Warwick HR Prof
Warwick HR Prof
Warwick HR Prof
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Warwick Business School
Competitive Salary
University of Warwick, Coventry
Vacancy '(er(ie)
Warwick Business School (WBS is an elite, research!led, triple!accredited university!based
business school with an e"cellent portfolio of world!class programmes# $ur graduates and our
academic staff are among the best in the world# $ur %h& programme is consistently rated top ' in
the U( and top ) in *urope according to +inancial ,imes data#
WBS is a Chartered -nstitute of %ersonnel and &evelopment (C-%& Centre, offering an accredited
.asters &egree in people management# -n /01) we will launch a new .Sc in 2uman 3esource
management (23. to be delivered in our new 4ondon campus at the 5Shard,6 *urope6s tallest
building# ,his programme will run in addition to our longstanding .Sc in 23.7*mployment
3elations (*3 held on campus at Warwick#
We are seeking outstanding candidates to 8oin our faculty at %rofessorial level# We are particularly
interested in candidates with research and7or teaching interests in strategic 23., international
23., talent management and compensation#
9ou will en8oy an international reputation as a leader in the 2uman 3esource .anagement field#
9ou will have substantial e"perience in a business school environment or e:uivalent, and have an
outstanding record of publishing in the world;s top 8ournals# A track record of research income
generation is highly desirable#
9ou will have a proven track record of achievement in your professional and academic career and a
genuine passion for imparting your knowledge and e"perience to business school students and
working with leading business school academics
9ou will also be able to demonstrate strong academic leadership, a continuing commitment to
innovative teaching and e"perience of academic administration#
WBS has a long history of world!class research in the -ndustrial 3elations (-372uman 3esources
(23 field, having been home to the -ndustrial 3elations 3esearch Unit (-33U, one of the world6s
leading -3 research groups, for over forty years# +aculty members in the 237-3 area publish in
world leading 23, -37*3 and general management 8ournals, and serve on numerous editorial
boards (e#g#, 2uman 3esource .anagement< 2uman 3elations< -ndustrial 3elations =ournal< Work
*mployment > Society< British =ournal of .anagement# Colleagues have received funding for
research from numerous sources including the *conomic and Social 3esearch Council, &epartment
for Business -nnovation and Skills (U( ?ovt, U( Commission for *mployment and Skills, @ational
-nstitute for 2ealth 3esearch, and others#
We are an e:ual opportunities employer and would consider part time and full time appointments#
+or informal in:uiries, or to arrange a meeting during the A$. annual conference, contact
%rofessor =ames 2ayton (8ames#haytonAwbs#ac#uk
WBS ! we mean business
!o" #escription
=$B %U3%$S*B
,o complement and build on the ?roup6s research interests and engage across the range of
teaching programmes with a significant involvement in one or more of the undergraduate,
specialist masters or .BA programmes#
&U,-*S A@& 3*S%$@S-B-4-,-*SB
C ,o pursue research independently and collaboratively#
C ,o publish in the world6s leading 8ournals, seek research funding, and to participate in research
seminars and other research related activities in the School#
C ,o show research leadership and to work with and encourage 8unior staff#
C ,o help promote the profile of WBS and the ?roup internationally#
C ,o contribute to teaching across the range of the School6s programmes
(postgraduate7undergraduate# ,eaching on certain postgraduate programmes takes place out of
normal University term times and during some evenings#
C ,o make a lead contribution to one of the School6s courses#
C ,o supervise %h& students in related research areas#
C ,o undertake administrative tasks as re:uested by the &iscipline ?roup 2ead or &ean of School#
,his may include becoming 2ead of ?roup#
C ,o establish a range of collegial relationships with group members, programme directors, and
colleagues in other disciplines and research groups#
C ,o undertake some managerial duties within the School, for e"ample, acting as &esignated
Senior .ember for more 8unior staff and providing them with advice< guiding and reviewing their
performance< and participating in a range of professorial committees to help formulate and
implement School strategies#
,he duties and responsibilities outlined are not intended to be an e"haustive list, but provide
guidance on the main aspects of the 8ob# 9ou will be re:uired to be fle"ible in your duties, and to
ensure compliance with health and safety and e:ual opportunities in all aspects of work#
Person $pecification
T*e Person $pecification focuses on t*e +no)%e,ge- s+i%%s- e.perience an, /ua%ifications
re/uire, to un,erta+e t*e ro%e effecti(e%y0 T*is is measure, "y (a) 1pp%ication 2orm- (")
Test3.ercise- (c) 4nter(ie)- (,) Presentation0
3ssentia% 5riteria 6
An international record of personal achievement in research and publication# (a (c
3ssentia% 5riteria 7
A track record and7or preparedness of seeking research funding# (a (c
3ssentia% 5riteria 3
A demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in an interesting, accessible but scholarly way to
large and small groups# (a (c
3ssentia% 5riteria 4
Willing to form part of a team!based approach to teaching and to undertake course design and
development# (a (c
3ssentia% 5riteria 5
Capacity and preparedness to accept and undertake effectively administrative tasks as re:uired,
including programme management# (a (c
3ssentia% 5riteria 8
4eadership and management skills, together with collegiality# (a (c
3ssentia% 5riteria 7
A %h& or e:uivalent in a relevant field# (a (c
2urt*er Particu%ars
+or further information about the University of Warwick, please read ourUniversity +urther
Warwick Business School (WBS ! is the U(6s top provider of finance and business research and
education# We have the ambition and the capability to become *urope6s leading university!based
business school# $ur mission is to publish leading!edge research which has real impact< to produce
world!class business leaders< and to provide a lifelong return on investment for students, alumni
and partners# As the largest department of the University of Warwick, we offer both e"cellent
facilities and a prestigious reputation to students who come from around 1/0 countries to learn at
undergraduate, masters, .BA, and %h& levels#
,he +inancial ,imes
C 3anks us 'rd in the U( and 1'th in *urope of all *uropean business schools D the U(6s fastest
rising business school
C 3anks the Warwick .BA by full!time study in U(;s top E, in *urope;s top 10, and the global top
C 3anks the Warwick *"ecutive .BA in the world6s top /), /nd in the U( and Fth in *urope
C 3anks our &octoral %rogramme in *urope6s top )
C 3anks our .Sc in +inance the U(6s top pure finance course
C 3anks our .Sc in .anagement in the world6s top )0
$ur academics produce world!leading research in all fields of management which is why we attract
the very best %h& candidates# GFH of full!time faculty who teach and research at WBS have %h&s
and our doctoral community is thriving# We offer a range of diplomas, short courses, and
customised programmes for corporate clients and individuals, and consult with industry to keep
our programmes fresh, relevant, and accessible# ,he fact that many graduates return for further
study with us later in their careers demonstrates our effective blend of academic research with the
practicalities of the workplace#
So what is it that makes Warwick Business School so different to anywhere elseI
C *"celling at research
We strive for e"cellence in research and can genuinely claim to be home to some of the world6s
best researchers#
C *"celling at teaching
$ur world!class researchers are also superb teachers, skilled at using a variety of teaching
methods to engage and instruct#
C *"celling at recruiting the brightest students
,he lure of working with top!class scholars, real world e"perts, means we always attract the very
best candidates and the company is always stimulating#
C *"celling in producing the most valuable graduates
$ur graduates have a thirst for learning and a rounded approach to life and work# With academic
theory and practical skills, they hit the ground running in any company#
C *"celling in breaking new ground
.ore than all of this, we believe in the power of creativity, of human imagination to do new things,
to see things differently# And so do our staff, our students, and our graduates#
&o youI
+or further information about the Warwick Business School, please visit thedepartmental website#
Recruitment of 3.-'ffen,ers Po%icy
As an organisation using the (&BS &isclosure and Barring Service to assess applicants6 suitability
for positions of trust, the University of Warwick complies with the &BS Code of %ractice and
undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any sub8ect of a &isclosure on the basis of a
conviction or other information revealed# .ore information is available on the University6s Jacancy
pages and applicants may re:uest a copy of the &BS Code of %ractice#
5%osing #ate
/G Aug /01E