An1049 Application Note

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by Claudio Adragna

The L5991 PWM controller is particularly suitable for SMPS of equipment that must comply with
standards concerning energy saving. The device, optimized for flyback topology, monitors the power
demanded by the load and changes the operating frequency of the converter accordingly: high fre-
quency at heavy load, low frequency at light load.
In this way, power losses dependent on frequency are reduced at light load maintaining, at the same
time, the advantages offered by a high switching frequency at heavy load.
The frequency reduction is very helpful but is not the only means needed to minimize power losses.
This note surveys the above mentioned functionality of the L5991 (called "Standby" function) as well
as the most significant points to consider in order to achieve the goal of a very efficient lightly loaded

The minimization of the power drawn from the mains under light load conditions (Standby, Suspend or
some other idle mode) is an issue that is recently becoming of great interest, above all else because
new and more severe standards are coming into force.
This is already well-established in the area of computer monitors, where norms define precisely the vari-
ous idle modes and the relevant maximum consumption admitted, but more and more often power sup-
plies for other pieces of office equipment (i.e. printers, photocopiers, fax machines, AC-DC adaptors,
etc.), are required to accomplish with specifications concerning energy saving.
Figure 1. L5991 Internal Block Diagram


1 15 8 4

+ 21V
3 + PWM
DC -
T 10V -
14 9

SS 5
7 - VFB
E/A 2.5V
1V R 2.5/4.0V
12 6


Anyway, minimizing the power wasted by a lightly loaded switch-mode converter is a demanding chal-
lenge for power supply designers and, to achieve the goal, an appropriate design strategy is required.

March 2000 1/24


The key point of this strategy is a low switching frequency. It is well-known that many of the power loss
sources in a lightly loaded flyback waste energy proportionally to the switching frequency, hence this
should be reduced as much as possible. On the other hand, it is equally well-known that a low switching
frequency leads to bigger and heavier magnetics and makes filtering more troublesome.
It is then desirable to make the system operate at high frequency under nominal load condition and to
reduce the frequency when the system works in a low-consumption mode. This requires a special func-
tionality of the controller: it should be able to recognize automatically the condition of light or heavy load
and should adequate its operating frequency accordingly.
The L5991 PWM controller, with its "Standby function", meets exactly this requirement. The function is
optimized for flyback topology: in fact, power supply of office equipment lies most often in the medium-
low power range, where flyback topology features the lowest cost/performance ratio and is, therefore,
the favorite one.
However, the goal of power losses minimization cannot be achieved with only a simple reduction of the
switching frequency. Although the most important, this is only one of the numerous points of a wide-
ranging strategy that must be looked into on the whole.
This application note is composed of two distinct parts. The first part deals with the L5991, describes the
operation of the "Standby function" in detail and states several relationships useful for the design. The
second one provides an overview of the points to be considered in the above mentioned strategy, as
well as a number of tips that can be helpful.


The L5991
The device, whose internal block diagram is shown in fig. 1, is based on a standard "peak" current
mode PWM controller, such as the UC384x family, with the addition of numerous ancillary features
among which Standby function is the most noticeable.
The L5991, which is available in DIP16 and SO16N packages, features the following characteristics:
Very low start-up current (75 µA typ. - 120 µA max.);
low quiescent current (7 mA typ. - 10 mA max.);
internal reference with 1% precision guaranteed (@ Tj=25°C);
high current capability, large bandwidth, high slew-rate error amplifier;
high-speed current loop (< 100 ns delay to output);
high current capability totem-pole output for MOSFET or IGBT drive;
Standby function;
IN/OUT synchronization;
precise maximum duty cycle control;
programmable soft-start
100 ns Leading Edge Blanking on current sense for increased noise immunity;
overcurrent protection with soft-start intervention;
latched disable function;
All these characteristics are described in detail in the datasheet of the device. In this context, however, it
is worth emphasizing the low current consumption of the device, both before start-up and when running.
Along with the standby function, the low consumption turns out to be particularly useful for minimizing
Table 1 compares these characteristics with the UC384XA/B family.
Table 1. L5991 vs. UC384XA/B family
L5991 75µA typ. 7.0mA typ. yes
120µA max. 10.0mA max.
UC384XA/B 300µA typ. 12mA typ. no
500µA max. 17mA max.


The L5991 can be used in off-line SMPS’ with any single-ended topology. However, its features make
the device particularly useful for power supplies based on flyback topology for office equipment that
must comply with standards concerning energy saving. Monitor displays, printers, photocopiers, scan-
ners and fax machines are the most noticeable examples.

Figure 2.Standby function dynamic operation.

Standby function description
The L5991 automatically detects a light load Pin
condition for the converter and decreases the
oscillator frequency on that occurrence. The nor-
mal (higher) oscillation frequency is automat- fosc
ically resumed when the output load builds up Normal operation
and exceeds a defined threshold. This function-
ality is called "Standby function".
Like in every "peak" current mode controller, the
output voltage (VCOMP) of the Error Amplifier
(E/A) of the device moves depending on the PSB
power drawn from the mains (see Appendix Stand-by
"Peak Current Mode Control Basics"). The basic 1 2 3 4
VT 1 V T2
principle of the Standby is then monitoring the
E/A output .
If the peak primary current decreases as a result of a decrease of the power demanded by the load
VCOMP will decrease as well. If this falls below a fixed threshold (VT1), the oscillator, which was working
at fosc, will be forced to work at a lower value (fSB). The frequency drop, however, implies a sudden in-
crease of the peak primary current and, therefore, of VCOMP. Some hysteresis will be necessary to pre-
vent the frequency from switching back to fosc. In fact, VCOMP will have to exceed a second threshold
(VT2 > VT1) in order for the oscillator frequency to be reset at fosc. The hysteresis (VT2-VT1) will be large
enough to prevent the above mentioned undesired phenomenon. This operation is shown in fig. 2.
Fig. 3 shows how the function is implemented internally. Only one pin (ST-BY, 16) is required and is
used to connect an external resistor (RB) to the oscillator pin (RCT, 2). In this way, both the normal and
the standby frequency are externally programmable.
The capacitor CT and the resistor RB, along with RA, set the operating frequency of the oscillator in nor-
mal operation (fosc). In fact, as long as the STANDBY signal is high, the pin is internally connected to
the reference voltage VREF by a N-channel FET (see fig. 3), thus the timing capacitor CT is charged
through RA and RB. When the STANDBY signal goes low the N-channel FET is turned off and the pin
becomes floating. RB is now disconnected and CT is charged through RA only. In this way the oscillator
frequency (fSB) will be lower.
Figure 3. Standby function internal schematic and operation

6 13

10V 4
+ - HIGH
2.5/4 ST-BY
2.6V 4V

The oscillation frequency can be estimated with the following approximate relationships:

fosc ≈ (1),
CT ⋅ (0.693 ⋅ (RA ⁄ ⁄ RB) + KT)


which gives the normal operating frequency, and:

fSB ≈ (2)
CT ⋅ (0.693 ⋅ RA + KT)

which gives the standby operating frequency, that is the one the converter will operate at when lightly
loaded. In the above expressions, RA // RB means:

RA ⁄ ⁄ RB = (3),

and KT, defined as:

 90, V15 = VREF

KT =  (4)
160, V15 = GND/OPEN
is related to the duration of the falling-edge of the sawtooth. In case V15 is connected to VREF, how-
ever, the switching frequency will be a half the values resulting from (1) and (2).
Fig.3 shows also the comparator with hysteresis that recognizes the load condition of the converter. The
thresholds VT1 and VT2 are internally fixed at 2.5 V and 4 V respectively (typical values). With reference
to Fig. A1 in Appendix, the peak voltages on the current sense pin of the L5991 (ISEN, 13) relevant to
VT1 and VT2 are:

VT1 − 2 ⋅ Vf 2.5 − 2 ⋅ 0.7

Vcspk1 = = = 0.367V (5)
3 3
VT2 − 2 ⋅ Vf 4.0 − 2 ⋅ 0.7
Vcspk2 = = = 0.867V (6).
3 3

It is more convenient to refer to the thresholds Vcspk1 and Vcspk2 (rather than VT1 and VT2), because they
can be immediately related to the peak input current. Although having fixed thresholds may seem a lack
of flexibility, in reality it is possible to adjust the thresholds in terms of input power level, if needed, by
adding a DC offset voltage (VO) on the current sense pin.

Standby Operation Analysis

In this context, flyback converters are classified as stated in the appendix "Flyback Basics". Another as-
sumption is that the delay to output of the L5991 is compensated, thus the offset voltage Vo is intended
as the amount exceeding the value needed for compensation (see Appendix "Peak current mode control
Basics"). This analysis does not take other non-idealities into consideration, thus the results are approxi-
Please refer to the appendix for an explanation of symbols, terminology and formulas.
When VCOMP = VT1, that is on the boundary of the standby mode, the peak input current is equal to:

Vcspk1 − Vo 0.367 − Vo
Ippk1 = = (7),
Rs Rs

corresponding to the standby input power which, under the assumption of DCM (Discontinuous Conduc-
tion Mode) operation, can be expressed as:
1  0.367 − Vo 
PinSB = ⋅ Lp ⋅ fosc ⋅   (8).
2  Rs 
The standby power can be expressed also in terms of the maximum input power (Pinmax). This is set by
the sense resistor Rs, which is selected so as to limit the peak primary current at the value (Ippkmax) rele-
vant to Pinmax:

Rs =
1 − Vo
= (1 − Vo) ⋅ 
√ 
Lp ⋅ fosc
2 ⋅ Pinmax


By substituting (9) in (8) it is possible to obtain:

 0.367 − Vo 
PinSB = Pinmax ⋅   (10).
 1 − Vo 
The frequency change fosc ⇒ fSB pushes flyback into a deeper DCM operation and causes a sudden in-
crease of the peak primary current (since the input power does not change). As a result, the peak volt-
age on current sense will jump from Vcspk1 to:

V’cspk1 = Vo + Rs ⋅ √  = Vo + (1 − Vo) ⋅ √

2 ⋅ PSB
LP ⋅ fSB
PSB ⋅ 
√fosc (11).
Pinmax fSB
This value must be <Vcspk2 not to exceed the hysteresis of the internal comparator, which would cause
the operating frequency to switch back and forth between fosc and fSB. This constraint sets a maximum
limit on the frequency change:
fosc  0.867 − Vo 
fSB  0.367 − Vo 

Provided equation (12) is fulfilled, the input power (PinNW) at which the normal operation frequency is re-
sumed (fSB ⇒ fosc) will be:
1  0.867 − Vo 
PinNW = ⋅ Lp ⋅ fSB ⋅   (13)
2  Rs 
which, considering position (9), can be also expressed in the following terms:
2 2
 0.867 − Vo  fSB  0.867 − Vo  fSB
PinNW = Pinmax ⋅   ⋅ f = PinSB ⋅  0.367 V  ⋅ f (14).
 1 − Vo  osc  − o osc

Figure 4. Circuit for the adjustment of the The inspection of equations (8)...(14) shows that
standby thresholds. adding an offset Vo lowers the ratios PinSB/Pinmax
and PinNW / Pinmax and raises the limit of fosc / fSB
R (with respect to the values with Vo = 0).
Vo = Vref
R + Rc
This is equivalent to lowering the internal thresholds
Vref VT1 and VT2. The effect will be more pronunciated
on VT1 than on VT2. In practice, the internal thresh-
olds have been fixed at the maximum value able to
allow high enough a frequency jump, with a certain
L5991 Rc
margin, leaving to an external circuit (like the one
shown in fig. 4) the duty of the adjustment, if neces-
12 11 13
Rs Referring now to MCM (Mixed Conduction Mode) and
CCM (Continuous Conduction Mode) systems, the
peak voltage on the current sense pin is given by:

  Pin VE 
Vo + Rs ⋅  VE + 2 ⋅ ZE  Pin > PinT
Vcspk =    (15)
V + R ⋅
 o s 

2 ⋅ Pin
Pin > PinT

where ZE is to be evaluated at fsw = fosc or fsw = fSB, depending on the operating mode. At the transition
CCM ↔ DCM the peak voltage on the current sense pin will be:

VcspkT = Vo + Rs ⋅ (16).


If the sense resistor Rs is selected as follows:

1 − Vo 1 − Vo
Rs = = (17).
Ippkmax Pinmax VEmin
VEmin 2 ⋅ ZE

(with ZE evaluated at fsw = fosc), the peak voltage on the current sense pin at transition will be given by:

VE 2 ⋅ PinT
VcspkT = Vo + (1 − Vo) ⋅ ⋅ (18),
VEmin Pinmax + PinTmin

(with PinT and PinTmin evaluated at fsw = fosc). It will assume its minimum value at minimum mains volt-
age (that is, @ VE = VEmin ⇒ PinT = PinTmin):

VcspkTmin = Vo + (1 − Vo) ⋅ (19).

Table A2 in appendix shows that in MCM systems (for which PinTmin ≤ Pinmax ≤ PinTmax) the ratio PinTmax /
PinTmin does not exceed 3.31 in practical cases. This means that also Pinmax /PinTmin will not exceed 3.31.
As a result, the transition from CCM to DCM will occur at Vcspk values that do not exceed 2 / (1+3.31) =
464 mV (when Vo = 0, and even larger values when Vo > 0).
In the end, since Vcspk1 = 367 mV, when the L5991 activates the standby frequency MCM systems are
operating in DCM. The standby input power will then be found once more from equation (8) which, ac-
counting for (17) and after some manipulations, yields:
2 2
PinSB 1  0.367 − Vo   Pinmax  PinTmin
= ⋅ ⋅ 1+ ⋅
Pinmax 4  1 − Vo   PinTmin  Pinmax

Besides, all the considerations leading to equation (12), as well as equation (12), still apply. This will al-
ways be true if VcspkTmin is greater than Vcspk1, that is if the ratio Pinmax /PinTmin is such that:

Pinmax 1.633 − Vo
≤ (21)
PinTmin 0.367 − Vo

(= 4.45 for Vo = 0), which includes also a class of CCM systems. In practice, the above equations apply
to the large majority of common flyback designs.
Once the system is in standby mode, in equations (15) ZE must be evaluated for fsw = fSB, becoming
ZE’. This will modify also PinT, PinTmin and VcspkT: they all increase and become PinT’, PinTmin’ and VcspkT’
When Vcspk =Vcspk2, that is when the input power is PinNW and the frequency is to be switched back to
fosc, the system can be working either in DCM or CCM, depending on the fosc / fSB ratio and on VE (that
is, on the input voltage). In other words, it depends on whether VcspkT’ is greater or less than Vcspk2. It is
possible to find that if the following condition:

fosc 1 0.867 − Vo VEmin  Pinmax 

≥ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 1 +  (22)
fSB 2 1 − Vo VE  PinTmin 

is fulfilled, then VcspkT’ >Vcspk2 and the system will be working in DCM.
The right side of (22), for Vo = 0, is top limited at 1.87 in MCM systems. Considering that in most practi-
cal cases the fosc / fSB ratio will not be less than 2, it is possible to leave out the case of CCM operation.
This makes things easier because there would be also a dependence of PinNW on VE.
In the end, PinNW will be given again by equation (13) which, rearranged more conveniently, becomes:
2 2
PinNW 1  0.867 − Vo   Pinmax  PinTmin fSB
= ⋅ ⋅ 1+ ⋅ ⋅
Pinmax 4  1 − Vo   PinTmin  Pinmax fosc


The inspection of equations (15)...(23) shows that also in MCM systems the effect of the offset Vo is the
same as in DCM systems. Furthermore, the internal thresholds VT1 and VT2 are such that a large range
of applications can be covered without any external adjustment.

Standby function setup Figure 5. PinSB /Pinmax ratio vs. DC offset on current
It is difficult to outline a general procedure sense.
for the use of the L5991’s standby function
because the constraints of a specific design
may be of different types and are not known KM = 3 Pinmax
KM =
in advance. It is possible, however, to pro- KM = 2.5 KM = 2 PinTmin
vide some diagrams that summarize the 15

analysis previously carried out and that can KM = 1.5

be used for reference.
KM ≤ 1
In figure 5 the ratio PinSB/Pinmax is plotted PinSB 10
against the offset voltage on current sense %
Vo, for different values of the parameter KM
defined as: 5

KM = (24).
PinTmin 0
0 50 100 150 200

In figure 6, the ratio PinNW/Pinmax is plotted Vo [mV]

against the ratio fosc / fSB for the two ex-
treme values (0 and 200 mV) considered Figure 6. PinNW / Pinmax ratio vs. fosc / fSB ratio for 0
for Vo. and 200 mV DC offset on current sense.
The inspection of such diagrams shows a
large influence of Vo on PinSB, but a much 50
smaller influence on PinNW, which depends
KM = 3
mainly on the ratio fosc / fSB. If the values of Vo = 0
fosc and fSB are both already fixed, there is
little room for the adjustment of PinNW. This 40
KM = 2.5 KM = 2
is not usually a problem because there is no Q( 0 , 1 , z )

harmful effect if the converter is operating Q( 0 , 1.5 , z)

KM = 1.5
at fsw = fSB even when the load is not so 0 , 2 , z%
) 30
KM ≤ 1
light (e.g. 40% of the maximum load or Q( 0 , 2.5 , z)

even more). Q( 0 , 3 , z )

This considering, one possible step-by-step 20

procedure could be the following:

1. Check whether the flyback is DCM or
MCM. To this end, from table (A1) pick 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

up the value of VEmin relevant to the fSB
specification value and calculate IppkTmin:
VEmin VEmin
IppkTmin = =
Lp ⋅ fosc
Vo = 200 mV
ZE KM = 3
If the resulting value is greater than 1/Rs Q( 200 , 1 , z ) KM = 2.5 KM = 2
then the system will be DCM, otherwise
Q( 200 , 1.5 , z)
MCM. PinNW KM = 1.5
Q( 200 , 2 , z )% 30
2. Calculate Pinmax. If the system is DCM Q( 200 , 2.5 , z) KM ≤ 1
use the following equation: Q( 200 , 3 , z )
1 1
Pinmax = ⋅ Lp ⋅   ⋅ fosc (DCM)

2  Rs 
otherwise use:
2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

VEmin V2Emin z
Pinmax = − (MCM). fSB
Rs 2 ⋅ Lp ⋅ fosc


3. Calculate PinTmin :

PinTmin =
2 ⋅ Lp ⋅ fosc

4. Calculate KM from (24).

5. In the diagrams of fig. 5, select the curve whose KM value is closest to the one calculated in the pre-
vious step. Then find the offset voltage Vo to be applied to the current sense pin so that the standby
power PinSB is close to the target value.
6. Select the curve whose KM value is closest to the one calculated in step 4 in either diagram of fig. 6,
depending on the value of Vo selected in the previous step. Then find the fosc/fSB ratio that better fits
the target value of PinNW, consistently with the constraints imposed by the specifications.
7. Calculate the new value of Rs (R’s) needed to get the same Pinmax:
R’s = Rs ⋅ (1 − Vo)

Standby function and error amplifier compensation

The control loop of a L5991-based flyback must be stable over a very wide range of operating condi-
tions. These include the entire input voltage range and an input power going from PinSB to Pinmax when
operating at fsw = fosc and from Pinmin to PinNW at fsw = fSB. Moreover, the transition from standby mode to
normal operation and vice versa must not have uncertainties. This requires the output of the error ampli-
fier to react to frequency changes without overshoots and undershoots that exceed the other threshold,
thus causing the oscillator frequency to switch back and forth between fSB and fosc.
And finally, when flyback operates in CCM, its control-to-output transfer function (dVout / dVCOMP, where
VCOMP is the output voltage of the error amplifier of the L5991) features the so-called RHP (Right-Half
Plane) zero, which boosts the gain like a normal zero (a zero lying on the left-half plane) but lags the
phase like a pole. The RHP zero, which shifts with the duty cycle, is difficult if not impossible to compen-
sate and therefore must be kept well beyond the closed-loop bandwidth. This sometimes means that the
bandwidth must be narrow.
From what told above, to achieve stability under all operating conditions, the error amplifier will need
quite a heavy compensation, such that the overall bandwidth may be even narrower than fSB/4÷fSB/5,
which one could expect. As a result, the transient response of such a system will not be extremely fast.
On the other hand, the applications requiring the standby function do not have such a need.


Start-up & self-supply circuits.
Usually the start-up circuit is most commonly realized with a resistor (RSTART) that draws current from
the rectified and filtered DC bus (fig. 7 a). This solution is cheap but not the most efficient.
A reduction of the power dissipated at high mains voltage can be achieved by connecting the start-up re-
sistor to the AC side of the bridge rectifier through a low-voltage diode (see fig. 7b).
In both circuits, RSTART carries the start-up current of the controller IC in addition to the one needed to
charge the supply capacitor (CSUPPLY) up to the start-up threshold of the IC. This current must be en-
sured even at the minimum line voltage (VACmin), which imposes a limit on the maximum value of
In practice, however, RSTART will be quite lower than the maximum value, despite this increases power
dissipation especially at maximum mains voltage (VACmax). In fact, the higher RSTART is, the less current
is available to charge CSUPPLY and therefore the longer the supply voltage takes to reach the start-up
threshold (VTH) of the IC, in particular at minimum mains. To reduce this wake-up time (having fixed
RSTART), the supply capacitor should be as low as possible, accounting for the time necessary for the
self-supply circuit to take over and sustain the operation of the IC (see fig. 8).


Figure 7. Possible start-up circuit configurations












33 kΩ

2 MΩ


20 V

8 Csupply
47 kΩ



Refer to appendix "Light load Figure 8. L5991 supply voltage at start-up.

losses evaluation" for the calcula-
tion of the maximum RSTART and
an estimate of power dissipation
and wake-up time. Vpin8
The circuit of fig. 7c is active only
during the start-up period, there-
fore it reduces dramatically the VTHON
power dissipated. Once the sys- VCC
tem is running, the start-up MOS
is turned off and the only signifi-
cant consumption is on the 2MΩ
resistor (less than 20mW in a
voltage generated by
wide-range mains application). the self-supply circuit
The components in the dashed voltage across C SUPPLY
box can be omitted, provided the
supply voltage of the IC (VCC) is WAKE-UP TIME t
18V or more, so that the gate-to-
source voltage of the MOS is be-
low the turn-on threshold.
This circuit can deliver several mA, thus the system will wake up very quickly. On the other hand, it re-
quires several additional parts (mainly, a small high voltage MOS) and therefore has an impact on the
overall cost that needs to be evaluated by the designer.
The ISTART of the L5991 is low enough (120µA max.) to achieve a reasonably low consumption even
with circuits a) or b), whose main merit is to be inexpensive.
Table 2 compares the worst case consumption of the start-up circuits of fig. 7a) and 7b), at minimum
and maximum mains voltage. The table has been compiled assuming that the IC’s work in a system that
wakes up in 1s (@ VACmin) and where the self-supply circuit is able to keep the system operating within
10 ms, at full load. The consumption of the gate drive (see "Power MOSFET") is assumed to be 5mA
and ICs’ supply voltage is VCC =15 V. The UC3842A needs a bigger CSUPPLY because its higher con-
sumption would cause VCC to fall below VTHOFF before the above mentioned 10ms.

Table2. Consumption of the start-up circuits of fig. 7 for 1s wake-up time (@ VACmin).

110V ±20% 220V ±20% Universal Mains

circuit PSTART (mW) PSTART (mW) PSTART (mW)
(kΩ) (kΩ) (kΩ)
min. max. min. max. min. max.

L5991 33µF a) 215 55 140 430 130 300 215 55 600

b) 55 55 130 130 105 250 55 55 590

UC3842A 47µF a) 110 110 270 220 250 580 110 110 1170

b) 27 110 270 68 200 470 27 110 1190

As to the self-supply circuit, usually it develops the voltage VCC (obviously greater than VTHOFF) by recti-
fying and filtering the voltage generated by an auxiliary winding of the flyback transformer (see fig. 7).
The power delivered by such circuit amounts at:

PSS = (VCC + VF) ⋅ (Iq + IGD + Iext) (25),


where VF is the forward drop on the rectifier, Iq is the quiescent current of the IC, IGD the average current
delivered to the gate of the MOSFET by the driver output (see "Power MOSFET") and Iext the current
consumption of some other circuitry powered by the self-supply circuit.
Table 3. Consumption of the self-supply circuit for different IC’s.

Device Iqmax PSSmax

L5991 10mA (15 + 0.6)V • (10 + 2)mA = 187 mW
L5991A 10mA (9 + 0.6)V • (10 + 2)mA = 115 mW
UC3842A/B 17mA (15 + 0.6)V • (17 + 5)mA = 343 mW

Table 3 summarizes a comparison concerning the power demanded to the self-supply circuit under light
load conditions by different IC’s. In addition to those considered in table 1 and 2, table 3 includes also
the L5991A, the version of L5991 with VTH = 9V (max.) and a minimum operating voltage of 8.2V (max.).
The table assumes IGD =2mA for L5991, L5991A (due to their standby function) and IGD =5mA for the
UC384XA/B, Iext = 0, VCC =15V (9V for L5991A), VF = 0.6V and maximum Iq.
If the start-up circuit is (a) or (b), a low VCC will cause higher power to be dissipated in RSTART, but will
also lead to a lower PSS. In practical cases, the contribution of VCC to PSS is prevailing thus the total
power consumption PSTART + PSS will be lower at low VCC.
If the start-up circuit is (c) a low VCC requires the use of the NPN transistor and the 47 kΩ resistor to turn
off the start-up MOS, but is definitely advantageous in terms of consumption. As a result, it is advisable
to keep VCC as low as possible whatever start-up circuit is used.
As to this concept, the L5991A is particularly advantageous. The undervoltage lockout hysteresis, how-
ever, is small (9 - 8.2 = 0.8 V) and this calls for a bigger CSUPPLY which, in turn, requires a lower RSTART
for the same wake-up time. As a result, PSTART will be considerably higher.

The incidence of the MOSFET on power losses at light load depends basically on the switching fre-
quency. Leaving out conduction losses, which can be neglected in this context, the power dissipation
due to the MOSFET under light load conditions consists of three contributions:
1 -Turn-on losses, due to the discharge of the total capacitance of the drain node inside the MOSFET. It
is possible to separate two different contributions to the total drain capacitance (CDrain): Coss, the in-
ternal capacitance of the MOSFET, modulated by the drain voltage (manufacturers specify the value
@ VDS = 25V), and CDext, the external parasitic capacitance due to the transformer and to the layout
of the circuit. In practice, it is possible to estimate CDrain from the drain voltage oscillation occuring af-
ter the secondary current has run dry in DCM operation (see fig. 9). In fact, when the transformer is
discharged, the primary inductance starts resonating with CDrain and the oscillation period is:

TRES ≈ 2π ⋅ √
Lp ⋅ CDrain (26).

Turn-on losses depend on the input voltage in a non-monotonic way. As shown in fig. 9, the value of the
drain voltage at turn-on (VDon) in DCM operation is affected by the above mentioned oscillation. An input
voltage increase, despite raising the settling value of the oscillation, may lead to a lower value at turn-on
because of a particular combination of TON, TFW, TDEAD and TRES.

2 -Turn-off losses, due to the crossing of the active region that causes a voltage-current overlapping, as
shown schematically in figure 10. The fall time (Tf) of a given MOSFET depends on the driver capa-
bility (1.6A peak) and can be controlled with a series resistor placed between pin 10 and the gate of
The parasitic inductances (basically, the one located between source and ground) limit the maximum
di/dt rate achievable. The rate of rise of VDS depends mainly on CDrain.
3 - Gate drive losses, related to the charge to be delivered to the gate each time the MOSFET is turned on.
This charge, supplied at fSB rate, results in an equivalent DC current IGD. The parameter to be consid-
ered is the total gate charge (Qg) of the device, evaluated at the gate voltage delivered by the L5991.


Figure 9. Drain voltage waveform (DCM operation)







Figure 10. Current and Voltage waveform at MOSFET turn-off.

Ippk Vspike
0.9 Ippk

Vin + VR

0.1 Ippk

Unlike the two prior contributions, gate drive losses are not wasted inside the MOSFET (except
for a very small amount), but in the output stage of the L5991 and on the series gate resistor. The
current IGD is seen as an additional current consumption that is added to the quiescent current of the
L5991 (see equation 25).
The appendix "Light load losses evaluation" helps estimate the above mentioned contributions.
When selecting the MOSFET, the parameters to look at are the voltage rating V(BR)DSS, the on-state re-
sistance RDS(on), (this only as to full load considerations), the total gate charge Qg and the parasitic ca-
pacitances Ciss, Crss and Coss.
The RDS(on) should be "just what needed": low enough to reduce resistive losses at full load but not too
low since Qg, Ciss, Crss and Coss build up as RDS(on) decreases. It must not sound surprising to give up
some efficiency points at high load in favor of an improvement at light load if that is worth it.
The voltage rating of the device should be the lowest possible. In fact, for a given RDS(on), the lower the
V(BR)DSS is, the lower the total gate charge Qg and the parasitic capacitance. A 110 V application should
use a 400V device, a 220V or wide-range application a 600V device. The transformer plays a significant
role as to this point (see "Transformer").


Last, but not least significant, the technology. A good technology device offers lower gate charge and
parasitic capacitances with the same V(BR)DSS, and RDS(on).

The design and the assembly of the transformer plays a significant role in the process of power losses
minimization. The most annoying parasitic is the so-called "leakage inductance", that represents the
stray primary magnetic flux, modeled as an inductor in series with the primary and not coupled to the
secondary. The energy stored in the leakage inductance produces an overvoltage spike on the drain of
the MOSFET at turn-off. An external circuit will be necessary to clamp this spike so that the voltage rat-
ing of the MOSFET is never exceeded.
Therefore, when designing and building a transformer with the aim of optimizing the efficiency of the
converter at light load, the priorities are basically three:
a) make the leakage inductance as low as possible. In terms of efficiency, there is a double noxious ef-
fect due to the leakage inductance. It not only dumps its own energy into the clamp circuit but also
delays energy transfer from primary to secondary, after MOSFET turn-off, until it has run out of en-
ergy. The result is that the energy stored in the mutual inductance is not completely transferred to the
secondary and is partly diverted into the clamp circuit and partly dissipated in the resistance of the
primary winding. This inefficiency is worsened by a light load and a high input voltage: both reduce
the primary peak current and also the voltage across the leakage inductance (the leakage inductance
spike) that resets the inductance itself. The lower this voltage is, the more energy transfer is delayed
and the less energy is brought to the secondary.
In practice, besides improving the energy transfer, a low leakage inductance will allow to lighten the
action of the external clamp and/or to select a lower voltage rating MOSFET. This will be beneficial to
efficiency at heavy load as well.
In order for a transformer to meet isolation and safety regulations, primary and secondary windings
must be separated by isolation layers, thus their coupling cannot be intimate. As a result, it is not pos-
sible to reduce leakage inductance below a certain extent. Practically, for a well assembled trans-
former, leakage inductance will be about 1÷3% of the primary inductance.

Figure 11. Interleaved winding technique

1/2 primary turns

secondary turns

1/2 primary turns

air gap on
centre leg

Interleaved windings technique (putting on half the primary turns first, then all the secondaries and fi-
nally the other half of the primary; see fig. 11) can reduce leakage inductance by 50%. The two pri-
mary halves must be series connected, never paralleled.
In general, multifilar winding technique (twisting the wire of two or more windings together) gives
maximum coupling between windings. In off-line converters, however, this technique is usually appli-
cable only to secondary windings to get good cross-regulation, in case of multiple output. When multi-
filar winding technique is not practicable because of very different turns number (or wire size), the
secondary winding with the highest output power should be wound closest to the primary; for the
same power the lowest voltage should be given priority.
Other tricks, such as spacing windings evenly across a layer (when they do not completely fill it), or
using multiple strands of wire, or keeping isolation between windings to a minimum are also effective


to minimise leakage inductance.

Also core and coil former geometry play an important role. To achieve good coupling, windings must
be long and thin, and set out in concentric fashion. Therefore geometries with short and thick win-
dows (such as RM, PQ or pot cores) should be avoided while ETD, EFD, EC and the majority of E
cores are good. Furthermore, it is not recommended to use split coil formers, where windings are ar-
ranged side by side.
b) make the primary intrawinding capacitance as low as possible. This is the major component of the
CDext capacitance earlier mentioned (see "MOSFET"). Besides contributing to MOSFET’s power
losses, it causes ringing and noise problems that may force the use of additional damping networks
to comply with EMC requirements.
To achieve a low capacitance, always wind first the primary winding and, in particular, the half whose
end is to be connected to the drain of the MOSFET. In this way the second half primary has a shield-
ing effect that reduces the capacitive coupling. In case of multiple layer windings, which exhibit higher
capacitance, it is useful to embed one layer of isolation in between. This, however, tends to increase
leakage inductance and therefore should be done with care. Split coil formers are effective to this end
but, as mentioned earlier, degrade leakage inductance and then should be avoided.
c) make the reflected voltage low. As a rule of thumb, it should be below 60V in 110 VAC applications
and less than 100V in 220 VAC or wide-range mains applications. This will reduce the voltage on the
drain of the MOSFET during its OFF-time and the losses on the resistor of the clamp network (if an
RCD type is used, see "Clamp network"). Besides, a lower reflected voltage often leads to a primary-
to-secondary turns ratio closer to 1:1. A positive side effect of that is a better magnetic coupling be-
tween windings, which, in turn, helps reduce leakage inductance. On the other hand, consider that a
lower reflected voltage involves higher primary peak currents at heavy load.

Clamp network.
Typically, the voltage spike due to transformer’s leakage inductance is limited by an RCD clamp (see fig.
12a). Its action should be very light so as to have a spike as large as possible, consistently with the need
of never exceeding the voltage rating of the MOSFET. This will optimize energy transfer from primary to
secondary. A low leakage inductance of the transformer is, of course, extremely helpful.
RCD clamps dissipate power even under no-load conditions: there is always the reflected voltage across
the clamp resistor (R). To reduce clamp losses to a negligible level at light load, the use of a zener
clamp (see fig. 12b) is recommended whenever possible. Such a circuit gives also a well defined clamp-
ing level but, on the other hand, dissipates more power at full load. Its use is therefore limited to low
power applications.
An alternative to these solutions can be the use of a non-dissipative clamp like the LCD one shown in
fig. 12c, which helps also reduce turn-off losses in the MOSFET. This circuit recovers the majority of the
leakage inductance energy by transferring it back onto the input voltage rail through C and D2. There is
just a little power dissipation on the two diodes and the inductor. However, there is a slight increase of
the conduction losses in the MOSFET at heavy load and, besides, the circuit is quite expensive and not
easy to optimise.
Figure 12. Possible clamp circuit topologies.






a) b) b)


Whatever the clamp circuit topology is, the selection of the components is not trivial but needs special
care to avoid annoying problems.
The capacitors should be low-loss type (with polypropylene or polystyrene film dielectric) to reduce
power dissipation and prevent overheating due to the high peak currents they experience.
The blocking diodes must be not only very fast-recovery but also very fast-turn-on type. They should be
rated for repetitive peak currents greater than Ippk and their voltage rating must be adequate but not
much higher than necessary. For a given diode type, the higher its breakdown voltage is, the longer its
turn-on time will be. This leads to higher turn-on losses and larger overvoltage spikes, extending above
the clamp level, on the MOSFET’s drain.
The zener diode must have an adequate power handling capability in both transient and steady state op-
eration. The zener voltage should be approximately 50% higher than the reflected voltage so as not to
have too high power dissipation at heavy load. A transient voltage suppressor (Transil) can be effectively
used in place of zener diodes. Table 4 lists some recommended devices available from ST: BZV and
1N53xx types are zener diodes, all the others are Transil. SM15Txx devices are for surface mount as-

Table 4 - Recommended ST’s devices for clamping

Power handling capability (steady state)
Reflected voltage 1.7W 2.0W 5.0W 6.5W 10.0W
VR ≤ 50V BZW04-70 BZV47C68 P6KE68A BZW50-68 SM15T68A
BZW06-70 1.5KE68A
VR ≤ 100V BZW04-128 BZV47C150 P6KE150A BZW50-150 SM15T150A
BZW06-128 1.5KE150A

There are some other hidden losses that can be significant under light load conditions and that could be
worth reducing. At least, the designer should be aware of them.
- Dummy load. Sometimes a minimum load current is required to maintain regulation and to prevent the
output voltage from drifting high. A ballast resistor capable of sinking this minimum amount of current
is usually placed at the output, so that the external load can be disconnected without any output volt-
age drift. Obviously, this resistor dissipates a constant amount of power that degrades efficiency, es-
pecially at light load, and should be removed if possible or at least minimized. The frequency reduc-
tion offered by the L5991 helps to this end.
- Feedback. The resistor divider of the feedback network (including typically an optocoupler with a volt-
age reference/error amplifier like the TL431) absorbs some mA, thus representing a dummy load that
adds to the actual one. If possible, the feedback network should be connected to the lowest output
voltage of the converter.
- Residual resistive losses. Although currents involved at light load are very low, some residual "RI2 "
losses are still present. They are mainly located in the bridge rectifier, in the inrush current limiter, in
the output steering diode and in the transformer, both as ohmic losses and radiation losses. Consider
also that the converter is drawing very little input (real) power but much higher (up to 4-5 times) ap-
parent power and that the RMS currents circulating upstream the input bulk capacitor are related to
the apparent power.
- Case-to-heatsink parasitic capacitor. Due to the capacitive coupling of the MOSFET’s package (typi-
cally, 15-20 pF for a TO220 case) to the heatsink (which is grounded for RFI reasons), current is by-
passed from the drain to ground. This current does not usually generate heat but represents a
dummy load. If necessary, it is possible to minimize this loss by interposing a separator, between the
package and the heatsink, made up of an insulating material with a metal foil embedded in it. This
halves the capacitance and therefore the current. Moreover, the foil may be a point from which a little
energy can be drawn for biasing some low consumption circuit.
- RC damping networks. They are commonly used to damp ringings that generate EMI and may be lo-
cated at both the primary and the secondary side. Damping is inherently dissipative, hence these RC
networks should be removed. Reduction of switching speed of the MOSFET, careful PCB layout, ap-
propriate transformer construction and selection of EMI filter components may make damping unnec-


Experimental results
In order to validate the above considerations, an experimental example will be given. It concerns a 40W,
wide-range mains power supply for an inkjet printer, whose design has been optimized following some of
the guidelines here presented, and evaluated on the bench.
Fig. 13 shows the schematic with indication of the relevant parts. The 28V output powers the stepper
motors while the 12V output supplies the printhead. When the printer is idle these two outputs are not
loaded. The 5V section supplies the logic circuits as well as the µcontroller that must be operating also
when the system is idle.
The system operates at 100 kHz at nominal load. This value is set by the parallel of the 22 kΩ and the
5.6 kΩ resistors connected at pin 2, along with the 3.3 nF capacitor placed between pin 2 and ground.
When the output load is decreased so that the input power falls below about 8W, the output of the error
amplifier crosses the lower threshold (VT1) of the internal comparator. The L5991 now disconnects inter-
nally the 5.6 kΩ resistor, so that the capacitor is charged through the 22 kΩ resistor only and the oscilla-
tor frequency is changed to about 20 kHz.

Figure 13. 40W Power Supply for inkjet printers. Electrical schematic

4700pF 4KV 4700pF 4KV

F01 AC 250V T1A

LF01 4.7M 4.7M
2.2 BYW100-200
85 to C01 C02 28V / 0.7A
265 Vac 2 x 330µF
100µF BZW50-100 N2 35V
400V BYW98-100
N1 12V / 1.5A
2 x 470µF
STTA106 N3
1N4148 56K 56K BAT46 BYW100-50
5V / 0.5A

47K 330K Naux N4 470µF


0.1µF 33 µF / 25V
15 14 9 8
22K 3 22
10 STP4NA60

3.3 nF 16 1K
L5991 13
5.6K 0.47
1 470pF 1/2 W
220 1K

7 470
6 4N35
330 nF 5


3.9K 5.1K 270K

CORE: EDT29x16x10, 3c85 material, 1.4mm air gap
Prim. Induct: 260µH
N1: 51 T, AWG26
N2: 11 T, AWG25
N3: 10 T, AWG20
N4: 4 T, AWG25
Naux: 10 T, AWG32

The system works in standby at 20 kHz as long as the input power does not exceed about 9 W. When
the load current increases and this power is exceeded, the output of the error amplifier overcomes the
upper threshold (VT2) and the L5991 connects again the 5.6kΩ resistor, thus switching the oscillator fre-
quency back to 100 kHz.


The target was to draw from the line less than 2W over the entire input voltage range with the 28V and
12V outputs unloaded and with the minimum load (0.55 W) on the 5V section. The results of the evalu-
ation are summarized in table 5.

Table 5. 40W Power Supply for inkjet printer. Standby consumption.

Mains Voltage 85Vac 110Vac 160Vac 220Vac 265Vac
Input Power 0.93W 0.97W 1.13W 1.34W 1.87W
Input Power (*) 0.90W 0.93W 1.03W 1.14W 1.57W
Output Power 0.55W
(*) By using start-up circuit of fig. 7c.

Flyback Basics
Flyback’s operation takes place in a two-step process. During the ON time of the switch, energy is taken
from the input and stored in the primary of the flyback transformer (actually, two coupled inductors). At
the secondary side, the catch diode is reverse-biased, thus the load is being supplied by the energy
stored in the output bulk capacitor.

Figure A1. Flyback Topology with peak current mode control and associated waveforms



+ 2R S
R + Ip





VC/3 VC/3 VC/3

Vcs=Ip•Rs Vcs=Ip•Rs Vcs=Ip•Rs ∆Ip

Is Is Is

Vdrain n•Vout Vdrain Vdrain


DCM operation TRANSITION CCM operation


When the switch turns off, the primary circuit is open and the energy stored in the primary is transferred
to the secondary by magnetic coupling. The catch diode is forward-biased, and the energy is delivered
to the output capacitor and to the load (recirculation). The output voltage is reflected back to the primary
through the turns ratio and adds up to the input voltage (typically, the filtered rectified mains), giving ori-
gin to a much higher voltage on the drain of the MOSFET.
Flyback topology is operating in DCM (Discontinuous Conduction Mode) when the input -or primary -
current starts from zero at the beginning of a given switching cycle. This happens because the secon-
dary of the transformer has discharged all the energy stored in the previous period. If this energy trans-
fer is not complete, then the primary current will start from a value greater than zero at the beginning of
each cycle. Then the flyback is said to be operating in CCM (Continuous Conduction Mode). DCM is
characterized by currents shaped in a triangular fashion, whereas CCM features trapezoidal currents
(see fig. A1).
The boundary between these two types of operation depends on several parameters. Some of them are
structural, that is parameters that identify the flyback converter: inductance of the primary of the trans-
former, transformer turns ratio and regulated output voltage. Others are related to the external world and
are subject to changes: input voltage and output load. The switching frequency is usually a structural pa-
rameter, unless it is synchronized to an external signal.
As to flyback topology operating in DCM, the relationship between the peak input current (Ippk) and the
input power (Pin) is:

Ippk(DCM) = √
2 ⋅ Pin
Lp ⋅ fsw

where Lp is the inductance of the primary of the transformer and fsw the switching frequency.
The point is: in a given flyback, when operating in DCM, the peak input current depends solely on the
power drawn from the input.
The conduction time (TON, during which the MOSFET is ON) and the recirculation time (TFW, during
which the MOSFET is OFF and the catch diode is conducting) are respectively:

Lp ⋅ Ippk(DCM) Ippk(DCM)
TON = ; TFW = Lp ⋅ (A2)
Vin n ⋅ (Vout + VF)

where Vin is the DC input voltage and n the primary-to-secondary turns ratio, Vout the regulated output
voltage and VF the forward drop across the catch diode.
The quantity n • (Vout + VF) is the voltage reflected back to the primary during the recirculation at the
secondary. In the following will be indicated with VR:

VR = n ⋅ (Vout + VF) (A3).

Under the assumption of DCM, the sum of TON and TFW is less than the switching period T=1 / fsw. The
transition between DCM and CCM implies:

TON + TFW = T (A4)

and, by combining equations (A1), (A2), (A3) in (A4), it is possible to determine the "Transition Power"
(PinT), that is the maximum input power at which a given flyback works in DCM (or rather the minimum
input power at which it works in CCM) for a given input voltage (and a given switching frequency, if this
can vary):
1  Vin 
PinT = ⋅
Vin 
2 ⋅ fsw ⋅ Lp 
 1 +
VR 
 


Figure A2. Equivalent Input Voltage vs. DC

obviously, DCM will take place for Pin < PinT and Input Voltage
CCM for Pin > PinT. This equation can be rewritten
as follows:

PinT = (A6)
2 ⋅ ZE
n• Vout
by defining the "Equivalent Input Voltage" (VE) and
the "Equivalent Primary Impedance" (ZE): VEmax

VE = ; ZE = fSW ⋅ Lp (A7). VEmin

VE is a function of Vin only (see fig. A2), since the

reflected voltage (VR) is fixed. The variation of VE in
its range [VEmin , VEmax ], which depends on the Vinmin Vinmax Vin
mains voltage range, in turn defines the range of
PinT [PinTmin ,PinTmax].
Fig. A3 shows the diagram of (A6) while Tab. A1 Figure A3. Characterization of the transi-
presents the ranges of VE relevant to typical mains tion DCM ⇐⇒ CCM
voltage ranges, as well as the corresponding
PinTmax / PinTmin ratios.
To complete the characterization of the transition
between DCM and CCM it is convenient to define fsw
the Transition Voltage (VET), that is the Equivalent
Input Voltage at which the operation is on the
boundary between DCM and CCM, for a given Pin
and a given ZE:

VET = √
2 ⋅ ZE ⋅ Pin (A8).

DCM will take place for VE > VET and CCM for VE <
In synchronized converters it is possible to define VEmin VET VEmax VE
also the Transition Frequency (fT), that is the switch-
ing frequency at which the operation is on the
boundary between DCM and CCM, for a given VE and a given Pin:

fT = (A9).
2 ⋅ Lp ⋅ Pin
DCM will take place for fsw < fT and CCM for fsw > fT.
The peak primary current at transition is then:

Ippk(T) = √ 
2 ⋅ PinT
fSW ⋅ Lp fSW ⋅ Lp

Vin ZE
In case of CCM operation, equation (A4) still applies but the timing relationships (A2) change as follows:

Lp ⋅ ∆Ip Lp ⋅ ∆Ip
TON = ; TFW = T − TON = (A10),
Vin VR
where ∆Ip is the primary current ripple.


Table A1. Typical VE ranges

Mains 110Vac ± 20% 220/240 Vac ± 20% Universal
Vin 100 ÷ 175Vdc 215 ÷ 370Vdc 100 ÷ 400Vdc
VE PinTmax/PinTmin VE VE PinTmax/PinTmin

VR = 50V 33.3 ÷ 38.9 1.37 40.6 ÷ 44.0 1.18 33.3 ÷ 44.4 1.78
VR = 100V 50.0 ÷ 63.6 1.62 68.3 ÷ 78.7 1.33 50.0 ÷ 80.0 2.56
VR = 150V 60.0 ÷ 80.8 1.81 88.4 ÷ 106.7 1.46 60.0 ÷ 109.1 3.31

The peak primary current is no more uniquely related to Pin but now depends also on VE (i.e. Vin):

Pin T 1 Pin VE
Ippk(CCM) = ⋅ + ⋅ ∆Ip = + (A11).
Vin TON 2 VE 2 ⋅ ZE

It is possible to prove that Ippk is minimum when VE = VET for a given Pin (>PinTmin), that is at the transi-
tion, then it will be maximum for VE = VEmin (i.e. for Vin = Vinmin).
It is convenient to classify flyback converters on the basis of their maximum input power Pinmax:

Poutmax + Pextra
Pinmax = (A12),
being Poutmax their rated output power, Pextra some extra output power provided for transients or tempo-
rary overloads and η their efficiency, as follows:
Pinmax < PinTmin (⇒ VET < VEmin): DCM flyback;
PinTmin < Pinmax < PinTmax (⇒ VEmin < VET < VEmax): MCM (Mixed Conduction Mode) flyback ;
Pinmax > PinTmax (⇒ VET > VEmax): CCM flyback.

Peak Current Mode Control Basics

The following relationships describing the "peak" current mode control are based on the architecture
shown in fig. A1 and implemented by the L5991.
From the inspection of the schematic of fig. A1 it is possible to find the relationship between the peak pri-
mary current (Ippk), the peak voltage (Vcspk) on the (-) input of the PWM comparator and the output volt-
age (VCOMP) of the error amplifier (E/A):

VCOMP = VC + 2 ⋅ Vf = 3 ⋅ Vcspk + 2 ⋅ Vf = 3 ⋅ (Rs ⋅ Ippk + Vo) + 2 ⋅ Vf (B1)

where Vf is the forward drop on each "zero duty cycle diode" (0.7V typ.) and Vo a DC offset voltage that
may be applied on the (-) input of the PWM comparator (that is on the current sense pin of the L5991).
VC, the voltage downstream the two zero duty cycle diodes (and applied on the x3 divider), despite not
really available, can be considered for convenience.
Considering the 1V clamp on the (+) input of the current sense comparator, VC will be included between
0 and 3 V, and the useful swing of VCOMP between 2 ⋅ Vf and 3 + 2 ⋅ Vf volt.
Actually, equation (B1) neglects the so-called "delay to output" of the PWM controller, that is the propa-
gation delay of the current sense path (PWM comparator + latch + driver). During this time, the switch is
still ON and the input current keeps on ramping up, despite Vcs has already hit the internal level on (-)
input of the PWM comparator.
This time lag (TDELAY, 70 ns typ. 100 ns max.) is compensated by the voltage loop when the system is
regulating: VCOMP is slightly lower than the value predicted by (B1) but the phase margin of the control
loop gain gets less. Instead, when the error amplifier is saturated high and the pulse-by-pulse limiting is
tripped, TDELAY causes the peak current Ippk to be larger than the expected limit 1 / Rs. As illustrated in
fig. B1, the effect is more pronunciated as the input voltage increases.


Figure B1. Effect of the delay to output (a) and its compensation by means of Vo (b)


3 Rs 3 3


Vin = Vinmin Vin = Vinmax Vin = Vinmin Vin = Vinmax

a) b)

To account for delay to output, equation (B1) should be rewritten as follows:

VCOMP = 3 ⋅ [Rs ⋅ (Ippk − ∆I) + Vo] +2 ⋅ Vf (B2),

where the current overflow ∆I is:

∆I = ⋅ TDELAY (B3).

If the offset voltage is selected so that:

Vo = V’o = Rs ⋅ ∆I = Rs ⋅ ⋅ TDELAY (B4),

the term ∆I and Vo in (B1) will cancel one the other Figure B2. Compensation of the delay to out-
and the effect of the delay to output is eliminated. put.
Equation (B1) will still apply, provided Vo is re-
garded as the difference between the actual voltage Vin
applied on the current sense pin of the L5991 and
the compensating value V’o.
The compensation can be easily realized with the
circuit shown in fig. B2. R2 is often used along with
the capacitor C to smooth the leading edge spikes
occurring when the switch turns on. In such a case R1
only R1 will be added.
Considering that V’o is in the hundred mV or less and
that, therefore, R1 >> R2 (R2 is typically 1kΩ, R1 will Vref
be in the MΩ), perfect delay compensation will be
achieved when the ratio of the two resistors is: 4

R2 TDELAY L5991 R3
= Rs ⋅ (B5). R2
R1 Lp
12 13
The resistor R3, connected to the 5V reference volt- C
age externally available on pin 4, is used for addi-
tional offsetting the voltage on the current sense


Light load losses evaluation

Here follows a number of relationships useful to evaluate the major losses in a lightly loaded flyback.

Table C1 - Start-up circuits of fig. 7a and 7b

Maximum RSTART PSTARTmax Maximum Wake-up time
Circuit a)
1.41 ⋅ VACmin − VTH (1.41 ⋅ VACmax − VCC) 2
Circuit b) 1 VACmax ⋅ (VACmax − 1.35 ⋅ VCC) 2 ⋅ VTH ⋅ RSTART
0.45 ⋅ VACmin − ⋅ VTH ≈ CSUPPLY ⋅

Worst case values: VTH = 16V, I START = 120µA

VCC is the supply voltage delivered by the self-supply circuit

Table C2 - MOSFET losses (refer to fig. 10)

Turn-on losses Turn-off losses Gate-drive current (IGD) Equivalent Drain Capacitance

1 I2ppk ⋅ ⋅ fSB
≈ ⋅ CDrain ⋅ V2Don ⋅ fSB ≈ Qg ⋅ fSB ≈
2 6 ⋅ CDrain 4π2 ⋅ Lp

Table C3. Clamp network losses (refer to fig. 12)

RCD Zener or Transil LCD

≈ ≈0 ≈0



The L5991 .......................................................................................................................... 2
Standby Function Description............................................................................................. 3
Standby Operation Analysis ............................................................................................... 4
Standby Function Setup ..................................................................................................... 7
Standby Function and Error................................................................................................ 8
Start-up & Self-supply Circuits............................................................................................ 8
Power MOSFET ................................................................................................................. 11
Transformer ........................................................................................................................ 13
Clamp Network ................................................................................................................... 14
Miscellaneous..................................................................................................................... 15
Experimental Results.......................................................................................................... 16
Flyback Basics.................................................................................................................... 17
Peak Current Mode Control Basics .................................................................................... 20
Light Load Losses Evaluation............................................................................................. 22


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