In an antitank reserve containing an antitank battalion, the normal engineer mobile obstacle detachment is composed of two or more platoons. The engineer platoon can mine one or two avenues of attack on 2-3 lines and be echeloned in depth, plus prepare two sites for demolition. The engineer company can mine 2-3 avenues of attack with 2-3 lines on each. Military Herald 11/66. Tank Bn Bn rear "Controlling the fire of a tank MR Company company in defense". 0. Vagner and P. Gromtsev. An artillery battalion is in support. Military Herald 3/66. MR Bn Mort plt "Communications for fire Arty Bn control". N. Shishov. Motorized Tank Company rifle company communications. J- 8 Military Herald 1/66. "Mortar MR Bn 120mm Mort pit platoon in the defense". G. Tank Company Salashin. Mortar platoon assigned to company support. Regimental CP is located in the second echelon company area forward of the supporting artillery battalion. Motostrelkovyy batal'on v MR Bn Mort plt sovremennom boyu [The motorized Arty Bn ATGM podr rifle battalion in modern combat]. Tank Company Bn rear D. F. Loza, G. I. Garbuz and I. F. Sazonov. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, 1965). Pp. 308-314. Supported by additional artillery, regimental engineers, the regimental antitank reserve, and a radiological recon patrol. Concerns restoration of the FEBA following an enemy nuclear strike (9-kt airburst, rocket delivered). Military Herald 12/65. "System MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt of fire in the defense". N. Tank Company AT gun plt Miroshnichenko. Unspecified artillery in support. Military Herald 9/65. "Engineer MR Bn (BTR 152) 57-mm ATgunplt improvement of a company strong Tank Company point". I. Krupnov. Artillery At least two Engr platoons and mortar support not discussed. Ground is open hard loam. Battalion is assigned a 4.5 x 2-km defensive area and given 1.5 days to prepare. Battalion is assigned 2 BTM, S-80 tractor bulldozer, E-305 excavator and a BTU kit for a tank. Each company received a KVS-U shelter, a corrugated steel dugout and two other prefab dugouts. Company strongpoints were 1000 x 500 meters with 1,800 meters of continuous trench (plus 600 meters of connecting trench). Platoon strongpoints were 300 x 200 meters. In 1.5 days, a BTM, S-80, E-305 and BTU could install 2400 meters of trench, dig in a shelter and emplace 10 J- 9 BTR-152s (5 primary and 5 alternate positions), dig in 3 dugouts, construct 4 covered shelters for 57-mm guns and dig 15 trenches for primary squad positions. Military Herald 9/65. "Combat MR Bn Mort Btry in an encirclement". I. Loban. Arty Bn AT gun plt each motorized rifle company Tank Company Bn rear establishes 1-2 false platoon ATGM podraz positions. The battalion Engr platoon establishes a false company position. Military Herald 12/64. MR Bn Mort pit "Communications in a motorized Arty podraz rifle battalion's defense". A. Rutskoy. Wire and radio communications in a defense. Artillery may be attached or supporting. No armor is evident in this example. Military Herald 11/64. MR Bn Mort plt "Engineer support in defense". Tank Company AT gun plt V. Kornev. Engineer company supports a regiment in preparing a defense. Fire support assets are not addressed. Military Herald 8/64. MR Bn "Artillery battalion in the Arty Bn defense of a seacoast". M. Kudryavtsev. Detailed theoretical article from which little composition can be derived. Military Herald 7/64. "The MR Bn Mort plt second echelon counterattacks". Tank Company AT gun plt V. Rusakov. Supported by an Engr platoon Supply plt artillery battalion and a nuclear strike. Two counterattacks are planned. Military Herald 12/63. "Defense Tank Bn Bn rear of a tank battalion". A. MR Company (-) Bn Med pt Kislyakov. Artillery battery in Engr squad support. Motorized rifle company is minus one platoon. Three false company strong points and two tank J-1O ambushes are established. Military Herald 8/62. "A MR Bn Mort plt company holds a ridge". A. Tank Company 57mm gun pit Korolchenko. Second echelon company hit by a close-to-the- surface-airburst nuclear strike. First echelon company fights an enemy attacking from three directions. Artillery support unspecified. Military 'erald 8/62. MR Bn Mort pit "Communication3 in the Arty Bn AT podraz battalion's defense". D. Tank Company Bn supply point Romanets. Bn Med pt Military Herald 8/62. "Tank Tank Bn company in the defense". M. Mant. Artillery battalion supporting. Advancing battalion struck by a nuclear strike and reverts to the defense. Military Herald 7/62. MR Bn "Reconnaissance by observation Arty Bn in a battalion". V. Mankov. Tank Company Role of observation posts in the Mortar Btry defense. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 7/61. "A MR Bn 57-mm gun plt battalion in defense of a sea Mortar Btry coast". A. Kazaryan and D. 85-mm gun Btry Reznik. Supported by an Tank Company artillery battalion. J-11 Appendix K- Battalion Composition-Security Detachment Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Sovetskoye Voyennnoye Obozreniye MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry 4/89. "V polose obespecheniya" Arty Bn ATGM plt (In the security zone]. Forward Tank Company Med Pt detachment, supported by helos, AD Btry transitions to the defense during Engr Company daylight. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/84. MR Bn (BMP) "'Storozhevoye okhraneniye" Arty Bn [Security outposts]. P. Timofeyev. Tank Company Voyennyy Vestnik 9/83. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Perekhod k oborone" [Transition Arty Bn AGS 17 pit to the defense]. V. Konstantinov. Tank Company AD platoon Forward detachment goes to a Engr platoon night defense. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/83. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "V storozhevom otryade" [In a Arty Bn security detachment]. Yu. Tank Company Korsakov. Advance guard defends Engr platoon in the security zone. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/79. "Moto- MR Bn Mort plt strelkovyy batal'on oboronyayetsya Arty Btry ATGM plt v polose obespecheniya" [A motor- Tank Company ized rifle battalion defends in AT gun Btry the security zone]. V. Luchits. Engr platoon Battalion defends in two positions. Military Herald 6/69. "Security MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt at the halt". G. Ionov. Arty Bn Battalion as a security detach- Tank Company ment in the security zone. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 9/67. "The MR Bn Mort plt division in defense of a security Arty Bn zone.". A. Tokmakov. Artillery battalion, attached to a forward detachment in the security zone, is attacked by fighter bombers and two nuclear weapons. Forward detachment is supported by one nuclear weapon. No tanks, engineers or air defense mentioned. K-i Motostrelkovyy batal'on v MR Bn sovremennom boyu [The motorized Arty Btry rifle battalion in modern combat]. Tank Company D. F. Loza, G. I. Garbuz and I. F. Sazonov. (Voyenizdat: Moskva, 1965). Pp. 274-303. Supported by at least an artilley battalion and engineers. K-2 Appendix L- Battalion Composition -Counter Air Assault Reserve Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 5/86. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "V protivodesantnom rezerve" Tank Company AD platoon [In a counter air assault ZSU 23-4 platoon AGS 17 plt reserve]. Yu. Groshev. Engr platoon Supported by an artillery battalion. Military Herald 10/71. MR Bn "Combatting airborne landings". Arty F. Gavrikov. Theoretical article Tanks recommends that tanks and artillery be attached to a motorized rifle battalion for this mission. Size of attachments is unspecified. Military Herald 6/62. MR Bn Mort plt "Battalion destroys enemy AT gun plt airborne assault". A. Tsevtkov. Pure motorized rifle battalion attacks two air assault infantry companies. L-1 Appendix M - Battalion Composition-Withdrawal Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 1/39. "Ot MR Bn Mort Btry inertsii-k deystviyam" [From Arty Bn AT plt inertia to action]. N. Tank Company AGS17 plt Zhamaletdinov. Supported by Engr platoon AD platoon aviation, smoke and a ten-minute Bn rear artillery preparation. Bn med pt Voyennyy Vestnik 6/82. MR Bn (BMP) "Vykhod iz boya i otkhod" Arty Bn [Breaking contact and withdrawal]. Mort Btry V. Popov. Mortar battery is Tank Company carried as a reinforcement. No mention is made of the organic mortar battery. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/72. "V MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt ar'yergarde" [In the rearguard]. Arty Bn ATGM podr A. Timoshenko & V. Sayko. Article Tank Company Bn rear states that typical rearguard Engr Company motorized rifle battalion (minus platoon) is reinforced with an artillery ZSU 23-4 platoon battalion, tank company, engineer company, ATGM subunit, and air defense platoon. The typical rearguard tank battalion is usually reinforced with an artillery battalion, a motorized rifle company, an engineer company and other subunits. Military Herald 8/67. "The tank Tank Bn battalion in the rear guard". A. Arty Bn Sevast'yanov. Battalion fights SP Arty Btry a series of holding actions. MR Company Two Engr platoons M-1 Appendix N -Battalion Composition -Night Combat Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 2/89. MR Bn (BMP) 120-mm Mort Btry "Osobennosti oborony noch'yu" Arty Bn AT plt [Features of night defense]. A. Tank Company AGS 17 plt Rybyan. Illumination and the 100-mm AT gun plt night defense. False company AD platoon position with dummy equipment Two Engr squads established. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/86. Tank Bn "Pri zhestkom limite vremeni" Arty Bn [Under constrained time limits]. MR Company Introduction of second echelon Engr platoon battalion in the depths of the enemy defense. First echelon tank bn in sector has two MR Cos. Commitment supported by 3 MI-24 (HIND) helicopters. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/86. Tank Bn "Shtab-opora komandira" [The Arty Bn staff - the buttress of the MR Company commander]. The battalion, Engr platoon serving as a reconnaissance patrol, advances at night supported by three MI-24 (HIND) helicopters. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/85. Tank Bn "Nastupleniye tankovogo batal'ona Arty Bn noch'yu" [The tank battalion MR Company attacks at night). B. Sergeyev. ZSU 23-4 platoon Attack from the march. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/84. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Atakovat' predstoyalo noch'yu" Arty Bn AD platoon (A night attack was at hand]. Tank Company AGS 17 plt K. Babitskiy & V. Mel'nichuk. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 3/83. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Batal'on nastupayet noch'yu" Arty Bn AD platoon [Battalion attacks at night]. Tank Company AGS 17 plt K. Semerikov & A. Chulanov. Engr platoon Dismounted attack supported by ZSU 23-4 platoon and helicopters. Voyennyy Vestnik 11/82. Tank Bn "Batal'on nastupayet noch'yu" Arty Bn N-i [Battalion attacks at night] MR Company V. Godin. Attack from the march. Mortar battery ZSU 23-4 platoon Engr squad Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 8/82. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Svetovoye obespecheniye nochnogo Arty Bn boya" [Illumination support of Tank company night combat]. N. Vinokur. Dismounted attack from positions in direct contact with a defending enemy. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/80. MR Bn (BMP) "Esli boy budet noch'yu" [If Arty Bn combat is a night]. N. Vinokur. Tank Company Mortar battery is listed as a Mort Btry reinforcement. No mention is ZSU 23-4 platoon made of the organic mortar btry. Engr squad Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 3/80. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Bez pauz - dnyem i noch'yu" Arty Bn [Day or night without a pause]. Tank Company M. Kontseropyatov. Dismounted attack using an arty btry in support of each first echelon company while the remaining arty and mortar btrys fired illumination. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/74. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plat "Nastupayet motostrelkovyy 122 mm battery batal'on" (The motorized rifle Tank Company advances]. A. Zheltoukhov. AT platoon Arty Bn in support. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 8/74. MR Bn "Obespechivaya vstrechnyy boy" Arty Bn [Supporting a meeting battle]. Tank Company I. Begishev & A. Ignatov. AD platoon? Advance guard at night conducts Engr platoon a meeting battle with engineer BAT support in illumination, mine MTU clearing and mine laying. TMM Mine plows BTU Voyennyy Vestnik 2/74. "Noch' MR Bn (BTR) ATGM podr umelym ne pomekha' [Night is no Arty Bn Mort plt N-2 difficulty when skill is applied]. Tank Company V. Usmanov. Communications AD platoon support. Subordination of mortar and AD platoon is uncertain. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/72. "Noch'yu MR Bn Mort plt s boyevoy strel'boy" [At night Tank Company with field firing]. B. Engr platoon Shchitikov. Discusses Chem recon sqd illumination and fire control. Supported by an artillery battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/72. MR Bn ATGM podr "Minometnaya batareya v nastu- Arty Bn plenii noch'yu" [A mortar battery Mortar Btry in the night offensive]. V. Tank Company Dement'yev. Regimental mortar Engr platoon battery supports attack through Chem recon sqd defending company and helps stop counterattack. Attack supported by nuclear strike, mortar battery of adjacent regiment and regimental antitank reserve. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Batal'on nastupayet noch'yu" Tank Company ATGM podr [The battalion advances at night]. B. Nazerenko. Attack from positions in direct contact supported by artillery battalion. Additonal artillery support for phase II fires. Bn immediate mission to the rear of the defending company. Advances through defending battalion. No mention of engineer support. Military Herald 10/69. "Field MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt firing at night". F. Demin and 122-mm Btry P. Kudinov. Battalion attacks Tank Company to immediate mission (defending Engr platoon battalion rear) and subsequent Chem recon sqd mission (brigade reserve). Military Herald 3/67. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Battalion attack at night". SP How platoon AT plt A. Remez and L. Zheleznyak. Tank Company Battalion, supported by at least Engr platoon one artillery battalion and an MTU airburst nuclear strike, attacks Chem recon sqd from a position in direct contact N-3 with a defending enemy. Military Herald 3/67. "Engineer Tank Bn (less one company) work in the battalion". A. Two BTU Kovshov. Tank battalion road MR squad trained to emplace marches and occupys a second mines echelon position in a regimental defense during the night. Engineers assist in digging in the battalion at night. The third tank company is attached to a first echelon motorized rifle battalion. All tanks were dug into sandy-clayey soil in four hours. Two hundred AT mines were emplaced by the squad. Military Herald 7/66. "A MR Bn Mort pit battalion advances at night". Tank Company AT pit S. Vikarchuk. Artillery Engr platoon battalion supporting. Battalion attacks as part of a two- battalion attack from the march. Military Herald 2/64. "Actions MR Bn Mort pit of a battery at night". Daylight Tank podraz AT gun pit combat with enemy in a hasty defense continues into the night. Artillery battalion supports. Military Herald 10/62. "Tankers Tank Bn attack at night". G. Petrovskiy. Rifle Company Nonilluminated company attack, Engr Squad supported by a nuclear strike and undetermined artillery. Military Herald 10/62. MR Bn 57mm gun pit "Direction of a company in a Tank Company night attack". V. Gamov and N. 120-mm Mortar Btry Lepin. Illuminated rifle company attack against a prepared defense. Supported by undetermined artillery. N-4 Appendix 0- Battalion Composition-Combat in Swampy, Forested Terrain Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 6/86. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Obkhodyashchiy otryad b gorno- Arty Btry tayezhnoy mestnosti" [The flanking Tank Company detachment in mountain-taiga Engr platoon terrain]. G. Kochurov. Supported by 4 Mi-24 HIND helicopters and a company sized air assault. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/82. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Nastupayet batal'on" [Battalion Tank Company AD platoon advances]. N. Savkin. Dismounted Engr platoon AGS 17 plt daylight attack supported by Chem recon sqd artillery. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/82. MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry "S uchetom spetsifiki" Arty Bn AT plt [Attention to detail]. R. Tank Company AD plt Mustafin. Signal support in a Engr platoon Signal plt battalion. Med pt Maint grp Voyennyy Vestnik 7/79. MR Bn (BMP) Mort Btry "Otrazheniye kontrataki v lesu" Tank Company (Repulsing a counterattack in the forest]. Yu. Ladygin. MR company defending in forest. Bn supported by artillery battalion. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/76. Tank Bn Bn rear "Marsh v rasputitsu" [The march MR Company during the spring thaw]. V. Engr platoon Krasnikov & L. Titov. March to MTU squad defensive position. BAT squad TMM squad Voyennyy Vestnik 10/74. MR Bn 82-mm Mort "Boy v lesisto-bolotistoy Arty plt plt mestnosti" [Combat in forested Tank Company AT platoon swampy terrain]. V. Nesteruk. 120-mm Mort Btry Attack against an enemy going Engr platoon over to the defense. Additional Chem recon sqd artillery supports the attack. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/74. MR Bn ATGM podr "Tyl batal'ona v oborone v gorno- Mortar Btry Supply plt tayezhnoy mestnosti" (The Tank retriever Medical pt battalion rear in the defense in Maint pit 0-1 mountain-taiga terrain]. N. Tech point Malygin. No discussion of fire support. Voyennyy Vestnik 4/73. Tank Bn "Vstrechnyy boy v gorno-tayezhnoy mestnosti" [Meeting battle in mountain-taiga terrain]. I. Svitov. Force on force exercise between two pure tank battalions. Voyennyy Vestnik 2/73. "Na MR Bn (BTR) marshe v vesennyuyu rapnutitsu" Arty Btry (A march during the spring thaw]. Tank Company P. Popov. Conduct of a 200-km Engr platoon BAT-M march under difficult conditions. BTU MTU Military Herald 12/71. "In a MR Bn Mort det (plt?) covering detachment". V. Altunov. 122-mm Btry AA platoon Actions of a flanking detachment Engr det (plt?) in September and again during Chem recon sqd winter. Mentions that a mortar battery is frequently prefered to a howitzer battery due to transportability in this terrain. Military Herald 1/69. "Defense MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry in mountain-taiga terrain". N. 122-mm Btry Malyugin. Company level defense. Tank Company Military Herald 4/67. "In MR Bn Mort plt forested terrain". V. Hesteruk. 122-mm Btry AT plt March, night attack and night Tank platoon pursuit through difficult terrain. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 4/67. "In the Tank Bn advance during the bad road Engr platoon (4 BTRs) season". Author not listed in Two mine removal vehicles translation. Tank battalion, MTU serving as a flanking detachment Two ferry boat during an advance against a Truck with winch delaying enemy, negotiates rough country and river obstacles. Military Herald 11/64. MR Bn Mort plt "Motorized rifle battalion 120-mm mort Btry Bn rear defends in a forest". A. Tank Company Smol'skiy. Supported by an Engr platoon artillery battery. Terrain, not Chem recon sqd accessible everywhere for troops and tanks, can allow a battalion 0-2 to defend on a front of up to 7 kms, instead of the usual 5 km. Company frontages can be up to 3 kms with gaps between companies of 1-3 kms. The FEBA should be at least 150 meters forward of the forest edge or deeper in, but never on the forest edge. In the article, the enemy opened a 2.5-km gap with a nuclear strike. The reserve was used to plug the gap. Military Herald 11/64. "Special MR Bn (BTR) features of an attack in swampy- Arty or mortar podraz forest terrain". B. Shubin and Tank Company V. Shul'gin. Detailed Engr platoon description and norms for the 1-2 MTU attack. 1-2 BAT Portable bridge Military Herald 9/64. MR Bn Arty AT plt "Operations of an antiaircraft 120-mm Mortar Btry battery on swampy forest terrain". Tank Company V. Limarenko and V. Buteyev. AA Btry Artillery support not mentioned. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/64. "In a MR Bn AT gun plt wood-marshland". S. Bikarchuk. Tank Company Movement, attack, pursuit and Engr platoon defense in a marshland. Fire Chem recon sqd support, other than by the organic gun platoon, is not mentioned. Military Herald 12/62. Tank Bn "Competence victorious". A. Ivanov. Supported by undetermined artillery in a winter attack acrossa semi-frozen swamp. 0-3 Appendix P-Battalion Composition-Combat in Mountains Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 7/88. MR Bn (BTR) Mort Btry "V obkhodyashchem otryade" Arty Btry [In a flanking detachment]. Engr platoon N. Zaitsev. Second echelon bn MTU-20 supported by helicopters and BAT company-sized air assault. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 2/87. Tank Bn "Komandir - organizator boya" Arty Bn [The commander - the organizer of MR Company the battle]. Attack from the ZSU 23-4 plt march supported by helicopters. Engr plt Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 2/86. Tank Bn "Tanki idut na pereval [Tanks SP Arty Bn negotiate a pass]. V. Markov. MR Company (BMP) Mrach and meeting engagement. ZSU 23-4 platoon Engr platoon MTU Two recovery vehicles Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 2/85. MR Bn (BMP) Mort plt? "Boy v gorakh" (Mountain combat]. Arty Bn A. Shul'gin. Attack from the Tank Company march supported by Mi-24 HIND ZSU 23-4 platoon helicopters and aircraft. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 12/83. MR Bn Mort Btry "Razvedka i zashchita flangov" Arty Bn [Reconnaissance and flank Engr platoon protection]. Yu. Labyrin. Bn seizes and holds a pass. Voyennyy Vestnik 12/83. MR Bn Mort Btry "Organizator ognevogo Arty Bn AT platoon porazheniya" [The organizer of fire destruction]. V. Barlit. Artillery support in mountain combat. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/83. MR Bn (BMP) "S uchetom gornogo rel'yefa" Arty Bn [Considering mountainous terrain]. Tank Company B. P'yankov & A Bil'chanckiy. Flamethrower Company States that this is the usual AD platoon P-I composition for a battalion in Engr platoon the mountains which is operating Chem recon sqd away from the main body. One or two MTU Recovery vehicle Voyennyy Vestnik 5/83. MR Bn "V obkhodyashchem otryade" [In Arty Bn a flanking detachment]. V. Engr platoon Danil'chenko. Voyennyy Vestnik 1/82. MR Bn "Usilennyy motostrelkovyy Arty Bn batal'on nastupayet v gorakh" Tank Company [Reinforced motorized rifle Engr Company battalion advances in the Chem recon sqd mountains]. V. Popov. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/81. MR Bn (BTR) "Boy za pereval" [Battle for the Arty Bn pass]. A Drozdov. Mortar btry Tank Company listed as a reinforcement, with Mortar Battery no mention made of the organic ZSU 23-4 platoon mortar battery. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Marsh i vstrechnyy boy v 76mm mtn gn Btry ATGM podr goristoy mestnosti" [March and Tank platoon Bn rear meeting battle in hilly terrain]. Mortar Btry (120-mm) K. Andreev. Advance guard Engr platoon activity. MTU Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 4/72. MR Bn "Ucheniye minometnoy batarei s Mortar Btry boyevoy strel'boy" [Exercise of Tank Company mortar battery with field firing]. M. Pravilov. Fire support of a flanking detachment in hilly terrain. Military Herald 9/71. "March Tank Bn Signal plt and meeting engagement of a tank Arty Bn Bn rear battalion in mountains". A. MR platoon Zyryanov. Advance guard in the Engr platoon march and meeting battle. Military Herald 3/70. "Defense Tank Bn by a tank battalion in the Arty Bn mountains". A. Zyryanov. Tank Company Battalion transitions from Engr platoon pursuit to defense. Enemy employs nuclear strike against the P-2 defense. Military Herald 7/69. "A tank Tank Bn battalion on the offensive in the MR Company mountains". A. Zyryanov. Attack Engr platoon from the march utilizing air and artillery strikes. Battalion is supported by an artillery battalion. Military Herald 11/66. MR Bn "Training for firing in 120-mm mortar Btry mountains". M. Pravilov. 76-mm mountain gun Btry Regimental advance guard fights Tank Company in the mountains. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 2/66. "The MR Bn Mor pit artillery battalion in the Arty Bn mountains". G. Gumenyuk. Tank Company Advance guard seizes a pass for Engr platoon the main body. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 8/64. MR Bn Mort Btry "Communications in an attack in Arty Bn the mountains". N. Grinberg. Tank Company Besides title, article addresses Engr platoon communications with a flanking detachment (company-sized) and with a specialized detachment (a company-sized force designed to destroy or capture enemy nuclear weapons). Military Herald 11/63. "Defense MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt in the mountains". A. Dorofeyev. Mtn gun Btry AT gun plt Artillery battalion supports. SP Arty plt Bn Med pt Enemy launches a nuclear strike AA Btry and attacks into a fire pocket. Engr platoon Excellent example of the use of artillery to hold the nose of a fire pocket. Military Herald 9/63. MR Bn AT gun podr "Peculiarities of the attack of Mortar Btry a company in the mountains". P. Tank Company Belous. Supported by a nuclear strike. Artillery support cannot be determined. Military Herald 11/62. MR Bn Mort plt "Mistakes which could have been 122-mm Btry AT gun plt P-3 avoided". G. Ashin and P. Tank Company Trifonov. Battalion probably has 1-2 more batteries of 122-mm or a 120-mm mortar battery attached or supporting. Article is about a rifle company attack from positions in direct contact. P-4 Appendix Q-Battalion Composition-Combat in Polar Regions/Winter Conditions Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voeyennyy Vestnik 12/80. MR Bn "Osobennosti boyevykh deystviy Arty Btry v zapolyar'ye" [Features of Company of swimming tanks military actions in the polar Engr Company region]. G.A. Andresyan. AD platoon Military Herald 9/66. MR Bn Mort plt "Engineer support of the defense 122-mm How Btry in the zaployar'ye". S. Malyugin Two tank platoons and N. Panasov. Article deals Engr platoon with preparation of the defense Chem recon sqd in July. The platoon has a bull- dozer, an E305 excavator, a tank dozer kit, a prime mover, four steel shelters, 1.5 tons of explosives, 1000 AT mines and 1800 AP mines. The article states that 2-2.5 times more labor is consumed in earthmoving than in normal soil. Military Herald 7/66. "The Tank Bn flanking detachment in the MR Company (BTR 50P) arctic". I. Manzhurin. A Engr platoon flanking detachment travels over Chem recon sqd "impassable terrain" to seize an Two prime movers important pass for the main body. This is an amphibious tank battalion (probably PT76) which negotiates several flowing and stationary water obstacles. Military Herald 10/65. "An MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt attack by a motorized rifle Mortar Btry AT gun plt battalion in the northern Tank Company regions". A. Akomov. Supported Engr platoon by an artillery battalion. Tanks Chem recon sqd and trucks are amphibious. Military Herald 9/65. "The Tank Bn Bn rear defense of a tank battalion in Arty Btry the arctic". I. Manzhurin. MR Company Forward detachment transitions Engr podraz to the defense and prepares Chem recon sqd positions at night. Q-1 Military Herald 10/64. "An MR Bn Mort plt attack by a motorized rifle Mortar Btry AT gun plt battalion in the northern Tank Company regions". A. Akmov. Artillery Engr platoon battalion (minus one battery) Chem recon sqd supports. Attack is against a reinforced motorized infantry company. Following the attack and pursuit, the battalion is designated a forward detachment and an additional platoon of amphibious tanks and two amphibious trucks are attached. Military Herald 2/64. MR Bn "Operations of an artillery Arty Bn battalion in arctic regions". P. Katasonov. Motorized rifle battalion, in conjunciton with another battalion moves to eliminate a battalion-sized airborne drop which has seized a town with an airstrip, warehouses, etc. The battalion attacks on skis. Q-2 Appendix R-Battalion Composition-Protection Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 8/85 MR Bn (BMP) "Zashchita batal'ona ot Tank Company neytronnogo oruzhiya" [Protecting the battalion from neutron weapons]. N. Stefanov. Arty Bn in support. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/81. MR Bn Mort btry "V tselyakh sokhraneniya Arty Bn AT platoon boyesposobnost'" [For the purpose Tank Company of preserving combat potential]. ZSU 23-4 platoon A Polyak & A. Ponomarev. Voyennyy Vestnik 12/77. Tank Bn "Pokaznoye ucheniye" Arty Bn Demonstration training]. S. ZSU 23-4 plt Kalinovsky. Attack from the Engr squad march. Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 3/73. MR Bn "Spasatel'nyye raboty v ochagakh Arty Bn porazheniya" [Rescue work in Tank Company strike centers ]. P. Zolotarev. AD force Battalion attacking in the depths of the enemy is hit with a 20-KT nuclear strike. Military Herald 7/67. "Using MR Bn Mort plt organic manpower and equipment". Arty Btry AT plt A. Isayuk and M. Kharin. Tank Company Bn rear Battalion hit by a nuclear strike Chem recon sqd during an attack from the march. At least one battery of artillery in support. Military Herald 7/67. "Solve MR Bn Mort plt this problem". Battalion, moving Arty Bn AT gun plt from the reserve to an attack Tank Company Bn rear from the march, is hit by a 3-kt Engr platoon and a 2-kt strike and a sarin Chem recon sqd strike. Military Herald 6/67. "The MR Bn Bn rear commander estimates the radiation Tank Company situation". A. Martyunov, Yu. Baulin and Ya. Belezerov. Battalion exploits nuclear and R-1 artillery fire to attack the enemy from the march. The artillery support is not specified. The article explains the use of charts, tables and nomographs to solve radiation exposure problems. Military Herald 6/67. "Under MR Bn (BTR) Bn rear employment of nuclear weapons". Chem recon sqd B. Abramtsev. Battalion attacks defending enemy utilizing effects of an airburst nuclear weapon. The battalion column is struck by a ground burst nuclear strike during the attack and an air burst nuclear strike after rupturing the tactical defenses. No mention is made of supporting armor, artillery or engineers. Military Herald 6/67. "With a MR Bn chemical defense company". A. Stoklov. Motorized rifle battalion, operating as a forward detachment, is contaminated by fallout from a nearby nuclear burst. A chemical defense company decontaminates the battalion. No mention is made of armor, artillery, engineer or air defense support. Military Herald 6/67. "Solve MR Bn AT plt this problem". A battalion Arty Bn attacks to exploit an air burst Tank Company nuclear strike, breaks the enemy Engr platoon defenses and is fighting in the Chem recon sqd depth of the enemy defense when trailing second echelon battalion is hit by a nuclear strike. The enemy reserve is preparing to counterattack. Military Herald 9/66. "After MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt nuclear strikes". V. Shamshurov. Arty Bn 57mm AT plt A second echelon battalion of a Tank Company defending regiment is struck by Engr platoon two airburst nuclear strikes. The article deals with measures to restore combat effectiveness following a nuclear strike. R-2 Military Herald 5/66. MR Bn "Together with tactics". M. 122mm How Btry Mal'nov. Advance guard in the Mortar platoon march and meeting battle is hit Engr squad with sarin gas and moves through Chem recon sqd a radiated zone from a surface burst nuclear strike. No tanks are involved. Military Herald 2/64. "Chemical MR Bn defense company operates from the Tank Company march". G. Dedovikov. Motorized rifle battalion with tank company is contaminated by adjacent nuclear strike. Chemical defense company decontaminates the force. No artillery is accompanying the force. R-3 Appendix S-Battalion Composition-Relief in Place Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 10/79. MR Bn (BMP) "Smena podrazdeleniy" [Relief of Mortar Btry subunits]. V. Popov. Defensive position relieved. Supported by unspecified artillery. S-i Appendix T-Battalion Composition-March Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 8/79. Tank Bn "Vmeste s tankistami" [Together Arty Bn with tank crews]. V. Trishin. ZSU 23-4 Btry Four part exercise consisting of a march, attack from the march, river crossing, and meeting engagement. Primarily concerned with air defense protection of the force. Voyennyy Vestnik 7/76. MR Bn (BTR 60-PB) AD unit "Protivovozdushnaya oborona v Tank Company AT platoon batal'one" [Battalion air Mortar Btry Bn rear defense]. A. Bulatov & I. ZSU 23-4 Btry (4) Polyakov. Bn in assembly area and march. Voyennyy Vestnik 5/76. MR Bn Mort plt "Zadacha No. 1" [Problem No. 1]. Arty Bn ATGM podr Advance guard on the march. Tank Company Signal plt AD platoon Supply plt Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Voyennyy Vestnik 11/75. MR Bn "S uchetom real'noy obstanovki" Arty Bn [Taking into acount realistic Tank Company circumstances]. A. Demidov. Force-on-force exercise involving a march, meeting battle, transition to the defense, an attack from the march and a chemical attack. Voyennyy Vestnik 3/74. MR Bn (BTR) "Inzhenernoye obespecheniye Arty Bn marsha noch'yu" [Engineer support Tank Company of a night march]. M. Smirnov. Engr platoon BAT MTU BTU Recon sqd Two sqds Voyennyy Vestnik 10/72. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Marsh i vstrechnyy boy v 76'-mm Mtn gun Btry ATGM podr goristoy mestnosti" [The march 120-mm Mort Btry Signal plt & meeting battle on hilly Tank platoon Spt podr terrain]. K. Andreev. Advance Engr platoon T-1 guard actions. One MTU Chem recon sqd Military Herald 4/71. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Organization of communications Tank Company ATGM podr for troop management". V. Supply plt Shadrin. Article on march route Commo plt communications. No mention is made of artillery, AD or engineer forces. Military Herald 11/68. MR Bn Mort plt "Tactical and marching drill Mortar Btry Bn rear lessons with a battalion". V. Tank Company Vinnikov. March and attack from Antitank Arty Btry the march utilizing a nuclear strike. Battalion immediate mission is to the depth of the defending battalion. Military Herald 10/68. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt "Disposition of troops for a halt Arty Bn and outpost security". I. Glebov. Tank Company Concerns security of an assembly Engr platoon area during a halt. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 3/66. "How to MR Bn (BTR) Bn rear form a march column". V. Savkin. Arty Bn Placement of elements in a march Tank Company colurn. Engr platoon AA platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 3/64. "A march MR Bn by a field artillery battalion". Arty Bn G. Mozgovoy. Artillery battalion Two tank Companies marches as part of an advance guard. Military Herald 3/64. "Control MR Bn Mort plt of an antiaircraft battery on the Two Arty Btrys 85-mm Btry march and in a meeting engage- Two Tank Companies Bn rear ment". D. Miloserdov. Military Herald 6/63. "Warning MR Bn small units on the march and in Arty Btry battle". V. Burkovskiy. Tank Company Establishment of a special radio net to warn the elements of a battalion of approaching enemy aircraft. T-2 Military Herald 5/63. "Engineer Tank Bn Bn rear support of the march of a tank Arty Bn battalion". F. Akulishnin. Rifle platoon Engr platoon Military Herald 5/63. "A tank Tank Bn battalion exercise". A. Serov. Arty Btry Exercise lasting from 2000 21 Engr platoon to 0600 23 January testing the Chem recon sqd alert, march, meeting battle, pursuit, and defense. Military Herald 5/63. "Anti- MR Bn Supply plt aircraft defense of the motorized 120-mm mortar Btry rifle battalion on the march". Tank Company A. Luginin. Air defense of a AA Btry regimental advance guard. Engr platoon Chem recon sqd T-3 Appendix U - Battalion Composition - Combat in the Desert Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 9/77. Tank Bn "Sapery deystvuyut s tankamy v MR Company pustyne" [Combat engineers serve Engr platoon with tanks in the desert]. V. IMR Semenkov. Attack against a BAT well prepared defense. No mention is made of fire support. Voyennyy Vestnik 9/76. MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt ? "Vstrechnyy boy v pustyne" Arty Bn [Meeting battle in the desert]. Tank Company A. Grubyy. Advance guard actions. Voyennyy Vestnik 8/75. Tank Bn "Nastupayut tankisty" [The 122 howitzer Btry tankers advance]. N. Madudov. ZSU 23-4 platoon Attack from the march supported Engr squad by unspecified additional Chem recon sqd artillery and three nuclear strikes. Voyennyy Vestnik 10/74. MR Bn (BTR) "Zashchita podrazdZ*iiiy v gorno- Arty Bn pustynnoy mestnost," [Defense of Engr platoon subunits in a hiliy desert]. Chem recon sqd Yu. Nuzhdin & A. Bogatov. Defense of a march from chemical and nuclear attack. Military Herald 3/68. "An MR Bn (BTR) Mort plt exercise with a mortar battery 122-mm Arty Bn involving live firing". M. Mortar Btry Pravilov. 120-mm mortar battery Tank Company attached to MR Bn participates in AT gun platoon a march and meeting battle in Engr platoon arid mountainous terrain. Column Chem recon sqd attacked by gas, two nuclear weapons and fighter bombers. Military Herald 9/63. MR Bn "Artillery battalion desert Tank Company operations". N. Korf and I Gapon. Artillery battalion supports an attack from the march against prepared defenses. Exact composition difficult to determine. U-I Appendix V-Battalion Composition-Amphibious Landing Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 5/74 MR Bn (BTR) ATGM podr "Svyaz' v morskom desante" Arty Bn Repair & [Communications in an amphibious Tank Co (swimming) Evac Gp landing]. D. Moskalenko. Mortar Btry Linkup with air assault landing. AD Btry Chem recon sqd V-1 Appendix W - Battalion Composition -Air Assault Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Voyennyy Vestnik 7/73. MR Bn Mort plt "Batal'on v takticheskom Engr platoon ATGM podr vozdushnom desante" (Battalion Chem recon sqd Gun btry? in a tactical air assault]. AD plt? M. Tychkov. Battalion seizes a bridge and the far bank of a river supported by a nuclear strike, fighter bombers and, when it has advanced within range, an artillery battalion. Military Herald 3/71. "The MR Bn Mort plt battalion of an air assault Arty Btry force. K. Urtayev. From the translation, the subordination of the battery cannot be proven. I beleive that it is the organic 76-mm cannon battery of the motorized rifle battalion. Military Herald 6/68. "A MR Bn Mort plt battalion in an airborne landing". 122-mm How Btry AT podr V. Chernyak. Assault supported Engr platoon by a nuclear strike. Chem recon sqd Military Herald 4/68. MR Bn Mort plt "Communications in an air Mortar Btry AT plt assault". N. Shiskov. Control AT platoon Signal plt group consists of two APCs and a Engr squad truck. 1st APC-Cdr, Cdr attached Chem recon sqd mortar battery. 2d APC-Chief of staff. Truck- Arty LNO. Assault is within supporting artillery range. W-1 Appendix X - Battalion Composition - Combat in Built-up Areas Sources Bn w/attachments Organic Military Herald 9/71. "Artillery MR Bn combat in a city". S. Dudarev. Arty Bn Actions of an artillery battalion AT Arty Btry as part of an assault detachment. ATGM podr Engr platoon Chem recon sqd Military Herald 6/70. MR Bn Mort Btry "Battalion advances in a Arty Bn AT gun plt populated point". A. Zyryanov. Tank Company Detailed article on actions of Engr platoon an assault detachment. Military Herald 6/70. "Mortar MR Bn battery operations in a city". Mortar Btry V. Odnoletkov and M. Pankov. Mortar support to an assault detachment. No other support or attachments specified. Military Herald 3/70. "Combat MR Bn Mort plt in a large city". A. Dorofeyev. Arty Bn AT podr Article deals with the formation Tank Company of an assault group within an Engr platoon assault detachment in the offense. Chem recon sqd The detachment first echelon can take a block; two blocks require commital of the second echelon. Military Herald 8/69. "The MR Bn attack in a city". L. Kuznetsov. Guns of various calibers Theoretical article with no Tanks examples. Engineer podr Chemical troops podr. X-1 Appendix Y-Batalion Composition-Combat under Winter Conditions Source Bn w/Attachments Organic Military Herald 2/71. "Winter MR Bn Mort plt attack". V. Sabalyauskas. Arty Bn ATGM podr Winter, not necessairily a polar Two Tank Companies article. Attack by personnel Engrs on skis towed by tanks during Dvina exercises. Military Herald 2/71. MR Bn Mort plt "Battalion defense in winter". Arty Btry ATGM podr V. Zhukov. Artillery battalion Tank Company in support of a battalion Engrs defending a river line during the Dvina exercises. Military Herald 5/66. "The MR Bn AT plt experience of combat introduced Arty Btry into training". V. Nesteruk. Tank Company Use of ski-mounted enveloping detachments in forested, snow covered terrain. Use of howitzers as direct fire tank killers. Military Herald 2/66. "Winter MR Bn Bn rear in a contaminated area". A. SP arty Btry Shalyapin. Attack from the march Tank Company through an irradiated zone. Engr platoon Tank dozer Military Herald 12/63. "Winter MR Bn Mort plt operations of a motorized rifle 122-mm Btry AT gun plt M. Sotskov. Advance guard fords Engr platoon Bn rear a river and attacks the enemy on Chem recon sqd the flank. Military Herald 11/63. "Easily MR Bn Mort plt controlled". L. Kozlovskiy and How Btry 57-mm gun plt Ta. Davydov. Winter meeting 120-mm Mortar Btry battle supported by a nuclear Tank Company strike. During the pursuit, the battalion mounts skis to continue the attack. Y-1