CESC Dhariwal 300 MW - Chandrapur

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Dhariwal Infrastructures Limited

Project Status of 2 X 300 MW, DIL TPP, Chandrapur

Site Location

Location Description
Nearest Town
Chandrapur district is located in the eastern edge of Maharashtra in Nagpur division and
forms the eastern part of Vidarbha region. It is 140KM from Nagpur city. Is located
between 19.30 N to 20.45 N Latitude and 78.46E Longitude.
Nearest Commercial Airport Dr. B. R. Ambedkar International Airport, Nagpur. (140KM from project site)
Nearest Port Mumbai port is around 900KM from project site.
Nearest Railway Station Tadali railway station of Warora branch. Situated in the main Delhi Chennai route.
Chandrapur is ideally located in central India(Nagpur Division), Comprehensively connected with the nation by rail, road and air.

WIND DIRECTION(dominant) North East

The temperature of Chandrapur crosses 49 c in the month of
May. In severe heat conditions, the temperature is among the
highest temperatures in the South Asian region.
Chandrapur receives moderate rainfall of 1427 mm annual
Temperature during the season goes down up to average
temperature of 14 c.

Our Chandrapur City
Chandrapur formerly known as Chanda is a city situated in eastern Maharashtra
state, Central India. The city is situated on the bank of Wardha river. Chandrapur
was the capital of the Gond dynasty from the 12th to the 18th century and was
later conquered by the Maratha Bhosles from Nagpur. It formed part of the British
Central Provinces from 1854 until Indian independence in 1947.

Owing to the geographical location and physical features, the climate of the
can be classified as tropical hot climate with high range of temperature through
out of year. The monsoon season starts immediately after summer till late

Project Background

DIL Chandrapur, 2X300 MW a coal based thermal power plant, located in state of
Maharashtra is a part of CESCs new initiative group. With this unit, CESC limited has
forayed into power sector outside the state of west Bengal.

CESCs new initiative group bought 100% stakes of the 2 X 300 MW Dhariwal
infrastructure ltd. from the Dhariwal group, and subsequently started development of
this project. Construction work started at site just after the declaration of zero date of
project (2nd August10).

The product for the market to be offered by DIL, Chandrapur is Electricity. DIL,
Chandrapur, has connectivity through both the available transmission utilities in the
region, MSETCL (Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Company limited) and the
central transmission utility Power Grid Corporation limited (PGCIL), Electricity, one of
the main factors for infrastructural growth in any country, is being evacuated partly
through State transmission utility and
partly through central transmission utility, thus making DIL, Chandrapur available even
for the customers at far corners of the country.

Project Status

Currently first unit of DIL, Chandrapur of 300 MW capacity, is generating 280 MW of
power for Tata Power Ltd and supplying uninterrupted through state transmission utility
(MSETCL). Whereas second has commissioned and expected to start commercial
operation from June 14. Project is going through execution phase.

Balance of Plant For BOP EPC contractor M/s Punjlloyd is deployed and has played
role quite effectively, so far Major portion of the job has been completed.

Outside main plant boundary The Right of Way has been one of the most critical
package for our execution team at DIL, Chandrapur as it involved liaison and
involvement of the local villagers. The enthusiastic support of villagers made us in
bringing the project in time.

The plant is now ready for commercial supply of power.

Project Capacity & Technology used

Project Capacity : Total installed capacity of the plant is 600 MW comprising of two
Units of 300 MW each of SEC make.
Technology used Two Units of Turbines of 300MW, subcritical, Three stage
expansion (HP, IP & LP) double extraction, impulse-reactionary turbine, 3000r/min
turbine with water-cooled condenser & steam parameters as 16.7MPa / 538 / 538
are installed.
Pulverized coal boiler of 1014 TPH capacity with six roller pulveriser of 59.8 TPH.
Hydrogen cooed Generator for improved electrical performance. 400 KV switchyard.
Whereas for BOP (Balance of Plant) EPC contractor M/s Punjlloyd has been deployed.
Process technology used is the same as what our Indian supplier follows for pulverized
coal fired boiler in INDIA.

1. M/s Shanghai Electrics in time delivery of material which is one of the major
advantage in timely execution of project.
2. Being a Multinational company they maintain Quality standards as per
international quality standards/practices.

Technology Used

Boiler & Auxiliaries
Natural Circulation, Subcritical Pressure, Single Drum and Single Reheat.
Boiler Max. Continuous Rating (BMCR) : 1014 TPH
Superheater outlet steam Pressure : 17.5 Mpa (g)
Superheater outlet steam temperature : 541 deg C
Reheat Steam flow : 817 TPH
ECO inlet feed water temperature : 279 deg C
Mills : 06 Nos / Boiler (N+2); 64.21 TPH Capacity
PA Fan : 02 Nos axial flow / Boiler (2 X 60%); 58.8 CuM/Sec.
FD Fan : 02 Nos axial flow / Boiler (2 X 60%); 94.6 CuM/Sec.
ID Fan : 02 Nos double suction centrifugal type / Boiler (2 X 60%); 253.2 CuM/Sec.


Type : Double pass; eight (08) electric fields.
Flue gas flow : 217.5 CuM/sec/set.
Outlet duct concentration : <50 mg / Nm3.
Efficiency (n field in service) : 99.97%

Technology Used - Continue

Turbine, Generator & Auxiliaries
Type: Tandem compound, two cylinder, axial flow, double flow, condensing.
Rated Power (TMCR) : 300 MW
Steam inlet pressure : 16.67 MPa.
Steam inlet temperature : 538 deg C.
Steam flow : 910.9 TPH
Condenser Pressure : 76 mm Hg
Frequency Range : 47.5 Hz 51.5 Hz

Rated Output : 353 MVA / 300 MW
Rated Voltage : 20 kV.
Rated Current : 10189 A
Power Factor : 0.85 (Lagging)
Speed : 3000 rpm.
Exciter method : Static excitation method
Cooling : Water & Hydrogen

Technology Used - Continue

Boiler Turbine - Generator
Execution & supply Agencies
Shanghai Electric Corporation, China


Shanghai Electric Corporation, China

EPC Contractor

Punj Lloyd Limited


Power mech limited

Engineering Consultant

M/s Lamayer International

Local Culture / USP of site

Socio Economy Development at Chandrapur (20 km radius of MIDC) is not so sound as
compared to the western part of Maharashtra. The major population is agriculture
dependent and the major crop is Cotton. The irregular rainfall leads to the poor quality
of agriculture product. The literacy rate at Chandrapur is as low as 53% and the
employment rate is around 59%.

Setting up a power plant in Chandrapur provides the job opportunity direct and indirect
to the locales and around 70% of the local are employed through various agencies.
Management has decided to give preference to local people primarily from adjacent
villages providing employment to skilled, semi skilled and unskilled jobs subject to their
experience, qualification and ability according to the requirement of the plant. Thus
thousands of population including their family members are being benefited directly.

With construction of 150 acre manmade water reservoir near Yerur village for using
water during lean season. It will increase the water table of nearby villages making more
water available for the farmers, which will eventually result in increase in cultivation and
directly improving the economic condition of the family. There are more than 30,000
plants already planted in and around the plant premises. Thousands more are proposed
to be planted by next year. It will help in reducing the pollution of environment and also
will attract more rain to this region. And with Rain Water Harvesting & Water Shed
Project proposal in pipeline we will be able to conserve as well as increase ground
water. The Chandrapur city is surrounded by jungles which provides healthy
environment and also keeps the temperature under control.

Local Culture / USP of site

Location Advantages:

Dhariwal Infrastructure Limited comes under Maharashtra Industrial Development
Corporation (MIDC) jurisdiction and the corporation provides the basic amenities
required to develop initial setup for any company. The construction power for running of
the site is at very small distance ie. at 5 KM.

The site is having an advantage of transporting the over weighted and heighted material
through Road as the site is adjacent to National Highway.

The site is 12 KM from the city of Chandrapur, where good schools, Hospitals and other
basic amenities are easily available for our employees.

Water requirement to fulfill the plant requirement is taken from Wardha River and also
the Irrigation Department given us the permission to lift up the water throughout the year
@ 19.26 million cubic metre for running the 2 X 300 MW unit.

For distribution of power generation to the grid we are having two distribution point one
is having a distance of 10 KM and other is having a distance of 16 KM from site.

Coal is easily available through various Govt. Coal mines in and around Chandrapur
and also through bidding (e Auction). We have a coal linkage with SECL. The take off
point through rail is about 6 KM from the site.

"Commitment of SuStainability" - Inherent Value of DIL

Dhariwal Infrastructure Limited undertakes its activity with a growing vocation of
sustainability and commitment to all of its stakeholders. This commitment, contained
within Commitment with sustainability is a value inherent in the company and supported
by the companys business strategy, forms part of its company culture and supports the
principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. Moving Forward DIL strive to create
significant beneficial impact on the inhabitants of surrounding villages by providing
employment, communication, education and other social benefits in regional
environment. To support its CSR activities, DIL took the initiatives to educate the local
villagers and help them to make them selves self employed. The Program supports the
existing govt. education system. This initiative of imparting education, targets the
students who are deprived of educational resources. and to create interest in academy.
The program caters different categories of kids along with their parents towards the
awareness of education. It and also includes mobile Library for Kids & Adults. To
encourage the youth for self employment in the surroundings areas, several skill
development program and SHG program is running. This will bring sustainable &
inclusive growth in village economy to alleviate poverty.

"CSR aCtivitieS in Dil

Govt. of India has been promoting sanitation progress in campaigning more to ensure
better health and quality of life for people in rural India. To add vigour to its
implementation GOI launched an award based incentive for fully sanitized and open
defecation free Gram Panchayat , Blocks, Districts & States called Nirmal Gram
Puraskar. DIL as a part of proactive strive to promote the community and health
development in the area around. The key focus today is to improve the local hygiene &
sanitation practices by construction of rural household toilets and water tanks across the
surrounding communities of the villages around the factory. One of the most significant
indicators of a social progress is education, which also plays a decisive role for the
society to achieve self-sustainable and equal development. As an integral part of CSR
practices, DIL in a noble way has started an innovative education approach to check
school drop outs and to mobilize parents & students to continue education. As a part of
its CSR activities, DIL has took a 3 years CSR project on "Agriculture Development
through Conservation / Harvesting of Rain Water and Dissemination of Technology for
Increasing Productivity of Main crops and Promotion of Vegetable cultivation" is set in
the affected villages viz. Yerur and Sonegaon those are adjoining to the DIL Company
and located along the intake water pipeline from river Wardha to Company in Tadali
MIDC, Chandrapur which is being implemented by an NGO "Global Alliance For
Sustainable Development".

"Other Commitment

100% Utilization of bi product of Power plant - Dhariwal Infrastructure Limited
undertakes the challenge to make the Chandrapur city an Environment Green City and
to fulfill its commitment DIL utilizes the 100% of its bi product (Fly Ash) by doing
agreement with Cement Industries viz: ACC Limited and Manikgarh Cement at
Chandrapur. Environmental sensitive targets are addressed as per the MoEF norms by
the company.

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