Generating Aptamers For Recognition of Virus-Infected Cells:: The Development of Molecular Probes
Generating Aptamers For Recognition of Virus-Infected Cells:: The Development of Molecular Probes
Generating Aptamers For Recognition of Virus-Infected Cells:: The Development of Molecular Probes
813–822 (2009)
BACKGROUND: The development of molecular probes particles (1, 3, 7 ). As part of viral replication, assembly,
capable of recognizing virus-infected cells is essential to and release during this process, the cell surface is mod-
meet the serious clinical, therapeutic, and national- ified by the insertion of viral proteins (8 –10 ). These
security challenges confronting virology today. We re- cell surface alterations or markers provide virus-
port the development of DNA aptamers as probes for specific targets for the design of specific molecular
the selective targeting of virus-infected living cells. probes that can recognize and provide molecular sig-
METHODS: To create aptamer probes capable of recog- natures for virus-infected cells; however, because few
nizing virus-infected cells, we used cell-SELEX (sys- biomarkers are currently known and available for ef-
tematic evolution of ligands via exponential enrich- fective diagnosis of viral disease, the ability of investi-
ment), which uses intact infected live cells as targets for gators to target and study such viral proteins and in-
aptamer selection. In this study, vaccinia virus– fected cells has thus far been limited.
infected and – uninfected lung cancer A549 cells were Aptamers offer a promising technology for ad-
chosen to develop our model probes. dressing this deficiency. Aptamers are single-stranded
DNA (ssDNA)8 or/RNA oligonucleotides that can be se-
RESULTS: A panel of aptamers has been evolved by
lected to bind to a variety of target molecules, including
means of the infected cell–SELEX procedure. The re-
whole cells, large purified molecules such as proteins, and
sults demonstrate that the aptamers bind selectively to
small molecules such as ATP (11–13 ). After folding into a
vaccinia virus–infected A549 cells with apparent equi-
well-defined spatial conformation, aptamers are able to
librium dissociation constants in the nanomolar range.
specifically recognize their target molecules with high af-
In addition, these aptamers can specifically recognize a
finities (14 ). Specific aptamers are selected by an in vitro
variety of target infected cell lines. The aptamers’ target
selection process, termed SELEX (systematic evolution of
is most likely a viral protein located on the cell surface.
ligands via exponential enrichment). SELEX consists of
CONCLUSIONS: The success of developing a panel of a series of repeated enrichment cycles and counter-
DNA-aptamer probes capable of recognizing virus- selections based on competitive binding that ultimately
infected cells via a whole living cell–SELEX selection selects for a group of aptamers that will bind specifically to
strategy may increase our understanding of the molec- a given specific target (15, 16 ). Compared with the use of
ular signatures of infected cells. Our findings suggest antibodies in traditional probes, aptamers have advan-
that aptamers can be developed as molecular probes for tages for targeting virally infected cells, including stable
use as diagnostic and therapeutic reagents and for fa- performance, reproducible properties, low immunoge-
cilitating drug delivery against infected cells. nicity, high selectivity, strong affinity, and capabilities of
© 2009 American Association for Clinical Chemistry facile modification for further optimization (17, 18 ).
Most of all, aptamers can be used as a discovery tool to
analyze the molecular basis of a specific disease or infec-
Successful viral infection (1–7 ) involves (a) binding of tion process. Aptamers can be selected to recognize in-
the virus to the host cell surface, (b) receptor-mediated fected cells without prior knowledge of the new potential
entry, (c) uncoating of the virus particle, (d) produc- biomarkers after cells are infected; moreover, once the
tion of viral proteins and replication of the viral DNA, aptamers are selected, they can be used to detect these
and (e) virus assembly followed by release of new virus specific biomarkers, as we have demonstrated in our pre-
Departments of Chemistry, 2 Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, and 3 Phys- Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida College of Medicine,
iology and Functional Genomics, 4 Shands Cancer Center, 5 Center for Research Gainesville, FL 32610-0266. E-mail
at Bio/Nano Interface, 6 UF Genetics Institute, 7 McKnight Brain Institute, Received August 2, 2008; accepted February 3, 2009.
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Previously published online at DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2008.113514
† 8
Z. Tang and P. Parekh made equal contributions as first authors. Nonstandard abbreviations: ssDNA, single-stranded DNA; SELEX, systematic
* Address correspondence to these authors at: (W. Tan) 114 Leigh Hall, Depart- evolution of ligands via exponential enrichment; FBS, fetal bovine serum; GFP,
ment of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. Fax 352-846- green fluorescent protein; Kd, equilibrium dissociation constants.
2410; e-mail (R.W. Moyer) P.O. Box 100266, Department of
vious work with leukemia cell samples (19, 20 ). Such ben- man cervical adenocarcinoma), HCT 116 (human co-
efits have attracted much scientific attention, leading to lon cancer), and CaOV3 (human ovarian cancer) were
the conclusion that aptamers also hold great promise for obtained from the ATCC and cultured in MEM me-
the detection of virus-infected cells and for related bio- dium (Gibco/Invitrogen) supplemented with 100
assays required for early detection of infection and, in mL/L fetal bovine serum (FBS) (heat-inactivated;
the case of inhibitory aptamers, the treatment of dis- Gibco/Invitrogen) 30 mg/L penicillin, and 50 mg/L
ease (21–23 ). streptomycin (Cellgro/Mediatech). To initiate infec-
Conventional molecular probes are usually de- tions, we added virus to cells in culture media that did
signed to interact with simple entities, such as a puri- not contain FBS. Two vaccinia virus strains, WR and
fied proteins or small molecules. In practical biomedi- IHDJ, were used in this work. A recombinant of vac-
cal applications and studies, however, the targets are cinia virus WR that contained the gene for green fluo-
usually much more complex. Moreover, the target rescent protein (GFP) under the control of an early/late
molecule in many cases is unknown or difficult to iden- viral promoter was also used as indicated to facilitate
tify, which makes the development of biomarker the monitoring of viral infections. The wash buffer
probes with traditional technologies nearly impossible. contained 4.5 g/L glucose and 5 mmol/L MgCl2 in Dul-
Aptamer selection, on the other hand, allows research- becco PBS (Sigma–Aldrich). The binding buffer used
ers to evolve a molecular probe against unidentified or for selection was prepared by adding yeast tRNA (0.1
unknown targets by taking advantage of the unique g/L; Sigma–Aldrich), FBS (100 mL/L), and BSA (1 g/L;
repetitive competition, amplification, and counter- Fisher) into the wash buffer. These additions were de-
selection strategy noted above and described at length signed to reduce background binding. Trypsin was
later. This selection process produces molecular probes purchased from Fisher Biotech. The Taq polymerase
capable of recognizing unknown or complex targets, and deoxynucleoside triphosphates used in the PCR
such as membrane proteins of living cells, including were obtained from Takara.
receptors. For example, use of SELEX has recently led
to the development of unique probes that specifically VIRUS INFECTION
recognize blood cancer cells, red blood cell mem- The cells were split and cultured for 24 h before infec-
branes, and endothelial cells (24 –30 ). Therefore, com- tion. The virus was kept at ⫺80 °C in cell culture media
pared with current biomarker-probe technologies, the and freshly thawed before infection. After thawing and
cell-SELEX strategy offers unique advantages for devel- dilution in infection culture media lacking FBS, the
oping molecular probes with the specificities and sen- virus was sonicated for 1 min to disperse the viral par-
sitivities required to recognize the protein modifica- ticles. The cells were washed with the PBS buffer and
tions in infected cell membranes that occur during viral mixed with sonicated virus in infection culture media.
infection. Some groups have developed aptamers that The multiplicity-of-infection value was 4 in all infec-
target vaccinia and Mycobacterium tuberculosis tion experiments. Infected cells were then gently agi-
(31, 32 ); however, although these aptamers can specif- tated for 1 h to facilitate uniform adsorption of virus.
ically recognize the infectious agent, they cannot rec- After incubation, the virus inoculum was removed,
ognize infected cells (33–36 ). fresh culture media was added, and the infection was
We therefore developed a methodology for isolat- continued. After 12 h, the infected cells were washed
ing aptamers that can specifically recognize vaccinia with PBS buffer before starting the selection process.
virus–infected A549 cells, which we used as the model For monitoring of selection by flow cytometry, the cells
for intact infected cell–SELEX selection. Vaccinia virus, were washed 3 times with PBS and harvested by diges-
a member of Orthopoxvirus genus (6, 36 ), is closely re- tion with trypsin for 30 s to 1 min, after which the
lated to both monkeypox and variola (smallpox) vi- suspended cells were immediately incubated in cell cul-
ruses. It is true that any given pair of cells infected by ture media and swung slowly for 1 h at 37 °C to recover
the same virus may reflect only slight molecular differ- the cells.
ences. Nonetheless, we demonstrate the ability of our
aptamer-based probe not only to identify infected cells SELEX PRIMERS AND LIBRARY
but also to identify viral modifications of the cellular We used a Cy5-labeled 5⬘ primer (5⬘–Cy5–ATCGT
plasma membrane. CTGCT CCGTC CAATA–3⬘) and a biotinylated 3⬘
primer (5⬘– biotin–GCACG ACCTCA CACCA AA–3⬘)
Materials and Methods in the PCR. The SELEX library consisted of a central
randomized sequence of 45 nucleotides (N45) flanked
CELL LINES, VIRUSES, AND REAGENTS by 2, 18-nucleotide primer-hybridization sites (5⬘–
Cell lines A549 (human lung carcinoma), Hep 3B and ATCGT CTG CTC CGT CCA ATA–N45–TTT GGT
Hep G2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma), HeLa (hu- GTG AGG TCG TGC–3⬘). To eliminate the possibility
of nonspecific amplification of random library se- Kit (Invitrogen). The Genome Sequencing Services
quences in the PCR, the primers and library sequences Laboratory at the University of Florida sequenced a
were carefully optimized by means of online software number of the cloned aptamer candidate sequences.
for predicting oligonucleotide secondary structure The sequences were aligned and grouped by ClustalX
(Oligo Analyzer; Integrated DNA Technologies). software (version 1.83). The aptamer candidates were
then grouped according to the repeats of their families.
The procedure for selection of whole infected living FLOW CYTOMETRIC ANALYSIS
cells was as follows: The initial pool containing 20 nmol To evaluate the enrichment of aptamer candidates dur-
of DNA library was dissolved in 1.0 mL binding buffer ing selection, we incubated the Cy5-labeled ssDNA
and used for the first round of selection. In the pool with 5 ⫻ 105 target cells in 200 L of binding
sequential-selection round, the amount of ssDNA li- buffer on ice for 30 min to allow the binding of aptamer
brary was 200 pmol and was dissolved in 400 L bind-
candidate molecules to their targets on the membranes
ing buffer. To minimize the potential for intermolecu-
of infected cells. Cells were then washed twice with 2.0
lar hybridization, we denatured the pools by heating at
mL binding buffer and resuspended in 0.4 mL binding
95 °C for 5 min and cooled them on ice for 10 min
before selection. The ssDNA pool was then incubated buffer. The fluorescence of Cy5 and GFP was measured
with infected A549 cells on a 5.0 cm– diameter cell cul- with a FACScan cytometer (BD Immunocytometry
ture dish (Corning) and shaken at 120 rpm for 60 min Systems) by counting 30 000 events. The Cy5-labeled
in a cold room (0 °C– 4 °C). When the binding incuba- initial ssDNA library was used as a control background
tion was finished, the binding buffer was removed, and sample in all experiments.
the cells were washed with 1.0 mL wash buffer. After The binding affinity of a given aptamer was deter-
washing, the cells were harvested and transferred into mined by measuring the flow cytometry signal charac-
400 L water. The bound DNAs were eluted by heating terizing the binding of infected cells to aptamer at con-
at 95 °C for 5 min and then desalted for PCR amplifi- centrations of 0 –200 nmol/L. After subtracting the
cation (10 –20 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, mean fluorescence value of the control sample, we used
annealing at 60 °C for 30 s, and extension at 72 °C for the ligand-binding analysis function of SigmaPlot soft-
30 s). The last PCR cycle was followed by a 5-min ex- ware (Jandel Scientific) to calculate the apparent equi-
tension at 72 °C. After 3 rounds, counter-selection was librium dissociation constants (Kds) of the aptamer–
introduced to improve the specificity of the selected cell interaction from the mean fluorescence intensities
aptamer candidates. For counter-selection, the bound of target cells bound with aptamers (37, 38 ).
DNA was eluted in binding buffer, incubated with un-
infected A549 cells, and shaken at 120 rpm for 60 min TRYPSIN TREATMENT OF INFECTED CELLS
in a cold room (0 °C– 4 °C). The supernatant was de- At 12 h after infection, cells were washed 3 times with 2
salted and then amplified by the PCR. A column con- mL PBS buffer and then incubated with 1 mL Hanks’
taining 150 L streptavidin-coated Sepharose beads balanced salt solution containing 0.5 g/L trypsin and
(Amersham Bioscience/GE Healthcare) was used to 0.53 mmol/L EDTA at 37 °C for a selected time (2–20
make the sense Cy5-labeled ssDNA. The PCR product min). To inhibit the trypsin, we quickly mixed the sam-
was rinsed 3 times through the column to attach the ple with 200 L FBS and placed it on ice. The treated
PCR product onto the streptavidin-coated Sepharose
cells were then washed with 2 mL binding buffer and
beads via the biotin–streptavidin interaction. The PCR
used in the aptamer-binding assay, as described for the
product was then denatured by slowly washing with 0.5
flow cytometry analysis.
mL 50 mmol/L NaOH. The sense ssDNA was then iso-
lated from the biotinylated antisense ssDNA strand
and eluted in the NaOH solution. After elution, the
ssDNA solution was passed through a desalting col- In the competition experiment, 20-fold higher concen-
umn to remove the NaOH, which would interfere with trations of unlabeled aptamer candidates were simul-
the sequential PCR or the binding assay. taneously introduced with Cy5-labeled aptamer to de-
To improve the affinity and specificity of the se- termine the effect of unlabeled aptamer on the binding
lected aptamers, we made the wash procedure more capability of the labeled aptamer. In brief, infected cells
stringent by extending the wash time from 3 min to 10 (5 ⫻ 105) were incubated with 200 L binding buffer
min and by increasing the number of washes (from 2 to containing 0.2 nmol unlabeled aptamers and 10 pmol
5 washes). After 13 rounds of selection, the enriched Cy5-labeled aptamer. All other experimental condi-
ssDNA pool was PCR-amplified with unlabeled prim- tions and operations were the same as described for the
ers and cloned into Escherichia coli with the TA Cloning flow cytometric analysis.
Fig. 2. Cytometry results of selected aptamer pools with infected and uninfected A549 cells.
The red curve represents the nonspecific binding of the initial DNA library (Lib) with vaccinia-infected and -uninfected A549 cells.
(A), The selected seventh and ninth aptamer pools showed increased fluorescence intensity with infected A549 cells, indicating
enhanced binding of the aptamer pools to infected cells. (B), The selected seventh and ninth pools did not show enhanced
binding to uninfected A549 cells.
amplification and sequence preference during the amplified in the next enriched pool; however, be-
PCR. To be more specific, when a DNA library con- cause the efficiency of the PCR is greater for shorter
taining a large variety of sequences is amplified by sequences than for longer targets, shorter sequences
the PCR, a proportion of the amplicons are the prod- will amplify more efficiently than longer sequences.
ucts of nonspecific amplification. Under these cir- Given this logic, shorter sequences possessing simi-
cumstances, if a nonspecific product also has an af- lar affinities for target cells will ultimately be en-
finity for infected cells, some will be retained and riched faster than longer competitors and be pre-
Underscored sequences represent primers, and sequences in boldface are coding areas conserved in the 8 aptamers. Percentages indicate proportions of the
aptamer candidates in the seventh and 13th selected pools. No entry (—) indicates that the aptamer candidate was not present in the seventh pool. Kds are
presented as the mean (SD) and are for tests with vaccinia-infected A549 cells.
sented as higher repeats in the selected pool. On the aptamer candidates showed preferential binding to
other hand, the folding of different aptamers may vaccinia-infected A549 cells (Fig. 3; see Fig. 1 in the
have some impact on PCR efficiency and thus also Data Supplement that accompanies the online version
contribute to amplification preference. In other of this article at
words, the lengths of some aptamers were unexpect- vol55/issue4). There was also a positive correlation be-
edly shortened from their original sizes during the tween GFP expression (in infected cells) and aptamer
selection process, a procedure normally performed signals (Fig. 3), a result consistent with expression of
manually after selection (29, 39 ). Therefore, to the GFP encoded by the recombinant virus leading to the
best of our knowledge, this report is the first to de- synthesis and presentation of the aptamer target in the
scribe auto-optimization of aptamer length during infected cells.
Eight aptamer sequences, TV01 to TV08, from the THE SELECTED APTAMERS CAN BIND TO DIFFERENT INFECTED
selected aptamer families were isolated from the 13th CELLS
enriched pool for further analysis according to se- To confirm that the infection process was valid, we also
quence relatedness. The binding properties of the se- infected several other cell lines besides A549 (including
lected candidates with respect to infected cells were Hep 3B, Hep G2, HeLa, HCT 116, and CaOV3) with
then evaluated by flow cytometry according to the vaccinia WR and tested infected cells with the candi-
amount of Cy5-labeled aptamer bound to cells. All 8 date aptamers. In each case, the aptamers reacted only
Fig. 4. The binding of aptamers targeting 2 vaccinia strains infecting HeLa cells.
Flow cytometry assay for the binding capacity of the Cy5-labeled sequences TV01 and TV04 that target vaccinia WR–infected
(A) and vaccinia IHDJ–infected (B) HeLa cells. The final aptamer concentration in the binding buffer was 250 nmol/L.
with infected cells (see Figs. 2 and 3 in the online Data are the direct result of the selection strategy we used,
Supplement) and not with uninfected cells (Fig. 4 in which uses increasingly stringent selection condi-
the online Data Supplement). These results suggest tions with each subsequent round to select against
that the expression and presentations of the viral pro- sequences with relatively weak binding affinities.
tein(s) targeted by the aptamers are similar on the var- Moreover, the introduction of a counter-selection
ious host cells; however, the intensities and patterns of efficiently eliminates aptamer candidates that bind
the aptamers’ fluorescence signals were somewhat dif- to surface proteins of uninfected cells. Conse-
ferent in the different infected cell lines. We also tested quently, only the aptamer candidates with the high-
a second strain of vaccinia virus (vaccinia IHDJ). HeLa est affinities and selectivities for proteins on the sur-
cells infected with either the IHDJ or WR virus were faces of infected cells are likely to emerge as
tested with 2 of the aptamer candidates, TV01 and successful aptamer candidates from the cell-SELEX
TV04. Fig. 4 shows that both aptamers showed consid- process.
erable binding to infected HeLa cells. Again, however,
the binding patterns of the aptamers against the 2 viral THE BINDING OF APTAMER TV01 COMPETES WITH OTHER
strains infecting these cells were different. This result APTAMERS
might reflect slight strain-specific sequence differences One of the most important questions is whether the
in the targeted viral protein, or it may indicate selected aptamers recognize one or multiple targets.
slightly different associations with other viral or cel- According to the sequence alignment, all 8 aptamers
lular proteins, although these viral strains are very share a common sequence, TGCAT (Table 1), and all of
closely related. the aptamers have similar binding affinities and pro-
files with respect to infected A549 cells (Fig. 3; see Fig. 1
THE SELECTED APTAMERS BIND TO INFECTED CELLS WITH HIGH in the online Data Supplement). This finding could
AFFINITY AND SPECIFICITY mean that the targets of these aptamers might be the
For a molecular probe, selectivity and affinity are key same. To determine whether the aptamer targets were
requirements. The binding affinities of the selected closely related or identical, we carried out a binding-
aptamers toward infected cells were evaluated by competition experiment to observe the effects of the 8
measuring the apparent Kds via flow cytometry. As unlabeled aptamers (TV01–TV08) on the binding of
shown in Fig. 5 and in Fig. 5 in the online Data Sup- Cy5-labeled TV01. As expected, a 20-fold excess of un-
plement, all 8 aptamers (TV01–TV08) bind to in- labeled TV01 as a control effectively decreased the
fected A549 cells with high affinity. The mean (SD) binding signal of Cy5-labeled TV01, indicating strong
apparent Kds of these aptamers ranged from 2.7 (0.6) competition (see Fig. 6 in the online Data Supplement)
nmol/L to 11.7 (2.9) nmol/L (Table 1). The high and implying that unlabeled TV01 and labeled TV01
affinities and specificities of the selected aptamers have similar or identical targets. Similar results were
obtained when unlabeled TV02 through TV08 were teins, we treated infected A549 cells with trypsin for
used as competitors, indicating comparable effects varying lengths of time before incubating them with
(Fig. 6 in the online Data Supplement). These results the aptamers. After we treated cells with trypsin for 12
demonstrate that the binding sites of aptamers TV01– min, aptamers TV01–TV04 showed markedly de-
TV08 probably recognize the same target. Studies are creased binding (Fig. 7 in the online Data Supplement).
ongoing to identify the target molecules of the selected We also carried out this trypsin-digestion experiment
aptamers. with other vaccinia-infected cell lines, including Hep
3B, Hep G2, and HeLa. Trypsin digestion affected the
THE TARGET OF THE APTAMERS ON INFECTED CELLS IS MOST binding affinities of aptamers TV01–TV04 on these in-
LIKELY A PROTEIN fected cell lines as well (Fig. 2 in the online Data Sup-
According to the current literature, there are many po- plement). After 20 min of digestion, the aptamers
tential targets for aptamers, including proteins, sugars, showed little binding to infected Hep 3B cells, but we
lipids, or other molecules commonly associated with noted some minimal binding to infected Hep G2 and
cell surfaces. In our previous work with developing HeLa cells. These results indicate that the binding tar-
aptamers against cancer cells, the selected aptamers gets of the aptamers are proteins susceptible to protease
were usually found to bind to cell membrane proteins, digestion.
and binding could be demonstrated by proteinase- Aptamers are gaining attention as molecular
digestion experiments and be confirmed with sequen- probes and have demonstrated their potential in many
tial biomarker discovery (29, 30 ). To determine diagnostic and therapeutic applications, including the
whether these 8 aptamers recognize cell surface pro- ability to target whole living cells or whole microbes.
The selection of aptamers that recognize infected cells or revising the article for intellectual content; and (c) final approval of
could provide both virologists and clinicians with a the published article.
much-needed tool for molecular-based diagnostics Authors’ Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest: Upon
and for investigating potential treatments. This manuscript submission, all authors completed the Disclosures of Poten-
method for generating probes can also be applied to tial Conflict of Interest form. Potential conflicts of interest:
nonantigenic viral targets against which antibodies Employment or Leadership: None declared.
cannot be raised easily. The development of molecular Consultant or Advisory Role: None declared.
probes capable of recognizing virally infected cells via Stock Ownership: None declared.
the whole living cell–SELEX strategy may increase our Honoraria: None declared.
understanding of the molecular signatures of infected Research Funding: This work was supported by NIH R21CA122648
and NIH R01 GM079359 grants, an NIH SERCEB 1-U54-AI-057157
cells, thereby promising great improvements for diag-
grant, and an NSF NIRT grant.
nostic, therapeutic and drug-delivery applications. Expert Testimony: None declared.
Role of Sponsor: The funding organizations played no role in the
design of study, choice of enrolled patients, review and interpretation
Author Contributions: All authors confirmed they have contributed to of data, or preparation or approval of manuscript.
the intellectual content of this paper and have met the following 3 re-
quirements: (a) significant contributions to the conception and design, Acknowledgments: We are grateful for helpful discussions with
acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (b) drafting Kwame Sefah and Ying Li on this work.
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