Green Park Analysis Rev 1A
Green Park Analysis Rev 1A
Green Park Analysis Rev 1A
Project Analysis
Report Nr 1A
#REF! 3
Green Park
20 March 2008
O:/Data/Team000/project nr/
280312 Green Park Analysis Rev 1A/Cover
Date printed : 20/03/08
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
£ p £ p
Anticipated Provisional total Ridge Comments Summary
01 Feb 08
Inflation to February 2008 @ 6.5%/annum 1,029,648 72,150 1,101,798 3.7% BCIS 742,307
(8 months = 4.33%)
School building
Reading 5 acres
Filling to commercial plots
£ p
Inflation from 2Q 2007 to 1Q 2008 as stated by the BCIS all in TPI, are
stated as indices 243 and 252, which would equate to a 3.7% inflation increase
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
1 Site Filling
I have checked through your e mail thread that you gave to me at the meeting and
it does not appear to correlate with your cost estimate. I have used your e mail as
it is January 08, whereas PBA's schedule is dated August 06.
I) You state in your e mail that the volume of cut material is 67,475 available on site
but we only have 35,600 in the costings and 3,314 in the Reading 5 acres.
Please clarify ?
ii) You state in the same e mail that 171,285 m3 of fill is required, which includes
the Reading 5 acres, however your costings include for 215,323 (-8,647 for transport hub)
in the Bucknell land and 34,246 in the Reading 5 acres. This would equate to
69,637 m3 that should not be in your costings. You also state that PBA state 235,000,
which is still lower than you costings as above which include 240,922 ?
iii) Fill rate seems high. Could you clarify what type of material and the source of the cost
This would seem reasonable for a granular/hoggin type of material, but we would
expect this to be £18-20 for a general subsoil type fill material ?
iv) Agrregate levy tax has been £1.60/t from its introduction in 2002, however this is -240,837
increasing in April 2008 by 35p/t, which, if we assume 2t/m3 would add 70p/m3
and not £2.00 as stated. Using your rates this would decrease your provisional allowance
by 185,259 x £1.30
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
I) Volume of non engineered and engineered fill, quantity calculation required from PBA
ii) Fill rate seems high. Could you clarify what type of material and the source of the cost
iii) Agrregate levy tax has been £1.60/t from its introduction in 2002, however this is -173,290
increasing in April 2008 by 35p/t, which, if we assume 2t/m3 would add 70p/m3
and not £2.00 as stated. Using your rates this would decrease your provisional allowance
by 133,300 x £1.30
iv) Sheet piling rates are very high and the depths unusual. I have spoken to a sheet piling -410,000
company and they have stated that they have never used 19m sheet piles. The maximum that
they have installed is 15m, as this is not a particularly harsh situation/location we have
assumed 12m deep over a 235m length. We would question if piling would need to be this deep
but no design ahs been progressed as yet
Plant 5,000
Piling @ £130/m2 366,600
Prelims etc @ 20% 74,320
Cost plan figure 856,000
v) Head capping, Assumed pc concrete and approx £250/m2 seems fair. Wed measured 235m -17,500
vi) Gabions to lake edge. Since you have measured a hard edge to the piazza, soft edges -82,500
elsewhere and footpath reinforcement, cannot see where you would need these. They are
also not obvious anywhere else on the park
vii) Footpath/edge reinforcement. If this has been used elsewhere on the park, could I have a
brief build up ?
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
viii) Lake edge footpath. If this is a simple footpath then a figure of £75/m would seem more -38,250
appropriate. 850m - £45
xi) Soft edging to water feature. Assume that this is based on historical information on the
existing green park lakes. Please forward relevant information ?
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
3 Bridge Links
I) We would assume a culvert rate of £2,000/m including all earthworks. Headwalls are excluded -75,000
and covered below. Please advise on how you got to £2,500/m
ii) Headwalls will be to relatively simple culvert openings to the above and only 2 x 2 m opening -70,000
so we would assume a figure of £3,000
iii) Allowance for clearing ditch adjacent to smallmead and parallel to Longwater. This is -20,000
existing and should not be an infrastructure charge
iv) Allowance for the ditch alterations north of Longwater. This should be minimal as we assume this -20,000
to be only where the roundabout is enlarged. This is also covered by the culvert costs.
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
I) Site primary road. 310m We only make it 300m, however could we have the general road build up
and the items included ?
As we see it, this is an estate road, and the only increase should be increased width
and construction between an estate road and a primary road
Cost of increased width from 6m to 7.3m = 1.3 x £100, plus increased thickness -434,000
and specification generally, say £150/m, lighting say £50/m = £330 + 20% = £396, say £400
ii) Access road to North of site for station access. This is the route from the new roundabout
at the access to the housing, through the housing to the area just to the north of the piazza
As we see it, this is an estate road, and the only increase should be increased width
and construction between an estate road and a primary road
Cost of increased width from 6m to 7.3m = 1.3 x £100, plus increased thickness -560,000
and specification generally, say £150/m, lighting say £50/m = £330 + 20% = £396, say £400
£1,800-£400=£1400. This is for all areas through the housing, but not the length to the top
of the lake through the green belt, which is 180m, therefore deduct 400m
iii) Primary split carriageway. Only measures 60m, not 70m -22,000
iv) Emergency grasscrete to north of lake and Kybes lane. Please show where this is, as it is not -132,000
apparent. Cannot understand the requirement as there are roads to these areas
This is not part of this infrastructure work
v) Road serving school. Need clarification that this is an infrastructure cost. It is clearly -171,500
measureable from Longwater avenue and is correct quantity/rate. This is also an estate road
so we assume a 50/50 split
vi) Leisure route to perimeter of lake. A footpath is already measured in lake section, therefore -212,500
we would assume this to be a duplication
vii) Footpath/cycleway network. Quantities seem very high. I can understand the 580m through the -24,000
housing and say 300m as the site primary road quantity. Say -200m
viii) Culvert crossing water course. Do not understand this item, assume all culverts in bridge -60,000
link section
ix) Allowance for works in connection with SUDS. You have allowed for drainage in the primary -150,000
roads as above, so we assume a 50/50 split between infrastructure and plot
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
4 Landscaping Roads
I) Assume
3m grass verge x £6 36
2m Ground cover x £25 100
1 x semi mature tree/10m x £800 160
296 /m
Prelims/risk etc *20% 59
If these trees were to be put in as extra heavy standard then the costs would be nearer
£250/tree and reduce the cost/m by £150
ii) The residential estate area (580m) does not appear to have the same width and would assume -72,500
omission of the ground cover
iii) Site boundary works. The site boundaries are well planted at present, so we would assume a -270,000
minimal allowance for landscaping of £75/m
iv) To water feature perimeter. Allowances have already been made for the soft edge to the lake -539,750
so assume as above at £175/m, so -£425
vii) Kybes lane junction should be covered by Smallmead road costs -20,000
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
5 Site Utilities
Primary distribution of services. Could we please have your rate build up.
Cost Analysis ofadb
Client: Bucknell Bros
Project: Green Park Phase 3
£ p
6 Other Allowances
I) Allowance for boundary and retaining walls. Should not be required due to levelling site
but may be prudent to keep in
ii) Piazza area hard paving. Area is only 2,100m2, so deduct 2,100m2 -210,000
iii) Retail hub area parking. This is not an infrastructure cost -60,000
v) CCTV. Assume that this is only to the non housing areas. Not generally infrastructure in a -175,000
residential development