Accounting Major

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Required Business Core (39 hours) Credit
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 hrs.
ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 1041) 3 hrs.
ECON 1011 Business Statistics (STAT 1772 OR equivalent) 3 hrs.
ECON 1021 Introduction to Decision Techniques (STAT 1772 OR equivalent) 3 hrs.
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting (Sophomore standing) 3 hrs.
ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting (Sophomore standing; C- or better in ACCT 2120). 3 hrs.
MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3 hrs.
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing (Sophomore standing; CBA Admittance) (ECON 1031 OR
3 hrs.
FIN 3130/5130 Corporation Finance (Junior standing; CBA Admittance; ACCT 2130; ECON 1041;
ECON 1051; ECON 1011)
3 hrs.
MGMT 3153 Organizational Management (Junior standing; CBA Admittance) 3 hrs.
MGMT 3100 Legal & Social Environment of Business (Junior standing; CBA Admittance) 3 hrs.
MGMT 3154 Operations Management (Junior standing; CBA Admittance; ACCT 2130; MGMT 2080;
ECON 1021; ECON 1011)
3 hrs.
MGMT 4175 Business Policy and Strategy (Senior standing; completion of rest of CBA core) 3 hrs.
39 hrs.

No upper level (100 and above) Accounting course may be taken on a credit/no credit basis without the written
consent of the Department Head except ACCT 3090, ACCT 3982, ACCT 3179 and ACCT 6090.

Important - please see the accompanying notes to the Accounting Major requirements.

*To graduate, a student must receive a C- or better in ACCT 3120, ACCT 3122, ACCT 3130, ACCT 4150; ACCT 4160,
ACCT 3140; a 2.2 UNI Cumulative GPA and 2.2 UNI GPA in the major.

ACCT 3120 Intermediate Accounting I (Junior standing; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130)* 3 hrs.
ACCT 3122 Intermediate Accounting II (Junior standing ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; (C- or better in
ACCT 3120)*
3 hrs.
ACCT 3130 Cost Accounting (Junior standing; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130)* 3 hrs.
ACCT 3140 Accounting Information Systems (Junior standing; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130;
ACCT 3120; MGMT 2080) (C- or better in ACCT 3120)
3 hrs.
ACCT 4150 Income Tax (Junior standing; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; ACCT 3120) (C- or better in
ACCT 3120)*
3 hrs
ACCT 4160 Auditing (Junior standing, ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; ACC 3120; ACCT 3122)
(C- or better in ACCT 3120)*
3 hrs
18 hrs.

Required Major Hours 57 hrs.

BUSINESS 1000 All About Business (freshmen only) 0 hrs.
BUSINESS 2000 Business Professional in Training (sophomore or junior year; BUSINESS 1000) 0 hrs.

Major Hours: 57
Liberal Arts Core: 45
University Elective Hours 18
Total Hours 120

ACCT 4025/5025 Advanced Accounting (Junior standing; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; ACCT 3120; ACCT
3 hrs
ACCT 4032/5032 Advanced Cost Accounting (Junior standing; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in
ACCT 3130)
3 hrs
ACCT 4052 Advanced Income Tax (Junior standing; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; ACCT 3120;
ACCT 4150)
3 hrs
ACCT 4065/5065 Principles of Fraud Examination (ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; ACCT 3120; ACCT 3122;
ACCT 4160; ACCT 3140; MGMT 2080; Junior standing)
3 hrs
ACCT 4070/5070 Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting (Junior; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; ACCT
3120; ACCT 3122)
3 hrs

Accounting majors who anticipate taking professional examinations such as the Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
exam, the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exam, or the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam may want to
take additional courses described in the accompanying section, "Preparing for Professional Examinations."

Double Majors/Minors Policy/Accounting

Accounting majors may declare a double major and/or major and minor within the College of Business Administration,
subject to the regulations imposed by the CBA departments affected. Accounting majors may declare additional CBA
majors in one or more of the following areas only: Business Teaching, Economics (any emphasis), Finance, Marketing,
MIS and Real Estate. Accounting majors minoring within the CBA must select these minors: Finance, Real
Estate/Business, Economics, Business Communications or International Business/Business. A total cumulative GPA of
2.5 is required to declare a double major and/or minor in business.

Accounting Electives

The following is a summary of the Accounting electives offered. There are more accounting courses offered than can
reasonably be taken in a four-year, eight-semester program. Students should consult with their advisors regarding
specific courses to take and whether they would benefit by taking courses in additional semesters or summer school to
reduce each semester's workload.

ACCOUNTING ELECTIVES - Group A - course which may be taken relatively early in the accounting program.

ACCT 4032 Advanced Cost Accounting - taken after ACCT 3130 and primarily intended for students who want to learn
about advanced topics in cost accounting. Offered Variable.

ACCOUNTING ELECTIVES - Group B - courses which should be taken in the 4
or 5
year of the accounting

ACCT 3055 VITA: Individual Income Tax Preparation - Students provide free tax assistance to low-income taxpayers.
This two-credit-hour course is offered Spring semester only. It is a hands-on course with real world tax
situations. (may be repeated)

ACCT 4025 Advanced Accounting - recommended for all accounting majors, and highly recommended for students who
intend to sit for the CPA exam. Offered Fall and Spring.

ACCT 4052 Advanced Income Tax highly recommended for students who are interested in the taxation area or who are
preparing to sit for the CPA exam. It focuses on the taxation of corporations, partnerships, and the gift and
estate tax Presently, it is offered only in the Spring semester.

ACCT 4065 Principles of Fraud Examination Examination of motivation, prevention, detection, investigation, and
resolution of fraud. Offered variable.

ACCT 4070 Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting most important for students who plan to pursue careers in
government or not-for-profit institutions. Course content includes material covered on the CPA exam.
Offered Fall and Spring.

Accounting students who plan to practice as a CPA need to determine the 150-hour requirement for the state in which
they plan to practice. Requirements differ from state to state.

Prior to the issuance of an Iowa CPA certificate, candidates must earn 150 semester credit hours. UNI undergraduate
degrees require a minimum of 120 credit hours. Therefore, UNI accounting students must earn 30 additional semester
credit hours above this minimum (with 6 hours being upper-level accounting). A variety of options are available at UNI
to meet this requirement.

One option is to enter UNIs Master of Accounting (MAcc) program. This 30-hour program is designed to enhance the
students accounting knowledge, critical-thinking ability, research skills, problem-solving capability, and other critical
skills and knowledge required to be a successful accountant in public accounting, business, and government. At the same
time, students have options to concentrate in areas of particular interest to them. This program is discussed in more detail
in a following section. UNIs Graduate College entrance requirements must be met for this option to be available to the
student. Additional information can be obtained from the MAcc Program Director, CBB 357.

Another option is to continue to take undergraduate courses, often pursuing a second major or minor in another area. The
variety of undergraduate courses within the CBA in accounting, finance, economics, management and marketing and
outside the CBA in communications, computer information systems, criminology, mathematics, and others make this a
viable option.


CPA Exam
In addition to the 150-hour requirement discussed above, students who plan to practice as a CPA must pass
the Uniform CPA Exam. To be eligible to take the CPA exam, students must have an undergraduate degree
and complete 24 hours of upper level Accounting courses. (Note that this means students must take two
upper level Accounting courses in addition to the six upper level Accounting courses required for the
undergraduate degree). Accounting majors preparing for the Uniform CPA Examination may want to take the
following courses as electives. These courses are not required but are strongly recommended for any
student preparing to take the CPA exam:

ACCT 4080 CPA Review - This course reviews financial and cost topics covered on the CPA exam (see
next page) and should be taken in the Spring semester of the last year of the accounting

ACCT 4084 Auditing Review - This course reviews topics covered on the Auditing section of the CPA exam
and should be taken in the Spring semester of the last year of the accounting program.

MGMT 3101 Business Law I and
MGMT 3102 Business Law II - These courses give students a solid background in contract and case law.
They should be taken in the 3
or 4
year if possible and are a required prerequisite to
Regulation Review (ACCT 4082). (Note that students in the MAcc will take Law for the
Professional Accountant (ACCT 6170) instead of Business Law I and Business Law II.)

ACCT 4082 Regulation Review - This course reviews the regulation section of the CPA exam. The
prerequisites for this course are Business Law I and Business Law II or Law for the
Professional Accountant (MAcc). Regulation Review should be taken concurrently with CPA
Review (ACCT 4080).

CMA Exam
Accounting majors preparing for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) examination may want to take
additional courses in economics, finance and management to supplement their already strong preparation in
accounting. Suggested courses are:

MGMT 3965 Organizational Behavior
FIN 4145 Advanced Financial Management
ECON 2122 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 2122 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

The CMA exam stresses all aspects of business. It focuses on the key principle of effective decision making --
the development and analysis of information. The exam is appropriate for students who plan on public or
nonpublic accounting careers. Students who successfully pass the CPA exam are exempt from the financial
accounting section of the CMA exam.

CIA Exam
Accounting majors preparing for the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) examination should take Auditing
(ACCT 4160), and Fraud Examination (ACCT 4065/ACCT 5065). In addition, coursework in economics,
finance, information systems, management and quantitative methods should be elected to support a
professional career in internal auditing and preparation for the CIA exam. This exam is appropriate for
students who plan a career in internal auditing in industry or in government or other nonprofit organizations.


Students should take courses in English, Communications and Information Systems in order to enhance their
communication skills.

It is recommended that students planning to continue in graduate work take additional hours in economics,
mathematics and statistics.

Information for UNI Students

The CPA exam is a computerized exam and is offered "on demand" five (and sometimes six) days a week
during the first two months of each calendar quarter. The exam is not offered in March, June, September or
December. Almost all students at UNI who take the exam will be applying to sit for the exam as Iowa
residents. A candidate applying to take the exam as an Iowa resident may physically sit for the exam in any
state. Within the state of Iowa, the exam is presently offered in Ames, Cedar Rapids, Bettendorf, Sioux City
and West Des Moines. The following summarizes the current requirements to sit for the CPA exam in Iowa.

1. Before you can submit your application to take the CPA exam, you must have already graduated
with at least a bachelor's degree in accounting (and have met the 24 hours described in the next
paragraph) or have earned a bachelor's degree and completed at least 24 hours of non-accounting
business courses in addition to the 24 hours of accounting courses required in the next two

2. Before you can submit your application, you must already have completed 24 hours of accounting
courses beyond the elementary accounting level. The elementary level is defined as Principles of
Financial Accounting and Principles of Managerial Accounting. Courses in which you are currently
enrolled do not count as having been completed. Co-op or internship credits do not count towards
the 24 hours. The CPA Review courses offered out of the accounting department do count towards
meeting the 24 hour requirement (although the review courses do not count toward a MAcc program
of study).

3. As part of the 24 hours of accounting needed at the time you submit your application, you must
have completed upper level courses in Income Tax, Cost/Managerial and Auditing.

You will not be allowed to apply to take the CPA exam until you have met the requirements in paragraphs 1
through 3 above.

Other items to note:

1. In Iowa you do not need to have completed 150 hours to take the exam. You do need to have 150
hours before you can become a CPA but, as long as you meet the requirements above, you may
take the exam.

2. Many of you who graduate in December will take additional courses in the Spring semester to
help you prepare for the CPA exam (Auditing Review, CPA Review, Regulation Review, Advanced
Income Tax, Government Not-for-Profit or Advanced Accounting, for example). However, any
financial aid you receive may be affected. Some loans, grants and scholarships terminate on
graduation. If you receive financial aid you should determine how graduation will affect your
situation. Also, when you graduate you will not be allowed to complete a minor or double major
in a subsequent semester. Any major or minor requirements will have to have been completed
before graduation.

3. The application and registration process for the CPA exam takes anywhere from four to eight weeks.
Therefore, if you haven't graduated before the Spring semester in which you are taking the review
courses, you will almost certainly not be able to take any part of the exam in May. Since the exam is
not offered in June, you will not be able to start taking the exam until July.

The final authority on qualifications and requirements rests with the National Association of State Boards of
Accountancy. If you have specific technical questions, visit the web site at, or you may call
them at 1-800-CPAEXAM or send an email to [email protected].

The University of Northern Iowa offers a fifty-seven (57) semester hour major in accounting which leads to a Bachelor of
Arts (B.A.) degree. All fifty-seven hours are required. Many students elect to take more than the minimum hours in
Accounting. The faculty has found that students who take more Accounting courses than required are better prepared for
entry-level accounting positions and have a better technical background to prepare for professional certification
examinations. Each student should realize, however, that, beyond the minimum degree requirements, it is ultimately the
student's responsibility to select appropriate career objectives and choose courses accordingly.

Non-CPA Track


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Liberal Arts Core 12 ECON 1021 Introduction to Decision Techniques
OR Business Statistics

All About Business 0 ECON 1011 3
Liberal Arts Core 9


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting 3 ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
ECON 1011 Business Statistics OR MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3
ECON 1021 Introduction to Decision
3 Liberal Arts Core and Electives 11
Liberal Arts Core 11 BUSINESS
Business Professional in Training 0


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACCT 3120 Intermediate Accounting I 3 ACCT 3122 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACCT 3130 Cost Accounting 3 ACCT 3140 Accounting Information Systems 3
CBA Core Requirements 6 CBA Core Requirements 6
Non-Business Elective 3 Elective 1


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACCT 4150 Income Tax 3 MGMT 4175 Business Policy & Strategy 3
ACCT 4160 Auditing 3 Electives 8
CBA Core Requirement 3 Liberal Arts Core 3
Capstone 2
Non-Business Elective 3
CPA Track*
(For students not pursuing MAcc)


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Liberal Arts Core 13 ECON 1021 Introduction to Decision Techniques
OR Business Statistics

All About Business 0 ECON 1011 3
Liberal Arts Core 9


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting 3 ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
ECON 1011 Business Statistics OR MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3
ECON 1021 Introduction to Decision Techniques 3 Liberal Arts Core and Electives 9
Liberal Arts Core 10 Non Business Elective 2
Business Professional in Training 0


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACCT 3120 Intermediate Accounting I 3 ACCT 3122 Intermediate Accounting II 3
ACCT 3130 Cost Accounting 3 ACCT 3140 Accounting Information Systems 3
CBA Core Requirements 6 CBA Core Requirements 6
MGMT 3100 Legal & Social Environ of Business 3 **MGMT 3101 Business Law I 3
Non-Business Elective 1 Non Business Elective 1


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACCT 4150 Income Tax 3 CBA Requirement or other elective 3
ACCT 4160 Auditing 3 Liberal Arts Core 3
CBA Requirement or other
**MGMT 3102 Business Law II 2
Capstone 2
CBA Core Requirement 3


Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACCT 4025 Advanced Accounting 3 **CPA Review Courses 7
ACCT 4070 Government and Nonprofit
3 ACCT 4052 Advanced Tax 3

*It is not possible to have a single sample program for CPA-track students because of the variety of ways in which students
may fulfill the 150-hour requirement. The schedule above is a five-year schedule. Beginning in the fourth year,
recommended classes are listed and the listed classes will fulfill the requirements for an undergraduate degree. However,
additional hours must be taken to achieve a total of 150 hours. Specific courses listed beyond the requirements for a
bachelors degree include recommended classes for a student on the CPA track. Courses that are recommended, but not
required for the undergraduate degree, are shown in italics.

** These hours are included as university electives in meeting degree requirements.


Schedule of Undergraduate & Graduate Classes
Department of Accounting

Note that this schedule is merely a projection. Budget constraints and other unforeseeable impediments may
require adjustments. Summer offerings depend largely upon demand.

Course # Course Title Fall Spring Summer

ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 3055 VITA: Income Tax Preparation Yes
ACCT 3090 Internship Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 3092 Special Problems Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 3094 Individual Readings Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 3120 Intermediate Accounting I Yes Yes
ACCT 3122 Intermediate Accounting II Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 3130 Cost Accounting Yes Yes
ACCT 3140 Accounting Information Systems Yes Yes
ACCT 3179 Cooperative Education in Accounting Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 4025 Advanced Accounting Yes Yes
ACCT 4032 Advanced Cost Accounting Variable
ACCT 4052 Advanced Tax Yes
ACCT 4065 Principles of Fraud Examination Variable
ACCT 4070 Government and Non Profit Accounting Yes Yes
ACCT 4080 C.P.A. Review Yes
ACCT 4082 Regulation Review Yes
ACCT 4084 Auditing Review Yes
ACCT 4150 Income Tax Yes Variable Variable
ACCT 4160 Auditing Yes Yes
ACCT 6030 Managerial Accounting Yes
ACCT 6052 Advanced Tax Topics Yes
ACCT 6060 Advanced Auditing Variable
ACCT 6092 Topics in Accounting Variable
ACCT 6120 Financial Accounting Theory & Analysis Yes
ACCT 6140 Advanced Accounting Systems Yes
ACCT 6170 Business Law for the Professional Accountant Yes
ACCT 6175 Applied Professional Research Yes
ACCT 6285 Individual Readings Yes Yes Yes
ACCT 6289 Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Accounting Variable
ACCT 6299 Research Yes Yes Yes

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