Applicant Information Report: Education From - To School Name/ Course
Applicant Information Report: Education From - To School Name/ Course
Applicant Information Report: Education From - To School Name/ Course
Personal Information
Applicant Name: Jennifer Calapano
Position Applied: Accounting assistant
Birth Date:June 30,!"# Birth Place:$apandan Pangasinan Age: 30
%eight:&'3'' (eight:& )ender: *emale
Ci+il ,tatus:$arried Religion:Catholic Nic-name: Jen
Passport .:/C03001! Date issued:,eptem2er 1,00#
/ducational Information
Education From To School Name/ Course
Tertiary 2001-2005 University of Luzon, Dagupan City, Pangasinan Bacheor of !cience in
!econ$ary 1%%&-2001 !anto To'as (igh !choo, )anga$an Pangasinan (igh !choo
Pri'ary 1%%0-1%%& Centra Pangasinan "$ventist !choo, )apan$an,
/mplo3ment Information (from present company to previous)
1. Compan3: ,$ Ba23 Compan3
Industr3: Retail 4 Department stores and %3permar-et5
Address:6,$ Corporate 78ce, Bldg B 000 Ba3 Bl+d, ,$ Central Business Par- Pasa3
Cit3 $$6
Position: Accoounting Assistant
Period Date: 7cto2er !, 0009 to April 09, 000!
Duties and Responsi2ilities:
In+entor3 Audit
Audit In+entor3 2alances uploaded in the $erchandise $anagement ,3stem
4$$,5 and all transactions 4,ales, receipts, transfer in and out of $erchandise5 in
the s3stem6
/+er3da3 monitoring of the mo+ements of in+entor3 and posted sales in RI6
Perform annual in+entor3 in assigned 2ranches and ma-e corresponding
ad:ustment on 2oo- 2alance on the $erchandise $anagement ,3stem 4 $$,56
Prepare Audit Noti;cation to 2ranches <ith a2normal =o< of in+entor3 2alances6
,et > up the 2eginning 2alance of the in+entor3 in the s3stem after the proper
ad:ustments in the $$,6
/ncode Department ,toc- ?ransfer ,lip 4D,?,5, @oss and Brea-age Report, ,toc-
?ransfer Discrepanc3 Report and other documents regarding in+entor3 in the
Assist the $erchandising $anagers in using the Retail Idea s3stem in monitoring
the in+entor36
In+entor3 Accounting
Prepare =ash sales report on the
da3 of the month and ,ales in+entor3
Performance on the &
da3 of the month6
Accomplish da3 to da3 reports reAuested concerning sales and in+entor36
*ile the reports for future use6
Attend to the inAuiries of the super+isors and managers regarding then reports
made and su2mitted6
2. Compan3: ,taB ,earch Asia Cooperati+e
Industr3: 7utsourcing
=r6 A22a Bldg6 &1&9 Cala3aan A+e6 Brg36 Pinag-aisahan $a-ati Cit36
Position: Accounting Assistant
Period Date: ,eptem2er to 7cto2er 0009
Duties and Responsi2ilities:
,ummariDe and encode all the receipts and in+oices in the Peachtree accounting
Prepare Ban- Reconciliation6
*ile the receipts and in+oices for future reference6
3. Compan3: $agic )roup of Companies
Industr3: Retail ,ales in Department stores
Address:$alued District Dagupan Cit3
Position: Junior Auditor
Period Date: $arch 09, 0009 to August 09, 0009
Duties and Responsi2ilities:
Con$ucts syste's +a, through on the i'pe'entation of esta-ishe$ syste's proce$ures
an$ 'onitors 'ove'ents of the 'erchan$ise fro' one ocation to other if propery
supporte$ an$ $ocu'ente$.
!pot chec,ing activity
" 'erchan$ise in assigne$ area is 100/ counte$.
0nventory transactions covering receipts, issuance1s2transfer an$ saes are co'petey an$
accuratey accounte$ for.
" stan$ar$ au$it report is su-'itte$ T+o 324 $ays after co'petion of transaction
*vauation 2 con5r'ation of inci$ents or 'erchan$ise osses, $a'age$ an$ $eviation fro'
e6isting poicies an$ proce$ures.
Cash Count on a surprise -asis or as re7ueste$.
,eminarE ?raining E Achie+ements E Certi;cation Information
DATE: TITLE: Conducted:
May 2! 2"" #ai$en %or&shop May '2!2""
@icenseECerti;cation @icenseECerti;cation No6 Date
Career Related s-ills ((hat can u do aside from the position that you are applyin) for*)
Pro5cient in e6ce sprea$sheets an$ accounting soft+are 3 8race syste' of "ccounting , 9etais
3 904, )erchan$ise )anage'ent !yste'.
Tea' oriente$ +ith high attention to $etai.
"-iity to $ea e:ectivey +ith 'onth en$ cosing $ea$ine.
Detai 8riente$.
*6ceptiona 8rganizationa s,is.
Personal ,-ills Information
1. Over three years of experience working in accounting field.
2. Experienced in processing various types of inventory transactions using preset imaging software.
<. Hands on experience in auditing inventory and responding to department head queries.
=. In depth knowledge of acting as back up to all accounting unit functions
5. Working knowledge of icrosoft Office applications! and icrosoft Excel.
,pea- (rite Read
/nglish> Fes Fes Fes
Contact Details
$o2ile: 0!!G031&!09
@and line:none
/mail Add: calapanoH:enni+erIJ3ahoo6com6ph
Current Address:. 1 Pico A+enue Pias $apandan, Pangasinan