Two Run Tecnique AWS 5.23 Revision
Two Run Tecnique AWS 5.23 Revision
Two Run Tecnique AWS 5.23 Revision
he submerged arc welding process
has been used for many years by
manufacturers seeking to improve
quality, increase productivity, reduce
costs, and enhance welder comfort. This
automated arc welding process utilizes
continuous solid or cored (composite)
electrodes with a granular welding flux.
The fluxs main function is to shield the
molten weld pool from the atmosphere.
The flux is deposited along the weld joint
ahead of the welding arc(s). The high
current-carrying capacity of the electrodes
and the ability to utilize welding proce-
dures employing multiple electrodes
make the submerged arc process a good
choice for downhill welding applications
requiring deep penetration, high deposi-
tion rates, fast travel speed, or some com-
bination thereof.
The A5.17 and A5.23 Specifications
The American Welding Society classi-
fies carbon and low-alloy submerged arc
electrodes and fluxes with two specifica-
tions. These are AWS A5.17/A5.17M,
Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes
and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, and
AWS A5.23/A5.23M, Specification for
Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for
Submerged Arc Welding. These specifica-
tions make use of both U.S. Customary
Units and the International System of
Units [SI]. Solid electrodes under both
specifications are classified based upon
their chemical compositions. Tubular
(composite) electrodes are classified
based upon the weld deposit composition
developed with the electrode and a partic-
ular flux. Fluxes are not classified inde-
pendently but are classified with an elec-
trode of a specific classification based
upon the mechanical properties of the
weld metal deposited in a 1 in [25 mm]
thick groove joint with the flux-electrode
combination. The test groove joint typi-
cally requires 12 to 15 weld passes to com-
plete. The A5.23/A5.23M low-alloy speci-
fication also has specific requirements for
weld deposit composition. The
A5.17/A5.17M carbon steel specification
does not.
Revisions to A5.23/A5.23M
The 2007 editions of both the AWS
A5.17/A5.17M carbon steel and AWS
A5.23/A5.23M low-alloy steel submerged
arc specifications have been published this
year. The A5.17/A5.17M-97 (R2007) edi-
tion is simply a reaffirmation of the
AWS Adds Two-Run Option
for Flux-Electrode
AWS Adds Two-Run Option
for Flux-Electrode
DENNIS D. CROCKETT is a consultant, The Lincoln Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio; chairman, A5M Subcommittee on Carbon and
Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding; past chair, A5B Subcommittee on Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes and
Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding; and a member of the A5 Committee on Filler Metals and Allied Materials.
Fig. 1 Cross section of multiple pass flux-electrode classification weld.
Fig. 2 Charpy and tensile specimen locations for multiple pass classification test.
Important revisions to AWS filler metal specification A5.23 are explained in detail
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ANSI/AWS A5.17/A5.17M-97 specification
issued in 1997. No technical changes were
made to that specification. However, major
changes have been incorporated into the
A5.23/A5.23M:2007 low-alloy specifica-
tion. The most noteworthy of these changes
is the addition of a two-run classification
system. The AWS A5B Subcommittee on
Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes
and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding has
added a two-run classification option in
recognition of the fact that mechanical
properties obtained on a two-run and other
limited-pass welds with a given flux-
electrode combination can be significantly
different than the mechanical properties
obtained on multiple pass welds using the
same flux-electrode combination.
Two-Run and Multiple Pass Welds
The differences in the mechanical prop-
erties obtained on multiple pass welds from
those developed on two-run and other lim-
ited pass welds can be attributed in great
part to their respective microstructures. In
multiple pass welding, the reheating of each
weld pass by the subsequent weld pass has
the effect of refining the grain structure of
that pass. As a result, the completed multi-
ple pass weld consists of a network of fine
grain regions that serve to enhance the
Charpy V-notch properties of the weld
Figs. 1, 2. The use of higher-basicity fluxes
can further improve the V-notch properties
of multiple pass welds by reducing the grain
boundary oxygen (oxide) inclusion levels.
Also, any adverse effect from admixture
with the base plate is minimized due to the
low dilution factor.
On two-run (limited-pass) welds, the
grain refinement mechanism described
above for multiple pass welds is minimal.
The second pass of a two-run weld consists
entirely of as-deposited microstructure
that is not conducive typically to develop-
ing good weld metal V-notch properties
Fig. 3. In addition, the base plate dilution
factor of limited pass welds can exceed
50%. As a result, the mechanical proper-
ties obtained with any flux-electrode com-
bination on a limited pass weld can be ex-
pected to vary with the base plate
composition. The approaches taken to de-
velop good Charpy V-notch properties on
limited-pass welds are of necessity differ-
ent than those used for multiple pass
welds. These include, for example, the de-
sign of special fluxes that promote finer
grain weld structures and the use of elec-
trodes alloyed with molybdenum, tita-
nium, and/or boron to promote a fine aci-
cular ferrite structure and to retard the
growth of grain boundary ferrite.
Limitation of Existing Classification
The existing multiple pass flux-elec-
trode classification provides users a rea-
sonable basis for identifying candidate
flux-electrode combinations to meet their
multiple pass application requirements.
However, for limited pass applications
such as the fabrication of structural steel
shapes, pipe for oil and gas transmission,
and wind towers the usefulness of multiple
pass flux-electrode classifications for iden-
tifying candidate flux-electrode combina-
tions that meet their application require-
ments is questionable. It is for this reason
that a two-run flux-electrode classification
option has been added to the AWS
A5.23/A5.23M specification. The low-
alloy A5.23/A5.23M specification was se-
lected as the residence document for the
two-run classification because (1) low-
alloy electrodes classified under this spec-
ification are commonly used to develop
good mechanical properties on limited
pass welds, and (2) the strength level re-
quirements in this document are higher
than those found in the A5.17/A5.17M
carbon steel specification and better meet
the requirements of commercial practice.
The two-run weld test assembly is a
nominal 1/2 in [12 mm] thick butt joint
weld which is welded with one pass on each
side. The base plate material and welding
conditions are defined in the specification.
Full-size Charpy V-notch impact speci-
mens and a 0.250 in diameter longitudinal
tensile test specimen are machined from
the completed weldment and tested to de-
termine conformance to mechanical prop-
erty requirements Fig. 4. The two-run
flux-electrode classification has no weld
metal composition requirement.
The Classification System Outlined
The classification system is outlined as
The letter F indicates a submerged arc
welding flux.
The letters XT indicate the minimum
tensile strength on a two-run classifica-
The X in the fourth position indicates
the condition of heat treatment, if any.
The X in the fifth position indicates
Charpy V-notch properties.
The G, when present, indicates that the
test joint was not constructed from one of
the steels prescribed in the specification
but from another steel as agreed to be-
tween purchaser and supplier.
The EXX indicates the classification of
electrode used in producing the weld.
The HX is an optional, supplemental
hydrogen designator. This designator is
optional and does not constitute part of
the flux-electrode classification.
Fig. 3 Cross section of two-run flux-electrode classification weld.
Fig. 4 Charpy and tensile specimen location for two-run classification test.
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Two examples of flux-electrode two-
run classifications are given below. The ex-
amples shown are in U.S. Customary
Example 1. F7TA4-EM12K is a com-
plete designation for a flux-electrode two-
run classification. It refers to a flux that,
when used with an EM12K electrode to
weld the base plate prescribed in accor-
dance with the two-run welding conditions
called for in the AWS A5.23/A5.23M:2007
specification, will produce weld metal in
the as-welded condition having a mini-
mum tensile strength of 70,000 psi and
Charpy V-notch impact strength of at least
20 ftlbf at 40F.
Example 2. F8TA2G-EA1 is a complete
designation for a flux-electrode two-run
classification. It refers to a flux that, when
used with an EA1 electrode to weld the
test plate in accordance with the two-run
welding conditions called for in the AWS
A5.23/A5.23M:2007 specification, will
produce weld metal in the as-welded con-
dition having a minimum tensile strength
of 80,000 psi and Charpy V-notch impact
strength of at least 20 ftlbf at 20F. The
G in the classification indicates that the
base steel used is not one of the test steels
prescribed in the specification but is some
other steel (such as an API 5LX70 pipe
steel) as agreed between purchaser and
Additional Changes to A5.23
In addition to the two-run classifica-
tion, higher classification strength levels
have been added to the AWS
A5.23/A5.23M:2007 revision to reflect the
use of higher-strength steels in practice
today. Changes were also made to compo-
sition requirements for EB9 electrodes
and B9 weld deposits, as well as changes to
the diameter tolerance for composite elec-
trodes. This revision includes new classifi-
cations EA1TiB and EA2TiB, that are
titanium-boron-containing electrodes
useful in developing improved Charpy
V-notch impact properties on single-pass
NOVEMBER 2007 48
For info go to
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