Muse Tech Spec Sheet

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Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband Tech Spec Sheet

Muse Headband:
! Flexible, adjustable, lightweight headband with 7 sensors capable of reading 4 channels
of data - two on the forehead and two behind the ears
! Communicates over bluetooth and is compatible with iOS (iPhone 4+, iPad 2+, iTouch
5+), Android 2.3+, Mac OS (OSX 10.8+), Windows 7 & 8 and Ubuntu Linux LTS releases.
! SDK (Software Development Kit) included for the platforms listed above
! Rechargeable battery (charge via micro-USB jack, just like most cell phones). Lasts up
to 5 hours of use per charge.
! The headband produces bipolar readings using AFz as the reference for AF3, AF4, TP9,
! 3 electrode electrical reference CMS/DRL.
! The 7-sensor montage enables estimation of hemispheric asymmetries (with an
emphasis on the pre-frontal lobe) and thus facilitates brain-state discrimination that
depends on asymmetry, such as emotional valence (positive vs. negative emotions).
! EEG signals are oversampled and then downsampled to yield a selectable output
sampling rate from 220 Hz to 500 Hz, with 2uV (RMS) noise. Active noise suppression is
achieved with a DRL - REF feedback configuration using centrally positioned frontal
! Input range of AC coupled signal (low cutoff at 1 Hz) is 2 mV p-p.
! An on-board 3-axis accelerometer enables motion input for games and for quantifying
head movements.

In addition to the apps that will be included with Muse, we will supply processing software to use
in apps you create yourself. We will provide both higher-level processing (which does
sophisticated analysis; details below) and lower-level processing (which simply reads raw data
from the device and does some basic analysis) so you can take whichever approach fits your

In developing this system, we opted to offload all real-time analysis to the host system, apart
from some basic filtering and compression algorithms. This decision was made in order to
conserve battery life on the headband, allow for a sleeker design, and access much more
processing power to achieve better brainwave analysis.

Below are a list of features available in the SDK. We will have SDK at free and professional
levels to meet your needs.

At launch
! MuseIO, the desktop driver for Windows, MacOS, and Linux, provides:
" An OSC and LSL message interface to allow easy integration with Max/MSP,
Puredata, Quartz composer and Processing.
" Socket API will be provided for platforms that support TCP/IP sockets.
" Matlab compatible using the socket interface provided by our interface software.
! MuseLab, the Brainwave visualizer tool: view data in real time, annotate data, record to
disk, apply DSP algorithms, rebroadcast data.
! MuseReplay, the playback tool for recorded brainwave sessions.
! Sample programs: source code which demonstrates how developers can and should
work with the SDK.

Coming Soon
! libmuse, the hardware interface and processing library for iOS, Android, OSX, Linux,
Windows, with language support for Objective-C/C/C++, Java, Python, gives you access
" Raw EEG and Accelerometer data
" Processed brain features: including typical EEG power-bands (delta, theta, alpha,
beta, gamma), raw power spectrum, and muscle activity.
" Fully processed data that will yield: beta / alpha ratio (focus vs relax) which will
allow developers to develop games around the users concentration or relaxation.
It will also yield measures for eye blinks and jaw clenches.

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