Guide To Self Studying Calculus BC
Guide To Self Studying Calculus BC
Guide To Self Studying Calculus BC
I recently self-studied Calculus BC while in Calculus AB. I felt it was a highly worthwhile
experience; my Calc AB class was moving too slow so I decided to move on to learn Calc BC by
myself. It wasn't extremely difficult, but it was still pretty challenging. However, the experience
was highly worth it. Not spending hundreds of hours doing Calc II in college + saving thousands of
dollars = very well worthwhile experience. Plus, it made my boring / easy math class interesting.
Feel free to add any other ideas to this guide if you want, by the way.
Self-Studying Calc BC while taking Calc AB
AP Calc AB vs. Calc BC
In college, there are two calculus courses: Calculus I and Calculus II. Calc AB tests on Calculus I
ONLY, and Calc BC tests BOTH Calculus I and Calculus II (consider it like a big final exam in all of
basic calculus!)
Should I do Calculus BC?
It is a very worthwhile endeavor.. anyone talented at math should definitely consider doing it.
Calculus BC doesnt have a TON of new material, and if you succeed on the BC exam instead of the
AB exam, you could save thousands of dollars and skip an entire semester of calculus in college.
Calculus BC isnt impossible (especially if youre very good at math), but its definitely not easy
either. Taking Calc BC while doing Calc AB is like taking an additional honors-level math course
during your senior year. (Think of it as taking an extra math course similar to the difficulty of
honors algebra 2 or precalc) Its not super awful, but definitely not easy either. However,
generally, you should be very competent at math to independently study BC on your own. By
competent, I mean having mastered the math PRIOR to calculus, and having strong analytical and
problem-solving skills. I do NOT mean being innately good or possessing natural math talent. You
also need to be resourceful and independent can you trust yourself to stay caught up without a
teacher forcing deadlines on you?
Here are the topics in Calc BC that are NOT in Calc AB: I also attached some commentary to each
Unit 1 Pre-Requisites for Calculus
Completing the Square (Know it. Helps for Integrals)
Complete Mastery of Trigonometric Identities!! (Calc BC REALLY REALLY tests your understanding
of trig identities as well as trig in general. KNOW THEM!)
Polynomial Division (required for Advanced Integrals)
Partial Fractions Separation Technique (Required for Integrating using Partial Fractions This is a
very important BC topic so KNOW IT!)
Vectors in a Plane (Basically, know what a vector is.. you should learn it in physics)
Parametric and Polar Equations (This is not covered in all PreCalc Curriculums.. however, I can
Unit 2 Derivatives
Planar Motion based on Parametric Equations Velocity and Acceleration Vectors (Very simple
topic... it doesn't get too technical However, it WILL APPEAR ON THE AP!! Easy way to earn points)
Finding Tangent Lines to Polar and Parametric Functions (This will definitely be on the AP. Its
moderate to difficult, but you really need to know it.)
L^Hopitals Rule (Very basic rule, yet I can promise you that this will be on the AP. MUST-KNOW!)
Finding the Derivative / Rates of Change of Polar and Parametric Functions (KNOW IT!)
Finding the Second Derivative of Parametric Functions (Most likely not on AP)
Knowing the Derivatives of ALL the functions (like arcsec(x), arccsc(x)) (This may or may not be on
the AP. Still, its very easy. You just gotta memorize them)
Unit 3 Integrals
This is where it gets tough. Calc BC not only expects you to know these topics, but also expects
you to be able to have semi-strong problem-solving skills / thinking skills in this unit.
Improper Integrals (Not too important maybe 1-2 questions on it at most)
Integrating by Partial Fractions (DEFINITELY will be on the AP.. know it!!)
Integration by Parts (EXTREMELY Important!!! Youd better know it!)
Knowing Inverse Trig / Normal Trig Integrals (memorization here.. just do it)
Adv. Trig Integrals (ex. integrate (sin(x))^3 )(Probably not on AP.. skip if short on time)
Arc Length of Parametric Functions (Might be on AP.. skip if short on time)
Arc Length of Regular Functions (WILL be on AP. This is a must-know topic.)
Areas of Polar Function Graphs (Ehh try your best to know how to do this..)
Unit 4 Differential Equations
Eulers Method (I can promise you this will be on the AP. This is also a very very simple topic, so
learn it! Easy way to earn points here!)
Logistic Differential Equations (Very easy topic. Just know dy/dt = (ky)(L-y) and y = L / (1 + ce^(-
Lkt)) easy way to earn points here!)
Unit 5 Sequences / Series
Basically, for this unit, the most important things to know are the ratio test, power series, and
taylor / maclaurin series, as well as lagrange error bounds. Also, be sure to know how to test
power series for convergence / divergence using the ratio test, and also be sure to know how to
test convergence of power series at END POINTS!! You also need to be able to differentiate and
integrate power series.
See collegeboard AP Calculus BC Course Description for the entire listing of topics
Actual link:
Tips / Advice for Preparing
Unfortunately, there are a few complications. You really cant begin to self-study most of Calc BC
until you are proficient with integral calculus. And integral calculus isnt taught for quite a while in
Calc AB, so you have to cram a lot of Calc BC into a very limited timespan.
So, in September / October, gather the equipment you need to make such the journey:
1) Find other students who are also studying Calc BC on their own to work with you.
2) Get a review book. The two best books are by Princeton Review and Petersons. The Peterson
book is a little advanced, but is pretty clear and also helps you prepare for college calculus. The
Princeton Review is extremely clear but a little too basic at times. Get both books if you want.
When you get your review book, get it off to save money, NOT Barnes and Noble.
Also, get an old version (2004-2005 is fine, but 1999 is NOT). The new versions are basically the
same as the old versions.
3) Find some useful websites. Here are a few useful ones:
Just Math Tutoring
AP Central - AP Calculus BC Course Home Page
AP Central - The AP Calculus BC Exam
Math Study Guides - SparkNotes
Pauls Online Math Notes
AP Calculus BC Notes
AP Calculus BC Notes and Handouts
Karl's Calculus Tutor: Table of Contents
Elementary Calculus
Practice Test:
In addition, be sure to use your PreCalc notes as well as your review book and textbook!
4) Plan your study schedule. Make a general idea of when youll do what. Basically, you will have to
learn the concepts, do practice problems, then try some old AP problems, and review concepts.
Unfortunately, there is very little you can do for self-studying Calc BC until you are at least halfway
through Calc AB. However, to start, learn parametric, vector, and polar functions ASAP. Those
functions are very important for AP Calc BC so know them well. In addition, review all the PreCalc
concepts I mentioned earlier. You should be doing this until you reach the END of the basic
derivatives unit.
As soon as you finish the basic derivatives unit, start learning how to differentiate parametric /
polar functions, as well as velocity / acceleration vectors. (velocity / acc. Vectors are used when a
parametric equation is used to represent motion in a plane) Also, start learning L^Hopitals Rule,
and memorizing all the derivatives youve learned. In addition, you need to know to the arcsec(x)
and arccsc(x) derivatives. Try to finish this in 2-3 weeks. It should not take too terribly long.
In addition, while youre doing all of this, try to learn sequences and series at the same time. I
recommend starting to learn series / sequences AFTER finishing the basic derivatives unit. Again,
just START TO do it.
*Note: as you learn these topics, be sure to try practice problems and look over your mistakes on
those practice problems. In addition, if youre struggling to understand one guides particular
explanation, then use another resource to learn the topic. For example, if the review books
explanation on Polar Derivatives isnt making any sense, then try the textbooks explanation, or
maybe a websites explanation.
Theres gonna be quite a long while until you can actually start learning the other Calc BC topics,
so as you wait, you should either review, relax, catch up (if youve been slacking), or doing
practice problems.
AS SOON AS YOU manage to finish integrals (in calc AB), start learning integration by parts,
integration with partial fractions, and improper integrals, and all the other integrals stuff. (refer
back to topic listing earlier to understand what I mean) This is why I told you to start early and
learn all that Polar / parametric stuff earlier. Youve got a ton of integration stuff to learn and a lot
of practice problems to do.
And on yeah, now you have to learn the Calc BC topics on differential equations, as well as an
entire unit on sequences and series. (this is why you should start series / sequences early!) When
youre at this stage, its going to be a little rough. Im not going to tell you what to do here. Come
up with your own schedule, and work on your own pace to learn all those concepts ASAP. And once
again, allow me to stress the EXTREME importance of going through examples and practicing
problems. You cant just memorize the mathematical formula or learn the concept and expect to be
able to do the problems!!
A few more final tips / pieces of advice:
1) Try to get as much as you can done early, so the few months before the AP dont become too
2) Do AP Free-response questions. They are very very important / helpful. You can find them at:
AP Central - The AP Calculus BC Exam
4) Dont forget to work hard in Calc AB. After all, the material from Calculus AB is 60-65% of the
AP Calculus BC Exam!!
5) If you plan on skipping Calculus II in college using AP credit, be careful. The AP Calc BC exam
really is easy compared to most Calculus II courses in college. Try to do some additional studying
on your own if you plan on doing that.
6) Whenever you are confused on something, or see a problem that youre struggling with, make
note of that so you dont forget. Basically, keep track of what areas you struggle in, so you can
actually focus on those areas.
7) For a 5, you usually need a 60-65% correct on the exam. A 4 is approximately 49-60% correct.
For those of you who really want to skip Calc II in college, I recommend learning these topics after
doing Calc BC:
Fluid Pressure
Moments of Inertia
Center of Mass, Centroids
Hyperbolic Trig
Trig Substitutions
Trig Integrals
Integration by Tables
Simpson's Rule
The Binomial Series?
Ooh, another cool link: Study Hacks Blog Archive How to Ace Calculus: The Art of Doing Well in
Technical Courses
Hope this helps!