Email Alert With A Link To The Transaction On CRM UI

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Email Alert with a link to the transaction on CRM UI

In one of the scenarios an email had to be sent to the employee responsible whenever an activity was
assigned to him/her. The email had to contain a hyperlink which when clicked would launch the
transaction on CRM Web UI. An easy way of doing that is using PPF Actions.

1. Action Example

Lets look at the SAP standard action profile ACTIVITY which is quite close to what we want to do.

Action Profile ACTIVITY

Action Definition ACTIVITY_REMINDER_MAIL (Note Partner Dependent, which means only when a
partner with that partner function is assigned to the transaction will the action be determined)

Processing Type Smart Forms Mail

Tip If you want the email alert to be sent to only once per person then on the action definition set the
Action Merging property to Set Highest Number of Processed Actions which will enable the Action
Merging tab where you will be able to specify that the system should allow a maximum of 1 successful

2. Prerequisites

A. Copy the smartform CRM_REMINDER_MAIL_01 into ZCRM_REMINDER_MAIL_01 and convert the
transaction id into a hyperlink.

B. Create a new class ZCL_DOC_PROCESSING_CRM_ORDER deriving from CL_SF_PROCESSING_PPF and
create the methods similar to the SAP class CL_DOC_PROCESSING_CRM_ORDER.

METHOD class_constructor.

CALL METHOD cl_exithandler=>get_instance
exit_name = 'CRM_ACTION_BADI' "#ec notext
null_instance_accepted = 'X'
instance = gr_action_badi.


Copy and paste the code from the SAP standard class into the method
CRM_ORDER_EXEC_SMART_FORM. After the data definitions in the method add the name of the
callback function module as below -

* fill internal structure for the output options
ls_output_options = is_output_options. Add line below after this line.
ls_output_options-urlcall = 'Z_ALERT'.

C. Create the function module Z_ALERT. Make sure you add a default to the parameter
IV_BUSINESS_ROLE to point to the crm business role that will be launched when the URL in the
smartform is clicked. Make sure that the business role has the outbound plug mapping maintained as
shown in the screenshot below.

FUNCTION z_alert.
*"*"Local Interface:
INCLUDE rstxscad.
CONSTANTS: cv_line_length TYPE i VALUE 42.
DATA: l_str TYPE string.
DATA: lv_base_url TYPE string,
lv_bp TYPE bu_partner,
lv_sso_active TYPE flag.
DATA: lr_appl_model TYPE REF TO if_bsp_wd_appl_model.
lv_offset TYPE i,
lv_length TYPE i,
lv_guid_char TYPE sysuuid_c,
lv_guid TYPE sysuuid_x,
lv_url TYPE string,
ls_xctoken TYPE LINE OF ttxctoken,
lv_order_id TYPE crmt_object_id_db.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_xctoken> TYPE LINE OF ttxctoken.
* extraxt order_id
READ TABLE data ASSIGNING <ls_xctoken>
WITH KEY code = 'ST'.
IF <ls_xctoken> IS ASSIGNED.
lv_order_id = <ls_xctoken>-string.
IF lv_order_id IS NOT INITIAL.
iv_bsp_appl = 'CRM_UI_START'
iv_model_type = 'CL_BSP_WD_APPL_MODEL_RTTI'
rv_model = lr_appl_model
OTHERS = 1 ).
CHECK lr_appl_model IS BOUND.
lv_base_url = lr_appl_model->get_start_url( ).
gv_url = lv_base_url.
* PERFORM add_url_param USING 'sap-language' sy-langu.
IF iv_business_role IS NOT INITIAL.
PERFORM add_url_param USING 'saprole' iv_business_role.
PERFORM add_url_param USING 'crm-object-type' 'BT126H_APPT'.
PERFORM add_url_param USING 'crm-object-action' iv_action.
PERFORM add_url_param USING 'crm-object-keyname' 'OBJECT_ID'.
PERFORM add_url_param USING 'crm-object-value' lv_order_id.
DELETE data WHERE code = 'LK'.
lv_length = strlen( gv_url ).
lv_offset = 0.
ls_xctoken-code = 'LK'.
ls_xctoken-line = -1.
ls_xctoken-len = cv_line_length.
ls_xctoken-string = space.
WHILE lv_length > 0.
ls_xctoken-code = 'LK'.
ls_xctoken-len = cv_line_length.
ls_xctoken-string = space.
ls_xctoken-line = ls_xctoken-line + 1.
IF lv_length > cv_line_length.
ls_xctoken-string+4(cv_line_length) = gv_url+lv_offset.
lv_offset = lv_offset + cv_line_length.
lv_length = lv_length - cv_line_length.
ls_xctoken-string+4(lv_length) = gv_url+lv_offset.
ls_xctoken-len = lv_length.
lv_length = 0.
APPEND ls_xctoken TO data.

In the function group include add the following -

DATA gv_url(4096) TYPE c.

FORM add_url_param USING iv_param TYPE string
iv_value TYPE ANY.

IF gv_url CA '?'.
CONCATENATE gv_url '&' iv_param '=' iv_value INTO gv_url. "#EC NOTEXT
CONCATENATE gv_url '?' iv_param '=' iv_value INTO gv_url. "#EC NOTEXT


1. 3. Action Definition
With all the prerequisite steps complete we are now ready to create the action. I assume there is
already an action profile assigned to the transaction type in context here. We can now go ahead and
create the action similar to the SAP standard action only to replace the action handler class to our Z class
and the smartform to our Z smartform.

After the action definition is complete the next step is to define the action condition which can be done
using the IMG Activity Define Conditions. Here you can specify conditions like dont send the alert If
the status is closed etc.

4. End result would be that whenever an employee is assigned to that transaction an email will go out to
the employee which will contain a hyperlink on the transaction ID which when clicked will open the
transaction on CRM Web UI using the role specified in the call back function module.

1. 5. Troubleshooting
Enable the Actions assignment block on the transaction and check the determination and execution
For the email to go out to the employee the email address has to be maintained on the address
information of the employee record.
Check SCOT settings to make sure that an SMTP node is determined for the email address.
Smartforms will be emailed as PDF attachments based on the SCOT setting
In development systems the job that sends email out is usually not scheduled so you might have to push
emails out manually using SOST.

If everything looks ok then run an authorization trace (ST05) to check if a missing auth is preventing
from email from being sent. Usually the object S_OC_SEND is the cause of the authorization problem.

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