Type 2 Co-Ordination Selection Charts
Type 2 Co-Ordination Selection Charts
Type 2 Co-Ordination Selection Charts
Types of
Notor Starting
The most common method of motor starting is either Direct On Line (DOL) or Star - Delta. DOL starting is
simple direct switching of a motor, however it leads to a high starting current. Star - Delta method is adopted
in the motor feeders where high starting current is not acceptable.
While DOL starting method is simple 8 most commonly used, care has to be taken while selecting the SCPD 8
relay. The possibility of high current peak 8 higher starting time during starting must be kept in mind. This is
especially important while choosing NCCB 8 NPCB as SCPD as these device can sense current peaks 8 may
trip. Hence it is recommended to select NCCB 8 NPCB with magnetic threshold of at least 12 times of motor
full load current for all standard motors 8 at least 1+ times of full load current for high efficiency motors.
Star Delta starting method is popularly used to reduce the motor starting current. For Star-Delta motor
feeders, the motor winding is connected in star. When it reaches a certain speed the motor winding
connection is changed to delta.
Open Transition
Open transition star delta starting is preferred in majority of the motor starting applications. !n open transition
starting there is a momentary loss of supply to the motor when the changeover from star to delta takes place.
When the ON button is pressed, the star and main contactors get picked and the motor is connected in star
configuration. As a result a reduced voltage (vLf 3) is applied across motor windings. The motor continues to
run in star connection for a period set in the star delta timer. After the time delay, star contactor drops off and
delta contactor picks up causing the motor to get connected in delta. There is a pause time of the order 50 - 80
msec configured in every star delta timer. This is to ensure that delta contactor picks up only after star
contactor has fully dropped to prevent the eventuality of a short circuit. When this changeover takes place,
the motor sees a zero voltage across its terminals momentarily. During this time the rotating magnetic field
across the stator reduces to zero. However the rotor is still spinning and has a magnetic field. This spinning
action of the rotor causes a voltage to be induced in the stator determined by the speed of the rotor. This
induced voltage across the stator is called the back ENF.
DOL Starting
Star - Delta Starting
Star Delta Starting can be of twotypes:
When the motor is now connected in delta full line voltage appears across its terminals. The difference
between the back emf and supply voltage causes a high transient current and corresponding high transient
torque. Hence the motor experiences a jerk. The magnitude of the transient current depends on the phase
relationship between the back ENF and supply voltage at the time of closure. This current peak may reach a
value of about 18!n and a corresponding mechanical jerk, which can be damaging to some critical processes.
To avoid this closed transition starting is used in such cases.
Close Transition
Close transition starting is used to reduce the high switching transients developed in the formerly discussed
open transition starting and thus avoiding mechanical jerks. !n close transition starter, a smooth changeover
from star to delta takes place without the temporary loss of supply to motor. Thus even during the changeover
from star to delta the motor continues to remain connected to the supply thus eliminating the switching
transients. This is brought about by employing a fourth contactor along with a set of resistors. When the star
contactor is opened, supply is maintained through the motor terminals via the resistors. The resistors are then
shorted by the delta contactor when it closes. Let us understand the working with the help of a circuit
Advantages and Disadvantages of Closed Transition starters,
1) Operation is simple and rugged.
2) Transition Peak is reduced to 1.5 times full load current instead of 18 times in open transition.
3) The sudden jerk the motor experiences in open transition, while closing the delta contactor is avoided.
1) Nore expensive.
2) Starter can be bulkier.
Thus open transition method is used for most of the applications owing to lesser cost. Closed transition
starting is preferred only in critical applications where a smooth changeover from star to delta is required
without the momentary jerk.
Circuit diagram of a typical open transition Star Delta {SD) motor starter feeder.
U2 V2
S=star contactor
D=delta contactor
T= Transition contactor
M=main contactor
Circuit diagram of a typical close transition Star Delta {SD) motor starter feeder.
Table 1: Trip Class for Thermal Overload Relays
Tripping Time, Tp, Seconds*
* at 7.2 times the relay setting
2<Tp 10
+<Tp 10
6<Tp 20
9<Tp 30
Trip Class
Selection of
Devices for
Notor Feeder
Thermal Overload Relay
Notors are the backbone of any industry and their use is also rapidly increasing in commercial
establishments. Protection of motor, hence becomes important to keep these processes functioning safely
and without any interruption.
The main purpose of motor protection system is to prevent excessive temperature built up in the windings
because of over-current and short-circuit current. Following are the reasons for over-current.
Single Phasing
voltage !mbalance
Studies show that about +0 of the motor failures are due to electrical faults like over current, single
phasing 8 short circuit. Hence it is extremely important to select effective motor protection devices to
safeguard motors against any of the above faults, that will make motor windings to exceed safe working
temperature. Nore importantly, the protection devices should be co-ordinated.
Thermal overload relay should protect the motor against single phasing and overloading or blocked rotor
condition. At the same time, it should permit starting of the motor. !n other words, it should withstand
starting current for a duration equal to the starting time of the motor.
!EC 609+7-+-1 and !Sf!EC 609+7-+-1 has facilitated selection of a relay by defining a `Trip Class'.
Trip classes are mentioned in table 1. A relay of appropriate trip class can be selected by comparing 'locked
rotor current withstand time' for the motor with maximum trip time. For example, for a motor with 'locked
rotor current withstand time' of 15 seconds, the relay should have trip time less than 15 seconds at a
current equal to locked rotor current. Hence, with reference to Table 1, a relay of 10A trip class will provide
adequate protection.
Newgeneration of thermal overload relays incorporating 'differential mechanism' provide excellent protection
against phase unbalance and phase failures even when motor is not running at full load. Unbalanced voltages
result in high unequal currents in stator windings and consequently higher temperature rise. Though
balanced voltages are preferred, in some applications, voltage unbalance is unavoidable and some derating
might be necessary. Where a motor is derated, selection of overload relay should take into account the
derating factor.
Short Circuit Protective Devices {SCPD)
The current trends in Notor feeder protection are,
Fused protection with S-D-F
Fuseless protection with NCCB and NPCB
While these devices are generally fast in clearing S.C. faults, they do take finite time to operate. By the time
SCPD interrupts short circuit current, certain amount of fault energy passes through the protected circuit. All
the downstream devices and cables in the protected circuit are subjected to stresses corresponding to this
The two important parameters which indicate the extent of stresses generated by short circuits are 'l t let
through' and 'cut-off current'. These are explained in Fig. 3. 'l t let through' signifies thermal stresses. `Cut-off
current (!c)' is indicative of electro-dynamic stresses that various devices and links f cables will have to
withstand. Lower 'l t let through' and 'cut-off current' indicate a more efficient SCPD and hence better short
circuit protection.
S-D-F, which incorporates H.R.C fuses, is the most efficient and popular in the industry. S-D-F, like
conventional fuse-switch units, is capable of switching and protecting electrical circuits. !n addition they
have minimum let through energy 8 cut off current offering the most economical protection package. These
are also suitable for isolating down stream equipment
Fig. 1
Single line diagram of a typical Direct-on-line {DOL) motor starter feeder.
NCCB was primarily used for protection of distribution circuits. However, with the development of current
limiting NCCBs, it has become possible to employ NCCBs in motor feeders also. With the availability of
various accessories, NCCB as SCPD offers several advantages like low downtime 8 enhanced flexibility.
However the let through energy 8 cut off current of NCCB is still higher compared to H.R.C. Fuses
Notor protection circuit breakers (NPCBs) combine short circuit and overload protection in a single compact
unit. NPCB can be used in two ways .Firstly, it can be used for directly switching of a motor. This is very cost
effective. However downside is that electrical life of NPCB is limited compared to that of a contactor.
Noreover, a separate undervoltage protection is required. Alternately, NPCB can also be used along with a
contactor. Since, NPCB combines thermal as well as short circuit protection, it will trip and interrupt even
small overloads (which otherwise could be interrupted by a relay) and contactor will be used for switching
the load
What is Co-ordination?
Co-ordination means matching the characteristics of SCPD and down stream equipment to ensure that the
let-through energy and peak cut-off current do not rise above the levels that the circuit can withstand.
!EC f !S f EN specifications require that thermal overload relays and SCPDare co-ordinated to ensure that they
operate satisfactorily under all load and fault conditions. Following two aspects need to be considered to
achieve proper co-ordination:
Discrimination between thermal overload relay and SCPD
Adequacy of short circuit protection
To understand various considerations for proper co-ordination, time-current characteristics of thermal
overload relay (curve B), H.R.C. fuse (curve C), NCCB with only instantaneous release (curve D) and NPCB
(curve E) are superimposed on motor starting characteristics (curve A) in Fig. 3b, +b and 5b. !ntersection of
characteristics of thermal overload relay and Fuse f NCCB is termed as 'cross-over point' and corresponding
current as 'cross-over current' lco.
Co-ordination of Thermal Overload Relay &SCPD
Total fault
clearing time
Fig. 2
! t (let - through energy)
" the area under the curve
Following points are to be ensured while selecting components to have properly co-ordinated motor
Contactor rating (AC-3) should be more than or equal to motor full load current (if application is AC-3 duty)
Thermal overload relay of appropriate 'Trip Class' is selected. Time current characteristics of the relay
should remain above motor starting characteristics as shown in Fig. 3b and +b
For fault currents lower than 'cross-over current lco', relay will respond faster than SCPD and hence
contactor will interrupt the fault current. Fault currents higher than lco will be interrupted by SCPD. Hence,
rating of contactor is so chosen that lco is less than rated breaking capacity of the contactor
Relay and contactor should be able to withstand lco for a duration equal to trip time of the relay. !EC f !S f
EN standards require that the contactor should be able to withstand at least current equal to 8 times AC-3
rating (6 times for ratings higher than 630A) for 10 seconds
While using NCCB or NPCB, attention needs to be given to motor peak starting current. To avoid
nuisance tripping of NCCBfNPCB during starting, instantaneous release is chosen as 13 times the full load
current of the motor. This thumb rule assumes motor starting current equal to 6 times full load current
The corresponding co-ordination curves for NCCB and NPCB are shown in Fig. +b and 5b.
!n case of high efficiency motors, starting currents could be about 8 times full load current. For such
application, NCCB rating need to be selected such that instantaneous release setting is higher than 12
(about 1+) times full load current to avoid nuisance tripping during starting
Similarly, while using NCCBfNPCB as a SCPD for Star-Delta starter, consideration needs to be given to peak
current associated with change over from Star to Delta. !nstantaneous release of NPCB is normally set at 13
times the rating. Hence, possibility of nuisance tripping needs to be considered while using NPCB for
protection of high efficiency motors or for Star Delta starter
As per the standard two types of co-ordination are permissible, Type 1" and Type 2".
Type "1" co-ordination requires that under short-circuit conditions, the contactor or the starter shall cause
no danger to persons or installation. The motor feeder may not be suitable for further service without repair
and replacement of parts.
Type 1 and Type 2 Co-ordination in Motor Feeders
Standards like !EC: 609+7-+-1 and !Sf!EC: 609+7-+-1 specify motor protection requirements for selection of
switching 8 protection device for motor feeders. Since there are more than one switching 8 protection device,
it is necessary to co-ordinate the selection of components for a motor feeder. This is to be done keeping in
mind the capabilities of the individual components. Such a co-ordinated selection will firstly, ensure safety to
the user 8 secondly, provide the expected performance 8 life of the feeder components.
Selection of components involves co-ordination of characteristics of various devices i.e. of the overload relay
8 of short circuit protection device of the motor feeder.
Prospective current r"
Rated operational current !e (AC-3)
Subjected to agreement between manufacturer and user
0 !e <= 16
16 < !e <= 63
63 < !e <= 125
125 < !e <= 315
315 < !e <= 630
630 < !e <= 1000
1000 < !e <= 1600
1600 < !e
Type "2" co-ordination requires that under short-circuit conditions, the contactor or the starter shall cause
no danger to persons or installation and shall be suitable for further use. However contact welding is
recognized. Also the time-current characteristics of the over load protection device should not change. This in
other words means safety, lowdown time and continued protection.
Recommended combination needs to be proven through short-circuit tests at
Prospective current r"
Conditional short-circuit current q"
Test at Prospective current r" is done to verify the performance under fault conditions practically possible at
the motor feeder end. These faults are normally associated with the motor and the associated feeder.
Prospective current r" is specified according to the rated operational current (!e, AC-3) of the feeder. !f the
motor feeder is not specified according to utilization category AC-3, the prospective current r" shall
correspond to the highest rated operational current for any utilization category claimed by the manufacturer.
The values are mentioned below.
Table 2: Short Circuit Performance: 'r' Current
Test at Conditional short-circuit current !q is carried out to verify the performance under system level faults. !q
is declared by the manufacturer. This is the maximum fault current that the feeder can withstand. Generally
the declared value of !q is 50 kA.