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Annual Report 2010-2011
Development of Electric locomotive with Head On
Generation(HOG) facility
Modification in brake rigging arrangement and
upgradationof speedof WAP7 locomotives
HOGSystemProvidedinWAP7 Locomotive
At present, a Power Car equipped with diesel generator
capable of generating adequate power of 3 phase 50
cycle 415 V/ 750 V AC is provided at either end of the
train rake to supply power to End on Generation (EOG)
coaches of Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains. This
system is not only highly inefficient but also creates
noise and environmental pollution for the passengers
and public.
In keeping with the worldwide practices of meeting
power supply requirement of coaches in a passenger
train by locomotives, known as Head on Generation
(HOG) System, a WAP7 electric locomotive with on
board centralised Universal converter of 2x500
KVA/750 V single phase input, 750 V single phase/3-
phase output capacity has been developed. The
locomotive hauling the train feeds power supply
requirement of the complete train having AC/ Non AC
coaches through Overhead Electric Equipment (OHE),
transformer and converter in the locomotive without the
need for having individual self-generating equipment in
each coach.
Based on the guidelines issued by Railway Board for
development of locomotives with hotel load facilities in
their transformers, RDSOhas taken action for the same
on different types of electric locomotives namely WAP4,
WAP5 & WAP7 for hauling coaching trains. On one
WAP7 locomotive(30279), 2x500 kVA hotel load
converter has been fitted and commissioned. Two
power cars have been modified and actual commercial
service with this locomotive having HOG system on
KalkaShatabdi rake has been introduced in
February,2011.In this system, the hotel load winding of
945 KVA of transformer feeds power to two 500 kVA
static converters which convert single phase 750 V
supply into 750 V three phase supply. The three phase
supply is transmitted to both the feeder of the existing
EOGtrain through IVcoupler.
One transformer has already been developed for WAP4
locomotives with hotel load winding.For WAP5
locomotives, an integrated traction cum hotel load
convertor is under development.
The main benefits that will accrue with the development
of this system are supply of pollution free and cheaper
power from OHE as compared to End on Generation
(EOG) and Self Generating (SG) system, better
reliability due to reduced number of generating
equipment, low maintenance requirement, reduced
dead weight as compared to SG and EOG system
resulting in improved energy efficiency, elimination of
under slung equipment leading to enhanced safety and
facilitating operation of Air conditioning equipment of
coaches even at reduced train speed below28 kmph.
Railways had been reporting breakages of brake hanger
of TBU/PBU in WAP7 locomotives. It was observed that
the breakages were taking place at higher speed due to
higher level of vibration and higher weight of PBU/TBU.
Worldwide, PBU/TBU is not in use on high speed
passenger locomotives. TheexistingTBUarrangement in
WAP7 locos can be replaced with brake systemsimilar to
WAG7locos. Similar brakeriggingarrangement has been
in use in high speed WDP2 locomotive, which is working
at a maximum speed of 120 km/h and fit to work upto
maximumspeedof 160km/h.
Feasibility study done by RDSO in this regard revealed
that the following modifications are required to be
carried out in the bogie frame of WAP7:
Removal of existing tubes and brackets from the
bogies by oxy-cutting
Grinding/finishing of the bogie surface.
MIG welding of brackets, studs for mounting
brake cylinder and brake levers and slack
adjuster unit.
Removal of existing peumatic pipelines and re-
laying of pipelines suitable for WAG7 brake
Stress relieving (normalizing) of bogie frame after
welding at a maximum soaking temperature of
600 C.
Drawing was prepared by RDSO for modification
to be carried out in Brake rigging arrangement
and issued to ECR with advice to take action on
two bogies of WAP7 on a trial basis.
One locomotive with this modification was
subjected to oscillation trial for service speed of 140
km/h which has been successfully completed and the
speed certificate for operation of the WAP7 locomotive
upto 140 km/h with modified brake rigging arrangement
has been issued .
Annual Report 2010-2011
Upon recommendat i ons of RDSO f or
implementation of this modification on all WAP7
locomotives after successful field trials with this
locomotive, Railway Board has approved that the
modification may be implemented in existing as well as
newlocomotives at the earliest.
In order to meet the challenge of ever increasing
originating freight loading, it has been decided to
procure 800 nos. new generation electric locomotive
during next 8 years through a new electric locomotive
manufacturing unit being set up under joint venture at
Madhepura, Bihar. RDSOhas finalized the specification
for the 12000HP high horse power new generation
electric locomotive for the proposed dedicated freight
corridor, to be procured from reputed manufacturers of
the stateof the art locomotive.
Technical Specification No. RDSO/2006/EL/
SPEC/0044 for 12000 HP , 8 axle IGBT base
three phase drive freight electric locomotive for
proposed Dedicated Freight Corridor has been
issued and the same is expected to be ready after
establishment of the new locomotive factory
proposed in Madhepura .
RDSO has also finalized the specification for the
9000HP high horse power new generation
electric locomotive for the proposed western
corri dor, to be procured from reputed
manufacturers of the state of the art locomotives.
Technical Specification for IGBT based three
phase drive freight electric locomotive for
proposed western Corridor is under finalisation
by RDSO.
Technical Specification for manufacturing,
assembly and supply of body/shell, IGBT based
three phase drive propulsion system and other
equipments of WAG9 and WAP7 Electric
Locomotives to be made at upcoming Electric
LocoAssembly andAncillary Unit, Dankuni, West
Bengal has been prepared and sent to Railway
As decided in 28th Governing council meeting held in
RDSO, this development has been taken under mission
24. In this regard test trial of WAP5 locomotive along
with LHB coaches on the upgraded track of aRajdhani
route section at test speed of 225 kmphwill have to be
For increasing service speed of WAP5 loco from 160
kmph to 200 kmph, the transmission system of the
locomotive is required to be changed as per design
detail submitted by M/s BT in the TOT. Rly. Board has
approved for manufacturing of two WAP5 locomotives
by CLW with modified transmission system. CLW has
been advised in this regard. POhas been placed on M/s
Henschel for two loco sets of material,which is expected
To monitor the alertness of locomotive crew and assist
themin this regard, DVTCSsystemhas been developed
which directly measures and analyzes variations in
biometric parameters such as variations in skin's
galvanic response of the driver to determine the state of
alertness and also predict likely hood of the driver falling
into stateof relaxation.
It is divided in three parts i.e. transmitter, Receiver-cum-
Indication Unit and Controller. The transmitter (one
bracelet and one ring) is worn by the driver on the wrist
like a wrist watch and ring on finger. Receiver-cum-
indication unit is mounted in the locomotive cabs in the
visibility of driver to receive the RF signal from
transmitter and display the level of driver's alertness in
an LED matrix bar graph display. It also generates
audio alarm when driver's alertness falls below
threshold level. Controller is mounted at a suitable
location inside the locomotive and is connected with the
receiver-cum-indicator unit in driving cabs. Initially
DVTCS have been provided on trial in SCR and ECOR
in 05 locos each.
Development of high horse power locomotives for
Heavy Haul Operation
Upgradation of WAP5 Locomotives for Service
Speedof 200kmph
Development of Driver's Vigilance Telemetric
Control System(DVTCS) for electric locomotives
<-- Fibre Optic for DIU Controller
Receiver cum indicator
Annual Report 2010-2011
Development of Vigilance Control Device for
conventional electric locomotives
Development of oil free compressors
Development of Force cooledroof mountedDBR
A Vigilance Control Device to monitor the alertness of
the driver exists in three phase drive locomotives. AC
tap changer locomotives are not provided with Vigilance
Control device (VCD) previously. However VCD is now
has been developed for AC tap changer locomotives.
The VCD is for monitoring alertness of the engine crew
through a multi-resetting system which gets reset by
specified normal operational activities of the crew, in
addition to acknowledgement of the vigilance check by
pressing a push button or pedal switch provided for this
purpose. Absence of the normal driving functions and
the acknowledgement at specified intervals activates
vigilance control system to flash an indication which if
still not acknowledged causes audiovisual warning. If
audiovisual warning is also not acknowledged, it results
in emergency brake application. This also takes care of
problem of operation of locos by unauthorized persons
getting into unattended loco cab.
It is divided in two parts i.e. Main unit and Cab display
units in each cab. Main unit has been provided in
machine room to sense the normal driving function
inputs and cab display unit is provided for indication to
the driver. Push button is also provided on cab unit for
Asstt driver to push the same with in 60 sec. So far 350
units have been provided on I.R.
RDSO has developed oil free compressors for electric
locomotives owing to its superiority over the
conventional lubricated type compressors. The merits
of the oil free compressors include reduced
maintenance cost and down time of Locos, eco-friendly
due to oil free air, longer service life of air dryer and other
pneumatic valves/components, low vibration and low
noise, reduced start up energy requirement, low life
cycle cost, no fire hazard.
Two units of M/s. Knorr-Bremze make (2000 LPM) have
completed field trials. The performance of the oil free
compressor was found to be satisfactory. Further,
development & prototype type testing of 1000 LPM
compressors of M/s. Anesta Iwata Motherson Ltd.,
Noida & M/s ELGI has also been completed. 02 units of
each firmare under field trial.
RDSO has carried out detailed study on provision of
Roof mounted force cooled Dynamic Braking
Resistors for AC Electric Locomotives. Trials of force
cooled roof mounted DBR fitted in WAG-7 have been
done by RDSO and test parameters were found in
conformity with specifications. Maximum hot spot
temperature observed was in the range of 350 C at
braking current of 900 amps which is very much on the
lower side. Considering the energy efficiency,
improved reliability and better design of force cooled
roof mounted DBR on electric locomotives, Railway
board has advised CLW to make provision of force
cooled roof mounted DBR on 50% of new locomotives
manufactured by CLW.
Cab Display Unit Main Unit
Annual Report 2010-2011
Development of Air operatedpantograph
Development of Distributed Power Wireless control
System for Tap changer based 25 KV AC electric
Development of indigenous transformer tank for 3-
phase electric locomotives
RDSO has finalized specification of direct air operated
Pantograph & around 40 pantographs of M/s. Schunk
Metal &Carbon India are in service.
Direct air operated Pantograph have distinct
advantages of light weight, improved dynamic
behaviour, practically maintenance free operation over
the conventional metallic spring operated Pantographs.
It has completely addressed the major reliability
problems of breakage of springs, servomotor failures
and jamming of plunger being faced in conventional
Pantographs. The direct air operated Pantograph uses
state of art air spring and does away with more failure
prone components such as servo motor and the metallic
spring of the conventional Pantograph. There is
provision of Auto dropping device to protect pantograph
from external hitting. Improved dynamic behavior of air
operated Pantograph also results in better current
RDSO has dev el oped s pec i f i c at i on No
RDSO/ 2008/ EL/ 0074 Rev (0)-Dec 2008 f or
Distributed Power Wireless control System for Tap
changer based 25 KV AC electric locomotives. One
loco set of the systemwas procured by SCRas per this
specification from an indigenous firm M/s Lotus
Wireless Technology Pvt Ltd, Visakhapattanam. The
system has been fitted on WAG7 loco No 27426 &
27428 of ELS/KJZ/SCR and has been put under field
trial after testing by RDSO and the same is reported to
be working satisfactory. The system comprises of
Control & Communication unit (CCU), Driver
Information Unit (DIU) and RF &GPSAntenna.
System is capable of working in any configuration of
locos i.e. remote locos can be placed anywhere within
train consist.Remote locos can also be independently
controlled from lead loco. This provision will facilitate
train working even when lead loco has failed.
Distribution of locos within train consist will reduce the
coupler forces thereby reducing the incidences of train
partings. Further, the brake application and release
time will get reduced thereby enabling faster
acceleration of train after instances of braking.
Besides this, the system has huge potential for saving
of crew as only one crew (as against two) is being kept
in remote locos. One crew is being kept in remote
locos to primarily take care of exigencies of fire in loco
and other mechanical defects.
The transformer used on 3 phase electric locomotives
Driver Information Unit Control & Communication Unit
Annual Report 2010-2011
type WAP5/WAG9/ WAP7 is provided with tank made of
special alluminum alloy, facilities for manufacturing/
fabrication of which did not exist earlier with any of the
industries in India. So far this item was being imported
by transformer manufacturers at a very high cost.
Due to the initiative taken by RDSO, this aluminiumtank
for transformer has been got developed through a firmin
India. The development involved close monitoring of the
stage inspection by RDSO during selection of material,
fabrication and manufacturing process of the tank. After
satisfactory completion of field trial of a fewtransformers
provided with this indigenous tank, the same has been
cleared for regular use by transformer manufacturers.
This development will result in substantial saving of
foreign exchange by Indian Railways and overall
reduction in the production cost of 3-phase electric
The failures of different types of PCB cards of 3-phase
locos were causing concern.
The action taken by RDSOfor improving the reliability of
PCBcards are summarised below:
RDSO has issued instruction for rehabilitation of
cards after six years by changing electrolytic
capacitors and other components such as
EPROMS and fibre optic components. RDSO
has also issued guideline (no. EL/G/2008/01,
Nov'08) for rehabilitation of these cards.
The electrolytic capacitors, which are prone to
failure, have been identified for replacement with
better rated capacitors having better operating
life. RDSO has approved Proposals of M/s BTIL
& M/s BHEL for using such capacitors on cards
for two loco sets vide this office letter No. 11.5.5/5
dated 14-05-09.
Apart from the above, different specific actions
have been taken to reduce failures of Different
types of cards in power convertor , auxiliary
convertor and control electronics.
RDSO has issued report No.RDSO/2009/EL/IR/
0141 Rev.'0' in Nov'09 on dust accumulation and
less pressurization in Machine Room. The report
highlight actions already taken by RDSO to
overcome this problem and actions need to be
taken by CLW&RDSOfurther on this issue.
Functionally equivalent power supply card (KUC
153 A01) of auxiliary converter has been
developed indigenously by BHEL and M/s BTIL
and is working satisfactorily in field for the last
one year. Similarly, power supply card of traction
converter (KUA 915 B01) is also under
Improvement inReliabilityof PCBcards
Indigenous card of BTIL
Contacts welded
Imported card of BHEL
Annual Report 2010-2011
development indigenously. After development of
these indigenous cards, the problemof failures of
these cards will be eliminated.
RDSO has issued SMI/0263 dated 27.07.10 for
testing of GateUnit of traction converter.
To avoid failure of 24 V read relay in digital I/O
board, modified cards with reed relays having 2
N/Ointerlock in series and improved RC network
along with diode across resistance are running
successfully on trial in Lallaguda shed since
May/June, 2009. TOT partners have been
advised to cut in cards with modified reed relays
and RC networks for relay K250, K251, K247,
and K253 from31-08-09.
Report No. RDSO/2009/EL/IR/0141 Rev'0' on
'Dust accumulation and less pressurisation in
machine room of three phase locomotives and
Remedy' has been prepared and sent to CLW
and Railway Board. In this regard MS/0385 dated
15-12-09 has been issued for partial blocking of
opening duct of back side of auxiliary converter to
improve front side cooling of power modules.
In order to test and repair WRE modules of
auxiliary converter, SMI/0261 (Rev. '0'),
Dated.15.12.2009 has been issued to zonal
Railways holding three phase locomotives.
To arrest the failure of IC:14C88 in NS/AS
controller card, a Modification Sheet has been
issued for ungrounding Pin No. 8 & 11, which
should be implemented. This modification needs
to be implemented through M/s BTIL. Loco sheds
should pursue it with M/s BTIL and get it
implemented at the earliest.
To avoid premature failure of QFBR1478Cin gate
unit of power converter, a SMI (SMI/257) has
been issued by RDSO for checking of dB level of
output of the fibre optic transmitter. Similarly to
avoid shorting of gate and cathode terminal of
gate units, a Modification Sheet (MS/0378) has
been issued by RDSO for inserting an insulated
plate between gate and cathode.
The cover of electronic module of auxiliary
converter have been modified to have more air
circulation to avoid intermittent failure of power
supply card. RDSO has issued the instructions
for implementation in field vide modification sheet
no. MS/0372.
The reason of failures of gate driver card of WRE
module of auxiliary converter has been identified.
RDSO has issued a Modification Sheet
(MS/0372) and letter No. EL/11.5.5/2/BT to TOT
partners for doing the following modification in
this card:
Indigenisation of hybrid card
Improvement in rating of zener diode
Use of perforated cover on gate driver card
Working the cooling fans continuously on by
shorting thermostat
RDSO has issued SMI No. 0256 for testing of
gate driver of WRE module of auxiliary converter,
by which any suspected gate driver card can be
tested. Fibre optic transmitter can also be
checked as per this SMI to avoid failure of GTOs
in WREmodule.
To maintain the pressurisation in machine roomof
three phase locomotives, RDSO has issued SMI
No. 255 for measurement of air velocity at various
locations inside the machine room by sheds and
to take necessary corrective actions. RDSO has
also benchmarked the values of air velocity at
various locations inside machine room and at
ventilators for newly built locomotives at CLW,
which has been advised to CLW vide letter no.
To improve the pressurisation of machine roomin
WAP7 and WAG9 locomotives and to avoid dust
ingress in the machine room, RDSO has issued
Modification sheet No. 0380 to block two centrally
located ventilators in WAP7 and WAG9
There are failures of electronic cards on account of high
temperature experienced around the cards, which
results in failure of certain components such as
electrolytic capacitors after 4-5 years of service. RDSO
conducted measurement of temperature near cards and
found that temperature in power converter cards rises
15 degree C above ambient as compared to 9-11
degree C rise in Aux Converter and VCU. The failure of
cards is also maximum in power converter. Following
actions have been taken by RDSO to eliminate
electronic cards failures in three phase locomotives due
tohigh temperature.
To reduce the temperature near the cards of power
converter, the design of heat exchanger of traction
converter electronics have been modified for better
cooling. The manufacturers of converters have been
advised to cut in this type of cooling radiator in their
future production considering its superiority. Also
Railways have been advised for retro fitment of this
cooling radiator.
For improvement of cooling of electronic cards, a 3 ton
air conditioner has been provided in one loco at GZB
shed at machine room blower outlet on experimental
basis. Further extensive trials are planned in 03 WAG9
locos at AQand 02 WAP7 locos at GZB.
Another trial with Thermo Electric cooling Module
(TECM) based on the principle of 'Peltier effect' has
been tried in one Loco to lower the temperature rise
around the cards. The trial has been successful and has
shown a reduction of 6-8C in temperature rise. Further
extensive trials are planned in 05 WAG9locos at GMO
RDSOhas identified a paint 'ozo protect RW' which has
helped in reducing the temperature rise by 8-9 degree
Celsius during day time but increases the temperature
Improved cooling arrangement for
Annual Report 2010-2011
rise by 6-8 degree Cesius during night time due to non-
dissipation of heat through roof. However it has over all
benefit of maintaining the temperature below 55 degree
Celsius during hot sunny time and less than 50 degree
Celsius at other times of the day. Another paint
'OzoProtect KR' having reflecting capability but very
less thermal insulation properties has been applied in
one loco at Ajni. However measurements during day
time under Sun are yet to be done due to prolonged
monsoon season
It was observed that different railways are following
different practices on the maintenance/fitment of
Equalizer and Compensating Beam Pins and Cotters in
WAG7 locomotives. On analysis, it was observed that
this practice was not only non uniform leading to
different maintenance practices but also unsafe.
Accordingly, a workshop was held at ELS/TKD in May,
2010 and after taking into account, the suggestions of
different railways, Special Maintenance Instruction No
.RDSO/2010/EL/SMI/0264 'Rev O' has been issued to
all the railways specifying uniform maintenance/fitment
practices for the above items by the Railways.
Hitherto there was only one source for supply and
maintenance of tap changer used on conventional
el ect ri c l ocomot i ves. Mai nt enance ki t s f or
AOH/IOH/POH as well as rehabilitation of this tap
changer after 18 years of service was being done on
proprietary basis. With the development of additional
source for this item, railways were facing difficulties in
procurement of maintenance kits as well as its
rehabilitation. A Committee consisting of SAG officers
from RDSO, WR, & ER nominated by Railway Board
studied the problem and recommended uniform
gui del i nes for undertaki ng mai ntenance and
rehabilitation of this item by Railways. On the approval
of same by Railway Board, these guidelines have been
issued toRailways.
Frequent failures of PCBs and their electric components
on 3 phase electric locomotives are being reported by
Railways. RDSO conducted detailed analysis of the
failures and after a series of meetings with Zonal
Railways, CLW as well as the manufacturers of these
components, had evolved an action plan to reduce
these failures. These failures have nowstarted showing
a reducing trend. In this regard, an article titled 'Getting
to the Heart of Propulsion Failures' was written by S/Shri
R.N. Lal, former Sr.EDSE and Sandeep Srivastava,
DSE which has been published in the August, 2010
issue of Railway Gazette International of United
The performance of 180 KVA Static converters has
improved considerably over past few years due to
continual improvement endeavors of RDSO. During the
initial years, failures were quite high. The FRPCPY of
M/s. Autometer and M/s. Siemens was in the range of
502% and 103% with population of 40 & 25 units
respectively in year 2002-03.Stringent monitoring of the
performance of 180 KVA Static converter, failure
analysis& regular interaction with user Railway and
OEMhas resulted in the improvement of performance of
180 KVAStatic converters.FRPCPY of vendors viz. M/s
Autometers& M/s Siemens has come down to 38 %and
17 %with population of 593 and 508 respectively during
year 2010 -11. The implementation of identified
modification action plan has paid good dividend in this
regard. Aseries of meetings have been conducted with
the Railways and different manufacturers and
manufacture-wise modifications plan have been
formulated, stage-3 modification have been completed
in all units and stage-4modification is under
implementation. It is expected that with implementation
of these identified modifications in the equipments of
various makes, performance of 180kVA Static
Converter will improve significantly in the next financial
Due to poor output pulse and poor reliability of Weigand
speed Sensors, problem of wheel slipping and poor
adhesion is being encountered in field. Active hall effect
speed sensors have been developed and were put on
trial on WAG9 locomotive at ELS/GMO since Jan '08.
Field trial results were found to be encouraging, as the
tractive effort fluctuation has significantly reduced from
Further, two rounds of trials of Doppler Radar in
conjunction with Hall effect sensors were done at GMO
during Oct/Nov 09 in association with CLW & M/s.
ARC/Bangalore and the efficacy of the system was
established. Modification in software/hardware has
Standardization of maintenance/fitment practices
of Equalizer and Compensating Beam Pins and
Cotters inWAG7 locomotives
Issue of guidelines for use of AOH/IOH/POHkits and
rehabilitation of tap changer on conventional
electric locomotives
Publishingof Articles inInternational Journals
Reliabilityof SIVFittedLocomotives
Development of Hall Effect SpeedSensors
Annual Report 2010-2011
been done by M/s. ARC to interface the same with
hardware (Doppler radar based sensor) and the same
provided on fewlocomotives for extensive field trials.
Indian Railway has decided to develop indigenous
sources for IGBT based propulsion system with a view
to phasing out the obsolete GTOs and develop in-house
technology in the country, thereby generating
competition among the vendors for improving the quality
of the propulsion systemat a competitive cost.
RDSO has finalized the specification and design for the
propulsion system for the three phase electric
locomotives. The order for 30 loco sets have been
placed on BHEL.
Railways have been reporting problem of MR pressure
drop on line ever since 'Duranto' train was introduced on
Indian Railways while working with WAP1/WAP4
locomotives due to use of air springs and discharge
toilets systemin these trains.
RDSOhas carried out detailed study .It revealed that the
duty cycle of compressors in WAP-4 locomotives while
working 'Duranto' train is more than 90%. It is also
observed that when the driver controls the train by
application of brake for observing speed restrictions
particularly while passing through 'ghat' section, the MR
pressure drops up to 5.3 Kg/cm2. In the conventional
rake since control toilet discharge system and air
springs are not available, therefore, this type of problem
is not observed while working the train with WAP-4
Enhanced air requirement of LHB rake can be met out
either by increasing the capacity of existing
compressors or by making provision of additional
RDSO has conducted series of trials on locomotive and
on thebasis of successful field trials, RDSO has issued
modification sheet for provision of additional on board
compressor of 1000 lpm along with additional reservoir
of 203 litre for WAP-4 locomotives having segregated
pneumatic valves and also exploring the possibilities of
providing higher capacity compressor in the existing
envelop size of WAP-4 locomotives. Type testing of
higher capacity compressor of 1750 LPM is under
Railways have reported that spring catcher provided as
per RDSO Modification Sheet No. RDSO/WAM4/155
issued in year 1986 is not effective as in case of
breakage of spring near the anchored location, the
contracted length of broken portion is short enough to
evade the top spring catchers and it could come and fall
on loco roof after springing back.
RDSOhave studied the above problemin detail and had
interaction with the manufacturers of pantograph.
RDSOhas developed design of modified spring catcher
and carried out its fitment trials at the works of
manufacturers & at ELS/CNB. In the event of breakage
of main raising spring, the modified catchers will not
allow the broken spring to fly off and it will rest over
existing horizontal spring catchers. These will element
the line failure due toearth fault by the broken spring.
RDSO has i ssued modi f i cat i on sheet No.
RDSO/ELRS/EL/MS/0389 Rev. '0' dated 31.08.2010 for
provision of modified spring catcher over yoke assembly
of main raising spring of pantograph.
Railways have reported crack/ breakage of TM support
plate from lug hole portion in WAP-7/WAG-9 electric
locomotives. On detailed study it was observed that the
fillet radius which is R-8 as per the CLW drawing No.
1209-01-118-002 was very less in some of the TM
supporting plates.
The failure of TM support plate in fatigue manner was
due to sharp edges at lug hole portion which had acted
as notch for fatigue initiation. Development of crack and
subsequent failure of TM mounting lug is due to stress
concentration at the lug portion due to sudden change of
profile. Accordingly a SPECIAL MAINTENANCE
INSTRUCTION No. RDSO/2011/EL/ SMI/0269 (Rev.
'0') Dated: 18.05.2011 has been issued to all the
railways and CLW on the subject with following
One round in situ DPTshould be conducted on all
TM support plates near lug portion and TM
mounting bogie nose of all WAP-7/ WAG-9
locomotives. DPT should be conducted on TM
support plate lug portion as well as TMbogie nose
of WAP-7/WAG-9 during MOH/IOH/POH
Development of Indigenous Sources for IGBT
Action Plan to Address the Problem of Low MR Air
Pressure inDurontoTrains
Development of Modified Design of Spring Catcher
for Pantograp
Maintenance of Traction motor support plate and
Bogie nose to prevent crack/ breakage of Traction
motor support plate (Holder for Traction motor
Annual Report 2010-2011
A modified design of TM support plate to reduce
stress concentration at lug portion is as below:-
The TM support plate should be procured with
increased fillet radius (R-12) at lug portion. For
this purpose CLW/CRJ should revise its drawing
no.1209-01-118-002 to increase fillet radius at lug
portion from R-8 to R-12. The fillet radius should
be measured in IOH/POH or any other
opportunity. TM support plate should be replaced
if fillet radius is found less than 8 mm.
As a precautionary measure 12 mm safety sling
should be provided around the TM plate upper
bolt and with bogie transom to prevent falling of
Traction motor on track in case of breakage of TM
supporting plate or TMbogie nose in WAG-9. The
sling should be of 12 mmdia. 2300 mmlong (For
Traction motor no. 1, 2, 5 and 6) and 2700 mm
long (For Traction motor no. 3 and 4) as per IS
2762:1982, 6x19 construction with steel core,
double crimped at one end and fastened with 3
no. 'galvanised forged wire rope clip' 12 mm on
other end.
The safety sling should be provided only on those
WAG-9 locomotives where TM support plate fillet
radius is less than 8 mm. After replacement of TM
support plate with fillet radius 8 mm or 12 mm,
safety slings need not tobe provided.
Fillet Radius
should be
increased from
8 mm to 12 mm
Arrangement of proposed safety sling on TM support plate

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