Warhammer 40k - HQ List

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Marneus Calgar, Lord Macragge Unit Marneus Calgar Unit Co !osition" 1 &Uni'ue( Unit T/!e" In-antr/ WS 6 Wargear" )o*er Ar our )o*er S*ord Iron +alo ,auntlets o- Ultra ar BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 4 I 5 250 pts A 4 P C84 / 129 Ld 10 Sv 3+

S!e#ial $ules" And T.e/ S.all 0no* 1o 2ear Co 3at Ta#ti#s Inde!endent C.ara#ter Titani# Mig.t ,od o- War %r3ital Bo 3ard ent 4ternal Warrior

%!tions" $e!la#e )o*er Ar our *it. Ar our oAntilo#.us +15!ts

Marneus Calgar #an ta5e t.ree +onour ,uard s'uads6 rat.er t.an usual one7 %nl/ one s'uad Banner7 T.ese units do not #ount against +8 allo*an#e

a/ #arr/ C.a!ter

Chie Li!rarian "igurius %nit Varro Tigurius %nit Co,position 1 (Unique) %nit "/pe /n!antr) &' 5 &argear Power Armour Bolt Pistol Hoo o! Hell!ire "rag # $ra% &rena es 'o o! Tigurius (' 4 ' 4 " 4 & 2 ) 4

2#0 pts * 2

P C8$ / 129 Ld 10 '+ 3+

'pecial .ules An T(e) *(all $now +o "ear ,om-at Ta.ti.s /n e0en ent ,(ara.ter 1aster Ps)%er (3 0owers) &i!t o! Pres.ien.e

Ps/chic Po0ers *mite "or.e *(iel T(e A2enger 1ig(t o! An.ients +ull 3one T(e &ate o! /n!init) Vorte4 o! 5oom 6ui.%ening 1a.(ine ,urse 7r 0owers !rom rule-oo%

Chaplin Cassius %nit 7rtan ,assius %nit Co,position 1 (Unique) %nit "/pe /n!antr) &' 5 &argear Power Armour ,ro9ius Ar.anum 'osarius Bolt Pistol /n!ernus "rag # $ra% &rena es (' 4 ' 4 " 8 & 2 ) 4

125 pts * 2

P C81 / 129 Ld 10 '+ 3+

'pecial .ules /n e0en ent ,(ara.ter ,om-at Ta.ti.s Honour o! t(e ,(a0ter :iturgies o! Battle "eel no Pain

Honour 2uard '3uad %nit ,(a0ter ,(am0ion Honour &uar %nit Co,position 1 ,(a0ter ,(am0ion 2 Honour &uar %nit "/pe /n!antr) 5edicated "ransport 1a) sele.t 5ro0 Po ? '(ino or 'a9or-a.% at stan ar 0oints .ost &' 5 4 &argear Arti!i.er Armour Power ;ea0on "rag # $ra% &rena es Boltgun Bolt Pistol (' 4 4 ' 4 4 " 4 4 & 1 1 ) 4 4

115 pts * 3 2

P C5# / 1#1 Ld 10 10 '+ 2+ 2+

'pecial .ules An T(e) *(all $now +o "ear ,om-at Ta.ti.s Honour or 5eat( (,(a0ter ,(am0ion onl))

4ptions 1a) in.lu e u0 to < a itional Honour &uar s Per mo el +350ts ,(a0ter ,(am0ion ma) re0la.e -oltgun wit(= > .om-at -la e "ree ,(a0ter ,(am0ion ma) re0la.e 0ower swor wit(= > t(un er (ammer +150ts ,(a0ter ,(am0ion ma) ta%e= > igital laser +100ts An) mo el ma) ta%e= > reli. -la e +150ts >au4 grena e +150ts laun.(er 7ne mo el ma) ta%e ,(a0ter Banner +250ts

7ne Honour &uar squa !or ea.( ,(a0ter 1aster? oes not .ount towar s H6 allowan.e

Co,,and '3uad %nit ,om0an) ,(am0ion A0ot(e.ar) Veteran %nit Co,position 4 Veterans 1 A0ot(e.ar) %nit "/pe /n!antr) &' 5 4 4 &argear Power Armour ,(ainswor "rag # $ra% &rena es (' 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 " 4 4 4 & 1 1 1 ) 4 4 4

115 pts * 2 2 2

P C55 / 1#2 Ld @ @ @ '+ 3+ 3+ 3+

'pecial .ules An T(e) *(all $now +o "ear ,om-at Ta.ti.s

4ptions 7ne Veteran ma) .arr) ,om0an) *tan ar +150ts 7ne 2eteran ma) -e.ome ,om0an) ,(am0ion wit(

5edicated "ransport 1a) sele.t 5ro0 Po ? '(ino or 'a9or-a.% at stan ar 0oints .ost

Boltgun Bolt Pistol +art(e.ium (A0ot(e.ar))

0ower wea0on an .om-at s(iel +150ts Antire squa ma) ri e -i%es +@00ts An) Veteran ma) re0la.e .(ainswor an Bor -olt 0istol wit(= > storm -olter +30ts > !lamer +50ts > meltagun +100ts > .om-i -olter +100ts > 0lasma gun +150ts

7ne ,omman *qua 0er ,a0tain? oes not .ount towar s H6 allowan.e

*0e.ial 'ules= *cute 'enses /! a unit .ontains at least one mo el wit( t(is s0e.ial rule? an t(at unit arri2es on a ran om ta-le e ge ( ue to out!lan%? or ot(er s0e.ial rules)? t(en )ou .an re>roll to see w(i.( ta-le e ge t(e) arri2e !rom *nd "he/ 'hall 6no0 7o 8ear *0a.e 1arines automati.all) 0ass tests to regrou0? an .an ta%e su.( tests e2en i! t(e squa (as -een re u.e to less t(an (al! strengt(? t(oug( all ot(er .riteria a00l)C Usuall) troo0s t(at regrou0 .annot mo2e normall) an alwa)s .ount as mo2ing w(et(er t(e) o or not? -ut t(ese restri.tions o not a00l) to mo els su-De.t to t(is s0e.ial ruleC /! *0a.e 1arines are .aug(t in a swee0ing a 2an.e? t(e) are not estro)e an will instea .ontinue to !ig(t normall)C /! t(is (a00ens t(en t(e unit is su-De.t to t(e +o 'etreatE 'ule in t(is roun o! .lose .om-at an mig(t su!!er a itional .asualties *ssault 9ehicle 1o els isem-ar%ing !rom an) a..ess 0oint on a an 'ai er .an laun.( an assault on t(e turn t(e) o so (arrage (last (ul:/

Co,!at '3uads Brea% 10 man squa own into two grou0s o! !i2eC T(is e.ision must -e ma e w(en t(e unit is e0lo)e an on.e s0lit? ea.( .om-at squa is treate as a se0arate unit Co,!at "actics A non>!earless *0a.e 1arine unit wit( t(is s0e.ial rule .an .(oose to automati.all) !ail an) morale .(e.% it is .alle u0on to ta%e 5eep 'tri:e ;ternal &arrior A mo el wit( t(is s0e.ial rule is immune to t(e e!!e.ts o! /nstant 5eat( ;/e o 9engeance ;oun s .ause -) TellionFs s(ooting atta.%s are allo.ate -) (is .ontrolling 0la)er? rat(er t(an t(e o00osing 0la)er 8eel 7o Pain 2ets Hot 2i t o Prescience /! )our arm) .ontains Tigurius? )ou .an .(oose to re>roll an) reser2e rolls G e2en su..ess!ul ones 2od o &ar ,algar .an .(oose w(et(er to 0ass or !ail an) morale .(e.% (e is .alle on to ma%eC ;(ilst ,algar is on t(e ta-le? all units wit( t(e ,om-at Ta.ti.s s0e.ial rule .an also .(oose w(et(er to 0ass or !ail an) morale .(e.% t(e) are .alle u0on to ta%e Ha,,er o &rath Honour o the Chapter A ,(a0lin utterl) em-o ies t(e (onour o! t(e ,(a0terC He? an ,HA,$ 'B all mem-ers o! a squa (e (as Doine ? are !earless

Honour or 5eath T(e ,(a0ter ,(am0ion must -e rea ) to .(allenge an) enem) lea er to single .om-atC /n an assault? t(e ,(a0ter ,(am0ion must ire.t all o! (is atta.%s against an enem) in e0en ent .(ara.ter i! in -ase .onta.t wit( oneC He alwa)s e>rolls an) !aile to (it an to woun t(at are ire.te against an enem) in e0en ent .(ara.ter )gnores Co+er )ndependent Character )n iltrate Units t(at .ontain at least one mo el wit( t(is rule are e0lo)e lastC /n!iltrators .an set u0 an)w(ere on t(e ta-le t(at is more t(an 12H !rom an) enem) unit? as long as no e0lo)e enem) unit .an raw line o! sig(t to t(emC Alternati2el) t(e) .an set u0 an)w(ere on t(e ta-le more t(an 1IH !rom an enem) unit? e2en in 0lain sig(tC A unit t(at e0lo)s using t(is rule .annot .(arge in t(e !irst turnC Ha2ing /n!iltrate also .on!ers 7ut!lan% to units arri2ing in reser2eC <in: Liturgies o (attle 7n a 0la)er turn in w(i.( (e assaults? a ,(a0lin an all t(e mem-ers o! an) squa (e (as Doine .an re>roll !aile rolls to (it Master Ps/:er Tigurius %nows all t(e Ps).(i. 0owers a2aila-le to *0a.e 1arine :i-rarians Melta Mo+e "hrough Co+er A unit t(at .ontains at least one mo el wit( t(is rule rolls an e4tra 58 w(en rolling to mo2e t(roug( i!!i.ult terrainC "urt(ermore a mo el wit( t(is rule automati.all) 0asses angerous terrain tests 7o .etreat=

4r!ital (o,!ard,ent A ,(a0ter 1aster .an .all in one *tri%e ,ruiser -om-ar ment on.e 0er game in (is s(ooting 0(ase? 0ro2i ing t(at t(e ,(a0ter 1aster i not mo2e in t(e 0re.e ing mo2ement 0(ase? t(oug( (e ma) later assault i! t(e .ontrolling 0la)er wis(esC (/! arrow is rolle on s.atter i.e? t(e -om-ar ment will alwa)s s.atter t(e !ull 258H) &eapon7r-ital Bom-ar ment .angeUnlimite '"10 *P1 "/pe7r nan.e 1 Barrage

4ut lan: 5uring e0lo)ment? 0la)ers .an e.lare t(at an) unit t(at .ontains at least one mo el wit( t(is rule is attem0ting to out!lan% t(e enem)C ;(en an out!lan%ing unit arri2es !rom reser2es? -ut not ongoing reser2e? t(e .ontrolling 0la)er rolls a 58= a 1>2 t(e unit .omes in !rom t(e ta-le e ge to t(e le!t o! t(e .ontrolling 0la)erJ on a 3>4? t(e) .ome in on t(e rig(tJ on a 5>8? t(e 0la)er .(ooses w(i.( one Po0er o the Machine 'pirit A :an 'ai er .an !ire one more wea0on t(an woul normall) -e 0ermitte C /n a ition? t(is wea0on .an -e !ire at a i!!erent target unit? su-De.t to t(e normal rules !or s(ootingC T(ere!ore? a :an 'ai er t(at (as mo2e at .om-at s0ee .an !ire two wea0ons? an a :an 'ai er t(at (as eit(er mo2e at .ruising s0ee ? or (as su!!ere a K,rew *tunne F or K,rew *(a%enF result an !ire a single wea0on .elentless .ending 'couts A!ter -ot( si es (a2e e0lo)e (in.lu ing /n!iltrators)? -ut -e!ore t(e !irst 0la)er -egins (is turn? a unit .ontaining at least one mo el wit( t(is s0e.ial rule .an .(oose to re e0lo) u0 to 8H !rom its .urrent 0osition -ut must remain more t(an 12H !rom enem) unitsC A unit t(at re e0lo)s .annot .(arge on !irst turn nor em-ar% B isem-ar% as 0art o! re e0lo)mentC T(is rule also .on!ers t(e 7ut!lan% s0e.ial rule 'niper 'tealth A unit w(i.( .ontains at least one mo el wit( t(is rule .ounts its .o2er sa2e as -eing 1 0oint -etter t(an normal (8+ in o0en terrain) "itanic Might ,algar .an re>roll all !aile attem0ts to woun wit( s(ooting an .lose .om-at atta.%s 9oice o ;>perience Telion .an !orgo ma%ing a s(ooting atta.% o! (is own to gui e a Battle>Brot(ers s(otC /! Telion oes not ma%e (is s(ooting atta.%? one !rien l) mo el in (is squa .an use (is -allisti. s%ill o! 8C

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