This document discusses strategies for setting up an international drop shipping business to Brazil by circumventing high import taxes. It recommends creating shipping profiles, establishing payment methods like PayPal, and advertising on Facebook to find Brazilian customers. The goal is to ship items like electronics, clothing and food that Brazilians want but cannot easily obtain due to the country's high import taxes of over 100%. By using one's home address as a shipping destination, it aims to subsidize the cost of international travel through credit card rewards from purchases.
This document discusses strategies for setting up an international drop shipping business to Brazil by circumventing high import taxes. It recommends creating shipping profiles, establishing payment methods like PayPal, and advertising on Facebook to find Brazilian customers. The goal is to ship items like electronics, clothing and food that Brazilians want but cannot easily obtain due to the country's high import taxes of over 100%. By using one's home address as a shipping destination, it aims to subsidize the cost of international travel through credit card rewards from purchases.
This document discusses strategies for setting up an international drop shipping business to Brazil by circumventing high import taxes. It recommends creating shipping profiles, establishing payment methods like PayPal, and advertising on Facebook to find Brazilian customers. The goal is to ship items like electronics, clothing and food that Brazilians want but cannot easily obtain due to the country's high import taxes of over 100%. By using one's home address as a shipping destination, it aims to subsidize the cost of international travel through credit card rewards from purchases.
This document discusses strategies for setting up an international drop shipping business to Brazil by circumventing high import taxes. It recommends creating shipping profiles, establishing payment methods like PayPal, and advertising on Facebook to find Brazilian customers. The goal is to ship items like electronics, clothing and food that Brazilians want but cannot easily obtain due to the country's high import taxes of over 100%. By using one's home address as a shipping destination, it aims to subsidize the cost of international travel through credit card rewards from purchases.
oolvetsol folflllmeot. - lblllp k. ulck, A 5coooet uotkly
The Four Horsemen
I. Creat|on a. 8eglsLer LLC on LegalZoom (opLlonal) b. CreaLe presence on My.uS (opLlonal) c. CreaLe uropbox accounL d. CreaLe Lhe prlmary node
II. reparat|on a. 8ulld proflles b. 8ank drops c. CreaLe SLrlpe accounL d. Secondary merchanL accounLs
III. Stag|ng a. repare web server lnsLances b. CreaLe basellne wlLh wpb2d c. Conflgure Ladron+ v1.2 d. CreaLe dev envlronmenL ln Amazon LC2 (opLlonal)
IV. Lxecut|on a. AuLomaLlng and cleanlng wlLh Ladron+ and SLrlpe b. known good daLa c. ulverslons d. llopplng on lllppa
1he ermanent Vacat|on
ln november of 2010 l declded Lo sell everyLhlng l owned and leave Lhe unlLed SLaLes wlLh only a backpack and sulLcase. l had planned my deparLure for 9 monLhs. l had a clear seL of goals. 1ravel and sLop worklng a 9-3. Cood food. Cood wlne. Cood hash. LeL's see how long we can keep Lhls golng.
l never wenL Lo college. l sLarLed wlLh [usL a few hundred dollars. l dldn'L speak any oLher languages.
l only have blg ldeas and an obsesslon wlLh small deLalls.
When we're young we dream of havlng more money and Lhen we geL older and we geL LhaL money buL noLhlng has really changed. We should be longlng for freedom. noL money, noL Llme, buL Lhe freedom Lo do as we please wlLhouL answerlng Lo anyone, Lled down Lo noLhlng. ueflne our own prlorlLles.
What do you want?
Lveryone says more money buL we don'L really Lhlnk abouL why. Some people say Llme buL surely LhaL couldn'L have applled Lo me. 8ored and unlnLeresLed, l was ln a rouLlne of Ledlous l1 [obs, drlnklng, and puLLlng food ln Lhe mlcrowave. l would fanLaslze abouL llfe ouLslde my sleepy clLy whlle browslng naLlonal Ceographlc phoLo archlves dozlng off ln my cublcle. l dldn'L need Llme. l had Loo much of lL.
l was washlng Lhe dlshes sLarlng Lhe ouL wlndow when l saw a ledLx Lruck drlve by. l began wonderlng whaL klnd of Lhlngs go lnLo a loglsLlcs company. Who says Lo Lhemselves- l wanL Lo sLarL shlpplng Lhlngs. l should geL some boxes."? Pow do you brlng fresh new ldeas Lo someLhlng as baslc as movlng Lhlngs around? lL was a passlng LhoughL [usL as lf l saw a Lruck wlLh a logo on Lhe hlghway.
lL wasn'L unLll several weeks laLer LhaL l was browslng llsLlngs on e8ay and saw a vendor's slze 24 ranLlng abouL 8razlllan cusLomers asklng hlm Lo mark Lhe lLem as a glfL wlLh a value of less Lhan 30 dollars. l couldn'L belleve how someone could have such sLrong moral reservaLlons agalnsL lylng abouL Lhe value of lhone replacemenL screens. Pow many messages dld Lhls person recelve before Lhey saL down aL Lhelr compuLer and nerd raged seven paragraphs on Lhelr e8ay proflle?
Slze 24.
Was lL a scam? Was Lhere anyLhlng else Lo Lhls? WhaL was he Lalklng abouL? l had never heard anyLhlng abouL Lhls. AfLer a magazlne arLlcle and Lwo mlnuLes on Wlklpedla l had lL all flgured ouL.
lL's a slmple concepL. unfalr and unmanageable, buL slmple.
1he 8razlllan governmenL wanLs Lo force 8razlllan lndusLry, noL Lhrough free markeLs, buL hlgh Larlffs and lnfamously slow bureaucracy. An unspoken componenL of Lhe 8razlllan buslness model ls LhaL people have no oLher cholce. Cf course cerLaln companles can work wlLh lmpunlLy, Lhere's no compeLlLlon, and Lhe quallLy of goods and servlces decllne.
lL's slmllar Lo !uche ldeallsm ln norLh korea.
?es, &$%& norLh korea. 1here are no genLle lncenLlves, elLher. 8razll has some of Lhe hlghesL lmporL Laxes on planeL LarLh. lf you are a small buslness owner and you wanLed Lo lmporL an elecLronlc lLem LhaL cosL 100 uSu MSk, you musL pay Lhe 8razlllan governmenL 103 uSu upon enLry, [usL ln Laxes, Lo be able Lo legally recelve and sell LhaL lLem. CLherwlse Lhe lLems are kepL and/or desLroyed aL Lhe border.
1haL means LhaL your 100 uSu lLem could be 203 uSu, noL lncludlng shlpplng whlch can Lake up Lo 30 days because Lhe Laxes aLe up your budgeL. 8egular everyday people are unfalrly held Lo Lhese Laxes, Loo. lf you were an average 8razlllan LhaL wanLed a new graphlcs card from Amazon, you musL pay over 200 MS8 for LhaL lLem, agaln, excludlng shlpplng.
1here are excepLlons of course. Some raw maLerlals and agrlculLure producLs are Laxed much lower, around 3, and all glfLs wlLh a declared value of less Lhan 30 uSu are noL held, whlch ls whaL Lhe angry e8ay guy was ranLlng abouL.
MosL consumer goods are cheap, Chlnese, and smuggled from araguay.
lL should be obvlous buL mosL esLabllshed e8ay sellers are so Lerrlfled of havlng Lhelr accounLs locked LhaL Lhey acLlvely Lurn buslness away slmply due Lo whaL Lhey percelve as complex lmporL Laxes and 2).79 ercelved rlsk. lL's only Lwo flelds on Lhe form. !usL Lwo.
1he blggesL counLry ln SouLh Amerlca ls walLlng Lo be Laken serlously and no one ls caplLallzlng on lL. 1he world grows and changes whlle 8razlllans are held hosLage by Lhelr governmenL ln a desperaLe aLLempL Lo grow lndusLry.
MS8 for a laySLaLlon 4 ls 4,000 88L, [usL under 2,000 uSu. lL ls reallsLlc Lo expecL a 8razlllan company Lo develop and manufacLure a comparable vldeo game console?
1he overwhelmlng ma[orlLy of onllne reLallers are unwllllng Lo flnd any loopholes so Lhe cosLs are dumped Lo Lhe cusLomer or Lhey slmply refuse Lo do buslness.
Lvery 8razlllan ls famlllar wlLh Lhls emall:
#$%(7 603 802 50(&%5&)(: 3.9 uofottoootely, Joe to tbe testtlctloos by 8tozllloo costoms ootbotltles, we ote oooble to sblp to ;2%/),9
5locetely, 5oles locotpototeJ Large companles such as uell work ln Lhelr own ways. 1hey all do ln some capaclLy. 1hey have Lo. CompuLers wlll shlp wlLhouL an CS Lo lower Lhe MS8 upon enLry, eLc. 1here are even agencles ln 8razll LhaL wlll flnd shlpplng loopholes for your company.
l sLarLed a successful 8razlllan drop servlce wlLh only a spare bedroom and a clean credlL card. l made lL pay for 9 monLhs of llvlng expenses, lncludlng my fllghL 7000 kllomeLers away by lnLenLlonally uslng componenLs LhaL l could leverage laLer. A dollar dld noL [usL represenL a dollar.
WhaL else could lL do?
Lven lf you aren'L capable of managlng shlpmenLs you can sLlll offer your address as a forwardlng drop for any lLems LhaL were backordered durlng shopplng Lrlps, reLurns, Amazon orders, eLc.
Crder all of your shlpplng maLerlals here--
llll up your shopplng carL wlLh Large llaL 8aLe rlorlLy 8oxes. lL's all free. ?ou'll geL your maLerlals ln a week. ?ou'll also need aL leasL CLy. 10 - 2976-L-- avallable here.
no oLher label wlll work. lf Lhe webslLe ls ouL you can go Lo Lhe posL offlce and dlrecLly ask for 2976-L whlch ls [usL Lhe offlclal name for Lhe envelope speclflc Lo 2976-A, whlch we prlnL when we pay for shlpplng.
vlslL 8ank8aLe and apply for any number of Lravel rewards cards such as Chase unlLed.
use Lhls credlL card for all of your producL and shlpplng purchases. ?ou wlll more Lhan llkely earn aL leasL 20-30,000 frequenL flyer mlles [usL as a slgnlng bonus. 1hls coupled wlLh Lhe volume of purchases on your card ($64.93 each large flaL raLe box lncludlng Lhe orlglnal cosL of Lhe lLems) greaLly subsldlzes Lhe cosL of your flrsL fllghL.
"8ot l Joo't koow ooyooe lo 8tozll..." l dldn'L elLher buL Lhere are nearly 300 mllllon people ln Lhe counLry and Lhey all haLe Laxes.
!" $%& '()&" *"%*+',-&. !" (&" & *"%*+',-&/
Learn your markeL. Learn Lhe slang. Learn key words ln Lhe language. 1he word "muambelro" ls used [oklngly or "Longue ln cheek" buL Lhe meanlng ls sLlll very much undersLood. ?ou are Lhe smuggler ln Lhe llLeral deflnlLlon. #$%& <2+(5$ =0((+5&)0(. 1he grlngo LhaL helps worklng people and small buslness owners Lo geL whaL Lhey wanL aL reasonable prlces, conslsLenLly and safely.
AdverLlse on lacebook and lnsLagram. Look for #muambelro on lnsLagram or Muambelro purchase clubs on lacebook. lacebook ls mosL popular and accesslble for Lhls buL consLanLly keep your opLlons open. CrkuL (owned by Coogle buL noL yeL lnLegraLed wlLh Coogle+) ls sLlll very popular ln 8razll and lndla.
ayal ls Lhe preferred paymenL meLhod. lL's hard enough Lo plLch Lhe ldea Lo sLrangers Lhe flrsL few Llmes, leL alone suggesL a paymenL processer Lhey are noL famlllar wlLh. Many people do noL have a credlL card anyhow.
?ou are noL markeLlng Lo people LhaL would use your address Lo purchase sLolen goods. 1he smash and grab" menLallLy ls a wasLe of Llme and shorL Lerm Lhlnklng ls whaL makes people poor. Avold LhaL Lhlnklng and avold Lhose people.
lf lL really boLhers you can Lake an exLra precauLlonary measure and demand LhaL any cusLomers forward you Lhelr proof of purchase Lo ensure Lhe names maLch buL l don'L feel LhaL lL's necessary. l have shlpped well over 700 packages wlLhouL a problem.
lL's lmporLanL Lo recognlze key lndlcaLors of an emerglng mlddle class no maLLer whlch counLry you choose. Cenerally speaklng, new dlsposable lncome doesn'L gravlLaLe Lowards 30" LCu 1vs or vacuum cleaners LhaL can move Lhemselves around Lhe house. lnsLead, mosL raLlonal people wlll lndulge on some of Lhe beLLer quallLy everyday producLs Lhey are already famlllar wlLh and LhaL may already exlsL wlLhln Lhelr budgeL.
A 32 year old professlonal woman ln CurlLlba ls llkely aware of brand names such as Coldwell, 8usk, AllsalnLs, 8urL's 8ees, buL Lhe shlpplng and Larlffs make Lhe cosL [usL barely ouL of range Lo really [usLlfy lL. 8y palrlng a number of lLems LogeLher and leanlng on soclal medla you are noL [usL adverLlslng, you are sLarLlng Lhe conversaLlon on a personal level. ?ou are posLlng plcLures Lo popular pages, noL purchaslng lacebook ads.
MosL people spllL packages wlLh frlends and famlly. Many sLarL-ups wanL small glfLs or "swag" for cllenLs and employees. Many expaLs mlss Lhlngs such as peanuL buLLer or vlnegar based barbecue sauces. Small buslness owners wanL a small advanLage. 1hey wanL Lo be known as Lhe guy ln Lhe nelghborhood LhaL can geL x, ?, and Z.
?ou wanL Lo allow people Lo Lake a small sLep ln purchaslng someLhlng Lhey can [usLlfy 40..)>,6 ,0.)(: durlng shlpplng raLher Lhan Lrylng Lo sell an lhone Lo everyone you meeL. lL's noL reallsLlc and even lf you do manage Lo sell a phone lL would never arrlve.
Average dellvery Llmes Lo 8razll vary beLween 10 and 21 days. uellvery Llmes of 40-30 days Lo SouLh Amerlca are noL uncommon.
Some of Lhe more upwardly moblle of Lhe 8razlllan mlddle class wlll Lake annual Lrlps Lo Mlaml for no oLher reason Lhan Lo shop. lor now, you play lnLo LhaL lndulgenL emoLlon and allow people Lo spend a few exLra hundred for Lhe shampoo Lhey know Lhey llke or a presenL for an upcomlng blrLhday.
1he mosL proflLable packages are Large llaL 8aLe rlorlLy boxes wlLh an appeallng varleLy of smaller lLems such as-
MAC brand cosmeLlcs Sunglasses Mlcrowavable popcorn Shampoo CondlLloner 8oxlng shorLs !u-!lLsu accessorles Small boaL parLs such as bllge pumps Plgh end hydroponlc equlpmenL erfume sample packs (Sephora)
uo noL send elecLronlcs ln Lhe mall. 1hey wlll geL selzed aL besL, usually sLolen. l senL 6 small boxes ln a medlum llaL 8aLe box. Lach small box maLched Lhe exacL form facLor of a new lhone. All whlLe wlLh only a slngle uS8 charger ln each box. no Apple brandlng whaLsoever. 1he package was selzed due Lhe x-ray maLchlng Lhe form facLor unLaxed lhones. 1hey wlll acLlvely chase lhones and laySLaLlons for Lax fraud. uon'L glve Lhem a reason. ?ou wanL your package Lo be as lnconsplcuous as posslble. l have successfully shlpped nearly 700 packages and only losL 3, whlch lncludes my llLLle lhone experlmenL.
?ou wlll be surprlsed aL whaL you can flL ln a box buL remember Lo sLay wlLhln 18lbs. 1he maxlmum welghL llmlL ls 20lbs. buL you should keep a 2lbs. buffer Lo avold your package belng flagged as Loo heavy. 1he package wlll sLlll shlp lf lL ls overwelghL buL Lhe reclplenL wlll recelve a blll before Lhe package ls released and Lhls lncreases Lhe chances of Lhe package belng opened and Laxed.
1he 8razlllan 8eal changes agalnsL Lhe uollar every day. lL may go from 1:2.12 Lo 1:2.23 ln a slngle week. lor Lhe sake of slmpllclLy [usL Lhlnk of Lhe 88L agalnsL Lhe uollar as 2 Lo 1. ?ou wlll llkely be pleasanLly surprlsed when lL's Llme Lo wlLhdraw and Lhe exchange raLe ls 2.1, 2.3, or hlgher.
1he earnlng poLenLlal grows qulckly once you sLarL worklng wlLh 3 - 3 regular cusLomers.
uSu/88L 1:2.1
3 packages a day [ 29 uSu = 143 uSu / or 304 88L per day
143 per day [ 3 days a week = 723 uSu / 1322 88L per week
4 weeks [ 723 uSu ea. = 2900 uSu / 3800 88L per monLh
1hls ls absoluLely besL case scenarlo and would only happen lf you managed Lo begln worklng wlLh several small buslness owners aL once. lL's unreallsLlc Lo Lhlnk LhaL you would see anyLhlng close Lo Lhose numbers wlLhln a few monLhs of sLarLlng.
Powever, even operaLlng aL ,+.. &$%( $%,8 LhaL volume sLlll generaLes 2,300 88L wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of spendlng lL ln a counLry where Lhe average '0(&$,6 salary ls 1,200 88L, or [usL over 300 uSu.
uon'L leL Lhose numbers fool you, Lhough. 8razll lLself ls ouL of reach for a loL of her own people. 8emember LhaL we are rldlng Lhe upLlck of Lhe +'+2:)(: mlddle class. 1he ma[orlLy of people are worklng poor so we caLer Lo whaL ls affordable, and, mosL lmporLanLly, easlly raLlonallzed, whlch ls why we defaulL Lo moderaLely prlced beauLy producLs and noL lhones. noL yeL anyway.
8uL, lf you are golng Lo run a fence, have compleLe conLrol. uon'L leL sLrangers shlp lLems Lo you [usL Lo make 30 dollars. uL an end Lo Lhls as qulckly as you can and have your money work for you.
1he goal ls noL Lo creaLe 100 dlfferenL cusLomers buL [usL 3-3 people who can Lalk Lo 3-3 oLher people LhaL own small buslnesses. Palr and nall salons are easlly LargeLed on lacebook and should be your flrsL prlorlLy.
?ou are noL runnlng a polnL and cllck buslness. ?ou wanL Lo creaLe 3-3 small clandesLlne loglsLlcs channels for emerglng mlddle class 8razlllan small buslness owners. ?ou aren'L golng Lo be markeLlng Lo sLrangers on lacebook forever. 1he besL lndlcaLor of an emerglng mlddle class ls Lhe healLh of Lhe women's shoe markeL. When women's shoes are belng sold people have money Lo spend. WaLch SLeve Madden. lL ebbs and flows when cash ls plenLy. 1ax reLurn season. Lven paydays.
uesplLe Lhe culLural dlfferences people are Lhe same everywhere. lollow LhaL loglc all Lhe way down Lo Lhe ralnforesL and have lL pay for lLself along Lhe way.
noL all producLs wlll flL ln your worldvlew. uon'L be alarmed. lmporLlng small, hlgh dollar lLems LhaL may seem obvlous Lo you, such as razor blades, can resulL ln huge losses. 8razll en[oys name brand razorblades for pennles on Lhe dollar compared Lo uS prlces.
AcLlvely undercuL servlces llke 8ongo or My.uS ln boLh shlpplng %(* your wllllngness Lo lle Lo cusLoms forms and you won'L be able Lo keep up.
l could argue LhaL aL Lhls polnL ln Lhe game your besL reLurn ls noL from any Cvvs buL raLher from shampoo LhaL smells llke cucumbers.
1he goal was Lo geL ouL of my clLy. noL sLay and plmp ouL my uS address, managlng Amazon orders for rlch, +?5+4&)0(%,,6 beauLlful LaLln women. (l looked Lhem up on lacebook)
l was worklng agalnsL myself buL lL was easy and l llked lL. l llked Lalklng Lo people ln a dlfferenL counLry. 8uL ln Lhe end lL's [usL more money and lL planLed me deeper ln a place LhaL l ofLen dreamL of leavlng.
l wanLed Lo keep Lhe momenLum of Lhe buslness, caplLallze on all Lhe work and Llme l had puL lnLo my loglsLlcs channels, and make as much money as posslble aL Lhe end. A blg exclamaLlon mark Lo say l was done wlLh Lhe pro[ecL. l wanLed someLhlng Lo make me feel good abouL abandonlng lL. lL was a Lall order.
l LhoughL abouL order fulfllmenL servlces llke Moldlng 8ox buL Lhe fees were ouLrageous and l had llLLle conLrol over anyLhlng. 1he company ls based ln uLah and lL's lmposslble Lo work wlLh a bunch of Mormons LhaL refuse Lo falslfy cusLoms documenLs and lL's way Loo expenslve Lo scale. Pow do we do LhaL lasL press Lo geL a large cash ln[ecLlon Lo fund someLhlng crazy, llke buylng a one way plane LlckeLs? 1hls was Lhe quesLlon.
l began paylng for shlpplng upfronL. 1he old process was slmply uslng my address as a drop for Amazon orders and reshlp uslng whaLever shlpplng label LhaL was provlded Lo me. l sLarLed Lo offer a servlce. lor my good cusLomers, Lhe people LhaL shlpped aL leasL 3 boxes a week, l would pay Lhe Large rlorlLy llaL 8aLe 8ox up fronL and ln some cases Lhe lLems Lhemselves, and l would be relmbursed Lhrough ayal.
My cusLomers wenL from paylng me 30 dollars a box Lo paylng me 30 dollars a box and 200 frequenL flyer mlles for +-+26 >0?. l made a loan Lhrough myself. 1he credlL card borrows from Lhe ayal accounL on 30 day Lerms. Cne monLh behlnd Lhe oLher. 1he cash ls rouLed lmmedlaLely back onLo Lhe card Lo Lake advanLage of frequenL flyer promoLlons on a rolllng schedule. l exposed myself Lo rlsk by offerlng Lo prepay buL Lhe reLurn pald for a full round Lrlp LlckeL ln 90 days.
lncluded ln Lhls package ls an Lxcel spreadsheeL conflgured Lo converL an 18 monLh or lLem pro[ecLlon uslng any value you seL for Lhe currenL exchange raLe. use xL Lo flnd Lhe dally prlce of Lhe 88L agalnsL Lhe uollar for Lhe purpose of Lhls gulde.
lnpuL your pro[ecLs ln each row and change Lhe exchange raLe accordlngly.
1hls ls a good vlsual exerclse Lo show you how a flucLuaLlon can affecL your goal. ?ou may see several hundred come and go" durlng Lhe course of a week buL remember LhaL Lhese values are only for plannlng purposes. ?ou are noL maklng or loslng any money unless you are acLlvely selllng or buylng lL. lf you do noL have a qulck and efflclenL way of exchanglng uSu Lo 88L aL currenL markeL value Lhen geLLlng anxlous over flucLuaLlng exchange raLes ls meanlngless. 1he dollar wlll always be sLronger.
1haL sald, do noL be LempLed by lorex markeLs. 1here ls a reason all lorex adverLlsemenLs show a plcLure of a sloL machlne. lL ls unnecessary and exLremely volaLlle.
uesplLe lLs beauLy, 8razll ls home Lo 37 of Lhe Lop 30 mosL dangerous clLles ln Lhe world. ?ou cannoL [usL walk lnLo Lhe markeLs of urugualana aL 7AM Monday mornlng and expecL Lo begln offloadlng goods Lo sLrangers.
l had never vlslLed 8razll before. l could Lell you all abouL SouLh Amerlcan loglsLlcs and Larlff laws buL l had never acLually meL a 8razlllan or vlslLed Lhe counLry. l dldn'L speak orLuguese.
l relled on a loose supporL sLrucLure of all of my prevlous cusLomers. l gave prlce lncenLlves Lo Lhose who could speak Lngllsh well and LranslaLe for me.
l broughL 13 lhones, wlLhouL boxes or chargers, Laped LogeLher dlsgulsed as Lwo separaLe boxes of mlcrowavable popcorn. l used Lhe lasL monLh's shlpmenLs Lo purchase one wholesale loL of lhones off e8ay and abandoned Lhe credlL card. 1hls puL 10,000 uSu ln Lhe bank LhaL we could Louch.
1he cusLoms agenLs qulckly lnspecLed my bags for anyLhlng large and obvlous such as Mac8ooks or vldeo game consoles and leL me pass. AbsoluLely worsL case scenarlo ls LhaL your goods are conflscaLed. ?ou wlll noL be denled enLry buL remember LhaL lL's hlL or mlss. 1here ls a rlsk buL you're a grlngo ln a LourlsL counLry. uon'L be obvlous and you have noLhlng Lo worry abouL. l've done lL 9 Llmes now wlLh no lssue. l've had my bags searched Lwlce. 8e frlendly, smlley, and sLupld.
l made home base a hoLel room ln CenLro 8lo de !anelro. l meL all my prevlous cusLomers aL SLarbucks, >0&+50., my hoLel, or Lhe Lraln sLaLlon. l meL my cusLomers. l meL Lhelr couslns. l meL Lhe people LhaL are known ln Lhe nelghborhood as Lhe guy wlLh Lhe good shampoos.
Women klss on boLh cheeks ln 8lo. Lveryone ls happy. l was Lhe shampoo guy.
All Lhe phones were gone ln 3 days. 1000 88L each. As ls. no charger, no box. no quesLlons. no worrles. 5em ptoblemos. Cheap chargers from araguay are everywhere. Lveryone ls happy.
l added 13,000 88L Lo my boLLom llne wlLhln a week. l was seL for monLhs Lo come, focuslng on beaches and drlnks wlLh llLLle umbrellas ln Lhem.
1hls wasn'L an excepLlonal amounL of money buL lL represenLed a 6 monLh pald vacaLlon LhaL began wlLh a sLoned Sunday afLernoon washlng dlshes [usL sLarlng ouL Lhe wlndow.
lL was how l worked a slngle credlL card appllcaLlon, lacebook, and paLlence lnLo 13 lhones, 43,000 88L and 60,000 frequenL flyer mlles over Lhe course of 9 monLhs Lo compleLely fund my advenLure.
We apply Lhe same LacLlcs of compoundlng resources ln Lhe lour Porsemen meLhod buL apply lL Lo resources LhaL we cannoL see or Louch, allowlng us Lo move and llve freely.
We only pursue pro[ecLs LhaL can be worked agaln, over and over, always beneflLLlng a poLenLlal scenarlo behlnd lL. ro[ecLs are worked wlLh Lhe goal belng a quadruple reLurn on lLs orlglnal funcLlonallLy, all before belng sold off Lo a Lhlrd parLy.
1he baslc premlse of Lhe lour Porsemen meLhod ls Lo reuse and recycle resources Lo bulld up and ouL, evenLually offloadlng Lhe lnfrasLrucLure as a Lurn-key buslness package on lllppa.
1here are four sLages -
AuLomaLlng and cleanlng wlLh Ladron+ and SLrlpe known good daLa ulverslon llopplng wlLh lllppa
1he flrsL run ls sLarLed by lmporLlng Cvv daLa lnLo Ladron+ Lo schedule and auLomaLe LransacLlons uslng Lhe SLrlpe Al.
AfLer we've run Lhe Cvvs Lhrough Ladron+ we exporL Lhe paymenL llsLs from Lhe SLrlpe dashboard Lo cross reference and ldenLlfy Lhe cusLomers LhaL falled checks for name, Cvv, CvC, address, or any oLher crlLerla LhaL we wanL Lo prune ouL.
lf we ran 300 Cvvs and saw 60 valldlLy, we Lhen exporL our daLa dlrecLly from Lhe SLrlpe dashboard ln Lxcel formaL Lo see whlch of Lhe 300 cards have falled. 180 Cvvs move onLo Lhe secondary merchanL whlle Lhe oLher 120 are Lrashed as buslness operaLlng cosLs.
1hose 180 cusLomers are framed ln such a way LhaL we avold Lhe need Lo manually enLer Lhe LransacLlon deLalls ourselves. 1hey are moved or promoLed" Lo a secondary merchanL accounL where we are much more confldenL ln Lhelr purchaslng power.
Ladron+ ls noL Lhe prlmary lncome generaLor unLll much laLer ln Lhe process. SLrlpe ls so senslLlve LhaL lL's llkely your accounL wlll be closed before your funds are released from Lhe pendlng sLaLe. lL's a wasLe of Llme Lo Lhlnk of Ladron+ as a proflL cenLer unLll you have SLrlpe accounLs LhaL can acLually supporL lL. We need a way Lo slowly bulld and compound non-dlspuLable funds Lo geL our young SLrlpe accounLs Lhrough Lhelr probaLlon perlod and lnLo a 2 day payouL schedule.
MosL of Lhe admlnlsLraLlve overhead comes from managlng SLrlpe. ?ou are golng Lo go Lhrough a ,0& of SLrlpe accounLs.
1hls lnlLlal web sLore ls Lhe prlmary node". 1he prlmary node ls Lhe flrsL Louch polnL for Lhe Lwo processes LhaL reLurn Lo us. We declde aL Lhls polnL whlch dlrecLlon our funds are golng Lo Lake. We have Lwo opLlons. Cash ouL or re-lnvesL- ConsolldaLlon- Collapse prevlous funds lnLo a slngle SLrlpe, aymlll, or ayal accounL for cash ouL and wlLhdrawal. ulverslon - Move money back lnLo merchanL accounLs Lo be used as non-dlspuLable funds and pushlng forward. We wlll use Lhe Sellfy paymenL gaLeway on our prlmary nodes. lL ls perfecL for our appllcaLlon. Sellfy acLs as a gaLeway speclflcally for lnLanglble dlglLal download producLs and pays lnLo dlrecLly ayal, SLrlpe, or aymlll merchanL accounLs. lour lncome generaLlng web sLores compound on Lhemselves unLll we are ready Lo promoLe our SLrlpe accounLs Lo acL as prlmary lncome generaLors whlle sLlll acLlng as Lhe componenL Lo cleans our daLa before Lhe secondary merchanL. We operaLe on a rolllng schedule. Cnce a SLrlpe accounL on Lhe prlmary node ls ellglble for Lhe 2 day pay ouL lL ls dlsconnecLed and a web sLore ls conflgured Lo run Ladron+ [obs agalnsL Lhe new Al key. A new SLrlpe accounL ls added Lo Lhe prlmary node, behlnd Sellfy, and we sLarL Lhe process over agaln. 1he SLrlpe accounL ls maLured and exerclse pasL Lhe probaLlon perlod and moved Lo web sLore 2. 1hen a new SLrlpe accounL ls added Lo Lhe prlmary node, behlnd Sellfy, and we sLarL Lhe process over agaln, agaln, and agaln.
Lach gaLeway has Lhe capablllLy Lo scale and supplemenL Lhe nexL gaLeway ln Lhe chaln or Lo slmply cash ouL. Creat|on
a. keg|ster LLC on Lega|2oom (opt|ona|)
1hls sLep ls enLlrely opLlonal buL can be really beneflclal lf you plan Lo keep your orlglnal company for longer Lhan 12 monLhs. Some credlL unlons work wlLh Lhelr SLaLe Lo offer unsecured small buslness loans of up Lo $30,000 wlLh Lhe only quallflcaLlon belng LhaL Lhe applylng company has pald sLaLe Laxes for 12 consecuLlve monLhs.
1h|s |s not as |nt|m|dat|ng as you may th|nk!
1he Lheme of Lhls meLhod ls Lo only pursue pro[ecLs LhaL can be consldered an asseL so you may offload or leverage lL whlle you are Lravellng. WlLh a llLLle admlnlsLraLlve overhead, foreslghL, and paLlence you can Lurn a loose group of oLherwlse burned and useless web sLores lnLo a $30,000 desLlnaLlon goal aL Lhe 12 monLh mark. 1he worsL LhaL can happen ls LhaL your appllcaLlon ls denled and you slowly sell Lhem on lllppa llke we do ln Lhe shorL Lerm. Powever, followlng Lhe loglc of our orlglnal buslness, you could leverage Lhls Lo be anoLher exclamaLlon mark.
8y uslng LegalZoom and lLs assoclaLed servlces you can expecL Lo lnvesL around 1,300 uSu end Lo end. lf you are wllllng Lo sklmp on malnLalnlng Lhe reglsLered buslness ln a half-assed aLLempL Lo apply for a buslness loan, don'L boLher. !usL because Lhe appllcaLlon process ls easy you wlll be asked Lo prove lncome and pro[ecLlons. lf doesn'L maLLer lf Lhe lender ls known Lo be easy. no money ls secured unLll you have lL ln your hands.
lf you are undeclded abouL your fuLure plans you should sLlll geL ln Lhe hablL of sLrucLurlng your pro[ecLs ln ways LhaL may pay off ln Lhe fuLure.
lf you declde Lo use LegalZoom Lo creaLe an LLC, lL's easlesL Lo leave Lhem as Lhe 8eglsLered AgenL. 1he monLhly fee ls $17.93 buL Lhey are requlred Lo remaln Lhe agenL even lf Lhe accounL ls dellnquenL and Lhe charges cannoL compound.
lf you have no lnLenLlon of geLLlng small buslness loans, an Lln, or pursulng a CorporaLe Amerlcan Lxpress accounL Lhen lL ls unnecessary Lo reglsLer an LLC. ?ou can slmply use an SSn as a Sole roprleLor for your merchanL accounLs.
b) Create presence on My.US (opt|ona|)
Cnce you are ouL of Lhe counLry Lhe mosL lmporLanL componenLs of Lhe operaLlon ls Lhe use of a forwardlng servlce llke
1hls ls a shlpplng servlce almosL ldenLlcal Lo our orlglnal operaLlon buL Lhey do noL alLer cusLoms daLa. use Lhls for your personal use only.
1helr prlmary markeL ls people maklng Amazon orders buL we are golng Lo remlum + Mall package under our LLC Lo recelve mall on behalf of our employees overseas uslng Lhe uSS 1383 form.
lL's especlally lmporLanL Lo Lhlnk abouL whaL klnd of buslness you are golng Lo run before commlLLlng Lo anyLhlng. lf you plan Lo sLay ln 8razll for a whlle, your buslness may provlde servlces Lo Amerlcan expaL offshore oll & gas employees %. 1+,, %. .+(*)(: :)8&.. lf you are plannlng Lo spend a loL of Llme ln Asla, your buslness may provlde servlces Lo young people on gap year or 1LlL Lngllsh Leachers %. 1+,, %. .+(*)(: :)8&..
lL's noL necessary Lo keep all your web sLores afflllaLed. !usL remember LhaL your prlmary node ls Lhe money LhaL ls closesL Lo you. keep a buslness model vague enough Lo Lransform when you need lL Lo. keep verbs ouL of company names and rely on names lnsLead.
verlfled ayal 8uslness accounLs can be purchased Lhrough 8uyvCC.
1he beauLy of Lhe 1383 form ls LhaL you are slmply allowlng My.uS Lo acL as Lhe agenL Lo forward mall raLher Lhan changlng any addresses. ?ou llsL all of your "employees" on Lhe form ln secLlon 12 and you may recelve and forward documenLs, ln Lhelr name, only when senL Lo LhaL address, on behalf of your company. ?ou are noL dlsrupLlng regular mall servlce because only Lhe name, noL address, ls llsLed on Lhe form and never submlLLed anywhere. lL ls kepL [usL llke an l-9 employmenL form. no one looks aL lL unLll lL's needed.
Powever, Lhe form musL be noLarlzed. ?ou have Lhree opLlons--
Co Lo Lhe local uS consulaLe and have lL noLarlzed Pave Lhe form noLarlzed before you leave Lhe uS by a frlend / relaLlve / noLary 8uy a noLary sLamp from or
lf asked, explaln LhaL you represenL a small group of conLracLors worklng overseas and asklng each of Lhem Lo noLarlze a form ls lmposslble.
?ou can slmply have Lhe form noLarlzed aL Lhe ConsulaLe and add Lhe names ln secLlon 12 before you submlL lL Lo My.uS.
lf you run lnLo any problems wlLh My.uS Lhey wlll llkely [usL ask for lu scans. keep explalnlng how unreallsLlc lL ls Lo geL everyone's noLarlzed slgnaLure. ?ou shouldn'L have a problem as a remlum + Mall cusLomer.
ln Lhe evenL LhaL My.uS or any oLher agency requesLs scans, Lhe followlng auLo shop speclallzes ln cusLom scans and phoLos and dellvers almosL lnsLanLly:
uS assporL scans, CA & n? SLaLe lus, uLlllLy bllls, uk passporLs, Swlss and many oLher Lu lu cards are all avallable aL Lhe Llme of Lhls wrlLlng. All documenLs referenced ln Lhls gulde are avallable aL Zaplll. 1here ls no reglsLraLlon fee.
Lxample of uS assporL scan avallable aL Zaplll.
?ou may choose Lo mall a bogus welcome package from your company Lo your newly creaLed My.uS address Lo conflrm everyLhlng ls ln order before you aLLempL Lo send any banklng documenLs.
Cnce you have conflrmed LhaL you are able Lo recelve and forward mall for more Lhan Lwo conLacLs ln secLlon 12 you may safely assume LhaL your company's drop ls fully funcLlonal.
c. Create Dropbox account
1he lour Porsemen meLhod ls lncreaslngly repeLlLlve Lhe larger lL scales. 1he earller you begln worklng on ways Lo auLomaLe repeLlLlve Lasks, Lhe fasLer you can focus on growlng Lhe buslness. ?ou should only bulld each sLore once or Lwlce aL mosL.
We wlll leverage Lhe use of a Wordress plugln called wpb2d whlch dumps Lhe enLlre conLenLs of your slLe Lo your uropbox appllcaLlon folder. We are golng Lo dump a copy of each slLe Lo a subdlrecLory your uropbox accounL. We wlll Lhen pull from Lhese coples each Llme we spln up a new lnsLance or rebrand exlsLlng lnfrasLrucLure.
Search for Lhe publlc plug-ln wpb2d". lnsLall and acLlvaLe lL. ?ou musL auLhorlze Lhe plugln Lo allow access Lo your uropbox accounL.
Choose conLlnue, and Lhen allow.
1he rooL dlrecLory of wpb2d ls locaLed wlLhln Lhe Apps dlrecLory of your uropbox dashboard.
uropbox rooL dlrecLory
When lL comes Llme Lo spln up new lnsLances of elLher your prlmary node or your pool of eCommerce slLes, all you need Lo do ls lnsLall Wordress and a slngle plugln.
?ou may use Lhe same uropbox accounL wlLh as many slLes as you'd llke as long as you conflgure Lhe plugln Lo creaLe a new dlrecLory raLher Lhan overwrlLe your flles. 1hls uropbox accounL acLs as Lhe cenLral reposlLory for all fuLure web sLores.
Slngle web sLore lnsLance saved Lo rooL dlrecLory d. Create the f|rst pr|mary node lL's lmporLanL Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo Lhe markeLlng language whlle shopplng for a canel package. Cnly choose mlnl hosLlng plans Lo force separaLe accounLs. We wanL Lo offload any slLes as lndlvldual asseLs once we puL Lhlngs lnLo moLlon so we musL avold grouplng several domalns under Lhe same bllllng conLacL. lL ls sllghLly more expenslve buL well worLh Lhe cosL lf we expecL Lo sell qulckly aL Lhe end of our runs. Log ln Lo canel once you recelve your credenLlals and lnsLall Wordress vla SofLaculous or Cne-Cllck. 8e sure Lo force Lhe lnsLallaLlon lnLo Lhe rooL dlrecLory by removlng /wp from Lhe fleld. CLherwlse all of your pages, lncludlng shopplng carL, wlll have Lhe Wordress dlrecLory aL Lhe end of Lhe domaln- Lxample: lollow Lhe Wordress documenLaLlon Lo cusLomlze Lhe slLe Lo your llklng. 1he Lhemes lncluded ln Lhls package are speclflcally deslgned Lo work wlLh Wordress and WooCommerce. Wordress ls lnsLalled on a Llnux server as we requlre access Lo cronLab. 1he followlng plug-lns are requlred for use wlLh 1he lour Porsemen meLhod- |ug-|ns |nc|uded w|th th|s package: WooCommerce paymenL gaLeways (varlous) Ladron+ v1.2
NC1L: Cver 23 pluglns are lncluded wlLh Lhls package Lo asslsL ln your dlverslons. Cnly Lhe above plug-lns are requlred for core funcLlonallLy.
lour eCommerce shops are asslgned Lo generaLe revenue from Cvv daLa whlle one lnsLance ls deslgnaLed as a prlmary node. 1he prlmary eCommerce lnsLance ls Lhe evenLual reposlLory of funds generaLed by Lhe oLher four lnsLances. 1he SLrlpe accounL conflgured on Lhe prlmary node, ln a separaLe gaLeway powered by Sellfy, ls removed from Lhe prlmary node and re-asslgned Lo one of Lhe four web sLores on a recurrlng schedule.
Llke we menLloned aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls documenL, Ladron+ ls not Lo be used as a prlmary earnlng devlce unLll have exerclsed our SLrlpe accounLs pasL Lhe probaLlon perlod of a 7 day hold. We are creaLlng and nurLurlng an envlronmenL LhaL allows for fuLure daLa lnLegrlLy LesLs Lhrough Ladron+ Lo be [usL as proflLable as Lhe secondary merchanL runs wlLh cleaned daLa.
Not the other way around.
Cvv daLa ls lmporLed lnLo Ladron+ Lo be cleaned. We use Lhe Llve Al wlLh Lhe expecLaLlon Lhe accounL wlll more than ||ke|y be closed. lf Lhe SLrlpe accounL survlves Lhe lnlLlal payouL perlod lL ls LreaLed as a pleasanL surprlsed as we have already begun Lo focus on Lhe purchaslng power of Lhe second merchanL.
We sLreLch our daLa and our resources lnLo up Lo four separaLe sLages Lo equally maxlmlze Lhe lnLegrlLy and earnlng poLenLlal of our daLa.
Lach cycle made larger due Lo Lhe prevlous cycle. lunds passed Lhrough Sellfy are applled Lo a new SLrlpe accounLs and Lhe process ls repeaLed.
SLep 3 dlverLs funds Lo Lu merchanL accounL, uS merchanL accounLs, or cashlng ouL all vla Sellfy on Lhe prlmary node.
We sLrucLure our asseLs ln a way LhaL allows us Lo purge and panlc ln Lhe evenL LhaL we need a qulck cash ln[ecLlon lnLo our ayal accounL or Lravel card.
Lach prlmary node can be uLlllzed ln ways oLher Lhan acLlng a llnk ln a chaln.
1he Sellfy gaLeway can be used for ayal Lransfers (assumlng Lhe card ls noL assoclaLed wlLh a ayal accounL already) We can aggregaLe all of our funds lnLo a slngle SLrlpe accounL and provlslon ACP Lransfers ln exchange for 81C. We dlsgulse Lhe slLe as a C8M (explalned ln 4.c ulverslons)
lollowlng a schedule of creaLlng one new sLore a week Lhe full operaLlon ls reallzed afLer 3 weeks. AfLer whlch Lhe new SLrlpe accounL wlLh non-dlspuLable funds ls moved Lo web sLore 1 and a new Ladron+ cycle wlLh new Cvv daLa ls conflgured Lo Lake advanLage of Lhe 2 day payouL schedule. Cnce Lhe web sLore ls burned we move onLo Lhe nexL one, creaLe new Ladron+ [obs, Lhen go back Lo rebulld Lhe web sLore. SomeLhlng ls always movlng. Always growlng.
a. 8u||d prof||es
uependlng on your buslness you should proflle your admlnlsLraLors around crlLerla such as age, clLy, sLaLe, educaLlon, or prevlous employers Lo keep Lhlngs conslsLenL. uon'L use older females unless you have access Lo an older female LhaL can call on your behalf ln Lhe evenL LhaL you need Lo speak Lo someone.
use Lhe followlng LemplaLe Lo keep Lrack of your proflles. CreaLe a SLrlpe accounL for every proflle. We wlll creaLe secondary merchanL accounLs only as we need Lhem. 1hls Lask should noL be ouLsourced.
Administrator: Name: DOB: SSN:
Company: URL: Description:
Email username: password:
Stripe username: password:
API keys: public: private: public: private:
WordPress / LadroN+ admin username: password:
Web Host username: password:
cPanel username: password:
Google Voice username: password: PH: (999) 999-9999 b. 8ank drops
lL ls noL absoluLely necessary Lo secure a mall drop wlLh My.uS. lL ls hlghly recommended for Lhe long Lerm buL lf you have regular access Lo prepald deblL and/or Lravel cards capable of recelvlng ACP Lransfers you can safely begln Lhe meLhod.
We have much more freedom ln our cholces slnce we never need Lo rely on 8lLcoln exchanges or purchaslng vlrLual currencles such as MMC8C gold. 1he bank drops only exlsL as Lemporary reposlLorles slnce we enLer lnLo each run assumlng LhaL all componenLs wlll evenLually be losL or frozen, removed, or even sold.
repald cards such as 8eadyueblL, neLSpend, wlll work [usL flne.
uo not use low end reLall banklng llke Ally Checklng. Ally 8ank's 1erms of Servlce clearly sLaLes LhaL Lhe accounL cannoL be used for any merchanL servlces whaLsoever. ?ou have no conLrol over how SLrlpe posLs Lo your accounL so deposlLs LhaL show a descrlpLlon of S18lL ML8CPAn1 ACP are dlfflculL Lo explaln.
!usL rely on prepald cards capable of recelvlng ACP deposlLs and you can accepL payouLs from SLrlpe [usL llke recelvlng a paycheck vla dlrecL deposlL. ?ou organlze Lhese pay ouLs as you would be paylng a developer, vendor, or employee from wlLhln Lhe SLrlpe dashboard.
A Swlss 1ravel Card appllcaLlon ls lncluded Lo allow you Lo use funds dlrecLly from your Lu merchanL accounLs such as aymlll or Weay.
1he prlmary spendlng accounL should be your personal ayal accounL wlLh a MasLerCard deblL card. ?ou can reLrleve funds from A1Ms all over Lhe world, codlfled as Lourlsm ln counLry". ayal acLlvely promoLes Lhls because Lhe fees are hlgher Lhan LradlLlonal banks.
verlfled ayal 8uslness accounLs can be purchased Lhrough 8uyvCC.
c. Create Str|pe account
SLrlpe gaLhers your geo-l daLa durlng reglsLraLlon so lf you reglsLer an accounL from ouLslde of Lhe uS you rlsk belng grouped ln wlLh 8eLa cusLomers and wlll noL be ellglble for a 2 day payouL afLer Lhe lnlLlal probaLlon perlod has ended.
All LhaL ls requlred ls SSn + uC8.
undersLand LhaL SLrlpe ls very hard Lo work wlLh. ?ou wlll go Lhrough a loL of SLrlpe accounLs. ?ou wlll need Lo rebrand your web sLores because of SLrlpe. MosL of Lhe admlnlsLraLlve overhead of worklng Lhls meLhod ls because of SLrlpe. 1hls ls Lhe maln reason we dlverL funds back lnLo SLrlpe Lo exerclse Lhe accounL before we can begln uslng Ladron+ aL a proflL.
lL's an uphlll baLLle. 1haL's why we puL our prlmary focus on Lhe .+50(*%26 merchanL accounL because Lhe probablllLy of an acLual payouL ls much hlgher unLll we work pasL any llmlLaLlons.
SLarL slow and don'L allow yourself Lo be surprlsed. SLrlpe wlll Lry Lo call before locklng Lhe accounL. Check Lhe volce mall box every day Lo avold surprlses. alr your admlnlsLraLors Lo lndlvldual Coogle volce accounLs so your volcemalls are Lranscrlbed.
1here ls Lhe cusLomary welcomlng phone call -
"@+,,0A l om collloq ftom 5ttlpe ooJ l woolJ llke to welcome yoo.
Powever, when you recelve a message LhaL reads -
"B29 B0(7+6;3.)(+.. l om collloq ftom 5ttlpe ooJ we teolly oeeJ to speok wltb yoo.
1haL means LhaL deaLh ls lmmlnenL. All of your cusLomers wlll be refunded.
SLrlpe lnLenLlonally uses vague language ln Lhelr 1erms of Servlce. ?our sLore musL be well wlLhln Lhe llmlLaLlons of Lhe AccepLable use ollcy or you rlsk freezlng your accounL unexpecLedly.
?our sLore cannoL sell or ln any way supporL Lhe followlng lLems:
Cnllne or oLher non-face-Lo-face Lobacco, e-clgareLLe sales, or relaLed lLems (such as personal vaporlzers or e-[ulce) Weapons and munlLlons vlrLual currency LhaL can be moneLlzed, re-sold or converLed Lo physlcal or dlglLal producLs or servlces or oLherwlse exlL Lhe vlrLual world Sexually-orlenLed or pornographlc producLs or servlces Marl[uana dlspensarles and relaLed buslnesses uoor-Lo-door sales Cfferlng subsLanLlal rebaLes or speclal lncenLlves Lo Lhe cardholder subsequenL Lo Lhe orlglnal purchase negaLlve response markeLlng Lngaglng ln decepLlve markeLlng pracLlces Sharlng cardholder lnformaLlon wlLh anoLher merchanL for paymenL of up-sell or cross-sell producL or servlce Lvadlng Card neLwork's chargeback monlLorlng programs Lngaglng ln any form of llcensed or unllcensed aggregaLlon or facLorlng Alrllnes Age verlflcaLlon Age resLrlcLed producLs or servlces 8all bonds 8ankrupLcy lawyers 8lddlng fee aucLlons CollecLlon agencles Chaln leLLers Check cashlng, wlre Lransfers, or money orders CounLerfelL producLs Currency exchanges or dealers Lmbassles, forelgn consulaLes, or oLher forelgn governmenLs llrms selllng buslness opporLunlLles, lnvesLmenL opporLunlLles, morLgage consulLlng or reducLlon, credlL counsellng, repalr or proLecLlon, or real esLaLe purchases wlLh no money down CredlL card and ldenLlLy LhefL proLecLlon Crulse llnes Lssay mllls llea markeLs urug paraphernalla LxLended warranLles sychlc servlces CeL rlch qulck" schemes Cambllng (lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo loLLerles, lnLerneL gamlng, conLesLs, sweepsLakes, or offerlng of prlzes as an lnducemenL Lo purchase producLs or servlces) SporLs forecasLlng or odds maklng lllegal producLs or servlces Mall-order brldes Money LransmlLLers or money servlce buslnesses MulLl-level markeLlng or pyramld schemes Cnllne or oLher non-face-Lo-face pharmacles or pharmacy referral servlces repald phone cards, phone servlces or cell phones seudo pharmaceuLlcals Cuasl-cash or sLored value SecurlLles brokers Shlpplng or forwardlng brokers SubsLances deslgned Lo mlmlc lllegal drugs 1elemarkeLlng 1elecommunlcaLlons equlpmenL and Lelephone sales 1lmeshares CenLrallzed Lravel reservaLlon servlces or Lravel clubs ersonal compuLer Lechnlcal supporL Selllng vldeo game or vlrLual world credlLs (unless you are Lhe operaLor of Lhe vldeo game or vlrLual world) Selllng soclal medla acLlvlLy, such as 1wlLLer followers, lacebook llkes, or ?ou1ube vlews Any producL or servlce LhaL lnfrlnges upon Lhe copyrlghL, Lrademark, or Lrade secreLs of any Lhlrd parLy Any producL, servlce or acLlvlLy LhaL ls decepLlve, unfalr, predaLory, or prohlblLed by one or more Card neLworks lundlng any of Lhe lLems lncluded on Lhls rohlblLed 8uslnesses llsL
lL's a slzeable llsL buL noL lmposslble. aymenL processors look for a number of Lhlngs LhaL may noL be lmmedlaLely obvlous Lo someone [usL Lrylng Lo smash and grab 300 uSu Lhrough a paymenL gaLeway.
1ake your Llme and Lake some efforL and add a slngle page excluslvely for your Lerms and condlLlons.
1wo documenLs are lncluded wlLh Lhls package. 8oLh documenLs ouLllne a generlc Lerms and servlce sLaLemenL for boLh Lhe uS and Lhe unlLed klngdom. Change all company and conLacL lnformaLlon Lo maLch each web sLore's company name reglsLered wlLh Lhe paymenL processor.
d. Secondary merchant accounts
1he flrsL run wlLh SLrlpe cleans our daLa and creaLes a proLecLlve barrler for our secondary merchanL accounL. All decllned or bad daLa ls removed whlch allows for more accuraLe pro[ecLlng and a hlgher level of confldence
l suggesL you look lnLo Weay as lL's [usL as accesslble as SLrlpe and you have near lmmedlaLe access Lo your Al keys so you are able Lo begln conflgurlng and LesLlng your web sLore whlle you walL for your appllcaLlon Lo be approved.
?ou could LheoreLlcally sLrlng as many paymenL processors behlnd SLrlpe as you wanLed buL lL's unllkely LhaL you'll be able Lo geL a Lhlrd or fourLh new charge ouL of Lhe same Cvv daLa before lL ls consldered bad. ldeally you would work wlLhln a slngle bllllng perlod.
?ou are free Lo use any paymenL processor LhaL you manage Lo geL approved for. As long as Lhe paymenL gaLeway ls easlly lnLegraLed wlLh WooCommerce vla Wordress plug-ln, everyLhlng remalns as seamless as lL does wlLh SLrlpe.
Addlng and removlng paymenL gaLeways for manual LransacLlons ls as slmple as lnsLalllng and acLlvaLlng slngle pluglns. ?ou wlll see your merchanL's accounL seLLlngs wlLhln Lhe CheckouL opLlon of Lhe WooCommerce sLore seLLlngs and you add Lhe accounL Lo your reporLs wlLh Lhe Add ConnecLor" Lab on SumAll's dashboard.
a. repare web server |nstances
1hankfully our sLandards are preLLy low for whaL ls consldered an accepLable web server capable of hosLlng our operaLlon.
Llnux Access Lo cronLab Cne-Cllck lnsLalls or slmllar appllcaLlon (for convenlence only)
1hat's |t.
We are noL acLlvely malllng anyLhlng and we do noL need Lo seek bulleLproof" hosLlng because we are slmply changlng Lhe conLexL of our nefarlous acLlvlLles and hldlng ouL ln Lhe open.
uo noL use for hosLlng.
uo noL use free ad sponsored web hosLlng such as 000. 1hls ls your buslness and you should Lake lL serlously. uon'L make lL look cheap.
Clve each web sLore of a budgeL of approxlmaLely 100 uSu Lo accounL for everyLhlng for one year of operaLlon.
uependlng on your secondary merchanL accounL you may need Lo purchase an SSL cerLlflcaLe Lo use Lhe WooCommerce Iorce SSL opLlon oLherwlse your LransacLlons may be flagged as lnsecure and refunded auLomaLlcally.
Some canel knock offs wlll have Lask schedullng uLlllLles lnsLead of dlrecL access Lo cronLab. 1hls ls noL accepLable.
Cur requlremenLs are slmple buL Lhey are absoluLely necessary and have no workaround.
b. Create base||ne v|a wpb2d.
?ou may use Lhe same uropbox accounL wlLh as many slLes as you'd llke as long as you conflgure Lhe plugln Lo creaLe a new dlrecLory raLher Lhan overwrlLe your flles. 1hls uropbox accounL acLs as Lhe cenLral reposlLory for all fuLure web sLores.
lf you chose Lo creaLe elLher a developmenL or producLlon envlronmenL wlLhln Amazon LC2 as descrlbed ln 4.d you can sklp everyLhlng Lo do wlLh uropbox and rely on volume snapshoLs from wlLhln Lhe LC2 console.
8emember LhaL you can spln up new lnsLances from elLher LC2 or wpb2d and you only need Lo change Lwo parameLers-
1he SLrlpe Al key ln conflg.php 1he exacL synLax LhaL we musL schedule Lo run every 3 mlnuLes ln cronLab
?ou should noL bulld a new web sLore every Llme you need one. ?ou should be a web sLore one, Lake a backup LhaL ls easlly Lransferred beLween servers, and sLore lL somewhere LhaL ls easlly accesslble, noL maLLer where your web server ls locaLed.
1he ma[orlLy of Lhe admlnlsLraLlve overhead for Lhls meLhod ls managlng SLrlpe accounLs, managlng conLracLs ln ouesk, and creaLlng producL llsLlngs Lo keep Lhlngs fresh.
uon'L work harder Lhan you have Lo.
c. Conf|gure LadroN+ v1.2
We need Lo make Lwo changes before we can begln uslng Ladron+ Lo auLomaLe LransacLlons.
Add Lhe Al key ln conflg.php SeL cron[ob
1he followlng flle musL be updaLed wlLh your SLC8L1 LlvL Al key so Ladron+ knows whaL accounL Lo credlL when processlng Lhe LransacLlons--
Cpen Lhe flle ln Lhe edlLor wlLhln canel. lL wlll look llke Lhe followlng--
<?php /**uL here you's llve-mode secreL Al key (sLarLs wlLh "sk_llve"):**/ $sLrlp_Al_key = "u1_PL8L_?Cu8_SLC8L1_LlvL_MCuL_Al_kL?", ?>
8eplace u1_PL8L_?Cu8_SLC8L1_LlvL_MCuL_Al_kL? wlLh your SecreL LlvL SecreL Al key. 8e sure Lo keep boLh quoLes or Lhe key wlll noL be parsed correcLed.
Save Lhe flle. ?our Al key has been updaLed and Lhe banner aL Lhe Lop of your admln page wlll dlsappear once your Al has been enLered correcLly and Lhe page has been refreshed.
lf Lhe error message perslsLs aL Lhe Lop of Lhe Wordress admln bar, double check LhaL you have closlng quoLes around your Al key and refresh Lhe page agaln.
Schedule a cron[ob for Landron+ backend by chooslng Cron[obs wlLhln Lhe Advanced or Schedullng Lab of canel. llnd Lhe full synLax of Lhe command aL Lhe home screen of Lhe Ladron+ plugln.
We add a cron[ob Lo acL as Lhe servlce LhaL wlll allow us Lo schedule purchases. 1he cron[ob musL run every 3 mlnuLes regardless of wheLher or noL we are processlng LransacLlons aL LhaL Llme.
Ladron+ can only lmporL Cvv daLa ln Lhe followlng formaLs by defaulL --
1he parslng sysLem wlll recognlze each of Lhe elemenLs ln each llne and add Lhem Lo Lhe correspondlng fleld ln Lhe Lable aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe page. 1he parslng needs Lhe monLh Lo come before Lhe year. 1he parslng sysLem wlll conslder Lhe flrsL number beLween 3 - 4 dlglLs as a valld Cvv/CvC number. 1he parslng sysLem wlll conslder Lhe flfLh elemenL as Lhe flrsL name and Lhe slxLh elemenL as Lhe lasL name. 1he parslng sysLem wlll Lry Lo flnd a valld emall address ln each llne.
Clve each lmporLed base a descrlpLlve name so when you creaLe [obs you wlll have pools of Cvvs Lo choose from. lL ls lmperaLlve for spllL LesLlng as lL noL posslble Lo search wlLhln Lhe cusLomer llsL afLer Lhey've been lmporLed.
Lach [ob ls llmlLed Lo one base, or cusLomer llsL. lL ls noL posslble Lo sLack bases wlLhln a slngle [ob. lL ls posslble Lo use Lhe same base for anoLher purchase plan and schedule anoLher [ob.
?ou may alLer Lhe parser prlor Lo lmporLlng each baLch. ?ou wlll noLlce a large form showlng Lhe followlng P code by defaulL on Lhe CusLomer llsL" Lab--
lMC81An1: ?ou can change Lhe parser Lo lnclude all bllllng address lnformaLlon appended afLer Lhe lasL name by replaclng Lhe enLlre conLenLs of Lhe defaulL P code on Lhe CusLomer LlsL Lab wlLh Lhe followlng --
Cllck Add wlLh Lhe updaLed P code ln Lhe form and your Cvv daLa loaded lnLo each fleld. ?ou wlll see a conflrmaLlon aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen.
lMC81An1: Lead|ng zeroes are truncated by defau|t! All CvCs and zlp codes LhaL begln wlLh 0 wlll be LruncaLed 8emove Lhese enLrles and add Lhem Lo your cleaned daLa or dedlcaLe a zero only" manual node. Uk CVV data |s not supported!
Lach enLry wlll show Lhe lasL 4 dlglLs of Lhe Cvv afLer lL has been lmporLed. lL ls noL currenLly posslble Lo search wlLhln an lmporLed base.
?ou are ready Lo creaLe purchase plans once your Cvv daLa has been lmporLed as you now have a pool of cusLomers Lo asslgn.
We know LhaL Ladron+ acLs llke a slmple scheduler. ?ou creaLe a purchase plan of a slngle LransacLlon LhaL wlll Lrlgger aL a recurrlng lnLerval, each Llme pulllng a predeflned number of cusLomers from Lhe selecLed base.
now LhaL all Lhe daLa ls seL we musL choose Lhe frequency of Lhe purchases. We schedule how ofLen and how many Cvvs are pulled for each cycle.
We musL glve Lhe purchase plan a name such as 39.98 AC1lvA1lCn lLL Lo show on SLrlpe's LransacLlon hlsLory as well as our cusLomer's credlL card sLaLemenL. A valld phone number ls requlred for volce communlcaLlon. no shorL codes are senL for any sorL of verlflcaLlon. Coogle volce works flne.
WhaLever phone number you used Lo reglsLer your merchanL accounL wlll show on your cusLomer lnvolce as well.
lf we lmporLed 100 Cvvs and we named LhaL baLch 8ASL01, Lhe process Lo begln Lhe LransacLlons would go llke Lhls-
8un purchase for 39.98 uSu agalnsL 1-3 cusLomers from 8ASL01 every 13 mlnuLes each week beglnnlng on Monday.
Conf|rm the |oca| currency |s correct and save your p|an. We wlll use Lhls plan when we schedule our flrsL cusLomer [ob.
Cnce a [ob ls creaLed and scheduled you wlll see Lhe followlng daLa ln Lhe far rlghL column --
Iobs must be manua||y started by c||ck|ng the "Start" button under "Status". 1he "lasL run" column shows Lhe daLe of Lhe mosL recenL acLlvlLy. ?ou can see resulLs lnsLanLly ln SLrlpe's dashboard. ?ou should see a LlmesLamp wlLhln mlnuLes of a successful run. lf your [obs are noL posLlng LlmesLamps lL ls because your cron[ob ls noL runnlng or ls conflgured aL Lhe lncorrecL lnLerval. lL musL run every 3 mlnuLes.
CurrenLly Lhere ls no way for Ladron+ Lo securely pass LransacLlon reporLlng daLa anywhere ouLslde Lhe appllcaLlon.
Cllcklng Lhe "Ladron+" Lab wlLhln Lhe Wordress dashboard wlll glve you a general overvlew of Lhe currenL sLaLe of your slLe. 1he ouLpuL ls shown below.
1he message abouL schedullng Lhe cron[ob wlll perslsL even afLer lL has been conflgured correcLly. 1he "LasL run" LlmesLamp ln Lhe [obs panel conflrms lf Lhe cron[ob ls runnlng.
d. Supp|ement|ng report|ng w|th SumA|| (opt|ona|)
We can rely on Lhlrd parLy reporLlng appllcaLlons Lo make up for Lhe dlsconnecL beLween Ladron+ and any manual LransacLlons ln your merchanL accounLs. 1hls greaLly reduces Lhe need Lo check Lhe accounL balances lndlvldually by logglng lnLo each dashboard.
?our SLrlpe accounL acLlvlLy ls organlzed by domaln so you can easlly manage feeds from counLless SLrlpe accounLs wlLhln Lhe same lnLerface. ?ou can sLack and aggregaLe several dlfferenL processors wlLhln Lhe same lnLerface. SLrlpe, AuLhorlze, ayal, and many oLhers can be consolldaLed lnLo a slngle reporL.
SumAll has boLh an lCS and Androld app so you may have your sLaLlsLlcs dellvered Lo your phone ln real Llme wlLh no manual lnLervenLlon. All free.
lL's as slmple as cllcklng Add ConnecLor. Choose your paymenL processor, enLer your Al and credenLlals, walL for your daLa Lo be lmporLed and organlzed. lL's slmple, clean, sLralghLforward, and lL's Lhe fasLesL and easlesL way Lo see Lhe general overvlew of your enLlre operaLlon.
SLrlpe accounL acLlvlLy ls organlzed by domaln ln Lhe SumAll dashboard. d. Creat|ng a dev env|ronment |n Amazon LC2
?ou may choose Lo use Lhe same wpb2d dlrecLory Lo seed your slLe Lo a separaLe lnsLance for LesLlng or deslgn purposes. lL would be no dlfferenL Lhan any real" web appllcaLlon ln LhaL you have a producLlon envlronmenL and a developmenL envlronmenL. ?ou can use Lhe same wpb2d appllcaLlon Lo commlL your changes back and forLh by savlng and resLorlng Lo Lhe same subdlrecLory.
AL Lhe very leasL your dev envlronmenL can be used Lo hosL 8u sesslons for your admlnlsLraLlve Lasks llke lmporLlng cusLom llsLs or manually enLerlng LransacLlons.
8ead abouL Lhe lnLroducLory Amazon Web Servlces free usage Ller here--
We are speclflcally lnLeresLed ln Amazon LlasLlc CompuLe Cloud (LC2). We can do Lhe followlng wlLhln Lhe free lnLroducLlon perlod--
730 hours of Amazon LC2 Llnux Mlcro lnsLance usage (613 M8 of memory and 32-blL and 64- blL plaLform supporL) - enough hours Lo run conLlnuously each monLh* 730 hours of Amazon LC2 MlcrosofL Wlndows Server Mlcro lnsLance usage (613 M8 of memory and 32-blL and 64-blL plaLform supporL) - enough hours Lo run conLlnuously each monLh* 730 hours of an LlasLlc Load 8alancer plus 13 C8 daLa processlng* 30 C8 of Amazon LlasLlc 8lock SLorage, plus 2 mllllon l/Cs and 1 C8 of snapshoL sLorage*
All LhaL ls requlred ls an Amazon accounL LhaL has never slgned up for AWS. 8eglsLer and slgn lnLo Lhe console --
?ou are meL wlLh Lhe enLlre llsL of AWS producL offerlngs. We are only lnLeresLed ln LC2.
?ou may creaLe server lnsLances ln Lhe followlng reglons, or, as Amazon calls Lhem, AvallablllLy Zones--
uS LasL (norLhern vlrglnla) 8eglon us-easL-1 uS WesL (Cregon) 8eglon us-wesL-2 uS WesL (norLhern Callfornla) 8eglon us-wesL-1 Lu (lreland) 8eglon eu-wesL-1 Asla aclflc (Slngapore) 8eglon Asla aclflc (Sydney) 8eglon ap-souLheasL-2 Asla aclflc (1okyo) 8eglon ap-norLheasL-1 SouLh Amerlca (Sao aulo) 8eglon sa-easL-1
*** noL all AZs have lnsLances avallable for Lhe free usage Ller
WlLhln Lhe maln LC2 dashboard you wlll see a large blue buLLon for "Launch lnsLance". 1hls ls where we are golng Lo conflgure and launch our Wlndows Server.
Choose Lhe followlng Lowards Lhe boLLom of Lhe llsL of CperaLlng SysLems --
Mlcro lnsLances are ellglble for Lhe AWS free usage Ller. lor Lhe flrsL 12 monLhs followlng your AWS slgn- up daLe, you geL up Lo 730 hours of mlcro lnsLances each monLh. When your free usage Ller explres or lf your usage exceeds Lhe free Ller resLrlcLlons, you pay sLandard, pay-as-you-go servlce raLes.
?ou don'L need a vC [usL for 8u hosLs. We can use LC2-Classlc. use Lhe defaulL values when creaLlng Lhe server.
Check LhaL porL 389 ls open for 8u on Lhe securlLy group seLLlngs oLherwlse you wlll noL be able Lo connecL Lo your lnsLance. ?ou wlll need Lo creaLe a key palr Lo decrypL your password for Lhe lnlLlal connecLlon. lollow Lhe dlrecLlons on Lhe key palr creaLlon screen and save lL Lo an encrypLed volume.
Clve your lnsLance abouL 30-40 mlnuLes Lo spool up compleLely. When your lnsLance shows Lhe green lndlcaLor mark and you see lL ls runnlng, choose connecL. LnLer Lhe key LhaL you [usL creaLed Lo decrypL your Wlndows Admln password.
1o creaLe a shorLcuL cllck SLarL -> 8un > msLsc
Lxpand CpLlons, enLer your credenLlals and choose Lo save Lhe flle on your deskLop. ?ou only need Lhe key palr Lo decrypL your passporL for Lhe flrsL Llme. keep Lhls shorLcuL wlLhln an encrypLed volume.
a. Automate transact|ons w|th LadroN+
lf you know exacLly where your Cvv daLa ls comlng from, exacLly Lhe klnds of purchases LhaL lead Lo up you recelvlng Lhe Cvv, Lhe opLlons lncrease greaLly slnce we are able Lo speculaLe on Lhe purchaslng proflle and Lallor whaL Lhe Al ls golng Lo posL Lo Lhe credlL card blll.
We do noL spoof large companles when our SLrlpe accounL posLs Lo Lhe cusLomer's credlL card blll. Amazon parLners do noL need Lhelr own paymenL processors. Small, dlscreeL LransacLlons have a hlgher chance of blendlng lnLo Lhe cusLomer's blll for up Lo Lhree monLhs. ?ou can poLenLlally reuse Lhe same daLa for up Lo Lhree bllllng cycles lf you sLay conservaLlve.
uon'L Lry Lo geL clever wlLh your LransacLlon amounLs. lL ls unllkely LhaL you wlll have access Lo any of Lhe funds for Lhe flrsL several runs or aL leasL unLll you've exerclsed your SLrlpe accounL pasL Lhe 7 day hold.
NC1L: Ladron+ rounds up Lhe LransacLlon amounL Lo Lhe nearesL dollar. ?our dashboard may show 30 uSu for a charge LhaL ls posLed as $27.88.
1hls ls an example of a SLrlpe accounL LhaL was frozen. 1he Al sLopped accepLlng LransacLlons and all cusLomers were refunded. We see Lhe pendlng balance ls now $0.00.
lL's posslble Lo negoLlaLe a percenLage hold lf your accounL ls under lnvesLlgaLlon. SLrlpe wlll agree Lo hold amounLs leadlng up Lo 30 for 90 days unLll all pendlng LransacLlons clear wlLh no dlspuLes.
1here ls noLhlng ln Lhe dashboard LhaL lndlcaLes a hold. ?ou wlll see Lhe daLe of Lhe nexL Lransfer change every day unLll Lhe hold ls released.
1hls shows a healLhy SLrlpe accounL. Analyze daLa exporLed from Lhe SLrlpe dashboard from elLher Lhe paymenLs or cusLomers Lab.
1hls daLa ls exporLed Lo Lxcel spreadsheeL by defaulL. Cnly Lhe lasL four dlglLs of Lhe card number wlll be exporLed. We musL merge Lhe orlglnal base and updaLed spreadsheeL, prunlng bad Cvv and address daLa.
1ake noLe of Lhe column Lo Lhe far rlghL, Card AvS SLaLus
b. known Good Data
1he ldea of manually enLerlng hundreds of Cvvs [usL lsn'L pracLlcal so lnsLead we are golng Lo posL an ad on ouesk and geL people ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lo do lL for us under Lhe gulse of asslsLlng wlLh daLa lnLegrlLy checks followlng a falled daLabase mlgraLlon.
1here's no reason Lo do anyLhlng yourself when we can easlly frame our problems ln Lhe conLexL of a varleLy of real world scenarlos. Wordress busywork ls excepLlonally accesslble and nearly every web developlng conLracLor on ouesk ls quallfled Lo asslsL. Lven lf your pro[ecL sLeps sllghLly ouLslde Lhe ouesk 1CS, no one ls golng Lo complaln ln Lhe mlddle of an acLlve conLracL wlLh blllable hours.
llnd a generlc non-ulsclosure AgreemenL for your conLracLors and creaLe a small pro[ecL on your node wlLh Lhe followlng characLerlsLlcs--
Changlng paymenL processors updaLlng CorporaLe ldenLlLy CA LesLlng erformance LesLlng Manual daLa enLry Manual daLabase mlgraLlons 8ogus C8M backend
lL's an unfalr generallzaLlon as l'm sure Lhere are some greaL people ln lndla and 8angladesh, Lhe orlglnal players ln Lhe game, buL l have had Lhe best experlences wlLh female vlrLual asslsLanLs from Lhe hlllpplnes. 1he aLLenLlon Lo deLall and Lngllsh skllls are Lhe besL value for 10 dollars an hour whlch ls a respecLable amounL of money for boLh parLles. lf you are Lrylng Lo explolL people by offerlng 2 dollars an hour you wlll geL resulLs LhaL look llke you spenL 2 dollars an hour.
1ake yourself and your conLracLors serlously.
1asks LhaL were prevlously ouL of reach become vlable soluLlons when we begln Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe Llme we are wllllng Lo save and Lhe amounL of money we are wllllng Lo spend Lo save lL.
1haL amounL of money LhaL we charged Lo recelve and forward packages Lo rlch 8razlllan women ls Lhe same amounL of money we use Lo purchase 3 hours of asslsLanLs from conLracLors on ouesk. 3 hours ls more Lhan enough Llme Lo process aL leasL known good 100 Cvvs.
lncluded ln Lhls package ls a CodeCanyon Wordress plug-ln Lo add C8M funcLlonallLy Lo your eCommerce slLe. uLlllze Lhls when worklng wlLh 1eam hlllpplnes Lo glve Lhe lmpresslon LhaL you are leglLlmaLely updaLlng cusLomer records. 8aLher Lhan [usL enLerlng Cvv daLa from a spreadsheeL lnLo a half-assed [Cuery paymenL box, creaLe a process Lo dlluLe and confuse Lhe prlmary Lask.
urchase bulk CuLlook accounLs off llverr and add Lhem Lo cusLomer records. 1he namlng convenLlon wlll be hashed llke 78xhLydhwd[, buL can be easlly explalned as parL of Lhe pro[ecL.
?ou don'L say, l need Lo you do x". ?ou say l need you Lo do x, ?, Z, and updaLe Lhe record per Lhe process." 1hese same records can be presenLed Lo your paymenL processor lf Lhey LhreaLen a hold.
d. D|vers|ons
AfLer our run Lhrough secondary merchanL we have several dlrecLlons we can Lake--
Cash ouL vla Sellfy on prlmary node repare Cvvs for a second full run lunnel funds lnLo new merchanL accounLs vla Sellfy on prlmary node ark Lhe domaln as an asseL or run an Adsense campalgn for 12 monLhs repare Lhe web sLore Lo dump on lllppa
AL Lhls polnL cashlng ouL should be self-explanaLory. Agaln, ayal ls Lo be LreaLed as your personal accounL for ease of use and accesslblllLy.
verlfled ayal 8uslness accounLs can be purchased Lhrough 8uyvCC.
Change your paymenL seLLlngs ln Sellfy from ayal Lo SLrlpe or aymlll Lo swlLch beLween merchanL accounLs. lf you choose Lo dlverL funds from Lhe prevlous run lnLo a SLrlpe accounL, [usL enLer Lhe Al keys from a new or exlsLlng proflle Lo add non-dlspuLable funds Lo your accounL's balance.
We use Sellfy as an exLra precauLlonary measure agalnsL Lhe SLrlpe accounL.
8y evenLually removlng Lhe Sellfy gaLeway and addlng our own shopplng carL conflgured wlLh SLrlpe Al keys, we glve Lhe lmpresslon of organlc growLh LhaL wlll hopefully correlaLe wlLh Lhe funds we are golng Lo ln[ecL Lo exerclse Lhe accounL. lL makes no sense for someone Lo seek an addlLlonal 2.3 [usL Lo process fraudulenL LransacLlons and LhaL's exacLly why we do lL.
Move Lhe funds Lhrough Lhe prlmary node elLher yourself or vla a Lask for 1eam hlllpplnes layered ln wlLh cleaned Cvv daLa.
d. I|opp|ng w|th I||ppa
lllppa ls an esLabllshed markeLplace for people Lo buy and sell domalns and webslLes. lL ls sLlll surprlslngly acLlve conslderlng Lhe amounL of garbage LhaL ls boughL and sold on Lhe markeLplace. We are golng Lo sLand ouL slmply because our slLe ls much more Lhan rearranged SLC arLlcles wlLh a klLschy domaln name.
We poslLlon lL as a small Lurn-key soluLlon, someLhlng LhaL can be grown ouL of a spare bedroom much llke our shlpplng company back home.
1he merchanL accounL was opened uslng uC8 + SSn of Lhe sole proprleLor meanlng LhaL we cannoL sell or oLherwlse hand lL over. We ask Lhe new owner Lo open a merchanL accounL and updaLe Lhe slLe wlLh Lhe new Al keys.
8uylng and selllng dlglLal asseLs llke Lop level domalns or webslLes ls drlven enLlrely by hype. 1here are counLless Lools llke Alexa and rosper LhaL aLLempL Lo Lurn lL lnLo a sclence buL whaL we seek ls whaL ls reflecLed back Lo us and LhaL ls whaL creaLes our lnLerneL experlence. Lveryone ls dlfferenL.
never before have people been able Lo compleLely end a sales plLch by cllcklng a llLLle x ln Lhe corner. 1hls causes people Lo have some really ouLrageous and rldlculous ldeas abouL Lrafflc and converslon and lL's ofLen dlfflculL Lo flgure ouL who you can Lake serlously on Lhe markeLplace.
uon'L sLress lL. 8egln by lowballlng your slLe and labellng lL a labor of love". A one or Lwo Lhousand dollar exclamaLlon mark Lo end Lhe pro[ecL.
1here are some Lhlngs we can do Lo lmprove Lhe curb appeal of our Lurn-key package.
Lvery poLenLlal buyer ls golng Lo ask abouL unlque vlslLors. llnd an SLC servlce on 1here are counLless llsLlngs offerlng 10k, 20k, 100k vlslLors for anywhere beLween 3 and 23 uSu. lL's all Lrash of course. C wouldn'L make a dlme off any of Lhls Lrafflc buL LhaL's noL whaL we're afLer. We [usL wanL someLhlng cheap Lo unlque vlslLors. We don'L wanL converslons [usL bllnd redlrecLs from lacebook and 1wlLLer spam.
Cur earnlngs from Lhe second cycle ls whaL we wlll use Lo llnks Lhe Lrafflc and "sales" LogeLher so we do noL have Lo work Loo hard Lo spoof our converslons when we hand off Lhe package Lo Lhe new owner.
Coogle AnalyLlcs daLa showlng a conslsLenL number of vlslLors buL no converslons along wlLh an exporLed cusLomer llsL from Lhe lasL successful wash Lhrough our secondary merchanL can be easlly aLLrlbuLed Lo mlsconflguraLlon or slmply noL undersLandlng how Lhe Lools work. ?our merchanL accounL shows oLherwlse.
A small, lnacLlve accounL wlLh an order fulfllmenL company such as Moldlng 8ox can glve your non- exlsLenL physlcal producLs credlblllLy as your parL-Llme CS8 Leam, based ouL of Lhe hlllpplnes, can explaln.
1he ermanent Vacat|on
lL ls admlLLedly dlfflculL Lo sLay moLlvaLed whlle Lravellng and noL for Lhe reasons LhaL are obvlous. 8epeaLlng Lhe same Lasks over and over ls borlng and allows us Lo become lazy. locus on your dlverslons and Lasks LhaL can be ouLsourced Lo keep your creaLlvlLy fresh.
WhaL makes Lhe lour Porsemen meLhod so effecLlve ls LhaL we have a seL schedule by deslgn raLher Lhan a huge cloud of falled experlmenLs. We work Lowards a goal. 1here ls enough sLrucLure Lo generaLe lncome ln a way LhaL ls predlcLable buL noL qulLe enough work Lo keep us Lled Lo a lapLop or a smarLphone 24 hours a day. We llmlL our manual lnLervenLlon by ldenLlfylng ways we can frame Lasks Lo be ouLsourced.
uLlllze Lools such as 1he 8lg Mac lndex Lo research Lhe cosLs of llvlng around Lhe world and apply Lhe same LacLlcs of leveraglng currencles Lo creaLe Lravel paLhs. Lurope musL be handled carefully due Lo Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe Luro agalnsL Lhe 88L, eLc.
lf you are wllllng Lo fly wlLh 3 connecLlons and a 3 hour layover ln eru, lL may be more economlcal Lo fly lnLo Lhe uS vla Mlaml by Laklng advanLage of promoLlons markeLed as shopplng Lrlps Lo our beloved rlch 8razlllan women. Cne way LlckeLs can be had for less Lhan 400 88L ln Lhe low season of Lhe local Lourlsm economy. 1haL ls barely 200 uSu Lo fly 7000km.
ShorLesL rouLe Lhrough Lurope vlslLlng all caplLal clLles. All counLrles worLh vlslLlng requlre a vlsa. lL's much easler Lo rely on a servlce raLher Lhan walLlng ln llne all day aL Lhe ConsulaLe only Lo flnd ouL you have compleLed Lhe appllcaLlon lncorrecLly.
?ou wlll need Lo ledLx or uPL your physlcal passporL buL Lhe agency ls usually held llable ln Lhe evenL of a problem and Lhe Lurnaround ls very qulck. no quesLlons afLer your lnlLlal appllcaLlon has been approved.
Alwoys opL for a mulLlple enLry vlsa. 1hls allows you Lo spend a flxed amounL of days wlLhln Lhe counLry versus a flxed number of Llmes Lhrough Lhe border. 1hls ls a bureaucraLlc hassle LhaL can be avolded by slmply checklng a box on your appllcaLlon.
l do noL suggesL aLLempLlng Lo forge any documenLs ln Lhe vlsa process buL you can geL away wlLh forglng proof of reLurn for mosL all LourlsL vlsas. Many counLrles requlre proof LhaL you are acLually golng Lo leave lf you vlslL Lhelr counLry and Lhls ls meL by provldlng your full lLlnerary >+802+ you are lssued a vlsa. ?ou may choose Lo creaLe a reLurn LlckeL Lo accompany Lhe one way LlckeL you purchased wlLh frequenL flyer mlles.
?ou can use a slLe such as Lxpedla Lo book your fllghL up unLll lL ls Llme Lo acLually pay. Save Lhe page locally as full slLe and edlL Lhe P1ML ln a LexL edlLor. Cpen Lhe page ln your web browser, prlnL Lhe page and lnclude lL wlLh your vlsa appllcaLlon LhaL you wlll mall Lo Lhe vlsa agenL.
lf plannlng Lo apply for a buslness vlsa ln counLrles such as 8razll or Chlna, be prepared Lo presenL an offlclal leLLer of lnvlLaLlon by Lhe company LhaL wlll be sharlng Lhe responslblllLy of hosLlng a forelgner.
?our behavlor ls your blggesL llablllLy.
Cnce you geL comforLable ouLsourclng Lasks you wlll be amazed aL Lhe pro[ecLs you'll Lhlnk of and Lhe work you can avold.
uedlcaLlng yourself Lo four web sLores and a slngle prlmary node each monLh wlll allow plenLy of room for a healLhy work llfe balance. lf you are worklng 60 hours a week you are noL worklng correcLly.
use Lhe lnsLrucLlons ouLllned ln secLlon 4.d Lo creaLe 8us wlLhln Amazon LC2 and do noL rely on any local appllcaLlon such as 8ooLcamp, vlrLual8ox, or vMWare. keep Lhese 8us for all conflguraLlon, malnLenance, and manual LransacLlons and you can access your enLlre envlronmenL from anywhere. 1here ls no need Lo keep anyLhlng locally on your machlne or keep any appllcaLlons LhaL could be consldered susplclous. ?ou can hlre asslsLanLs ln Lhe hlllpplnes and provlde 8us wlLhln an Amerlcan l block.
CompleLely remove Lhe need Lo explaln any sofLware wlLh Lhe people LhaL may share your compuLer. uo noL seek porL scanners, MAC address changers, kall Llnux, proxy cllenLs, eLc., unless you absoluLely have a reason Lo do so. 1hese appllcaLlons are compleLely and LoLally unnecessary for our operaLlon.
lnvesL only ln a varleLy of vn provlders Lo glve yourself opLlons durlng perlods of unexpecLed downLlme. A perslsLenL vn and small encrypLed volume ls all you need.
A physlcal phone may noL even be necessary lf you can safely rely on servlces such as Coogle volce. All messages are Lranscrlbed and dellvered Lo your lnbox by defaulL. ?ou can read your volce malls and manage communlcaLlon for mulLlple accounLs wlLhouL even plcklng up a phone.
keep a porLable uS8 key wlLh your 8u shorLcuLs and admlnlsLraLor proflles ln raw LexL wlLhln a volume encrypLed wlLh 1rueCrypL and you can manage your envlronmenL from an lnLerneL caf or LAn house.
8ely on Lhe Lhlrd parLy appllcaLlons Lo reporL back Lo you vla lhone apps or dally dlgesL emalls. 1here's no reason Lo log lnLo your 8us every day or Lo consLanLly log lnLo your accounL dashboards.
LeL Lhe daLa come Lo you and ouLsource as much as you can. lL's posslble Lo slowly dlssolve away all buL Lhe mosL crlLlcal Lasks, such as purchaslng Cvv daLa, and frame everyLhlng else as CA LesLlng or slmple daLa enLry.
We are noL slmply purchaslng Cvvs. We are purchaslng cusLomers. CusLomers LhaL do noL know Lhey are cusLomers buL Lhey should be LreaLed Lhe same way.
lnformaLlon ls abouL conLexL. Cwn lL and manage lL. 8e Lhe boss buL LreaL 1eam hlllpplnes wlLh respecL. 1hey are Lrylng Lo make lL [usL llke everyone else. Look efforLless. 8e pollLe. 8e generous. 8e so rldlculous LhaL people quesLlon Lhemselves before Lhey would Lhlnk Lo quesLlon you.
?ou musL Lake yourself serlously before you can ask anyone Lo do so. uon'L leL LhaL be Lhe hardesL parL of Lhls meLhod. ,)
Cood luck and be safe
moka resldenL, Chalrman, CLC Monkey8uslness LLC, an LvoluLlon markeL excluslve