Resume Models
Resume Models
Resume Models
Street Address - 777 Staff St. Austin , TX 77771 - (H !!!"!!!"!!!! - (M !!!"!!!"!!!! - #$ueresu%e &'%ai$.()%
Tra(* re()rd )f $eaders+i,, -it+ e.(e$$ent resu$ts in i%,r)/in' )/era$$ ,erf)r%an(e, dri/in' re/enue, and
(reatin' ,r)fit 'r)-t+. E.,ertise in (a$$ (enter %ana'e%ent, in($udin', )uts)ur(in' in d)%esti( and
internati)na$ /enues. 0e%)nstrated a#i$it1 t) identif1 and tr)u#$es+))t (riti(a$ issue s i%,a(tin' ,r)du(ti/it1,
()st distri#uti)n, %ar*etin', sa$es , and finan(ia$ ),erat i)ns. 2r)/en #r)ad"#ased stren't+s and
Areas of Strength Include
Sa$es Mana'er6 Microsoft 2006 Current
Redesigned, sales processes yielding 42% increase in customer growth !rgani"ed team focus group wor#shops that
were instrumental in identifying areas negati$ely impacting #ey performance indicators
%oo# company from sales loss es in 200& to a 2&% profit in 2006
Created ad and mar#eting campaigns using si' sigma processes, dri$ing record (rea#ing sales
!utlined company processes using flow charts to determine areas of opportunity
)dentified process (rea#s and created wor#ing sol utions to eliminate pro(lem areas
2erf)r%an(e Mana'er6 *an# of +merica 200, 2006
Restructured client -uality operations resulting in a ./% impro$ement in -uality scores and a 2&% impro$ement in
a(senteeism Redesigned account -uality though si' sigma processes and strategic planning Managed account
process and -uality for o$er .00 customer ser$ice representati$es Reported to Regional 0ite 1irector
Reorgani"ed account support structure reducing company costs (y .0%
%ransitioned account focus to include sales, impro$ing employee moral and account margins (y ,%
Created si' sigma strategy outlines to determine areas of opportunity
2ormed focus group teams to pro$ide cont inued impro$ement on #ey performance indicators
2erf)r%an(e Mana'er6 MC) 3orld Com .444 200,
Redefined management coaching models reducing training costs (y ./% 1e$el oped reporting that outlined #ey
area5s of opportunity for company performance !rgani"ed and implemented impro$ement strategies (ased on
opportunity areas
Reduced attrition (y 2&%
)mpro$ed employee satisfaction sur$eys (y .&%
6it profita(ility goals / consecuti$e -uarters
Reduced a(senteeism (y .&%
7 2erf)r%an(e Mana'er fr)% Entr1 "Le/e$ t) E.e(uti/e 7
7 8ui$ds and M)ti/ates Str)n' Tea%s T+at 2erf)r% 7
29L Mana'e%ent
2$annin' 9 8ud'etin'
5)st 5)ntr)$s
3etenti)n Strate'1
Sa$es:8usiness 0e/e$),%ent
8iddin', Ne')tiati)n
;ua$it1 5)ntr)$
Or'ani<ati)n 3e()nstru(ti)n
2r)(ess 3e "En'ineerin'
Tea% 8ui$din':M)ti/ati)n
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A tenure track position in a well established sociology department, which will allow
for adequate time and funding to be directed toward research.
S%mmar& o' Achie$ement(
)ho*e( Scholar
1988 - 1990 Awarded two years of postgraduate study at !"ford #ni$ersity.
%ursued the &.%hil in 'ocial 'ciences.
Gene +an*i( A,ar* 'or "%t(tan*ing -eaching
199( ) 199* 'elected by the student body of +ork ,ollege.
1999 - Present
Assistant %rofessor, 'ociology - #ni$ersity of %ittsburgh, %ittsburgh, %A
-aught such notable courses as ./ntro to 'ociology., .'ociology of /nequality., and
.-he &c0onaldi1ation of 'ociety..
1995 - 1998
2ecturer, +ork ,ollege, +ork, %A
%h.0, 'ociology, 1993
%enn 'tate #ni$ersity, 'tate ,ollege, %A
'peciali1ation 4lobal inequality, sociology of marriage
&.%hil, 'ocial 'ciences, 1990
!"ford ,ollege, !"ford, #5
6.A. 'ociology, 2iterature 1988
,ornell #ni$ersity
/thaca, 7+
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
S4MMA)5 "6 74A+262!A-2"8S
&aintained accounts payable records.
8iled de$eloping capital pro9ect procedures and audit controls.
0e$eloped and maintained capital pro9ect files.
:e$iewed capital pro9ects purchases.
Assisted in de$elopment of computer programs for maintaining capital pro9ects.
Acco%nting !ler9
:econciled $arious e"penditure reports to source documents.
:e$iewed procurement documents and in$oices for accuracy.
%repared routine entries and posted financial transactions.
:econciled entries and internal ledgers to financial system reports.
Assisted in preparation of financial statements.
1999 - %resent ;ohansen ) 'ons Athens, !<
Acco%nting !ler9
:esponsible for all basic accounting functions. ,oordinated distribution of in$oices
and classified transactions.
199= - 199* 4iant 8ood 'tores Akron, !<
A((i(tant Acco%nting !ler9
:eported directly to the ,>!. <andled all corporate financial transactions. 0rafted
quarterly and annual financial statements
6.'. Accounting, 6eloit ,ollege, 6eloit ?/
4raduated summa cum laude.
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
Accounting position with a ,%A firm.
S4MMA)5 "6 74A+262!A-2"8S
'trong accounting knowledge and background.
0etail oriented and efficient
'trong analytical ability
%roficient in ?ord, ?ord%erfect, >"cel, &icrosoft !ffice, 2otus, ,lass, and
%eachtree Accounting.
Accountant, 1999 to %resent
Ocker & Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana
Assisted the 0irector of Accounting with accounts recei$able. %repared biweekly
payroll 9ournal entries, reconciled general ledger of accounts with 0irector of
Accounts on a monthly basis, and annually assisted with year-end budget
Accounting Intern, 1993 - 1998
John Merill & Associates, Talor, Indiana
0ealt with accounts payable procedures, direct billing, control accounting, etc.
Analy1ed employee sales, prepared ?-=@s.
!"#", Accounting, 199$
/ndiana #ni$ersity, 6loomington, /A
%ndergraduate Accolades & In&ol&e'ents
4raduated summa cum laude.
0ean@s 2ist
Aice-%resident, /# >conomics 'ociety
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position in accounts payable that fully utili1es my e"perience and abilities.
8i$e years progressi$ely responsible e"perience in administration and
%roficient in accounting programs, including A,,%A,, 0eltek Ad$antage,
!racle, %eachtree
>"tremely detail oriented and able to work with minimal super$ision.
'trong organi1ational skills and e"cellent interpersonal communication.
<a$i( = A((ociate(, ++;, -am0a, 6+
Acco%nting Sta'', 1999 - ;re(ent
<andled all acti$ities in accounts payable and recei$able. >nsured timely payments of
$endor in$oices. %rocessed and sent purchase orders and credit memos. %roduced a
$ariety of financial reports. Assisted on completion and maintenance of general
ledgers. :esponsible for negotiating past due accounts.
A=) Global >or9 Sol%tion(, >e(t ;alm 1each
A*mini(trati$e S%00ort, 199? - 1999
%ro$ided administrati$e support to upper management $ia drafting all official
company correspondence, typing, filing and performing data entry. :esponsible for
employee time cards and payroll distribution. :econciled daily in$oice transactions
and entered daily sales into main database. :esponsible for contacting customers
regarding account collections and past due accounts.
Mc!lor& !or0oration
A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant @ A((i(tant -raining !oor*inator, 1995 - 199?
'upported managers in training department. ,oordinated classes, worked with
$arious $endors for materials production and distribution. -racked budget, prepared
e"pense and training reports, prepared and distributed correspondence, distributed
incoming and outgoing mail and fa"es. &aintained lending library. Assisted
customers with purchase depending on wants and needs, trained customers and
employees on product usage, handled customer complaints in a professional manner.
6lori*a State 4ni$er(it&, -allaha((ee, 6+
1AAA, 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration, 1995
!hri( Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
;.)S"8A+ 286")MA-2"8
<eight B@ 1.
?eight =10 lbs
<air 6rown
>yes 6rown
).+.3A8- .:;.)2.8!.
All@s Cuiet in Ash$ille Sam -,'
>nduring 7ight Jame( #ni$ersal %roductions
-he 0awsons ;rinci0al -urner 'tudios
!ne 2ife to 2earn ;rinci0al A6'
<amlet Horatio 'tate 'treet -heatre
&acbeth Mac<%'' >ast 'ide -roupe
2ong 0ays ;ourney Jamie >ureka -heater
4lass &enagerie -om 'unset -heatre
1AAA, -heater 1992
American #ni$ersity, ?ashington 0.,.
,oncentration >arly American 0rama, /mpro$isational -heatre
0irector 2aural 'mith
&usical - %iano, -rumpet, Aocal D6aritoneE
Athletic - 6ench press F00 lbs, skiing, basketball, ability to perform front flips ) back
Accents - 6ritish, Australian, 8rench
2anguages - 'panish
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as an actuarial analyst for insurance company.
S4MMA)5 "6 A12+2-2.S
/n-depth knowledge of multi$ariate calculusG linear algebraG probabilityG
statisticsG and insurance rate-making or reser$ing.
Ability to perform rate-making or reser$ing analysisG e"plain actuarial analysis
to customers.
>ffecti$e oral and written communication
>"ceptional scores on '!A e"ams
.M;+"5M.8- H2S-")5
Actuarial Analyst, 1998 to %resent
Jenson Consulting, Chicago, IL
>"tracted and manipulated data to perform quarterly actuarial pricing of $arious
insurance products. ?orked with underwriting claims and /- departments to monitor
strategy initiati$es and communicate reporting requirements while e"ploring systems
Actuarial Analyst, 199F to 1998
Etna Insurance, Bloomington, IN
0e$eloped and pro$ided timely, cost-effecti$e actionable information to support the
actuarial functions of product de$elopment, pricing, reser$ing, financial reporting and
source of gainHloss. %repared and tested rate implementation to ensure the
profitability and financial integrity of the company@s business.
Statistician, 1991 to 199F
University o Caliornia, San !iego, CA
%erformed statistical analyses required for two e"tramurally funded pro9ects
concerning mentally ill offenders and consumers of community mental health and
drug treatment ser$ices. 0uties included statistical analyses, coding and deri$ation of
$ariables, and preparation of reports and presentations.
!"A", (cono'ics & #tatistics, 1990
#ni$ersity of -e"as, Austin, -e"as
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging position as an administrati$e assistant at a growth-oriented firm, which
will allow me to both further utili1e my skills and acquire new abilities.
-yping 80wpm
'trong analytical and organi1ational skills.
>"cellent interpersonal skills, phone manner, and office etiquette.
'oftware All ?indows operating systems, &icrosoft ?ord, >"cel,
1998 - %resent
A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant
)atts Phar'aceuticals, Atlanta, *A
o <andled all official company correspondence
o #pgraded office filing system
o -yped all company documents
o ,reated a computeri1ed customer database
o -yped all company correspondence
o :esponsible for new employee training
1993 - 1998
A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant
Martitta +ha',er o- +o''erce, Martitta, *A
o !rgani1ed the Annual &arietta ,hamber 4ala
o -yped all company documents
o :esponsible for production of company@s bi-monthly newsletter
o Answered phones and met with public to answer questions
<agerstown 6usiness ,ollege, <agerstown, &0
AAAA, 1%(ine(( "0eration(
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street C Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123 C !ell: (555) 555-1235
-o contribute to a growing company as an administrati$e assistant.
S4MMA)5 "6 74A+262!A-2"8S
1. &ore than four years of professional e"perience in administration sales
=. ,omputer skills in spreadsheets, word processing and %ower%oint
presentation creation.
F. 'trong oral and written communication skills
3. Ability to work well with others and achie$e team goals.
9H98- %resent 1ac9(, San Mateo, !A
A"ministrative Assistant
Act as the administrati$e lead for the 6acks 6usiness 0e$elopment group, which has
si" sales associates. ?ork with the team to ensure that the sales process goes
smoothly, from lead generation to close. 0uties include taking incoming calls and
qualifying lead potential, sending direct mail solicitations, managing the proposal
process and updating the database.
3H93 - 9H98 1allet b& the 1a&, San 6ranci(co, !A
#ersonal Assistant $ #art$%ime
?orked part-time assisting the owner of a ballet studio with scheduling and
coordinating her classes. Also answered the phone, screened new students, ga$e
guided tours of the studio and managed tuition payment processing.
FH91 - 3H93 2n9, San Jo(e, !A
%elemar&eting Sales 'e(resentative
'ought new business by calling on potential customers and sending them mass
mailings. &aintained daily call records and quarterly sales breakdown. Acquired
comprehensi$e product line knowledge and ability to quickly assess customer needs
and de$elop full-ser$ice product and ser$ice offerings.
'an &ateo 'tate #ni$ersity, 'an &ateo, ,A 6achelor of Arts, %olitical 'cience, 1990
8urnished upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as an Administrati$e 'er$ices &anager, or a comparable position, that will
utili1e my years of progressi$e, managerial e"perience.
.m0lo&ment ./0erience
1H9* - %resent A*mini(trati$e Ser$ice( "''icer 23
6altimore ,ounty, 6altimore, &0
!rgani1ed and directed through subordinate managers and super$isors the
work of staff engaged in central administrati$e functions in a large
departmentHagency including fiscal claiming, facilities management, quality
control, purchasing, information system, decentrali1ed personnel and record
keeping and clerical support. 'uper$ised, trained and e$aluated subordinate
management and super$isory staffG coordinated and directed budget
preparation for the agency. :epresented the agency in all dealings with
8ederal, 'tate and local agencies and other ,ounty officials on fiscal and
administrati$e mattersG de$elops agency position statements and official
reports, and drafts all official agency correspondence.
8H89 - 1H9* !o(t Acco%nting Manager
Aarian >quipment, <agerstown, &0
%ro$ided analysis, 9ustification and tracking of product outsourcing. %ro$ided
financial analysis of cost reduction initiati$es and other operational programs
as required. %ro$ided financial analysis of capital authori1ation requests.
0e$eloped and supported the analysis of factory cycle time. %ro$ided ad hoc
reporting and analysis for manufacturing as required. /nitiate and lead
process impro$ement acti$ities.
10H8* - 8H89 Man%'act%ring Acco%ntant
;24 /ndustries, 6altimore, &0
%ro$ided day-to-day financial support to the ,on$erted %roducts
manufacturing operations. &aintained the standard cost system monitor and
made impro$ements to the work order system. Assisted in the de$elopment
of impro$ed cost reports. Assisted with the installation of and con$ersion to a
new financial system, which is still being used by the company.
1ASA, Acco%nting, 1991
#ni$ersity of &aryland, ,ollege %ark, &0
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging career as a company administrator.
>"ceptional written and oral communication abilities.
%ro$en leadership and managerial skills.
4oal oriented.
-yping *0wpm
%roficient with ?ord, ?ord%erfect, >"cel, and %ower%oint
1998 - Present
A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant, Augusta +ha',er o- +o''erce, Augusta, *A
%ro$ided a full range of administrati$e support to the organi1ation@s president. 0uties
included word processing of letters, memos, articles. tra$el arrangements, etcG
organi1ing annual ,hamber 4ala, writingHdesigning monthly newsletters, updating
,hamber registry and recruiting new businesses for membershipG and designing a
new edition of the ,hamber &embership 0irectory on a yearly basis.
199. - 1998
A((i(tant "''ice A*mini(trator, /0 1adio, Atlanta, *A
&anaged all aspects of the office. %repared e"tensi$e correspondence and written
communication, participated in and coordinated a wide range of pro9ects in$ol$ing
writing and editing critical media analyses, research briefs and articles relating to
broadcasting. Additionally, was responsible for maintaining an e"tensi$e computer
network, updating music and client databases, organi1ing incoming and outgoing
mail, managing the office filing system as well as super$ising one 9unior support staff
member and performing light general accounting duties.
6.A., %olitical 'cience, 6usiness, 199=
#ni$ersity of %ennsyl$ania
A$ailable upon request
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as an admissions representati$e at a leading uni$ersity.
1999 - %resent
A*mi((ion( )e0re(entati$e
4eorgia 'outhern #ni$ersity, 'tatesboro, 4A
:esponsible for recruitment for the uni$ersity. /nform and assist prospecti$e
students and their parents about academic programs and admissions requirements.
'chedule on-campus and off-campus $isits and e$ents. Answer letters of inquiry
from prospecti$e students. -ra$el e"tensi$ely throughout the region to represent
4'# at recruitment functions at high schools and community colleges. Assist in
writing and design of student newsletters and recruitment materials.
199B - 1999
<irector o' ;%blic )elation(
;oy of 'ports 8oundation, ?ashington 0.,.
0rafted e"tensi$e written correspondence to donors, supporters, and members of the
organi1ational board. 0e$eloped contacts in the sporting world to help the foundation
further its mission. :esponsible for writing foundation newsletter, scheduling and
attending all foundation meetings and functions, and maintaining the foundation@s
public presence.
1992 !"A" +o''unications
('or %ni&ersit, O3-ord, *A
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
Ad$ertising agent for challenging accounts.
S%mmar& o' ./0erience
!pened and retained million dollar accounts.
0e$eloped brand positioning for key company product lines.
0e$eloped proposals and submitted bids.
&aintained e"tensi$e, nationwide network of business contacts.
Ma#or Acco%nt(
/r$ing@s 'teakhouses
:eader@s 0igest
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
A*$erti(ing ./ec%ti$e 199D - ;re(ent
4allas )eekl Pu,lications, 4allas, T5
'old ad$ertising space to a di$erse group of clients and built content for three
publications. &onitored and pro$ided constructi$e suggestions for increasing
maga1ine@s circulation and standing in the market. 6uilt lasting relationships with
important community ad$ertisers, which resulted in measurable re$enue growth.
A*$erti(ing Sale( !oor*inator 1993 - 199D
Tri #tar Media, Austin, T5
'upported the sales process by seeking out potential business opportunities and
staying up-to-date on industry information. :esearched contact, product, and
general information on prospecti$e ad$ertisers. 'er$ed as primary contact for clients
and ad$ertising agencies on requests and inquires regarding schedules, in$oices,
pricing, etc. &anaged customer account database and maintained client contracts
and files. /nteracted with multiple departments including %roduction, ,redit,
Accounting and &arketing. ,onducted ongoing monitoring of competitorIs brands.
&anaged territory forecasting, re$enue, and prospect reports. &onitored, tracked
and managed positioning reports. %repared and maintained sales and marketing
materials for sales team.
;ro#ect Manager 1992 (!ontract ;o(ition)
A',rosino Muir & 6ansen 7Political Ad&ertising Agenc8, )ashington, 4"+"
'cheduled and managed art work, web and offset printers, mailing houses and
freight companies to insure on-time deli$ery of political print material for 7ational
and 'tate-wide political campaigns. :esponsible for proof reading all political
literature. :esponsible for getting cost-analysis of print and freight
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position in the airline industry.
1999 - Present Air )est #an 0rancisco, +A
!%(tomer Ser$ice S%0er$i(or
!pened 'an ;ose Airport ,ustomer 'er$ice ,enter facility for Air ?est and created
efficient and effecti$e operations. -rained and super$ised (0 customer ser$ice agents
and ramp personnel. :esponsible for daily operations decisions and dealt effecti$ely
with all crises. :ecei$ed recognition for successfully loading planes and preparing
them for departure in under =0 minutes, o$er 90J of the time. 0e$ised successful
schedules enabling four planes to be ser$iced simultaneously. :educed industrial
accidents by B3J.
199: - 1999 Air )est #an 0rancisco, +A
!%(tomer Ser$ice Agent
:esponsibilities included ticket sales, boarding super$ision and customer ser$ice
during a period of phenomenal company growth. 6ecame an e"pert at problem
sol$ing and dealing with customer complaints.
1989 - 199: Pied'ont Airlines #an 0rancisco, +A
!%(tomer Ser$ice Agent
?orked with staff to create the best connecting flight ser$ice a$ailable to
passengers. 0e$ised schedules enabling four planes to be ser$iced simultaneously.
1iola 4ni$er(it&, +a Mira*a !A, 1990
1AAA, 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration, !omm%nication(
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as film and tele$ision animator
8otable ;ro#ect(
=000 - &ountain 0ew ,ommercial
1998 - 6ob the 7in9a, 7etwork -ele$ision
199* - 6&A ,ommercial
199B - 'prite ,ommercial
1993 - 2ost in A1land, Animated 'hort
199( - %resent Animator
/alahan 0il's 6ouston, T5
,reated animations for a di$erse group of clients, including musicians, political
candidates, corporations and ad$ertising companies. &anaged e$ery stage of the
animation process.
199= - 199( Animator
4ual #tar Pictures ;os Angeles, +A
Assistant animator to -om 0ooley. ,reated $ideo art for $arious clients 6&?, 6urger
5ing, ,oca-,ola, ) 6est ?estern.
199= !"A", 3i(%al !omm%nication,
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia at 2os Angeles
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
-o attain a position as senior architect with a multi-national architectural design firm.
8otable Accom0li(hment(
Aisiting Assistant %rofessor of Architecture at <ood ,ollege, =000 - 01.
199B -hird %lace, ?estern %la1a :edesign ,ompetition.
0esigned 1999 addition to ;ohns <opkins &edical ,enter.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
0a$idson Associates 6altimore, &0
Architect, 199D - ;re(ent
,ondominium pro9ect, ,ambridge, &assachusettsG designed addition for ;ohns
<opkins &edical ,enter, 6altimore, &0G $arious office and hotel pro9ects.
;ack &audlin /nc. ?ashington, 0,
;rinci0al, 1992 - 199D
%ro9ects include residential work, office tenant reno$ations, embassy pro9ects, and
presentation ser$ices.
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
MAAA, Architect%re, 1992
.m0ha(i(: 4rban ;lanning
#ni$ersity of &ichigan, Ann Arbor, &/
1AAA, Architect%re, 19D9
;ort'olio = )e'erence(
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as %ersonal -rainer H 'trength ,oach
%hysical -raining 'pecialist
0e$eloped successful regime of training for wide $ariety of persons, from athletes
to recuperating hospital patients.
-rained in cardio$ascular optimi1ation through aerobics, weight-lifting, and four
different types of equipment.
0esigned and implemented aerobic courses for pregnant women.
,oached high school wrestling for four years, resulting in two ,/8 championship-
winning teams.
San <iego State 4ni$er(it& C San Jo(e, !AC 199E to ;re(ent
Strength !oach
0esigned and implemented strength and conditioning programs for the '0'#
football, basketball, and baseball teams. :esponsible for meeting with indi$idual
athletes to design unique meal plans that would meet their personal dietary needs.
/mplemented the %earson ðod !ff-'eason -raining %rogram, credited by many
for rapidly increasing athletes@ strength and stamina.
Atherton 5M!A C San Jo(e, !AC 199 to 199E
6itne(( S%0er$i(or
-rained a group of twenty gym attendants, instructed ,%: classes, organi1ed
community fitness outreach program.
2 Ho%r 6itne(( C Mi((ion 3alle&, !A C 1992 to 199
G&m Atten*ant
:esponsibilities included pro$iding weight-lifting instruction, de$eloping unique
fitness plans for indi$idual gym members, insuring the safety of all patrons, and
scheduling proper maintenance on all gym equipment.
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia at 'an 0iego L 199=
1ASA, ;h&(ical -hera0&
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'uccessfully conducted litigation in a $ariety of high-profile cases.
Achie$ed fa$orable resolution of comple", often difficult to win cases.
%racticed before administrati$e boards and arbitrators.
Attained numerous credits in all phases of ci$il litigation in state and federal
6arnham ) <aynes, ?ashington, 0.,. Senior A((ociate, Jan%ar& 199E - ;re(ent
:epresented a di$erse group of clients in ci$il litigation matters. &et with clients and
de$eloped trial strategy based on clients needs and recommendations. 2itigated each
case in full. ,onsistently achie$ed fa$orable results for clients, including two $erdicts
in which the settlement e"ceeded M= million.
6ayne ) Associates, 6altimore, &0
A((ociate Attorne&, A%g%(t 1990 - Jan%ar& 199E
&ember of trial team that successfully defended 7orton ,o. in it@s MB million
co$erage litigation. %repared and argued motions. 0efended depositions. 0rafted
settlement conference brief.
;un. 88
JA<A, 5ale +a, School, 7ew <a$en, ,-
Acti$ities >ditor of 2aw :e$iew
,oach, +ale 0ebate 'ociety
;un. 83
1AAA, Hi(tor& = Go$ernment, 4ni$er(it& o' Michigan, Ann Arbor, &/
<onors 'umma ,um 2aude
6eikney Award for most outstanding thesis in history.
7ational 8inalst, >"pemporaneous 'peaking, A8A
;)"6.SS2"8A+ A662+2A-2"8S
Me',er o- the !ar, 'tate of Airginia, admitted 1990
+ontri,utor, -he ?estern 2aw :e$iew
+onsultant, >quity ) 2egal Assistance 8oundation
Me',er, 6oard of 0irectors, +&,A@s of 4reater 0.,.
Me',er, Airginia 7A:2 6oard
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a position which will allow me to utili1e my communication, auditing and
problem sol$ing skills.
8"-A1+. A!H2.3.M.8-S
'er$ed as regional auditing manager, responsible for audits conducted in four
,ertified %ublic Accountant D2icensed in ,aliforniaE
>"perienced with &icrosoft !ffice %rofessional, including ?ord, >"cel,
%ower%oint and Access.
.M;+"5M.8- H2S-")5
>hitehea* !oA, Atlanta, GA
A%*itor 199E - ;re(ent
'er$ed as auditor-in-charge of audits in a pro9ect management capacity. ?rote and
presented reports. %articipated in audit conferences. Analy1e information, business
processes and new systems. Assisted in the assessment and management of
business and risk, made recommendations on impro$ing internal controls and
pro$ided bottom-line oriented solutions.
!orning 6ibergla((, Marietta, GA
A%*itor 1995 - 199D
2ead operational audits and took responsibility for staff preparation and
de$elopment. %articipated in special re$iews and in$estigations including employee
and $endor misconduct, fraud and bankruptcy. ?rote audit programs and reports
and presented results to upper management.
So%thern !ali'ornia Ga(, +o( Angele(, !A
Sta'' Acco%ntant 199 - 1995
%rocessed financial transactions, performed special pro9ects, and respond to data
requests from other departments, auditors, and go$ernmental agencies. :esponsible
for general accounting functions, completion and maintenance of general ledgers and
financial reports, payroll and accounts payable processing and re$iew.
#ni$ersity of -ennessee, 5no"$ille, -7
6.'., Accounting, 1993
!hri( Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as an automoti$e mechanic with super$isory
1998 - %resent 6enson &otors Aurora, ,!
<ead mechanic responsible for super$ising a shop of 1= mechanics and F trainees.
0uties include diagnosis and repair of all types of $ehicles as well as instructional
work with trainee mechanics
1993 - 1998 0awson &otors 0en$er, ,!
8loor mechanic speciali1ing in transmission and brake system repair.
199= - 1993 ,ook@s Automoti$e 0en$er, ,!
-rainee Mechanic
?orking through rotation of all branches of auto diagnosis and repair.
Automoti$e 'er$ice >"cellence DA'>E rated &aster &echanic, &arch, 199F.
:ecertified 1998.
199= Associate 0egree, Automoti$e :epair, 6loomfield ,ommunity ,ollege, 6oulder,
1990 ,hambersburg 'enior <igh 'chool, ,hambersburg, ,!
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a bank teller.
<ighly organi1ed and detail oriented
!$er four years e"perience as a bank teller.
8amiliar with retirement accounts including /:A@s, 5>!4<@', 3015@s.
%roficient in accounting software 2otus 1-=-F, 2acerte, and ,lass.
%roficient with 10 key.
8irst 7ational 6ank, 0en$er, ,!
6ank -eller, 1998 to %resent
?orked with customers on a daily basis, meeting their banking needs and either
answering or referring their financial questions to the appropriate super$isory
indi$iduals. Accepted and processed customer deposits and loan payments.
&aintained and balanced a cash drawer daily. 'ecured the financial institution nightly
:esponded to customer inquiries regarding account balances. #sed 10 key to process
monetary transactions.
1ASA, <egree in Acco%nting
0en$er ,ity ,ollege
Anticipated &ay, =003
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
"b#ecti$e A challenging and rewarding position as a
commercial banking e"ecuti$e that utili1es my
+iti,ank 0inancial, Tulsa, O/
Senior 3ice ;re(i*ent o' 2nternational A''air(
199D - ;re(ent
<ead of 6usiness 0e$elopment for 'outh America. &anaged the implementation of
the di$ision relocation to &e"ico ,ity, opened the 6arbados branch, and super$ised
the di$ision-wide business de$elopment of pro9ect financing programs for the 'outh
America 0i$ision. 0esigned and implemented successful training program for
managers in the 'outh America 0i$ision.
0irst 0inancial Trust, Oklaho'a +it, O/
3ice ;re(i*ent an* Mortgage 1an9ing <e0artment Hea*,
1992 - 199D
6ank %ortfolio of B0 million Dincrease of 30 millionE.
8otable Achie$ement(
?hile increasing bank@s own portfolio, / de$eloped and implemented the
'econdary &ortgage 0epartments for three separate banks.
0irected a staff of =0, including B officers.
&anaged a M30 million bank portfolio
6.'., 8inance, 1989
Ho%(ton 4ni$er(it&, Ho%(ton, -:
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'eeking a position in a uni$ersity or firm speciali1ing in ad$anced biochemistry for
the de$elopment of human immune system $accines.
7early ten years of e"perience in biochemistry.
'er$ed as a guest lecturer in biochemistry at the #ni$ersity of !klahoma.
1= published articles in respected biochemistry and medical 9ournals,
including the ;ournal of the American ,hemical 'ociety and the American
'cientific :e$iew
Jensen ;a,s, Oklaho'a +it, O/
1iochemi(t, Jan%ar& 199? to ;re(ent
,oncentrated largely on membrane based lateral flow immunochemistry. ?orked
with product de$elopment from concept through product transfer and full scale
manufacturing. %repared documentation packages. 4ained $aluable e"perience with
pro9ect management, product launch, and gained familiarity with 80A requirements
and procedures.
InTe3 Phar'aceuticals, #an 4iego, +A
)e(earch A((ociate, 199E - 199D
'er$ed as a research associate in the >n1ymology group of the /n-e" 6iochemistry
0epartment. <eld responsibility for en1yme characteri1ation, including catalytic and
physical properties, inhibitor characteri1ation, compound potency and mechanism,
data reduction, and protein purification and characteri1ation for en1yme and inhibitor
!io'edical ;a,orator 1esearch, #an 4iego, +A
+ab -echnician 2ntern, 1991 - 199E
:esponsible for documentation of new lab research. 'er$ed as an assistant for 10
biochemists, performing $arious research functions.
4ni$er(it& o' !ali'ornia, San <iego, !A
%h.0., 6iochemistry, 199B
&.A., ,hemistry, 199F
)ee* !ollege, ;ortlan*, ")
6.A., 6iology, 1990
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a position as a 6iomedical :esearcher.
;)"6.SS2"8A+ SB2++S
"0erating S&(tem(
?indows 98H9(H00 , 7-, 2inu"
A00lication( = +ang%age(
&' !ffice D?ord, >"cel, %ower%oint, Access, 8ront%ageE, Aisual 6asic, 2abAiew,
&atlab, &ini-ab, 0esign >"pert
Me*ical 2n(tr%mentation
-hermodilution, #ltrasound, >,4, %acemaker, %hysiogrip, >lectroneurogram,
<e(ign = "0timiFation
#sing the graphic language 2abAiew, created >lectromyography D>&4E,
>lectrocardiogram D>,4E, Automatic 'peech :ecognition DA':E system and
performed basic >ngineering Analysis.
!io*enesis ;a,s, +le&eland, O6
S%0er$i(or, 1992 to ;re(ent
%erformed cancer research. Assisted in o$erall lab management, directly super$ising
8 researchers. :esponsible for maintenance of health and safety standards.
<ite3 ;a,s, 4aton, O6
Sta'' Scienti(t, 1990 to 1992
/n$estigated $arious aspects of eukaryotic metabolism, protein targeting and genetic
transformation, ultimately leading to the metabolic engineering of organisms with
designer pathways for biosynthesis of commercially $aluable biochemicals and
impro$ed biomass accumulation.
!"#", Molecular !iolog, 199:
Johns 6opkins %ni&ersit, !alti'ore, M4
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
6ookkeeping position that will allow me to gain $aluable accounting e"perience.
%roficient with all aspects of accounts payable, accounts recei$able, general ledger
and customer ser$ice, and reconciliations. 'ound understanding of general
accounting principles.
'trong organi1ational and analytical skills.
>"cellent interpersonal communications skills
%roficient in all aspects of general office maintenance, including typing, and
Ability to create quarterly profit reports
%roficient with >"cel ) ten-key
1H99 - %resent Acco%nting 2ntern
JA Sa%n*er( = A((ociate(, &esa, ,A
%erforming the full accounting cycle using Cuick6ooks accounting software.
:econciled in$oice dollar amounts with accounts recei$able.
'ummer 1998 Shi0ment( !oor*inator
"cean !lo%* ;ro*%ct(, %hoeni", AN
%repared sales in$oices and coordinated outgoing shipments for a small food
manufacturing company.
1A AA in Acco%nting
,alifornia 'tate #ni$ersity 2ong 6each
&ay 1999
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a position as a building inspector with a pri$ate company.
)a&meon 1%il*ing !ontractor( 3H9( O 1H0=
1%il*ing 2n(0ector 'an ;ose, ,A
1. /nspect commercial and industrial building facilities prior to inspection by
state authorities.
=. >"hibited deep knowledge of state building codes, including flooring, framing
and stairways.
F. <elped buildings that were sub-par quickly met grading, 1oning and safety
3. /nteracted with architects, engineers and mechanical engineers to ensure
compliance pre-build.
(. &aintained inspection records and prepared reports for use by senior
!omtel !on(tr%ction 9H8= O 3H9(
General !ontractor 'an ;ose, ,A
1. Assumed full responsibility for building inspection during the absence of full-
time inspector.
=. 'uper$ised the building of $arious commercial, residential and industrial
F. &anaged teams of sub-contractors and enforced building code standards.
3. Assisted the owner with hiring and training new employees.
(. 'uper$ised up to =( subcontractors at any one time.
B. ?orked as a skilled carpenter O 198= - 198B
San Jo(e !omm%nit& !ollege: Associate 0egree in /ndustrial Arts, 198=.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o assist in the de$elopment and guidance of establishing and increasing a high-tech
business in today@s competiti$e en$ironment.
8"-A1+. A!H2.3.M.8-S
4uest lecturer, 6usiness 0epartment, !hio 'tate #ni$ersity, 1999 - =000.
8requent contributor, 6usiness &onthly.
>"cellent communication, interpersonal and managerial skills
-.!H82!A+ .:;.)-2S.
&icrosoft !ffice D?ord, >"cel, %ower%oint, AccessE, ?ord%erfect, 8ront%age,
%hoto'hop, %age&aker, %rintmaster, ,orel %aint 8.0, &icrosoft %ublisher, <ar$ard
4raphics, 7orton #tilities, ,leansweep, %, Anywhere, ,lose-#p, Cuick6ooks
'trong knowledge of html, 9a$a Dscript, applets, ;05 P.PE, asp, meta tags, keywords,
graphics, animation, dynamic solution, online customer attention and direction,
search engine placement, forms and database cookie de$elopment.
.M;+"5M.8- H2S-")5
(du-Tech, +olu',us, O6
;re(i*ent an* !hie' ./ec%ti$e "''icer, 199? - ;re(ent
:esponsible for all operational aspects of award-winning internet based educational
company. 0e$eloped yearly business plans and financial goals while pro$iding
leadership for a team of more than se$enty employees. 8ormed key partnerships
with 0ell, /6&, and 7ational 4eographic. 6uilt corporate re$enues from M=& to
1990, 1ASA .conomic(, 4ni$er(it& o' Michigan, Ann Arbor, &/
6artels :esearch 'cholar
0ean@s 2ist, F.9gpa
;)"6.SS2"8A+ A662+2A-2"8S
Ad$isor, 8uture -echnological 2eaders of America.
6oard of 0irectors, /nfotech ,orporation.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
Areas o E)(ertise
1. 'trategic %lanning
=. !rgani1ational 0e$elopment
F. 'ales &anagement
Strategic #lanning
- ?rote a business plan to pro$ide e"isting products to new markets in
'outheast Asia.
- &anaged a team of e"ternal consultants on the re-branding of a distinct
product group.
- <eld a position on the ,>!@s lead-team, helping determine broad corporate
- &anaged the 6usiness 0e$elopment planning process in targeting key
- 2ed the acquisition of a 6lyer competitor, sourcing and completing the deal.
*rgani+ational !evelo(ment
- &anaged the planning of a restructuring of the 6usiness 0e$elopment 4roup
at 6lyer ,orp.
- 0e$eloped a set of performance metrics guidelines for the <uman :esources
group at &ystar, /nc.
- 'er$ed on the ,alifornia 'tate 6usiness 8ilings -ask 8orce.
- %ublished an article on the effects of organi1ational restructuring during a
merger in the !6 -imes.
- ,ompleted organi1ational de$elopment training at the #ni$ersity of ,hicago
>"ecuti$e >ducation ,enter
Sales ,anagement
- 0irected a three hundred person sales force at 6lyer ,orp.
- ,onsistently named as a .%resident@s ,lub. member for e$ery year in$ol$ed in
full-time sales.
- 7amed as one of 8ortune &aga1ine@s .-op 100 'ales >"ecuti$es. in =000.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
A position as men@s apparel buyer for a ma9or department store.
Assisted buyers in selection of merchandise.
,reated promotional concepts.
%repared orders, budgets, and in$entories.
%urchased and maintained in$entory for a M1=& company.
0esigned newspaper and radio ad$ertisements.
Jones= 4epart'ent #tores, )ashington, 4"+"
A((i(tant 1%&er, 199? - ;re(ent
Assisted in purchases of men@s wear sold in men@s departments at 30 stores
nationwide, with yearly annual sales e"ceeding MF&. Assisted in drafting of budgets,
problem sol$ing for indi$idual branches, and de$eloping new merchandising
concepts. Analy1ed sales and planned key promotional e$ents.
The Athlete=s #ource, 1ich'ond, <A
A((i(tant 1%&er, 1993 - 199?
,ompiled and maintained records of items purchased or transferred between
departments. /nter$iewed suppliers to obtain price and specification information.
%repared and sent purchase orders, communicated with $endors to >nsure the
a$ailability and deli$ery dates of goods. ?orked with the head buyer to de$elop new
concepts and merchandising ideas.
6.A., 6usiness Administration ) :etail 'ales, 199F
#ni$ersity of !regon, >ugene, !:
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
8ilm ,amera !perator
).+.3A8- SB2++S
!amera ;ro'icienc&:
Arrifle" =, H F(-/// H 62 /-/A@s H >$olution H (F(A)6 H 3F( H Arricam '-, 2-
A::/82>K ,A&>:A A''/'-A7- ,>:-/8/,A-/!7 - &A:,< 1993
Aaton 'uper1B H Arrifel" &G ': /-/// H AuriconD,%1BE
&o$iecam ,ompact H 'uperAmerica
6)< >yemo H &itchell 8ries F(
#ro"uction ,anager, 1995 - Present
8our 'tar %roductions, 2os Angeles, ,A - &anage all aspects of tele$ision, film, and
$ideo production. Additional responsibilities include handling of financial accounting
and bookkeeping for production office. :esponsible for international tra$el and
mo$ement of production crew and cast.
Assistant Camera *(erator, 199: - 1995
4oldstar %ictures, 2os Angeles, ,A - Assisted in filming a $ariety of productions,
ranging from sporting e$ents to motion pictures. <andled a $ariety of critical
assignments for filming of -he 2ast &ile. :emained with company until final wrap of
the mo$ie.
62+M ;)"<4!-2"8S
-he 2ast &ile 6o%r Star 6ilm( - 8ilm
6&? Bing ;ro*%ction( - ,ommercial
4olden 4uys Star ;ict%re( - -ele$ision 'eries
,hance and ,onsequence Sho,time - -ele$ision 'eries
2aurel 'mith
0enise Cuandel
;ermey <eckman
1AAA, 6ine Art(, !oncentration: ;hotogra0h& = 6ilm 1990
7ew +ork #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'eeking an position as a ,are 4i$er, which will utili1e my e"pertise in early childhood
7%ali'ication( = Achie$ement(
'pecial !lympics Aolunteer.
8irst Aid ) ,%: certified
A.A. in %sychology
Aolunteer, 7ew !rleans :egional +&,A +outh 'ummer ,amp.
>e? Orleans #a-e 6ouse
Senior !o%n(elor, J%ne 2000 to ;re(ent
?orked with disabled and mentally challenged children, ages B to 1=. %ro$ided a
wide range of assistance and instruction. 0irected 'afe <ouse summer camp
J"+"+" +a'p, (l,ert, ;A
+ea* -eacher, A%g%(t 199D to J%ne 2000
%ro$ided daycare for infants and children ages 0 - FB months. :esponsible for
creating and implementing a daily acti$ity plan and super$ising a staff of 10 other
,eader ,liff <igh 'chool, 8argo, 70
4raduated, 199B
,arlton ,ommunity ,ollege, 8argo, 70
A.A. %sychology, 1998
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
<e(ire* ;o(ition
,ashier position in a ma9or retail company with potential future opportunities in
related customer ser$ice areas.
Accurately managed a cash draw in 6altimore@s busiest &en@s 0epartment.
<andled customer inquiries and sol$ed billing problems.
0ealt with a di$erse customer population.
>nthusiastic and cooperati$e.
!a(hier, 199D - ;re(ent
)ard=s 4epart'ent #tore, !alti'ore, M4
<andling all cash and credit card transactions in department store en$ironment.
6alanced cash draw at close of shift. 8requently closed store and secured building.
!ne of only two cashier@s who held a building key.
!a(hier, 199E - 199D
<andell=s 0lo?ers & *i-ts, 6agersto?n, M4
<andled all transactions, both in person and $ia telephone, for this upscale floral
boutique. 'uccessfully managed high $olume sales.
2n$entor& Monitor, 1991 - 1995
J"+" 6ol'es 4epart'ent #tore, +ha',ers,urg, PA
&onitored supply of women@s clothing and 9ewellrey in$entory. 0uties included retail
shelf stocking and back-up in$entory ordering.
A.A., 6usiness, 199B
<agerstown 6usiness ,ollege, <agerstown, &0
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a full-time position pro$iding in-house catering for lunches, special e$ents,
and e"ecuti$e presentations.
%resently, recei$ing 80J of our business through referrals made by satisfied
7amed one of 7orth America@s -en 6est 'teakhouses by -homson ) /$es,
1999 through =001.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1999 - Present
)e(ta%rant Manager, )ain,aterG( Stea9ho%(e, >e? @ork, >@
0irected sales and profitability of high-image full ser$ice restaurant founded in 19F*,
which presently generates up to M1.(& in annual sales. :esponsible for de$eloping
ad$ertising strategies for local and regional publications. ,reated, de$eloped and
implemented all formali1ed operational systems and procedures including employee
handbook, flow charts, forms, check-lists, ser$erHbartenderHkitchen associate 9ob
descriptions and incenti$e programs. Aoted one of 7orth America@s -en 6est
'teakhouses by -homson ) /$es.
199A - 1992
+o%nge S%0er$i(or, MarioG(, >e? @ork, >@
0irected 18 associates in lounge operations for full ser$ice theme restaurant seating
=80 guests and generating M1.F million annual sales. >mphasis on in$entory control
and business de$elopment, generated M=(,000 monthly sales. ,ulti$ated &onday
7ight 8ootball company promotion. 0esignated >mployee of the &onth on se$en
separate occasions.
1AAA, Hotel = )e(ta%rant Management, 1993
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
1F years@ e"perience in all facets of accounting field.
Analy1e, compare, and interpret facts and figures quickly.
&ake sound 9udgments based on data obtained.
,learly communicate results of work, orally and in writing.
4ood working with people and with business systems and computers.
%ossess high standard of integrity.
,ertified %ublic Accountant, 'tate of 7ew +ork, KKKK
).+A-.< ;)"6.SS2"8A+ .:;.)2.8!.
A6, &anufacturing, 7ew +ork, 7ew +ork, KKKK - KKKK
!o(t Acco%ntant, KKKK - KKKK
'tudied and collected information to determine standard and actual costs of
widget manufacturing including raw material purchases, in$entory, and labor.
Analy1ed data obtained and recorded results, using computer.
>"amined changes in product design, raw materials, and manufacturing
methods to determine effects on costs.
>$aluated actual manufacturing costs and prepared periodic reports
comparing standard costs to actual production costs.
%ro$ided management with reports comparing factors affecting prices and
profitability of products e"plaining monthly budget $ariances to senior
:eported and interpreted discrepancies directly to upper management.
A%*iting !on(%ltant, KKKK - KKKK
,onducted special study and in-depth analysis of company@s 301-5 plan.
Audited internal controls of payroll deductions leading to proper accounting by
Frd- party in$estment company.
:esults of audits assisted in maintaining good employeeHmanagement
7ew +ork #tilities ,ompany, 7ew +ork, 7ew +ork, KKKK - KKKK
!o(t o' Ser$ice Anal&(t, KKKK - KKKK
%erformed and coordinated embedded and marginal cost of ser$ice studies.
:e$iewed 8>:, and /,, rulings and orders for impact and incorporated
appropriate changes into cost-of-ser$ice models.
4athered necessary information and prepared $arious regulatory financial
reports and rate filings.
Assisted in coordination and preparation of electric and gas rate filing
schedules resulting in grant of rate increases.
%repared cost studies and monthly billing calculations for contract customers.
!"S- A!!"48-A8-, !;A - page =
7ew +ork #tilities ,ompany, continued
/nternal Auditor, KKKK - KKKK
,onducted audits for management to assess effecti$eness of controls,
accuracy of financial records, and efficiency of operations.
%ro$ided proper checks and balances o$er company@s $arious financial
#nco$ered internal control weaknesses in company@s bidding practices.
Assessed and e$aluated management@s responses to audits.
'uper$ised employees during audits.
Audits performed included 0istrictHArea !ffices and 'torerooms, %ower %lant
'torerooms, 8uel :ecei$ing and Accounting, Accounts %ayable, %urchasing,
,ash and -emporary /n$estments.
)eg%lator& Acco%ntant, KKKK - KKKK
As sole regulatory accountant, prepared and coordinated annual regulatory
reports to 'tate ,ommerce ,ommission and 8ederal >nergy :egulatory
,ommission, handling annual operating re$enues of o$er MB,000,000.
%repared financial statements for wholesale and retail rate cases.
:esearched 4AA% accounting and regulatory accounting questions that arose
within the company.
:equested to teach :egulatory Accounting credit course to the >conomics
>ngineering class.
/nitiated computeri1ation of financial statements.
'uccessfully filed for and was granted rate increases.
General Acco%ntant, KKKK - KKKK
:econciled 7+#%@s cash account to bank statements and general ledger
balance for pre$ious three years, allowing ma9or accounting firm to issue
unqualified opinion leading to positi$e effects on company@s stock price.
Accurately handled F18 ser$ice-area bank statements and 1( disbursing
banks@ statements monthly.
%repared monthly closing entries and annual in$entory ad9ustments for
!ther %ositions <eld A/-A, 7ew +ork ,ollege, KKKK to %resent
6achelor of 'cience degree in Accounting and 6usiness Administration
7ew +ork ,ity ,ollege, 7ew, +ork, KKKK
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,hef for a high class establishment where my e"perience and culinary specialties will
be utili1ed in preparing a wide range of international cuisines.
%ro$en ability to produce quickly under pressure, without sacrificing quality.
6asic mastery of cooking philosophy and technique.
8ull range of managerial skills.
#nderstanding of all key health and sanitation concerns.
4uest 'pecialist, &orris >lliot ,ooking 'how
:ecipe publication <ome ) 5itchen &aga1ine
-op <onors, ;ohnson 'chool of ,ulinary Arts
!he' 199D - ;re(ent
)illington=s !istro, #an 4iego, +ali-ornia - %repared a $ariety of specialties for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 300 to 1000 co$ers daily. MF& in re$enue annually.
0irect super$ision of 'ous ,hef, 5itchen 'uper$isor, and =0 cooks.
;a(tr& !he' 1992 - 199D
;a Jolla <illa, 4el Mar, +ali-ornia - ,reated daily dessert menu. >stablished kitchen
protocols for each menu item, still in use today. ,reated se$eral new desert items,
including the 2a ;olla 'ouffle.
April 199= ;ohnson ,ulinary /nstitute, 2os Angeles, ,A
1AAA, !%linar& Art(
'peciali1ation /talian ,uisine
!hri( Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,hemical engineering
S%mmar& o' Achie$ement(
/nternational ?ho@s ?ho in >ngineering, ?ho@s ?ho in >ngineering D1999E
,hairman, -hermal 'cience :esearch 4roup, #ni$ersity of ?isconsin D199F -
'igma Ki :esearch Award, #ni$ersity of ?isconsin
/n$ited lecturer, throughout the #nited 'tates, >urope, ) &e"ico
;ockheed Martin, Mil?aukee, )I
199? - ;re(ent: S&(tem .ngineering )i(9 Management !on(%ltant
,onducted sensiti$ity and uncertainty analyses of effecti$eness of fallback positions
to pre$ent radioacti$e waste $olume e"ceeding long-term capacity of underground
storage tanks.
%ni&ersit o- )isconsin, Madison, )I
1990 - 199?: A((i(tant +aborator& -echnician
,onducted research with 0r. 4ail 2umpkin. %ro9ect focused on de$eloping a tetra-
dentate immobili1ed metal ion affinity chromatography gel. #sed 0&'! assay
technique to determine what affect metal chelators ha$e on the product of hydro"yl
radicals during metal cataly1ed of hydro"yl radicals during metal cataly1ed o"idation
Selecte* ;%blication(
.%rocess for the :eco$ery of 'trontium from :adioacti$e ?aste 'olutions.
Presented at (''anual <asBueCe International +on-erence on +he'ical
#torage, &e"ico ,ity, April, 1998
.%ure" %ulse 'tudies - 1998., appeared in &odern 'cience, 'pring 1999.
%h0, ,hemical >ngineering, 199(
%ni&ersit o- )isconsin, Madison, )I
'peciali1ation in %harmaceutical ,hemistries.
'ummer /nternship with 6ay %harmaceuticals ,orporation.
6.'., ,hemistry, 1990
%ni&ersit o- )isconsin, Madison, )I
Additional courses in pharmaceutical science and chemical engineering.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as 'enior ,orporate >"ecuti$e of globally focused, publicly-traded
8otable Achie$ement(
- 'ignificant e"perience with di$erse communications mediums such as fiber
optics, %'-7, ,A-A, 80=.11b, microwa$e, cellular, ,0&A, -&0A.
- 6usiness %erson of the +ear, /ndustry :e$iew &aga1ine, =000.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1998 - %resent -el,om /nternational 'an 0iego, ,A
,ontinued e"pansion and market penetration, bringing -el,om ser$ices to 1F new
markets in less than fi$e years. 6oosted re$enue by nearly JF00. 2ed acquisition
and integration of /- consulting and professional ser$ices firm.
1993 - 1998 8utura &otors 2os Angeles, ,A
<i$i(ional 3ice ;re(i*ent
&anaged all supplier purchasing, customer ser$ice, catalog creation, and premium
de$elopment. <eaded a successful push to win a M10& contract with 5ytani Auto,
one of ;apan@s leading automoti$e wholesalers.
1990 - 1993 0el--ech %ower 'ystems !ceanside, ,A
Senior Manager
:esponsible for all personnel matters, including hiring, training, and moti$ating a
staff of forty employees, including ten 9unior and four senior e"ecuti$es.
;e00er*ine 4ni$er(it&, Malib%, !A
&.6.A., 6usiness &anagement, 1990
4ni$er(it& o' !ali'ornia at +o( Angele(
6.A., >conomics ) /nternational :elations, 198*
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
&ember, ?estern 6usiness 2eaders ,ouncil
6oard &ember, /nfotech 'olutions
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a ,hief 8inancial !fficer.
8otable Achie$ement(
/ncreased cash flow with creati$e credit and in$entory management systems
that achie$ed turno$ers =00J higher than industry norms.
7egotiated and managed 9oint $enture relationships with 8ortune (00
international partners.
1995 - Present !hie' 6inancial "''icer
Jenson Telco, 4allas, T5 - 0irected financial systems, reporting, planning, financial
controls, contract negotiations, facilities, strategic planning and in$estor relations for
this MF0 million communications company. 4uided company from near startup to (
consecuti$e years of record profits. 7egotiated and managed partnerships with
5odak, % ) > >lectronics, ) Aite" /ndustries. :eported to ,hairmanH8ounder.
1991 - 1995 !or0orate !ontroller
6arper #o-t?are, #an Jose, +A- :edesigned contract administration, royalty and
commission programs. /ntegrated newly acquired subsidiary. ,ompany is now a M90
million, publicly held software house.
1989 1AAA, 2nternational 1%(ine(( = .conomic(
6oston #ni$ersity, 6oston, &A
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
6oard of 0irectors, 4oldman 'achs 8oundation
Ad$isor, 8uture 6usiness 2eaders of America
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
Statement o' ;%r0o(e
/ possess a solid background in start-up and turnaround of information technology,
and am seeking a position with a growth-oriented, forward thinking, progressi$e
company, which will utili1e my abilities and knowledge to the fullest e"tent.
S%mmar& o' 7%ali'ication(
- -wenty years of professional /- e"perience.
- A strategic business partner, who, working with business unit heads, can help
create a business strategy and disco$er how to best le$erage technology. <a$e made
board-le$el presentations for o$er ten years.
- A true /- $isionary and student of the technology industry. <a$e repeatedly and
consistently led the competition in the adoption of new technology and application of
new techniques while minimi1ing risk. ?idely recogni1ed by employees, peers,
management, and consultants as an e"pert authority on technology matters.
8otable Accom0li(hment(
4uest 2ecturer, ,omputer 'cience 0epartment, -ulane #ni$ersity
7umerous publications in scholarly 9ournals.
7umerous presentations at technological conferences in the #nited 'tates,
&e"ico, and >urope.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
2n--ech S&(tem(, 6argo, 8<
!hie' "0eration( an* 2n'ormation "''icer, 199D - ;re(ent
:esponsible for coordination and o$ersight of all operational and technology
functions across /n--ech@s global family of four independent broker-dealers
Dappro"imately 10,000 repsE.
2n--ech, 6argo, 8<
SrA 3ice ;re(i*ent = !hie' 2n'ormation "''icer, 19DE - 199D
/ncreasing responsibilitiesG promoted fi$e times in 1= years. :eengineered annuity
back-office processing to drastically reduce operational costs and headcount while
impro$ing ser$ice. Architected, built, and implemented a new technology platform to
support this effort. 5ey components included imaging, automated workflow,
redesigned user interfaces, customer and agent databases, automated $oice
response, call centers, and artificial intelligence. -his resulted in a world-class ser$ice
center that supported /n--ech@s rapid growth through the 1990s and continues in use
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a choreographer or dance instructor for 6roadway style dance
>"periences in a $ariety of dance styles 9a11, modern, ballet, tap, hip hop,
folk, ballroom, ) swing.
>nthusiastic, moti$ational, and an e"cellent teacher.
8i$e years e"perience as a dance instructor and choreographer.
.M;+"5M.8- H2S-")5
1999 to %resent
<irector, 8itness 0ance %rogram, 'an 0iego, ,A
/nstructed danceHaerobics classes for participants of all ages, both male and
female. 8itness classes incorporated instruction in 9a11, modern, and hip hop
dance styles into en9oyable, high-energy, full-body workouts aimed at toning
and weight loss. Additionally, ser$ed as the super$isor for the nationally
competiti$e &ission Aalley 0ance -roupe.
1993 - 1998
!horeogra0her, >ast 'treet 0ance -roupe, >ugene, !:
,horeographed dance routines for a professional theatre troupe of thirty
members and numerous productions, including :i$erdance, 'ing 0own 'anta
8e, ) 2os ,allientes.
'ummer 1993
<ance 2n(tr%ctor, ,amp <ollywood, %ortland, !:
0esigned and implemented a dance curriculum for students at a pri$ate,
selecti$e theatre camp. %rogram included instruction in ballet, tap, and
modern dance styles.
6.A. 8ine Arts, 0ance >mphasis, 1993
,olumbia #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a city planner that will effecti$ely utili1e my knowledge and e"perience.
.m0lo&ment ./0erience
1999 - Present !it& ;lanner
The +it o- Al,an, Al,an, >@ - :esponsible for sign amorti1ation program.
%erformed 1oning code and ordinance research and e$aluations. %repared
telecommunications industry analyses for the Albany ,ity ,ouncil. 0e$eloped
database and 4eographic /nformation 'ystem applications
199: - 1999 A((i(tant !it& ;lanner
The +it o- +enter&ille, +enter&ille, >@ - Assisted the <ead %lanner in open space and
neighborhood planning, including the 1=th street 8ree %laying 8ields and the
successful opposition - on en$ironmental grounds, and in defense of ,enter$ille@s
high quality of life rating - to the &onroe <ills /ndustrial comple".
199. Ma(ter(, 4rban <e(ign = ;lanning
,olumbia #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
0issertation .-he 8all of &ain 'treet, #'A ..
199: 1ASA, 4rban ;lanning
#ni$ersity of -e"as, Austin, -e"as
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
American %lanning Association
'ociety of American ,ity and :egional %lanning <istory
/nternational %lanning <istory 'ociety
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging career as a ci$il engineer.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
199? to ;re(ent !hie' .ngineering !on(%ltant
6o?ard & Associates, Portland, O1 - 0esigned and planned residential, commercial,
and industrial structures in compliance with go$ernment codes. !$ersaw and
directed site workG performed cost analyses of construction pro9ectsG acted as liaison
to builders and contractors.
1992 to 199D .ngineer 22
%#4A 0orest #er&ice, (ugene, O1 - %erformed statistical re$iew on data taken in the
>ngineering &echanics 2aboratory. 0esigned test equipment, designed connections
and structures using small-diameter round timber to be competiti$e with e"isting
,%: H 8irst Aid
2ife 4uard
!"#", (ngineering, 199:
4ni$er(it& o' 8ebra(9a, +incoln, 8.
2ent1 'cholar
,lass !fficer
,aptain, &en@s :ugby 8ootball ,lub
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,lothing 0esigner
8otable Achie$ement(
0esigned fashion that was modeled at 4enArt - 8resh 8aces =00= Q &ayan
heater, 2os Angeles 7o$ember 3, =001
0esigned the 8ransisca 8ormal ,ollection, which recei$ed the highest rating
from the American 8ashion /nstitute.
199* - %resent
;ro*%ct Manager, (astland 0ashion +onsultants, Pitts,urgh, PA
%roduced flats, patterns, grading, fabric sourcing, trim sourcing, and production
fitting. &anaged production lines, shipping orders, personally o$erseeing all finishing
Dclipping, steaming) packagingE. &aintained relationships with store buyers and
represented line to boutiques including ;anet),o D2AE, 'a$annah 8ields D7+E, and
<anna D-okyoE. :esponsible for hiring and training new employees.
199= - 1998
A((i(tant ;ro*%ction Manager, Dhane 0ashions, Mia'i, 0;
'uper$ised employees. ,onducted quality control. 'elected merchandise to be
displayed at fashion shows and demonstrations. <andled in$entory, stocking, and
maintenance of supplies.
6.A., 6usiness &anagement, 199=
5ent ,ollege of 0esign, &iami, 82
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,ommercial Artist speciali1ing in computer graphics.
8requent e"hibits at digital art shows throughout %hoeni" and 'outhern
!om0%ter ./0erience
CuarkKpress, Adobe /llustrator, Adobe %hotoshop, Adobe /n0esign, Adobe
%age&aker, &acromedia 8reehand, Adobe Acrobat
199* - %resent Commercial Artist
The (ducation +enter !klahoma ,ity, !5
0esigned new products and packagingG illustrated books, posters, and gamesG and
o$erseeing pro9ects from production through prepress.
1989 - 199* -ra(hic Artist
#'all !usiness )eekl %hoeni", AN
:esponsible for design and layout of print and web $ersion of this nationwide weekly
small business maga1ine.
1991 - 199F -ra(hic Artist
#piroTech *raphics %hoeni", AN
0e$eloped art for a number of award winning ad$ertising campaigns. Accounts
included American Airlines, ;ohnson ,orporation, %hoeni" /ndustrials.
#ni$ersity of Ari1ona, -uscon, AN
M"0"A", 4esign, 1991
7orthern Ari1ona #ni$ersity, 8lagstaff, AN
!"A", *raphic 4esign, 1988
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
"b#ecti$e A challenging and rewarding position as a credit
controller or loan officer that utili1es my commercial loan
knowledge and e"pertise.
199D - ;re(ent !ommercial +oan "''icer
+apital 0inance, Augusta, 4A
:esponsible for new business de$elopment and cross-selling of all bank products
including cash management tools and in$estment products. Also responsible for all
phases of underwriting loans including real estate analysis, cash flow models,
profitability models and credit underwriting. &onitored and maintained new and
e"isting portfolio of commercial clients. :e$iewed and maintained portfolio, including
appro$ing draw requests, co$enant compliance and quarterly updates.
1991 - 199D !ommercial +oan "''icer, So%thern )egion
0ar'ers & Merchants Trust, Atlanta, 4A
?orked in four ma9or loan offices, and assisted credit administrators and regional
market officer. !n three seperate times placed in the top 10J of (0,000 corporate
employees during marketing contests.
1991 1ASA, 6inance
Ohio %ni&ersit, Athens, O6
,oncentration /nternational 6usiness
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'eeking a position as an administrator in the communications field.
)ele$ant S9ill(
>"cellent oral and written communication skills.
'trong organi1ational and analytical skills.
?ord, ?ord%erfect, >"cel, %ower%oint
-yping *0wpm
%roficient with all ?indow@s based operating systems.
199D - ;re(ent !omm%nication A*mini(trator
%ni&ersit o- Mia'i, Mia'i, 0;
:esponsible for the day-to-day management of the undergraduate e-mail systems.
,onfigured and maintained system ser$ices essential to the >lectronic
,ommunications 4roup, including mail, web, 8-%, and other standard #7/K ser$ices.
0e$eloped scripts and programs to automate, impro$e reliability, and increase
performance of the undergraduate e-mail systems. Additionally, in$estigated and
responded to system problems, policy $iolations, and security threats.
1992 - 199D A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant
>ation !ank, Mia'i, 0;
'er$ed as assistant to 'enior Aice %residentH,ommercial :eal >state and 2iaison to
%residentH,>!. ,ompiled data for 6oard presentations, drafted all official written
correspondence, opened accounts and pro$ided customer ser$ice. !ther duties
included dictation, transcription, 8ederal ,ompliance &onitoring, scheduling, and
record keeping.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position in a progressi$e, community ser$ice oriented organi1ation, which will
utili1e my knowledge and e"perience.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1999 - ;re(ent A((ociate <irector
*reater Ta'pa @M+A, Ta'pa, 0;
>"panded program opportunities by *(J while the new +&,A building was under
construction by using schools, churches, and other public facilities, inter$iewed and
hired all program staff, managed association@s first staff e$aluation procedure,
restructured and impro$ed the +&,A sponsored 105 <enry -horton :un, initiated the
association@s first successful +outh 6asketball Association. Additionally, worked in all
areas of public relations.
1992 - 1999 Acti$itie( <irector
John #hook 6o'e, Ta'pa, 0;
!rgani1ed, coordinated, and scheduled acti$ities for a geriatric population of two-
hundred patients, including indi$iduals with a wide range of mental and physical
capabilities. :esponsible for hiring Acti$ity 2eaders, coordinating $olunteers, and
balancing the yearly acti$ities budget.
199. 1AAA, Sociolog& = +iterat%re
4ni$er(it& o' ;enn(&l$ania, ;hila*el0hia, ;A
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%iano, 5eyboard, !rgan, <arp
,lassical, 4ospel, ;a11, !ther
S%mmar& o' Accom0li(hment(
6.A-4). 62+M S!").S
7oble ,ause <ollywood ,inemas
8ight for 8reedom 4aylord 8ilms
-he 2ast <ori1on -ri 'tar %ictures
-.+.32S2"8 S"48<-)A!BS As the ?orld &o$es ,7-
-he ;ohnson@s A6'
1AAA, M%(ic !om0o(ition
,olumbia #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
'ample recordings a$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging position as a 'oftware >ngineer and the possibility of career
#7/K, ,, ,RR, Aisual 6asic, 'olaris, &B8000 0e$elopment, '4/, 0>,, AAK, 'ystem
'er$ers, /ntel 808B Assembler, A&', &'H0!', %ascal, 2/'%, 8!:-:A7, 6asic, &acro-
//. ,lear,ase, <&', -eam?are, ',,', :,'
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
199? - ;re(ent .ngineer
Arteck Industries, #cranton, PA
?orked on product planning and prototyping. 'et up firewall and 2A7 consisting of
2inu" and ?indows machines. 'et up 2inu" web ser$er running Apache, and wrote
%erl code to run on the ser$er.
1993 - 199? So't,are .ngineer
Ja&a #ste's, 6arris,urg, PA
,reated web sites and documentation, using <-&2, to manage $arious pro9ects.
?rote design document, test plan, and user documentation. >nhanced <%-#K ,
library functions, such as setmntent, for reliable shared access to the mount table.
0e$eloped a new libc function, delmntent, and fi"ed defects in other functions. ?ork
done in , and #7/K using ,lear,ase.
1AAA !om0%ter Science, 1993
#ni$ersity of :ichmond, :ichmond, AA
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a computer programmer.
%erl, &y'C2, 2inu", Apache, &ason, K&2, K'2, <-&2, ;a$a'cript, ;a$a, &' ,RR,
A'%, 808B Assembly, 8ortran, ,!6!2, network firewall and hack-proof ser$er
installation and configuration, and automatic mass website building.
S0ecialt&: /nternet-based public relations for online businesses.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1998 - %resent
J%nior So't,are .ngineer
To?er #ste's #an 4iego, +A
0e$eloped part of the core of the product -ower?orks an administration platform
for A'% DApplication 'er$ice %ro$iderE. 0e$eloped tools for customi1ation and
integration with third party products. 0esigned and programmed the uni"
pro$isioning system.
199= - 1998
!om0%ter ;rogrammer
#un #tar Industries #an 4iego, +A
0e$eloped and tested the code for accounting tasks within the corporation, including
cost estimating, salary computation, purchased supplies, monitoring =0 others
associates. ?orked on ,A0 support applications in ,.
199= 6.A., ,omputer 'cience ) 6usiness Administration
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia :i$erside, :i$erside, ,A
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position designing and de$eloping computer
hardwareHsoftware systems.
L +ang%age(: 'hell scripting D6ourne, 6ourne Again, 5ornE, <-&2, %ascal,
;a$a'cript, 'C2, !racle, %2H'C2, ,, ,RR, 0ynamic <-&2 D,''E, %erl, Assembler,
0elphi, Aisual 6asic, %rolog, &2.
L "0erating S&(tem(: 2inu" D:ed<at 3.=HB.=H*.", 'lackware *.1H8.0, &andrake
8.", 0ebian =.=, 'use *.FE, 'un 'olaris 8 D/ntelH'parcE, /6& A/K 3.F.F, 8ree6'0 3.0,
&' ?indows 9(, 98, 7- F.(1 ) 3.0, =000, &>, K%.
#un #ste's, @ork, PA
4ni/ S0eciali(t, 1999 - ;re(ent
%erform duties relating to #7/K system administration. !racle <--% ser$er Dpowered
by apacheE support and !racle 9iA' portal testing. 'un 'olaris 8 and 2inu" :ed<at
*.= systems.
2n*e0en*ent !on(%ltant, 1993 - 1999
%urchased, installed, configured, maintained, and pro$ided troubleshooting of
software and hardware on &icrosoft ?indows 9(H98 and &icrosoft ?indows 7- 3.0
networks. %ro$ided technical support to meet client requirements. 'etup, designed,
and maintained /nternet ?eb sites, 2/'-'>:A', and e-mail discussion groups.
>nsured client connecti$ity on intranet and to the /nternet, including -,%H/%
6.'., ,omputer 'cience, 199(
+ork ,ollege, +ork, %A
:eferences a$ailable on request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,onstruction %ro9ect &anager, construction pro9ect management, multimillion dollar
construction pro9ects, estimates, estimating, quality control, cost control, safety,
progress e$aluation, budgets up to M== million, e"penditure appro$al, payroll, policy
de$elopment, policy implementation, regulatory compliance, documentation.
S4MMA)5 "6 74A+262!A-2"8S
H ,!7'-:#,-/!7 %:!;>,- &A7A4>&>7- &anaging all phases of multimillion
dollar construction pro9ects. >stimating time and material costs. &aintaining quality
and cost control. ,onducting weekly safety meetings.
H A0&/7/'-:A-/!7 %reparing and administering pro9ect budgets of up to M==
million. Appro$ing all e"penditures and payroll. 0e$eloping and implementing policies
and procedures. >nsuring compliance with go$ernment regulations. %reparing all
pro9ect documentation.
H '#%>:A/'/!7H-:A/7/74 'uper$ising pro9ect engineers, foremen, and laborers.
<iring and scheduling subcontractors. -raining and e$aluating all team members.
,onducting performance e$aluations.
H '%>,/8/, %:!;>,-' /7,2#0> M1=( million freeway and interchange system. M*(
million go$ernment building comple" and parking structure. MB= million hotel pro9ect.
M3( million condominium pro9ect.
1990 &unich #ni$ersity, &unich, 4ermany
&aster of 'cience 0egree in 'tructural >ngineering
198* 6onn -echnical ,ollege, 6onn, 4ermany
6achelor of 'cience 0egree in ,i$il >ngineering
.:;.)2.8!. H2GH+2GH-S
5A&%>7 ,!7'-:#,-/!7 ,!., &unich, 4ermany
%ro9ect &anager-'eptember 1993 to %resent
:esponsible for managing M1=( million pro9ect for construction of freeway and
interchange system. &onitor progress of pro9ect at all stages. Administer pro9ect
budget. Appro$e all e"penditures and payroll. &aintain quality and cost control.
0e$elop and implement policies and procedures. >nsure compliance with go$ernment
regulations, engineering drawings, and customer specifications.
%re$iously managed and completed three additional pro9ects M*( million pro9ect for
construction of go$ernment building comple" and parking structure.
!hri( Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as ,onstruction 8oreman.
-eachH >mploy the 4eometry of 8ramingH,abinetryG any 'caleH0esign.
0esignH 2ayout H /nstall 8oundationH 8ooting 'ystems.
0esignH 2ayoutH 6uild any ,oncrete 8orm 'ystem.
0esignH 2ayoutH ,ut ?ood 8loor ) ?all 'ystems.
0esignH 2ayoutH ,ut ?ood 'tair ) :oof 'ystems.
0esignH >ngineerH /nstall :oof -russ 'ystems.
0esignH /nstall Architectural 8aSadesH Affectations.
&anaged budget for all supplies, equipment, and salaries.
0esignH 6uild 0ecks, %atios, 6ree1eways, ,arports, 'unrooms.
1992 - Present
!on(tr%ction 6oreman - +eighton !on(tr%ctionA >aln%t !ree9, !A
%aradise <ills 'hopping &all, ,hicago, /2
&ission <igh 'chool, ,hicago, ,A
0etroit ,on$ention ,enter, 0etroit, &/
199A - 1992
!ar0enter - 1arton !on(tr%ction, !hicago, 2+
:eno$ation of &esa Aiew Apartments, ,hicago, /2
;ohn@s -a$ern, ,hicago, /2
1991 - 199A
A00rentice - Hec9man 1rother( !on(tr%ction, 1igler$ille, 2+
6igler$ille +&,A, 6igler$ille, /2
6est 'urplus, >$anston, /2
1990 +ha',er&ille 6igh #chool, +ha',er&ille, I; +onstruction Tech +urriculu' 199=
12: 6ours o- !usiness Manage'ent Training A&1 +onsulting
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
8ifteen years of technology and strategy consulting e"perience.
>mphasis on defining and e$aluating marketing strategies.
'ignificant 'upply ,hain e"perience ser$ing clients in the Automoti$e,
/ndustrial %roducts, ,hemical &anufacturing, ,onsumer 0urables, and
,onsumer %ackaged 4oods industries.
&a9or clients ser$ed include 8ord, -e"aco, ?illiams 'onoma, >nron, 0ow
,hemical and others.
>"perience in consulting practice management.
)&*ell !on(%lting Gro%0 2000 - ;re(ent
Chie Strategy *icer San .rancisco, CA
1. 'ource, sell and manage strategy-consulting engagements across multiple
=. %lan the firm@s own go-to-market strategies and refine its methodologies.
F. 0e$elop the firm@s own consulting infrastructure, including e$aluations, billing
and org. structure.
3. &entor o$er =0 different consultants at all le$els, and assist the ,>! with
operating decisions.
San*hill Strategic Ser$ice( 1995 - 2000
#artner San .rancisco, CA
2ed the *( member strategy group on the west coast and was part of the
,>!@s roundtable.
%ro$ided mentoring and career de$elopment guidance, awarded promotions
and set compensation.
:edefined 'andhill@s methodology for building a client base through better
targeting methods.
2aunched new practice areas on the ?est ,oast, including technology,
financial ser$ices and energy.
-rained 'andhill colleagues around the globe on new strategy formulation
1l%e Hill !on(%lting 19D9 - 1995
Associate #artner San .rancisco, CA
:esponsible for business de$elopment and deli$ery of pro9ects. >ngagement
summary is as follows
S,i(( A%tomobile Man%'act%rer
2ed a product strategy pro9ect for the 7orth American lu"ury di$ision.
,onducted e"tensi$e customer segmentation studies.
0e$eloped strategies to impro$e customer retention through popular product
S0ecialt& ;harmace%tical Man%'act%rer an* <i(trib%tor
2ed the formulation of a growth and competiti$e positioning strategy.
,reated a business plan around newly created unique $alue propositions.
-rained key company e"ecuti$es on new market-place performance metrics.
1ig-1o/ )etailer
0e$eloped a merchandising effecti$eness and deployment strategy.
Aligned selling resources with retail segments offering highest sales and profit
0e$eloped tier-based compensation structure for on-floor salespersons.
Arth%r 1ro,er !on(%lting 1993 - 1995
Senior Consultant / ,anager San .rancisco, CA
%articipated on client engagements in the banking, go$ernment and
manufacturing sectors.
'peciali1ed in implementing restructuring and reengineering programs.
'er$ed as programmer and system test super$isor.
6achelor of 'cience in ,hemical >ngineering, 6oston ,ollege, 6oston &A
&aster of 6usiness Administration, 8inance, -uck 'chool of 6usiness,
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
An upper management position in$ol$ing management in contract administration.
'uper$ision of meeting coordination, communications, administrati$e, and
information management staff.
,ontract management.
,onference planning H management.
%ublications H communications coordination Deditorial, production, and
:esponsibility for maintaining quality customer H client ser$ice.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
-ectronic( !or0oration
!ontract A*mini(trator 23, 199E - ;re(ent
:esponsible for contract management and administration in accordance with
company policies, legal requirements, and customer specifications. :e$iewed and
administered contracts and modificationsG prepared contract re$iew records and
obtained necessary management appro$als. 2ed negotiations of contracts and
changes with customers. Assisted in preparation of presentations for program and
customer re$iews. %repared and maintained contract documentation and pro$ided
information to property and procurement departments.
1ell Aero(0ace = -echnolog&, !hicago, 2+
!ontract A*mini(trator 22, 1992 - 199E
'upported 0irector of ,ontracts in compilation, re$iew and analysis of contract
department statistics, reports and workload. ?orked with /nformation &anagement
using ,ostpoint and 6usiness !b9ects or >"cel to generate monthly reports on
accounts recei$able and similar key contract metrics, and to track progress for
management re$iew. ,ollected and analy1ed sales and profit accrual information.
-ransmitted e"ception reports to contract administrators, and authored monthly
progress reports.
6.A., &arketing, 199=
#ni$ersity of /llinois, #rbana, /2
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a ,ontroller position with a leading ,onsulting or -echnology ,ompany.
./0erience 'an &ateo, ,A
,ontroller 8H99 to %resent
- &anage all day-to-day finances for a late-stage application ser$ice pro$ider DA'%E.
- &onitor re$enue recognition practices to ensure 100J compliance with accounting
- &anage allocation of ,ompany funds, increasing $alue of holdings by 8J during
first year.
- ?ork with e"ternal auditors and in$estment bankers in preparation for the
,ompany@s /%!
- :eport directly to the ,8! and ha$e frequent interaction with the ,>! and 6oard
of 0irectors
'cion ,onsulting 4roup 7ew +ork, 7+
Assistant ,ontroller 11H9B to 8H99
- ?orked directly with the 4lobal ,orporate ,ontroller for a M= 6illion high-tech
consulting firm.
- %repared and managed the #' operating budget, forecasting costs and re$enues.
- %art of a team that determined #' re$enue reporting guidelines for a new product
- /mplemented an automated data retrie$al process for satellite offices, sa$ing
M1(05 annually.
- %romoted from 'taff Accountant after only B months, the fastest promotion within
the department.
%rude", /nc. 7ew +ork, 7+
Accounts %ayable ,lerk 8H9( to 11H9B
- &anaged the accounts payable group for a large clothing manufacturer.
- 7egotiated with suppliers and $endors to recei$e the most fa$orable payment
- !$ersaw and reported on all accounts payable acti$ities to the firm@s Assistant
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a copywriter.
>"perienced in writing feature articles, technical documentation, and creati$e
printHradio ad copy.
>"tensi$e e"perience in /nternet research methods.
Aersed in copyediting, transcriptionHediting of inter$iews, and proofreading
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1998 - %resent Senior !o0&,riter
Ingenuit 4esign #olutions, 'an 8rancisco, ,A
:esponsibilities included interacting with market leaders - and multi-disciplinary
teams - to propose, de$elop and e"ecute online business strategies and e-solutions
for /nternet, /ntranet and >"tranet sites. ,lients included ;ohnson ) ;ohnson, %hilip
&orris, <'6,, 8ootlocker, 8o", and ,hase &anhattan 6ank. /nteracted with
designers, architects, programmers, account e"ecuti$es and new business
de$elopment team to de$ise strategic solutions based on client@s business goals.
199= - 1998 6reelance Me*ia ;lanner
<andled media needs for such companies as ?aldorf Astoria ) ?aldorf -owers,
%eacock Alley and !scar@s :estaurants, 2iberty 'cience ,enter, and & ) - 7ational
1AAA, .ngli(h, 1992
#ni$ersity of 'outhern ,alifornia, 2os Angeles, ,A
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a counselor working with youth
%ro-acti$e treatment of depression and chemical personality disorders
'uccess with $iolent youth offenders
,omfortable with urban en$ironment
,ertified :ehabilitation ,ounselor, ,ounselor T1F8(F
2icensed %rofessional ,ounselor D,AE, T901=
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
199E - ;re(ent Hea* 5o%th !o%n(elor
A,ra3as @outh +orrectional 0acilit, ;os Angeles, +A
%ro$ided super$ision for a group of =0 youth counselors, and worked directly with a
di$erse population of =00 9u$enile offenders. 0esigned and implemented
rehabilitation programs designed to help facilitate a smooth transition for children
who would return to their regular families and schools upon completing their term at
Abra"as. >stablished group therapy methods and a theatre arts program, both still in
e"istence at the facility today.
1992 - 199E !o%n(elor
Mission <alle 6igh #chool, #an 4iego, +A
%ro$ided counseling for =,000 students, ages 13 through 18. 8amiliari1ed students
with the college admissions processG helped students prepare applications. %ro$ided
$ocational counseling for students who were more technically inclined and desired to
enter trade school. >nsured mental and emotional well-being of the student body.
199= %h0, %sychology
#ni$ersity of 8lorida, &iami, 82
0octoral 0issertation .Art as &edication.
1988 6.A., 'ociology ) >ducation
,olumbia #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as ,ourt :eporter.
,ertified as a :egistered %rofessional :eporter by the 7ational ,ourt
:eporters Association
Ability to keep confidential information.
'chedule fle"ibility.
-rack record of reliability.
>"ceptional communication, grammar and editing skills.
'uperior attention to detail and accuracy.
1998 - Present +egal Secretar&
To?son & #ons 2a ;olla, ,A
%repared confidential legal documentation and
correspondence mergers, acquisitions, and litigations.
'uper$ised office support staff.
199$ - 1998 A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant
6a?,aker & /aC'inski 'an 0iego, ,A
%repared and produced all forms of written
correspondence. 0rafted annual reports and scheduled
199$ A((ociate( <egree, !riminal J%(tice
#ni$ersity of 8lorida, &iami, 82
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
%osition as senior creati$e designer in large ad$ertising agency.
8otable Achie$ement(
199* -hird place 4raphics di$ision award at 0owntown ;ackson$ille 8ine
1999 A00+ award for 0irect &arketing ) 'pecialty Ad$ertising 0esign.
&anaged se$eral multi-million dollar ad$ertising campaigns.
,ommissioned to design the co$er of %eople@s +ear in :e$iew edition, 1999
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
*H98 - %resent Art <irector
7eon ,orporation, Atlanta, 4A
:esponsible for design of collateral, art direct freelancers and photo shoots. 'elect
clients included 'pringwood %sychiatric /nstitute, 6eston <ospital ,enter, ?inchester
&edical ,enter, & ) - 7ational 6ank, and ,oca-,ola.
FH93 - *H98 Gra0hic Arti(t
%lanet :io 0esign, Atlanta, 4A
:esponsibilities included layoutHpasteup, illustration most all $ia computer. ,omputer
document files support ser$ice and output to :, paper and negati$e, press ready.
,omputer and design consulting. %rogram tutoring. >lectronic photo retouching.
*H9= - FH93 Gra0hic Arti(t
?anted ?eekly, &iami, 82
0esigned ad$ertising for a national want ads newspaper Dtypesetter and wa"
machineE. Also typeset want ads, pasted up the newspaper, shot and de$eloped
halftones, %&-s and re$ersals.
M6A, Gra0hic <e(ign 1992
&iami 'chool of Art, &iami, 82
1AAA, Gra0hic <e(ign 19D9
6ucknell #ni$ersity, 6ucknell, %A
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a credit manager.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
8irst 8inancial 'an 0iego, ,A
199B - %resent !re*it Manager
0irect ele$en employees in the credit and collection acti$ities of
M1( million in outstanding recei$ables. :esponsible for
maintaining optimal sales while controlling 0'!, bad debt, cash
flow, credit policy, and department costs.
;.,. %enney ,o. 6elmont, ,A
199= - 199B !ollection( Manager, So%thern !A <i$i(ion
:esponsible for si"teen employees in the collection of 11B,000
accounts. %ro$ided customer ser$ice for these same accounts
specifically responding to customer inquiries and complaints.
,ontrolled costs of operation to ma"imi1e payroll sa$ings.
8otable Achie$ement(
,&! &anagement 'kills ,ertification
7+7>K &obile ,ommunications ,ertification
;.,. %enney >mployee of the month of B separate occasions
199= #ni$ersity of !regon >ugene, !:
1AAA, .conomic(
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a ,ustomer 'er$ice &anager.
8 years of customer ser$ice.
>"cellent written and $erbal communication skills, with an eye for detail.
>"tremely producti$e in a high $olume, high stress, en$ironment.
%roficient in the use of /6& clone and &ac desktops.
<ighly producti$e in the use of !ffice =000 %rofessional.
'elf starter with a can do attitude.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1998 - Present +it 0inancial, ;os Angeles, +A
!%(tomer Ser$ice Manager
,ollaborated with the %roduct 0e$elopment department in de$eloping new 8ee 6ased
products and their sales to the unbanked credit card membership base. Answered an
a$erage of three hundred customer calls in a day through the call center queue.
?orked as a 'enior :epresentati$e in the %romise to %ay department to ensure
customers where gi$en assistance in bringing their o$er limit andHor pass due
account current %erformed duties in the :etention department retaining customers
who wanted to cancel their accounts.
199$ - 1998 +itiTrust, #anta Monica, +A
!%(tomer Ser$ice )e0re(entati$e
Answered inbound calls in support of customer needs. ,on$eyed in a reassuring
manner step by step instructions to resol$e application issues. :e$iewed and issued
audits on account information and processes. %erformed queries in multiple
databases. Adhered to go$ernment monetary regulations. Assisted in the creation
and de$elopment of the banks customer relationship management system.
4on1aga #ni$ersity, 'pokane, ?A
1AAA, 1%(ine(( = .conomic(, 199
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
0ata Analyst
&ore than twel$e years of e"perience with reporting software, including 6usiness
!b9ects, ,rystal :eports, ,ognos. 'ound understanding of relational and
denormali1ed databases. ?orking knowledge of 'C2 required. %roficient with 'iebel,
Aspect ,all ,enter, and Aspect 0ata &art.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
199? - ;re(ent <ata Anal&(t
Institute -or 4ata 1esearch, Oceanside, +A
%lanned and built a large %erl application for translation of legacy <-&2
documentation in K&2. %lanned and built ;a$a ser$lets for ser$ing dynamic content
using K&2HK'2-. %ersonally de$eloped many custom programs for transformation of
legacy data for large clients using %erlH%ython. Authored and taught modules and
courses dealing with topics such as 'trategic /mplications of K&2 for !rgani1ations,
K'2- %rogramming, K&2 Architecture and related topics to audiences primarily
consisting of ,/!s, data analysts, and data managers.
199 - 199? J%nior <ata Anal&(t
+apital 0inancial, (ugene, O1
?rote #ni" utilities on <%H#K, 2inu", and #ni" 'ystem 'er$ices for !'HF90. ?rote
web front ends for user tracking systems using %erl, 4/, and :06&'@s. ,oordinated
company-wide rollout of software packages to F different platforms.
199: 1AAA, !om0%ter Science
#ni$ersity of -e"as, Austin, -K
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'eeking a position as a data entry clerk with a strong, forward thinking company.
S%mmar& o' 7%ali'ication(
!$er ten years of related e"perience. 8amiliar with a $ariety of software including
?ord%erfect !ffice, &icrosoft !ffice, 2otus 1-=-F, 8o"%ro, and >"cel. %roficient in web
de$elopment with $arious programs including <-&2 coding, <ot&etal %ro,
0ream?ea$er, ,old 8usion.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
!-2 S&(tem(, ;ort(mo%th, 8H
)ece0tioni(t@<ata .ntr&, 199D - ;re(ent
Aerified accuracy of data, compiled spreadsheets by combining data from $arious
!oncor* Art S%00lie(, !oncor*, 8H
!%(tomer Ser$ice )e0re(entati$e, 199 - 199D
%repared daily sales orders and in$oices. <andled sales calls and follow ups to pursue
and de$elop new accounts. &anaged a marketing budget of M(000 per month
AAAA, 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration, 199
,oncord ,ommunity ,ollege, ,oncord, 7<
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'eeking a position in information technology or data processing with a progressi$e,
forward thinking company.
S%mmar& o' 7%ali'ication(
'elf starter with pro$en leadership abilities, able to identify gaps in processes and
initiate correcti$e actions, e"cellent oral and written communication, and e"cellent
pro9ect management skills. >"perienced with installation, configuration, and
maintenance of firewall, gateway, and pro"y ser$ersG 7/' and 7/'R ser$ersG and
07', web, and email ser$ers. Also familiar with installation and configuration of
'amba on #7/K file ser$ers and domain controllers for support on ?indows
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
Senior S&(tem( A*mini(trator, 199 - ;re(ent
0o3 Technologies, Me'phis, T>
:esponsible for 'ystems Administration and !perational 'upport of the %hoeni" ,A0
en$ironment including installation and maintenance of 'un and 2inu" compute
ser$ers, 7etwork Appliance fileser$ers, and engineering design workstations,
printers, and plotters. ,reated and administered user domain accounts and
management of network filesystems. Also pro$ided daily backups of critical design
data, archi$al of completed pro9ects, and in$entory management while acting as
liaison to Applications 'upport to pro$ide a complete 0esign 'ystemsHApplications
<ata ;roce((or, 1990 - 199
M"/" 4ata +orporation, /no3&ille, T>
'et up company website, including database access $ia ;a$a ser$eletsH;06, and
A'%HA0!. %roduced banner tables using '%'' and ,8&,. ?rote macros using A6A to
automate graph generation and manipulate data.
1=0 <our ,ertificate, ;ohnson &anagement /nstitute, 199*
MA1AAA, 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration, 199
1AAA, .conomic(, 1990
#ni$ersity of -ennessee, 5no"$ille, -7
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
,hallenging position as a 0atabase Administrator in a growth-oriented firm.
- 'trong analytical and problem sol$ing skills
- >"perience in design and maintenance of clinical databases
- >"perience with e"ternal sources, i.e., laboratory data or medical coding
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
199D - ;re(ent <ataba(e A*mini(trator
!iogen Phar'aceuticals, )il'ington, 4(
:esponsible for the design and maintenance of the clinical databases and
programming of the edit checks. Aalidated and edited check rules and other
programs. 8ormatted, loaded, and transferred data into clinical databases using
!racle ,linical. ,reated and maintained study documentation in accordance with
'!%@s. 'uper$ised and performed quality re$iew of 9unior le$el 06A@s to ensure
success of all operations and resolution of any internal conflict.
199 - 199D A((i(tant <ataba(e A*mini(trator
Tho'son +o''unications, +ha',ers,urg, PA
0esigned and implemented utilities which automated se$eral 06A functions.
&onitored and tuned /&' and ,/,'H/&' applications. -ranslated logical design
through physical design into /&' control blocks. >stablished customer support
tracking database. &aintained geographic client locator database.
!"#", +o'puter #cience, 199.
#ni$ersity of &aryland, ,ollege %ark, &0
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a 0atabase 0e$eloper.
A'%, A0!, <-&2, 0<-&2, ;a$a'cript, A6'cript, and ,''
&' 'C2 'er$er, Access, !racle, %arado", -andem 7' 'C2
)ele$ant ./0erience
2n*e0en*ent !on(%ltant, 1999 - ;re(ent
0e$eloped new web sites for $arious corporations using using 0<-&2 and ;a$a'cript.
Analy1ed &' 'C2 'er$er databases to determine needed data. /mplemented reports
and report request forms for use on the ?eb using A'%, A0!, and ;a$a'cript.
4irect Tech Industries, #an 4iego, +A
<ataba(e <e$elo0er, 199E - 1999
?orked with graphics designers and software engineers to de$elop the database, &'
'C2 'er$er *, and Acti$e 'er$er %ages for the community section of the company
?eb site. ?orked on threaded discussion groups accessed and displayed in a $ariety
of formats using A'%, A0!, ,'', and ;a$a'cript Dboth client-side and ser$er-sideE.
#sed hierarchical displays and email forms using ,0!7-'.
1990 MA1AAA, 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia, 'an 0iego, ,A
1983 1AAA, .ngineering = 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia, :i$erside, ,A
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a 0aycare 0irector or Administrator.
)ele$ant S9ill(
- 'trong analytical and problem sol$ing abilities
- ,%:H8irst Aid certified
- 0emonstrated ability to organi1e, meet deadlines, and balance budgets
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1998 - %resent <a&care <irector
Magic @ears +hildcare, +hicago, I;
%lanned and implemented educational programs
for *0 children in a daycare setting. 5ept daily records, maintained
supplies and materials, trained workers as required.
:esponsible for physical and emotional well-being
of all enrolled students.
199= - 1998 6ir(t Gra*e -eacher
6a'ilton 6eights (le'entar, >orth Park, I;
0esigned and implemented entire program of
instruction for students from a di$erse range of
ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. -aught basic reading,
communication, and social skills. 0irected the schools first after
school theatre group.
199= 6.A., <uman 0e$elopment ) >ducation
7orthwestern #ni$ersity, >$anston, /2
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a dental hygienist where / will be able to fully utili1e my professional
e"perience with patients.
)ele$ant S9ill(
%ro$ided basic patients with basic instruction in dental hygiene.
>$aluated and kept records of patients@ dental health.
>"posed and de$eloped dental K-rays.
%laced temporary fillings and periodontal dressings.
"cc%0ational Hi(tor&
199B - %resent !ffice of 0r. %hil ?hitmore, %ittsburgh, %A
<ental H&gieni(t
Assisted dentist in a wide range of dental procedures. 5ept records on patients@
health and benefit administration. ,onducted K-rays, routine teeth cleanings, and
other general dental practices.
1993 - 199BG #ni$ersity of %ittsburgh, %ittsburgh, %A
<ental School -eaching A((i(tant
Assisted professors in the 0ental <ygiene %rogram with instruction of basic dental
hygiene techniques and methods.
,ertified 0ental Assistant, 6oard of &aryland
199B 4ni$er(it& o' ;itt(b%rgh, %ittsburgh, %A
6.'., 0ental <ygiene %rogram
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
"b#ecti$e 'eeking position as 0epartment 'tore &anager.
8our years of e"perience in retail merchandising, speciali1ing in men@s wear.
>"perience creating financial plans and meeting budgets.
,reated promotional concepts.
%urchased and maintained in$entory for a M1=& company.
>"perience creating radio and print ad$ertisements.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
;ones 0epartment 'tore 1998 - %resent
1%&er, 8e, .nglan* )egion
'uper$ised a sales staff of == associates. :esponsible for purchasing men@s wear sold
in the men@s department of all company stores in 7ew >ngland, with years sales
e"ceeding M=&. 0rafted budgets, sol$ed problems for indi$idual stores, and
de$eloped new merchandising concepts. Analy1ed sales, planned key promotional
e$ents, and wrote quarterly reports.
;.,. 4oodwin 0epartment 'tore 1993 - 1998
Manager, MenG( <e0artment
:esponsible for all aspects of &en@s 0epartment management. :ecruited and trained
new employees. :esponsible for loss pre$ention, in$entory control, and
.*%cation 1AAA, Mar9eting 1993
6oston #ni$ersity, 6oston, &A
)e'erence( A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a position with a strong, forward thinking, progressi$e company were / can
fully utili1e my knowledge and e"perience as a designer.
8otable Achie$ement(
199* Awarded 'pecial &ention %ri1e. ./,'/0H ,ompiegne /ndustrial 0esign
Award., 8rance, for co-design of a .%ortable !ffice %ro9ect.
4uest 2ecturer, /ndustrial 0esign, #ni$ersity of 4eorgia
)ele$ant S9ill(
,ertified in ,A0 and in Architectural 0rafting
<uman computer interface design
,0:'D%roH0esignerE, %roH>, -0/, Auto,A0, 8orm N, 'trata F0, /nfini-0, ,orel
0raw, Adobe %hotoshop, CuarkK%ress, Adobe /llustrator, <yper,ard, %ersuasion,
&& 0irector.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
Harri( -echnologie(, Atlanta, GA
;ro*%ct <e(igner, 199D - ;re(ent
0e$eloped critical transmissions, performance monitoring, and diagnostics firmware
D,, A'&E for broadband hybrid fiberHcoa" telecommunications network D-0&A
A = S 2n*%(trie(, A%g%(ta, GA
Manager, -ele0hone ;ro*%ct( <i$i(ion @ Manager, A*$ance* ;ro*%ct <e(ign,
199 - 199D
<ired as manager of -elephone %roducts, and later promoted to manager of
Ad$anced %roduct 0esign, / was responsible for all new product design. %ro$ided key
technology enhancements to multiple product lines. 0esigned full product line
including machines rated superior to all others by ,onsumer :eports, helping to
increase company sales from M3=.F to M*1.8& in one year.
.*%cation 1AAA <e(ign, 199
#ni$ersity of Aermont, 6urlington, A-
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position where / can utili1e my web and graphic design skills. / am open to any
opportunities for pro9ects that in$ol$e de$eloping inno$ati$e and technically
challenging print and multimedia.
-en years e"perience in -echnical ?riting, primarily in software user manuals and
procedures Dprocess documentationE, as well as fi$e-si" years in web
designHde$elopment, with a demonstrated interest and ability to learn new
technologies and applications. >"perience with web-based publishing, working with
software engineers and de$elopers. 5nowledge of ?indows platforms, including //'
web ser$er administration. >"cellent communication skills, $erbal and written.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1arton = Bline, Miami, 6+
<e(9to0 ;%bli(her, 199? - ;re(ent
:esponsible for designing document styles in Aentura %ublisher to match corporate
standards. 'ol$ed technical problems with Aentura %ublisher in a multi-user 2A7
en$ironment, including programming in 4?6asic and 0!' batch. ,on$erted te"t
from the Kero" !ffice system to the %, and desktop publishing. ?rote and proofread
numerous user guides.
SAAA Me*ia, Miami, 6+
(;%bli(her( o' monthl& 1etter Home( magaFine)
<e(9to0 ;%bli(her, 1993 - 199?
,reated $arious layouts and designs for 6etter <omes@ ad$ertisers. ,ompleted
$arious 0-% prepress image processing 9obs for the maga1ine. 0esigned and created
$arious co$ers for occasional supplementary and bi-annual publications.
6.A., 4raphic 0esign, 199F
4ni$er(it& o' )ichmon*, :ichmond, AA
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position in law enforcement that will utili1e my fourteen years of e"perience
in the field.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
199( - %resent !hie' o' ;olice
,harlotte %olice 0epartment, ,harlotte, 7,
/ntroduced the use of geographic information systems into the ,harlotte
%olice 0epartment resulting in applications including crime analysis,
community and problem-oriented policing, beatHmanpower allocation, crime
trend analysis, traffic enforcement and analysis, risk-focused
pre$entionH9u$enile recreation, blight eradicationHhousing programs and other
areas. 0uring my tenure as %olice ,hief the department obtained B grants
including 7orth ,arolina 0epartment of ;ustice and !ffice of -raffic 'afety
grants to utili1e 4/' in both crime analysis and traffic safety.
1990 - 199( Sergeant
;ohnson 8orte 2aw >nforcement, 2os Angeles, ,A
>mployed under contract to the #' 4o$ernment and the #' Air 8orce. <eld a
commission as a 'pecial 0eputy #' &arshal. 0uties entailed super$ising a
shift of armed %olice !fficers responsible for pro$iding 2aw >nforcement, 2ife
and %roperty %rotection, #' ,ustoms /nspections, Aessel 6oarding and
-raditional %olice 8unctions to an island clientele of 1=00 persons of which
F00 are military.
1988 - 1990 A((i(tant )egional -eam !hie'
7orth ,arolina 0epartment of ,orrections, &onroe, 7,
0uties included ,ase &anagement and 'uper$ision of /nternal Affairs
/n$estigators at 10 of 1* 'tate %rison #nits. :esponsibilities included
personally in$estigating allegations of misconduct against #nit ?ardens
andHor their immediate staffs.
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
Area :epresentati$e, 7orth ,arolina %olice Association D7,%AE
199* - %resent
6oard &ember, /nland :egional 7arcotics >nforcement -eam D/:7>-E
199B - %resent
&ember, 86/ 7ational Academy Associates
199B - %resent
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
-o obtain a 9ob as a software de$eloper for company speciali1ing in consumer
- %roficient in Aisual 6asic, A'%, ;a$a 'cript, A6 'cript and $arious ?eb
- >"perienced in ?eb Application 0e$elopment ) 'ite 0esigning.
- &icrosoft ,ertified %rofessional D//' 3.0E.
- >nterprise 'ystems &anagement D>'&E training on 'un 'olaris *.0.
- ,ertified in <ardware and ?indows 7- 7etworking D5ar:!KE.
- 0iploma in Ad$anced ,omputing D,-0A,E ) 6achelor of >ngineering.
"0erating S&(tem(@+ang%age(
- &'-0!', 'ystems !peration
- .7>- 8ramework
- Aisual 6asic B.0
- ,RR, %rogramming
- 'olaris *.0
- ?indows 9(H98H7- 3.0H=000HK%
- #7/K, 'hell 'cript %rogramming
>eb -ech, A(h$ille, 8!
So't,are .ngineer, 199D - ;re(ent
0e$eloping web based applications and sites. 8ollowed /'! 9000 =001
'tandards for complete lifecycle of pro9ects in all applications and sites.
3er(ion "ne So't,are, !harlotte, 8!
;ro*%ction !on(%ltant, 1995 - 199D
:esponsible for -eam co-ordination for the pro9ect and deli$ery of the pro9ect.
6uilt web-based applications in A'%, which in$ol$ed a 'earch application,
#ser registration and session management and a product catalogue. 6uilt ,H'
based 6anking application in Aisual 6asic.
4ni$er(it& o' 8orth !arolina, !ha0el Hill, 8!
1ASA, !om0%ter Science, 199
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
"b#ecti$e A challenging and rewaring position as a nutritionist.
Authored numerous scholary articles regarding health and nutrition. %ublications
inclued 8resh /deas &aga1ine, 6etter 2i$ing, ;ournal of 7utritional 'cience, and 7ew
<ealth ;ournal. 'er$ed as a consultant for the 0epartment of >ducation@s <ealth
>ducation !utreach %rogram. !$er ten years of nutrition e"perience.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
2n(tr%ctor, 8%trition 199B - %resent
:ockford ,ommunity ,ollege, :ockford, /2 - %ro$ided instruction to graduates and
undergraduates in areas of health and nutrition. !rgani1ed :ockford ,ommunity
7utritional !utreach %rogram, designed to educate elderly and lower income
residents of the community about nutritional needs and healthy eating choices.
8%tritional !o%n(elor 199= - 199B
%enn 'tate #ni$ersity 'tudent <ealth 'er$ices, 'tate ,ollege, %A - %ro$ided
nutritional counseling to both clinician and self-referred patients. 2ed eating disorder
and weight management groups with staff psychologists, psychiatrists, and health
1ASA, 8%trition 199=
#ni$ersity of /llinois, #rbana, /2
4raduated 'umma ,um 2aude
!hri( Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
American Greeting !ar*(, S3; Alternati$e !hannel(, J%ne 199D-Jan%ar&
:esponsible for bottom line performance of this multi-channel retailer@s
Alternati$e channels business unit, including the web and con$enience stores.
4rew ?eb sales o$er F0K since first arri$ing at the ,ompany.
'pecific responsibilities include
1. 0efined the ,ompany@s alternati$e channels business strategy to
support the primary retail channels.
=. ,reated the ,ompany@s first e-commerce web site, from design to
F. %ositioned the ,ompany@s products for the business-to-business and
business-to-consumer markets.
3. 7egotiated partnerships with other key web players, like +ahooU and
(. !$ersaw the customer ser$ice function for all alternati$e channels,
including a li$e web help group.
B. ,oordinated in$entory le$els in con9unction with the larger retail
channel group.
*. Assisted the manufacturing group in forecasting demand for each
alternati$e channel.
8. 0efining e$olution of the site@s look and feel as well as enhancements
in functionality.
9. &anaged all marketing initiati$es and functions, both on-line and off-
10. Analy1ed performance metrics to determine future strategy.
:esults achie$ed in FB-month period include
1. /ncreased ?eb re$enues Dshipped salesE to o$er M1( million.
=. /ncreased ?eb traffic by o$er (0J year-o$er-year.
F. /ncreased presence in c-stores by 10J, and increased sales by 8J
3. Achie$ed profitability with the web business after only 18 months.
.rn(t = 5o%ng !on(%lting, ;artner, Se0tember 1991-J%ne 199D
2eader in ?est-,oast :etail practice, focused on selling and leading large
scale engagements for retail industry and other clients, including
1. &erchandising sourcing pro9ect, helping lower costs for a large retail
department store.
=. 6rand identity makeo$er for a large ad$ertising conglomerate.
F. >commerce strategy for a ma9or credit card processor.
'er$ed on $arious >)+ boards and contributed to o$erall firm building
1. Acted as the firm@s resident ecommerce e"pert, leading its new
paradigm taskforce.
=. 0e$eloped account management strategy for e"isting clients and
targeted new ones based on likely spend.
F. !$ersaw the firm@s de$elopment of intellectual property regarding
retail best practices.
3. <eld a Aice-,hairman position on the ,ompany@s Aenture fund, which
in$ested in small promising companies.
A**itional 0o(ition( hel*:
,arhart ?orkwear, 0irector of ,orporate 'trategy, 8ebruary 1990-'eptember
1. &anaged the channel e"pansion for a leading manufacturer of
industrial and work clothing.
=. Analy1ed cost factors in determining the e"pansion of a new product
F. ,onducted a rigorous supplier e$aluation, based on return on
in$estment per supplier.
6ain ,onsulting, &anager, &arch 198F-8ebruary 1990
#ni$ersity of &ichigan, Ann Arbor, &aster of %ublic %olicy, &ay 19*9
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia, 0a$is, 6achelor of Arts, ;une 19**
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging position as a marketing and sales director with an opportunity for
challenge and personal growth.
0irected and coordinated the successful launch of se$eral key product lines in the
competiti$e high-tech industry where quick mo$ement from conceptual stages to
market is essential.
Marketing #ales 4irector, 1995 - Present Intel, Indianapolis, I>
,oordinated marketing and sales efforts as well as o$erseeing de$elopment of new
products. 2ead a team of ten associates in de$eloping and marketing se$eral new
product lines. 0esigned a streamlined $ersion of the antiquated customer feedback
sur$ey. 'pearheaded successful product launches, resulting in added re$enue of
more than M(& in 9ust twel$e months.
#ales Manager, 199: - 1995 4ata Tech, +olu',us, O6
0irected sales and marketing operations within the high-tech sector. :esponsible for
conducting thorough analysis of consumer sur$ey data and de$ising successful
marketing strategies based on sur$ey results.
!"A", Marketing, 199: Ohio #tate %ni&ersit, ,olumbus, !<
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
An opportunity that le$erages my strong marketing and leadership skills.
1. >"perienced manager with e"perience at public and pri$ate companies.
=. 'uccessfully lead teams in unpredictable and e$en ad$erse market conditions.
F. Astute marketer who increases re$enue and profit through good product
>")B .:;.)2.8!.
>" - %alo Alto, ,A
'ept. 1999 -%resent
0irector of %roduct 0e$elopment
1. &anaged the on-line greeting card and photo offerings for ma9or /nternet
=. !$ersaw a team of =0 people in the creation and design of the product.
F. 4rew re$enues from M0 to M1 &illion in one year@s time.
3. 4rew monthly page $iews from 0 to 10 million monthly.
(. %layed a key role in the acquisition of another greeting cards web company.
B. 0e$eloped strategic alliances with other web portals.
-he 2imited - 6urbank, ,A
August 199B - 'ept. 1999
Assistant %roduct &anager
1. :esponsible for the production and distribution of coats and wraps group.
=. /ncreased coat sales within the 2imited by =(J during my tenure.
F. Assisted with launching a new product line of .,asual ;ackets..
3. 0ecreased deli$ery time from factory to store by fi$e days.
(. /ncorporated market research data into upcoming product designs.
6urberry@s - 'an 8rancisco, ,A
;une 1991 - 'ept. 199F
/nternational &erchandiser
1. &anaged a M(& line of young girls@ merchandise for >urope ) ,anada.
=. <elped de$elop pricing strategies for the young girls line.
F. 7egotiated material costs with $endors and determined in$entory needs.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
0isc ;ockeyH:adio Announcer
A well defined personality with se$enteen years of on on-air radio e"perience.
Awarding winning show host and disc 9ockey.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
Morning Sho, Ho(t, 1992 to ;re(ent
)/M5 0M, >e? @ork, >@
<osted the city@s highest rated morning talk show for the B - 10a.m. slot. 7otable
guests included ;erry 'ienfeld, 0ennis :odman, -iger ?oods, Aanessa ?illiams, )
&ike &eyers.
<i(c Joc9e&, 19D5 to 1992
)AMP, Mia'i, 0;
<osted &iami@s highest rated lunch hour program, 8lashback 2unch. Aoted 6est 0;
by the editors of the &iami <erald Arts ) >ntertainment section.
6.A., ,ommunications, 198(
0rew #ni$ersity, &adison, 7;
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging position in /n$entory &anagement with a successful and growing
!$er ten years of successful e"perience in all phases of in$entory management,
including management of regional distribution managers, shipping, recei$ing,
budgets, and in$entory.
<irector o' S%00l& an* <i(trib%tion, 1998 - %resent
0atron &anufacturing - 7ew +ork, 7+
.a(tern )egional <i(trib%tion Manager, 199B - 1998
'!7+- 7ew +ork, 7+
:esponsible for hiring, moti$ating, and training a staff of up to 10 senior distribution
managers from 'ony warehouses in the eastern region of the country. ?orked
directly with top company e"ecuti$es on streamlining budget and optimi1ing shipping
procedures through a partnership with 8ed->".
<i(trib%tion Manager, 199= - 199B
8ood 2ion 0istribution ,enter - 4reencastle, %A
:esponsible for the management of the day-to-day warehouse operations and
in$entory control for a large distribution center. Additional duties in$ol$ed a
warehouse automation initiati$e and dealing with general outbound freight logistics.
6.A., 6usiness, 1990 %enn 'tate #ni$ersity, 'tate ,ollege, %A
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
&edical 2icense, 'tate of Airginia, 1988
&ember, 7ational 6oard of !phthalmology
!hie', "0erating )oom 199B - %resent
:ichmond ,ity >ye ,enter, :ichmond, AA
Sta'' ;h&(ician, "0hthalmolog& 1991 - 199B
5eystone ,linic, %hilidelphia, %A
)e(earch 6ello,, "0hthalmolog& +ab
<ar$ard &edical 'chool 1989 - 1991
-ample #ni$ersity, %hiladelphia, %A 198B - 1989
-emple #ni$ersity, %hiladelphia, %A 1983 - 198B
MA<A, Me*icine 1983
-emple #ni$ersity, %hiladelphia, %A
1AAA, 1iolog& 1981
,olumbia #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
)e(earch = ;%blication(
-he 6ibrobla(t an* 6ibro(i(, Har$ar* 4ni$er(it&
<inton, &.0., ;ones, %h.0.,&.0., 0i6arry, &.0., ?alton, &.0., <erber %h.0.
M%lti'ocal !horoi*iti( an* ;an%$eiti(, Har$ar* 4ni$er(it&
<inton, &.0., ?ebber, &.0. %h.0., <ildabrand, &.0., &ichaels, &.0. Din preparationE
8e, <e$elo0ment( in )e'racti$e S%rger&
&ed2ine, ;anuary, 1990
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
American &edical Association
American !phthalmology Association
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
&edical 2icense, 'tate of Airginia, 1988
&ember, 7ational 6oard of !phthalmology
!hie', "0erating )oom 199B - %resent
:ichmond ,ity >ye ,enter, :ichmond, AA
Sta'' ;h&(ician, "0hthalmolog& 1991 - 199B
5eystone ,linic, %hilidelphia, %A
)e(earch 6ello,, "0hthalmolog& +ab
<ar$ard &edical 'chool 1989 - 1991
-ample #ni$ersity, %hiladelphia, %A 198B - 1989
-emple #ni$ersity, %hiladelphia, %A 1983 - 198B
MA<A, Me*icine 1983
-emple #ni$ersity, %hiladelphia, %A
1AAA, 1iolog& 1981
,olumbia #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
)e(earch = ;%blication(
-he 6ibrobla(t an* 6ibro(i(, Har$ar* 4ni$er(it&
<inton, &.0., ;ones, %h.0.,&.0., 0i6arry, &.0., ?alton, &.0., <erber %h.0.
M%lti'ocal !horoi*iti( an* ;an%$eiti(, Har$ar* 4ni$er(it&
<inton, &.0., ?ebber, &.0. %h.0., <ildabrand, &.0., &ichaels, &.0. Din preparationE
8e, <e$elo0ment( in )e'racti$e S%rger&
&ed2ine, ;anuary, 1990
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
American &edical Association
American !phthalmology Association
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'eeking a position as an electronic engineer, speciali1ing in design within a
progressi$e, forward thinking company.
&0', A0', <8'', '%/,>, &atlab, &athmatica, ?ord, >"cel, 1=F, 8rame &aker.
8!:-:A7, 6A'/,, 0esign, test, >)&, antenna design, %22, /HC modulation, +/4,
A,!, phase noise
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
(lectrical (ngineer, 1998 - %resent
TechTron ;a,s, %ittsburgh, %A
0esigned and prototyper $arious analog and digital control circuits and systems.
%ro9ects included power supplies, high $oltage pulsers, fiber optic cables, radar
systems, and high speed comparator logic circuits.
(ngineer, 199= - 1998
!ell Auto'oti&e, %ittsburgh, %A
:esponsible for initial coding de$elopment for the switched reluctance motor
design pro9ect. ?rote and debugged assembly code that / had written on a
$ariety of steering column test setups. :esponsible for drafting bi-weekly
progress reports.
&asters, >ngineering, 199=
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
6.'. >lectrical >ngineering, 1990
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging, rewarding position utili1ing my electrical engineering and managerial
6el'an +o'plete +ontractors, O'aha, >(
;ro#ect Manager, 199E - ;re(ent
:esponsibilities included managing the complete wiring of the !maha 4eneral
&edical ,enter and two national manufacturing plants. >stimated costs, scheduled
work, billed clients, ordered supplies and equipment, and o$ersaw installation
process. &anaged a staff of fi$e electricians.
!rech,ill (lectric, ;incoln, >(
Ma(ter .lectrician, 1992 - 199E
6egan as Apprentice >lectrician. %romoted to 8oreman on $arious large pro9ects, with
crews 10 to =0 workers. 'cheduled 9obs and super$ised quality control.
#ni$ersity of 7ebraska, 2incoln
6.'., >lectrical >ngineering, 1993
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
&ember - American 'ociety of >lectricians
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a %aramedic or >mergency &edical -echnician.
,urrent 7:>&--% D%09=8F19E, four years paramedic and eight years total
medical e"perience.
,urrent &aryland >&/,-.
>&/,- - 1000 hours.
.MS !.)-262!A-2"8S
>&--6A - A>0, airway management, bleeding control, splinting, and se$eral
other basic life support skills.
>&--/ - /A -herapy, $enipuncture
>&--% - Ad$anced airway management techniques with medication
>&-, 199(
,hambersburg Ambulance -raining ,enter, ,hambersburg, %A
&.'., ,ommunity <ealth >ducation, 199*
'hippensburg #ni$ersity, 'hippensburg, %A
.M;+"5M.8- H2S-")5
>&--%aramedicH>mergency :oom -echnician 1998 - %resent
*aithers,urg 6ospital, *aithers,urg, M4
>mergency &edical -echnician 1993 - 1998
*aithers,urg ('ergenc Tea', *aithers,urg, M4
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
%osition as an >n$ironmental <ealth /nspector in a large metropolitan city where my
e"perience will be fully utili1ed to help pre$ent improper disposal of ha1ardous
+it o- A,,ots&ille, A,,ots&ille, I>
.n$ironmental Health 2n(0ector, 199D - ;re(ent
,onducted monthly testing of city air and water for laboratory analysis. >"amined
suspected sites of pollution. 0e$ised safer methods to inspecting ha1ardous waste.
:esponsible for adhering to county, state, and federal health regulations.
6enderson )aste Manage'ent, #acra'ento, +A
A((i(tant 7%alit& !ontrol Manager, 199 - 199D
Assisted with directing the treatment and disposal of sewage. 0irectly super$ised a
staff of (0 employees at three different waste disposal facilities. ,ollected water and
air sample for analysis. 0esigned and implemented training program for new
company employees. >nsured adherence to all county, state, and federal health
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
6.'., >n$ironmental <ealth, &inor ,hemistry, 199F
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street C Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123 C !ell: (555) 555-1235
"b#ecti$e: -o obtain a position as an >"ecuti$e Assistant with an
e"citing company.
./0erience: San Mateo ;%blic +ibrar& 'an &ateo, ,A
E)ecutive Assistant 1E99 to Present
1. ,oordinate and organi1e meetings and conferences for the
=. %lace requisition orders for books and other teaching materials.
F. !$ersee the scheduling of guest speakers and book-signers.
3. Assist the <ead 2ibrarian with managing her lecture schedule.
(. -ype documents and presentations in &icrosoft !ffice
All(tate 2n(%rance 'an &ateo, ,A
Sales Assistant 11E92 to 1E99
1. ,onducted telephone marketing to generate qualified sales
=. 0e$eloped deal tracking tools to assist sales persons in win-loss
F. %roduced monthly mailers and email messages to solicit
potential clients.
3. !rgani1ed weekly operating meetings with other sales
(. :esponsible for training new sales assistants upon hiring.
JoeG( A*$erti(ing Agenc& 'an &ateo, ,A
'ece(tionist 8E95 - 11E92
1. 4reeted guests and answered the main telephone line.
=. &anaged the front desk schedule, coordinating among four
F. !rgani1ed local ,ompany outings and planned $olunteer
.*%cation: San Jo(e State 'an ;ose, ,A
Bachelor o Arts Ma 1995
&a9or in 6usiness Administration
San Jo(e !omm%nit& !ollege 'an ;ose, ,A
,oncentrations in 6usiness ) >conomics
Ma 199A
)e'erence(: A$ailable upon request
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as <uman :esources specialist that will allow me to assist indi$iduals in
enhancing their careers and de$eloping their interpersonal skills. 'trong
communication and presentation skills.
>"tensi$e e"perience in team building and negotiation. Able to moti$ate and
mo$e a group toward a consensus.
%roficient with ?indows 9(H98H00H7-, &icrosoft 8ront%age, &ercury /nteracti$e
-est 0irector, %A,', Aisual /nterde$, &'-'C2 'er$er >nterprise &anager, #ni"
.M;+"5M.8- H2S-")5
8el(on !on(%ltant(, 1o(ton, MA
2n'ormation -echnolog& )ecr%iter, 199E - ;re(ent
2ocated qualified candidates for open positions. %resented 9ob opportunities to
qualified /- candidates and negotiated contract terms. 'creened potential
consultants through in house inter$iews. %erformed reference checks, e"it inter$iews
and other background $erifications for all candidates. 0irected and managed staff of
=0 consultants to ensure their satisfaction. 0e$eloped sales leads from resumes,
referrals and references. :ecei$ed commendation for highest salesHmost recruits in
199* ) =000.
John(on ./ec%ti$e Gro%0, 1o(ton, MA
./ec%ti$e !on(%ltant, 1992 - 199E
0esigned and directed sales and marketing campaigns for daily operations with
8ortune(00 ,ompanies. ,onducted research on e"isting accounts and potential new
accounts. ,onsulted and ad$ised candidates before, during and after the inter$iew
process. Ad$ised clients of final agreements and 9ob offers.
1AAA, 1%(ine((, 1990
1o(ton 4ni$er(it&, 1o(ton, MA
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
S4MMA)5 "6 74A+262!A-2"8S
1. -wo years of e"perience repairing office copiers and fa" machines.
=. 8luent in both >nglish and 'panish Dboth spoken and written wordE.
F. 0ependable, friendly and skilled at winning o$er frustrated corporate clients.
;A!262! "662!. S5S-.MS, 'an ;ose, ,A
8ield 'er$ice :epresentati$e, 1999-%resent
1. ,ertified to repair office copiers and fa" machines.
=. %ossess e"pert knowledge of Keor", :icoh, -oshiba and ,anon copiers.
F. 'killed at problem-sol$ing while at the client site.
3. ,apable of ser$icing between si" and se$en ser$ice calls per day.
(. <a$e the lowest Vcall-backW rate of any other field ser$ice representati$e.
B. Assist corporate account managers with maintaining good client relationships.
*. %erfect attendance record o$er two years, and clean dri$ing record.
SA8 J"S. S"4-H H2GH S!H""+, 'an ;ose, ,A
6igh #chool 4iplo'a, 1995 - 1999
1. Aice-%resident of the 'panish ,lub
=. Assisted the AudioHAisual 0epartment
SA8 J"S. -.!H82!A+ S!H""+, 'an ;ose, ,A
Training +erti-icates
,opier &aintenance ,ertification :icoh ) Kero" specialties.
4eneral &echanics ,ertification
8urnished upon request
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a field technician that will allow me to utili1e both my e"tensi$e technical
and customer ser$ice e"perience.
<ighly organi1ed, detail oriented, and self moti$ated. !$er 11 years technical and
customer ser$ice e"perience. >ffecti$e problem sol$er, team player, and pro$en
6e*./, 1o(ton, MA
6iel* -echnician, 199E - ;re(ent
<ardware and 'oftware /nstallations and #pgrades for 8ed>" !nline %rofessional, a
?indows based shipping 'oftware. #sed 2aplink for customer support, %roblem
'ol$ing and 'oftware #pgrades. 0irectly responsible for super$ision and training of
F0 9unior le$el field technicians.
6ir(t 8ational 1an9, 1o(ton, MA
6iel* .ngineer (A-M <e0artment), 1991 - 199E
8ield ser$icingHtroubleshooting of Automated -eller &achines DA-&E. A-&
installationHsetup and troubleshooting of its communication equipments either from
0-> or 0,> side.
4ni$er(it& o' 3ermont, 1%rlington, 3-
1ASA, .lectrical .ngineering, 1992
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
&otion %icture 8ilm 0irector
IShoot "%tAI <irectorA 8e, >a$e 6ilm(, 2001A
>"ecuti$e %roducer 'cott 6ailey
)inner, A'erican 0il' Acade', !est +ine'atograph
ISlo, <ance on the Billing Gro%n*AI <irectorA 2nMa/, 199DA
>"ecuti$e %roducer !prah 'aunders
I6ragment( o' )ealit&AI <irectorA 2(lan* ;ro*%ction(, 1992A
>"ecuti$e %roducer 'andra 4reen
IS0orting 1ea(le&AI <irectorA 2n*e0en*ent ;ro*%ction, 1990A
)inner, !est #hort 0il', #olar 0il' 0esti&al
#ni$ersity of 'outhern ,alifornia, 2os Angeles, ,A
6.A., 8ilm 'tudies, 1990
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as financial or in$estment ad$isor with a leading in$estment firm,
speciali1ing in the management of large corporate assets.
,8%, 199
7A'0 B ) *
7A'0 BF
6inancial A*$i(or, 1995 - ;re(ent
;"T"4" +onsultants, Tuscon, AD
&anaged a si"-figure di$ersified portfolio that has e"perienced at least =0J annual
growth o$er the course of se$en years. ,onducted company research and analy1ed
profiles, identifying a number of startups that ha$e yielded significant returns.
&onitored account acti$ity online.
2n$e(tment Anal&(t, 19D9 - 199
6oo&er Associates, Portland, O1
%repared in$estment analyses for clients, including se$eral with more than M(00& in
total assets under management. ,ommunicated with sell-side analysts and company
management. Assessed economic trends. 'elected and monitored in$estments in
bonds, banks, automoti$es, and biotech.
#ni$ersity of !regon, >ugene, !:
&.6.A., 8inance, ;une 1993
#ni$ersity of -e"as, Austin, -K
6.'., Accounting, ;une 1988
!hri( Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
>"perienced leader with the skills to manage an organi1ation@s day-to-day
operations, financial structure and ongoing corporate strategy.
S,ing(tar <irector& Ser$ice( (8AS<A7: S>GS)
'an ;ose, ,A
,hief >"ecuti$e !fficer 1993 $ #resent
2ead a M=(& a year yellow-pages directory ser$ice company with o$er =00
,onduct analyst conference calls with top ?all 'treet in$estors.
&anage an operating budget of near M(0 million annually.
!$ersee all merger and acquisition acti$ity at the corporate le$el.
!rchestrated a significant turn-around since coming on board 3 years ago
'ales up =0J year-o$er-year, with a pro9ected =00= run rate of MF1 million.
,ompounded stock-price increase of F0J and more media co$erage.
:eduction of 10J in operating costs by eliminating redundancies.
:ecruited a top team of management talent and an effecti$e 6oard of 0irectors.
-apped former e"ecuti$es of 8ortune 100 companies to make a mo$e to
1ell 8orth -elecomm%nication( 'an 8rancisco, ,A
>"ecuti$e Aice-%resident, 'trategy 1994 $ 1993
&anaged all strategic initiati$es for a M1 6illion in re$enue -elecom ,ompany.
!$ersaw o$er fi$e ma9or strategic acquisitions and implementations.
Ad$ised other top e"ecuti$es on the firms@ strategic direction.
'at on the ,ompany@s 6oard of 0irectors.
,reated all strategic roadmaps for future growth and income.
,ommission business plans and market assessment studies for growth.
?orked with the ,8! to de$ise appropriate capital financing for deals.
"ther ;o(ition( Hel*:
0irector of ,orporate ,ommunications, A"tell, /nc. 198* - 1990
'enior Auditor, >rnst and +oung, 198= - 198*
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,hallenging position as a 8ire ,hief.
&ore than twel$e years of progressi$ely responsible public and pri$ate safety
e"perience and numerous professional certifications.
+it o- #acra'ento, #acra'ento, +A
<e0%t& 6ire !hie', 199E - ;re(ent
0esigned and implemented the district@s emergency medical ser$ices program, which
is now used as a model by numerous other ,alifornia fire departments. /nstituted
semi-automatic e"ternal defibrillator program.
Pro-essional A',ulance #er&ice, <entura, +A
+ea* ;arame*ic, 1990 - 1995
%ro$ided ad$anced life support emergency ambulance ser$ice for Aentura county and
surrounding areas.
M"A" Pu,lic Ad'inistration, 1995
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia, 6erkeley, ,A
,ertified 'afety &anager
,ertified 'afety -echnician
,ertified 8ire 8ighter / ) //, 'tate of ,alifornia
<a1ardous &aterials -echnician
8ire 'uppression 'ystems /nspector
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
8light Attendant
>"tensi$e customer ser$ice e"perience.
>"cellent interpersonal communication skills.
Ability to remain calm in crisis situation.
8le"ible 'chedule.
Air Paci-ic, Portland, O1
6light Atten*ant, 199D - ;re(ent
%erformed all necessary flight attendant duties. :esponsibilities included assisting
customers with special needs or requests, meal and drink ser$ice, assisting pilots
and other flight crew, and performing all rele$ant safety procedures.
+arni&al +ruise ;ine
!r%i(e Atten*ant, 199 - 199D
Attended passengers during tours on lu"ury cruise ships, which toured the ,aribbean
and the 4ulf of &e"ico.
The #hoe #ource, +harlotte, >+
A((i(tant Manager, 1990 - 1993
:esponsible for o$erseeing all aspects of customer ser$ice for one ,harlotte@s largest
discount shoe outlets. 0uties included opening and closing the store, hiring and
training new recruits, and handling managerial functions if needed. 7amed employee
of the month on nine separate occasions.
,ertificate of ,ompletion, 199*
<elta 6light Atten*ant -raining School
A.A., 6usiness, 1990
4ni$er(it& o' 8orth !arolina, A(h$ille, 8!
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a sales account manager with a growth
oriented firm that offers di$erse 9ob responsibilities and the opportunity for
>"perienced in technical sales. Ability to gain account loyalty, with pro$en long-time
partnerships with top companies. Ability to unify di$erse groups of people behind a
common goal.
4enerated o$er M3 million dollars in new business in less than one year.
'alesman of the +ear, 1999
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
6a?,aker & +o'pan, +olu',us, O6
Acco%nt ./ec%ti$e, 199D - ;re(ent
%ro$ided in$estment ser$ices and ad$ice for indi$iduals and businesses. 0uties
included financial planning, asset allocation, and portfolio management.
6ertC & !ane, #racuse, >@
General Sale( Manager, 1992 - 199?
%ro$ided sales management for local corporate offices. :esponsible for o$er MB0& in
annual sales. %ro$ided sales &anaged sales operations, accounts payable and
recei$able, employee training and recruiting, and budget planning.
MA1AAA, 6inance, 1991
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
1AAA Mar9eting = 6inance, 19DD
%ennsyl$ania 'tate #ni$ersity, 'tate ,ollege, %A
7otable Achie$ements 0ean@s 'cholarG %resident of 8orensics 'ociety
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
%osition as a senior hair stylist with managerial responsibilities.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
#tle , *eorgio, Portland, O1
Hair St&li(t, A%g%(t 1999 to ;re(ent
/ndi$idually maintained loyal clientele base of *0 customers at this hea$ily trafficked,
modern studio. 'peciali1ed in African hair styling, including braids, corn rows, and
other modern styles. -wice named 'alon >mployee of the &onth. 'uper$ised a team
of fi$e new associates.
>e? <isions #alon, Portland, O1
Hair St&li(t, J%ne 199? thro%gh J%l& 1999
&aintained regular client list of 80 people, ser$ing as their e"clusi$e hair stylist.
0esigned contemporary new styles for both genders and a $ariety of hair types.
:esponsible for scheduling all appointments.
%ortland 6eauty 'chool, %ortland, !:
,ertificate of ,ompletion, 199*
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
<ead 7urse O <ealth ,are %ro$ider #nit
.M;+"5M.8- S4MMA)5
4eneral 'urgical 7urse - D1H9( - %resentE
&ercy <ospital, ,harlotte, 7,
o 'er$ed as a staff surgical nurse while pro$iding health care education
classes to schoolchildren.
o %ro$ided optimum health care checks for a wide-ranging demographic
of patients.
o &anaged all aspects of blood pressure tests, women@s health clinic
ser$ices, elder care ser$ices, and sports medicine needs.
/ntern - D10H88 - 1H9(E
't. ;osephIs ,hildrenIs <ospital, ,harleston, ?AA
o &anager of infant care in the neonatal nursery.
o Assistant to the %ediatrics <ead 7urse in support of infants and
o Assistant &anager of research pro9ects for the pediatric intensi$e care
:.7., American &edical Association. 7ursing, &aternalH,hild <ealth D%ost
6.'., 7ursing - DBH8*E
6rown ,ollege, 7ew 6runswick, 7;
'peciali1ed in surgical nursing.
4raduated with honors.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
5A/'>: %>:&A7>7-> <!'%/-A2, 6erkeley, ,A
4irector, +linical #er&ices 78E9A -Present8
'uper$ise emergency ser$ices, outpatient ser$ices, the childrenIs program
and a drug-rehabilitation therapy program.
&anage a M( &illion !perating 6udget and appro$e all capital e"penses.
%ro$ide mental health facility care of =00 acti$e patients.
'uper$ise 30 clinical, administrati$e, and staff employees.
4irector, ('ergenc Pschiatric #er&ices 71E88 F 8E9A8
:esponsible for coordinating day-to-day acti$ities of psych ser$ices.
0irectly managed 1( full-time personnel and =( part-time staff.
&anaged the budget planning process, re$ising as necessary throughout the
%repared an emergency-preparedness plan and disaster reco$ery plan.
4irector o- +hildcare Progra's 7AE82 F 1E888
!$ersee treatment acti$ities for (0 terminally ill children housed in the
inpatient ward.
,oordinated specialist treatment and scheduled operations.
:esponsible for hiring staff and determining compensation.
;ohns <opkins #ni$ersity, 6altimore, &0
&asterIs 0egree /n ,ounseling 198(
#ni$ersity of &aryland, ,ollege %ark, &0
6achelors 0egree in %sychology, 198F
4raduated %hi 6eta 5appa
>n9oy running, painting and the 4olden 'tate ?arriors
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a <otel &anager.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
0ays /nn, 6altimore, &0
4uest 'er$ice Attendant, 199* - %resent
:esponsibilities included checking in and out of guests, handling special customer
requests, and making reser$ations.
-hings :emembered, <agerstown, &0
,ustomer 'er$ice Agent, 199F to 199*
<andled a wide $ariety of customer needs and concerns. :esponsible for opening and
closing of store and daily bank deposits.
4rossmont ,ommunity ,ollege, >l ,a9on, ,A
A.A., 6usiness, 199(
A$ailable upon request
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
A challenging and rewarding career as a <uman :esources &anager.
S%mmar& o' Accom0li(hment(
:esponsible for recruiting, inter$iewing, and hiring new staff.
:esponsible for conducting personnel e$aluations, implementing training
programs, and establishing wage incenti$es.
<andled administration of all company benefits, including health care and
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
+it +orp, !oston, MA
H%man )e(o%rce( S%0er$i(or, Jan%ar& 199? to ;re(ent
!$ersaw recruiting and training programs. 0irected distribution of benefits.
'uper$ised a team of twel$e human resource managers in all phases of the hiring
and training process.
InTech, !oston, MA
H%man )e(o%rce( A((ociate, 1992 - 199?
,onducted bi-annual re$iew of all company personnel. >stablished wage incenti$es
and guidelines for pay raises and promotions. 'uper$ised staff of fi$e 9unior
#ni$ersity of Aermont, 6urlington, A-
6.'., <uman :esources, 199=
4raduated summa cum laude.
A$ailable upon request
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
'eeking a position as an /ndustrial >ngineer.
S%mmar& o' ./0erience
&ore than 1= years industry e"perience.
%ro$en ability to cut costs without sacrificing product quality.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
AeroTech Industries, 4etroit, MI
Senior 2n*%(trial .ngineer, 199E - ;re(ent
,onducted research concerning design, manufacture, and testing of industrial
aerospace components, equipment, and systems. 'uccessfully streamlined
manufacturing process, resulting in a sa$ings of M1.*& in fiscal year 1999. 'er$ed as
chair of 7ew >nergy :esource committee, reporting directly to company ,>!.
J;* Industries, 4etroit, MI
J%nior 2n*%(trial .ngineer, 1990 - 199E
2ead assistant to head of /ndustrial >ngineering 0epartment. /ntroduced se$eral, key
streamlining procedures. %romoted to super$isor of department.
#ni$ersity of &ichigan, Ann Arbor, &/
6.'., /ndustrial >ngineering, 1990
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as /nsurance ,laims 'pecialist.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
#tate 6o'e Insurance, 4aton, O6
A%to 2n(%rance !laim( S0eciali(t, 1995 - ;re(ent
0ealt directly with policy holders following accidents andHor $ehicle thefts.
:epresented 'tate <ome in dealings with third parties if necessary, and appointed
legal representiti$es for court cases. <andled dealings with garages and repair
All 0irst Insurance +o'pan, Pitts,urgh, PA
2n(%rance !laim( A((i(tant, 1990 - 1995
<andled all paperwork from preliminary con$ersations with policy holders and third
parties. /n$estigated competiti$e policy pricing strategies for automobile and life
!hio #ni$ersity, Athens, !<
6.'., >conomics, 1990
A$ailable upon request
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
An e"ecuti$e le$el position in the insurance industry.
%ro$en sales ability. <ighly organi1ed and efficient. >"tremely capable manager and
leader. %roficient in all phases of organi1ing and coordinating pro9ects, meeting
deadlines, and meeting budgets.
#tate 6o'e Insurance, +le&eland, O6
+ea* A((ociate, Sale(, 199D to ;re(ent
'uper$ised department of =0 employees. :esponsibilities included de$elopment of
new accounts and management of ongoing corporate accounts. :esponsible for
inter$iewing, hiring, and training new personnel.
4irect Insurance, +le&eland, O6
Sale( Agent, 1992 to 199?
'peciali1ed in sale of life insurance policy. !ffice@s highest grossing salesman for
three consecuti$e years, 1993 - 199*.
6a?,aker & /aC'inski, 4es Moines, Io?a
+egal Secretar&, 19DD to 1992
?orked for three lawyers speciali1ing in personal in9ury law and malpractice. ?rote
rough drafts of briefs in malpractice cases. :egular correspondence with insurance
company representati$es.
/nsurance /nstitute, 6altimore, &0
&.6.A., 6usiness Administration, 1993
#ni$ersity of /owa, 0es &oines, /owa
6.A., 6usiness 2aw, 1990
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as an interior designer with a dynamic firm that will allow me to utili1e my
unique abilities and ad$ance my career.
&ore than 1= years of successful e"perience in all aspects of interior design.
8otable Achie$ement(
'ty"" 2ounge, %hiladelphia, %A
0esigned all facets of the 'ty"" 2ounge@s interior. 8eatured in 0esign ?orld, &ay
199B as best modern barHlounge design.
?est >nd 0esigns, %hiladelphia, %A
/nterior 0esigner, 199( - %resent
,reated carpet, paint, fabric, and other building material palettes for clientsG
coordinated implementation of design as point person for all contractors.
7ew /mage 0esigns
0esigner, 1989 - 199(
,reated modern designs for a number of upscale clubs and and bars in the
%hiladelphia area. 0esign elements included rugs, couches, curtains, bar stools, and
other smaller decorati$e elements.
%hiladelphia 'chool of Art, %hiladelphia, %A
&asters, 8ine Arts, 1990
%ittsburgh ,ollege of Art, %ittsburgh, %A
6.A., 4raphic 0esign, 1988
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition in 8inance or 6anking.
S%mmar& o' ./0erience
8inancial professional with nearly ten years of banking and in$estment industry
e"perience with e"tensi$e knowledge of the financial ser$ices sector. 'trong
analytical ability, pro$en history of high sales.
Alpha 'igma -heta <onor 'ociety
,olumbia #ni$ersity 0ean@s 'cholar
6oard of 'uper$isors, 8uture 6usiness 2eader of America
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
4ean +onsultants, >e? @ork, >@
2n$e(tment 1an9er, Jan%ar& 199? to ;re(ent
%erformed a $ariety of analytical calculations, including a complete audit on each of
si" mutual funds. Audited other financial ser$ices clients including banks and assett
management companies.
*old'an #achs, >e? @ork, >@
A((ociate in 2n$e(tment 1an9ing, 199 to 199?
,orporate finance, technology emphasis. ?on M180 million /%! mandate for web-
banking system operator.
,olumbia #ni$ersity, 7ew +ork, 7+
6.A., 8inance and >conomics, 199F
4raduated magna cum laude
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as an information systems administrator which will utili1e my both by
technical capabilities and leadership skills.
S%mmar& o' ./0erience
-en years e"perience in all le$els of computer systems operations, support and
maintenance with e"tensi$e e"perience in quality assurance, systems management
and personnel.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
IT+ +onsulting, #an 4iego, +A
M2S Manager, 199? - ;re(ent
%ro$ided desktopHlaptop and remote access strategies, solutions and support.
:ecommended software and hardware configurations and acquisitions. 0e$eloped
and implemented training plans for end-users. &anaged a high a$ailability, high
capacity department file, print and webser$er. >$aluated performance and capacity
and impro$ed bottlenecks. >$aluated and implemented anti-$irus procedures and
tools to minimi1e $irus impact on group. :esponsible for asset management of
employee desktopHmobileHhome systems, system engineering lab equipment,
partnerHcustomer de$elopment systems, and e$ent systems.
+itco #ste's, #an 4iego, +A
"0eration( Manager, 1992 - 199?
&anaged multiple departments and super$ised a staff of twel$e in operations that
included 0isk 0ri$e :epair, %rinter :epair, 0ata >ntry, 'ystems 'upport and
?arehouse functions.
#ni$ersity of 'outhern ,alifornia, 2os Angeles, ,A
6.'., ,omputer 'cience, 199=
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a managerial position that will allow me to utili1e my knowledge and
e"perience to increase profit margins, producti$ity and quality.
Accomplished %ro9ect &anager with more than ten years e"perience. %ro$en ability to
design and implement effecti$e strategies, de$elop new products, and manage
resources to produce profit. %ro$en ability to streamline processes and increase
InTech +orporation, Mo,ile, A;
;ro#ect Manager, 1995 to ;re(ent
?orked with customers H potentials on de$elopment of product designs, tooling
concepts, manufacturing methods, and costing for custom molded component
applications. 0irectly super$ised technical team of F-( pro9ect engineers responsible
for new mold and molding systems implementation.
Di Tech, Ta'pa, 0;
;ro#ect .ngineer, 1992 to 1995
<eart &onitor >ngineer for the -6' tele$ision show 4ladiators, pro$iding
hardwareHsoftware solution for wireless monitoring of contestant@s heart rates.
;ackson #ni$ersity, -ampa, 82
&.6.A., 6usiness Administration, 199=
#ni$ersity of -ennessee, 5no"$ille, -7
6.A., >ngineering, 1988
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a staff writer for a ma9or metropolitan newspaper.
8eature of the +ear, 1998, for 6uilding &ore %risons ?hen :etribution <inders
?ade -eagle 8ellowship in ;ournalism 'tudies, 199=
&orris 5. #dall Award for !utstanding #ndergraduate ;ournalism, 1990
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
6arris,urg Patriot >e?s, 6arris,urg, PA
6eat%re >riter, 199? to ;re(ent
8eature reporter, co$ering political and social issues in the <arrisburg area.
Pu,lic Opinion, +ha',ers,urg, PA
.*itor: +ocal 8e,( Section, 1993 to 199?
:eported on a $ariety of stories citywide. %ro$ided daily co$erage of ma9or local
Athens Journal, Athens, O6
Sta'' >riter, 1990 to 1993
,o$ered local sports at high school and college le$els. A$eraged feature sports
stories each week and numerous shorter game summaries.
,o$ered meetings of the local board of super$isors, courts, and marina go$erning
board. A$eraged two stories a week.
!hio #ni$ersity, Athens, !<
6.A., ;ournalism, 1990
&orris 5. #dall Award for !utstanding #ndergraduate ;ournalism
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as 2abor :elations &anager.
Tennessee #tate *o&ern'ent, Me'phis, T>
+abor 8egotiator, 199E - ;re(ent
'er$ed as ad$isor to the 0irector of 2abor 7egotiations. 7egotiated comprehensi$e
labor contracts between the state of -ennessee and e"clusi$e representati$es.
%articipated in de$elopment and administration of state labor relations policies.
%articipated in the de$elopment of labor contract costing models and database
management systems. 0ealt with laborHmanagement issues brought forth to the
%ublic >mployment :elations ,ommission D%>:,E.
)illia's (nerg +o'pan, Arlington, <A
2n*%(trial )elation( Manager, .a(tern )egion, 1990 - 199E
:esponsible for employment and placement, pension and welfare plans, personnel
data center, wage and salary administration, and labor relations for the eastern
region of one of the country@s largest utilities. :esponsible for the implementation of
a 9ob e$aluation system. 7egotiated new sick plan and dental benefits for salaried
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
6.A., /ndustrial 2abor :elations, 1990
,hairman - ?orker@s #nion 2ocal 8=1, &emphis, -7
Ad$isor, /nternational 'teel ?orker@s Association
&ember - A82-,/!
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a 2aboratory -echnician.
Med Tech ;a,oratories, 4allas T5
+ab -echnician, 199E - ;re(ent
:esponsible for de$eloping methods, diagnostics, upkeep, maintenance, and running
samples on 4,H&', <%2,, and -4A. %erformed organi1ational duties for :)0
laboratory. :esponsible for de$elopment and $alidation of analytical methods for
testing ) certification of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. :esponsible for adaptation
and $alidation of >%A, #' %harmacopoeia, and >uropean %harmacopoeia methods for
use in :)0 laboratory.
%ni&ersit o- Oregon 4epart'ent o- +he'istr, (ugene, O1
+aborator& Manager, 1990 - 199E
&anaged three academic laboratories and stockrooms. 'uper$ised eight employees.
&aintained a yearly fiscal M=00,000 supplies budget. :esponsible for acquisition,
storage, and distribution of chemicals, narcotics, radioacti$e substances, e"plosi$es,
and laboratory equipment. &aintained standards for computeri1ed instrumentation
including multiple 4.,., /.:., 8.-./.:., and #AHAis spectrophotometer.
#ni$ersity of !regon, >ugene, !:
6.'., %hysicsG &inor, ,hemistry, 1990
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
An accomplished &icrosoft 2A7 administrator with a history of progressi$ely
responsible positions. /n addition to strong technical and analytical skills, / possess
e"cellent interpersonal and communication skills.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
0irst 4ata #ste's, 6ouston, T5
+A8 A*mini(trator, 199? - ;re(ent
'tarted as desktop support and o$er the ne"t three years was promoted twice, first
to Assistant 2A7 Administrator, and then to 2A7 Administrator, where / was
responsible for maintaining the &icrosoft 2A7 and ?A7 en$ironment. 'pecific duties
consisted of supporting 1(0 seat 2A7 and remote users throughout the country using
direct dial in and A%7 solutions. ?orked on many ?A7 issues with associates
throughout the country. Assisted network engineers on $arious pro9ects in$ol$ing
/'07, A-&, and frame solutions. :esponsible for selecting hardware and software for
supported users.
Allied 6ealthcare, 6ouston, T5
-echnical S0eciali(t, 199 - 199?
%erformed independent tasks, troubleshooting functions, modified on-line inter-
company database, data entry, spreadsheet management, and creation of company
#ni$ersity of -e"as, Austin, -K
6.'., ,omputer 'cience, 199=
&icrosoft ,ertified %rofessional
AR certification.
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a 2andscape 0esigner for a growth-oriented company.
0aette&ille +ontractors, 1ich'ond, <A
+an*(ca0e <e(igner, 199E to ;re(ent
0esigned a wide $ariety of commercial pro9ects, including 8orest <ouse %layground,
't. &ary@s %ark, 2ehman ,ollege :ecreation 8ields, and -he 0elta 'outhern !utdoor
!eston ;andscaping, Mia'i, 0;
+an*(ca0er, 1990 - 199E
%ro$ided landscaping ser$ices to homes located primarily in suburban &iami.
'peciali1ed in pools, waterways, and fountains.
6.A., 2andscape 0esign, 1990
#ni$ersity of &iami, &iami, 82
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
2egal Aid %ractitioner
Johnson Industries International
+egal !o%n(el, 199D to ;re(ent
Acted as the in-house lawyer for the company, and was responsible for pro$iding
legal support for all company operations. /nstrumental in establishing written
company policies and training materials with respect to international trading laws
and regulations, and general commercial practices. %ro$ided prompt, efficient and
practical legal ad$ice to support to a busy, demanding clientele of traders.
6a?,aker & Associates, #an 0rancisco, +A
+egal !o%n(el, 1995 to 199D
Antitrust litigation. :esearched issues in unfair competition, product liability, and
insurance. :e$iewed personal in9ury cases.
#tan-ord %ni&ersit, Palo Alto, +A
JA<A, 1995
>ditor, 2aw :e$iew
%ni&ersit o- +ali-ornia, !erkele, +A
1AAA, ;olitical Science, 1992
0ean@s 2ist, %rytanean <onor 'ociety
0ebate 'ociety, >ditor of 2iterary :e$iew
.-oward a &ore %rogressi$e -ariff %olicy., ;ournal of 2aw and >thics, =001
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,hallenging law clerk position in a growth-oriented organi1ation which offers di$erse
9ob responsibility.
+ourt o- #pecial Appeals o- )isconsin, Mil?aukee,)I
+a, !ler9, -he Honorable Jame(A 1r&ce, 199D - ;re(ent
:esearched and drafted memorandum opinions for the ,hief ;udge and specially
assigned 9udges of ?isconsin@s intermediate appellate court. Assisted the 9udge in
preparing continuing education seminars for other state 9udges. %erformed clerk
duties for other 9udges on the circuit court as needed.
#heridan & )illia's, Mil?aukee, )I
Attorne&, 199 - 199D
%erformed all tasks related to the management of cases in a general ci$il litigation
practice 0rafting of and responding to interrogatories and document production
requestsG drafting of and responding to $arious pleadings and motions in insurance
defense, negligence, and maritime casesG preparation for and taking of depositionsG
any and all other organi1ational duties necessary for trial preparation.
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
;.0., 199B
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia, 0a$is, ,A
6.A., %olitical 'cience, ;une 199=
0ean@s 2ist
%rytanean <onor 'ociety
'emi-8inalist, Ad$ocate of the +ear ,ompetition
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a legal secretary that fully utili1es my skills.
!ates & )ill,urn, #an Jose, +A
+egal Secretar&, 199? to ;re(ent
<ead assistant to two senior partners. :esponsible for court filings, preparation of
legal documentation, scheduling depositions and doctor appointments, phones, and
hea$y filing.
+it o- 6ope >ational Medical +enter, #an Antonio, T5
)ece0tioni(t, 1992 to 199E
:esponsible for phones, scheduling appointments, computing, filing, >nglishH'panish
translations with patientsHfamily members, medical billing, data entry and medical
S9ill( = -raining
?indows 9(H98H=000H7-
2otus 1-=-F
*( wpm
10-key e"perience
Arlington ,ommunity ,ollege, Arlington, -K
A.A., 6usiness Administration, 199=
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a librarian.
Pro&idence Pu,lic ;i,rar, Pro&idence, 1I
)e'erence +ibrarian, 199E to ;re(ent
'uper$ised a staff of ten assistants. <andled grant writing responsibilities and
spearheaded library e"pansion pro9ects. ,onducted acquisitions of reference
material. Answered telephone, email, and in-person queries.
Assistant 1e-erence ;i,rarian, 199: to 1995
!o&le 6ree +ibrar&, 1en(on, )2
%ro$ided direct reference assistance for library patrons. 'pearheaded grant-writing
campaign which resulted in e"pansion of the library@s map collection and reference
section. 0irected ,hildren@s 6ook ,lub program.
#ni$ersity of :hode /sland, %ro$idence, :/
6.A., 2ibrary 'ciences, 1990
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
,hallenging and position as a senior machine operator.
!$er ten years of e"perience as a machinist. / ha$e held super$isory positions and
been responsible for teams of up to twel$e men. / am fully con$ersant with Cuality
,ontrol procedures and ha$e worked in both the pri$ate and public sectors, including
local go$ernment.
J;* Industries, +ha',ers,urg, PA
+ea* Machini(t, Jan%ar& 199D - ;re(ent
'uper$ised a team of twel$e machinists in installation, demolition, and restructuring
of building materials for this mobile home manufacturer.
6el'an +ontractors, !alti'ore, M4
General !ontractor, 199 - 199D
'uper$ised a team of eight men in the construction of large industrial and factory
buildings. :esponsible for the quality and output of a number of sub-contractors.
Marine Industrials, !alti'ore, M4
>el*er, 1990 - 199
?orked with all current welding techniques including o"yacetylene and arc welding,
+ha',ers,urg 6igh #chool, +ha',ers,urg PA
4raduated, 1988
+u',erland <alle Technolog +enter, 6agersto?n, M4
,ertificate of ,ompletion, ?elding ,urriculum, 1990
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging position as a management consultant in which / can fully utili1e my
e"perience in consulting, marketing and de$elopment.
A highly moti$ated, team-oriented management professional with more than eight
years of e"perience in business consulting. 'trong analytical skill . Able to quickly
identify problems and successfully implement solutions.
6anson Manage'ent #er&ices, Phoeni3, AD
Senior Management !on(%ltant, 199? - ;re(ent
%ro$ided technical and business consultation ser$icesG including system and network
design as well as configuration and installation of #7/K systems, warehouse
automation, work flow analysis, and interconnecti$ities between %,, &A, and #7/K
systems. :esponsible for all facets of system related pro9ects, business analysis,
scope and specification re$iews, system analysis and design, pro9ect management
and scheduling, program testing, maintenance and training.
<ite3 Medical Manage'ent +onsulting, Tuscon, AD
A((ociate !on(%ltant, 199 - 199?
%ro$ided management consulting for market-leading health plans, integrated
deli$ery systems, integrators, and pro$iders throughout the #.'. ,lients included
&amsi, ,umberland <ealth, &anor ,are, and others. %ro$ided pro9ect support in
strategy and business planning, network design operations and organi1ation, and
health care finance.
)illia's +orporation, Tucson, AD
!on(%ltant, 19D9 - 1992
%ro$ided defense pro9ect management and commercial consulting including weapons
manufacturing rate cost analyses, pro9ect schedules and budgets, work breakdown
structures, and source selection plans, organi1ational studies, transportation
operations impro$ement studies, and a policy classification and tracking system.
#ni$ersity of /llinois, #rbana, /2
6.A., 6usiness, 1988
#ni$ersity of Ari1ona, -ucson, AN
&.6.A., 1993
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position as a manager in a ma9or manufacturing corporation.
S%mmar& o' Achie$ement(
L 'trong networking ability. %ro$en history of making contacts through agents and
L &anaged costHbenefit analyses.
L %ro$en ability to streamline manufacturing H packaging H and shipping operations.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
InTech #olutions, Al,uBuerBue, >M
;ro*%ct Manager, !omm%nication( <i$i(ion, 199? - ;re(ent
&anaged and controlled acti$ities in the communications di$ision. &et all product
goals on time an under budget. 2ed production team that was responsible for
creating the handheld ;AK Airtual &apping 'ystem.
>orton +orporation, #anta 0e, >M
Sale( )e0re(entati$e, 1992 - 199?
0irected a team of ten employees in the sale of professional medical equipment.
%ro$ided customer ser$ice to possible clients. 'treamlined packaging and shipping
process, resulting in an annual sa$ings of M(00,000. 0esigned promotional materials,
and spearheaded new product campaigns.
,arlton ,ollege, ,arlton, &7
6.A., &arketing, 199=
!hri( Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
Summary o 1ualiications5
<2).!-") "6 MA)B.-28G
* years of marketing e"perience both at 8ortune 100 companies and small
business start-ups, consistently increasing re$enue and decreasing costs.
>"ecuti$e-le$el contributor and recently part of fi$e-person team responsible
for launching a $enture-funded company that is in the process of selling its
technology to a larger organi1ation.
&6A in &arketing and 8inance from the #ni$ersity of ,hicago 4raduate 'chool
of 6usiness.
A seasoned leader that can direct an organi1ation in the $isioning of a marketing
strategy, de$elopment of an economic business case and e"ecution of an aggressi$e
pro9ect plan. 'killed in effecti$e sales and marketing communications, business
partnership de$elopment, team building and mentoring.
<irector o' Mar9eting BH99 - 10H0
!o%0on +i'e, 2ncA 'an 8rancisco, ,A
0e$eloped the marketing strategy for a $enture-backed start-up that deli$ered
online promotional ser$ices both to business-to-business, and business-to-consumer
?rote formal marketing plans and formulated pricing schedules for three
distinct products.
,reated the company@s distinct 6=6 and 6=, brand messages.
/dentified and managed the marketing organi1ation@s key e"ternal business
partner relationships.
&anaged a team of ele$en full and part-time employees in the e"ecution of a
marketing campaign that was successful at acquiring o$er *0 national business
customers, and o$er 100,000 consumers.
0e$eloped the media plan and o$ersaw creati$e copy for an outdoor and radio
ad campaign.
&anaged an online campaign that included cost-per-action partnerships and
banners ads.
/mplemented an affiliate marketing program and monthly e-mail marketing
,reated all sales collateral and online product demonstrations.
2ed all public relations efforts, resulting in co$erage in %#A Toda, 0ortune
and others.
!rgani1ed two ma9or trade shows, and was named .6ottest #tart-%p in
%layed a key role in the e"ecuti$e leadership of the company, raising o$er M=
million in funding to launch the $enture, growing re$enues to M=00,000 and are in
the process of selling the start-up@s technology to a larger organi1ation.
,o-authored business plan and created financial model to present to
%resented plan to angel in$estors, $enture capitalists and ,>!s of large public
<elped determine corporate strategic business direction, and build a full-time
staff of 1* people.
Senior !on(%ltant BH9B - BH99
An*er(en !on(%lting 'an 8rancisco, ,A
0irected a team in the de$elopment of a sales optimi1ation and marketing
effecti$eness strategy for a large ?est ,oast 0epartment 'tore :etailer that
led to sa$ings of M( million in marketing operational costs.
&anaged a team in the redesign of the sales management-training program
at a large soft-drink manufacturer, and coached sales e"ecuti$es on economic
analysis-based decision-making.
Assessed a 9oint $enture opportunity between a large computer manufacturer
and a software de$elopment company, e$entually recommending a .no-go.
based on pro9ected financial returns.
:edesigned the sales process for a large work-wear apparel manufacturer,
generating sa$ings of M= million in sales and marketing operational costs.
>ngaged in $arious other pro9ects, including a market opportunity assessment
for a ma9or credit card company@s new product, and an economic $alue
analysis D>AAE study for an international publisher.
Strategic 1%(ine(( ;lanner BH90 - 9H9(
;e0(i-!ola !om0an& %hiladelphia, %A H 'an Antonio, -K
0e$eloped a new sales structure for the -e"oma 6usiness #nit, sa$ing M=
million annually.
,reated and e"ecuted sales and marketing initiati$es that grew new %epsi
brands by 110J and core brands by o$er 10J.
0e$ised new market-wide trimester pricing plans, growing $olume by =0J $s.
prior year.
Ad$ised market unit managers on financial feasibility of new business
propositions and prepared periodic operating re$iews to dri$e cost
containment initiati$es.
o -rained staff in nine regional offices to use internal marketing and
customer information system.
4ni$er(it& o' !hicago, Gra*%ate School o' 1%(ine((
10H9( - BH9*
M1A - ,oncentrations in &arketing and 8inance ,hicago, /2
;enn State 4ni$er(it&
9H8B - BH90
6' - 8inance, with a minor in >conomics and Accounting
#ni$ersity %ark, %A
#el---unded education through acade'ic scholarships and ?orking part-ti'e"
>n9oy tra$eling, running and the arts.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging position as a &aterials &anager in a growth-oriented organi1ation
which offers di$erse 9ob responsibility and the possibility for ad$ancement.
1and Manu-acturing, !u--alo, >@
Material( Manager, 199E to ;re(ent
'uper$ised a team of 10 employees in the %roduction ,ontrol 0epartment.
:esponsible for sourcing and procuring all material required for final assembly line
production. ,ontrolled MF.1 million in component parts in$entory while maintaining
1= in$entory turns annually. Assured daily cycle counts were performed. ,oordinated
and implemented new product introductions, product transfers, and engineering
Tho'son Inc", !u--alo, >@
;%rcha(ing Manager, 1991 - 199?
0irected all purchasing decisions of pulp and paper related commodities in support of
three plant manufacturing operation ser$ing the pri$ate-label consumer products
market Destimated annual $olume MB( millionE.
,anisius #ni$ersity, 6uffalo, 7+
6.A., 6usiness, 1990
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
,hallenging and rewarding upper-le$el position in a growth-oriented organi1ation,
which offers di$erse 9ob responsibility in mechanical engineering and will fully utili1e
both my technical and managerial abilities.
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
#print +orporation, #racuse, >@
;ro#ect Manager, 199D - ;re(ent
&anaged a twel$e member team that designed and implemented uni$ersal high
speed 4igabit A-& switch fabrics for high speed A2K product line. :esponsibilities
included hardware design and product $erification. Also responsible for >&,H>&/H:8/
standards, compliance and testing. :esponsible for product support for
manufacturing and field ser$ice operations.
J;+ 4esign, %tica, >@
Mechanical .ngineer, 199 - 199D
:esponsible for designing products and concepts under non-disclosure agreements
for clients on cross-functional design teams which include 'r. &echanical, >lectrical,
and %roduct 0esigners. :esponsibilities included plastics part design with F0 solid
and surface models in %roH>ngineer, concept de$elopment, product strategy, and
presentation preparation.
<ouston #ni$ersity, <ouston, -K
6.'., &echanical >ngineering, 1993
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
8ull time career opportunity in a key management position utili1ing my
e"pertise and solid e"perience in &/' to contribute to a growing company.
S4MMA)5 "6 74A+262!A-2"8S
/nternet, 0atabases, and ,lientH'er$er Applications >"pertise
Ad$anced education in 'oftware and <ardware
>"perienced in building reliable and scaleable systems
'uccessfully deployed applications on time and under budget
0esigned front-end, back-end and middle tier applications
>"tensi$e e"perience in third party tools and solutions
?ebtech L >ugene, !: L 1998 - %resent
2- !on(%ltant
,onsulted with and ad$ised users concerning specific data processing procedures and
feasibility of using information processing equipment. ,onsulted with higher le$el
data processing analysts to determine specific detailed programming procedures and
instructions for con$erting specific problems to a logical sequence of machine
operations. Analy1ed, modified, and re$ised procedures to incorporate changes in
user needs and to maintain efficiency in data processing procedures. ?rote, tested,
and performed problem resolution on comprehensi$e computer programs and
systems in accordance with established procedures and specifications. 0e$eloped
and applied cross-checks and other types of testing methods to assure accuracy in
data processing operations. %erformed comprehensi$e studies and analysis of data
processing functions, methods, and procedures and makes recommendations
concerning the feasibility of re$ising e"isting operations or adapting new applications
for data processing solutions.
,entron -echnologies L <agerstown, &0 L 199( - 1998
<ataba(e Architect%re !on(%ltant
0esigned a reliable and scaleable !racle database system. %erformed data modeling
and system performance tuning. 0etermined a strategy for replicating the !racle
database on an alternati$e machine and an automatic procedure for switch o$er in
case of hardware or software failure. /solated third party $endors for hardware and
software solutions to achie$e !racle replication. 7egotiated support contract with
!racle ,orporation. #tili1ed , and %roP, code and shell and 'C2P2oader scripts to
implement !racle database replication.
-.!H82!A+ SB2++S
>"cel H ?ord H %ower%oint H Access H Act H &' %ublisher.
>"perienced in administering the A$aya /nfinity telephone system.
>"pert in most 7etworking systems.
'oftware Applications 2awson, &A%/,', !pen3, ;et 8orms, custom
'pread 'heets &' >"cel, 2!-#' 1=F.
M1A, S&(tem( A*mini(tration, 6ro(tb%rg State 4ni$er(it&, 6ro(tb%rg,
M<, 1995
1AAA, 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration, 1ASA, Acco%nting, ;enn State
4ni$er(it&, 4ni$er(it& ;ar9, ;A, 1992
&icrosoft ,ertified 'ystems >ngineer - &,'> 3.0
&icrosoft ,ertified 'ystems >ngineer - &,'> =000
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
7etwork Administrator
+clone Technologies, Me'phis, T>
8et,or9 A*mini(trator, 199D - ;re(ent
:esponsible for supporting entire software network for this 300-employee company,
including 2A7 technologies, internet, intranet, and >thernet systems.
6ensha? Incorporated, Me'phis, T>
8et,or9ing !on(%ltant, 1993 - 199D
:esponsible for cross-connecting multi-platformed systems and pro$iding website
traffic strings for tech support communications.
!radsha? #ste's, 1ich'ond, <A
A((i(tant S&(tem A*mini(trator, 1990 - 1993
:esponsible for generating and maintaining operating systems.
#ni$ersity of Airginia, ,harlottes$ille, AA
6.'., ,omputer 'cience, 1990
,ertified 7etwork Administrator D,7AE - 199B
7etwork 'ystems 'pecialist, &icrosoft ,ertified - 199(
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain an entry-le$el position as a network administrator.
2S;, 2nc BH00 - 1H0=
%echnician $ #art$%ime 'an ;ose, ,A
1. ?orked part-time at an /nternet 'er$ice %ro$ider D/'%E, assisting with
technical maintenance.
=. Assisted network administrators with maintaining high standard of up time
and performance.
F. /nteracted with clients hosting ser$ers at the facility while doing general
problem sol$ing.
3. 'tayed on =3-hour call o$er the weekends and school holidays.
(. 0ocumented technical policies for other part-time employees.
San Mateo High School !om0%ter 6acilit& 9H9( - BH01
%echnician $ #art$%ime 'an &ateo, ,A
1. Assisted the ,omputer 'cience 0epartment with maintaining the school@s
=. /nstalled and configured four new 'un 'parc 10 ser$ers during the facility@s
F. -rusted with =3-hour access to the school@s computing department, the only
student with this pri$ilege.
-echnical S9ill(
"0erating S&(tem(: 2inu", 'olaris, ?indows 7- and ?indows =000.
8et,or9(: 6asic -,%H/%, 7o$ell (K 'er$er and other broadband networks.
So't,are: /6& ?ebsphere, ?eblogic, Apache, ?indows 9(, 98, =000, &y'C2.
+ang%age(: <-&2, ;a$ascript, %erl, and K&2.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a 7urse of <ealth ,are %ro$ider
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
#t" Mark=s 6ospital, Philadelphia, PA
S%rgical 8%r(e, 199 to ;re(ent
'er$ed as a staff surgical nurse. %ro$ided health care checks for a di$erse
population. %erformed blood pressure tests for community health outreach programs,
pro$ided a wide range of ser$ices including women@s health clinic ser$ices and care
for elderly patients.
:.7. - American &edical Association.
6.'., 7ursing, 1993
#ni$ersity of 'cranton, 'cranton, %A
;ro'e((ional A''iliation(
&onroe ,ounty &edical 'ociety
%ennsyl$ania 7ursing Association
A$ailable upon request
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o acquire a position with the potential for ad$ancement where / can utili1e my
knowledge and e"perience.
)ele$ant S9ill(
- %roficient in ?indows 9(H98H7-, %ower%oint 3.0, ?ord%erfect B.1, >"cel
- Accustomed to hea$y telephone usage
- >"perience in creating correspondence from information gi$en
- -yping B(wpm
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
Ma&or )oger >ellingtonG( "''ice, 1altimore, M<
A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant @ "''ice Manager, 1995 - ;re(ent
'er$ed as liaison to legislati$e, district and office staff, as well as media pri$ate
sector with =8 barangays. ,oordinated acti$ities of 4o$erning 6oard. !$ersaw all
conference e$ents, including weekly session and annual meeting. 'er$ed as primary
fundraiser, while maintaining relationships with local, national and regional
organi1ations, media and pri$ate sector contracts. &anaged and o$ersaw office
budgets and ser$ed as liaison to financial officers.
"0en <oor Health !enter, Hager(to,n, M<
A*mini(trati$e A((i(tant, 1992 - 1995
Accountable for record keeping of patients, $olunteers and employees. Adept at
writing letters for 0irector and patients. ,ontrol records of donations and assist in
fund raising $entures.
1995 AAAA, 1%(ine(( A*mini(tration
Hager(to,n 1%(ine(( !ollege
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as an !perations &anager.
0irected research, de$elopment, and implementation of design engineering systems.
:estructured manufacturing planning groups, resulting in a sa$ings of M=&.
/mplemented new planning system, which increased production schedule accuracy
by J100.
4elphi Machine +o", /no3&ille, T>
"0eration( Manager, 199 - ;re(ent
0e$eloped, implemented and monitored management operations systems.
:estructured corporate planning group system, resulting in a sa$ings of M=&.
J;* Industries, Me'phis, T>
"0eration( Manager, 19D? - 199
/mplemented new production procedures wile maintaining o$er J8( schedule
accuracy. :educed production start-up costs by JF0 percent.
;*I Industries, Indianapolis, I>
"0eration( Manager, 19D2 - 19D5
'treamlined assembly line process, labor costs by 30J. :estructured product
de$elopment policies and procedures.
,ornell #ni$ersity
&asters, 6usiness Administration, 198*
%urdue #ni$ersity, ?est 2afayette, /7
6.A.,>conomics, 198=
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding outside sales position in a growth-oriented organi1ation
which offers di$erse 9ob responsibility and the potential for ad$ancement.
'trong negotiating and networking skills.
%ersonable, moti$ated, enthusiastic.
%ro$en ability to gain account loyalty.
>"cellent closing skills.
4elco 0oods, #an 4iego, +A
Sale( S0eciali(t, 199? - ;re(ent
:ecruited to de$elop business opportunities and e"pand product lines at distributor
le$el within the state of ,alifornia. :epresented o$er F0 lines. %lanned and e"ecuted
product presentations at ma9or food shows throughout the state. !rgani1ed and
prepared presentations for large-scale product samplings with se$eral chain store
accounts. 0e$eloped strong relationships with distributor merchandisers, marketing
associates, and end users. %ro$ided sales support, conducted sales presentations and
product samplings, and negotiated pricing and product a$ailability.
<iTech +o''unications, #an 4iego, +A
Sale( )e0re(entati$e, 199 - 199?
4enerated leads by cold calling local businesses, profiling clients, and effecti$ely
presenting marketing, ad$ertising, and products to enhance the work place.
7etworked e"tensi$ely with clients to build successful business to business
relationships. 7egotiated terms, closed sales, and wrote contracts. :ecogni1ed as
:epresentati$e of the &onth ten times in a three year period.
'tanford #ni$ersity, %alo Alto, ,A
&.6.A., 1993
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia, /r$ine, ,A
6.A. >conomics, 1990
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%osition as a paralegal.
'trong oral and written communication skills.
0etail orientedG adherence to deadlines and budgets.
8amiliar with a $ariety of computer applications ?ord, >"cel, %ower%oint, etc.
6a?thorne & !urke, ;os Angeles, +A
;aralegal, 199D - ;re(ent
:esponsibilities included scheduling appointmentsG arguing motionsG conferencing
cases in pre-trial procedureG drafting notices of disco$ery, subpoenas, and
complaintsG and preparing clients for e"amination before trial hearings.
0ranklin +ount Municipal +ourt, 1i&erside, +A
J%*icial A((i(tant, 1992 - 199?
%articipated in ci$il and criminal trials, took depositions, and drafted court decisions.
#ni$ersity of ,alifornia, :i$erside, ,A
,ertificate, %aralegal 'tudies, 199=
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a pharmacist.
'uper$ised four registered pharmacists.
8illed prescriptions during busy shifts.
&onitored ) reordered supplies.
%ro$ided information to customers.
6ills 4rugs, #t" ;ouis, MO
;harmaci(t, 199 - ;re(ent
8illed customer prescription orders.
,ontacted physicians to confirm prescription details.
<andled customer inquiries.
&anaged team of four pharmacists.
)algreen=s 4rugs, #t" ;ouis, MO
A((i(tant ;harmaci(t, 1990 - 199
<andled all in$entory responsibilities.
,ontacted physicians to confirm prescriptions.
?ashington #ni$ersity, 't. 2ouis, &!
&.'., %harmacology, ;une 1990
A$ailable upon request.
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
-o obtain a position as a photographer for a ma9or metropolitan newspaper.
8otable Achie$ement(
-ime &aga1ine, -op %hotos of the +ear 1999 for .,alifornia ?ildfire at 7ight.
6anaker >"cellence in %hotography 8ellowship, 199(.
3ent%ra !o%nt& -ime(
#ta-- photographer, 1992 - Present
:egular co$erage included 'ports, 2ifestyle, ) &etro. 'uccessfully met tight
+o( Angele( -ime(
#u''er Intern, 1995 & 1992
Assisted lead sports photographer. 'elected and assembled equipment according to
sub9ect material, anticipated conditions. 4ained $aluable knowledge of function and
limitations of $arious types of cameras, lenses, and films.
#ni$ersity of 'outhern ,alifornia
6.A., %hotography, 199B
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A position in a physical therapy facility emphasi1ing sports medicine, which will allow
me to continue to de$elop my skills in manual therapy.
Accurately diagnose sprains, strains, and ruptures.
0etermine appropriate treatment for in9ury.
>$aluate physical recommendations.
&oti$ate elderly or recently immobili1e patients.
Accurately document patient treatment and progress.
%erform e"tensi$e patient e$aluations such as range of motion and functional
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
1esults 0itness & Therap, #pring-ield, MA
;h&(ical -hera0i(t, 199D - ;re(ent
<andled care of all outpatient ser$ices. %ro$ided physical therapy for athletes.
&anage three physical therapy interns. ,onducted in-house training for >&- ser$ices
certificate program.
John" ;" #hook 6o'e, !oston, MA
;h&(ical -hera0i(t, A%g%(t 1992 - 199D
'uper$ised F0R elderly residents in personal physical therapy sessions. 0esigned
e"cercise and rehabilitation programs.
6oston #ni$ersity, 6oston, &A
6.'., %hysical -herapy, 199=
;ro'e((ional A''iliation( = !erti'ication(
American Association of %hysical -herapists
,%: ,ertification - American <eart Association
8irst Aid ,ertification, American :ed ,ross
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
A challenging and rewarding position as a commercial pilot.
Airline -ransport %ilot, ,2 - *0, 6>1900
8light >ngineer ?ritten, ;une =001 D8>KE 'core 9*J
8irst ,lass &edical, 0ecember =000
,ertified 8light /nstructor
8AA A$iation 'afety ,ounselor and %roduction ,rew
.m0lo&ment Hi(tor&
>orth?est Airlines, #t" ;ouis, MO
!hie' ;ilot, 199? - ;re(ent
A'erican (agle Airlines, #t" ;ouis, MO
6ir(t "''icer, 1992 - 199?
<eriCon 0light #chool, Orlando, 0;
-,in !e((na 2n(tr%ctor, 19D9 - 1992
>mory :iddle #ni$ersity, 0aytona, 82
6.'., Aeronautics, 1988
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
;)"6.SS2"8A+ .:;.)2.8!.
San 6ranci(co Aca*em& o' Art 'an 8rancisco, ,A
+a'pus Police 0orce 1995 - .::1
%rotect life and property on the Academy of Art ,ampus.
#phold laws and codes of the 'tate of ,alifornia and ,ity of 'an 8rancisco.
%atrol on foot and $ia bicycle, remaining alert at all times.
?ork with other law enforcement officials, including the '8 %olice
Assist in a V7ight ?alkW program that pro$ides escorts for students after
1an9 o' America 1%il*ing 'an 8rancisco, ,A
6ead o- Pri&ate #ecurit 1995 - .::1
&anaged all aspects of security for the bankIs flagship branch with o$er 100
<ired, fired, scheduled, super$ised, and e$aluated a staff of ten officers.
%ro$ide policing-type functions within a pri$ate security setting.
?orked with the 'an 8rancisco %olice 0epartment regarding robbery planning
at the bank.
%romoted from starting position as %ri$ate 'ecurity &anager.
San 6ranci(co, !orrection( 6acilit& 'an 8rancisco, ,A
Prison *uard 1989 - 1995
Acted as a prison guard at the ,ityIs holding facility Dprisoners awaiting trialE.
%erformed daily duties, including prisoner roll call, escorts and lock-downs.
2ed a team of prison guards in the establishment of scheduling system for
.<4!A-2"8 A8< -)A2828G
4raduate, 'an 8rancisco %olice Academy, 1989
4raduate, 'outh 'an 8rancisco <igh 'chool, 198*
!.)-262!A-2"8S A8< +2!.8S.S
2icense to carry concealed firearm.
>mergency &edical -echnician, 'tate ,ertification
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%ostal ?orker
L >"cellent organi1ational ability ) attention to detail.
L A positi$e, outgoing, and enthusiastic personality.
L ,omfortable with fast a fast paced, frequently changing en$ironment.
L /nno$ati$e thinker who is not afraid to try new ways of doing things.
+iticorp, ;ansing, MI
;o(tal S%0er$i(or, 199D - ;re(ent
-rained and super$ised mail room staff of ten employees. 'cheduled and super$ised
bulk mailings in e"cess of F00,000 pieces. #pgraded mail tracking systems.
+it o- ;ansing, ;ansing, MI
;o(tal >or9er, 19DD - 199?
0eli$ered mail to customers. %ro$ided customer ser$ice. <andled all requisite paper-
work for change of address and post office bo" rentals.
,edar 4ro$e 6usiness ,ollege, 2ansing, &/
A.A., 6usiness, 1988
Jacob Smith
123 Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Home: (555) 555-123
!ell: (555) 555-1235
%roducer H ,o-%roducer
!$er ten years e"perience in tele$ision and film.
%ro$en ability to meet deadlines and budgets.
>"cellent networking abilitiesG ability to get award winning talent.
>"cellent communication skills.
I-he ;er'ect SilenceAI Motion 6ilm(, 2001
>"ecuti$e %roducer ?illiam 6lake
?inner, %eople@s ,hoice Award
IHo0e in the 4n(eenAI 8e, 2mage 6ilm(, 199D
>"ecuti$e %roducer -errance &c&ann
I!ha(ing Ga*otAI -riMa/ St%*io(
>"ecuti$e %roducer -om 4eshner
,6- 7etwork, 1993 - 199B
I!ro0 !ircle(AI ;roo' o' +i'e 6ilm(, 1993
>"ecuti$e %roducer 6eth 7elms
-he 'ci-8i ,hannel, 0ocumentary
#ni$ersity of -e"as, Austin, -K
6.A., 8ilm, &ay 1990