Frontiers Final Advice: General
Frontiers Final Advice: General
Frontiers Final Advice: General
Michael Williams
December 2013
Know the format of the exam:
Physics/Brain & Behaviour: choose 1 question from 2. Each question
worth 10 points
Evolution/Earth Science: choose 2 questions from 3. Each question
worth 15 points
Habits: do all 4 questions. Each question worth 5 points.
Dont do all the questions! The exam is 3 hours long, so a good strategy
is to spend 510 minutes choosing what questions to attempt, 15 minutes
each on Physics and Brain & Behaviour, 45 minutes each on Evolution
and Earth Science, 30 minutes on the habits questions, and the remainder
checking your work.
Note the following guidance on the front two pages: As a guideline for
your answers, each question is marked with: NC (requires no calculation),
SC (requires simple calculations or interpreting a gure) or C (requires
The most important habits/tutorials for Physics and Brain & Behaviour
are Statistics, Units and Sense of Scale (i.e. log plots). The most important
tutorial for Evolution and Earth Science is Probability. You need to review
all the tutorials, but focus your review on these.
From Statistics, you must be able to estimate means and standard devi-
ations from graphs, understand the dierence between standard deviation
and standard error (SE = SD/
1 v
. . . or, rearranged to get v for a given , v = c
1 1/
Mass and energy are interchangeable: E = mc
Week 2: General Relativity. Know the content. The only calcula-
tion you can realistically be asked to do is to work with the Schwarzschild
Two problems with Newtonian gravity (instant, no mechanism)
Einsteins solution:
Acceleration = gravity (the equivalence principle)
Acceleration curved space (tornado ride)
. . . so gravity = curved space
Curved space is the mechanism for gravity, and distortions in
curved space travel at speed c (i.e. both problems with Newto-
nian gravity solved)
Experimental conrmation of GR: deection of distant star by the
Example 1 of GR: black holes
What is a BH
What happens to time near a BH
How big is a black hole of given mass: R = 2GM/c
How massive is a black hole of given radius: M = Rc
Example 2 of GR: big bang
Hubble observed galaxies move away from us: further away,
faster they move
This observation is inconsistent with an explosion into pre-existing
space, or with the idea that the universe is stationary
Only explanation: space itself is expanding
13.8 billion years ago space itself was once very small
Gravity is slowing down the expansion (and some very nearby
objects, e.g. nearby galaxies, stars, planets are not moving away
from us because of gravity)
Week 3: Quantum Mechanics. Know the content. The two kinds of
calculations you can be asked to do are to gure out the wavelength given
velocity and mass, and to apply the uncertainty principle.
The double slit experiment: classical waves vs. classical objects vs.
quantum objects
Particles have associated with them a probability wave. We know we
cannot nd the particle where probability = 0, but otherwise we dont
know where it will be when we make the measurement.
When we observe them, the wave collapses and we make a particular
Until then, they behave like waves
Waves particles:
p = mv
E = hf
p = h/ or, rearranged, = h/mv
Uncertainty principle: xp h/4 or xv h/4m
Entanglement: two or more particles whose properties are correlated,
e.g. two electrons can be entangled such that if one is spin up, the
other must be spin down.
Einstein, Podolsky & Rosens objection: this implies spooky action
at a distance, which we dont like.
EPRs interpretation implies a prediction for Bells experiment: if two
experimenters measure the spin of two entangled particles about one
of three independently chosen random axes, they will nd the opposite
spin at least 5/9 of the time
That prediction turns out to be wrong, so EPR are wrong
Many Worlds is an alternative way of thinking about Quantum Me-
Week 1: Genetic code. Be ready for probability questions.
Darwins testable hypothesis: life on earth shares a single ancestor
Life is chemical: protein (20 amino acids), lipids, carbohydrates and
Contains hereditable information (Avery et al. experiment)
Made of bases C A T G
%A = %T, %C = %G (Charga experiment)
Shape: double helix (Watson and Crick), antiparallel backbone,
redundant information
Central dogma: transcription to RNA, translation of three-letter codons
to amino acids, protein assembly
Mutations: point, insertion, inversion, duplication
Sperm and egg production
Coding vs. Regulatory DNA
Week 2: Human evolution
Three regulatory sequences that have been selected for by human
evolution: HAR1 (cortical neurons), HAR2 (aka HANCS1, hand/limb
development), ASPM amino acid (brain size)
Human ideas inuencing selection, i.e. articial selection, e.g. rice
Social behaviour in the genetic code: newborns, patience, empathy,
life after fertility
Nature vs. nurture: genes and the environment, e.g. MAOA
Earth science
Week 1: The K-T extinction. Be prepared to answer questions on the
probability of rare events like asteroid impacts.
What is a mass extinction
Major mass extinctions: Great Dying (250 Ma), K-T extinction (65
Ma), current mass extinction
Evidence for mass extinction at K-T boundary: abrupt change in
fossil record (15% of land vertebrates incl. all non-bird dinosaurs,
50% of plants, 30% of marine invertebrates, most marine vertebrates
all extinct)
Evidence that this was caused by asteroid impact:
Anomalously large concentration of iridium in K-T boundary
rock layer
Spherules (glass beads)
Shocked quartz
Foraminifera (microscopic fossils)
Big crater in Gulf of Mexico
Other possibilities
Supernova (no, no plutonium in K-T layer)
Volcanoes (no, cannot make shocked quartz)
Eect of asteroid impact: immediate injury, forest re, acid rain, sun
blocked out, collapse of food chain, cold
Week 2: Birds and dinosaurs. Here are the key questions. Youre on
youre own for this one!
What is an ad hoc hypothesis? What is Darwins most famous ad hoc
hypothesis? Is it supported by the available evidence?
What are the similarities and dierences between birds and dinosaurs?
What is the signicance of the discovery of Archaeopteryx?
How do we reconstruct evolutionary relationships between species?
What is parsimony, and how does it let us frame hypotheses about
these relationships?
Which came rst, birds or feathers? Explain. What are the purposes
of feathers?
Week 3: Climate change
Climate and weather
Energy balance and forcings
Anthropogenic greenhouse gases
Volcano greenhouse gases
Milankovitch cycles
Solar activity
Examples of positive and negative climate feedbacks
Observed climate changes
Temperature rising (the hockey stick graph)
Sea level rising
Land ice shrinking
Sea ice shrinking
Greenhouse gas concentration CO
, CH
, etc.
Evidence that CO
increase is due to human activity (
C ratio)
Paleoclimate back 1 Ma: ice cores for atmospheric composition and
temperature (temperature from
O ratio), tree rings
Paleoclimate back 200 Ma: fossilized leaf stomata as proxy for atmo-
spheric composition
Using historical climate data to test climate models
Predictions of climate models