The Vitamine Manual by Eddy, Walter H.

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Title: The Vitamine Manual

Author: Walter H. Eddy

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A Presentation of Essential Data

About the

New Food Factors



_Teachers College, Columbia University_





















The presentation of essential data concerning vitamines to succeeding

groups of students has become increasingly difficult with the development
of research in this field. The literature itself has assumed a bulk that
precludes sending the student to original sources except in those
instances when they are themselves to become investigators. The demand on
the part of the layman for concise information about the new food factors
is increasing and worthy of attention. For all of these reasons it has
seemed worth while to collate the existing data and put it in a form which
would be available for both student and layman. Such is the purpose of
this little book.

It has been called a manual since the arrangement aims to provide the
student with working material and suggestions for investigation as well as
information. The bibliography, the data in the chapter on vitamine
testing, the tables and the subdivision of subject matter have all been
arranged to aid the laboratory workers and it is the hope that this plan
may make the manual of especial value to the student investigator. The
management also separates the details necessary to laboratory
investigation from the more purely historical aspects of the subject which
we believe will be appreciated by the lay reader as well as the student.

No apologies are made for data which on publication shall be found

obsolete. The whole subject is in too active a state of investigation to
permit of more than a record of events and their apparent bearing.
Whenever there is controversy the aim has been to cite opposing views and
indicate their apparent value but with full realization that this value
may be profoundly altered by new data.

Since the type of the present manual was set, Drummond of England has
suggested that we drop the terminal "e" in Vitamine, since the ending
"ine" has a chemical significance which is to date not justified as a
termination for the name of the unidentified dietary factors. This
suggestion has been generally adopted by research workers and the spelling
now in use is _Vitamin_ A, B, or C. It has hardly seemed worth while
to derange the entire set up of the present text to make this correction
and we have retained the form in use at the time the manuscript was first
set up. The suggestion of Drummond, however, is sound and will undoubtedly
be generally adopted by the research workers in the subject.

Attempt has been made to cover all the important contributions up to

April, 1921. Opportunity has permitted the inclusion of certain data of
still later date and undoubtedly other important papers of earlier date
will have been overlooked.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance received in the preparation

of the manuscript from Dr. H. C. Sherman, Dr. Mary S. Rose and Dr. Victor
La Mer. Their suggestions have been most valuable and greatly appreciated.


_Department of Physiological Chemistry, Teachers College, Columbia

University, New York City, April, 1921_



In 1911 Casimir Funk coined the name Vitamine to describe the substance
which he believed curative of an oriental disease known as beri-beri. This
disease is common in Japan, the Philippines and other lands where the diet
consists mainly of rice, and while the disease itself was well known its
cause and cure had baffled the medical men for many years. Today in
magazines, newspapers and street car advertisements people are urged to
use this or that food or medicament on the plea of its vitamine content.
In less than ten years the study of vitamines has increased to such an
extent that it is difficult to find a chemical journal of any month of
issue that does not contain one or more articles bearing on the subject.
Such a rapid rise to public notice suggests an importance that justifies
investigation by the laity as well as the chemist and in the pages that
follow has been outlined in simple language the biography of this newest
and lustiest of the chemist's children.

Dr. Funk christened one individual but the family has grown since 1911 to
three members which for lack of better names are now called vitamines "A,"
"B," and "C." There are now rumors of another arrival and none dare
predict the limits of the family. Had these new substances been limited to
their relation to an obscure oriental disease they would have of course
commanded the medical attention but it is doubtful whether the general
public would have found it worth while to concern themselves. It is
because on better acquaintance they have compelled us to reform our ideas
on nutrition of both adults and babies and pick out our foods from a new
angle, that we accord them the attention they demand and deserve. Granting
then, their claim upon our attention, let us review our present knowledge
and try to see with just what we are dealing. This will be more easily
accomplished if we consider the vitamines first from the historical side
and reserve our attention to details of behavior until later.

A limited diet of polished rice and fish is a staple among the peoples of
the Orient. When the United States Government took over the Philippine
Islands in 1898 it sent there a small group of scientists to establish
laboratories and become acquainted with the peculiarities of the people
and their troubles. One of the first matters that engaged their attention
was the condition of the prisons which were most unsanitary and whose
inhabitants were poorly fed and treated. Reforms were put into operation
at once and the sanitary measures soon changed these prisons to places not
quite so abhorrent to the eye. In trying to improve the diets of the
prisoners little change was made in their composition because of the
native habits but the reformers saw to it that the rice fed should be
clean and white. In spite of these measures the first year saw a
remarkable increase in the disease of beri-beri, and the little group of
laboratory scientists had at once before them the problem of checking a
development that bid fair to become an epidemic. In fact, the logical
discoverers of what we now know as the antineuritic vitamine or vitamine
"B" should have been this same group of laboratory workers for it was
largely due to their work between the years 1900 and 1911 that the ground
was prepared for Funk's harvest.

The relation of rice to this disease was more than a suspicion even in
1898. In 1897 a Dutch chemist, Eijkman, had succeeded in producing in
fowls a similar set of symptoms by feeding them with polished rice alone.
This set of symptoms he called polyneuritis and this term is now commonly
used to signify a beri-beri in experimental animals. Eijkman found that
two or three weeks feeding sufficed to produce these symptoms and it was
he who first showed that the addition of the rice polishings to the diet
was sufficient to relieve the symptoms. Eijkman first thought that the
cortical material contained something necessary to neutralize the effects
of a diet rich in starch. Later however, he changed his view and in 1906
his position was practically the view of today. In that same year (1906)
F. Gowland Hopkins in England had come to the conclusion that the growth
of laboratory animals demanded something in foods that could not be
accounted for among the ordinary nutrients. He gave to these hypothetical
substances the name "accessory food factors." To Hopkins and to Eijkman
may therefore be justly attributed the credit of calling the world's
attention to the unknown substances which Funk was to christen a little
later with the name vitamines. Other workers, of course, knew of these
experiments of Eijkman and Hopkins and in 1907 two of them, Fraser and
Stanton, reported that by extracting rice polishings with alcohol they had
secured a product which if added to the diet of a sufferer from beri-beri
seemed to produce curative effects. It is obvious that logic would have
decreed that some of these workers should be the ones to identify and name
the curative material. But history is not bound by the rules of logic and
it was so in this case. Another student had been attracted to the problem
and was working at the time in Germany where he also became acquainted
with Eijkman's results and began the investigation of rice polishings on
experimental lines. This student was Casimir Funk and a little later he
carried his studies to England where he developed the results that made
him the first to announce the discovery of the unknown factor which he
christened vitamine. Funk's studies combined a careful chemical
fractioning of the extracts of rice polishings with tests for their
antineuritic power upon polyneuritic birds, after the manner taught by
Eijkman. By carrying out this fractioning and testing he obtained from a
large volume of rice polishings a very small amount of a crystalline
substance which proved to be curative to a high degree. A little later he
demonstrated that this same substance was particularly abundant in
brewers' yeast. From these two sources he obtained new extracts and
carefully repeated his analytical fractionings. The result was the
demonstration that they contained a substance which could be reduced to
crystalline form and was therefore worthy of being considered a chemical
substance. In 1911, before Fraser and Stanton or any other workers had
been able to show to what their curative extracts were due, Funk produced
his product, demonstrated its properties and claimed his right to naming
the same. At that he barely escaped priority from still another source.
The chemists in Japan were naturally interested in this problem and
possessed an able worker by the name of Suzuki. Suzuki and his co-workers
Odake and Shimamura were engaged in the same fractioning processes with
polishings and entirely independently of Funk or other workers they too
succeeded in isolating a curative substance and published their discovery
the same year as Funk, 1911. Their methods were later shown to be
identical up to a certain point. Suzuki called his product "Oryzanin."
Funk's elementary analyses had shown the presence of nitrogen in this
product and his method of extraction indicated that this nitrogen was
present in basic form. For that reason he suggested that his product
belonged to a class of substances which chemists call "amines." Since its
absence meant death and its presence life what more natural than to call
it the Life-amine or Vita-amine. This is the origin of Funk's

Both Funk's original crystals and Suzuki's oryzanin were later shown to be
complexes of the curative substances combined with adulterants and we do
not yet know just what a vitamine is or whether it is an amine at all but
no one since 1911 has been able to get any nearer to the identification
than Funk and while he has added much data to his earlier studies he has
himself not yet given us the pure vitamine. For that reason it has been
suggested by various people that the name vitamine should not be used
since it has no sufficient evidence to support it. Hopkins of England had
suggested the name "accessory food factors." E. V. McCollum holds that we
should call them the "unidentified dietary factors" and added later to
this phrase, the terms water-soluble "B" and fat-soluble "A" after the fat
soluble form was discovered. Most chemists feel, however, that the purpose
of nomenclature is brevity combined with ready recognition of what you are
discussing and that it is unnecessary to change the name vitamine until we
know exactly what the substances are. The result is that while still a
mystery chemically they remain under the name of vitamine and the kinds
are distinguished by the McCollum terms "fat-soluble" A, "water-soluble"
B, and "C."

We see that beri-beri then was responsible for Funk's adding to our
chemical entities a new member but it does not yet appear why this entity
concerns our normal nutrition. To get this relation we must turn for a
moment to the state of knowledge in 1911 in regard to foods and their
evaluation and what was going on in this field of study at the time.

A great advance in measuring food value was the discovery of the

isodynamic law. Translated into ordinary language this law states that
when a person eats a given amount of a given kind of food, that food may
liberate in the body practically the same amount of energy that it would
produce if it were burned in oxygen outside of the body. The confirmation
of this law permitted us to apply to the measurement of food the same
method we had already learned to use in measuring coal. For convenience
the physicists devised a heat measure unit for this purpose and naturally
called it by a word that means heat, namely, "calorie." Using this unit
and applying the isodynamic law it was merely necessary to determine two
things; first, how many calories a man produces in any given kind of work,
second how many calories a given weight of each kind of food will yield,
and then give the man as many calories of food as he needs to meet his
requirements when engaged in a given kind of labor. The measurement and
tabulation of food values in terms of calories and the investigation of
the calorie needs of men and women in various occupations has been one of
the great contributions of the past twenty years of nutritional study and
to the progress made we owe our power to produce proper rations for every
type of worker. Army rations for example are built up of foods that will
yield enough calories to supply the needs of a soldier and during the
recent war extended studies conducted in training camps all over the
United States have shown that when the soldier eats all he wants he will
consume on the average about 3600 calories per day. In France the American
soldier's ration was big enough to yield him 4200 calories per day if he
ate his entire daily allowance.

But calories are not the only necessities. A pound of pure fat will yield
all the calories a soldier needs in a day but his language and morals
wouldn't stand the strain of such a diet. Neither would his health, for
not only does his body demand fuel but also that it be of a special kind.
While there are many kinds of foodstuffs, chemical analysis shows that
they are mainly combinations of pure compounds of relatively few
varieties. The chemists call these proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and
salts. Meats, eggs, the curd of milk, etc., are the principal sources of
protein. Sugars and starches are grouped together under the name of
carbohydrate. By salts is meant mineral matters such as common salt, iron
and phosphorus compounds, etc. In selecting foods it was found that the
body required that the proportions of these four substances be kept within
definite limits or there was trouble. We know now that a man can get along
nicely if he eats 50 grams of protein per day and makes up the rest of his
calories in carbohydrates and fats, provided that to this is added certain
requirements in salts and water.
It is also obvious that the foods given must be digestible and palatable.

We had reached this status some time before 1911. But, a short time before
this, there had arisen a controversy as to the relative value of different
types of proteins. The animal- vs. vegetable-protein controversy was one
of the side shows of this affair. This controversy had led to a careful
study of the different kinds of proteins that are found in foodstuffs.
Through a brilliant series of chemical investigations for whose
description we haven't time or space here, chemists had shown that every
protein was built up of a collection of acids which were different in
structure and properties, that there were some seventeen of these in all
and that any given protein might have present all seventeen or be lacking
in one or more and that the proportions present varied for every type of
protein. It was then obvious that proteins could not be considered as
identities. More than that, it was the necessary task of the food expert
to separate all proteins into their acids or building stones and not only
show what was present and how much but determine the r�le each played in
the body. To this task many set their faces and hands.

From the results there has accrued much progress in the evaluation of
proteins but an unexpected development was the part played by these
investigations in the story of the vitamines.

About 1909-1910 Professors Osborne and Mendel under a grant from the
Carnegie Institution began a detailed investigation into the value of
purified proteins from various sources. In their experiments they used the
white rat as the experimental animal and proceeded to feed these animals a
mixture consisting of a single purified protein supplemented with the
proper proportions of fat carbohydrate, and mineral salts. Since the food
furnished was composed of pure nutrients and always in excess of the
appetite of the rat the necessary number of calories was also present.
These researches were published as a bulletin (No. 156) by the Carnegie
Institution in 1911, the same year that Funk announced his Vitamine
discoveries. It was timely in this respect for one of Osborne and Mendel's
discoveries was that no matter how efficient the mixture in all the
requirements then known to the nutrition expert, the rats failed to grow
unless there was added to the diet a factor which they found in milk. In
searching for this factor they made a still further discovery for on
fractioning the milk they soon learned that the unknown factor was
distributed in two different parts of the milk, namely in the butter fat
and in the protein free and fat-free whey. The absence of either milk
fraction was sufficient to prevent growth. The 1911 publication merely
described these results without attempting to explain the nature of the
growth producing factors but the vitamine hypothesis of Funk naturally
suggested to these authors that their two unknown factors might be similar
in nature to his beri-beri curative factor and their announcement may be
justly considered a point of junction of nutrition theories with the
vitamine hypothesis.

The peculiarity of butter fat as a growth stimulus had been considered

from another angle by a German worker, Stepp. In 1909 this student of
nutrition had tried to estimate the importance of various types of fats in
the same way that was later done with proteins, to determine whether, like
proteins, the quality of the fats varied in nutritive efficiency. His
experiments were also conducted with white rats and the main outlines of
his methods and observations were as follows: Rats fed on a bread and milk
diet grew normally. If now the bread and milk mixture was extracted with
alcohol-ether the residue was found to be inadequate for growth or
maintenance. Stepp assumed that this failure could naturally be ascribed
to the removal of the fat by the alcohol-ether mixture. To determine the
efficiency of different kinds of fats he then proceeded to substitute in
combination with the alcohol-ether extracted diet amounts of purified fats
corresponding to what was removed by the alcohol-ether. The results were
totally unexpected for _none_ of the purified fats substituted were
adequate to secure growth! When, however, he evaporated off his alcohol-
ether from the extract of the bread and milk and returned that residue to
the diet, growth was resumed as before. The conclusion was obvious, viz.,
that alcohol-ether takes out of a mixture of bread and milk some factor
that is necessary to growth and that factor is not fat but something
removed by the extraction with the fat. These results led Stepp to suspect
the existence of an unidentified factor but he was unable to identify it
as a lipoid. He makes the following statement which is now significant:
"It is not impossible that the unknown substance indispensable to life
goes into solution in the fats and that the latter thereby become what may
be termed carriers for these substances." These studies were published
between the years 1909 and 1912 and were therefore concurrent with those
of Funk and Osborne and Mendel.

But there was still another set of studies that led up to this vitamine
work. In 1907 E. V. McCollum began the study of nutrition problems at the
Wisconsin Experiment Station. At the time he was especially interested in
two papers that had been published just previous to his entrance into the
problem. One of these papers by Henriques and Hansen told how the authors
had attempted to nourish animals whose growth was already complete on a
mixture consisting of purified gliadin (the principal protein from the
quantity viewpoint in wheat), carbohydrates, fats, and mineral salts. In
spite of the fact that the nitrogen of this mixture was sufficient to
supply the body needs, as proved by analysis of the excreta, the animals
steadily declined in weight from the time they were confined to this diet.
The authors had assumed that the gliadin was deficient in a substance
necessary to growth (lysine) but since their studies were begun only after
the animals had reached maximum growth they expected that the growth
factor would not be necessary. Why had their animals declined in weight?

The second paper that interested McCollum was by Wilcock and Hopkins.
These authors carried out experiments similar to those of the paper just
cited but using corn protein (zein) in place of gliadin. This protein had
already been shown to be deficient in a chemical constituent known as
tryptophan. Animals fed on the zein mixture died in a few days but the
inexplicable thing was that when the missing tryptophan was added to the
diet the animals lived a little longer but finally declined and died. Why?

McCollum wished to answer this "Why?" These experimenters had complied

with every known law of nutrition and yet their mixtures failed to nourish
the animals. What was lacking? Earlier work at the Station by Professor
Babcock suggested an interesting line of attack and in collaboration with
Professors Hart and Humphries, McCollum began a series of studies that
have become classic contributions to the vitamine hypothesis and brought
this worker into the field as one of the most important contributors to
the subject. His initial experiments may be briefly summarized as follows:
Young heifer calves weighing 350 pounds at the start and as nearly alike
in size and vigor as could be obtained were selected as experimental
animals. These were divided into groups and fed with rations so made up as
to be alike in so far as chemical analysis could determine, but differing
in that the sources of the ration were divided between three plants. One
group was supplied with a ration obtained entirely from the wheat plant. A
second group derived their ration solely from the corn plant. A third from
the oat plant and a fourth or control group from a mixture of oat, wheat
and corn. By chemical analysis each group received enough of its
particular plant to produce exactly the same amount of protein, fat and
carbohydrate and all were allowed to eat freely of salt. All groups ate
practically the same amount of feed, and digestion tests showed that there
was no difference in the digestibility of the different rations. Exercise
was provided by allowing them the run of a yard free of all vegetation. It
was a year or more before any distinct change appeared in the different
groups. At that time the cornfed animals were in fine condition. On the
contrary, the wheat-fed group were rough coated, gaunt in appearance and
small of girth. The oat-fed group were better off than the wheat-fed but
not in so good shape as the corn-fed. In reproduction the corn-fed animals
carried their young well. They were carried for the full term and the
young after birth were well formed and vigorous. The wheat-fed mothers
gave birth to young from three to five weeks before the end of the normal
term. The young were either born dead or died within a few hours after
birth. All were much under weight. The oat-fed mothers produced their
young about two weeks before the normal period. Of four young, so born,
one was born dead, two so weak that they died within a day or two and the
fourth was only saved by special measures. The young of the oat-fed
mothers were of nearly the same size, however, as those of the corn-fed
mothers. After the first reproduction period, the mothers were kept on
this diet another year and the following year repeated the same process
with identical results. During the first milk-producing period the average
production per day was 24.03 pounds per day for the corn-fed, 19.38 pounds
for the oat-fed, and 8.04 pounds for the wheat-fed. During the second
period it was 28.0, 30.1, and 16.1 pounds per day respectively during the
first thirty days.

Every chemical means was now employed to determine the causes of these
differences and without success. McCollum then decided to attempt to solve
the problem by selecting small animals (the rat was used) and experiment
with mixtures consisting of purified proteins from different sources,
combined with fats, carbohydrates and mineral salts until a clue was
obtained to the nature of the deficiencies. His early results in this
direction confirmed the results of other investigators, animals lived no
longer on these diets than when allowed to fast. What was missing? Up to
1911 the main result of these experiments had been to call attention to
the peculiar deficiencies of cereals and especially in mineral salts, but
without unlocking the mystery.

These collateral investigations show how in all parts of this country and
on the other side of the ocean events were marching toward the same goal.
The year 1911 then is a significant epoch, for from this time the various
independent efforts began to link up and the next few years carried us far
toward the goal.

In 1912 McCollum was working with a mixture consisting of 18 per cent.

purified protein in the form of milk curd or casein, 20 per cent. lactose
or milk sugar, 5 per cent. of a fat and a salt mixture made up to imitate
the salt content of milk. The remainder of that mixture was starch. With
this mixture McCollum found that growth could be produced if the fat were
butter fat but not if it were olive oil, lard, or vegetable oils of
various sorts. Carrying out the lead here suggested he tried egg yolk
fats. They proved as effective as butter fat.


I (from _Journ. Biol. Chem._, 1913, xv, 167). This chart shows the
effect in period III of the addition of an ether extract of egg, 1 gram
being given every other day. The diets for periods I-IV were as follows:

Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I II III IV
Salt mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 6 6
Casein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 18 18 18
Lactose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0 0 0
Dextrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 59 74 74
Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 0 0 0
Agar-agar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 2 2
Egg (see above) . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 * 0
*1 gram extract every other day

II and III (from _Journ. Biol. Chem._, 1915, xxiii, 231). These
charts show the effect (II) of the addition of as little as 2 per cent
wheat embryo as sufficient to secure normal growth when it serves as a
supply of the B vitamine. Chart III shows that even when the wheat embryo
is increased to 30 per cent it is inadequate for growth unless the A is
also present. The diets were as follows:

Dextrin . . . . . . . . 69.3 52.8

Salt mixture . . . . . . 3.7 2.6
Butter fat . . . . . . . 5.0 0.0
Agar-agar . . . . . . . 2.0 2.0
Casein . . . . . . . . . 18.0 12.6
Wheat embryo . . . . . . 2.0 30.0]

These results linked up with those of Stepp and Mendel and showed that
butter fat and egg yolk fat contained a growth factor which was missing in
other fats. McCollum named this the "unidentified dietary factor fat-
soluble A."

In the same year F. G. Hopkins in England announced that the addition of 4

per cent of milk to diets consisting of purified nutrients would convert
them into growth producers. This was too small an amount to admit of
attributing the cause to milk proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or salts.
Hopkins therefore suggested the existence of unknown factors in milk of
the type to which he had earlier given the name "accessory factors." This
work has recently been repeated by Osborne and Mendel who fail to find the
high potency in milk ascribed to it by Hopkins but the latter's work, at
that time, was accepted without question and became the impetus to
important discoveries.

Mendel and Osborne had meanwhile investigated more in detail their milk
fractions. They obtained results that confirmed McCollum's findings for
butter fat but in addition they showed that by removing all the fat and
protein from milk they obtained a residue which played an important part
in growth stimulation and that this factor was different from the salts
present in the mixture. This specially prepared milk residue they called
protein-free milk.

The next few years are a melting pot of investigations. They included some
sharp controversies over nomenclature and many apparently contradictory
conclusions based on what we now know to be insufficient data. The
principal outcome was the identification of the yeast and rice polishing
substance with the factor carried by protein-free milk. On the basis of
these results Funk put forward the idea that McCollum's butter-fat and
egg-yolk factor was merely vitamine which clung to the fats as an
adulterant. It was soon shown, however, that butter fat could be obtained
that was absolutely free of nitrogen and still be stimulatory to growth.
It was therefore clear that whatever the factor present it could not be
the Funk vitamine. From out of the smoke of this controversy came an
ultimate explanation that was very simple. There were two factors instead
of one. McCollum did not discover the presence of the Funk vitamine in his
mixtures at first because it was carried by the lactose and he did not
know it. Finally, to cut a long story very short, these two factors or
vitamines were both found to be essential to growth and in the feeding
mixtures that had been used were distributed as follows

_Vitamine A_
Present in butter fat and egg-yolk fat

_Vitamine B_ (_Funk's vitamine_)

Present in protein-free milk, ordinary lactose, yeast and rice polishings


These four charts all show the power of sources of the A vitamine to bring
about recovery after failure on diets lacking that vitamine.

I (from _Journ. Biol. Chem._, 1913-14, xvi, 423). In this group the
diet consisted of the following percents: Protein, 18; starch, 26; protein
free milk, 28; lard, 28. In the part of the periods marked butter, 18 per
cent of butter was substituted for an equal amount of lard.

II (from _Jour. Biol. Chem._, 1913, xv, 311). Shows recovery on

addition of butter fat to a diet containing all the nutrients and
artificial protein free milk. These diets contained the following
percents: Protein, 18; lactose, 23.8; starch, 26; milk salts, 4.2; total
fats, 28.

III (from _Journ. Biol. Chem._, 1915, xx, 379). These show the effect
of various sources of vitamine A such as egg fat, butter fat and
oleomargarine. The broken line parts show the failure of laboratory
prepared lard to better the commercial lard of the basal diet and the
crossed lines the immediate effect when a true source of vitamine A was
added. Basal diet: Protein, 18, protein free milk, 28; starch, 24-29;
lard, 7-28; other fats, 0-18.

IV (from _Journ. Biol. Chem._, 1913-14, xvii, 401). This chart shows
the failure of almond oil as a source of vitamine A and the prompt
recovery when butter fat or cod-liver oil was used. Basal diet: Edestin,
18; starch, 28; protein free milk, 28; lard, 8; almond oil _or_
butter fat or cod-liver oil, 18.]

With these points cleared up each nutrition investigator returned to an

analysis of his food mixtures and proceeded to the location in sources of
the various factors. The years 1912-1918 are mainly contributory to
further knowledge of the properties of these two vitamines, their
reactions, source, behavior, etc. In 1912, however, Holst and Fr�hlich
began a study of scurvy that was to culminate later by adding to the list
a new member of the family, viz., vitamine "C."

The disease of scurvy and its prevention by use of orange juice potatoes,
etc., was a well known phenomenon and to the curative powers of lime juice
we owe the name "lime-juicers" as a synonym for the British merchant

Following his discovery of vitamine as the preventative substance to beri-

beri, Funk had outlined a theory of "avitaminoses" as the responsible
cause of several other types of diseases, including scurvy, rickets,
pellagra, and beri-beri. In other words, he suggested that the etiology of
these diseases would be found to lie in the lack of the vitamine factors.
His views at the time were largely hypothetical since the only one of his
avitaminose then demonstrated was beri-beri, but the hypothesis attracted
attention and developed a new method of study as it had in matters of
normal nutrition.

Between 1907 and 1912 Holst and Fr�hlich had made exhaustive studies of
the causes of scurvy and had reached the conclusion that its cause was due
to the absence of some factor, admittedly unknown, but as strongly
indicated as in the case of beri-beri. Holst pointed out that a guinea pig
restricted to a diet of oats became affected with scurvy. McCollum as well
as others were attracted to this problem and in 1918 McCollum stated that
scurvy was not due to a lack of a dietary factor but to the absorption
from the intestine of the poisonous products resulting from abnormal
decomposition of the food and especially of protein food. He studied the
guinea pig on an oat diet and drew the conclusion that while it does
induce scurvy this result is not due to the absence of any specific factor
in the oat diet. He showed that while the oat kernel contains all the
chemical elements and complexes necessary for the growth and health of an
animal these elements are not in suitable proportions. It lacks certain
mineral salts and its content of the "A." vitamine is too low to permit
oats alone to give satisfactory growth results. Furthermore its proteins
are not of as good quality as those of milk, eggs, and meat. By merely
supplementing the oat diet with better protein, salts, and a growth
promoting fat, he reported that a guinea pig could be developed normally
without further addition and that therefore it was impossible to show that
any unknown factor was responsible for the scurvy symptoms. McCollum also
reported that the guinea pig could develop scurvy even when his diet was
supplemented with fresh milk and since milk was a complete food it
followed that the cause of the disease must be sought outside of dietary

Examination of guinea pigs that died of scurvy showed that the cecum was
always full of putrefying feces. This observation suggested that the
mechanical difficulty these animals have in removing feces from this part
of the digestive tract might have something to do with the disease.
McCollum and his workers were confirmed in their views by the excellent
results that followed the use of a mineral oil as a laxative. Another
piece of evidence they gave for their views was that when animals were fed
on oats and milk the onset of the scurvy could be delayed by merely adding
the cathartic, phenolphthalein, to the mixture. They met the argument of
the curative power of orange juice by preparing an artificial juice of
citric acid, inorganic salts and cane sugar and showing that this
synthetic mixture which held only known substances was capable of
protecting animals from scurvy over a long period of time. Without going
further into the evidence presented by these workers McCollum was
sufficiently convinced of the correctness of his own views to not only
state them in his researches but to set them forth at length for public
information in his book entitled _The Newer Knowledge of Nutrition_.
In spite of all this evidence his views failed to convince the holders of
the vitamine hypothesis. Harden and Zilva and Chick and Hume in England
freely criticised his conclusions because whole milk was used in his
experiments and no attention paid to the amounts eaten. It was then well
known that if enough whole milk is eaten scurvy will not develop. Cohen
and Mendel autopsied normal guinea pigs and found that the cecum was
nearly always full of feces. On the other hand in autopsies of many pigs
dead from scurvy only one-fourth were found to show the impaction of feces
claimed by McCollum as cause of the disease. Milk is constipating to
guinea pigs. Large amounts of milk should therefore have increased scurvy
if the cause stated by McCollum was the real one. On the contrary large
amounts of milk prevented scurvy and small doses permitted it to develop.
The use of coarse materials as a preventative of constipation failed to
prevent scurvy onset. Hess and Unger found that cod-liver oil and liquid
petrolatum prevented constipation but failed to prevent scurvy.

The attack on the McCollum view continued from various quarters. Chick and
Hume in England examined his grain and milk fed series and showed that
those receiving much milk and little grain recovered while those on the
reverse diet died. They held that all guinea pigs with scurvy become
constipated regardless of the diet. They gave large quantities of dried
vegetables well cooked in water, in order to provide bulk, but this did
not prevent scurvy and neither did the use of mineral oil. Hess found that
in infants with scurvy there is a history of constipation but that while
potatoes which are not laxative cure scurvy, malt soups which are laxative
permit its development. He found that scurvy in infants is relieved by
amounts of orange juice entirely too small to have a marked laxative
action and was unable to secure cures with McCollum's artificial orange
juice. The most convincing argument was the discovery that orange juice
administered intravenously still exerted a curative action which could not
in any way be laid to its effect on constipation.

To these attacks McCollum's co-worker, Pitz, suggested a new hypothesis.

It was well known that in rats and man the intestinal flora can be changed
from a putrefactive form to a non-putrefactive type by feeding milk sugar
or lactose. If this were true, as was admitted by all, and the scurvy due
to the absorption of putrefactive products, this absorption might still be
the causal factor whether constipation was present or absent. To determine
this point he fed his guinea pigs on oatmeal to which he added a
carbohydrate diet. When the carbohydrate was lactose he was able to cure
and prevent scurvy. This evidence was not considered convincing, however,
since in his experiments milk was given freely. Furthermore, Cohen and
Mendel demonstrated that in their experiments pure lactose neither
prevented nor cured scurvy while Harden and Zilva could find no
antiscorbutic value in either cane sugar, fructose, or sirup. These
authors believed and stated that Pitz's results were entirely attributable
to the free use of raw milk.

As this milk factor came increasingly to the attention in the controversy

it was natural that students began to re�xamine this product more
carefully. The vitamine advocates at first believed that its potency as an
antiscorbutic was of course due to the vitamines already found present
therein, viz., the "A" or the "B." But there began to be difficulties with
this view. Hess found that eggs and cod-liver oil, both rich in "A" were
of no value as scurvy cures. These experiments eliminated the "A" as the
curative factor. Cohen and Mendel used a mixture of yeast and butter in
their experiments without success. These experiments threw doubt on the
"B" as a curative factor. Studies in heated milk had also shown that the
scurvy curing power was destroyed by such procedures as heating and that
pasteurized milk was not as good as raw milk. This heating on the other
hand did not destroy the antineuritic power of the milk nor its growth-
stimulating properties. The combined result of all these studies was to
eliminate both the "A" and the "B" as the vitamines with antiscorbutic
power without suggesting a better hypothesis than McCollum's.

Gradually, however, it became evident that while scurvy is not prevented

by either of these vitamines Funk's hypothesis and Holst and Fr�hlich's
experimental evidence was correct and McCollum's view wrong. The answer
lay in the discovery of a third vitamine, water-soluble like "B" but
otherwise of entirely different behavior and properties. J. C. Drummond of
England finally suggested its inclusion in the family and the name water-
soluble "C." As soon as its presence was admitted and its properties
roughly determined the way was opened to development of the antiscorbutic
vitamine hypothesis and that has now proceeded as rapidly as in the other
fields. During the past year many contributions have been made in this
field. Sherman, La Mer, and Campbell have recently published results that
have taught us much about the measurement of this new member and its
manipulation in experimental study of scurvy.

The year 1920, then, has brought us to a recognition of at least three

members of the family. Still more recently another deficiency disease has
been under investigation and Hess has found in cod-liver oil a remedy for
rickets that he cannot believe owes its efficiency to the "A" type.
Mellanby of England believes the "A" vitamine is the preventive factor in
this disease but Hess's results at least suggest the possibility that the
antirachitic vitamine may be separate and distinct from any of those yet
named, possibly vitamine "D?" Others are beginning to doubt the identity
of the rat growth promoter and the beri-beri curing complexes and feel
that the "B" itself may be the name of a group instead of a single entity.
All of these features make one feel uncertain to say the least, as to the
limits of this vitamine family or of the future possibilities but enough
has been given to indicate the historical development to date and we can
now turn to more special features of the subject and their bearing on
every day affairs.



The discovery of the existence of an unknown substance is naturally a

stimulation to investigation of its nature. In the case of the vitamines
we have many researches to this end but extremely meagre results. We are
today actually no nearer the goal of identification than we were in 1911
when Funk published his studies on the beri-beri curing type. In brief, we
do not know what a vitamine is. Nevertheless, it will be of interest to
the student to review the attempts that have been made to isolate these
substances for such attempts must furnish the starting point for further
studies and their description will help to make clear the nature of the
problem involved.
The most extensive investigations have dealt with the first type
discovered, namely the vitamine "B" or Funk antineuritic type. In 1911
Cooper and Funk found that the alcoholic extract of rice polishings could
be precipitated with phosphotungstic acid and that this procedure
permitted them to obtain a fraction that was particularly potent and free
from proteins, carbohydrates, and phosphorus. Funk carried this
investigation farther and fractioned the phosphotungstic acid precipitate
with silver nitrate, following the usual procedure for separating
nitrogenous bases. From the silver-nitrate baryta fraction he obtained a
crystalline complex melting at 233�C. to which he gave the formula
C_17H_20O_7N_2. This substance was curative for pigeons and the
fractioning process was applied by him to yeast and other foodstuffs with
similar results. From these results Funk believed the vitamine to belong
to a class of substances known as the pyrimidine bases. Later, when
working with Drummond, Funk was forced to admit that his crystalline
complex was not the pure substance, as analysis showed that it contained
large amounts of nicotinic acid. His product might well be considered as
nicotinic acid contaminated with vitamines.

Suzuki, Shimamura and Odake also used the phosphotungstic precipitation

method and claimed to have prepared the crystalline antineuritic substance
which they called oryzanin in the form of a crystalline picrate. Drummond
and Funk repeated this work, but were unable to confirm the Japanese
results. A group of British chemists (Edie, Evans, Moore, Simpson and
Webster) obtained an active fraction from yeast and succeeded in
separating this into a crystalline basic member belonging to the
pyrimidine group which they called _torulin_.

None of these three preparations have stood the test of analysis however
and their curative properties seem to lie in their greater or less
contamination with the actual substance, whatever it is. Numerous
modifications of the fundamental method for extracting the substance have
been planned and executed. Funk for example has shown that if the
phosphotungstic precipitate is treated with acetone it is possible to
separate it into an acetone soluble and an acetone-insoluble fraction and
that the curative fraction is in the latter. McCollum has reported that
while ether, benzene and acetone cannot be used to extract the B vitamine
from its source, benzene, (and to a slight extent acetone) will dissolve
the vitamine if it is first deposited from an alcohol extract on dextrin.
These observations have not yielded any further clew to the nature of the

Recently Osborne and Wakeman have proposed a modification which yields a

concentrate of high potency. Their method is to add fresh yeast to
slightly acidified boiling water and continue the boiling for about five
minutes. This process coagulates the proteins that are present and permits
their removal by filtration. The protein-free filtrate appears to contain
all of the vitamine originally present in the yeast but attempts to
precipitate the vitamine fractionally from the evaporated filtrate by
means of increasing concentration of added alcohol has been only partially
successful. The method however yields a concentrated extract, and Harris
has made use of this process to prepare tablets for medicinal purposes.

Seidell and Williams some time ago devised a procedure which seemed to
give promise of good results. Their discovery was that when a filtrate
from autolysed yeast is prepared, rich in the vitamine, and is shaken with
a specially activated fuller's earth (the preparation produced by Lloyd
and known as Lloyd's reagent has this power) in a proportion of 50 grams
to the liter of extract the vitamine is absorbed by the earth and when the
latter is filtered off it carries the vitamine with it. In their process
they shake the mixture for about one-half hour and then remove the earth
by filtration. Analysis of the yeast liquor after the extraction shows it
to contain practically the same solids as originally present but to have
lost practically all its vitamine. The latter is firmly attached to the
earth and repeated washing with water fails to remove any appreciable
amount of vitamine from it. Furthermore the vitamine-activated fuller's
earth retains its active vitamine properties for at least a period of two
years. Large amounts of the vitamine can be accumulated in this way and
when fed to animals or infants the vitamine is liberated physiologically
and produces the usual effects of a vitamine extract. When this discovery
was made the discoverers thought that in the fuller's earth they had a
means for arriving at the identification of the substance but attempts to
recover the vitamine from the earth developed unexpected difficulties.
Acids were found to split it off but they also split off aluminium
compounds and left an impure mixture little better than the original
extract for study. By using a dilute alkali they were able to obtain the
substance without aluminium contaminations and by this method they
actually obtained some microscopic fibrous needles which were curative.
These needles however on recrystallization resulted in the production of
a compound contaminated with adenin or rather in adenin contaminated with
the curative substance and on standing for some time the adenin crystals
gradually lost their curative power. These results led Williams to suggest
an interesting hypothesis. By experiments conducted with the hydroxy-
pyridines he believed that he had demonstrated a relation between
tautomerism or changed space relations in these sort of substances and
curative properties. He states his view as follows:

The vitamines contain one or more groups of atoms constituting nuclei in

which the curative properties are resident. In a free state these nuclei
possess the vitamine activity but under ordinary conditions are
spontaneously transformed into isomers which do not possess an
antineuritic power. The complementary substances or substituent groups
with which these nuclei are more or less firmly combined in nature exert a
stabilizing and perhaps otherwise favorable influence on the curative
nucleus, but do not themselves possess the vitamine type of physiological
potency. Accordingly it is believed that while partial cleavage of the
vitamines may result only in a modification of their physiological
properties, by certain means disruption may go so far as to effect a
complete separation of nucleus and stabilizer, and if it does so will be
followed by a loss of curative power due to isomerism. The basis for the
assumption that an isomerization constitutes the final and physiologically
most significant step in the inactivation of a vitamine is found in the
studies of synthetic antineuritic products. This assumption is supported
by evidence ... of the existence of such isomerism in the crystalline
antineuritic substances obtainable from brewer's yeast.

According to this view the active adenin obtained was not a contamination
but an inactive isomer of the active substance. The hydroxy-betaines which
Williams prepared in defense of his theory have been repeatedly tested but
have in general failed to confirm his view which stands today as an
interesting suggestion but without confirmatory evidence. Other attempts
by these authors to fraction their alkaline extract of fuller's earth have
been unsuccessful. It is of course well known that alkali acts upon the
vitamine destructively. On this account the authors of this method operate
as rapidly as possible and restore the alkali extract to a neutral or acid
medium quickly. The aqueous extract obtained from the earth in this manner
has been shown by Seidell to possess only about one-half of the vitamine
originally present in the solid but the vitamine in it is shown to be
fairly stable. Seidell has not yet determined how long it remains so.
Attempts to recover the vitamine from such aqueous solutions have however
totally failed to date. To quote Seidell from a recent publication:

By careful evaporation of the solution the products successively obtained

show more or less activity by physiological tests but in no case does the
resulting material possess the appearance or character which a pure
product would be expected to show. Solvents such as benzene, ethylacetate
and chloroform fail to effect a separation of active from inactive
material. In all fractioning operations the vitamine tends to distribute
itself between the fractious rather than to become concentrated in one or
the other.

The difficulties encountered by Seidell in this fractioning study have led

him to adopt Walsche's idea that vitamines are of the nature of enzymes
and hence present all the difficulties of identification and isolation of
those substances.

During 1920 Myers and Voegtlin attacked the problem. They have made a
discovery that is useful as a separatory process. This that the "B"
vitamine is not only soluble in water, but also olive oil and in oleic
acid. By shaking an autolysed yeast extract with those solvents in the
proportion of 1 cc. of solvent to which 4 cc. of extract the vitamine
passes into the oil. When this activated oil is filtered and taken up with
eight to ten volumes of ether it in possible to concentrate the ether
extract in vacuo and extract from it with 0.1 per cent. HCl an active
fraction. Aside from this observation however nothing further has been
reported and the possibility of this method of concentration remains yet
to be exploited. They did report other methods of fractioning which
yielded crystals but failed to produce a pure active substance. Those
results add nothing to what has been previously reported except a new
method of fractioning and the elimination of the following substances as
contributing nothing to vitamine activity (purines, histidine, proteins
and albumoses). The crystals they obtained wore contaminated with

The World War has prevented full knowledge of the work of the German
investigators but nothing has appeared that indicates any progress in this
field with the exception of a paper by Aberhalden and Schaumann and some
work by Hofmeister. The Aberhalden paper yields no new data of any moment
and no active substances in pure condition are reported. The reports from
Hofmeister are to the effect that he has isolated a very active solution
belonging to the pyrimidine series. It yields a crystalline hydrochloride
and double salt with gold chloride and has given it the formula

The author ban recently been able to obtain a concentrate vitamine from an
extract of alfalfa or autolysed yeast with the aid of a carbon specially
activated by McKee of Columbia University for the adsorption of basic
substance. This adsorbent has been found quite as effective as the
fuller's earth and it is possible to recover the vitamine from the carbon
with treatment by acid. Glacial acetic and heat are especially favorable
for this process. The study of this concentrate has not, however, yet
reached a stage where it contributes any real data on the subject but
merely provides another method for forming concentrates.
If we were to characterize the present status of the search for the "B"
type it might be said to have resolved itself into obtaining concentrates
of high potency as the first step in the process and this type of
investigation is now going on in many laboratories.

If the data is then meagre in the field of the "B" vitamine it is still
more limited in the case of the "A" and the "C." One of the earliest
difficulties encountered in the study of the "A" vitamine was the failure
of fat solvents to extract the material from its richest vegetable
sources. If butter or egg yolk is extracted with ether, the fat obtained
is rich in the "A" vitamine. If, however, ether-extraction is applied to
green leaves or seeds it removes the oils but these oils contain little or
no vitamine. Pressing methods also fail to remove the substance from
vegetable sources. For example, if we press or extract cotton seed we
obtain the oil but the vitamine is retained in the press cake. McCollum
suggested the following explanation for this behavior. His idea is that
the "A" vitamine while soluble in fat is so bound up in the vegetable
source that extraction methods fail to loosen it. When these vegetables
are eaten the vitamine is set free in the process of digestion and being
fat-soluble passes into solution in the animal fats. Hence, when these
fats contain it in solution, they retain it in the process of extraction
while, lacking this separatory process, ether fails to loosen it from the
vegetable binding. Recently, however, Osborne and Mendel have presented
data in regard to this binding and shown that if for ether we substitute
an ether-alcohol mixture the removal of the "A" with the fat is fairly
complete even from vegetable sources. They advance the idea that
preliminary treatment with alcohol is a process which will materially
assist in breaking the attachment of the vitamine and render its removal
with the fat solvent effective. Butter-fat rich in the "A" vitamine has
been conclusively shown to be free of nitrogen and phosphorus and it is
generally assumed that the "A" vitamine is a nitrogen-free and phosphorus
free compound. Further than that however we know nothing of its nature.

Concerning the "C" we know only that it is like the "B," water-soluble and
we know somewhat of its properties, but nothing of its chemical nature.

One of the greatest difficulties still encountered in the study of

chemical fractions is the delay in identification of the active portion.
For this purpose we must rely on tests that are far from delicate and
time-consuming to a degree. As a result the study of only a few fractions
must extend over long periods of time with all the cumulation of
difficulties in the way of change in material, etc. that this delay
implies. An idea of these difficulties can best be obtained by a review of
our present methods for vitamine testing and these methods constitute the
subject matter of the next chapter.



It will be evident that in the absence of exact tests for a substance

which is unknown chemically the problem of detecting its presence must be
a matter of indirect evidence. When a chemist is presented with a solution
and asked to determine the presence or absence of lead in that solution he
knows what he is seeking, what its properties are and how to proceed to
not only determine its presence but to measure exactly the amount present.
No such possibility is present in a test for vitamines, but this lack of
knowledge as to the vitamine structure has not left us helpless. We do
know enough of its action to permit us to detect its presence and the
technique that has been developed for this purpose is now well
standardized and involves no mysteries beyond the comprehension of the
layman. In the present chapter is outlined the development of vitamine
testing together with a discussion of some of the deficiencies and the
problems for the future that these deficiencies suggest.

When Casimir Funk made his original studies of the chemical fractions of
an alcohol extract of rice polishings he utilized a discovery of the Dutch
chemist Eijkman. We have already referred to this discovery, viz., that by
feeding polished rice to fowls or pigeons they could be made to develop a
polyneuritis which is identical in symptoms and in response to the
curative action of vitamine, to the beri-beri disease. A normal pigeon can
be made to eat enough rice normally to develop the disease in about three
weeks. The interval can be somewhat shortened by forced feeding. As soon
as the symptoms develop the bird is ready to serve as a test for the
presence or absence of the antineuritic vitamine. If at this time we have
an unknown substance to test it can be administered by pushing down the
throat or mixed with the food or an extract can be made and administered
intravenously. If the dose is curative, the bird will show the effect by
prompt recovery from all the symptoms of the disease in as short a time as
six to eight hours. Such a procedure provides a qualitative test which can
be made roughly quantitative by varying the dosage until an amount, just
necessary to cure the bird in a given time is found and then expressing
the vitamine content of the food in terms of this dosage, in such an
experiment the value is obviously based on the curative powers of the
vitamine source. Another way of applying the test is to determine just how
much of the unknown must be added to a diet of polished rice to prevent
the onset of polyneuritic symptoms. Such a determination will give the
content in terms of preventive dosage. Both methods have been extensively
applied and the following tables compiled from the Report of the British
Medical Research Committee illustrate both the method and some of its

_Minimum daily ration that must be added to a diet of polished rice to

prevent and to cure polyneuritis in a pigeon of 300 to 400 grams in
weight. The weights are given in terms of the natural foodstuff._

| |
_grams_ | | _grams_
1.5 | Wheat germ (raw) | 2.5
2.5 | Pressed yeast | 3.0-6.0[1]
3.0 | Egg yolk | 60.0[2]
20.0 | Beef muscle | 140.0[2]
3.0 | Dried lentils | 20.0[2]

[Footnote 1: Autolysed.]
[Footnote 2: Alcohol extract.]

These values illustrate both the method and its value in comparing
sources. Unfortunately experience has shown that polyneuritis is amenable
to other curative agents to a greater or less extent and it is difficult
to be sure whether the curative or preventive dose represents merely the
vitamine content of the unknown or is the sum of all the factors present
in the curative or preventive material. In comparing the value of
different chemical fractions it probably gives a fair enough basis for
evaluating their relative power but it is not entirely satisfactory as a
quantitive measure of vitamine content.

In America the comparison of vitamine content has been largely based on

feeding experiments with the white rat. No other animal has been so well
standardized as this one. Dr. Henry Donaldson of the Wistar Institute of
Philadelphia has brought together into a book entitled _The Rat_ the
accumulated record of that Institution bearing on this animal. This book
provides standards for animal comparisons from every view point; weight
relation to age, size and age, weight of organs and age, sex and age and
weight, etc. This book together with the experience of many workers as
they appear in the literature and especially the observations of Osborne
and Mendel have made the rat an extremely reliable animal upon which to
base comparative data. The omnivorous appetite of the animal, his ready
adjustment to confinement, his relatively short life span, all contribute
to his selection for experimental feeding tests. Another important reason
for his selection is that being a mammal we may reasonably consider that
his reactions to foods will be more typical of the human response than
would another type, the bird for example. It is perhaps necessary to sound
a warning here, however, and point out the danger of too great faith in
this comparability of rat and man or in fact of any animal with man. In
the case of the rat he has been found useless for the study of "C"
vitamine for the simple reason that rats do not have scurvy. In general
however his food responses to the vitamines, at least of the "A" and "B"
types, have proved, so far as they have been confirmed by infant feeding,
to be reasonably comparable.

Provided with the experimental animal the next step was to devise a basal
diet which should be complete for growth in every particular except
vitamines. Such basal diets have been a process of development. The
requirements for such a diet are the following factors:

1. It must be adequate to supply the necessary calories when eaten in

amounts normal to the rat's consumption.

2. It must contain the kinds of nutrients that go to make up an adequate

diet and in the percents suitable for this purpose.

3. It must contain proteins whose quality is adequate, for growth, i.e.,

which contain the kinds and amounts of amino acids known to fulfil this

4. It must be digestible and palatable.



These are manufactured by the Herpich Co. of New Haven, Conn.]

5. It must be capable of being supplemented by either or both vitamines

in response to the particular test it is devised to meet and when both are
present in proper amounts it must produce normal growth and serve as a



The cages being bottomless are readily cleaned. They are set on circles of
wire mesh over galvanized iron funnels permitting urine and feces to pass
through. A second screen over the collecting cup and of fine mesh
separates the feces from urine and also collects scattered food.]

In building up such a diet many experiments have been combined and thanks
largely to the efforts of Osborne and Mendel and McCollum in this country,
we have a thoroughly standardized procedure even extending to types of
cages and care best suited to normal growth and development. For clearer
appreciation of the nature of these diets and their preparation we have
summarized in the following pages the combinations used by the principal
contributors to the subject in this country.



The dial is so made that it can be set to counterbalance the weight of the
cage and the weights read directly. This is also used for weighing food.]


It is at once obvious from the table that the testing value of these basal
diets demands the absence of the two vitamines in the protein,
carbohydrates and fat fractions. To make sure of this absence various
methods have be devised to attain the maximum purity. The authors
recommend the following procedure:

_a_. To purify the casein or other protein used. Boil the protein
three successive times (it is assumed that the original is already as pure
as it is possible to obtain it by the usual methods of preparation) for an
hour each time, with absolute alcohol, using a reflux condenser to prevent
loss of alcohol. Filter off the alcohol each time by suction. This process
will take off all the adherent fat and hence all the "A" vitamine that
might be present. The casein is then dried and ready for use. In certain
experiments the authors use meat residues instead of a single protein.
This they prepare as follows: Fresh lean round of beef is run through a
meat chopper and then ground to a paste in a Nixtamal mill, stirred into
twice its weight of water and boiled a few minutes. The solid residue is
then strained, using cheese cloth, pressed in the hydraulic press and the
cake stirred into a large quantity of boiling water. After repeating this
process of washing with hot water the extracted residue is rapidly dried
in a current of air at about 60�C. This dried residue may then be further
purified with the absolute alcohol treatment as described for casein.

_b_. To purify the carbohydrate they treat starch in exactly the same
way as the casein.

_c_. To purify the lard. This is melted and poured into absolute
alcohol previously heated to 60�C., cooled over night and filtered by
suction. This process is repeated three times and the resulting solids
dried in a casserole over a steam bath.

_d_. When butter fat is used to provide a source of "A" vitamine it

is prepared as follows: Butter is melted in a flask on a water bath at
45�C. and then centrifugated for an hour at high speed. This results in a
separation of the mixture into three layers: (a) Clear fat, containing the
"A" vitamine and consisting of 82 to 83 per cent glycerides. This is
siphoned off and provides the butter fat named in the diets, (b) An
aqueous opalescent layer consisting of water and some of the water-soluble
constituents of the milk. This is rejected. (c) A white solid mass
consisting of cells, bacteria, calcium phosphate and casein particles.
This is also rejected.

_Osborne and Mendel's diet_

(Figures give the per cent of each ingredient in the diet)

| | |
| | | | | | | |
| I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII |
Purified protein as casein, | | | | | | | |
lactalbumin, edestin, egg | | | | | | | |
albumin, etc. . . . . . . | 18.0|18.0 | | 18.0| 18.0| 18.0| |
or Meat residue . . . . . | | | 19.6| | | |19.6 |
| | | | | | | |
Carbohydrates in the form of: | | | | | | | |
Starch . . . . . . . . . . . | 29.5| 54.0| 52.4| 29.5| 54.0| 54.0| 52.4|
Sucrose . . . . . . . . . . . | 15.0| | | 15.0| | | |
| | | | | | | |
Fat in the form of: | | | | | | | |
Lard . . . . . . . . . . . | 30.0| 24.0| 24.0| 15.0| 15.0| 15.0| 15.0|
Butter fat . . . . . . . . . | | | | 15.0| 9.0| | 9.0|
Egg yolk fat . . . . . . . . | | | | | | 9.0| |
Cod liver oil . . . . . . . . | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Salts in the form of: | | | | | | | |
Salt mixture I . . . . . . . | 2.5| | | 2.5| | | |
or Artificial protein-free | | | | | | | |
milk (Mixt. IV) . . . . . . | | 4.0| 4.0| | 4.0| 4.0| 4.0|
or Protein-free milk . . . | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Roughage in the form of: | | | | | | | |
Agar-agar . . . . . . . . . . | 5.0| | | 5.0| | | |
| | | | | | | |
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . |100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0|

| |
| | | | | | |
Purified protein as casein, | | | | | | |
lactalbumin, edestin, egg | | | | | | |
albumin, etc. . . . . . . | 18.0|18.0 | 18.0| 18.0| | 18.0| 18.0
or Meat residue . . . . . | | | | | 19.6| |
| | | | | | |
Carbohydrates in the form of: | | | | | | |
Starch . . . . . . . . . . . | 45.0| 45.0| 29.5| 54.0| 52.4| 26.0| 29.0
Sucrose . . . . . . . . . . . | | | 15.0| | | |
| | | | | | |
Fat in the form of: | | | | | | |
Lard . . . . . . . . . . . | 15.0| 27.0| 30.0| 24.0| 24.0| 28.0| 25.0
Butter fat . . . . . . . . . | | | | | | |
Egg yolk fat . . . . . . . . | | | | | | |
Cod liver oil . . . . . . . . | 18.0| 6.0| | | | |
| | | | | | |
Salts in the form of: | | | | | | |
Salt mixture I . . . . . . . | | | 2.5| | | |
or Artificial protein-free | | | | | | |
milk (Mixt. IV) . . . . . . | 4.0| 4.0| | 4.0| 4.0| |
or Protein-free milk . . . | | | | | | 28.0| 28.0
| | | | | | |
Roughage in the form of: | | | | | | |
Agar-agar . . . . . . . . . . | | | 5.0| | | |
| | |
| | | Fed Daily
| | |_____________________________
"B" vitamine in the form of: | | | | | | |
| | | 0.2 | 0.4 | 0.2 | 0.04|
| | | to | gram| to | gram|
Dried brewers' yeast | | | 0.6 | | 0.6 | |
| | | gram| | gram| |
| | | | | | |
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . |100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0|100.0

[_Note_. Diets I, III and X have been practically discontinued at the

present time. Diets II, V and XI are standard. For data on salt mixtures
see Osborne, T. B. and Mendel, J. B. The inorganic elements in nutrition,
Jour. Biol. Chem. 1918, xxxiv, 131.]

_Salt mixture I (after Rohman)_

Ca_3(PO_4)_2 . . . . . 10.00
K_2HPO_4 . . . . . . . 37.00
NaCl . . . . . . . . . 20.00
Na citrate . . . . . . 15.00
Mg citrate . . . . . . 8.00
Ca lactate . . . . . . 8.00
Fe citrate . . . . . . 3.00

Total . . . . . . . . 100.00

_Artificial protein-free milk_

CaCO_3 . . . . . . . . 134.8
MgCO_3 . . . . . . . . 24.2
Na_2CO_3 . . . . . . . 34.2
K_2CO_3 . . . . . . . . 141.3
H_3PO_4 . . . . . . . . 103.2
HCl . . . . . . . . . . 53.4
H_2SO_4 . . . . . . . . 9.2
Citric acid: H_2O . . . 111.1
Fe citrate: 1.5H_2O . . 6.34
KI . . . . . . . . . . 0.020
MnSO_4 . . . . . . . . 0.079
NaF . . . . . . . . . . 0.248
K_2Al_2(SO_4)_2 . . . . 0.0245

[N.B.--The ingredients of the artificial protein-free milk are mixed as

follows: Making proper allowance for the water in the chemicals the acids
are first mixed and the carbonates and citrates added. The traces of KI,
MnSO_4, NaF, and K_2Al_2(SO_4)_4 are then added as solutions of known
concentration. The mixture is then evaporated to dryness in a current of
air at 90 to 100� Centigrade and the residue ground to a fine powder.]

_e_. When brewers' yeast is used as a source of the "B" vitamine it

is first dried over night in an oven at 110�C. and then subjected to the
same purification process as the casein and the starch to remove all
trace of the "A."

The reasons for the special precautions just described have arisen from
some recent work of Daniels and Loughlin who claim that commercial lard
contains enough "A" vitamine to permit rats to grow, reproduce and rear
young. The British authorities explain their results as not due to the
presence of the "A" vitamine in the lard but to a reserve store in the
bodies of the animals. They hold that animals may thus store the "A"
vitamine but that apparently they have no storage powers for the "B" that
are comparable to it. Osborne and Mendel repeated the experiments
described by Daniels and Loughlin, using the purification methods just
described, but failed to obtain similar results with either commercial
lard or with the purified fraction. They question the validity of the
British explanation but at the same time reiterate their belief that even
commercial lard contains no "A" vitamine. Whatever the explanation of this
particular phenomenon it is important that the basal diet be of purified
materials and the methods just described supply the procedure necessary to
attain that end.

Before discussing the application of these diets to vitamine testing,

attention is called to other basal diets developed by McCollum. This
worker has paid especial attention to the deficiencies of the cereal
grains and in particular to their salt deficiencies. In his basal diets,
we find, as would be expected, special combinations particularly suited to
the detection of vitamines in such cereals. McCollum has also devised a
method of extracting substances to obtain their "B" vitamine and of
depositing it on dextrin. For that reason he uses dextrin instead of
starch for his carbohydrate and when he wishes to introduce the "B"
vitamine it can be done by his method without having to recalculate the
carbohydrate component. His method consists of first extracting the source
with ether and discarding this extract. Pure ether will not remove the "B"
vitamine. The residue is then reextracted several times with alcohol and
the alcohol extracts combined. If now these alcohol extracts are
evaporated down on a weighed quantity of dextrin the activated dextrin can
be used not only to supply the carbohydrate of the ration but also to
carry the "B" vitamine of a given source that is under investigation.
McCollum's basal diets and salt mixtures are tabulated in the following

_McCollum's basal diets and salt mixtures_

| | |
| | | | | |
Casein . . . . . . |18.0|18.0|18.0|18.0| 18.0 | Same as the vitamine
Dextrin . . . . . |57.3|56.3|76.3|78.3| 71.3 | free diet
Lactose . . . . . |20.6|20.0| | | | with "B" added
Agar . . . . . . . | 2.0| 2.0| 2.0| | 2.0 | as yeasts as
Salt mixture 185 . | 2.7| 3.7| 3.7| 3.7| 3.7 | in the Mendel
Butter fat . . . . | | | | | 5.0 | diets or as
___________________|____|____|____|____|_________| extracts carried
| on the dextrin.
| In the latter
| case a given
| amount of dextrin
Lactose was later discarded when it was shown | carries the
to be usually contaminated with the "B" vitamine.| extract of a
| known weight
| of the source of
| the "B"

Cereal testing combinations

| | | | | |
Wheat . . . . . . |56.6| | | | 70.0 |
Wheat embryo . . . | |13.3| | | |
Corn . . . . . . . | | |71.3| | |
Oats . . . . . . . | | | |60.0| |
Skim milk powder . | | | | | | 6.0
Dextrin . . . . . |31.5|76.4|18.0|30.3| 20.0 | 81.0
Salt mixture 185 . | | | 3.7| | |
Salt mixture 314 . | | 5.3| | | |
Salt mixture 318 . | 6.9| | | | 5.0 |
Salt mixture 500 . | | | | 4.7| |
Salt mixture ? . . | | | | | | 6.0
Butter fat . . . . | 5.0| 5.0| 5.0| 5.0| 5.0 | 5.0
Agar . . . . . . . | | | 2.0| | | 2.0

Salt mixtures
| | | | | |
INGREDIENTS | 185 | 314 | 318 | 500 | 211 | ?
| | | | | |
| grams | grams | grams | grams | grams | grams
| | | | | |
NaCl . . . . . . . . . . . | 0.173 | 1.067 | 1.400 | 0.5148| 0.520 | 15.00
MgSO_4 anhydrous . . . . . | 0.266 | | | | | 1.90
Na_2HPO_4:H_2O . . . . . . | 0.347 | | | | |
K_2HPO_4 . . . . . . . . . | 0.954 | 3.016 | 2.531 | 0.3113| | 34.22
CaH_4(PO_4)_2:H2O . . . . | 0.540 | | | | 0.276 | 0.89
Ca lactate . . . . . . . . | 1.300 | 5.553 | 7.058 | 2.8780| 1.971 | 57.02
Ferrous lactate . . . . . | 0.118 | | | | |
K citrate:H_2O . . . . . . | | 0.203 | 0.710 | 0.5562| 0.799 |
Na citrate anhydrous . . . | | | | | | 3.70
Ferric citrate . . . . . . | | 0.100 | | | | 2.00
Mg citrate . . . . . . . . | | | | | | 7.00
CaCl_2 . . . . . . . . . . | | 0.386 | | 0.2569| |
CaSO_4:2H_2O . . . . . . . | | 0.381 | 0.578 | | |
Fe acetate . . . . . . . . | | | | | 0.100 |

These diets fall as shown, into two classes. The first group correspond to
those of Osborne and Mendel and are available for general testing of any
unknown. The cereal combinations are so constituted that all deficiencies
of salts are covered and the proportions of the cereal are so selected as
to provide the right proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrate. By
adding enough butter fat to supply the "A" the deficiency in the "B" can
be tested and by adjusting the amounts of "B" on the dextrin the cereal
deficiency in this vitamine can be obtained. It is obvious that by
substituting lard for the butter fat one could use the same mixture
properly supplemented with the "B" to determine the "A" deficiencies of
the wheat.

The most prominent worker in the field of the "A" vitamine measurement in
America is Steenbock. His basal diets are a combination of those already

_Steenbock's basal diets_

per cent
Casein (washed with water containing acetic acid) . . . . . 18.0
Dextrin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.3
Ether extracted wheat embryo as source of vitamine "B" . . . 3.0
Salt mixture (McCollum, no. 185) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7
Agar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0

This was his original basal diet but later he modified it by adopting the
McCollum method of carrying his "B" vitamine on the dextrin. This was
usually the alcohol extract of 20 grams of wheat embryo. In the following
diets the presence of this extract is indicated by the letter (x)
following the dextrin.

| | | | | |
INGREDIENTS | | | | | |
| | | | | |
Casein . . . . . . . . . | 18.0 | 18.0 | 16.0 | 18.0 | 16.0 | 12.0
Salt 185. . . . . . . . . | 4.0 | 4.0 | | | |
Salt 32 . . . . . . . . . | | | 4.0 | 4.0 | 2.0 | 2.0
Salt 35 . . . . . . . . . | | | | | 2.5 | 2.5
Dextrin (x) . . . . . . . | 76.0 | 71.0 | 78.0 | 57.0 | |
Butter fat . . . . . . . | | 5.0 | | 5.0 | |
Beets . . . . . . . . . . | | | | 15.0 | |
Potatoes . . . . . . . . | | | | | 79.5 |
Dasheens . . . . . . . . | | | | | | 83.5
Agar . . . . . . . . . . | 2.0 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 1.0 | |

_Steenbock's salt mixtures_

McCollum's no. 185; see page 44.

No. 32 consisted of: _grams_
NaCl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.202
Anhydrous MgSO_4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.311
K_2HPO_4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.115
Ca lactate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.289
Na_2HPO_4:l2H_2O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.526
Ca_2H_2(PO_4)_2:H_2O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.116
Fe citrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.138
No. 35 consisted of:
NaCl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00
CaCO_3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5

The very nature of these basal diets suggests their use. In general
however their utilization for testing purposes is based on the following
principles: Since the basal diet supplies all the requirements of a food
except the vitamine for which one is testing, it is simply necessary to
add the unknown substance as a given percent of the diet and observe the
results. If the amount added is small it is assumed that its addition will
not appreciably effect the optimum concentrations of nutrients, etc., and
for such experiments no allowances are made for the constituents in the
unknown. For example let us assume that we wish to test the value of a
yeast cake as a source of "B" vitamine. We first select a sufficient
member of rats of about thirty days age to insure protection from
individual variations in the animals. The age given is taken as an age
when the rats have been weaned and are capable of development away from
the mother and as furnishing the period of most active growth. These rats
are now placed on one of the basal diets which in this case supplies all
the requirements except the "B" vitamine. In this experiment any of the
diets of Osborne and Mendel or of McCollum will do that have been labelled
"A" _only_. After a week or so on this diet they will have cleared
the system of the influence of previous diets and their weight curves will
be either horizontal or declining. If now we make the diet consist of this
basal diet plus say 5 per cent of yeast cake, the weight curve for the
next few weeks will show whether that amount supplies enough for normal
growth, comparison being made with the normal weight curve for a rat of
that age.

In this method it is assumed that the amount of yeast cake added will not
derange the proportions of protein fat, etc., in the basal diet enough to
affect optimum conditions in these respects. This is a curative type of
experiment. If we wish to develop a preventive experiment the yeast cake
may be incorporated in the diet from the first and the amount necessary to
prevent deviation from the normal curve determined. Both methods are
utilized, the one checking the other. If however the amount of the
substance necessary to supply the vitamine required for normal development
is large such addition would of course disturb the proportions of
nutrients in the normal diet and in that case analysis must be made of the
substance tested to determine its protein, fat, carbohydrate and salt
content and the basal diet corrected from this viewpoint so as to retain
the optimum proportions of these factors. McCollum's cereal testing
combinations are illustrative of such methods applied to cereals. Still
another method is to add a small per cent. of the unknown and then add
just enough of the vitamine tested to make sure that normal growth
results. Such a method gives the results in terms of a known vitamine
carrier. For example, if we add to a basal diet, sufficient in all but the
"A" vitamine (Steenbock's mixture for example), a small per cent of a
substance whose content in "A" is unknown and note that growth fails to
result we can then add butter fat until the amount just produces normal
growth. If now we know just what amount of butter fat suffices for this
purpose when used alone we can calculate the part of the butter which is
replaced by the per cent of unknown used. To put this in terms of figures
will perhaps make the idea clearer. Let us assume that 5 per cent of
butter fat in a given diet is sufficient to supply the "A" necessary for
normal growth. Assume that the addition of 5 grams of the unknown in 100
grams of the butter-free diet fails to produce normal growth but that by
adding 2 per cent of butter fat normal growth is reached. It is obvious
under these conditions that 5 grams of the unknown is equivalent in "A"
vitamine content to 5 minus 2 grams of butter fat, i.e., is equivalent to
3 grams of butter fat or expressed in per cents the substance contains 0.6
or 60 per cent of the "A" found in pure butter fat.

Experience has shown that it is dangerous to draw conclusions from

experiments of too short duration or to base them on too few animals. For
complete data the experiments should be carried through the complete life
cycle of the rat, including the reproductive period. Otherwise it may turn
out that the amount in the unknown while apparently sufficient for normal
growths is incapable of sustaining the drain made in reproduction. It is
this consideration that makes the accumulation of authoritative data on
vitamine contents of foodstuffs so slow and tedious and one of the reasons
why we lack satisfactory tables in this particular at present. Osborne and
Mendel raise another point of methodology and believe that more accurate
results will be obtained if the source of the vitamine is fed separately
than if mixed with the basal diet. It is easily possible that since one of
the effects of lack of vitamine, especially of the "B" type, is poor
appetite, the amount necessary to produce normal growth may be smaller
than would appear from results obtained by mixing it in the basal diet.
When so mixed the animals do not get enough to maintain appetite and
really decline because they do not eat enough rather than because the
amount of vitamine given is inadequate to growth. Details of this kind are
matters however that particularly concern the experimentalist and as our
purpose here is to merely describe the methodology we may perhaps turn now
to other types of testing. Before doing so it is perhaps unnecessary to
suggest that in all experiments it is important that the food intake
consumed be measured. Also that in all such experimentation it is
necessary to run controls on a complete diet rather than to rely too much
on standard figures. For this latter purpose it is merely necessary to add
to the basal diets the "A" as butter fat and the "B" as dried yeast or
otherwise to make them complete. Various special mixtures have been tested
out for this purpose and the data already presented supplies the
information necessary to construct such control diets. Professor Sherman
has given me the following as a control diet on which he has raised rats
at normal growth rate to the fifth generation:

One-third by weight of whole milk powder.

Two-thirds by weight of ground whole wheat.
Add to the mixture an amount of NaCl equal to 2 per cent of the weight
of the wheat.
A control mixture based on Osborne and Mendel's data would have the
following components:

Meat residue 19.6 per cent or casein 18 per cent.

Starch 52.4 per cent or 49 per cent.
Lard 15 per cent or 20 per cent.
Artificial protein-free milk 4 per cent.
Butter fat 9 per cent.
Dried yeast 0.2 to 0.6 gram, daily.

The preceding description has applied especially to testing for the

presence of the "A" or the "B" vitamine. When we come to the methods of
testing for the "C" type it is necessary to change our animal. Rats do not
have scurvy but guinea pigs do. The philosophy of the tests for the
antiscorbutic vitamines then will be identical with that of the
polyneuritic methods with pigeons, viz., preventive and curative tests
with guinea pigs. The "C" vitamine is especially sensitive to heat and
this fact enables us to secure a "C" vitamine-free diet. La Mer, Campbell
and Sherman describe their methods as follows:

First select guinea pigs of about 300 to 350 grams weight. Test these with
the basal diet until you secure pigs that will eat the diet. Those that
will not eat it at first are of no use for testing purposes, for a guinea
pig will starve to death rather than eat food he doesn't like. Having
secured pigs that will eat they should on a suitable basal diet die of
acute scurvy in about twenty-eight days. Their basal diet is as follows:

_per cent_
Skim milk powder heated for two hours at 110�C. in an air
bath to destroy the "C" vitamine that might be present. . 30
Butter fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Ground whole oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
NaCl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

They claim that when fruit juice addenda are given in minimal protective
doses and calculated to unit weight bases, the results are comparable in
precision to those of antitoxin experiments.

Old food should be removed every two days and replaced by new, cups being
cleaned at the same time. Since this is a scurvy-producing diet its use is
obvious. We can let the pig develop scurvy on it and then test the
curative powers of the unknown by adding it to the diet or we can add it
to the diet from the first and determine the dose necessary to prevent
scurvy; or we can determine its effect in terms of a known antiscorbutic
such as orange juice by combining it with measured quantities of the
orange juice.

There are other diets that have been given for this purpose, e.g., Holst
and Fr�hlich induced scurvy by restricting animals to an exclusive diet of
cereals (oats or rye or barley or corn). Hess and Unger have used hay,
oats and water given ad libitum. All of these and others are subject to
criticism on the basis that they are not necessarily adequate in other
food factors and may therefore not be fair bases for testing the
antiscorbutic powers of the unknown combined with them. Abels has recently
shown that scurvy increases susceptibility to infections and believes that
the scurvy hemorrhages are brought about by the toxic effects of
infection. It is therefore desirable in testing for antiscorbutic power
that the basal diet be itself as complete as possible in all factors
except the absence of "C."

The study of rickets has already progressed to the stage of calculating

rickets-producing diets and the methodology is identical with that for
scurvy but this phase of testing still lacks evidence of an antirachitic
vitamine and in that uncertainty it is hardly worth while to elaborate
these diets here. The British diets are all based on Mellanby's contention
that the "A" vitamine is the antirachitic vitamine. This view is not yet
accepted by American workers.

In concluding this chapter it is sufficient to state that with our present

methodology the accumulation of data for evaluating the vitamine content
of various foods is still far from satisfactory and from the chemist's
viewpoint the methodology is most unsatisfactory as a means of testing
fractional analyses obtained in the search for the nature of the
substance, both because of the time consumed in a single test and from the
difficulty of using the fractions in feeding experiments when these
fractions may themselves be poisonous or otherwise unsuited for mixture in
a diet. It is obvious therefore that interest is keen in any possibility
of devising a test that will be specific, quick and not require
modification of the material tested, because of its unsuitability for
feeding. In 1919 Roger J. Williams proposed a method that seemed to offer
promise in these respects but which is not yet in the form for
quantitative use. It offers promise that entitles it to a special chapter
for discussion and the next chapter presents the present status of the so-
called yeast test for vitamine "B."

Before turning to this test it is well to call attention here to the

importance of the experimental animal. Without the polyneuritic fowls we
might never have cured beri-beri, the guinea pig made the solution of the
scurvy problem possible and if some way of inducing pellagra in an animal
can be devised that scourge may yet be eliminated.



As far back as the days of Pasteur a controversy arose over the power of
yeast cells to grow on a synthetic medium composed solely of known
constituents. This controversy hinged on a discussion as to whether these
media were efficient unless reinforced with something derived from a
living organism. In 1901 Wildier in France published an article in which
he showed that extracts of organic matter when added to synthetic media
had the power to markedly stimulate the growth of yeast organisms. He did
not attempt at the time to identify the nature of this stimulatory
substance, but since it was derived from living organisms, he called it
"Bios." Soon after the discovery of vitamines the bacteriologists began to
discover that they or an analogous factor apparently played a part in the
growth of certain strains of bacteria, especially the meningococcus. In
1919 Roger Williams working in Chicago University was struck with the
bearing of Wildier's work on the vitamine hypothesis and formed the theory
that Wildier's "bios" might be the water-soluble vitamine "B." He
proceeded to test out this theory and demonstrated that extracts of
substances rich in the "B" vitamine had a marked effect on the stimulation
of yeast growth. He developed these experiments and devised a method of
comparing the growth of yeast cells when stimulated by such extracts. The
results were so striking as to appear to justify his view and he then
suggested that his method might be used as a test for the measure of "B"
vitamine in a given source. William's method consisted essentially in
adding the extract of an unknown substance to hanging drops in which were
suspended single yeast cells and observing the rate of growth under the
microscope. Soon after, Miss Freda Bachman reinvestigated the problem with
various types of yeast and found that practically all types of yeast
respond to the stimulation of these "bios" extracts. Her method consisted
in the use of fermentation tubes and the stimulatory effect was measured
by the amount of CO_2 produced in a given time. By this method she
confirmed Williams' view that the "bios" of Wildier was apparently
identical with vitamine "B" and that most yeasts require this vitamine for
their growth. She also suggested that her method might be made the basis
of a test for vitamine content. In 1919 Eddy and Stevenson made extended
experiments with these two methods in the attempt to improve the technique
and make it serve as a quantitative measure. Their experiments served two
purposes, first to bring out certain difficulties in the methods of the
two authors from the quantitative viewpoint and the development of a
technique to correct these difficulties and secondly to add more data
bearing on the specificity of the test. Soon after their publication Funk
became interested and coming to the same conclusions as to specificity
devised a centrifugating method for measuring the yeast growth. Williams
also improved his original method and devised a gravimetric method for the
same purpose. From the viewpoint of methodology we now have methods which
are suitable as quantitive procedures for determining the effect of
extracts of unknown substances on yeast growth and hence if the
stimulatory substance is vitamine "B," a means of determining within a
space of twenty-four hours the approximate content of stimulatory material
in a given source. Since the Funk method is the simplest of these and
illustrates the principles involved it will suffice to describe that.

_Funk method of yeast test with Eddy and Stevenson modification_

1. To a basal diet of 9 cc. of sterile culture medium such as a von Nageli

solution [Footnote: von Nageli's solution consists of the following
ingredients NH_4NO_3, 1 gram; Ca_3(PO_4)_2, 0.005 gram; MgSO_4, 0.25 gram
dextrose 10.0 grams made up to 100 cc. with distilled water. Other culture
media may be used and such combinations will be found in any text on
yeasts. They all permit a certain amount of growth but all are apparently
stimulated by the addition of vitamine extracts.] in a sterile test tube
is added 1 cc. of the sterile, neutral, watery extract of the source of
the vitamine. A pure culture of Fleischman's yeast (Funk prefers brewer's
yeast) is maintained on an agar slant and twenty-four hours before the
test is to be made, a transplant is made to a fresh agar slant. One
standardized platinum loopful of the twenty-four hour yeast growth is then
used to inoculate the contents of the tube, the tube stoppered with cotton
and incubated for from twenty-four to seventy-two hours at a temperature
of 31�C. The seventy-two hour incubation period yields nearly optimum
growth for this purpose.

2. At the end of this time the yeasts are killed by plunging the tube in
water heated to 80�C. and maintained at this temperature for fifteen
minutes. The contents of the tubes are then poured into a Hopkins
centrifuge tube which has a capillary tip graduated in hundredths of a
cubic centimeter. After twenty minutes centrifugating at a speed of about
2400 revolutions per minute the yeasts in the solution have all been
packed into the tip and the volume can then be read accurately to
thousandths of a cubic centimeter (with the aid of a scale and magnifier).
With a control tube containing 9 cc. of the sterile media and 1 cc. of
distilled water in place of the 1 cc. of extract a comparison can be
obtained which is an accurate measure of the stimulatory effect of the
extract. If this stimulus is due purely to vitamine it is obvious that
this procedure would enable us to compare extracts of known weights of and
arrive at comparisons which would be measures of their vitamine content.
In other words the procedure is now in a satisfactory form for testing and
its value depends merely upon our ability to show that the stimulus given
the yeast is due solely to vitamine "B."

The interest of the vitamine student in this test will be easily

understood for it is so simple of manipulation and so rapid in producing
results that it is the nearest approach to a chemical test of satisfactory
nature yet proposed but unfortunately evidence soon began to accumulate to
show that the stimulation produced by extracts of various sources is not a
matter of pure vitamine. If we plot a curve of stimulation for various
dilutions of a given extract we find that the stimulation is not directly
proportional to the concentration of vitamine present but is a composite
of several factors. The chart derived from experiments by Eddy and
Stevenson shows the general nature of this curve. Other experimenters have
reached similar results and some have gone so far as to maintain that the
stimulation is not due to vitamine "B" at all. It is therefore evident
that until this controversy is settled the yeast test cannot be used for
the purpose proposed. Our own experiments at present make us still firm in
our belief that _one_ of the factors and perhaps the most important
factor in the stimulation effect is the vitamine but until we can devise a
basal medium that is comparable to that used in rat feeding experiments,
i.e., one that contains all the elements for optimum growth of yeasts
except vitamine "B" it will be unsafe to draw conclusions from the test as
to vitamine content. It may be possible to so treat our extracts as to
eliminate from them all other stimuli except the vitamine or to destroy
the vitamine in them and thus permit the comparison of an extract with the
vitamine destroyed against one in which it is present and thus arrive at
the result desired. At any rate all we can say at present is that the
yeast test is unreliable as a measure of vitamine content but that if it
can be made quantitative its advantages are so great that it is very much
worth while to continue work upon it until it is certain that it cannot be
made to produce the desired result.



This chart shows the effect of varying concentrations of an alfalfa

extract on the growth rate of the yeast cell. The rate of growth was
determined after the Funk method by centrifuging the cells after seventy-
two hours incubation and measuring the volume in cubic centimeters. The
shape of the curve shows that this method will not give comparative
results unless the extracts tested are dilute enough for the
determinations to fall in the steep part of the curve.]

Another reason for our attention to this test is that if it can be made to
show vitamine effect it provides an excellent medium for investigation of
vitamine "B" reactions, and a method for studying the effect of the
vitamine upon the protoplasm of a single cell.


Having now considered the general principles involved in vitamine testing

we may justly ask what information they have yielded us in regard to the
distribution of the vitamines in nature. If we must include vitamines in
our diets it is important to know how to select foods on this basis, hence
a classification of them on the ground of vitamine distribution becomes
essential. The newness of the subject and the limited tests that have been
made as well as the uncertainty residing in the test results make any
classifications presented more or less approximations but we present such
attempts as have been made, with the understanding that these tabulations
are merely guides and not quantitative measurements in the sense that
tables giving calorie values of protein, fat and carbohydrate content are.
The following table (1) has been freely copied from a report of the
British Medical Research Committee to which acknowledgment is hereby


_Pages 50 and 61 of the British Medical Research Committee's report_

| | |
| | |
_Fats and oils:_ | | |
Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | 0 |
Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | 0 |
Cod-liver oil . . . . . . . . . | +++ | 0 |
Mutton and beef fat or suet . . | ++ | |
Lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Olive oil . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Cotton seed oil . . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Cocoanut oil . . . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Cocoa-butter . . . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Linseed oil . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Fish oil, whale oil, herring | | |
oil, etc. . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | |
Hardened fats (hydrogenated) | | |
of animal or vegetable origin | 0 | |
Margarine from animal fat . . . | In propor- | |
| tion to | |
| animal | |
| fat used | |
Margarine from vegetable fat | | |
or lard . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Nut butters . . . . . . . . . . | + | |
_Meat, fish, etc.:_ | | |
Lean meat (beef, mutton, etc.) | + | + | +
Liver . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | ++ | +
Kidneys . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | + |
Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | + |
Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ |
Sweetbreads . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ |
Fish, white . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | Very slight|
| | if any |
Fish fat (salmon, herring, etc.)| ++ | Very slight|
| | if any |
Fish roe . . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ |
Tinned meats . . . . . . . . . | ? | Very slight| 0
_Milk, cheese, etc.:_ | | |
Milk, cow's whole raw . . . . . | ++ | + | +
Milk, cow's skim . . . . . . . | 0 | + | +
Milk, cow's dried whole . . . . | Less than | + | Less than
| ++ | | +
Milk, cow's boiled whole . . . | ? | + | Less than
| | | +
Milk, cow's condensed sweetened | + | + |
Cheese, whole milk . . . . . . | + | | Less than
| | | +
Cheese, skim milk . . . . . . . | 0 | |
Eggs, fresh . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ | 0?
Eggs, dried . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ | 0?
_Cereals, pulses, etc.:_ | | |
Wheat, maize, rice (whole germ) | + | + | 0
Wheat, maize, rice germ . . . . | ++ | +++ | 0
Wheat, maize, rice bran . . . . | 0 | ++ | 0
White wheat flour, pure corn | | |
flour, polished rice, etc. . | 0 | 0 | 0
Custard powders, egg substi- | | |
tutes prepared from cereal | | |
products . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Linseed, millet . . . . . . . . | ++ | ++ | 0
Dried peas, lentils, etc. . . . | | ++ |
Pea-flour, kilned . . . . . . . | | 0 | 0
Soy beans, haricot beans . . . | + | ++ | 0
Germinated pulses or cereals . | + | ++ | ++
_Vegetables and fruits:_ | | |
Cabbage, fresh, raw . . . . . . | ++ | + | +++
Cabbage, fresh, cooked . . . . | | + | +
Cabbage, dried . . . . . . . . | + | + |Very slight
Cabbage, canned . . . . . . . . | | |Very slight
Swedes, raw expressed juice . . | | | +++
Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | + |
Spinach, dried . . . . . . . . | ++ | + |
Carrots, fresh, raw . . . . . . | + | + | +
Carrots, dried . . . . . . . . |Very slight | | Less than
| | | +
Beetroot, raw, expressed juice | + | + |
Potatoes, raw . . . . . . . . . | | | +
Potatoes, cooked . . . . . . . | | | ++
Beans, fresh scarlet runners raw| | |
Lemon juice, fresh . . . . . . | | | +++
Lemon juice, preserved . . . . | | |
Lime juice, fresh . . . . . . . | | | ++
Lime juice, preserved . . . . . | | |Very slight
Orange juice, fresh . . . . . . | | | +++
Raspberries . . . . . . . . . . | | | ++
Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . | | | +
Bananas . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + |Very slight
Tomatoes, canned . . . . . . . | | | ++
Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ |
_Miscellaneous:_ | | |
Yeast dried . . . . . . . . | . .
? | +++ |
Yeast extract and autolysed | . .
? | +++ | 0
Meat extract . . . . . . . | . .
0 | 0 | 0
Malt extract . . . . . . . | . . | + in some |
| | specimens |
Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | 0 | 0
Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | + |

+++ indicates abundant; ++ relatively large; + present in small amount;

0 absent.

The following table (2) has been compiled from a review of both British
and American data and represents a rather more complete classification
than the British report. The four plus system has also been used to permit
more complete comparisons.


| | |
FOODSTUFF | "A" | "B" | "C"
| | |
_Meats_: | | |
Beef heart . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + | ?
Brains . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ | +?
Codfish . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + | ?
Cod testes . . . . . . . . . . . | + | |
Fish roe . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ | ?
Herring . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | ++ | ?
Horse meat . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | ++ |
Kidney . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | ++ |
Lean muscle . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | +?
Liver . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + | +?
Pancreas . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | +++ |
Pig heart . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + | ?
Placenta . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | |
Thymus (sweetbreads) . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
_Vegetables:_ | | |
Beet root . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + | ++
Beet root juice . . . . . . . . | ? | Little | +++
Cabbage, dried . . . . . . . . . | +++ | +++ | +
Cabbage, fresh . . . . . . . . . | +++ | +++ | ++++
Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | +++ | ++
Cauliflower . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ | ++
Celery . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ? | +++ | ?
Chard . . . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | ++ | ?
Dasheens . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ | ?
Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | ++ | ++++
Mangels . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | ++ | ?
Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ? | +++ | +++
Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ |
Peas (fresh) . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ | +++
Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | +++ | ++
Potatoes (sweet) . . . . . . . . | +++ | ++ | ?
Rutabaga . . . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Spinach . . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | +++ | +++
_Cereals:_ | | |
Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ | ?
Bread (white) . . . . . . . . . | + | +? |
Bread (whole meal) . . . . . . . | + | +++ | ?
Maize (yellow) . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ | ?
Maize (white) . . . . . . . . . | 0 | +++ | ?
Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ | 0
Rice polished . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Rice (whole grain) . . . . . . . | + | +++ | 0
Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ | 0
Corn embryo . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Corn (kaffir) . . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Corn (see maize) . . . . . . . . | | |
Corn pollen . . . . . . . . . . | | ++ |
Malt extract . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Wheat bran . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | + | 0
Wheat embryo . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ | 0
Wheat endosperm . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Wheat kernel . . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ | 0
_Other seeds:_ | | |
Beans, kidney . . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Beans, navy . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ | 0
Beans, soy . . . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ | 0
Cotton seed . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ |
Flaxseed . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ |
Hemp seed . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ |
Millet seed . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ |
Peanuts . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | ++ |
Peas (dry) . . . . . . . . . . . | +? | ++ | 0
Sun flower seeds . . . . . . . . | + | |
_Fruits:_ | | |
Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | ++ | ++
Bananas . . . . . . . . . . . . | ? | ++ | ++
Grapefruit . . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ | +++
Grape juice . . . . . . . . . . | | + | +
Grapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | + | +
Lemons . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ | ++++
Limes . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | ++ | ++
Oranges . . . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ | ++++
Pears . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | ++ | ++
Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . | | + | +
Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ | ++++
_Oils and fats:_ | | |
Almond oil . . . . . . . . . . . | | 0 | 0
Beef fat . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | 0 | 0
Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++++ | 0 | 0
Cocoanut oil . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Cod liver oil . . . . . . . . . | ++++ | 0 | 0
Corn oil . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Cotton seed oil . . . . . . . . | 0? | 0 | 0
Egg yolk fat . . . . . . . . . . | ++++ | 0 | 0
Fish oils . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | 0 | 0
Lard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Oleo, animal . . . . . . . . . . | + | 0 | 0
Oleo, vegetable. . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Olive oil . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Pork fat . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0? | 0 |
Tallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Vegetable oils . . . . . . . . . | 0? | 0 | 0
_Nuts:_ | | |
Almonds . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ |
Brazil nut . . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Chestnut . . . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Cocoanut . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ |
English walnuts . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Filbert . . . . . . . . . . . . | | +++ |
Hickory . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + | +
Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | + | +
_Dairy products:_ | | |
Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++++ | 0 | 0
Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | + | ?
Condensed milk . . . . . . . . . | ++ | + | 0
Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | + | ?
Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++++ | ++ | 0
Milk powder (skim) . . . . . . . | + | +++ | +?
Milk powder (whole) . . . . . . | +++ | +++ | +?
Milk whole . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | +++ | ++
Whey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | + | +++ | +
_Miscellaneous:_ | | |
Alfalfa . . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | +++ | ?
Blood . . . . . . . . . . . . . | Varies with source
Clover . . . . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | ++++ | ?
Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | ++ | 0
Malt extract . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Nectar . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | 0 | 0
Timothy . . . . . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++ |
Yeast, brewers . . . . . . . . . | 0 | ++++ | 0
Yeast cakes . . . . . . . . . . | 0 | ++ | 0
Yeast extract . . . . . . . . . | 0 | +++ | 0



While the chemists have not yet been able to isolate and identify the
various vitamines they have succeeded in demonstrating many of the
properties of these substances and it is the knowledge of these properties
that has enabled us to produce concentrates and conduct tests. Another
practical consideration involved in this matter of properties lies in the
effect of cooking and commercial methods of food preparation, for not only
must we learn where the vitamine resides but how to prevent injury or
destruction in our utilization of the source.

The properties of the vitamines may therefore be grouped under two heads:
first chemical properties and second physiological properties.


_a_. This dietary factor's presence in butter fat and egg yolk fat
indicates its solubility in the fat and it would naturally follow that the
fat solvents would suffice to remove it with the fats when food sources
are treated with such a reagent. Experience has shown however that while
ether extraction applied to butter or egg yolk removes the vitamine with
the fat this process fails when it is applied to vegetable sources such as
cotton seed, corn germ, spinach, lettuce, etc. Neither does the cold or
hot press method of oil extraction liberate the vitamine with the oil.
Recent experiments by Osborne and Mendel, to which we have previously
referred, have shown that preliminary treatment of vegetable sources with
alcohol seems to loosen the bond between the source and the vitamine and
that when this binding is once loosened subsequent ether extraction will
take the vitamine out. That the binding is not difficult to break is shown
by the fact that when vegetables are eaten as a source of vitamine the
body is able to separate the complex. It is further evident that the body
does separate this complex and stores it in animal fat from the
experiments with cow feeds and feeding. Milk for example is rich or poor
in vitamine according to the supply of the latter in the food given to the
cow. The only logical conclusion to be drawn from this observation is that
the cow does not synthesize this factor but splits it off from the food
source and then, since it is fat soluble, is able to mobilize it in the
butter fat of the milk or to a more limited extent in the body fat. This
observation as to the dependence of milk content upon food has been
confirmed in the case of nursing mothers and suggests the need of especial
attention to the diet of the mother during the lactating period.

_b_. It has been generally assumed that the "A" vitamine is

comparatively stable to heat. Sherman, MacLeod and Kramer state that "dry
heating at a temperature of 100�C. with free access of air, only very
slowly destroyed fat soluble vitamine." Osborne and Mendel reported that
butter fat treated with steam for two hours and a half did not appear to
have lost its value as a source of this vitamine. Drummond's earlier work
with fish oils and whale oils seemed to confirm this conclusion. Sherman
and his co-workers cited above put it this way: "The results thus far
obtained emphasize the importance of taking full account of the time as
well as the temperature of heating, and of the initial concentration of
the vitamine in the food, as well as of the opportunity for previous
storage of the vitamine by the test animal." More recent work by Steenbock
and his co-workers in America shows that these earlier results are
incorrect in the case of butter fat and that twelve hours exposure of
butter fat to 100�C. may, under certain conditions, destroy the efficiency
of that substance as a source of the vitamine. Drummond and other English
workers have confirmed Steenbock in later experiments. Their work has
shown that the presence or absence of oxygen is a factor, which may
determine the extent of destruction of the vitamine. Heat alone is of very
limited effect but when sources are heated in the presence of oxygen
destruction of the A vitamine may be very rapid. Drummond attributes the
absence of the A vitamine in lard to the oxidation that takes place in the
commercial rendering of this product. We must conclude therefore that
while the vitamine may be destroyed by continuous exposure to a
temperature of 100�C. the effect is largely determined by the nature of
the process and the way the vitamine is held in the source. Cooking of
vegetables therefore will not as a rule result in appreciable destruction
of this factor.

_c_. The process of hydrogenation used in hardening fats appears to

completely destroy the vitamine, hence the many lard substitutes now in
use must in general be considered "A" vitamine-free regardless of the
content of "A" in the fats from which they are derived unless they have
been made by blending instead of hydrogenation.
_d_. Acids and alkalies have apparently little effect on this
particular vitamine.

It may be well to state here however that owing to variability in behavior

with variation in conditions it is dangerous to draw too general
conclusions and until a given source has actually been investigated under
specific cooking conditions one should not rely too strongly on analogies
based on comparative experiments. This statement applies to all vitamines
and presents one of the live subjects of investigation for the cooking
schools and the food factories.

_e_. Little has been learned further about the chemistry of this
substance. [Footnote: Since the above was put in type Steenbock has shown
that the A vitamine resists saponification and that by saponifying fats
which contain the A it may be possible to secure a fraction rich in the
vitamine and free of fat.] Butter fat, nitrogen free and phosphorus free
is shown to carry the vitamine and it is therefore assumed that the
vitamine lacks these elements. It has been claimed that it may be removed
from butter fat by prolonged extraction with water but this has not been
confirmed by more recent experimenters. Steenbock was the first to call
attention to the association of the A vitamine with yellow pigment in
plant and animal sources. Butter, egg yolk, carrots, yellow corn contain
it while white corn and white roots are less rich in this vitamine. This
observation suggested the chemical relation between the vitamine and
carotin. It has however been shown by Palmer and others that carotin is
not vitamine A. This association of the pigment with the vitamine is
therefore apparently a coincidence and this clue has failed as yet to
throw light on the chemical nature of vitamine A.


When Funk first studied this substance he conducted all his evaporations
in vacuo from fear that higher temperatures would prove destructive.
Subsequent investigation however has shown that 100� has very little if
any destructive effect if the vitamine is held in acid or neutral
solution. Temperatures between 100� and 120� maintained in an autoclave at
15 pounds above normal pressure do tend to slowly destroy the factor. The
extent of this destruction also varies with the character of the crude
extract. In general, then, there is little fear of injuring this vitamine
in ordinary cooking temperatures if the use of alkali is avoided.

The effect of alkali depends upon the temperature to a very marked degree.
Osborne has recently reinvestigated this matter and finds that in the
presence of a 0.1N solution of alkali at 20�C. there is very little
destruction but that raising the temperature to 90�C. brings about a
marked destruction. Seidell has shown that if the vitamine is absorbed by
Lloyd's reagent and this reagent be then extracted with dilute alkali the
vitamine passes into the alkaline solution. If the latter is neutralized
quickly it is possible to recover most of the vitamine by this method. The
effect of alkali becomes of practical importance to the housewife because
of certain cooking habits. I refer to the well known practice of adding
soda to the water in which vegetables are cooked to soften the vegetable
and accelerate the cooking. Daniels and Loughlin in this country
investigated this matter and came to the conclusion that this procedure
did not produce enough destruction to be dangerous. Later the matter was
studied by Chick and Hume in England and these investigators brought out a
feature that had perhaps been overlooked in the previous work. Their point
was that in ordinary feeding tests the results merely tell whether there
is enough vitamine present to produce normal growth. Hence if the
substance tested has much vitamine, a large part of it might be destroyed
and this fact not appear in the test because enough might still be left to
induce normal growth. By reducing the amount tested so that it was just
adequate for normal growth and then applying the soda-cooking
experimentation they showed that this method of cookery does do serious
harm to the vitamine. From the practical point of view it is of course
sufficient to show that enough is left after a cooking process to suffice
for normal growth when the substance is taken in the portion sizes
ordinarily eaten. The effect of alkali deserves more attention on the part
of cooks and food preparateurs and we need more data concerning the
minimal dose necessary to protect the human animal.

In neutral and acid solution it is perfectly safe to assume little

destruction of this vitamin through heat and it is now common practice to
boil sources with the extracting reagent and to use the steam bath freely
to concentrate and evaporate these extracts. We have recently investigated
the effect upon cabbage of cooking in a pressure cooker at eight pounds
pressure. The cabbage so cooked, when dried and mixed so as to form 10 per
cent of a basal vitamine free diet, yielded all the "B" vitamine necessary
to produce normal growth in rats.

The very name of this vitamine indicates its ready solubility in water. It
is also soluble in 95 per cent alcohol and either of these extractants may
be used to obtain the vitamine. It is not readily soluble in absolute
alcohol and 95 per cent is not as good an extractant as water. Substances
rich in the vitamine apparently yield the latter more readily if they have
first been subjected to autolysis or if the extracting fluid is acidified.
Funk was the first to show that yeast produced a greater yield if it was
allowed to autolyse before extraction with alcohol. However, Osborne and
Wakeman have produced a method of treating fresh yeast by boiling it with
slightly acidified water which seem as efficient as autolysis in the yield

The various methods of extraction now in vogue have already been discussed
in Chapter II and need not be repeated here. In general it is apparent
that to obtain concentrates of high potency it is permissible to employ
temperatures of 100�C. if we will maintain an acid or neutral reaction but
that alkali should be avoided wherever possible and when its use is
imperative the temperature must be kept below 20�C. or destruction will
result. In applying this rule to cooking operations the results should be
determined by direct tests rather than by assumptions based on these
generalizations. It should also be noted that the alkalinity of a solution
should be determined on the basis of hydrogen ion concentration and not on
amount of alkali added since many substances have a marked buffer

The water-soluble "B" is not only soluble in water but can be dissolved in
other reagents. Thus McCollum has shown that while benzene is of little
value as an extractant of this vitamine, if we will first extract the
vitamine with alcohol or water and deposit this on dextrin by evaporation
it is then possible by shaking the activated dextrin with benzene to cause
the vitamine to pass into solution in benzene. Voegtlin and Meyers have
recently shown that it is soluble in olive oil and in oleic acid and their
data suggest a new means of concentrating the substance which may be of
value in tracing its character.

The "B" vitamine is relatively easily absorbed by finely divided

precipitates. We have already referred to the use of fuller's earth for
this purpose by Seidell. This adsorptive power sometimes manifests itself
in the treatment of plant extracts. A watery extract of alfalfa can be
made to throw down its protein complex by diluting it to 40 per cent with
alcohol. Osborne reports however that this process frequently removes the
vitamine also which appears to be thrown down with the precipitated
material. This adsorptive power therefore often appears as a difficulty in
the handling of the substance as well as a means of extraction. We have
used Osborne's method with alfalfa extracts and find the above result is
not by any means invariable, for in some of our extracts we retained the
greater part of the vitamine. Kaolin and ordinary charcoal are not very
good adsorbents but the latter can be activated to serve this purpose.

The elementary nature of the "B" vitamine remains a mystery. Extracts

which contain it show the presence of nitrogen. Funk's earlier researches
on yeast and rice polishings both yielded crystalline complexes which he
analysed. His data on this subject follow:

_A. The yeast complex_

Crystals melting at 233�C. consisting of:

I. A complex melting at 229�C. and forming needles and prisms nearly

insoluble in water and with the apparent formula of C_24H_19O_2N_5.

II. A complex melting at 222�C. and soluble in water. Formula


III. Nicotinic acid melting at 235�C. C_6H_5O_2N.

_B. The rice complex_

Crystals melting at 233�C. consisting of:

I. A complex melting at 233�C. and with a formula of C_26H_20O_9N_4.

II. Nicotinic acid melting at 235�C. C_6H_5O_2N.

Funk held at the time that the possible nature of the compound was:

| \
OC C_16H_18O_6
| /

It was this idea that led him to call it an "amine."

We are unable at present to report any nearer approach to the elementary

analysis and all attempts at purification have shown a tendency to make
the active substance either disappear entirely or else distribute itself
over the several fractions instead of concentrating itself in one. Its
basic nature seems to be well established by its behavior with
phosphotungstic acid and its ready adsorption by carbons activated to take
up basic substances.


The properties of this newest member of the family are still less defined.
All are agreed that it is much more sensitive to heat and alkali than the
other two. Temperatures above 50�C. are usually destructive though the
time factor is extremely important as well as the reaction. Hess for
example has found that the temperature used to pasteurize milk continued
for some time, is more destructive to the vitamine than boiling water
temperature continued for only a few minutes. The extent to which orange
juice and tomato juice will resist high temperatures indicates the
protective action of acids to be considerable.

Dr. Delf's experiments at the Lister Institute were especially directed to

the behavior of this vitamine in cabbage. She first determined the minimum
close of raw cabbage required to prevent scurvy in guinea pigs and found
that it was less than 1.5 grams and more than 0.5 gram daily. When the
cabbage was heated in water at 60�C. for an hour, symptoms of severe
scurvy were just prevented by 5 grams of the cooked cabbage fed daily. By
heating at 70�, 80�, 90� and 100� for the same length of time the 5 grams
of cooked material could be made non-effective as a preventive. Her
conclusions are that when cabbage is cooked for one hour at temperatures
ranging from 80� to 100�C. the cabbage leaves lose about 90 per cent of
the antiscorbutic power originally held by the raw equivalent. Sixty
minutes at 60� or twenty minutes at 90� to 100� resulted in about 80 per
cent destruction. Dr. Delf calls attention also to the fact that the
effect of the heat is increased to only a slight degree by rise in
temperature. Assuming that the effect of the rise is orderly, a
temperature coefficient of 1.3 is indicated for each rise of 10�C. This
low result suggests to Delf a contradiction to any theory which imputes to
the vitamine enzyme or protein-like qualities and on the other hand
suggests that the substance is much simpler in constitution. Her results
also confirm Hoist and Fr�hlich as showing its great sensitiveness at
temperatures of 100� and below and obviously have a direct bearing upon
cookery methods.

The substance is soluble in water and passes through a parchment membrane

or a porcelain filter. Unlike the "B" it is apparently not adsorbed by
fine precipitates such as fullers' earth or colloidal iron. Harden and
Zilva showed that when a mixture of equal volumes of autolysed yeast and
orange juice is treated with fuller's earth the "B" is removed and the "C"
left unaltered. Eddy and La Mer have treated orange juice with fullers'
earth and then tested the filtered off juice as cure and preventive of
scurvy in guinea pigs. Their results showed that 6-2/3 cc. of the treated
juice was curative, hence the loss due to adsorption must be less than 60
per cent to 70 per cent. Harden and Zilva were among the first to state
that the vitamine is much more stable in acid than in alkali. They have
shown, that even 1/50 N sodium hydrate at room temperature has a rapidly
destructive effect. On the other hand Delf showed that when 0.5 gm. citric
acid is added to the water in which germinated lentils are boiled, the
loss of the antiscorbutic properties is, if anything, greater than when no
addition of acid is made. She therefore concluded that in cooking
vegetables there should be no addition of either acid or alkali to the
cooking water if one wishes to conserve this vitamine. Sherman, La Mer, and
Campbell have been engaged in experiments bearing on this point throughout
the past two years. Some of their results have recently been published and
their observations are worthy of special attention from their bearing on
the character of reaction of the vitamine in general. They first proceeded
to determine the amount of filtered tomato juice just necessary to produce
scurvy in degrees extending from no protection to complete protection and
they also constructed a basal diet which is apparently optimum in
nutrients and all other factors except the "C" vitamine. They found that
at the natural acidity of tomato juice (pH 4.2) boiling for one hour
destroyed practically 50 per cent of the antiscorbutic power and by
boiling for four hours they destroyed 70 per cent, which indicates that
the curve of the destructive process tends to flatten more than that of a
unimolecular reaction. This result was confirmed by heating experiments
conducted at 60�, 80� and 100�. In all cases the temperature coefficients
are low. (Q_10 equals 1.1-1.3) confirming Delf's results. When the natural
acidity of the juice was first neutralized in whole or in part, the juice
then boiled for an hour and immediately cooled and reacidified, it was
found that at less than half neutralization (pH 5.1-4.9) the destructive
effect of an hour's boiling was increased to 58 per cent. When alkali was
added to an initial pH 11 (about N/40 titratable alkali to
phenolphthalein) which fell to 9 during the hour's boiling the destructive
effect was about 65 per cent. When reacidification was omitted and the
neutralized boiled juice stored in a refrigerator for five days before
using the destruction increased 90 to 95 per cent. These particular
observations seem to confirm the view of Harden and Zilva that the
vitamine is especially sensitive to alkali. Hess has recently reported
that oxygen is destructive to this vitamine.


Most authorities are now agreed that both the "A" and "B" types are
essential to growth. Rohmann still holds out against the vitamine
hypothesis. McCollum has recently pointed out that while rats do not have
scurvy it does not at all follow that the absence of the "C" in their diet
is immaterial, but that the contrary is true. Failure to grow, then, may
manifest itself as a result of the absence of either of the first two
types and possibly is affected by the absence of the "C." We have already
seen how this failure may be utilized to measure the vitamine content of a
source. The absence of the "A" type however may also manifest itself in
another way, viz., by the development of an eye disease which McCollum
first designated as xerophthalmia or dry eye and which the British
authorities prefer to designate as keratomalacia. The failure of this
result to always follow the absence of the "A" type in the diet has led
some to question the specificity of this disease. While the infection of
the eye is due to other agents the sum of the evidence supports McCollum
and points to the absence of "A" as the true predisposing cause of the
disease. Bulley, basing her claims on a study of some 500 rats fed on a
synthetic diet, claims that the eye condition is not primarily due to a
dietary deficiency but to an infection resulting from poor hygienic
conditions. In reply to her contentions Emmett has reviewed his own data
and presents them in the following summation:

| | | |
| | | THALMIA |
| | | |
A | Fat-soluble "A" | 122 | 120 | 98
B | Water-soluble "B" | 103 | 0 | 0
C | None | 216 | 0 | 0

In these groups special hygienic measures were taken against infection.

Furthermore repeated attempts were made to transmit the eye disease by
using sterile threads, passing them carefully over the edges of the sore
lids and then carefully inoculating the eyes of other rats. These attempts
resulted negatively in all cases where the inoculated rats had plenty of
the "A" vitamine. Treatment of advanced cases of sore eyes with a
saturated solution of boric acid and also with a silver protein solution
failed to relieve the condition while as little as 2 per cent of an
extract containing the "A" vitamine when added to the ration, speedily
resulted in cure and increase of weight. These results combined with
similar data compiled by Osborne and Mendel seem to refute Bulley's
contentions and to justify our acceptance of xeropthalmia as a specific
vitamine deficiency disease.

_Osborne and Mendel data_

Total No. No. with eye


Rats on diets deficient in A vitamine . . . . . . . . 136 69

" on diets " " B " . . . . . . . . 225 0
" on diets otherwise deficient . . . . . . . . . 90 0
" on " experimental but probably adequate . 201 0
" on mixed food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 0
____ __

Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 69

On the other hand all workers know that rats often do develop and grow
well for a considerable period of time on a diet free from the "A" and
without manifesting the eye disease. The British authorities explain this
by assuming that animals have the power to lay down a reserve of this
vitamine on which they can draw in emergency. Sherman and his coworkers
confirm this power to store the vitamine. Others have been led to explain
their results as due to contamination of the basal diet. Daniels and
Loughlin recently maintained that the commercial lard used in basal diets
and assumed to be "A" vitamine-free was supplied with sufficient of the
"A" to produce growth and prevent eye disease. Their views have failed of
confirmation by Osborne and Mendel. It is evident therefore that these
occasional lapses from specific response to absence of the "A" vitamine
need further elucidation. It is equally manifest that in the majority of
cases the absence of the "A" will result in both stunted growth and
xeropthalmia. The appearance of the eye disease may be taken however, as a
sure indication of the absence or deficiency in the "A" vitamine.


Beri-beri is a disease that is described clinically as a form of severe

peripheral neuritis and may appear in two well marked forms. In one type
there is great wasting, anesthesia of the skin and finally paralysis of
the limbs. In the other, the most marked symptom is excessive edema which
may affect trunk, limbs and extremities. In severe cases the heart is
usually involved and death may occur suddenly from heart failure.

Most observers assume that the antineuritic vitamine discovered by Funk

and the water-soluble "B" are identical. This view is based on the fact
that when sources which yield the water-soluble "B" in rat feeding are
tested for antineuritic power these sources are apparently parallel in
antineuritic power and growth production. Furthermore rats deprived of the
water-soluble "B" develop polyneuroses identical in symptoms with those
shown by rats and pigeons when the latter are placed on a polished rice
diet. The British Medical Board has compiled the following table to
support this view:

_Table compiled from pages 35 and 86, British Medical Research Committee

| |
| |
Rice germ . . . . . . . | +++ | ++++
Wheat germ . . . . . . . | +++ | +++
Yeast . . . . . . . . . | +++ | +++
Egg yolk . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++
Ox liver . . . . . . . . | ++ | +++
Wheat bran . . . . . . . | + | ++
Meat muscle . . . . . . | + | +
Milk . . . . . . . . . . | +++ | Slight
Potatoes . . . . . . . . | + | +
Meat extract . . . . . . | 0 | 0
White bread or flour . . | 0 | 0
Polished rice . . . . . | 0 | 0
| |
| |
Solubility in water . | Very soluble | Very soluble
Solubility in alcohol,| |
dilute . . . . . . | Very soluble | Very soluble
Solubility in absolute| |
alcohol . . . . . . | Insoluble | Insoluble
Solubility in ether, | |
chloroform and | |
benzene . . . . . . | Insoluble | Unusually insoluble
| | but can be extracted
| | with ether from
| | fatty materials such
| | as egg yolk
Stability to heat . . | Stable at 100�C, | Destroyed very slowly
| destroyed rapidly at | at temperatures below
| 120� (in neutral or | 100�C., more rapid at
| acid solution) | temperatures
| | between 110 and 120�C.
Stability to drying . | Stable | Stable
Stability to acids | |
(hot dilute) . . . | Moderately stable | Stable
Stability to acids | |
(cold dilute) . . . | Stable | Stable
Stability to alkalies | |
(hot dilute) . . . | Rapidly destroyed | ?
Stability to alkalies | |
(cold dilute) . . . | Stable |
In dialysis . . . . . | Passes through | Passes through
| parchment membrane | parchment membrane
In adsorption . . . . | Adsorbed from acid | Adsorbed from neutral
| or neutral solution | solutions by fuller's
| by fuller's earth, | earth, colloidal
| charcoal, etc. | ferric hydroxide,
| | animal charcoal, etc.

Emmett has recently opposed this view and suggests that while the
antineuritic factor and the growth factor are found in the same sources
and have much in common it does not follow that they are identical and
that his experiments tend to show that there are marked differences which
suggest that the "B" type is not a single entity but a group. Mitchell has
summarized very well the controversial phases of this question with an
impartial review of the facts. One of strongest of the opposition
arguments lies in the failure of milk to cure beri-beri except when
administered in large quantities. This objection has been partly allayed
by data bearing on the relation of the milk content to the food of the
cow. Hess, Dutcher, Hart and Steenbock and others have adduced sufficient
evidence to show that the vitamine content of the milk of a cow is largely
determined by the cow's food and as a consequence the milk may be very
poor in vitamine. It is obvious then that the failure of the milk to cure
beri-beri in a given case might be due to this cause and not to lack of
identity of the curative with the growth factor. Osborne and Mendel have
also shown that milk in general must not be classed among the rich sources
of the vitamine, even when the cow's food is rich in vitamine. The
principal facts in the controversy have been presented and at present the
evidence for regarding the vitamines identical seems to be preponderant.

Recently Auguste Lumiere in Paris has put forth the view that polyneuritis
is not merely a vitamine deficiency disease but a nutriment deficiency
disease. He reports that he fed birds on a starvation diet, but with
plenty of vitamine "B". These birds developed polyneuritis and were cured
by adding to the diet plenty of polished rice. The view he wishes us to
take is that all factors must be present and that the absence of the
nutriment is as important as the absence of the vitamine.

In the field of nutrition the absence of the "B" type is particularly

marked by the behavior of the deprived animal. Rats transferred from a
vitamine-free diet to one containing the "B" only, make a much more rapid
recovery toward normal (even in the absence of the "A") than do animals
transferred from the vitamine-free diet to one containing the "A" and not
the "B". This initial jump from addition of the "B" will not continue long
in the absence of the "A", as a general rule. Hess believes that in some
of his infants he was able to show markedly successful growth on the diet
deficient in the "A" but rich in the "B". It is not certain however that
his diets were sufficiently devoid of the "A" factor to be declared "A"
vitamine-free and we know little of the amount of the "A" necessary to
normal infant growth. All results however show that both "A" and "B" are
necessary to growth production and though the term growth vitamine was
applied to the "A" originally the distinction is one that should be
rejected, for both "A" and "B" and possibly "C" are all entitled to this
The manner in which the "B" vitamine acts is still obscure. Voegtlin some
time ago tried to demonstrate that it was identical with secretin and
stimulated pancreatic flow. Recent work at the Johns Hopkins University by
Cowgill and by Aurep and Drummond in England has failed to confirm this.
One of its most marked immediate effects is increase in appetite. Karr in
Mendel's laboratory has shown that dogs which refused their basal diet
would resume eating it if they were allowed to ingest separately a little
dried yeast. Karr studied the metabolism of these dogs as regards nitrogen
partition but the results give little data that is explicatory of the
behavior of the vitamine. In 1915 the author was able to bring about
marked immediate improvement and the ultimate recovery of a number of
infants who were of the marasmic type by merely increasing the "B"
vitamine content of their food. In these cases the vitamine was carried by
Lloyd's reagent and administered mixed with cereal, or the crude extract
was combined with the milk. The pancreas of the sheep was the source used.
In these cases the growth curve changed abruptly from a decline to a sharp
rise and this increase in weight continued and was accompanied by all the
other signs of improved nutrition including increase in appetite. The
change in the growth curve from decline to rise was accomplished without
increasing or changing the basal diet but as the appetite increased the
food had naturally to be increased to keep pace. In these cases the effect
of the vitamine was to enable the child to utilize its normal food and to
increase its appetite for it. This action certainly suggests stimulation
of digestive glands. It also showed that even though the diet may contain
the vitamine as was the case in the milk fed to these children the
addition of the vitamine in concentrated form often gives an upward push
that the food mixture fails to accomplish. Daniels and Byfield have
recently confirmed the effect of increased "B" in infant growth. Cramer
has suggested in a paper published recently in _The American Journal of
Physiology_ that the fatty tissue about the suprarenals may be a
depository of vitamine and that in the absence of vitamine this tissue
loses its supply and that this is the explanation of lessened activity of
that gland in certain metabolic disturbances. This idea tends to support
the idea that vitamines are gland stimulants or hormones and the word food
hormone has been suggested to describe them on that account. A few years
ago Calkins and Eddy tried to determine the effect of the vitamine on the
single cell by use of the paramecium but the results of the experiments
failed to show a vitamine requirement on the part of these animals.
McDougall has recently suggested that the vitamines produce their effect
on yeast cells by increasing hydration. Unfortunately nearly all stimuli
which produce growth are accompanied by hydration effects and it is
difficult to feel that this is a specific vitamine effect although without
denying the possibility. Dutcher has tried to show that vitamines have a
relation to oxidation effects. He observed that the issues of polyneuritic
birds showed a marked reduction in catalase and that this catalase was
restorable by curing the birds with vitamine. The main difficulty lies in
the conflexity of factors that function between cause and effect.


_1_. On the twentieth day the patient developed a cough. _2_. On

the twenty-first day the cereal was reduced from three times a day to
twice a day. The patient cried during the night. _3_. On the twenty-
second day the stools showed free starch. _4_. On the twenty-third
day an anal abscess was opened. The stools continued to show free starch
until the twenty-fifth day. _5_. On the twenty-fifth day the stools
showed soluble starch but no free starch. _6_. On the twenty-seventh
day the appetite was good and there was no starch. _7_. From the
twenty-eighth to the forty-third day no starch was observed in the stools.
_8_. On the thirty-first day the patient developed a cough. _9_.
From the forty-ninth day to the time of discharge three tablespoonsful of
orange juice were given daily. _10_. On the seventy-third day the
patient developed a bronchitis and mustard paste was applied every four
hours up to the eighty-fourth day.

_V1_ = From the twenty-first day to the forty-third day the patient
received each day 2 grams of Lloyd powder, activated with pancreatic
vitamin. The powder was administered by mixing 1 gram. with each cereal
feeding. The result was 20 ounces gain in twenty-two days, a normal

_V2_ = After a period of ten days without vitamin, during which the
patient settled down to a level growth curve, the treatment described
under V1 was resumed. This was continued from the fifty-third to the
seventy-sixth day. The result was the resumption of growth but at a slower
rate; 8 ounces were gained in twenty-three days. During the latter part of
the period the patient developed a bronchitis. At the end of this period
the patient was placed on a whole milk formula. From that time to the time
of discharge the patient grew normally.--From the _American Journal of
Diseases of Children,_ 1917, xiv, 189.]

[Illustration: Effects of Vitamines on Growth FIG. 9]

These views are at best speculations. The literature is singularly lacking

in detailed metabolic analyses of excreta of animals during vitamine
stimulation and we know nothing of the possibilities of overdosage, for in
all the work done it has been generally assumed that the presence of an
amount greater than that necessary to produce normal growth is not

The exact manner of the vitamine's action then remains to be determined

and it is obvious that this solution will come much more rapidly if we can
first identify the substance chemically.


The steps that led to the acceptance of scurvy as a vitamine deficiency

disease have already been discussed and show how the vitamine acts in such
a disease. Practically all the work done with this vitamine to date has
been concerned either with dosage or with reaction to heat, drying, etc.
The only paper that we have seen that suggests another function than
antiscorbutic power for this vitamine is the one by McCollum and Parsons
in which they suggest that even in animals where scurvy does not exist,
the presence of this factor may be necessary to normal metabolism. The
following table gives some of the data compiled by the British workers as
to the antiscorbutic power of various sources:

_Table compiled from, page 44, British Medical Research Committee


| |
| |
_Cereals:_ | |
Whole grains . . . . . . . . | 0 |
Germ . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 |
Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 |
Endosperm . . . . . . . . . | 0 |
_Pulses:_ | |
Whole dry . . . . . . . . . | 0 |
Germinated (lentils) . . . . | ++ | 5.0 grams
_Vegetables:_ | |
Cabbage (raw). . . . . . . . | ++++ | 1.0 gram
Cabbage (cooked one-half | |
hour at 100�C) . . . . . . | ++ | 5.0 grams
Runner beans (green pods). . | +++ | 5.0 grams
Carrot (juice) . . . . . . . | + | 20.0 cc.
Beet root (juice). . . . . . | + | More than 20 cc.
Swede (juice) . . . . . . . | +++ | 2.5 cc.
Potatoes (cooked one-half | |
hour at 100�C . . . . . . | + | 20.0 grams
Onions . . . . . . . . . . . | + |
Desiccated vegetables . . . | 0 to + | 60.0 grams expressed
| | as equivalent in
| | fresh cabbage
_Fruits:_ | |
Lemon juice (fresh) . . . . | ++++ | 1.5 cc.
Lemon juice (preserved) . . | ++ | 5.0 cc.
Orange juice (fresh) . . . . | ++++ | 1.5 cc.
Lime juice (fresh) . . . . . | ++ | 10.0 cc.
Lime juice (preserved) . . . | 0 to + |
Grapes . . . . . . . . . . . | Less than + | More than 20.0 grams
Apples . . . . . . . . . . . | Less than + |
Apples dried . . . . . . . . | Less than + |
Tamarind dried . . . . . . . | Less than + |
Mango . . . . . . . . . . . | Less than + |
Kokum . . . . . . . . . . . | Less than + |
_Meat:_ | |
Raw, juice . . . . . . . . . | Less than + | More than 20 cc.
Tinned . . . . . . . . . . . | 0 |

A glance at this table shows the richest sources (see also table on page
59.) To these must be added canned tomato juice which Hess has shown
practically equal to orange juice in efficiency and uses with infants in
the same quantity. This discovery is of great value in instances where the
cost of orange juice is often prohibitive.

La Mer and Campbell have presented some evidence to show that the
antiscorbutic vitamine has a direct effect upon the adrenal glands. In
their scurvy cases they find definite evidence of the enlargement or
hypertrophy of this organ. Whether it affects other organs or not it
remains to be shown.


In the preceding chapters it has been the aim to present the findings of
the principal workers in the field. In attempting to summarize the work of
so widely scattered a group as are now engaged in vitamine research it is
impossible to cover completely the many investigations and it is
inevitable that some work will have been overlooked, but the foregoing
covers at least the principal data on the subject. What is the bearing of
all this information on human behavior and what lessons can the layman
draw from it that is of direct application to him? Let us first consider
this question from the dietary viewpoint.


The limited character of the infant's diet has made the consideration of
vitamine content in his diet much more important than in the case of the
adult with the latter's wide variety of choice. It is evident from the
previous data that a growing infant must not only be provided with a
sufficient supply of calories, nutrients and salts, but must also have a
liberal supply of the three vitamines. Milk has in general been classed as
adequate in all these features, but the vitamine researches have forced us
to reconsider our views in regard to this staple.

The first point to be borne in mind is that the vitamine content of either
cow or human milk is dependent primarily upon the food eaten by the
producer of the milk. In other words milk is merely a mobilization of the
vitamines eaten and if the diet is to yield vitamine-rich milk it must
itself be rich in these factors. Many a cow produces milk low in vitamine
content and the same is true of nursing mothers. There are many "old
wives" prejudices in regard to what food a lactating mother may eat and
unfortunately many of these prejudices are extremely injurious and false.
One of them is the prejudice against green vegetables. Experience has
shown that under ordinary conditions such vegetables are well tolerated by
the mother and from their content of vitamine it is evident that they are
suppliers of these factors. In the case of the cow the fact that cereals
are poor in some of the vitamines and green grasses rich therein, teaches
a lesson that bears directly upon winter feeding of cattle if the milk
supply is to be used for infants. We need a series of diets and cattle
foods for just this purpose of insuring the proper vitamine content in
milk. The preceding tables will enable one to develop such diets fairly
satisfactorily, but more data is urgently needed.

The second point in regard to milk lies in the effect of pasteurization.

This measure is now well nigh universal and in America at least has played
a tremendous part in the reduction of infant mortality, especially during
the summer months. At present, however, we know that this treatment while
removing dangerous germs may also eliminate the antiscorbutic factor. The
sensible attitude then is to recognize this fact and if a clean whole milk
is not available retain the pasteurization and meet the vitamine
deficiency by other agents. Such agents are orange juice and tomato juice
and experience has already shown that these juices can be well tolerated
by infants much earlier than used to be thought possible.

While the pasteurization does not appreciably affect the content of "A" or
"B" vitamines, the variability in content of these vitamines in milk
indicates that it may at times be necessary to supplement them in the
diet. In this connection it must be borne in mind that cereals vary widely
in content and cannot be, as they often are now, considered equivalent in
growth stimulation power. This is a subject that needs special attention
on the part of vitamine experts and dietitians and finally by the food
manufacturers. A good vitamine-rich cereal combination would form an
excellent adjuvant to infant dietaries after they reach the age of
tolerance to such a diet. But even before that time the expressed juice of
various vegetables as well as fruits is found to be well tolerated when
mixed with the milk or given separately, and carrot and spinach juice are
now being used in this connection with good results. These juices like
orange juice contain the B type in abundance and there is no doubt that in
their stimulation to the appetite they play an important part in making
the desirable daily gain.

Fortunately for the layman he has in the scales a good indicator of the
normal progress of his child and so long as growth is normal he can fairly
assume that the diet is adequate but if the scales say otherwise it is
time for him to seek advice and then he is wise who insures that his
medical adviser knows the newer aspects of nutrition. The parent can do
this only by proper selection, but with a little knowledge he can soon
satisfy himself as to whether his pediatrist is the right sort and it is
one of the purposes of this text to bring home to the layman his
responsibility in this matter.

There has grown up in this country a great regard for prepared milk
substitutes in infant feeding and a wide usage of condensed milks,
reinforced milks, diluted milk formulae, etc. All such preparations must
be examined anew in the light of the vitamine discoveries and unless the
given preparation can show a clean bill of health in vitamine content, it
should be either discarded or properly supplemented.

As children grow up, it is fortunate that in their wider choice of

dietaries the danger of vitamine deficiency decreases. But even in
childhood it is unsafe to rely too much on chance. In this country there
are well deserving movements on foot to attract the parents of the
community to the necessity of attention to simple standards of growth
progress, and clinics for this purpose are appearing in increasing numbers
with each year. Such movements are to be most heartily approved. It is
also possible in these measures to not only build better children, but to
make the children themselves intelligent in their rejection of unsuitable
combinations and in that way not only conserve their own health, but
provide an educated body of citizens to pass on the knowledge to future
generations. In a school in New York City I recently had occasion to
discuss the school lunch room and its offerings with the children of the
school in the light of vitamine discoveries. The keenness and intelligence
shown by the children in the discussion that followed has convinced me
that in this matter of vitamines the children themselves can be relied
upon to assist materially in the matter of better food combinations and
intelligent selection.

Finally it must be noted that one of the most common of infant

deficiencies is the failure of the bones to lay down lime. The effect of
this failure is commonly described as rickets. The British workers
consider that this deficiency is a lack of vitamine "A." Their views have
been set forth at greatest length by Mellanby, the principal worker in
this subject. While this view is still debatable and in this country it is
not yet accepted, one fact has come out in the controversy and that is the
remarkable value of cod-liver oil as a preventive of rickets. It may be
that the power of the oil is due to its "A" vitamine content in which it
is known to be rich, or it may be due to a new vitamine, but the fact that
the oil is a preventive in this respect gives the pediatrist another agent
to insure normal growth. The various views on the causes of rickets are
set forth more in detail in Chapter VIII.


A study of the dietary habits of various sections of the United States

shows that there is a very general tendency on the part of the majority of
the people to confine their foods to a meat, potato, and cereal diet. The
use of salads is looked upon by many sections as a foreign affectation and
too little attention is paid to the value of eggs, milk and cheese. Enough
has been said already to show that these latter articles have much more
than an esthetic value and one of the missions of the nutrition expert
must be to show the people why dairy products and salads must become
features in the every-day meals of the every-day people. And even if the
salads are still unappreciated, it is necessary that cooked green
vegetables occupy more of a position in the menu than is too often the

There has recently appeared a crusade for the eating of yeast cakes. The
claim made for their use rests on a perfectly firm basis, they are rich in
the "B" vitamine, the proteins of the yeast cake are of good quality and
the cake contains no ingredients poisonous to man. Many people are
reporting beneficial effects from their use. Is there any lesson to be
drawn from this experiment? I feel that the very fact that benefits have
resulted from this yeast feeding is excellent evidence of lack of the
vitamine in the diets of the people affected and a clear argument that the
dietary habits of many people need adjustment to a higher vitamine
content. Whether it is necessary to use yeast cakes or any other
concentrate of vitamine, depends entirely upon whether the ordinary diet
is lacking in these factors and my first advice in the matter would be to
make if possible a selection of the vitamine containing foods and see if
normal conditions did not result before utilizing foods whose taste is not
pleasing or which are taken as medicine. For it is an old experience that
medicines will be taken only so long as the patient is sick and perhaps it
is just as well so. In other words I believe it is possible with
intelligent selection based on such tables as are given in Chapter IV for
people to secure from the butcher and the grocer all their requirements of
these vitamines as a part of their regular palatable diet. To those who
have neglected this selection and find remedy in concentrates, that fact
should lead them to reconstruct their diet rather than persist in
dependence on the medicine to correct faulty diet. In other words the same
arguments apply to the use of medicinal concentrates of vitamines as
applies to the use of laxatives. At times these substances are very
valuable as cures, but it is better by far to so regulate the dietary
habits as to avoid the necessity for their use.

Another phase of this matter that promises to develop in the near future
as a result of the vitamine hypothesis is a reform in food manufacture.
There has been a strong tendency during the past two decades to "purify"
food products. The genesis of this tendency is to be found in a highly
laudable ambition to force the manufacturer to eliminate impurities and
adulterations and provide clean, wholesome, sanitary food. Unfortunately
in attempting to meet this demand on the part of the public, the food
manufacturer has sometimes neglected to seek advice from the nutrition
expert and the latter has failed to appreciate the need of advice. The net
result has been to discover that Nature is often a better chemist than man
and has a much better knowledge of what man needs in his diet than the
chemist. The chemist employed by the manufacturer has, as a result, gone
to such a limit in his development of purification methods as to often
eliminate the essential nutrients and the result has been foods that will
stand analysis for pure nutrients, but which will not stand Nature's
analysis for dietary efficiency. As a secondary result of this tendency we
have acquired habits that in many cases must either be broken or must have
grafted on to them other habits which shall remedy the defective ones.
Take the milling of wheat as an example. Nature put into the wheat grain
most of the elements needed by man and in the early days he was content to
grind up the whole grain and find it palatable. The craze for purity as
expressed by color has gradually replaced this whole meal wheat with a
beautiful white product that is largely pure starch with a few of the
proteins retained. And the principal protein retained lacks one of the
greatest essentials for growth while the vitamines have all been
practically eliminated with the grain germ. Intelligence tells us then
that if, having formed the habit, we will persist in our appetite for
white flour we must see to it that the protein deficiency of the latter
and its lack of vitamines is compensated for by supplementing the diet
with the food-stuffs in which these are rich. We may in other words retain
our bad habits in taste if we will graft on to them the attention to the
eliminated factors and their substitution in other form.

In general then, the adult needs to review his feeding habits and analyze
them in the light of our new knowledge. For this purpose the tables of
Chapter IV supply data useful so far as vitamines are concerned, but it
will be perhaps worth while to repeat here some of this data in more
generalized form.

_a. Sources of the "A" vitamine_

Its most abundant sources are milk, butter, egg yolk fat, and the green
leaves of plants usually classed as salads. Cabbage, lettuce, spinach and
carrots contain this substance in considerable quantity. The germ of
cereals is fairly rich in the factor, but the rest of the grain is
deficient and white flours are therefore poorer than whole meals in this
respect. Cooking temperatures have little effect on this vitamine and
hence little attention need be paid to cooking temperatures as far as this
vitamine is concerned.

_b. Sources of the "B" vitamine_

Its principal sources outside of yeast are the seeds of plants and the
eggs and milk of animals. Meat contains relatively little of this
substance but glandular organs such as the liver and pancreas are fairly
rich in it. In the seeds the distribution is general throughout the whole
body of the seed in the case of beans, peas, etc., but in the cereal
grains it is largely restricted to the embryo portion and hence a high
degree of milling tends to reduce the per cent of this factor in any
highly milled cereal. White flour and polished rice are notable examples
of deficiency of "B" vitamine due to this milling process. Fruits such as
oranges, tomatoes, and lemons are good sources and there is a fair amount
present in the apples and grapes and other common food fruits. Many
vegetables show it in fair abundance, notably potatoes, carrots, and
turnips, but the rule is not general for beets are extremely poor in this
factor. Nuts are also good sources. Eggs, milk and cheese contain it in
fair abundance. Cooking temperatures have little effect on this type if
the temperature does not climb above the boiling point and if the cooking
water is not "alkaline." In the latter case it becomes necessary to
determine the extent of destruction and either eat enough to insure
protection, or reform the method of cookery.

_c. Sources of the "C" vitamine_

Its richest sources are vegetables such as cabbage, swedes, turnips,

lettuce and watercress; fruits such as lemons, oranges, raspberries and
tomatoes. Certain of the vegetables such as potatoes have a substantial
value in this respect, but meat and most prepared milks are low in
antiscorbutic values. The susceptibility of this vitamine to drying, heat
and alkali, make it necessary to scrutinize your cooking methods very
carefully in order not to ruin a good source by a poor preparation of it
for the table.



A survey of the vitamines would be incomplete without a discussion of the

vitamine deficiency diseases in particular, though many of the facts
already cited obviously bear on the treatment and prevention of such

The idea of "avitaminoses" or vitamine deficiency as the cause of a

disease of a specific nature was set forth in detail by Funk in his book
_Die Vitamine_. In his discussion of this view he suggests several
types that would, he felt, on examination prove to be due to the absence
of a vitamine in the diet. Of these predicted types beri-beri was the only
one to be established in 1913. Scurvy has now been added to the fold and
rickets or rachitis seems well on the way to acceptance though the
specific vitamine absent in this case is not yet positively identified.
Pellagra still resists the efforts of the vitamine hypothesis to bend it
to that theory and its etiology is still obscure.


This disease while specifically confined to the oriental in the mind of

the student can be justly considered of much wider distribution for the
mild forms of malnutrition associated with a deficiency in the "B"
vitamine are less acute manifestations of this disease. The disease is not
likely to become marked in well nourished districts in its acute form, but
in famine districts its incidence is always possible. It would be more
than possible were it not for the fact that famine tends to eliminate the
highly milled cereals and throw the people back on to the whole grain,
peas and beans, which are rich in the preventive factor. But when for any
reason diets become limited extra attention is demanded in regard to their
selection and preparation. The main characteristics of this disease have
already been fully covered in what precedes and need not be repeated here.


This disease, like beri-beri has already been fully discussed in what
precedes. One of the striking discoveries of this subject has been the
retreat from favor of the time-honored lime juice which is now found to be
much less potent than oranges, lemons, or even canned tomato juice and
which on preservation loses practically all its potency. In the modern
hospital, cases of scurvy rarely appear outside of occasional infant cases
and it might appear that the problem of scurvy prevention is peculiarly
that of the sailor, the explorer and the army rationer. Nevertheless an
insufficient supply of the "C" vitamine may retard growth and well being
in the individual without manifesting itself in its more acute form of
scurvy. In a recent review Hess states: "It is hardly an exaggeration to
state that in the temperate zones the development or non-development of
scurvy depends largely on the potato crop." "This is attributed in part to
the fact that the potato is an excellent antiscorbutic, but to a greater
extent because it is consumed during the winter in amounts that exceed the
combined total of all other vegetables." To the public and to the food
purveyor there is a definite problem in how to best supply the preventive
and how best to concentrate and preserve the sources of this vitamine
without injury to its potency. The following observation is therefore
appended as bearing on this point. In the absence of fruits or other high
potency sources it is possible to develop this factor in cereal grains by
the simple expediency of sprouting. If seeds are soaked in water for
twenty-four hours and then kept moist for from one to three days with the
free access of air, sprouts will develop whose content of the
antiscorbutic vitamine is comparable to that of many fresh vegetables,
even though the dry seeds themselves have little of this factor. In other
words the germination process is a synthesiser of the vitamine. This
observation may be of value where fruits and vegetables are scarce or
expensive. On account of cooking effects, it cannot be too often
reiterated that raw fruits, vegetables and salads, are of more value than
cooked forms of these same sources and that drying processes are extremely
destructive where heat enters into the drying process. Vacuum drying seems
to be much less destructive and it may be possible to develop the drying
of vegetables to a point where retention of this vitamine factor is
practical. At present all dried vegetables should be regarded with
suspicion as a source of vitamine "C." Expressed juices may often be used
where the whole vegetable is scarce or incompatible and this fact is one
to be borne in mind by the worker in famine districts.


This disease is engaging the attention of many workers on both sides of

the Atlantic at the present time. In England the principal contributor is
Dr. Mellanby, who has accumulated evidence which he believes indicates
that the preventive factor is the A vitamine. This view is not yet
accepted as conclusive by the American workers. McCollum, Howland, Park,
and others at Johns Hopkins University have experimented with various
rickets-producing diets and while the principal deficiency in these diets
seems to be Ca salts and the A vitamine they do not consider that the
disease can as yet be traced to deficiency in any one factor. Hess has
called attention to several new features and the significance of some
older measures. He has shown on the one hand that cod-liver oil is almost
a specific remedy for the disease but that this remedy is not replaceable
by other rich sources of the A vitamine. He has also recently shown that
hygienic measures may have an influence. Schmorl showed that the disease
was seasonal, a high rate maintaining in the winter months and a lower
rate in the summer months. Hess has recently reported beneficial results
from use of the ultra-violet rays which he uses as a substitute for
sunlight. The results seem to confirm Schmorl's view that the sunlight of
the summer months is a preventive factor. He has also suggested that the
specific effect of the cod-liver oil might be due to a new vitamine,
Vitamine D? On the other hand Zilva and Miura in England have recently
shown that crude cod-liver oil is something like two hundred and fifty
times as rich in vitamine A as butter fat, which tends to support the
British view that the A vitamine is the antirachitic factor.

Sherman and Pappenheimer have recently shown that the phosphates exert a
marked preventive effect on rickets and suggest that the utilization of
the calcium by the individual may be determined in part by this factor.

The views in brief are now in an extremely chaotic state and it is

impossible at present to determine whether rickets is a true avitaminose
or a consequence of deficiency in a series of factors. It is however
certain that the disease in its subacute forms is extremely wide-spread
among infants and that its prevention can be most easily secured by the
addition of cod-liver oil to the diet. In this procedure warning is
necessary that the cod-liver oil be as pure a product of oil as possible,
since the market preparations are often almost devoid of the true oil and
hence of the curative agent.


This disease has been the subject of exhaustive inquiry and study on this
side of the Atlantic and the findings of the various investigating boards
have added much to the prevention and cure of the scourge, but have failed
as yet to agree on any one etiological factor. The best recent review of
the current findings is to be found in an article by Voegtlin published as
Reprint 597 of the Public Health Reports of the United States Public
Health Service. His conclusions may be quoted in full as representing the
latest summary of evidence now extant:

1. The hypothesis that there is a causal relation between pellagra and a

restricted vegetable diet has been substantiated by direct proof to this
effect and has led to results of considerable practical and scientific

2. The metabolism in pellagra shows certain definite changes from the

normal, which point to decreased gastric secretion and increased
intestinal putrefaction.

3. In the treatment and prevention of pellagra, diet is the essential

factor. The disease can be prevented by an appropriate change in diet
without changing other sanitary conditions.

4. A diet of the composition used by pellagrins prior to their attack by

the disease leads to malnutrition and certain pathological changes in
animals, resembling those found in pellagra. A typical pellagrous
dermatitis has not been observed in animals. Pellagrous symptoms have been
produced in man by the continued consumption of a restricted vegetable

5. _The nature of the dietary effect has not been discovered_,

although certain observations point to a combined deficiency in some of
the recognized dietary factors as the cause of the pellagrous syndrome.

In elaborating on conclusion 5 Voegtlin states that:

The conception that pellagra is due to a dietary deficiency is, therefore,

not contradicted by the available evidence. This does not imply that the
disease is necessarily due to a deficiency of diet in a specific substance
such as the hypothetical pellagra vitamine of Funk (1913). It is much more
likely that the pellagrous syndrome is caused by a combination of the
deficiencies in some of the well recognized food factors.


The r�le of the vitamine in the nutrition and growth of organisms other
than the man is becoming a matter of interest in various ways. The
construction of culture media for various strains of bacteria and the
conditions favorable or unfavorable to their growth, are features of study
in which the new hypothesis has demanded attention. It has already been
claimed that vitamines are essential to the growth of the meningococcus,
the influenza bacillus, the typhoid bacillus, the gonococcus, the
pneumococcus Type I, Streptococcus hemolyticus, the diptheria bacillus,
the Bacillus pertussis and certain soil organisms. If these views are
confirmed it becomes evident that the means for prevention of the
development of these forms may lie in the control of the vitamine content
of the materials on which these forms thrive and that in the study of
these types it may be possible to speed up the incubation of strains and
thus hasten diagnostic measures by introducing the necessary vitamines
into the culture media. These observations merely suggest the possible
widening of the scope of the vitamine study in the service of man and give
added reason for our keeping pace with the strides made in this particular


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