In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) deemed the respondent’s appeal withdrawn in light of a motion stating that he desired to be removed from the country but wished the Board to adjudicate his appeal, and that his motion should be construed as a motion to withdraw if his request could not be accommodated. The decision was written by Member Neil Miller.
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In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) deemed the respondent’s appeal withdrawn in light of a motion stating that he desired to be removed from the country but wished the Board to adjudicate his appeal, and that his motion should be construed as a motion to withdraw if his request could not be accommodated. The decision was written by Member Neil Miller.
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In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) deemed the respondent’s appeal withdrawn in light of a motion stating that he desired to be removed from the country but wished the Board to adjudicate his appeal, and that his motion should be construed as a motion to withdraw if his request could not be accommodated. The decision was written by Member Neil Miller.
Looking for IRAC’s Index of Unpublished BIA Decisions? Visit
In this unpublished decision, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) deemed the respondent’s appeal withdrawn in light of a motion stating that he desired to be removed from the country but wished the Board to adjudicate his appeal, and that his motion should be construed as a motion to withdraw if his request could not be accommodated. The decision was written by Member Neil Miller.
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388 Pompton Avenue, Suite 8 Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 Name: CRIMI, WALTER U.S. Department of Justice Executive Ofce fr Immigration Review Board of Immigration Appeals Ofce of the Clerk 5107 leesb11rg Pike, S111re 2000 Falls Church, Virginia 20530 USICE/DHS Litigation/ULS P.O Box 639 Glenham, NY 12527 A 095-34-965 Date of this notice: 6/27/2014 Enclosed is a copy of the Board's decision and order in the above-referenced case. Enclosure Panel Members: Miller, Neil P. Sincerely, DO c t Donna Carr Chief Clerk yungc Userteam: Docket For more unpublished BIA decisions, visit I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t Cite as: Walter Crimi, A095 434 965 (BIA June 27, 2014) CRIMI, WALTER 12 R 1790/A095-34-965 112 SCOTCH SETTLEMENT ROAD GOVERNEUR, NY 13642 Name: CRIMI, WALTER U.S. Department of Justice Executive Offce fr Immigration Review Board of Immigration Appeals Ofce of the Clerk 5107 leesburg Pike, Suite 2000 Fals Ch11rch, Vrginia 20530 USICE/DHS Litigation/ULS P.O Box 639 Glenham, NY 12527 A 095-34-965 Date of this notice: 6/27/2014 Enclosed is a copy of the Board's decision in the above-refrenced case. This copy is being provided to you as a courtesy. Your attorey or representative has been served with this decision pursuant to 8 C.F.R. 1292.S(a). If the attached decision orders that you be removed fom the United States or afrms an Immigration Judge's decision ordering that you be removed, any petition fr review of the attached decision must be fled with and received by the appropriate court of appeals within 30 days of the date of the decision. Enclosure Panel Members: Miller, Neil P. Sincerely, DO c t Donna Carr Chief Clerk yungc Useream: Docket I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t Cite as: Walter Crimi, A095 434 965 (BIA June 27, 2014)
U.S. Deparent of Justice Executive Ofce fr Immigration Review Decision of the Boad of Immigation Appeals Falls Church, Virginia 20530 File: A095 434 965 - Napanoch, NY In re: WALTER CRIMI a.k.a. Walter Crimi Baiata IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS APPEAL AND MOTION Date: ON BEHALF OF RESPONDENT: Simone Bertollini, Esquire ORDER: JUN 2 7 2014 The respondent fled a appeal fom the Immigration Judge's decision dated April 23, 2014. The respondent has now fled a motion stating that he seeks to be removed to Italy but at the sae time seeks to continue with hs appeal to the Board. The respondent further states that if his request canot be accommodated, his fling is to be consted as a fral request to withdraw his appeal. The Deparment of Homeland Security ha not fled a reply. We decline to issue a advisory opinion addressing whether the respondent may pursue his appeal fllowing removal. However, we will construe the respondent's motion as a withdrawal of his appeal, in accordance with his alterative request. 1 When an appeal is withdrawn, the initial decision of the Immigation Judge is fnal to the same extent as though no appeal had been taken. See 8 C.F.R. I 003.4. Since there is nothing now pending befre this Board, the record is reted to the Immigration Cour without fther action. FOR THE BOARD 1 If this is not the respondent's intent, he should notif the Board immediately. I m m i g r a n t
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w w w . i r a c . n e t Cite as: Walter Crimi, A095 434 965 (BIA June 27, 2014)