Shield Breaker Rules v0.8

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Henrik Pettersson & Daniel Termin
All Rights Reserved
No part of this publication may be reprinted, altered or resold without prior permission in writing from HoDstuff.

HoDstuff/Carnalithic Press
Henrik Pettersson, Marmorgatan 4, 118 67 Stockholm.
Edition July 2011

Concept, Game design, Cover art and illustration by
Henrik Pettersson
Additional Game design and Warband Builder by
Daniel Termin
Special Thanks to
Joel Carlsson, Jonas Jepson, Hkan Karlsson,
Tommy Runesson, Anders Thuresson, Jocke Persson
and all the great people at LinCon 2012 who helped us improve the game.

Whatever you have, someone else is eager to take by force.

Shieldbreaker is a game about warbands battling it out in a world of legends. It is intended for use with about 6-
20 miniatures in the most common 28mm scale. Buy, borrow or steal any fantasy miniatures, compose a
warband and you are ready to play.
Shield Breaker is a hobbyists game at heart. It is a rule set for people who want to collect and battle with miniatures, without having
their choices dictated by a specific manufacturer.
Its easy to start as you can use any miniatures. Composing a warband can be done in minutes and in millions of different ways. The
basic idea is that you compose your models by combining a number of classes. A model may be as simple as a Spearman, or you can
make him a Legend Savage Spearman of Chaos. Use your imagination and have fun!


Before the game
Seeing that onrushing horde of undead boneheads almost makes an old mercenary wish hed listened to his mother.
A game
In Shieldbreaker, warbands face each other in fierce combat. Players take turns moving and fighting with their
models until one warband is sufficiently beaten. A warband wins when it meets two out of three winning criteria;
halving opponents warband, killing the opponents leader and holding the center of the battle field.
What you need
You need the miniatures for your warband. See Building a warband to find out how to compose it. You need a
playing field of 24 x 24 inches. You also need some terrain pieces. We recommend at least 3-5 pieces. You need
something for measuring inches, and a few six-sided dice.
Placing terrain
Roll a die each. Lowest score choose and place terrain. Highest score will choose side and deploy first. Deploy
one players warband at a time within 2 inches of that players board edge. When both players have deployed,
roll again. Highest score takes first turn.
Your board must contain at least one piece of terrain that blocks line of sight and one piece that counts as
rough. This can be a single piece that meets those criteria, like a grove of trees. You may not place any rough
terrain within 3 inches of the center point.

Playing the game
Whaddaya waitin for, you sniveling fool? For them orcs to get bored and kill themselves? Get to it!
A round
A round consists of one turn per player. During your turn you move, shoot or use magic in any order with one
model at a time. A basic model has one move and one action.
In each turn you play one model at a time, in an order of your choosing, completing the move and action of that
model before moving on to the next.
Actions can be close combat attacks, shooting or using magic. You may also do it the other way around, with
action first and move last.
Measuring distance
Distance is measured in inches. In terms of movement it means how far a model may be moved. In terms of
range, you measure the distance between the models. You may measure at any time.
Model stats
All models have two stats; Move and Combat. Move is how far the model can move in his turn. Combat is used
when models are fighting in base to base contact and when being targeted by ranged attacks. Models using
ranged weapons have two more stats for range and ranged strength, as stated in the rules for ranged classes.
Winning the game
A player has won when he has met two out of three winning criteria; halving the number of models in the
opponents warband, killing the opponents leader and holding the center of the battle field. Only the
point from holding the center can be lost. If you lose the center, you lose the point. Sum up your points at the
beginning of your turn.
You are holding the center if you are the only player with a model within 3 inches of the absolute middle of the
board at the end of a turn.
You must win with at least one more point than opponent.

Before the headbashing, a short jog is good to get yer blood pumpin

A basic model has a move distance of 4 inches per turn. The Move stat differs from the Combat stat in that it is
not a cumulative modifier. Only the highest Move stat is used. You may turn models freely during movement.
When moving into base contact with an enemy model you must move your model the shortest route possible.
Once a model is in base to base contact with an enemy model, he can attack. A model already in base contact
with an enemy model may only make close combat or magic actions until the close combat has been resolved.

Close combat
A model in base contact with an enemy may choose to make a close combat attack. Turn the attacker to face the
model he is attacking. Both players roll 1 die each. Both add the models Combat and any applicable modifiers
(see below).
Close combat results in one of the following situations:
If both sums are equal, nothing happens.
Sums are not equal. The lower scoring model Recoils.
The higher sum is double or more than the lower sum. The losing model is killed.

Come on girls. Stime for the inevitable conclusion of failed diplomacy!
Modifiers in close combat
These are modifiers that you add to attack dice under certain conditions.

Enemy model is on higher ground than opponent; Combat -1
Enemy model is in rough terrain; Combat -2
Supporting models. For each additional enemy model in base contact; Combat -1

Winning a close combat
When you win a close combat, i.e. the opponent has recoiled or been killed, and there are no other enemies in
base contact, you may make a follow up move. Such a move must be made in the direction of the defeated model.
You move 4 inch straight in that direction until you encounter any obstacle or model. If you end up in base
contact with an enemy model, both models are considered to be in close combat in subsequent turns, but will
not fight in this turn.



Roll a D6. You get -1 on the result for each enemy model in base contact. If your result is 0 or less, the model
has been overpowered and is killed. Otherwise move the model a number of inches equal to the result straight
away from the model that caused the recoil, moving through and past those models that were in base contact.
If your model encounters an enemy model while recoiling (not counting those that were in base contact before
the recoil), your model is killed. If you encounter impassable terrain or a board edge, the model stops. If you are
unable to recoil at all because the model is in base contact with impassable terrain or a board edge, the model is
removed. If you encounter friendly models, move past them and continue until all friendly models have been

Arrows are sooo annoying.

To shoot, pick an unengaged target within range. You need to be able to draw a clear line of sight from the
center of shooting models base to the center of targets base. Friendly foot models do not block line of sight.
Large models and enemy models block line of sight unless the shooter is on higher ground. You may not shoot
into a close combat.

Roll for the shooting attack exactly like a close combat attack, except the shooter must use his Ranged Strength
instead of his Combat. The shooting model is of course unaffected when losing the combat roll.
Modifiers when shooting
Large target; Ranged Strength +1
Target in rough terrain; Ranged Strength -2

Never look a magician in the eye. Tis safest to close yours and swing your sword in the direction of the smell of sulphur.

Magic users wield terrifying mystical powers. With such power comes terrible danger. When a magician tries to
cast a spell, he must first see if he can master the supernatural forces, by rolling for Preparation. The magician is
likely to chant in forgotten languages, wave hands in the air and possibly burn incendiary powders for effect.
First decide on how strong you want the attack to be from 1 to 6. Roll a dice for casting. If you fail to roll higher
than the chosen strength, roll two dice for miscast. If you again fail to get a sum higher than the strength, the
magician has failed in controlling the powers of magic and is consumed in a pillar of black flame (or similar nasty
effect). Remove model from play.
If you roll higher than your selected strength, the magicians casting were successful and is now ready to cast his
Spell. The rules for Spells are specified in the various magic-using classes.
Magical attacks have unlimited range but does require a line of sight. Spells always consist of an opposed roll
where the magician uses the strength determined during casting and the target uses Resistance, which is 3 for a
standard model. The effect of a successful magical attack varies based on the rules stated in the magic-using
class. You can use spells even when in base contact, but it counts as an action, i.e. you cannot make a close
combat action if youve used a spell.

Example: A Warlock is trying to use his magic on a Spearman. The warlock player decides he needs at least strength 3 magic to
defeat the spearmans combat of 2. He rolls one dice for casting. To succeed with casting he has to roll higher than 3 as that was the
strength he chose. He rolls 5, and can proceed with the magical attack. The spearman and wizard both roll a regular combat roll
using the spearmans combat of 2 and the warlocks chosen strength of 3. If the spearman player wins the roll, nothing happens. If
the warlock wins the spell is successfully cast and is resolved not as a combat, but as specified in the warlock class.
If the warlock had failed with the first roll (the casting roll) he would have to roll a miscast roll against the chosen strength, but this
time using two dice. If the roll is higher than the strength the spell has just
failed an nothing more happens. If this roll is equal or less than the chosen
strength, the miscast is fatal. Remove the warlock from the game.

There are different types of terrain. Make sure you and your opponent agrees on how to classify each piece of
terrain before you start. Terrain pieces can be one or more of the following types:
Open terrain
Grass, sand or dirt. Normal movement applies.
Models cannot move over or through this terrain.
An area filled with rough terrain, for example ruins and forests. Models moving in Rough terrain count as being
Built up
A piece of terrain that blocks line of sight. A built up piece will block line of sight between models that are on
either side of it, but not within, into or out of it.
High ground
Hills and slopes. The model on a hill or slope that is closest to the center of the terrain piece counts as being on
higher ground.
A terrain feature that is basically only a line does not count as rough. However if you want to move a model
over them, the model counts as Slow this turn. A model that has moved more than 4 inches or has already made
an action thus cannot move over a hedge/fence.

Shield Breaker Gameplay Summary
Before the game
1. Roll one dice each. Lowest scoring player places terrain. Highest chooses side and sets up first.
2. Roll again. Highest takes first turn.
1. Player 1 checks winning conditions. Two points wins the game. You must have one more point than
opponent to win.
a. One point for halving opponents warband.
b. One point for killing opponents Leader.
c. One point for being the only player with models within 3 inches of center point.
2. Player 1 plays one miniature at a time in any order. One action and one move per model in any order.
3. Player 2 ditto.
4. Repeat from 1.

Building a warband
Basic warband member
You have 64 points to spend on your warband. A basic unequipped model costs 2 points. Such a model can be
used as is, without adding classes. That would be the equivalent of a person equipped with a simple weapon like
a club or knife. Models may have up to two classes added to them. Each warband has one leader. That
leader may have up to four classes. If your leader only has two or fewer classes, be sure to mark which model
it is.
The basic models stats look like this:

Model recommendations
Human-sized models on foot should be mounted on a base about one inch wide. Large models should be
mounted on bases two inches wide and/or deep. The rules are intended for round bases.
Large models should be at least twice the size of a human model. It is best if your model looks suitable for the
models choice of classes. Failing that you should at least be able to justify the classes you use with some
background story. Make sure your opponent knows your force.

TIP! Use multiples of models to be able to play more efficient.

TIP! The easiest and best way to build your warband is to use our online Warband Builder at Totally free of course! (At beta stage. The tool will not check if you follow the rules for
building a warband. Also only compatible with modern web browsers.

Biggest orc I ever saw. Twice the size of me and then some. Had me pinned.Was getting ready to meet my maker when I found out,
gods be praised, poor beast had a glass jaw.
Move Combat
4 2


Common class special rules
With the exception of Move (M), stat bonuses are cumulative as long as their prerequisites apply. A model can
only take a class once. Unless stated otherwise, a bonus to a stat refers to Combat.
Your warband may only have one model with a
unique class. Ever. You may not have two different
unique classes, on a single model or on two models.
Only one unique class in your warband!
All models count as a Foot model until given a Large,
Mounted or Flying class.
Impetuous models that kills an enemy in close
combat or causes it to recoil must make a follow up
This model cannot be combined with other Large
classes. Model should be visibly larger than normal
May move over impassable and rough terrain, but
not end their move in either. Rough terrain counts
as impassable for Fliers. A flier may move past any
model including enemy models during recoil
without taking a wound.
Impacting models get Combat +1 in any turn during
which they have moved (not counting recoil
moves). This model cannot be combined with other
classes that have Impact.
Model moves at a maximum of 4 inches each turn.
May not make an action if moved in the same turn
or vice versa. May not make follow up moves.
Cause fear
When you want to move into base contact with a
model that causes fear, roll a D6. On 4+ the model
has overcome its fear and may move into base
contact with the feared model. If failed, the model
is frozen in hesitation and may not move at all. A
close combat draw against a model that causes fear
counts as having lost the combat by 1. Models that
cause fear are immune to the effects of other
models that cause fear.
No penalty for moving and close combat in rough
terrain. This does not let fliers enter rough terrain.
Only one type of alignment is allowed in a warband.
Ranged (Ranged Strength, Range)
This model may use ranged attacks, adding Ranged
Strength, instead of Combat to the attack roll. A
model may only have one class with the Ranged
special rule.
For each Wound, disregard one killed result. Keep
track of lost wounds. When wounds are zero,
model is removed as casualty. Note that the model
will still recoil.
Able to use magic. See Magic.
Save (X)
Saving means rolling a dice after losing a combat
roll. On a roll of X or more, count the result as one
step less. I.e. a double becomes a regular loss; A
regular loss becomes a tie.
You can only save once per combat roll.

Dont let them lords and fine gents get to ya. Remember, on the battlefield, at the tip of a spear, most men are awfully equal.

All modifiers in the class table are applied to the Combat stat only, unless stated otherwise. For example; the
Legend class states that he Gets +2 against Large. This is added to his combat stat when in close combat and
even when shot at by a Large model, but he doesnt get +2 when he himself makes ranged attacks or uses magic.


Arch Mage 4 +1 Unique. May re-roll cast roll once per turn. Magic strength +1 if roll
to cast is successful. Spell: roll against any model in base contact. If
you win you may move that model up to 12 inch. Other classes with
Spells do not count towards class limit on an Arch Mage.
Barbarian 4 - Agile. Causes fear in rough terrain. 1
Beast 8 - Impetuous. Agile. 2
Berserker 4 +1 Impetuous. Must attack if in base contact. Make a close combat
attack against all enemy models in base contact. One at a time, in
order of your choosing, until you lose a close combat.
Critter 4 -1 - -1
Crossbowman 4 - Ranged (2, 12). All targets counts as having Combat 3 when shot at
by Crossbowman.
Demon 4 -1 Whenever a Demon kills another model in close combat he gets
Combat +1 for the rest of the game. No, you may not attack your
own models.
Elite 4 - May re-roll Combat dice once. Must stick with second result. 3
Flier 12 - May move over impassable and rough terrain, but not end their
move in either. A Flier must recoil 4recoil distance.
Healer 4 - All friendly models within 4 inch of a Healer gets Save (5+). 3
Hunter 4 - Agile. Gets Combat +2 and +1 to Ranged Strength (if he has a class
with Ranged attacks) against Flier, Beast and Critter.
Irongut 4 - Wounds (1).
Juggernaut 4 +2 Slow. -1 on all recoil rolls. 4
Knight 4 +1 Save (4+). 5
Legend 4 +2 Unique. Wounds: 1. Gets +2 against Large. 7
Marksman 4 +1 Unique. Ranged (4, 18). Re-roll shooting attack once. No negative
modifier from shooting into terrain. If you roll a 6 on the dice for a
ranged attack, target is killed.
Mercenary 4 +1 May not be combined with a Unique class. 3
Monster 4 +1 Large. Wounds (1). Immune to Impact. 6
Mounted 8 - Impact. Large. +1 against non-Large targets. 4
Necromancer 4 - Spell: Can make a magical attack against a model that has been killed
or removed from the game. If successful place a Zombie in base
contact with necromancer under your control.
of Chaos 4 - Alignment. As long as this model is in play, roll a dice at beginning
of turn. On a roll of 6 all your models get Combat +1 until the
beginning of your next turn. Only once per turn.
of Darkness 1 - Alignment. Sacrifice a friendly within 4" to get +2 on a magical
attack or magical preparation.
of Light 1 - Alignment. As long as this model is in play, all your models have a
5+ save against magical attacks. If there is a model with "of
Darkness" in play, all your models get Combat +1.
of Order 1 - Alignment. As long as this model is in play, all your models are 1

immune to Fear.
Ranger 4 - Agile. Ranged (2, 18). 1
Ravager 4 - Move +1D6 each turn. If a Ravager can reach an enemy model, he
must move into base contact with the closest enemy model.
Savage 4 - When dead, lay on its side. At the start of your turn roll 5+. If
successful, stand up and continue as normal, otherwise remove.
Scout 4 - Deploy at any edge except enemy side after other deployment. If
both players have scouts, roll a D6 to see who deploys their scouts
Shooter 4 - Ranged (3, 12). 1
Skeleton 4 - Slow. Save (5+). Immune to fear. If you don't have a Necromancer in
play, roll a dice when activating a Skeleton. On 12, kill Skeleton (no
save allowed).
Skirmisher 4 - Combat +2 against models with the Ranged special rule and
Sorcerer 4 - Spell: If the attack is successful, resolve like a close combat. If target
is killed, immediately make a new attack (no new preparation) against
the model closest (within 2 inches) to the last target. Continue until
attack fails, or there are no other legal targets.
Spearman 4 - Combat +3 against Large. Immune to Impact. 1
Terror 4 +2 Unique. Wounds (1). Impetuous. Large. Cause fear. Immune to
Undying 4 - When dead, roll a dice at the beginning of your turn. On the roll of
6, return Undying to anywhere in your deployment zone.
Veteran 4 - May re-roll recoil and fear rolls. 1
Warlock 4 - Magical attack. If magical attack is successful, target model must
recoil from warlock.
Warrior 4 +1 - 4
Witch 4 - Spell: If magical attack is successful, target model must make a full
move towards the witch in such a manner as takes him closest to the
Witch Hunter 4 - Immune to Spells. Combat +3 against models that have magical
Zombie 4 -1 Save (5+). Slow. Immune to fear. Must move full move towards
enemy. Must attack enemy models if able. Cannot be combined with
any other class.

Just what is it you dont get? Sword goes up, sword goes down, enemy dies... Its not complicated, son.

Opposed rolls.
Many dice rolls in Shieldbreaker are opposed rolls.
This means that both players roll a D6 and add
whatever modifiers apply. Equal results usually
means nothing happens. A higher result means that
player won the roll.
When a rule requires a model to be within a
certain range, he doesnt have to be completely
within that distance. If the distance between point
of origin and model is less than the range, model
counts as being within range.
General vs. Special rules
If a special rule contradicts a general rule, the
special rule applies. Should two special rules
contradict each other, you should use the rule that
benefits he who paid army points for it.
Should the rules call for a value to be halved, use
the rules for rounding off that you learned in
school. I.e. 1.5 is rounded up, any less is rounded
down. If you learned it differently, take it up with
the Swedish Board of Education.
Moving after having been in close combat
A model that was in base contact with enemy earlier
in his round, that has not yet done anything, may
move if for some reason all enemies have been
removed from said base contact. In effect if a
model is tied down in close combat, another of
your models can move in, win the combat and thus
free the first model for activation later.
Magic attacks
None of the normal combat modifiers apply to
magic attacks.
Recoiling straight
When recoiling you should move straight away
from the cause of the recoil. In close combat,
there will sometimes be enemy models in the way.
Models that were in base contact at the start of the
recoil, you move around (as they were accounted
for in the recoil roll.) Enemy models that you
collide with during the recoil, that were not in base
contact at the start, kill you.
Removing from play
When a rule states that a model is to be removed
from play that is different from being killed.
Models removed from play cannot be saved by any
Unless specifically stated, a reroll means you get to
disregard the result of a specific dice roll (like
combat or recoil rolls,) and roll again. You can only
reroll once per occasion and must stick with your
second result. For example, the Elite class lets you
reroll your combat dice. Models may end up in
close combat more than once per turn and on each
occasion hell get one reroll.
Rectangular bases
If you use square or rectangular bases, remember
that base contact involving only a corner is not a
legal contact. A base contact must be made to a side
on a rectangular base.
If a model is Slow, you cannot avoid those effects.
I.e. a Beast Juggernaut will be slow regardless.
Halving the warband
You need to kill half or more of the number of
models to halve a warband. I.e. to halve a warband
of 11 models you have to kill 6. You only need to
kill models once, i.e. Undying and Necromancers
cant undo the halving of a warband.
Follow up
If your model wins a close combat in the
opponents turn, you may still make a follow up
move. In the case of Impetuous models they have to
follow up.


Moving through models
Only Fliers or recoiling models may ever move
through other models. Fliers can fly over any
model, but not end move on them. Recoiling
models move through enemy models that were in
base contact at the start of the recoil move.
Recoiling models move through friendly models.
Models with wounds that recoil into enemy take 1
wound and stop in base contact with said enemy if
he survives. If there is insufficient space to stop
there, continue past until models are cleared,
turning the model only in the case of impassable
Forced moves
Recoil moves and moves due to magic are
considered forced moves. Only forced moves let a
model move out of close combat. Forced moves
are made in a straight line, stopping at impassable
terrain or enemy models. Only recoil moves cause
wounds when encountering enemy models.
Saving miscast rolls
A failed casting roll is not a combat roll and may
not be saved. If the caster has Wounds he will
however take one wound and thus survive.
Targeting friendly models
You cannot target friendly models with close
combat or ranged attacks. You can target friendly
models with magic, but in the case of Necromancer,
the model must first be dead and removed from the

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