PVD 12082013 Mbke (Ta)
PVD 12082013 Mbke (Ta)
PVD 12082013 Mbke (Ta)
Results Update
12 August 2013
PV Drilling
New Share Issuance
1H13 results. PVDs 1H13 revenue increased 30.7% YoY to
USD316.4m thanks to its new deepwater TAD rig, which started
operating in Feb 2012, and its four sub-leased rigs vs only one in the
same period last year. 1H13 net profit rose 41.3% YoY to USD41.5m,
due to a 0.8-ppt decrease in gross margins to 24.5% and 1.1-ppt
decrease in its SG&A/sales ratio to 6%. Gross margins shrank most
likely because of higher contribution from the sub-leased rigs which
carry a GM of 18-20% (vs the 25-40% GMs of PVDs own rigs).
Stable business pipeline. PVD owns five rigs, all of which are
contracted through to 2014. In addition to leasing its own rigs, the
company sub-leases oil rigs, partly because of the ancillary services
business that this generates (staffing, tubing, mud-logging and minor
spill clean-up, etc). PVD recently secured one additional sub-leased rig
(bringing its total sub-leased rigs to four), which was contracted to
Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation. We expect PVD to
have six sub-leased rigs by the end of this year.
Expecting margin improvement. Rig day rates have generally been
on an uptrend, along with utilisation rates. This benefits PVD because
the day rates on most of PVDs rig contracts are renewed annually.
PVD rigs were renewed at day rates 15-20% higher YoY in FY13; the
new rates have been valid since 3Q13. We estimate that PVDs gross
profit margins will climb from 22.5% in FY12 to 24-26% over FY13-15.
New share issuance. PVD completed a private placement of 38m new
shares in 2Q13 with three-year lock-up: 20.15m shares for strategic
investor PVN at VND31,758/share, and a one-year lock-up of 18.75m
shares for three financial investors (PYN, PENM and VOF) at an
average price of VND45,605/share. The total proceeds of USD68.6m
are set to be used for future expansion. Another 2m new shares will be
issued to the companys employees in the form of an ESOP.
Attractive valuation. We raise our FY13 profit forecasts by 41% YoY
to USD89.9m due to the improvement in gross margins. However, its
EPS growth is only 29.4% YoY because of 20% dilution from new share
issuance. PVD is trading at an FY13 PER of 6.9x, a 48% discount to its
peers and 1SD below its average historical PER. We maintain our BUY
call and TP of VND66,000.
PV Drill i ng Summary Earni ngs Tabl e
FYE Dec (USD m) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013F
Revenue 240.1 406.6 449.6 572.8 675.2
EBITDA 71.6 102.9 106.3 140.0 171.4
Recurring Net Profit 47.7 47.4 52.1 63.5 89.9
Recurring Basic EPS (US cts) 25.1 22.6 24.9 30.2 39.1
EPS Growth (%) (15.2) (10.2) 10.5 21.0 29.4
DPS (US cts) 9.6 7.2 9.1 10.8
PER (x) 10.8 12.0 10.9 9.0 6.9
EV/EBITDA (x) 12.2 8.5 8.6 6.0 5.4
Div Yield (%) 3.5 2.7 3.3 4.0
P/BV (x) 2.4 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5
Net gearing (%) 128.0 111.7 116.6 82.1 56.1
ROE (%) 25.9 18.5 18.2 20.0 23.2
ROA (%) 8.4 8.8 7.8 8.6 11.0
Source: Company, Maybank KE estimates
Buy (unchanged)
Share price: VND56,500
Target price: VND66,000 (unchanged)
Tuyen Nguyen
[email protected]
(84) 8 44 555 888 - 8081
Stock Information
Description: PetroVietnam Drilling is a subsidiary of
PetroVietnam (PVN). It owns five oil rigs and derives about
80%of its business fromPVN.
Ticker: PVD VN
Shares Issued (m): 247.5
Market Cap (USD m): 565.4
3-mth Avg Daily Turnover (USD m): 0.91
VNIndex: 499.5
Free float (%): 40,0
Major Shareholders:
PetroVietnam 50.4
Deutsche Bank 4.2
Templeton 4.2
PYN 4.0
Key Indicators
ROE annualised (%) 23.2
Net cash (USD m): n/a
NTA/shr (UScts): 157
Interest cover (x): 6.3
Historical Chart
52-week High/Low VND57,000 / VND32,000
1-mth 3-mth 6-mth 1-yr YTD
Absolute (%) 11.9 37.5 30.2 67.2 50.7
Relative (%) 10.7 33.8 28.8 42.4 24.8
12 August 2013 Page 2 of 8
PV Drill i ng
Robust oil and gas activities in Vietnam
Potential industry growth. According to the 2012 BP Energy Outlook,
global primary energy consumption is forecast to grow at a CAGR of
2% over the next 17 years, from approximately 12b toe (tonnes of oil
equivalent) in 2012 to 17b toe in 2030. PVN (which owns 50.4% of
PVD) is looking to aggressively expand its Vietnamese E&P activities
and has a substantial annual investment budget of around USD1.5-
Rigs in demand. Vietnam requires an estimated 10-15 additional jack-
up rigs every year (with about 65-75 standard wells and 100 smaller
wells drilled p.a.). However, 41 new rigs are expected to come
onstream in the next two years. We do not think that this will result in a
glut of rigs because about 40% of the existing drilling rig fleet in
Vietnam is more than 20 years old and may need to be gradually
replaced. Moreover, PVD said that potential customers such as Lam
Son J OC, Con Son J OC, J VPC, Premier and KNOC have all expressed
interest in jackups.
Rising rig utilisation rates to trigger an increase in day rates. Rig
day rates, along with rig utilisation rates, have generally been on an
uptrend in SEA. The rig utilisation rate in SEA is currently 77%, and a
utilisation rate of 80% is normally the threshold at which we can expect
to see a significant jump in day rates. It would not take long for a jump
in day rates to improve PVDs bottom line because the day rates on
most of PVDs rig contracts are renewed annually.
We think that day rates will increase 13-15% per year for the period
2013-16, supported by intensive drilling campaigns in the region.
Expanding capabilities
Investment in premium jack-up rig JV with FEG. At the end of 2012,
PVD established a 50:50 J V with Singapore-based Falcon Energy
Group (FEG) to buy a newly built USD215m jack-up rig (delivery
expected in 3Q13). The J V has a 70:30 debt-to-equity structure, with
the debt financed by banks. PVD expects the rig to be contracted to an
existing FEG client in the Gulf of Mexico, and to start operations in
4Q13. We forecast that the J V will contribute around USD6m to PVDs
profit annually.
In 2014-15, PVD plans to invest in another USD230m premium jack-up
rig through a J V in which PVD will contribute to 70% of the investment.
In addition, PVD will provide a tender barge for Chevron, but the
USD150m project has been suspended until 2014, as Chevron has
delayed its E&P plans to 2016.
12 August 2013 Page 3 of 8
PV Drill i ng
Fi gure 1: PVD 2013 capi tal needs (VND b)
Financial sources
Invest ment i tems
invest ment
Equity Debt
Investment projects transferred fr. 2012 160 160
Investment in equipments and warehouse 362 362 155
- Drilling string components 43 43
- Purchase blow-out preventor (BOP)
and other equipments for drilling rigs 179 74 105
- Equipment and devices for IT 52 52
- Purchase land and constructing offices
and restplace for workers 80 30 50
- Others 8 8
Investment in joint ventures 965 965
- Invest a jack-up rig 735 735
- Invest in JV and contribute capital to
subsidiaries 230 230
Investment of subsidiaries 206 117
Total 1,693 1,449 244
Source: Company
Equity fundraising. To finance its increasing capital needs, PVD
undertook a private offering of up to 38m shares in 2Q13, with a three-
year lock-up of 20.15m shares for strategic investor PVN at VND31,758
per share and one-year lock-up of 18.75m shares for three financial
investors (PYN, PENM and VOF) at an average price at VND45,605
per share. The total proceeds of USD68.6m are set to be used for
future expansion. PVD believes that raising capital through a private
offering is a better option than issuing debt, as the companys current
net gearing is high at 0.82x. In addition, banks are not willing to lend to
PVD without significantly increasing interest rates. Whilst the fund-
raising will reduce the companys gearing ratio, we estimate that it will
result in a 20% dilution to existing shareholders.
We believe that the issuance proceeds will be insufficient to finance all
of PVDs capital spending plans, so the company is likely to need to
raise more funds in future.
Fi gure 3: Peer compari son
(USD m) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (%) (%) (x) (x)
SCHLUMBERGER LTD US 106,503.0 18.5 16.9 14.0 2.9 2.5 10.2 17.6 1.1 9.9
TRANSOCEAN LTD SZ 17,123.1 11.1 11.3 8.2 1.1 1.8 2.1 4.5 1.5 7.0
DIAMOND OFFSHORE US 9,482.2 12.9 13.9 10.1 2.0 3.2 9.7 15.2 1.0 7.2
NOBLE CORP SZ 10,114.5 17.8 14.1 8.6 1.3 2.6 3.9 7.4 1.6 9.4
SEADRILL LTD BD 20,439.9 17.9 15.4 11.7 3.5 4.6 5.7 19.0 1.7 12.9
CHINA OILFIELD-H CH 11,301.4 13.7 11.7 10.6 1.9 2.8 6.5 15.0 1.3 n/a
ENSCO PLC-CL A GB 13,743.3 10.2 9.1 7.8 1.1 2.9 6.7 10.5 1.3 8.2
ROWAN COMPANIE-A US 4,481.6 15.7 16.2 10.1 1.0 2.9 3.1 5.1 1.3 9.3
ATWOOD OCEANICS US 3,782.2 11.4 11.3 9.3 1.8 3.8 11.0 17.5 1.3 9.3
Average 21,885.7 14.4 13.3 10.1 1.8 3.0 6.5 12.4 1.3 9.1
PETROVIETNAM DRI VN 565.4 8.7 6.9 8.3 1.6 0.9 7.6 20.2 1.7 5.8
Source: Bloomberg
12 August 2013 Page 4 of 8
PV Drill i ng
FYE Dec 2009 2010 2011 2012E 2013F FYE Dec 2009 2010 2011 2012E 2013F
Sales 240.1 406.6 449.6 572.8 675.2 Total assets 689.4 773.3 889.9 916.2 997.6
COGS exclude Dep. (152.3) (279.5) (314.5) (394.9) (463.6) Current assets 143.0 169.6 188.0 243.8 297.3
Depreciation (15.0) (32.8) (34.7) (49.1) (46.7) Cash 48.7 45.1 32.1 51.3 115.3
Gross profit 72.7 94.4 100.4 128.8 165.0 ST investment 3.7 1.4 - -
Operating exp. (16.1) (24.3) (28.7) (37.9) (40.3) Inventories 17.9 18.1 48.2 37.8 44.2
EBIT 56.6 70.1 71.7 90.9 124.7 Trade receivable 63.9 98.5 96.4 146.6 129.3
Net financial incomes (loss) (7.0) (16.4) (14.4) (17.6) (18.4) Others 8.7 6.5 11.3 8.2 8.6
Net Income (loss) fr. jv 3.2 2.7 3.5 2.9 2.4 Other assets 546.4 603.7 702.0 672.4 700.3
Net extraodinaries 1.5 (1.7) (0.8) 5.3 1.4 LT Investment 7.4 7.9 14.9 22.0 22.0
PBT 54.3 54.7 60.0 81.5 110.2 Net fix assets 525.1 580.1 677.2 639.4 667.7
Income tax (6.3) (7.1) (7.7) (12.0) (13.8) Others 14.0 15.7 9.9 11.0 10.5
Minority interest (0.2) (0.2) (0.3) (6.0) (6.5) Total liabilities 453.1 496.3 591.2 579.3 575.7
Net profit 47.7 47.4 52.1 63.5 89.9 Current liabilities 142.2 210.9 244.2 273.2 257.6
EBITDA 71.6 102.9 106.3 140.0 171.4 Trade payable 56.5 85.1 101.5 107.7 80.2
EPS (US cts) 25.1 22.6 24.9 30.2 39.1 ST borrowings 45.0 75.4 98.4 93.2 99.9
Others 40.7 50.4 44.4 72.3 77.5
Long-termliabilities 311.0 285.5 347.0 306.1 318.1
Long-termdebts 308.9 279.5 280.9 233.7 262.6
Others 2.1 6.0 66.0 72.4 55.6
Shareholders' equity 236.3 276.9 298.7 336.9 441.9
Paid in capital 194.4 192.4 192.0 193.6 214.4
Reserve 41.1 83.7 105.8 142.1 225.9
Other provisions - - - -
Minority interests 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.6
FYE Dec 2009 2010 2011 2012E 2013F FYE Dec 2009 2010 2011 2012E 2013F
Operating cash flow 71.8 66.2 114.3 98.1 137.6
Growth (% YoY)
Net profit 47.7 47.4 52.1 63.5 89.9
9.9 69.4 10.6 27.4 17.9
Depreciation 15.0 32.8 34.7 49.1 46.7
Operating profit
(0.6) 23.9 2.3 26.8 37.3
Change in working capital 4.0 5.7 (22.5) (2.5) (11.8)
5.7 43.6 3.4 31.6 22.5
Others 5.1 (19.6) 50.0 (12.0) 12.9
Net profit
(8.7) (0.8) 10.0 21.9 41.6
Investment cash flow (205.0) (67.3) (131.4) (19.5) (74.5)
(15.2) (10.2) 10.5 21.0 29.4
Net capex (189.8) (87.8) (131.8) (11.3) (75.0)
Profitability (%)
Change in investment 9.3 1.8 (5.6) (7.1) 0.0
Gross margin
30.3 23.2 22.3 22.5 24.4
Change in other assets (24.5) 18.7 5.9 (1.1) 0.5
Operating margin
23.6 17.2 15.9 15.9 18.5
Cash flow after Investment (133.2) (1.0) (17.1) 78.6 63.1
EBITDA margin
29.8 25.3 23.7 24.4 25.4
Financing cash flow 141.6 (2.6) 4.1 (59.4) 20.9
Net margin
19.9 11.6 11.6 11.1 13.3
Change in share capital 109.5 (2.0) (0.4) 1.5 20.8
8.4 8.8 7.8 8.6 11.0
Net change in debt 138.6 1.0 24.5 (52.5) 35.5
25.9 18.5 18.2 20.0 23.2
Others (106.4) (1.6) 0.3 6.6 (16.4)
Div paid (20.3) (15.1) (19.0)
Gross debt/equity (%)
150.3 128.5 127.4 97.4 82.3
Net cash flow 8.4 (3.6) (13.1) 19.2 64.0
Net debt/equity (%)
128.0 111.7 116.6 82.1 56.1
Int. coverage (X)
13.5 4.2 5.5 6.3 7.9
Int. & ST debt coverage (X)
0.7 0.9 0.7 0.8 1.1
Cash flow int. coverage (X)
17.1 3.9 8.8 6.8 8.7
Cash flow int. & ST debt (X)
0.9 1.1 0.9 1.2
Current ratio (X)
1.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.2
Quick ratio (X)
0.9 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9
Net cash/(debt) (USD m)
(301.4) (308.4) (347.3) (275.6) (247.2)
Per share data (US cts)
25.1 22.6 24.9 30.2 39.1
37.8 31.6 54.8 46.7 59.8
111.9 131.6 142.1 159.7 176.0
126.4 193.9 215.4 272.5 293.6
37.7 49.0 50.9 66.6 74.5
9.6 7.2 9.1 10.8
Source: Company, Maybank KE estimates
12 August 2013 Page 5 of 8
PV Drill i ng
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12 August 2013 Page 6 of 8
PV Drill i ng
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Ong Seng Yeow | Executive Director, Maybank Kim Eng Research
Defi ni ti on of Rati ngs
Maybank Kim Eng Research uses the following rating system:
BUY Return is expected to be above 15% in the next 12 months (excluding dividends)
HOLD Return is expected to be between - 15% to +15% in the next 12 months (excluding dividends)
SELL Return is expected to be below -15% in the next 12 months (excluding dividends)
Appl icabil ity of Ratings
The respective analyst maintains a coverage universe of stocks, the list of which may be adjusted according to needs. Investment ratings are only
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as we do not actively follow developments in these companies.
Some common terms abbrevi ated i n thi s report (where they appear):
Adex = Advertising Expenditure FCF = Free Cashflow PE = Price Earnings
BV = Book Value FV = Fair Value PEG = PE Ratio To Growth
CAGR = Compounded Annual Growth Rate FY = Financial Year PER = PE Ratio
Capex = Capital Expenditure FYE = Financial Year End QoQ = Quarter-On-Quarter
CY = Calendar Year MoM= Month-On-Month ROA = Return On Asset
DCF = Discounted Cashflow NAV = Net Asset Value ROE = Return On Equity
DPS = Dividend Per Share
NTA = Net Tangible Asset ROSF = Return On Shareholders Funds
EBIT = Earnings Before Interest And Tax P = Price WACC = Weighted Average Cost Of Capital
EBITDA = EBIT, Depreciation And Amortisation P.A. = Per Annum YoY = Year-On-Year
EPS = Earnings Per Share PAT = Profit After Tax YTD = Year-To-Date
EV = Enterprise Value PBT = Profit Before Tax
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