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The passage discusses the locations, functions and potential imbalances of various chakras, including the minor chakras (foot and hand chakras), soma chakra, and the seven main chakras (muladhara, svadhistana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha, ajna and sahasrara chakras).

The minor chakras are the foot chakras, located in the center of the soles, and the hand chakras, located in the center of the palms. The foot chakras are important for grounding and absorbing earth energies as well as stability. The hand chakras function in the transmission of energy such as for charging objects or healing.

The seven main chakras are located along the spine and head. They each have a specific element and function. For example, the muladhara chakra relates to earth and deals with material prosperity. The anahata chakra relates to air and deals with compassion. The sahasrara chakra relates to space and deals with spirituality and connection to the divine.

Minor Chakras

Foot Chakras
Location: in the centre of the soles of the feet.
Function: Important for grounding and absorbing earth energies; stability.
Imbalance: fatigue, ungroundedness, spaced out feeling, leg and foot
troubles, cold feet, general weakness, cellulite.

Hand Chakras
Location: in the centre of the palm of each hand.
Function: transmission of energy, such as for charging an object or for
Imbalance: inability to sense the energy or lifeforce (Prana) of people or
objects; inability to heal with hands; cold hands.

Soma Chakra ("divine
Location: slightly below the Ajna Chakra in the centre of the skull
Function: rejuvenation, bliss, immortality.
Imbalance: accelerated ageing, dryness of skin, dehydration of the body or
drying up of one's spirituality.

Psychic Gate
A point at the base of the skull where entities can easily gain access. if this
point is weak or the energy field damaged in this area entity possession can
occur on a large scale. This point gives another entity control over one's
mental function and is a frequent site of psychic implants (and brain chips...)

The Classic Seven Chakras

Muladhara Chakra
"Root Support"
English names: base chakra, root chakra, first chakra.
Element: Earth
Function: strength, abundance of all good things, material prosperity,
Imbalance: materialism, lack of flexibility, stubbornness, greed; survival
issues, poverty; impotence / infertility, sexual issues:

Svadhistana Chakra
"Abode of the Self"
English name: second chakra, spleen chakra, (sometimes called navel
chakra which can cause confusion with third chakra.)
Element: Water
Function: creativity, passion, sex for pleasure;
Imbalance: frigidity, impotence, blocked creativity, period pain, ovarian
troubles / prostrate problems; lower back pain, kidney problems.

Manipura Chakra
"City of Jewels"
English name: third chakra, solar plexus chakra, (sometimes naval chakra
leading to mix up with second chakra)
Element: Fire
Function: personal power, inner strength, digestion, metabolism,
Imbalance: disempowerment, digestive problems, weakness, fatigue,
overweight, feeling cold due to lack of inner fire.

Anahata Chakra
English names: heart chakra, fourth chakra.
Element: Air
Function: compassion, empathy, love
Imbalance: heart troubles, uncaring, cruelty, fearfulness.

Vishuddha Chakra
English names: throat chakra, fifth chakra.
Element: Ether
Function: self-expression, self-realisation; finding your calling / mission in
Imbalance: voice problems, throat trouble, lack of success in profession,
communication problems; not being heard.

Ajna Chakra
English names: third eye chakra, sixth chakra.
Element: Mind
Function: seat of true will, higher mind
Imbalance: disconnection from intuition and Higher Self.

Sahasrara Chakra
"Thousand Petalled
English names: crown chakra, seventh chakra.
Element: space
Function: spirituality, astral travel, connection to the Divine.
Imbalance: disconnection from spirit, from God/Goddess/All-that-is, lack of
spirituality, ignorance of one's purpose in this life, materialism due to lack
of spirituality.

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