Arlen C. Reyes: Personal Information

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Personal Information:
Date of birth : April 8, 1970
Place of birth : Taal, Batangas, Philippines
Citizenship : Filipino
Status : Married
Silvercrest Sudivision, !aa" #,
Bacoor, $avite
Cell phone No. %&' 999()*7'*'
E-mail Address:

Accounts Supervisor or an" challenging position that .ill provide continuous and
develop-ent in an" given /ield,
Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), ctober !""# $ %une #&&'
Senior Document Specialist 100170)00' 1 0&0'00)00&
o Act as 2//icer1#n1$harge o/ Accounting 3epart-ent in the asence o/ Accountant,
o 4ser o/ Branch 5eneral 6edger S"ste- 1 prepare and 7e" in 8ournal entries /or general
o Per/or-s -onth1end closing, anal"sis and prepares -onth1end schedules
o Prepare "ear1end $o-parative Financial State-ent and $ash Flo. /or -anage-ent and
internal auditors ,
o 9esponsile /or Ban7 9econciliation and 3ue to !ead 2//ice reconciliation,
o Prepares -onthl", :uarterl" and annual $entral Ban7 9eports
o $allac7 o/ transaction,
o 9esponsile /or reconciliation o/ Accounts pa"ale and Accounts 9eceivale,
o Also act as $learing 2//icer
)oans * Cre+it fficer , 080010)00) 1 1001&0)00'
o 4ser o/ Branch 6oan S"ste- ;B6S< = responsile /or posting o/ pa"-ent, loan releases,
change rate and other transaction related to loans,
o $hec7ing and ensuring that the docu-ents are in order e/ore i-ple-entation and
oo7ing o/ loan releases,
o Monitoring and reporting o/ Technical Past due and 9eal past due,
o Prepares $erti/icate o/ /ull pa"-ent and $ancellation o/ -ortgage,
o 9econciliation o/ A09 and A0P,
Data Controller ,- 100)(0199( 1 070'10)00)
o 4ser o/ $urrent Account0Savings Account ;$ASA< = posting o/ 3eit 0$redit -e-o and an"
transactions related to $ASA,
o 4ser o/ Ac:uired Assets S"ste- ;AAS< = responsile /or posting o/ transaction o/
/oreclosure propert" and posting o/ related transaction li7e realt" ta>, capital gain ta> and
other related e>penses,
o Prepares entries /or all loans and ac:uired asset,
o Alternate user o/ other s"ste- li7e Ti-e 3eposit S"ste-;T3S<, Modi/ied 3isurse-ent
S"ste- ;M3S<
o Process -onthl" illings, credit tic7et and deit tic7et /or clients
Computer perator ,, 100010199) 1 100)'0199(

o #ssued receipts, prepares astract o/ collection and 8ournal entries
o Filing o/ transactions,and prepares accounting reports
Branch 5eneral 6edger S"ste- Se-inar;B56S< Ma" )00(
9etail 6oan S"ste- Se-inar ;96S< Mar )001
2utreach Se-inar ;Bac7roo- 2peration< Aug )000
?)@ Se-inar Aov 1999
S"-posiu- on Bthics C Dalues Ean 1999
2utreach Se-inar ;$ash 2peration< Eun 1999
Branch S"ste- #ntegration S"ste- Ean 199*
Branch 6oan S"ste- C $entral 6iailit" S"ste- Aov 199(
Petron #nitial Pulic 2//ering Se-inar Eun 199(
Ac:uired Assets Servicing S"ste- Se-inar Mar 199'
!ost Cooperati"e #$P Calapan $ranc% &''(
)*tstanding Emplo+ee #$P Calapan $ranc% &'',

$o-puter1literate F MS Gord0B>cel ApplicationF Basic and Advance Auto $A3, hard.or7ing and
Sacred !eart $ollege, 198&11990
6ucena $it", Philippines
Bachelor o/ Science in $o--erce = .a/or in Accountin0
Expected Salar+ : (.''' dollars *p
Notice Period : A"aila/le an+time
June 6, 2014
1uman 2esources Division
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Application for the position of Accounts Supervisor
I am confident that my ualifications, s!ills and past "or!in# e$periences are rele%ant to the
reuirements for the position and I can ma!e si#nificant contri&utions to the continued success of
your or#ani'ations( My resume is attached for your re%ie" and I "ould appreciate the
opportunity to discuss "ith you personally ho" I can &est ser%e your or#ani'ation( (
)han! you for your time and consideration and I loo! for"ard to hearin# from you(
*ours sincerely,
Arlen C. Reyes

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