Is Australia Sinim

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The passage discusses the history of the Israelites and the division of the kingdom into Israel and Judah. It also explores the possibility that Australia represents the Biblical land of 'Sinim'.

The northern tribes objected to high taxes imposed by King Rehoboam of the tribe of Judah. This led to most of the tribes seceding and forming their own kingdom of Israel in Samaria while Judah remained in the south.

Australia's Latin name is similar to the Hebrew word for 'Sinim'. The passage also notes Australia's Israelite heritage, its support for Israel militarily and diplomatically, and that the Southern Cross on the original Australian flag included symbols representing the houses of Israel and Judah.

Is Australia Sinim?

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Is the Biblical Sinim Australia and New Zealand?

Isaiah 49:12: Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and
from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.

The Prophet Isaiah quoted above was referring to the return of a remnant of the
House of Israel which shall return to the land of Israel at some future time to
reunite with the House of Judah. According to the Prophets, in particular Zephaniah
and Zechariah, the House of Judah will return first, and then the House of Israel (or
a remnant of them) shall return after Judah first establishes the land.
For those unfamiliar with the history of the Hebrew people and the events which led
to their division into two kingdoms, and their prophesised reunion under Messiah
ben David, Ill attempt to provide an outline of their many millennia of history in a
few brief paragraphs.
The Hebrews are the descendants of Abraham through his son Isaac, and through
Isaacs son Jacob, who was renamed Israel. Israel had twelve sons who became the
patriarchs of the twelve tribes of Israel. These twelve tribes later became thirteen
when Israel gave his favourite son, Joseph, a double portion of his blessings by
making two of Josephs sons equal amongst the tribes.
After returning from enslavement in Egypt, the thirteen tribes lived together in the
land of Israel, and for many hundreds of years they lived under the rule and
guidance of various leaders from different tribes who were called the Judges of
Israel. A King of Israel was later appointed, Saul from Benjamin, and that kingship
later passed to the Tribe of Judah when David became King of Israel. David passed
on the kingship to his son Solomon, and Solomon passed it on to his son
Rehoboam wanted to increase taxes, and most of the other tribes objected as the
tribe of Judah ruled, and the others had no voice in the decision making process,
and they believed the taxation was excessive and burdensome. Rehoboam
responded to the Israels request for a reduction of the taxation and labour burden
with a threat of increased taxation and extra work burdens, to which the northern
tribes responded:
1 Kings 12:16 So when all Israel saw that the king hearkened not unto them, the
people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? neither have we
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inheritance in the son of Jesse: to your tents, O Israel: now see to thine own
house, David. So Israel departed unto their tents.
We can almost imagine members of the northern tribes walking through the streets
of Jerusalem carrying placards that read No Taxation without Representation.
It is also interesting to note that when Rehoboam, grandson of David and King of
Judah, gave his answer to the other tribes who were requesting a reduced tax
burden, he held up his little finger and told the other Israelites that they would
fatten his little finger till it was thicker than his fathers loins.
I am sure that if I was to travel to any of the lands to where the northern tribes
migrated, from the Finns to the French, from the Swiss to the Scots, from the
Netherlands to Norway, from Belgium to the Britons; and if I was to greet a perfect
stranger by holding high my little finger, his response would not be an idle curiosity
as to my intent, I would instead walk away with watering eyes and a bleeding nose
(perhaps proof of Carl Jungs theory of a collective, or tribal, subconscious).
Ten of the thirteen tribes seceded and formed their own kingdom which became
known as the House of Israel, or the House of Joseph, based in Samaria, which was
distinct to the southern kingdom of the House of Judah which remained in
The first King of Israel was Jeroboam, and he was concerned that his subjects
would rise up against him if they continued living according to Torah, which
required going to Jerusalem to keep the feasts. Jeroboam was concerned that his
subjects would be influenced by the Jews in Jerusalem to remove him and reunite
the two kingdoms under the rulership of the descendants of David in Jerusalem. He
therefore introduced a pagan religion to Israel and gave them two golden calves,
one in the north and one in the south of Israel, which he told them to worship.
The House of Israel continued in their pagan religion and paid no heed to warnings
from the Prophets that they would be exiled unless they returned to the Torah.
After more than two hundred years, Gods patience ran out and the House of Israel
was taken into exile by the Assyrians. They were taken in their millions and were
resettled around the northern and eastern borders of the Assyrian empire. Some
had fled Israel earlier and they went to the Israelite colonies in North Africa, Spain,
to join with the Jews in Jerusalem (particularly the Levites), and to the British Isles.
It is also highly likely that a larger group left the land of Israel voluntarily, and they
settled on the Russian Steppes to the north of the Black Sea. These were known as
the Saccae Scythians to the Greek, the Saka Scythians to the Persians, and the
Saxons to the Romans.
There were terrible wars between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah prior to the
expulsion of Israel; there would have been a great desire amongst the general
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population to distance themselves from their increasingly war-like Kings and to
return to a more ordered, peaceful life away from the strife. Israelites from both
houses would also have felt, I am sure, a natural revulsion to killing their kinsmen
in these dreadful wars, but unfortunately these inter-tribal wars have continued till
recent times.
The Israelite exiled subjects of the Assyrian Empire eventually overthrew their
Assyrian masters (with the Medes and others), and established their own kingdoms
which stretched from the Black Sea to northern India. After some time their subject
people rose up against the Hebrews and drove them out of Asia. They migrated
westward through the Caucus Mountains and, in their millions, flooded into Europe
where they settled till this day in Western and Northern Europe, the British Isles
and Ireland, usually alongside their brethren who had settled in these same
locations centuries earlier, after direct exile from Israel or the Mediterranean
Israelite colonies. From these locations they expanded into the New World.
The House of Israel is now where Isaiah and other prophets said they would be at
this time, to the North and West (north-west) of Israel, from Scandinavia through
to Ireland, and further westward to the North American continent. But where is this
land called Sinim which Isaiah referred to?
Sinim is a Hebrew word which means southern land. It does not refer to Egypt or
Africa, as some of the less reliable English translations of the Bible have
erroneously translated. The scholars who translated the Hebrew Bible into English
for the King James Version of the Bible, from 1604 to 1611, were puzzled by this
word Sinim and did not know what land it referred to as Australasia (Australia and
New Zealand) had not yet been discovered. To their credit, the translators of the
King James Bible retained the Hebrew word Sinim instead of replacing it with some
speculative imaginings.
An earlier translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin was undertaken by Jerome in
the 5
century, and he too was puzzled by this word Sinim. Jerome went to the
Rabbis for their guidance, and they told Jerome it meant a southern land which
was still not known. The Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible therefore renders
Sinim as terra australi, which is Latin for land in the south.
Isaiah 49:12 ecce isti de longe venient et ecce illi ab aquilone et mari et isti
de terra australi (Latin Vulgate Bible)
Long before the discovery of Australia and New Zealand, there was speculation that
a southern continent existed other than Africa and South America. Early maps of
the world showed a land mass located somewhere between the Indian, Pacific, and
Southern Oceans which was called Terra Australis Incognita (the Unknown
Southern Land). This land mass took shape over several centuries as Spanish,
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Portuguese and Dutch ships sighted it when their ships were blown off course on
their journeys to the Spice Islands. It was not until Captain James Cook R.N.
undertook a voyage of discovery in the South Pacific in 1770 that the islands of
New Zealand and the eastern coast of Australia were chartered and claimed by the
British Crown.

Typus Orbis Terrarum (Theatre of the World) Abraham Ortelius 1570
Cape York (north Queensland) on the bottom left, present day Darwin is on the bottom right.
While it is interesting that Australia is named after the Latin form of the Hebrew
word Sinim, this in itself is not sufficient proof that Australia is the Land of Sinim
mentioned in Isaiah 49, but this interesting coincidence should be borne in mind
while we look at the other proofs.
Australia and New Zealand, like the North American continent, were populated by a
mixture of people from the British Isles initially, and latter by migrants from other
European and other nations. Researchers have traced the migration of the Northern
Ten Tribes of Israel to Scandinavia, Western Europe and the British Isles, whose
descendants are now represented in Australia and New Zealand. The nations of
Australia and New Zealand, together with Britain, United States of America, and
Canada (the English speaking world) therefore qualify as the Israelite nations of
Joseph due to their ancestry and their prophetic fulfillment of the following
prophecies from:
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Deuteronomy 33:13-17 About Joseph he said (he being the great Moses): May
the LORD bless his land with the precious dew from heaven above and with the
deep waters that lie below; with the best the sun brings forth and the finest the
moon can yield; with the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the fruitfulness
of the everlasting hills; with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness and the
favour of him who dwelt in the burning bush.
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the prince among his
brothers. In majesty he is like a firstborn bull; his horns are the horns of a wild ox.
With them he will gore the nations, even those at the ends of the earth. Such
are the ten thousands of Ephraim; such are the thousands of Manasseh.
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and England are the company of nations (Genesis
35:11) promised to Ephraim, and the United States of America is the single great
nation promised to Mannesah. These nations are at the ends of the earth when
viewed from the land of Israel as the centre of the earth.
If Australia and New Zealand are therefore part of the Ephraimite company of
nations, and therefore the Biblical Sinim, we should look to the Bible for proofs
which show that Australia and New Zealand satisfy the requirements and fulfil the
prophecies and the blessings which pertain to the House of Israel in general, and
Ephraim in particular. The blessings which were promised include a vast number of
people, military might, naval power, i.e., rules the waves, key strategic locations
gates of our enemies, the best lands, and mineral and agricultural plenty.
Australia and New Zealand are certainly in the best locations, they are food
exporting nations, and the mineral wealth in Australia is such that this nation was
not impacted by the recent global financial crisis, in fact their economy continued to
surge ahead while the world generally was badly affected. Australia and New
Zealand are not major military powers but they do punch above their weight and
very quickly earn the respect of their enemy, whoever and wherever they may be.
Australia is also a nation whose initial population was largely made up by freed
convicts, most of whom took up farm land, gave birth to large families, and
prospered in their new environment (Isaiah 61:1).
If we are to look for definite proof that Australia and New Zealand are part of the
Ephraimite company of nations, we should look to the Bible for passages which
predict the role and relationship between Ephraim and Judah in particular, and the
role of Judah in relation to the northern tribes in general.
The Tribe of Judah was promised that the Sceptre of Judah will not depart, which
means that the High King of all Israel, the King of Kings, will be from the Tribe of
Judah. David was also promised that his seed will always rule over the House of
Israel which certainly was the case as the Saka Scythians and the Parthian Empires,
the two major federations of the exiled Israelites, were ruled over by descendants
of David. It is likely that this situation continued following their migration into north
and west Europe.
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In Australia, the first governor was Captain Arthur Phillip R.N. Phillip came out from
England with the first fleet, eleven ships carrying English prisoners and their
Royal Marine guards. Arthur Phillip and his fleet were the first Europeans to land in
Australia since Cooks earlier exploration, so very little was known about their new
country. Phillip found that the site chosen for the settlement, Botany Bay, was
inadequate for their needs, and sent an exploration party to find a better location,
which resulted in the discovery of Sydney Harbour where the first colony was
established. Phillip acted quickly to ensure that the indigenous population, the
Australian Aboriginals, were protected by British justice. He decreed that any settler
who killed an aborigine would be hung, and also that there would be no slavery in
this new colony.

Arthur Phillip in 1786
Phillip demonstrated his personal commitment to his vision of equal justice for all
Australians, be they settler or original inhabitants. On one occasion he led an
exploration party to the northern entrance to Sydney harbour and they landed their
boat on the harbour-side beach in the area now called Manly. There they were met
by a party of hostile natives, one of whom threw a spear at Phillip which lodged in
his shoulder. Phillips Royal Marine guard, probably in fear for their lives, raised
their muskets to fire on these hostile natives but Phillip, with the spear still lodged
in his shoulder, ordered his men not to fire. He then sent his guard to capture his
assailant and bring him back. This man was caught and brought back to face Phillip,
and Phillip excused him for his hostile actions and they parted company on friendly
All Australians have much to thank Phillip for. Apart from choosing the most
beautiful location for the new settlement, now the City of Sydney, he ensured that
equal justice applied to all Australians, and that slavery would never be introduced
to Australia.
Captain Arthur Phillip R.N. (later Vice Admiral and Admiral of the Blue on his
retirement) was the son of a German Jew, a son of Judah.
In 1901 all the Australian colonies joined together to form a federation, the
Commonwealth of Australia, with a national bicameral parliament. The British
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Crown was represented through an office called the Governor General, and the first
Governors General were appointed by the Crown in Britain. The Australian subjects
felt that they should have an Australian born head of state (though the office is
largely symbolic) and the Royal Family in Britain agreed. The first Australian born
head of state was a noted politician, former Premier of the State of Victoria, and a
highly regarded lawyer from Melbourne, Sir Isaac Isaacs.
Therefore the first Governor of the Colony of New South Wales, as Australia was
initially known, then the first Australian born Governor General, were both sons of

Sir Isaac Isaacs as a judge of the High Court of Australia, and as Governor General of
Another notable Australia leader was Australias most successful and revered
soldier, General Sir John Monash. Monash grew up in rural New South Wales and
the suburbs of Melbourne, and studied engineering at Melbourne University. While
at Melbourne University, Monash joined the Universitys reserve army (artillery)
When the first world war broke out, Monash became a full time soldier and served
with distinction as a junior officer at Gallipoli, then he served in France and Belgium
where he again served with great distinction and received due promotions. Monash
quickly became the chief of the Australian and New Zealand Army (ANZACs,
Australia and New Zealand Army Corp). His battlefield successes were noted by the
British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, and Lloyd George placed the Canadian
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Army under Monashs command, then he commenced placing various British Army
divisions under Monashs command.
This caused a great upset amongst the British Army as they objected to serving
under a Reserve officer, an Australian, and a Jew. Lloyd George was about to
appoint Monash as the supreme allied commander, then the Americans joined the
war and the Germans quickly capitulated.

General Sir John Monash in France, and as a successful businessman in Melbourne after
World War 1.
Monash was successful as he abhorred the slaughter of men in trench warfare. The
prevailing means of carrying out warfare was one side would charge over no-mans
land, and if a sufficient number survived that hostile exposure to reach the enemys
trench line, vicious hand to hand combat would begin until one side or the other
prevailed. Should the aggressive side be successful and capture the enemys
trenches, their victory would be short-lived as their enemy already had the precise
co-ordinates of their former trench lines, so the victors would immediately come
under a punishing artillery barrage followed by an enemy counter attack.
Hundreds of thousands of men were killed in these horrific trenches, so the war
degenerated into a war of attrition, where the victor would have been the side
which was able to take the greatest losses of men, but still be able to call up
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Monash applied his engineering skills, and took advantage of the latest technology -
tanks and airplanes, to change the style in which war was to be pursued. He spent
long hours at night poring over maps and making precise calculations and would
initiate an attack only when all details had been planned in meticulous detail before
the action commenced.
Monash developed a style of war which he called rolling war. When he sent his
army in to battle, they had the extra power of army tanks and airplanes to provide
additional support to his soldiers. When he took the enemys trenches, he didnt
stop, the victorious army would continue on for seven miles till they also took out
the enemys artillery. Monash took the war right up to the German border, and was
making plans for the advancement through Germany when the Germans
It is unfortunate that the British Army did not learn from this Australian Jewish
commander and his methods. At the beginning of the Second World War, the British
Expeditionary Force in France, which was preparing itself for another round of
trench warfare, came under German blitzkrieg (lightning war) attack and quickly
had to retreat to Dunkirk. The German Army had learnt the lessons this Australian
Jew had taught, the British Army unfortunately did not learn.
Monash died in 1931, and his funeral procession was estimated to number 250,000
mourners, most of whom were the Aussie Diggers who served under his
command and who held him in the highest respect.
Here I have mentioned just three sons of Judah who have contributed greatly in
leadership roles to Australia, and whose legacy is to be revered. There are most
likely hundreds if not thousands of Australian Jews who could be listed as leaders in
politics, medicine, academia, military, sciences, business, trade unions,
engineering, philanthropy, the arts etc., but I hope that I have established that
Judah has a history of leadership roles in Australia, which would indicate a presence
of a portion of the House of Israel in this nation, which would strengthen our
understanding that Australia and New Zealand together are the nation called Sinim
by the Prophet Isaiah.
Positive proof however would come if Australia and New Zealand met the Biblical
requirements which defined the role and relationship between Ephraim and Judah,
and this relationship is succinctly defined in the Book of Psalms:
Psalm 60:7 Gilead [is] mine, and Manasseh [is] mine; Ephraim also [is] the
strength of mine head; Judah [is] my lawgiver.
The term strength of mine head refers to a helmet, or a shield to Judah in the
land of Israel. The implication is that Ephraim will provide military force, a shield or
helmet, to protect Judah. Has Australia and New Zealand met this requirement?
The ANZACs have on three occasions met this requirement and have protected
Judah in the land of Israel.
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In the First World War, the ANZACs came to the assistance of Judah as the ANZACs
were instrumental in defeating the Moslem Caliphate which controlled the mid-east.
The Turkish Army, together with German and Austrian troops, controlled the Holy
Land, and they maintained a defensive line from Gaza to the Judean hills.
The British, ANZAC and Indian Armies under General Murray advanced from Egypt
through the Sinai and along the Mediterranean coast road towards Gaza, but
Murray failed on two occasions to take Gaza with his 50,000 strong army. In some
respects, history was replaying as another force of 50,000 Ephraimites had
attempted to take Gaza thirty years before Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.
These Ephraimites had misjudged the time of their redemption and they left Egypt
via the coast road heading for the Promised Land, but the Philistines in Gaza
slaughtered them and left their bodies unburied as a warning to anyone else who
would attempt to take Gaza from the south. There is some speculation that Moses
took the Israelites via the Sinai Desert alongside the Red Sea otherwise they would
have become discouraged at the sight of their countrymens sun bleached bones
lying along their path if they also took the direct route home.
General Murray could not take Gaza, though the mounted Australian soldiers did
penetrate the Turkish defences and reached the centre of Gaza on Murrays first
attempt. Given the confusion of that battle, and the approaching night-fall, Murray
ordered a retreat. General Murray was replaced by General Allenby who brought a
new approach to the war in the mid-east.
Allenby decided to avoid Gaza and to break the Turkish line of defence further to
the east, so he decided to take Beersheba. Beersheba was a heavily fortified town
which was defended by 4,500 Turkish troops with Austrian and German officers,
surrounded by well prepared trenches, artillery and machine gun emplacements. To
one side was a fortified raised earth location called Tel el Saba which gave the
Turkish defenders a clear line of sight over the rocky plains to the south of
Beersheba, and from which they could bring accurate and deadly fire upon any
army that approached from that direction.
Allenby ordered the New Zealand infantry to take Tel el Saba before the main
attack on Beersheba, and the New Zealanders succeeded though at a heavy price in
lives lost, and after a lengthy battle that lasted a full day. It was now late in the
day, and Allenby was looking at defeat as Beersheba had to be taken that day as
his army had trekked for three days over the Sinai and they were in desperate need
of water. If they were forced to retreat, the mounted horsemen would have lost
their horses before they returned to a watered location.
The Australian commander, General Sir Harry Chauvel, a Queenslander of French-
Huguenot descent, ordered the Australian 4
Light Horse Brigade to take the town,
and soon after these 800 mounted infantry troops were lined up ready to advance.
They had to proceed over six kilometres of rocky plains in full view of the Turkish
defenders, by any definition a suicide attack with no hope of success.
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The Turks and their German officers were familiar with the way these Australian
Light Horse troopers fought; they usually advanced some distance on their horses
then dismounted to fight on foot. The Turks held their artillery fire waiting for the
troopers to dismount, but they kept on coming. The order to fire was given to the
defenders artillery, but the Australians kept on advancing at great speed, so it
became difficult for the artillery to keep up with their advance. Soon the troopers
were under the guns (too close for effective artillery fire) and they kept advancing
at great speed.
The Turkish defenders then started firing on them with rifle and machine gun, but
they too couldnt keep adjusting their guns sights as the Australians continued to
advance at great speed, which left the Turkish fire largely ineffective.
The mounted troopers were soon jumping over the trenches and fierce hand to
hand combat began in the trenches which saw victory for the Australians. They
continued on into the town centre and secured the all important wells.

The Charge at Beersheba
It is interesting to reflect on the address the Army Chaplain gave to the ANZACs the
night prior to the battle, he read from Deuteronomy 20:
When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and
chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God
is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall
approach and speak unto the people,

And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against
your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye
terrified because of them;
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For the LORD your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your
enemies, to save you.
With the Turkish defensive line from Gaza to the Judean Hills broken, Gaza soon fell
to the British and the advance on Jerusalem began. In 1918 the Australians
captured Damascus, halted the Turkish Armys retreat in Lebanon, and Turkey
withdrew from the war.
The charge at Beersheba is called the last great cavalry charge in history, even
though the Australian troopers were mounted infantry, not cavalry troops. God had
used the youngest nation in the world, Australia, to make a major contribution to
the oldest nation, the Jews in Israel. Australia, as part of the Ephraimite group of
nations, had indeed been a shield for Judah.
Is it just coincidence, or was the hand of God at work as the British War Cabinet
agreed to the Balfour Declaration at the very moment when, thousands of miles
away, the Australians commenced their fateful charge at Beersheba?
One final footnote on the Australian Light Horseman and their involvement with the
Sons of Judah; The British Army officer, Orde Wingate, who was a committed
Christian Zionist who trained the Jewish Haganah paramilitary force which formed
the nucleus of the IDF, recruited many Australian Army officers as trainers. One of
the graduates of the Haganah who went on to serve as a distinguished officer in the
IDF, Moshe Dayan, had a plumed slouch hat of the Australian Light Horsemen, a
gift from his training officer, amongst his prized personal possessions.
At the beginning of the Second World War, the ANZACs were deployed to Israel (or
Palestine, as it was known in those days) after their campaigns in Greece, Crete,
and North Africa and their next significant battle was again in Syria and Lebanon;
they had to follow their fathers road to Damascus for a second time.

Australian ski-troops training in Lebanon 1942
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After France fell to the German Army, the southern French (Vichy France) allied
themselves with the Germans, and they controlled Syria and Lebanon. The Free
French Army, under General Charles de Gaulle, attempted to secure Syria for the
Allied war effort, but he could not succeed as the Vichy French, together with the
French Foreign Legion, were staunchly allied with the Nazis. Syria and Lebanon
therefore had to be taken by force, and the British, ANZAC, Free French, and Indian
armies had to fight their way to Damascus, and travel the same roads their fathers
had taken in the previous world war.
It was during this campaign that some of the Haganah also fought alongside the
allies, and it was here that the aforementioned Moshe Dayan lost the sight in one
eye; he was using binoculars which were struck by a Vichy bullet, the shrapnel
penetrated his eye.
Syria fell to the Allies, so the northern border of Israel was secured from a northern
attack. German aircraft were previously using Syria, while it was under Vichy
control, as a refuelling point for their aircraft flying from Berlin via Greece to
Tehran; it was quite possible for them to bring a sizeable army into Syria to open
up a new front in the war, and to threaten the British control of Iraq (Mesopotamia)
with possible support from the Nazis ideological allies in Iran.
During the Second World War, Nazi General Erwin Rommel was advancing rapidly
across North Africa, and he was expecting to defeat the British army in Egypt
without any major problems. If Egypt fell to Rommel the German Army would have
quickly taken Israel from the south, and Hitler already had two divisions of Moslem
Waffen-SS murderers waiting in the Balkans to move to Israel to set up death
camps there.

Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, meeting with Hitler 1941 and reviewing his
Bosnian Moslem SS troops in 1943
British P.M. Churchill appointed Field Marshal Montgomery to take command of the
allied British and ANZAC forces in North Africa, and Montgomery was not about to
lose this fight. Montgomery had served under Monash in the First World War, from
whom he learned to pay great attention to detailed war plans, so he knew when,
where and how Rommel would launch his offensive so the allied powers were ready
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(Montgomery named Monash as the greatest General he had ever known in his
In October 1942 British and ANZAC forces launched their offensive at El Alamein
and Rommels previously invincible Afrika Korps forces were forced to retreat back
to Libya and they were pursued across North Africa till they surrendered in Tunisia
in 1943. Hitlers plans of taking the mid-east lay shattered, there were no death
camps established in Israel, and Rommel left his Afrika Korps to their fate and
returned to Germany.
Once again, Australian and New Zealand forces had helped provide a helmet for
The last time Australia came to defend Israel was in the second Gulf War. During
the first Gulf War, Saddam Hussein launched a scud missile attack on Israel with
the intention of drawing Israel, and then the other Arab nations, into the fight.
America pleaded with Israel not to get involved, even though Judah was coming
under daily attack from these missiles, and the fear of a chemical attack was very
real. Israel reluctantly complied with the American request and did not retaliate
against Iraq, though their leadership made it very clear that they would not hold
back their military should this event occur again in the future.
The problem arose again during the second Gulf War. The planners had to
neutralise Saddam Husseins ability to launch an attack on Israel, either by air or
missiles, otherwise the campaign in Iraq would have engulfed the entire mid-east if
the Israeli military got involved. As the American and British armies advanced
towards Baghdad from the east, the world watched and wondered why Saddam
Hussein had not commenced a scud missile or air attack on Israel.

Australian SAS Regiment on patrol, Iraq 2003
An American television news reporter who was based in Baghdad found the answer
to this question. He was covering the war from Baghdad, and his employers asked
him to leave Baghdad and head for safety in Jordan before the war reached
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Baghdad. With a group of other western journalists and others who sought to flee
to Jordan, they took a bus out of Baghdad and were surprised to find that they had
to pass through a road block on Baghdads western perimeter which was manned
by some unidentified allied forces.
He asked them, where are you guys from? and the soldier who was checking his
credentials smiled and responded with his own question would you have a cold
beer in your luggage mate?
The Australian army special forces had injected themselves into western Iraq and
took control of western Iraq from the outset of the campaign. They had located and
destroyed Iraqs scud missile launchers, and located and destroyed (with US Special
Forces assistance) Iraqs air force which had been secreted away in Iraqs western
deserts. Australia again had truly been a helmet for Judah.
On the diplomatic front, Australia supported the rebirth of the nation of Israel
through the United Nations. It was an Australian President of the United Nations
General Assembly in 1948, Dr. Herbert Evatt, who introduced the proposal for the
creation of the state of Israel to the U.N. General Assembly, and Australia was the
first nation to vote for the establishment of the reborn nation of Israel.
There is ample proof that Australia and New Zealand is the nation Isaiah referred to
as Sinim. Not only is Australia the Latin form of the Hebrew word Sinim, it is
peopled by various Israelite tribes, predominately Ephraim; it has a record of
leadership at various times from sons of Judah; and a record of military and
diplomatic assistance to the Jews in Israel according to Psalm 60.
As further proof, we can look at the original Australian flag. In 1901 a competition
was held for a national flag for the newly formed Commonwealth of Australia. The
winning design was a blue ensign with the Union Jack in the upper left hand side,
and a six-pointed Federation star for the six states on the bottom left hand side,
with the Southern Cross, a constellation in the southern night sky, on the right
hand side.

Is Australia Sinim? Page 16

Here we had a symbolic combination of the House of Israel (the Union Jack, the
Union of Jacob) together with the Magen David, or the Star of David, representing
the House of Judah below in north-south alignment, both together under the
Southern Cross. Unfortunately the original design for Australian flag, chosen by a
popular vote, was changed some years later by a parliamentary committee without
reference to the public.
Australia and New Zealand is most definitely the Biblical Sinim.

Excerpt from the movie The Lighthorsemen showing the charge at Beersheba
Preparing for the attack:
Part 2 the charge:
Great Southern Land (dated video but timeless music by Iva Davies and Icehouse)
For information tracing the migration of the northern tribes to Europe and the new world, see:

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