General Information For Undergraduate Foreign Applicants: University of The Philippines Diliman

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Office of the University Registrr

Diliman, Quezon City 1101
General Information for Undergraduate Foreign Applicants
#ener$ Re%&ire'ents
A foreign applicant who graduated from a high school abroad
and has not enrolled in college may be admitted to the freshman
class if he meets the following requirements !1" completion of
high school program in the country where he had his secondary
$ !%" qualifying in a college&qualifying national or
international foreign&administered e'amination such as (eneral
Certificate of )ducation !(C)" )'amination and the *cholastic
Aptitude +est !*A+" or equi,alent e'amination
(C) - ordinary le,el passes and % ad,anced le,el passes
*A+ minimum total score of 1%00 in
Critical .eading !/erbal" and 0ath
1nternational 2accalaureate !12" Diploma
and !-" in the case of an applicant whose nati,e language or whose
medium of instruction in the secondary school is not )nglish, a
minimum score of 300, if paper based$ or 14-, if computer based
or 51 1nternet 2ased in the +est of )nglish as a 6oreign 7anguage
!+8)67"9 1nformation about this test, including the places and the
dates of administration may be obtained by writing directly to
+8)67, )ducational +esting *er,ice, Princeton, :ew ;ersey
0<3=0, >*A or e&mail at www9ets9org?toefl9 +he applicant must
request that a copy of his scores be sent to the 8ffice of the
>ni,ersity .egistrar, >ni,ersity of the Philippines Diliman,
Quezon City 1101 Philippines9 +he >9P9 1nstitution Code for
+8)67 is 0@4<9
Fi$i(ino High Schoo$ #r)&tes fro' A*ro)
A 6ilipino who graduated from a secondary school abroad
applying for freshman admission to the >ni,ersity must satisfy the
same requirements as those for foreign students9
UP "o$$ege A)'ission Test
A graduate from high school abroad who fails to satisfy the
requirements for automatic admission !i9e9, 1tem % under (eneral
1ncludes completion of one& or two&year pre&uni,ersity education in a country
where such is a prerequisite for admission to a bachelorAs degree program9
r).equirements" may taBe the >P College Admission +est
# 1ncludes completion of a one& or two&year pre&uni,ersity education in a
country where such is a prerequisite for admission to a bachelorAs degree
.equirements" may taBe the >P College Admission +est
!>PCA+"9 +his test is gi,en in August at designated test
centers in the Philippines9 +he >PCA+ consists of subtests in
language proficiency, reading comprehension, mathematics,
and science9 +he >PCA+ is in )nglish C 6ilipino9 Application
forms are a,ailable two months before the e'amination9
A)vnce) P$ce'ent E+'intion
A qualified freshman applicant who has taBen courses at
the ad,anced le,el will not be gi,en ad,anced credits for these
subDects9 Eowe,er, he may apply to taBe the Ad,anced
Placement )'amination !AP)"9
A new freshman who qualifies for and passes the
prescribed e'amination in basic freshman courses such as
College Algebra and?or Plane +rigonometry within one year
from his first enrollment in the >ni,ersity shall be gi,en credit
for these subDects in his academic program9
Application forms and other information regarding
ad,anced placement may be obtained from the College
*ecretary of the College of *cience9
A(($iction for Defer'ent of Enro$$'ent
A qualified freshman applicant who, for a ,alid reason,
cannot enroll during the semester originally applied for may
apply for deferment of enrollment to the succeeding semester
by writing to the >ni,ersity .egistrar9 *uch applicant must not
ha,e taBen any academic college subDect prior to enrollment9
A student with pre,ious college worB may transfer to the
>ni,ersity subDect to the rules indicated below
!1" he can present at least -- academic units with general
weighted a,erage of %900 or better for all the
collegiate academic units he has taBen outside the
!%" he will ha,e to complete in the >ni,ersity not less
than 30F of the units required for his program, 43F
if running for honors$
.e,9 1nfo >ndergrad !6oreign" 1
Didith9 <?14?1=
To the A(($icnt-
Please read the following information carefully before submitting your application9 >nless you qualify under any of the
requirements stated below, it will not be ad,isable for you to apply9 On$y correct$y fi$$e) &( (($iction for's .ith the
re%&ire) s&((orting )oc&'ents n) the non/ref&n)*$e (($iction fee of US 012 n) P342 for non/resi)ent n) resi)ent
foreign (($icnts5 res(ective$y5 .i$$ *e (rocesse)!
!-" if transferring to a second degree, he must complete all
professional courses and all third and fourth year subDects$
!=" the quota set by the Dean of the college concerned has not
been filled up9
A College may require a higher weighted a,erage than that
prescribed abo,e9 +he >ni,ersity accepts transferees e,ery first
semester of the academic year9
A +8)67 score of 300, if paper based$ or 14-, if computer
based or 51 if 1nternet 2ased is also required of an applicant
whose medium of instruction in school?s he attended is not
1f the applicant is transferring from another Philippine school,
he should secure a permit to transfer from the Commission on
Eigher )ducation !CE)D"9
6&ot Progr's
Due to limited facilities, the following quota programs are
closed to transfer students
2* Chemical )ngineering
2* 6amily 7ife C Child De,At
2* Eotel, .estaurant C 1nstitution 0anagement
2* 1ndustrial )ngineering
*hifting to these programs, howe,er, is allowed9 Admission
into these quota programs is highly competiti,e9
A)vnce) "re)its
An undergraduate transfer student must ,alidate all subDects he
is offering for ad,anced credits at the rate of at least 1< units a
semester within three semesters from the date of his admission9 Eis
admission will be on probation basis until he shall ha,e ,alidated
or repeated, in accordance with this rule on ,alidation of courses,
all subDects taBen outside >P which are required for his program9
+he student will not be allowed to enroll in a subDect the
prerequisites of which, taBen elsewhere, ha,e not yet been
,alidated, or repeated, as the case may be9
+he 8ffice of the 1nternational *tudents Program !1*P" assists
foreign students in obtaining their study permits and student ,isa,
and in their accommodations and arri,al, as well as academic and
social adDustments in the >ni,ersity9
All communications regarding foreign students aside from
admission matters should be addressed to the Director,
1nternational *tudents Program, 8ffice of *tudent Acti,ities,
/inzons hall, >ni,ersity of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
11019 Gou may e&mail them at upHispIyahoo9com or
8nly properly accomplished application forms with all
the requirements listed below will be processed9
19 accomplished Undergraduate Admission
Application !>P 6orm :o9 -91"
%9 a non&refundable application fee of P130 for resident
foreign students and >*J%0 for non&resident foreign
students in money order, cashierAs or managerAs
checB payable to the >ni,ersity of the Philippines
-9 official transcript of records from each high school
and college attended and official e'amination
certificates, if any K !1 8fficial +ranscript of .ecords
and - 'ero' copies"
6or e,aluation purposes, photocopies of records
may be accepted pro,ided they are properly
authenticated by the school or by the Department of
)ducation or by duly designated authorities in the
country of the applicant9 6inal admission will be
subDect to ,erification of documents submitted
against original copies of credentials9 Certified
English translations should also be submitted, when
A(($ictions cco'(nie) *y (hotoco(ies of
c)e'ic recor)s not (ro(er$y &thenticte) .i$$
not *e (rocesse)!
=9 course syllabus, school catalogue and handbooB of
39 official +8)67 results !if )nglish is not the medium
of 1nstruction in pre,ious >ni,ersity"
Credentials filed in support of the application become
the property of the University of the hilippines and will not
be returned to the applicant.
De)$ine for Fi$ing of A(($ictions
+o ha,e ample time to secure his student ,isa and maBe
necessary arrangements if accepted for admission, a foreign
applicant is urged to file his application for admission at least
four months prior to registration of the semester applied for
i9e9, not later than Fe*r&ry 34 for first semester admission9
A foreign student may be allowed to enroll if he has any
of the following types of ,isa
19 @ !f" K student ,isa
%9 @ !e" , @ !e&1" or @ !e&%" K foreign go,ernment official
or dependent
-9 =4!a" !%" & e'change fellow or scholar sponsored by
an international organization
=9 @ !g" K pre&arranged employment !worBing
.e,9 1nfo >ndergrad !6oreign" %
Didith9 <?14?1=
39 PD %1< K foreign in,estor
59 @ !d" K treaty trader
49 1-, 1-!a" to 1-!g" K permanent resident
<9 *../ K *pecial .esident .etiree /isa
@9 *1./ K *pecial 1n,estor .esident /isa
/isas other than student ,isa may be applied for at the
Philippine Consulate?)mbassy in the studentAs home country9
DEADLINES set *y the De(rt'ent of Foreign Affirs for
st&)ent vis (($ictions-
For First Se'ester A(($icnts 8 April 13
For Secon) Se'ester (($icnts K *eptember -0
:on&6ilipinos pay a non&refundable application fee of >*J%0
or its equi,alent in Philippine pesos for non&resident foreign
applicants or P130 for resident foreign applicants9 +he
matriculation fee !i9e9, tuition, miscellaneous, and student fund" for
undergraduates is about P%=,300900 a semester for 13 non&
laboratory units9 7aboratory fees range from P100 to P1000 per
laboratory subDect9 +o this amount should be added P100 deposit
and P-0 entrance fee9
All fees are subDect to change upon appro,al of the 2oard of
E)&ction Deve$o('ent Fee
All undergraduate foreign students shall be charged the
)ducation De,elopment 6ee !)D6" according to the following
:on&.esident Aliens .esident Aliens
Per semester >*J-00 >*J130
Per summer >*J1%0 >*J50
Esti'te) Person$ E+(enses
8ne Gear
!+wo *emesters"
!10 months"
1nternational Center !<00&1300?mo9" P %0,000
L )lectric Appliances !300?mo9"
2oard !P1%000?mo9 6or 10 months" 1%0,000
*chool .elated 0aterials C )quipment 100,000
.ental !P10000?mo for 10 months"
Personal allowances !P3000?mo9 30,000
6or 10 months"
7aundry !P1300?mo9 6or 10 months" 13,000
Tot$ P:245222
>nder go,ernment regulations, the >ni,ersity can accept for the payment of
fees only cash, postal money orders, cablegrams or telegraphic transfer, certified
cashierAs checBs, and managerAs checB9 Person$ chec;s re not cce(t*$e!
# 9
)'penses might go higher depending on the pre,ailing economic conditions
and on the lifestyle of students9
Pri,ate boarding houses may charge P-,000 to P4,000 a month9
!+his does not include tra,el, clothing, and other incidental
e'penses"9 6or detailed information, please contact the College
2usiness 0anager at @<1&<3&00 local =310 or e&mail at
quires%001Iyahoo9com or osnIup9edu9ph9
Finnci$ Assistnce
Scholarships, Fellowships, and other Study Grants9 A
number of scholarships and study grants are also offered by
the go,ernment and pri,ate companies or indi,iduals9 0ost
are intended for the financially&needy student, while some are
awarded in recognition of outstanding academic performance9
6or details of these go,ernment and pri,ate scholarships, write
to the 8ffice of *cholarships and *tudent *er,ices, /inzons
Eall, >ni,ersity of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City
1101,Philippines9 Gou may also e&mail them at
USVA Educational Assistance Program9 +he >ni,ersity of
the Philippines is a >*/A&appro,ed institution9 )nrolled >*
,eterans or their children entitled under chapter -= or -3, +itle
-<, >nited *tates Code recei,e educational assistance
allowance from the >* go,ernment, the amount to be
determined by >*/A, pro,ided they carry at least 1= units a
Loans. *tudent loans are granted by the >ni,ersity for
tuition fees or part thereof9 Application must be made with the
*tudent 7oan 2oard, 8ffice of *cholarships and *tudent
Student Assistantships9 8pen to undergraduate students
with good grades in the >ni,ersity, this position pays P%3900
an hour, not to e'ceed 100 hours a month9
#ener$ E)&ction Progr'
+he (eneral )ducation Program is a mi' of subDects in
the Arts and Eumanities, *ocial *ciences and Philosophy, and
0athematics, *cience and +echnology domains that gi,es
students Bnowledge and competencies that will better prepare
them for the basic understanding of ,arious ways of Bnowing9
+his maBes the >P student a well&rounded person ready for
lifelong learning sBills9
+he liberal education thrust of () aims to mold the >P
student to becoming a holistic person, a more independent,
creati,e and critical thinBer, a morally sound and intellectual
indi,idual of high integrity, and well able to adapt to the fast
changing pace of todayAs li,ing9
R#EP Fr'e.or;
+he .()P frameworB requires that students taBe 13
units in each of the the - domains of Bnowledge K Arts and
Eumanities, *ocial *ciences and Philosphy, and 0athematics,
.e,9 1nfo >ndergrad !6oreign" -
Didith9 <?14?1=
*cience and +echnology K 5 units of which must be in Philippine
*tudies, to be taBen from any of the domains9
Ac)e'ic Yer
+he Academic Gear is di,ided into semesters of at least 15
weeBs each, e'clusi,e of registration and final e'amination
periods9 A summer session of 5 weeBs follows the second semester9
+he first semester is usually from ;une to 8ctober, the second
semester from :o,ember to 0arch, and the summer session is in
April and 0ay9
All academic units of the >ni,ersity operate under the
semestral system, e'cept the masterAs program of the college of
2usiness Administration which operates under the trimestral
Me)i&'s of Instr&ction
6ilipino and )nglish are used as mediums of instruction9
Living Acco''o)tions
7i,ing accommodations for students are pro,ided in the
>ni,ersityAs residence halls or in appro,ed pri,ately&owned
housing units9 1n the Diliman campus there are 10 residence halls
one for men, four for women and fi,e&co&educational9 +he
residence hall for sophomore and senior men is :arra9 +he
residence halls for women are 1lang&ilang, Mamia, *ampaguita, and
*anggumay9 +he co&educational residence halls are 1nternational
Center, for foreign students and a limited number of 6ilipino
students$ Malayaan, for freshmen$ 1pil for graduate students$
0ola,e, for sophomores$ and GaBal for upperclassmen9
)arly application is important in obtaining residence hall
space9 1mmediately upon receipt of the notification of admission, a
student desiring to stay in a residence hall should file an
application for admission in a residence hall9 1nquiries regarding a
particular residence hall should be addressed to the .esidence Eall
>pperclassmen desiring to board in pri,ate houses on the
campus should consult the 8ffice of *tudent Eousing regarding
appro,ed boarding houses !freshmen are not allowed to board in
pri,ate houses on campus9"
A*o&t the Phi$i((ines
+he climate in the Philippines is tropical and generally
pleasant9 +here are two seasons the rainy season from ;une to
8ctober and dry season from :o,ember to 0ay9
Due to pre,ailing economic conditions, the e'change rate is floating9
+he monetary unit is the peso9 +he con,ersion rate of >*
dollar depends upon the con,ersion rate of the Central 2anB at
the time of enrollment9
Non/Degree St&)ents
A degree holder or undergraduate student who is not
currently enrolled in any other institution of higher learning
may be allowed to taBe, for credit, courses on the graduate
and?or undergraduate le,el, respecti,ely, pro,ided that he
satisfies the appropriate requirements for admission to the
>ni,ersity9 Ee shall not be allowed to enroll for more than one
semester, e'cept by permission of the Dean of the College
concerned and the >ni,ersity .egistrar9
S(eci$ St&)ents
A mature student, e,en if he does not fully satisfy the
entrance requirements, may be admitted as a special student
and may enroll for such subDects which, in the opinion of the
instructor and the Dean, he has the necessary information and
ability to pursue profitably9 Ee shall not be allowed to enroll
for more than @ units a semester or to register for more than
two years, e'cept by special permission of the Dean9 *ubDects
taBen shall be non&credit although his worB may be reported at
the end of each semester as NsatisfactoryO or NunsatisfactoryO9
A student registered in another collegiate institution and
who wishes to cross&register in >P must present a written
permit from his Dean, Director, or .egistrar9 +he permit shall
state the total number of units for which the student may be
registered and the subDects that he is authorized to taBe in the
>ni,ersity9 Eis photograph with his signature at the bacB and
signed across by his Dean, Director, or .egistrar must be
attached to the permit9
.e,9 1nfo >ndergrad !6oreign" =
Didith9 <?14?1=
!>nless otherwise indicated in parenthesis, an undergraduate degree is ordinarily earned after four years of studies"
2A Anthropology
2* Applied Physics !3"
2A Araling Pilipino !Philippine *tudies"
2* Architecture
2A Art *tudies

2* 2iology
2A 2roadcast Communication
2* 2usiness Administration
2* 2usiness Administration C Accountancy !3"
2* 2usiness )conomics
2* Chemical )ngineering !3"
2* Chemistry
2* Ci,il )ngineering !3"
2* Clothing +echnology
2A Communication .esearch
2* Community De,elopment
2* Community :utrition
2A Comparati,e 7iterature
2* Computer )ngineering !3"
2* Computer *cience
2A Creati,e Priting
2* )conomics
2* )lectrical )ngineering !3"
2* )lectronics C Communications )ngineering !3"
2 )lementary )ducation
2A )nglish *tudies
2A )uropean 7anguages
2* 6amily 7ife C Child De,elopment
2A 6ilipino
2A 6ilm
2 6ine Arts
2* 6ood +echnology !3"
2* (eodetic )ngineering !3"
2* (eography
2* (eology
2A Eistory
2* Eome )conomics
2* Eotel, .estaurant C 1nstitution 0anagement
2* 1ndustrial )ngineering !3"
2* 1nterior Design
2A ;ournalism
2 7andscape Architecture
2 7ibrary C 1nformation *cience
2A 7inguistics
2A 0aliBhaing Pagsulat sa 6ilipino
2* 0aterials )ngineering !3"
2* 0athematics
2* 0ining )ngineering !3"
2* 0echanical )ngineering !3"
2* 0etallurgical )ngineering !3"
2* 0olecular 2iology C 2iotechnology
2 0usic
2A Philosophy
2 Physical )ducation
2* Physics !3"
2A Political *cience
2A Psychology
2* Psychology
2A Public Administration
2 *econdary )ducation
2* *ocial PorB
2A *ociology
2A *peech Communication
2 *ports *cience !3"
2* *tatistics
2A +heatre Arts
2* +ourism
U.. E"tension rogram in ampanga
2A Applied Psychology
2A 2usiness )conomics
2* 2usiness 0anagement
6or certain programs, applicants must pass a test gi,en by
the college&a talent test in the College of Arts C 7etters
!CA7", College of 6ine Arts !C6A", and the College of 0usic
!C0" and a motor proficiency test in the College of Euman
Minetics !CEM"9 Application to these programs should be
made directly to the college concerned9
Certificate in 6ine Arts !C6A" & - yrs
Certificate in 0usic !C0" & - yrs
Certificate in *ports *tudies !CEM" & % yrs
Certificate in +heater Arts !CA7" & % yrs
Diploma in Creati,e C Performing
0usical Arts !DCP0A" & = yrs
*ertipiBo sa 0aliBhaing Pagsulat sa
6ilipino !CA7" & % yrs
.e,9 1nfo >ndergrad !6oreign" 3
Didith9 <?14?1=
+his is a ladder&type curriculum wherein the student earns a Certificate in 2uilding +echnology after three years and the
2* in Architecture degree after two years for a total of fi,e years9
+his program has the following specializations Art Eistory$ 1nterdisciplinary$ and Philippine Art9
+his program has the following specializations Asian 7iterature$ )uropean 7iterature$ and Philippine 7iterature in
)nglish and in )nglish +ranslation9
+his program has the following maDors Art )ducation$ Communication Art&)nglish$ Communication Art&6ilipino$
0athematics$ *cience and Eealth$ *pecial )ducation$ and +eaching in the )arly (rades !M&%"9
+his program has the following specializations Anglo&American 7iterature$ Creati,e Priting$ and )nglish 7anguage9
Plan 1 0aDor in one )uropean 7anguage !6rench?(erman?1talian?*panish" minor in another )uropean 7anguage
!6rench?(erman? 1talian?Portuguese?.ussian?*panish"
Plan % 0aDor in one )uropean 7anguage !6rench?(erman?1talian?*panish" minor in another discipline !Art *tudies,
Comparati,e 7iterature, Creati,e Priting, )nglish, 6ilipino, PanitiBan ng Pilipinas, *peech Communication, +heater Arts,
Philosophy, *ocial *ciences, +heory in 6ine Arts, .eading, +eaching in )arly (rades, 7anguage +eaching,
Communication .esearch, +ourism9 As minor discipline, these non&language courses must be taBen only in one
department and pro,ided that the prerequisites are satisfied"
+his program has the following specializations Art )ducation$ Art Eistory$ 1ndustrial Design$ Painting$ *culpture$ and
/isual Communication9
+his program has the following maDors Composition$ Conducting$ !Choral, 8rchestral"$ 1nstrument !Meyboard,
Poodwind, 2rasswind, Percussion"$ 0usic )ducation$ 0usicology$ /oice$ and Dance9
+his program has the following maDors Art )ducation$ 2iology$ Chemistry$ Communication Arts&)nglish$
Communication Arts&6ilipino$ Eealth )ducation$ 0athematics$ Physics$ *ocial *tudies$ *pecial )ducation$ and
Application for admission must be filed directly at >9P9 )'tension Program in Pampanga9

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