Voip Over Frame Relay With Multipoint Pvcs and Prioritization................................................................ 1

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Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization

Table of Contents
VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization................................................................1
Before You Begin...................................................................................................................................1
Components Used.............................................................................................................................2
Configuring Traffic Shaping and Prioritization for a VoIP over Frame Relay......................................2
Network Diagram.............................................................................................................................3
Troubleshooting Procedure..............................................................................................................8
Troubleshooting Commands............................................................................................................8
Related Information................................................................................................................................9

VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and
Before You Begin
Components Used
Configuring Traffic Shaping and Prioritization for a VoIP over Frame Relay
Network Diagram
Troubleshooting Procedure
Troubleshooting Commands
Related Information

This document discusses traffic shaping and prioritization for a Voice over IP (VoIP) over Frame Relay
network with hub and spoke topology. The configuration of the hub is such that there are two permanent
virtual circuits (PVCs), one for each remote spoke, and both data and voice are sent over the same PVCs. It is
important to note that the prioritization and fragmentation discussed in this document applies not only to this
scenario but also to a scenario where you may have one PVC with voice and data and another with only data.
The data PVCs need to be traffic−shaped just as the voice and data PVCs. This is due to the fact that when a
single physical pipe is shared, in this case at the hub, the serialization delay affects all data regardless of the
PVC they are destined for.

In the topology below, New York represents the hub central router. Raleigh and San Jose represent remote
routers connected to the hub through a Frame Relay network. There are two PVCs that connect to the New
York router. In this case, New York should never send more than 64 kbps to Raleigh and likewise, it should
never send more than 192 kbps to San Jose because this exceeds the configured committed information rate
(CIR) on the Frame Relay mapclass.

In the topology shown in this document, the routers with VoIP configurations are directly connected to a
Frame Relay cloud. In some topologies, however, the voice−enabled routers can exist anywhere in the
network, with the exception of the Cisco AS5300. For more information on this, refer to the note below. The
voice routers can be connected through LAN connectivity to other routers that are connected to the WAN.
This is important to note because if your voice routers are not directly connected to a Frame Relay service, all
WAN connectivity configuration commands will be configured on those routers that are connected to the
WAN, and not on the voice routers.

Note: Cisco AS5300 routers with high−speed serial interfaces are not designed to support data connection to
a WAN. You need to use your Cisco 5300s as intermediate LAN routers with their main functionalitybeing
processing voice calls. You need dedicated routers acting as direct connections to the WAN.

Before You Begin

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
Before attempting this configuration, please ensure that you meet the following prerequisites:

• Basic understanding and configuration of Frame Relay Traffic Shaping (FRTS)

• Basic understanding and configuration of VoIP

Components Used
The information in this document is based on the software and hardware versions:

• Three Cisco 3640 routers with Cisco IOS® Software Release 12.2(19) Enterprise Plus
• Four analog phones connected to Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) ports on spokes
• One PBX connected to a T1 controller on the hub router

The spokes can also be a Cisco 2600 or a 1750 platform. The hub can be a Cisco 2600 or 3600 platform in the
case of digital voice, but it can also be a Cisco 1750 platform if only analog voice exists at the hub. All traffic
shaping and configurations apply to other platforms as well.

Note: Though this document is not restricted to specific software, some of the commands used here are not
available with all Cisco IOS Software versions. For example the frame−relay fragment command is
supported with IP Plus but not by an IP image.

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the
devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure
that you understand the potential impact of any command.

For more information on document conventions, see the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions.

Configuring Traffic Shaping and Prioritization for a VoIP

over Frame Relay
When running VoIP over Frame Relay, it is important that the traffic sent over the frame stays at a level that is
less than or equal to the Frame Relay CIR. The router does not send traffic that exceeds the CIR when
configured with FRTS as shown below. If you configure it to run at a speed greater than the CIR, you may
experience voice quality issues and voice quality is not guaranteed when you run PVCs above the guaranteed

Note: It is possible to configure adaptive shaping to enable a router to throttle down the transmission rate to a
specified value if Frame Relay packets are received with the backward explicit congestion notification
(BECN) bit set. It is recommended, however, that traffic rates not exceed the CIR of the Frame Relay service
when transmitting voice packets. This is to ensure proper quality and delivery when sending real time voice
packets across the network. The configuration where the CIR is exceeded is only recommended for data PVCs
that do not carry voice traffic. For more information, refer to Configure Frame Relay Traffic Shaping for
Frame Relay Networks.

Note: Also, before you can configure your router to use VoIP, it is best if you understand the concepts of
Quality of Service (QoS) features in Cisco IOS Software. To learn more about QoS features, refer to Queuing,

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
Traffic Shaping, and Filtering and Fragmentation for Voice.

Note: To find additional information on the commands used in this document, use the Cisco IOS Software
Command Lookup Tool ( registered customers only) .

Network Diagram
This document uses the network setup shown in the diagram below.

This document uses the configurations shown below.

• New York Hub Router

• Cisco 3640 Raleigh

New York Hub Router

Current configuration:
version 12.2
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password−encryption
hostname newyork
logging buffered 50000 debugging
enable secret cisco
controller T1 2/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
ds0−group 1 timeslots 1−4 type e&m−wink−start
interface Serial2/0
no ip address
encapsulation frame−relay
no ip mroute−cache
frame−relay traffic−shaping

!−−− This CLI command enables traffic shaping for both PVCs.

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
interface Serial2/0.1 point−to−point
description Connection to Raleigh PVC
ip address
frame−relay interface−dlci 100
class class−raleigh
interface Serial2/0.2 point−to−point
description Connection to San Jose PVC
ip address
frame−relay interface−dlci 200
class class−sanjose
ip classless
map−class frame−relay class−raleigh
frame−relay cir 64000
frame−relay bc 640
frame−relay be 0
frame−relay mincir 64000
no frame−relay adaptive−shaping
frame−relay fair−queue
frame−relay fragment 80

!−−− Recommended fragment size for 10ms delay when carrying voice
!−−− traffic based on the configured CIR 64000.
!−−− based on the configured CIR 64000

frame−relay ip rtp priority 16384 16383 48

!−−− Two calls with g729, no CRTP, at 24 kbps/each.

map−class frame−relay class−sanjose
frame−relay cir 192000
frame−relay bc 1920
frame−relay be 0
frame−relay mincir 192000
no frame−relay adaptive−shaping
frame−relay fair−queue
frame−relay fragment 240

!−−− This is the recommended fragment size for 10ms delay when carrying voice traffic
!−−− based on the configured CIR 192000.

frame−relay ip rtp priority 16384 16383 48

!−−− Two calls with G729, no Compressed Real Time Protocol (cRTP), at 24kbpseach.

voice−port 2/0:1
dial−peer cor custom
dial−peer voice 100 pots

!−−− Calls to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).

destination−pattern 212.......
prefix 212
port 2/0:1
dial−peer voice 200 pots

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
!−−− Calls to the corporate network−four digit extension forwarded.

destination−pattern 567....
port 2/0:1
dial−peer voice 110 voip

!−−− Calls to Raleigh.

destination−pattern 919392....
session target ipv4:
ip precedence 5
dtmf−relay h245−alphanumeric
dial−peer voice 210 voip
!−−− Calls to San Jose.

destination−pattern 408527....
session target ipv4:
ip precedence 5
dtmf−relay h245−alphanumeric
line con 0
exec−timeout 0 0
transport input none
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
no login

Cisco 3640 Raleigh

Current configuration:
version 12.2
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password−encryption
hostname raleigh3640a

logging buffered 50000 debugging

enable secret cisco
no ip subnet−zero
voice−port 1/0/0
voice−port 1/0/1
dial−peer voice 1 pots
destination−pattern 9193924100
port 1/0/0
dial−peer voice 2 voip
destination−pattern 2126789001
ip precedence 5
dtmf−relay h245−alphanumeric

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
session target ipv4:

interface Loopback0
ip address
no ip directed−broadcast

interface Serial2/0
no ip address
encapsulation frame−relay
frame−relay traffic−shaping
interface Serial2/0.1 point−to−point
description Connection to New York
ip address

frame−relay interface−dlci 100

class fr_class_voip
ip classless
no ip http server
map−class frame−relay fr_class_voip
frame−relay cir 64000
frame−relay bc 640
frame−relay be 0
frame−relay mincir 64000
no frame−relay adaptive−shaping
frame−relay fair−queue
frame−relay fragment 160 80

!−−− The recommended fragment size for 10ms delay when carrying voice traffic.

!−−− based on the configured CIR 64000.

frame−relay ip rtp priority 16384 16383 48

line con 0
exec−timeout 0 0
transport input none
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
no login

This section provides information you can use to confirm your configuration is working properly.

Certain show commands are supported by the Output Interpreter Tool ( registered customers only) , which allows
you to view an analysis of show command output.

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
• show frame−relay fragment − Displays information about the Frame Relay fragmentation taking
place in the Cisco router.
• show traffic−shape queue − Displays information about the elements queued at the virtual circuit
(VC) data−link connection identifier (DLCI) level. Used to verify the operation of IP RTP priority
over Frame Relay. When the link is congested, voice flows are identified with a weight of zero. This
indicates that the voice flow is using the priority queue. Refer to the sample output below.
• show frame−relay pvc [dlci#] − Displays information such as traffic shaping parameters,
fragmentation values, and dropped packets. Refer to the sample output below. Also refer to
Troubleshooting Frame Relay for further information.

newyork#show frame−relay fragment

interface dlci frag−type frag−size in−frag out−frag dropped−frag

Serial1/0.1 100 end−to−end 80 16 20 0

Serial1/0.2 200 end−to−end 240 12 10 0

newyork#show traffic−shape queue serial 2/0.1

Interface Se2/0.1

Access Target Byte Sustain Excess Interval Increment Adapt

VC List Rate Limit bits/int bits/int (ms) (bytes) Active

100 64000 80 640 0 10 80 −

newyork#show traffic−shape queue

Traffic queued in shaping queue on Serial2/0.1 dlci 100
Queueing strategy: weighted fair
Queueing Stats: 0/600/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops)
Conversations 0/1/16 (active/max active/max total)
Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated)
Available Bandwidth 16 kilobits/sec

Traffic queued in shaping queue on Serial2/0.2 dlci 200

Queueing strategy: weighted fair
Queueing Stats: 0/600/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops)
Conversations 0/1/16 (active/max active/max total)
Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated)
Available Bandwidth 144 kilobits/sec

newyork#show frame−relay pvc 100

PVC Statistics for interface Serial2/0 (Frame Relay DCE)


input pkts 1078 output pkts 1078 in bytes 157792

out bytes 172284 dropped pkts 0 in pkts dropped 0
out pkts dropped 0 out bytes dropped 0
in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0
out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0
out bcast pkts 28 out bcast bytes 8498
pvc create time 00:27:48, last time pvc status changed 00:27:48
Queueing strategy: weighted fair
Current fair queue configuration:
Discard Dynamic Reserved
threshold queue count queue count
64 16 0
Output queue size 0/max total 600/drops 0

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
fragment type end−to−end fragment size 80
cir 64000 bc 640 be 0 limit 80 interval 10
mincir 64000 byte increment 80 BECN response no
frags 2707 bytes 172284 frags delayed 2707 bytes delayed 172284
shaping inactive
traffic shaping drops 0
ip rtp priority parameters 16384 32767 480

This section provides information you can use to troubleshoot your configuration.

Troubleshooting Procedure
Below is troubleshooting information relevant to this configuration. Follow the instructions below to
troubleshoot your configuration.

1. Troubleshoot the Frame Relay and QoS implemented for voice and ensure its correct operation.
2. Proceed to voice call failure troubleshooting as necessary.

Note: For more detailed troubleshooting information, refer to VoIP over Frame Relay with QoS
(Fragmentation, Traffic Shaping, LLQ / IP RTP Priority).

Troubleshooting Commands
Certain show commands are supported by the Output Interpreter Tool ( registered customers only) , which allows
you to view an analysis of show command output.

Note: Before issuing debug commands, refer to Important Information on Debug Commands.

• debug priority − Displays priority queueing (PQ) events and shows if dropping occurs in this queue.
For more information, refer to Troubleshooting Output Drops with Priority Queuing.
• debug frame−relay fragment − Displays event or error messages related to Frame Relay
fragmentation. It is only enabled at the PVC level on the selected interface.

newyork#debug priority
Priority output queueing debugging is on
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100−byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round−trip min/avg/max = 56/57/60 ms
*Mar 1 05:11:24.746: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2)
*Mar 1 05:11:24.754: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2)
*Mar 1 05:11:24.810: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2)
*Mar 1 05:11:24.818: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2)
*Mar 1 05:11:24.874: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 104/2)
*Mar 1 05:11:24.882: PQ: Serial2/0 output (Pk size/Q 13/0)

newyork#debug frame−relay fragment interface serial 2/0 100

This may severely impact network performance.
You are advised to enable no logging console debug. Continue?[confirm]
Frame Relay fragment/packet debugging is on
Displaying fragments/packets on interface Serial2/0 dlci 100 only

*Mar 1 20:58:32.838: Serial1/0.1(o): dlci 100, tx−seq−num 3645, B bit set, frag_hdr

Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization
*Mar 1 20:58:32.846: Serial1/0.1(o): dlci 100, tx−seq−num 3646, E bit set, frag_hdr
*Mar 1 20:58:32.890: Serial1/0.1(i): dlci 100, rx−seq−num 17, exp_seq−num 17,B bit
frag_hdr 03 B1 80 11
*Mar 1 20:58:32.894: Serial1/0.1(i): dlci 100, rx−seq−num 18, exp_seq−num 18,E bit
frag_hdr 03 B1 40 12

Related Information
• Product Alert Tool
• Low Latency Queueing for Frame Relay
• Classifying VoIP Signaling and Media with DSCP for QoS
• show Commands for Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
• Frame Relay IP RTP Priority
• Configuring Frame Relay and Frame Relay Traffic Shaping
• Configuring and Troubleshooting Frame Relay
• Voice over Frame Relay Queueing Enhancement
• Voice, Telephony and Messaging TAC eLearning Solutions
• Frame Relay Traffic Shaping for VoIP and VoFR
• Voice Technology Support Page
• Voice Software Support Page
• Voice, Telephony and Messaging Devices
• *Recommended Reading: Troubleshooting Cisco IP Telephony , Cisco Press, ISBN 1587050757
• Technical Support − Cisco Systems

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Cisco − VoIP over Frame Relay with Multipoint PVCs and Prioritization

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