Skrag Army
Skrag Army
Skrag Army
All ogres cause fear: if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then
noral, if fail, it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
Bull )harge* Any unit consisting of three or ore Ogre odels on any turn %hen all odels in that unit
charge &+ or ore ay inflict one i$act hit $er Ogre in base contact %ith an eney odel" This is
resol,ed at the odels basic strength" Each ogre that causes an i$act hit ay add - to strength for
each Ogre odel directly behind it"
Ogres ha,e unit strength .
Single Ogres cannot be $ic!ed out by issile %ea$ons if they are %ithin /+ of a friendly unit of fi,e or
ore li!e0si1ed odels, unless it is the closest ,iable target"
S!rag the Slaughterer 233$ts
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5d S,
S!rag & / . / & / . 2 6
T%o Hand 4ea$ons
0FEAR; if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then noral, if fail,
it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
-Unit Strength &*
-Chosen of the Great Maw; causes terror and sub7ect to fren1y
-Terror; 0 unit charged by or %ishing to charge a terror causing eney ust test" Or if there is a terror
causing unit %ithin &+" Only a single test $er unit affected $er gae"
)auses fear also so rules a$$ly"
-Frenzy; )harge as a co$ulsory o,e, ust al%ays $ursue" Only if lose cobat shall fren1y
be lost"
-Mastery of ut!hery; all attac!s ha,e !illing blo%" 8autoatic !ill on &9
-Army of the S"aughterer; ust contain : gorgers ta!en as a s$ecial choice
-"essing of the Great Maw; recei,e a blessing for a each !ill ade by S!rag during cobat
-; Autoatically restored to his
starting %ounds and gains
All %ho ha,e not entered $lay
shall in ne<t ogre turn
/; =ain ;- attac! All gain ;- attac!
-3; May re0roll fail to hit rolls in
May re0roll fail to hit rolls in
-/; Becoes unbrea!able All gain regeneration
Butcher -.3$ts
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5d S,
Butcher & . : 2 / 2 : . >
Hand 4ea$on, counts as a le,el : %i1ard
0FEAR; if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then noral, if fail,
it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
-u"" Charge* Any unit consisting of three or ore Ogre odels on any turn %hen all odels in that
unit charge &+ or ore ay inflict one i$act hit $er Ogre in base contact %ith an eney odel" This is
resol,ed at the odels basic strength" Each ogre that causes an i$act hit ay add - to strength for each
Ogre odel directly behind it"
-'mmune to (oison * #une to $oison, any successful $oison attac!s ade against the butcher ust
roll to %ound as noral"
Hunter -?/$ts
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5d S,
Hunter & / 2 / / 2 . 2 6 &;
Sabretus! ? 2 3 2 2 : 2 . 2
Ogre )lub* 5ight Arour*
)arpoon Cross*ow* This is fired in e<actly the sae %ay as a Bolt Thro%er of strength /, $enetrating
ran!s in the sae anner" #f it successfully %ounds a large target, that target ust $ass a strength test 8a
result of a & al%ays fails9" #f the target fails it ust ta!e a further %ould in addition to any %ounds that it
has already sustained"
0FEAR; if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then noral, if fail,
it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
-S'C+EM #,S; The Hunter ay send his Sabretus!s to attac! a foe" They ay charge inde$endently
of the Hunter using their o%n o,eent rate" Once they are release they becoe a fast ca,alry unit until
re7oined by the Hunter" 4hen acting as a unit issile fire is randoi1ed aongst the unit, (&: -02 hits
the Hunter" / or & hits a Sabretus!" #f the hunter brea!s a unit %hile still %ith the Sabretus! he ay
release the to run do%n the $rey* roll .(& for their $ursuit distance" The Sabretus!s then becoe a
se$arate unit" @ictory $oints are counted se$arately for each Sabretus! !illed, %hether they are %ith the
Hunter or not" ASabretus!s cause fearA
-%#-ER; The Hunter can ne,er 7oin another unit or be the Ary =eneral"
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5( EBui$ent Sa,e Cuantity Doints
Bull & . : 2 2 . : . > Ogre )lub* Hand 4ea$on,
#ronfist, light arour,
)ha$ion, Muscian,
. ->6
)rusher & . : 2 2 . : 2 >
0FEAR; if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then noral, if fail,
it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
-u"" Charge; Any unit consisting of three or ore Ogre odels on any turn %hen all odels in that
unit charge &+ or ore ay inflict one i$act hit $er Ogre in base contact %ith an eney odel" This is
resol,ed at the odels basic strength" Each ogre that causes an i$act hit ay add - to strength for each
Ogre odel directly behind it"
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5( EBui$ent Sa,e Cuantity Doints
Bull & . : 2 2 . : . > Ogre )lub* Hand 4ea$on,
#ronfist, light arour,
)ha$ion, Muscian,
. ->6
)rusher & . : 2 2 . : 2 >
0FEAR; if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then noral, if fail,
it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
-u"" Charge; Any unit consisting of three or ore Ogre odels on any turn %hen all odels in that
unit charge &+ or ore ay inflict one i$act hit $er Ogre in base contact %ith an eney odel" This is
resol,ed at the odels basic strength" Each ogre that causes an i$act hit ay add - to strength for each
Ogre odel directly behind it"
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5( EBui$ent Sa,e Cuantity Doints
=utlord & . : 2 2 . : 2 ? =reat 4ea$on*
Hea,y Arour,
usician, standard
/; . :-6
#rongut & . : 2 2 . : . ?
0FEAR * if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then noral, if fail,
it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
-u"" Charge; Any unit consisting of three or ore Ogre odels on any turn %hen all odels in that
unit charge &+ or ore ay inflict one i$act hit $er Ogre in base contact %ith an eney odel" This is
resol,ed at the odels basic strength" Each ogre that causes an i$act hit ay add - to strength for each
Ogre odel directly behind it"
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5( EBui$ent Sa,e Cuantity Doints
=orger & . 3 / / 2 : 2 ? - >/
0FEAR* if charged by fear unit, defender ust ta!e test if in charge range" #f $asses then noral, if fail,
it flees if unit strength is lo%er" #f higher, if stays and fights but only hits on &'s"
#f unit %ishes to charge fear eney, ta!e test" #f failed, ust stay stationary, neither charge nor shoot"
(efeated by fear causer, autoatically brea!s if unit strength is lo%er than the" #f higher, ta!e brea!
test to decide"
0EFBREAGAB5E* ne,er brea! in close cobat, also iune to $sychology tests, and ay no
declare to flee in face of a charge"
0G#55#F= B5O4* autoatic hit on &'s, only %ard sa,e allo%ed
0RA@EFOES* ust end there o,eent closer to the eney" Must charge if able, though can decide
if there is a choice" =orgers al%ays $ursue but cannot o,errun"
0B5OO(S)EFT* not de$loyed at start of turn fro turn t%o, roll a (& to see %hether the gorger
arri,es" May enter fro AFY table edge but ay not charge that turn"
TUR- $'CE R#%% T# ARR'.E
/ 01
2 21
0 /1
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5( EBui$ent Sa,e Cuantity Doints
=orger & . 3 / / 2 : 2 ? - >/
Rhino< Riders
M 4S BS S T 4 # A 5( EBui$ent Sa,e Cuantity Doints
Bull Rhino<
& . : 2 / / : . >
Hea,y arour, ogre
clubs, ironfist
Thunderlord & . : 2 / / : 2 >
Hea,y arour, ogre
clubs, ironfist
Bull rhino< > 2 0 & A A : 2 / unit strength of & /&.
'ronfists * ironfists ay benefit fro ;- arour sa,e but do not get an e<tra attac!"
Musician, standard
magi! *anner; rune a%, %hen a s$ell is successfully cast against the unit, on a :; of a dice roll, the
controlling $layer ay re0direct the s$ell to any other friendly unit %ithin &'', regardless of %hether it
%as a ,alid target originally"
Fear; Rhino< cause fear
a4 tempere4* if there is an eligible target %ithin charge range it ust iediately $ass a leadershi$
test or declare a charge" if there is a choice, controlling $layer ay decide"
Thun4erous !harge* on any urn that a rhino< rider charges ore than >'', each odel causes d. i$act
hits at the basic strength of the rhino< or bull rhino<"
Sing"e min4e4* ay not change direction during a charge other than one %heel to align against
o$$osing troo$s"
u"" rhino5 cause terror and a large target"
Dts :33/