Diptiupveja I-11, ROLL NO.10 Mits, Laxmangarh: Prepared by
Diptiupveja I-11, ROLL NO.10 Mits, Laxmangarh: Prepared by
Diptiupveja I-11, ROLL NO.10 Mits, Laxmangarh: Prepared by
I-11 , ROLL NO.10
The first thing you probably think of when you see the words night vision is a spy or
action movie you've seen, in which someone straps on a pair of night-vision goggles to
find someone else in a dark building on a moonless night. And you may have wondered
"Do those things really work? Can you actually see in the dark?"
The answer is most definitely yes. With the proper night-vision equipment, you can see a
person standing over 200 yards (183 m) away on a moonless, cloudy night! Night vision
can work in two very different ways, depending on the technology used.
In order to understand night vision, it is important to understand something about light.
The amount of energy in a light wave is related to its wavelength: Shorter wavelengths
have higher energy. Of visible light, violet has the most energy, and red has the least. Just
next to the visible light spectrum is the infrared spectrum.
The key difference between thermal-IR and the other two is that thermal-IR is emitted by
an object instead of reflected off it. Infrared light is emitted by an object because of what
is happening at the atomic level.
Atoms are constantly in motion. They continuously vibrate, move and rotate. Even the
atoms that make up the chairs that we sit in are moving around. Solids are actually in
motion! Atoms can be in different states of excitation. In other words, they can have
different energies. If we apply a lot of energy to an atom, it can leave what is called the
ground-state energy level and move to an excited level. The level of excitation depends
on the amount of energy applied to the atom via heat, light or electricity.
An atom consists of a nucleus (containing the protons and neutrons) and an electron
cloud. Think of the electrons in this cloud as circling the nucleus in many different
orbits. Although more modern views of the atom do not depict discrete orbits for the
electrons, it can be useful to think of these orbits as the different energy levels of the
atom. In other words, if we apply some heat to an atom, we might expect that some of the
electrons in the lower energy orbitals would transition to higher energy orbitals, moving
farther from the nucleus.
Anything that is alive uses energy, and so do many inanimate items such as engines and
rockets. Energy consumption generates heat. In turn, heat causes the atoms in an object to
fire off photons in the thermal-infrared spectrum. The hotter the object, the shorter the
wavelength of the infrared photon it releases. An object that is very hot will even begin to
emit photons in the visible spectrum, glowing red and then moving up through orange,
yellow, blue and eventually white. Be sure to read How Light Bulbs Work, How Lasers
Work and How Light Works for more detailed information on light and photon emission.
Here's how thermal imaging works:
1. A special lens focuses the infrared light emitted by all of the objects in view.
2. The focused light is scanned by a phased array of infrared-detector elements. The
detector elements create a very detailed temperature pattern called a
thermogram. It only takes about one-thirtieth of a second for the detector array to
obtain the temperature information to make the thermogram. This information is
obtained from several thousand points in the field of view of the detector array.
3. The thermogram created by the detector elements is translated into electric
4. The impulses are sent to a signal-processing unit, a circuit board with a dedicated
chip that translates the information from the elements into data for the display.
5. The signal-processing unit sends the information to the display, where it appears
as various colors depending on the intensity of the infrared emission. The
combination of all the impulses from all of the elements creates the image.
Phased Array
A group of antennas in which the relative phases of the respective signals feeding the
antennas are varied in such a way that the effective radiation pattern of the array is
reinforced in a desired direction and suppressed in undesired directions. (188) Note 1:
The relative amplitudes of--and constructive and destructive interference effects among--
the signals radiated by the individual antennas determine the effective radiation pattern of
the array. Note 2: A phased array may be used to point a fixed radiation pattern, or to
scan rapidly in azimuth or elevation.
Types of Thermal Imaging Devices
Most thermal-imaging devices scan at a rate of 30 times per second. They can sense
temperatures ranging from -4 degrees Fahrenheit (-20 degrees Celsius) to 3,600 F (2,000
C), and can normally detect changes in temperature of about 0.4 F (0.2 C).
Image-enhancement technology is what most people think of when you talk about night
vision. In fact, image-enhancement systems are normally called night-vision devices
(NVDs). NVDs rely on a special tube, called an image-intensifier tube, to collect and
amplify infrared and visible light.
1. A conventional lens, called the objective lens, captures ambient light and some
near-infrared light.
2. The gathered light is sent to the image-intensifier tube. In most NVDs, the power
supply for the image-intensifier tube receives power from two N-Cell or two
"AA" batteries. The tube outputs a high voltage, about 5,000 volts, to the image-
tube components.
3. The image-intensifier tube has a photocathode, which is used to convert the
photons of light energy into electrons.
4. As the electrons pass through the tube, similar electrons are released from atoms
in the tube, multiplying the original number of electrons by a factor of thousands
through the use of a microchannel plate (MCP) in the tube. An MCP is a tiny,
glass disc that has millions of microscopic holes (microchannels) in it, made using
fiber-optic technology. The MCP is contained in a vacuum and has metal
electrodes on either side of the disc. Each channel is about 45 times longer than it
is wide, and it works as an electron multiplier.
When the electrons from the photo cathode hit the first electrode of the MCP, they
are accelerated into the glass microchannels by the 5,000-V bursts being sent
between the electrode pair. As electrons pass through the microchannels, they
cause thousands of other electrons to be released in each channel using a process
called cascaded secondary emission. Basically, the original electrons collide
with the side of the channel, exciting atoms and causing other electrons to be
released. These new electrons also collide with other atoms, creating a chain
reaction that results in thousands of electrons leaving the channel where only a
few entered. An interesting fact is that the microchannels in the MCP are created
at a slight angle (about a 5-degree to 8-degree
bias) to encourage electron collisions and reduce
both ion and direct-light feedback from the
phosphors on the output side.
Fiber-optic lines are strands of optically pure glass as thin as a human hair that carry
digital information over long distances. They are also used in medical imaging and
mechanical engineering inspection.
NVDs have been around for more than 40 years. They are categorized by generation.
Each substantial change in NVD technology establishes a new generation.
The removal of the ion barrier from the MCP that was added in Generation 3
technology reduces the background noise and thereby enhances the signal to noise
ratio. Removing the ion film actually allows more electrons to reach the
amplification stage so that the images are significantly less distorted and brighter.
The addition of an automatic gated power supply system allows the photocathode
voltage to switch on and off rapidly, thereby enabling the NVD to respond to a
fluctuation in lighting conditions in an instant. This capability is a critical advance
in NVD systems, in that it allows the NVD user to quickly move from high-light
to low-light (or from low-light to high-light) environments without any halting
effects. For example, consider the ubiquitous movie scene where an agent using
night vision goggles is “sightless” when someone turns on a light nearby. With
the new, gated power feature, the change in lighting wouldn’t have the same
impact; the improved NVD would respond immediately to the lighting change.
A cool thing to note is that every single image-intensifier tube is put through rigorous
tests to see if it meets the requirements set forth by the military. Tubes that do are
classified as MILSPEC. Tubes that fail to meet military requirements in even a single
category are classified as COMSPEC.
• Goggles - While goggles can be handheld, they are most often worn on the head.
Goggles are binocular (two eye-pieces) and may have a single lens or stereo lens,
depending on the model. Goggles are excellent for constant viewing, such as
moving around in a dark building.
• Cameras - Cameras with night-vision technology can send the image to a monitor
for display or to a VCR for recording. When night-vision capability is desired in a
permanent location, such as on a building or as part of the equipment in a
helicopter, cameras are used. Many of the newer camcorders have night vision
built right in.
The original purpose of night vision was to locate enemy targets at night. It is still used
extensively by the military for that purpose, as well as for navigation, surveillance and
targeting. Police and security often use both thermal-imaging and image-enhancement
technology, particularly for surveillance. Hunters and nature enthusiasts use NVDs to
maneuver through the woods at night.
Detectives and private investigators use night vision to watch people they are assigned to
track. Many businesses have permanently-mounted cameras equipped with night vision
to monitor the surroundings.
A really amazing ability of thermal-imaging is that it reveals whether an area has been
disturbed -- it can show that the ground has been dug up to bury something, even if there
is no obvious sign to the naked eye. Law enforcement has used this to discover items that
have been hidden by criminals, including money, drugs and bodies. Also, recent changes
to areas such as walls can be seen using thermal imaging, which has provided important
clues in several cases.
Many people are beginning to discover the unique world that can be found after darkness
falls. If you're out camping or hunting a lot, chances are that night-vision devices can be
useful to you -- just be sure to get the right type for your needs.
Photo courtesy of B.E. Meyers Company
Camcorders are a fast-growing segment
of the night-vision industry.
Night vision goggles (NVG) are a type of optical instrument that allows one to see in the
dark. They are most often used by the military.
Passive night vision goggles— these pick up any light in the given area and
amplify it several thousand times using an image intensifier. This works by the
photoelectric effect. As a photon collides with a detector plate, the metal ejects
several electrons that are then amplified into a cascade of electrons that light up a
phosphor screen. Often a dim star in the sky is enough to illuminate an entire
field. This type is commonly used for war reporting, tinting the picture green. The
color green is chosen because the human eye is most sensitive and able to discern
the most shades in green.
Active night vision goggles— these project infrared light (the same type used by
a remote control), and produce an image from the light reflected back. These
goggles may require an image enhancer to amplify the light. This feature is
commonly found on home video cameras, as it suits most consumer's needs for
seeing in the dark. Pointing a television remote control at this type of system
produces a glaringly bright image.
Heat-sensing or infrared goggles— these show anything that emits normal heat
radiation in the given area.
There are currently goggles that combine both of these technologies to create images that
are almost as clear as day. In addition to goggles, night vision technology is also used in
rifle scopes, security cameras, binoculars, etc.