This document discusses the relationship between plant hormones and homeobox genes, specifically KNOTTED1-like HOMEOBOX (KNOX) genes, in regulating shoot apical meristem development. KNOX genes are expressed in the shoot apical meristem and are required to maintain meristem activity. Recent evidence suggests KNOX transcription factors may control meristem development by regulating the balance of multiple plant hormone activities, such as auxin and gibberellin. The document reviews the KNOX gene pathway and its role in shoot development, focusing on interactions between KNOX genes and hormone pathways.
This document discusses the relationship between plant hormones and homeobox genes, specifically KNOTTED1-like HOMEOBOX (KNOX) genes, in regulating shoot apical meristem development. KNOX genes are expressed in the shoot apical meristem and are required to maintain meristem activity. Recent evidence suggests KNOX transcription factors may control meristem development by regulating the balance of multiple plant hormone activities, such as auxin and gibberellin. The document reviews the KNOX gene pathway and its role in shoot development, focusing on interactions between KNOX genes and hormone pathways.
This document discusses the relationship between plant hormones and homeobox genes, specifically KNOTTED1-like HOMEOBOX (KNOX) genes, in regulating shoot apical meristem development. KNOX genes are expressed in the shoot apical meristem and are required to maintain meristem activity. Recent evidence suggests KNOX transcription factors may control meristem development by regulating the balance of multiple plant hormone activities, such as auxin and gibberellin. The document reviews the KNOX gene pathway and its role in shoot development, focusing on interactions between KNOX genes and hormone pathways.
This document discusses the relationship between plant hormones and homeobox genes, specifically KNOTTED1-like HOMEOBOX (KNOX) genes, in regulating shoot apical meristem development. KNOX genes are expressed in the shoot apical meristem and are required to maintain meristem activity. Recent evidence suggests KNOX transcription factors may control meristem development by regulating the balance of multiple plant hormone activities, such as auxin and gibberellin. The document reviews the KNOX gene pathway and its role in shoot development, focusing on interactions between KNOX genes and hormone pathways.
Angela Hay, Judith Craft, and Miltos Tsiantis* Summary Plant hormones are signalling molecules that control growth and development. Growth of the aerial parts of higher plants requires the continuous activity of the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of cells at the apex of a plant. KNOTTED1-like HOMEOBOX(KNOX) genes are involved in regulating meristemactivity, however, little is known about how this regulation is mediated. Recent evidence suggests that KNOX transcription factors may control meristem development by regulating the balance of activities of multiple hormones. BioEssays 26:395 404, 2004. 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Introduction The term hormone, from the Greek hormau meaning I stimulate, was coined to describe the chemical messengers that stimulate numerous processes in animal development. Many growth and differentiation processes in animals are controlled by protein hormones. Classical plant hormones, by contrast, aresmall, diverse, non-proteinmolecules that control many, if not all, aspects of plant growth and development (Fig. 1). However, this pleiotropic nature of hormone action has made it difficult to understand exactly how hormones act to pattern development. Mechanisms of developmental pat- terning require specificity, accuracy and the ability to un- ambiguously specify and maintain developmental identities. Such examples of developmental patterning include the action of the homeotic selector genes in metazoan body plan specification (1) and plant homeotic genes in controlling floral organ identity. (2) In contrast to these conceptually elegant and economical models of developmental patterning, hormonal actions in plants have traditionally been considered much more complicated and confusing, because the same molecule may have very different effects depending on concentration (3) or may have diametrically opposite effects on the same pro- cess in different species. (4) Last, but not least, different hor- monal biosynthesis and sensitivity pathways are intertwined such that one hormone can regulate the activity of a different one, thus creating a maze of possible connections where it is very difficult to distinguish primary from secondary effects. (5,6) In the past decade, the genetic dissection of plant hormone biosynthesis and signalling pathways has offered new opportunities for studying the role of hormones (for example auxin) in controlling developmental patterning. (7,8) Part of the challenge of understanding hormone actions is to understand whether (and which) developmental genes regulate hormone activities or viceversa. Thecontrol of hormonebiosynthesis by the KNOX class of transcription factors has recently emerged as an example of perhaps unexpected interactions between hormones and developmental genes. (9,10) This review will discuss recent advances in howthe KNOXpathway functions, and focus on the interconnections between KNOX genes and hormone actions and the manner in which they regulate shoot development. The KNOX pathway and shoot development Plant development depends on the continuous activity of meristems to produce organs throughout a plants life. Embry- ogenesis inhigher plants produces twoapical meristems at the root and shoot that give rise to all of the below- and above- ground organs of an adult plant, respectively. Leaf founder cellsat the flanks of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) undergo afundamental developmental transitionfromanindeterminate to a determinate cell fate as they are recruited into leaves BioEssays 26:395404, 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. BioEssays 26.4 395 Plant Sciences Dept, Oxford University, Oxford. Funding agencies: The BBSRC, Royal Society, EU and the Gatsby Foundation. *Correspondence to: Miltos Tsiantis, Plant Sciences Dept, Oxford University, Oxford, OX1 3RB, UK. E-mail: [email protected] DOI 10.1002/bies.20016 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( Abbreviations: KNOX, Knotted1-like homeobox genes; SAM, shoot apical meristem; KN1, KNOTTED1; STM, SHOOTMERISTEMLESS; BP, BREVIPEDICELLUS; KNAT, KN1-like in Arabidopsis thaliana; AS, ASYMMETRIC LEAVES; TALE, three amino acid loop extension; BLH, BEL1-like homeodomain; BLR, BELLRINGER; PNY, PENNY- WISE; ipt, isopentenyltransferase; GA, gibberellin; NTH15, Nicotiana tabacum homeobox15; Ntc12, Nicotiana tabacum c12; AtGA20ox1, Arabidopsis thaliana GA 20-oxidase1; TKN2, tomato KN1-like2; LeGA20ox1, Lycopersicum esculentum GA 20-oxidase1; Me, Mouse ears; PKL, PICKLE; CRC, CRABSCLAW; CHD3, chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein; IAA, indole-3 acetic acid; PIN1, PINFORMED1; PAT, polar auxin transport; CUC, CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON; CTR1, CONSTITUTIVE TRIPLE RESPONSE1; ETR1, ETHYLENE RESPONSE1; EIN2, ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2; NtPHAN, Nicotiana tabacum PHANTASTICA. Review articles (Fig. 2A). For the SAM to maintain its indeterminate function throughout the life of a plant, it is essential that cells recruited into lateral organs be constantly replenished. KNOXtranscrip- tion factors are on the growing list of proteins that are required to maintain, and possibly establish, the SAM. KNOTTED1 (KN1) defines the first homeobox gene family to be isolated in plants, and was identified frommaize mutants that produced knots, or outgrowths of indeterminate tissue on the leaf. (11) KNOX genes can be divided into two classes. (12) Class I genes share the highest degree of sequence similarity with KN1 and are expressed in over- lapping domains within the SAMs of both monocot and dicot plants. (1317) Loss of KN1 function in maize or of the closely related gene SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) in Arabidopsis results in failure to maintain a SAM. (15,18,19) The sequenced genome of Arabidopsis contains four class I KNOX genes: STM, BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP), KN1-like in Arabidopsis Thaliana2 (KNAT2) and KNAT6. bp mutants have reduced pedicel (flower stalk) length and loss of apical domi- nance. (20,21) Genetic analyses demonstrate that BP acts redundantly with STM to maintain the SAM; however, loss of KNAT2 function has no discernible effect. (22) Mutations in KNAT6 areyet to bedescribed, but its high sequencesimilarity with KNAT2 raises the possibility that the two genes act redundantly. It is therefore likely that disruption of both genes will be required in order to reveal their functions. Downregulation of KNOX expression in leaf founder cells within the meristemmarks a change in cell fate frommeristem to leaf. (23) Exclusion of KNOX expression from leaves is important for leaf development as ectopic expression confers indeterminate features to Arabidopsis leaves including ecto- Figure 1. Chemical structures for the plant hormones discussed. Cytokinins are adenine derivatives (zeatin shown here), identified by their ability to stimulate cytokinesis. Gibberellins are terpenoid compounds (GA 1 shown here), first identified fromsecretions of the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi that infects rice and promotes stem elongation. Auxins are chemically similar to tryptophan (Indole-3 Acetic Acid shown here), originally identified as the substance responsible for the tropic growth of seedlings towards light. Ethylene is a small, volatile hydrocarbon, identified as the gas released by fruit that stimulates ripening. Other plant hormones that are not mentioned in this review include Abscisic Acid, brassinoster- oids, systemin and jasmonates. Figure 2. The KNOX pathway and shoot development. A: In situ hybridization of SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (STM) in an Arabidopsis shoot apex. STM expression marks the shoot apical meristem(SAM) and its absence marks the leaf founder cells (FC) and leaves. B: Cartoon showing genetic interactions intheshoot apex(KNOXgenesshowninwhite, hormonegenes in black and other transcription factors in red). STM is ex- pressed throughout the SAM (purple) but is absent from leaf founder cells and leaves (shown in green). The expression of ASYMMETRICLEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2 is excluded fromthe SAM and restricted to leaves. STM negatively regulates AS1 and AS2 within the SAM, and downregulation of STMin leaves allows AS1andAS2expression. AS1andAS2act together as a heterodimer to negatively regulate the KNOX genes BP, KNAT2 and KNAT6 thereby restricting their expression to the SAM. YABBY (YAB) genes are expressed in the abaxial domain of the leaf (shown in yellow) and repress BP and STM expression (regulation of STM not depicted). The GA biosyn- thetic gene AtGA20ox1 is in turn repressed by STM, restricting its expression to the leaf. Both STM and BP can form heterodimers with the BLH homeodomain protein BELLRIN- GER(BLR)/PENNYWISE(PNY) in the SAM(indicated by .-.). Review articles 396 BioEssays 26.4 pic meristems and a dramatic change in leaf shape. (14,24) At least two mechanisms exist to repress KNOX expression in Arabidopsis leaves (Fig. 2B). The myb transcription factor ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and AS2, a member of the LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES family of transcriptional regulators, act together as a heterodimer to repress expres- sion of BP, KNAT2 and KNAT6 in the leaf. (2529) Activity of the YABBYfamily of putative transcription factors also contributes to the exclusion of STM and BP expression from leaves, in addition to the role that they play in specifying dorsoventral polarity of the leaf. (30) Negative interactions also exist between STM and AS1/2 such that AS1/2 expression is excluded from the meristem (Fig. 2B and Refs. 22,26). The transcriptional context in which KNOX proteins act is another important aspect of their function. KNOX proteins belong to the TALE superclass of homeodomain proteins, (31) and interact with a second group of TALE proteins, the BEL1 homeodomain (BLH) family, in both monocot and dicot plants. (3235) These interactions are known to be selective between specific protein family members in both maize and Arabidopsis, (34,35) suggesting that different combinations of KNOX/BLH transcription factors may regulate different down- stream genes. Genetic interactions between mutations in the BLH gene BELLRINGER (BLR) (36) /PENNYWISE (PNY) (35) and stm indicate that the BLR-STM heterodimer may play a role in maintaining the SAM(Fig. 2Band Ref. 36). BPmaintains the SAMinas1;stmdouble mutants and BLRis required for this maintenance, suggesting that BLR also functions as a heterodimer with BP in the SAM (Fig. 2B and Ref. 36). The developmental functions of KNOXtranscription factors are likely to be mediated by targets that include hormone biosynthetic genes. This idea is based on altered hormone levels observed in plants overexpressing KNOX genes. (37) However, given that KNOX overexpression renders the leaf tissue more meristematic, it is critical to establish that changes in hormone levels are not simply an indirect consequence of these tissue transformations. Further, it is not known whether hormones mediate KNOX activity in the natural domain of KNOXexpressionthe SAM. The following sections describe our current knowledge of the interactions between KNOX transcription factors and hormone pathways in the processes of shoot meristem and leaf development. KNOX and cytokinins The first tentative link between hormones and KNOX proteins emerged from observations that overexpression of ipt, which encodes the cytokinin biosynthetic enzyme isopentenyltrans- ferase, confers a suite of phenotypes very similar to KNOX overexpression in tobacco, including ectopic shoot meristem formation on leaves. (38,39) It was later shown that KNOX- overexpressing plants do indeed contain elevated cytokinin levels. (37) This suggested that one role of KNOX proteins is to activate cytokinin biosynthesis. This hypothesis was tested by expressing the maize kn1 gene under the control of a senescence-inducible promoter, resulting in expression of KN1 late in leaf development (at senescence) when the leaf is no longer competent to develop ectopic shoot meristems. (40) Cytokinin levels in leaves overexpressing KN1 were in- creased 15-fold relative to control plants and leaf senescence was delayed, similar to leaves of cytokinin-overproducing plants. (40) These results suggest that kn1 expression is sufficient to induce cytokinin biosynthesis in the develop- mental context of mature leaves. Cytokinin accumulation, as determined by immunolocalisation, predicts the initiation of ectopic leaves in lettuce plants overexpressing BP, supporting the idea that KNOX genes act by inducing local changes in cytokinin content. (41) The mode by which KN1 activates cytokinin levels can now be investigated as biosynthetic and catabolic genes have recently been identified as well as a number of cytokinin re- ceptors and signal transduction components, with similarity to prokaryotic two-component response pathways. (4246) Expression analysis of these genes in altered KNOX back- grounds and characterization of genetic interactions between cytokinin signalling components and KNOX mutants, will reveal the extent to which cytokinin mediates KNOX function. An interesting twist in the KNOXcytokinin story is that ectopic ipt expression results in increased accumulation of BP and STM transcripts. (47) One interpretation of these results is that cytokinin acts not only downstream but also upstream of KNOX genes such that a feedback-loop is established between cytokinin and KNOX expression. Alternatively, because reduced cytokinin results in a smaller SAM, (46) it is possible that ectopic ipt expression results in an enlarged SAM, thus increasing the proportion of meristematic tran- scripts detected. This potential feedback between cytokinin and KNOXwas investigated in tobaccowhereit was found that elevated cytokinin levels did not induce the KNOX gene NTH15. (40) Recent genome-wide expression analysis in Arabidopsis also failed to detect an increase in BP or STM expression following cytokinin application. (48) However, these results do not exclude the possibility that cytokinin may activate KNOX expression specifically in the context of the SAM (Fig. 5). KNOX and gibberellins Gibberellin (GA) homeostasis was linked to KNOX function in a series of reports showing that overexpression of rice or tobaccoKNOXgenes ledtoadecreaseinGAlevels. (9,37,4951) Two recent reports present biochemical and genetic evidence that repression of the biosynthetic gene, GA 20-oxidase, is an important component of KNOX action both in the SAM and upon ectopic expression in leaves. (9,10) Induction of the tobacco STMorthologue, NTH15, resulted in rapid repression of GA biosynthesis and transcript levels of the GA 20-oxidase gene, Ntc12. (9) Recombinant NTH15 protein was also shown Review articles BioEssays 26.4 397 to bind specifically to a sequence in the first intron of Ntc12. Expression patterns of NTH15 and Ntc12 are mutually exclusive in the shoot apex and this mutual exclusion depends on the binding of NTH15 to its target cis element in the Ntc12 intron (Fig. 3ADandandRef. 9). Thus, oneof thefunctions of KNOX proteins is to directly repress the synthesis of bioactive GAs in the SAM. Similar to the results in tobacco, induction of KN1 activity in Arabidopsis resulted in rapid repression of the AtGA20ox1 transcript. (10) Constitutive GA signalling by the spindly muta- tion suppressed the lobed leaves resulting from KNOX over- expression, giving a more wild-type leaf shape (Fig. 4C and Ref. 10). Inaddition, constitutiveGAsignallingenhancedweak stmphenotypes, resulting in shootless plants that fail to forma meristem (Fig. 3EH and Ref. 10). In stm mutants, AtGA20ox1was expressedat highlevels inthenormal domain of STMexpression, reinforcing the idea that STMexcludes GA biosynthesis from the SAM and that a reduced GA regime is favourable for meristematic activity. (10) Conversely, these observations suggest that high local GA levels may promote the differentiation of leaves. The mechanistic basis for this may involve the regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics. GA is known to promote transverse cell divisions and longitudinal cell expansion, as occurs in differentiating leaf cells, by the reorientation of cytoskeletal components. (52) Thus, low GA levels may allow random cell division patterns in thecorpus of theSAM, whilehighGAlevels induce an ordered arrangement of cell divisions that favour determinate growth in the leaf. (9) A similar antagonistic relationship exists between the KNOX gene TKN2 and the LeGA20ox1 gene in the dissected leaves of tomato that express KNOX genes. Overexpression of TKN2 in the Mouse ears (Me) and Curl mutants results in reduced LeGA20ox1 transcript. (10) Constitutive GA signalling by the procera mutation suppresses the level of dissection of the tomato leaf, and, moreover, suppresses the increased leaf dissection seen in Me (Fig. 4D and Ref. 10). Thus the KNOX/ GA interaction seems to be a component of a developmental module controlling indeterminacy. This module likely functions to maintain the SAM of most species and also to regulate leaf shape of certain dissected leaf species. If repression of GA biosynthesis is a critical component of KNOX function to specify and maintain the SAM, and GA is a diffusible molecule, then what prevents diffusion of GA from young leaves into the SAM? One mechanism to control the domain of GAaction is to place both synthesis and breakdown under the control of KNOX transcription factors. A 2-oxidase gene involved in GA breakdown in rice is localized to a ring surrounding the SAM, consistent with breakdown of bioactive GAs such that they do not enter the SAM. (53) In Arabidopsis, a 2-oxidase gene is rapidly activated by induction of STM expression (J.C., J. Martinez & M.T. unpublished observa- tions). Thus, two potential targets of KNOX transcription factors in Arabidopsis are genes that control GA homeostasis via synthesis and breakdown. However, the role that GA plays in BP function is difficult to discern from the semidwarf phenotype of bp plants. (20,21) Because ectopic BP expression in leaves results in reduced AtGA20ox1 transcript, (10) one may expect that bp mutants would have a tall, spindly phenotype due to increased AtGA20ox1 expression. It is somewhat surprising then that bp mutants are semidwarfed, a phenotype often caused by a reduction in GA levels. This observation may reflect diver- gencein thefunction of BPandSTM, suchthat unlikeSTM, BP does not regulate GA biosynthesis in vivo. In this case, overexpression of BP results in repression of GA biosynthesis Figure 3. KNOX directly represses GA 20 oxidase expres- sion in the SAM, thus allowing normal shoot development. Increased GA activity enhances the effect of decreased KNOX function, thus preventing shoot development. AD (adapted from Sakamoto T et al., Genes and Development, 2001,15: 581590 with the permission of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.): Mutually exclusive expression patterns of NTH15 (A) and Ntc12 (B) mRNA in a tobacco shoot apex. Mutation in the NTH15-binding sequence expands the wild-type Ntc12 ex- pression pattern (C: Ntc12-w.t.) to the corpus of the SAM (D: Ntc12-m2). EH (adapted from Hay A et al., Current Biology 2002,12,15571565 with permission of Elsevier): Constitutive GAsignalling in an stm-2 background results in failure to initiate a SAM. Aerial view of Arabidopsis plants of the following genotypes: E: spy-5, F: stm-2, G: wild type, H: stm-2;spy-5. The spy mutation (97) is used in these experiments to confer constitutive GA signalling to the plant but may affect additional processes that have not yet been described. Review articles 398 BioEssays 26.4 due to similarities between the BP and STM proteins that allow promiscuous repression of STM targets such as AtGA20ox1. Another possibility is that BP acts as a repressor of GA biosynthesis in some tissues, such as the SAM, but as an activator in others, such as the inflorescence stem, depending on the transcriptional context in which the BP protein functions. However, it is also possible that the dwarf phenotype of bp is unrelated to GA activity. Dwarfismand loss of apical dominance are typical of reduced auxin signalling; (54) therefore, other hormones may be mediating BP function. KNOX, PICKLE and GA The pickle (pkl) mutation was identified by ectopic embryo development on roots, the penetrance of which is increas- ed by growth on GA biosynthesis inhibitors. (55) It was independently isolated as an enhancer of crabsclaw (crc), identified by ectopic ovule development on carpels. (56) It is therefore likely that PKL functions as a general repressor of indeterminacy, a role consistent with it encoding a CHD3 chromatin-remodeling factor predicted to be involved in the repression of transcription. (56,57) The pkl mutation is interest- ingbecauseit behaves as anegativeregulator of GAsignalling and also enhances the KNOX misexpression phenotypes of the as1 and as2 mutations. (25,55) pkl mutants show reduced levels of AtGA20ox1 in leaves yet show no misexpression of KNOX genes. (10) Regulation of AtGA20ox1 may therefore represent a point of convergence of two distinct pathways that control determinacya KNOX and a PKL-defined pathway. Reduction of AtGA20ox1 transcript in pkl is somewhat counterintuitive, as mutations that block GA signalling tend to result in elevated levels of AtGA20ox1 expression due to feedback regulation of the GA biosynthetic pathway. (58) However, it is not yet clear how PKL is involved in regulating GA signalling or how GA-dependent targets relate to other target genes of PKL, (59) so the full significance of this ob- servation requires further experimentation. For example, it is possible that PKL regulates aspects of GA biosynthesis in addition to signalling, accounting for the fact that certain pkl phenotypes are suppressed in the presence of exogenous GA. (55) It is also possible that pkl disrupts aspects of GA feedback regulation, or defines a GAsignalling pathway that is not subject to feedback regulation. KNOX and auxin A key feature of auxin action is the polar transport of IAA through plant tissues. In Arabidopsis, members of the Figure 4. KNOXrepressesGAactivityintheleaf. A: IncreasedKNOXexpressionintheleaf represses GAactivity, resultinginalobedleaf shape in Arabidopsis (A.t) and a super-dissected leaf shape in tomato (L.e). B: Increased GA activity suppresses the lobed leaf shape in Arabidopsis (A.t) and suppresses the super-dissected leaf shape in tomato (L.e). C: Arabidopsis leaves from left to right: WT, spy-1 (increased GA), spy-1;35S:BP (increased GA, increased KNOX) and 35S:BP (increased KNOX). D: Tomato leaves fromleft to right: WT, pro (increased GA), Me/;pro (increased GA, increased KNOX) and Me/ (increased KNOX). Figure adapted from Hay A et al., Current Biology 2002;12:15571565 with permission of Elsevier. Review articles BioEssays 26.4 399 PINFORMED protein family are putative auxin efflux carriers that account for the directional transport of IAA. (60) The AtPIN gene family was identified from mutant phenotypes indicative of impaired polar auxin transport (PAT) and encode mem- brane proteins that are localized in a polar manner. (8,6166) Classical physiological experiments have suggested that auxin gradients emanating from developing leaves influence thepositionof emergenceof younger leavesat theperipheryof the SAM, thus specifying phyllotactic pattern. (67) Microappli- cation of IAA to the leafless SAMs of plants treated with PAT inhibitors or pin1 mutants, resulted in a new primordium initiating at the site of application, supporting a role for auxin in leaf initiation. (68) Localisation of PIN1 and the putative auxin influx carrier AUXIN RESISTANT1 indicate that auxin is transported toward the SAM through the outermost cell layer. (69) Induction of PIN1 expression at the sites of incipient and young leaf primordia indicates that existing leaves act as auxin sinks. Therefore, auxin accumulates at a certain distance away from existing leaves, thus defining the position of future primordia. (69) The site of leaf initiation in the SAM is therefore defined by both an auxin-dependent process and downregulation of KNOX expression. Whether these two processes are connected has been investigated by culturing maize SAMs on PAT inhibitors. (70) These experiments demonstrated that PAT inhibitors induce both thearrest of leaf initiation andthe failureto exclude KNOX proteins from leaf founder cells in the SAM. Subsequent transfer of cultured apices to inhibitor-free media resulted in the restoration of normal KNOX expression patterns and the resumption of leaf initiation. Therefore, alterations in auxin gradients at the leaf meristem boundary result in a failure to downregulate KNOX expression and a consequent failure to initiate leaves. This suggests that KNOX genes may respond to an auxin gradient, such that downregulation of KNOX expression occurs at the point in the SAM where the auxin gradient predicts leaf initiation (Fig. 5). Connections between auxin and the regulation of KNOX expression have also been made based on similarities between mutants deficient in PAT and mutations in the ROUGHSHEATH2 (RS2) myb transcription factor in maize. (71) rs2 mutants accumulate KNOX inappropriately in leaves and have a dwarf stature and twisted leaves with abnormal vasculature, similar to PAT-deficient mutants. (7274) rs2 mutants have been shown to be deficient in PAT, as have semaphore1 mutants which, like rs2, misexpress KNOX genes in the maize leaf. (71,75) rs2 mutants can be phenocopied by wild-type maize seedlings grown on PAT inhibitors, but KNOX expression was not detected in the leaves of these seedlings, suggesting that KNOXgenes act upstreamof auxin transport. (71) However, ectopic accumulation of KNOXprotein was observed in the aberrant leaves that developed from apices cultured on PAT inhibitors, consistent with auxin- dependent processes also acting upstream of KNOX gene regulation. (70) Given the role of pin genes in auxin transport, it will beinterestingtodeterminewhether auxintransport andthe connection with KNOX regulation involves the function of pin- like genes in maize. Genetic interactions reveal that auxin transport is required together with KNOX gene function to correctly pattern the Arabidopsis shoot apex. During embryogenesis, initiation of the SAMand separation of the two cotyledons requires activity of STM and the putative transcription factors CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON1 (CUC1) and CUC2. (15,76,77) In a similar manner to stm and cuc mutants, mutations in pin1 affect growth and separation of the cotyledons as well as their position and number in Arabidopsis seedlings. (78) Bilateral symmetry of the embryo is maintained in these different mutants, however double mutant combinations between pin1 and stm or pin1;cuc1;cuc2 fail to establish bilateral sym- metry. (79) This suggests that CUC1/CUC2 or STM may be regulated by auxin distribution. Presence of an auxin- responsive element in CUC2 provides an attractive mechan- ismfor this regulation. (79) Since CUC1 and CUC2 are required to promote STM expression, (77) it is possible that auxin regulates STM via CUC gene activity. Figure 5. Regulation of hormone activities by KNOX proteins in the shoot apex. This cartoon represents a longitudinal viewof a shoot apex. KNOX expression in the SAM (shown in pink) promotes cytokinin synthesis (shown as a purple gradient) and cytokinin may in turn promote KNOX expression in the SAM (dashed arrow). KNOX represses GA synthesis (and may promote breakdown of GA) such that GA activity is confined to leaves (shown in green). Auxin (IAA) gradients predict the site of leaf inception (shown as a yellow arrowhead) and promote primordium outgrowth and vascular differentiation (shown as yellow arrows). KNOX expression may be repressed in regions of high IAA; this would confine KNOXactivity to the SAM, and/or KNOX may inhibit IAA transport thus confining it to leaves (dashed line). Review articles 400 BioEssays 26.4 KNOX and ethylene Ethylene-insensitive and constitutive response mutants have been readily identified in Arabidopsis using a growth assay whereby dark-grown wild-type seedlings exposed to ethylene display a triple response of growth inhibition. The success of this approach has resulted in extensive characterisation of the ethylene-signalling pathway. (80) Overexpression of KNOX genes affects shoot initiation and senescence, two processes that are promoted by cytokinins and inhibited by ethy- lene. (38,40,8183) It was therefore investigated whether KNOX genes and ethylene interact antagonistically or whether this antagonism is mediated by cytokinins. (84) Investigations into the interactions of KNOX genes and ethylene showed that the KNOX gene KNAT2 acts antagonistically to ethylene when overexpressed and that ethylene regulates KNAT2 reporter expression in the SAM. (84) This interaction may be relevant to SAMfunction as increased ethylene levels reduce the number of cells in the SAM and this defect is rescued by induction of KNAT2 activity. The constitutive ethylene response mutant ctr1 is also sufficient to reduce cell numbers in the SAM but ethylene-insensitive mutants (etr1 and ein2) have a normal SAM, indicating that ethylene is not necessary to limit cell numbers. (84) To further investigate the role of ethylene sig- nalling in the SAM, it will be interesting to assess whether ctr1 enhances the meristem defect of weak stm mutations and whether ethylene acts antagonistically to the other class1 KNOX genes. KNOX proteins: jacks of all trades? KNOXproteins appear to regulatemeristemdevelopment in at least two distinct ways. Firstly, they establish a hormonal regime favourable for meristemfunction by regulating GA and cytokinin activities (Fig. 5). Secondly, they allow develop- mental patterning of the shoot apex via negative regulatory interactions with the AS1-AS2 transcription factors that promote leaf fate (Fig. 2B). Thus, KNOX proteins integrate fields of hormone activities with the activity of transcription factors that provide the coordinates for shoot development. Further research will determine the exact points at which auxin and ethylene interface with KNOX-dependent processes. If the bulk of KNOX function is mediated via hormone activities, then creating the appropriate hormonal regime in the pertinent cell types should recapitulate KNOX overexpression pheno- types or rescue KNOX mutants. Cell division and differentiation a way to talk? These interactions between developmental regulators such as KNOX genes and hormone pathways also provide a means of integrating developmental patterning signals with cell division and differentiation. Cytokinins activate cell divi- sion in Arabidopsis through induction of a D-type cyclin, (85) whereas GA controls growth via regulation of cell elonga- tion. (86) GA appears to promote cell elongation by changing the orientation of cortical microtubules from longitudinal to transverse. (52) KNOX transcription factors may regulate both cytokinin and GA gradients in the shoot apex, thereby providing input into cell division pathways via control of cyclin genes, and cellular-differentiation pathways via controlling cytoskeletal dynamics (Fig. 6). Additionally, recent evidence suggests that KNOX proteins directly suppress cellular differentiation by repressing lignin biosynthetic genes, which can be considered terminal differentiation genes in plant cells (Fig. 6 and Ref. 87). A class of proteins called expansins also regulates cell wall structure. (88) Expansins are expres- sedinleaf founder cells andaresufficient toinduceprimordium outgrowth when applied to SAMs. (89,90) Both GA and auxin (91,92) induce expansin gene expression; therefore KNOX control of hormone homeostasis may indirectly regulate cell wall loosening (Fig. 6). Thus KNOX proteins provide multiple inputs into the complex networks controlling cell divisionanddifferentiation. Thechallengenowis toidentify further components of the cross-talk machinery between developmental patterning and cell division/cell differentiation. Finally, evidence suggests that cell division activity may feed back to regulate KNOX gene expression (Fig. 6). Changing cell division frequency and orientation in a group of cells within the SAM, by induction of phragmoplastin gene expression, decreased expression of the KNOX gene NTH15 andincreasedthat of NTPHAN, thus mimickingtheexpression of thesegenes inleaf founder cells. (93) Theauthors proposean interesting mechanism for this feedback whereby a change in cell division patterns alters the function of plamodesmata- gated channels in plant cell walls that traffic regulatory proteins and RNAs. (94) KNOX and hormones: a quest for specificity? Connections between KNOX proteins and hormones have begun to be mapped out but the precise relationships are still unclear. Evidence of direct regulation of hormone gene ex- pression by KNOX transcription factors, as exists for GA biosynthesis, (9) is required to understand these relationships. Studies on auxin have also illustrated the importance of understanding the spatial distribution of a hormones activity. Thus, detailed spatiotemporal expression analysis of all com- ponents that contribute to the activity of a hormone (synthesis, breakdown, signalling, conjugation and transport) in response to altered KNOX expression and vice versa will be pivotal to understanding how KNOX activity interconnects with that of hormones. Further, if gradients of hormone activity and inte- gration of multiple hormonal inputs are critical for eliciting developmental responses, then what are the integrating factors? Where short-range signalling is likely to be important, as for example at the leaf meristem boundary, additional molecules may translate hormonal gradients into short-range specific messages. Good candidates for this type of signalling Review articles BioEssays 26.4 401 are small peptidessome of which have previously been implicated in hormone signalling. (95,96) Whether other shoot development genes emerge as regulators of hormone acti- vities or whether this control is a KNOX gene-specific function remain to be seen. Acknowledgments We thank S. Hake, P. Hedden, A. Phillips and J. Martinez for collaboration on the KNOX/GA projects. We thank J. Baker for photography and S. McCormick for comments on the manuscript. References 1. Carroll S, Grenier JK, Weatherbee SD. 2001. From DNA to diversity. London, UK: Blackwell Science. 2. Coen ES, Meyerowitz EM. 1991. The war of the whorls: genetic interactions controlling flower development. Nature 353:3137. 3. Skoog F, Miller CO. 1957. Chemical regulation of growth and organ formation in plant tissue cultured in vitro. Symp Soc Exp Biol 11:118131. 4. Grant S, et al. 1994. Genetics of Sex Determination in Flowering Plants. Developmental Genetics 15:214230. 5. Fu X, Harberd NP. 2003. Auxin promotes Arabidopsis root growth by modulating gibberellin response. Nature 421:740743. 6. 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