Franklin D. Roosevelt Allied Countries Deliberative Assembly United Nations Member States

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The United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are

facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic

development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The
UN was founded in 19! after "orld "ar ## to replace the $eague of Nations, to stop
wars %etween countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. #t contains multiple
su%sidiary organizations to carry out its missions.
The organization has si& principal organs'
the (eneral )ssem%ly (the main deli%erative assem%ly)*
the +ecurity ,ouncil (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security)*
the -conomic and +ocial ,ouncil (for assisting in promoting international
economic and social cooperation and development)*
the +ecretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed %y
the UN)*
the #nternational ,ourt of .ustice (the primary /udicial organ)*
the United Nations Trusteeship ,ouncil (which is currently inactive).
0ther prominent UN +ystem agencies include the "orld 1ealth
0rganization ("10),
the "orld 2ood 3rogramme ("23) and United Nations ,hildren4s 2und
(UN#,-2). The organization is 5nanced from assessed and voluntary
contri%utions from its mem%er states, and has si& o6cial languages'
)ra%ic, ,hinese, -nglish, 2rench, 7ussian, and +panish.
the United Nations was established to replace the flawed League of Nations in 1945 in order to
maintain international peace and promote cooperation in solving international economic, social
and humanitarian problems. Franlin !. "oosevelt first coined the term #United Nations# as a
term to describe the $llied countries.
%he &eneral $ssembl' is the main deliberative assembl' of the United Nations. (omposed of all
United Nations member states, the assembl' meets in regular 'earl' sessions under a president
elected from among the member states. )ver a two*wee period at the start of each session, all
members have the opportunit' to address the assembl'.
%he +ecurit' (ouncil is charged with maintaining peace and securit' among countries
Bag technique a tool ma;ing use of pu%lic health %ag through which the nurse,
during his<her home visit, can perform nursing procedures with ease and deftness,
saving time and e=ort with the end in view of rendering e=ective nursing care.
Public health bag - is an essential and indispensa%le e>uipment of the pu%lic
health nurse which he<she has to carry along when he<she goes out home visiting. #t
contains %asic medications and articles which are necessary for giving care.
To render e=ective nursing care to clients and <or mem%ers of the family during
home visit.
The use of the %ag techni>ue should minimize if not totally prevent the spread of
infection from individuals to families, hence, to the community.
?ag techni>ue should save time and e=ort on the part of the nurse in the
performance of nursing procedures.
?ag techni>ue should not overshadow concern for the patient rather should show the
e=ectiveness of total care given to an individual or family.
?ag techni>ue can %e performed in a variety of ways depending upon agency
policies, actual home situation, etc., as long as principles of avoiding transfer of
infection is carried out.
Special Considerations in the Use of the Bag
The %ag should contain all necessary articles, supplies and e>uipment which may %e
used to answer emergency needs.
The %ag and it@s contents should %e cleaned as often as possi%le, supplies replaced
and ready for use at any time.
The %ag and it@s contents should %e well protected from contact with any article in
the home of the patients. ,onsider the %ag and it@s contents clean and <or sterile
while any article %elonging to the patient as dirty and contaminated.
The arrangement of the contents of the %ag should %e the one most convenient to
the user to facilitate the e6ciency and avoid confusion.
1and washing is done as fre>uently as the situation calls for, helps in minimizing or
avoiding contamination of the %ag and its contents.
The %ag when used for a communica%le case should %e thoroughly cleaned and
disinfected %efore ;eeping and reAusing.
Contents of the Bag
3aper lining
-&tra paper for ma;ing %ag for waste
materials (paper %ag)
3lastic linen<lining
1and towel in plastic %ag
+oap in soap dish
Thermometers in case 8one oral and
9 pairs of scissors 81 surgical and 1
9 pairs of forceps 8 curved and straight:
+yringes 8! ml and 9 ml:
1ypodermic needles g. 19, 99, 9B, 9!
+terile dressings 80+, ,.?:
+terile ,ord Tie
)dhesive 3laster
Cressing 80+, cotton %all:
)lcohol lamp
Tape Deasure
?a%y@s scale
1 pair of ru%%er gloves
9 test tu%es
Test tu%e holder
EFG alcohol
ophthalmic ointment (anti%iotic)
zephiran solution
hydrogen pero&ide
spirit of ammonia
acetic acid
%enedict@s solution
Note: Blood Pressure Apparatus and Stethoscope are carried separately.
Actions Rationale
1. Upon arriving at the client@s home, place the
%ag on the ta%le or any Hat surface lined with
paper lining, clean side out (folded part
touching the ta%le). 3ut the %ag@s handles or
strap %eneath the %ag.
To protect the %ag from contamination.
9. )s; for a %asin of water and a glass of water
if faucet is not availa%le. 3lace these outside
the wor; area.
To %e used for handwashing.
To protect the wor; 5eld from %eing wet.
B. 0pen the %ag, ta;e the linen<plastic lining
and spread over wor; 5eld or area. The paper
lining, clean side out (folded part out).
To ma;e a nonAcontaminated wor; 5eld or
. Ta;e out hand towel, soap dish and apron
and the place them at one corner of the wor;
area (within the con5nes of the linen<plastic
To prepare for handwashing.
!. Co handwashing. "ipe, dry with towel.
$eave the plastic wrappers of the towel in a
soap dish in the %ag.
1andwashing prevents possi%le infection
from one care provider to the client.
I. 3ut on apron right side out and wrong side
with crease touching the %ody, sliding the head
into the nec; strap. Neatly tie the straps at the
To protect the nurses@ uniform. Jeeping the
crease creates aesthetic appearance.
E. 3ut out things most needed for the speci5c
case (e.g.) thermometer, ;idney %asin, cotton
%all, waste paper %ag) and place at one corner
of the wor; area.
To ma;e them readily accessi%le.
K. 3lace waste paper %ag outside of wor; area. To prevent contamination of clean area.
9. ,lose the %ag. To give comfort and security, maintain
personal hygiene and hasten recovery.
1F. 3roceed to the speci5c nursing care or
To prevent contamination of %ag and
11. )fter completing nursing care or treatment,
clean and alcoholize the things used.
To protect caregiver and prevent spread of
infection to others.
19. Co handwashing again.
1B. 0pen the %ag and put %ac; all articles in
their proper places.
1. 7emove apron folding away from the %ody,
with soiled sidefolded inwards, and the clean
side out. 3lace it in the %ag.
1!. 2old the linen<plastic lining, clean* place it
in the %ag and close the %ag.
1I. Da;e postAvisit conference on matters
relevant to health care, ta;ing anecdotal notes
preparatory to 5nal reporting.
To %e used as reference for future visit.
1E. Da;e appointment for the ne&t visit ( either
home or clinic), ta;ing note of the date, time
and purpose.
2or followAup care.

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