NGG Traders Form 2014 1

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Northern Green Gathering

Traders Application Form 2014

Name of Business:
Contact Name:
Contact Address:
Email address:
Telephone number:
Trading details-
Please include a
description of what you
If you are allocated a stall
it will be to sell the
products you specify here!
Pre"ious E#perience at
other e"ents!
$i%e of pitch including
li"ing area :
Please draw a basic s&etch
of your pitch and included
details of the type of stall
Number of tic&ets
Northern Green Gathering is a company limited by guarantee. Company No:03045172 egistered address: 1!2 "#eson
$ri#e% &eeds% &'1( ()*
192 Iveson Drive
LS16 6PA
[email protected]

Northern Green Gathering
Traders Application Form 2014
( tic&ets are included in the
price of the stall
( Additional tic&ets can be
purchased for )*+ each!
All additional adult tic&ets will
be charged at ),+
Number of "ehicle passes-
. "ehicle pass is included in the
price of the stall!
All additional car passes will be
charged at ).*!
Please note only . "ehicle can
be par&ed behind your stall all
others must be in the car par&!

/egistration and ma&e of
"ehicle 0s1:
Additional information and
trading policy:
The festi"al encourages
ethical and green trade so
information about how you
trade would be helpful! In
addition any particular
needs you ha"e will help
us allocate you in an
appropriate site!

2o you ha"e Public
3iability insurance- This
will be re'uired!
Northern Green Gathering is a company limited by guarantee. Company No:03045172 egistered address: 1!2 "#eson
$ri#e% &eeds% &'1( ()*

Northern Green Gathering
Traders Application Form 2014
2o 4ou ha"e employer5s
liability- This will be
re'uired if you employ
more than * sta6!
7a"e you 8lled in the ris&
Please feel free to pro"ide any supporting information for your application
including photographs Price lists Brochures!
Please send this form bac& to info9nggonline!org!u&! By typing your name at the
end of this form it is ta&en as your signature and you are agreeing to comply with
the Northern :reen :athering (+.; terms and condition!
All applicants will be informed if they ha"e been successful or not during April or
within ( wee&s of application if application is recei"ed after end of April! Payment
for stalls should be made before .st <une (+.; unless special arrangements ha"e
been made!
Your payment can be made by cheque made payable to:
Northern :reen :athering $ent to Traders Northern :reen :athering
You can pay via PayPal - [email protected].
(Please use your stall name as payment reference)
Payment ethod:
(!heque"#ank $ransfer)
Northern Green Gathering is a company limited by guarantee. Company No:03045172 egistered address: 1!2 "#eson
$ri#e% &eeds% &'1( ()*

Northern Green Gathering
Traders Application Form 2014
% declare % have adequate insurance for &orthern 'reen 'athering ()*+. % ackno,ledge that all the
stock and equipment is my full responsibility and % understand that &orthern 'reen 'athering ,ill not
take any responsibility for loss or damage of stock and"or equipment ,hilst attending the &orthern
'reen 'athering ()*+. % agree and understand &orthern 'reen anagement reserve the right to deny
access ,here they see fit. % understood that $rade space is not reserved until payment for a $rade space
is received and % have enclosed payment ,ith this application. % also agree not to sell any alcohol or
drugs or illegal substances"merchandise and agree to adhere to &orthern 'reen 'athering ()*+ rules
and regulations. % have read the notes above fully and % am a,are tickets are non-refundable and non-
transferrable under any circumstances:
(Please print in capital)
Northern Green Gathering is a company limited by guarantee. Company No:03045172 egistered address: 1!2 "#eson
$ri#e% &eeds% &'1( ()*

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