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We have faded int !"a#$ and %hite fi"&' ()ain* and !"ea$. E+ta!"i+hin( +ht f the ,e)a h-+e (&atte +ht). The ai) i+ dan$' the !-i"din( ()e* and #)-&!"in(. The)e i+ ve)* "itt"e a#tivit* in f)nt. A n#e (")i-+ &n-&ent +h-nned !* the &de)n %)"d. We .O/E #"+e)0 %e ta$e in +tat-e+ %ith "i&!+ &i++in(' the ()eat #hi,,ed ,i""a)+. A "a#$"-+te) +i(n )ead+ 1P-!"i# A-#tin1. We #ntin-e t #"+e in0 the +tai)+ "eadin( -, t the &ain ent)an#e a)e fi"th*. The ,"a#e +ee&+ a!andnned. We 2EAR the ni+e f t)affi#0 $"a3n+' h)+e+ !-t' a+ %e .O/E #"+e) t%a)d+ the ,en &ain d)+ %e then 2ea) the AU4TIONEER56 7A/EL. AU4TIONEER (O.6) 6"d. Y-) n-&!e)' +i)8 Than$ *-. INT. OPERA POPULAIRE. DAY. (4ONTINUOU6 62OT) In ne &ve&ent' the #a&e)a ("ide+ th)-(h the &ain ent)an#e int the de+e)ted ha"" )evea"in( the va+t' #)a#$ed +tai)%a* "eadin( -, t the va)i-+ "eve"+ f the f*e)' +#a))ed !* a te))i!"e fi)e "n( a(. The)e i+ )-!!i+h eve)*%he)e. D-+t f"at+ th)-(h the +haft+ f ()e* "i(ht #&in( th)-(h the !)$en %ind%+. AU4TIONEER (O.6) Lt 99:' then' "adie+ and (ent"e&en: A ,+te) f) thi+ h-+e5+ ,)d-#tin Of 2anni!a"1 !* 4ha"-&ea-. PORTER (O.6) 6h%in( he)e. We #ntin-e t &ve -, the +tai)+' th)-(h a +et f d)+; INT OPERA POPULAIRE. DAY. (4ONTINUOU6 62OT) ;int the +ta""+ f the a-dit)i-&. The +eat+ a)e t)n' even -,)ted and ,i"ed n t, f ea#h the). 6haft+ f da*"i(ht #-t th)-(h the da)$ne++ f)& t)a,+ in the "ea$in( #ei"in(. At the fa) end f the +ta""+ in a #"ea) +,a#e' %e +ee a DO<EN PEOPLE ()-,ed a)-nd T2E PORTLY AU4TIONEER n an i&,)vi+ed ,di-&. Ne3t t the AU4TIONEER +tand+ a PORTER h"din( the ,+te) f) 12anni!a"10 a diva' 1La 4a)"tta1' h"din( a +eve)ed head. The =IDDER6 a)e &ain"* +eed*' d-+t* &en in heav* #at+0 >-n$ dea"e)+. The)e i+ ne "d %&an' ..E. 7IRY' %h +tand+ a "itt"e a,a)t. 6he i+ d)e++ed in !"a#$' he) hat #ve)ed in !"a#$ vei"in(' "i$e a %id%. AU4TIONEER D I have ten f)an#+8 Five then. Five I a& !id. 6i3' +even. A(ain+t *-' +i)' +even. Ei(ht. Ei(ht n#e. 6e""in( t%i#e. 6"d.. The !"% f the (ave" e#he+ a)-nd the +,a#e. The AU4TIONEER -n+-##e++f-""* t)ie+ t #ve) hi+ di+dain f) the ?UN@ DEALER. AU4TIONEER t .n+ie-) Defe))e. Than$ *- ve)* &-#h' +i). The #ntent+ f the ,e)a h-+e a)e !ein( a-#tined ff. We +ee +tat-e+' +&e #ve)ed %ith h-(e #anva+e+' the)e a)e !3e+' t)-n$+' ,),+ and ,e)a &e&)a!i"ia. ..E. 7IRY )e&ain+ +ti#' &*+te)i-+. 6he t-)n+ and +ee+ and "d .AN (RAOUL) in a %hee"#hai) !ein( %hee"ed in !* a NUR6E. AU4TIONEER Lt 99A: a %den ,i+t" and th)ee h-&an +$-""+ F)& the 1B:1 ,)d-#tin f 1R!e)t "e Dia!"e1 =* .e*e)!ee). Ten f)an#+ f) thi+. Ten' than$ *-. Ten +ti"". Fifteen' than$ *-. Fifteen I a& !id. 7in( at fifteen. ..E 7IRY %at#he+ a+ RAOUL a,,)a#he+ in hi+ %hee"#hai). 2e "$+ -, and +ee+ he). The)e i+ &-#h -n+aid !et%een the&' !ea)e)+ f da)$ +e#)et+. The 7A/EL E42OE6 A7AIN a)-nd the ha"". AU4TIONEER Y-) n-&!e)' +i)8 Lt 99C' "adie+ and (ent"e&en: A ,a,ei)D&a#he &-+i#a" !3 in the +ha,e f a =a))e"D)(an. Atta#hed' the fi(-)e f a &n$e* In Pe)+ian )!e+' ,"a*in( the #*&!a"+. Thi+ ite&' Di+#ve)ed in the va-"t+ f the theat)e' +ti"" in W)$in( )de)' "adie+ and (ent"e&en. PORTER (2"din( it -,) 6h%in( he)e. (2e +et+ it in &tin) The +i&,"e *et ha-ntin( t-ne ,"a*+ a+ !th RAOUL and ..E. 7IRY +ta)e at the &-+i#a" !3. It ha+ ()eat &eanin( f) the& !th. AU4TIONEER .a* I #&&en#e at t%ent* f)an#+8 Oh #&e' 4&e' "adie+ and (ent"e&en. Fifteen' then8 ..E. 7i)* )ai+e+ he) hand. AU4TIONEER Fifteen' than$ *-. The NUR6E )ai+e+ he) hand . AU4TIONEER Ye+' t%ent* f)& *- +i)' Than$ *- ve)* &-#h. ..E. 7IRY T%ent*Dfive AU4TIONEER T%ent*Dfive n &* "eft' than$ *- &ada&. T%ent*Dfive I a& !id. A(ain the NUR6E )ai+e+ he) hand. AU4TIONEER Thi)t*8 ..E. 7IRY +ta)e+ at RAOUL' he) e3,)e++in +ee&+ t +ften. 6he )ea"iEe+ h% &-#h thi+ &ean+ t the +i#$"*' "d &an. AU4TIONEER 6e""in( at thi)* f)an#+' then. ..E. 7IRY "$+ a%a*. AU4TIONEER Thi)t* n#e' thi)t*' t%i#e' ((ave" d%n) +"d f) thi)t* f)an#+. T the /it#&te de 4ha(n*. Than$ *-' +i). The !3 i+ handed a#)++ t RAOUL. 2e than$+ ..E. 7IRY %ith hi+ e*e+' then +t-die+ the ,a,ie) &a#he &n$e*. RAOUL (/.O) A 4OLLE4TOR56 PIE4E INDEED........ E/ERY DETAIL EXA4TLY A6 62E 6AID....... 62E OFTEN 6PO@E OF YOU' .Y FRIEND YOUR /EL/ET LININ7 AND YOUR FI7URINE OF LEAD WILL YOU 6TILL PLAY' W2EN ALL T2E RE6T OF U6 ARE DEAD8 We #-t t the AU4TIONEER a+ he )e+-&e+: AU4TIONEER Lt 999 then' a #hande"ie). A"" attentin t-)n+ t a &a&&th #hande"ie) )e+tin( n the f") f the a-dit)i-& #ve)ed in #anva+. Ee)ie &-+i# #)ee,+ in. AU4TIONEER 6&e f *- &a* )e#a"" the +t)an(e affai) Of the Phant& f the O,e)a0 a &*+te)* neve) F-""* e3,"ained. We a)e t"d' "adie+ and 7ent"e&an' that thi+ i+ the ve)* #hande"ie) Whi#h fi(-)e+ in the fa&-+ di+a+te). O-) %)$+h,+ have )e,ai)ed it and %i)ed Pa)t+ f it f) the ne% e"e#t)i# "i(ht' Pe)ha,+ %e &a* f)i(hten a%a* The (h+t f + &an* *ea)+ a( %ith a "itt"e I""-&inatin. 7ent"e&en8 The PORTER6 %hi, ff the #anva+. The AU4TIONEER +%it#he+ n the #hande"ie). The)e i+ an en)&-+ f"a+h and the th-nde)-+ )(an O/ERTURE !e(in+. The 42ANDELIER' i&&en+e and ("itte)in(' !e(in+ t )i+e a!ve the +ta""+. At the +a&e ti&e' a (-+t f %ind %hi,+ -, the d-+t and )-!!i+h f the a-dit)i-&' !"%in( a%a* the *ea)+ f ne("e#t. A+ the #hande"ie) )i+e+' %e INTER4UT %ith the fa#e+ f 7IRY and RAOUL. The *ea)+ a)e fa""in( a%a*0 thei) feat-)e+ and +$in a)e #"ea)in(: thei) e*e+ a)e !)i(htenin(. And -) fi"&' %e )ea"iEe' i+ +teadi"* 7AININ7 4OLOUR. The (a+ "i(ht+ a"" a"n( the +ta(e #&e n. The )ed ve"vet +eat+ a)e )e+t)ed' the &a)!"e and the +tat-e+ ("ea&' the ,aint ("i+ten+. The %ind+ f ti&e a)e )e+t)in( the n#e &a(nifi#ent theat)e. The #hande"ie) i+ +ti"" )i+in(' )i+in(. We a)e n% in FULL TE42NI4OLOR. The date i+ 1BBF O$a* the !e(innin( #ntin-ed....... FULL OR42E6TRA ?OIN6 OR7AN: We INTER4UT the #hande"ie) )i+in( %ith: EXT. OPERA POPULAIRE. DAY. (1BBF) E+ta!"i+hin( +ht (&atte) f the theat)e in 1BBF. The)e i+ h-(e a#tivit* in f)nt f the &ain ent)an#e. Pe,"e G-e-in(' &i""in( a!-t' +ta)in( at va+t ,+te)+ f) 12anni!a"1 +ta))in( LA 4ARLOTTA' the )ei(nin( diva. The)e a)e TI4@ET TOUT6' 6TREET TRADER6' PEOPLE OF ALL 4LA66E6. LEFE/RE' the )eti)in( &ana(e)' a))ive+ %ith .. FIR.IN and .. ANDRE' the ne% %ne)+' in thei) #a))ia(e. EXT. OPERA POPULAIRE. DAY. A 6TA=LE =OY -+he)+ thei) ()and #a))ia(e int the OPERA 6TA=LE6. 7ROO.6' TRAINER6' 2OR6E6' *a,,in( DO76. INT. OPERA POPULAIRE. DAY. The f""%in( .ONTA7E int)d-#e+ the th)ivin( %)"d !a#$+ta(e and -) +t#$ #&,an* f ,"a*e)+. O##a+ina""*' %e +ee LEFE/RE' ANDRE and FIR.IN %a"$in( th)-(h. 4ARPENTER6 and PAINTER6 a)e ,)e,a)in( +e#tin+ f the +et in the 64ENERY DO4@6. A DWARF in #+t-&e +tea"+ !)ead f)& a 7IP6Y and )-n+ ff. A ,ie#e f the +et i+ )""ed ,a+t n #a+t)+. =ehind it TWO TU.=LER6 a)e ,)a#ti#in( thei) t)i#$+. A !ev* f =ALLET 7IRL6 )-n th)-(h and -, +&e i)n +tai)+' %at#hed #"+e"* !* ANDRE and FIR.IN !ein( +h%n a)-nd !* LEFE/RE. =e"% the +tai)%a* a 4O6TU.ED 4OUPLE i+ $i++in(. A!ve nea) the d) an OLD .AN i+ +ittin( fa+t a+"ee,. We +ee the 4O6TU.E 62OP6' WI7.A@ER6' PROP6' RE2EAR6AL 2ALL6' et#. The %h"e ,,-"atin f the ,e)a h-+e i+ in &ve&ent0 .U6I4IAN6' 6IN7ER6' DAN4ER6' 6TA7E2AND6. T2E .U6I4IAN6 a)e ()-&!"in( int the OR42E6TRA PIT. We +ee a ()-, f 6PEAR 4ARRIER6 eatin( a &ea" a)-nd a ,t in thei) d)e++in( )&. The* th)% fd -t t the d(+ %aitin( at the d). TWO DO76 #ha+e ea#h the) d%n the #))id) and #)a+h th)-(h a ha"fD,en d) %at#hed !* ?O6EP2 =UHUET' a +ini+te) +#ene +hifte) in ve)a""+. 2e "ee)+ a+ he ,ee)+ th)-(h a h"e in the %a""0 -na%a)e f hi& the *-n(e+t =ALLET 7IRL6 a)e (ettin( #han(ed. 6EA.6TRE66E6 and WI7.A@ER6 %)$. 7ROO.6 tend h)+e+ 6TA7E2AND6 and 4ARPENTER6 +ha)e a !tt"e in the #)%ded 7REEN ROO.. =UHUET f""%+ a+ a fe% !a""et (i)"+' in#"-din( .E7 7IRY and 42RI6TINE DAAE' ,-+h ,a+t hi& t >in the) (i)"+ !ein( d)i""ed !* ..E. 7IRY' the +eve)e !a""et &i+t)e++' in the RE2EAR6AL 6TUDIO. The* a)e !vi-+"* "ate. We #-t t a f"at )i+in( th)-(h the ),e+ and ,-""e*+ f the FLIE6 t ,i#$ -, =UHUET n a )a&, a+ a 4AT )-n+ f)& hi&' hi(h a!ve the +ta(e f the ,e)a h-+e. Thi+ enti)e .ONTA7E f the #&in( t "ife f the 1BBF O,e)a P,-"ai)e ha+ !een #ntin-a""* INTER4UT %ith +ht+ f the 2U7E 42ANDELIER #ntin-in( t )i+e. N% it find+ it+ de+tinatin' #ente)ed hi(h a!ve the &a(nifi#ent theat)e' +-))-nded !* a ,ainted #ei"in(. O/ERTURE END6 a+ 4ARLOTTA56 PIER4IN7 2I72 NOTE (O.6) #)%n+ the &&ent and %e 4UT TO: 4LO6EDUP f a d-&&*5+ +eve)ed head' &-th %ideD,en. INT. OPERA POPULAIRE. T2AT NI72T. The &a(i#' ("a&-) and &a>e+t* f a (a"a ,e)f)&an#e. We a)e &vin( a)-nd 42RI6TINE and' a+ %e &ve !ehind he)' the "i(ht #han(e+. We #&e )-nd the the) +ide t )evea" the ,a#$ed (a"a a-dit)i-&. REYER i+ #nd-#tin( a f-"" )#he+t)a' the ,)&,te) i+ in hi+ !3' the (a+ "i(ht+ a)e f"i#$e)in(. 42RI6TINE i+ )evea"ed in a daEE"in( %hite #+t-&e !a#$ed !* a "avi+h &e*e)!ee)D"i$e +et (&n' &vin( #"-d+' a %ate)fa"") 0 2OR6E6' 42ORU6. WE NE/ER 6AID OUR LO/E;;.. (The)e %i"" !e ,)tin+ f the Li!)ett &i++in( in the f""%in( a+ it f""%+ the ,"a* ve)+in e3a#t"*) T2IN@ OF .E' T2IN@ OF .E WA@IN7 6ILENT AND RE6I7NED. INT. AUDITORIU.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) We +ee dEen+ f ,e)a ("a++e+ )ai+ed t %at#h 42RI6TINE. INT. 6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 42RI6TINE I.A7INE .E TRYIN7 TO 2ARD;. T2ERE WILL NE/ER =E A DAY W2EN I WON5T T2IN@ OF YOU;; INT. AUDITORIU.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) D-)in( thi+' %e +ee the a-dien#e. The &en in tai"#at+ and ("ve+' the %&en in daEE"in( (%n+ and >e%e")*. The %h"e f the F)en#h a)i+t#)a#* i+ he)e in the !3e+' the +ta""+ and #i)#"e+. In ne f the !3e+ the +it+ the ROYAL FA.ILY' thei) fa#e+ hidden f)& the a-dien#e !* the +had%+. In anthe)' %e +ee FIR.IN and ..E. FIR.IN' ANDRE and *-n( RAOUL. The* a)e a"" de"i(hted' "$in( at the a-dien#e and 42RI6TINE n+ta(e. The a-dien#e +ee+ the ROYAL 2AND6 #"a, in &idDa)ia' (ivin( ,e)&i++in t the )e+t f the ("itte)in( #)%d. A,,"a-+e' !)av+. P)&inent a&n( the !)av+' th+e f *-n( RAOUL in the .ANA7ER5+ !3. RAOUL 4AN IT =E8 4AN IT =E 42RI6TINE8 =)avI We f""% hi& a+ he "eave+ the !3. INT. OPERA POPULAIREJUP6TAIR6 FOYER. NI72T' (4ONTINUOU6) RAOUL )-+he+ -t f the !3' ,a+t ..E. 7IRY %h ha+ !een +tandin( nea) it. A+ +he #"+e+ the d)' %e +ee the n-&!e) n the d): =3 Five. 6he %at#he+ hi& )-n t%a)d+ the +tai)+. The f*e)+ a)e e&,t* a,a)t f)& a fe% 7UARD6 at ea+eand the U62ERETTE6 %aitin(. RAOUL W2AT A 42AN7E;. =UT I RE.E.=ER 2ER;. We INTER4UT thi+ %ith 42RI6TINE n+ta(e: INT. OPERA POPULAIREJ6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 42RI6TINE WE NE/ER 6AID OUR LO/E WA6 E/ER7REEN;;; YOU WILL T2IN@;;;.. (4adenEa) ;;.OF .EI The)e i+ a ,a-+e. 4a&e)a #i)#"e+ 42RI6TINE5+ fa#e and then 4RANE6 t )evea" the h-(e a-dien#e %aitin(. Then' %e +ee the E.PEROR56 2AND6 a,,"a-din( and' +-dden"*' the %h"e h-+e e)-,t+. The a,,"a-+e #ntin-e+ ve): EXT. OPERA POPULAIREJ4OURTYARD. NI72T. A .AID' 4ALOTTA5+ &aid' )-n+ -t f a d) int the #-)t*a)d t%a)d+ a %aitin( #a))ia(e. 4ARLOTTA "ean+ int the %ind%. The .AID )e,)t+ 42RI6TINE5+ t)i-&,h. 4ARLOTTA #""a,+e+ !a#$ int the #a))ia(e a(ain+t PIAN7I. 2e t)ie+ t #n+"e he) !-t +he +"a,+ hi&. INT. OPERA POPULAIREJDRE66IN7 ROO. 4ORRODOOR6. NI72T. The a-dien#e i+ #)%din( int the !a#$+ta(e #))id)+. A&n( the&' RAOUL t)*in( t find 42RI6TINE. The)e i+ a #)-+h n the +tai)+ "eadin( -, t the d)e++in( )&+' a &i3t-)e f ARI6TO4RAT6 (+&e f"i)tin( %ith the =ALLET 7IRL6)' 6TA7E2AND6 and 6IN7ER6. =tt"e+ f #ha&,a(ne a)e ,,,in(' f"%e)+ a)e !ein( de"ive)ed. RAOUL i+ t)*in( t fi(ht hi+ %a* th)-(h. 4a&e)a f""%+ .E7' a"+ "$in( f) 42RI6TINE' +he &ve+ int;. (ALW NOTE: ,a)t* &-+i# %hi#h %i"" +eG-e "ate) int ee)iene++) INT. OPERA POPULAIREJUP6TAIR6 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) ;. A de+e)ted ,a)t f the !-i"din(. Ee)ie. 6he (e+ -t f +ht and the #a&e)a advan#e+ t find anthe) +&a""e) +tai)%a*. It "ead+ t a +&a"" +et f d)+. We ( th)-(h t find;. INT. OPERA POPULAIREJ42APEL. NI72T. ;.42RI6TINE' in #+t-&e' +tandin( in a tin* #ha,e". 6he i+ "i(htin( a #and"e %hi#h +he ,"a#e+ in f)nt f a ,"aG-e. Fi3ed t the ,"aG-e i+ a da(-e))t*,e f he) fathe). The)e i+ a +#-",ted vi"in in f)nt. (N=. 2e) fathe) +h-"d )e+e&!"e the P2ANTO. %hen di+(-i+ed). We nti#e that the)e a)e ,"aG-e+ a"" a"n( the %a""' ea#h %ith a "itt"e +#-",t-)e de+#)i!in( the ,)fe++in f the de#ea+ed &e&!e) f the O,e)a P,-"ai)e0 !a""et +he+' in+t)-&ent+ et#. 42RI6TINE $nee"+ t ,)a*. 6he 2EAR6: P2ANTO.56 /OI4E (O.6) =RA/I' =RA/I' =RA/I66I.I;; And a ,h)a+e n the vi"in. 42RI6TINE "$+ -,' d)a%n t the +-nd. INT. OPERA POPULAIREJUP6TAIR6 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. .E7 i+ +ti"" +ea)#hin( f) 42RI6TINE. .E7 42RI6TINE;;.42RI6TINE;. 6he +ee+ the "itt"e +tai)%a* "eadin( t the #ha,e". INT. OPERA POPULAIREJ42APEL. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) P2ANTO.56 /OI4E (O.6) 42RI6TINE;;.. =-t .E7 ha+ a))ived in the #ha,e"' (ivin( 42RI6TINE a +ta)t. .E7 (Enth-+ia+ti#) W2ERE IN T2E WORLD 2A/E YOU =EEN 2IDIN7;. (Li!)ett &i++in( !* )e,+t de+i(n) .....W2O I6 T2I6 NEW TUTOR8 42RI6TINE (Di+t)a#ted) FAT2ER ON4E 6PO@E OF AN AN7EL;; ;6O.E2OW' I @NOW 2E56 ALWAY6 WIT2 .E; 2E D T2E UN6EEN 7ENIU6;. .e( &ve+ t%a)d+ he) and !e(in+ t "ead he) -t f the #ha,e". .E7 42RI6TINE YOU .U6T 2A/E =EEN DREA.IN7;;.. ;.IN RIDDLE6 AND IT56 NOT LI@E YOU;; INT. OPERA POPULAIREJUP6TAIR6 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .E7 i+ "eadin( 42RI6TINE d%n the #))id). 42RI6TINE (nt hea)in( he)' e#+tati#) AN7EL OF .U6I4I 7UIDE AND 7UARDIANI 7RANT TO .E YOUR 7LORYI We +ee the )afte)+ a!ve the&. .E7 (T he)+e"f) W2O I6 T2I6 AN7EL8 T2I6;; INT. UP6TAIR6 4ORRIDOR6JFLIE6. ANOT2ER AN7LE. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) F"at+ )ai+e and "%e) a+ =UHUET' !-+* +e#-)in( ),e+' %at#he+ the&' "e#he)-+"*. The* a)e -na%a)e f hi+ ,)e+en#e. =OT2 AN7EL OF .U6I4I 2IDE NO LON7ERI 6E4RET AND 6TRAN7E AN7EL;;. 42RI6TINE (Da)$"*) 2E56 WIT2 .E E/EN NOW;.. .E7 (=e%i"de)ed) YOUR 2AND6 ARE 4OLD;; 42RI6TINE ALL AROUND .E;.. .E7 YOUR FA4E 42RI6TINE IT56 W2ITE;.. 42RI6TINE IN FRI72TEN6 .E;.. .E7 DON5T =E FRI72TENED;.. INT. OPERA POPULAIREJDRE66IN7 ROO. 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The* a))ive in the #))id) and find an ad)in( #)%d f fan+. The* &ve th)-(h the #)%d+ t%a)d+ 42RI6TINE5+ d)e++in( )& a&id !)av+ and f"%e)+. RAOUL +ee+ the& !-t #annt )ea#h the&. .ean%hi"e' FIR.IN and ANDRE a)e &a$in( thei) %a* t%a)d+ 42RI6TINE' in hi(h +,i)it+' !ea)in( #ha&,a(ne. FIR.IN ()a!+ the !tt"e f)& ANDRE and +%i(+ f)& it. 42RI6TINE and .E7 "$ at ne anthe). The &&ent i+ !)$en !* the a))iva" f ..E. 7IRY. ..E 7IRY .e( 7i)*. A)e *- a dan#e)8 Then ( and ,)a#ti#e. .e( "eave+ and )e>in+ the DAN4ER6. ..E 7IRY (TO 42RI6TINE) .* dea)' *- did ve)* %e"". 2E %i"" !e P"ea+ed %ith *-. INT. 42RI6TINE (4ARLOTTA) DRE66IN7 ROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 42RI6TINE ente)+. The )& i+ fi""ed %ith f"%e)+. INT. DRE66IN7 ROO. 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) RAOUL fina""* >in+ ANDRE and FIR.IN nea) 42RI6TINE5+ d)e++in( )&. FIR.IN /i#&te' I thin$ %e5ve &ade G-ite A di+#ve)* in .i++ DaaeI ANDRE A""% -+ t ,)e+ent *-' dea) /i#&te. RAOUL 7ent"e&an' if *- %-"dn5t &ind. Thi+ i+ ne /i+it I +h-"d ,)efe) t &a$e -na##&,anied. 2e ta$e+ the #ha&,a(ne f)& FIR.IN. ANDRE A+ *- %i+h' /i#&te. The* !% and &ve ff. FIR.IN The* a,,ea) t have &et !ef)e;.. INT. DRE66IN7 ROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 42RI6TINE i+ +ittin( at he) &i))). It i+ +-))-nded !* )+e+. The)e a)e #and"e+ a)-nd he). RAOUL ente)+: RAOUL 1LITTLE LOTTE LET 2ER .IND WANDER;; (.)e f the Li!)ett %e a"" $n% + %e"";;;;..) 42RI6TINE 1NO D W2AT I LO/E =E6T' LOTTE 6AID;.. ;.AND T2E AN7EL OF .U6I4 6IN76 6ON76 IN .Y 2EADI; =OT2 1;..T2E AN7EL OF .U6I4 6IN76 6ON76 IN .Y 2EADI1 D-)in( thi+' %e have +een va)i-+ e,i+de+ in FLA62=A4@. The+e a,,ea) in the &i))) ve) 42RI6TINE and RAOUL5+ )ef"e#tin+0 the +#a)f in the +ea' YOUN7 RAOUL e&e)(in( f)& the %ate) t )et-)n it t YOUN7 42RI6TINE0 the ,i#ni# in the atti#0 he) FAT2ER ,"a*in( vi"in' %ea)in( a #a,e. The #"ea) and inn#ent ad)atin f a "itt"e (i)" f) he) ta"ented' "vin( fathe). 42RI6TINE (T-)nin( in he) #hai) t "$ at hi&) Fathe) +aid' 1When I a& in 2eaven #hi"d;; RAOUL N d-!t f it. And n% %e ( t +-,,e)I 42RI6TINE (Fi)&"*) N Ra-"0 the An(e" f .-+i# i+ ve)* +t)i#t. RAOUL I +han5t $ee, *- -, "ateI 42RI6TINE N' Ra-";; RAOUL Y- &-+t #han(e. I5"" )de) .* #a))ia(e. T% &in-te+ D Litt"e Ltte. 2e h-))ie+ -t' #"+in( the d). 42RI6TINE (4a""in( afte) hi&) Ra-"I N' %aitI Thin(+ have #han(ed' Ra-"I 42RI6TINE ha+ +ta)ted #han(in( int he) d)e++in( (%n. T)e&-"-+ &-+i#. 42RI6TINE t-)n+ and hea)+ the P2ANTO.6 /OI4E' +ee&in("* th)-(h the ti&!e)+ f the theat)e. P2ANTO.56 /OI4E (O.6) IN6OLENT =OYI;;;;. ;;..62ARIN7 IN .Y TRIU.P2I INT. OPERA 2OU6E. NI72T. (4ONTINOU6) /a)i-+ +ht+ f the e&,t*in( ,e)a h-+e. The an()* +-nd f the P2ANTO.56 vi#e i+ hea)d !* +&e0 .E7' ..E 7IRY' =UHUET. INT. 42RI6TINE (4ARLOTTA) DRE66IN7 ROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 42RI6TINE (6,e""!-nd) AN7ELI I 2EAR YOU 6PEA@;;;;;. ;;ENTER AT LA6T' .A6TERI P2ANTO.56 /OI4E FLATTERIN7 42ILD' YOU 62ALL @NOW .E;;.. ;;;I A. T2ERE IN6IDEI /e)* di&"*' !ehind the &i)))' %e !e(in t ("i&,+e the %hite f the P2ANTO.5+ &a+$ ve) 42RI6TINE5+ )ef"e#tin. 6"%"*' th)-(h the f""%in(' the +ha,e !e#&e+ &)e and &)e defined. 42RI6TINE (E#+tati#) AN7EL OF .U6I4I 7UIDE AND 7UARDIANI;;;. ;..4O.E TO .E' 6TRAN7E AN7EL;.. .ean%hi"e' the P2ANTO. &a$e+ a &ve&ent %ith hi+ hand and the $e* t-)n+ in the "#$ f 42RI6TINE5+ d)e++in( )& d). P2ANTO. I A. YOUR AN7EL OF .U6I4;; 4O.E TO .E: AN7EL OF .U6I4;.. 42RI6TINE %a"$+ t%a)d+ the ("a++. INT. OPERA POPULAIREJDRE66IN7 ROO. 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) RAOUL ha+ )et-)ned. 2e hea)+ the /OI4E6 and i+ ,-EE"ed. 2e t)ie+ the d). It i+ "#$ed. RAOUL W2O6E I6 T2AT /OI4E;..8 W2O I6 T2AT IN T2ERE;..8 INT. DRE66IN7 ROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) In+ide the )&' the P2ANTO. !e#$n+ t 42RI6TINE f)& in+ide the &i))). P2ANTO. I A. YOUR AN7EL OF .U6I4;;. 4O.E TO .E: AN7EL OF .U6I4;.. 6,e""!-nd' 42RI6TINE &a(i#a""* and in#)edi!"* ("ide+ th)-(h the &i))). RAOUL (O.6.) 4h)i+tineI An(e"I INT. [email protected] LAIR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The* +ee& t have )ea#hed a %a""' the end f the #ana". The P2ANTO. t-)n+ t 42RI6TINE. P2ANTO. 6in(' &* An(e" f .-+i#I And %e )ea"iEe the %ate) "eve" i+ +"%"* de+#endin(' that %e have )ea#hed a "#$' ne f the P2ANTO.5+ devi#e+. 42RI6TINE 2E56 T2ERE' T2E P2ANTO. OF T2E OPERA; P2ANTO. 6in(I 6in( f) &eI (et#.) 6he !e(in+ t v#a"iEe +t)an(e"*' he) +n( #"i&!in( hi(he) and hi(he) in ,it#h. The %ate) and the !at de+#end a+ he) vi#e a+#end+. The P2ANTO.5+ "ai) i+ )evea"ed t -+. It i+ a fanta+ti# ()tt +ha,ed "i$e ha)!-). A+ +he )ea#he+ he) fina" #"i&a#ti# nte' #and"e+ &a(i#a""* )i+e th)-(h the %ate)' a")ead* a"i(ht. The !at ("ide+ th)-(h the ha)!). =ehind it a ,)t#-""i+ de+#end+ and a #-)tain #"+e+ in f)nt f it. The "ai) +-))-nd+ the ha)!-). On ne +ide %e +ee the P2ANTO.5+ ,i,e )(an' a"" a)-nd the)e a)e h-(e &i)))+ #ve)ed in d-+t +heet+. We %i"" a"+ nti#e the P2ANTO.5+ &de" f the ,e)a h-+e. The P2ANTO. +te,+ nt the +h)e' "eavin( 42RI6TINE in the !at. 2e !e(in+ t "i(ht #and"e+. P2ANTO. I 2A/E =ROU72T YOU TO T2E 6EAT OF 6WEET .U6I456 T2RONE... TO T2I6 @IN7DO. W2ERE ALL .U6T PAY 2O.A7E TO .U6I4... YOU 2A/E 4O.E 2ERE' FOR ONE PURPO6E' AND ONE ALONE... 6IN4E T2E .O.ENT I FIR6T 2EARD YOU 6IN7' I 2A/E NEEDED YOU WIT2 .E' TO 6ER/E .E' TO 6IN7' FOR .Y .U6I4... .Y .U6I4... The Phant& !e(in+ t "ead the !at (ent"* !* a ),e a)-nd the "ai). 2e i+ "i(htin( #and"e+ a+ he de+ +. (NI72TDTI.E..(&i++in( Li!)ett) ...... A=ANDON T2EIR DEFEN4E6...) The P2ANTO. "i(ht+ &)e #and"e+ )evea"in( &)e f the "ai). With the ),e' he #ntin-e+ (ent"* t (-ide 42RI6TINE and the !at f)& the +h)e. P2ANTO. (6LOWLY' 7ENTLY....(&i++in( Li!)ett !* )e,+t de+i(n) .......A6 YOU5/E NE/ER LI/ED =EFORE...) The Phant& ha+ +te,,ed int the %ate) and %a"$+ t%a)d+ the !at and 42RI6TINE. P2ANTO. (6OFTLY' DEFTLY' .U6I4 62ALL 4ARE66 YOU.....T2E DAR@NE66 OF T2E .U6I4 OF T2E NI72T...) 2e "ift+ 42RI6TINE -t f the !at' he) a)&+ a)e a)-nd hi+ ne#$' and he i+ #a))*in( he) t%a)d+ the +h)e. Thei) fa#e+ a)e ve)* #"+e. P2ANTO. (LET YOUR .IND 6TART A ?OURNEY T2ROU72...... .......ONLY T2EN 4AN YOU =ELON7 TO .E.......) The* )ea#h the +h)e and the P2ANTO. ,-t+ he) d%n. 2e "et+ he) #a)e++ hi+ &a+$' hi+ hand )ea#he+ -t t he) fa#e. The* t-)n and t(ethe) %a"$ -, +te,+ "eadin( t a +e#nd ()tt. INT. =EDROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The* +te, th)-(h int the +e#nd ()tt. It i+ d&inated !* a h-(e !ed in the +ha,e f a !"a#$ +%an. 42RI6TINE %a"$+ th)-(h. 6he t-)n+ and i+ #nf)nted !* an AUTO.AT. Thi+ ne i+ a "ifeD+iEe d-,"i#ate f he)+e"f in a %eddin( (%n' +-))-nded !* a &i))). The d-&&* "-)#he+ f)%a)d. It5+ t ()te+G-e and !iEa))e. 42RI6TINE faint+ and fa""+ !a#$ int the P2ANTO.5+ a)&+. 2e #a))ie+ he) t the !ed %he)e he "a*+ he) d%n. P2ANTO. YOU ALONE 4AN .A@E .Y 6ON7 TA@E FLI72T D 2ELP .E .A@E T2E .U6I4 OF T2E NI72T....... The P2ANTO. ha+ +"%"* !een d)a%in( d%n a +e)ie+ f +hee) #-)tain+ a)-nd the !ed -nti"' a+ the &-+i# )e+"ve+' the #-)tain+ !+#-)e !th hi& and 42RI6TINE and %e....... FADE TO =LA4@. (Eve)*ne +ti"" !)eathin( he)e8 H-ite a +h#$e) i+n5t it8 L$+ "i$e And)e% L"*d We!!e) >-+t .AY have !een ,"annin( the +eG-e" even !a#$ then......) INT. P2ANTO.56 LAIR. LATER T2AT NI72T. The P2ANTO. i+ +eated at the )(an' ,"a*in( %ith f-)i-+ #n#ent)atin. 2e !)ea$+ ff ##a+ina""* t %)ite the &-+i# d%n. INT. =EDROO.. NI72T. 42RI6TINE i+ a+"ee,. =e+ide the !ed the)e i+ the &-+i#a" !30 T2E .ON@EY AND T2E =ARREL OR7AN. .*+te)i-+"*' it ,"a*+ a+ 42RI6TINE %a$e+ -,. The &-+i# $ee,+ he) in a ha"fDt)an#e a+ +he +te,+ -t f the !ed and %a"$+ t%a)d+ the &-th f the ()tt. 42RI6TINE I RE.E.=ER T2ERE WA6 .I6T..... AND IN T2E =OAT T2ERE WA6 A .AN..... INT. P2ANTO.56 LAIR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 6he +ee+ the P2ANTO. +ittin( at hi+ )(an. 2e i+ t)*in( t fini+h a &e"d* (1POINT OF NO RETURN1). A+ +he a,,)a#he+' +he ta$e+ ve) the &e"d* and' v#a"iEin(' find+ a +"-tin t it. 2e then ,"a*+ the &idd"e +e#tin a+ +he "i+ten+. 6he i+ !ehind hi&' ve)* #"+e. T(ethe) the* #&,"ete the +n(' &-+i#a""* a+ ne. The &e"d* #ntin-e+ n the vi"in a+ Phant& ntate+ it n hi+ +#)e. It +eG-e+ int: 42RI6TINE W2O WA6 T2AT 62APE IN T2E 62ADOW6.....8 W2O6E I6 T2E FA4E IN T2E [email protected] 6he "vin("* #a)e++e+ hi+ fa#e. 2e )e+,nd+ dee,"* t he) t-#h. A"&+t "i$e a "ve)' )e&vin( a vei"' 42RI6TINE ta$e+ ff the &a+$. The P2ANTO. +,)in(+ -,' th)%in( he) vi"ent"* t the ()-nd and t-)n+ n he) f-)i-+"*. We +ee n"* ,a)t f hi+ )ttin( fa#e. In hi+ %)ath' he )-n+ t the h-(e &i)))+ a)-nd the "ai)' tea)in( ff the d-+t #ve)+. 42RI6TINE i+ +-))-nded !* a h-nd)ed )ef"e#tin+ f the P2ANTO.. P2ANTO. DA.N YOUI YOU LITTLE PRYIN7 PANDORA.... =UT 6E4RETLY YEARN6 FOR 2EA/EN' 6E4RETLY... 6E4RETLY... =UT' 42RI6TINE.... 42RI6TINE i+ nea) tea)+. 2e) hea)t i+ &ved !* thi+ ,) &an. P2ANTO. FEAR 4AN TURN TO LO/E YOU5LL LEARN TO 6EE' TO FIND T2E .AN.... 6E4RETLY... 6E4RETLY... O2 42RI6TINE...... Pitif-""*' he h"d+ -t hi+ hand f) the &a+$' and fi""ed %ith +*&,ath* +he (ive+ it t hi&. (ALW56 NOTE: +a&e &-+i# a+ 1=)avi' =)avi' =)avi++i&i1). 2e ,-t+ n the &a+$. P2ANTO. 4O.E' WE .U6T RETURN D T2O6E TWO FOOL6 W2O RUN .Y T2EATRE WILL =E .I66IN7 YOU. INT. DRE66IN7 ROO. 2ALLWAY. NI72T. .E7 i+ "$in( f) 42RI6TINE. The !-i"din( i+ de+e)ted' +had%+ eve)*%he)e. .E7 i+ a tin* fi(-)e in the da)$ne++' v-"ne)a!"e and f)i(htened. .E7 4h)i+tine.. INTER4UT WIT2: INT. OPERA 2OU6E. NI72T. 6ht+ +h%in( the ,e)a h-+e #"+in( d%n f) the ni(ht0 the LA.PLI72TER e3tin(-i+hin( the "i(ht+ a"n( the +ta(e' d)+ #"+in( et#.. INT. 42RI6TINEJ4ARLOTTA DRE66IN7 ROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .E7 +te,+ int the d)e++in( )&. The (a+"i(ht ha+ !een t-)ned d%n "%. 6he &ve+ t%a)d+ the d)e++in( ta!"e #ve)ed in f"%e)+. Ne3t t it' %e +ee he) )ef"e#tin in the f-""D"en(th &i))). 6-dden"*' the (a+"i(ht (e+ -t. The )& i+ ,"-n(ed int da)$ne++. 6ta)t"ed' +he t-)n+ t the &i))) and ("i&,+e+ a +had% !ehind he) )ef"e#tin. 2e) hand )ea#he+ -,' +he +te,+ t ne +ide and +-dden"* the ,ane" ne3t t the &i))) +%ive"+ +i"ent"* and (athe)+ he) th)-(h t the the) +ide. (ie. We +ee the &e#hani#+ f %hat +ee&ed at fi)+t &a(i#). .E7 ha+ f-nd 42RI6TINE5+ )-te t the P2ANTO.5+ %)"d. INT. 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .E7 #&e+ int +ht and +ee+ the d)e++in( )& n the the) +ide f the &i))). 6he t-)n+ and i+ i&&ediate"* #nf)nted !* a &vin( AUTO.AT. 4-)a(e-+"*' +he %a"$+ d%n the #))id) %ith the &vin( AUTO.AT6. 6had%+ +ee& t f""%. It i+ da)$' da&, and dan(e)-+. A )at +#a&,e)+ th)-(h. A +had% a,,ea)+ di)e#t"* !ehind .E7. A hand )ea#he+ -t and ()a!+ he) +h-"de). .E7 t-)n+ in te))). It i+ he) &the)' ..E. 7IRY. INT. =ALLET 7IRL65 DOR.ITORY. NI72T. (TEN .INUTE6 LATER) =UHUET i+ +h%in( ff t the =ALLET 7IRL6' %h a)e d)e++ed f) !ed' a,in( the P2ANTO.. A "en(th f fa!)i# +e)ve+ a+ hi+ #"#$ and a ,ie#e f ),e a+ the P-n>a! "a++. =UHUET LI@E YELLOW PAR42.ENT I6 2I6 6@IN;;. De&n+t)atin( the P2ANTO.56 ðd' he "a++e+ ne f the (i)"+. With a &i3t-)e f h))) and de"i(ht' the =ALLET 7IRL6 a,,"a-d thi+ de&n+t)atin. =UHUET i+ #"ea)"* en>*in( thi+. =UHUET YOU .U6T =E ALWAY6 ON YOUR 7UARD;. =ehind =UHUET' ..E. 7IRY ha+ ente)ed %ith .E7. ..E 7IRY T2O6E W2O 6PEA@ OF W2AT T2EY @NOW. 6he ta$e+ the n+e f)& hi+ hand' d),+ it a)-nd hi+ head' and in+e)t+ hi+ hand !et%een the ),e and hi+ ne#$. ..E 7IRY ?O6EP2 =UHUET' 2OLD YOUR TON7UE. 6he ,-""+ the ),e ta-t. =UHUET5+ hand +ave+ hi& f)& !ein( +t)an("ed. .E7 i+ at the %ind% f the d)&it)*. It ve)"$+ a +e#tin f the ,e)a )f. .E7 +#)ea&+ a+ +he +ee+ the +,e#te) f the P2ANTO. "eadin( 42RI6TINE a#)++ the )f. .E7 2E56 T2ERE T2E P2ANTO. OF T2E OPERA. The the) !a""et (i)"+ +#)ea&. ..E. 7IRY #"a,+ he) hand+ t )de) the (i)"+ t !ed. ..E 7IRY A- "itI A- "itI INT. 4ORRIDORJ6TAIR4A6E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) Anthe) ,a)t f the #))id). ..E. 7IRY "$+ -, and +ee+ at the t, f a +tai)#a+e' 42RI6TINE' !a#$"it !* the &n. 42RI6TINE %a"$+ d%n t%a)d+ he) and a"&+t faint+ int ..E. 7IRY5+ a)&+ a+ +he )ea#he+ he). ..E. 7IRY "ead+ he) a%a*. =UHUET ha+ !een %at#hin( the&. And -n$n%n t =UHUET' f)& a +$*"i(ht a!ve' the P2ANTO. ha+ !een %at#hin( hi&. INT. FIR.IN56 OFFI4E. DAY. (4ONTINUOU6) RAOUL' 4ARLOTTA' ANDRE K PIAN7I LET .E 6EE ITI FIR.IN (6nat#hin( it) P"ea+eI 2e ,en+ the "ette) and )ead+. The P2ANTO.5+ vi#e ()ad-a""* ta$e+ ve). FIR.IN 17ent"e&en' I have n% +ent *- +eve)a" nte+ f the &+t a&ia!"e nat-)e; ;I +ha"" (ive *- n "a+t #han#e;1 We inte)#-t %ith: INT. P2ANTO.56 LAIR. DAY. (4ONTINUOU6) The P2ANTO.56 &de" f the O,e)a P,-"ai)e. We +ee in ,a)ti#-"a) the +ta(e f the ,e)a h-+e %ith the +et f) 1I" .-t1. Fi(-)ine+' e3a#t )e,)d-#tin+ f the #a+t' 4ARLOTTA and 42RI6TINE in#"-ded' ,,-"ate the +ta(e. The P2ANTO.56 hand' in a %hite ("ve' #&e+ int +ht. It )e&ve+ the head f)& 42RI6TINE fi(-)ine and +%a,+ it %ith that f 4ARLOTTA5+. P2ANTO.56 /OI4E (O.6.) ;.+ha"" (ive *- ne "a+t #han#e;. (Ta$in( ve)) 42RI6TINE DAAE 2A6 RETURNED TO YOU' AND I A. ANXIOU6 2ER 4AREER 62OULD PRO7RE66;. ;..T2E ROLE OF T2E PA7E=OY I6 6ILENT D W2I42 .A@E6 .Y 4A6TIN7' IN A WORD' IDEAL. We a"+ +ee =3 Five %ithin the &de": P2ANTO. (O.6.) I +ha"" %at#h the ,e)f)&an#e f)& &* n)&a" 6eat in =3 Five' %hi#h %i"" !e $e,t e&,t* f) .e. 6h-"d the+e #&&and+ !e i(n)ed' a di+a+te) !e*nd Y-) i&a(inatin %i"" ##-);.. The P2ANTO.5+ hand ta,+ the &iniat-)e #hande"ie) f the &de" ,e)a h-+e. We INTER4UT thi+ %ith: INT. OPERA POPULAIREJAUDITORIU.. DAY. The )ea" #hande"ie) tin$"e+ a+ i+ di+t-)!ed !* a (-+t f %ind. 4UT TO: INT. FIR.IN5+ OFFI4E. DAY. E/ERYONE "$+ -, a+ if the* hea)d the di+tant +-nd f the #hande"ie). FIR.IN (Ta$in( ve)) 1;I )e&ain' (ent"e&an' *-) !edient +e)vant' O.7.1 TI.E 4UT INT. 4ARLOTTA56 DRE66IN7 ROO.. T2AT NI72T. 4a)"tta i+ ,)e,a)in( f) the evenin( ,e)f)&an#e f 1I" .-t1. 6he i+ +-))-nded !* he) 6EA.6TRE66' WI7.A@ER' .AID and PIAN7I. Th)-(h the f""%in(' +he i+ +t)a,,ed nt he) #)+et' !+&+ heavin(' ,e)f-&e' ,%de)' %i(+ and !ea-t* +,t+ a)e a,,"ied' the d)e++ i+ "%e)ed d%n n he) !* ,-""e*+ f)& the #ei"in(. .+t i&,)tant"*' +he i+ #n+tant"* +,)a*in( he) th)at f)& a #)*+ta" !tt"e. .ean%hi"e' ANDRE and FIR.IN fa%n &a(nifi#ent"*0 the* have !)-(ht he) !n!n+' *+te)+' h-(e f"%e)+' anthe) na+t* "itt"e d(. PIAN7I ()an+ a+ +he hand+ it t hi&. The* d)in$ #ha&,a(ne f)& he) +"i,,e)' Fi)&in +%a""%in( hi+ di+(-+t' and ()ve" "i$e ,)+. ANDRE K FIR.IN PRI.A DONNA' FIR6T LADY FOR T2E 6TA7E;. We inte)#-t thi+ %ith0 INT. OPERA POPULAIREJDRE66IN7 ROO. 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. ;..Ra-" +ea)#hin( f) 42RI6TINE. We a"+ INTER4UT %ith: INT. 2U.=LE DRE66IN7 ROO.. NI72T ..E. 7IRY i+ ,)e,a)in( a ve)* ne)v-+ 42RI6TINE a+ the PA7E=OY. .E7 i+ %ith the&. (Nte: The)e i+ a "t f Li!)ett he)e (-*+' the P)i&a Dnna "ine+;;;;;;;;;) INT. OPERA POPULAIREJ=A4@6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 4ARLOTTA' f""%ed !* he) RETINUE and ANDRE and FIR.IN' PIAN7I n% #a))*in( t% "itt"e d(+' i+ n% &vin( t%a)d+ the %in(+. 6he t)ave"+ ,a+t the 4O6TU.E and PROP 62OP6' the 64ENERY DO4@6 %hi"e ANDRE and FIR.IN en#-)a(e the) 6IN7ER6 and DAN4ER6 t f""% and 6IN7 he) ,)ai+e+. 4ARLOTTA i+ #ntin--+"* +,)a*in( he) &-th %ith the "itt"e #)*+ta" !tt"e. INT. OPERA POPULAIREJ6TA7EJPITJFLIE6.NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 6ht+ %hi#h +h% the theat)e #&in( t "ife f) the evenin( ,e)f)&an#e0 the LA.PLI72TER "i(htin( the (a+ "a&,+ a"n( the 6ta(e0 .U6I4IAN6 a))ivin( in the PIT0 =UHUET di)e#tin( ,e)atin+ -, in the FLIE60 The h-(e !ed f 1I" .-t1 !ein( %hee"ed n+ta(e. (Nte: .)e P)i&a Dnna he)e;;;;.. Fina""*) ALL LI72T UP T2E 6TA7E WIT2 T2AT A7EDOLD RAPPORTI 6IN7' PRI.A DONNA' ON4E .OREI INT. OPERA POPULAIREJ=A4@6TA7E WIN76. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 4ARLOTTA and he) RETINUE' ANDRE and FIR.IN' have a))ived n the ed(e f the ,e)a +ta(e. The* a)e n% a##&,anied !* the) 6IN7ER6' DAN4ER6 and 6TA7E2AND6. The h-(e +et !e#$n+ a+ the &-+i# )i+e+ and E/ERYONE5+ e*e+ a)e n 4ARLOTTA. P2ANTO.6 /OI4E (O.6) 6' it i+ t !e %a) !et%een -+I If the+e de&and+ a)e nt &et' A di+a+te) !e*nd *-) i&a(inatin %i"" ##-)I ALL ON4E .OREI INT. OPERA 2OU6EJAUDITORIU.. NI72T We +ee the +ta(e f the ,e)a h-+e. The )ed h-+e #-)tain+ a)e in. The h-+e i+ ,a#$ed. INT. UP6TAIR6 FOYER. NI72T RAOUL 7ent"e&an' if *- %-"d #a)e t ta$e Y-) +eat+8 I +ha"" !e +ittin( in =3 Five. ANDRE D *- )ea""* thin$ that5+ %i+e' /it#&te8 RAOUL .* dea) And)e' the)e %-"d a,,ea) t !e n +eat+ avai"a!"e Othe) than =3 Five;.. The* %at#h hi& &a)#h ff. (Nte: O/ERTURE TO =E EXTENDED TO ALLOW FOR) INT. =A4@6TA7E JWIN76J6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The PERFOR.ER6 %aitin( f) the ,e)a t !e(in. .ean%hi"e' in the %in(+' the P2ANTO.5+ hand #&e+ int +ht. Un+een !* a""' it )ea#he+ f) 4ARLOTTA5+ th)at +,)a* and +%a,+ it f) an identi#a" #)*+ta" f"a+$. The ve)t-)e #&e+ t an end and;;. INT. OPERA 2OU6EJAUDITORIU.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) ;..the #-)tain+ )i+e f) the !e(innin( f the ,e)a. A PERFOR.AN4E OF 1IL .UTO1 INT. 6TA7E NI72T. The +et i+ an 1Bth 4ent-)* +a"n' a #an,ied !ed #ente) +ta(e. The 4OUNTE66 i+ ,"a*ed !* 4ARLOTTA. 6ERAFI.O' the ,a(e!*' i+ di+(-i+ed a+ he) &aid and i+ ,"a*ed !* 42RI6TINE. At thi+ ,int' the* a)e hidden !ehind the d)a,e+ f the !ed' %hi#h a)e d)a%n. We +ee the& %aitin( f) thei) #-e. In the )& a)e TOW EPI4ENE .EN: ne a 2AIRDRE66ER and ne a ?EWELLER. The ?EWELLER i+ attended !* .E7. The) i+ a"+ an OLDER WO.AN' the 4OUNTE6656 4ONFIDANTE. ALL' a,a)t f)& .E7' a)e (++i,in( %ith )e"i+h a!-t the 4OUNTE6656 #-))ent "ia+n %ith 6ERAFI.O. 4ONFIDANTE T2EY 6AY T2AT T2I6 YOUT2 2A6 6ET .Y LADY56 2EART AFLA.EI;;.. ;;.62A.EI 62A.EI 62A.EI The #an,* d)a,e+ ,a)t and %e +ee the 4OUNTE66 $i++in( 6ERAFI.O ,a++inate"*. A+ the )e#itative !e(in+' -) attentin t-)n+ t the .ANA7ER6 in thei) !3. A+ the )e#itative !e(in+' -) attentin t-)n+ t the .ANA7ER6 in thei) !3. (.)e Li!)ett) 4OUNTE66 K 42ORU6 POOR FOOL' 2E DOE6N5T @NOWI 2O2O 2O2OI Et#. IF 2E @NEW T2E TRUT2' 2E5D NE/ER E/ER 7OI 6-dden"*' f)& n%he)e' %e hea) the /OI4E f the P2ANTO.. P2ANTO.56 /OI4E (O.6.) Did I nt in+t)-#t that =3 Five %a+ t !e $e,t e&,t*8 .E7 (Te))ified) 2E56 2ERE: T2E P2ANTO. OF T2E OPERA;.. And hi(h a!ve the +ta(e' n a #at%a"$ )-nnin( a"n( the t, f the ,)+#eni-& a)#h' %e #an &a$e -t the +had%* fi(-)e f the P2ANTO.. 7ene)a" )ea#tin f !e%i"de)&ent. E/ERYONE +t,+. AUDIEN4E )ea#tin. 42RI6TINE "$+ fea)f-""* a!-t he). 42RI6TINE It5+ hi&;;I $n% it;;.It5+ hi& 4ARLOTTA (Findin( a +#a,e(at in 42RI6TINE' hi++e+ at he): ) Y-) ,a)t i+ +i"ent' "itt"e tadI 6he %a"$+ f +ta(e int the WIN76. The)e' he) .AID hand+ he) th)at +,)a*. 4ARLOTTA +,)a*+ he)+e"f "i!e)a""*. =-t the P2ANTO. ha+ hea)d he) "a+t )e&a)$. P2ANTO. (O.6) A tad' &ada&8 Pe)ha,+ it i+ *- Wh a)e the tad; A(ain (ene)a" -nea+e' thi+ ti&e t-)nin( t a"a)&. 4ARLOTTA #&e+ !a#$ n+ta(e. 4ARLOTTA (t REYER in the ,it) .ae+t);;..da #a,;..,e) fav)e;; 6ERAFI.O' AWAY T2I6 T2I6 PRETEN4EI YOU 4ANNOT 6PEA@' =UT @I66 .E IN .Y 2U6=AND56 4ROA@;;; In+tead f +in(in(' +he e&it+ a ()eat #)a$' "i$e a tad. A +t-nned +i"en#e. 4ARLOTTA i+ a+ a&aEed a+ an*ne' !-t +he )e(ain+ he)+e"f and #ntin-e+. .)e ,e)t-)!in(' h%eve)' i+ a ne% +-nd: the P2ANTO. i+ "a-(hin( D G-iet"* at fi)+t' then &)e and &)e h*+te)i#a""*. The enti)e AUDIEN4E h%"+. 4ARLOTTA POOR FOOL' 2E .A@E6 .E LAU72I 2A2A 2A2A 4ROA@' 4ROA@' 4ROA@ et#. A+ !ef)e' the P2ANTO.5+ "a-(hte) )i+e+. The #)a$in( #ntin-e+ a+ the #hande"ie)5+ "i(ht+ !"in$ n and ff. The P2ANTO.5+ "a-(hte)' !* thi+ ti&e ve),%e)in(' n% #)e+#end+ int a ()eat #)*: INT. AUDITORIU.JDO.E. NI72T. The P2ANTO. i+ -, n a )a&, at the t, f the d&e f the ,e)a h-+e. P2ANTO. =eh"dI 6he i+ +in(in( t !)in( d%n the #hande"ie)I And %ith thi+' he +eiEe+ a (-ide ),e and !e(in+ t )#$ the #hande"ie) ,e)i"-+"*. =UHUET a,,ea)+ n the the) +ide f the )a&,. 2e +ee+ the P2ANTO.. The P2ANTO. +ee+ hi&. INT. 6TA7E. NI72T. 4ARLOTTA "$+ tea)f-""* -, at the .ANA7ER5+ !3 and +ha$e+ he) head. 4ARLOTTA Nn ,++ ,i- ;.I #annt;; I #annt ( n;. PIAN7I (R-+hin( n) 4a)a' #a)a D I5& he)e' i+ a"" )i(ht. 4&e;.. I5& he)e;. ANDRE and FIR.IN h-))* nt the +ta(e. PIAN7I -+he)+ the n% +!!in( 4ARLOTTA ff+ta(e' %hi"e the .ANA7ER6 ta#$"e the a-dien#e' the #hande"ie) +ti"" +%a*in( %i"d"*. FIR.IN Ladie+ and (ent"e&an' %e a,"(iEe. The ,e)f)&an#e %i"" #ntin-e In ten &in-te+ ti&e;. 2e add)e++e+ =3 Five %hi#h i+ n% e&,t*' $ee,in( ne e*e n the #hande"ie) a+ it )et-)n+ t n)&a". FIR.IN When the )"e f the 4-nte++ %i"" !e 6-n( !* .i++ 4h)i+tine Daae. .ean%hi"e' %e +ee =A4@6TA7E' the 6TA7E2AND6 %)$in( f)anti#a""* "%e)in( the #-)tain and #han(in( the +et. ANDRE (I&,)vi+in() In the &eanti&e' "adie+ and (ent"e&an %e +ha"" =e (ivin( *- the !a""et f)& A#t Th)ee f tni(ht5+ O,e)a. (T REYER) .ae+t) D !)in( the !a""et f)%a)d. The !a""et D n%I The .ANA7ER6 "eave' the +ta(e i+ #"ea)ed fa+t and &-+i# +ta)t+ -, a(ain. The =ALLET 7IRL6 ente) a+ a +*"van ("ade f"ie+ in. The* !e(in the Dan#e f the 4-nt)* N*&,h+. INT. 6TA7EJFLIE6. NI72T. We INTER4UT the Dan#e %ith event+ -, in the f"ie+. The f"at+ f)& the ,)evi-+ +#ene #ntin-e t &ve -,. =UHUET i+ +-,e)vi+in( f)& the &ain )a&,. A+ ne f"at )i+e+ -t f +ht' he +ee+ the P2ANTO. n anthe) )a&,. The P2ANTO. ()a!+ a ),e and "ea,+ a#)++ t%a)d+ =UHUET. We +ee thi+ f)& !th the +ta(e !e"% and th)-(h PO/5+ f the +ta(e %a* !e"% -+. =UHUET )-n+ d%n hi+ )a&, #ha+ed !* the P2ANTO.. Eve)* %a* =UHUET )-n+ he i+ #-t ff !* the P2ANTO. %h ha+ -+ed the ),e+ t +%in( a#)++ f)& )a&, t )a&,. 4ntin-e INTER4UT6 %ith: INT. 6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .E7 i+ a%a)e f the event+ a!ve he) head and dan#e+ -t f +te,. INT. 6TA7EJFLIE6. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) Fina""*' =UHUET t-)n+ t )-n f)& the P2ANTO. !-t a ),e "i$e a f"a+h #at#he+ hi& !* the ne#$. Then ve)* fa+t' %e +ee the P2ANTO. "ea, ff the )a&, h"din( a ),e' =UHUET i+ +-dden"* )ai+ed +t)ai(ht ff hi+ feet' the n+e a)-nd hi+ ne#$0 a ,-""e* %hi)"+ &ad"*0 the P2ANTO. "and+ n a "%e) )a&,' )e"ea+e+ the ),e. =UHUET ,"-&&et+. INT. 6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The (a))tted !d* f ?O6EP2 =UHUET fa""+ n the +ta(e %ith a +i#$enin( th-d () +ta*+ +-+,ended #ente) +ta(e) #a-+in( the +*"van ("ade t f"* -t. Pande&ni-&. INT. =A4@6TA7EJWIN76. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 42RI6TINE i+ )-nnin( th)-(h !a#$+ta(e' te))ified. RAOUL )-n+ t%a)d+ he)' +he fa""+ int hi+ a)&+. EXT. OPERA ROOF. NI72T. The* e&e)(e nt the )f. The h-(e +tat-e f LLa /i#ti)e Ai"eeM' va+t (a)(*"e+ d&inate+ and "$ -t ve) a +-))ea" ,an)a&a f Pa)i+. 42RI6TINE (4a"&in( a "itt"e !-t inten+e) RAOUL' IN/E =EEN T2ERED TO 2I6 WORLD OF ;;; IN T2AT DAR@NE66;;.. DAR@NE66;;. And %e )ea"iEe the P2ANTO. i+ )i(ht the)e %ith the& n the )f. 2e %at#he+ f)& the t, f a +tat-e. We INTER4UT #ntin--+"* !et%een the "ve)+ and hi&. 42RI6TINE (T)an#eD"i$e' the& !e#&in( &)e and &)e e#+tati#) =UT 2I6 /OI4E FILLED .Y 6PIRIT;. RAOUL W2AT YOU 2EARD WA6 A DREA. AND NOT2IN7 .ORE;.. 42RI6TINE (6ti"" a!+t)a#ted) FLOATIN7' FALLIN7;. 6A/OR EA42 6EN6ATION (ALW NOTE: "*)i# #han(e f)& 6a)ahN+ ve)+in f .-+i# f the Ni(ht. AL6O' 6he ta$e+ the &e"d* f-)the) Than the P2ANTO.) (O$a*' $a* %e >-+t 2A/E t +a* it' %e >-+t @NEW that 6a)ah =)i(ht&an %-"d find a %a* t +in( .-+i# f the Ni(htIIIIII) The P2ANTO. +ee+ and hea)+ thi+. 2e "ean+ !a#$' &ved. RAOUL (I))itated) 42RI6TINE; 42RI6TINE; P2ANTO. (Un+een' a (h+t"* e#h f "ve) 42RI6TINE; RAOUL (A"&+t inte))-,tin() NO .ORE TAL@ ; LET DAYLI72T DRY YOUR TEAR6. 6n%f"a$e+ !e(in t fa"" n the ,e)a )f. And' a+ the +n% +"%"* #ve)+ the )f and the +tat-e+' %e INTER4UT !et%een' the "ve)+' the P2ANTO.N+ +had% )e,"a#e+ RAOULN+. RAOUL (4ntin-ed) IN. 2ERE' WIT2 YOU' =E6IDE YOU;. YOUR FEAR6 ARE FAR =E2IND YOU;.. The "ve)+ &ve ,e)i"-+"* #"+e t the ed(e f the )f. 42RI6TINE ALL I WANT I6 FREEDO.;.. TO 2OLD .E AND TO 2IDE .E;.. A +had%. Pe)ha,+ the P2ANTO. %i"" +end the& t thei) death+8 RAOUL T2EN 6AY YOUNLL 62ARE WIT2 .E ONE LO/E' ONE LIFETI.E;. The Phant& +i"ent"* &-th+ RAOULN+ %)d+ f "ve' hi+ hea)t !)$en. RAOUL 6AY YOU NEED .E WIT2 YOU;;.. 42RI6TINE 6AY YOULL 62ARE WIT2 .E ONE. =OT2 62ARE EA42 DAY 42RI6TINE 6AY YOU LO/E .E RAOUL YOU @NOW I DO =OT2 LO/E .E T2AT6 ALL I A6@ OF YOU. The* $i++. The P2ANTO. i+ %at#hin(' hea)t!)$en. Thei) inte)t%inin( +had%+ a)e ne3t t hi& and in the +n%. =OT2 ANYW2ERE YOU 7O. T2AT6 ALL I A6@ OF YOU (And + n) 42RI6TINE YOULL 7UARD .E' AND YOULL 7UIDE .E.. The* di+a,,ea) d%n the i)n +tai)#a+e !a#$ int the ,e)a h-+e. The P2ANTO. ha+ e&e)(ed f)& !ehind a +tat-e %he)e he #a+t+ a va+t +had% in the f)e+h +n%. P2ANTO. (/e)* G-iet and ,"aintive) I 7A/E YOU .Y .U6I4.. W2EN 2E 2EARD YOU 6IN7 4h)i+tine 4h)i+tine.. 2e "$+ d%n th)-(h a ("a++ d&e and +ee+ the di+tant fi(-)e+ f 42RI6TINE and RAOUL de+#endin( the i)n +tai)#a+e. 2e 2EAR6: RAOUL K 42RI6TINE (O.6) 6AY YOULL 62ARE WIT2 .E ONE.. P2ANTO. (With +-dden and te))if*in( f-)*) YOU WILL 4UR6E.. ALL T2AT T2E P2ANTO. A6@ED OF YOU.I 2e )-n+ a#)++ and %)en#he+ ,en t% h-(e i)n d)+ in the )f' )e"ea+in( DO<EN6 OF PI7EON6 int the ai). 2e >-&,+ int the da)$ne++ !e"%' FILLED WIT2 2U7E =ELL6 and ,en+ a +e#nd +et f i)n d)+. Revea"in( T2AT WE ARE DIRE4TLY A=O/E T2E 42ANDELIER WIT2 T2E W2OLE OPERA 2OU6E =ELOW. INT. 6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The ,e)a #-)tain+ ,en and IL .-t !e(in+ a(ain. 42RI6TINE i+ #n+,i#--+"* d)e++ed in 4ARLOTTA6 #+t-&e. INT. AUDITORIU.JDO.EJ42ANDELIER. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 6i&-"tane-+"*' the P2ANTO. "ea,+ )i(ht nt the #hande"ie). The "i(ht+ f the #hande"ie) !e(in f"i#$e)in( and' at a ()eat #)* f)& hi&' it de+#end+' +%in(in( &)e and &)e &ad"* ve) the )#he+t)a ,it. The AUDIEN4E +#)ea&+ and !th OR42E6TRA and AUDIEN4E +#)a&!"e -t f the %a*. INT. 6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) 42RI6TINE ,-+he+ the OT2ER6 t +afet* a+ the P2ANTO. +%in(+ n the #hande"ie). INT. AUDITORIU.JDO.EJ42ANDELIER. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) It i+ a+ if the P2ANTO. and +he a)e "$in( at ea#h the). The P2ANTO. +ee&+ t ai& the h-(e #hande"ie) a+ it +%in(+' then +-dden"* "ea,+ ff han(in( n t an e"a!)ate +*+te& f ),e+ and ,-""e*+ %hi#h ,)>e#t+ hi& -, int the inne) %)$in(+ f T2E =ELFRY: .A66I/E =ELL6 TOLL. P2ANTO. 7III 2e di+a,,ea)+ int the da)$ne++ a+ WIT2 A =LINDIN7 FLA62' T2E 42ANDELIER 4RA62E6 TO T2E 6TA7E AT 42RI6TINE6 FEET. A4T TWO T2E ENTR5A4TE O/ERTURE =E7IN6 A6 T2E AUDIEN4E RE7AIN T2EIR 6EAT6. I.A7E OF T2E .A6@ ON T2E 64REEN FADE TO: EXT. 6@YJOPERA 2OU6E. NI72T. (T2REE .ONT26 LATER) A +,e#ta#-"a) e3,"+in f fi)e%)$+ in the +ta))* +$*. We de+#end t )evea" (.ATTE) a ("itte)in( ,e)a h-+e. It i+ the ni(ht f the 7a"a .a+$ed =a"". (ALW Nte: P++i!"e !)a++ fanfa)e ve)+in f 1.a+G-e)ade1 ve)+e). EXT. OPERA 2OU6E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) Wat#hed !* a LAR7E 4ROWD OF ONLOO@ER6 he"d !a#$ !* 7ENDAR.E6' the &a(nifi#ent"* 4O6TU.ED 7UE6T6 +te, -t f thei) 4ARRIA7E6 and &a$e thei) %a* -, t the &ain ent)an#e. (Nte: The =a"" #-"d have a #") the&e e(. ="a#$ and %hiteJ+i"ve) and ("d). The +tai)+ a)e "ined %ith 7UARD6.EN. P2OTO7RAP2ER6 ta$e ,i#t-)e+ f the (-e+t+. The f"a+h ,%de) !-)+t. The ONLOO@ER6 a,,"a-d the &+t "avi+h #+t-&e+. With it+ t)#h"i(ht faOade' the %h"e !-i"din(' #"eaned and )e+t)ed' +ee&+ )e!)n afte) the di+a+te) f the #hande"ie). =anne)+ ,)#"ai& the ()and )eD,enin( and the ne% +ea+n. EXT. OPERA 2OU6EJ6TA=LE YARD. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) A .AN d)e++ed a+ a +$e"etn in an ,e)a #a,e (et+ -t f hi+ #a))ia(e %hi#h i+ "ed a%a*. 2e %a"$+ t%a)d+ the +t)eet and !-&,+ )i(ht int a 62ADOWY FI7URE %hi#h t-)n+' a"+ d)e++ed a+ a +$e"etn in an ,e)a #a,e. The* "$ at ea#h the) ne)v-+"*. ANDRE .5+ie-) Fi)&in8 FIR.IN .5+ie-) And)e8 Ea#h )ai+e+ hi+ &a+$ t the the). ANDRE ha+ %a"$ed int FIR.IN. Re"ief and "a-(hte). The +et ff t%a)d+ the ;.. EXT. OPERA 2OU6EJ6TREETJ.AIN ENTRAN4E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) FIR.IN DEAR ANDRE W2AT A 6PLENDID PARTYI ANDRE A PROLO7UE TO A =RI72T NEW YEARI FIR.IN HUITE A NI72TI I5. I.PRE66EDI ANDRE WELL' ON DOE6 ONE56 =E6T;.. INT. OPERA 2OU6EJENTRAN4E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The* a)e ()eetin( 7UE6T a+ the* ( -, the +te,+ and ta$e #ha&,a(ne f)& a +i"ve) t)a*. =OT2 (Rai+in( thei) ("a++e+) 2ERE56 TO U6I ANDRE T2E TOA6T OF ALL T2E 4ITYI FIR.IN 6U42 A PITY T2AT T2E P2ANTO. 4AN5T =E T2EREI We f""% the& a+ the* %a"$ int.. INT. OPERA 2OU6EJ.AIN FOYERJ6TAIR4A6E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) ..and 4RANE -, t )evea" the +,e#ta#-"a) O,e)a =a"" in f-"" +%in(. Thi+ +eG-en#e i+ &)e f a ,)&enade than a dan#e' the 7UE6T6 )eve"in( in thei) %n &a(nifi#en#e. F) a"" thi+ the)e i+ a +t)an(e"* ee)ie a+,e#t t the #)%d' t &an* P2ANTO. LOO@DALI@E6 and 6@ELETON6 f) #&f)t. The)e i+ (ene)a" &ve&ent -, and d%n the #ent)a" h)+e+he +tai)#a+e0 a ()andi+e +,e#ta#"e %ith the &-+i#. (ALW5+ nte: 4-t &-+i# a+ n )e#)d). 42ORU6 .A6HUERADEI A4E OF 2EART6 FA4E OF 4LOWN We +ee FIR.IN and ANDRE ta+tin( ea#h the). 42ORU6 FA4E6.. IN T2E LI72T IN T2E 6OUND RAOUL and 42RI6TINE have a))ived in the &ain f*e). A P2ANTO. LOO@ALI@E %hiEEe+ ,a+t. RAOUL K 42RI6TINE =UT W2O 4AN NA.E T2E FA4E..8 ALL .A6HUERADEI 7RINNIN7 YELLOW6......... .......=UT A FA4E WILL 6TILL PUR6UE YOUI We ,i#$ -, ANDRE' FIR.IN' .E7' ..E 7IRY' PIAN7I and 4ARLOTTA ("a++e+ in hand. 4ARLOTTA W2AT A NI72TI PIAN7I W2AT A 4ROWDI ANDRE .A@E6 YOU 7LADI FIR.IN .A@E6 YOU PROUDI ALL T2E 4RP.E DE LA 4RP.E The* have !een >ined !* RAOUL and 42RI6TINE. We #an +ee 4ARLOTTA de+ nt a,,)e#iate 42RI6TINE5+ #+t-&e. 4ARLOTTA ..WAT42IN7 U6 WAT42IN7 T2E.I RAOUL (T 42RI6TINE) AND OUR FEAR6 ARE IN T2E PA6TI ANDRE i+ "eadin( the& th)-(h the f*e) t%a)d+ the a-dit)i-&. ANDRE T2REE .ONT26.ET4. INT. OPERA 2OU6EJAUDITORIU.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The* have a))ived in the )ef-)!i+hed a-dit)i-&. A (")i-+ ne% #hande"ie) han(+ ve) the e&,t* +,a#e. RAOUL 2ERE56 A 2EALT2I..ET4 FIR.IN K ANDRE W2AT A =LE66ED RELEA6EI ANDRE i+ "eadin( the& !a#$ int the f*e): ANDRE AND W2AT A .A6HUERADEI RAOUL and 42RI6TINE' h%eve)' have )e&ained t +ha)e a &&ent a"ne t(ethe). 42RI6TINE i+ ad&i)in( a ne% a#G-i+itin: an en(a(e&ent )in( f)& RAOUL' %hi#h +he ha+ atta#hed t a ("d #hain a)-nd he) ne#$. 42RI6TINE T2IN@ OF ITI A 6E4RET EN7A7E.ENT RAOUL =UT W2Y I6 IT 6E4RET. 42RI6TINE (Ne)v-+"*) PLEA6E LET56 NOT FI72T RAOUL (Ta$in( h"d f the )in( and h"din( it -, t he) fa#e) 42RI6TINE' YOU5RE FREE 42RI6TINE UNTIL T2E TI.E I6 RI72T RAOUL W2EN WILL T2AT =E8. 42RI6TINE LET56 NOT AR7UE. RAOUL LET56 NOT AR7UE 42RI6TINE ta$e+ hi& !* the a)& t "ead hi& -t. 42RI6TINE PLEA6E PRETEND RAOUL IN 4AN ONLY 2OPE I5LL 42RI6TINE YOU WILL =OT2 UNDER6TAND IN TI.E. INT. FOYERJ6TAIR4A6E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The* a))ive !a#$ in the f*e) t find the 7UE6T6 in the &id+t f a va+t %a"tE. 42RI6TINE and RAOUL >in the dan#e %hi#h !e#&e+ in#)ea+in("* inten+e. A+ +he +,in+' %e +ee he) PO/' f"a+he+ f +$-""D"i$e fa#e+. The #a&e)a +%,+ d%n and ve) the 7UE6T' +,in+ %ithin the& (LOU.AJ6TEADI4A.) and a)-nd the&. The 7UE6T6 a)e dan#in( -, the h)+e+he +tai)#a+e int the -,,e) f*e)+. 42RI6TINE i+ dan#in( e3#ited"*' !-t +he $ee,+ n ("i&,+in( the vi+in f the FEARFUL .A6@6. he +t,+ and "ean+ n RAOUL5+ a)& a+ the 7UE6T6 &a)#h &a>e+ti#a""* !a#$ d%n eithe) +ide f the +tai)#a+e' #nve)(in( in the #ente)' and d%n th)-(h the &ain f*e). RAOUL and 42RI6TINE )e&ain -,+tai)+. The &ve&ent f the 7UE6T6 i+ &a(nifi#ent and a "itt"e ee)ie. ALL .A6HUERADEI PAPER FA4E6 ON PARADEI.. .LET T2E 6PE4TA4LE A6TOUND YOUI =-t' at the hei(ht f the a#tivit*' .E7 "$+ -, and +-dden"* +ee+ the te))if*in( )ef"e#tin f the 2U7E RED P2ANTO. in the &i)))ed d)+ f the LO7E. 6he 64REA.6. A 7ROTE6HUE FI7URE +-dden"* a,,ea)+ n the -,,e) !a"#n*' ten feet ta""' d)e++ed a"" in #)i&+n' %ith a death5+ head. The P2ANTO. ha+ #&e t the ,a)t*. 42RI6TINE and RAOUL' +tandin( n the the) end f the !a"#n*' a)e &e+&e)iEed. P2ANTO. W2Y 6O 6ILENT' 7OOD .E66IEUR68 DID YOU T2IN@ T2AT I 2AD LEFT YOU FOR 7OOD8 2A/E YOU .I66ED .Y' 7OOD .E66IEUR68 I 2A/E WRITTEN YOU AN OPERAI 2e !)andi+he+ an en)&-+ !-nd &an-+#)i,t. P2ANTO. 2ERE I =RIN7 T2E FINI62ED 64ORE D 1DON ?UAN TRIU.P2ANT1I And he th)%+ it t ANDRE d%n !e"%. P2ANTO. I AD/I6E YOU TO 4O.PLY D .Y IN6TRU4TION6 62OULD =E 4LEAR D RE.E.=ER' T2ERE ARE WOR6E T2IN76 T2AN A 62ATTERED 42ANDELIER. (Nte: ne% "a+t t% "ine+ needed) (ALW5+ nte: ne% &-+i#' a f-)the) anti#i,atin f 1POINT OF NO RETURN1) .a(i#a""*' the "i(ht+ di&' i+"atin( the P2ANTO. and 42RI6TINE. 6,e""!-nd' the 7UE6T6 !e"% %at#h a+ 42RI6TINE and the P2ANTO. de+#ent thei) )e+,e#tive +tai)#a+e+' -nited !* thei) &-+i#' &vin( eve) #"+e) t%a)d+ ea#h the) -nti" the* a))ive fa#e t fa#e n the &eEEanine. The P2ANTO. )ea#he+ -t' ()a+,+ the #hain that h"d+ the +e#)et en(a(e&ent )in(' and )i,+ it f)& 42RI6TINE5+ th)at. RAOUL inte),+e+. The P2ANTO. t-)n+ n hi& f-)i-+"*. P2ANTO. 2ER 42AIN6 ARE 6TILL .INE D 62E =ELON76 TO .EI The)e i+ a FLA62 AND A PUFF OF 6.O@E. The P2ANTO. ha+ di+a,,ea)ed d%n a t)a, d) in the #ente) f the &eEEanine. =-t RAOUL ha+ +een the d) in the +&$e. In an in+tant' he "ea,+ in afte) the P2ANTO.. INT. TRAP. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The t)a, d) +na,+ +h-t a!ve hi&. RAOUL ha+ "anded in a !3' a ,ainted &a(i# !3 and the %a""+ a)e #"+in( in n hi&. ?-+t %hen it +ee&+ the &a* #)-+h hi&' the* fa"" a%a*. RAOUL i+ in a"&+t tta" da)$ne++ in a =RILLIANT AND FIENDI62LY DE6I7NED .A<E. INT. .A<E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) We #an &a$e -t a DE.ONI4 LA=YRINT2. RAOUL #at#he+ a ("i&,+e f a )ed #"a$. 2e )a#e+ afte) it' n"* t fa#e A .IRROR. 6haft+ f "i(ht +ee, th)-(h #)a#$+ in the !)i#$%)$ f the #))id). In ea#h f the+e' RAOUL +ee+ the )ed #"a$ %hi, th)-(h. RAOUL i+ #at#hin( -,. ANOT2ER .IRROR. 2e t-)n+ a #)ne)' the P2ANTO. i+ +tandin( in f)nt f hi&. RAOUL )ea#he+ hi& and t-#he+ the P2ANTO.5+ +h-"de). The P2ANTO. +%ive"+. 2i+ "i&!+ %hi)) "i$e a &a#hine. RAOUL i+ +ta)in( at the AUTO.AT OF T2E RED DEAT2 P2ANTO.. 2e i+ -na%a)e' h%eve)' that the n+e f the P-n>a! La++ i+ n% hve)in( !ehind hi&. A hand )ea#he+ -t and ,-""+ RAOUL vi"ent"* -t f the %a*. The "a++ %hi,+ ha)&"e++"* th)-(h the e&,t* ai). RAOUL t-)n+ t +ee %h ha+ +aved hi&. ..E 7IRY. We f-nd thi+ ,a)t t !e ve)* +ad. It (ive+ *- &-#h &)e in+i(ht int the hea)t f the Phant&' %e a)e ve)* ha,,* t !e a!"e t +ha)e it %ith *-.... INT. NARROW 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) ..E 7IRY i+ h-))*in( RAOUL th)-(h a &)e i""-&inated ,a)t f the #))id). 6&a"" (a+"a&,+ f"i#$e) in the ("&. RAOUL .ada&e 7i)*;.What; ..E 7IRY .n+ie-)' dn5t a+$ &e D I $n% n &)e than an*ne e"+e. RAOUL That5+ nt t)-e. Y- $n% +ðin(' Dn5t *-8 ..E 7IRY (-nea+i"*) P"ea+e dn5t a+$ &e' &n+ie-); RAOUL (De+,e)ate"*) .ada&e' f) a"" -) +a$e+; The* have )ea#hed a d). ..E 7IRY +t,+ and "$+ at RAOUL. 6he "$+ !a#$ d%n the #))id). 6he i+ ve)* f)i(htened. =-t +he de#ide+ t te"" hi&. ..E 7IRY /e)* %e"". 6he t-)n+ and ,en+ the d). INT. ..E 7IRY56 ROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) Thi+ i+ ..E 7IRY5+ "itt"e f"at %ithin the ,e)a h-+e. The f-)nit-)e i+ tatt* !-t the)e a)e ,+te)+ f ,e)f)&an#e+' !a""et and ,e)a &e&)a!i"ia a"" a)-nd' the &e&)ie+ f he) *ea)+ at the O,e)a P,-"ai)e. 6he d-!"e "#$+ the d). RAOUL "i+ten+ a+ ..E 7IRY +it+ d%n and ne)v-+"* !e(in+ te""in( he) +t)*. ..E 7IRY It %a+ *ea)+ a(. The)e %a+ a T)ave""in( fai) in the #it*. 7*,+ie+. I %a+ ve)* *-n(;. RAOUL 7 n; We a)e #"+in( in n an "d ,ht()a,h f ..E 7IRY a+ a +eventeen *ea) "d (i)".. FLA62=A4@ (ALW nte: ne% &-+i#) EXT. FAIR. NI72T. ;..and +ee YOUN7 7IRY a##&,anied !* a dEen (i(("in( =ALLET 7IRL6 and e+#)ted !* a =ALLET .I6TRE66 &vin( th)-(h a fai) in a ,a)$ -nde) the +had% (.ATTE) f the "d ,e)a h-+e. (It i+ #-))ent"* !ein( )envated and #ve)ed in +#aff"din(.) The FAIR i+ a +ha!!*' ()i&* affai)' tee&in( %ith "-ti+h' "ee)in( .EN' W2ORE6' 7YP6IE6' and DRUN@6 %h ,e+te) the =ALLET 7IRL6 a+ the* %a"$ ,a+t. The tent+ and the !anne)+ ,)#"ai&in( the va)i-+ att)a#tin+ f"a, in an ee)ie %ind. The i&,)e++in i+ ne f inn#en#e %a"$in( th)-(h a ()te+G-e $ind f he"". The* %a"$ th)-(h a #))id) "ined %ith AUTO.AT6' nt -n"i$e th+e %e have a")ead* +een in the P2ANTO.5+ #))id). 2%eve)' he)e the* a)e d)e++ed and ,ainted in !)i(ht #")+. In ne tent' the* +ee a FORTUNE TELLER' a h))id tth"e++ %&an !e#$nin( 4LIENT6. A !anne) ann-n#e+ the 1IN4REDI=LE .ANDWO.AN1. In anthe) tent' a f"a, i+ )ai+ed t )evea" a 6IA.IE6E TWIN. YOUN7 7IRY t-)n+ and +ee+ a 4ONTORTIONI6T' hi+ !a#$ a)#hed )i(ht !a#$ and hi+ fa#e' -,+ide d%n' !et%een hi+ "e(+. 2e i+ "a-(hin(. The* ,a++ +&e h))i!"e FREA@6 a!-+ed !* a h-(e' !ea)ded OWNER %ith a !-"" %hi,. O-t+ide FIRE EATER6' +,it fi)e int the ai). 6&e f the =ALLET 7IRL6 a)e en>*in( the&+e"ve+. Nt YOUN7 7IRY' the ,"a#e i+ ()te+G-e' a ni(ht&a)e. The* a,,)a#h ne ,a)ti#-"a) !anne)0 1T2E DE/IL6 42ILD1 it ann-n#e+.The vi#i-+ OWNER %ave+ the& t #&e in. 2i+ +&i"e i+ di+(-+tin(. The =ALLET 7IRL6 d)a( in YOUN7 7IRY. In+ide' the) 4LIENT6' a)e %aitin(. The =ALLET 7IRL6 ,-+h t the f)nt. YOUN7 7IRY +ee+ a 4A7E. In+ide' hi+ head #ve)ed in a +a#$' a =OY i+ #&,"etin( a !ea-tif-""* de"i#ate h-+in( f) a &de" &n$e* (the &n$e* %e have a")ead* +een n the &-+i# !3). The OWNER #)a#$+ hi+ %hi, and i+ +h-tin( at the =OY th)-(h the #a(e. The =OY i+ #hained. 2e i+ !vi-+"* te))ified' +#)a&!"in( int the #)ne) f hi+ #a(e. The OWNER' "ettin( f"* %ith the %hi,' ha+ ente)ed the #a(e. 2e $i#$+ the =OY5+ &de" and )i,+ the +a#$ ff hi+ head. We +ee the =OY5+ hand+ )i+e t hi+ fa#e' !-t the OWNER i+ +ti"" %hi,,in( hi&. Patheti#a""*' the =OY5+ hand+ de+#end f)& hi+ fa#e. We d nt +ee it. In+tead' %e +ee a "$ f +h#$ and i&&en+e ,it* n YOUN7 7IRY56 fa#e. 6&e f the the) =ALLET 7IRL6 a)e (i(("in( inane"*. The 4LIENT6 th)% #in+ %hi#h "and n the f") f the #a(e. We +ee the =OY #)a%" in the +t)a% t )et)ieve the +a#$ %hi#h he ,-""+ !a#$ ve) head. YOUN7 7IRY e&e)(e+ f)& the tent and i+ h-))ied n !* the the) =ALLET 7IRL6 and thei) .I6TRE66. =-t YOUN7 7IRY "in(e)+. 6he "$+ !a#$ at the tent. 6ðin( d)a%+ he) t it.6he ,ee)+ in.And +ee+' in+ide the tent' the OWNER' $i#$ the =OY -t f the %a* and ,i#$ the &ne* ff the f") f the #a(e. 6-dden"*' the =OY' %ith a P-n>a! La++ fa+hined %ith the ),e+ that !-nd hi&' +t)an("e+ the OWNER. YOUN7 7IRY %at#he+ the =OY (a))t hi+ t)t-)e). A+ the evi" &an fa"" dead' the =OY "$+ -, and +ee+ YOUN7 7IRY' >-+t a+ 6O.EONE #&in( int the tent 64REA.6. 2e $n%+ +he %n5t t-)n hi& in. 2e f)ee+ hi&+e"f f hi+ #hain+ and )-n+ -t f the tent. 6he )-n+ -t afte) hi&. =ehind the&' DO<EN6 OF PEOPLE a))ive in the tent. YOUN7 7IRY t-)n+ and +ee+' hidin( in the +had%+' the =OY !)eath"e++ and te))ified. 2e i+ #"-t#hin( the "itt"e .ON@EY. POLI4E.EN %ith "ante)n+ a)e #"+in( in th)-(h the fai). H-i#$"*' YOUN7 7IRY t-(+ ,en a t)a, d) at the ft f the ,e)a h-+e %a"". With ne fina" "$ t YOUN7 7IRY' the =OY "ea,+ in' #a))*in( hi+ .ON@EY AUTO.AT. The t)a, +"a&+ +h-t ve) hi& "eavin( YOUN7 7IRY a"ne %ith the "i(ht f the POLI4E.EN5+ "ante)n+ +%ee,in( a#)++ he). END OF FLA62=A4@ INT. ..E 7IRY56 APART.ENT. NI72T. ..E 7IRY +tand+ -,. ..E 7IRY I have +aid t &-#h' &n+ie-). 6he &ve+ t%a)d+ the d). INT. 4ORRIDOR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) And #&e+ -t int the ha""' f""%ed !* RAOUL. RAOUL WaitI ..E 7IRY T &-#h' and the)e have !een T &an* a##ident+ RAOUL A##ident+8I...ada&e 7i)*I =-t +he &ve+ G-i#$"* a%a*. RAOUL ,-)+-e+ he): RAOUL .ada&e 7i)*I The* di+a,,ea) d%n the #))id). At the the) end' the P2ANTO. e&e)(e+ -t f the +had%+. EXT. PARI6 6TREET6. DU6@ An ,en t,,ed #a))ia(e )a#e+ d%n the +n%D#ve)ed +t)eet+. It i+ #"d and f((*. The h)+e5+ hve+ !eat n the #!!"e+tne+. The DRI/ER +%athed in !"a#$ d)ive+ the& n. 42RI6TINE +it+ in the !a#$' the %ind ,)e++e+ he) vei" t he) fa#e "i$e a &a+$. (ALW nte: &)e &-+i# he)e) 42RI6TINE (/.O) In +"ee, he +an( t &e;. ;and +,ea$+ &* na&e; EXT. 4E.ETERY 7ATE6. DU6@. The #a))ia(e a))ive+ at the (ate+ f the #e&ete)*. 42RI6TINE +te,+ d%n and "et+ the #a))ia(e (. The ()eat #e&ete)* ve)"$+ the %h"e f Pa)i+. EXT. 4E.ETERY. DU6@. 4"+e n a !e"" t""in(. We WIDEN t find 42RI6TINE' !ea)in( a !-G-et f )ed )+e+' ("idin( ,a+t t%e)in( .AU6OLEU.6 and 4RO66E6. 7)eat 7AR7OYLE6 and AN7EL6 +ta)e d%n at he). 42RI6TINE YOU WERE ON4E .Y ONE 4A.PANION;. (.i++in( Li!)ett !* )e,+t de+i(n) ;.DREA.IN7 OF YOU WON5T 2ELP .E TO DO ALL T2AT I DREA.ED I 4OULD;. PA66IN7 =ELL6; ;.YOU WERE WAR. AND 7ENTLE. 42RI6TINE i+ a))ivin( at the ft f the &a-+"e-& +te,+. 42RI6TINE (4ONT.) TOO .ANY YEAR6 FI72TIN7 =A4@ TEAR6; ;TEA42 .E TO LI/E; 7I/E .E T2E 6TREN7T2 TO TRY;. The #a&e)a +%,+ d%n and -, ve) 42RI6TINE. ([email protected]). 42RI6TINE (4ONT.) NO .ORE .E.ORIE6' NO .ORE 6ILENT TEAR6; ;2ELP .E 6AY 7OOD=YE. 6he $nee"+ d%n and "a*+ the )ed )+e+ n the +n%D#ve)ed +te,+. 2i(h a!ve he)' the (ate+ at the t, f the +te,+ !e(in ( ,en. NI72T 2A6 FALLEN a+ %e 2EARthe P2ANTO.5+ /OI4E. P2ANTO. (O.6.) (/e)* +ft and enti#in() WANDERIN7 42ILD;. 6O LO6T; 6O 2ELPLE66; YEARNIN7 FOR .Y 7UIDAN4E;. =e%i"de)ed' 42RI6TINE "$+ -,. 6he +ee+ that the &a-+"e-&5+ inne) (ate+ a)e ,en' a +t)an(e ("% e&anate+ f)& the inte)i). Li(ht +,i""+ d%n the +te,+. 6he &-)&-)+ !)eath"e++"*: 42RI6TINE AN7EL;. OR FAT2ER; FRIEND;OR P2ANTO... W2O I6 IT T2ERE 6TARIN78 P2ANTO. (O.6) (.)e and &)e h*,nti#) 2A/E YOU FOR7OTTEN YOUR AN7EL;..8 42RI6TINE AN7EL;O2' 6PEA@; W2AT ENDLE66 LON7IN76 E42O IN T2I6 W2I6PERI P2ANTO. (O.6) (N% d)a%in( 42RI6TINE t%a)d+ hi&) TOO LON7 YOU5/E WANDERED IN WINTER; FAR FRO. .Y FAT2ERIN7 7A<E; 42RI6TINE i+ +"%"* a+#endin( the +te,+ t%a)d+ the inne) d)+ and the "i(ht. 42RI6TINE (In#)ea+in("* &e+&e)iEed) WILDLY .Y .IND =EAT6 A7AIN6T YOU; P2ANTO. (O.6) YOU RE6I6T;. =OT2 ;.YET T2E 6OUL O=EY6; ;.4O.E TO .E (YOUR) 6TRAN7E AN7EL;. We have !e(-n t di+#e)n a da)$ f)& %ithin the "i(ht f the &a-+"e-&. P2ANTO. (O.6) (=e#$nin( he)) I A. YOUR AN7EL OF .U6I4; 4O.E TO .E: AN7EL OF .U6I4; =-t' >-+t a+ 42RI6TINE )ea#he+ the "a+t fe% +te,+' RAOUL' n a &a(nifi#ent %hite #ha)(e)' "ea,+ ve) the %a"" f the #e&ete)* %ith a ()eat #)*: RAOUL AN7EL OF DAR@NE66I 4EA6E T2I6 TOR.ENTI Ine3)a!"*' the P2ANTO. #ntin-e+ t !e#$n 42RI6TINE. P2ANTO. (O.6) I A. YOUR AN7EL OF .U6I4; 4O.E TO .E: AN7EL OF .U6I4; 42RI6TINE i+ n% at the ent)an#e t the &a-+"e-&. RAOUL &ean%hi"e i+ (a"",in( and >-&,in( th)-(h the #)++e+ and ve) the &n-&ent+. 6n% and di)t f"*. RAOUL (In de+,e)atin) 4h)i+tineI 4h)i+tine' "i+ten t &eI Whateve) *- &a* !e"ieve' thi+ &an;thi+ thin(.. I+ nt *-) fathe)I 4&in( -) f he) t)an#e' 42RI6TINE t-)n+: 42RI6TINE Ra-";. And +ee+ RAOUL a))ivin( n the %hite #ha)(e). At "a+t' the P2ANTO. a,,ea)+ -, n the t, f the &a-+"e-& !ehind the h-(e +tne #)++. P2ANTO. =RA/O' .ON6IEURI 6U42 6PIRITED WORD6I 2e th)%+ the P-n>a! La++ at RAOUL !-t RAOUL ()a!+ it and -+e+ it t d)a( the P2ANTO. ff the &a-+"e-&. What en+-e+ i+ a +,e#ta#-"a) fi(ht th)-(h the #e&ete)*. It i+ i&,)tant t )ea"iEe that RAOUL and the P2ANTO. a)e eG-a""* &at#hed. (ALW nte: ne% &-+i# f) the fi(ht) The )e+-"t %i"" !e that RAOUL )e+#-e+ 42RI6TINE and ta$e+ he) -t f the #e&ete)* n h)+e!a#$. We end %ith the+e "ine+: P2ANTO. 6 !e itI N% "et it !e %a) -,n *- !thI RAOUL =-t thi+ ti&e the di+a+te) Wi"" !e *-)+I The* )ide ff "eavin( =LOOD RED RO6E PETAL6 64ATTERED IN T2E 6NOW. (O$a*' $a*' %e "ve thi+ ve)+in' !-t %e had t ,-t in ne Q+&a""Q edit)ia" #&&ent........ WE ALL .I66 T2E =EN42 64ENEIIIII) INT. OPERA 2OU6EJFOYERJAUDITORIU.J=A4@6TA7E. NI72T. (ALW nte0 &a)tia" int)d-#tin) The AUDIEN4E a)e ta$in( thei) +eat+ f) the ,)e&ie)e f 1Dn ?-an T)i-&,hant1. .ONTA7E t +h% that a)&ed 6OLDIER6 and 7ENDAR.E6 have ta$en ve) the !-i"din(. 6-,e)vi+ed !* RAOUL' ANDRE and FIR.IN' a"" e3it+ f)& the ,e)a h-+e a)e !a))ed and +ea"ed a+ the "a+t f the a-dien#e fi"te)+ int the a-dit)i-&. The AUDIEN4E i+ "#$ed in. 6OLDIER6 (-a)d a"" e3it+. =A4@6TA7E' 6TA7E2AND6' 6IN7ER6 and DAN4ER6 a)e ,)e,a)in( f) the i&,endin( ,e)f)&an#e+' %at#hed !* the 6OLDIER6. INT. AUDITORIU.JPIT. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .ean%hi"e' the )#he+t)a ha+ !een t-nin( -,. REYER ta$e+ hi+ !% n hi+ ,di-& t ,"ite a,,"a-+e. 2e )ai+e+ hi+ !atn. The O/ERTURE !e(in+. (ALW nte0 Ove)t-)e t !e e3tended) It i+ in#)edi!"* di++nant' a #a#,hn* f +-nd0 the AUDIEN4E ha+ neve) hea)d an*thin( "i$e it !ef)e. Pe,"e a)e h))ified' #n+-"t thei) ,)()a&&e+' #-(h and %hi+,e)' fid(et -n#&f)ta!"*. 6O.EONE t)ie+ t "eave !-t the d)+ a)e "#$ed. REYER' ,ained !* the &-+i# he i+ f)#ed t #nd-#t' +t-ff+ #ttn ,"-(+ int hi+ ea)+. The 4URTAIN )i+e+. INT. 6TA7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The a%e+&e +et' &de)n and +eve)e' i+ d&inated !* t% .)i+h ,i""a)+ %ith +,i)a"in( +tai)+ +-,,)tin( a hi(h !a"#n*. =e"%' a ,it f fi)e. 6#)i&+ han( f)& the f"ie+. 42ORU6' in#"-din( .E7 a+ a 7IP6Y =OY and 4ARLOTTA a+ a 2A7' and DAN4ER6 (B .ENJB WO.EN)' d)e++ed in an a-+te)e f"a&en# +t*"e. The at&+,he)e i+ da)$ and e)ti#. 42ORU6 2ERE T2E 6IRE .AY 6ER/E T2E DA.' 2ERE T2E .A6TER TA@E6 2I6 .EATI;. ;.6ER/E T2E .EAL AND 6ER/E T2E .AIDI 6ER/E T2E .A6TER 6O T2AT' W2EN TA=LE6' PLAN6 AND .AID6 ARE LAID' DON ?UAN TRIU.P26 ON4E A7AINI 6I7NOR PIAN7I a+ DON ?UAN a,,ea)+ f)& !ehind the a)#h. DON ?UAN (PIAN7I) PA66ARINO' FAIT2FUL FRIEND' ON4E A7AIN RE4ITE T2E PLAN. PA66ARINO YOUR YOUN7 7UE6T =ELIE/E6 I5. YOU D I' T2E .A6TER' YOU' T2E .AN. DON ?UAN (PIAN7I) W2EN YOU .ET' YOU WORE .Y 4LOA@; W2EN IT56 LATE AND .ODE6TY 6TART6 TO .ELLOW' WIT2 T2E WINE; PA66ARINO ;.I 4O.E 2O.EI I U6E YOUR /OI4E D 6LA. T2E DOOR LI@E 4RA4@OF DOO.I DON ?UAN (PIAN7I) I 62ALL 4RY 14O.E 2IDE WIT2 .EI W2ERE' O2' W2ERE' OF 4OUR6E D .Y ROO.I1 PA66ARINO POOR T2IN7 2A6N5T 7OT A 42AN4EI DON ?UAN (PIAN7I) 2ERE56 .Y 2AT' .Y 4LOA@ AND 6WORD. 4ONHUE6T I6 A66URED' IF I DO NOT FOR7ET .Y6ELF AND LAU72;.. La-(hin(' DON ?UAN ,-t+ n PA66ARINO5+ #"the+' %)a,,in( the #"a$ a)-nd hi& and #ve)in( hi+ head %ith the hd. 2e +t)ide+ -,+ta(e and di+a,,ea)+ !ehind the +#)i&+. A"th-(h %e d nt $n% it *et' the P-n>a! La++ de+ it+ %)$ and 6I7NOR PIAN7I i+ n &)e. When %e ne3t +ee DON ?UAN' it %i"" !e the P2ANTO.. .ean%hi"e' A.INTA (42RI6TINE) ente)+. A.INTA (42RI6TINE) 1;.NO T2OU72T6 WIT2IN 2ER 2EAD' =UT T2OU72T6 OF ?OYI NO DREA.6 WIT2IN 2ER 2EART' =UT DREA.6 OF LO/EI1 PA66ARINO .A6TER8 DON ?UAN )e,"ie+ -,+ta(e: DON ?UAN (P2ANTO.) PA66ARINO D 7O AWAYI FOR T2E TRAP I6 6ET AND WAIT6 FOR IT6 PREY; PA66ARINO e3it+. The P2ANTO.' di+(-i+ed a+ DON ?UAN ,)etendin( t !e PA66ARINO' i+ +tandin( d%n+ta(e. 2e n% %ea)+ PIAN7I5+ )!e' the #%" f %hi#h hide+ hi+ fa#e. The +#)i&+ "ift a+ he &ve+ d%n+ta(e t%a)d+ 42RI6TINE. 42ORU6 and DAN4ER6 "eave the +ta(e. DON ?UAN YOU 2A/E 4O.E 2ERE IN PUR6UIT OF YOUR DEEPE6T UR7E' IN PUR6UIT OF T2AT WI62' W2I42 TILL NOW 2A6 =EEN 6ILENT' 6ILENT; I 2A/E =ROU72T YOU' T2AT OUR PA66ION6 .AY FU6E AND .ER7E D IN YOUR .IND YOU5/E ALREADY 6U44U.=ED TO .E' DROPPED ALL DEFEN4E6' 4O.PLETELY 6U44U.=ED TO .E D NOW YOU ARE 2ERE WIT2 .E: NO 6E4OND T2OU72T6' YOU5/E DE4IDED' DE4IDED; DON ?UAN i+ n% ha"fD%a* t%a)d+ A.INTA. The 6IL2OUETTE6 f .ALE DAN4ER6 a,,ea) !ehind hi&. DON ?UAN PA6T T2E POINT OF NO RETURN; ;W2AT WAR. UN6PO@EN 6E4RET6 WILL WE LEARN8 =EYOND T2E POINT OF NO RETURN; DON ?UAN ha+ a))ived d%n+ta(e )i(ht. The .ALE DAN4ER6 di+a,,ea). 2e +"%"* !e(in+ t a+#end the +tai)+ "eadin( -, t the !a"#n*. A.INTA' d%n+ta(e "eft' n% +in(+ a"ne. A.INTA (42RI6TINE) YOU 2A/E =ROU72T .E TO T2AT .O.ENT W2ERE WORD6 RUN DRY' TO T2AT .O.ENT W2ERE 6PEE42 DI6APPEAR6 ;;. ;.AND NOW I A. 2ERE WIT2 YOU: NO 6E4OND T2OU72T6 I5/E DE4IDED' DE4IDED;.. The 6IL2OUETTE6 f /OLUPTUOU6 FE.ALE DAN4ER6 a,,ea) !ehind he). A.INTA PA6T T2E POINT OF NO RETURN D NO 7OIN7 =A4@ NOW: OUR PA66IONDPLAY 2A6 NOW' AT LA6T' =E7UN; 6he +ta)t+ -, the +tai)+ n he) +ide. A.INTA PA6T ALL T2OU72T OF RI72T OR WRON7 D ON FINAL HUE6TION: 2OW LON7 62OULD WE TWO WAIT' =EFORE WE5RE ONE8 =th A.INTA and DON ?UAN a)e n the !a"#n*. 6"%"* the* %a"$ t%a)d+ ea#h the). A.INTA W2EN WILL T2E =LOOD =E7IN TO RA4E' T2E 6LEEPIN7 =UD =UR6T INTO =LOO.8 W2EN WILL T2E FLA.E6 AT LA6T 4ON6U.E U6;8 The ,i""a)+ f the +et +%ive" i+"atin( 42RI6TINE and DON ?UAN f)& the ()-nd. The P2ANTO.5+ t)a, i+ +,)-n(. RAOUL and 6OLDIER6 a,,ea) in the WIN76. The)e i+ n %a* f )ea#hin( the !a"#n*. The P2ANTO. and 42RI6TINE a)e fa#e t fa#e. =OT2 PA6T T2E POINT OF NO RETURN' T2E FINAL T2RE62OLD D T2E =RID7EI6 4RO66ED' 6O 6TAND AND WAT42 IT =URN; WE5/E PA66ED T2E POINT OF NO RETURN; /e)* +"%"*' the enti)e +et +ta)t+ t RE/OL/E. U, n the +et !a"#n*' the P2ANTO. i+ h"din( and #a)e++in( 42RI6TINE. P2ANTO. 6AY YOU5LL 62ARE WIT2 .E ONE LO/E' ONE LIFETI.E; LEAD .E' 6A/E .E FRO. .Y 6OLITUDE; 6AY YOU WANT .E WIT2 YOU 2ERE =E6IDE YOU; ANYW2ERE YOU 7O LET .E 7O TOO D 42RI6TINE' T2AT56 ALL I A6@ OF; We neve) )ea#h the %)d 1*-1' f) 42RI6TINE G-ite #a"&"* )e&ve+ the P2ANTO.5+ #%"' &a+$ and %i(. F) the fi)+t ti&e' E/ERYONE +ee+ the %h"e f the P2ANTO.5+ h))if*in( +$-"". At the +a&e ti&e' the RE/OL/E' ha+ )evea"ed PIAN7I han(in( !* the ne#$ f)& the +et. 6#)ea&+. POLI4E.EN' 6TA7E2AND6' )-+h nt the +ta(e in #nf-+in. A"+: ANDRE' FIR.IN' RAOUL' ..E 7IRY' 4ARLOTTA and .E7. 6#)ea&+ and (-n+ht+. /e)* fa+t: the P2ANTO. ()a!+ 42RI6TINE and >-&,+ f)& the !a"#n*. The* +%in( f)& a ),e int da)$ne++. In the #nf-+in and -nnti#ed' a +#)i& #at#he+ fi)e. PIAN7I i+ #-t d%n f)& hi+ (i!!et. ANDRE Oh' &* 7d;&* 7d We5)e )-ined' And)e D )-inedI 4ARLOTTA )-n+ n %ith he) "itt"e d(+. 4ARLOTTA What i+ it8 What ha+ ha,,ened8 U!a"dI (R-+hin( ve) t PIAN7I5+ !d*) Oh &* da)"in(' &* da)"in(; Wh ha+ Dne thi+;.8 We nti#e the t% "itt"e d(+ +niffin( PIAN7I5+ #),+e. FIR.IN $i#$+ ne f the& -t f the %a*. 4ARLOTTA (2*+te)i#a"' atta#$in( ANDRE) Y-I Wh* did *- "et thi+ ha,,en8 ..E 7IRY (T RAOUL) .n+ie-) "e /i#&teI 4&e %ith &eI I $n% %he)e the* a)eI =-t )e&e&!e): @ee, *-) hand at the "eve" f *-) e*e+I .E7 de&n+t)ate+: .E7 Li$e thi+' &n+ie-) D I5"" #&e %ith *-. ..E 7IRY N' .e(I N' *- +ta* he)eI (T RAOUL) 4&e %ith &e' &n+ie-)' d a+ I +a*. =-t h-))* ) %e +ha"" !e t "ate; The* )-+h ff. .E7 +ta)e+ afte) the&. 6he )-+he+ ff t. =ehind he)' the +#)i& e)-,t+ int f"a&e+. Pande&ni-&. INT. UNDER7ROUND LO4@. NI72T. The P2ANTO. ha+ 42RI6TINE in the !at. The "#$ %hi#h "ead+ d%n t the P2ANTO.5+ "ai) de+#end+' )evea"in( the ,)t#-""i+ and the "a(n. P2ANTO. DOWN ON4E .ORE TO T2E DUN7EON OF .Y =LA4@ DE6PAIRI DOWN WE PLUN7E TO T2E PRI6ON OF .Y .INDI DOWN T2AT PAT2 INTO DAR@NE66 DEEP A6 2ELLI (2e ,a-+e+ f) a &&ent' )-ndin( n he) !itte)"*) W2Y' YOU A6@' WA6 I =OUND AND 42AINED IN T2I6 4OLD AND DI6.AL PLA4E8 NOT FOR ANY .ORTAL 6IN' =UT T2E WI4@EDNE66 OF .Y A=2ORRENT FA4EI INT. OPERA. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .ONTA7E f +ht+ +h%in( the #ha+ in the ,e)a h-+e. The %h"e f the +ta(e +et i+ #""a,+in( in f"a&e+ nt the +ta(e and int the ,it. FIREFI72TER6 de+,e)ate"* t)* t #nt)" the !"aEe. 6OLDIER6 and 6TA7E2AND6 a)e )-+hin( d%n #))id)+' -, and d%n +tai)#a+e+. 42ORU6 TRA4@ DOWN T2I6 .URDERERI 2E .U6T =E FOUNDI INT. P2ANTO.56 LAIR. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The ,)t#-""i+ #&e+ d%n !ehind the !at. The #-)tain #"+e+. The P2ANTO. (-ide+ the !at t the +h)e. P2ANTO. 2OUNDED OUT =Y E/ERYONEI .ET WIT2 2ATRED E/ERYW2EREI NO @IND WORD6 FRO. ANYONEI NO 4O.PA66ION ANYW2EREI 2e d)a(+ 42RI6TINE -t f the !at and th)%+ he) t the ()-nd. 42RI6TINE' 42RI6TINE W2Y' W2Y;..8 INT. 4ORRIDORJ6TAIR4A6EJ=RID7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) RAOUL and ..E 7IRY a)e &a$in( thei) %a* d%n the #))id) "ined %ith AUTO.AT6. The* f""% the +tai)#a+e d%n ,a+t the +ta!"e+. A ,a#$ f )at+ +"ithe)+ ve) thei) feet. ..E 7IRY +#)ea&+ and "%e)+ he) (-a)d. 6he )ai+e+ he) hand a(ain. ..E 7IRY YOUR 2AND AT T2E LE/EL OF YOUR EYE6I RAOUL ;AT T2E LE/EL OF YOUR EYE6; The (a)(*"e+ +ee& t +in( &#$in("*: /OI4E6 (O.6.) YOUR 2AND AT T2E LE/EL OF YOUR EYE6 ..E 7IRY Thi+ i+ a+ fa) a+ I da)e (. The* have )ea#hed a !)id(e %hi#h +t)et#he+ -t int the ("&. It ha+ n +ide+. RAOUL .ada&e 7i)*' than$ *-. 6he (e+. RAOUL (in(e)"* +te,+ nt the !)id(e. 2a"fD%a* a#)++' the +tne+ -nde) hi+ feet +-dden"* (ive %a*. RAOUL ,"-&&et+ d%n%a)d+. 2e fa""+ and fa""+ th)-(h the da)$ne++ INT. UNDER7ROUND 4ANAL. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) and "and+ in the %ate) f the #ana". (PO66. PO/ INTO WATER8) T%i+tin( and t-)nin(' he d),+ d%n int the &-)$* de,th+. 2e )eD+-)fa#e+ (a+,in( f) ai). 2e "$+ -, and' t hi+ h)))' a ()i"" i+ de+#endin( t%a)d+ hi&. INT. OPERA 2OU6E. =A4@6TA7EJFLIE6J4ORRIDOR6. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .ONTA7E f +ht+ +h%in( the #ha+ +ti"" )ei(nin( in the ,e)a h-+e. The fi)e )a(e+. F"at+ in the f"ie+ a)e in f"a&e+. 6OLDIER6 )-+h th)-(h the !a#$+ta(e a)ea+ ,a+t ,ani#$in( DAN4ER6 and 6IN7ER6. 42ORU6 TRA4@ DOWN T2I6 .URDERER.............. T2E P2ANTO. OF T2E OPERA IN T2ERE' DEEP DOWN =ELOW (ALW nte: "*)i# )e%)ite) 2E56 2ERE: T2E P2ANTO. OF T2E OPERA 2E56 2ERE: T2E P2ANTO. OF T2E OPERA INT. UNDER7ROUND 4ANAL. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) RAOUL #annt find an* e+#a,e f)& the ()i"" %hi#h i+ n% ,-+hin( hi+ head d%n int the %ate). 2i+ fin(e)+ #"-t#h the i)n%)$ and di+a,,ea) int the de,th+. 2e i+ (in( t die. We +ee hi& +t)-(("in( -nde)%ate) %ith the ()i"" a!ve. 2e +%i&+ de+,e)ate"* t find a %a* -t. 6-dden"*' an i)n %a"" a,,ea)+ in the ("&. Ne3t t it' fi3ed t the !)i#$ %a"" f the #ana"' RAOUL find+ a (ea). 2e %)en#he+ it d%n. A!ve %e +ee the %ate) "eve" +-!+ide. RAOUL ha+ f-nd the (ea) f the P2ANTO.5+ "#$. 2i+ head )eDa,,ea)+ a!ve the %ate). INT. P2ANTO.56 LAIR. NI72T. (4ONTINOU6) 42RI6TINE )-nd+ fie)#e"* n the P2ANTO.. The P2ANTO. tea)+ he) d)e++ ff' the #+t-&e f)& 1Dn ?-an1. 42RI6TINE 2A/E YOU 7OR7ED YOUR6ELF AT LA6T' IN YOUR LU6T FOR =LOOD8 (N )e,"*) A. I NOW TO =E PREY TO YOUR LU6T FOR ALL FLE628 P2ANTO. (4"d"*) T2AT FATE W2I42 4ONDE.N6 .E TO WALLOW IN =LOOD 2A6 AL6O DENIED .E T2E ?OY6 OF T2E FLE62 T2I6 FA4E D T2E INFE4TION W2I42 POI6ON6 OUR LO/E 2e ta$e+ the !)ida" vei" f)& he) a-t&at and &ve+ +"%"* t%a)d+ he). 6he t-)n+ a%a*. P2ANTO. (4ntin-ed) (/e)* G-iet"* and da)$"*) T2I6 FA4E W2I42 EARNED A .OT2ER56 FEAR AND LOAT2IN7 A .A6@' .Y FIR6T UNFEELIN7 64RAP OF 4LOT2IN7 And ,"a#e+ the vei" n he) head. P2ANTO. (4ntin-ed) PITY 4O.E6 TOO LATE D TURN AROUND AND FA4E YOUR FATE: 2e t-)n+ he) )-nd. P2ANTO. (4ntin-ed) AN ETERNITY OF T2I6 =EFORE YOUR EYE6I 42RI6TINE )i,+ the vei" f)& he) head and th)%+ it t the ()-nd. 6he then ,)#eed+ t tea) the #anva+ #ve)+ ff the &i)))+ +-))-ndin( the&' )evea"in( h-nd)ed+ f )ef"e#tin+ f he) and the P2ANTO.. 42RI6TINE T2I6 2AUNTED FA4E 2OLD6 NO 2ORROR FOR .E NOW IT56 IN YOUR 6OUL T2AT T2E TRUE DI6TORTION LIE6 A +t-nned +i"en#e. .ean%hi"e' the #-)tain+ %hi#h hide the ,)t#-""i+ have ,a)ted t )evea" RAOUL !ehind' $nee dee, in %ate). The P2ANTO. t-)n+: P2ANTO. WAITI I T2IN@' .Y DEAR' WE 2A/E A 7UE6TI 42RI6TINE (6eein( RAOUL' +t-nned) Ra-"I P2ANTO. (T RAOUL' %ith a &#$D#-)te-+ !%) 6IR' T2I6 INDEED AN UNPARALLELED DELI72TI I 2AD RAT2ER 2OPED T2AT YOU WOULD 4O.E. AND NOW' .Y WI62 4O.E6 TRUE D YOU 2A/E TRULY .ADE .Y NI72TI RAOUL (P"eadin(' ()a+,in( the !a)+ f the (ate) FREE 2ERI DO W2AT YOU LI@E ONLY FREE 2ERI 2A/E YOU NO PITY8 P2ANTO. (T 42RI6TINE d)*"*) YOUR LO/ER .A@E6 A PA66IONATE PLEAI 42RI6TINE PLEA6E' RAOUL' IT56 U6ELE66 RAOUL I LO/E 2ERI DOE6 T2AT .EAN NOT2IN78 I LO/E 2ERI 62OW 6O.E 4O.PA66ION P2ANTO. (6na)"+ f-)i-+"* at RAOUL) T2E WORLD 62OWED NO 4O.PA66ION TO .EI RAOUL (4a"&in() 42RI6TINE 42RI6TINE (T the P2ANTO.) LET .E 6EE 2ER P2ANTO. (D)* a(ain) =E .Y 7UE6T' 6IR The P2ANTO. ,-""+ a "eve) and the ,)t#-""i+ )i+e+ en-(h t a""% RAOUL t +ta((e) in. P2ANTO. (4ntin-ed) .ON6IEUR' I =ID YOU WEL4O.EI DID YOU T2IN@ T2AT I WOULD 2AR. 2ER8 W2Y WOULD I .A@E 2ER PAY FOR T2E 6IN6 W2I42 ARE YOUR68 Li$e "i(htin(' the P-n>a! La++ #)a#$+ th)-(h the ai) and' !ef)e RAOUL ha+ a #han#e t &ve' #at#he+ hi& !* the ne#$. 2e i+ >e)$ed hi(h int the ai) and d%n nt a +t". A"" the P2ANTO. ha+ t d i+ $i#$ the +t" a%a*. P2ANTO. (Ta-ntin("*) ORDER YOUR FINE 2OR6E NOWI RAI6E UP YOUR 2AND TO T2E LE/EL OF YOUR EYE6I NOT2IN7 4AN 6A/E YOU NOW D EX4EPT PER2AP6 42RI6TINE D 2e t-)n+ t he) and th)-+t+ the vei" and %eddin( (%n int he) hand+. P2ANTO. 6TART A NEW LIFE WIT2 .E D =UY 2I6 FREEDO. WIT2 YOUR LO/EI REFU6E .E' AND YOU 6END YOUR LO/ER TO 2I6 DEAT2I T2I6 I6 T2E 42OI4E D T2I6 I6 T2E POINT OF NO RETURNI 42RI6TINE (t the P2ANTO.) T2E TEAR6 I .I72T 2A/E 62ED FOR YOUR DAR@ FATE 7ROW 4OLD AND TURN TO TEAR6 OF 2ATE L$in( at RAOUL' +he ,"a#e+ the vei" n he) head and !e(in+ ,-ttin( n the %eddin( (%n. ALL T2REE ,a-+e f) a &&ent. RAOUL !)ea$+ the &&ent %ith: RAOUL 42RI6TINE' FOR7I/E .E' PLEA6E FOR7I/E .E I DID IT ALL FOR YOU' AND ALL FOR NOT2IN7 42RI6TINE (L$in( at the P2ANTO. !-t t he)+e"f) FAREWELL' .Y FALLEN IDOL AND FAL6E FRIEND WE 2AD 6U42 2OPE6' AND NOW T2O6E 2OPE6 ARE 62ATTERED P2ANTO. (T 42RI6TINE) TOO LATE FOR TURNIN7 =A4@' TOO LATE FOR PRAYER6 AND U6ELE66 PITY RAOUL (T 42RI6TINE) 6AY YOU LO/E 2I.' AND .Y LIFE I6 O/ERI (O$a* (-*+ %e a)e (in( t +$i, +&e Li!)ett he)e' %e a"" $n% it !* hea)t) 42RI6TINE YOU DE4EI/ED .E D I 7A/E YOU .Y .IND =LINDLY A ,a-+e. The P2ANTO. "$+ #"d"* at 42RI6TINE. 6he i+ n% +tandin( in he) %eddin( (%n. P2ANTO. YOU TRY .Y PATIEN4E D .A@E YOUR 42OI4EI 2e h"d+ -, the %eddin( )in(. 42RI6TINE (H-iet"* at fi)+t' then %ith ()%in( e&tin) PITIFUL 4REATURE OF DAR@NE66 W2AT @IND OF LIFE 2A/E YOU @NOWN8 7OD 7I/E .E 4OURA7E TO 62OW YOU YOU ARE NOT ALONEI 6he #a"&"* ,-t+ the )in( n he) fin(e) and $i++e+ hi& f-"" n the "i,+. 6he ,-""+ a%a*' tea)+ +t)ea&in( d%n he) #hee$+. The P2ANTO. i+ +t-nned. Then' +he "ean+ t%a)d+ hi& and e&!)a#e+ hi& a(ain. =-t thi+ ti&e the $i++ i+ "n( and dee,. A "ve)5+ $i++. A+ it end+' the* "$ +t)ai(ht int ea#h the)5+ e*e+. The P2ANTO. i+ #)*in(' deva+tated. 6-dden"*' he &ve+. The ),e +-+,endin( RAOUL fa""+ ha)&"e++"* t the ()-nd. 2e add)e++e+ RAOUL a+ he >e)$+ the "eve) %hi#h )ai+e the ,)t#-""i+. P2ANTO. TA@E 2ER D FOR7ET .E D FOR7ET ALL OF T2I6 LEA/E .E ALONE D FOR7ET ALL YOU5/E 6EEN 7O NOW D DON5T LET T2E. FIND YOUI TA@E T2E =OAT D 6WEAR TO .E NE/ER TO TELL T2E 6E4RET YOU @NOW OF T2E AN7EL IN 2ELL D 7O 7O NOW 7O NOW AND LEA/E .EI And he )-n+ -, int !ed)&. We INTER4UT %ith: INT. AUTO.AT 4ORRIDORJ6TAIR4A6EJ=RID7E. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) .E7 i+ "eadin( the .O= d%n int the P2ANTO.5+ "ai). F"a&in( ti&!e)+' and ht #a"+ fa"" f)& the ,e)a h-+e a!ve int the -nde)()-nd #ana". The* a)e (ettin( #"+e) and #"+e). 42ORU6 TRA4@ DOWN T2I6 .URDERER RE/EN7E FOR =UHUETI T2I6 4REATURE .U6T NE/ER 7O FREE INT. P2ANTO.56 LAIRJ=EDROO.. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The P2ANTO. "$+ at the &-+i#a" !3 and "i+ten+ t it a+' &a(i#a""*' it +ta)t+ -,. P2ANTO. (T the &-+i#a" !3) .A6HUERADE PAPER FA4E6 ON PARADE .A6HUERADE 2IDE YOUR FA4E' 6O T2E WORLD WILL NE/ER FIND YOU 2e t-)n+ and +ee+ 42RI6TINE +tandin( in the !ed)& d). 2i+ "$ i+ f i&&en+e "n(in( and he","e++ne++. 6he %a"$+ +"%"* t%a)d+ hi&. P2ANTO. 42RI6TINE' I LO/E YOU 6he +tand+ !ef)e hi& and %e thin$ +he i+ (in( t +ta* !-t in+tead +he ta$e+ ff he) )in( and ,"a#e+ it n hi+ fin(e). (ALW nte: e3tend &-+i#) 6he h-))ie+ ff. The P2ANTO. +ta)e+ at the )in( n hi+ fin(e). We +ta* n hi& a+ he 2EAR6: 42RI6TINE (In the di+tan#e) 6AY YOU5LL 62ARE WIT2 .E ONE LO/E' ONE LIFETI.E RAOUL 6AY T2E WORD' AND I WILL FOLLOW YOU INT. P2ANTO.56 LAIRJ4ANAL. NI72T. (4ONTINUOU6) The P2ANTO. #&e+ -t f the !ed)& and +ee+' th)-(h the de+#endin( ()i""' the !at di+a,,ea)in( int the da)$ne++ f the -nde)()-nd #ana". 42RI6TINE i+ "$in( !a#$ at hi&. 6he +ee&+ t !e +in(in( f) hi&. 42RI6TINE 62ARE EA42 DAY WIT2 .E EA42 NI72T EA42 .ORNIN7 6he di+a,,ea)+. P2ANTO. (L$in( afte) he)) YOU ALONE 4AN .A@E .Y 6ON7 TA@E FLI72T D IT56 O/ER NOW' T2E .U6I4 OF T2E NI72T 2e +&a+he+ a"" the &i)))+ a)-nd the "ai). 2e t-)n+ and +ee+ the .! %ith thei) t)#he+ a,,)a#hin( a"n( the 4ANAL. The P2ANTO. %a"$+ +"%"* t%a)d+ the th)ne and +it+ n it' (athe)in( hi+ #"a$ a)-nd hi&' +-))-nded !* +hatte)ed i&a(e+. The .O= +t,+ at the ,)t#-""i+. .E7 dive+ d%n int the %ate) and #&e+ -, the the) +ide. The P2ANTO. ha+ enti)e"* #ve)ed hi&+e"f %ith the #"a$. .E7 #)++e+ t the th)ne and' tentative"* !-t #-)a(e-+"*' ,-""+ the #"a$ a%a* )evea"in( e&,t* ai). The P2ANTO. ha+ vani+hed' "eavin( n"* hi+ %hite &a+$. In %nde)' +he )ea#he+ -t and ,i#$+ -, the &a+$ in he) +&a"" hand. We END n the .A6@. END TITLE6 O/ER .A6@. (ALW nte: ,"a*D-t &-+i#' vi"in int) t ()ave*a)d +#ene)