Release 12.3
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WR-1 WR-17
The Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference, Release 12.3, contains commands for configuring the technologies and features described in the following sections:
ATM Commands Broadband Access: PPP over ATM, PPP over Ethernet, and Routed Bridge Encapsulation Commands Broadband Access: Service Selection Gateway Commands Frame Relay Commands Frame Relay-ATM Interworking Commands SMDS Commands X.25 and LAPB Commands
The Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference, Release 12.3, is organized alphabetically. The following sections list the commands by technology. Some commands required for configuring wide-area networking protocols and broadband access may be found in other Cisco IOS command references. Use the command reference master index or search online to find these commands.
ATM Commands
ATM commands are used to configure ATM interfaces and to configure serial interfaces for ATM access. For ATM configuration information and examples, refer to the Configuring ATM section of the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide. The Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference, Release 12.3, contains the following ATM commands:
abr atm aal aal3/4 atm abr rate-factor atm address-registration atm arp-server atm classic-ip-extensions atm clock internal
atm compression atm ds3-scramble atm e164 auto-conversion atm e3-scramble atm esi-address atm exception-queue atm framing (DS3) atm framing (E3) atm ilmi-keepalive atm ilmi-pvc-discovery atm lbo atm max-channels atm maxvc atm mid-per-vc atm multicast atm multipoint-interval atm multipoint-signalling atm nsap-address atm oam flush atm oversubscribe atm pppatm passive atm pvp atm rate-queue atm rawq-size atm rxbuff atmsig close atm atm sig-traffic-shaping strict atm smds-address atm sonet stm-1 atm svc-upc-intent atm txbuff atm uni-version atm vc-per-vp atm vp-filter broadcast cbr ces ces aal1 clock
ces aal1 service ces-cdv ces circuit ces dsx1 clock source ces dsx1 framing ces dsx1 lbo ces dsx1 linecode ces dsx1 loopback ces dsx1 signalmode robbedbit ces partial-fill ces pvc class-int class-vc clear atm arp clear pppatm interface atm dbs enable dxi map dxi pvc encapsulation (ATM) encapsulation atm-dxi framer-type idle-timeout ilmi manage ima active-links-minimum ima clock-mode ima differential-delay-maximum ima frame-length ima-group ima test inarp interface atm interface atm ima interface cbr loopback loopback (ATM) map-class atm mid network-clock-select (ATM)
oam-pvc oam-pvc manage cc oam-pvc manage cc deny oam-range oam retry oam retry cc oam-svc partial-fill ping atm interface atm protocol (ATM) pvc retry (SVC) scrambling cell-payload scrambling-payload show atm arp-server show atm class-links show atm ilmi-configuration show atm ilmi-status show atm interface atm show atm map show atm pvc show atm pvc dbs show atm svc show atm traffic show atm vc show atm vp show ces show ces circuit show ces interface cbr show ces status show controllers atm show dxi map show dxi pvc show ima interface atm show interface cbr show interfaces atm show network-clocks show sscop
Introduction Broadband Access: PPP over ATM, PPP over Ethernet, and Routed Bridge Encapsulation Commands
sscop cc-timer sscop keepalive-timer sscop max-cc sscop poll-timer sscop receive-window sscop send-window svc ubr ubr+ vbr-nrt vc-class atm
Broadband Access: PPP over ATM, PPP over Ethernet, and Routed Bridge Encapsulation Commands
Broadband access commands are used to configure broadband access on aggregation and client devices that use PPP over ATM (PPPoA), PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), and routed bridge encapsulation. For information about configuring broadband access using PPPoA, PPPoE, and routed bridge encapsulation, refer to the Configuring Broadband Access: PPP and Routed Bridge Encapsulation chapter in the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide. The Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference, Release 12.3, contains the following broadband access commands:
ac name atm route-bridge atm pppatm link reset bba-group pppoe class-range clear pppoe controller shdsl dsl equipment-type dsl linerate dsl operating-mode dsl operating-mode (ADSL over ISDN) dsl operating-mode (G.SHDSL) ip tcp adjust-mss max bandwidth max vc pppoe-client dial-pool-number
pppoe enable pppoe limit max-sessions pppoe limit per-mac pppoe limit per-vc pppoe limit per-vlan pppoe max-sessions protocol pppoe (ATM VC) pvc-in-range range pvc rbe nasip sessions max limit sessions per-mac limit sessions per-vc limit sessions per-vlan limit sessions throttle show atm svc ppp show controller shdsl show dsl interface atm show pppatm summary show pppatm trace shutdown (PVC-in-range) shutdown (PVC range) virtual-template (BBA group) virtual-template pre-clone vpn service
clear ssg host clear ssg next-hop clear ssg open-garden clear ssg pass-through-filter clear ssg pending-command clear ssg radius-proxy client-address clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address clear ssg service client-address download exclude-profile exclude forward accounting-start-stop idle-timeout (SSG) local-profile mode extended nat user-address network (ssg-redirect) network-list port (ssg-redirect) port-list redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group duration redirect port to redirect smtp group redirect unauthenticated-user to redirect unauthorized-service to select server (SSG) server-group server-port show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile show ssg binding show ssg connection show ssg direction show ssg host show ssg next-hop show ssg open-garden show ssg pass-through-filter
show ssg pending-command show ssg port-map ip show ssg port-map status show ssg radius-proxy address-pool show ssg service show ssg tcp-redirect group show ssg vc-service-map show tcp-redirect mappings ssg accounting ssg accounting interval ssg auto-domain ssg auto-logoff arp ssg auto-logoff icmp ssg bind direction ssg bind service ssg default-network ssg enable ssg local-forwarding ssg maxservice ssg next-hop download ssg open-garden ssg pass-through ssg port-map destination access-list ssg port-map destination range ssg port-map enable ssg port-map length ssg port-map source ip ssg profile-cache ssg qos police ssg radius-helper ssg radius-proxy ssg service-password ssg service-search-order ssg tcp-redirect ssg vc-service-map
bump (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) class class (map-list) clear frame-relay-inarp connect (Frame Relay) dscp (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) encapsulation (Frame Relay VC-bundle) encapsulation frame-relay encapsulation frame-relay mfr exp fr-atm connect dlci frame-relay adaptive-shaping frame-relay address registration auto-address frame-relay address registration ip frame-relay address-reg enable frame-relay bc frame-relay be frame-relay becn-response-enable frame-relay broadcast-queue frame-relay cir frame-relay class frame-relay congestion-management frame-relay congestion threshold de frame-relay congestion threshold ecn frame-relay custom-queue-list frame-relay de-group frame-relay de-list frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events
frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer frame-relay fair-queue frame-relay fragment frame-relay fragment end-to-end frame-relay fragmentation voice-adaptive frame-relay holdq frame-relay idle-timer frame-relay interface-dlci frame-relay interface-dlci switched frame-relay intf-type frame-relay inverse-arp frame-relay ip tcp compression-connections frame-relay ip tcp header-compression frame-relay lapf frmr frame-relay lapf k frame-relay lapf n200 frame-relay lapf n201 frame-relay lapf t200 frame-relay lapf t203 frame-relay lmi-n391dte frame-relay lmi-n392dce frame-relay lmi-n392dte frame-relay lmi-n393dce frame-relay lmi-n393dte frame-relay lmi-t392dce frame-relay lmi-type frame-relay local-dlci frame-relay map frame-relay map bridge frame-relay map clns frame-relay map ip tcp header-compression frame-relay mincir frame-relay multicast-dlci frame-relay multilink ack frame-relay multilink bid frame-relay multilink hello frame-relay multilink lid frame-relay multilink output-threshold
frame-relay multilink retry frame-relay payload-compression frame-relay policing frame-relay priority-dlci-group frame-relay priority-group frame-relay pvc frame-relay qos-autosense frame-relay route frame-relay svc frame-relay switching frame-relay tc frame-relay traffic-rate frame-relay traffic-shaping frame-relay vc-bundle inarp (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) interface fr-atm interface mfr keepalive (LMI) map-class frame-relay map-group map-list match precedence (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) protect (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) pvc (Frame Relay VC-bundle) shape fr-voice-adapt show frame-relay end-to-end keepalive show frame-relay fragment show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression show frame-relay lapf show frame-relay lmi show frame-relay map show frame-relay multilink show frame-relay pvc show frame-relay qos-autosense show frame-relay route show frame-relay svc maplist show frame-relay traffic
clp-bit connect (FRF.5) connect (FRF.8) de-bit de-bit map-clp efci-bit service translation show connect (FR-ATM) show vc-group shutdown (FR-ATM) vc-group
SMDS Commands
SMDS commands are used to configure Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), a wide-area networking service offered by some regional Bell operating companies (RBOCs) and MCI. For SMDS configuration information and examples, refer to the Configuring SMDS chapter in the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide. The Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference, Release 12.3, contains the following SMDS commands:
arp encapsulation smds interface serial multipoint show smds addresses show smds map show smds traffic smds address smds dxi
smds enable-arp smds glean smds multicast smds multicast arp smds multicast bridge smds multicast ip smds static-map
Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) X.25 services (X.25, X.25 over TCP [XOT] and Connection-Mode Network Service [CMNS]) Defense Data Network (DDN) X.25 Blacker Front End (BFE)
For X.25 and LAPB configuration information and examples, refer to the Configuring X.25 and LAPB chapter in the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide. For information on translating between X.25 and another protocol, refer to the Configuring Protocol Translation and Virtual Asynchronous Devices chapter in the Cisco IOS Terminal Services Configuration Guide. The Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference, Release 12.3, contains the following X.25 and LAPB commands:
access-class (X.25) backup active interface bfe clear x25 clear x25-vc clear xot cmns enable encapsulation lapb encapsulation x25 lapb interface-outage lapb k lapb modulo lapb n1 lapb n2 lapb protocol lapb t1 lapb t2
lapb t4 logging event frame-relay x25 service pad service pad from-xot service pad to-xot show backup show cmns show x25 context show x25 cug show x25 hunt-group show x25 interface show x25 map show x25 profile show x25 remote-red show x25 route show x25 services show x25 vc show x25 xot x25 accept-reverse x25 address x25 alias x25 bfe-decision x25 bfe-emergency x25 default x25 facility x25 fail-over x25 hic x25 hoc x25 hold-queue x25 hold-vc-timer x25 host x25 htc x25 hunt-group x25 idle x25 ip-precedence x25 ips x25 lic x25 linkrestart
x25 loc x25 ltc x25 map x25 map bridge x25 map cmns x25 map compressedtcp x25 map pad x25 map rbp local x25 map rbp remote x25 modulo x25 nvc x25 ops x25 pad-access x25 profile x25 pvc (encapsulation) x25 pvc rbp local x25 pvc rbp remote x25 pvc (switched) x25 pvc (switched PVC to SVC) x25 pvc (XOT) x25 remote-red x25 retry x25 roa x25 route x25 routing x25 security clamn x25 security crcdn x25 subscribe cug-service x25 subscribe flow-control x25 subscribe local-cug x25 subscribe packetsize x25 subscribe windowsize x25 suppress-called-address x25 suppress-calling-address x25 t10 x25 t11 x25 t12 x25 t13
x25 t20 x25 t21 x25 t22 x25 t23 x25 threshold x25 use-source-address x25 win x25 wout x29 access-list x29 profile xot access-group
To select available bit rate (ABR) quality of service (QoS) and configure the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) or virtual circuit (VC) class, use the abr command in the appropriate command mode. To remove the ABR parameters, use the no form of this command. abr output-pcr output-mcr no abr output-pcr output-mcr
Syntax Description
output-pcr output-mcr
The output peak cell rate ,in kilobits per second. The output minimum guaranteed cell rate, in kilobits per second.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to be available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
If the abr command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of any QoS command (abr, ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVC itself. Configuration of any QoS command (abr, ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of any QoS command (abr, ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM main interface. Global default value: ABR QoS at the maximum line rate of the PVC.
ABR is a quality of service class defined by the ATM Forum for ATM networks. ABR is used for connections that do not require timing relationships between source and destination. ABR provides no guarantees in terms of cell loss or delay, providing only best-effort service. Traffic sources adjust their transmission rate in response to information they receive describing the status of the network and its capability to successfully deliver data.
In ABR transmission, the peak cell rate (PCR) specifies the maximum value of the allowed cell rate (ACR), and minimum cell rate (MCR) specifies the minimum value for the ACR. ACR varies between the MCR and the PCR and is dynamically controlled using congestion control mechanisms.
The following example specifies the output-pcr argument to be 100,000 kbps and the output-mcr argument to be 3000 kbps for an ATM PVC:
pvc 1/32 abr 100000 3000
Related Commands
Description Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class or VC bundle member. Configures the VBR-NRT QoS and specifies output peak cell rate, output sustainable cell rate, and output maximum burst cell size for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class.
ac name
To specify the name of the access concentrator to be used in PPPoE Active Discovery Offers (PADO), use the ac name command in BBA group configuration mode. To remove this specification, use the no form of this command. ac name name no ac name name
Syntax Description
If the name of the access concentrator is not specified, the name of the router is used as the access concentrator name.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
The ac name command allows you to advertise a unique access concentrator name other than the router name to PPPoE clients.
The following example shows the configuration of the name region1 as the access concentrator name to be used in PADOs:
bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 1 ac name region1
Related Commands
access-class (X.25)
To configure an incoming access class on virtual terminals, use the access-class (X.25) command in line configuration mode. access-class access-list-number in
Syntax Description
access-list-number in
An integer that identifies the access list. Range is from 1 to 199. Restricts incoming connections between a particular access server and the addresses in the access list.
Command Modes
Line configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
The access list number is used for both incoming TCP access and incoming packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) access. In the case of TCP access, the access server uses the IP access list defined with the access-list command. For incoming PAD connections, the same numbered X.29 access list is referenced. If you only want to have access restrictions on one of the protocols, you can create an access list that permits all addresses for the other protocol.
The following example configures an incoming access class on virtual terminal line 4. For information on the line vty command, see the publication Configuring the Route Processor for the Catalyst 8540 and Using Flash Memory Cards.
line vty 4 access-class 4 in
Related Commands
Description Configures the access list mechanism for filtering frames by protocol type or vendor code. Limits access to the access server from certain X.25 hosts.
To define local IP pools that are to be used by Service Selection Gateway (SSG) to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client, use the address-pool command in SSG-radius-proxy configuration mode. To remove a local IP pool, use the no form of this command. address-pool start-ip end-ip [domain domain-name] no address-pool start-ip end-ip [domain domain-name]
Syntax Description
First IP address of the local IP address pool. Last IP address of the local IP address pool. (Optional) IP address pool for a specific domain. (Optional) Name of the domain.
Command Modes
SSG-radius-proxy configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2 T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to configure SSG to assign an IP address taken from a local pool to a user for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. SSG assigns an IP address from a local pool only when one has not been assigned by one of the following methods:
Assignment in the Access-Accept from the AAA server Assignment in the Access-Request received from the client Assignment from an Autodomain service (tunnel or proxy) that does not have the auto-domain nat user-address configuration enabled
You must have SSG Autodomain configured in order for an IP address to be assigned from an Autodomain tunnel. See SSG AutoDomain for more information about configuring SSG Autodomain. You can use this command to define a global local IP address pool or an IP address pool for a specific domain by using the domain keyword. You cannot create pools with more than 20,000 addresses.
Using IP address pools within SSG is completely standalone and unrelated to Cisco IOS IP local pools.
The following example shows how to configure a local IP address pool for SSG:
The following example shows how to configure a local IP address pool for the domain named cisco.
address-pool domain cisco
Related Commands
Command clear ssg radius-proxy client-address clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address forward accounting-start-stop idle-timeout (SSG) server-port show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable ssg radius-proxy ssg tcp-redirect
Description Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS. Proxies accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS clients to the AAA server. Configures a host object timeout value. Defines the ports for the SSG RADIUS proxy. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or a specific domain. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy. Configures the RADIUS proxy IP address and shared secret.
To enable Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries for static routing over the Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) network, use the following variation of the arp command in global configuration mode. To disable this capability, use the no form of this command. arp ip-address smds-address smds no arp ip-address smds-address smds
Syntax Description
IP address of the remote router. 12-digit SMDS address in the dotted notation nnnn.nnnn.nnnn (48 bits long). Enables ARP for SMDS.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
This command requires a 12-digit (48-bit) dotted-format SMDS address. It does not support 15-digit SMDS addresses.
The following example creates a static ARP entry that maps the IP address to the SMDS address C141.5797.1313 on interface serial 0:
interface serial 0 arp C141.5797.1313 smds
Related Commands
Description Enables dynamic ARP. The multicast address for ARP must be set before this command is issued. Configures a static map between an individual SMDS address and a higher-level protocol address.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on Cisco 7500 series routers with ATM Interface Processor (AIP). This command is not supported on the ATM port adapter. Because Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers always support both AAL3/4 and AAL5, this command is not required on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers. Only one virtual circuit can exist on a subinterface that is being used for AAL3/4 processing, and that virtual circuit must be an AAL3/4 virtual circuit. The AAL3/4 support feature requires static mapping of all protocols except IP.
Related Commands
Description Limits the number of MID numbers allowed on each VC. Assigns an SMDS E.164 multicast address to the ATM subinterface that supports AAL3/4 and SMDS encapsulation. Assigns a unicast E.164 address to the ATM subinterface that supports AAL3/4 and SMDS encapsulation. Creates or assigns a name to an ATM PVC, specifies the encapsulation type on an ATM PVC, or enters interface-ATM-VC configuration mode.
Syntax Description
rate-increase-factor rate-decrease-factor
(Optional) Factor by which to increase the data rate. The rate increase factor is specified in powers of 2 from 1 to 32768. (Optional) Factor by which to decrease the data rate. The rate decrease factor is specified in powers of 2 from 1 to 32768.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
To configure an ABR VC, use the pvc command with the abr keyword. To verify the ABR rate factor, use the show atm interface atm EXEC command.
The following example sets the ABR rate factor to 32 for the next cell transferred on ATM interface 4/0:
interface atm 4/0 atm abr rate-factor 32 32
Related Commands
Description Configures the PVC interface. Displays ATM-specific information about an ATM interface.
atm address-registration
To enable the router to engage in address registration and callback functions with the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI), use the atm address-registration command in interface configuration mode. To disable ILMI address registration functions, use the no form of this command. atm address-registration no atm address-registration
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.0
Usage Guidelines
This command enables a router to register its address with the ILMI for callback when specific events occur, such as incoming Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps or incoming new network prefixes.
The following example enables ATM interface 1/0 to register its address:
interface atm 1/0 atm address-registration
Related Commands
atm arp-server
To identify an ATM Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) server for the IP network or set time-to-live (TTL) values for entries in the ATM ARP table, use the atm arp-server command in interface configuration mode. To remove the definition of an ATM ARP server, use the no form of this command. atm arp-server [self | nsap nsap-address] [time-out minutes] no atm arp-server [self [time-out minutes] | [nsap nsap-address]]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the current router as the ATM ARP server. (Optional) Number of minutes for which a destination entry listed in the ATM ARP servers ARP table will be kept before the server takes any action to verify or time out the entry. (Optional) Network service access point (NSAP) address of an ATM ARP server.
nsap nsap-address
The default timeout value is 20 minutes. The ARP server process is disabled.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
If an NSAP address is specified, the ARP client on this interface uses the specified host as an ARP server. You can specify multiple ATM ARP servers by repeating the command. If self is specified, this interface acts as the ARP server for the logical IP network. The ATM ARP server takes one of the following actions if a destination listed in the servers ARP table expires:
If a virtual circuit still exists to that destination, the server sends an Inverse ARP request. If no response arrives, the entry times out. If a virtual circuit does not exist to the destination, the entry times out immediately.
This implementation follows RFC 1577, Classical IP over ATM. To configure redundant ARP servers, you must first enable redundant ARP server support by entering the atm classic-ip-extensions command with the BFI keyword.
The following example configures ATM on an interface and configures the interface to function as the ATM ARP server for the IP subnetwork:
interface atm 0/0 ip address atm nsap-address ac.1533.66.020000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.00 atm rate-queue 1 100 atm maxvc 1024 atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaal atm arp-server self
Related Commands
Description Enables support for redundant ATM ARP servers on a single LIS.
atm classic-ip-extensions
To enable support for redundant ATM Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) servers on a single logical IP subnetwork (LIS), use the atm classic-ip-extensions command in interface configuration mode. To remove support for redundant ATM ARP servers, use the no form of this command. atm classic-ip-extensions {BFI | none} no atm classic-ip-extensions
Syntax Description
BFI none
Enables simple redundant ARP server support. BFI as an acronym is undefined. Enables standard RFC 1577 behavior (no redundant ARP server support).
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Ciscos implementation of the ATM ARP server supports redundant ATM ARP servers on a single logical IP subnetwork (LIS). In order for redundant ATM ARP server support to work, all of the devices on the LIS must be Cisco devices and must have the atm classic-ip-extensions BFI command configured. The none keyword enables behavior that complies with RFC 1577, Classical IP over ATM. RFC 1577 does not support redundant ARP servers.
The following example shows how to configure redundant ARP servers on an ATM interface:
Router(config)# interface atm 1/0 Router(config-if)# atm classic-ip-extensions BFI Router(config-if)# atm arp-server nsap 47.000580FFE1000000F21A3167.666666666666.00 Router(config-if)# atm arp-server nsap 47.000580FFE1000000F21A3167.555555555555.00
Related Commands
Description Identifies an ATM Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) server for the IP network or sets TTL values for entries in the ATM ARP table.
Syntax Description
The ATM interface uses the transmit clock signal from the remote connection (the line). The switch provides the clocking.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is meaningless on a 4B/5B physical layer interface module (PLIM). For SONET interfaces, use the atm clock internal command to configure an ATM port adapter to supply its internal clock to the line.
The following example causes the ATM interface to generate the transmit clock internally:
interface atm 4/0 atm clock internal
atm compression
To specify the software compression mode on an interface, use the atm compression command in interface configuration mode. To remove the compression mode setting, use the no form of this command. atm compression {per-packet | per-interface | per-vc} no atm compression {per-packet | per-interface | per-vc}
Syntax Description
Specifies packet-by-packet compression mode (no history). This is the default. Specifies one context per interface (with history). Specifies one context for every virtual circuit (with history).
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.3(1)MA
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to ATM configuration on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.
atm ds3-scramble
To enable scrambling of the ATM cell payload for the DS3 physical layer interface module (PLIM) on an ATM interface, use the atm ds3-scramble command in interface configuration mode. To disable scrambling of the ATM cell payload for the DS3 PLIM, use the no form of this command. atm ds3-scramble no atm ds3-scramble
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Command syntax was changed from ds3 scramble to atm ds3-scramble.
Usage Guidelines
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.3
Usage Guidelines
You must enable the ATM interface before using the atm e164 auto-conversion command. When an interface is configured for E.164 auto conversion, ATM E.164 format addresses are converted to the corresponding native E.164 address for outgoing calls. For incoming calls, native E.164 addresses are converted to the corresponding ATM E.164 format.
The following example enables E.164 auto conversion on ATM interface 0/0/1:
interface atm 0/0/1 atm e164 auto-conversion
atm e3-scramble
To enable scrambling of the ATM cell payload for the E3 physical layer interface module (PLIM) on an ATM interface, use the atm e3-scramble command in interface configuration mode. To disable scrambling of the ATM cell payload for the E3 PLIM, use the no form of this command. atm e3-scramble no atm e3-scramble
Syntax Description
E3 scrambling is enabled.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
atm esi-address
To enter the end station ID (ESI) and selector byte fields of the ATM network service access point (NSAP) address, use the atm esi-address command in interface configuration mode. The NSAP address prefix is filled in via Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI) from the ATM switch. To delete the end station address, use the no form of this command. atm esi-address esi.selector no atm esi-address esi.selector
Syntax Description
esi .selector
End station ID field value in hexadecimal; 6 bytes long. Selector field value in hexadecimal; 1 byte long. Dot is required as a separator.
No ESI is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
The atm esi-address command allows you to configure the ATM address by entering the ESI (12 hexadecimal characters) and the selector byte (2 hexadecimal characters). The ATM prefix (26 hexadecimal characters) will be provided by the ATM switch. To get the prefix from the ATM switch, the ILMI permanent virtual circuit (PVC) must be configured on the router and the ATM switch must be able to supply a prefix via ILMI. A period must be used to separate the esi from the selector arguments.
When ILMI is configured, use the atm esi-address command instead of the atm nsap-address command. The atm esi-address and atm nsap-address commands are mutually exclusive. Configuring the router with the atm esi-address command negates the atm nsap-address setting, and vice versa. The ILMI PVC must be configured in order to get an NSAP address prefix from the switch.
The following example sets up the ILMI PVC and assigns the ESI and selector field values on the ATM interface 4/0:
interface atm 4/0 atm pvc 2 0 16 ilmi atm esi-address 345678901234.12
Related Commands
Description Sets the NSAP address for an ATM interface using SVC mode. Enables ILMI management on an ATM PVC. Configures the PVC interface.
atm exception-queue
To set the exception queue length, use the atm exception-queue command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. atm exception-queue number no atm exception-queue
Syntax Description
32 entries
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on ATM interface processor (AIP) for Cisco 7500 series routers. This command is not supported on the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, nor is it supported on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers. The exception queue is used for reporting ATM events, such as cycle redundancy check (CRC) errors.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies C-bit with ATM direct mapping (ADM). (Optional) Specifies C-bit with PLCP framing. (Optional) Specifies M23 ATM direct mapping. (Optional) Specifies M23 with PLCP framing.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to include the Cisco 7200 series routers with the ATM-CES port adapter.
Usage Guidelines
This command is available on Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers with DS3 access speeds, Cisco 7200 series routers, and Cisco 7500 series routers. Framing on the interface must match that on the switch for this ATM link.
The following example specifies M23 ADM framing on a router that has been set up with DS3 access to an ATM network:
interface atm 4/0 atm framing m23adm
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies G.751 ATM direct mapping (ADM). (Optional) Specifies G.832 ATM direct mapping. (Optional) Specifies G.751 PLCP encapsulation.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The g751plcp keyword was added, together with information on the Cisco 7200 series router with the ATM-CES port adapter.
Usage Guidelines
The default framing is described in the ITU-T Recommendation G.751. Framing on the interface must match that on the switch for this ATM link.
The following example specifies G.832 ADM framing on a router that has been set up with E3 access to an ATM network:
interface atm 4/0 atm framing g832adm
atm ilmi-keepalive
To enable Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) keepalives, use the atm ilmi-keepalive command in interface configuration mode. To disable ILMI keepalives, use the no form of this command. atm ilmi-keepalive [seconds] no atm ilmi-keepalive [seconds]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Number of seconds between keepalives. Values less than 3 seconds are rounded up to 3 seconds, and there is no upper limit.
3 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.0
The following example enables ILMI keepalives for the ATM interface 1/0:
interface atm 1/0 atm address-registration atm ilmi-keepalive
Related Commands
Description Enables the router to engage in address registration and callback functions with the ILMI.
atm ilmi-pvc-discovery
To enable ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) discovery, use the atm ilmi-pvc-discovery command in interface configuration mode. To disable PVC discovery, use the no form of this command. atm ilmi-pvc-discovery [subinterface] no atm ilmi-pvc-discovery [subinterface]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Causes discovered PVCs to be assigned to the ATM subinterface whose number matches the discovered PVCs VPI number.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.3
The following example enables PVC discovery on the ATM main interface 2/0. The subinterface keyword is used so that all discovered PVCs with a VPI value of 1 will be assigned to the subinterface 2/0.1:
interface atm 2/0 pvc RouterA 0/16 ilmi exit atm ilmi-pvc-discovery subinterface exit interface atm 2/0.1 multipoint ip address
atm lbo
To specify the cable length (line build-out) for the ATM interface, use the atm lbo command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command. atm lbo {long | short} no atm lbo
Syntax Description
long short
Specifies a cable length greater than 50 feet. Specifies a cable length up to 50 feet.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
The following example specifies that the ATM interface uses a cable of up to 50 feet in length:
interface atm 4/0 atm lbo short
Related Commands
Command ces
atm max-channels
To configure the number of transmit channels for the interface, use the atm max-channels command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default, use the no form of this command. atm max-channels number no atm max-channels
Syntax Description
Maximum number of transmit channels for the interface. The range is from 64 to 2048 channels. The default is 64 channels.
64 channels
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
The atm max-channels command can be used to divide the available number (fixed) of transmit descriptors across the configured number of transmit channels. Typically, you think of a one-to-one association between a transmit channel and a VC; however, the ATM-CES port adapter supports other types of VCs than data VCs (for example CES VCs). Also, the ATM-CES port adapter can multiplex one or more VCs over a single virtual path (VP) that is shaped, and the VP only requires a single transmit channel. Therefore, the term transmit channel is used rather than virtual circuit.
Maximum Burst
The maximum burst of packets that are allowed per VC is limited by the number of transmit descriptors allocated per VC. Because the total number of transmit descriptors available is limited by the available SRAM space, configuration of the number of transmit channels for the interface determines the number of transmit descriptors for each transmit channel. Hence the burst size for each transmit channel is determined by the atm max-channels command. For example, for 64 (the default) transmit channels for the interface, 255 transmit descriptors are associated per channel, and for 512 transmit channels for the interface, 31 transmit descriptors are associated per channel. To display information about the transmit descriptors, use the show atm interface atm command.
The following example sets the number of transmit descriptors for the interface to 120.
interface atm 2/0 atm max-channels 120
Related Commands
atm maxvc
To set the ceiling value of the virtual circuit descriptor (VCD) on the ATM interface, use the atm maxvc command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. atm maxvc number no atm maxvc
Syntax Description
Maximum number of supported virtual circuits. Valid values are 256, 512, 1024, and 2048.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on Cisco 7500 series routers; it is not supported on the Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers, which have a fixed maximum of 1024 VCs. This command sets the maximum value supported for the vcd argument in the atm pvc command. It also determines the maximum number of virtual circuits on which the AIP allows segmentation and reassembly (SAR) to occur. However, if you set a maxvc limit and then enter the atm pvc command with a larger value for the vcd argument, the software does not generate an error message. This command does not affect the virtual path identifier (VPI)-virtual channel identifier (VCI) pair of each virtual circuit.
The following example sets a ceiling VCD value of 1024 and restricts the AIP to supporting no more than 1024 virtual circuits:
atm maxvc 1024
Related Commands
Command pvc
atm mid-per-vc
To limit the number of message identifier (MID) numbers allowed on each virtual circuit, use the atm mid-per-vc command in interface configuration mode. atm mid-per-vc maximum
Syntax Description
Number of MIDs allowed per virtual circuit on this interface. The values allowed are 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers. MID numbers are used by receiving devices to reassemble cells from multiple sources into packets. This command limits the number of discrete messages allowed on the PVC at the same time. It does not limit the number of cells associated with each message. The maximum set by the atm mid-per-vc command overrides the range between the midhigh and midlow values set by the atm pvc command. If you set a maximum of 16 but a midlow of 0 and a midhigh of 255, only 16 MIDs (not 256) are allowed on the virtual circuit.
Related Commands
Command pvc
atm multicast
To assign a Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) E.164 multicast address to the ATM subinterface that supports ATM adaptation layer 3/4 (AAL3/4) and SMDS encapsulation, use the atm multicast command in interface configuration mode. atm multicast address
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on Cisco 7500 series, Cisco 4500, and Cisco 4700 routers. This command is not supported on the ATM port adapter. Each AAL3/4 subinterface is allowed only one multicast E.164 address. This multicast address is used for all protocol broadcast operations.
The following example assigns a multicast E.164 address to the ATM subinterface that is being configured:
atm multicast e180.0999.000
Related Commands
Description Selects ABR QoS and configures output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC or VC class. Assigns a unicast E.164 address to the ATM subinterface that supports AAL3/4 and SMDS encapsulation. Configures the PVC interface.
atm multipoint-interval
To specify how often new destinations can be added to multipoint calls to an ATM switch in the network, use the atm multipoint-interval command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default interval, use the no form of this command. atm multipoint-interval interval no atm multipoint-interval interval
Syntax Description
30 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.0
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to switched virtual circuits (SVCs) only, not to permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). This command has no effect unless ATM multipoint signaling is enabled on the interface.
The following example enables point-to-multipoint signaling on the ATM interface 2/0. It also specifies that new destinations can be added to multipoint calls every 60 seconds:
interface atm 2/0 atm multipoint-signalling atm multipoint-interval 60
Related Commands
atm multipoint-signalling
To enable point-to-multipoint signaling to the ATM switch, use the atm multipoint-signalling command in interface configuration mode. To disable point-to-multipoint signalling to the ATM switch, use the no form of this command. atm multipoint-signalling no atm multipoint-signalling
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Functionality was changed to allow this command on all subinterfaces, not just the main interface.
Usage Guidelines
If multipoint signaling is enabled, the router uses existing static map entries that have the broadcast keyword set to establish multipoint calls. One call is established for each logical subnet of each protocol. All destinations are added to the call. One multicast packet is sent to the ATM switch for each multipoint call. The ATM switch replicates the packet to all destinations. The atm multipoint-interval command determines how often new destinations can be added to a multipoint call.
Prior to Cisco IOS Release 11.1, when this command was used on the main interface, it also affected all subinterfaces. For Release 11.1 and later, explicit configuration on each subinterface is required to obtain the same functionality.
The following example enables point-to-multipoint signalling on the ATM interface 2/0:
interface atm 2/0 atm multipoint-signalling
Related Commands
atm multipoint-interval Specifies how often new destinations can be added to multipoint calls to an ATM switch in the network.
atm nsap-address
To set the network service access point (NSAP) address for an ATM interface using switched virtual circuit (SVC) mode, use the atm nsap-address command in interface configuration mode. To remove any configured address for the interface, use the no form of this command. atm nsap-address nsap-address no atm nsap-address
Syntax Description
The 40-digit hexadecimal NSAP address of this interface (the source address).
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
When configuring an SVC, you must use the atm nsap-address command to define the source NSAP address. It identifies a particular port on the ATM network and must be unique across the network.
When the Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI) is configured, use the atm esi-address command instead of the atm nsap-address command. The atm esi-address and atm nsap-address commands are mutually exclusive. Configuring the router with the atm esi-address command negates the atm nsap-address setting, and vice versa. Configuring a new address on the interface overwrites the previous address. The router considers the address as a string of bytes and will not prefix or suffix the address with any other strings or digits. The complete NSAP address must be specified, because this value is used in the Calling Party Address Information Element in the SETUP message to establish a virtual circuit. ATM NSAP addresses have a fixed length of 40 hexadecimal digits. You must configure the complete address in the following dotted format:
All ATM NSAP addresses should be entered in the dotted hexadecimal format shown above, which conforms to the User-Network Interface (UNI) specification.The dotted method provides some validation that the address is a legal value. If you know your address format is correct, the dots may be omitted.
In the following example, the source NSAP address for the interface is AB.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12:
atm nsap-address AB.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.3
The following example drops all current and future OAM cells received on the ATM main interface with slot 0 and port 0:
interface atm 0/0 atm oam flush
atm oversubscribe
To disable bandwidth management for service categories other than constant bit rate (CBR), use the atm overscribe command in interface configuration mode. To enable bandwidth management, use the no form of the command. atm oversubscribe no atm oversubscribe
Syntax Description
The default is to allow as much bandwidth as possible with no upper limits. The no form of the atm oversubscribe command enables bandwidth management on any ATM interface you specify.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(3)T
Usage Guidelines
When you type the enabling command (the no version), a check determines if the ATM link is already oversubscribed. If so, the command is rejected. Otherwise, the total bandwidth available on the link is recorded and all future connection setup requests are monitored to ensure that the link is not oversubscribed. The bandwidth allocated for each service category is displayed in the output of the show atm interface atm command. The ATM bandwidth manager keeps track of bandwidth used by VCs on a per-interface basis. Because many services require guaranteed bandwidth (for variable bit rate-real time (VBR-RT), available bit rate (ABR), CBR, for instance), bandwidth management is required. The purpose of the bandwidth manager is to reserve resources for connections that require guaranteed services. Bandwidth management for CBR is turned on automatically for all interfaces supporting CBR. Bandwidth management for other service categories must be turned on by the user. All service categories outside CBR are monitored only if specifically requested.
Because unspecified bit rate (UBR) does not provide any guarantees, bandwidth specified for a UBR connection is not used in any calculations. In all cases, bandwidth check for a PVC is done when the PVC is configured. Bandwidth check for a SVC is done when a signaling call is placed or received. When you specify the atm pvp command, the system checks if the specified bandwidth is available on the interface. If the bandwidth available is greater than or equal to the peak rate specified for the Permanent Virtual Path (PVP), the command is accepted; otherwise the command is rejected.
Within the VC mode, the steps taken to check for bandwidth available are to ascertain if the bandwidth is already used by the VC to fulfill the request. If the VC being configured is a PVC and belongs to a PVP, the bandwidth available on the PVP is used for the check; otherwise the bandwidth available on the interface is used for the check. When services within a VC class are being configured, the steps taken are to check if the new bandwidth requirement can be fulfilled for all VCs using the class (on a per-interface basis) by comparing with the bandwidth available on the corresponding interface. Bandwidth checking for an SVC occurs before a SETUP message is sent for an outbound call. If the bandwidth check fails, the SETUP message is not sent. If the bandwidth check passes, the traffic class from which the service category is inherited is updated with the requirements for the new SVC. When an SVC setup is requested for remotely initiated calls, a bandwidth check occurs as soon as the SETUP message is received. This bandwidth check has two components:
Match the bandwidth requested by the remote end with the bandwidth configured locally. Check if bandwidth configured locally can be satisfied currently.
If the bandwidth check fails, a RELEASE message is sent out and the call is rejected. If the bandwidth check passes, resources are reserved for the VC and the call is accepted.
The following example displays the available bandwidth after you enter VC mode. Notice that the bandwidth is specified in kbps.
Router# show atm interface atm 2/0 Interface ATM2/0: AAL enabled: AAL5, Maximum VCs:1024, Current VCCs:5 Maximum Transmit Channels:64 Max. Datagram Size:4496 PLIM Type:SONET - 155Mbps, TX clocking:LINE Cell-payload scrambling:OFF sts-stream scrambling:ON 877 input, 120843834 output, 0 IN fast, 20 OUT fast ABR parameters, rif:16 rdf:16, 0 out drop Bandwidth distribution :CBR :16000 Avail bw = 139000 Config. is ACTIVE
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Subinterface configuration
Command History
Release 12.3
Usage Guidelines
Use the atm pppatm link reset command to configure the system to place PPPoA sessions in a nonoperational state when a VC is deactivated. This command is useful on customer premises equipment (CPE) that is not configured with Dialer. On L2TP access concentrators (LACs), issues of scalability make it useful to allow PPPoA sessions to remain up when a VC is deactivated.
In the following example, PPPoA sessions on permanent virtual circuit (PVC) 3/501 will be brought down when that PVC is deactivated:
interface ATM4/0 atm pppatm link reset pvc 3/501 encapsulation aal5snap protocol ppp virtual-template 1 ! interface virtual-template 1 no ip address ppp chap hostname boston ppp chap password 7 111F1111 ppp multilink ppp multilink group 1 interface multilink1 ip unnumbered loopback 0 ppp multilink ppp multilink group 1
Syntax Description
Active mode
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
The atm pppatm passive command places PPP over ATM (PPPoA) sessions on an ATM subinterface in listening mode. Rather than trying to establish the sessions actively by sending out Link Control Protocol (LCP) packets, these sessions listen to the incoming LCP packets and become active only after they have received their first LCP packet. This feature is useful for L2TP access concentrators (LACs) in the broadband access deployments where thousands of PPPoA sessions are configured on LACs. When PPPoA is in the passive mode, the LAC will bring up the sessions only when the subscribers become active and not waste its processing power on polling all the sessions. For better scalability and faster convergence of PPP sessions, Cisco recommends setting the PPPoA sessions to passive mode at the LAC.
The following example configures the passive mode for the PPPoA sessions on an ATM subinterface:
interface atm 1/0.1 multipoint atm pppatm passive range range-pppoa-1 pvc 100 199 protocol ppp virtual-template 1
atm pvp
To create a permanent virtual path (PVP) used to multiplex (or bundle) one or more virtual circuits (VCs), use the atm pvp command in interface configuration mode. To remove a PVP, use the no form of this command. atm pvp vpi [peak-rate] no atm pvp vpi
Syntax Description
ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) of the VC to multiplex on the permanent virtual path. The range is 0 to 255. The VPI is an 8-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VPI value is unique only on a single link, not throughout the ATM network because it has local significance only. The VPI value must match that of the switch. The number specified for the vpi must not already exist. If the number specified for the vpi is already being used by an existing VC, this command is rejected.
(Optional) Maximum rate in kbps at which the PVP can transmit data. The range is 84 kbps to line rate. The default is the line rate.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
This command is commonly used to create a PVP that is used multiplex circuit emulation service (CES) and data VCs. The ATM-CES port adapter supports multiplexing of one or more VCs over a virtual path that is shaped at a constant bandwidth. For example, you can buy a virtual path service from an ATM service provider and multiplex both the CES and data traffic over the virtual path. All subsequently created VCs with a vpi argument matching the vpi specified with the atm pvp command are multiplexed onto this PVP. This PVP connection is an ATM connection where switching is performed on the VPI field of the cell only. A PVP is created and left up indefinitely. All VCs that are multiplexed over a PVP share and are controlled by the traffic parameters associated with the PVP. Changing the peak-rate argument causes the ATM-CES port adapter to go down and then back up. When you create a PVP, two VC are created (VCI 3 and 4) by default. These VCs are created for VP end-to-end loopback and segment loopback OAM support. To verify the configuration of a PVP, use the show atm vp command in EXEC mode.
The following example creates a permanent virtual path with a peak rate of 2000 kbps. The subsequent VC created are multiplexed onto this virtual path.
interface atm 6/0 atm pvp 1 2000 atm pvc 13 1 13 aal5snap exit interface cbr 6/1 ces circuit 0 ces pvc 9 interface atm6/0 vpi 1 vci 100 exit
Related Commands
Description Displays the statistics for all VPs on an interface or for a specific VP.
atm rate-queue
To create a permanent rate queue or specify a rate queue tolerance, use the atm rate-queue command in interface configuration mode. To remove a rate queue or rate queue tolerance, use the no form of this command. atm rate-queue {queue-number speed | tolerance svc [pvc] tolerance-value [strict]} no atm rate-queue {queue-number speed | tolerance svc [pvc] tolerance-value [strict]}
Syntax Description
Queue number in the range 0 through 7 on the ATM Interface Processor (AIP) for Cisco 7500 series routers, and in the range 0 through 3 on the network processing module (NPM) for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers. On the AIP, queues 0 through 3 are in the high-priority bank, and queues 4 through 7 are in the low-priority bank. Queues in the same priority bank have the same priority; for example, queues 0 and 3 have the same priority. On the NPM, all 4 queues have the same priority.
Speed in megabits per second (Mbps) in the range from 1 through 155. The maximum speed is determined by the detected physical layer inteface module (PLIM) type on the AIP or NPM:
34 Mbps for E3 45 Mbps for DS-3 100 Mbps for Transparent Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver Interface (TAXI) 155 Mbps for Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)
Specifies that you want to use a rate queue tolerance value. Specifies that the tolerance-value will be applied to SVCs. (Optional) If specified, the tolerance-value will be applied to PVCs. A tolerance level expressed as a percentage used for assigning rate queues for each virtual circuit (VC) with a requested peak rate. This value is applied to switched virtual circuits (SVCs), discovered VCs, and permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) (when the pvc keyword is used). This value can be 0 or 5 through 99. For SVCs and discovered VCs, the default value is 10. For PVCs, the default value is 0. (Optional) Indicates whether SVC traffic-shaping parameters are altered beyond the SVC tolerance or rejects the incoming call.
No rate queue is defined. The default rate-queue tolerance for SVCs and discovered VCs is 10. For PVCs, it is 0.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The following keywords were added:
tolerance svc
Usage Guidelines
If a PVC or SVC is created, and its rate queue does not match a permanent rate queue that was created using the atm-rate queue queue-number speed command, one of the following will occur:
The PVC or SVC will use an existing rate queue if the PVCs or SVCs rate queue falls within the tolerance-value specified. The software will dynamically create a new and unique rate queue if the PVC or SVC does not fall within a previously configured rate-queue tolerance.
If you do not create permanent rate queues or if you create PVCs with peak or average rates that are not matched by the rate queues you configure, the software dynamically creates rate queues as necessary to satisfy the requests of the atm pvc commands. You can create multiple rate queues. A warning message appears if all rate queues are deconfigured or if the combined rate queues exceed the PLIM rate.
The following example configures a permanent rate queue with a queue-number of 1 and a speed of 100 Mbps:
atm rate-queue 1 100
The following example configures a rate queue with a tolerance-value of 20, which will apply to SVCs, discovered VCs, and PVCs.
interface atm 2/0 atm rate-queue tolerance svc pvc 20
Related Commands
Description Configures the PVC interface. Creates an ATM SVC and specifies the destination NSAP address on a main interface or subinterface.
atm rawq-size
To define the ATM Interface Processor (AIP) raw-queue size, use the atm rawq-size command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. atm rawq-size number no atm rawq-size
Syntax Description
Maximum number of cells in the raw queue simultaneously. Range is from 8 to 256. Default is 32.
32 cells
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on the Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, but not on the Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers. The raw queue is used for raw ATM cells, which include Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) (F4 and F5) and Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) cells.
atm route-bridge
To configure an interface to use the ATM routed bridge encapsulation, use the atm route-bridge command in interface configuration mode. atm route-bridge protocol
Syntax Description
Protocol to be route-bridged. IP is the only protocol that can be route-bridged using ATM routed bridge encapsulation.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
atm rxbuff
To set the maximum number of receive buffers for simultaneous packet reassembly, use the atm rxbuff command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. atm rxbuff number no atm rxbuff
Syntax Description
Maximum number of packet reassemblies that the ATM Interface Processor (AIP) can perform simultaneously. Range is from 0 to 512. Default is 256.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on AIP for Cisco 7500 series routers. This command is not supported on the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, nor is it supported on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.
The following example allows the AIP to perform a maximum of 300 packet reassemblies simultaneously:
atm rxbuff 300
Syntax Description
The default value is lenient (not strict) traffic shaping for SVCs.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on the Cisco 7500 series routers, Cisco 4500 routers, and Cisco 4700 routers. This command is not supported on the ATM port adapter. If strict traffic shaping is configured on the router ATM interface, then an SVC is established only if traffic shaping can be provided for the transmit cell flow according to the signaled traffic parameters. If such shaping cannot be provided, the SVC is released. If strict traffic shaping is not configured on the router ATM interface, an attempt is made to establish an SVC with traffic shaping for the transmit cell flow according to the signaled traffic parameters. If such shaping cannot be provided, the SVC is installed with default shaping parameters (it behaves as though a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) were created without specifying traffic parameters). The signalling SETUP message carries the forward and backward traffic parameters. For connections initiated by the source router, traffic is shaped to the SETUP message forward parameters. For connections initiated by another router or host, traffic is shaped to the backward parameters.
The following example allows an SVC to be established on an ATM interface using only signaled traffic parameters:
atm sig-traffic-shaping strict
atm smds-address
To assign a unicast E.164 address to the ATM subinterface that supports ATM adaptation layer 3/4 (AAL3/4) and Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) encapsulation, use the atm smds-address command in interface configuration mode. atm smds-address address
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on Cisco 7500 series routers, Cisco 4500 routers, and Cisco 4700 routers. This command is not supported on the ATM port adapter. Each AAL3/4 subinterface is allowed only one unicast E.164 address.
The following example assigns a unicast E.164 address to the ATM subinterface that is being configured:
atm smds-address c141.555.1212
Related Commands
Description Selects ABR QoS and configures output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC or VC class. Enables support for AAL3/4 on an ATM interface. Assigns an SMDS E.164 multicast address to the ATM subinterface that supports AAL3/4 and SMDS encapsulation. Configures the PVC interface.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Use STM-1 in applications where the ATM switch requires idle cells for rate adaptation. An idle cell contains 31 zeros followed by a one. STM-1 is defined as a Synchronous Digital Hierarchy/Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (SDH/STM-1) operation (ITU-T specification). Use the default (STS-3c) in applications where the ATM switch requires unassigned cells for rate adaptation. An unassigned cell contains 32 zeros.
atm svc-upc-intent
To change the intended usage parameter control (UPC) mode that is to be used on the cell flow received into the switch fabric for switched virtual circuits (SVCs) or destination legs of soft permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) on an interface, use the atm svc-upc-intent command in interface configuration mode. Any change in this parameter is applied to SVCs or soft PVCs subsequently established on the interface. To assign the default value to the parameter, use the no form of this command. atm svc-upc-intent [abr | cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr] {tag | pass | drop} no atm svc-upc-intent
Syntax Description
abravailable bit rate cbrconstant bit rate vbr-rtvariable bit rate, real time vbr-nrtvariable bit rate, nonreal time ubrunspecified bit rate
Specifies that cells that are received on the interface and that violate the traffic contract have their CLP bit set prior to entering the switching fabric. Specifies that cells received on the interface are passed to the switching fabric with no change, regardless of their conformance to the traffic contract. Specifies that cells that are received on the interface and that violate the traffic contract are dropped.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the LS1010. This command was modified for the Cisco 6400 NSP. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
This configuration parameter determines the UPC to use for SVCs and for the destination leg of soft VC and VP. If policing is desired, it should be applied once for traffic entering a network.
In the following example, the intended UPC for SVCs on an interface is set to tagging:
Router(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent tag
In the following example, the UBR traffic on an interface is passed while all other traffic is policed:
Router(config-if)# Router(config-if)# Router(config-if)# Router(config-if)# Router(config-if)# atm atm atm atm atm svc-upc-intent svc-upc-intent svc-upc-intent svc-upc-intent svc-upc-intent ubr pass cbr tag vbr-rt tag vbr-nrt tag abr drop
Related Commands
atm txbuff
To set the maximum number of transmit buffers for simultaneous packet fragmentation, use the atm txbuff command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. atm txbuff number no atm txbuff
Syntax Description
Maximum number of packet fragmentations that the ATM Interface Processor (AIP) can perform simultaneously. Range is from 0 to 512. Default is 256.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on the AIP for Cisco 7500 series routers. This command is not supported on the ATM port adapter for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers, nor is it supported on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.
The following example configures the AIP to perform up to 300 packet fragmentations simultaneously:
atm txbuff 300
atm uni-version
To specify the User-Network Interface (UNI) version (3.0 or 3.1) the router should use when Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) link autodetermination is unsuccessful or ILMI is disabled, use the atm uni-version command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default value to 3.0, use the no form of this command. atm uni-version version-number no atm uni-version version-number
Syntax Description
UNI version selected on an interface. Valid values are 3.0 and 3.1.
Version 3.0
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Normally, when the ILMI link autodetermination is enabled on the interface and is successful, the router accepts the UNI version returned by ILMI. If the ILMI link autodetermination is unsuccessful or ILMI is disabled, the UNI version defaults to 3.0. You can override the default UNI version by using this command to enable UNI 3.1 signalling support. The no form of the command sets the UNI version to one returned by ILMI if ILMI is enabled and the link autodetermination process is successful. Otherwise, the UNI version reverts to 3.0.
The following example specifies UNI version 3.1 signaling port on the ATM interface 2/0:
interface atm 2/0 atm uni-version 3.1
atm vc-per-vp
To set the maximum number of virtual channel identifier (VCIs) to support per virtual path identifier (VPI), use the atm vc-per-vp interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. atm vc-per-vp number no atm vc-per-vp
Syntax Description
Maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI. See the following list for valid values:
AIP for Cisco 7500 seriesValid values are 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024. ATM port adapter for Cisco 7200 series and 7500 seriesValid values are 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, and 2048. NPM for Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routersValid values are 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, and 8192. Network module with IMA for the Cisco 2600 series and 3600 seriesValid values are 256, 512, and 1024.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command controls the memory allocation in the ATM Interface Processor (AIP), ATM port adapter, ATM network module, or network processor module (NPM) to deal with the VCI table. It defines the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI; it does not bound the VCI numbers. An invalid VCI causes a warning message to be displayed.
Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series with IMA
For Cisco 2600 and 3600 series with IMA, changing the value of the atm vc-per-vp command on one interface affects all of the interfaces on that network module. Table 1 lists the possible VCI ranges and corresponding VPI ranges for the Cisco 2600 and 3600 series with IMA.
Table 1
VCI and VPI Ranges for Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series with IMA
VPI Range 015, 6479, 128143, and 192207 015, 6479 015
The following example sets the maximum number of VCIs per VPI to 512:
atm vc-per-vp 512
Related Commands
Command pvc
atm vp-filter
To set the ATM Interface Processor (AIP) filter register, use the atm vp-filter command in interface configurationmode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. atm vp-filter hexvalue no atm vp-filter
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported on Cisco 7500 series routers, but not on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers. This command is not supported on ATM port adapters. This command allows you to specify a virtual path identifier (VPI) or range of VPIs to be used for ATM adaptation layer 3/4 (AAL3/4) processing. All other VPIs map to AAL5 processing. If only AAL5 processing is required, you can either let the virtual path filter default or set it to an arbitrary VPI so that AAL5 processing is performed on all VPIs. This command configures the hexadecimal value used in the virtual path filter register in the reassembly operation. The virtual path filter comprises 16 bits. The virtual path filter register uses the most significant bits (bits 15 through 8, the left half of the filter) as mask bits, and uses bits 7 through 0 (the right half of the filter) as compare bits. When a cell is received, the right half of the filter is exclusively NORed with the binary value of the incoming VPI. The result is then ORed with the left half of the filter (the mask). If the result is all ones, reassembly is done using the VCI/message identifier (MID) table (AAL3/4 processing). Otherwise, reassembly is done using the VPI-VCI pair table (AAL5 processing).
In the following example, all incoming cells are reassembled using AAL3/4 processing:
atm vp-filter ff00
In the following example, all incoming cells with the virtual path equal to 0 are reassembled using AAL3/4 processing; all other cells are reassembled using AAL5 processing:
atm vp-filter 0
In the following example, all incoming cells with the most significant bit of the virtual path set are reassembled using AAL3/4 processing; all other cells are reassembled using AAL5 processing:
atm vp-filter 7f80
Syntax Description
ATM slot number. Use this format for the following platform configurations:
AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers. ATM port adapter, ATM-CES port adapter, or enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers. 1-port ATM-25 network module on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers.
/0 vcd
ATM port number. Because the AIP and all ATM port adapters have a single ATM interface, the port number is always 0. The slash (/) is required. Virtual circuit descriptor of the signalling SVC to close.
slot/port-adapter ATM slot number and port adapter number. Use this format for the ATM port adapter or ATM-CES port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers. number ATM network processor module number for the NPM on Cisco 4500 and Cisco 4700 routers.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The number argument was added.
Usage Guidelines
Execute this command if you want to close a particular SVC. Because virtual circuits are numbered per interface, you must specify the ATM interface by its slot number.
To configure an attribute in a local service profile, use the attribute command in profile configuration mode. To delete an attribute from a service profile, use the no form of this command. attribute radius-attribute-id [vendor-id] [cisco-vsa-type] attribute-value no attribute radius-attribute-id [vendor-id] [cisco-vsa-type] attribute-value
Syntax Description
RADIUS attribute ID to be configured. (Optional) Vendor ID. Required if the RADIUS attribute ID is 26, indicating a vendor-specific attribute (VSA). The Cisco vendor ID is 9. (Optional) Cisco VSA type. Required if the vendor ID is 9, indicating a Cisco VSA. Attribute value. The following optional attribute values are also supported:
LintervalRequired to change an interim accounting interval. Specifies the new accounting interval in seconds. QConfigures the token bucket parameters for the Service Selection Gateway (SSG) Hierarchical Policing feature.
For the Linterval option: If the L option is not defined, the accounting records for a service profile will be sent at the interval configured by the ssg accounting interval command. If the ssg accounting interval command is not set, the accounting records are sent every 600 seconds. Otherwise, no default behavior or values are set.
Command Modes
Profile configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 NRP. The L and Q attributes were introduced as an attribute-value. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T. This command was modified for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to configure attributes in local service profiles. For the SSG Open Garden feature, use this command to configure the Service Route, DNS Server Address, and Domain Name attributes in a local service profile before adding the service to the open garden.
To change the SSG accounting interval for a service profile, use the Linterval option in the attribute command. For example, if L80 is entered as the attribute value, the service profile sends accounting information every 80 seconds. Interim accounting can be disabled by entering the value (in seconds) as 0 (for instance, L0). When interim accounting is disabled, the normal accounting stops and starts are still sent. For the SSG Hierarchical Policing feature, use the Q option to configure the token bucket parameters (token rate, normal burst, and excess burst). The syntax for the Q option is as follows: Router(config-prof)# attribute radius-attribute-id vendor-id cisco-vsa-type QU;upstream-committed-rate;upstream-normal-burst; [upstream-excess-burst];D;downstream-committed-rate; downstream-normal-burst;[downstream-excess-burst] The variables are used to configure upstream (U) and downstream (D) policing. The upstream traffic is the traffic that travels from the subscriber to the network, and the downstream traffic is the traffic that travels from the network to the subscriber.
In the following example, the Cisco AV pair Upstream Access Control List (inacl) attribute is configured in the local service profile called cisco.com:
Router(config)# local-profile cisco.com Router(config-prof)# attribute 26 9 1 "ip:inacl#101=deny tcp any eq 21"
In the following example, the Session-Timeout attribute is deleted from the local service profile called cisco.com:
Router(config)# local-profile cisco.com Router(config-prof)# no attribute 27 600
In the following example, the local profile cisco.com is configured to send an interim accounting update every 90 seconds:
Router(config)# local-profile cisco.com Router(config-prof)# attribute 26 9 1 "L90"
In the following example, the SSG Hierarchical Policing parameters are set for upstream and downstream traffic:
Router(config)# local-profile cisco.com Router(config-prof)# attribute 26 9 251 QU:8000:16000:20000:D10000:20000:30000
Related Commands
Description Displays SSG QoS information. Configures a local service profile. Displays information about a particular SSG connection, including the policing parameters.
Description Displays information about an SSG host, including whether policing is enabled or disabled and the policing configurations of a particular host. Displays a list of all configured open garden services. Specifies the interval at which accounting updates are sent to the server. Designates a service, defined in a local service profile, to be an open garden service. Enables SSG Hierarchical Policing on a router.
show ssg open-garden ssg accounting interval ssg open-garden ssg qos police
Syntax Description
X.25-interface number
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
The backup active interface command is available only on serial interfaces configured for the X.25 protocol. Use this command to activate dual serial lines (a primary and a backup) to maintain the redundancy and monitoring capability available from the SCC0 and SCC1 links on a Lucent 5ESS switch in a telco data communication network (DCN). The DCN provides telco service providers with communications for network management applications. This configuration requires that both serial interfaces be on the same Cisco router. Once the backup active interface command is configured, the router will bring up leads on the backup X.25 interface, but will ignore Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (SABM) messages from the Lucent 5ESS switch until the primary interface fails.
The following partial example shows how to configure a primary and backup X.25 interface for dual serial line management of the Lucent 5ESS switch in a DCN:
interface serial 1/0 description SCC0 backup active interface serial 1/1 encapsulation x25 dce x25 address 66666666 x25 ltc 8 x25 ips 256 x25 ops 256 clockrate 9600 ! interface serial 1/1 description SCC1 encapsulation x25 dce x25 address 66666666
x25 ltc 8 x25 ips 256 x25 ops 256 clockrate 9600 . . .
Related Commands
Description Monitors the transitions of an interface going down and then back up. Displays interface backup status.
bba-group pppoe
To create a PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) profile, use the bba-group pppoe command in global configuration mode. To delete a PPPoE profile, use the no form of this command. bba-group pppoe {group-name | global} no bba-group pppoe {group-name | global}
Syntax Description
group-name global
Name of the PPPoE profile. PPPoE profile that serves as the default profile for any PPPoE portEthernet interface, VLAN, or permanent virtual circuit (PVC)that has not been assigned a specific PPPoE profile.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
PPPoE profiles contain the configuration for a group of PPPoE sessions. Once a profile has been defined, it can be assigned to a PPPoE port (Ethernet interface, VLAN, or PVC), a virtual circuit (VC) class, or an ATM PVC range. PPPoE profiles can also be used with PPP over ATM (PPPoA)/PPPoE autosense. Multiple PPPoE profiles can be created and assigned to different ports. The global PPPoE profile serves as the default profile for any port that has not been assigned a specific PPPoE profile.
The following example shows the configuration of a global PPPoE profile and a profile called vpn1. PPPoE sessions established on PVCs that use the VC class class-pppoe-global will use the global profile. PVCs in the range range-pppoe-1 will use the vpn1 profile.
bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 1 sessions max limit 8000 sessions per-vc limit 8 sessions per-mac limit 2 ! bba-group pppoe vpn1 virtual-template 1 sessions per-vc limit 2 sessions per-mac limit 1 ! vc-class atm class-pppoe-global protocol pppoe
! interface ATM1/0.10 multipoint range range-pppoe-1 pvc 100 109 protocol pppoe group vpn1 ! interface ATM1/0.20 multipoint class-int class-pppoe-global pvc 0/200
Related Commands
Enables PPPoE sessions on an Ethernet interface or subinterface. Configures a PPPoE global profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on a router and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed per MAC address in a PPPoE profile. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be established over a VC and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions per VLAN in a PPPoE profile.
This command is no longer supported.
To configure broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM virtual circuit (VC) class, permanent virtual circuit (PVC), switched virtual circuit (SVC), or VC bundle, use the broadcast command in the appropriate command mode. To disable transmission of broadcast packets for your ATM VC class, PVC, SVC, or VC bundle, use the no form of this command. To restore the default behavior according to the description in the Usage Guidelines section, use the default form of this command. broadcast no broadcast default broadcast
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for ATM PVCs and SVCs) VC-class configuration (for a VC-class) Bundle configuration (for a VC bundle) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Enhancements were added for configuration of broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM VC bundle. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
If broadcasting and multipoint signalling are enabled on an SVC, a multipoint SVC will be created to handle the SVC.
If you use the broadcast command to configure broadcasting for an ATM PVC or SVC, VC-class, or VC bundle, this configuration takes precedence over any previous configuration using the broadcast command. If the broadcast command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the broadcast command in a VC class assigned to the PVC, SVC, or VC bundle itself.
Configuration of the broadcast command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs, SVCs, or VC bundles ATM subinterface. Configuration of the broadcast command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs, SVCs, or VC bundles ATM main interface.
When a VC is a member of a VC bundle, configuration using the broadcast command in VC-class configuration mode no longer applies to the VC. Bundle configuration takes precedence. To use the broadcast command in bundle configuration mode, enter the bundle command to enact bundle configuration mode for the bundle for which you want to enable broadcast forwarding.
The following example enables the transmission of broadcast packets on an ATM PVC named router5:
pvc router5 1/32 broadcast
The following example enables the transmission of broadcast packets on an ATM PVC bundle named bundle1:
bundle bundle1 broadcast
Related Commands
Description Assigns a VC class to an ATM main interface or subinterface. Assigns a VC class to an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member. Sets the encapsulation method used by the interface. Configures the Inverse ARP time period for an ATM PVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for a virtual circuit class that can be applied to a virtual circuit bundle. Configures parameters related to OAM management for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle.
protocol (ATM) Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC by either configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, on the VC bundle, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only). ubr ubr+ vbr-nrt Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures the VBR-NRT QoS and specifies output peak cell rate, output sustainable cell rate, and output maximum burst cell size for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member.
Syntax Description
explicit level
Specifies the precedence, experimental (EXP), or differentiated services code point (DSCP) level to which traffic on a PVC will be bumped when the PVC goes down. For PVC bundles that use precedence or EXP mapping, valid values for the level argument are from 0 to 7. For PVC bundles that use DSCP mapping, valid values are from 0 to 63. Applies the implicit bumping rule, which is the default, to a single PVC bundle member. The implicit bumping rule stipulates that bumped traffic is to be carried by a PVC that has the lower precedence level. Specifies that the PVC accepts bumped traffic (the default condition). The no form stipulates that the PVC does not accept any bumped traffic.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the bump command to configure bumping rules for a discrete PVC bundle member. To change the configured bumping rules for a PVC bundle member, override the current configuration with a new bump command entry. To return to the default condition of implicit bumping, use the bump implicit command. The effects of different bumping configuration approaches are as follows:
Implicit bumping: If you configure implicit bumping, bumped traffic is sent to the PVC configured to handle the next-lower service level. When the original PVC that bumped the traffic comes back up, it will resume transmission of the configured service level. When bump explicit is not configured, the bump implicit command takes effect by default; however, bump implicit will not appear in the show running-config and show startup-config output.
Explicit bumping: If you configure a PVC with the bump explicit command, you can specify the service level to which traffic will be bumped when that PVC goes down, and the traffic will be directed to a PVC mapped with that level. If the PVC that picks up and carries the traffic goes down, the traffic is subject to the bumping rules for that PVC. You can specify only one service level for bumping. Permit bumping: The PVC accepts bumped traffic by default. If the PVC has been previously configured to reject bumped traffic, you must use the bump traffic command to return the PVC to its default condition. Reject bumping: To configure a discrete PVC to reject bumped traffic when the traffic is directed to it, use the no bump traffic command.
When no alternative PVC can be found to handle bumped traffic, even when there are no packets of that traffic type present, the bundle is declared down. In the case where default (implicit) bumping is used for all PVCs, the PVC that is handling the lowest service level can be configured to bump explicitly to a PVC handling a higher service level. The following warnings appear during configuration and let you know about configuration problems that may prevent the bundle from coming up or cause the bundle to go down unexpectedly.
The following warning occurs when the bump explicit command is configured. It warns that PVC 300 may be configured to bump to a PVC that will in turn bump back to PVC 300, in which case the bundle will go down. %DLCI 300 could end up bumping traffic to itself
The following warning occurs when a PVC that is explicitly bumped to is configured with the no bump traffic command. %DLCI 306 is configured for bumping traffic to level 7
The following warning occurs when the service levels handled by a PVC are changed, leaving other PVCs explicitly configured to bump to levels that are no longer being handled by that PVC. %DLCI(s) configured for explicitly bumping traffic to DLCI 300
The following warning occurs when a PVC is configured to explicitly bump to a level that is not yet handled by any PVCs. %Presently no member is configured for level 3
The following warning occurs when you attempt to explicitly configure bumping to a PVC that is already configured with no bump traffic. %DLCI configured for level 0 does not accept bumping
The following example configures PVC 101 in the Frame Relay PVC bundle bundle1 with explicit bumping to the PVC bundle member having a precedence level of 7. PVC 101 is also configured to prohibit traffic from other PVCs from being bumped to it.
frame-relay vc-bundle bundle1 match precedence pvc 101 precedence 5 no bump traffic bump explicit 7
Related Commands
Command class dscp (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) exp precedence (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) protect (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) pvc (Frame Relay VC-bundle)
Description Associates a map class with a specified DLCI. Specifies the DSCP value or values for a specific Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures MPLS EXP levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures the precedence levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures a Frame Relay PVC bundle member with protected group or protected PVC status. Creates a PVC and PVC bundle member and enters Frame Relay VC-bundle-member configuration mode.
To configure the constant bit rate (CBR) for the ATM circuit emulation service (CES) for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) on the Cisco MC3810, use the cbr command in the appropriate configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command. cbr rate no cbr rate
Syntax Description
Constant bit bate (also known as the average cell rate) for ATM CES. The valid range for this command is from 56 to 10000 kbps.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for ATM PVCs and SVCs) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
The following example configures the constant bit rate on ATM PVC 20 on the Cisco MC3810:
pvc 20 cbr 56
Related Commands
Command ces cell-loss-integration-period ces clockmode synchronous ces connect ces initial-delay
Description Sets the CES cell-loss integration period on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Configures the ATM CES synchronous clock mode on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Maps the CES service to an ATM PVC on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Configures the size of the receive buffer of a CES circuit on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.
Description Configures the send buffer of a CES circuit on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Configures the number of user octets per cell for the ATM CES on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Configures the ATM CES type on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Enables CES ATM encapsulation on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.
Syntax Description
Adjusts output clock on a received AAL1 on FIFO basis. Use in unstructured mode. Sets the clocking mode to synchronous residual time stamp. Configures the timing recovery to synchronous for structured mode.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
The clock mode must be synchronous for structured mode. In unstructured mode, use the adaptive keyword when a network-derived clock is not available. Use the srts keyword when a network-derived clock is available but devices attached to the CES port use a different clock reference. The srts keyword samples the incoming clock, subtracts from the network clock, and sends the remainder in an AAL1 header. The clock is reconstructed during output by adding the residual to the network reference. Use the synchronous keyword for all other modes.
The following command sets the AAL1 timing recovery clock to adaptive mode:
interface cbr 4/0 ces aal1 clock adaptive
Related Commands
Description Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Configures a transmit clock source for the CBR interface.
network-clock-select (ATM) Establishes the sources and priorities of the requisite clocking signals for an ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
structured unstructured
Sets the type of service to structured (cross-connect). Sets the type of service to unstructured (clear-channel).
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
The structured keyword means that each time slot is an independent entity grouped into circuits, where each circuit has an independent permanent virtual circuit (PVC). The unstructured keyword reduces the incoming serial data on the receiving end of the ATM network. The keyword also sets the service to single circuit, single PVC, where all time slots are carried.
The following example changes the mode for the ces aal1 service command to structured:
interface cbr 4/0 ces aal1 service structured
Related Commands
Command ces aal1 clock ces circuit ces dsx1 clock source ces dsx1 framing ces dsx1 lbo ces dsx1 linecode ces dsx1 loopback ces dsx1 signalmode robbedbit
Description Configures the AAL1 timing recovery clock for the CBR interface. Configures the connection attributes for the CBR interface. Configures a transmit clock source for the CBR interface. Selects the frame type for the data line on the CBR interface. Configures cable length for the CBR interface. Selects the line code type for the CBR interface. Enables a loopback for the CBR interface. Enables the signal mode as robbed bit on a CBR interface.
Command ces pvc show ces circuit show ces interface cbr show ces status show interface cbr
Description Configures the destination port for the circuit on the CBR interface. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays detailed CBR port information. Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
ces circuit
To configure the connection attributes for the constant bit rate (CBR) interface, use the ces circuit command in interface configuration mode. To return the connection attributes to the default or to enable the circuit, use the no form of this command. ces circuit circuit-number [cas | no cas] [cdv range] [circuit-name name] [on-hook-detection hex-number] [partial-fill range] [shutdown | no shutdown] [timeslots range] no ces circuit circuit-number [[no] cas] [cdv range] [circuit-name name] [on-hook-detection hex-number] [partial-fill range] [[no] shutdown] [timeslots range]
Syntax Description
Selects the circuit identification. For unstructured service, use 0. For T1 structured service, the range is from 1 to 24. For E1 structure service, the range is from 1 to 31. (Optional) Enables channel-associated signaling for structured service only. no cas disables channel-associated signaling. The default is no cas. (Optional) Disables channel-associated signaling for structured service only. This is the default. (Optional) Enables the peak-to-peak cell delay variation requirement. The range for CDV is 1 through 65535 milliseconds. The default is 2000 milliseconds. (Optional) Sets the ASCII name for the circuit emulation service internetworking function CES-IWF circuit. The string for the circuit name ranges from 0 to 255. The default is CBRx/x:0. (Optional) Enables detection of whether the circuit is on-hook. Hex values are 0 through F to indicate a 2- or 4-bit AB[CD] pattern to detect on-hook. The AB[CD] bits are determined by the manufacturer of the voice/video telephony device that is generating the CBR traffic. (Optional) Enables the partial AAL1 cell fill service for structured service only. The range is from 0 to 47. The default is 47. (Optional) Marks the CES-IWF circuit administratively down. The default is no shutdown. (Optional) Returns the CES-IWF circuit to an administrative up state. (Optional) Configures the time slots for the CES-IWF circuit for structured service only. The range is from 1 to 24 for T1. The range is from 1 to 31 for E1.
circuit-name name
on-hook-detection hex-number
partial-fill range
No circuit is configured.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
Channel-associated signalling (CAS) provides information about the time slot (on or off the hook) and is updated once per multiframe. With both the CAS and on-hook detection features enabled, these features work together to enable an ingress node in an ATM network to monitor on-hook and off-hook conditions for a specified 1 x 64 structured CES circuit. As implied by the notation 1 x 64, the on-hook detection (or bandwidth-release) feature is supported only in a structured CES circuit that involves a single time slot at each end of the connection. The time slot configured for the structured CES circuit at the ingress node (time slot 2) can be different from the DS0 time slot configured at the egress node (time slot 4). Only one such time slot can be configured at each end of the circuit when the on-hook detection feature is used. When you invoke the on-hook feature, the ingress ATM-CES port adapter monitors the ABCD bits in the incoming CBR bit stream to detect on-hook and off-hook conditions in the circuit. In an off-hook condition, all the bandwidth provisioned for the specified CES circuit is used for transporting ATM AAL1 cells across the network from the ingress node to the egress node. In an on-hook condition, the network periodically sends dummy ATM cells from the ingress node to the egress node to maintain the connection. However, these dummy cells consume only a fraction of the circuits reserved bandwidth, leaving the rest of the bandwidth available for use by other network traffic. This bandwidth-release feature enables the network to make more efficient use of its resources. When the CAS feature is enabled for a CES circuit, the bandwidth of the DS0 channel is limited to 56 kbps for user data, because CAS functions consume 8 kbps of channel bandwidth for transporting the ABCD signalling bits. These signalling bits are passed transparently from the ingress node to the egress node as part of the ATM AAL1 cell stream. In summary, when the optional CAS and on-hook detection features are enabled, the following conditions apply:
The permanent virtual connection (PVC) provisioned for the CES circuit always exists. The bandwidth for the CES circuit is always reserved. During an on-hook state, most of the bandwidth reserved for the CES circuit is not in use. (Dummy cells are sent from the ingress node to the egress node to maintain the connection.) Therefore, this bandwidth becomes available for use by other network traffic, such as available bit rate (ABR) traffic. During an off-hook state, all the bandwidth reserved for the CES circuit is dedicated to that circuit.
The following example sets the structured service CDV range to 5000 milliseconds and enables the interface:
interface cbr 4/0 ces circuit 3 cdv 5000 ces circuit 3 no shutdown
Related Commands
Command ces aal1 service show ces circuit show ces status show interface cbr
Description Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
loop-timed network-derived
Configures the transmit clock to loop (RX-clock to TX-clock). Configures the transmit clock to be derived from the network.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Related Commands
Description Configures the AAL1 timing recovery clock for the CBR interface. Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface.
network-clock-select (ATM) Establishes the sources and priorities of the requisite clocking signals for an ATM-CES port adapter. show ces circuit show ces interface cbr show interface cbr Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays detailed CBR port information. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
ces dsx1 framing {e1_crc_mfCASlt | e1_crc_mf_lt | e1_lt | e1_mfCAS_lt} no ces dsx1 framing
Syntax Description
Configures the line type to extended super frame for T1. Configures the line type to super frame for T1. Configures the line type to E1 CRC with channel-associated signalling (CAS) enabled. Configures the line type to E1 CRC with CAS disabled. Configures the line type to E1 with CAS disabled. Configures the line type to E1 with CAS enabled.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
Use this command in configurations where the router communicates with the data line. The service provider determines which framing type is required for your circuit.
The following example sets the data line type to super frame:
interface cbr 4/0 ces dsx1 framing sf
Related Commands
Command ces aal1 service show ces circuit show ces status show interface cbr
Description Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
Sets the cable length. Values (in feet) are 0_110, 110_200, 220_330, 330_440, 440_550, 550_660, 660_above, and square_pulse. Values represent a range in feet.
0_110 feet
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
Set the cable length to the desired number of feet on your system.
Related Commands
Command atm lbo ces aal1 service show ces circuit show ces status show interface cbr
Description Specifies the cable length (line build-out) for the ATM interface. Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
Specifies the alternate mark inversion (AMI) as the line code type. Valid for T1 and E1 interfaces. Specifies B8ZS as the line code type. Valid for T1 interfaces. This is the default for T1. Specifies HDB3 as the line code type. Valid for E1 interfaces. This is the default for E1.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
Use this command in configurations where the switch communicates with the data line. The service provider determines which line code type is required for your circuit.
Related Commands
Description Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface.
Description Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
Sets the received signal to be looped at the line (does not penetrate the line). Sets the interface to no loop. Sets the received signal to be looped through the device and returned.
No loopback
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
This command is useful for testing the circuit emulation port adapter module.
Related Commands
Command ces aal1 service loopback show ces circuit show ces status show interface cbr
Description Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Configures the ATM interface into loopback mode. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
A T1 frame consists of 24 time slots (DS0) that send at a rate of 64 kbps. T1 defines the ability to send signaling in-band on individual time slots by removing the low bit of each byte for signaling in robbedbit mode. This procedure allows 8 kbps for signalling and leaves 56 kbps for data. In structured mode, you can send the T1 signalling information across the network. Structured mode means that after you enable robbedbit signalling mode on the port, and enable CAS on individual circuits that need this type of service, you are robbing bits from the DS0. The system then puts the bits in the specified format to be sent across the network and reinserts them at the passive side on the CES-IWF connection.
Related Commands
Description Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Configures the connection attributes for the CBR interface. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface.
Description Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
ces partial-fill
To configure the number of user octets per cell for the ATM circuit emulation service (CES), use the ces partial-fill command in interface configuration mode. To delete the CES partial-fill value, use the no form of this command. ces partial-fill octets no ces partial-fill octets
Syntax Description
Number of user octets per cell for the CES. Possible values of octet range from 0 to 47. The default is 47.
47 octets
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.3 MA
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to ATM configuration on the Cisco MC3810. Setting the value of the ces partial-fill command to zero disables partial cell fill and causes all cells to be completely filled before they are sent. This command is supported on serial ports 0 and 1 when the encapsulation atm-ces command is enabled.
The following example sets the CES partial cell fill to 20 octets per cell for serial port 0:
interface serial 0 ces partial-fill 20
Related Commands
Command ces cell-loss-integration-period ces clockmode synchronous ces connect ces initial-delay
Description Sets the CES cell-loss integration period on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Configures the ATM CES synchronous clock mode on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Maps the CES service to an ATM PVC on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Configures the size of the receive buffer of a CES circuit on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.
Description Configures the send buffer of a CES circuit on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator. Configures the ATM CES type on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.
ces pvc
To configure the destination port for the circuit on the constant bit rate (CBR) interface, use the ces pvc command in interface configuration mode. To remove the destination port on the circuit, use the no form of this command. ces pvc circuit-number interface atm slot/port vpi number vci number no ces pvc circuit-number interface atm slot/port vpi number vci number
Syntax Description
Selects the circuit identification. The range is from 0 to 24. For unstructured service, use 0. For T1 structure service, the range is from 1 to 24. For E1 structure service, the range is from 1 to 31. Slot and port number of the ATM interface. The slash (/) is required. Used to create a hard permanent virtual circuit (PVC). Only a hard PVC can be configured for the CBR interfaces on the ATM-CES port adapter. Virtual path identifier of the destination PVC. Range is from 0 to 255. Virtual channel identifier of the destination PVC. Range is from 1 to 16383.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
Use the interface option to create a hard PVC. Use the dest-atm-addr option to create a soft PVC. Soft PVCs are not supported on Cisco 7200 series routers. You must configure both sides of the CES circuits because at the source (the active side in CES-IWF), the time slots are not recognized at the destination (the passive side). Each CES circuit has an ATM address. When configuring the source PVC, you need the destination ATM address.
The following example shows setting a hard PVC. In this example, the destination of ATM port 0 in slot 1 is assigned to circuit 31 on CBR port 0 in slot 1.
interface cbr 1/0 ces pvc 31 interface atm 1/0 vpi 0 vci 512
Related Commands
Command ces aal1 service show ces circuit show ces status show interface cbr
Description Configures the type of CES used on the CBR interface. Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter. Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
To configure circuit emulation service (CES) on a router port and enter CES configuration mode, use the ces command in global configuration mode. ces slot/port
Syntax Description
Backplane slot number and port number on the interface. The port value is always 0 because the interface configuration applies to all ports in the slot. The slash (/) is required.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
This command is used on Cisco 2600 series and 3600 series routers that have OC-3/STM-1 ATM CES network modules. The ces command enters CES configuration mode. Use CES configuration mode to configure CES parameters such as the CES clock.
Related Commands
Command clock-select
To set the cell delay variation, use the ces-cdv command in interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. ces-cdv time
Syntax Description
Maximum tolerable cell arrival jitter with a range from 1 to 65535 microseconds. Default is 5000.
5000 microseconds
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
This command is used on Cisco 2600 series and 3600 series routers that have OC-3/STM-1 ATM CES network modules.
The following example configures the maximum tolerable cell arrival jitter at 7500 microseconds:
interface atm1/0 pvc 0 0/41 ces ces-cdv 7500
Related Commands
To associate a map class with a specified data-link connection identifier (DLCI), use the class command in Frame Relay DLCI configuration mode or Frame Relay VC-bundle-member configuration mode. To remove the association between the DLCI and the map class, use the no form of this command. class name no class name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was made available in Frame Relay VC-bundle-member configuration mode.
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to DLCIs that are created using the frame-relay interface-dlci command and to DLCIs that are created as permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundle members within a specified Frame Relay PVC bundle. The PVC bundle is created using the frame-relay vc-bundle command. The Frame Relay PVC bundle member DLCIs are then created using the pvc command in Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. A map class applied to the interface will be applied to all PVC members in a PVC bundle. A class applied to an individual PVC-bundle member supersedes the class applied at the interface level. The map class is created using the map-class frame-relay command in global configuration mode.
The following example shows how to define a map class called slow_vcs and apply it to DLCI 100:
interface serial 0.1 point-to-point frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class slow_vcs map-class frame-relay slow_vcs frame-relay cir out 9600
The following example shows how to apply a map class to a DLCI for which a frame-relay map statement exists. The frame-relay interface-dlci command must also be used.
interface serial 0.2 point-to-multipoint frame-relay map ip 100 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class slow_vcs map-class frame-relay slow_vcs frame-relay traffic-rate 56000 128000 frame-relay idle-timer 30
The following example creates a Frame Relay map-class HI and shows how to assign it to PVC 300 in a Frame Relay PVC bundle called MP-3-static:
map-class frame-relay HI interface serial 1/4 frame-relay map ip vc-bundle MP-3-static frame-relay vc-bundle MP-3-static pvc 300 class HI
Related Commands
Command frame-relay interface-dlci frame-relay map frame-relay vc-bundle map-class frame-relay pvc (frame-relay vc-bundle)
Description Assigns a DLCI to a specified Frame Relay subinterface on the router or access server. Defines mapping between a destination protocol address and the DLCI used to connect to the destination address. Creates a Frame Relay PVC bundle and enters Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. Creates a map class for which unique QoS values can be assigned. Creates a PVC and PVC bundle member and enters Frame Relay VC-bundle-member configuration mode.
class (map-list)
To associate a map class with a protocol-and-address combination, use the class command in map-list configuration mode. protocol protocol-address class map-class [broadcast] [trigger] [ietf]
Syntax Description
Supported protocol, bridging, or logical link control keywords: appletalk, bridging, clns, decnet, dlsw, ip, ipx, llc2, and rsrb. Protocol address. The bridge and clns keywords do not use protocol addresses. Name of the map class from which to derive quality of service (QoS) information. (Optional) Allows broadcasts on this switched virtual circuit (SVC). (Optional) Enables a broadcast packet to trigger an SVC. If an SVC that uses this map class already exists, the SVC will carry the broadcast. This keyword can be configured only if broadcast is also configured. (Optional) Specifies RFC 1490 encapsulation. The default is Cisco encapsulation.
No protocol, protocol address, and map class are defined. If the ietf keyword is not specified, the default is Cisco encapsulation. If the broadcast keyword is not specified, no broadcasts are sent.
Command Modes
Map-list configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The vines and xns arguments were removed because Banyan VINES and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
This command is used for Frame Relay SVCs; the parameters within the map class are used to negotiate for network resources. The class is associated with a static map that is configured under a map list.
In the following example, if IP triggers the call, the SVC is set up with the QoS parameters defined within the class classip. However, if AppleTalk triggers the call, the SVC is set up with the QoS parameters defined in the class classapple. An SVC triggered by either protocol results in two SVC maps, one for IP and one for AppleTalk. Two maps are set up because these protocol-and-address combinations are heading for the same destination, as defined by the dest-addr keyword and the values following it in the map-list command.
map-list maplist1 source-addr E164 14085551212 dest-addr E164 15085551212 ip class classip appletalk 1000.2 class classapple
In the following example, the trigger keyword allows AppleTalk broadcast packets to trigger an SVC:
ip class class1 broadcast ietf appletalk 1000.2 class class1 broadcast trigger ietf
Related Commands
Command map-list
Description Specifies a map group and links it to a local E.164 or X.121 source address and a remote E.164 or X.121 destination address for Frame Relay SVCs.
map-class frame-relay Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
To assign a virtual circuit (VC) class to an ATM main interface or subinterface, use the class-int command in interface configuration mode. To remove a VC class, use the no form of this command. class-int vc-class-name no class-int vc-class-name
Syntax Description
Name of the VC class you are assigning to your ATM main interface or subinterface.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.3(4)T
Modification This command was introduced, replacing the class command for assigning VC classes to ATM main interfaces or subinterfaces.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to assign a previously defined set of parameters (defined in a VC class) to an ATM main interface or subinterface. To create a VC class that defines these parameters, use the vc-class atm command. Refer to the section Configuring VC Classes in the Configuring ATM chapter of the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide for more information. To use this command for assigning a VC class to an ATM main interface or subinterface, you must first enter the interface atm command to enter interface configuration mode. When you create a VC class for an ATM main interface or subinterface, you can use the following commands to define your parameters: abr, broadcast, bump, encapsulation, idle-timeout, ilmi manage, inarp, oam-bundle, oam-pvc, oam retry, oam-svc, protocol, ubr, ubr+, and vbr-nrt. Parameters applied to an individual VC supersede interface- and subinterface-level parameters. Parameters that are configured for a VC through discrete commands entered in interface-ATM-VC configuration mode supersede VC class parameters assigned to an ATM main interface or subinterface by the class-int command.
In the following example, a class called classA is first created and then applied to ATM main interface 2/0:
! The following commands create the class classA: vc-class atm classA ubr 10000 encapsulation aal5mux ip ! The following commands apply classA to ATM main interface 2/0: interface atm 2/0 class-int classA Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Command Reference
Related Commands
Description Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle and enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC. Displays the list of all configured ATM static maps to remote hosts on an ATM network. Configures a VC class for an ATM VC or interface.
To assign a virtual circuit (VC) class to an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) range, use the class-range command inPVC range configuration mode. To remove the VC class, use the no form of this command. class-range class-name no class-range class-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(5)T
Usage Guidelines
When you create a VC class for an ATM PVC range, you can use the following commands to define your parameters: abr, broadcast, cbr, encapsulation aal5, ilmi manage, inarp, oam-pvc, oam retry, protocol, ubr, ubr+, vbr-nrt, and vbr-rt. Parameters that are configured for a PVC range through discrete commands entered in PVC range configuration mode supersede VC class parameters assigned to an ATM PVC range using the class-range command.
In the following example, a class called classA is created and then applied to an ATM PVC range called range-pppoa-1:
! The following commands create the class classA: vc-class atm classA ubr 10000 encapsulation aal5snap ! The following commands apply classA to an ATM PVC range: interface atm 6/0.110 multipoint range range-pppoa-1 pvc 0/102 0/199 class-range classA
Related Commands
To assign a virtual circuit (VC) class to an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), switched virtual circuit (SVC), or VC bundle member, use the class-vc command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove a VC class, use the no form of this command. class-vc vc-class-name no class-vc vc-class-name
Syntax Description
Name of the VC class you are assigning to your ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for ATM PVCs and SVCs) Bundle-vc configuration (for VC bundle members) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced, replacing the class command for assigning VC classes to ATM PVCs and SVCs. This command was modified to support application of a VC class to an ATM VC bundle and an ATM VC bundle member. This command was made available in PVC-in-range configuration mode.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to assign a previously defined set of parameters (defined in a VC class) to an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member. To create a VC class that defines these parameters, use the vc-class atm command. Refer to the section Configuring VC Classes in the Configuring ATM chapter of the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide for more information.
To use this command for assigning a VC class to an ATM PVC or SVC, you must first enter the interface atm command in global configuration mode and then the pvc or svc command in interface configuration mode. When you create a VC class for an ATM PVC or SVC, you can use the following commands to define your parameters: abr, broadcast, bump, encapsulation, idle-timeout, ilmi manage, inarp, oam-bundle, oam-pvc, oam retry, oam-svc, protocol, ubr, ubr+, and vbr-nrt. Parameters that are configured for a PVC or SVC through discrete commands entered in interface-ATM-VC configuration mode supersede VC class parameters assigned to an ATM PVC or SVC by the class-vc command.
To use this command for assigning a VC class to a VC bundle member, you must first use the pvc-bundle command to enter bundle-vc configuration mode. When you create a VC class for a VC bundle member, you can use the following commands to define your parameters: bump, precedence, protect, ubr, ubr+, and vbr-nrt. You cannot use the following commands in vc-class configuration mode to configure a VC bundle member: encapsulation, protocol, inarp, and broadcast. These commands are useful only at the bundle level, not the bundle member level. Parameters applied to an individual VC supersede bundle-level parameters. Parameters that are directly configured for a VC through discrete commands entered in bundle-vc configuration mode supersede VC class parameters assigned to a VC bundle member by the class-vc command.
The following sections show examples for applying the class-vc command to ATM PVC, SVC, and VC bundle members. In the following example, a class called classA is first created and then applied to an ATM PVC:
! The following commands create the class classA: vc-class atm classA ubr 10000 encapsulation aal5mux ip ! The following commands apply classA to an ATM PVC: interface atm 2/0 pvc router5 1/32 class-vc classA
In the following example, a class called classA is first created and then applied to the bundle member called vcmember, a member of bundle1:
! The following commands create the class classA: vc-class atm classA precedence 6-5 no bump traffic protect group bump explicitly 7 vbr-nrt 20000 10000 32 ! The following commands create bundle1, add vcmember to bundle1, and then applies classA ! to vcmember: bundle bundle1 pvc-bundle vcmember class-vc classA
Taking into account hierarchy precedence rules, the VC bundle member vcmember will be characterized by these parameters:
It carries traffic whose IP Precedence level is 6 and 5. It does not allow other traffic to be bumped onto it. When the VC goes down, its bumped traffic will be redirected to a VC whose IP Precedence level is 7. It is a member of the protected group of the bundle. When all members of a protected group go down, the bundle goes down. It has Variable Bit Rate-Non Real Time (VBR-NRT) quality of service traffic parameters.
Related Commands
Command class-bundle pvc-bundle show atm bundle show atm bundle statistics show atm map vc-class atm
Description Configures a VC bundle with the bundle-level commands contained in the specified VC class. Adds a PVC to a bundle as a member of the bundle and enters bundle-vc configuration mode in order to configure that PVC bundle member. Displays the bundle attributes assigned to each bundle VC member and the current working status of the VC members. Displays statistics on the specified bundle. Displays the list of all configured ATM static maps to remote hosts on an ATM network. Configures a VC class for an ATM VC or interface.
Syntax Description
atm-interface ip-address *
ATM interface number (for example, 3/0). Clears the ARP entry for the specified IP address. Clears all ARP entries on the interface.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to clear ARP entries for an ATM interface. Specify the IP address of a particular entry to be deleted, or use the asterisk (*) to delete all the ARP entries for the interface. If an ARP entry for an existing virtual circuit (VC) is deleted, the ARP server will immediately try to get another entry for that VC.
The following example shows how to delete the ARP entry for
Router# clear atm arp 3/0
clear frame-relay-inarp
To clear dynamically created Frame Relay maps, which are created by the use of Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), use the clear frame-relay-inarp command in privileged EXEC mode. clear frame-relay-inarp
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 10.0
Related Commands
Description Displays the current map entries and information about the connections.
Syntax Description
ATM interface number. (Optional) ATM subinterface number. A period must precede the number. (Optional) Specifies virtual circuit (VC) by virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI). A slash must follow the VPI. (Optional) Specifies VC by name.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
This command clears the PPP over ATM (PPPoA) sessions in an interface, or in a VC when the VC is specified. When the clear pppatm interface atm command is used to clear sessions on an interface, PPP keepalives continue to work and can be used to detect a broken link.
The following example clears a PPP ATM session on ATM interface 1/0.10:
Router# clear pppatm interface atm 1/0.10
Related Commands
Description Enables reports for PPPoA events, errors, and states either globally or conditionally on an interface or VC. Displays PPPoA session counts.
clear pppoe
To clear PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) sessions, use the clear pppoe command in privileged EXEC mode. clear pppoe {interface interface-type interface-number [vc {[vpi/]vci | virtual-circuit-name}] [vlan vlan-id] | rmac mac-address [sid session-id] | all}
Syntax Description
interface interface-type Interface keyword followed by the interface type and number. interface-number vc [vpi/]vci virtual-circuit-name vlan vlan-id rmac mac-address sid session-id all (Optional) Specifiies virtual circuit (VC) by virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI). A slash (/) follows the VPI. (Optional) Specifies VC by name. (Optional) VLAN identifier. (Optional) Remote Media Access Control (MAC) address. (Optional) Session identifier. (Optional) Specifies that all PPPoE will be cleared.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The vlan vlan-id keyword and argument were added.
Usage Guidelines
Use the clear pppoe all command to clear all PPPoE sessions. Use the clear pppoe interface interface-type interface-number vlan vlan-id command to clear PPPoE sessions on a specific Ethernet 802.1Q VLAN. Use the clear pppoe interface interface-type interface-number vc vpi/vci vlan vlan-id command to clear PPPoE over 802.1Q VLAN sessions on a ATM PVC.
Syntax Description
IP address of an active Service Selection Gateway (SSG) connection. Name of an active SSG connection. (Optional) Interface to which the host is connected.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. The interface argument was added. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
The following example shows how to remove the service connection for Service1 to host, connected through Fast Ethernet:
Router# clear ssg connection fastethernet Service1
Related Commands
Syntax Description
ip-address interface
IP address of the host or subscriber. Interface through which the host or subscriber is connected.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. The interface argument was added for the SSG Host Key feature. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
The following example shows how to remove the connection for host
Router# clear ssg host fastethernet
Related Commands
Description Displays the information about a subscriber and current connections of the subscriber.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
If you use this command to clear the next-hop table, nothing appears when you use the show ssg next-hop command. However, the next-hop table will still appear in the running configuration. To remove the next-hop table from the running configuration, use the no form of the ssg next-hop download command.
Related Commands
Description Displays the next-hop table. Downloads the next-hop table from a RADIUS server.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command removes the open garden configuration by deleting all instances of the ssg open-garden global configuration command. This command also removes the service object of all the open garden services. The local service profiles of the open garden services are not deleted from the configuration.
In the following example, all open garden services are displayed and then removed:
Router# show ssg open-garden nrp1-nrp2_og1 nrp1-nrp2_og2 nrp1-nrp2_og3 nrp1-nrp2_og4 Router# clear ssg open-garden Router# show ssg open-garden Router#
Related Commands
Description Configures a local service profile. Displays a list of all configured open garden services. Designates a service, defined in a local service profile, as an open garden service.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Removing the filter allows unauthenticated traffic to pass through the Service Selection Gateway in either direction without modification. If you use this command to clear the downloaded transparent pass-through filter, nothing will be displayed when you use the show ssg pass-through-filter command. However, the transparent pass-through filter will still appear in the running configuration. To remove the transparent pass-through filter from the running configuration, use the no form of the ssg pass-through command.
The following example shows how to remove the downloaded transparent pass-through filter:
Router# clear ssg pass-through-filter
Related Commands
Description Displays the downloaded filter for transparent pass-through. Enables transparent pass-through.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Related Commands
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to clear all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. This command deactivates and destroys all host objects associated with the specified RADIUS client.
The following example shows how to clear all hosts connected to the RADIUS client that has the IP address
clear ssg radius-proxy client-address
Related Commands
Command address-pool clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address idle-timeout (SSG) show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable ssg radius-proxy ssg tcp-redirect
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS. Configures a host object timeout value. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or for a specific domain. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy. Configures the RADIUS proxy IP address and shared secret.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to clear all hosts connected to a specific NAS. This command deactivates and destroys all host objects associated with the specified NAS client.
Service Selection Gateway (SSG) does not currently notify RADIUS clients when a host object is removed from the SSG.
The following example shows how to clear all hosts connected to the NAS with IP address
clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address
Related Commands
Command address-pool clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address forward accounting-start-stop idle-timeout (SSG) server-port show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable ssg radius-proxy ssg tcp-redirect
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. Proxies accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS clients to the AAA server. Configures a host object timeout value. Defines the ports for the SSG RADIUS proxy. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or for a specific domain. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy. Configures the RADIUS proxy IP address and shared secret.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Related Commands
Command show ssg binding show ssg service ssg bind service
Description Displays service names that have been bound to interfaces and the interfaces to which they have been bound. Displays the information for a service. Specifies the interface for a service.
clear x25
To restart an X.25 service or Connection-Mode Network Service (CMNS), to clear a switched virtual circuit (SVC), or to reset a permanent virtual circuit (PVC), use the clear x25 command in privileged EXEC mode. clear x25 {serial number | {ethernet | fastethernet | tokenring | fddi} number mac-address} [vc-number] | [dlci-number]
Syntax Description
Local serial interface being used for X.25 service. Local CMNS interface (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI interface) and MAC address of the remote device; this information identifies a CMNS service. (Optional) SVC or PVC number, in the range 1 to 4095. If specified, the SVC is cleared or the PVC is reset. If not specified, the X.25 or CMNS service is restarted. (Optional) When combined with a serial interface number, it triggers a restart event for an Annex G logical X.25 VC.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Annex G restart or clear options were added.
Usage Guidelines
This command replaces the clear x25-vc command, which first appeared in Cisco IOS Release 8.3. This command is used to disrupt service forcibly on an individual circuit or on all circuits using a specific X.25 service or CMNS service. If this command is used without the vc-number value, a restart event is initiated, which implicitly clears all SVCs and resets all PVCs. This command allows the option of restarting an Annex G connection per data-link connection identifier (DLCI) number, clearing all X.25 connections, or clearing a specific X.25 logical circuit number on that Annex G link.
The following example clears the SVC or resets the PVC specified:
clear x25 serial 0 1
The following example forces an X.25 restart, which implicitly clears all SVCs and resets all PVCs using the interface:
clear x25 serial 0
The following example restarts the specified CMNS service (if active), which implicitly clears all SVCs using the service:
clear x25 ethernet 0 0001.0002.0003
The following example clears the specified DLCI Annex G connection (40) from the specified interface:
clear x25 serial 1 40
Related Commands
Command clear xot frame-relay interface-dlci show x25 context show x25 services show x25 vc
Description Clears an XOT SVC or resets an XOT PVC. Assigns a DLCI to a specified Frame Relay subinterface on the router or access server. Displays details of an Annex G DLCI link. Displays information about X.25 services. Displays information about active X.25 virtual circuits.
clear xot
To clear an X.25 over TCP (XOT) switched virtual circuit (SVC) or reset an XOT permanent virtual circuit (PVC), use the clear xot command in privileged EXEC mode. clear xot remote ip-address port local ip-address port
Syntax Description
Remote IP address and port number of an XOT connection ID. Local IP address and port number of an XOT connection ID.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Each SVC or PVC supported by the XOT service uses a TCP connection to communicate X.25 packets. A TCP connection is uniquely identified by the data quartet: remote IP address, remote TCP port, local IP address, and local TCP port. This command form is used to forcibly disrupt service on an individual XOT circuit. XOT connections are sent to TCP port 1998, so XOT connections originated by the router will have that remote port number, and connections received by the router will have that local port number.
The following command will clear or reset, respectively, the SVC or PVC using the TCP connection identified:
clear xot remote 1998 local 2000
Related Commands
To configure a RADIUS client IP address and shared secret, use the client-address command in SSG-radius-proxy mode. To disable the RADIUS proxy IP address and shared secret, use the no form of this command. client-address ip-address key secret no client-address ip-address key secret
Syntax Description
IP address of a RADIUS client. Shared secret between the Service Selection Gateway (SSG) and the RADIUS client. Description of the shared secret.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to configure the RADIUS client to proxy requests from the specified IP address to the RADIUS server. Use the secret argument to configure each client IP with a unique shared secret. This shared secret should be the same one configured on the RADIUS client.
The following example shows how to configure the RADIUS client to proxy all requests from IP address to the RADIUS server and assigns the shared secret cisco to the client:
client-address key cisco
Related Commands
Command address-pool clear ssg radius-proxy client-address clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS.
Command forward accounting-start-stop idle-timeout (SSG) server-port show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable ssg radius-proxy
Description Proxies accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS client to the AAA server. Configures a host object timeout value. Defines the ports for the SSG RADIUS proxy. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or for a specific domain. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy.
To set the ATM cell loss priority (CLP) field in the ATM cell header, use the clp-bit command in FRF.5 or FRF.8 connect mode. To disable ATM CLP bit mapping, use the no form of this command. clp-bit {0 | 1 | map-de} no clp-bit {0 | 1 | map-de}
Syntax Description
0 1 map-de
The CLP field in the ATM cell header is always set to 0. The CLP field in the ATM cell header is always set to 1. The discard eligible (DE) field in the Frame Relay header is mapped to the CLP field in the ATM cell header.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
FRF.5 Example
The following example sets the CLP field in the ATM header to 1 for FRF.5:
Router(config)# connect network-1 vc-group network-1 ATM3/0 1/35 Router(config-frf5)# clp-bit 1
FRF.8 Example
The following example sets the CLP field in the ATM header to 1 for FRF.8:
C3640(config)# connect service-1 Serial1/0 16 ATM3/0 1/32 service-interworking C3640(config-frf8)# clp-bit 1
Related Commands
Description Connects a Frame Relay DLCI or VC group to an ATM PVC. Sets the Frame Relay DE bit field in the Frame Relay cell header.
cmns enable
To enable the Connection-Mode Network Service (CMNS) on a nonserial interface, use the cmns enable command in interface configuration mode. To disable this capability, use the no form of this command. cmns enable no cmns enable
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
After this command is processed on the LAN interfacesEthernet, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), and Token Ringall the X.25-related interface configuration commands are made available.
Related Commands
Description Creates an entry in the X.25 routing table (to be consulted for forwarding incoming calls and for placing outgoing PAD or protocol translation calls).
Syntax Description
A name for this connection. Interface on which a PVC connection will be defined. Data-link connection identifier (DLCI) number of the PVC that will be connected. Specifies that the PVC will not be a locally switched PVC, but will be tunneled over the backbone network.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The l2transport keyword was added. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T.
Usage Guidelines
When Frame Relay switching is enabled, the connect command creates switched PVCs in Frame Relay networks.
The following example shows how to define a connection called frompls1 with DLCI 100 on serial interface 5/0.
connect frompls1 Serial5/0 100 l2transport
The following example shows how to enable Frame Relay switching and define a connection called one between DLCI 16 on serial interface 0 and DLCI 100 on serial interface 1.
frame-relay switching connect one serial0 16 serial1 100
Related Commands
Description Enables PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or NNI. Enables routing of Frame Relay packets over a specified VC.
connect (FRF.5)
To configure an FRF.5 one-to-one connection between two Frame Relay end users over an intermediate ATM network, or an FRF.5 many-to-one connection between two Frame Relay end users over an intermediate ATM network, use the connect command in global configuration mode. To remove a connection, use the no form of this command. connect connection-name {vc-group group-name | fr-interface fr-dlci} atm-interface atm-vpi/vci network-interworking no connect connection-name {vc-group group-name | fr-interface fr-dlci} atm-interface atm-vpi/vci network-interworking
Syntax Description
Connection name. Enter as a string of 15 characters maximum. VC group name for a many-to-one FRF.5 connection. Enter as string of 11 characters maximum. Specifies the Frame Relay interface type and number, for example, serial1/0. Frame Relay data-link connection identifier (DLCI)). Range is from 16 to 1007. ATM interface type and number; for example, atm1/0. ATM virtual path identifier/virtual channel identifier (VPI/VCI). If a VPI is not specified, the default VPI is 0.
network-interworking Specifies FRF.5 network interworking. Not a valid keyword if the vc-group keyword is specified.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the connect command to connect a group of Frame Relay DLCIs to an ATM PVC. To disconnect the FRF.5 interworking connection, use the shutdown command in FRF.5 connect mode.
router(config-if-atm-vc)# encapsulation aal5mux frame-relay router(config)# connect serial0 100 atm3/0 0/32 network-interworking router(config-frf5)# clp-bit 1 router(config-frf5)# de-bit map-clp
Related Commands
encapsulation atm-dxi Configures the AAL and encapsulation type for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class. pvc vc-group Creates an ATM PVC on a main interface or subinterface; enters interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. Assigns multiple Frame Relay DLCIs to a VC group.
connect (FRF.8)
To configure an FRF.8 one-to-one mapping between a Frame Relay data-link connection identifier (DLCI) and an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), use the connect command in global configuration mode. To remove a connection, use the no form of this command. connect connection-name fr-interface fr-dlci atm-interface atm-vpi/vci service-interworking no connect connection-name fr-interface fr-dlci atm-interface atm-vpi/vci service-interworking
Syntax Description
Connection name. Enter as a 15-character maximum string. Frame Relay interface type and number; for example, serial1/0. Frame Relay data-link connection identifier (DLCI)). Range is from 16 to 1007. ATM interface type and number; for example, atm1/0. ATM virtual path identifier/virtual channel identifier (VPI/VCI). If a VPI is not specified, the default VPI is 0. Specifies FRF.8 service interworking.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the connect command to connect a Frame Relay DLCI to an ATM PVC. To disconnect the FRF.8 interworking connection, use the shutdown command in FRF.8 connect mode.
Related Commands
Description Sets the ATM CLP field in the ATM cell header. Sets the EFCI bit field in the ATM cell header.
encapsulation atm-dxi Configures the AAL and encapsulation type for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class. pvc Creates an ATM PVC on a main interface or subinterface; enters interface-ATM-VC configuration mode.
controller shdsl
To configure a controller for single-pair high-bit-rate digital subscriber line (SHDSL) mode, use the controller shdsl command in global configuration mode. controller shdsl number
Syntax Description
Controller number: 0
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was implemented on Cisco IAD2420 series IADs.
Usage Guidelines
This command is used to configure the controller mode and the controller number.
The following example enters SHDSL controller mode on controller number 0 and configures ATM mode on a Cisco IAD2420 series IAD:
Router# controller shdsl 0 Router# mode atm
Related Commands
dbs enable
To apply Dynamic Subscriber Bandwidth Selection (DBS) QoS parameters, use the dbs enable command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove DBS QoS parameters, use the no form of this command. dbs enable no dbs enable
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
The no dbs enable command configured in any configuration mode overrides the dbs enable command configured in any configuration mode. Both the dbs enable and no dbs enable commands are saved in the running configuration and appear, when configured, in the output of the show running-config command. The default dbs enable command does not appear in the output of the show running-config command when configured. When you enter the dbs enable or no dbs enable command, existing sessions are not disconnected. If you have a session that has been configured for DBS and you configure the no dbs enable command on a VC, additional sessions that are configured will display DBS-configured QoS values until the first new session is up. After the first session is brought up, the VC has default and locally configured values. If you configure the dbs enable command after multiple sessions are already up on the VC, all sessions on that VC have DBS QoS parameters. RADIUS QoS attributes are applied to PVCs when a new PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) session has peak cell rate (PCR) and sustainable cell rate (SCR) values that are higher than existing PPPoE sessions. If a new PPPoE session with lower PCR and SCR values is added to a PVC, the RADIUS QoS attributes are not applied to the new session. If the user of the PPPoE session that has the higher PCR and SCR values logs out, the QoS attributes are set to those of the lower bandwidth user. RADIUS QoS attributes override attributes on a PVC configured in ATM PVC-in-range or ATM PVC range configuration mode. If the RADIUS QoS attributes cannot be applied to a PVC, PPPoE and PPPoA sessions cannot be established.
When DBS is configured, normal ATM precedences apply. PVC configurations take precedence over VC class configurations. Thus, if DBS QoS parameters are applied on a VC class and disabled on one PVC in that VC class, DBS QoS parameters are not applied on the PVC. ATM PVC-in-range configurations take precedence over PVC range configurations. When you configure DBS on a PVC, existing sessions on that PVC remain connected.
The following example configures DBS in ATM PVC range configuration mode:
interface atm0/0/0.1 multipoint ip address range pvc 0/50 0/70 dbs enable
Related Commands
Command pvc pvc-in-range range pvc show atm pvc dbs vc-class atm
Description Creates or assigns a name to an ATM PVC, specifies the encapsulation type on an ATM PVC, or enters interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. Configures an individual PVC within a PVC range. Defines a range of ATM PVCs. Displays all ATM PVCs on which DBS QoS parameters are applied. Configures a VC class for an ATM VC or interface.
To set the Frame Relay discard eligible (DE) bit field in the Frame Relay cell header for FRF.8 service interworking, use the de-bit command in FRF.8 connect mod. To disable or reset Frame Relay DE bit mapping, use the no form of this command. de-bit {0 | 1 | map-clp} no de-bit {0 | 1 | map-clp}
Syntax Description
0 1 map-clp
The DE field in the Frame Relay header is always set to 0. The DE field in the Frame Relay header is always set to 1. The DE field is set to 1 when one or more cells belonging to a frame has its cell loss priority (CLP) field set.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
The following example sets the DE bit field in the Frame Relay cell header to 1:
Router(config)# connect service-1 serial1/0 16 atm3/0 1/32 service-interworking Router(config-frf8)# de-bit 1
Related Commands
Description Sets the ATM CLP field in the ATM cell header. Connects a Frame Relay DLCI to an ATM PVC. Sets the EFCI bit field in the ATM cell header.
de-bit map-clp
To set Frame Relay discard eligible (DE) bit mapping for FRF.5 network interworking, use the de-bit map-clp command in FRF.5 connect mode. To disable or reset Frame Relay DE bit mapping, use the no form of this command. de-bit map-clp no de-bit map-clp
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
In the default state, the DE bit in the Frame Relay header is set to 1 when one or more ATM cells belonging to a frame have their cell loss priority (CLP) field set to 1, or when the DE field of the Frame Relay service specific convergence sublayer (FR-SSCS) protocol data unit (PDU) is set to 1. When the no de-bit map-clp command is entered, the FR-SSCS PDU DE field is copied unchanged to the Q.922 core frame DE field, independent of CLP indications received at the ATM layer.
The following example creates a connection that connects the virtual circuit (VC) group named friends to ATM PVC 0/32 and configures FR DE field mapping to match the ATM CLP field:
Router(config)# vc-group friends Router(config-vc-group)# serial0 16 16 Router(config-vc-group)# serial0 17 17 Router(config-vc-group)# serial0 18 18 Router(config-vc-group)# serial0 19 19 Router(config)# interface atm3/0 Router(config-if)# pvc 0/32 Router(config-if-atm-vc)# encapsulation aal5mux frame-relay Router(config)# connect vc-group friends atm3/0 0/32 Router(config-frf5)# de-bit map-clp
Related Commands
Description Sets the ATM CLP field in the ATM cell header. Connects a Frame Relay DLCI or VC group to an ATM PVC. Assigns multiple Frame Relay DLCIs to a VC group.
download exclude-profile
To add domain names or Access Point Names (APNs) to the Service Selection Gateway (SSG) Autodomain exclusion list, use the download exclude-profile command in SSG-auto-domain configuration mode. To remove a name from the Autodomain exclusion list, use the no form of this command. download exclude-profile profile-name password no download exclude-profile profile-name password
Syntax Description
profile-name password
Name for a list of excluded names that may be downloaded from the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server. Password for a list of excluded names that may be downloaded from the AAA server.
Command Modes
SSG-auto-domain configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the download exclude-profile command to specify the name and password for a list of names that are excluded from being downloaded from the AAA server. Downloads from the AAA server occur at the time of entering the configuration and also on subsequent Route Processor reloads. By reentering the configuration command, you can synchronize with a modified table on the AAA server by forcing a new download. For every successful exclude-profile download, Service Selection Gateway (SSG) deletes the exclude entries added by the previous exclude-profile download and adds the new downloaded entries to the Autodomain exclusion list. The excluded name list introduces the following new attributes to the SSG Control-Info vendor-specific attributes (VSAs): XExcluded name list entry. AAdd this name to the APN exclusion list. DAdd this name to the domain name exclusion list. The following is an example profile using the new exclusion list attributes:
abc Password = Control-Info Control-Info Control-Info Control-Info "cisco" Service-Type = Outbound = XAapn1.gprs = XAapn2.com = XDcisco.com = XDcompany.com
The following example shows how to add a list of names called abc with the password cisco to the Autodomain exclusion list:
download exclude-profile abc cisco
Related Commands
Command exclude mode extended nat user-address select show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile ssg enable
Description Configures the Autodomain exclusion list. Enables extended mode for SSG Autodomain. Enables Network Address Translation (NAT) on Autodomain tunnel service. Configures the Autodomain selection mode. Displays the contents of an Autodomain exclude-profile downloaded from the AAA server. Enables SSG functionality.
Syntax Description
Specifies the DSCP level or levels for this Frame Relay PVC bundle member. The range is from 0 to 63. A PVC bundle member can be configured with a single DSCP level, multiple individual DSCP levels, a range of DSCP levels, multiple ranges of DSCP levels, or a combination of individual levels and level ranges. Examples are as follows:
Specifies that this Frame Relay PVC bundle member will handle all of the remaining DSCP levels that are not specified by other PVC bundle members.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Assignment of DSCP levels to PVC bundle members allows you to create differentiated service because you can distribute the DSCP levels over the various PVC bundle members. You can map a single DSCP level or range of levels to each discrete PVC in the bundle, thereby enabling PVCs in the bundle to carry packets marked with different DSCP levels. Use the dscp other command to configure a PVC to carry traffic marked with DSCP levels not specifically configured on other PVCs. Only one PVC in the bundle can be configured with the dscp other command. This command is available only when the match type for the PVC bundle is set to dscp using the match dscp command in Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. You can overwrite the DSCP level configuration on a PVC by reentering the dscp command with a new level value.
There is no default value for this command. When the PVC bundle is set to dscp using the match dscp command, all PVCs in the bundle are reset to remove any existing DSCP values. If one or more DSCP values are not specifically configured, the bundle will not come up. Note, however, that a PVC may exist in a bundle but have no DSCP value associated with it. As long as all valid DSCP values are handled by one or more of the other PVCs in the bundle, the bundle can come up, but the PVC that has no DSCP value configured will not participate in it. A DSCP level can be configured on one PVC-bundle member per bundle. If you configure the same DSCP level on more than one PVCs within a bundle, the following error warning appears on the console:
%Overlapping diff-serv code points
The following example assigns DSCP levels 0 through 9 to PVC bundle member 300 in a Frame Relay PVC bundle called MP-3-static:
interface serial 1/4 frame-relay map ip vc-bundle MP-3-static frame-relay vc-bundle MP-3-static pvc 300 dscp 0-9
The following example changes the DSCP levels in the above example from 0 through 9 to 0, 9, and 20 through 29:
interface serial 1/4 frame-relay map ip vc-bundle MP-3-static frame-relay vc-bundle MP-3-static pvc 300 dscp 0,9,20-29
Related Commands
Command exp frame-relay map frame-relay vc-bundle match precedence (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) pvc (frame-relay vc-bundle)
Description Configures MPLS EXP levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Defines mapping between a destination protocol address and the DLCI used to connect to the destination address. Creates a Frame Relay PVC bundle and enters Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. Specifies which bits in the ToS octet to use for mapping packet service levels to Frame Relay PVC bundle members. Configures the precedence levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Creates a PVC and PVC bundle member and enters Frame Relay VC-bundle-member configuration mode.
dsl equipment-type
To configure the digital subscriber line (DSL) ATM interface to function as central office or customer premises equipment, use the dsl equipment-type command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default equipment type, use the no form of this command. dsl equipment-type {co | cpe} ignore-error-duration seconds no dsl equipment-type
Syntax Description
Configures the DSL ATM interface to function as central office equipment. Configures the DSL ATM interface to function as customer premises equipment. Sets the number of seconds for which errors are ignored. The valid range is from 15 to 30. The default is 0.
cpe Seconds: 0
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL on the G.SHDSL WIC on the Cisco 2600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T on the G.SHDSL WAN interface card (WIC) on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers. The ignore-error-duration keyword was added to interoperate with metalink chipset digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAMs).
Usage Guidelines
This configuration command applies to a specific ATM interface. You must specify the ATM interface before you enter this command. The ATM interface must be in the shutdown state before you enter this command.
The following example shows how to configure DSL ATM interface 1/1 to function as central office equipment:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# interface atm 1/1 Router(config-if)# dsl equipment-type co ignore-error-duration 18 Router(config-if)# end Router# clear interface atm 0/1
Related Commands
Description Specifies a line rate for the DSL ATM interface. Specifies an operating mode of the DSL ATM interface.
dsl linerate
To specify a line rate for the digital subscriber line (DSL) ATM interface, use the dsl linerate command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default line rate, use the no form of this command. dsl linerate {kbps | auto} no dsl linerate
Syntax Description
kbps auto
Line rate, in kilobits per second, for the DSL ATM interface. Allowable entries are 72, 136, 200, 264, 392, 520, 776, 1032, 1160, 1544, 2056, and 2312. Configures the DSL ATM interface to automatically train for an optimal line rate by negotiating with the far-end digital subscriber line access multiplexer (DSLAM) or WAN interface card (WIC).
The DSL ATM interface automatically synchronizes its line rate with the far-end DSLAM or WIC.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL on the G.SHDSL WIC on the Cisco 2600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T on the G.SHDSL WIC on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers.
Usage Guidelines
This configuration command applies to a specific ATM interface. You must specify the ATM interface before you enter this command. The ATM interface must be in the shutdown state before you enter this command.
The following example shows how to configure DSL ATM interface 0/1 to operate at a line rate of 1040 kbps.
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# interface atm 0/1 Router(config-if)# dsl linerate 1040 Router(config-if)# end Router# clear interface atm 0/1
Related Commands
Description Configures the DSL ATM interface to function as CO equipment or CPE. Specifies an operating mode of the DSL ATM interface.
dsl operating-mode
This command is for testing or lab environments only. Using a configuration other than the default configuration for the digital subscriber line (DSL) operating mode can lead to unpredictable behavior on the asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) line. To modify the operating mode of the digital subscriber line for an ATM interface, use the dsl operating-mode command in interface configuration mode. To reset the operating mode to the default, use the no form of this command. dsl operating-mode {auto | ansi-dmt | itu-dmt | splitterless} no dsl operating-mode {auto | ansi-dmt | itu-dmt}
Syntax Description
Configures the assymetricADSL line after auto-negotiating with the DSL access multiplexer (DSLAM) located at the central office. This is the default operating mode. Configures the ADSL line to use the ANSI T1.413 Issue 2 mode. Configures the ADSL line to use the G.992.1 mode. Configures the ADSL line to use the G.992.2 (G.lite) mode.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on Cisco 1700 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T. Support for this command was added to Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers. Support for this command was added to the Cisco IAD2420 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T.
Usage Guidelines
This configuration command applies to a specific ATM interface. The interface to which it applies must be specified before using the command. This command is supported only when the 1-Port ADSL WAN interface card is installed.
This command is for testing or lab environments only. Using a configuration other than the default configuration for the DSL operating mode can lead to unpredictable behavior on the ADSL line.
In the following example, the ADSL line is configured to use the G.992.1 mode:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# interface atm 0 Router(config-if)# dsl operating-mode itu-dmt Router(config-if)# end
Related Commands
Syntax Description
Specifies the Deutsche Telekom U-R2 (interface) mode, which transmits and receives ADSL signals according to the ITU-T G.992.1 Annex B standard. This mode supports upstream bins (analog modems) numbered 33 to 53 and downstream bins numbered 64 to 255. Specifies Alcatel proprietary ETSI mode, which supports upstream bins numbered 29 to 48 and downstream bins numbered 64 to 255. Configures a modem to switch between etsi mode and annexb-ur2 mode for connection, following the sequence described in the Usage Guidelines section.
etsi auto
Mode: etsi
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was implemented on the Cisco 820 series and the Cisco SOHO 70, 76, 77, and 77H platforms.
Usage Guidelines
In auto mode, a modem first tries to connect using etsi mode. If the connection fails, the modem retries a set number of times. If the modem fails to connect after several retries using etsi mode, the modem automatically switches to annexb-ur2 mode and tries several times to connect using annexb-ur2 mode. If the modem fails to connect after several retries using annexb-ur2 mode, the modem automatically switches back to etsi mode and tries to connect. The modem continues switching between modes, in sequence as described, until the modem reaches the state SHOWTIME (which signifies that the connection attempt was successful) and connects using one of the modes. This switching process is designed specifically for expediting DSL modem performance.
The following example shows how to configure the DSL to operate in etsi mode:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# interface atm 0 Router(config-if)# dsl operating-mode etsi Router(config-if)# end
Related Commands
show dsl interface atm Displays information specific to the ADSL for a specified ATM interface.
Syntax Description
Configures the DSL ATM interface to operate in multirate high-speed mode per ITU G.991.2. Configures the DSL ATM interface to operate in symmetrical mode per ITU G.991.2. Specifies the regional operating parameters. Configures the regional operating parameters for North America. This value is the default. Configures the regional operating parameters for Europe.
Region: A
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 1700 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T for the Cisco 1700 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)XL for the G.SHDSL WAN interface card (WIC) on the Cisco 2600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T on the G.SHDSL WIC on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers.
Usage Guidelines
This configuration command applies to a specific ATM interface. You must specify the ATM interface before you enter this command. The ATM interface must be in the shutdown state before you enter this command.
The following example shows how to configure DSL ATM interface 0/0 to operate in G.SHDSL mode:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# interface atm 0/0 Router(config-if)# dsl operating-mode gshdsl symmetric annex A Router(config-if)# end Router# clear interface atm 0/1
Related Commands
Description Configures the DSL ATM interface to function as CO equipment or CPE. Specifies a line rate for the DSL ATM interface.
dxi map
To map a protocol address to a given virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI), use the dxi map command in interface configuration mode. To remove the mapping for that protocol and protocol address, use the no form of this command. dxi map protocol protocol-address vpi vci [broadcast] no dxi map protocol protocol-address
Syntax Description
One of the following bridging or protocol keywords: appletalk, bridge, clns, decnet, ip, or novell. Protocol-specific address. Virtual path identifier in the range from 0 to 15. Virtual circuit identifier in the range from 0 to 63. (Optional) Address to which broadcasts should be forwarded.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The apollo, vines, and xns arguments were removed because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer supported in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
This command is used in configurations where the router is intended to communicate with an ATM network through an ATM data service unit (ADSU). Given the circuit identifier parameters (VPI and VCI) for the ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), the router computes and uses the DXI frame address (DFA) that is used for communication between the router and the ADSU. The dxi map command can be used only on a serial interface or HSSI configured for ATM-DXI encapsulation.
The following example converts all IP packets intended for the host with IP address into ATM cells identified with a VPI of 2 (binary 0000 0010) and a VCI of 46 (binary 0000 0000 0010 1110) by the ADSU:
interface serial 0 dxi map ip 2 46 broadcast
Using the mapping defined in Annex A of the ATM DXI Specification, the router uses the VPI and VCI information in this example to compute a DFA of 558 (binary 1000101110). The ADSU will use the DFA of the incoming frame to extract the VPI and VCI information when formulating ATM cells.
Related Commands
dxi pvc
To configure multiprotocol or single protocol ATM-Data Exchange Interface (DXI) encapsulation, use the dxi pvc command in interface configuration mode. To disable multiprotocol ATM-DXI encapsulation, use the no form of this command. dxi pvc vpi vci [snap | nlpid | mux] no dxi pvc vpi vci [snap | nlpid | mux]
Syntax Description
ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) of this permanent virtual circuit (PVC), in the range from 0 to 15. The VPI is a 4-bit field in the header of the ATM DXI frame. The VPI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only. Both vpi and vci cannot be specified as 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0. ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) of this PVC, in the range from 0 to 63. The VCI is a 6-bit field in the header of the ATM DXI frame. The VCI value is unique only on a single interface, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only. Both vpi and vci cannot be specified as 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0. (Optional) LLC/SNAP encapsulation based on the protocol used in the packet. This keyword defines a PVC that can carry multiple network protocols. This is the default. (Optional) RFC 1294/1490 encapsulation. This option is provided for backward compatibility with the default encapsulation in earlier versions of the Cisco IOS software. (Optional) MUX encapsulation; the carried protocol is defined by the dxi map command when the PVC is set up. This keyword defines a PVC that carries only one network protocol.
LLC/SNAP encapsulation
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
This command can be used only on a serial interface or HSSI that is configured with ATM-DXI encapsulation. Select the nlpid option if you are using the default encapsulation for software releases earlier than Cisco IOS Release 10.3.
The following example configures ATM-DXI MUX encapsulation on serial interface 1. The PVC identified by a VPI of 10 and a VCI of 10 can carry a single protocol. Then the protocol to be carried on this PVC is defined by the dxi map command.
interface serial 1 dxi pvc 10 10 mux dxi map ip 10 10 broadcast
The following example configures ATM-DXI NLPID encapsulation on serial interface 1. The PVC identified by a VPI of 11 and a VCI of 12 can carry multiprotocol traffic that is encapsulated with a header described in RFC 1294/1490.
interface serial 1 dxi pvc 11 12 nlpid
Related Commands
Description Maps a protocol address to a given VPI and VCI. Displays the PVC statistics for a serial interface.
To set the explicit forward congestion indication (EFCI) bit field in the ATM cell header for FRF.8 service interworking, use the efci-bit command in FRF.8 connect mode. To disable or reset this bit, use the no form of this command. efci-bit {0 | map-fecn} no efci-bit {0 | map-fecn}
Syntax Description
0 map-fecn
The EFCI field in the ATM cell header is set to 0. The EFCI field in the ATM cell header is set to 1 when the forward explicit congestion notification (FECN) field in the Frame Relay header is set.
The default is 0.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
The following example creates a connection that connects Frame Relay DLCI 100 to ATM PVC 0/32, and sets the EFCI field in the ATM cell header to 1 when the FECN field in the Frame Relay header is set:
Router(config)# interface atm1/0 Router(config-if)# pvc 0/32 Router(config-if)# encapsulation aal5mux fr-atm-srv Router(config)# connect serial0 100 atm1/0 0/32 service-interworking Router(config-frf8)# efci-bit map-fecn
Related Commands
Description Sets the ATM CLP field in the ATM cell header. Connects a Frame Relay DLCI to an ATM PVC. Sets the Frame Relay DE bit field in the Frame Relay cell header. Allows mapping between encapsulated ATM PDUs and encapsulated Frame Relay PDUs.
encapsulation (ATM)
To configure the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation type for an ATM virtual circuit (VC), VC class, VC, bundle, or permanent virtual circuit (PVC) range, use the encapsulation command in the appropriate mode. To remove an encapsulation type, use the no form of this command. encapsulation {aal2 | aal5auto | aal5autoppp virtual-template number [group group-name] | aal5ciscoppp virtual-template number | aal5mux protocol | aal5nlpid | aal5snap} no encapsulation {aal2 | aal5auto | aal5autoppp virtual-template number [group group-name] | aal5ciscoppp virtual-template number | aal5mux protocol | aal5nlpid | aal5snap}
Syntax Description
aal2 aal5auto
AAL and encapsulation type for PVCs dedicated to AAL2 Voice over ATM. AAL and encapsulation type for PPP over ATM (PPPoA) switched virtual circuits (SVCs). Enables an ATM SVC to use either aal5snap or aal5mux encapsulation options. Enables PPPoA/PPPoE autosense. PPPoA/PPPoE autosense enables a router to distinguish between incoming PPPoA and PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) sessions and create virtual access for both PPP types based on demand.
virtual-template Number used to identify the virtual template. number group group-name aal5ciscoppp aal5mux protocol (Optional) Specifies that a PPPoE profile will be used by PPPoE sessions on the interface. (Optional) Name of the PPPoE profile to be used by PPPoE sessions on the interface. AAL and encapsulation type for Cisco PPP over ATM. Supported on ATM PVCs only. AAL and encapsulation type for multiplex (MUX)-type VCs. A protocol must be specified when using this encapsulation type. Protocol type being used by the MUX-encapsulated VC. Possible values for the protocol argument are as follows:
appletalkAppleTalk protocol. decnetDECnet protocol. frame-relayFrame Relay-ATM Network Interworking (FRF.5) on the Cisco MC3810. fr-atm-srvFrame Relay-ATM Service Interworking (FRF.8) on the Cisco MC3810. ipIP protocol. ipxIPX protocol. ppp virtual-template numberInternet Engineering Task Force (IETF)-compliant PPP over ATM. Use the virtual-template number options to identify the virtual template. Supported on ATM PVCs only. voiceVoice over ATM.
AAL and encapsulation type that allows ATM interfaces to interoperate with High-Speed Serial Interfaces (HSSIs) that are using an ATM data service unit (ADSU) and running ATM-Data Exchange Interface (DXI). Supported on ATM PVCs only. AAL and encapsulation type that supports Inverse ARP. Logical Link Control/Subnetwork Access Protocol (LLC/SNAP) precedes the protocol datagram.
The global default encapsulation option is aal5snap. See the Usage Guidelines section for other default characteristics.
Command Modes
ATM VC configuration (for an ATM PVC or SVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) Bundle configuration (for a VC bundle) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was enhanced to provide encapsulation configuration for ATM VC bundles. The aal5mux frame and aal5mux voice keywords were added for the Cisco MC3810 series router. Support for the aal5mux voice option was added to Cisco 3600 series routers. The aal5mux fr-atm-srv option was added for the Cisco MC3810 router. The aal5mux frame option was changed to aal5mux frame-relay. Support for the aal2 option was added to the Cisco MC3810 router. The aal5auto option was added to provide encapsulation configuration for PPP over ATM SVCs. Support for the aal2 option was added to the Cisco AS5300 access server and Cisco 3600 multiservice platforms. The aal5ciscoppp, aal5mux, and aal5snap options were made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T. The aal5autoppp option was introduced on the Cisco 6400 universal access concentrator. The aal5autoppp option was implemented in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T. The apollo, vines, and xns values were removed as options for the protocol argument because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer supported in the Cisco IOS software. The group option was added.
12.0(7)XK 12.0(7)T 12.1(1)XA 12.1(3)T 12.1(5)XM 12.1(5)T 12.2(2)T 12.1(1)DC1 12.2(4)T 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
To configure Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI), QSAAL, or Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) encapsulations for an ATM PVC, use the pvc command. Use the aal5mux encapsulation option to dedicate the specified PVC to a single protocol; use the aal5snap encapsulation option to multiplex two or more protocols over the same PVC. Whether you select aal5mux or aal5snap encapsulation might depend on practical considerations, such as the type of network and the pricing offered by the network. If the pricing of the network depends on the number of PVCs set up, aal5snap might be the appropriate choice. If pricing depends on the number of bytes transmitted, aal5mux might be the appropriate choice because it has slightly less overhead.
Encapsulation for PPPoA
When configuring Cisco PPP over ATM, use the aal5ciscoppp keyword and specify the virtual template number. It is possible to implicitly create a virtual template when configuring Cisco PPP over ATM. In other words, if the parameters of the virtual template are not explicitly defined before you configure the ATM PVC, the PPP interface will be brought up using default values from the virtual template identified. However, some parameters (such as an IP address) take effect only if they are specified before the PPP interface comes up. Therefore, we recommend that you explicitly create and configure the virtual template before configuring the ATM PVC to ensure that such parameters take effect. If you specify virtual template parameters after the ATM PVC is configured, you should enter a shutdown command followed by a no shutdown command on the ATM subinterface to restart the interface, causing the newly configured parameters (such as an IP address) to take effect.
Configuring PPPoA/PPPoE Autosense
Use the encapsulation aal5autoppp virtual-template template-number command to configure PPPoA/PPPoE autosense. PPPoA/PPPoE autosense enables a router to distinguish between incoming PPPoA and PPPoE sessions and create virtual access for both PPP types based on demand. If a PPPoE profile is not specified by using the group group-name option, PPPoE sessions will be established using parameters from the global PPPoE profile. PPPoE profiles must be configured using the bba-group pppoe command.
Do not use this command on a router that initiates PPPoA sessions. Entering the no encapsulation aal5autoppp virtual-template command will terminate the PPPoA or PPPoE session and detach the virtual-access interface from the PVC.
Configuring Encapsulation for VC Bundles
Before using this command to configure a VC bundle, enter the bundle subinterface configuration command to create a new bundle or modify an existing one and to enter bundle configuration mode. A VC bundle can have only one encapsulation configured for it: either aal5snap or aal5mux.
Encapsulation Rules of Precedence
If the encapsulation command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence from lowest to highest):
Configuration of the encapsulation command in a VC class assigned to the PVC, PVC bundle, or SVC itself.
Configuration of the encapsulation command in a VC class assigned to the ATM subinterface of the PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Configuration of the encapsulation command in a VC class assigned to the ATM main interface of the PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Global encapsulation option default: aal5snap
When a VC is a member of a VC bundle, configuration using the encapsulation command in VC-class mode no longer applies to the VC. Bundle configuration takes precedence.
Configuring Encapsulation for a PVC Range
When a PVC range or an individual PVC within a PVC range is being configured, the following options are available:
The following example configures an ATM PVC with VPI 0 and VCI 33 for a MUX-type encapsulation using IP:
interface atm 1/0 pvc 0/33 encapsulation aal5mux ip
The following example configures a bundle called chicago for aal5snap encapsulation:
bundle chicago encapsulation aal5snap
The following example configures an ATM SVC called chicago with the encapsulation type aal5auto. Encapsulation type aal5auto enables the SVC to use PPP and either aal5snap or aal5mux encapsulation.
interface ATM 2/0/0 svc chicago encapsulation aal5auto
The following example enables PPPoA/PPPoE autosense on PVC 30/33. PPPoA sessions will use virtual template 1, and PPPoE sessions will use the global PPPoE profile.
interface ATM 0/0/0.33 multipoint pvc 30/33 encapsulation aal5autoppp virtual-template 1 ! bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 1 sessions max limit 8000 sessions per-vc limit 8 sessions per-mac limit 2
The following example configures a PVC to support AAL2 encapsulation for Voice over ATM:
interface ATM0.2 point-to-point pvc 2/200 vbr-rt 760 760 100 encapsulation aal2
Related Commands
Command bba-group pppoe broadcast class-vc debug pppoe inarp oam retry protocol (ATM)
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Configures broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM VC class, PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Assigns a VC class to an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member. Displays debugging information for PPPoE sessions. Configures the Inverse ARP time period for an ATM PVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Configures parameters related to OAM management for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle and enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Uses Cisco proprietary encapsulation, which is a four-byte header, with two bytes to identify the data-link connection identifier (DLCI) and two bytes to identify the packet type (Optional) Sets the encapsulation method to comply with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard (RFC 1490 and RFC 2427). Use this keyword when connecting to another vendors equipment across a Frame Relay network on point-to-point interfaces.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to override the encapsulation at a point-to-point subinterface for an individual Frame Relay PVC bundle. This command is available for point-to-point subinterfaces only; it cannot be used on multipoint interfaces.
The following example configures RFC 1490 encapsulation for the Frame Relay PVC bundle named P2P-5:
interface serial 1/4.2 point-to-point ip address frame-relay vc-bundle P2P-5 encapsulation ietf
Related Commands
encapsulation atm-dxi
To enable ATM-Data Exchange Interface (DXI) encapsulation, use the encapsulation atm-dxi command in interface configuration mode. To disable ATM-DXI, use the no form of this command. encapsulation atm-dxi no encapsulation atm-dxi
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Related Commands
Command class-int
Syntax Description
number name
The interface number of the multilink Frame Relay bundle with which this bundle link will be associated. (Optional) Bundle link identification (LID) name. Maximum length is 49 characters.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 12000 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the name argument to assign a LID name to the bundle link. This name will be used to identify the bundle link to peer devices and to enable the devices to determine which bundle links are associated with which bundles. The LID name can also be assigned or changed by using the frame-relay multilink lid command on the bundle link interface. If the LID name is not assigned, the default name is the name of the physical interface.
To minimize latency that results from the arrival order of packets, we recommend bundling physical links of the same line speed in one bundle. To remove a bundle link from a bundle, use the no encapsulation frame-relay mfr command or configure a new type of encapsulation on the interface by using the encapsulation command.
The following example shows serial interface 0 being associated as a bundle link to bundle interface mfr0. The bundle link identification name is BL1.
interface mfr0 ! interface serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0 BL1
Related Commands
Command debug frame-relay multilink frame-relay multilink lid show frame-relay multilink
Description Displays debug messages for multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links. Assigns a LID name to a multilink Frame Relay bundle link. Displays configuration information and statistics about multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links.
encapsulation frame-relay
To enable Frame Relay encapsulation, use the encapsulation frame-relay command in interface configuration mode. To disable Frame Relay encapsulation, use the no form of this command. encapsulation frame-relay [cisco | ietf] no encapsulation frame-relay [ietf]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Uses Ciscos own encapsulation, which is a 4-byte header, with 2 bytes to identify the data-link connection identifier (DLCI) and 2 bytes to identify the packet type. (Optional) Sets the encapsulation method to comply with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard (RFC 1490). Use this keyword when connecting to another vendors equipment across a Frame Relay network.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Use this command with no keywords to restore the default Cisco encapsulation, which is a 4-byte header with 2 bytes for the DLCI and 2 bytes to identify the packet type. You should shut down the interface prior to changing encapsulation types. Although this is not required, shutting down the interface ensures that the interface is reset for the new encapsulation.
The following example configures Cisco Frame Relay encapsulation on interface serial 1:
interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay
Use the ietf keyword if your router or access server is connected to another vendors equipment across a Frame Relay network to conform with RFC 1490:
interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay ietf
encapsulation lapb
To exchange datagrams over a serial interface using Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) encapsulation, use the encapsulation lapb command in interface configuration mode. encapsulation lapb [dte | dce] [multi | protocol]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies operation as a data terminal equipment (DTE) device. This is the default LAPB mode. (Optional) Specifies operation as a data communications equipment (DCE) device. (Optional) Specifies use of multiple LAN protocols to be carried on the LAPB line. (Optional) A single protocol to be carried on the LAPB line. A single protocol can be one of the following: appletalk, clns (ISO CLNS), decnet, ip, and ipx (Novell IPX). IP is the default protocol.
The default serial encapsulation is High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC). You must explicitly configure a LAPB encapsulation method. DTE operation is the default LAPB mode. IP is the default protocol.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The following keywords and argument were introduced: dte, dce, multi, protocol. The apollo, vines, and xns arguments were removed because support for Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems is no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
LAPB encapsulations are appropriate only for private connections, where you have complete control over both ends of the link. Connections to X.25 networks should use an X.25 encapsulation configuration, which operates the X.25 Layer 3 protocol above a LAPB Layer 2. One end of the link must be a logical DCE device, and the other end a logical DTE device. (This assignment is independent of the interfaces hardware DTE or DCE identity.) Both ends of the LAPB link must specify the same protocol encapsulation. LAPB encapsulation is supported on serial lines configured for dial-on-demand routing (DDR). It can be configured on DDR synchronous serial and ISDN interfaces and on DDR dialer rotary groups. It is not supported on asynchronous dialer interfaces. A single-protocol LAPB encapsulation exchanges datagrams of the given protocol, each in a separate LAPB information frame. You must configure the interface with the protocol-specific parameters neededfor example, a link that carries IP traffic will have an IP address defined for the interface.
A multiprotocol LAPB encapsulation can exchange any or all of the protocols allowed for a LAPB interface. It exchanges datagrams, each in a separate LAPB information frame. Two bytes of protocol identification data precede the protocol data. You need to configure the interface with all the protocol-specific parameters needed for each protocol carried. Multiprotocol LAPB encapsulation supports transparent bridging. This feature requires use of the encapsulation lapb multi command followed by the bridge-group command, which identifies the bridge group associated with multiprotocol LAPB encapsulation. This feature does not support use of the encapsulation lapb protocol command with a bridge keyword. LAPB encapsulation supports the priority and custom queueing features.
The following example sets the operating mode as DTE and specifies that AppleTalk protocol traffic will be carried on the LAPB line:
interface serial 1 encapsulation lapb dte appletalk
Related Commands
Command bridge-group
encapsulation smds
To enable Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) on the desired interface, use the encapsulation smds interface configuration command. encapsulation smds
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The interface to which this command applies must be a serial interface. All subsequent SMDS configuration commands apply only to an interface with encapsulation SMDS.
The maximum packet size allowed in the SMDS specifications (TA-772) is 9188. This is larger than the packet size used by servers with most media. The Cisco default maximum transmission unit (MTU) size is 1500 bytes to be consistent with Ethernet. However, on the High Speed Serial Interface (HSSI), the default MTU size is 4470 bytes. If a larger MTU is used, the mtu command must be entered before the encapsulation smds command.
The Cisco MCI card has buffer limitations that prevent setting the MTU size higher than 2048, and the HSSI card has buffer limitations that prevent setting the MTU size higher than 4500. Configuring higher settings can cause inconsistencies and performance problems.
The following example shows how to configure the SMDS service on serial interface 0:
interface serial 0 encapsulation smds
Related Commands
Command mtu
encapsulation x25
To specify a serial interfaces operation as an X.25 device, use the encapsulation x25 command in interface configuration mode. To remove the specification, use the no form of this command. encapsulation x25 [dte | dce] [ddn | bfe | ietf] no encapsulation x25 [dte | dce] [ddn | bfe | ietf]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies operation as a data terminal equipment (DTE). This is the default X.25 mode. (Optional) Specifies operation as a data communications equipment (DCE). (Optional) Specifies Defense Data Network (DDN) encapsulation on an interface using DDN X.25 Standard Service. (Optional) Specifies Blacker Front End (BFE) encapsulation on an interface attached to a BFE device. (Optional) Specifies that the interfaces datagram encapsulation defaults to use of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard method, as defined by RFC 1356.
The default serial encapsulation is High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC). You must explicitly configure an X.25 encapsulation method. DTE operation is the default X.25 mode. Ciscos traditional X.25 encapsulation method is the default.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The following keywords were added:
Usage Guidelines
One end of an X.25 link must be a logical DCE device and the other end a logical DTE device. (This assignment is independent of the interfaces hardware DTE or DCE identity.) Typically, when connecting to a public data network (PDN), the customer equipment acts as the DTE device and the PDN attachment acts as the DCE.
Cisco has long supported the encapsulation of a number of datagram protocols, using a standard means when available and a proprietary means when necessary. The IETF adopted a standard, RFC 1356, for encapsulating most types of datagram traffic over X.25. X.25 interfaces use Ciscos traditional method unless explicitly configured for IETF operation; if the ietf keyword is specified, that standard is used unless Ciscos traditional method is explicitly configured. For details see the x25 map command. You can configure a router attaching to the DDN or to a BFE device to use their respective algorithms to convert between IP and X.121 addresses by using the ddn or bfe option, respectively. An IP address must be assigned to the interface, from which the algorithm will generate the interfaces X.121 address. For proper operation, this X.121 address must not be modified. A router DDN attachment can operate as either a DTE or a DCE device. A BFE attachment can operate only as a DTE device. The ietf option is not available if either the ddn or bfe option is selected.
The following example configures the interface for connection to a BFE device:
interface serial 0 encapsulation x25 bfe
Related Commands
To add Access Point Names (APNs) and domain names to a Service Selection Gateway (SSG) Autodomain exclusion list, use the exclude command in SSG-auto-domain mode. To remove an APN or domain name from the Autodomain exclusion list, use the no form of this command. exclude {apn | domain} name no exclude {apn | domain} name
Syntax Description
Adds an APN to the exclusion list. Adds a domain to the exclusion list. Name of the APN or domain to be added to the exclusion list.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the exclude command to add an APN or a domain to the Autodomain exclusion list. APN and domain names that are not on an exclusion list are used to perform Autodomain for a user. You can use the no download exclude-profile command to remove a domain or APN name that is downloaded from the AAA server.
The following example shows how to add the APN named abc to the exclusion list:
exclude apn abc
The following example shows how to add the domain named xyz to the exclusion list:
exclude domain xyz
Related Commands
Description Adds to the Autodomain download exclusion list. Enables extended mode for SSG Autodomain. Enables NAT on Autodomain tunnel service. Configures the Autodomain selection mode.
Description Displays the contents of an Autodomain exclude-profile downloaded from the AAA server. Enables SSG functionality.
To configure Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) experimental (EXP) levels for a Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundle member, use the exp command in Frame Relay VC-bundle-member configuration mode. To remove the EXP level configuration from the PVC, use the no form of this command. exp {level | other} no exp
Syntax Description
Specifies the MPLS EXP level or levels for this Frame Relay PVC bundle member. The range is from 0 to 7. A PVC bundle member can be configured with a single MPLS EXP level, multiple individual MPLS EXP levels, a range of MPLS EXP levels, multiple ranges of MPLS EXP levels, or a combination of individual levels and level ranges. Examples are as follows:
Specifies that this Frame Relay PVC bundle member will handle all of the remaining MPLS EXP levels that are not explicitly configured on any other bundle member PVCs.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Assignment of MPLS EXP levels to Frame Relay PVC bundle members allows you to create differentiated service because you can distribute the levels over the various PVC bundle members. You can map a single level or a range of levels to each discrete PVC in the bundle, thereby enabling PVCs in the bundle to carry packets marked with different levels. Use the exp other command to indicate that a PVC can carry traffic marked with EXP levels not specifically configured for other PVCs. Only one PVC in the bundle can be configured using the exp other command. All EXP levels must be accounted for in the PVC bundle configuration, or the bundle will not come up. Note, however, that a PVC may be a bundle member but have no EXP level associated with it. As long as all valid EXP levels are handled by other PVCs in the bundle, the bundle can come up, but the PVC that has no EXP level configured will not participate in it.
The exp command is available only when tag-switching is configured on the interface with the tag-switching ip command. You can overwrite the EXP level configuration on a PVC by reentering the exp command with a new value. The MPLS experimental bits are a bit-by-bit copy of the IP precedence bits. When Frame Relay PVC bundles are configured for IP precedence and tag-switching is enabled, the precedence command is replaced by the exp command. When tag-switching is disabled, the exp command is replaced by the precedence command.
The following example shows the configuration of four Frame Relay PVC bundle members in PVC bundle bundle1 configured with MPLS EXP level support:
interface serial 0.1 point-to-point encapsulation frame-relay ip address tag-switching ip frame-relay vc-bundle bundle1 pvc 100 ny-control class control exp 7 protect vc pvc 101 ny-premium class premium exp 6-5 protect group no bump traffic bump explicit 7 pvc 102 my-priority class priority exp 4-2 protect group pvc 103 ny-basic class basic exp other protect group
Related Commands
Description Configures the bumping rules for a specific PVC member of a bundle. Associates a map class with a specified DLCI. Configures the DSCP value or values for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Specifies which bits of the IP header to use for mapping packet service levels to Frame Relay PVC bundle members. Configures the precedence levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures a Frame Relay PVC bundle member with protected group or protected PVC status. Enables label switching of IPv4 packets on an interface.
forward accounting-start-stop
To proxy accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS clients to the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server, use the forward accounting-start-stop command in SSG-radius-proxy configuration mode. To stop forwarding accounting start, stop, and update packets, use the no form of this command. forward accounting-start-stop no forward accounting-start-stop
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-radius-proxy configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to proxy accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by all RADIUS clients to the AAA server. Disabling this command reduces RADIUS packet traffic and processing for deployments where the billing server is not using these packets for billing purposes.
The forward accounting-start-stop command does not affect accounting on and off packets, which are forwarded regardless of this command.
The following example shows how to proxy accounting packets generated by all RADIUS clients to the AAA server:
ssg radius-proxy server-port auth 1645 acct 1646 client-address key secret1 client-address key secret2 client-address key secret3 client-address key secret4 idle-timeout 30 forward accounting-start-stop address-pool address-pool domain ssg.com
Related Commands
Command address-pool clear ssg radius-proxy client-address clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address idle-timeout (SSG) server-port show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable ssg radius-proxy
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS. Configures a host object timeout value. Defines the ports for the SSG RADIUS proxy. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or for a specific domain. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy.
frame-relay adaptive-shaping
To enable Frame Relay adaptive traffic shaping, use the frame-relay adaptive-shaping command in map-class configuration mode. To disable adaptive traffic shaping, use the no form of this command. frame-relay adaptive-shaping {becn | foresight | interface-congestion [queue-depth]} no frame-relay adaptive-shaping {becn | foresight | interface-congestion}
Syntax Description
Enables rate adjustment in response to backward explicit congestion notification (BECN). Enables rate adjustment in response to ForeSight messages. Enables rate adjustment in response to interface congestion. (Optional) Maximum number of packets that can be in the interface queue before the interface is considered congested. The range is from 0 to 40 packets. The default is 0 packets.
Frame Relay adaptive traffic shaping is not enabled. Queue depth: 0 packets
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to configure adaptive traffic shaping for interface congestion.
Usage Guidelines
This command replaces the frame-relay becn-response-enable command. If you use the frame-relay becn-response-enable command in scripts, you should replace it with the frame-relay adaptive-shaping command. The frame-relay adaptive-shaping command configures a router to adjust virtual circuit (VC) sending rates in response to BECN or ForeSight backward congestion notification messages or interface congestion. Include this command in a map-class definition and apply the map class either to the main interface or to a subinterface. Adaptive traffic shaping for interface congestion can be configured along with BECN or ForeSight. When adaptive shaping for interface congestion is used with BECN or ForeSight, if interface congestion exceeds the queue depth, then the PVC send rate is reduced to minimum committed information rate (minCIR). When interface congestion drops below the queue depth, then the send rate is adjusted in response to BECN or ForeSight.
For adaptive traffic shaping for interface congestion to work, the sum of the minCIR values for all PVCs on the interface must be less than the usable interface bandwidth.
ForeSight Example
This example shows the map-class definition for a router configured with traffic shaping and Router ForeSight enabled:
interface Serial0 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay traffic-shaping frame-relay class control-A ! map-class frame-relay control-A frame-relay adaptive-shaping foresight frame-relay cir 56000 frame-relay bc 64000
In the following example, the queue depth is set at 10 packets. If the number of packets in the interface queue exceeds 10, the rate of traffic destined for PVC 200 will be reduced to the minCIR. When the number of packets in the interface queue drops below 10, then the traffic rate will immediately return to the CIR.
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay traffic-shaping frame-relay interface-dlci 200 class adjust_vc_class_rate ! map-class frame-relay adjust_vc_class_rate frame-relay cir 64000 frame-relay mincir 32000 frame-relay adaptive-shaping interface-congestion 10
Related Commands
Description Enables both traffic shaping and per-VC queueing for all PVCs and SVCs on a Frame Relay interface. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(3)T
Usage Guidelines
During system initialization, if no management IP address is configured, then the router automatically selects the IP address of one of the interfaces. The router will choose an Ethernet interface first and then serial and other interfaces. If you do not want the router to select a management IP address during system initialization, you can store the no form of this command in the configuration. When automatic address selection is disabled and an IP address has not been configured using the frame-relay address registration ip global configuration command, the IP address for ELMI address registration will be set to The no frame-relay address registration ip command will set the IP address to, even when Frame Relay automatic address selection is enabled. If you configure the IP address using the frame-relay address registration ip global configuration command, the IP address you configure will overwrite the IP address chosen automatically by the router. If you enable automatic address selection after configuring the IP address using the frame-relay address registration ip global configuration command, the IP address chosen automatically by the router will overwrite the IP address you originally configured.
The following example shows ELMI enabled on serial interface 0. The automatic IP address selection mechanism is disabled, and no other management IP address has been configured, so the device will share a valid ifIndex and a management IP address of
interface Serial 0 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type ansi frame-relay qos-autosense
Related Commands
Description Enables ELMI address registration on an interface. Configures the IP address to be used for ELMI address registration. Enables ELMI on the Cisco router.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(3)T
Usage Guidelines
A management IP address configured by using the frame-relay address registration ip command will overwrite the IP address chosen by the router when automatic address selection is enabled. The no frame-relay address registration ip command will disable automatic IP address selection and set the management IP address to If you enable automatic address selection with the frame-relay address registration auto-address global command after configuring the IP address using the frame-relay address registration ip global configuration command, the IP address chosen automatically by the router will overwrite the IP address you originally configured.
The following example shows ELMI enabled on serial interface 0. The IP address to be used for ELMI address registration is configured, so automatic IP address selection is disabled by default.
interface Serial 0 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type ansi frame-relay qos-autosense ! frame-relay address registration ip address
Related Commands
Description Enables a router to automatically select the IP address to be used for ELMI address registration. Enables ELMI on a Cisco router.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(3)T
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows ELMI address registration disabled on serial interface 0.
interface Serial 0 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type ansi frame-relay qos-autosense no frame-relay address-reg enable
Related Commands
Command frame-relay address registration auto-address frame-relay address registration ip frame-relay qos-autosense
Description Enables a router to automatically select the IP address to be used for ELMI address registration. Configures the IP address to be used for ELMI address registration. Enables ELMI on a Cisco router.
frame-relay bc
To specify the incoming or outgoing committed burst size (Bc) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay bc command in map-class configuration mode. To reset the committed burst size to the default, use the no form of this command. frame-relay bc {in | out} bits no frame-relay bc {in | out} bits
Syntax Description
in | out bits
Incoming or outgoing; if neither is specified, both in and out values are set. Committed burst size, in bits. Range is from 300 to 16000000. Default is 7000.
7000 bits
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
The Frame Relay committed burst size is specified within a map class to request a certain burst rate for the circuit. Although it is specified in bits, an implicit time factor is the sampling interval Tc on the switch, which is defined as the burst size divided by the committed information rate (CIR).
In the following example, the serial interface already has a basic configuration, and a map group called group1 has already been defined. The example shows a map-list configuration that defines the source and destination addresses for bermuda, provides IP and IPX addresses, and ties the map list definition to the map class called class1. Then traffic-shaping parameters are defined for the map class.
map-list group1 local-addr X121 31383040703500 dest-addr X121 31383040709000 ip class class1 ietf ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 class class1 ietf map-class frame-relay class1 frame-relay cir in 2000000 frame-relay mincir in 1000000 frame-relay cir out 15000 frame-relay mincir out 10000 frame-relay bc in 15000 frame-relay bc out 9600 frame-relay be in 10000 frame-relay be out 10000 frame-relay idle-timer 30
Related Commands
Description Sets the incoming or outgoing excess burst size (Be) for a Frame Relay VC. Specifies the incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay VC.
frame-relay be
To set the incoming or outgoing excess burst size (Be) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay be command in map-class configuration mode. To reset the excess burst size to the default, use the no form of this command. frame-relay be {in | out} bits no frame-relay be {in | out} bits
Syntax Description
in | out bits
7000 bits
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
The Frame Relay excess burst size is specified within a map class to request a certain burst rate for the circuit. Although it is specified in bits, an implicit time factor is the sampling interval Tc on the switch, which is defined as the burst size divided by the committed information rate (CIR).
In the following example, the serial interface already has a basic configuration, and a map group called bermuda has already been defined. The example shows a map-list configuration that defines the source and destination addresses for bermuda, provides IP and IPX addresses, and ties the map list definition to the map class called jamaica. Then traffic-shaping parameters are defined for the map class.
map-list bermuda local-addr X121 31383040703500 dest-addr X121 31383040709000 ip class jamaica ietf ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 class jamaica ietf map-class frame-relay jamaica frame-relay cir in 2000000 frame-relay mincir in 1000000 frame-relay cir out 15000 frame-relay mincir out 10000 frame-relay bc in 15000 frame-relay bc out 9600 frame-relay be in 10000 frame-relay be out 10000 frame-relay idle-timer 30
Related Commands
Description Specifies the incoming or outgoing committed burst size (Bc) for a Frame Relay VC. Specifies the incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay VC.
frame-relay broadcast-queue
To create a special queue for a specified interface to hold broadcast traffic that has been replicated for transmission on multiple data-link connection identifiers (DLCIs), use the frame-relay broadcast-queue command in interface configuration mode. frame-relay broadcast-queue size byte-rate packet-rate
Syntax Description
Number of packets to hold in the broadcast queue. Maximum number of bytes to be sent per second. Maximum number of packets to be sent per second.
size: 64 packets byte-rate: 256000 bytes per second packet-rate: 36 packets per second
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
For purposes of the Frame Relay broadcast queue, broadcast traffic is defined as packets that have been replicated for transmission on multiple DLCIs. However, the broadcast traffic does not include the original routing packet or service access point (SAP) packet, which passes through the normal queue. Because of timing sensitivity, bridged broadcasts and spanning-tree packets are also sent through the normal queue. The Frame Relay broadcast queue is managed independently of the normal interface queue. It has its own buffers and a configurable service rate. A broadcast queue is given a maximum transmission rate (throughput) limit measured in bytes per second and packets per second. The queue is serviced to ensure that only this maximum is provided. The broadcast queue has priority when transmitting at a rate below the configured maximum, and hence has a guaranteed minimum bandwidth allocation. The two transmission rate limits are intended to avoid flooding the interface with broadcasts. The actual limit in any second is the first rate limit that is reached. Given the transmission rate restriction, additional buffering is required to store broadcast packets. The broadcast queue is configurable to store large numbers of broadcast packets. The queue size should be set to avoid loss of broadcast routing update packets. The exact size will depend on the protocol being used and the number of packets required for each update. To be safe, set the queue size so that one complete routing update from each protocol and for each DLCI can be stored. As a general rule, start with 20 packets per DLCI. Typically, the byte rate should be less than both of the following:
N/4 times the minimum remote access rate (measured in bytes per second), where N is the number of DLCIs to which the broadcast must be replicated. 1/4 the local access rate (measured in bytes per second).
The packet rate is not critical if you set the byte rate conservatively. Set the packet rate at 250-byte packets.
The following example specifies a broadcast queue to hold 80 packets, to have a maximum byte transmission rate of 240000 bytes per second, and to have a maximum packet transmission rate of 160 packets per second:
frame-relay broadcast-queue 80 240000 160
frame-relay cir
To specify the incoming or outgoing committed information rate (CIR) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay cir command in map-class configuration mode. To reset the CIR to the default, use the no form of this command. frame-relay cir {in | out} bps no frame-relay cir {in | out} bps
Syntax Description
in | out bps
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to specify a CIR for an SVC. The specified CIR value is sent through the SETUP message to the switch, which then attempts to provision network resources to support this value.
The following example sets a higher committed information rate for incoming traffic than for outgoing traffic (which is going out on a slow WAN line):
frame-relay cir in 2000000 frame-relay cir out 9600
Related Commands
Description Specifies the incoming or outgoing committed burst size (Bc) for a Frame Relay VC. Sets the incoming or outgoing excess burst size (Be) for a Frame Relay VC.
frame-relay class
To associate a map class with an interface or subinterface, use the frame-relay class command in interface configuration mode. To remove the association between the interface or subinterface and the named map class, use the no form of this command. frame-relay class name no frame-relay class name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
This command can apply to interfaces or subinterfaces. All relevant parameters defined in the name map class are inherited by each virtual circuit created on the interface or subinterface. For each virtual circuit, the precedence rules are as follows:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Use the map class associated with the virtual circuit if it exists. If not, use the map class associated with the subinterface if the map class exists. If not, use map class associated with interface if the map class exists. If not, use the interface default parameters.
The following example associates the slow_vcs map class with the serial 0.1 subinterface and defines the slow_vcs map class to have an outbound CIR value of 9600:
interface serial 0.1 frame-relay class slow_vcs map-class frame-relay slow_vcs frame-relay cir out 9600
If a virtual circuit exists on the serial 0.1 interface and is associated with some other map class, the parameter values of the second map class override those defined in the slow_vc map class for that virtual circuit.
Related Commands
map-class frame-relay Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
Syntax Description
Threshold at which DE-marked packets will be discarded, specified as a percentage of the maximum queue size.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay congestion threshold de command applies only to default FIFO traffic-shaping queues. You must enable Frame Relay switching using the frame-relay switching global command before Frame Relay congestion management parameters will be effective on switched PVCs.
The following example illustrates the configuration of the DE congestion threshold in the Frame Relay map class called perpvc_congestion:
map-class frame-relay perpvc_congestion frame-relay congestion threshold de 50
Related Commands
Description Enables Frame Relay congestion management functions on all switched PVCs on an interface, and enters congestion management configuration mode. Configures the threshold at which ECN bits are set on packets in the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC.
Description Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets are discarded from switched PVCs on the output interface. Configures the threshold at which ECN bits are set on packets in switched PVCs on the output interface.
Syntax Description
Threshold at which ECN bits will be set on packets, specified as a percentage of the maximum queue size.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay congestion threshold ecn command applies only to default FIFO traffic-shaping queues. One ECN threshold applies to all traffic on a traffic-shaping queue. You cannot configure separate thresholds for committed and excess traffic. You must enable Frame Relay switching using the frame-relay switching global command before the frame-relay congestion threshold ecn command will be effective on switched PVCs.
The following example illustrates the configuration of the ECN congestion threshold in the Frame Relay map class called perpvc_congestion:
map-class frame-relay perpvc_congestion frame-relay congestion threshold ecn 50
Related Commands
frame-relay congestion-management Enables Frame Relay congestion management functions on all switched PVCs on an interface, and enters congestion management configuration mode. frame-relay congestion threshold de Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets are discarded from the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC.
Description Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets are discarded from switched PVCs on the output interface. Configures the threshold at which ECN bits are set on packets in switched PVCs on the output interface.
frame-relay congestion-management
To enable Frame Relay congestion management functions on all switched permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) on an interface and to enter Frame Relay congestion management configuration mode, use the frame-relay congestion-management command in interface configuration mode. To disable Frame Relay congestion management, use the no form of this command. frame-relay congestion-management no frame-relay congestion-management
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
You must enable Frame Relay switching using the frame-relay switching global command before you can configure Frame Relay congestion management. Frame Relay congestion management is supported only when the interface is configured with FIFO queueing, weighted fair queueing (WFQ), or PVC interface priority queueing (PIPQ).
In the following example, the frame-relay congestion-management command enables Frame Relay congestion management on serial interface 1. The command also enters Frame Relay congestion management configuration mode so that congestion threshold parameters can be configured.
interface serial1 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay intf-type dce frame-relay congestion-management threshold ecn be 0 threshold ecn bc 20 threshold de 40
Related Commands
Description Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets are discarded from the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC. Configures the threshold at which ECN bits are set on packets in the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC. Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets are discarded from switched PVCs on the output interface. Configures the threshold at which ECN bits are set on packets in switched PVCs on the output interface.
frame-relay custom-queue-list
To specify a custom queue to be used for the virtual circuit queueing associated with a specified map class, use the frame-relay custom-queue-list command in map-class configuration mode. To remove the specified queueing from the virtual circuit and cause it to revert to the default first-come, first-served queueing, use the no form of this command. frame-relay custom-queue-list list-number no frame-relay custom-queue-list list-number
Syntax Description
If this command is not entered, the default queueing is first come, first served.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Use the queue-list commands to define the custom queue. Only one form of queueing can be associated with a particular map class; subsequent definitions overwrite previous ones.
The following example configures a custom queue list for the fast_vcs map class:
map-class frame-relay fast_vcs frame-relay custom-queue-list 1 queue-list 1 queue 4 byte-count 100
Related Commands
map-class frame-relay Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
frame-relay de-group
To specify the discard eligibility (DE) group number to be used for a specified data-link connection identifier (DLCI), use the frame-relay de-group command in interface configuration mode. To disable a previously defined group number assigned to a specified DLCI, use the no form of this command with the relevant keyword and arguments. frame-relay de-group group-number dlci no frame-relay de-group [group-number] [dlci]
Syntax Description
group-number dlci
DE group number to apply to the specified DLCI number, from 1 to 10. DLCI number.
No DE group is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
To disable all previously defined group numbers, use the no form of this command with no arguments. This command requires that Frame Relay be enabled. Frame Relay DE group functionality is supported on process-switched packets only. The DE bit is not set or recognized by the Frame Relay switching code, but must be recognized and interpreted by the Frame Relay network.
Frame Relay DE group functionality is being replaced by the Modular QoS CLI (MQC) DE marking functionality. For information about the MQC commands that are used to configure Frame Relay DE marking, refer to the Cisco IOS Quality of Service Configuration Guide and Cisco IOS Quality of Service Command Reference.
The following example specifies that group number 3 will be used for DLCI 170:
frame-relay de-group 3 170
Related Commands
Description Defines a DE list specifying the packets that have the DE bit set and thus are eligible for discarding during congestion on the Frame Relay switch.
frame-relay de-list
To define a discard eligibility (DE) list specifying the packets that have the DE bit set and thus are eligible for discarding when congestion occurs on the Frame Relay switch, use the frame-relay de-list command in global configuration mode. To delete a portion of a previously defined DE list, use the no form of this command. frame-relay de-list list-number {protocol protocol | interface type number} characteristic no frame-relay de-list list-number {protocol protocol | interface type number} characteristic
Syntax Description
Number of the DE list. One of the following values corresponding to a supported protocol or device: arpAddress Resolution Protocol. appletalkAppleTalk. bridgebridging device. clnsISO Connectionless Network Service. clns_esCLNS end systems. clns_isCLNS intermediate systems. compressedtcpCompressed TCP. decnetDECnet. decnet_nodeDECnet end node. decnet_router-L1DECnet Level 1 (intra-area) router. decnet_router-L2DECnet Level 2 (interarea) router. ipInternet Protocol. ipxNovell Internet Packet Exchange Protocol.
One of the following interface types: serial, null, or ethernet. Interface number. One of the following values: fragmentsFragmented IP packets gt bytesSets the DE bit for packets larger than the specified number of bytes (including the 4-byte Frame Relay encapsulation). list access-list-numberPreviously defined access list number. lt bytesSets the DE bit for packets smaller than the specified number of bytes (including the 4-byte Frame Relay encapsulation). tcp portTCP packets to or from a specified port. udp portUser Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets to or from a specified port.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The apollo, vines, and xns arguments were removed because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
To remove an entire DE list, use the no form of this command with no options and arguments. This prioritizing feature requires that the Frame Relay network be able to interpret the DE bit as indicating which packets can be dropped first in case of congestion, or which packets are less time sensitive, or both. When you calculate packet size, include the data packet size, the ICMP header, the IP header, and the Frame Relay encapsulation bytes. For example, count 92 bytes of data, 8 bytes for the ICMP header, 20 bytes for the IP header, and 4 bytes for the Frame Relay encapsulation, which equals 124 bytes.
The following example specifies that IP packets larger than 512 bytes (including the 4-byte Frame Relay encapsulation) will have the DE bit set:
frame-relay de-list 1 protocol ip gt 512
Syntax Description
Number of send-side errors in the event window before keepalive status goes from up to down. Number of receive-side errors in the event window before keepalive status goes from up to down. Number of errors required. The maximum value is 32.
The default value for both the send and receive error threshold is 2.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The send-side value can be configured only in bidirectional and request modes. The receive-side value can be configured only in bidirectional and reply modes. See the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode command. When you configure the error threshold, also configure the event window. See the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window command.
The following example shows increasing the receive-side error threshold to 4 and changing the event window to 7:
map-class frame-relay olga frame-relay end-to-end keepalive reply frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold receive 4 frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window receive 7
Related Commands
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer
Description Modifies the keepalive event window value. Enables Frame Relay end-to-end keepalives. Modifies the keepalive timer.
frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events Modifies the keepalive success events value.
Description Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC. Displays statistics about Frame Relay end-to-end keepalive.
Syntax Description
Send-side event window for which size is being configured. Receive-side event window for which size is being configured. Number of events in the event window. The maximum value is 32.
The default value for both the send and receive event windows is 3.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The send-side value can be configured only in bidirectional and request modes. The receive-side value can be configured only in bidirectional and reply modes. See the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode command. When you configure the event window, also configure the error-threshold. See the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold command.
The following example shows increasing the receive-side error threshold to 4 and changing the event window to 7:
map-class frame-relay olga frame-relay end-to-end keepalive reply frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold receive 4 frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window receive 7
Related Commands
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer
Description Modifies the keepalive error threshold value. Enables Frame Relay end-to-end keepalives. Modifies the keepalive success events value. Modifies the keepalive timer.
Description Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC. Displays statistics about Frame Relay end-to-end keepalive.
Syntax Description
Enables bidirectional mode. Enables request mode. Enables reply mode. Enables passive reply mode.
When a Frame Relay end-to-end keepalive mode is enabled, default values depend on which mode is selected. For the meaning of the parameters, see the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer, frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window, frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold, and frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events commands.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(5)T
Usage Guidelines
In bidirectional mode, both ends of a virtual circuit (VC) send keepalive requests and respond to keepalive requests. If one end of the VC is configured in the bidirectional mode, the other end must also be configured in the bidirectional mode. In request mode, the router sends keepalive requests and expects replies from the other end of the VC. If one end of a VC is configured in the request mode, the other end must be configured in the reply or passive-reply mode. In reply mode, the router does not send keepalive requests, but waits for keepalive requests from the other end of the VC and replies to them. If no keepalive request has arrived within the timer interval, the router times out and increments the error counter by 1. If one end of a VC is configured in the reply mode, the other end must be configured in the request mode. In passive-reply mode, the router does not send keepalive requests, but waits for keepalive requests from the other end of the VC and replies to them. No timer is set when in this mode, and the error counter is not incremented. If one end of a VC is configured in the passive-reply mode, the other end must be configured in the request mode. Table 2 displays parameter values for send and receive sides in bidirectional mode.
Table 2
Bidirectional Mode
Send-Side 10 seconds 3 2 2
Receive-Side 15 seconds 3 2 2
Table 3 displays parameter values for send- and receive-sides in request mode.
Table 3 Request Mode
Send-Side 10 seconds 3 2 2
Table 4 displays parameter values for send- and receive-sides in reply mode.
Table 4 Reply Mode
Receive-Side 15 seconds 3 2 2
The following example configures one end of a VC to send keepalive requests and respond to keepalive requests from the other end of the VC:
map-class frame-relay vcgrp1 frame-relay end-to-end keepalive bidirectional
The following example configures one end of a VC to reply to keepalive requests and to increment its error counter if no keepalive requests are received 30 seconds after the latest request:
map-class frame-relay oro34 frame-relay end-to-end keepalive reply frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer receive 30
Related Commands
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer map-class frame-relay show frame-relay end-to-end keepalive
Description Modifies the keepalive error threshold value. Modifies the keepalive event window value. Modifies the keepalive success events value. Modifies the keepalive timer. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC. Displays statistics about Frame Relay end-to-end keepalive.
Syntax Description
The number of consecutive send-side success events required to change the keepalive state from down to up. The number of consecutive receive-side success events required to change the keepalive state from down to up. Number of consecutive success events required. The maximum value is 32.
The default value for both the send and receive success events is 2.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The send-side value can be configured only in bidirectional and request modes. The receive-side value can be configured only in the bidirectional and reply modes. See the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode command. If the success events value is set low at the same time that a low value is set for the error threshold value of the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold command, the keepalive state of the VC may flap from state to state.
The following example shows how to increase the success events value:
map-class frame-relay vcgrp4 frame-relay end-to-end keepalive request frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events send 4
Related Commands
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode
Description Modifies the keepalive error threshold value. Modifies the keepalive event window value. Enables Frame Relay end-to-end keepalives.
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer map-class frame-relay show frame-relay end-to-end keepalive
Description Modifies the keepalive timer. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC. Displays statistics about Frame Relay end-to-end keepalive.
Syntax Description
How frequently to send a keepalive request. How long before the receive-side error counter is incremented if no request is received. Number, in seconds, for the timer to expire.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The send-side value can be configured only in bidirectional and request modes. The receive-side value can be configured only in the bidirectional and reply modes. See the frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode command. The send-side timer expires if a reply has not been received number seconds after a request is sent. The receive-side timer expires if a request has not been received number seconds after the previous request.
The following example shows how to set up one end of a virtual circuit (VC) to send a keepalive request every 15 seconds and increment the error counter if more than 22 seconds elapse between receiving keepalive responses:
map-class frame-relay vcgrp1 frame-relay end-to-end keepalive bidirectional frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer send 15 frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer receive 22
Related Commands
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events
Description Modifies the keepalive error threshold value. Modifies the keepalive event window value. Enables Frame Relay end-to-end keepalives. Modifies the keepalive success events value.
Description Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC. Displays statistics about Frame Relay end-to-end keepalive.
frame-relay fair-queue
To enable weighted fair queueing for one or more Frame Relay permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), use the frame-relay fair-queue command in map-class configuration mode. To disable weighted fair queueing for a Frame Relay map class, use the no form of this command. frame-relay fair-queue [congestive_discard_threshold [number_dynamic_conversation_queues [number_reservable_conversation_queues [max_buffer_size_for_fair_queues]]]] no frame-relay fair-queue [congestive_discard_threshold [number_dynamic_conversation_queues [number_reservable_conversation_queues [max_buffer_size_for_fair_queues]]]]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the number of messages allowed in each queue. The range is from 1 to 4096 messages; the default is 64. (Optional) Specifies the number of dynamic queues to be used for best-effort conversationsnormal conversations not requiring any special network services. Valid values are 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096; the default is 16. (Optional) Specifies the number of reserved queues to be used for carrying voice traffic. The range is from 0 to 100; the default is 2. (The command line interface (CLI) will not allow a value less than 2 if fragmentation is configured on the frame relay map-class.) (Optional) Specifies the maximum buffer size in bytes for all of the fair queues. The range is from 0 to 4096 bytes; the default is 600.
number_dynamic_conversation_ queues
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)T.
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must first associate a Frame Relay map class with a specific data-link connection identifier (DLCI), and then enter map-class configuration mode and enable or disable weighted fair queueing for that map class. When Frame Relay fragmentation is enabled, weighted fair queueing is the only queueing strategy allowed.
If this command is entered without any accompanying numbers, the default values for each of the four parameters will be set. If you desire to alter only the value of the first parameter (congestive_discard_ threshold), you only need to enter the desired value for that parameter. If you desire to alter only the value of the second, third, or fourth parameters, you must enter values for the preceding parameters as well as for the parameter you wish to change.
The following example shows how to enable weighted fair queueing and set the default parameter values for the vofr Frame Relay map class on a Cisco 2600 series, 3600 series, or 7200 series router or on a Cisco MC3810:
interface serial 1/1 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class vofr exit map-class frame-relay vofr frame-relay fair-queue
The following example shows how to enable weighted fair queueing and set the congestive_discard_ threshold parameter to a value other than the default value for the vofr Frame Relay map class on a Cisco 2600 series, 3600 series, or 7200 series router or on an MC3810 concentrator:
interface serial 1/1 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class vofr exit map-class frame-relay vofr frame-relay fair-queue 255
The following example shows how to enable weighted fair queueing and set the number_reservable_ conversation_queues to a value of 25 for the vofr Frame Relay map class on a Cisco 2600 series, 3600 series, or 7200 series router or on a Cisco MC3810:
interface serial 1/1 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class vofr exit map-class frame-relay vofr frame-relay fair-queue 64 256 25
Related Commands
Command class (virtual circuit) frame-relay fragment frame-relay interface-dlci map-class frame-relay
Description Associates a map class with a specified DLCI. Enables fragmentation for a Frame Relay map class. Assigns a DLCI to a specified Frame Relay subinterface on the router or access server. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
frame-relay fragment
To enable fragmentation of Frame Relay frames for a Frame Relay map class, use the frame-relay fragment command in map-class configuration mode. To disable Frame Relay fragmentation, use the no form of this command. frame-relay fragment fragment_size [switched] no frame-relay fragment
Syntax Description
Specifies the number of payload bytes from the original Frame Relay frame that will go into each fragment. This number excludes the Frame Relay header of the original frame. All the fragments of a Frame Relay frame except the last will have a payload size equal to fragment_size; the last fragment will have a payload less than or equal to fragment_size. Valid values are from 16 to 1600 bytes; the default is 53.
(Optional) Specifies that fragmentation will be enabled on a switched permanent virtual circuit (PVC).
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was implemented in Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T. This command was modified to extend end-to-end FRF.12 fragmentation support to additional platforms and to switched Frame Relay PVCs. This command was implemented on the Cisco 7500 series routers with a Versatile Interface Processor. This command was implemented on the Cisco 7500 series routers with a Versatile Interface Processor running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
Frame Relay fragmentation is enabled on a per-PVC basis. Before enabling Frame Relay fragmentation, you must first associate a Frame Relay map class with a specific data-link connection identifier (DLCI), and then enter map-class configuration mode and enable or disable fragmentation for that map class. In addition, you must enable Frame Relay traffic shaping on the interface in order for fragmentation to work.
Frame Relay frames are fragmented using one of the following formats, depending on how the PVC is configured:
Pure end-to-end FRF.12 format FRF.11 Annex C format Cisco proprietary format
Only pure end-to-end FRF.12 fragmentation can be configured on switched PVCs. Cisco recommends pure end-to-end FRF.12 fragmentation on PVCs that are carrying VoIP packets and on PVCs that are sharing the link with other PVCs carrying Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) traffic. In pure end-to-end FRF.12 fragmentation, Frame Relay frames having a payload less than the fragment size configured for that PVC are transmitted without the fragmentation header. FRF.11 Annex C and Cisco proprietary fragmentation are used when VoFR frames are transmitted on a PVC. When fragmentation is enabled on a PVC, FRF.11 Annex C format is implemented when vofr is configured on that PVC; Cisco proprietary format is implemented when vofr cisco is configured. In FRF.11 Annex C and Cisco proprietary fragmentation, VoFR frames are never fragmented, and all data packets (including VoIP packets) contain the fragmentation header regardless of the payload size.
The following example shows how to configure pure end-to-end FRF.12 fragmentation in the map class data. The map class is associated with switched PVC 20 on serial interface 3/3.
Router(config)# frame-relay switching ! Router(config)# interface Serial3/2 Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay Router(config-if)# frame-relay intf-type dce ! Router(config)# interface Serial3/3 Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay Router(config-if)# frame-relay traffic-shaping Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 20 switched Router(config-fr-dlci)# class data Router(config-if)# frame-relay intf-type dce ! Router(config)# map-class frame-relay data Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay fragment 80 switched Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay cir 64000 Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay bc 640 ! Router(config)# connect data Serial3/2 16 Serial3/3 20
The following example shows how to enable pure end-to-end FRF.12 fragmentation for the frag map class. The fragment payload size is set to 40 bytes. Frame Relay traffic shaping is required on the PVC; the only queueing type supported on the PVC when fragmentation is configured is weighted fair queueing (WFQ).
Router(config)# interface serial 1/0/0 Router(config-if)# frame-relay traffic-shaping Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 100 Router(config-fr-dlci)# class frag Router(config-fr-dlci)# exit Router(config)# map-class frame-relay frag
The following example is for the same configuration on a VIP-enabled Cisco 7500 series router:
Router(config)# class-map frf Router(config-cmap)# match protocol vofr Router(config-cmap)# exit Router(config)# policy-map llq Router(config-pmap)# class frf Router(config-pmap-c)# priority 2000 Router(config-pmap-c)# exit Router(config-pmap)# exit Router(config)# policy-map llq-shape Router(config-pmap)# class class-default Router(config-pmap-c)# shape average 1000 128000 Router(config-pmap-c)# service-policy llq Router(config-pmap-c)# exit Router(config-pmap)# exit Router(config)# interface serial 1/0/0.1 Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 100 Router(config-fr-dlci)# class frag Router(config-fr-dlci)# exit Router(config)# map-class frame-relay frag Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay fragment 40 Router(config-map-class)# service-policy llq-shape
The following example shows how to enable FRF.11 Annex C fragmentation for data on a Cisco MC3810 PVC configured for VoFR. Note that fragmentation must be configured if a VoFR PVC is to carry data. The fragment payload size is set to 40 bytes. Frame Relay traffic shaping is required on the PVC; the only queueing type supported on the PVC when fragmentation is configured is weighted fair queueing (WFQ).
Router(config)# interface serial 1/1 Router(config-if)# frame-relay traffic-shaping Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 101 Router(config-fr-dlci)# vofr Router(config-fr-dlci)# class frag Router(config-fr-dlci)# exit Router(config)# map-class Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay frame-relay frame-relay frame-relay frame-relay frag cir 128000 bc 1280 fragment 40 fair-queue
The following example is for the same configuration on a VIP-enabled Cisco 7500 series router:
Router(config)# class-map frf Router(config-cmap)# match protocol vofr Router(config-cmap)# exit Router(config)# policy-map llq Router(config-pmap)# class frf Router(config-pmap-c)# priority 2000 Router(config-pmap-c)# exit Router(config-pmap)# exit Router(config)# policy-map llq-shape
Router(config-pmap)# class class-default Router(config-pmap-c)# shape average 1000 128000 Router(config-pmap-c)# service-policy llq Router(config-pmap-c)# exit Router(config-pmap)# exit Router(config)# interface serial 1/1/0.1 Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 101 Router(config-fr-dlci)# class frag Router(config-fr-dlci)# exit Router(config)# map-class frame-relay frag Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay fragment 40 Router(config-map-class)# service-policy llq-shape Router(config-map-class)#
The following example shows how to enable Cisco-proprietary Frame Relay fragmentation for the frag Frame Relay map class on a Cisco 2600 series, 3600 series, or 7200 series router, starting from global configuration mode. The fragment payload size is set to 40 bytes. Frame Relay traffic shaping is required on the PVC; the only queueing type supported on the PVC when fragmentation is configured is weighted fair queueing (WFQ).
Router(config)# interface serial 2/0/0 Router(config-if)# frame-relay traffic-shaping Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 102 Router(config-fr-dlci)# vofr cisco Router(config-fr-dlci)# class frag Router(config-fr-dlci)# exit Router(config)# map-class Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-map-class)# Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay frame-relay frame-relay frame-relay frame-relay frag cir 128000 bc 1280 fragment 40 fair-queue
The following example is for the same configuration on a VIP-enabled Cisco 7500 series router:
Router(config)# class-map frf Router(config-cmap)# match protocol vofr Router(config-cmap)# exit Router(config)# policy-map llq Router(config-pmap)# class frf Router(config-pmap-c)# priority 2000 Router(config-pmap-c)# exit Router(config-pmap)# exit Router(config)# policy-map llq-shape Router(config-pmap)# class class-default Router(config-pmap-c)# shape average 1000 128000 Router(config-pmap-c)# service-policy llq Router(config-pmap-c)# exit Router(config-pmap)# exit Router(config)# interface serial 2/0/0.1 Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 102 Router(config-fr-dlci)# class frag Router(config-fr-dlci)# exit Router(config)# map-class frame-relay frag Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay fragment 40 Router(config-map-class)# service-policy llq-shape
Related Commands
Command class (virtual circuit) debug frame-relay fragment frame-relay fair-queue frame-relay interface-dlci frame-relay traffic-shaping map-class frame-relay
Description Associates a map class with a specified DLCI. Displays information related to Frame Relay fragmentation on a PVC. Enables weighted fair queueing for one or more Frame Relay PVCs. Assigns a DLCI to a specified Frame Relay subinterface on the router or access server. Enables traffic shaping and per-virtual circuit queueing for all PVCs and SVCs on a Frame Relay interface. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
Syntax Description
Specifies the number of payload bytes from the original Frame Relay frame that will go into each fragment. This number excludes the Frame Relay header of the original frame. Valid values range from 16 to 1600; the default is 53.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced to enable fragmentation on a Frame Relay interface. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Interface fragmentation and class-based fragmentation cannot be configured at the same time. To configure class-based fragmentation that can be applied to individual permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), use the frame-relay fragment command in map-class configuration mode. Interface fragmentation supports the following types of fragment formats:
When fragmentation is enabled on an interface, all PVCs on the main interface and its subinterfaces will have fragmentation enabled with the same configured fragment size. All the fragments of a Frame Relay frame except the last will have a payload size equal to the configured fragment-size value; the last fragment will have a payload less than or equal to fragment-size. When configuring fragmentation on an interface that has low-latency queueing, configure the fragment size to be greater than the largest high-priority frame that would be expected. This configuration will prevent higher-priority traffic from being fragmented and queued up behind lower priority fragmented frames. If the size of a priority frame is larger than the configured fragment size, the priority frame will be fragmented.
Local Management Interface (LMI) traffic will not be fragmented. Note the following interface fragmentation restrictions:
Interface fragmentation and Frame Relay traffic shaping cannot be configured at the same time. Interface fragmentation and class-based fragmentation cannot be configured at the same time.
The following example shows the configuration of low-latency queueing, FRF.12 fragmentation, and shaping on serial interface 3/2. Note that traffic from the priority queue will not be interleaved with fragments from the class-default queue because shaping is configured.
class-map voice match access-group 101 policy-map llq class voice priority 64 policy-map shaper class class-default shape average 96000 service-policy llq interface serial 3/2 ip address encapsulation frame-relay bandwidth 128 clock rate 128000 service-policy output shaper frame-relay fragment 80 end-to-end access-list 101 match ip any host
Related Commands
Description Specifies the name of the class whose policy you want to create or change or specifies the default class before you configure its policy. Displays information related to Frame Relay fragmentation on a PVC.
Syntax Description
deactivation seconds
(Optional) Number of seconds that must elapse after the last voice packet is transmitted before fragmentation is deactivated. The range is from 1 to 10000.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation can be used in conjunction with Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping to reduce network congestion and improve voice transmission quality. The frame-relay fragmentation voice-adaptive command can be used only on main interfaces. This command is not supported on subinterfaces. Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation enables a router to fragment large packets whenever packets (usually voice) are detected in the low latency queueing priority queue or H.323 call setup signaling packets are present. When there are no packets in the priority queue for a configured period of time and signaling packets are not present, fragmentation is stopped.
Although the priority queue is generally used for voice traffic, Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation will respond to any packets (voice or data) in the priority queue. Note the following prerequisites for Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation:
End-to-end fragmentation must be configured in a map class by using the frame-relay fragment command or on the interface by using the frame-relay fragment end-to-end command. Frame Relay traffic shaping or traffic shaping using the Modular QoS CLI (MQC) must be configured. If end-to-end fragmentation is configured on the interface, traffic shaping using the MQC must be configured. Low latency queueing must be configured.
Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation supports FRF.12 fragmentation only. Neither FRF.11 Annex C nor Cisco proprietary fragmentation is supported.
The following examples show the configuration of Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping and fragmentation. The first example shows end-to-end fragmentation configured in a map class that is associated with PVC 100. In the second example, end-to-end fragmentation is configured directly on the interface. With both example configurations, priority-queue packets or H.323 call setup signaling packets destined for PVC 100 will result in the reduction of the sending rate from the committed information rate (CIR) to the minimum CIR and the activation of FRF.12 end-to-end fragmentation. If signaling packets and priority-queue packets are not detected for 50 seconds, the sending rate will increase to CIR and fragmentation will be deactivated.
Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Fragmentation with End-to-End Fragmentation Configured in a Map Class
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay fragmentation voice-adaptive deactivation 50 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class voice_adaptive_class ! map-class frame-relay voice_adaptive_class frame-relay fair-queue frame-relay fragment 80 service-policy output shape
Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Fragmentation with End-to-End Fragmentation Configured on the Interface
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay fragmentation voice-adaptive deactivation 50 frame-relay fragment 80 end-to-end frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class voice_adaptive_class
Related Commands
Command frame-relay fragment frame-relay fragment end-to-end shape fr-voice-adapt show frame-relay pvc
Description Enables fragmentation of Frame Relay frames for a Frame Relay map class. Enables fragmentation of Frame Relay frames on an interface. Enables Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping. Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces.
frame-relay holdq
To configure the maximum size of a traffic-shaping queue on a switched permanent virtual circuit (PVC), use the frame-relay holdq command in map-class configuration mode. To reconfigure the size of the queue, use the no form of this command. frame-relay holdq queue-size no frame-relay holdq queue-size
Syntax Description
Size of the traffic-shaping queue, as specified in maximum number of packets. The range is from 1 to 512.
40 packets
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
You must enable Frame Relay traffic shaping, using the frame-relay traffic-shaping interface command, before frame-relay holdq and other traffic-shaping map-class commands will be effective. You must enable Frame Relay switching, using the frame-relay switching global command, before the frame-relay holdq command will be effective on switched PVCs. The frame-relay holdq command can be applied to switched PVCs that use FIFO default queueing.
The following example illustrates the configuration of the maximum size of the traffic-shaping queue on a switched PVC. The queue size is configured in a map class called perpvc_congestion:
map-class frame-relay perpvc_congestion frame-relay holdq 100
Related Commands
Description Enables PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or NNI. Enables both traffic shaping and per-PVC queueing for all PVCs and SVCs on a Frame Relay interface.
frame-relay idle-timer
To specify the idle timeout interval for a switched virtual circuit (SVC), use the frame-relay idle-timer command in map-class configuration mode. To reset the idle timer to its default interval, use the no form of this command. frame-relay idle-timer [in | out] seconds no frame-relay idle-timer seconds
Syntax Description
in out seconds
(Optional) timeout interval applies to inbound packet activity. (Optional) timeout interval applies to outbound packet activity. Time interval, in seconds, with no frames exchanged on a switched virtual circuit, after which the SVC is released.
120 seconds
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The following keywords were added:
in out
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay idle-timer command applies to switched virtual circuits that are associated with the map class where the idle-timer is defined. The idle timer must be tuned for each application. Routing protocols such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) might keep the SVC up indefinitely because updates go out every 10 seconds. Beginning in Cisco IOS Release 11.3, if in and out are not specified in the command, the timeout interval applies to both timers. In Cisco IOS Release 11.2, the timeout interval applies to the outbound timer.
The following example defines the traffic rate and idle timer for the fast_vcs map class and applies those values to DLCI 100, which is associated with that map class:
interface serial 0 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class fast_vc map-class frame-relay fast_vcs frame-relay traffic-rate 56000 128000 frame-relay idle-timer 30
Related Commands
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the frame-relay interface-dlci switched command to allow a map class to be associated with a switched permanent virtual circuit (PVC). You cannot change an existing PVC from terminated to switched or vice versa. You must delete the PVC and recreate it in order to change the type. Use the frame-relay interface-dlci switched command to create switched PVCs for configuring Frame Relay-ATM network interworking (FRF.5) and Frame Relay-ATM service interworking (FRF.8). By issuing the frame-relay interface-dlci switched interface configuration command, you enter Frame Relay DLCI interface configuration mode (see the example below).
In the following example, DLCI 16 on serial interface 0 is identified as a switched PVC and is associated with a map class called shape256K.
Router(config) # interface serial0 Router(config-if) # encapsulation frame-relay Router(config-if) # frame-relay interface-dlci 16 switched Router(config-fr-dlci) # class shape256K
Related Commands
Description Defines connections between Frame Relay PVCs. Associates a map class with an interface or subinterface.
Description Enables PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or NNI. Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces.
frame-relay interface-dlci
To assign a data-link connection identifier (DLCI) to a specified Frame Relay subinterface on the router or access server, to assign a specific permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to a DLCI, or to apply a virtual template configuration for a PPP session, use the frame-relay interface-dlci command in interface configuration mode. To remove this assignment, use the no form of this command. frame-relay interface-dlci dlci [ietf | cisco] [voice-cir cir] [ppp virtual-template-name] no frame-relay interface-dlci dlci [ietf | cisco] [voice-cir cir] [ppp virtual-template-name]
BOOTP Server Only
Syntax Description
DLCI number to be used on the specified subinterface. (Optional) Encapsulation type: Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Frame Relay encapsulation or Cisco Frame Relay encapsulation. (Optional; supported on the Cisco MC3810 only.) Specifies the upper limit on the voice bandwidth that may be reserved for this DLCI. The default is the committed information rate (CIR) configured for the Frame Relay map class. For more information, see the Usage Guidelines section. (Optional) Enables the circuit to use the PPP in Frame Relay encapsulation. (Optional) Specifies which virtual template interface to apply the PPP connection to. (Optional) Indicates the IP address of the main interface of a new router or access server onto which a router configuration file is to be automatically installed over a Frame Relay network. Use this option only when this device will act as the BOOTP server for automatic installation over Frame Relay.
voice-cir cir
No DLCI is assigned.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The voice-encap option was added for the Cisco MC3810. The ppp keyword and virtual-template-name argument were introduced. The voice-cir option was added for the Cisco MC3810. The keyword x25 profile was introduced.
Modification Usage guidelines for the Cisco MC3810 were added. The voice-encap keyword for the Cisco MC3810 was removed. This keyword is no longer supported. The voice-encap keyword for the Cisco MC3810 was removed. This keyword is no longer supported.
Usage Guidelines
This command is typically used for subinterfaces; however, it can also be used on main interfaces. Using the frame-relay interface-dlci command on main interfaces will enable the use of routing protocols on interfaces that use Inverse ARP. The frame-relay interface-dlci command on a main interface is also valuable for assigning a specific class to a single PVC where special characteristics are desired. Subinterfaces are logical interfaces associated with a physical interface. You must specify the interface and subinterface before you can use this command to assign any DLCIs and any encapsulation or broadcast options. See the Examples section for the sequence of commands. This command is required for all point-to-point subinterfaces; it is also required for multipoint subinterfaces for which dynamic address resolution is enabled. It is not required for multipoint subinterfaces configured with static address mappings. Use the protocol ip ip-address option only when this router or access server will act as the BOOTP server for auto installation over Frame Relay. By issuing the frame-relay interface-dlci interface configuration command, you enter Frame Relay DLCI interface configuration mode (see the first example below). This gives you the following command options, which must be used with the relevant class or X.25-profile names you previously assigned:
class nameAssigns a map class to a DLCI. defaultSets a command to its defaults. no {class name | x25-profile name}Cancels the relevant class or X.25 profile. x25-profile nameAssigns an X.25 profile to a DLCI. (Annex G).
A Frame Relay DLCI configured for Annex G can be thought of as a single logical X.25/LAPB interface. Therefore, any number of X.25 routes may be configured to route X.25 calls to that logical interface. The voice-cir option on the Cisco MC3810 provides call admission control; it does not provide traffic shaping. A call setup will be refused if the unallocated bandwidth available at the time of the request is not at least equal to the value of the voice-cir option. When configuring the voice-cir option on the Cisco MC3810 for Voice over Frame Relay, do not set the value of this option to be higher than the physical link speed. If Frame Relay traffic shaping is enabled for a PVC sharing voice and data, do not configure the voice-cir option to be higher than the value set with the frame-relay mincir command.
On the Cisco MC3810 only, the voice-cir option performs the same function as the frame-relay voice bandwidth map-class configuration command introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)XG. For more information about automatically installing router configuration files over a Frame Relay network, see the Loading and Maintaining System Images chapter in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals and Network Management Configuration Guide.
The following example specifies DLCI 26 over subinterface serial 1.1 and assigns the characteristics under virtual-template 2 to this PPP connection:
Router(config)# interface serial1.1 point-to-point Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 26 ppp virtual-template2
The following example shows an Annex G connection being created by assigning the X.25 profile NetworkNodeA to the Frame Relay DLCI interface 20 on interface serial 1 (having enabled Frame Relay encapsulation on that interface):
Router(config)# interface serial1 Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 20 Router(config-fr-dlci)# x25-profile NetworkNodeA
The following example assigns DLCI 100 to a serial interface, starting from global configuration mode:
router(config)# interface serial 1/1 router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 100 router(config-fr-dlci)#
Related Commands
Description Associates a map class with an interface or subinterface. Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces. Displays P1024B/C information. Configures subchannels and enables Voice over Frame Relay for a specific DLCI.
frame-relay intf-type
To configure a Frame Relay switch type, use the frame-relay intf-type command in interface configuration mode. To disable the switch, use the no form of this command. frame-relay intf-type [dce | dte | nni] no frame-relay intf-type [dce | dte | nni]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Router or access server functions as a switch connected to a router. (Optional) Router or access server is connected to a Frame Relay network. (Optional) Router or access server functions as a switch connected to a switchsupports Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) connections.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command can be used only if Frame Relay switching has previously been enabled globally by means of the frame-relay switching command.
frame-relay inverse-arp
To reenable Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (Inverse ARP) on a specified interface, subinterface, data-link connection identifier (DLCI), or Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundle if Inverse ARP was previously disabled, use the frame-relay inverse-arp command in interface configuration mode. To disable Inverse ARP, use the no form of this command. frame-relay inverse-arp [protocol] [dlci | vc-bundle vc-bundle-name] no frame-relay inverse-arp [protocol] [dlci | vc-bundle vc-bundle-name]
Syntax Description
(Optional) One of the following values: appletalk, decnet, ip, and ipx. (Optional) One of the DLCI numbers used on the interface. Acceptable values are integers from 16 through 1007, inclusive. (Optional) A specific Frame Relay PVC bundle configured on the interface.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The vc-bundle vc-bundle-name keyword and argument pair was added. The apollo, vines, and xns keywords were removed because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
To enable Inverse ARP for all protocols that were enabled before the prior no frame-relay inverse-arp command was issued, use the frame-relay inverse-arp command without arguments. To disable Inverse ARP for all protocols supported on an interface, use the no frame-relay inverse-arp command without arguments. To enable or disable Inverse ARP for a specific protocol and DLCI pair, use both the protocol and dlci arguments. To enable or disable Inverse ARP for a specific protocol and Frame Relay PVC bundle (consisting of up to eight DLCIs), use both the protocol and vc-bundle vc-bundle-name elements. To enable or disable Inverse ARP for all protocols on a DLCI or Frame Relay PVC bundle, use either the dlci argument by itself or the vc-bundle vc-bundle-name keyword and argument pair by itself. To enable or disable Inverse ARP for a specific protocol for all DLCIs on the specified interface or subinterface, use only the protocol argument.
When a Frame Relay PVC bundle is specified, only one member of the PVC bundle will handle Inverse ARP packets. By default, the bundle member PVC that handles precedence or EXP level 6 or DSCP level 63 handles Inverse ARP packets. Use the inarp command to configure a different PVC bundle member to handle Inverse ARP packets. This implementation of Inverse ARP is based on RFC 1293. It allows a router or access server running Frame Relay to discover the protocol address at the other side of a virtual circuit. The show frame-relay map command displays the word dynamic to flag virtual circuits that are created dynamically by Inverse ARP.
The following example sets Inverse ARP on DLCI 100 on an interface running IPX:
interface serial 0 frame-relay inverse-arp ipx 100
Related Commands
Description Clears dynamically created Frame Relay maps, which are created by the use of Inverse ARP. Specifies the PVC bundle member used to handle the Inverse ARP packets. Displays the current map entries and information about the connections.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of TCP header compression connections. The range is from 3 to 256.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
Before you can configure the maximum number of connections, TCP header compression must be configured on the interface using the frame-relay ip tcp header-compression command. The number of TCP header compression connections must be set to the same value at each end of the connection.
The following example shows the configuration of a maximum of 150 TCP header compression connections on serial interface 0:
interface serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay ip tcp header-compression frame-relay ip tcp compression-connections 150
Related Commands
Description Enables TCP header compression for all Frame Relay maps on a physical interface. Enables both RTP and TCP header compression on a link.
Description Assigns header compression characteristics to an IP map that differ from the compression characteristics of the interface with which the IP map is associated. Displays statistics and TCP/IP header compression information for the interface.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Compresses the outgoing TCP/IP packet header only if an incoming packet had a compressed header.
Active TCP/IP header compression; all outgoing TCP/IP packets are subjected to header compression.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to interfaces that support Frame Relay encapsulation, specifically serial ports and High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI). Frame Relay must be configured on the interface before this command can be used. TCP/IP header compression and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) encapsulation are mutually exclusive. If an interface is changed to IETF encapsulation, all encapsulation and compression characteristics are lost. When you use this command to enable TCP/IP header compression, every IP map inherits the compression characteristics of the interface, unless header compression is explicitly rejected or modified by use of the frame-relay map ip tcp header compression command. We recommend that you shut down the interface prior to changing encapsulation types. Although this is not required, shutting down the interface ensures the interface is reset for the new type.
The following example configures serial interface 1 to use the default encapsulation (cisco) and passive TCP header compression:
interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay ip tcp header-compression passive
Related Commands
frame-relay map ip tcp header-compression Assigns header compression characteristics to an IP map different from the compression characteristics of the interface with which the IP map is associated.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
If the Frame Relay switch does not support FRMR, use the no form of this command to suppress the transmission of FRMR frames.
frame-relay lapf k
To set the Link Access Procedure for Frame Relay (LAPF) window size k, use the frame-relay lapf k command in interface configuration mode. To reset the maximum window size k to the default value, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lapf k number no frame-relay lapf k [number]
Syntax Description
Maximum number of Information frames that either are outstanding for transmission or are transmitted but unacknowledged, in the range from 1 to 127.
7 frames
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting. Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.
The following example resets the LAPF window size k to the default value:
no frame-relay lapf k
Related Commands
Description Sets the LAPF link idle timer value T203 of DLCI 0.
Syntax Description
3 retransmissions
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting. Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.
The following example resets the N200 maximum retransmission count to the default value:
no frame-relay lapf n200
Syntax Description
Maximum number of bytes in the Information field of the LAPF I frame. Range is from 1 to 16384. Default is 260.
260 bytes
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting. Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.
The following example resets the N201 maximum information field length to the default value:
no frame-relay lapf n201
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
The retransmission timer value T200 should be less than the link idle timer value T203 (using the same time unit). This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting. Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.
The following example resets the T200 timer to the default value:
no frame-relay lapf t200
Related Commands
Description Sets the LAPF link idle timer value T203 of DLCI 0.
Syntax Description
Maximum time allowed with no frames exchanged. Range is from 1 to 65535 seconds. Default is 30.
30 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay lapf t203 command applies to the link; that is, it applies to DLCI 0. Circuits other than DLCI 0 are not affected. The link idle timer value T203 should be greater than the retransmission timer value T200 (using the same time unit). This command is used to tune Layer 2 system parameters to work well with the Frame Relay switch. Normally, you do not need to change the default setting. Manipulation of Layer 2 parameters is not recommended if you do not know well the resulting functional change. For more information, refer to the ITU-T Q.922 specification for LAPF.
The following example resets the T203 idle link timer to the default value:
no frame-relay lapf t203
frame-relay lmi-n391dte
To set a full status polling interval, use the frame-relay lmi-n391dte command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default interval value, assuming that a Local Management Interface (LMI) has been configured, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lmi-n391dte keep-exchanges no frame-relay lmi-n391dte keep-exchanges
Syntax Description
Number of keep exchanges to be done before requesting a full status message. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range from 1 to 255.
6 keep exchanges
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Use this command when the interface is configured as data terminal equipment (DTE) or a Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) as a means of setting the full status message polling interval.
In the following example, one out of every four status inquiries generated will request a full status response from the switch. The other three status inquiries will request keepalive exchanges only.
interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DTE frame-relay lmi-n391dte 4
frame-relay lmi-n392dce
To set the DCE and the Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) error threshold, use the frame-relay lmi-n392dce command in interface configuration mode. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lmi-n392dce threshold no frame-relay lmi-n392dce threshold
Syntax Description
Error threshold value. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range from 1 to 10.
2 errors
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
In Ciscos implementation, N392 errors must occur within the number defined by the N393 event count in order for the link to be declared down. Therefore, the threshold value for this command must be less than the count value defined in the frame-relay lmi-n393dce command.
The following example sets the LMI failure threshold to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DCE or NNI switch.
interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DCE frame-relay lmi-n392dce 3
Related Commands
frame-relay lmi-n392dte
To set the error threshold on a DTE or network-to-network interface (NNI) interface, use the frame-relay lmi-n392dte command in interface configuration mode. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lmi-n392dte threshold no frame-relay lmi-n392dte threshold
Syntax Description
Error threshold value. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range from 1 to 10.
3 errors
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
The following example sets the Local Management Interface (LMI) failure threshold to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DTE or NNI switch.
interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DTE frame-relay lmi-n392dte 3
frame-relay lmi-n393dce
To set the DCE and Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) monitored events count, use the frame-relay lmi-n393dce command in interface configuration mode. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lmi-n393dce events no frame-relay lmi-n393dce events
Syntax Description
Value of monitored events count. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range from 1 to 10.
2 events
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command and the frame-relay lmi-n392dce command define the condition that causes the link to be declared down. In Ciscos implementation, N392 errors must occur within the events argument count in order for the link to be declared down. Therefore, the events value defined in this command must be greater than the threshold value defined in the frame-relay lmi-n392dce command.
The following example sets the Local Management Interface (LMI) monitored events count to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DCE or NNI switch.
interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DCE frame-relay lmi-n393dce 3
Related Commands
frame-relay lmi-n393dte
To set the monitored event count on a DTE or Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) interface, use the frame-relay lmi-n393dte command ininterface configuration mode. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lmi-n393dte events no frame-relay lmi-n393dte events
Syntax Description
Value of monitored events count. Acceptable value is a positive integer in the range from 1 to 10.
4 events
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
The following example sets the Local Management Interface (LMI) monitored events count to 3. The router acts as a Frame Relay DTE or NNI switch.
interface serial 0 frame-relay intf-type DTE frame-relay lmi-n393dte 3
frame-relay lmi-t392dce
To set the polling verification timer on a DCE or Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) interface, use the frame-relay lmi-t392dce command in interface configuration mode. To remove the current setting, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lmi-t392dce seconds no frame-relay lmi-t392dce seconds
Syntax Description
15 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The value for the timer must be greater than the DTE or NNI keepalive timer.
The following example indicates a polling verification timer on a DCE or NNI interface set to 20 seconds:
interface serial 3 frame-relay intf-type DCE frame-relay lmi-t392dce 20
Related Commands
Description Enables the LMI mechanism for serial lines using Frame Relay encapsulation.
frame-relay lmi-type
To select the Local Management Interface (LMI) type, use the frame-relay lmi-type command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default LMI type, use the no form of this command. frame-relay lmi-type {ansi | cisco | q933a} no frame-relay lmi-type {ansi | q933a}
Syntax Description
Annex D defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard T1.617. LMI type defined jointly by Cisco and three other companies. ITU-T Q.933 Annex A.
LMI autosense is active and determines the LMI type by communicating with the switch.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Ciscos implementation of Frame Relay supports three LMI types: Cisco, ANSI Annex D, and ITU-T Q.933 Annex A. The LMI type is set on a per-interface basis and is shown in the output of the show interfaces EXEC command. If you want to deactivate LMI autosense, use this command and the keepalive command to configure the LMI. For more information about LMI autosense and configuring the LMI, refer to the chapter Configuring Frame Relay" in the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide.
The following is an example of the commands you might enter to configure an interface for the ANSI Annex D LMI type:
interface Serial1 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type ansi keepalive 15
frame-relay local-dlci
To set the source data-link connection identifier (DLCI) for use when the Local Management Interface (LMI) is not supported, use the frame-relay local-dlci command in interface configuration mode. To remove the DLCI number, use the no form of this command. frame-relay local-dlci number no frame-relay local-dlci
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
If LMI is supported and the multicast information element is present, the network server sets its local DLCI based on information provided via the LMI.
The frame-relay local-dlci command is provided mainly to allow testing of the Frame Relay encapsulation in a setting where two servers are connected back-to-back. This command is not required in a live Frame Relay network.
frame-relay map
To define the mapping between a destination protocol address and the data-link connection identifier (DLCI) or Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundle that connects to the destination address, use the frame-relay map command in interface configuration mode. To delete the map entry, use the no form of this command. frame-relay map protocol protocol-address {dlci | vc-bundle vc-bundle-name}[broadcast] [ietf | cisco] [payload-compression {packet-by-packet | frf9 stac [one-way-negotiation] [ratio level] [skip-zero-sync] [software | hardware-options] | data-stream stac [one-way-negotiation] [ratio level] [software | hardware-options]}] no frame-relay map protocol protocol-address
Syntax Description
One of the following values: appletalk, decnet, dlsw, ip, ipx, llc2, and rsrb. Destination protocol address. DLCI number used to connect to the specified protocol address on the interface. Acceptable numbers are integers from 16 through 1007, inclusive. A specific Frame Relay PVC bundle configured on the interface. (Optional) Forwards broadcasts to this address when multicast is not enabled (see the frame-relay multicast-dlci command for more information about multicasts). This keyword also simplifies the configuration of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) (see the Usage Guidelines section for more detail). (Optional) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) form of Frame Relay encapsulation, based on RFC 1490 and RFC 2427. Used when the router or access server is connected to another vendors equipment across a Frame Relay network. (Optional) Cisco-proprietary encapsulation method consisting of a four-byte header, with two bytes to identify the DLCI and two bytes to identify the packet type. (Optional) Enables payload compression. (Optional)Packet-by-packet payload compression using the Stacker method. (Optional)Enables FRF.9 compression using the Stacker method.
If the router contains a CSA 1, compression is performed in the CSA hardware (hardware compression). If the CSA is not available, compression is performed in the software installed on the VIP2 2 (distributed compression). If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the main processor of the router (software compression).
(Optional) Enables one-way negotiation. Use this keyword if your router will be negotiating compression with another device that is running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(9) or earlier releases. Later Cisco IOS releases use a two-way handshake by default to negotiate compression. (Optional) Sets throughput versus compression ratio. This option is available only with hardware compression. Possible values for the level argument are as follows: highhigh compression versus low throughput mediummedium compression versus medium throughput lowlow compression versus high throughput (default)
ratio level
software hardware-options
(Optional) Specifies that compression is implemented in the Cisco IOS software installed in the main processor of the router. (Optional) Choose one of the following hardware options: caim element-numberEnables the CAIM 3 to perform compression. distributedSpecifies that compression is implemented in the software that is installed in a VIP2. If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the main processor of the router (software compression). This option applies only to the Cisco 7500 series routers. This option is not supported with data-stream compression. csa csa_numberSpecifies the CSA to use for a particular interface. This option applies only to Cisco 7200 series routers.
(Optional) Causes compression frames to be numbered starting from 1 rather than 0. Use this keyword if your router will be interoperating with a device conforming to IBM partner conventions. (Optional) Enables data-stream compression using the Stacker method.
data-stream stac
If the router contains a CSA, compression is performed in the CSA hardware (hardware compression). If the CSA is not available, compression is performed in the main processor of the router (software compression).
1. CSA = compression service adapter 2. VIP2 = second-generation Versatile Interface Processor 3. CAIM = compression Advanced Interface Module
No mapping is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The payload-compress frf9 stac keyword was added. The payload-compress data-stream stac keyword was added. The skip-zero-sync keyword was added. The vc-bundle vc-bundle-name keyword and argument pair was added. The apollo, vines, and xns arguments were removed because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software. The one-way-negotiation keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines
Many DLCIs can be known by a router or access server and can send data to many different places, but they are all multiplexed over one physical link. The Frame Relay map defines the logical connection between a specific protocol and address pair and the correct DLCI or PVC bundle. The optional ietf and cisco keywords allow flexibility in the configuration. If no keywords are specified, the map inherits the attributes set with the encapsulation frame-relay command. You can also use the encapsulation options to specify, for example, that all interfaces use IETF encapsulation except one, which needs the original Cisco encapsulation method and can be configured through use of the cisco keyword with the frame-relay map command. Data-stream compression is supported on interfaces and virtual circuits (VCs) using Cisco proprietary encapsulation. When the data-stream stac keyword is specified, Cisco encapsulation is automatically enabled. FRF.9 compression is supported on IETF-encapsulated VCs and interfaces. When the frf9 stac keyword is specified, IETF encapsulation is automatically enabled. Packet-by-packet compression is Cisco-proprietary and will not interoperate with routers of other manufacturers. You can disable payload compression by entering the no frame-relay map payload command and then entering the frame-relay map command again with one of the other encapsulation keywords (ietf or cisco). Use the frame-relay map command to enable or disable payload compression on multipoint interfaces. Use the frame-relay payload-compression command to enable or disable payload compression on point-to-point interfaces. We recommend that you shut down the interface before changing encapsulation types. Although shutting down the interface is not required, it ensures that the interface is reset for the new encapsulation. The broadcast keyword provides two functions: it forwards broadcasts when multicasting is not enabled, and it simplifies the configuration of OSPF for nonbroadcast networks that will use Frame Relay. The broadcast keyword may also be required for some routing protocolsfor example, AppleTalkthat depend on regular routing table updates, especially when the router at the remote end is waiting for a routing update packet to arrive before adding the route. By requiring selection of a designated router, OSPF treats a nonbroadcast, multiaccess network such as Frame Relay in much the same way as it treats a broadcast network. When the frame-relay map command (with the broadcast keyword) and the ip ospf network command (with the broadcast keyword) are configured, there is no need to configure any neighbors manually. OSPF will run automatically over the Frame Relay network as a broadcast network. (See the ip ospf network interface command for more detail.)
The OSPF broadcast mechanism assumes that IP class D addresses are never used for regular traffic over Frame Relay.
The following example maps the destination IP address to DLCI 100:
interface serial 0 frame-relay map ip 100 broadcast
The following example maps the destination IP address to the Frame Relay PVC bundle named MAIN-1:
interface serial 0 frame-relay map ip vc-bundle MAIN-1 broadcast
The following example shows FRF.9 compression configuration using the frame-relay map command:
interface serial2/0/1 ip address no ip route-cache encapsulation frame-relay ietf no keepalive shutdown frame-relay map ip 105 ietf payload-compression frf9 stac
The following example shows data-stream compression configuration using the frame-relay map command:
interface serial0/0 frame-relay map ip 100 payload-compression data-stream stac
Related Commands
frame-relay payload-compression Enables Stacker payload compression on a specified point-to-point interface or subinterface. frame-relay vc-bundle ip ospf network Creates a Frame Relay PVC bundle and enters Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. Configures the OSPF network type to a type other than the default for a given medium.
Syntax Description
DLCI number to be used for bridging on the specified interface or subinterface. (Optional) Broadcasts are forwarded when multicast is not enabled. (Optional) IETF form of Frame Relay encapsulation. Use when the router or access server is connected to another vendor's equipment across a Frame Relay network.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
The following example sets up separate point-to-point links over a subinterface and runs transparent bridging over it:
interface serial 0 bridge-group 1 encapsulation frame-relay interface serial 0.1 bridge-group 1 frame-relay map bridge 42 broadcast interface serial 0.2 bridge-group 1 frame-relay map bridge 64 broadcast interface serial 0.3 bridge-group 1 frame-relay map bridge 73 broadcast
DLCI 42 is used as the link; refer to the section Frame Relay Configuration Examples in the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide for more examples of subinterfaces.
Syntax Description
dlci broadcast
DLCI number to which CLNS broadcasts are forwarded on the specified interface. (Optional) Broadcasts are forwarded when multicast is not enabled.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Syntax Description
IP address of the destination or next hop. Data-link connection identifier (DLCI) number. (Optional) Forwards broadcasts to the specified IP address. (Optional) Compresses the header of every outgoing TCP/IP packet. (Optional) Compresses the header of an outgoing TCP/IP packet only if an incoming TCP/IP packet had a compressed header. (Optional) Specifies the maximum number of TCP header compression connections. The range is from 3 to 256. Default is 256.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to enable the configuration of the maximum number of header compression connections.
Usage Guidelines
If you do not specify the number of TCP header compression connections, the map will inherit the current value from the interface. IP maps inherit the compression characteristics of the associated interface unless this command is used to provide different characteristics. This command can also reconfigure an IP map that existed before TCP header compression was configured on the associated interface. When IP maps at both ends of a connection inherit passive compression, the connection will never transfer compressed traffic because neither side will generate a packet that has a compressed header. If you change the encapsulation characteristics of the interface to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) encapsulation, you lose the TCP header compression configuration of the associated IP map. The frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci tcp header-compression active command can also be entered as frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci active tcp header-compression. We recommend that you shut down the interface before changing encapsulation types. Although shutting down the interface is not required, it ensures that the interface is reset for the new encapsulation.
The following example illustrates a command sequence for configuring an IP map associated with serial interface 1 to enable active TCP/IP header compression:
interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay ip address frame-relay map ip 190 tcp header-compression active
Related Commands
Command frame-relay ip tcp compression-connections frame-relay ip tcp header-compression frame-relay map ip compress show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression
Description Specifies the maximum number of TCP header compression connections that can exist on a Frame Relay interface. Enables TCP header compression for all Frame Relay maps on a physical interface. Enables both RTP and TCP header compression on a link. Displays statistics and TCP/IP header compression information for the interface.
frame-relay mincir
To specify the minimum acceptable incoming or outgoing committed information rate (CIR) for a Frame Relay virtual circuit, use the frame-relay mincir command in map-class configuration mode. To reset the minimum acceptable CIR to the default, use the no form of this command. frame-relay mincir {in | out} bps no frame-relay mincir
Syntax Description
in | out bps
56000 bps
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Rate values greater than 2048 must be entered with trailing zeros. For example, 2048000 and 5120000. The network uses the mincir value when allocating resources for the SVC. If the mincir value cannot be supported, the call is cleared.
The following example defines the peak and average traffic rate, the minimum CIR, and the idle timer for the fast_vcs map class and applies those values to DLCI 100, which is associated with that map class:
interface serial 0 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class fast_vc map-class frame-relay fast_vc frame-relay traffic-rate 56000 128000 frame-relay idle-timer 30 frame-relay mincir out 48000
Related Commands
frame-relay multicast-dlci
To define the data-link connection identifier (DLCI) to be used for multicasts, use the frame-relay multicast-dlci command in interface configuration mode. To remove the multicast group, use the no form of this command. frame-relay multicast-dlci number no frame-relay multicast-dlci
Syntax Description
Multicast DLCI.
No DLCI is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Use this command when the multicast facility is not supported. Network transmissions (packets) sent to a multicast DLCI are delivered to all network servers defined as members of the multicast group.
The frame-relay multicast-dlci command is provided mainly to allow testing of the Frame Relay encapsulation in a setting where two servers are connected back-to-back. This command is not required in a live Frame Relay network.
Syntax Description
Number of seconds that a bundle link will wait for a hello message acknowledgment before resending the hello message. The range is from 1 to 10 seconds. Default is 4.
4 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay multilink ack command can be configured only on bundle link interfaces that have been associated with a bundle using the encapsulation frame-relay mfr command. Both ends of a bundle link send out hello messages at regular intervals. When a peer device receives a hello message, it responds by sending an acknowledgment. This exchange of hello messages and acknowledgments serve as a keepalive mechanism for the link. If the bundle link sends a hello message but does not receive an acknowledgment, it will resend the hello message up to a configured maximum number of times. If the bundle link exhausts the maximum number of retries, the bundle link line protocol is considered down (unoperational). The frame-relay multilink ack command setting on the local router is independent of the setting on the peer device.
The following example shows how to configure the bundle link to wait 6 seconds before resending hello messages:
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0 frame-relay multilink ack 6
Related Commands
Command encapsulation frame-relay mfr frame-relay multilink hello frame-relay multilink retry
Description Creates a multilink Frame Relay bundle link and associates the link with a bundle. Configures the interval at which a bundle link will send out hello messages. Configures the maximum number of times that a bundle link will resend a hello message while waiting for an acknowledgment.
Syntax Description
The default BID is mfr plus the number assigned to the bundle using the interface mfr command; for example, mfr0.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command can be entered only at the multilink Frame Relay bundle interface.
You can enter the frame-relay multilink bid command at any time without affecting the current state of the interface; however, the BID will not go into effect until the interface has gone from the down state to the up state. One way to bring the interface down and back up again is by using the shut and no shut commands in interface configuration mode. Only one BID is allowed per bundle. A later entry of the frame-relay multilink bid command supersedes prior entries. The local and peer BIDs do not have to be unique.
The following example shows how to assign a BID of bundle1 to the multilink Frame Relay bundle. The previous BID for the bundle was mfr0.
interface mfr0 frame-relay multilink bid bundle1
Related Commands
Description Assigns a LID name to a multilink Frame Relay bundle link. Configures a multilink Frame Relay bundle interface. Displays configuration information and statistics about multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links.
Syntax Description
Interval, in seconds, at which a bundle link will send out hello messages. The range is from 1 to 180.
10 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay multilink hello command can be configured only on bundle link interfaces that have been associated with a bundle using the encapsulation frame-relay mfr command. Both ends of a bundle link send out hello messages at regular intervals. When a peer device receives a hello message, it responds by sending an acknowledgment. This exchange of hello messages and acknowledgments serves as a keepalive mechanism for the link. If the bundle link sends a hello message but does not receive an acknowledgment, it will resend the hello message up to a configured maximum number of times. If the bundle link exhausts the maximum number of retries, the bundle link line protocol is considered down (unoperational). The setting of the hello message interval on the local router is independent of the setting on the peer device.
The following example shows how to configure a bundle link to send hello messages every 15 seconds:
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0 frame-relay multilink hello 15
Related Commands
Command encapsulation frame-relay mfr frame-relay multilink ack frame-relay multilink retry
Description Creates a multilink Frame Relay bundle link and associates the link with a bundle. Configures the number of seconds that a bundle link will wait for a hello message acknowledgment before resending the hello message. Configures the maximum number of times that a bundle link will resend a hello message while waiting for an acknowledgment.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay multilink lid command can be configured only on bundle link interfaces that have been associated with a bundle using the encapsulation frame-relay command with the mfr keyword.
You can enter the frame-relay multilink lid command at any time without affecting the current state of the interface; however, the LID will not go into effect until the interface has gone from the down state to the up state. One way to bring the interface down and back up again is by using the shut and no shut commands in interface configuration mode. The LID will be used to identify the bundle link to peer devices and to enable the devices to identify which bundle links are associated with which bundles. The LID can also be assigned when the bundle link is created by using the encapsulation frame-relay command with the name argument. If the LID is not assigned, the default LID is the name of the physical interface. The local and peer LIDs do not need to be unique.
The following example shows the LID BL1 assigned to serial interface 0:
interface serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0 frame-relay multilink lid BL1
Related Commands
Description Creates a multilink Frame Relay bundle link and associates the link with a bundle. Assigns a BID name to a multilink Frame Relay bundle.
show frame-relay multilink Displays configuration information and statistics about multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links.
Syntax Description
Number of bytes that a bundle link will transmit before the load-balancing mechanism causes transmission to roll over to the next link. The range is from 20 to 2147483647. The default is 300.
300 bytes
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(8)T
Usage Guidelines
Multilink Frame Relay enables load balancing across bundle links that are in the same bundle. When a bundle link has reached its output threshold, transmission rolls over to the next available bundle link in the bundle. The output threshold mechanism applies only when the bundle interface is using FIFO output queueing. When the bundle interface is not using FIFO output queuing, the algorithm for choosing a bundle link interface for output selects the bundle link with the empty or shortest output queue. The default output threshold is 300 bytes. This default value will work effectively if all the bundle links in the bundle have the same speed. To efficiently use bundle links with varied speeds, use the frame-relay multilink output-threshold command to adjust the output threshold of the links as appropriate. The frame-relay multilink output-threshold command can be used on the bundle interface and the bundle links. If the command is used on the bundle interface, the configured output threshold will apply to all bundle links in the bundle. If the command is used on a specific bundle link, the output threshold will overwrite the current setting for that bundle link.
The following example shows how to configure the bundle link output threshold at 600 bytes. When the bundle link reaches the threshold, transmission will roll over to the next link.
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0 frame-relay multilink output-threshold 600
Related Commands
Description Creates a multilink Frame Relay bundle link and associates the link with a bundle.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of times a bundle link will resend a hello message while waiting for an acknowledgment. The range is from 1 to 5.
Number of retries: 2
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The frame-relay multilink retry command can be configured only on bundle link interfaces that have been associated with a bundle using the encapsulation frame-relay command with the mfr keyword. If the bundle link sends the maximum number of hello messages without receiving an acknowledgment, the bundle link line protocol is considered down (unoperational). The maximum number of retries configured on the local router is independent of the maximum number configured on the peer device.
The following example shows how to configure a bundle link to resend a hello message a maximum of 3 times while waiting for an acknowledgment:
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0 frame-relay multilink retry 3
Related Commands
Description Creates a multilink Frame Relay bundle link and associates the link with a bundle.
Description Configures the number of seconds that a bundle link will wait for a hello message acknowledgment before resending the hello message. Configures the interval at which a bundle link will send out hello messages.
frame-relay payload-compression
To enable Stacker payload compression on a specified point-to-point interface or subinterface, use the frame-relay payload-compression command in interface configuration mode. To disable payload compression on a specified point-to-point interface or subinterface, use the no form of this command. frame-relay payload-compression {packet-by-packet | frf9 stac [one-way-negotiation] [ratio level] [skip-zero-sync] [software | hardware-options] | data-stream stac [one-way-negotiation] [ratio level] [software | hardware-options]} no frame-relay payload-compression {packet-by-packet | frf9 stac | data-stream stac}
Syntax Description
Packet-by-packet payload compression using the Stacker method. Enables FRF.9 compression using the Stacker method.
If the router contains a CSA 1, compression is performed in the CSA hardware (hardware compression). If the CSA is not available, compression is performed in the software installed on the VIP2 2 (distributed compression). If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the main processor of the router (software compression).
(Optional) Enables one-way negotiation. Use this keyword if your router will be negotiating compression with another device that is running Cisco IOS Release 12.1(9) or earlier releases. Later Cisco IOS releases use a two-way handshake by default to negotiate compression. (Optional) Sets throughput versus compression ratio. This option is available only with hardware compression. Possible values for the level argument are as follows: highhigh compression versus low throughput mediummedium compression versus medium throughput lowlow compression versus high throughput (default)
ratio level
(Optional) Causes compression frames to be numbered starting from 1 rather than 0. Use this keyword if your router will be interoperating with a device that conforms to IBM partner conventions. (Optional) Specifies that compression is implemented in the Cisco IOS software installed in the main processor of the router.
(Optional) Choose one of the following hardware options: caim element-numberEnables the CAIM3 to perform compression. distributedSpecifies that compression is implemented in the software that is installed in a VIP2. If the VIP2 is not available, compression is performed in the main processor of the router (software compression). This option applies only to the Cisco 7500 series routers. This option is not supported with data-stream compression. csa csa_numberSpecifies the CSA to use for a particular interface. This option applies only to Cisco 7200 series routers.
data-stream stac
If the router contains a CSA, compression is performed in the CSA hardware (hardware compression). If the CSA is not available, compression is performed in the main processor of the router (software compression).
1. CSA = compression service adapter 2. VIP2 = second-generation Versatile Interface Processor 3. CAIM = Compression Advanced Interface Module
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The packet-by-packet keyword was added. The frf9 stac keyword was added. The data-stream stac keyword was added. The skip-zero-sync keyword was added. The one-way-negotiation keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines
Use the frame-relay payload-compression command to enable or disable payload compression on a point-to-point interface or subinterface. Use the frame-relay map command to enable or disable payload compression on a multipoint interface or subinterface. We recommend that you shut down the interface before changing encapsulation types. Although shutting down the interface is not required, it ensures that the interface is reset for the new encapsulation. Data-stream hardware compression is supported on interfaces and virtual circuits (VCs) using Cisco proprietary encapsulation. When the data-stream stac keyword is specified, Cisco encapsulation is automatically enabled. FRF.9 compression is supported on VCs and interfaces that using Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) encapsulation type. When the frf9 stac keyword is specified, IETF encapsulation is automatically enabled.
The following example shows the configuration of data-stream compression using the frame-relay payload-compression command:
interface serial1/0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay traffic-shaping ! interface serial1/0.1 point-to-point ip address frame-relay interface-dlci 100 frame-relay payload-compression data-stream stac
Related Commands
Description Defines mapping between a destination protocol address and the DLCI used to connect to the destination address.
frame-relay policing
To enable Frame Relay policing on all switched PVCs on the interface, use the frame-relay policing command in interface configuration mode. To disable Frame Relay policing, use the no form of this command. frame-relay policing no frame-relay policing
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
You must enable Frame Relay policing on the incoming interface before you can configure traffic-policing parameters. You must enable Frame Relay switching, using the frame-relay switching global command, before the frame-relay policing command will be effective on switched PVCs.
The following example shows the configuration of Frame Relay policing on serial interface 0:
interface serial0 frame-relay policing
Related Commands
Description Specifies the incoming or outgoing Bc for a Frame Relay virtual circuit. Specifies the incoming or outgoing Be for a Frame Relay virtual circuit. Specifies the incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay virtual circuit. Enables PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or NNI. Specifies the measurement interval for policing incoming traffic when the CIR is zero.
frame-relay priority-dlci-group
To prioritize multiple data-link connection identifiers (DLCIs) according to the type of Frame Relay traffic, use the frame-relay priority-dlci-group interface configuration command. frame-relay priority-dlci-group group-number high-dlci medium-dlci normal-dlci low-dlci
Syntax Description
Specific group number. DLCI that is to have highest priority level. DLCI that is to have medium priority level. DLCI that is to have normal priority level. DLCI that is to have lowest priority level.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is applied at the interface or subinterface level. Levels in descending order are high, medium, normal, and low. This command allows you to define different DLCIs for different categories of traffic based on traffic priorities. This command does not itself define priority queueing, but it can be used in conjunction with priority queueing. A global priority list must be defined, and the associated DLCIs must already be applied to the configuration before you enable this command. Associate the DLCIs to their prospective groups and define their priority levels. This command is used for multiple DLCIs, where the source and destination endpoints are the same (parallel paths). This command should not be used on a main interface, or point-to-point subinterface, where only a single DLCI is configured. A DLCI can only be affiliated with a single priority-group; however, there can be multiple groups per interface or subinterface. You must configure the high-priority and medium-priority DLCI values. If you do not explicitly associate a DLCI for the normal-dlci and low-dlci priority levels, the last DLCI specified in the command line is used as the value of the remaining arguments. For example, the following two commands are equivalent:
frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40 50 frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40 50 50 50
When you configure static map entries using frame-relay map commands or use Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), the high-level DLCI is the only DLCI that is mapped. In the example, DLCI 40 is defined as having the highest priority. Therefore, DLCI 40 is the only DLCI that should be included in the frame-relay map command. DLCI 50 should not be included in a frame-relay map command.
The following example shows the frame-relay priority-dlci-group command configured on a main interface with a static Frame Relay map entry. Note that DLCI 40 is the high-priority DLCI as defined in the frame-relay priority-dlci-group command and the only DLCI included in the frame-relay map command.
interface serial 1 ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40 frame-relay map ip 40 broadcast
The following example shows the frame-relay priority-dlci-group command configured on subinterfaces where multiple priority groups are defined. DLCI 40 is the high-priority DLCI in group 1, and DLCI 80 is the high-priority DLCI in group 2.
interface Serial3 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay ! interface Serial3.2 multipoint ip address frame-relay interface-dlci 40 frame-relay priority-dlci-group 1 40 ! interface Serial3.3 multipoint ip address frame-relay priority-dlci-group 2 80 90 100 100 frame-relay interface-dlci 80 ! interface Serial 4 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay ! interface serial4.1 multipoint ip address frame-relay priority-dlci-group 3 200 210 300 300 frame-relay priority-dlci-group 4 400 410 410 410 frame-relay interface-dlci 200 frame-relay interface-dlci 400
Related Commands
Description Defines mapping between a destination protocol address and the DLCI used to connect to the destination address.
frame-relay priority-group
To assign a priority queue to virtual circuits associated with a map class, use the frame-relay priority-group command in map-class configuration mode. To remove the specified queueing from the virtual circuit and cause it to revert to the default first-come, first-served queueing, use the no form of this command. frame-relay priority-group list-number no frame-relay priority-group list-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Use the priority-list commands to define the priority queue. Because only one form of queueing can be associated with a particular map class, subsequent definitions overwrite previous ones.
The following example configures a map class for a specified DLCI, specifies a priority list for the map class, and then defines the priority list:
interface serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class pri_vc map-class frame-relay pri_vc frame-relay priority-group 1 priority-list 1 protocol ip high
Related Commands
Description Associates a map class with a specified DLCI. Assigns a DLCI to a specified Frame Relay subinterface on the router or access server. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
frame-relay pvc
To configure Frame Relay permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) for FRF.8 Frame Relay-ATM Service Interworking, use the frame-relay pvc command in interface configuration mode. To remove the PVC, use the no form of the command. frame-relay pvc dlci service {transparent | translation} [clp-bit {0 | 1 | map-de}] [de-bit {0 | 1 | map-clp}] [efci-bit {0 | 1 | map-fecn}] interface atm0 {vpi/vci | vcd} no frame-relay pvc dlci service {transparent | translation} [clp-bit {0 | 1 | map-de}] [de-bit {0 | 1 | map-clp}] [efci-bit {0 | 1 | map-fecn}] interface atm0 {vpi/vci | vcd}
Syntax Description
A value ranging from 16 to 1007 for the PVCs data-link connection identifier (DLCI). Use this label when you associate a Frame Relay PVC with an ATM PVC. In the transparent mode of Service Interworking, encapsulations are sent unaltered. In translation mode, mapping and translation take place. There is no default. (Optional) Sets the mode of DE/CLP mapping in Frame Relay to the ATM direction. The default is map-de.
map-deSpecifies Mode 1 (see section 4.2.1 of FRF.8) 0 or 1Specifies Mode 2 (see section 4.2.1 of FRF.8)
de-bit {0 | 1 | map-clp}
(Optional) Sets the mode of DE/CLP mapping in the ATM-to-Frame Relay direction. The default is map-clp.
map-clpSpecifies Mode 1 (see section 4.2.1 of FRF.8) 0 or 1Specifies Mode 2 (see section 4.2.1 of FRF.8)
efci-bit {0 | 1 | map-fecn}
(Optional) Sets FECN and the ATM EFCI in the Frame Relay-to-ATM direction. map-fecn is the default.
0Sets a constant value rather than mapping. 1Sets a constant value rather than mapping. map-fecnAdheres to Mode 1 and maps the FECN indicators to EFCI indicators.
interface atm0 {vpi/vci | vcd} Maps the Frame Relay PVC to an ATM PVC specified by slot number (0 is the only option for ATM on the Cisco MC3810) and either one of the following labels:
vpi/vciThe virtual path identifier-virtual channel identifier (VPI-VCI) pair for the ATM PVC vcdThe ATM virtual circuit descriptor (VCD) for the ATM PVC
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(7)T
Usage Guidelines
This command applies only to Frame Relay-ATM Service Interworking (FRF.8) on the Cisco MC3810. Use this command to create Frame Relay PVCs for association with ATM PVCs when you are configuring FRF.8 Frame Relay-ATM Service Interworking on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice access concentrator.
The following example shows two Frame Relay PVCs configured on a serial interface of a Cisco MC3810:
frame-relay pvc 222 service translation clp-bit map-de de-bit map-clp efci-bit map-fecn interface ATM0 222/222 frame-relay pvc 925 service transparent clp-bit map-de de-bit map-clp efci-bit map-fecn interface ATM0 92/92
Related Commands
Command pvc
Description Creates an ATM PVC on a main interface or subinterface; assigns a name to an ATM PVC; specifies ILMI, QSAAL, or SMDS as the encapsulation type on an ATM PVC; or enters interface-ATM-VC configuration mode.
frame-relay qos-autosense
To enable Enhanced Local Management Interface (ELMI) on the Cisco router, use the frame-relay qos-autosense command in interface configuration mode. To disable Enhanced Local Management Interface on the Cisco router, use the no form of this command. frame-relay qos-autosense no frame-relay qos-autosense
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Enhanced Local Management Interface must be configured on both the Cisco router and the Cisco switch. Traffic shaping is optional with Enhanced Local Management Interface. Configure traffic shaping on the interface if you want QoS information to be used by the router for traffic rate enforcement.
This configuration example shows a Frame Relay interface enabled to receive Enhanced Local Management Interface messages from the Cisco switch that is also configured with Enhanced Local Management Interface enabled. Traffic shaping is also configured on the interface for traffic rate enforcement and dynamic rate throttling. This allows the router to adjust its output rate based on congestion information it receives from the switch.
interface serial0 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type ansi frame-relay traffic-shaping frame-relay qos-autosense interface serial0.1 point-to-point no ip address frame-relay interface-dlci 101
Related Commands
Description Enables Frame Relay encapsulation. Enables both traffic shaping and per-VC queueing for all PVCs and SVCs on a Frame Relay interface. Displays the QoS values sensed from the switch.
frame-relay adaptive-shaping Selects the type of backward notification you want to use.
frame-relay route
To specify the static route for permanent virtual circuit (PVC) switching, use the frame-relay route command in interface configuration mode. To remove a static route, use the no form of this command. frame-relay route in-dlci interface out-interface-type out-interface-number out-dlci [voice-encap size] no frame-relay route in-dlci interface out-interface-type out-interface-number out-dlci [voice-encap size]
Syntax Description
DLCI on which the packet is received on the interface. Interface that the router or access server uses to transmit the packet.
DLCI that the router or access server uses to transmit the packet over the interface specified by the out-interface argument. (Optional) (Supported on the Cisco MC3810 only.) Specifies that data segmentation will be used to support Voice over Frame Relay. Note that the voice encapsulation applies only to the input DLCI side. The valid range is from 8 to 1600.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
When used with voice, the frame-relay route command is applied on both interfaces. If the voice-encap keyword is specified on one interface, the incoming frames on that interface are defragmented before being routed to the other interface. The outgoing frames on that interface are then fragmented after being routed from the other interface, and before transmission out the interface.
Static routes cannot be configured over tunnel interfaces on the Cisco 800 series, 1600 series, and 1700 series platforms. Static routes can only be configured over tunnel interfaces on platforms that have the Enterprise feature set.
The following example configures a static route that allows packets in DLCI 100 and sends packets out over DLCI 200 on interface serial 2:
frame-relay route 100 interface Serial 2 200
The following example illustrates the commands you enter for a complete configuration that includes two static routes for PVC switching between interface serial 1 and interface serial 2:
interface Serial1 no ip address encapsulation frame-relay keepalive 15 frame-relay lmi-type ansi frame-relay intf-type dce frame-relay route 100 interface Serial 2 200 frame-relay route 101 interface Serial 2 201 clockrate 2000000
frame-relay svc
To enable Frame Relay switched virtual circuit (SVC) operation on the specified interface, use the frame-relay svc command in interface configuration mode. To disable SVC operation on the specified interface, use the no form of this command. frame-relay svc no frame-relay svc
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
SVC operation can be enabled at the interface level only. Once it is enabled at the interface level, it is enabled on all subinterfaces on the interface. One signaling channel, DLCI 0, is set up for the interface, and all SVCs are controlled from the physical interface. The first use of this command on the router starts all SVC-related processes on the router. If they are already up and running because SVCs are enabled on another interface, no additional action is taken. These processes are not removed once they are created.
The following example enables Frame Relay SVC operation on serial interface 0 and starts SVC-related processes on the router:
interface serial 0 ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type q933a frame-relay svc
Related Commands
Description Enables Frame Relay encapsulation. Selects the LMI type. Specifies a serial interface created on a channelized E1 or channelized T1 controller (for ISDN PRI, CAS, or robbed bit signalling). Sets a primary or secondary IP address for an interface.
frame-relay switching
To enable permanent virtual switching (PVC) switching on a Frame Relay DCE device or a Network-to-Network Interface (NNI), use the frame-relay switching command in global configuration mode. To disable switching, use the no form of this command. frame-relay switching no frame-relay switching
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
You must add this command to the configuration file before configuring the routes.
The following example shows the command that is entered in the configuration file before the Frame Relay configuration commands to enable switching:
frame-relay switching
frame-relay tc
To set the measurement interval for policing incoming traffic when the committed information rate (CIR) is zero, use the frame-relay tc command in map-class configuration mode. To reset the measurement interval for policing, use the no form of this command. frame-relay tc milliseconds no frame-relay tc milliseconds
Syntax Description
Time interval from 10 ms to 10,000 ms, during which incoming traffic cannot exceed committed burst size (Bc) plus excess burst size (Be).
1000 ms
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
You must enable Frame Relay policing on the incoming interface, using the frame-relay policing interface command, before you can configure traffic-policing parameters. You must enable Frame Relay switching using the frame-relay switching global command before the frame-relay tc command will be effective on switched PVCs. When the CIR is greater than 0, Tc is equal to Bc divided by the CIR.
The following example shows how to configure a policing measurement interval of 800 milliseconds within a map class called police:
map-class frame-relay police frame-relay tc 800
Related Commands
Description Specifies the incoming or outgoing Bc for a Frame Relay virtual circuit. Specifies the incoming or outgoing Be for a Frame Relay virtual circuit. Specifies the incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay virtual circuit. Enables Frame Relay policing on all switched PVCs on an interface. Enables PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or NNI.
frame-relay traffic-rate
To configure all the traffic-shaping characteristics of a virtual circuit (VC) in a single command, use the frame-relay traffic-rate command in map-class configuration mode. To remove the specified traffic shaping from the map class, use the no form of this command. frame-relay traffic-rate average [peak] no frame-relay traffic-rate average [peak]
Syntax Description
average peak
Average rate, in bits per second; equivalent to specifying the contracted committed information rate (CIR). (Optional) Peak rate, in bits per second; equivalent to CIR + Be/Tc = CIR (1 + Be/Bc) = CIR + EIR. If the peak value is not configured, the peak rate will default to the configured average value.
If the peak rate is omitted, the default value used is the average rate configured.
Command Modes
Map-class configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
The configured peak and average rates are converted to the equivalent CIR, excess burst size (Be), and committed burst size (Bc) values for use by the VC. When the values are translated, the average rate is used as the CIR. This value is assumed to be for one second. The generated Bc value is 1/8 the CIR value with an interval of 125 milliseconds. The Be value is derived from the peak rate by subtracting by the average rate. The value of the peak rate minus average rate is assumed to be for one second. The generated Be value is 1/8 the peak rate minus the average rate with an interval of 125 milliseconds. If the peak value is not configured, the peak rate will default to the configured average value, and the Be value will equal 0. For example, entering the frame-relay traffic-rate 64000 96000 command will result in a CIR of 64000 bps. Assuming 8 intervals of 125 milliseconds, the Bc is 64000/8 or 8000 bits. The Be value is calculated by subtracting 64000 from 96000, so the one-second value is 32000 bits. For each 125-millisecond interval, the Be value is 4000 bits. Note that the show frame-relay pvc command displays Be and Bc values based on an interval of one second. Internally the values being used are based on an interval of 125 milliseconds. The configuration examples below include the frame-relay traffic-rate command and corresponding show frame-relay pvc command output. The frame-relay traffic-rate command lets you configure all the traffic-shaping characteristics of a virtual circuit in a single command. Using it is simpler than the alternative of entering the three commands frame-relay cir out, frame-relay be out and frame-relay bc out, but offers slightly less flexibility.
The following example associates a map class with specified data-link connection identifier (DLCI) and then sets a traffic rate for the map class (and thus for the DLCI):
interface serial 0 frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class fast_vc map-class frame-relay fast_vc frame-relay traffic-rate 64000 96000
The following sample output for the show frame-relay pvc command is for the PVC configured in the preceding example. Note that the display shows values for Be and Bc that are based on an interval of one second. Internally the values being used are based on an interval of 125 milliseconds, which means that the actual Be value being used is 4000 bits and the actual Bc value being used is 8000 bits.
Router# show frame-relay pvc 100 PVC Statistics for interface Serial0 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 100, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial0.100 input pkts 0 output pkts 2314 in bytes 0 out bytes 748080 dropped pkts 0 in pkts dropped 0 out pkts dropped 0 out bytes dropped 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 2308 out bcast bytes 747792 pvc create time 1d16h, last time pvc status changed 1d16h cir 64000 bc 64000 be 32000 byte limit 5000 interval 125 mincir 32000 byte increment 1000 Adaptive Shaping none pkts 12 bytes 3888 pkts delayed 0 bytes delayed 0 shaping inactive traffic shaping drops 0 Queueing strategy:fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drop, 0 dequeued
Related Commands
Description Specifies the incoming or outgoing Bc for a Frame Relay VC. Sets the incoming or outgoing Be for a Frame Relay VC. Specifies the incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay VC.
frame-relay traffic-shaping
To enable both traffic shaping and per-virtual-circuit queueing for all permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) and switched virtual circuits (SVCs) on a Frame Relay interface, use the frame-relay traffic-shaping command in interface configuration mode. To disable traffic shaping and per-virtual-circuit queueing, use the no form of this command. frame-relay traffic-shaping no frame-relay traffic-shaping
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
For virtual circuits for which no specific traffic-shaping or queueing parameters are specified, a set of default values are used. The default queueing is performed on a first-come, first-served basis. Frame Relay traffic shaping is not effective for Layer 2 PVC switching using the frame-relay route command.
The following example enables both traffic shaping and per-virtual circuit queueing:
frame-relay traffic-shaping
Related Commands
Command frame-relay class frame-relay custom-queue-list frame-relay priority-group frame-relay traffic-rate map-class frame-relay
Description Associates a map class with an interface or subinterface. Specifies a custom queue to be used for the VC queueing associated with a specified map class. Assigns a priority queue to VCs associated with a map class. Configures all the traffic-shaping characteristics of a VC in a single command. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
frame-relay vc-bundle
To create a Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundle if it does not already exist, and to enter Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode, use the frame-relay vc-bundle command in interface configuration mode. To remove a Frame Relay PVC bundle, use the no form of this command. frame-relay vc-bundle vc-bundle-name no frame-relay vc-bundle vc-bundle-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to create a unique Frame Relay PVC bundle if one has not already been created using the frame-relay map command. Also use this command to enter Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode so you can configure PVC bundle attributes and PVC bundle members.
Related Commands
Description Defines mapping between a destination protocol address and the DLCI or Frame Relay PVC bundle that connects to the destination address.
To set the framer type of supported circuit emulation service (CES) multiservice interchange (MIX) connections to T1 or E1, use the framer-type command in CES configuration mode. framer-type {t1 | e1}
Syntax Description
t1 e1
Sets the framer type of supported CES connections to T1. Sets the framer type of supported CES connections to E1.
Command Modes
CES configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced for the Cisco 3660. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command is needed only with CES-enabled network modules (ATM OC-3 CES network modules) that do not contain Cisco T1/E1 multiflex voice/WAN interface cards (VWICs) on the Cisco 3660. Other network modules set their framer type automatically and therefore do not require use of this command. It is also not necessary to use this command for T1 connections, because t1 is the default argument. To reach CES configuration mode for a particular slot, enter ces and the slot number and port number while in global configuration mode. Note that the port value is always 0, as the interface configuration applies to all ports in the slot.
The following example sets the framer type of the CES card in slot 1 to E1:
Router(config)# ces 1/0 Router(config-ces)# framer-type e1
Related Commands
Command ces
Description Configures CES on a router port and enters controller configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Frame Relay DLCI number. ATM interface connected to the DLCI. (Optional) ATM PVC name. (Optional) ATM PVC virtual path identifier (VPI)/virtual channel identifier (VCI). The default value for vpi is 0 if no value is entered. When specifying the ATM PVC, enter one of the following PVC designations:
The name value The vpi value alone The vpi/vci combination
clp-bit {map-de | 0 | 1}
(Optional) Sets the mode of Discard Eligibility/Cell Loss Priority (DE/CLP) mapping in the Frame Relay to ATM direction. The default is map-de. map-deSpecifies Mode 1 (as described in section 4.4.2 of FRF.5). 0 or 1Specifies Mode 2 (as described in section 4.4.2 of FRF.5).
(Optional) Sets the mode of DE/CLP mapping in the ATM to Frame Relay direction. The default is map-clp. map-clpSpecifies Mode 1 (as described in section 4.4.2 of FRF.5). no-map-clpSpecifies Mode 2 (as described in section 4.4.2 of FRF.5).
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.3 MA
Modification Management CLI support was added. This command was implemented in Cisco IOS Release 12.0 T. The clp-bit and de-bit keywords were added.
Usage Guidelines
This command only applies to Frame Relay-ATM Network Interworking (FRF.5) on the Cisco MC3810.
The Cisco MC3810 provides only network interworking (FRF.5). The Cisco MC3810 can be used with service interworking (FRF.8), which is provided by the carriers ATM network equipment.
The following example configures a Frame Relay-ATM Interworking connection on FR-ATM interface 20, in which Frame Relay DLCI 100 is connected to ATM VPI/VCI 100/200 for ATM interface 0:
interface fr-atm 20 fr-atm connect dlci 100 atm0 100/200 clp-bit map-de de-bit map-clp
The following example configures a Frame Relay-ATM Interworking connection on FR-ATM interface 10, in which Frame Relay DLCI 150 is connected to ATM VPI/VCI 0/150 for ATM interface 0:
interface fr-atm 10 fr-atm connect dlci 150 atm0 0/150 clp-bit map-de de-bit map-clp
Related Commands
Description Creates a Frame Relay-ATM Interworking interface on the Cisco MC3810 multiservice concentrator.
To configure the idle timeout parameter for tearing down an ATM switched virtual circuit (SVC) connection, use the idle-timeout command in the appropriate command mode. To disable the timeout parameter, use the no form of this command. idle-timeout seconds [minimum-rate] no idle-timeout seconds [minimum-rate]
Syntax Description
seconds minimum-rate
Number of seconds that the SVC is idle, after which the ATM SVC is disconnected. (Optional) Minimum traffic rate, in kilobits per second (kbps), required on an ATM SVC to maintain the SVC connection.
The default idle timeout is 300 seconds. The default minimum rate is 0 kbps.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for ATM permanent virtual circuits [PVCs] or SVCs) VC-class configuration (for virtual circuit [VC] classes)
Command History
Release 11.3
Usage Guidelines
If within the idle timeout period, both the input and output traffic rates are below the minimum-rate, the SVC connection is torn down. The input and output traffic rates are set using the ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt command. If the idle-timeout command is not explicitly configured on an ATM SVC, the SVC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of next highest precedence):
Configuration of the idle-timeout command in a VC class assigned to the SVC itself. Configuration of the idle-timeout command in a VC class assigned to the SVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of the idle-timeout command in a VC class assigned to the SVCs ATM main interface. Global defaultThe global idle timeout default is the value set using the idle-timeout interface configuration command. If the idle-timeout command is not configured, the default idle timeout is 300 seconds, and the minimum-rate is 0 kbps.
The following example configures an ATM SVC connection inactive after an idle period of 300 seconds. The SVC connection is also configured so that it is considered inactive if the traffic rate is less than 5 kbps.
idle-timeout 300 5
Related Commands
Description Selects UBR QoS and configures the output peak cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class. Selects UBR QoS and configures the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class. Configures the VBR-NRT QoS and specifies output peak cell rate, output sustainable cell rate, and output maximum burst cell size for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class.
idle-timeout (SSG)
To configure a host object timeout value, use the idle-timeout command in SSG-radius-proxy configuration mode. To disable the timeout value, use the no form of this command. idle-timeout timeout no idle-timeout timeout
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-radius-proxy configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to configure a timeout value for a host object. Configuring this command prevents dangling host objects on the Service Selection Gateway (SSG). If a RADIUS client reloads and does not indicate its fault condition to the SSG, the SSG retains the host objects that are no longer valid. This command removes all host objects from a RADIUS client that has been idle for the time specified by the timeout argument. When configured, this timeout value is added to the host object.
Timeout values configured in the user profile that appear in the Access-Accept take precedence over any timeout value configured by the idle-timeout command.
Related Commands
Command address-pool clear ssg radius-proxy client-address clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address forward accounting-start-stop server-port show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable ssg radius-proxy
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS. Proxies accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS clients to the AAA server. Defines the ports for the SSG RADIUS proxy. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or for a specific domain. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy.
ilmi manage
To enable Integrated Local Management Interface (ILMI) management on an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), use the ilmi manage command in the appropriate command mode. To disable ILMI management, use the no form of this command. ilmi manage no ilmi manage
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC) VC-class configuration (for a virtual circuit [VC] class) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
If the ilmi manage command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, the PVC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the ilmi manage command in a VC class assigned to the PVC itself. Configuration of the ilmi manage command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of the ilmi manage command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM main interface. Global default: ILMI management is disabled.
The following example enables ILMI management on the ATM PVC with VPI 0 and VCI 60. The ILMI PVC is assigned the name routerA and the VPI and VCI are 0 and 16, respectively.
interface atm 0/0 pvc routerA 0/16 ilmi exit interface atm 0/0.1 multipoint pvc 0/60 ilmi manage
ima active-links-minimum
To set the minimum number of links that must be operating in order for an ATM inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) group to remain in service, use the ima active-links-minimum interface configuration command. To remove the current configuration and set the value to the default, use the no form of this command. ima active-links-minimum number no ima active-links-minimum number
Syntax Description
Links: 1
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)T. Support for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 series routers was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
The minimum number of links that should be active for continued group operation depends upon the applications you are using and the speeds they require. ATM frame size and the number of links in a group affect the overhead required by ATM.
The following example specifies that two links in IMA group 2 must be operational in order for the group to remain in service:
interface atm 0/ima2 ima active-links-minimum 2
Related Commands
ima clock-mode
To set the transmit clock mode for an ATM inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) group, use the ima clock-mode command in interface configuration mode. To remove the current configuration, use the no form of this command. ima clock-mode {common port | independent} no ima clock-mode
Syntax Description
common port
Sets the transmit clocks for all the links in the group to be derived from the same source. Link that will provide clocking for the IMA group (called the command link). If the common link fails, the system automatically chooses one of the remaining active links to provide clocking. Sets the transmit clock source for at least one link in the IMA group to be different from the clock source used by the other links.
The default value is common. If no port is specified, the system automatically chooses an active link to provide clocking.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)T This command was implemented on Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers. This command was implemented on Cisco 7100 series routers. Support for Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 series routers was implemented in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command controls the clock for the IMA group as a whole. If all the links in the group share a clock source, use the common keyword. If all the links use different clock sources, use the independent clock source keyword. When the common keyword is set, the clock source ATM interface configuration command for the common link determines clocking for all the links in the group.When the independent keyword is set, the clock source ATM interface configuration command is used under each interface to determine clocking individually.
Because the system automatically chooses a replacement for the common link when it fails, any link in an IMA group potentially can provide the recovered transmit clock. For this reason, even when the common keyword is set with a specific link stipulated by the port value, you should use the ATM interface configuration clock source command to make sure that the clock source is configured correctly on each interface in the IMA group.
The following example specifies that the links in IMA group 2 use a common clock source on link 0:
interface atm0/ima2 ima clock-mode common 0
Related Commands
Command clock source interface atm ima show ima interface atm
Description Configures the clock source of a DS1 link. Configures an ATM IMA group. Provides information about all configured IMA groups or a specific IMA group.
ima differential-delay-maximum
To specify the maximum differential delay among the active links in an inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) group, use the ima differential-delay-maximum command in interface configuration mode. To restore the default setting, use the no form of this command. ima differential-delay-maximum milliseconds no ima differential-delay-maximum milliseconds
Syntax Description
Specifies the differential delay in milliseconds (ms). The range of values depends on the type of card used. PA-A3-8T1IMA25 to 250 milliseconds PA-A3-8E1IMA25 to 190 milliseconds NM-8T1-IMA25 to 200 milliseconds
25 milliseconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)T. This command was implemented on Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers. This command was implemented on Cisco 7100 series routers. Support for Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 series routers was implemented in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command helps control latency in ATM-layer traffic by setting a limit on how much latency the slowest link in the group is allowed to introduce (a slower link has a longer propagation delayfor example, due to a longer path through the network or less accurate physical layer clockingthan other links). Setting a high value allows a slow link to continue operating as part of the group, although such a setting means there is added delay to links across the group. A low setting may result in less latency for traffic across the group than a high setting, but it can mean that the system takes a slow link out of operation, reducing total bandwidth. When a link has been removed from service, it is automatically placed back in service when it meets the delay differential standard. If a link delay exceeds the specified maximum, the link is dropped; otherwise, the IMA feature adjusts for differences in delays so that all links in a group are aligned and carry ATM-layer traffic.
The following example specifies that the links in IMA group 2 have a maximum differential delay of 50 ms:
interface atm0/ima2 ima differential-delay-maximum 50
Related Commands
show ima interface atm Provides information about all configured IMA groups or a specific IMA group.
ima frame-length
To specify the number of cells in inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) frames, use the ima frame-length interface configuration command. To remove the current setting and restore the default value, use the no form of this command. ima frame-length {32 | 64 | 128 | 256} no ima frame-length {32 | 64 | 128 | 256}
Syntax Description
32 64 128 256
Specifies a value of 32 cells. Specifies a value of 64 cells. Specifies a value of 128 cells. Specifies a value of 256 cells.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers added. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
IMA frames are numbered sequentially, and each contains an IMA Control Protocol (ICP) cell at a specific position. Frame length can affect performance because the greater the total number of frames required to communicate a given number of cells, the greater the overhead for header and other control cells. In addition, shorter frame lengths might diminish performance when translated ATM-Frame Relay interworking occurs.
On Cisco 7100 and 7200 series routers, the following example specifies that the links in IMA group 2 have a frame length of 64 cells:
interface atm 1/ima2 ima frame-length 64
ima test
To specify an interface and test pattern for verifying connectivity of all links in an inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) group, use the ima test command in interface configuration mode. To stop the test, use the no form of this . ima test [link port] [pattern pattern-id] no ima test [link port] [pattern pattern-id]
Syntax Description
(Optional) The identifier for the interface where the physical link is located. (Optional) A value from 0 to 254, set in hexadecimal or decimal numbers, identifying a pattern to be sent to the far end of the link.
There is no default for the port value. The default value for pattern-id is 106 (0x6A).
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 12.0(5)T. Support for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers was added. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
To verify link and group connectivity, the pattern is sent from the specified link and looped back from the receiving end across all links belonging to the group as defined at the remote end. Verifying link and group connectivity can help troubleshoot physical link connectivity or configuration problems at the remote end. The local end verifies that the pattern is returned on all links belonging to the group at the local end, and testing is continuous. An IMA control protocol (ICP) cell in each frame identifies the pattern. When a link is not transmitting or receiving a pattern correctly, the command reports the link number where the problem exists.
Related Commands
show ima interface atm Provides information about all configured IMA groups or a specific IMA group.
To define physical links as inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) group members, use the ima-group command in interface configuration mode for each group member. To remove the port from the group, use the no form of this command. ima-group group-number no ima-group group-number
Syntax Description
Specifies an IMA group number from 0 to 3. IMA groups can span multiple ports on a port adapter but cannot span port adapters.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 12.0(5)T. Support for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 series routers was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
When the configuration is first performed or when the group number is changed, the interface is automatically disabled, moved to the new group, and then enabled.
The following example makes interface 1 on the ATM module in slot 0 a member of IMA group 2:
interface atm0/1 ima-group 2
Related Commands
show ima interface atm Provides information about all configured IMA groups or a specific IMA group. shutdown (interface) Disables an interface.
To configure the Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) time period for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), virtual circuit (VC) class, or VC bundle, use the inarp command in the appropriate command mode. To restore the default Inverse ARP time period behavior, use the no form of this command. inarp minutes no inarp minutes
Syntax Description
minutes: 15 minutes.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) Bundle configuration (for a VC bundle) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was enhanced to provide support to configure the Inverse ARP time period for an ATM VC bundle. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
This command is supported for aal5snap encapsulation only when Inverse ARP is enabled. Refer to the encapsulation command for configuring aal5snap encapsulation and the protocol command for enabling Inverse ARP. If the inarp command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, the PVC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the inarp command in a VC class assigned to the PVC itself. Configuration of the inarp command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of the inarp command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM main interface. Global default for the minutes argument is 15 minutes; this default assumes that Inverse ARP is enabled.
As the inheritance rules imply, when a VC is a member of a VC bundle, configuration using the inarp command in VC-class configuration mode no longer applies to that VC. Bundle configuration takes precedence. For ATM VC bundle management, the Inverse ARP parameter can only be enabled at the bundle level and applied to all VC members of the bundlethat is, it cannot be enabled in bundle-vc configuration mode for individual VC bundle members. To use this command in bundle configuration mode, first enter the bundle command to create the bundle and enter bundle configuration mode.
The following example sets the Inverse ARP time period to 10 minutes:
inarp 10
Related Commands
Description Creates a bundle or modifies an existing bundle to enter bundle configuration mode. Configures broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM VC class, PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Assigns a VC class to an ATM main interface or subinterface. Assigns a VC class to an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member.
encapsulation atm-dxi Configures the AAL and encapsulation type for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class. oam-bundle Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for a virtual circuit class that can be applied to a virtual circuit bundle. Configures parameters related to OAM management for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC by either configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, on the VC bundle, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only).
Syntax Description
Inverse ARP is handled by the PVC that handles precedence or EXP level 6 or DSCP level 63.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
In each Frame Relay PVC bundle, Inverse ARP by default is handled by the PVC that handles precedence or EXP level 6 or DSCP level 63. In the default case, if the PVC handling Inverse ARP traffic goes down, the Inverse ARP packets are diverted to the PVC that has been configured to handle the bumped traffic for precedence level 6 or DSCP level 63. Inverse ARP packets arriving on PVCs that are not configured to handle Inverse ARP will be dropped. If you override the default packet service levels and enable Inverse ARP on a PVC that handles a different precedence or DSCP level, and that PVC goes down, the Inverse ARP packets will be dropped even if another PVC accepts the bumped traffic from the failed PVC. If the inarp command is entered on two different PVC bundle members, Inverse ARP traffic will be handled by the second entry.
The following example shows Inverse ARP enabled on PVC 250, which handles DSCP level 60:
interface serial 1/4.1 multipoint frame-relay vc-bundle MP-4-dynamic match dscp pvc 100 dscp other pvc 250 dscp 60 inarp
Related Commands
Description Configures the DSCP value or values for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures the precedence levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member.
interface atm
To configure an ATM interface and enter interface configuration mode, use the interface atm command in global configuration mode. interface atm interface-number[.subinterface-number {mpls | multipoint | point-to-point}]
Syntax Description
interface-number .subinterface-number
Specifies a (physical) ATM interface (for example, 3/0). (Optional) Specifies a subinterface number. A dot (.) must be used to separate the interface-number from the subinterface-number (for example 2/0.1). (Optional) Specifies MPLS as the interface type for which a subinterface is to be created. (Optional) Specifies multipoint as the interface type for which a subinterface is to be created. (Optional) Specifies point-to-point as the interface type for which a subinterface is to be created.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. New optional subinterface types were introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The interface atm command enables you to define a subinterface for a specified type of ATM interface. The subinterface for the ATM interface is created the first time this command is issued with a specified subinterface number.
For physical ATM interface 3/0, the following command creates an ATM MPLS subinterface having subinterface number 1:
Router# interface atm 3/0.1 mpls
Related Commands
Description Displays information about the ATM interface. Displays information about one or more MPLS interfaces that have been configured for label switching.
Syntax Description
slot/ group-number
Specifies the slot location of the ATM IMA network module. The values range from 0 to 5 depending on the router. Enter an IMA group number from 0 to 3. You can create up to four groups. Do not include a space before the group number.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS 12.0(5)T. Support for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 series routers was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
If the group does not exist when the command is issued, the command automatically creates the group. When a port is configured for IMA functionality, it no longer operates as an individual ATM link. Specifying ATM links as members of a group by using the ima group interface command does not enable the group. You must use the interface atm ima command to create the group.
Related Commands
show ima interface atm Provides information about all configured IMA groups or a specific IMA group. shutdown (interface) Disables an interface.
interface cbr
To specify the T1 or E1 constant bit rate interface on an ATM-CES port adapter, and to enter interface configuration mode, use the interface cbr command in global configuration mode. interface cbr slot/port
Syntax Description
slot/ port
Backplane slot number. The slash (/) must be typed. Interface port number.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
The ATM-CES port adapter has four T1 (1.544 Mbps) or four E1 (2.048 Mbps) ports (75- or 120-ohm) that can support both structured (N x 64 kbps) and unstructured ATM Forum-compliant circuit emulation services (CES), and one port that supports an OC-3 (155 Mbps) single-mode intermediate reach interface or a T3 (45 Mbps) or E3 (34 Mbps) standards-based ATM interface.
The following example specifies the first T1 or E1 port on the ATM-CES port adapter in slot 1:
interface cbr 1/0
Related Commands
Description Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
interface fr-atm
To create a Frame Relay-ATM Interworking interface on the Cisco MC3810 and to enter Frame Relay-ATM Interworking configuration mode, use the interface fr-atm global configuration command. To delete the Frame Relay-ATM Interworking interface, use the no form of this command. interface fr-atm number no interface fr-atm number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.3 MA
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to Frame Relay-ATM Interworking on the Cisco MC3810 only. Use the interface fr-atm command to enter Frame Relay-ATM interworking interface configuration mode. When you issue this command for the first time, an interface number is created dynamically. You can configure up to 21 Frame Relay-ATM interworking interfaces.
The Cisco MC3810 provides only network interworking (FRF.5). The Cisco MC3810 can be used with service interworking (FRF.8), which is provided by the carriers ATM network equipment.
The following example configures Frame Relay-ATM Interworking interface number 20:
interface fr-atm 20
Related Commands
Description Maps a Frame Relay DLCI to an ATM virtual circuit descriptor for FRF.5 Frame Relay-ATM internetworking.
interface mfr
To configure a multilink Frame Relay bundle interface, use the interface mfr command in global configuration mode. To remove the bundle interface, use the no form of this command. interface mfr number no interface mfr number
Syntax Description
Number that uniquely identifies this bundle interface. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.
A bundle interface is not configured. Frame Relay encapsulation is the default encapsulation type for multilink Frame Relay bundle interfaces.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
A bundle interface is a virtual interface that serves as the Frame Relay data link and performs the same functions as a physical interface. The bundle is made up of physical serial links, called bundle links. The bundle links within a bundle function as one physical link and one pool of bandwidth. Functionality that you want to apply to the bundle links must be configured on the bundle interface. The no interface mfr command will work only if all bundle links have been removed from the bundle by using the no encapsulation frame-relay mfr command.
The following example shows the configuration of a bundle interface called mfr0. The bundle identification (BID) name BUNDLE-A is assigned to the bundle. Serial interfaces 0 and 1 are assigned to the bundle as bundle links.
interface mfr 0 frame-relay multilink bid BUNDLE-A ! interface serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0 ! interface serial 1 encapsulation frame-relay mfr0
Related Commands
Command debug frame-relay multilink encapsulation frame-relay mfr frame-relay multilink bid show frame-relay multilink
Description Displays debug messages for multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links. Creates a multilink Frame Relay bundle link and associates the link with a bundle. Assigns a BID name to a multilink Frame Relay bundle. Displays configuration information and statistics about multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links.
Syntax Description
Interface number. Slot and port number related to specified subinterface (for Cisco 7000 and 7500 series routers). Number for this subinterface; values in the range 0 to 255.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Use this command only for routers that need knowledge of multiple IP networks. Other routers can be configured with information only about their own networks. A period must be used to separate the interface or slot/port from the subinterface.
The following example configures serial interface 2 with multipoint logical subinterface 1:
interface serial 2.1 multipoint
The following example configures slot 2 port 0 with multipoint logical subinterface 1:
interface serial 2/0.1 multipoint
Related Commands
Description Sets a primary or secondary IP address for an interface. Specifies the SMDS individual address for a particular interface. Enables dynamic ARP.The multicast address for ARP must be set before this command is issued. Assigns a multicast SMDS E.164 address to a higher-level protocol.
ip tcp adjust-mss
To adjust the maximum segment size (MSS) value of TCP SYN packets going through a router, use the ip tcp adjust-mss command in interface configuration mode. To return the MSS value to the default setting, use the no form of this command. ip tcp adjust-mss max-segment-size no ip tcp adjust-mss max-segment-size
Syntax Description
If the ip tcp adjust-mss command is not configured, the MSS is determined by the originating host.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was changed from ip adjust-mss to ip tcp adjust-mss.
Usage Guidelines
When a host (usually a PC) initiates a TCP session with a server, it negotiates the IP segment size by using the MSS option field in the TCP SYN packet. The value of the MSS field is determined by the maximum transmission unit (MTU) configuration on the host. The default MSS value for a PC is 1500 bytes.The PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) standard supports a MTU of only 1492 bytes. The disparity between the host and PPPoE MTU size can cause the router in between the host and the server to drop 1500-byte packets and terminate TCP sessions over the PPPoE network. Even if the path MTU (which detects the correct MTU across the path) is enabled on the host, sessions may be dropped because system administrators sometimes disable the ICMP error messages that must be relayed from the host in order for path MTU to work. The ip tcp adjust-mss command helps prevent TCP sessions from being dropped by adjusting the MSS value of the TCP SYN packets. The ip tcp adjust-mss command is effective only for TCP connections passing through the router. In most cases, the optimum value for the max-segment-size argument is 1452 bytes. This value plus the 20-byte IP header, the 20-byte TCP header, and the 8-byte PPPoE header add up to a 1500-byte packet that matches the MTU size for the Ethernet link. If you are configuring the ip mtu command on the same interface as the ip tcp adjust-mss command, it is recommended that you use the following commands and values:
The ip tcp adjust-mss command does not work on subinterfaces or GRE tunnels.
The following example shows the configuration of a PPPoE client with the MSS value set to 1452:
vpdn enable no vpdn logging ! vpdn-group 1 request-dialin protocol pppoe ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ip tcp adjust-mss 1452 ip nat inside ! interface ATM0 no ip address no atm ilmi-keepalive pvc 8/35 pppoe client dial-pool-number 1 ! dsl equipment-type CPE dsl operating-mode GSHDSL symmetric annex B dsl linerate AUTO ! interface Dialer1 ip address negotiated ip mtu 1492 ip nat outside encapsulation ppp dialer pool 1 dialer-group 1 ppp authentication pap callin ppp pap sent-username sohodyn password 7 141B1309000528 ! ip nat inside source list 101 Dialer1 overload ip route Dialer1 access-list permit ip any
Related Commands
Command ip mtu
keepalive (LMI)
To enable the Local Management Interface (LMI) mechanism for serial lines using Frame Relay encapsulation, use the keepalive interface configuration command. To disable this capability, use the no form of this command. keepalive number no keepalive
Syntax Description
Number of seconds that defines the keepalive interval. The interval must be set as a positive integer that is less than the interval set on the switch; see the frame-relay lmi-t392dce command description earlier in this chapter.
10 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
The keepalive command enables the keepalive sequence, which is part of the LMI protocol.
When booting from a network server over Frame Relay, you might need to disable keepalives.
The following example sets the keepalive timer on the server for a period that is two or three seconds faster (has a shorter interval) than the interval set on the keepalive timer of the Frame Relay switch. The difference in keepalive intervals ensures proper synchronization between the Cisco server and the Frame Relay switch.
interface serial 3 keepalive 8
Related Commands
lapb interface-outage
To specify the period for which a link will remain connected, even if a brief hardware outage occurs (partial Link Access Procedure, Balanced [LAPB] T3 timer functionality), use the lapb interface-outage interface configuration command. lapb interface-outage milliseconds
Syntax Description
Number of milliseconds (ms) a hardware outage can last without the protocol disconnecting the service.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
If a hardware outage lasts longer than the LAPB hardware outage period you select, normal protocol operations will occur. The link will be declared down, and when it is restored, a link setup will be initiated.
The following example sets the interface outage period to 100 ms. The link remains connected for outages equal to or shorter than that period.
encapsulation lapb dte ip lapb interface-outage 100
Related Commands
Description Sets the maximum number of bits a frame can hold (LAPB N1 parameter). Specifies the maximum number of times a data frame can be sent (LAPB N2 parameter). Sets the retransmission timer period (LAPB T1 parameter). Sets the explicit acknowledge deferral timer (LAPB T2 parameter). Sets the LAPB T4 idle timer, after which time a poll packet is sent to determine state of an unsignaled failure on the link.
lapb k
To specify the maximum permissible number of outstanding frames, called the window size, use the lapb k interface configuration command. lapb k window-size
Syntax Description
Frame count. It can be a value from 1 to the modulo size minus 1 (the maximum is 7 if the modulo size is 8; it is 127 if the modulo size is 128).
7 frames
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
If the window size is changed while the protocol is up, the new value takes effect only when the protocol is reset. You will be informed that the new value will not take effect immediately. When using the Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) modulo 128 mode (extended mode), you must increase the window parameter k to send a larger number of frames before acknowledgment is required. This increase is the basis for the routers ability to achieve greater throughput on high-speed links that have a low error rate. This configured value must match the value configured in the peer X.25 switch. Nonmatching values will cause repeated LAPB reject (REJ) frames.
The following example sets the LAPB window size (the k parameter) to 10 frames:
interface serial 0 lapb modulo lapb k 10
Related Commands
Description Specifies the LAPB basic (modulo 8) or extended (modulo 128) protocol mode.
lapb modulo
To specify the Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) basic (modulo 8) or extended (modulo 128) protocol mode, use the lapb modulo interface configuration command. lapb modulo modulus
Syntax Description
Either 8 or 128. The value 8 specifies LAPBs basic mode; the value 128 specifies LAPBs extended mode.
Modulo 8
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The modulo parameter determines which of LAPBs two modes is to be used. The modulo values derive from the fact that basic mode numbers information frames between 0 and 7, whereas extended mode numbers them between 0 and 127. Basic mode is widely available and is sufficient for most links. Extended mode is an optional LAPB feature that may achieve greater throughput on high-speed links that have a low error rate. The LAPB operating mode may be set on X.25 links as well as LAPB links. The X.25 modulo is independent of the LAPB layer modulo. Both ends of a link must use the same LAPB mode. When using modulo 128 mode, you must increase the window parameter k to send a larger number of frames before acknowledgment is required. This increase is the basis for the routers ability to achieve greater throughput on high-speed links that have a low error rate. If the modulo value is changed while the protocol is up, the new value takes effect only when the protocol is reset. You will be informed that the new value will not take effect immediately.
The following example configures a high-speed X.25 link to use LAPBs extended mode:
interface serial 1 encapsulation x25 lapb modulo 128 lapb k 40 clock rate 2000000
Related Commands
Command lapb k
Description Specifies the maximum permissible number of outstanding frames, called the window size.
lapb n1
To specify the maximum number of bits a frame can hold (the Link Access Procedure, Balanced [LAPB] N1 parameter), use the lapb n1 interface configuration command. lapb n1 bits
Syntax Description
Maximum number of bits in multiples of eight. The minimum and maximum range is dynamically set. Use the question mark (?) to view the range.
The largest (maximum) value available for the particular interface is the default. The Cisco IOS software dynamically calculates N1 whenever you change the maximum transmission unit (MTU), the L2/L3 modulo, or compression on a LAPB interface.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The Cisco IOS software uses the following formula to determine the minimum N1 value: (128 (default packet size) + LAPB overhead + X.25 overhead + 2 bytes of CRC) * 8 The Cisco IOS software uses the following formula to determine for the maximum N1 value: (hardware MTU + LAPB overhead + X.25 overhead + 2 bytes of CRC) * 8 LAPB overhead is 2 bytes for modulo 8 and 3 bytes for modulo 128. X.25 overhead is 3 bytes for modulo 8 and 4 bytes for modulo 128. You need not set N1 to an exact value to support a particular X.25 data packet size. The N1 parameter prevents the processing of any huge frames that result from a jabbering interface, an unlikely event. In addition, the various standards bodies specify that N1 be given in bits rather than bytes. While some equipment can be configured in bytes or will automatically adjust for some of the overhead information present, Cisco devices are configured using the true value, in bits, of N1. You cannot set the N1 parameter to a value less than that required to support an X.25 data packet size of 128 bytes. All X.25 implementations must be able to support 128-byte data packets. Moreover, if you configure N1 to be less than 2104 bits, you receive a warning message that X.25 might have problems because some nondata packets can use up to 259 bytes. You cannot set the N1 parameter to a value larger than the default unless the hardware MTU size is first increased.
The X.25 software accepts default packet sizes and calls that specify maximum packet sizes greater than those the LAPB layer supports, but negotiates the calls placed on the interface to the largest value that can be supported. For switched calls, the packet size negotiation takes place end-to-end through the router so the call will not have a maximum packet size that exceeds the capability of either of the two interfaces involved.
The LAPB N1 parameter provides little benefit beyond the interface MTU and can easily cause link failures if misconfigured. Cisco recommends that this parameter be left at its default value.
The following example shows how to use the question mark (?) command to display the minimum and maximum N1 value. In this example, X.25 encapsulation has both the LAPB and X.25 modulo set to 8. Any violation of this N1 range results in an Invalid input error message.
router(config)# interface serial 1 router(config-if)# lapb n1 ? <1080-12056> LAPB N1 parameter (bits; multiple of 8)
Related Commands
Description Partial LAPB T3 timer function that sets the time-length a link will remain connected during a hardware outage. Specifies the maximum number of times a data frame can be sent (LAPB N2 parameter). Sets the retransmission timer period (LAPB T1 parameter). Sets the explicit acknowledge deferral timer (LAPB T2 parameter). Sets the LAPB T4 idle timer, after which time a poll packet is sent to determine state of an unsignaled failure on the link. Adjusts the maximum packet size or MTU size.
lapb n2
To specify the maximum number of times a data frame can be sent (the Link Access Procedure, Balanced [LAPB] N2 parameter), use the lapb n2 interface configuration command. lapb n2 tries
Syntax Description
20 transmissions
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Related Commands
Description Partial LAPB T3 timer function that sets the time-length a link will remain connected during a hardware outage. Sets the maximum number of bits a frame can hold (LAPB N1 parameter). Sets the retransmission timer period (LAPB T1 parameter). Sets the explicit acknowledge deferral timer (LAPB T2 parameter). Sets the LAPB T4 idle timer, after which time a poll packet is sent to determine state of an unsignaled failure on the link.
lapb protocol
The lapb protocol command has been replaced by the [protocol | multi] option of the encapsulation lapb command. See the description of the [protocol | multi] option of the encapsulation lapb command earlier in this chapter for more information.
lapb t1
To set the retransmission timer period (the Link Access Procedure, Balanced [LAPB] T1 parameter), use the lapb t1 interface configuration command. lapb t1 milliseconds
Syntax Description
3000 ms
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The retransmission timer determines how long a transmitted frame can remain unacknowledged before the LAPB software polls for an acknowledgment. The design of the LAPB protocol specifies that a frame is presumed to be lost if it is not acknowledged within T1; a T1 value that is too small may result in duplicated control information, which can severely disrupt service. To determine an optimal value for the retransmission timer, use the ping privileged EXEC command to measure the round-trip time of a maximum-sized frame on the link. Multiply this time by a safety factor that takes into account the speed of the link, the link quality, and the distance. A typical safety factor is 1.5. Choosing a larger safety factor can result in slower data transfer if the line is noisy. However, this disadvantage is minor compared to the excessive retransmissions and effective bandwidth reduction caused by a timer setting that is too small.
Related Commands
Description Partial LAPB T3 timer function that sets the time-length a link will remain connected during a hardware outage. Sets the maximum number of bits a frame can hold (LAPB N1 parameter). Specifies the maximum number of times a data frame can be sent (LAPB N2 parameter).
Description Sets the explicit acknowledge deferral timer (LAPB T2 parameter). Sets the LAPB T4 idle timer, after which time a poll packet is sent to determine state of an unsignaled failure on the link.
lapb t2
To set the explicit acknowledge deferral timer (the Link Access Procedure, Balanced [LAPB] T2 parameter), use the lapb t2 interface configuration command. lapb t2 milliseconds
Syntax Description
Time in milliseconds. It can be a value from 1 to 32000. Default is 0 ms (disabled) and the recommended setting.
0 ms (disabled), which means that the software will send an acknowledgement as quickly as possible.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.0
Usage Guidelines
The explicit acknowledge deferral timer determines the time that the software waits before sending an explicit acknowledgement. The acknowledgement is piggybacked with the data, unless there is no data and then an explicit acknowledgement is sent when the timer expires.
It is usually not necessary (or recommended) to set the LAPB T2 timer, but if there is a requirement, it must be set to a value smaller than that set for the LAPB T1 timer; see the ITU X.25 specifications for details.
Related Commands
Description Partial LAPB T3 timer function that sets the time-length a link will remain connected during a hardware outage. Sets the maximum number of bits a frame can hold (LAPB N1 parameter). Specifies the maximum number of times a data frame can be sent (LAPB N2 parameter). Sets the retransmission timer period (LAPB T1 parameter). Sets the LAPB T4 idle timer, after which time a poll packet is sent to determine state of an unsignaled failure on the link.
lapb t4
To set the T4 idle timer, after which the Cisco IOS software sends out a Poll packet to determine whether the link has suffered an unsignaled failure, use the lapb t4 interface configuration command. lapb t4 seconds
Syntax Description
Number of seconds between receipt of the last frame and transmission of the outgoing poll.
0 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Any non-zero T4 duration must be greater than T1, the Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) retransmission timer period.
The following example will poll the other end of an active link if it has been 10 seconds since the last frame was received. If the far host has failed, the service will be declared down after n2 tries are timed out.
interface serial0 encapsulation x25 lapb t4 10
Related Commands
Description Partial LAPB T3 timer function that sets the time-length a link will remain connected during a hardware outage. Sets the maximum number of bits a frame can hold (LAPB N1 parameter). Specifies the maximum number of times a data frame can be sent (LAPB N2 parameter). Sets the retransmission timer period (LAPB T1 parameter). Sets the LAPB T4 idle timer, after which time a poll packet is sent to determine state of an unsignaled failure on the link.
To configure a local service profile and enter profile configuration mode, use the local-profile command in global configuration mode. To delete the local service profile, use the no form of this command. local-profile profile-name no local-profile profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how to configure a RADIUS profile called fictitiousname.com and enter profile configuration mode:
Router(config)# local-profile fictitiousname.com Router(config-prof)#
In the following example, two services called og1 and og2 are defined and added to the open garden:
! ssg open-garden og1 ssg open-garden og2 ! local-profile og1 attribute 26 9 251 "Oopengarden1.com" attribute 26 9 251 "D10.13.1.5" attribute 26 9 251 "R10.1.1.0;" local-profile og2 attribute 26 9 251 "Oopengarden2.com" attribute 26 9 251 "D10.14.1.5" attribute 26 9 251 "R10.2.1.0;" attribute 26 9 251 "R10.3.1.0;" ! ssg bind service og2
Related Commands
Description Configures attributes in local RADIUS profiles. Displays a list of all configured open garden services. Designates a service, defined in a local service profile, as an open garden service. Specifies the order in which SSG searches for a service profile.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(2)T
The following example shows how to enable notification of X.25 Annex G session status changes to be displayed on a console or system log using the logging event frame-relay x25 interface configuration command:
Router(config-if)# logging event frame-relay x25
To loop packets back to the interface for testing, use the loopback interface configuration command with or without an optional keyword. To remove the loopback, use the no form of this command.
Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series
loopback [line | local | payload | remote] no loopback [line | local | payload | remote]
Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 Series
For T1 lines: loopback {diagnostic | local {payload | line} | remote {iboc | esf {payload | line}}} For E1 lines: loopback {diagnostic | local {payload | line}} no loopback
Syntax Description
Places the interface into external loopback mode at the line. Places the interface into local loopback mode. Places the interface into external loopback mode at the payload level. Keeps the local end of the connection in remote loopback mode. Loops the outgoing transmit signal back to the receive signal. Sends an in-band code to the far-end receiver to cause it to go into line loopback. Specifies the FDL loopbacks. FDL should be configured on the link.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified for the Cisco MC3810. Support for the Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers was added. Support for the Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)T. Support for the Cisco 720 0 and 7500 series routers was added.
Modification Support for the Cisco 7100 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 series routers was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
You can use a loopback test on lines to detect and distinguish equipment malfunctions caused either by line and channel service unit/digital service unit (CSU/DSU) or by the interface. If correct data transmission is not possible when an interface is in loopback mode, the interface is the source of the problem. The local loopback does not generate any packets automatically. Instead, the ping command is used.
loopback (ATM)
To configure the ATM interface into loopback mode, use the loopback interface configuration command. To remove the loopback, use the no form of this command. loopback [cell | line | payload] no loopback [cell | line | payload]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Places the interface into external loopback at cell level. (Optional) Places the interface into external loopback at the line. (Optional) Places the interface into external loopback at the payload level.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The following keywords were removed:
diagnostic test
Usage Guidelines
This command is useful for testing because it loops all packets from the ATM interface back to the interface as well as directing the packets to the network. Use the loopback line command to check that the PA-A3 port adapter is working by looping the receive data back to the transmit data.
The following example loops all packets back to the ATM interface:
interface atm 4/0 loopback
Related Commands
map-class atm
This command is no longer supported.
map-class frame-relay
To specify a map class to define quality of service (QoS) values for a switched virtual circuit (SVC), use the map-class frame-relay command in global configuration mode. map-class frame-relay map-class-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
After you specify the named map class, you can specify the QoS parameterssuch as incoming and outgoing committed information rate (CIR), committed burst rate, excess burst rate, and the idle timerfor the map class. To specify the protocol-and-address combination to which the QoS parameters are to be applied, associate this map class with the static maps under a map list.
The following example specifies a map class called hawaii and defines three QoS parameters for it. The hawaii map class is associated with a protocol-and-address static map defined under the map-list command.
map-list bermuda source-addr E164 123456 dest-addr E164 654321 ip class hawaii appletalk 1000.2 class hawaii map-class frame-relay hawaii frame-relay cir in 2000000 frame-relay cir out 56000 frame-relay be out 9000
Related Commands
Description Specifies the incoming or outgoing Bc for a Frame Relay VC. Sets the incoming or outgoing Be for a Frame Relay VC. Specifies the incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay VC.
To associate a map list with a specific interface, use the map-group command in interface configuration mode. map-group group-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
A map-group association with an interface is required for switched virtual circuit (SVC) operation. In addition, a map list must be configured. The map-group command applies to the interface or subinterface on which it is configured. The associated E.164 or X.121 address is defined by the map-list command, and the associated protocol addresses are defined by using the class command under the map-list command.
The following example configures a physical interface, applies a map group to the physical interface, and then defines the map group:
interface serial 0 ip address encapsulation frame-relay map-group bermuda frame-relay lmi-type q933a frame-relay svc map-list bermuda source-addr E164 123456 dest-addr E164 654321 ip class hawaii appletalk 1000.2 class rainbow
Related Commands
Description Associates a map class with a protocol-and-address combination. Specifies a map group and link it to a local E.164 or X.121 source address and a remote E.164 or X.121 destination address for Frame Relay SVCs.
To specify a map group and link it to a local E.164 or X.121 source address and a remote E.164 or X.121 destination address for Frame Relay switched virtual circuits (SVCs), use the map-list command in global configuration mode. To delete a previous map-group link, use the no form of this command. map-list map-group-name source-addr {e164 | x121} source-address dest-addr {e164 | x121} destination-address no map-list map-group-name source-addr {e164 | x121} source-address dest-addr {e164 | x121} destination-address
Syntax Description
Name of the map group. This map group must be associated with a physical interface. Type of source address. Address of the type specified (E.164 or X.121). Type of destination address. Address of the type specified (E.164 or X.121).
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
Use the map-class command and its subcommands to define quality of service (QoS) parameterssuch as incoming and outgoing committed information rate (CIR), committed burst rate, excess burst rate, and the idle timerfor the static maps defined under a map list. Each SVC needs to use a source and destination number, in much the same way that a public telephone network needs to use source and destination numbers. These numbers allow the network to route calls from a specific source to a specific destination. This specification is done through map lists. Depending on switch configuration, addressing can take either of two forms: E.164 or X.121. An X.121 address number is 14 digits long and has the following form:
Table 5
Code Z C P N
Meaning Zone code Country code Public data network (PDN) code 10-digit number
Value 3 for North America 1016 for the United States Provided by the PDN Set by the network for the specific destination
An E.164 number has a variable length; the maximum length is 15 digits. An E.164 number has the fields shown in Figure 1 and described in Table 6.
Figure 1 E.164 Address Format
National Destination Code Subscriber Number ISDN Subaddress
Table 6
Description Can be 1, 2, or 3 digits long. Some current values are the following:
National destination code + subscriber number Referred to as the National ISDN number; the maximum length is 12, 13, or 14 digits, based on the country code. ISDN subaddress Identifies one of many devices at the termination point. An ISDN subaddress is similar to an extension on a PBX.
In the following SVC example, if IP or AppleTalk triggers the call, the SVC is set up with the QoS parameters defined within the class hawaii. An SVC triggered by either protocol results in two SVC maps, one for IP and one for AppleTalk. Two maps are set up because these protocol-and-address combinations are heading for the same destination, as defined by the dest-addr keyword and the values following it in the map-list command.
map-list bermuda source-addr e164 123456 dest-addr e164 654321 ip class hawaii appletalk 1000.2 class hawaii
Related Commands
Description Associates a map class with a protocol-and-address combination. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
To specify whether to use the first three bits in the type of service (ToS) octet or the first six bits of the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) octet of the IP header for mapping packet service levels to Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundle members, use the match command in Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. To change the mapping scheme used, override the current configuration by using the match command with the other keyword. This command does not have a no form. match {dscp | precedence}
Syntax Description
Specifies that the DSCP octet in the IPv4 header is used to map packet service levels to specific Frame Relay PVC bundle members. Currently the first six bits of the DSCP octet are used for mapping, providing 64 packet service levels numbered 0 through 63. Specifies that the precedence field of the ToS octet is used to map packet service levels to specific Frame Relay PVC bundle members. The precedence field consists of the first three bits of the ToS octet, providing eight precedence levels numbered 0 through 7.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
The default PVC bundle match type is precedence. To change the match type to DSCP, use the match dscp command. When this command is executed, the system displays the message Resetting vc-bundle configuration on the console. When the match type is changed, the system removes all level designations that were previously configured. To return the PVC bundle match type to the default setting of precedence, use the match precedence command. A PVC bundle cannot perform precedence matching and DSCP matching at the same time. If the wrong matching scheme is configured for the traffic type, unpredictable behavior will result. When tag-switching is enabled on the interface by using the tag-switching ip command, PVC bundles that are configured for IP precedence mapping are automatically converted to MPLS EXP mapping. The PVC bundle functionality remains the same with respect to priority levels, bumping, and so on, but the match precedence command is replaced by match exp, and each precedence command is replaced by the exp command. The result is that a bundle-member PVC previously configured to carry precedence level 1 IP traffic now carries EXP level 1 MPLS traffic.
PVC bundles configured for DSCP mapping go down when tag-switching is enabled. The DSCP configuration for each bundle-member PVC is reset, causing the PVCs to be unmapped and Inverse ARP, bumping, and protection settings to be unconfigured. The match dscp command is replaced by match exp. When tag-switching is disabled, the match precedence and match dscp commands are restored.
The following example sets the match type to DSCP for the PVC bundle MP-4-dynamic:
Router(config)# interface serial 1/4.1 multipoint Router(config-if)# frame-relay vc-bundle MP-4-dynamic Router(config-fr-vcb)# match dscp %Resetting vc-bundle configuration.
Related Commands
Command dscp (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member) exp precedence (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member)
Description Configures the DSCP value or values for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures MPLS EXP levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures the precedence levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member.
max bandwidth
To specify the total amount of outgoing bandwidth available to switched virtual circuits (SVCs) in the current configuration, use the max bandwidth command in interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. To remove the current bandwidth setting, use the no form of this command. max bandwidth kbps no max bandwidth kbps
Syntax Description
Total amount of outgoing bandwidth in kilobits per second available to all SVCs in the current configuration.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(3)T
Usage Guidelines
Only the guaranteed cell rate of an SVC is counted toward the maximum bandwidth.
In following example, an SVC called anna on ATM interface 2/0/0 is configured using the max bandwidth command to allow a maximum of 50 Mbps of bandwidth to be used by all of the SVCs in this configuration:
interface ATM 2/0/0 svc anna encapsulation aal5auto protocol ppp virtual-template 1 max bandwidth 50000
Related Commands
Command max vc
Description Specifies the maximum number of SVCs that can be established using the current configuration.
max vc
To specify the maximum number of switched virtual circuits (SVCs) that can be established using the current configuration, use the max vc command in interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. To restore the maximum number of SVCs to the default setting, use the no form of this command. max vc number no max vc number
Syntax Description
4096 SVCs
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(3)T
In following example, an SVC called anna on ATM interface 2/0/0 is configured using the max vc command to allow a maximum of 100 SVCs to be established using this configuration:
interface ATM 2/0/0 svc anna encapsulation aal5auto protocol ppp virtual-template 1 max vc 100
Related Commands
Description Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth available to all SVCs in the current configuration. Creates an ATM SVC.
To set the range of message identifier (MID) values on a permanent virtual circuit (PVC), use the mid interface-ATM-VC configuration command. To remove MID value range settings, use the no form of this command. mid midlow midhigh no mid midlow midhigh
Syntax Description
midlow midhigh
Starting MID number for this PVC. This can be set between 0 and 1023. Ending MID number for this PVC. This can be set between 0 and 1023.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration
Command History
Release 11.3(2)T
Usage Guidelines
This command is only available when SMDS encapsulation is configured on a PVC. Use this command to assign different ranges of message identifiers to different PVCs.
In the following example, the atm mid-per-vc command limits the maximum number of message identifiers to 32 for each VC on the ATM interface. Using the mid command, the selected range of numbers that are available for the message identifiers on PVC 1/40 is 0 to 31. For PVC 2/50, the range is 32 to 63.
interface atm 2/0 atm mid-per-vc 32 pvc 1/40 smds mid 0 31 pvc 2/50 smds mid 32 63
mode extended
To select extended Autodomain mode, use the mode extended command in SSG-auto-domain configuration mode. To reenable basic Autodomain mode, use the no form of this command. mode extended no mode extended
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-auto-domain configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the mode extended command to select the extended Autodomain mode. In basic Autodomain mode, the profile downloaded from the AAA server for the selected Autodomain name is a service profile, which may or may not contain attributes specific to Service Selection Gateway (SSG). In extended Autodomain mode, the profile is a virtual user profile, which may contain a list of services in addition to other account attributes. The virtual user profile contains one autoservice to an authenticated service such as a proxy, VPDN, or tunnel. Connection to the autoservice occurs in the same way as in basic Autodomain mode. The host object is not activated until the user is authenticated at the service. The presence of SSD allows the user to access any other service in the specified user profile. Extended mode also enables users with multiple service selection to log on.
Related Commands
Description Adds to the Autodomain download exclusion list. Configures the Autodomain exclusion list.
Command nat user-address select show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile ssg auto-domain ssg enable
Description Enables NAT on Autodomain tunnel service. Configures the Autodomain selection mode. Displays the contents of an Autodomain exclude-profile downloaded from the AAA server. Enables SSG Autodomain mode. Enables SSG functionality.
nat user-address
To enable Network Address Translation (NAT) toward Autodomain service, use the nat user-address command in SSG-auto-domain mode. To disable NAT on Autodomain service, use the no form of this command. nat user-address no nat user-address
Syntax Description
NAT is not applied toward Autodomain services and IP addresses assigned at the tunnel, VPDN, or proxy service will be assigned at the host and then sent back to the RADIUS client. NAT is always applied towards the Autodomain connection regardless of the configuration of the nat user-address command when the Access-Request from the RADIUS client contains an IP address.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the nat user-address command to enable NAT toward the Autodomain connection. When a host object has not been assigned an IP address using the Access-Request from the RADIUS client, Service Selection Gateway (SSG) by default passes an IP address assigned at the tunnel, VPDN, or proxy service back to the RADIUS client and NAT does not happen toward the Autodomain connection. The nat user-address command overrides the default behavior and specifies that NAT should be performed towards Autodomain services. If a host has been assigned an IP address via the Access-Request, NAT happens toward the Autodomain connection regardless of the status of this command.
Related Commands
Command download exclude-profile exclude mode extended select show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile ssg enable
Description Adds to the Autodomain download exclusion list. Configures the Autodomain exclusion list. Enables extended mode for SSG Autodomain. Configures the Autodomain selection mode. Displays the contents of an Autodomain exclude-profile downloaded from the AAA server. Enables SSG functionality.
network (ssg-redirect)
To add an IP address to a named network list, use the network command in SSG-redirect-network configuration mode. To remove an IP address from a named network list, use the no form of this command. network ip-address mask no network ip-address mask
Syntax Description
ip-address mask
IP address that is to be added to a named network list. Mask for the associated IP subnet.
Command Modes
SSG-redirect-network configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to define an individual network that is found in a named network list. Use the network-list command to define and name the network list and the network command to add an individual IP address to the named network list. Packets arriving from an authorized user who is attempting to access an unauthorized service from an IP address that is part of a named network list can be redirected to a captive portal group that presents the user with an appropriate response, such as a logon screen. Service Selection Gateway (SSG) TCP Redirect for Services uses a marked TCP port or TCP port list in addition to the destination IP address to determine if a packet is redirected to a captive portal group. Define a named TCP port list using the port-list command, and add TCP ports to the named TCP port list using the port (ssg-redirect) command. You must enable SSG using the ssg enable command and SSG TCP Redirect for Services using the ssg tcp-redirect command before you can define a named network list.
The following example creates a network list named RedirectNw and adds IP address and address to the RedirectNw network list:
ssg tcp-redirect network-list RedirectNw network network
Related Commands
Description Defines a list of one or more IP networks that make up a named network list. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
network-clock-select (ATM)
To establish the sources and priorities of the requisite clocking signals for an ATM-CES port adapter, use the network-clock-select global configuration command. To remove the clock source, use the no form of this command. network-clock-select priority {cbr | atm} slot/port no network-clock-select priority {cbr | atm} slot/port
Syntax Description
Priority of the clock source. Values are 1 (high priority) to 4 (low priority). Specifies a CBR interface to supply the clock source. Specifies an ATM interface to supply the clock source. Backplane slot number. Interface port number.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
To support synchronous or synchronous residual time stamp (SRTS) clocking modes on the CBR interface, you must specify a primary reference source to synchronize the flow of CBR data from its source to its destination. You can specify up to four clock priorities. The highest priority active interface in the router supplies primary reference source to all other interfaces that require network clock synchronization services. The fifth priority is the local oscillator on the ATM-CES port adapter. Use the show network-clocks command to display currently configured clock priorities on the router.
Related Commands
Description Configures the AAL1 timing recovery clock for the CBR interface.
Description Configures a transmit clock source for the CBR interface. Displays which ports are designated as network clock sources.
To define a list of one or more IP networks that make up a named network list and to enter SSG-redirect-network configuration mode, use the network-list command in SSG-redirect configuration mode. To remove a named network list, use the no form of this command. network-list network-listname no network-list network-listname
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to define a list of one or more IP networks that make up a named network list. Use the network-listname attribute to name the IP network list. Packets arriving from an authorized user who is attempting to access an unauthorized service from an IP address that is part of a named network list can be redirected to a captive portal group that presents the user with an appropriate response, such as a logon screen. Service Selection Gateway (SSG) TCP Redirect for Services uses a marked TCP port or TCP port list in addition to the destination IP address to determine if a packet is redirected to a captive portal group. Define a named TCP port list using the port-list command, and add TCP ports to the named TCP port list using the port (ssg-redirect) command. You must enable SSG using the ssg enable command and SSG TCP Redirect for Services using the ssg tcp-redirect command before you can define a named network list.
Related Commands
Description Adds an IP address to a named network list. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group.
Description Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
oam retry
To configure parameters related to Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) management for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), switched virtual circuit (SVC), VC class, or VC bundle, use the oam retry command in the appropriate command mode. To remove OAM management parameters, use the no form of this command. oam retry up-count down-count retry-frequency no oam retry up-count down-count retry-frequency
Syntax Description
Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that must be received in order to change a PVC connection state to up. This argument does not apply to SVCs. Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that are not received in order to change a PVC state to down or tear down an SVC connection. The frequency (in seconds) that end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells are transmitted when a change in the up/down state of a PVC or SVC is being verified. For example, if a PVC is up and a loopback cell response is not received after the frequency (in seconds) argument is specified using the oam-pvc command, then loopback cells are sent at the retry-frequency to verify whether the PVC is down.
up-count = 3 down-count = 5 retry-frequency = 1 second This set of defaults assumes that OAM management is enabled using the oam-pvc or oam-svc command.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC or SVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) Bundle configuration mode (for a VC bundle) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command allows you to configure parameters related to OAM management for ATM VC bundles. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
The up-count argument does not apply to SVCs. If the oam retry command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the oam retry command in a VC class assigned to the PVC or SVC itself. Configuration of the oam retry command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of the oam retry command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM main interface. Global default: up-count = 3, down-count = 5, retry-frequency = 1 second. This set of defaults assumes that OAM management is enabled using the oam-pvc or oam-svc command. The up-count and retry-frequency arguments do not apply to SVCs.
To use this command in bundle configuration mode, enter the bundle command to create the bundle or to specify an existing bundle before you enter this command. If you use the oam retry command to configure a VC bundle, you configure all VC members of that bundle. VCs in a VC bundle are further subject to the following inheritance rules (listed in order of precedence):
VC configuration in bundle-vc mode Bundle configuration in bundle mode (with effect of assigned VC-class configuration) Subinterface configuration in subinterface mode
The following example configures the OAM management parameters with up-count 3, down-count 3, and the retry-frequency at 10 seconds:
oam retry 3 3 10
Related Commands
Description Configures broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM VC class, PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Assigns a VC class to an ATM main interface or subinterface. Assigns a VC class to an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member. Sets the encapsulation method used by the interface. Configures the Inverse ARP time period for an ATM PVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for a virtual circuit class that can be applied to a virtual circuit bundle. Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for an ATM PVC or virtual circuit class. Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for an ATM SVC or virtual circuit class. Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC by either configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, on the VC bundle, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only).
Description Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures the VBR-NRT QoS and specifies output peak cell rate, output sustainable cell rate, and output maximum burst cell size for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member.
oam retry cc
To set the frequency at which ATM Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) F5 continuity check (CC) activation and deactivation requests are sent to a device at the other end of a segment or permanent virtual circuit (PVC), use the oam retry cc command in ATM virtual circuit configuration mode. To remove the retry settings, use the no form of this command. oam retry cc {end | segment} [activation-count [deactivation-count [retry-frequency]]] no oam retry cc {end | segment} [activation-count [deactivation-count [retry-frequency]]]
Syntax Description
End-to-end continuity check. Segment continuity check. (Optional) Maximum number of times the activation request will be sent before the receipt of an acknowledgment. The range is from 3 to 600. The default is 3. (Optional) Maximum number of times the deactivation request will be sent before the receipt of an acknowledgment. The range is from 3 to 600. The default is 3. (Optional) Interval between retries, in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
The following example shows how to configure ATM OAM F5 CC support over the segment and configure the router to function as the source. The frequency at which CC activation and deactivation requests will be sent over the segment is also configured.
interface atm 0 ip address pvc 0/40 oam-pvc manage cc segment direction source oam retry cc segment 10 10 30
Related Commands
Description Configures ATM OAM F5 CC management. Disables ATM OAM F5 CC support and configures the PVC to deny CC activation requests.
To enable end-to-end F5 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) loopback cell generation and OAM management for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) or virtual circuit (VC) class, use the oam-pvc command in the appropriate command mode. To disable generation of OAM loopback cells and OAM management, use the no form of this command. oam-pvc [manage] [frequency] no oam-pvc [manage] [frequency]
Syntax Description
manage frequency
(Optional) Enable OAM management. (Optional) Time delay (0 to 600 seconds) between transmitting OAM loopback cells.
10 seconds
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was made available in PVC-in-range configuration mode.
Usage Guidelines
If OAM management is enabled, further control of OAM management is configured using the oam retry command. If the oam-pvc command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, the PVC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the oam-pvc command in a VC class assigned to the PVC itself. Configuration of the oam-pvc command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of the oam-pvc command in a VC class assigned to the PVCs ATM main interface. Global default: End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management are disabled, but if OAM cells are received, they are looped back. The default value for the frequency argument is 10 seconds.
The following example enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell transmission and OAM management on an ATM PVC with a transmission frequency of 3 seconds:
oam-pvc manage 3
Related Commands
Description Enables ILMI management on an ATM PVC. Configures parameters related to OAM management for ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class.
oam-pvc manage cc
To configure ATM Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) F5 continuity check (CC) management, use the oam-pvc manage cc command in ATM virtual circuit configuration mode. To disable OAM F5 continuity checking, use the no form of this command. oam-pvc manage cc {end | segment} [direction {both | sink | source}] [keep-vc-up [end aisrdi failure | seg aisrdi failure]] no oam-pvc manage cc {end | segment} [deactivate-down-vc] [direction {both | sink | source}] [keep-vc-up [end aisrdi failure | seg aisrdi failure]]
Syntax Description
end segment direction both sink source keep-vc-up end aisrdi failure
End-to-end continuity checking. Monitoring occurs on the entire VC between two ATM end stations. Segment continuity checking. Monitoring occurs on a VC segment between a router and a first-hop ATM switch. (Optional) Direction of CC cell transmission. (Optional) Specifies that CC cells transmit toward and away from the activator. (Optional) Specifies that CC cells transmit toward the activator. This is the default direction. (Optional) Specifies that CC cells transmit away from the activator. (Optional) Specifies that VC will be kept in the UP state when CC cells detect connectivity failure. (Optional) Specifies that if end alarm indication signals/remote defect indications (AIS/RDI) cells are received, the VC will not be brought down because of segment CC failure. (Optional) Specifies that if segment AIS/RDI cells are received, the VC will not be brought down because of end CC failure or loopback failure. (Optional) Specifies that an OAM F5 CC deactivation message will be sent when the VC is operationally down and in the CC active state. This keyword is available only when the no form of this command is used.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
ATM OAM F5 continuity checking enables OAM to support the use of F5 segment and end-to-end CC cells to detect connectivity failures.
It is not necessary to enter a CC configuration on the router at the other end of a segment. The router on which CC management has been configured sends a CC activation request to the router at the other end of the segment, directing it to act as either a source or a sink. Use the oam-pvc manage cc deny command to configure a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to respond to activation requests from a peer device with activation denied messages. The oam-pvc manage cc deny command prevents ATM OAM F5 CC management from being activated on the PVC. Use the no oam-pvc manage cc command to send a deactivation request to the peer device. The no oam-pvc manage cc command will disable ATM OAM F5 CC management on the PVC until the PVC receives an activation request. When the PVC receives an activation request, ATM OAM F5 CC management will be reenabled. The no oam-pvc manage cc {end | segment} deactivate-down-vc command does not disable ATM OAM F5 CC support. This command causes OAM F5 CC deactivation messages to be sent over the VC when the VC goes down. To enable the SNMP notifications that support ATM OAM F5 continuity checking, use the snmp-server enable traps atm pvc extension command.
The following example shows how to configure ATM OAM F5 CC support over the segment and configure the router to function as the source. The frequency at which CC activation and deactivation requests will be sent over the segment is also configured.
interface atm 0 ip address pvc 0/40 oam-pvc manage cc segment direction source oam retry cc segment 10 10 30
The following example shows how to configure OAM to send a CC deactivation request across the segment when PVC 0/1 goes down:
interface atm 0 ip address pvc 0/40 no oam-pvc manage cc segment deactivate-down-vc
Related Commands
Description Displays ATM OAM F5 CC management activity. Disables ATM OAM F5 CC support and configures the PVC to deny CC activation requests. Sets the frequency at which ATM OAM F5 CC activation and deactivation requests are sent to the device at the other end of a segment or PVC. Displays all ATM PVCs and traffic information.
Description Enables the sending of extended ATM PVC SNMP notifications and SNMP notifications for ATM OAM F5 CC, ATM OAM F5 AIS/RDI, and loopback failures. Specifies the MIB that supports extended ATM PVC SNMP notifications or the MIB that supports SNMP notifications for ATM OAM F5 CC management, ATM OAM F5 AIS/RDI management, and F5 loopback failure management.
Syntax Description
end segment
If the peer device sends the activation message, F5 CC management will be enabled on the PVC.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the oam-pvc manage cc deny command to configure a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to respond to activation requests from a peer device with activation denied messages. The oam-pvc manage cc deny command prevents ATM OAM F5 CC management from being activated on the PVC. Use the no oam-pvc manage cc command to send a deactivation request to the peer device. The no oam-pvc manage cc command will disable ATM OAM F5 CC management on the PVC until the PVC receives an activation request. When the PVC receives an activation request, ATM OAM F5 CC management will be reenabled.
The following example shows how to disable ATM OAM F5 CC support and configure the VC to deny CC activation requests:
interface atm 0 ip address pvc 0/40 oam-pvc manage cc segment deny
Related Commands
Description Configures ATM OAM F5 CC management. Sets the frequency at which ATM OAM F5 CC activation and deactivation requests are sent to the device at the other end of a segment or PVC.
To enable end-to-end F5 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) loopback cell generation and OAM management for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC) range, use the oam-range PVC range configuration command. To disable generation of OAM loopback cells and OAM management, use the no form of this command. oam-range [manage] [frequency] no oam-range [manage] [frequency]
Syntax Description
manage frequency
(Optional) Enables OAM management. (Optional) Time delay (0 to 600 seconds) between transmissions of OAM loopback cells.
10 seconds
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(5)T
Usage Guidelines
If OAM management is enabled, further control of OAM management is configured using the oam retry command. If the oam-range command is not explicitly configured for an ATM PVC range, the range inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the oam-range command in a VC class assigned to the range. Configuration of the oam-range command in a VC class assigned to the ATM subinterface for the range. Configuration of the oam-range command in a VC class assigned to the ATM main interface for the range. Global default: End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management are disabled, but if OAM cells are received, they are looped back. The default value for the frequency argument is 10 seconds.
The following example enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell transmission and OAM management on an ATM PVC range called range1 with a transmission frequency of 11 seconds:
interface atm 6/0.1 range range1 pvc 7/101 7/103 oam-range manage 11 oam retry 8 9 10
Related Commands
Description Enables ILMI management on an ATM PVC. Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for an ATM PVC or VC class. Configures parameters related to OAM management for ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class.
To enable end-to-end F5 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) loopback cell generation and OAM management for an ATM switched virtual circuit (SVC) or virtual circuit (VC) class, use the oam-svc command in the appropriate command mode. To disable generation of OAM loopback cells and OAM management, use the no form of this command. oam-svc [manage] [frequency] no oam-svc [manage] [frequency]
Syntax Description
manage frequency
(Optional) Enable OAM management. (Optional) Time delay (0 to 600 seconds) between transmitting OAM loopback cells.
10 seconds
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.3
Usage Guidelines
If OAM management is enabled, further control of OAM management is configured using the oam retry command.
Generally, ATM signalling manages ATM SVCs. Configuring the oam-svc command on an SVC verifies the inband integrity of the SVC. If the oam-svc command is not explicitly configured on an ATM SVC, the SVC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the oam-svc command in a VC class assigned to the SVC itself. Configuration of the oam-svc command in a VC class assigned to the SVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of the oam-svc command in a VC class assigned to the SVCs ATM main interface. Global default: End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management are disabled, but if OAM cells are received, they are looped back. The default value for frequency is 10 seconds.
The following example enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell transmission and OAM management on an ATM SVC with a transmission frequency of 3 seconds:
oam-svc manage 3
Related Commands
Description Configures parameters related to OAM management for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class.
To configure the number of AAL1 user octets per cell for the ATM circuit emulation service (CES) on the OC-3/STM-1 Circuit Emulation Service network module, use the partial-fill interface-CES-VC command. To delete the CES partial-fill value, use the no form of this command. partial-fill octet no partial-fill octet
Syntax Description
Number of user octets per cell for the CES. Possible values of octet range from 1 to 47.
No partial-fill
Command Modes
Interface-CES-VC configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
The partial-fill command applies to CES SVCs and PVCs configured on Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers that have OC-3/STM-1 ATM CES network modules.
The following example sets the CES partial cell fill to 50 octets per cell for SVC ces1:
interface atm 1/0 svc ces1 nsap 47.00.00......01.01.00 ces partial fill 40
Related Commands
Command svc
Description Creates an ATM SVC and specifies the destination NSAP address on a main interface or subinterface.
Syntax Description
ATM interface. Virtual path identifier. Virtual channel identifier. (Optional) Sends ATM ping to segment loopback. (Optional) Sends ATM ping to end loopback. This is the default. (Optional) Number of ping packets that are sent to the destination address. Default is 5. (Optional) Timeout interval. Default is 2 seconds.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the LightStream 1010. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(21)S. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
The ping atm interface atm command sends an OAM packet and indicates when a response is received. You can choose one of two ping options:
End loopbackVerifies end-to-end PVC integrity. Segment loopbackVerifies PVC integrity to the neighboring ATM device.
In the following example, an ATM OAM ping with a 5-second timeout verifies end-to-end connectivity for PVC 0/5:
Router# ping atm interface atm 0/0/0 0 5 end-loopback 5 5 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 53-byte end-to-end OAM echoes, timeout is 5 seconds: !!!!!
In the following example, an ATM OAM ping verifies connectivity to the first-hop ATM switch on PVC 1/100:
Router# ping atm interface atm 0/0/0 1 100 seg-loopback Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 53-byte segment OAM echoes, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms
Related Commands
Description Displays information about ATM OAM events. Checks host reachability and network connectivity.
port (ssg-redirect)
To add a TCP port to a named port list, use the port command in SSG-redirect-port configuration mode. To remove a TCP port from a named port list, use the no form of this command. port port-number no port port-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-redirect-port configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to add incoming destination ports to a named TCP port list. Incoming packets directed to a port in the named TCP port list can be redirected by the named captive portal group. Configure the named captive portal group using the server-group command, and add servers to the captive portal group using the server (SSG) command. Define and name the TCP port list using the port-list command. You must enable Service Selection Gateway (SSG) using the ssg enable command and SSG TCP Redirect for Services using the ssg tcp-redirect command before you can define or add incoming destination ports to a named TCP port list.
The following example creates a named TCP port list named WebPorts and adds TCP ports 80 and 8080:
ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect port-list WebPorts port 80 port 8080
Related Commands
Description Defines a list of one or more TCP ports that make up a named port list and enters SSG-redirect-port configuration mode. Adds a server to a captive portal group.
Command server-group
Description Defines the group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enters SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
To define a list of one or more TCP ports that make up a named port list and to enter SSG-redirect-port configuration mode, use the port-list command in SSG-redirect configuration mode. To disable a port list, use the no form of this command. port-list port-listname no port-list port-listname
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to define a named port list. Use this command to create a list of TCP ports that can be redirected by the captive portal group. Use the port (ssg-redirect) command in SSG-redirect-port configuration mode to add TCP ports to the named port list. You must enable Service Selection Gateway (SSG) using the ssg enable command and SSG TCP Redirect for Services using the ssg tcp-redirect command before you can define a named port list.
Related Commands
Description Adds a TCP port to a named port list. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Adds a server to a captive portal group. Defines the group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enters SSG-redirect-group configuration mode.
Command show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
Description Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
pppoe enable
To enable PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) sessions on an Ethernet interface or subinterface, use the pppoe enable command in interface configuration mode. To disable PPPoE, use the no form of this command. pppoe enable [group group-name] no pppoe enable
Syntax Description
group group-name
(Optional) Specifies that a PPPoE profile will be used by PPPoE sessions on the interface. (Optional) Name of the PPPoE profile to be used by PPPoE sessions on the interface.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to enable PPPoE on IEEE 802.1Q encapsulated VLAN interfaces. The group option was added.
Usage Guidelines
If a PPPoE profile is not specified by using the group option, PPPoE sessions will be established using values from the global PPPoE profile. PPPoE profiles must be configured using the bba-group pppoe command.
The following example enables PPPoE sessions on Ethernet interface 1/0. PPPoE sessions will be established using the PPPoE parameters in the global PPPoE profile.
interface ethernet1/0 pppoe enable ! bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 1 sessions max limit 8000 sessions per-vc limit 8 sessions per-mac limit 2
The following example shows how to enable PPPoE on an 802.1Q VLAN subinterface. PPPoE sessions will be established using the PPPoE parameters in PPPoE profile vpn1.
interface Ethernet2/3.1 encapsulation dot1Q 1 pppoe enable group vpn1 ! bba-group pppoe vpn1 virtual-template 1 sessions per-vc limit 2 sessions per-mac limit 1
Related Commands
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Displays debugging information for PPPoE sessions. Configures a PPPoE global profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on a router and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions under each VLAN.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be permitted on the router. The range is from 0 to the maximum number of interfaces on the router.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)DD. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
PPPoE session limits configured using the pppoe limit per-vc, pppoe limit per-vlan, pppoe max-sessions, pppoe max-sessions (VC), and pppoe max-sessions (subinterface) commands take precedence over limits configured for the router using the pppoe limit max-sessions command.
The following example shows a limit of 100 PPPoE sessions configured for the router.
vpdn enable vpdn-group 1 accept dialin protocol pppoe virtual-template 1 pppoe limit max-sessions 100
Related Commands
Description Displays PPPoE protocol errors that prevent a session from being established or errors that cause an established session to be closed. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be sourced from a MAC address.
Description Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on all VCs. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on a VLAN. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on an ATM PVC, PVC range, VC class, or Ethernet subinterface.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPPoE sessions that can be sourced from a MAC address.
100 sessions
Command Modes
VPDN configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(1)T
The following example sets a limit of 10 sessions to be sourced from a MAC address:
pppoe limit per-mac 10
Related Commands
Description Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be established over a VC. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions under each VLAN.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPPoE sessions that can be established over an ATM PVC.
100 sessions
Command Modes
VPDN configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(1)T
Related Commands
Description Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be sourced from a MAC address. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions under each VLAN.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPP over Ethernet sessions permitted under each VLAN.
Command Modes
VPDN configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(5)T
Usage Guidelines
If the pppoe max-session command is configured on a VLAN, that command will take precedence over the pppoe limit per-vlan command. The pppoe limit per-vlan command applies to all VLANs on which the pppoe max-session command has not been configured. The pppoe limit per-vlan command must be configured after the accept dial-in VPDN group has been configured using the accept-dialin VPDN configuration command.
The following example shows a maximum of 200 PPPoE sessions configured for an 802.1Q VLAN subinterface:
interface FastEthernet0/0.10 encapsulation dot1Q 10 pppoe enable ! vpdn enable vpdn-group 1 accept dialin protocol pppoe virtual-template 1 pppoe limit per-vlan 200
Related Commands
Description Creates an accept dial-in VPDN subgroup. Displays data packets of PPPoE sessions.
Command debug vpdn pppoe-error debug vpdn pppoe-events debug vpdn pppoe-packet pppoe enable pppoe limit max-sessions pppoe limit per-vc pppoe max-sessions
Description Displays PPPoE protocol errors that prevent a session from being established or errors that cause an established session to be closed. Displays PPPoE protocol messages about events that are part of normal session establishment or shutdown. Displays each PPPoE protocol packet exchanged. Enables PPPoE sessions on an Ethernet interface. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be sourced from a MAC address. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be established over a VC. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted under a VLAN.
pppoe max-sessions
To specify the maximum number of PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) sessions that will be permitted on an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), PVC range, virtual circuit (VC) class, or Ethernet subinterface, use the pppoe max-sessions command in the appropriate mode. To remove this specification, use the no form of this command. pppoe max-sessions number-of-sessions no pppoe max-sessions
Syntax Description
The PPPoE session limit in the case of a PVC range applies to each PVC in the range. This limit is not cumulative on all PVCs belonging to the range.
Command Modes
Ethernet subinterface configuration Interface-ATM-VC configuration VC-class configuration ATM PVC range configuration PVC-in-range configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to limit PPPoE sessions on ATM PVCs, PVC ranges, and VC classes.
Usage Guidelines
The pppoe limit max-sessions command limits the total number of PPPoE sessions on the router, regardless of the type of medium the sessions are using. The pppoe limit per-mac command limits the number of PPPoE sessions that can be sourced from a single MAC address. This limit also applies to all PPPoE sessions on the router. The pppoe limit per-vc and pppoe limit per-vlan commands limit the number of PPPoE sessions on all PVCs or VLANs on the router. The pppoe max-sessions command limits the number of PPPoE sessions on a specific PVC or VLAN. Limits created for a specific PVC or VLAN using the pppoe max-session command take precedence over the global limits created with the pppoe limit per-vc and pppoe limit per-vlan commands.
PPPoE session limits created on an ATM PVC take precedence over limits created in a VC class or ATM PVC range. PPPoE session limits created in an ATM PVC range take precedence over limits created in a VC class.
The following example shows a limit of 200 PPPoE sessions configured for the subinterface:
interface FastEthernet 0/0.10 encapsulation dot1Q 10 pppoe enable pppoe max-sessions 200
The following example shows a limit of 10 PPPoE sessions configured for the PVC:
interface ATM1/0.102 multipoint pvc 3/304 encapsulation aal5snap protocol pppoe pppoe max-sessions 10
VC Class Example
The following example shows a limit of 20 PPPoE sessions that will be permitted per PVC in the VC class called main:
vc-class atm main pppoe max-sessions 20
The following example shows a limit of 30 PPPoE sessions that will be permitted per PVC in the PVC range called range-1:
interface atm 6/0.110 multipoint range range-1 pvc 100 4/199 encapsulation aal5snap protocol ppp virtual-template 2 pppoe max-sessions 30
The following example shows a limit of 10 PPPoE sessions configured for pvc1, which is part of the ATM PVC range called range1:
interface atm 6/0.110 multipoint range range1 pvc 100 4/199 pvc-in-range pvc1 3/104 pppoe max-sessions 10
Related Commands
Command debug vpdn pppoe-errors pppoe limit max-sessions pppoe limit per-mac pppoe limit per-vc pppoe limit per-vlan
Description Displays PPPoE protocol errors that prevent a session from being established or errors that cause an established session to be closed. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be permitted on a router. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be sourced from a MAC address. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on all VCs. Specifies the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on a VLAN.
pppoe-client dial-pool-number
To configure a PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) client and to specify dial-on-demand routing (DDR) functionality, use the pppoe-client dial-pool-number command in either interface configuration mode or ATM virtual circuit configuration mode. To disable any configured functionality, use the no form of this command. pppoe-client dial-pool-number number [dial-on-demand] no pppoe-client dial-pool-number number [dial-on-demand]
Syntax Description
number dial-on-demand
Unique number of a dial group configured with the dialer-group dialer interface command. (Optional) Enables DDR functionality for the PPPoE connection.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T. The dial-on-demand keyword was added to allow the configuration of DDR interesting traffic control list functionality.
Usage Guidelines
One PVC will support only one PPPoE client. Multiple PPPoE clients can run concurrently on different permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), but each PPPoE client must use a separate dialer interface and a separate dialer pool. Use this command to configure dial-on-demand routing (DDR) interesting traffic control list functionality of the dialer interface with a PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) client. When the DDR functionality is configured for this command, the following DDR commands must also be configured: dialer-group, dialer hold-queue, dialer idle-timeout, and dialer-list.
Tips for Configuring the Dialer Interface
If you are configuring a hard-coded IP address under the dialer interface, you can configure a default IP route using the ip route command as follows:
ip route dialer1
But if you are configuring a negotiated IP address using the ip address negotiated command under the dialer interface, you must configure a default IP route using the ip route command as follows:
ip route dialer1 permanent
The reason is that the dialer interface will lose its IP address when a PPPoE session is brought down (even if the dialer does not go down), and hence the route removal routine will take effect and remove all IP routes pointed at the dialer interface, even the default IP route. Although the default IP route will be added back about one minute later by IP background processes, you may risk losing incoming packets during the interval.
The following example shows how to configure the PPPoE client DDR idle-timer on an Ethernet interface and includes the required DDR commands:
! vpdn enable no vpdn logging ! vpdn-group 1 request-dialin protocol pppoe ! interface Ethernet1 pppoe enable pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1 dial-on-demand ! interface Dialer1 ip address negotiated ip mtu 1492 encapsulation ppp dialer pool 1 dialer idle-timeout 180 either dialer hold-queue 100 dialer-group 1 ! dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit ! ip route Dialer1
The following example shows how to configure the PPPoE client DDR idle-timer on an ATM PVC interface and includes the required DDR commands:
! vpdn enable no vpdn logging ! vpdn-group 1 request-dialin protocol pppoe ! interface ATM2/0 pvc 2/100 pppoe-client dial-pool-number 1 dial-on-demand ! interface Dialer1 ip address negotiated ip mtu 1492 encapsulation ppp dialer pool 1 dialer idle-timeout 180 either dialer hold-queue 100 dialer-group 1 !
Related Commands
Command debug vpdn pppoe-data debug vpdn pppoe-errors debug vpdn pppoe-events debug vpdn pppoe-packets dialer-group dialer hold-queue dialer idle-timeout dialer-list
Description Displays PPPoE session data packets. Displays PPPoE protocol errors that prevent a session from being established or errors that cause an established session to be terminated. Displays PPPoE protocol messages about events that are part of normal session establishment or shutdown. Displays each PPPoE protocol packet exchanged. Controls access by configuring a virtual access interface to belong to a specific dialing group. Allows interesting outgoing packets to be queued until a modem connection is established. Specifies the idle time before the line is disconnected. Defines a DDR dialer list to control dialing by protocol or by a combination of protocol and an access list.
Syntax Description
Specifies the precedence level or levels for this Frame Relay PVC bundle member. The range is from 0 to 7. A PVC bundle member can be configured with a single precedence level, multiple individual precedence levels, a range of precedence levels, multiple ranges of precedence levels, or a combination of individual levels and level ranges. Examples are as follows:
Specifies that this Frame Relay PVC bundle member will handle all of the remaining precedence levels that are not explicitly configured on any other bundle member PVCs.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Assignment of precedence levels to PVC bundle members allows you to create differentiated service because you can distribute the IP precedence levels over the various PVC bundle members. You can map a single precedence level or a range of levels to each discrete PVC in the bundle, thereby enabling PVCs in the bundle to carry packets marked with different precedence levels. Use the precedence other command to indicate that a PVC can carry traffic marked with precedence levels not specifically configured for other PVCs. Only one PVC in the bundle can be configured using the precedence other command. This command is available only when the match type for the PVC bundle is set to precedence using the match precedence command in Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. You can overwrite the precedence level configuration on a PVC by reentering the precedence command with a new level value.
All precedence levels must be accounted for in the PVC bundle configuration, or the bundle will not come up. Note, however, that a PVC may be a bundle member but have no precedence level associated with it. As long as all valid precedence levels are handled by other PVCs in the bundle, the bundle can come up, but the PVC that has no precedence level configured will not participate in it. A precedence level can be configured on one PVC bundle member per bundle. If you configure the same precedence level on more than one PVC within a bundle, the following error warning appears on the console:
%Overlapping precedence levels
When tag-switching is enabled on the interface by using the tag-switching ip command, MPLS and IP packets can flow across the interface, and PVC bundles that are configured for IP precedence mapping are converted to MPLS EXP mapping. The PVC bundle functionality remains the same with respect to priority levels, bumping, and so on, but the match precedence command is replaced by match exp, and each precedence command is replaced by the exp command. The result is that a bundle-member PVC previously configured to carry precedence level 1 IP traffic now carries EXP level 1 MPLS traffic. When tag-switching is disabled, the match precedence and match dscp commands are restored, and the exp commands are replaced by precedence commands. When tag-switching is enabled or disabled, PVC bundles configured for IP precedence mapping or MPLS EXP mapping will stay up, and traffic will be transmitted over the appropriate bundle-member PVCs.
The following example configures Frame Relay PVC bundle member 101 to carry traffic with IP precedence level 5:
frame-relay vc-bundle new-york match precedence pvc 101 precedence 5
Related Commands
Description Configures the bumping rules for a specific PVC member of a bundle. Associates a map class with a specified DLCI. Configures the DSCP value or values for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures MPLS EXP levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Specifies which bits of the IP header to use for mapping packet service levels to Frame Relay PVC bundle members. Configures a Frame Relay PVC bundle member with protected group or protected PVC status.
Syntax Description
group vc
Configures the PVC bundle member as part of a collection of protected PVCs within the PVC bundle. Configures the PVC member as individually protected.
The PVC neither belongs to the protected group nor is an individually protected PVC.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
When an individually protected PVC goes down, it takes the bundle down. When all members of a protected group go down, the bundle goes down. Despite any protection configurations, the PVC bundle will go down if a downed PVC has no PVC to which to bump its traffic or if the last PVC that is up in a PVC bundle goes down.
The following example configures Frame Relay PVC bundle member 101 as an individually protected PVC:
frame-relay vc-bundle new york pvc 101 protect vc
Related Commands
Description Configures the bumping rules for a specific PVC member of a bundle. Creates a bundle or modifies an existing bundle to enter bundle configuration mode. Configures the DSCP value or values for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member.
Command exp
Description Configures MPLS EXP levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member.
precedence (Frame Relay Configures the precedence levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. VC-bundle-member)
protocol (ATM)
To configure a static map for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), switched virtual circuit (SVC), or VC class or to enable Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC, use the protocol command in the appropriate mode. To remove a static map or disable Inverse ARP, use the no form of this command. protocol protocol {protocol-address | inarp} [[no] broadcast] no protocol protocol {protocol-address | inarp} [[no] broadcast]
Syntax Description
Choose one of the following values: aarpAppleTalk ARP appletalkAppleTalk arpIP ARP bridgebridging bstunblock serial tunnel cdpCisco Discovery Protocol clnsISO Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) clns_esISO CLNS end system clns_isISO CLNS intermediate system cmnsISO CMNS compressedtcpCompressed TCP decnetDECnet decnet_nodeDECnet node decnet_prime_routerDECnet prime router decnet_router-l1DECnet router L1 decnet_router-l2DECnet router L2 dlswdata link switching ipIP ipxNovell IPX llc2llc2 padpacket assembler/disassembler (PAD) links pppoePPP over Ethernet qllcQualified Logical Link Control protocol rsrbremote source-route bridging snapshotsnapshot routing support stunserial tunnel
protocol-address inarp
Destination address that is being mapped to a PVC. (Valid only for IP and IPX protocols on PVCs) Enables Inverse ARP on an ATM PVC. If you specify a protocol-address instead of inarp, Inverse ARP is automatically disabled for that protocol. (Optional) broadcast indicates that this map entry is used when the corresponding protocol sends broadcast packets to the interface. Pseudobroadcasting is supported. The broadcast keyword of the protocol command takes precedence if you previously configured the broadcast command on the ATM PVC or SVC.
[no] broadcast
Inverse ARP is enabled for IP and IPX if the protocol is running on the interface and no static map is configured.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC or SVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The ip and ipx options were made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes. The apollo, vines, and xns arguments were removed because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer supported in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
Command Application
Configure a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC class. Enable Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC or PVC range by configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, in the PVC range, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only).
PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes support only the protocols that do not require static map configuration. Those protocol options are ip and ipx.
Default Configurations
If the protocol command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC or SVC, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the protocol ip inarp or protocol ipx inarp command in a VC class assigned to the PVC or SVC itself. Configuration of the protocol ip inarp or protocol ipx inarp command in a VC class assigned to the ATM subinterface of the PVC or SVC. Configuration of the protocol ip inarp or protocol ipx inarp command in a VC class assigned to the ATM main interface of the PVC or SVC. Global default: Inverse ARP is enabled for IP and IPX if the protocol is running on the interface and no static map is configured.
The following example creates a static map on a VC, indicates that is connected to this VC, and sends ATM pseudobroadcasts:
protocol ip broadcast
The following example enables Inverse ARP for IPX and does not send ATM pseudobroadcasts:
protocol ipx inarp no broadcast
The following example removes a static map from a VC and restores the default behavior for Inverse ARP (Refer to the Default section described above):
no protocol ip
Syntax Description
group group-name
(Optional) Specifies a PPPoE profile to be used by PPPoE sessions on the interface. (Optional) Name of the PPPoE profile to be used by PPPoE sessions on the interface.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
If a PPPoE profile is not specified by using the group option, PPPoE sessions will be established using values from the global PPPoE profile. PPPoE profiles must be configured using the bba-group pppoe command.
The following example shows PPPoE configured in virtual circuit (VC) class class-pppoe-global and on the range of PVCs from 100 to 109. PVCs that use VC class class-pppoe-global will establish PPPoE sessions using the parameters configured in the global PPPoE profile. PVCs in the PVC range will use PPPoE parameters defined in PPPoE profile vpn1.
bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 1 sessions max limit 8000 sessions per-vc limit 8 sessions per-mac limit 2 ! bba-group pppoe vpn1 virtual-template 1 sessions per-vc limit 2 sessions per-mac limit 1 !
vc-class atm class-pppoe-global protocol pppoe ! interface ATM1/0.10 multipoint range range-pppoe-1 pvc 100 109 protocol pppoe group vpn1 ! interface ATM1/0.20 multipoint class-int class-pppoe-global pvc 0/200 ! pvc 0/201 !
Related Commands
Command bba-group pppoe debug pppoe sessions max limit sessions per-mac limit sessions per-vc limit
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Displays debugging information for PPPoE sessions. Configures a PPPoE global profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted on a router and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed per MAC address in a PPPoE profile. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be established over a VC and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold.
To create or assign a name to an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), to specify the encapsulation type on an ATM PVC, and to enter ATM virtual circuit configuration mode, use the pvc command in interface configuration or subinterface configuration mode. To remove an ATM PVC from an interface, use the no form of this command. pvc [name] vpi/vci [ces | ilmi | qsaal | smds | l2transport] no pvc [name] vpi/vci [ces | ilmi | qsaal | smds | l2transport]
Syntax Description
name vpi/
(Optional) The name of the PVC or map. The name can be up to 15 characters long. ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) for this PVC. The absence of the / and a vpi value causes the vpi value to default to 0.
Value Ranges
Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers: 0 to 255 Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers: 0 to 1 less than the quotient of 8192 divided by the value set by the atm vc-per-vp command Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers using Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA): 0 to 15, 64 to 79, 128 to 143, and 192 to 207
The arguments vpi and vci cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0. vci ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) for this PVC. This value ranges from 0 to 1 less than the maximum value set for this interface by the atm vc-per-vp command. Typically, lower values from 0 to 31 are reserved for specific traffic (for example, F4 OAM, SVC signaling, ILMI, and so on) and should not be used. The VCI is a 16-bit field in the header of the ATM cell. The VCI value is unique only on a single link, not throughout the ATM network, because it has local significance only. The arguments vpi and vci cannot both be set to 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0. ces ilmi (Optional) Circuit Emulation Service encapsulation. This keyword is available on the OC-3/STM-1 ATM Circuit Emulation Service network module only. (Optional) Used to set up communication with the Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI); the associated vpi and vci values ordinarily are 0 and 16, respectively.
qsaal smds
(Optional) A signaling-type PVC used for setting up or tearing down SVCs; the associated vpi and vci values ordinarily are 0 and 5, respectively. (Optional) Encapsulation for SMDS networks. If you are configuring an ATM PVC on the ATM Interface Processor (AIP), you must configure AAL3/4SMDS using the atm aal aal3/4 command before specifying smds encapsulation. If you are configuring an ATM network processor module (NPM), the atm aal aal3/4 command is not required. SMDS encapsulation is not supported on the ATM port adapter. (Optional) Used to specify that the PVC is switched and not terminated.
No PVC is defined. When a PVC is defined, the global default of the encapsulation command applies (aal5snap).
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The ranges for the VPI were increased for Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series routers using Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA). The ces keyword was added for configuring CES encapsulation when using the OC-3/STM-1 ATM Circuit Emulation Service network module on Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series routers.
This command was extended to the merged Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP)/Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) software. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T. The l2transport keyword was added. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T.
Usage Guidelines
The pvc command replaces the atm pvc command. Use the pvc command to configure a single ATM VC only, not a VC that is a bundle member. We recommend that you use the pvc command in conjunction with the encapsulation and random-detect attach commands instead of the atm pvc command. The pvc command creates a PVC and attaches it to the VPI and VCI specified. Both the vpi and vci arguments cannot be simultaneously specified as 0; if one is 0, the other cannot be 0. When configuring an SVC, use the pvc command to configure the PVC that handles SVC call setup and termination. In this case, specify the qsaal keyword. See the second example that follows.
Once you specify a name for a PVC, you can reenter ATM virtual circuit configuration mode by simply entering the pvc name command. You can remove a PVC and any associated parameters by entering no pvc name or no pvc vpi/vci.
After configuring the parameters for an ATM PVC, you must exit the ATM virtual circuit configuration mode in order to create the PVC and enable the settings.
Encapsulation Types on ATM PVCs
Specify CES, ILMI, QSAAL, or SMDS as the encapsulation type on an ATM PVC. (To configure other encapsulations types, see the encapsulation command.) Configuring CES encapsulation on a PVC is equivalent to creating a constant bit rate (CBR) class of service.
Rate Queues
The Cisco IOS software dynamically creates rate queues as necessary to satisfy the requests of the pvc commands.
Default Configurations
If ilmi, qsaal, or smds encapsulation is not explicitly configured on the ATM PVC, the PVC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of the encapsulation command in a VC class assigned to the PVC itself. Configuration of the encapsulation command in a VC class assigned to the ATM subinterface of the PVC. Configuration of the encapsulation command in a VC class assigned to the ATM main interface of the PVC. Global default: The global default value of the encapsulation command applies (aal5snap).
The following example creates a PVC with VPI 0 and VCI 16, and communication is set up with the ILMI:
pvc cisco 0/16 ilmi exit
The following example creates a PVC used for ATM signaling for an SVC. It specifies VPI 0 and VCI 5:
pvc cisco 0/5 qsaal exit
The following example configures the PVC called cisco to use class-based weighted fair queueing (CBWFQ). It attaches a policy map called policy1 to the PVC. The classes that make up policy1 determine the service policy for the PVC:
pvc cisco 0/5 service-policy output policy1 vbr-nrt 2000 2000 encap aal5snap
Related Commands
Description Sets the maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI. Adds a PVC to a bundle as a member of the bundle.
Syntax Description
dlci vc-name
Data-link connection identifier (DLCI) number used to identify the PVC. (Optional) An alphanumeric name for the PVC.
No PVC is defined.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must first create a Frame Relay PVC bundle and enter Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. A PVC bundle must have at least one PVC for the bundle to come up. A PVC bundle cannot have more than eight PVCs. If you try to configure more than eight PVCs in a bundle, the following message will appear on the console:
%FR vc-bundle contains 8 members. Cannot add another.
Dynamic PVCs can be specified as PVC bundle members; however, if a PVC has already been created by using some other configuration command, you will not be able to add it to a PVC bundle. If you try to add it to a bundle, the following message will appear on the console:
%DLCI 200 is not a dynamic PVC. Cannot add to VC-Bundle.
If a PVC is already a member of a PVC bundle, any attempt to reuse that same PVC in a command that creates a PVC (e.g. frame-relay interface-dlci, frame-relay local-dlci) will result in the following error message:
%Command is inapplicable to vc-bundle PVCs.
The following example creates PVC 101 belonging to the Frame Relay PVC bundle named new_york:
frame-relay vc-bundle new_york pvc 101
Related Commands
Command dscp (frame-relay vc-bundle-member) exp frame-relay vc-bundle match precedence (Frame Relay VC-bundle-member)
Description Configures the DSCP value or values for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Configures MPLS EXP levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member. Creates a Frame Relay PVC bundle and enters Frame Relay VC-bundle configuration mode. Specifies which bits of the IP header to use for mapping packet service levels to Frame Relay PVC bundle members Configures the precedence levels for a Frame Relay PVC bundle member.
To configure an individual permanent virtual circuit (PVC) within a PVC range, use the pvc-in-range PVC range configuration command. To delete the individual PVC configuration, use the no form of this command. pvc-in-range [pvc-name] [vpi/vci] no pvc-in-range [pvc-name] [vpi/vci]
Syntax Description
pvc-name vpi/
(Optional) Name given to the PVC. The PVC name can have a maximum of 15 characters. (Optional) ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) for this PVC. In the absence of the / and a vpi value, the vpi value defaults to 0. The vpi value ranges from 0 to 255. (Optional) ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) for this PVC. The vci value ranges from 32 to 2047.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The pvc-in-range command defines an individual PVC within a PVC range and enables PVC-in-range configuration mode.
In the following example, a PVC called pppoa is deactivated. The PVC pppoa is an individual PVC within a configured PVC range.
pvc-in-range pppoa 0/130 shutdown
Related Commands
range pvc
To define a range of ATM permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), use the range pvc command in subinterface configuration mode. To delete the range of ATM PVCs, use the no form of this command. range [range-name] pvc start-vpi/start-vci end-vpi/end-vci no range [range-name] pvc
Syntax Description
range-name start-vpi/
(Optional) Name of the range. The range name can be a maximum of 15 characters. Beginning value for a range of virtual path identifiers (VPIs). In the absence of the / and a vpi value, the vpi value defaults to 0. The vpi value ranges from 0 to 255. Beginning value for a range of virtual channel identifiers (VCIs). The vci value ranges from 32 to 65535. End value for a range of virtual path identifiers (VPIs). In the absence of an end-vpi value, the end-vpi value defaults to the start-vpi value.The vpi value ranges from 0 to 255. End value for a range of virtual channel identifiers (VCIs). The vci value ranges from 32 to 65535.
start-vci/ end-vpi/
Command Modes
Subinterface configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The range pvc command defines a range of PVCs and enables PVC range configuration mode. The number of PVCs in a range can be calculated using the following formula: number of PVCs = (end-vpi start-vpi + 1) x (end-vci start-vci +1). The start-vpi argument may be omitted if it is zero. The end-vpi argument may be omitted, but if it is omitted, it is assigned the value of start-vpi. The end-vpi and end-vci arguments are always greater than or equal to start-vpi and start-vci respectively. When applied to multipoint subinterfaces, the range pvc command creates a range of ATM PVCs. When applied to point-to-point subinterfaces, the range pvc command creates range of PVCs and a corresponding range of point-to-point subinterfaces. For point-to-point subinterfaces, subinterface numbering begins with the subinterface on which the PVC range is configured and increases sequentially through the range.
In the following example, 100 PVCs with VCI values from 100 to 199 for each VPI value from 0 to 4 are created for a PVC range called range-pppoa-1. This configuration creates a total of 500 PVCs in the range. PVC parameters are then configured for the range.
interface atm 6/0.110 multipoint range range-pppoa-1 pvc 100 4/199 class-range class-pppoa-1 ubr 1000 encapsulation aal5snap protocol ppp virtual-Template 2
In the following example, a PVC range called range1 is created with a total of 100 PVCs in the range. A point-to-point subinterface will be created for each PVC in the range. ATM routed bridge encapsulation is also configured.
interface atm 6/0.200 point-to-point ip unnumbered loopback 1 atm route-bridged ip range range1 pvc 1/200 1/299 # end
Related Commands
Command pvc-in-range
rbe nasip
To specify the IP address of an interface on the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay agent that will be sent to the DHCP server via the agent remote ID option, use the rbe nasip command in global configuration mode. To remove this specification, use the no form of this command. rbe nasip source-interface no rbe nasip source-interface
Syntax Description
The type and number of one of the interfaces on the router. The IP address for this interface will be forwarded in the agent remote ID option and can be used by the DHCP server to uniquely identify the DHCP relay agent.
No IP address is specified.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(2)T
Usage Guidelines
The rbe nasip command is used to configure support for the DHCP relay agent information option (option 82) for ATM routed bridge encapsulation (RBE). Support for the DHCP relay agent information option must be configured on the DHCP relay agent using the ip dhcp relay information option command in order for the rbe nasip command to be effective.
In the following example, support for DHCP option 82 is enabled on the DHCP relay agent by the use of the ip dhcp relay agent information option command. The rbe nasip command configures the router to forward the IP address for Loopback0 to the DHCP server. ATM routed bridge encapsulation is configured on ATM subinterface 4/0.1.
ip dhcp-server ! ip dhcp relay information option ! interface Loopback0 ip address ! interface ATM4/0 no ip address ! interface ATM4/0.1 point-to-point ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip helper-address atm route-bridged ip pvc 88/800
encapsulation aal5snap ! router eigrp 100 network ! rbe nasip loopback0
Related Commands
Description Enables the system to insert the DHCP relay agent information option in forwarded BOOT REQUEST messages to a Cisco IOS DHCP server.
Syntax Description
Name of the captive portal group. The duration in seconds of the advertising captivation. The valid range is from 1 to 65536 seconds. The frequency in seconds at which TCP packets are redirected to the captive portal group. The valid range is from 1 to 65536 seconds.
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to select the default captive portal group for advertising captivation of users upon Account Logon. Use the seconds argument to configure the duration, in seconds, of the advertising captivation. Any packets arriving from the user and marked for one of the TCP ports configured in the captive portal group group-name are redirected to one of the captive portals defined in that captive portal group for the duration configured by the seconds argument. Use the frequency argument to configure how often Service Selection Gateway (SSG) attempts to forward packets from the user to the captive portal. The parameters set by this command can be overridden by the RADIUS attributes set for a user.
The following example shows how to configure the captive portal group named CaptivateServer to forward packets from a user for 30 seconds at intervals of 3600 seconds:
server-group SSD server 8080 ! redirect port-list WebPorts to SSD !
unauthenticated-user to RedirectServer unauthorized-service to SSD smtp group SMTPServer all captivate initial default group CaptivateServer duration 10 captivate advertising default group CaptivateServer duration 30 frequency 3600
Related Commands
Command redirect captivate initial default group redirect to redirect smtp group redirect unauthorized-service to redirect unauthenticated-user to show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
Description Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Selects a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group. Redirects TCP traffic from unauthenticated users to a specified captive portal group. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
Syntax Description
Name of the captive portal group. Duration in seconds of the initial captivation. The valid range is from 1 to 65536 seconds.
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to select the default captive portal group for initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Use the seconds argument to configure the duration, in seconds, of the initial captivation. Any packets arriving from the user and marked for one of the TCP ports configured in the captive portal group group-name are redirected to one of the captive portals defined in that captive portal group for the duration configured by the seconds argument. The parameters set by this command can be overridden by the RADIUS attributes set for a user.
The following example shows that the captive portal group named CaptivateServer will be used to forward packets from a user for the first 10 seconds that the user is connected:
server-group SSD server 8080 ! redirect port-list WebPorts to SSD ! redirect unauthenticated-user to RedirectServer redirect unauthorized-service to SSD redirect smtp group SMTPServer all redirect captivate initial default group CaptivateServer duration 10 redirect captivate advertising default group CaptivateServer duration 30 frequency 3600
Related Commands
Command redirect captivate advertising default group redirect to redirect smtp group redirect unauthorized-service to redirect unauthenticated-user to show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
Description Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Selects a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group. Redirects TCP traffic from unauthenticated users to a specified captive portal group. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
redirect to
To configure a TCP port or named TCP port list for Service Selection Gateway (SSG) TCP Redirect for Services, use the redirect to command in SSG-redirect configuration mode. To disable SSG TCP Redirect for Services on a TCP port or named TCP port list, use the no form of this command. redirect {port-list port-listname | port port-number} to group-name no redirect {port-list port-listname | port port-number} to group-name
Syntax Description
Specifies the named TCP port list to mark for SSG TCP redirection. Specifies the name of the named TCP port list. Specifies a TCP port to mark for SSG TCP redirection. Specifies the incoming destination port number of the TCP port to mark for SSG TCP redirection. Defines the name of the captive portal group to redirect packets to that are marked for a destination port or named TCP port list.
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to mark a TCP port or a named TCP port list for SSG TCP Redirect for Services. Define a named TCP port list using the port-list command and add TCP ports to the named TCP port list using the port (ssg-redirect) command. Packets arriving from an authorized user, or from an authorized user attempting to access an unauthorized service at a marked TCP port or named TCP port list can be redirected to a captive portal group that presents the user with an appropriate response, such as a logon screen.
You can associate only one port or port list with a portal group. You must enable SSG using the ssg enable command and SSG TCP Redirect for Services using the ssg tcp-redirect command before you can define a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection.
The following example marks TCP port 8080 for SSG TCP redirection. Packets with a destination port of 8080 are redirected to the captive portal group named RedirectServer:
server-group RedirectServer server 8080 ! redirect port 8080 to RedirectServer redirect unauthorized-service destination network-list RedirectNw to RedirectServer
The following example marks the named TCP port WebPorts for SSG TCP redirection. Packets with a destination port that is one of the ports in the port list WebPorts are redirected to the captive portal group named RedirectServer:
server-group SSD server 8080 ! redirect port-list WebPorts to RedirectServer !
Related Commands
Description Adds a TCP port to a named port list. Defines a list of one or more TCP ports that make up a named port list and enters SSG-redirect-port configuration mode. Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group. Adds a server to a captive portal group. Defines the group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enters SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group redirect unauthorized-service to server (SSG) server-group
Syntax Description
Name of the captive portal group. (Optional) Any SMTP packets are forwarded. (Optional) SMTP packets from users that have SMTP forwarding permission are forwarded.
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to select a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic. If you select the all keyword, all SMTP packets (TCP port 25) from authorized users are redirected to one of the servers in the captive portal group specified by the group-name argument. If you select the user keyword, only SMTP packets from authorized users that have SMTP forwarding permission set through a RADIUS attribute are redirected. If you do not select a keyword, the default is the all keyword.
The following example shows how to configure all SMTP packets from authorized users to be redirected to the captive portal group named SMTPServer:
server-group SSD server 8080 ! redirect port-list WebPorts to SSD ! redirect unauthenticated-user to RedirectServer redirect unauthorized-service to SSD redirect smtp group SMTPServer all redirect captivate initial default group CaptivateServer duration 10 redirect captivate advertising default group CaptivateServer duration 30 frequency 3600
The following example shows how to configure SMTP packets from any authorized user with the SMTP forwarding permission set through a RADIUS attribute to be redirected to the captive portal group named SMTPServer:
redirect smtp group SMTPServer user
Related Commands
Command redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group redirect to redirect unauthorized-service to
Description Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group. Redirects TCP traffic from unauthenticated users to a specified captive portal group. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
redirect unauthenticated-user to
To redirect TCP traffic from unauthenticated users to a specified captive portal group, use the redirect unauthenticated-user to command in Service Selection Gateway SSG-redirect configuration mode. To stop redirecting traffic from unauthenticated users to the specified captive portal group, use the no form of this command. redirect unauthenticated-user to group-name no redirect unauthenticated-user to group-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to redirect traffic from unauthenticated users to a specified captive portal group.
The following example sets redirection of traffic from unauthenticated users to the captive portal group named RedirectServer:
server-group SSD server 8080 ! redirect port-list WebPorts to SSD ! redirect unauthenticated-user to RedirectServer redirect unauthorized-service to SSD redirect smtp group SMTPServer all redirect captivate initial default group CaptivateServer duration 10 redirect captivate advertising default group CaptivateServer duration 30 frequency 3600
Related Commands
Command redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group redirect to redirect smtp group redirect unauthorized-service to show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
Description Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Selects a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
redirect unauthorized-service to
To set a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group, use the redirect unauthorized-service to command in SSG-redirect configuration mode. To remove the list of IP networks that can be redirected by a specified named captive portal group, use the no form of this command. redirect unauthorized-service [destination network-list network-listname] to group-name no redirect unauthorized-service [destination network-list network-listname] to group-name
Syntax Description
(Optional) Checks incoming packets from authenticated hosts to networks that they are not authorized to access to determine if they need redirection. (Optional) Name of the list of destination IP networks. Name of the captive portal group.
network-listname group-name
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to set a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by the named captive portal group specified by the group-name argument. Incoming packets from authenticated hosts to networks that they are not authorized to access are checked against the destination IP network list to determine if they need redirection. If you do not specify a destination IP network by configuring the optional destination network-list keywords, the captive portal group specified in the group-name argument is used as the default group for unauthorized service redirection when the IP address of the unauthorized packet does not fall into any network list associated with any captive portal group. You can associate only one destination IP network list with a captive portal group. You can associate a destination IP network list with multiple captive portal groups. When you associate a destination IP network list with a captive portal group, packets arriving marked with a destination IP network that matches an IP network list may be redirected via SSG TCP redirection. The incoming destination TCP port also determines whether a packet is a candidate for SSG TCP redirection. You can associate different server groups with overlapping IP network addresses. You must configure the captive portal group associated with a more specific network group first. For example, you must configure
redirect to IPTVGroup
The following example shows how to set the captive portal group called RedirectServer as a possible candidate for redirection when the destination of a packet matches one of the networks in the destination IP network list named RedirectNW:
server-group RedirectServer server 8080 ! redirect port 80 to RedirectServer redirect unauthorized-service destination network-list RedirectNw to RedirectServer
The following example shows how to set the captive portal group called DefaultRedirectServer as a possible candidate for redirection when the destination of a packet does not match any of the networks defined in any destination IP network list:
redirect unauthorized-service to DefaultRedirectServer
Related Commands
Command redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group redirect to redirect smtp group redirect unauthenticated-user to show ssg tcp-redirect group
Description Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Selects a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic. Redirects TCP traffic from unauthenticated users to a specified captive portal group. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
retry (SVC)
To configure a router to periodically attempt to bring up an active SVC connection after the initial call setup failed, use the retry interface-CES-VC command. To disable the retry mechanism, use the no form of this command. retry timeout_value [retry_limit] [first_retry_interval] no retry
Syntax Description
timeout_value retry_limit
Number of seconds between attempts to bring up the connection. The range is from 1 to 86400 seconds. (Optional) Number of attempts the router will make to bring up the connection. The range is from 0 to 65535. The default value of 0 indicates no limit. (Optional) Number of seconds the router will wait after the first call attempt failed before trying the call again. The default is 10 seconds.
There is no default timeout_value. The default retry_limit is 0. The default first_retry_interval argument is 10 seconds.
Command Modes
Interface-CES-VC configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
This command is used on Cisco 2600 series and 3600 series routers that have OC-3/STM-1 ATM CES network modules. The retry command applies only to active SVCs.
In the following example, the router is configured to make up to 20 attempts to bring up a connection on SVC ces1. The interval between attempts is set at 10 seconds.
interface atm 1/0 svc ces1 nsap 47.0091.81.000000.0040.0B0A.2501.ABC1.3333.3333.05 ces retry 10 20
Related Commands
Description Configures CES on a router port and enters CES configuration mode. Creates an ATM SVC and specifies the destination NSAP address on a main interface or subinterface.
scrambling cell-payload
To improve data reliability by randomizing the ATM cell payload frames on Cisco 7100, 7200, or 7500 series routers, use the scrambling cell-payload interface configuration command. To disable scrambling, use the no form of this command. scrambling cell-payload no scrambling cell-payload
Syntax Description
No scrambling
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers added. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
Normally, you do not issue the scrambling cell-payload command explicitly, because the default value is sufficient. On T1 links, the default b8zs line encoding normally assures sufficient reliability. The default for E1 is hdb3. The scrambling setting must match that of the far-end receiver.
On Cisco 7100 or 7200 series routers, the following example sets the link on interface 1 on the port adapter in slot 0 to no scrambling:
interface atm0/1 no scrambling cell-payload
Related Commands
Command scrambling-payload
Description Improves data reliability by randomizing the ATM cell payload frames on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers.
To improve data reliability by randomizing the ATM cell payload frames on Cisco 2600 or 3600 series routers, use the scrambling-payload interface configuration command. To disable scrambling, use the no form of this command. scrambling-payload no scrambling-payload
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
Normally, you do not issue the scrambling-payload command explicitly, because the default value is sufficient. On T1 links, the default B8ZS line encoding normally assures sufficient reliability. The scrambling setting must match that of the far end.
On a Cisco 2600 or 3600 series router, the following example sets the link on interface 1 on the module in slot 0 to no scrambling:
interface atm0/1 no scrambling-payload
Related Commands
Description Improves data reliability by randomizing the ATM cell payload frames on Cisco 7100, 7200, or 7500 series routers.
To override the default Autodomain selection algorithm, use the select command in SSG-auto-domain mode. To reenable the default algorithm for selecting the Autodomain, use the no form of this command. select {username | called-station-id} no select {username | called-station-id}
Syntax Description
username called-station-id
Configures the algorithm to use only the username to select the Autodomain. Configures the algorithm to use only the Access Point Name (APN) Called-Station-ID.
The algorithm attempts to find a valid Autodomain based on the APN Called-Station-ID and then by username.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the select command to override the default algorithm for selecting the Autodomain. By default, the algorithm attempts to find a valid Autodomain based on APN Called-Station-ID and then by username. Using this command, you can configure the algorithm to use only the APN or only the username.
The Autodomain exclusion list is applied even if the mode is selected using the select command.
The following example shows how to configure the algorithm to search for a valid Autodomain based only on the username:
ssg enable ssg auto-domain mode extended select username exclude apn motorola exclude domain cisco download exclude-profile abc password1 nat user-address
The following example shows how to configure the algorithm to search for a valid Autodomain based only on the APN:
select called-station-id
Related Commands
Command download exclude-profile exclude mode extended nat user-address show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile ssg auto-domain ssg enable
Description Adds to the Autodomain download exclusion list. Configures the Autodomain exclusion list. Enables extended mode for SSG Autodomain. Enables NAT on Autodomain tunnel service. Displays the contents of an Autodomain exclude-profile downloaded from the AAA server. Enables SSG Autodomain. Enables SSG functionality.
server (SSG)
To add a server to a captive portal group, use the server command in SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. To remove a server from a captive portal group, use the no form of this command. server ip-address port no server ip-address port
Syntax Description
ip-address port
IP address of the server to be added to the captive portal group. TCP port of the server to be added to the captive portal group.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the server command in SSG-redirect-group configuration mode to add a server, defined by its IP address and TCP port, to a captive portal group. Service Selection Gateway (SSG) TCP Redirect for Services provides nonauthorized users access to controlled services within an SSG. Packets sent upstream from an unauthenticated user are forwarded to the captive portal that deals with the packets in a suitable manner, such as routing them to a logon page. You can also use captive portals to handle requests from authorized users who request access to services into which they are not logged. You must enable SSG using the ssg enable command and SSG TCP Redirect for Services using the ssg tcp-redirect command before you can define a captive portal group. Use the server-group command in SSG-redirect configuration mode to create and name a captive portal group before using the server command to add servers to the captive portal group.
The following example adds a server at IP address and TCP port 8080 and a server at IP address and TCP port 8081 to a captive portal group named RedirectServer:
ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect server-group RedirectServer server 8080 server 8081
Related Commands
Command server-group
Description Defines the group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enters SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
To define a group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enter SSG-redirect-group configuration mode, use the server-group command in SSG-redirect configuration mode. To remove a captive portal group and any servers configured within that portal group, use the no form of this command. server-group group-name no server-group group-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
SSG-redirect configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to define and name a captive portal group. Service Selection Gateway (SSG) TCP Redirect for Services provides nonauthorized users access to controlled services within an SSG. Packets sent upstream from an unauthenticated user are forwarded to the captive portal that deals with the packets in a suitable manner, such as routing them to a logon page. You can also use captive portals to handle requests from authorized users who request access to services into which they are not logged. After defining a captive portal group with the server-group command, identify individual servers for inclusion in the captive portal group using the server ip-address port command in SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. You must enable SSG using the ssg enable command and SSG TCP Redirect for Services using the ssg tcp-redirect command before you can define a captive portal group.
This command, along with the server command, replaces the ssg http-redirect group group-name server ip-address port command.
Related Commands
Command server (SSG) show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
Description Adds a server to a captive portal group. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
To configure the ports on which Service Selection Gateway (SSG) listens for RADIUS-requests from configured RADIUS clients, use the server-port command in SSG-radius-proxy configuration mode. To stop SSG from listening for RADIUS requests from configured RADIUS clients on a port, use the no form of this command. server-port [auth auth-port] [acct acct-port] no server-port [auth auth-port] [acct acct-port]
Syntax Description
(Optional) RADIUS authentication port. (Optional) Port number to be used for RADIUS authentication. The default is 1645. (Optional) RADIUS accounting port. (Optional) Port number to be used for RADIUS accounting. The default is 1646.
Port 1645 is the default RADIUS authentication port. Port 1646 is the default RADIUS accounting port.
Command Modes
SSG-radius-proxy configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to configure the authentication and accounting ports for the SSG Autologon Using Proxy RADIUS feature. Ports configured with this command are global parameters that apply to all proxy clients in the SSG.
The following example shows how to configure port 23 as the RADIUS authentication port and port 45 as the RADIUS accounting port:
server-port auth 23 acct 45
Related Commands
Command address-pool clear ssg radius-proxy client-address clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address forward accounting-start-stop idle-timeout (SSG) show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable ssg radius-proxy
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS. Proxies accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS clients to the AAA server. Configures a host object timeout value. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or for a specific domain. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy.
service pad
To enable all packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) commands and connections between PAD devices and access servers, use the service pad command in global configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command. service pad [cmns] [from-xot] [to-xot] no service pad [cmns] [from-xot] [to-xot]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies sending and receiving PAD calls over CMNS. (Optional) Accepts XOT to PAD connections. (Optional) Allows outgoing PAD calls over XOT.
All PAD commands and associated connections are enabled. PAD services over XOT or CMNS are not enabled.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The cmns keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines
The keywords from-xot and to-xot enable PAD calls to destinations that are not reachable over physical X.25 interfaces, but instead over TCP tunnels. This feature is known as PAD over XOT (X.25 over TCP).
If the service pad command is disabled, the pad EXEC command and all PAD related configurations, such as X.29, are unrecognized, as shown in the following example:
Router(config)# no service pad Router(config)# x29 ? % Unrecognized command Router(config)# exit Router# pad ? % Unrecognized command
If the service pad command is enabled, the pad EXEC command and access to an X.29 configuration are granted as shown in the following example:
Router# config terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# service pad Router(config)# x29 ? access-list Define an X.29 access list inviteclear-time Wait for response to X.29 Invite Clear message profile Create an X.3 profile
Related Commands
Description Enables the CMNS on a nonserial interface. Displays information about active SVCs and PVCs. Limits access to the access server from certain X.25 hosts. Creates a PAD profile script for use by the translate command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
If service pad from-xot is enabled, the calls received using the XOT service may be accepted for processing a PAD session.
The following example prevents incoming XOT calls from being accepted as a PAD session:
no service pad from-xot
Related Commands
Description Creates an entry in the X.25 routing table (to be consulted for forwarding incoming calls and for placing outgoing PAD or protocol translation calls). Limits access to the access server from certain X.25 hosts. Creates a PAD profile script for use by the translate command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.2
If service pad to-xot is enabled, the configured routes to XOT destinations may be used when the router determines where to send a PAD Call, as shown in the following example:
service pad to-xot
Related Commands
Description Creates an entry in the X.25 routing table (to be consulted for forwarding incoming calls and for placing outgoing PAD or protocol translation calls). Limits access to the access server from certain X.25 hosts. Creates a PAD profile script for use by the translate command.
service translation
To enable upper layer user protocol encapsulation for Frame Relay-to-ATM Service Interworking (FRF.8) feature, which allows mapping between encapsulated ATM protocol data units (PDUs) and encapsulated Frame Relay PDUs, use the service translation command in FRF.8 connect configuration mode. To disable upper layer user protocol encapsulation, use the no form of this command. service translation no service translation
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
The no service translation command disables mapping between encapsulated ATM PDUs and encapsulated Frame Relay PDUs.
The following example shows an FRF.8 configuration with service translation disabled:
Router# show running-config Building configuration... Current configuration: connect service-1 Serial1/0 16 ATM3/0 1/32 service-interworking no service translation efci-bit map-fecn
The following example shows how to configure service translation on the connection named service-1:
Router(config)# connect service-1 serial1/0 16 ATM3/0 1/32 service-interworking Router(config-frf8)# service translation
Related Commands
Description Sets the ATM CLP field in the ATM cell header. Sets the Frame Relay DE bit field in the Frame Relay cell header. Sets the EFCI bit field in the ATM cell header.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be permitted on the router. The range is from 0 to the total number of interfaces on the router. (Optional) Sets the PPPoE session-count threshold at which an SNMP trap will be generated. (Optional) Number of PPPoE sessions that will cause an SNMP trap to be generated. The range is from 0 to the total number of interfaces on the router.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
This command can be used only in a global PPPoE profile. The snmp-server enable traps pppoe command must be configured in order for SNMP traps to be generated when the PPPoE session-count threshold is reached.
The following example shows the global PPPoE profile configured with a maximum PPPoE session limit of 8000 sessions. The PPPoE session-count threshold is set at 7000 sessions, so when the number of PPPoE sessions on the router reaches 7000, an SNMP trap will be generated.
bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 1 sessions max limit 8000 threshold 7000 sessions per-vc limit 8 sessions per-mac limit 2
Related Commands
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed per MAC address in a PPPoE profile. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted over a VC and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold. Enables PPPoE session-count SNMP notifications.
sessions per-vlan limit Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions per VLAN in a PPPoE profile. snmp-server enable traps pppoe
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPPoE sessions that can be sourced from a MAC address. The default is 100 sessions.
100 sessions
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the sessions per-mac limit command to configure a PPPoE profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be allowed per MAC address. You cannot configure PPPoE session limits in PPPoE profiles and in VPDN groups simultaneously. You also cannot configure session limits in PPPoE profiles and directly on PPPoE ports (Ethernet interface, VLAN, or permanent virtual circuit (PVC)) simultaneously.
The following example show a limit of two PPPoE sessions per MAC address configured in the global PPPoE profile:
bba-group pppoe global virtual-template 1 sessions max limit 8000 threshold-sessions 7000 sessions per-vc limit 8 sessions per-mac limit 2
Related Commands
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Configures a PPPoE global profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be permitted on a router and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold.
Description Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be established over a VC in a PPPoE profile and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold.
sessions per-vlan limit Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions per VLAN in a PPPoE profile.
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPPoE sessions that can be established over an ATM PVC. The default is 100. (Optional) Sets the PPPoE session-count threshold at which an SNMP trap will be generated. (Optional) Number of PPPoE sessions that will cause an SNMP trap to be generated.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the sessions per-vc limit command to configure a PPPoE profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be allowed per VC. You cannot configure session limits in PPPoE profiles and directly on permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) simultaneously. The snmp-server enable traps pppoe command must be configured in order for SNMP traps to be generated when the PPPoE session-count threshold is reached.
The following example shows a limit of eight PPPoE sessions per VC configured in the PPPoE profile vpn1:
bba-group pppoe vpn1 virtual-template 1 sessions per-vc limit 8 sessions per-mac limit 2
Related Commands
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Configures a PPPoE global profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be permitted on a router and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed per MAC address in a PPPoE profile. Enables PPPoE session-count SNMP notifications.
sessions per-vlan limit Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions per VLAN in a PPPoE profile. snmp-server enable traps pppoe
Syntax Description
Maximum number of PPPoE sessions permitted under each VLAN. The default is 100.
Sessions: 100
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
Use the sessions per-vlan limit command to configure a PPPoE profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be allowed per VLAN. You cannot configure session limits in PPPoE profiles and directly on VLANs simultaneously.
The following example shows a limit of 200 PPPoE sessions per VLAN configured in the PPPoE profile vpn1:
bba-group pppoe vpn1 virtual-template 1 sessions per-vlan limit 200
Related Commands
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Configures a PPPoE global profile with the maximum number of PPPoE sessions that will be permitted on a router and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed per MAC address in a PPPoE profile. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be established over a VC in a PPPoE profile and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold.
sessions throttle
To configure PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) connection throttling, which limits the number of PPPoE session requests that can be made from a virtual circuit (VC) or a MAC address within a specified period of time, use the sessions throttle command in BBA group configuration mode. To remove this limit, use the no version of this command. sessions {per-mac | per-vc} throttle session-requests session-request-period blocking-period no sessions {per-mac | per-vc} throttle session-requests session-request-period blocking-period
Syntax Description
Limits the number of PPPoE session requests that can be made from a single MAC address. Limits the number of PPPoE session requests that can be made from a single VC. Number of PPPoE session requests that will be allowed within a specified period of time. Range is from 1 to 100000. Period of time, in seconds, during which a specified number of PPPoE session requests will be allowed. Range is from 1 to 3600. Period of time, in seconds, during which PPPoE session requests will be blocked. This period begins when the number of PPPoE session requests from a VC or MAC address exceeds the configured session-requests value within the configured session-request-period. Range is from 0 to 3600.
The number of PPPoE session requests that can be made within a specific period of time is not limited. There are no default values for the session-requests, session-request-period, and blocking-period arguments.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
Continuous repeated requests to initiate PPPoE sessions can seriously affect the performance of a router and RADIUS server. Use the sessions throttle command to configure the PPPoE server to limit the number of requests for PPPoE sessions that can be made from a MAC address or VC during a configured period of time. If a client exceeds the configured number of allowable session requests (session-requests) within the configured time limit (session-request-period), the PPPoE server accepts only the allowable number of session requests and blocks the MAC address or VC from making any more requests for a configured period of time (blocking-period).
After the blocking-period expires, the PPPoE server will again accept the configured number of session requests from the MAC address or VC within the configured session-request-period.
The following example shows the configuration of per-VC and per-MAC PPPoE connection throttling in PPPoE profile grp1:
bba-group pppoe grp1 virtual-template 1 sessions per-mac throttle 10 60 300 sessions per-vc throttle 100 30 300 interface ATM2/0.1 multipoint pvc 2/100 encapsulation aal5snap protocol pppoe group grp1 interface virtual-template1 ip address negotiated no peer default ip address ppp authentication chap
Related Commands
Description Creates a PPPoE profile. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions allowed per MAC address in a PPPoE profile. Sets the maximum number of PPPoE sessions to be established over a VC in a PPPoE profile and sets the PPPoE session-count threshold.
shape fr-voice-adapt
To enable Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping, use the shape fr-voice-adapt command in policy-map class configuration mode. To disable Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping, use the no form of this command. shape fr-voice-adapt [deactivation seconds] no shape fr-voice-adapt
Syntax Description
deactivation seconds
(Optional) Number of seconds that must elapse after the last voice packet is transmitted before the sending rate is increased to the committed information rate (CIR). The range is from 1 to 10000.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping enables a router to reduce the permanent virtual circuit (PVC) sending rate to the minimum CIR (minCIR) whenever packets (usually voice) are detected in the low latency queueing priority queue or H.323 call setup signaling packets are present. When there are no packets in priority queue and signaling packets are not present for a configured period of time, the router increases the PVC sending rate from minCIR to CIR to maximize throughput. The shape fr-voice-adapt command can be configured only in the class-default class. If you configure the shape fr-voice-adapt command in another class, the associated Frame Relay map class will be rejected when you attach it to the interface. Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping can be used with other types of adaptive traffic shaping. For example, when both voice-adaptive traffic shaping and adaptive shaping based on interface congestion are configured, the sending rate will change to minCIR if there are packets in the priority queue or the interface queue size exceeds the configured threshold.
Although the priority queue is generally used for voice traffic, Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping will respond to any packets (voice or data) in the priority queue. In order to use Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping, you must have low latency queueing and traffic shaping configured using the Modular QoS CLI.
The following example shows the configuration of Frame Relay voice-adaptive traffic shaping and fragmentation. With this configuration, priority- queue packets or H.323 call setup signaling packets destined for PVC 100 will result in the reduction of the sending rate from CIR to minCIR and the activation of FRF.12 end-to-end fragmentation. If signaling packets and priority-queue packets are not detected for 50 seconds, the sending rate will increase to CIR and fragmentation will be turned off.
interface serial0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay fragmentation voice-adaptive deactivation 50 frame-relay fragment 80 end-to-end frame-relay interface-dlci 100 class voice_adaptive_class ! map-class frame-relay voice_adaptive_class frame-relay fair-queue service-policy output shape class-map match-all match access-group class-map match-all match access-group policy-map vats class voice priority 10 class data bandwidth 10 policy-map shape class class-default shape average 60000 shape adaptive 30000 shape fr-voice-adapt deactivation 50 service-policy vats voice 102 data 101
Related Commands
Displays the configuration of all classes for a specified service policy map or all classes for all existing policy maps. Displays the packet statistics of all classes that are configured for all service policies either by interface or subinterface or by PVC.
Syntax Description
atm slot/port
(Optional) ATM slot and port numbers. Use this format for the following platform configurations:
AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers. ATM port adapter, ATM-CES port adapter, and enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers. 1-port ATM-25 network module on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers.
atm slot/port-adapter/port
(Optional) ATM slot, port adapter, and port numbers. Use this format for the ATM port adapter or enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers. (Optional) ATM network processor module (NPM) number on Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers. (Optional) Subinterface number.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.1
The following is sample output from the show atm arp-server command when no interface is specified:
Router# show atm arp-server Note that a '*' next to an IP address indicates an active call IP Address ATM1/0: * TTL 19:50 ATM Address ac15336602000000000000000000000000000000
19:50 19:14
ac15336606000000000000000000000000000000 ac15336615000000000000000000000000000000
19:50 19:50
ac15336602000000000000000000000000000023 ac15336606000000000000000000000000000023
The following is sample output from the show atm arp-server command when a slot and port are specified on the Cisco 7500:
Router# show atm arp-server atm 1/0 Note that a '*' next to an IP address indicates an active call IP Address * * * TTL 19:00 19:00 19:14 ATM Address ac15336602000000000000000000000000000000 ac15336606000000000000000000000000000000 ac15336615000000000000000000000000000000
Related Commands
Description Identifies an ATM ARP server for the IP network or sets TTL values for entries in the ATM ARP table.
Syntax Description
vpi/vci name
The ATM VPI and VCI numbers. The absence of the slash character (/) and a vpi value defaults the vpi value to 0. Name of the VC.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.3
The following is sample output from the show atm class-links command for VPI 0 and VCI 66:
Router# show atm class-links 0/66 Displaying vc-class inheritance for ATM2/0.3, vc 0/66: broadcast - VC-class configured on main-interface encapsulation aal5mux ip - VC-class configured on subinterface no ilmi manage - Not configured - using default oam-pvc manage 3 - VC-class configured on vc oam retry 3 5 1 - Not configured - using default ubr 10000 - Configured on vc directly
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.0
Modification This command was introduced prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.0.
The following example shows sample output for the show atm ilmi-configuration command:
Router# show atm ilmi-configuration LECS Address(s): 1122334455667788990011223344556677889900
Related Commands
Syntax Description
atm interface-number
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.0
Modification This command was introduced in a release prior to Cisco IOS Release 12.0.
Usage Guidelines
Entering the show atm ilmi-status command without specifying an interface will display ILMI-related status information for all of the ATM interfaces.
The following example is sample output for the show atm ilmi-status command:
Router# show atm ilmi-status Interface :ATM2/0 Interface Type :Unknown ILMI VCC :(0, 16) ILMI Keepalive :Disabled ILMI State: Restarting Interface :ATM5/0 Interface Type :Private UNI (User-side) ILMI VCC :(0, 16) ILMI Keepalive :Disabled ILMI State: UpAndNormal Peer IP Addr: Peer IF Name: ATM1/1/0 Peer MaxVPIbits: 8 Peer MaxVCIbits: 14 Active Prefix(s) : 47.0091.8100.0000.0040.0b0a.2501 End-System Registered Address(s) : 47.0091.8100.0000.0040.0b0a.2501.bbbb.ccdd.eeff.12(Confirmed)
Table 8
Field ILMI VCC ILMI Keepalive ILMI State Peer IP Addr Peer IF Name Peer Max VPIbits Peer Max VCIbits Active Prefix End-System Registered Address(s)
Description Number of the current ILMI VCC for the interface. Status of ILMI keepalive packets. Status of ILMI for the interface. IP address of the peer. Name of the peer interface. Maximum number of bits allowed for VPIs on the peer interface. Maximum number of bits allowed for VCIs on the peer interface. Network prefix that is registered from the switch side and is active and valid. Address that the router registers back to the switch. The router combines the network prefix of the switch with the end-system identifier to form the end-system registered address.
Related Commands
Syntax Description
ATM slot number and port number. Use this format on the following platform configurations:
The AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers. The ATM port adapter, ATM-CES port adapter, or enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers. The 1-port ATM-25 network module on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers.
slot/port-adapter/port ATM slot, port adapter, and port number. Use this format on the ATM port adapter or ATM-CES port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers. number NPM number for Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The number argument was added. The slot/port-adapter/port arguments were added.
The following is sample output for the ATM-CES port adapter to display statistics on slot 4, port 0:
Router# show atm interface atm 4/0 ATM interface ATM4/0: AAL enabled: AAL5, Maximum VCs: 1024, Current VCs: 6 Tx buffers 256, Rx buffers 256, Exception Queue: 32, Raw Queue: 32 VP Filter: 0x7B, VCIs per VPI: 1024, Max Datagram Size:4496, MIDs/VC:16 PLIM Type:4B5B - 100Mbps, No Framing, TX clocking: LINE 4897 input, 2900 output, 0 IN fast, 0 OUT fast
Rate-Queue 1 set to 100Mbps, reg=0x4EA DYNAMIC, 1 VCCs ATM4/0.1:AAL3/4-SMDS address c111.1111.1111 Multicast e222.2222.222 Config. is ACTIVE
The following is sample output for the enhanced ATM port adapter to display statistics on slot 6, port 0:
Router# show atm interface atm 6/0 ATM interface ATM6/0 AAL enabled: AAL5, Maximum VCs: 2048, Current VCs: 3 Maximum Transmit Channels: 64 Tx buffers: 256, Rx buffers 256, Exception Queue: 32, Raw Queue: 32 VP Filter: 0x7B, VCIs per VPI: 1024, Max Datagram Size: 4496 PLIM Type: SONET - 155Mbps, TX clocking: INTERNAL 0 input, 59 output, 0 IN fast, 0 OUT fast ABR parameters, rif: 16 rdf: 16 Config. is ACTIVE
Field ATM interface AAL enabled Maximum VCs Current VCs Tx buffers, Rx buffers Exception Queue Raw Queue VP Filter VCIs per VPI Max Datagram Size MIDs/VC PLIM Type Framing TX clocking
Description Slot and port number of the interface. Type of AAL. If both AAL5 and AAL3/4 are enabled on the interface, the output will include both AAL5 and AAL3/4. Maximum number of virtual circuits this interface can support. Number of active virtual circuits. Number of transmit and receive buffers. Number of exception buffers. Queue size. Hexadecimal value of the VP filter. Maximum number of VCIs to support per VPI. The configured maximum number of bytes in the largest datagram. The configured maximum number of message identifiers allowed per virtual circuit on this interface. Physical Layer Interface Module (PLIM) type (E3, 4B/5B, or SONET). For E3, this might be G.804; otherwise, no framing. Clocking on the router. For E3 or SONET, this might be INTERNAL, meaning that the AIP or NPM generates the clock. Otherwise, LINE indicates that the ATM switch provides the clocking. Number of packets received and process-switched. Number of packets sent from process switch. Number of input packets fast-switched. Number of output packets fast-switched.
Table 9
Description The amount that the cell transmission rate increases or decreases in response to flow control information from the network or destination for available bit rate (ABR) PVCs. The rate increase factor (RIF) and rate decrease factor (RDF) in this example are 16, the default. List of configured rate queues. Actual register value passed to the AIP to define a specific rate queue (AIP only). Indicates that the rate queue is dynamic and was created automatically by the software. Dynamic rate queues are created when an atm pvc command specifies a peak or average rate that does not match any user configured rate queue. The value PERMANENT indicates that the rate queue was user-configured. Number of virtual channel connections (VCCs) dynamically attached to this rate queue. Indicates that the subinterface supports ATM adaptation layer AAL3/4 and displays the SMDS E.164 unicast address and the SMDS E.164 multicast address assigned to the subinterface. ACTIVE or VALID in n SECONDS. ACTIVE indicates that the current AIP or NPM configuration has been loaded into the AIP and is being used. There is a 5-second window when a user changes a configuration and the configuration is sent to the AIP.
VCCs ATM4/0.1
Config. is
Related Commands
Command pvc
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to include an example for the ATM-CES port adapter (PA). This command was modified to include display for ATM bundle maps. An ATM bundle map identifies a bundle and all of its related virtual circuits (VCs). The display output for this command was modified to include the IPv6 address mappings of remote nodes to ATM permanent virtual circuits (PVCs).
The following is sample output from the show atm map command for a bundle called san-jose (0/122, 0/123, 0/124, and 0/126 are the virtual path and virtual channel identifiers of the bundle members):
Router# show atm map Map list san-jose_B_ATM1/0.52 : PERMANENT ip maps to bundle san-jose, 0/122, 0/123, 0/124, 0/126, ATM1/0.52, broadcast
The following is sample output from the show atm map command for an ATM-CES PA on the Cisco 7200 series router:
Router# show atm map Map list alien: PERMANENT ip maps to VC 6 ip maps to VC 6
The following is sample output from the show atm map command that displays information for a bundle called new-york:
Router# show atm map Map list atm: ip maps to VC 1, broadcast clns 47.0004.0001.0000.0c00.6e26.00 maps to VC 6, broadcast appletalk 10.1 maps to VC 7, broadcast
decnet 10.1 maps to VC 2, broadcast Map list new-york: PERMANENT ip maps to bundle new-york, 0/200, 0/205, 0/210, ATM1/0.1
The following is sample output from the show atm map command for a multipoint connection:
Router# show atm map Map list atm_pri: PERMANENT ip maps to NSAP CD.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 6 ip maps to NSAP DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, connection up, VC 15, multipoint connection up, VC 6 Map list atm_ipx: PERMANENT ipx 1004.dddd.dddd.dddd maps to NSAP DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 8 ipx 1004.cccc.cccc.cccc maps to NSAP CD.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12, broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint connection up, VC 8 Map list atm_apple: PERMANENT appletalk 62000.5 maps to NSAP broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint appletalk 62000.6 maps to NSAP broadcast, aal5mux, multipoint
The following is sample output from the show atm map command if you configure an ATM PVC using the pvc command:
Router# show atm map Map list endA: PERMANENT ip maps to VC 4, VPI 0, VCI 60, ATM0.2
The following sample output from the show atm map command shows the link-local and global IPv6 addresses (FE80::60:3E47:AC8:C and 3ffe:1111:2222:1003::72, respectively) of a remote node that are explicitly mapped to PVC 1/32 of ATM interface 0;
Router# show atm map Map list ATM0pvc1 : PERMANENT ipv6 FE80::60:3E47:AC8:C maps to VC 1, VPI 1, VCI 32, ATM0 , broadcast ipv6 3ffe:1111:2222:1003::72 maps to VC 1, VPI 1, VCI 32, ATM0
Field Map list PERMANENT ip maps to VC 1 or ip maps to NSAP DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.345 6.7890.1234.12 broadcast
Description Name of map list. This map entry was entered from configuration; it was not entered automatically by a process. Name of protocol, the protocol address, and the virtual circuit descriptor (VCD) or network service access point (NSAP) to which the address is mapped (for ATM VCs configured with the atm pvc command). Indicates pseudobroadcasting.
Table 10
Description Name of protocol, the protocol address, the virtual path identifier (VPI) number, the virtual channel identifier (VCI) number, and the ATM interface or subinterface (for ATM PVCs configured using the pvc command). or
Name of the protocol, the protocol address, and ip maps to NSAP DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.345 the NSAP to which the address is mapped (for ATM switched virtual circuits (SVCs) 6.7890.1234.12 configured using the svc command). aal5mux Indicates the encapsulation used, a multipoint or point-to-point VC, and the number of the virtual circuit. Indicates that this is a multipoint VC. Number of the VC. Indicates a point-to-point VC. VPI for the VC. VCI for the VC. ATM interface or subinterface number. Name of the bundle whose mapping information follows. IP address of the bundle and VC members that belong to the bundle.
multipoint connection up VC 6 connection up VPI VCI ATM1/0.52 Map list ip maps to bundle san-jose, 0/122, 0/123, 0/124, 0/126
Related Commands
Description Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC by either configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, on the VC bundle, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only). Maps the IPv6 address of a remote node to the ATM PVC used to reach the address. Creates or assigns a name to an ATM PVC, specifies the encapsulation type on an ATM PVC, or enters interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. Displays the bundle attributes assigned to each bundle VC member and the current working status of the VC members. Displays statistics on the specified bundle. Creates an ATM SVC and specifies destination NSAP address on an interface or subinterface.
protocol ipv6 (ATM) pvc show atm bundle show atm bundle statistics svc
Syntax Description
(Optional) The ATM virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI) numbers. The absence of the slash character (/) and a vpi value causes the vpi value to default to 0. (Optional) Name of the PVC. To determine the appropriate form of the interface-number argument, consult your ATM network module, port adapter, or router documentation.
interface atm interface-number (Optional) Displays all PVCs on the specified ATM interface.
(Optional) Subinterface number in the range 1 to 4294967293. The dot (.) is required as a separator between the interface-number and the subinterface-number. (Optional) Multipoint subinterface. (Optional) Displays each PVC configured for PPP over ATM.
multipoint ppp
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to display PPPoE status. This command was modified to display only PVCs that are attached to a virtual-access interface. Before this modification, all PVCs that were configured with PPPoA or PPPoE were displayed. This command was modified to display OAM cell emulation status for Any Transport over MPLS (AToM). This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)T.
Usage Guidelines
If the vpi/vci or name argument is not specified, the output of this command is the same as that of the show atm vc command, but only the configured PVCs are displayed. See the first sample output in the Examples section. If the vpi/vci or name argument is specified, the output of this command is the same as the show atm vc vcd command, with extra information related to PVC management, including connection name, detailed states, and Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) counters. See the second and third output samples in the Examples section.
If the interface atm interface-number option is included in the command, all PVCs under that interface or subinterface are displayed. See the third output sample in the Examples section.
The following is sample output from the show atm pvc command:
Router# show atm pvc VCD/ Name 1 2 101 102 104 hello Peak Kbps 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 1000 Avg/Min Kbps 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 Burst Cells
VPI 0 0 0 0 0 0
VCI 5 16 50 60 80 99
The following is sample output from the show atm pvc command with the vpi/vci argument specified:
Router# show atm pvc 0/41 ATM2/0: VCD: 3, VPI: 0, VCI: 41 UBR, PeakRate: 155000 AAL5-LLC/SNAP, etype:0x0, Flags: 0xC20, VCmode: 0x0 OAM frequency: 0 second(s), OAM retry frequency: 1 second(s), OAM retry frequency: 1 second(s) OAM up retry count: 3, OAM down retry count: 5 OAM Loopback status: OAM Disabled OAM VC state: Not Managed ILMI VC state: Not Managed InARP frequency: 15 minutes(s) InPkts: 31759, OutPkts: 26497, InBytes: 2356434, OutBytes: 1589743 InPRoc: 15785, OutPRoc: 26472, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 20, OutFast: 20, InAS: 15954, OutAS: 6 OAM cells received: 0 F5 InEndloop: 0, F5 InSegloop: 0, F5 InAIS: 0, F5 InRDI: 0 F4 InEndloop: 0, F4 InSegloop: 0, F4 InAIS: 0, F4 InRDI: 0 OAM cells sent: 0 F5 OutEndloop: 0, F5 OutSegloop: 0, F5 OutRDI: 0 F4 OutEndloop: 0, F4 OutSegloop: 0, F4 OutRDI: 0 OAM cell drops: 0 Status: UP PPPOE enabled.
The following sample output from the show atm pvc command displays OAM cell emulation statistics, which are marked in this example by exclamation points:
router# show atm pvc 5/500 ATM4/1/0.200: VCD: 6, VPI: 5, VCI: 500 UBR, PeakRate: 1 AAL5-LLC/SNAP, etype:0x0, Flags: 0x34000C20, VCmode: 0x0 OAM Cell Emulation: enabled, F5 End2end AIS Xmit frequency: 1 second(s) !!! OAM frequency: 0 second(s), OAM retry frequency: 1 second(s) OAM up retry count: 3, OAM down retry count: 5 OAM Loopback status: OAM Disabled OAM VC state: Not ManagedVerified ILMI VC state: Not Managed InPkts: 564, OutPkts: 560, InBytes: 19792, OutBytes: 19680 InPRoc: 0, OutPRoc: 0 InFast: 4, OutFast: 0, InAS: 560, OutAS: 560 InPktDrops: 0, OutPktDrops: 0 CrcErrors: 0, SarTimeOuts: 0, OverSizedSDUs: 0
Out CLP=1 Pkts: 0 OAM cells received: 26 F5 InEndloop: 0, F5 InSegloop: 0, F5 InAIS: 0, F5 InRDI: 26 OAM cells sent: 77 F5 OutEndloop: 0, F5 OutSegloop: 0, F5 OutAIS: 77, F5 OutRDI: 0 OAM cell drops: 0 Status: UP
The following is sample output from the show atm pvc command with the ATM subinterface specified:
Router# show atm pvc interface atm 2/0.2 VCD/ Name 101 102 104 Peak Kbps 155000 155000 155000 Avg/Min Kbps 155000 155000 155000 Burst Cells
VPI 0 0 0
VCI 50 60 80
Description Interface and subinterface slot and port. Virtual connection descriptor (virtual connection number). The connection name is displayed if a name for the VC was configured using the pvc command. Virtual path identifier. Virtual channel identifier. Type of PVC detected from PVC discovery, either PVC-D, PVC-L, or PVC-M:
PVC-DPVC created as a result of PVC discovery. PVC-LThe corresponding peer of this PVC could not be found on the switch. PVC-MSome or all of the QoS1 parameters of this PVC fail to match those of the corresponding peer on the switch.
Encaps Peak or PeakRate Avg/Min or Average Rate Burst Cells Sts or Status
Type of ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation. Kilobits per second sent at the peak rate.
Maximum number of ATM cells that the VC can send at peak rate. Status of the VC connection:
UPThe connection is enabled for data traffic. DOWNThe connection is not ready for data traffic. When the Status field is DOWN, a State field is shown. See a description of the different values for the state field later in this table. INACTIVEThe interface is down.
Table 11
UBRUnspecified bit rate QoS is specified for this PVC. See the ubr command for further information. UBR+Unspecified bit rate QoS is specified for this PVC. See the ubr+ command for further information. VBRNRTVariable bit ratenon-real-time QoS rates are specified for this PVC. See the vbr-nrt command for further information.
etype Flags
Encapsulation type. Bit mask describing VC information. The flag values are summed to result in the displayed value:
Virtual-access interface identifier. Virtual template identifier. AIP-specific or NPM-specific register describing the usage of the VC. This register contains values such as rate queue, peak rate, and AAL mode, which are also displayed in other fields.
OAM Cell emulation The status of the OAM cell emulation functionality. It is either enabled or disabled. F5 end2end AIS xmit frequency OAM frequency OAM retry frequency Number of seconds between sendings of AIS cells. Number of seconds between sendings of OAM loopback cells. The frequency (in seconds) at which end-to-end F5 loopback cells should be sent when a change in state (up or down) is being verified. For example, if a PVC is up and a loopback cell response is not received after the value of the frequency argument (in seconds) specified using the oam-pvc command, then loopback cells are sent at the value of the retry-frequency argument to determine whether the PVC is down.
Table 11
Field OAM up retry count OAM down retry count OAM Loopback status
Description Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that must be received in order to change a PVC state to up. Does not apply to SVCs. Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that are not received in order to change a PVC state to down or tear down an SVC. Status of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation for this VC. This field will have one of the following values:
OAM DisabledEnd-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation is disabled. OAM SentOAM cell was sent. OAM ReceivedOAM cell was received. OAM FailedOAM reply was not received within the frequency period or contained bad correlation tag. AIS2/RDI 3The VC received AIS/RDI cells. End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells are not sent in this state. Down RetryAn OAM loopback failed. End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells are sent at retry frequency to verify that the VC is really down. After down-count unsuccessful retries, the VC goes to the Not Verified state. Not ManagedVC is not being managed by OAM. Not VerifiedVC has not been verified by end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells. AIS and RDI conditions are cleared. Up RetryAn OAM loopback was successful. End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells are sent at retry frequency to verify that the VC is really up. After up-count successive and successful loopback retries, the VC goes to the Verified state. VerifiedLoopbacks are successful. AIS/RDI cell was not received. Not ManagedVC is not being managed by ILMI4. Not VerifiedVC has not been verified by ILMI. VerifiedVC has been verified by ILMI.
OAM VC state
This field will have one of the following states for this VC:
ILMI VC state
This field will have one of the following states for this VC:
VC is managed by OAM or ILMI. Number of minutes for the Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) time period. Total number of packets received on this VC. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Total number of packets sent on this VC. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Total number of bytes received on this VC. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched bytes.
Table 11
Field OutBytes InPRoc OutPRoc Broadcasts InFast OutFast InAS OutAS OAM cells received F5 InEndloop F5 InSegloop F5 InAIS F5 InRDI F4 InEndloop F4 InSegloop F4 InAIS F4 InRDI OAM cells sent F5 OutEndloop F5 OutSegloop F5 OutRDI OAM cell drops PVC Discovery
Description Total number of bytes sent on this VC. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched bytes. Number of process-switched input packets. Number of process-switched output packets. Number of process-switched broadcast packets. Number of fast-switched input packets. Number of fast-switched output packets. Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched input packets. Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched output packets. Total number of OAM cells received on this VC. Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells received. Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells received. Number of F5 OAM AIS cells received. Number of F5 OAM RDI cells received. Number of end-to-end F4 OAM loopback cells received. Number of segment F4 OAM loopback cells received. Number of F4 OAM AIS cells received. Number of F4 OAM RDI cells received. Total number of OAM cells sent on this VC. Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells sent. Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells sent. Number of F5 OAM RDI cells sent. Number of OAM cells dropped (or flushed).
NOT_VERIFIEDThis PVC is manually configured on the router and not yet verified with the attached adjacent switch. WELL_KNOWNThis PVC has a VCI value of 0 through 31. DISCOVEREDThis PVC is learned from the attached adjacent switch via ILMI. MIXEDSome of the traffic parameters for this PVC were learned from the switch via ILMI. MATCHEDThis PVC is manually configured on the router, and the local traffic-shaping parameters match the parameters learned from the switch. MISMATCHEDThis PVC is manually configured on the router, and the local traffic -shaping parameters do not match the parameters learned from the switch. LOCAL_ONLYThis PVC is configured locally on the router and not on the remote switch.
Table 11
Field Status
Description When the Status field indicates UP, the VC is established. When the Status field indicates DOWN, refer to the State field for further information about the VC state. When the Status field is UP, this field does not appear. When the Status field is DOWN or INACTIVE, the State field will appear with one of the following values:
NOT_VERIFIEDThe VC has been established successfully; waiting for OAM (if enabled) and ILMI (if enabled) to verify that the VC is up. NOT_EXISTVC has not been created. HASHING_INVC has been hashed into a hash table. ESTABLISHINGReady to establish VC connection. MODIFYINGVC parameters have been modified. DELETINGVC is being deleted. DELETEDVC has been deleted. NOT_IN_SERVICEATM interface is shut down.
For PPP over ATM, indicates the virtual-access interface number and virtual template number being used.
1. QoS = quality of service 2. AIS = alarm indication signal 3. RDI = remote defect identification 4. ILMI = Interim Local Management Interface
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the show atm pvc dbs command to display information about ATM PVCs that have DBS QoS parameters applied. To view information about all ATM PVCs in your system, use the show atm pvc command.
he following example displays information about ATM PVCs that have DBS QoS parameters applied:
Router# show atm pvc dbs VCD / Interface Name VPI 1/0.7 3 0 Peak Avg/Min Burst Kbps Kbps Cells Sts 2000 700 94 UP
VCI 95
Type PVC
Encaps MUX
Description Identifies the interface and subinterface and the slot number. Identifies the Virtual Connection Descriptor (VCD). The connection name is displayed when a name for the virtual circuit was defined using the pvc command. Identifies the network virtual path identifier (VPI) name for this PVC. Identifies the ATM network virtual channel identifier (VCI) for the PVC.
Table 12
Field Type
PVC-DIndicates a PVC created due to PVC Discovery. PVC-LIndicates that the corresponding peer of this PVC could not be found on the switch. PVC-MIndicates that some or all of the QoS parameters of this PVC do not match the QoS parameters of the corresponding peer.
Identifies the ATM encapsulation type of the VC. Identifies the service category for the VC. Identifies the number of kilobits per second sent at the peak rate. Identifies the number of kilobits per second sent at the average rate. Identifies the burst cell size in terms of number of cells. This number is the maximum number of ATM cells the VC can send at the peak rate. Identifies the status of the virtual circuit.
Related Commands
Command dbs enable pvc pvc-in-range range pvc show atm pvc vc-class atm
Description Enables DBS. Creates or assigns a name to an ATM PVC, specifies the encapsulation type on an ATM PVC, or enters interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. Configures an individual PVC within a PVC range. Defines a range of ATM PVCs. Displays all ATM PVCs and traffic information. Configures a VC class for an ATM VC or interface.
Syntax Description
(Optional) The ATM VPI and VCI numbers. The absence of the slash character (/) and a vpi value causes the vpi value to default to 0. (Optional) Name of the SVC.
interface atm interface-number (Optional) Interface number or subinterface number of the SVC. Displays all SVCs on the specified interface or subinterface. The interface-number argument uses one of the following formats, depending on what router platform you are using:
For the AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers; For the ATM port adapter, ATM-CES port adapter, and enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers; For the 1-port ATM-25 network module on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers: slot/0[.subinterface-number multipoint] For the ATM port adapter and enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 7500 series routers: slot/port-adapter/0[.subinterface-number multipoint] For the NPM on Cisco 4500 and 4700 routers: number[.subinterface-number multipoint]
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.3
Usage Guidelines
If the vpi/vci or name argument is not specified, the output of this command is the same as that of the show atm vc command but only the configured SVCs are displayed. See the first sample output below, which uses the show atm svc command without any of the optional arguments. If the vpi/vci or name argument is specified, the output of this command is the same as the show atm vc vcd command, plus extra information related to SVC management including connection name, detailed states, and OAM counters. See the second sample output below, which uses the show atm svc command with the vpi/vci specified as 0/34.
If the interface atm interface-number option is included in the command, all SVCs under that interface or subinterface are displayed. See the third sample output below, which uses the show atm svc command with the ATM subinterface specified as 2/0.2.
The following is sample output from the show atm svc command:
Router# show atm svc VCD/ Name 4 3 5 6 Peak Kbps 155000 155000 155000 155000 Avg/Min Kbps 155000 155000 155000 Burst Cells
VPI 0 0 0 0
VCI 32 33 34 35
The following is sample output from the show atm svc command with VPI 0 and VCI 34 specified:
Router# show atm svc 0/34 ATM2/0.1: VCD: 5, VPI: 0, VCI: 34 UBR, PeakRate: 155000 AAL5-LLC/SNAP, etype: 0x0, Flags 0x440, VCmode: 0xE000 OAM frequency: 0 second(s), OAM retry frequency: 1 second(s) OAM up retry count: 3, OAM down retry count: 5 OAM Loopback status: OAM Disabled OAM VC state: Not Managed ILMI VC state: Not Managed InARP DISABLED InPkts: 4, OutPkts: 4, InBytes: 432, OutBytes: 432 InPRoc: 4, OutPRoc: 4, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 OAM cells received: 0 F5 InEndloop: 0, F5 InSegloop: 0, F5 InAIS: 0, F5 InRDI:0 F4 InEndloop: 0, F4 InSegloop: 0, F4 InAIS: 0, F4 InRDI:0 OAM cells sent: 0 F5 OutEndloop: 0, F5 OutSegloop: 0, F5 OutRDI: 0 OAM cell drops: 0 Status: UP TTL: 3 interface = ATM2/0.2, call locally initiated, call reference = 8388610 vcnum = 5, vpi = 0, vci = 34, state = Active(U10), point-to-point call Retry count: Current = 0 timer currently inactive, timer value = 00:00:00 Remote Atm Nsap address:47.00918100000000400B0A2501.0060837B4743.00, VCowner:Static Map
The following is sample output from the show atm svc interface atm interface_number command:
Router# show atm svc interface atm 2/0.2 VCD/ Name 4 3 6 Peak Kbps 155000 155000 155000 Avg/Min Kbps 155000 155000 155000 Burst Cells
VPI 0 0 0
VCI 32 33 35
Table 13
Description Interface and subinterface slot and port. Virtual circuit descriptor (virtual circuit number). The connection name is displayed if a name for the VC was configured using the svc command. Virtual path identifier. Virtual channel identifier. Type of virtual circuit, either SVC or MSVC (multipoint SVC).
MSVC (with no -x ) indicates that VCD is a leaf of some other routers multipoint VC. MSVC-x indicates there are x leaf routers for that multipoint VC opened by the root.
Encaps Peak or PeakRate Avg/Min or Average Rate Burst Cells Sts or Status
Type of ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation. Kilobits per second transmitted at the peak rate.
Value that equals the maximum number of ATM cells the virtual circuit can transmit at peak rate. Status of the VC connection.
UP indicates that the connection is enabled for data traffic. DOWN indicates that the connection is not ready for data traffic. When the Status field is DOWN, a State field is shown. See a description of the different values for this field listed later in this table. INACTIVE indicates that the interface is down.
The name of the SVC. UBRUnspecified Bit Rate QoS is specified for this SVC. See the ubr command for further information. UBR+Unspecified Bit Rate QoS is specified for this SVC. See the ubr+ command for further information. VBRNRTVariable Bit RateNon Real Time QoS rates are specified for this SVC. See the vbr-nrt command for further information.
Encapsulation type.
Table 13
Field Flags
Description Bit mask describing virtual circuit information. The flag values are summed to result in the displayed value. 0x40SVC 0x20PVC 0x10ACTIVE 0x0AAL5-SNAP 0x1AAL5-NLPID 0x2AAL5-FRNLPID 0x3AAL5-MUX 0x4AAL3/4-SMDS 0x5QSAAL 0x6ILMI 0x7AAL5-LANE 0x9AAL5-CISCOPPP
AIP-specific or NPM-specific register describing the usage of the virtual circuit. This register contains values such as rate queue, peak rate, and AAL mode, which are also displayed in other fields. Number of seconds between sending OAM loopback cells. The frequency (in seconds) that end-to-end F5 loopback cells should be transmitted when a change in UP/DOWN state is being verified. For example, if an SVC is up and a loopback cell response is not received after the frequency (in seconds) specified using the oam-svc command, then loopback cells are sent at the retry-frequency to verify whether the SVC is down. Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that must be received in order to change a PVC state to up. Does not apply to SVCs. Number of consecutive end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell responses that are not received in order to change a PVC state to down or tear down an SVC. Status of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation for this VC. This field will have one of the following values:
OAM up retry count OAM down retry count OAM Loopback status
OAM DisabledEnd-to-End F5 OAM loopback cell generation is disabled. OAM SentOAM cell was sent. OAM ReceivedOAM cell was received. OAM FailedOAM reply was not received within the frequency period or contained bad correlation tag.ssss.
Table 13
Description This field will have one of the following states for this VC:
AIS/RDIThe VC received AIS/RDI cells. End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells are not sent in this state. Down RetryAn OAM loopback failed. End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells are sent at retry frequency to verify the VC is really down. After down-count unsuccessful retries, the VC goes to the Not Verified state. Not ManagedVC is not being managed by OAM. Not VerifiedVC has not been verified by end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells. AIS and RDI conditions are cleared. Up RetryAn OAM loopback was successful. End-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells are sent at retry frequency to verify the VC is really up. After up-count successive and successful loopback retries, the VC goes to the Verified state. VerifiedLoopbacks are successful. AIS/RDI cell was not received. Not ManagedVC is not being managed by ILMI. Not VerifiedVC has not been verified by ILMI. VerifiedVC has been verified by ILMI.
ILMI VC state
This field will have one of the following states for this VC:
VC is managed by OAM/ILMI InARP frequency InPkts OutPkts InBytes OutBytes InPRoc OutPRoc Broadcasts InFast OutFast InAS OutAS OAM cells received F5 InEndloop F5 InSegloop
VC is managed by OAM and/or ILMI. Number of minutes for the Inverse ARP time period. Total number of packets received on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Total number of packets sent on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Total number of bytes received on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched bytes. Total number of bytes sent on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched bytes. Number of process-switched input packets. Number of process-switched output packets. Number of process-switched broadcast packets. Number of fast-switched input packets. Number of fast-switched output packets. Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched input packets. Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched output packets. Total number of OAM cells received on this virtual circuit. Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells received. Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells received.
Table 13
Field F5 InAIS F5 InRDI F4 InEndloop F4 InSegloop F4 InAIS F4 InRDI OAM cells sent F5 OutEndloop F5 OutSegloop F5 OutRDI OAM cell drops State
Description Number of F5 OAM AIS cells received. Number of F5 OAM RDI cells received. Number of end-to-end F4 OAM loopback cells received. Number of segment F4 OAM loopback cells received. Number of F4 OAM AIS cells received. Number of F4 OAM RDI cells received. Total number of OAM cells sent on this virtual circuit. Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells sent. Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells sent. Number of F5 OAM RDI cells sent. Number of OAM cells dropped (or flushed). When the Status field is DOWN or INACTIVE, the State field will appear with one of the following values: NOT_VERIFIEDThe VC has been established successfully; Waiting for OAM (if enabled) and ILMI (if enabled) to verify that the VC is up. NOT_EXISTVC has not been created. HASHING_INVC has been hashed into a hash table. ESTABLISHINGReady to establish VC connection. MODIFYINGVC parameters have been modified. DELETINGVC is being deleted. DELETEDVC has been deleted. NOT_IN_SERVICEATM interface is shut down.
TTL VC owner
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.1(3)T
The following is sample output for the show atm svc ppp command:
Router# show atm svc ppp ATM Int. 2/0.1 VCD/Name 10 VPI 0 VCI 60 Type SVC VCSt UP VA 1 VASt UP
Description Interface on which the SVC is configured. Virtual circuit descriptor (VCD) or name associated with the SVC. Virtual path identifier. Virtual channel identifier. Type of virtual circuit. Virtual circuit state. Virtual access interface number. Virtual access interface state.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 10.0
The following is sample output from the show atm traffic command for the ATM-CES port adapter on a Cisco 7200 series router:
Router# show atm traffic 0 Input packets 1044 Output packets 1021 Broadcast packets 0 Packets received on non-existent VC 0 Packets attempted to send on non-existent VC 0 OAM cells received 0 OAM cells sent
The following is sample output from the show atm traffic command for the AIP on a Cisco 7500 series router:
Router# show atm traffic 276875 Input packets 272965 Output packets 2 Broadcast packets 0 Packets received on non-existent VC 6 Packets attempted to send on non-existent VC 272523 OAM cells received F5 InEndloop: 272523, F5 InSegloop: 0, F5 InAIS: 0, F5 InRDI: 0 F4 InEndloop: 0, F4 InSegloop: 0, F4 InAIS: 0, F4 InRDI: 0 272963 OAM cells sent F5 OutEndloop: 272963, F5 OutSegloop: 0, F5 OutRDI: 0 0 OAM cell drops
Table 15
Field Input packets Output packets Broadcast packets Packets received on nonexistent VC
Description Total packets input. Total packets output (nonbroadcast). Total broadcast packets output. Number of packets sent to virtual circuits not configured.
Packets attempted to send on non-existent Number of packets attempted to be sent on a virtual circuit VC that were not configured. OAM cells received F5 InEndloop F5 InSegloop F5 InAIS F5 InRDI F4 InEndloop F4 InSegloop F4 InAIS F4 InRDI OAM cells sent F5 OutEndloop F5OutSegloop F5 OutRDI OAM cell drops Total Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) cells received. Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells received. Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells received. Number of F5 OAM AIS cells received. Number of F5 OAM RDI cells received. Number of end-to-end F4 OAM loopback cells received. Number of segment F4 OAM loopback cells received. Number of F4 OAM AIS cells received. Number of F4 OAM RDI cells received. Total number of OAM cells sent on this VC. Number of end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cells sent. Number of segment F5 OAM loopback cells sent. Number of F5 OAM RDI cells sent. Number of OAM cells dropped (or flushed).
Related Commands
Description Configures the PVC interface. Creates an ATM SVC and specifies the destination NSAP address on a main interface or subinterface.
show atm vc
To display all ATM permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) and switched virtual circuits (SVCs) and traffic information, use the show atm vc command in privileged EXEC mode. show atm vc [vcd | interface interface-number]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies which virtual circuit about which to display information. (Optional) Interface number or subinterface number of the PVC or SVC. Displays all PVCs and SVCs on the specified interface or subinterface.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Information about VCs on an ATM-CES port adapter was added to the command output. Information about VCs on an extended Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) ATM interface was added to the command output.
Usage Guidelines
If no vcd value is specified, the command displays information for all PVCs and SVCs. The output is in summary form (one line per virtual circuit). VCs on the extended MPLS ATM interfaces do not appear in the show atm vc command output. Instead, the show xtagatm vc command provides a similar output which shows information only on extended MPLS ATM VCs.
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when no vcd value is specified. The status field is either ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Router# show atm vc Interface VCD ATM2/0 1 ATM2/0.4 3 ATM2/0.65432 10 ATM2/0 99 ATM2/0.105 250 ATM2/0.100 300 ATM2/0.12345 2047 VPI VCI Type 0 5 PVC 0 32 SVC 10 10 PVC 0 16 PVC 33 44 PVC 22 33 PVC 255 65535 PVC AAL/Encaps AAL5-SAAL AAL5-SNAP AAL5-SNAP AAL5-ILMI AAL5-SNAP AAL5-SNAP AAL5-SNAP Peak 155000 155000 100000 155000 155000 155000 56 Avg. Burst Status 155000 93 ACTIVE 155000 93 ACTIVE 40000 10 ACTIVE 155000 93 ACTIVE 155000 93 ACTIVE 155000 93 ACTIVE 28 2047 ACTIVE
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when a vcd value is specified for a circuit emulation service (CES) circuit:
Router# show atm vc 2 ATM6/0: VCD: 2, VPI: 10, VCI: 10 PeakRate: 2310, Average Rate: 2310, Burst Cells: 94 CES-AAL1, etype:0x0, Flags: 0x20138, VCmode: 0x0 OAM DISABLED InARP DISABLED OAM cells received: 0 OAM cells sent: 334272 Status: ACTIVE
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when a vcd value is specified, displaying statistics for that virtual circuit only:
Router# show atm vc 8 ATM4/0: VCD: 8, VPI: 8, VCI: 8 PeakRate: 155000, Average Rate: 155000, Burst Cells: 0 AAL5-LLC/SNAP, etype:0x0, Flags: 0x30, VCmode: 0xE000 OAM frequency: 0 second(s) InARP frequency: 1 minute(s) InPkts: 181061, OutPkts: 570499, InBytes: 757314267, OutBytes: 2137187609 InPRoc: 181011, OutPRoc: 10, Broadcasts: 570459 InFast: 39, OutFast: 36, InAS: 11, OutAS: 6 OAM cells received: 0 OAM cells sent: 0 Status: UP
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when a vcd value is specified, AAL3/4 is enabled, an ATM SMDS subinterface has been defined, and a range of message identifier numbers (MIDs) has been assigned to the PVC:
Router# show atm vc 1 ATM4/0.1: VCD: 1, VPI: 0, VCI: 1 PeakRate: 0, Average Rate: 0, Burst Cells: 0 AAL3/4-SMDS, etype:0x1, Flags: 0x35, VCmode: 0xE200 MID start: 1, MID end: 16 InPkts: 0, OutPkts: 0, InBytes: 0, OutBytes: 0 InPRoc: 0, OutPRoc: 0, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when a vcd value is specified and generation of Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) F5 loopback cells has been enabled.
Router# show atm vc 7 ATM4/0: VCD: 7, VPI: 7, VCI: 7 PeakRate: 0, Average Rate: 0, Burst Cells: 0 AAL5-LLC/SNAP, etype:0x0, Flags: 0x30, VCmode: 0xE000 OAM frequency: 10 second(s) InARP DISABLED InPkts: 0, OutPkts: 0, InBytes: 0, OutBytes: 0 InPRoc: 0, OutPRoc: 0, Broadcasts: 0 InFast:0, OutFast:0, InAS:0, OutAS:0 OAM cells received: 0 OAM cells sent: 1 Status: UP
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when a vcd value is specified, and there is an incoming multipoint virtual circuit.
Router# show atm vc 3 ATM2/0: VCD: 3, VPI: 0, VCI: 33 PeakRate: 0, Average Rate: 0, Burst Cells: 0 AAL5-MUX, etype:0x809B, Flags: 0x53, VCmode: 0xE000 OAM DISABLED InARP DISABLED InPkts: 6646, OutPkts: 0, InBytes: 153078, OutBytes: 0 InPRoc: 6646, OutPRoc: 0, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 interface = ATM2/0, call remotely initiated, call reference = 18082 vcnum = 3, vpi = 0, vci = 33, state = Active aal5mux vc, multipoint call Retry count: Current = 0, Max = 10 timer currently inactive, timer value = never Root Atm Nsap address: DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when a vcd value is specified, and there is an outgoing multipoint virtual circuit:
Router# show atm vc 6 ATM2/0: VCD: 6, VPI: 0, VCI: 35 PeakRate: 0, Average Rate: 0, Burst Cells: 0 AAL5-MUX, etype:0x800, Flags: 0x53, VCmode: 0xE000 OAM DISABLED InARP DISABLED InPkts: 0, OutPkts: 818, InBytes: 0, OutBytes: 37628 InPRoc: 0, OutPRoc: 0, Broadcasts: 818 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 interface = ATM2/0, call locally initiated, call reference = 3 vcnum = 6, vpi = 0, vci = 35, state = Active aal5mux vc, multipoint call Retry count: Current = 0, Max = 10 timer currently inactive, timer value = never Leaf Atm Nsap address: DE.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12 Leaf Atm Nsap address: CD.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.12
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command when a vcd value is specified and there is a PPP-over-ATM connection:
Router# show atm vc 1 ATM8/0.1: VCD: 1, VPI: 41, VCI: 41 PeakRate: 155000, Average Rate: 155000, Burst Cells: 96 AAL5-CISCOPPP, etype:0x9, Flags: 0xC38, VCmode: 0xE000 virtual-access: 1, virtual-template: 1 OAM DISABLED InARP DISABLED InPkts: 13, OutPkts: 10, InBytes: 198, OutBytes: 156 InPRoc: 13, OutPRoc: 10, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 OAM cells received: 0 OAM cells sent: 0
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command for IP multicast virtual circuits. The display shows the leaf count for multipoint VCs opened by the root. VCD 3 is a root of a multipoint VC with three leaf routers. VCD 4 is a leaf of some other routers multipoint VC. VCD 12 is a root of a multipoint VC with only one leaf router.
Router# show atm vc VCD/ Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Peak Kbps 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 Avg/Min Kbps 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 155000 Burst Cells 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96
Interface 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
VPI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VCI 5 16 124 125 126 127 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command for an IP multicast virtual circuit. The display shows the owner of the VC and leafs of the multipoint VC. This VC was opened by IP multicast and the three leaf routers ATM addresses are included in the display. The VC is associated with IP group address
Router# show atm vc 11 ATM0/0: VCD: 11, VPI: 0, VCI: 132 PeakRate: 155000, Average Rate: 155000, Burst Cells: 96 AAL5-LLC/SNAP, etype:0x0, Flags: 0x650, VCmode: 0xE000 OAM DISABLED InARP DISABLED InPkts: 0, OutPkts: 12, InBytes: 0, OutBytes: 496 InPRoc: 0, OutPRoc: 0, Broadcasts: 12 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 OAM cells received: 0 OAM cells sent: 0 Status: ACTIVE, TTL: 2, VC owner: IP Multicast ( interface = ATM0/0, call locally initiated, call reference = 2 vcnum = 11, vpi = 0, vci = 132, state = Active aal5snap vc, multipoint call Retry count: Current = 0, Max = 10 timer currently inactive, timer value = 00:00:00 Leaf Atm Nsap address: 47.0091810000000002BA08E101.444444444444.02 Leaf Atm Nsap address: 47.0091810000000002BA08E101.333333333333.02 Leaf Atm Nsap address: 47.0091810000000002BA08E101.222222222222.02
The following is sample output from the show atm vc command where no VCD is specified and private VCs are present.
Router# show atm vc AAL / Interface ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 ATM1/0 Peak VCD 1 2 3 4 5 15 17 26 28 29 33 Avg. Burst VPI VCI Type 0 40 PVC 0 41 PVC 0 42 PVC 0 43 PVC 0 44 PVC 1 32 PVC 1 34 TVC 1 43 TVC 1 45 TVC 1 46 TVC 1 50 TVC
Kbps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kbps 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cells 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
When you specify a VCD value and the VCD corresponds to that of a private VC on a control interface, the display output appears as follows:
Router# show atm vc 15 ATM1/0 33 1 50 TVC AAL5-XTAGATM 0 0 0 ACTIVE ATM1/0: VCD: 15, VPI: 1, VCI: 32, etype:0x8, AAL5 - XTAGATM, Flags: 0xD38 PeakRate: 0, Average Rate: 0, Burst Cells: 0, VCmode: 0x0 XTagATM1, VCD: 1, VPI: 0, VCI: 32 OAM DISABLED, InARP DISABLED InPkts: 38811, OutPkts: 38813, InBytes: 2911240, OutBytes: 2968834 InPRoc: 0, OutPRoc: 0, Broadcasts: 0 InFast: 0, OutFast: 0, InAS: 0, OutAS: 0 OAM F5 cells sent: 0, OAM cells received: 0 Status: ACTIVE
Description Interface slot and port. Virtual circuit descriptor (virtual circuit number). The connection name is displayed if the VC was configured using the pvc command and the name was specified. Virtual path identifier. Virtual channel identifier.
Table 16
Field Type
Description Type of virtual circuit, either PVC, SVC, or multipoint SVC (MSVC).
MSVC (with no -x ) indicates that VCD is a leaf of some other routers multipoint VC. MSVC-x indicates there are x leaf routers for that multipoint VC opened by the root.
Type of PVC detected from PVC discovery, either PVC-D, PVC-L, or PVC-M.
PVC-D indicates a PVC created due to PVC discovery. PVC-L indicates that the corresponding peer of this PVC could not be found on the switch. PVC-M indicates that some or all of the QOS parameters of this PVC mismatch that of the corresponding peer on the switch.
Type of ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation. Kilobits per second transmitted at the peak rate. Kilobits per second transmitted at the average rate. Value that equals the maximum number of ATM cells the virtual circuit can send at peak rate. Status of the VC connection.
UP indicates that the connection is enabled for data traffic. DOWN indicates that the connection is not ready for data traffic. When the Status field is DOWN, a State field is shown. See a description of the different values for this field listed later in this table. INACTIVE indicates that the interface is down.
Encapsulation type.
Table 16
Field Flags
Description Bit mask describing virtual circuit information. The flag values are summed to result in the displayed value. 0x10000 ABR VC 0x20000 CES VC 0x40000 TVC 0x100 TEMP (automatically created) 0x200 MULTIPOINT 0x400 DEFAULT_RATE 0x800 DEFAULT_BURST 0x10 ACTIVE 0x20 PVC 0x40 SVC 0x0 AAL5-SNAP 0x1 AAL5-NLPID 0x2 AAL5-FRNLPID 0x3 AAL5-MUX 0x4 AAL3/4-SMDS 0x5 QSAAL 0x6 AAL5-ILMI 0x7 AAL5-LANE 0x8 AAL5-XTAGATM 0x9 CES-AAL1 0xA F4-OAM
AIP-specific or NPM-specific register describing the usage of the virtual circuit. This register contains values such as rate queue, peak rate, and AAL mode, which are also displayed in other fields. Seconds between OAM loopback messages, or DISABLED if OAM is not in use on this VC. Minutes between InARP messages, or DISABLED if InARP is not in use on this VC. Virtual access interface identifier. Virtual template identifier. Total number of packets received on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Total number of packets sent on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Total number of bytes received on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Total number of bytes sent on this virtual circuit. This number includes all fast-switched and process-switched packets. Number of process-switched input packets. Number of process-switched output packets. Number of process-switched broadcast packets. Number of fast-switched input packets.
OAM frequency InARP frequency virtual-access virtual-template InPkts OutPkts InBytes OutBytes InPRoc OutPRoc Broadcast InFast
Table 16
Field OutFast InAS OutAS OAM cells received OAM cells sent TTL VC owner
Description Number of fast-switched output packets. Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched input packets. Number of autonomous-switched or silicon-switched output packets. Number of OAM cells received on this virtual circuit. Number of OAM cells sent on this virtual circuit. Time-to-live in ATM hops across the VC. IP Multicast address of group.
Related Commands
Description Sets the NSAP address for an ATM interface using SVC mode.
show atm vp
To display the statistics for all virtual paths (VPs) on an interface or for a specific VP, use the show atm vp privileged EXEC command. show atm vp [vpi]
Syntax Description
(Optional) ATM network virtual path identifier (VPI) of the permanent virtual path. The range is 0 to 255. The VPI is an 8-bit field in the header of the ATM cell.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.1
The following is sample output from the show atm vp command. This output shows the interface name, the status of the interface, the administrative status of the interface, the port type, and the number of channels in use on the interface. The status of the interface can be UP (in operation) or DOWN (not in operation).
Router# show atm vp 1 ATM6/0 VCD 1 13 409 410 VPI: 1, PeakRate: 155000, CesRate: 1742, DataVCs: 1, CesVCs:1, Status: ACTIVE VCI 100 13 3 4 Type PVC PVC PVC PVC InPkts n/a 0 0 0 OutPkts n/a 0 0 0 AAL/Encap CES-AAL1 AAL5-SNAP F4 OAM F4 OAM Status ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE
Description Interface type, slot, and port number of the VP. Virtual path identifier of the VP. Maximum rate, in kbps, at which the VP can send data. Range is 84 kbps to line rate. The default is the line rate. Total circuit emulation service (CES) bandwidth allocated for the VP. Number of data virtual circuits (VCs) on the VP. Number of CES VC on the VP. Current status of the VP. Values are ACTIVE and INACTIVE.
Table 17
Field VCD VCI Type InPkts OutPkts AAL/Encap Status TotalInPkts: TotalOutPkts: TotalInFast TotalOutFast: TotalBroadcasts:
Description Virtual circuit descriptor of the VC associated with this VP. Virtual channel identifier of the VC associated with this VP. Type of VC associated with this VP. Values are PVC and SVC. Number of packets received on the VP. Number of packets transmitted on the VP. Type of encapsulation used on the VC associated with this VP. Status of the VP (ACTIVE or INACTIVE). Total number of input packets process-switched and fast-switched on the VP. Total number of output packets process-switched and fast-switched on the VP. Total number of input packets fast-switched. Total number of output packets fast-switched. Total number of broadcast packets fast-switched.
Related Commands
Description Creates a PVP used to multiplex (or bundle) one or more VCs (especially CES and data VCs).
show ces
To display details about a Circuit Emulation Service (CES) connection, use the show ces privileged EXEC command. show ces [slot/port]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
This command is used on Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers that have OC-3/STM-1 ATM CES network modules.
Table 18
CURRENT VPD Clock being used by the CES function. CES CLOCK ATM CLOCKING VIC/WIC PRESENT CONTROLLER CLOCKING port State alarm State Clocking Mode Data Mode Framing Type Line Coding t1Cas tsInUse VPI/VCI Clock being used by the ATM interface. Type of WIC plugged into the Network Module. Clock being used by the T1 controller. Current state of port. Values are active or inactive. Current state of the CES port. CES circuit clocking mode. CES circuit data mode. CES port framing type. Values are d4 and esf. CES port line code type. Values are ami and b8zs. Current state of T1 Channel Associated Signalling on CES port. Values are on and off. Bit mask of timeslots in use. VPI/VCI used by CES circuit.
CES AAL1 Input Number of CES cells received. cells CES AAL1 Output cells xcUndfrmslp overflow Number of CES cells transmitted. Structured CES circuit Under Frame Slips. CES circuit overflows.
Related Commands
Command ces
Syntax Description
(Optional) Slot and port number of the CBR interface. (Optional) Circuit identification. For unstructured service, use 0. For T1 structure service, the range is 1 through 24. For E1 structure service, the range is 1 through 31.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.1
The following is sample output from the show ces circuit command.
Router # show ces circuit Interface CBR6/0 CBR6/1 Circuit 1 1 Circuit-Type HardPVC HardPVC X-interface ATM6/0 ATM6/1 X-vpi 0 0 X-vci 34 34 Status UP UP
Description Type, slot, and port number of the interface. Circuit number assigned to the PVC. Type of circuit.Values are HardPVC or SoftPVC. Only HardPVC is supported on the ATM-CES port adapter. Type, slot, and port number of the destination interface. Virtual path identifier of the destination interface. Virtual channel identifier of the destination interface. State of the circuit. Values are Up and Down.
The following is sample output from the show ces circuit command for a circuit 1 on CBR interface 6/0:
Switch# show ces circuit interface cbr 6/0 1 circuit: Name CBR6/0:1, Circuit-state ADMIN_UP / Interface CBR6/0, Circuit_id 1, Port-Type T1, Port-State UP
Port Clocking network-derived, aal1 Clocking Method CESIWF_AAL1_CLOCK_Sync Channel in use on this port: 1 Channels used by this circuit: 1 Cell-Rate: 171, Bit-Rate 64000 cas OFF, cell-header 0X3E80 (vci = 1000) Configured CDV 2000 usecs, Measured CDV unavailable ErrTolerance 8, idleCircuitdetect OFF, onHookIdleCode 0x0 state: VcActive, maxQueueDepth 128, startDequeueDepth 111 Partial Fill: 47, Structured Data Transfer 24 HardPVC src: CBR6/0 vpi 0, vci 16 Dst: ATM6/0 vpi0, vci 1000
Field circuit Name Circuit-state Interface Circuit_ID Port-Type Port-State Port Clocking aal1 Clocking Method
Description Name of the circuit specified with the ces circuit interface command. Current configuration state of the circuit. Values are ADMIN_UP or ADMIN_DOWN. Type, slot, and port number of the interface. Circuit identification specified with the ces pvc interface command. Type of interface on the ATM-CES port adapter. Values are T1 and E1. Current status of the port. Values are Up and Down. Clocking mode used by the interface specified with the ces dsx1 clock interface command. Values are Loop-Timed and Network-Derived Adaptive. AAL1 clocking mode used by the interface specified with the ces aal1 clock interface command. Values are Adaptive, Synchronous Residual Time Stamp (SRTS), and Synchronous. Number of active channels used by this interface. Number of channels used by the circuit. Number of cells transmitted or received on the interface per second. Speed at which the cells are transmitted or received. Indicates whether channel-associated signaling (CAS) is enabled on the interface with the ces circuit interface command. ATM cell header VCI bytes used for debugging only. Indicates the peak-to-peak cell delay variation (CDV) requirement (CDV) in milliseconds specified with the ces circuit interface command. The range for CDV is 1 through 65535 milliseconds. The default is 2000 milliseconds. Indicates the actual cell delay variation in milliseconds. For internal use only. Indicates whether idle circuit detection is enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF).
Channel in use on this port Channels used by this circuit Cell-Rate Bit-Rate cas cell-header Configured CDV
Table 20
Field onHookIdleCode
Description Indicates that the on-hook detection feature is enabled with the ces circuit interface command and the hex value (0 through F) that indicates a 2 or 4 bit AB[CD] pattern to detect on-hook. The AB[CD] bits are determined by the manufacturer of the voice/video telephony device that is generating the CBR traffic. Current state of the circuit. Values are VcActive, VcInactive, VcLOC (loss of cell), or VcAlarm (alarm condition). Maximum queue depth in bits. Start dequeue depth in bits. Indicates the partial AAL1 cell fill service for structured service only specified by the ces circuit interface command. The range is 0 through 47. The default is 47. Size (in bytes) of the structured data transfer frame. Only hard PVC are supported by the ATM-CES port adapter. Source interface type, slot, and port number and VPI and VCI for the circuit. Destination interface interface type, slot, and port number and the VPI and VCI for the circuit.
Related Commands
Description Displays detailed circuit information for the CBR interface. Displays the status of the ports on the ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.1
The following is sample output from the show ces interface cbr command for CBR interface 6/0:
Router# show ces interface cbr 6/0 Interface: CBR6/0 Port-type:T1-DCU IF Status: UP Admin Status: UP Channels in use on this port: 1 LineType: ESF LineCoding: B8ZS LoopConfig: NoLoop SignalMode: NoSignalling XmtClockSrc: network-derived DataFormat: Structured AAL1 Clocking Mode: Synchronous LineLength: 0_110 LineState: LossOfSignal Errors in the Current Interval: PCVs 0 LCVs 0 ESs 0 SESs 0 SEFSs UASs 0 CSSs 0 LESs 0 BESs 0 DMs Errors in the last 24Hrs: PCVs 514 LCVs 0 ESs 0 SESs 1 SEFSs UASs 0 CSSs 0 LESs 0 BESs 0 DMs Input Counters: 0 cells, 0 bytes Output Counters: 0 cells, 0 bytes
0 0 0 0
Description Type, slot, and port number of the interface. Type of port on the ATM-CES port adapter. Values are T1-DCU and E1-DCU. Status of the interface. Values are Up and Down. Configured status of the interface. Values are Up and Down (administratively configured down).
Channels in use on this Number of active channels used by this interface. port
Table 21
Field LineType
Description Framing used on the interface specified with the ces dsx1 framing interface command. Values (for T1) are ESF and SF; (for E1) E1-CRC-MFCASLT, E1-CRC-MFLT, E1-LT, and E1-MFCASLT. Line coding used on the interface specified with the ces dsx1 linecode interface command. Values (for T1) are AMI and B8ZS; (for E1) HDB3. Indicates whether the interface in in a loop state specified by the ces dsx1 loopback interface command. Values are line loopback, payload loopback, and noloop. For T1 to use robbed bit signaling or not. Transmit clock source specified by the ces dsx1 clock interface command. Values are loop-timed or network-derived. Type of CES services specified by the ces aal1 service interface command. Values are structured or unstructured. AAL1 clocking mode used by the interface specified with the ces aal1 clock interface command. Values are adaptive, synchronous residual time stamp (SRTS), or synchronous. Cable length specified by the ces dsx1 lbo interface command. Values are 0-110, 10-200, 220-330, 330-440, 440-550, 550-660, 660-above, and square-pulse. Current status of the line. Values are:
LineCoding LoopConfig
Unknown NoAlarm RcvFarEndLOF XmtFarEndLOF RcvAIS XmtAIS LossOfFrame LossOfSignal LoopbackState T16AIS
Error statistics received during the current 15-minute interval. Number of Path Code Violations (PCVs). PCVs indicate a frame synchronization bit error in the D4 and E1 no-CRC formats, or a CRC error in the ESF and E1 CRC formats. Number of Line Code Violations (LCVs). LCVs indicate the occurrence of either a Bipolar Violation (BPV) or Excessive Zeros (EXZ) error event.
Table 21
Field ESs
Description Number of errored seconds. In ESF and E1 CRC links, an Errored Second is a second in which one of the following are detected: one or more Path Code Violations, one or more Out of Frame defects, one or more Controlled Slip events, or a detected AIS defect. For SF and E1 no-CRC links, the presence of Bipolar Violations also triggers an Errored Second.
Number of Severely Errored Seconds (SESs). A SESs is a second with 320 or more path code violation errors events, one or more Out of Frame defects, or a detected AIS defect. Number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds (SEFS). SEFS is a second with one or more Out of Frame defects or a detected incoming AIS. Number of Unavailable Seconds (UASs). UAS is a count of the total number of seconds on the interface. Number of Controlled Slip Second (CSS). CSS is a 1-second interval containing one or more controlled slips. Number of Line Errored Seconds (LES). LES is a second in which one or more Line Code Violation errors are detected. Number of Bursty Errored Seconds (BES). BES is a second with fewer than 320 and more than one Path Coding Violation error, no Severely Errored Frame defects, and no detected incoming AIS defects. Controlled slips are not included in this parameter. Number of Degraded Minutes (DMs). A degraded minute is one in which the estimated error rate exceeds 1E-6 but does not exceed 1E-3. For more information, refer to RFC 1406. Number of cells and bytes received on the interface. Number of cells and bytes.
Errors in the last 24Hrs Error statistics received during the during the last 24 hours. Input Counters Output Counters
Related Commands
Description Displays the information about the CBR interface on the ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.1
The following is sample output from the show ces status command. This output shows the interface name, the status of the interface, the administrative status of the interface, the port type, and the number of channels in use on the interface. The status of the interface can be UP (in operation) or DOWN (not in operation).
Router# show ces status Interface IF Admin Port Channels in Name Status Status Type use ------------- -------- --------- ----------- ----------CBR0/0/0 UP UP T1 1-24 CBR0/0/1 UP UP T1 1-24 CBR0/0/2 UP UP T1 1-24 CBR0/0/3 UP UP T1
Related Commands
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays information about all Frame Relay-to-ATM connections. (Optional) Displays information about the specified connection element. (Optional) Displays information about the specified connection identifier. (Optional) Displays information about the specified connection name. (Optional) Displays information about all connections on an interface.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
FRF.5 Examples
ID Name Segment 1 Segment 2 State ======================================================================== 5 network-1 VC-Group network-1 ATM3/0 1/34 UP
The following example displays information about the specified FRF.5 connection identifier:
C3640# show connect id 5 FR/ATM Network Interworking Connection: network-1 Status - UP Segment 1 - VC-Group network-1 Segment 2 - ATM3/0 VPI 1 VCI 34 Interworking Parameters de-bit map-clp clp-bit map-de
FRF.8 Examples
The following example displays information about the specified FRF.8 connection identifier:
C3640# show connect id 10 FR/ATM Service Interworking Connection: service-1 Status - UP Segment 1 - Serial1/0 DLCI 16 Segment 2 - ATM3/0 VPI 1 VCI 32 Interworking Parameters service translation efci-bit 0 de-bit map-clp clp-bit map-de
The following example displays information about the FRF.8 connection on an interface:
C3640# show connect port atm3/0 ID Name Segment 1 Segment 2 State ======================================================================== 10 service-1 Serial1/0 16 ATM3/0 1/32 UP
Description Arbitrary connection identifier assigned by the operating system. Assigned connection name. Frame Relay or ATM interworking segments. Status of the connection, UP, DOWN, or ADMIN DOWN.
Related Commands
Description Connects a Frame Relay DLCI to an ATM PVC. Displays all ATM PVCs, SVCs, and traffic information. Displays statistics about Frame Relay interfaces.
Syntax Description
SHDSL controller number. The valid controller number for SHDSL mode is 0.
Controller number: 0
Command Modes
privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.2(8)T
Usage Guidelines
This command is used to display the controller mode and the controller number and to view the associated statistics.
The following example displays the status of the controller configured for SHDSL mode:
Router# show controller shdsl 0 SHDSL 0 controller UP SLOT 3: Globespan xDSL controller chipset Frame mode: Serial ATM Configured Line rate: 1160Kbps Line Re-activated 0 times after system bootup LOSW Defect alarm: None CRC per second alarm: None Line termination: CPE FPGA Revision: 9
Related Commands
Syntax Description
(Optional) ATM slot number. (Optional) This keyword indicates an IMA group specification rather than a port value for a UNI interface. (Optional) Enter an IMA group number from 0 to 3. If you specify the group number, do not insert a space between ima and the number. (Optional) ATM port number. (Optional) ATM port adapter.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to support IMA groups on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers. Support for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100,7200, and 7500 series routers was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to monitor and diagnose ATM IMA links and groups.
On Cisco 7100 series or 7200 series routers, the following example displays detailed information about IMA group hardware related information. It includes the configuration of IMA hardware and IMA alarms.
Router# show controllers atm 1/ima0 Interface ATM1/ima0 is up Hardware is IMA PA - DS1 (1Mbps) Framer is PMC PM7344, SAR is LSI ATMIZER II Firmware rev:G102, ATMIZER II rev:3 idb=0x61DE9F10, ds=0x6185C0A0, vc=0x6187D3C0, pa=0x6184AF40 slot 1, unit 9, subunit 0, fci_type 0x00BA, ticks 701720 400 rx buffers:size=512, encap=64, trailer=28, magic=4 Curr Stats: rx_cell_lost=0, rx_no_buffer=0, rx_crc_10=0 rx_cell_len=0, rx_no_vcd=0, rx_cell_throttle=0, tx_aci_err=0 Rx Free Ring status: base=0x3CFF0040, size=1024, write=320 Rx Compl Ring status: base=0x338DCE40, size=2048, read=1275 Tx Ring status: base=0x3CFE8040, size=8192, write=700 Tx Compl Ring status: base=0x338E0E80, size=2048, read=344 BFD Cache status: base=0x61878340, size=5120, read=5107 Rx Cache status: base=0x61863D80, size=16, write=11 Tx Shadow status: base=0x618641C0, size=8192, read=687, write=700 Control data: rx_max_spins=12, max_tx_count=25, tx_count=13 rx_threshold=267, rx_count=11, tx_threshold=3840 tx bfd write indx=0x27, rx_pool_info=0x61863E20 Control data base address: rx_buf_base = 0x038A15A0 rx_p_base = 0x6185CB40 rx_pak = 0x61863AF0 cmd = 0x6185C320 device_base = 0x3C800000 ima_pa_stats = 0x038E2FA0 sdram_base = 0x3CE00000 pa_cmd_buf = 0x3CFFFC00 vcd_base[0] = 0x3CE3C100 vcd_base[1] = 0x3CE1C000 chip_dump = 0x038E3D7C dpram_base = 0x3CD80000 sar_buf_base[0] = 0x3CE4C000 sar_buf_base[1] = 0x3CF22000 bfd_base[0] = 0x3CFD4000 bfd_base[1] = 0x3CFC0000 acd_base[0] = 0x3CE88360 acd_base[1] = 0x3CE5C200 pci_atm_stats = 0x038E2EC0 ATM1/ima0 is up hwgrp number = 1 grp tx up reg= 0x5, grp rx up reg= 0x3, rx dcb reg= 0xD4 0x4, tx links grp reg= 0x3, scci reg= 0x3C, ima id reg= 0x0, group status reg= 0xA2, tx timing reg= 0x 20, tx test reg= 0x21, tx test pattern reg= 0x41, rx test pattern reg= 0x42, icp cell link info reg= 0xFC, icp cell link info reg= 0xFC, icp cell link info r eg= 0x0, icp cell link info reg= 0x0, icp cell link info reg= 0x0, icp cell li nk info reg= 0x0, icp cell link info reg= 0x0, icp cell link info reg= 0x0
On a Cisco 2600 or 3600 series router, the following example displays detailed information about IMA group 0 on ATM interface 2:
router# show controller atm 0/ima3 Interface ATM0/IMA3 is up Hardware is ATM IMA LANE client MAC address is 0050.0f0c.148b hwidb=0x61C2E990, ds=0x617D498C slot 0, unit 3, subunit 3 rs8234 base 0x3C000000, slave base 0x3C000000 rs8234 ds 0x617D498C SBDs - avail 2048, guaranteed 3, unguaranteed 2045, starved 0 Seg VCC table 3C00B800, Shadow Seg VCC Table 617EF76C, VCD Table 61805798 Schedule table 3C016800, Shadow Schedule table 618087C4, Size 63D RSM VCC Table 3C02ED80, Shadow RSM VCC Table 6180C994 VPI Index Table 3C02C300, VCI Index Table 3C02E980 Bucket2 Table 3C01E500, Shadow Bucket2 Table 6180A0E4 MCR Limit Table 3C01E900, Shadow MCR Table 617D2160 ABR template 3C01EB00, Shadow template 614DEEAC RM Cell RS Queue 3C02C980 Queue TXQ Addr Pos StQ Addr Pos 0 UBR CHN0 3C028B00 0 03118540 0 1 UBR CHN1 3C028F00 0 03118D40 0 2 UBR CHN2 3C029300 0 03119540 0 3 UBR CHN3 3C029700 0 03119D40 0 4 VBR/ABR CHN0 3C029B00 0 0311A540 0 5 VBR/ABR CHN1 3C029F00 0 0311AD40 0 6 VBR/ABR CHN2 3C02A300 0 0311B540 0 7 VBR/ABR CHN3 3C02A700 0 0311BD40 0 8 VBR-RT CHN0 3C02AB00 0 0311C540 0 9 VBR-RT CHN1 3C02AF00 0 0311CD40 0 10 VBR-RT CHN2 3C02B300 0 0311D540 0 11 VBR-RT CHN3 3C02B700 0 0311DD40 0 12 SIG 3C02BB00 0 0311E540 0 13 VPD 3C02BF00 0 0311ED40 0 Queue FBQ Addr Pos RSQ Addr Pos 0 OAM 3C0EED80 255 0311F600 0 1 UBR CHN0 3C0EFD80 0 03120600 0 2 UBR CHN1 3C0F0D80 0 03121600 0 3 UBR CHN2 3C0F1D80 0 03122600 0 4 UBR CHN3 3C0F2D80 0 03123600 0 5 VBR/ABR CHN0 3C0F3D80 0 03124600 0 6 VBR/ABR CHN1 3C0F4D80 0 03125600 0 7 VBR/ABR CHN2 3C0F5D80 0 03126600 0 8 VBR/ABR CHN3 3C0F6D80 0 03127600 0 9 VBR-RT CHN0 3C0F7D80 0 03128600 0 10 VBR-RT CHN1 3C0F8D80 255 03129600 0 11 VBR-RT CHN2 3C0F9D80 0 0312A600 0 12 VBR-RT CHN3 3C0FAD80 0 0312B600 0 13 SIG 3C0FBD80 255 0312C600 0 SAR Scheduling channels: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 ATM channel number is 1 link members are 0x7, active links are 0x0 Group status is blockedNe, 3 links configured, Group Info: Configured links bitmap 0x7, Active links bitmap 0x0, Tx/Rx IMA_id 0x3/0x63, NE Group status is startUp, frame length 0x80, Max Diff Delay 0, 1 min links, clock mode ctc, symmetry symmetricOperation, trl 0, Group Failure status is startUpNe.
Test pattern procedure is disabled SAR counter totals across all links and groups: 0 cells output, 0 cells stripped 0 cells input, 0 cells discarded, 0 AAL5 frames discarded 0 pci bus err, 0 dma fifo full err, 0 rsm parity err 0 rsm syn err, 0 rsm/seg q full err, 0 rsm overflow err 0 hs q full err, 0 no free buff q err, 0 seg underflow err 0 host seg stat q full err
Related Commands
show ima interface atm Provides information about all configured IMA groups or a specific IMA group.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification The command was introduced on Cisco 1700 series routers. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T. Support for this command was added to Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series routers. Support for this command was added to the Cisco IAD2420 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view the status or results of a line test and to get information on port status, alarms, configured and actual transmission rates, and transmission errors. The output from this command appears the same as the output from the show controller atm command on Cisco 1400 series routers.
The following sample output displays the ADSL-specific information for ATM interface 0:
Router# show dsl interface atm0 Alcatel 20150 chipset information ATU-R (DS) Modem Status: Showtime (DMTDSL_SHOWTIME) DSL Mode: ITU G.992.1 (G.DMT) ITU STD NUM: 0x01 Vendor ID: 'ALCB' Vendor Specific: 0x0000 Vendor Country: 0x00 Capacity Used: 85% Noise Margin: 13.5 dB Output Power: 9.5 dBm Attenuation: 1.5 dB Defect Status: None Last Fail Code: None Selftest Result: 0x00 Subfunction: 0x15 Interrupts: 5940 (0 spurious) PHY Access Err: 0 Activations: 1
0x1 'ALCB' 0x0000 0x0F 98% 7.0 dB 12.0 dBm 3.5 dB None
SW Version: FW Version:
3.670 0x1A04
Speed (kbps): Reed-Solomon EC: CRC Errors: Header Errors: Bit Errors: BER Valid sec: BER Invalid sec:
Interleave 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fast 8128 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interleave 0 0 0 0
Fast 864 0 7 2
DMT 00: 10: 20: 30: 40: 50: 60: 70: 80: 90: A0: B0: C0: D0: E0: F0:
7 B 2 A B B B B B B B B A A 9 7
6 B 3 A B B B B B B B B A A 9 7
7 B 4 A B B B B B B B B A A 9 7
9 A 4 A B B B B B B B B A A 9 6
A 9 5 A A B B B B B B B A 9 9 6
B A 6 A B 2 B B B B B A A 9 8 5
C 9 6 B B B B B B B B B A 9 8 5
C 0 7 B B B B B B B B A A 9 8 4
C 0 7 B B B B B B B B A A 9 8 4
Description Status of the modem. Possible states include the following: DMTDSL_INVALIDError state. DMTDSL_STOPAdministrative down state. DMTDSL_INITRestarting line. DMTDSL_CHK_HWConfirming that required HW exists. DMTDSL_DLOAD_1Downloading the init.bin file. DMTDSL_DLOAD_2Downloading operational firmware. DMTDSL_MODE_CHKVerifying that download was successful. DMTDSL_DO_OPENIssue ADSL_OPEN command. DMTDSL_RE_OPENCycle the link. Retry open. DMTDSL_ACTIVATINGWaiting for activation to succeed. DMTDSL_LOOPBACKActivation done. DMTDSL_SHOWTIMEActivation succeeded.
DSL Mode
Table 23
Field ITU STD NUM Vendor ID Vendor Specific Vendor Country Capacity Used Noise Margin Output Power Attenuation Defect Status Last Fail Code Selftest Result Subfunction Interrupts PHY Access Err Activations SW Version FW Version Speed Reed-Solomon EC CRC Errors Header Errors Bit Errors BER Valid sec BER Invalid sec
Description ITU standard number for the operating mode. Vendor identification code. Indicates if this router is specified for a vendor. Code for the country where the vendor is located. Percentage of the capacity that is being used. Noise margin, in decibels. Power output, in decibels. Attenuation of the signal, in decibels. Status of defects. Last failure code that was logged. Results of the self-test. Code for the subfunction running. Code for interrupts used. Number of physical access errors. Number of activations of the router. Software version number. Firmware version number. The train speed for upstream and downstream. It shows both the interleave and the fast mode. Reed-Solomon error-correction statistics. Cyclic redundancy check statistics. ATM header error reports. Total number of bit errors. Bit error rate valid seconds. Bit error rate invalid seconds.
Related Commands
Description Modifies the operating mode of the digital subscriber line for an ATM interface.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.3
The following is sample output from the show dxi map command. It displays output for several previously defined ATM-DXI maps that defined Apollo, IP, DECnet, CLNS, and AppleTalk protocol addresses, various encapsulations, and broadcast traffic.
Router# show dxi map Serial0 (administratively down): ipx 123.0000.1234.1234 DFA 69(0x45,0x1050), static, vpi = 4, vci = 5, encapsulation: SNAP Serial0 (administratively down): appletalk 2000.5 DFA 52(0x34,0xC40), static, vpi = 3, vci = 4, encapsulation: NLPID Serial0 (administratively down): ip DFA 35(0x23,0x830), static, broadcast, vpi = 2, vci = 3, encapsulation: VC based MUX, Linktype IP
Field DFA
Description Data Exchange Interface (DXI) Frame Address, similar to a data-link connection identifier (DLCI) for Frame Relay. The DFA is shown in decimal, hexadecimal, and DXI header format. The router computes this address value from the virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI) values. Encapsulation type selected by the dxi pvc command. Displayed values can be SNAP, NLPID, or VC based MUX. Value used only with MUX encapsulation and therefore with only a single network protocol defined for the permanent virtual circuit (PVC). Maps configured on a PVC with MUX encapsulation must have the same link type.
encapsulation Linktype
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.3
The following is sample output from the show dxi pvc command. It displays output for ATM-DXI PVCs previously defined for serial interface 0.
Router# show dxi pvc PVC Statistics for interface Serial0 (ATM DXI) DFA = 17, VPI = 1, VCI = 1, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial0 input pkts 0 out bytes 0 output pkts 0 dropped pkts 0 in bytes 0
DFA = 34, VPI = 2, VCI = 2, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial0 input pkts 0 out bytes 0 output pkts 0 dropped pkts 0 in bytes 0
DFA = 35, VPI = 2, VCI = 3, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial0 input pkts 0 out bytes 0 output pkts 0 dropped pkts 0 in bytes 0
Field DFA
Description Data Exchange Interface (DXI) Frame Address, similar to a data-link connection identifier (DLCI) for Frame Relay. The DFA is shown in decimal, hexadecimal, and DXI header format. The router computes this address value from the virtual path identifier (VPI) and virtual channel identifier (VCI) values.
PVC STATUS = Only static maps are supported. Maps are not created dynamically. STATIC input pkts Number of packets received.
Table 25
Description Number of packets transmitted. Number of bytes in all packets received. Number of bytes in all packets transmitted. Should display a zero (0) value. A nonzero value indicates a configuration problem, specifically that a PVC does not exist.
Syntax Description
interface dlci
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.0(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows output from the show frame-relay end-to-end keepalive command:
Router# show frame-relay end-to-end keepalive interface s1 End-to-end Keepalive Statistics for Interface Serial1 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 100, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, VC STATUS = STATIC (EEK UP) SEND SIDE STATISTICS Send Sequence Number: 86, Configured Event Window: 3, Total Observed Events: 90, Monitored Events: 3, Successive Successes: 3, RECEIVE SIDE STATISTICS Send Sequence Number: 88, Configured Event Window: 3, Total Observed Events: 90, Monitored Events: 3, Successive Successes: 3,
Receive Sequence Number: 87 Configured Error Threshold: 2 Total Observed Errors: 34 Monitored Errors: 0 End-to-end VC Status: UP
Receive Sequence Number: 87 Configured Error Threshold: 2 Total Observed Errors: 33 Monitored Errors: 0 End-to-end VC Status: UP
Related Commands
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive error-threshold frame-relay end-to-end keepalive event-window frame-relay end-to-end keepalive mode
Description Modifies the keepalive error threshold value. Modifies the keepalive event window value. Enables Frame Relay end-to-end keepalives.
Command frame-relay end-to-end keepalive success-events frame-relay end-to-end keepalive timer map-class frame-relay
Description Modifies the keepalive success events value. Modifies the keepalive timer. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Indicates a specific interface for which Frame Relay fragmentation information will be displayed. (Optional) Interface number containing the DLCI(s) for which you wish to display fragmentation information. (Optional) Specific DLCI for which you wish to display fragmentation information.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Support was added for Cisco 7500 series routers with Versatile Interface Processors. Support was added for Cisco 7500 series routers with Versatile Interface Processors running 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
When no parameters are specified with this command, the output displays a summary of each data-link connection identifier (DLCI) configured for fragmentation. The information displayed includes the fragmentation type, the configured fragment size, and the number of fragments transmitted, received, and dropped. When a specific interface and DLCI are specified, additional details are displayed.
The following is sample output for the show frame-relay fragment command without any parameters specified:
Router# show frame-relay fragment interface Serial0 Serial0 Serial0 dlci 108 109 110 frag-type VoFR-cisco VoFR end-to-end frag-size 100 100 100 in-frag 1261 0 0 out-frag 1298 243 0 dropped-frag 0 0 0
The following is sample output for the show frame-relay fragment command when an interface and DLCI are specified:
Router# show frame-relay fragment interface Serial1/0 16 fragment-size 45 in fragmented pkts 0 fragment type end-to-end out fragmented pkts 0
in fragmented bytes 0 out fragmented bytes 0 in un-fragmented pkts 0 out un-fragmented pkts 0 in un-fragmented bytes 0 out un-fragmented bytes 0 in assembled pkts 0 out pre-fragmented pkts 0 in assembled bytes 0 out pre-fragmented bytes in dropped reassembling pkts 0 out dropped fragmenting pkts 0 in timeouts 0 in out-of-sequence fragments 0 in fragments with unexpected B bit set 0 out interleaved packets 0
Field interface dlci frag-type frag-size in-frag out-frag dropped-frag in/out fragmented pkts in/out fragmented bytes in/out un-fragmented pkts
Description Subinterface containing the DLCI for which the fragmentation information pertains. Data-link connection identifier for which the displayed fragmentation information applies. Type of fragmentation configured on the designated DLCI. Supported types are end-to-end, VoFR, and VoFR-cisco. Configured fragment size in bytes. Total number of fragments received by the designated DLCI. Total number of fragments sent by the designated DLCI. Total number of fragments dropped by the designated DLCI. Total number of frames received/sent by this DLCI that have a fragmentation header. Total number of bytes, including those in the Frame Relay headers, that have been received/sent by this DLCI. Number of frames received/sent by this DLCI that do not require reassembly, and therefore do not contain the FRF.12 header. These counters can be incremented only when the end-to-end fragmentation type is set. Number of bytes received/sent by this DLCI that do not require reassembly, and therefore do not contain the FRF.12 header. These counters can be incremented only when the end-to-end fragmentation type is set. Total number of fully reassembled frames received by this DLCI, including the frames received without a Frame Relay fragmentation header (in unfragmented packets). This counter corresponds to the frames viewed by the upper-layer protocols. Total number of fully reassembled frames transmitted by this DLCI, including the frames transmitted without a Frame Relay fragmentation header (out un-fragmented pkts).
in assembled pkts
Table 26
Description Number of bytes in the fully reassembled frames received by this DLCI, including the frames received without a Frame Relay fragmentation header (in un-fragmented bytes). This counter corresponds to the total number of bytes viewed by the upper-layer protocols. Number of bytes in the fully reassembled frames transmitted by this DLCI, including the frames sent without a Frame Relay fragmentation header (out un-fragmented bytes). This counter corresponds to the total number of bytes viewed by the upper-layer protocols.
in dropped reassembling pkts Number of fragments received by this DLCI that are dropped for reasons such as running out of memory, receiving segments out of sequence, receiving an unexpected frame with a B bit set, or timing out on a reassembling frame. out dropped fragmenting pkts Number of fragments that are dropped by this DLCI during transmission because of running out of memory. in timeouts Number of reassembly timeouts that have occurred on incoming frames to this DLCI. (A frame that does not fully reassemble within two minutes is dropped, and the timeout counter is incremented.)
in out-of-sequence fragments Number of fragments received by this DLCI that have an unexpected sequence number. in fragments with unexpected Number of fragments received by this DLCI that have an unexpected B bit set B bit set. When this occurs, all fragments being reassembled are dropped and a new frame is begun with this fragment. out interleaved packets Number of packets leaving this DLCI that have been interleaved between segments.
Related Commands
Command frame-relay fragment show frame-relay pvc show frame-relay vofr show interfaces serial show traffic-shape queue
Description Enables fragmentation of Frame Relay frames for a Frame Relay map class. Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces. Displays details about FRF.11 subchannels being used on Voice over Frame Relay DLCIs. Displays information about a serial interface. Displays information about the elements queued at a particular time at the VC level.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to support display of TCP/IP header compression statistics for Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC) bundles.
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression command:
Router# show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression DLCI 200 Link/Destination info: ip Interface Serial0: Rcvd: 40 total, 36 compressed, 0 errors 0 dropped, 0 buffer copies, 0 buffer failures Sent: 0 total, 0 compressed 0 bytes saved, 0 bytes sent Connect: 16 rx slots, 16 tx slots, 0 long searches, 0 misses, 0% hit ratio Five minute miss rate 0 misses/sec, 0 max misses/sec
The following sample output from the show frame-relay ip rtp header-compression command shows statistics for a PVC bundle called MP-3-static:
Router# show frame-relay ip tcp header-compression interface Serial1/4 vc-bundle MP-3-static Link/Destination info:ip Interface Serial1/4: Rcvd: 14 total, 13 compressed, 0 errors 0 dropped, 0 buffer copies, 0 buffer failures Sent: 15 total, 14 compressed, 474 bytes saved, 119 bytes sent 4.98 efficiency improvement factor Connect:256 rx slots, 256 tx slots, 1 long searches, 1 misses 0 collisions, 0 negative cache hits 93% hit ratio, five minute miss rate 0 misses/sec, 0 max
Table 27
Field Rcvd: total compressed errors dropped buffer failures Sent: total compressed bytes saved bytes sent Connect: rx slots, tx slots
Description Table of details concerning received packets. Sum of compressed and uncompressed packets received. Number of compressed packets received. Number of errors caused by errors in the header fields (version, total length, or IP checksum). Number of packets discarded. Seen only after line errors. Number of times that a new buffer was needed but was not obtained. Table of details concerning sent packets. Sum of compressed and uncompressed packets sent. Number of compressed packets sent. Number of bytes reduced because of the compression. Actual number of bytes transmitted. Table of details about the connections. Number of states allowed over one TCP connection. A state is recognized by a source address, a destination address, and an IP header length. Number of times that the connection ID in the incoming packet was not the same as the previous one that was processed. Number of times that a matching entry was not found within the connection table and a new entry had to be entered. Percentage of times that a matching entry was found in the compression tables and the header was compressed. Miss rate computed over the most recent 5 minutes and the maximum per-second miss rate during that period.
long searches
hit ratio
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.2
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay lapf command.
Router# show frame-relay lapf Interface = Serial1 (up), LAPF state = TEI_ASSIGNED (down) SVC disabled, link down cause = LMI down, #link-reset = 0 T200 = 1.5 sec., T203 = 30 sec., N200 = 3, k = 7, N201 = 260 I xmt = 0, I rcv = 0, I reXmt = 0, I queued = 0 I xmt dropped = 0, I rcv dropped = 0, Rcv pak dropped = 0 RR xmt = 0, RR rcv = 0, RNR xmt = 0, RNR rcv = 0 REJ xmt = 0, REJ rcv = 0, FRMR xmt = 0, FRMR rcv = 0 DM xmt = 0, DM rcv = 0, DISC xmt = 0, DISC rcv = 0 SABME xmt = 0, SABME rcv = 0, UA xmt = 0, UA rcv = 0 V(S) = 0, V(A) = 0, V(R) = 0, N(S) = 0, N(R) = 0 Xmt FRMR at Frame Reject
Description Identifies the interface and indicates the line status (up, down, administratively down). A LAPF state of MULTIPLE FRAME ESTABLISHED or RIMER_RECOVERY indicates that Layer 2 is functional. Others, including TEI_ASSIGNED, AWAITING_ESTABLISHMENT, and AWAITING_RELEASE, indicate that Layer 2 is not functional. Indicates whether SVCs are enabled or disabled. Indicates the reason that the link is down. For example, N200 error, memory out, peer disconnect, LMI down, line down, and SVC disabled. Many other causes are described in the Q.922 specification. Number of times the Layer 2 link has been reset.
Table 28
Field I xmt, I rcv, I reXmt, I queued I xmt dropped I rcv dropped Rcv pak dropped RR xmt, RR rcv RNR xmt, RNR rcv REJ xmt, REJ rcv FRMR xmt, FRMR rcv DM xmt, DM rcv DISC xmt, DISC rcv SABME xmt, SABME rcv UA xmt, UA rcv V(S) 0, V(A) 0, V(R) 0, N(S) 0, N(R) 0 Xmt FRMR at Frame Reject
Description Number of I frames sent, received, retransmitted, and queued for transmission, respectively. Number of sent I frames that were dropped. Number of I frames received over DLCI 0 that were dropped. Number of received packets that were dropped. Number of RR frames sent; number of RR frames received. Number of RNR frames sent; number of RNR frames received. Number of REJ frames sent; number of REJ frames received. Number of FRMR frames sent; number of FRMR frames received. Number of DM frames sent; number of DM frames received. Number of DISC frames sent; number of DISC frames received. Number of SABME frames sent; number of SABME frames received. Number of UA frames sent; number of UA frames received. Layer 2 sequence numbers. Indicates whether the FRMR frame is sent at Frame Reject.
Syntax Description
type number
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Enter the command without arguments to obtain statistics about all Frame Relay interfaces.
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay lmi command when the interface is a data terminal equipment (DTE) device:
Router# show frame-relay lmi LMI Statistics for interface Serial1 (Frame Relay DTE) LMI TYPE = ANSI Invalid Unnumbered info 0 Invalid Prot Disc 0 Invalid dummy Call Ref 0 Invalid Msg Type 0 Invalid Status Message 0 Invalid Lock Shift 0 Invalid Information ID 0 Invalid Report IE Len 0 Invalid Report Request 0 Invalid Keep IE Len 0 Num Status Enq. Sent 9 Num Status msgs Rcvd 0 Num Update Status Rcvd 0 Num Status Timeouts 9
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay lmi command when the interface is a Network-to-Network Interface (NNI):
Router# show frame-relay lmi LMI Statistics for interface Serial3 (Frame Relay NNI) LMI TYPE = CISCO Invalid Unnumbered info 0 Invalid Prot Disc 0 Invalid dummy Call Ref 0 Invalid Msg Type 0 Invalid Status Message 0 Invalid Lock Shift 0 Invalid Information ID 0 Invalid Report IE Len 0 Invalid Report Request 0 Invalid Keep IE Len 0 Num Status Enq. Rcvd 11 Num Status msgs Sent 11 Num Update Status Rcvd 0 Num St Enq. Timeouts 0 Num Status Enq. Sent 10 Num Status msgs Rcvd 10 Num Update Status Sent 0 Num Status Timeouts 0
Table 29
Invalid Unnumbered info Number of received LMI messages with invalid unnumbered information field. Invalid Prot Disc Invalid dummy Call Ref Invalid Msg Type Invalid Status Message Invalid Lock Shift Invalid Information ID Invalid Report IE Len Invalid Report Request Invalid Keep IE Len Num Status Enq. Sent Num Status Msgs Rcvd Num Status Timeouts Num Status Enq. Rcvd Num Status Msgs Sent Num Status Enq. Timeouts Num Update Status Sent Number of received LMI messages with invalid protocol discriminator. Number of received LMI messages with invalid dummy call references. Number of received LMI messages with invalid message type. Number of received LMI messages with invalid status message. Number of received LMI messages with invalid lock shift type. Number of received LMI messages with invalid information identifier. Number of received LMI messages with invalid Report IE Length. Number of received LMI messages with invalid Report Request. Number of received LMI messages with invalid Keep IE Length. Number of LMI status inquiry messages sent. Number of LMI status messages received. Number of times the status message was not received within the keepalive time value. Number of LMI status enquiry messages received. Number of LMI status messages sent. Number of times the status enquiry message was not received within the T392 DCE timer value. Number of LMI asynchronous update status messages sent.
Num Update Status Rcvd Number of LMI asynchronous update status messages received.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The display output for this command was modified to include the IPv6 address mappings of remote nodes to Frame Relay permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). The display output for this command was modified to include information about Frame Relay PVC bundle maps.
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay map command:
Router# show frame-relay map Serial 1 (administratively down): ip dlci 177 (0xB1,0x2C10), static, broadcast, CISCO, TCP/IP Header Compression (inherited), passive (inherited)
The following sample output from the show frame-relay map command shows that the link-local and global IPv6 addresses (FE80::E0:F727:E400:A and 3ffe:1111:2222:1044::73; FE80::60:3E47:AC8:8 and 3ffe:1111:2222:1044::72) of two remote nodes are explicitly mapped to data-link connection identifier (DLCI) 17 and DLCI 19, respectively. Both DLCI 17 and DLCI 19 are terminated on interface serial 3 of this node; therefore, interface serial 3 of this node is a point-to-multipoint interface.
Router# show frame-relay map Serial3 (up): ipv6 FE80::E0:F727:E400:A dlci 17(0x11,0x410), static, broadcast, CISCO, status defined, active Serial3 (up): ipv6 3ffe:1111:2222:1044::72 dlci 19(0x13,0x430), static, CISCO, status defined, active Serial3 (up): ipv6 3ffe:1111:2222:1044::73 dlci 17(0x11,0x410), static, CISCO, status defined, active Serial3 (up): ipv6 FE80::60:3E47:AC8:8 dlci 19(0x13,0x430), static, broadcast, CISCO, status defined, active
The following sample output displays mapping information for two PVC bundles. The PVC bundle MAIN-1-static is configured with a static map. The map for PVC bundle MAIN-2-dynamic is created dynamically using Inverse ARP. Router# show frame-relay map
Serial1/4 (up): ip vc-bundle MAIN-1-static, static, CISCO, status up Serial1/4 (up): ip vc-bundle MAIN-2-dynamic, dynamic, broadcast, status up
Description Identifies a Frame Relay interface and its status (up or down). Destination IP address. DLCI that identifies the logical connection being used to reach this interface. This value is displayed in three ways: its decimal value (177), its hexadecimal value (0xB1), and its value as it would appear on the wire (0x2C10). PVC bundle that serves as the logical connection being used to reach the interface. Indicates whether this is a static or dynamic entry. Indicates pseudobroadcasting. Indicates the encapsulation type for this map: either CISCO or IETF. Indicates whether the TCP/IP header compression characteristics were inherited from the interface or were explicitly configured for the IP map. Indicates that the mapping between the destination address and the data-link connection identifier (DLCI) used to connect to the destination address is active.
vc-bundle static/dynamic broadcast CISCO TCP/IP Header Compression (inherited), passive (inherited)
Related Commands
Description Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces. Displays attributes and other information about a Frame Relay PVC bundle.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specific bundle interface for which information will be displayed. (Optional) Specific bundle link interface for which information will be displayed. (Optional) More detailed information will be displayed, including counters for the control messages sent to and from the peer device and the status of the bundle links.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
If you do not specify a bundle or bundle link, information for all bundles and bundle links will be displayed.
The following example shows output for the show frame-relay multilink command. Because a particular bundle or bundle link is not specified, information for all bundles and bundle links is displayed.
Router# show frame-relay multilink Bundle:MFR0, State = Administratively down, class BID = MFR0 Bundle links : Serial2/1:3, HW state :up, Protocol state :Idle, Serial2/1:2, HW state :up, Protocol state :Idle, Serial2/1:1, HW state :up, Protocol state :Idle, = A, fragmentation disabled
The following example shows output for the show frame-relay multilink command with the serial number option. It displays information about the specified bundle link.
Router# show frame-relay multilink serial3/2 Bundle links : Serial3/2, HW state :Administratively down, Protocol state :Down_idle, LID :Serial3/2
The following example shows output for the show frame-relay multilink command with the serial number and detailed options. The example shows a bundle link in the idle state.
Router# show frame-relay multilink serial3 detail Bundle links: Serial3, HW state = up, link state = Idle, LID = Serial3 Bundle interface = MFR0, BID = MFR0 Cause code = none, Ack timer = 4, Hello timer = 10, Max retry count = 2, Current count = 0, Peer LID = Serial5/3, RTT = 0 ms Statistics: Add_link sent = 0, Add_link rcv'd = 10, Add_link ack sent = 0, Add_link ack rcv'd = 0, Add_link rej sent = 10, Add_link rej rcv'd = 0, Remove_link sent = 0, Remove_link rcv'd = 0, Remove_link_ack sent = 0, Remove_link_ack rcv'd = 0, Hello sent = 0, Hello rcv'd = 0, Hello_ack sent = 0, Hello_ack rcv'd = 0, outgoing pak dropped = 0, incoming pak dropped = 0
The following example shows output for the show frame-relay multilink command with the serial number and detailed options. The example shows a bundle link in the up state.
Router# show frame-relay multilink serial3 detail Bundle links: Serial3, HW state = up, link state = Up, LID = Serial3 Bundle interface = MFR0, BID = MFR0 Cause code = none, Ack timer = 4, Hello timer = 10, Max retry count = 2, Current count = 0, Peer LID = Serial5/3, RTT = 4 ms Statistics: Add_link sent = 1, Add_link rcv'd = 20, Add_link ack sent = 1, Add_link ack rcv'd = 1, Add_link rej sent = 19, Add_link rej rcv'd = 0, Remove_link sent = 0, Remove_link rcv'd = 0, Remove_link_ack sent = 0, Remove_link_ack rcv'd = 0, Hello sent = 0, Hello rcv'd = 1, Hello_ack sent = 1, Hello_ack rcv'd = 0, outgoing pak dropped = 0, incoming pak dropped = 0
Description Bundle interface. Operational state of the bundle interface. Class A indicates that if one bundle link is up, the bundle is marked up; all bundle links must be down before the bundle is marked down. Bundle identification. Bundle links for which information will be displayed.
Table 31
Field HW state Protocol state Link state LID Bundle interface Cause code
Description Operational state of the physical link. Operational state of the bundle link line protocol. Operational state of the bundle link. Bundle link identification. Bundle interface with which the bundle link is associated. May be one of the following values:
ack timer expiryadd link synchronization process has been exhausted. bundle link idlepeers bundle link is idle. This usually occurs when the peers bundle interface is shut. inconsistent bundlepeer already has this bundle associated with a different bundle. loopback detectedlocal bundle links physical line is looped back. otherindicates a LID mismatch, or that the ID length from the peer is too long, or that there has been a failure to allocate ID memory. unexpected Add_linkAdd_link message is received when the bundle link is already in the up state. This code may appear when the line protocol is being set up, but will disappear once the connection has stabilized.
Ack timer
Number of seconds the bundle link will wait for a hello acknowledgment before resending a hello message or resending an Add_link message used for initial synchronization. Interval at which a bundle link sends out hello messages. Maximum number of times a bundle link will resend a hello message before receiving an acknowledgment or resending an Add_link message. Number of tries that have already been attempted. Bundle link identification name of the peer end of the link. Round trip time, as measured by using the Timestamp Information Element in the Hello and Hello_ack messages. Statistics for each bundle link will be displayed. Number of Add_link messages sent. Add_link messages notify the peer endpoint that the local endpoint is ready to process frames. Number of Add_link messages received. Number of Add_link acknowledgments sent. Add_link acknowledgments notify the peer endpoint that an Add_link message was received. Number of Add_link acknowledgments received. Number of Add_link_reject messages sent.
Current count Peer lid RTT Statistics Add_link sent Add_link rcv'd Add_link ack sent
Table 31
Description Number of Add_link_reject messages received. Number of Remove_link messages sent. Remove_link messages notify the peer that on the local end a bundle link is being removed from the bundle. Number of Remove_link messages received. Number of Remove_link acknowledgments sent. Remove_link acknowledgments notify the peer that a Remove_link message has been received. Number of Remove_link acknowledgments received. Number of Hello messages sent. Hello messages notify the peer endpoint that the local endpoint remains in the up state. Number of Hello messages received. Number of Hello acknowledgments sent. Hello acknowledgments notify the peer that hello messages have been received. Number of Hello acknowledgments received. Number of outgoing packets dropped. Number of incoming packets dropped.
Remove_link_ack rcv'd Hello sent Hello rcv'd Hello_ack sent Hello_ack rcv'd outgoing pak dropped incoming pak dropped
Related Commands
Description Displays debug messages for multilink Frame Relay bundles and bundle links.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specific interface for which PVC information will be displayed. (Optional) Interface number containing the data-link connection identifiers (DLCIs) for which you wish to display PVC information. (Optional) A specific DLCI number used on the interface. Statistics for the specified PVC are displayed when a DLCI is also specified. (Optional) Displays 64-bit counter statistics.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to display statistics about virtual access interfaces used for PPP connections over Frame Relay. This command was modified to include the fragmentation type and size associated with a particular PVC when fragmentation is enabled on the PVC. This command was modified to include the fragmentation type and size associated with a particular PVC when fragmentation is enabled on the PVC. This command was modified to include information on the special voice queue that is created using the queue keyword of the frame-relay voice bandwidth command. This command was modified to display the following information:
Details about the policy map attached to a specific PVC. The priority configured for PVCs within Frame Relay PVC interface priority queueing. Details about Frame Relay traffic shaping and policing on switched PVCs.
12.0(12)S 12.1(5)T
This command was modified to display reasons for packet drops and complete status information for switched NNI PVCs. This command was modified to display the following information:
The number of packets in the post-hardware-compression queue. The reasons for packet drops and complete status information for switched network-to-network PVCs.
Modification This command was modified to support display of Frame Relay PVC bundle information. This command was modified to support display of Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation information.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to monitor the PPP link control protocol (LCP) state as being open with an up state or closed with a down state. When vofr or vofr cisco has been configured on the PVC, and a voice bandwidth has been allocated to the class associated with this PVC, configured voice bandwidth and used voice bandwidth are also displayed.
Statistics Reporting
To obtain statistics about PVCs on all Frame Relay interfaces, use this command with no arguments. To obtain statistics about a PVC that include policy-map configuration or the priority configured for that PVC, use this command with the dlci argument. Per-VC counters are not incremented at all when either autonomous or silicon switching engine (SSE) switching is configured; therefore, PVC values will be inaccurate if either switching method is used. You can change the period of time over which a set of data is used for computing load statistics. If you decrease the load interval, the average statistics are computed over a shorter period of time and are more responsive to bursts of traffic. To change the length of time for which a set of data is used to compute load statistics for a PVC, use the load-interval command in Frame-Relay DLCI configuration mode.
Traffic Shaping
Congestion control mechanisms are currently not supported on terminated PVCs nor on PVCs over ISDN. Where congestion control mechanisms are supported, the switch passes forward explicit congestion notification (FECN) bits, backward explicit congestion notification (BECN) bits, and discard eligible (DE) bits unchanged from entry points to exit points in the network.
The various displays in this section show sample output for a variety of PVCs. Some of the PVCs carry data only; some carry a combination of voice and data.
Frame Relay Voice-Adaptive Fragmentation Example
The following sample output indicates that Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation is active on DLCI 202 and there are 29 seconds left on the deactivation timer. If no voice packets are detected in the next 29 seconds, Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation will become inactive.
Router# show frame-relay pvc 202 PVC Statistics for interface Serial3/1 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 202, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial3/1.2 input pkts 0 out bytes 51226 out pkts dropped 0 in FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 output pkts 479 in bytes 0 dropped pkts 0 in pkts dropped 0 out bytes dropped 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 5000 bits/sec, 5 packets/sec pvc create time 00:23:36, last time pvc status changed 00:23:31 fragment type end-to-end fragment size 80 adaptive active, time left 29 secs
The following sample output indicates that PVC 202 is a member of VC bundle MAIN-1-static:
Router# show frame-relay pvc 202 PVC Statistics for interface Serial1/4 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 202, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial1/4 input pkts 0 output pkts 45 in bytes 0 out bytes 45000 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 2000 bits/sec, 2 packets/sec pvc create time 00:01:25, last time pvc status changed 00:01:11 VC-Bundle MAIN-1-static
The following sample output displays the Frame Relay 64-bit counters:
Router# show frame-relay pvc 35 64-bit DLCI = 35, INTERFACE = Serial0/0 input pkts 0 in bytes 0
The following is sample output for the show frame-relay pvc command for a PVC configured with Cisco-proprietary fragmentation and hardware compression:
Router# show frame-relay pvc 110 PVC Statistics for interface Serial0/0 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 110, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial0/0 input pkts 409 output pkts 409 in bytes 3752 out bytes 4560 dropped pkts 1 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 pvc create time 3d00h, last time pvc status changed 2d22h Service type VoFR-cisco Voice Queueing Stats: 0/100/0 (size/max/dropped) Post h/w compression queue: 0 Current fair queue configuration: Discard Dynamic Reserved threshold queue count queue count 64 16 2 Output queue size 0/max total 600/drops 0 configured voice bandwidth 16000, used voice bandwidth 0 fragment type VoFR-cisco fragment size 100 cir 64000 bc 640 be 0 limit 80 interval 10 mincir 32000 byte increment 80 BECN response no frags 428 bytes 4810 frags delayed 24 bytes delayed 770
shaping inactive traffic shaping drops 0 ip rtp priority parameters 16000 32000 20000
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command for a switched Frame Relay PVC. This output displays detailed information about Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) status and why packets were dropped from switched PVCs.
Router# show frame-relay pvc PVC Statistics for interface Serial2/2 (Frame Relay NNI) DLCI = 16, DLCI USAGE = SWITCHED, PVC STATUS = INACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial2/2 LOCAL PVC STATUS = INACTIVE, NNI PVC STATUS = INACTIVE input pkts 0 output pkts 0 in bytes 0 out bytes 0 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 switched pkts0 Detailed packet drop counters: no out intf 0 out intf down 0 no out PVC 0 in PVC down 0 out PVC down 0 pkt too big 0 shaping Q full 0 pkt above DE 0 policing drop 0 pvc create time 00:00:07, last time pvc status changed 00:00:07
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command that shows the statistics for a switched PVC on which Frame Relay congestion management is configured:
Router# show frame-relay pvc 200 PVC Statistics for interface Serial3/0 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 200, DLCI USAGE = SWITCHED, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial3/0 input pkts 341 out bytes 390000 in BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 output pkts 390 dropped pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out DE pkts 390 out bcast bytes 0 in bytes 341000 in FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 Num Pkts Switched 341
pvc create time 00:10:35, last time pvc status changed 00:10:06 Congestion DE threshold 50 shaping active cir 56000 bc 7000 be 0 byte limit 875 interval 125 mincir 28000 byte increment 875 BECN response no pkts 346 bytes 346000 pkts delayed 339 bytes delayed 339000 traffic shaping drops 0 Queueing strategy:fifo Output queue 48/100, 0 drop, 339 dequeued
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command that shows the statistics for a switched PVC on which Frame Relay policing is configured:
Router# show frame-relay pvc 100
PVC Statistics for interface Serial1/0 (Frame Relay DCE) DLCI = 100, DLCI USAGE = SWITCHED, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial1/0 input pkts 1260 out bytes 0 in BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 output pkts 0 dropped pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 in bytes 1260000 in FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 Num Pkts Switched 1260
pvc create time 00:03:57, last time pvc status changed 00:03:19 policing enabled, 180 pkts marked DE policing Bc 6000 policing Be 6000 policing Tc 125 (msec) in Bc pkts 1080 in Be pkts 180 in xs pkts 0 in Bc bytes 1080000 in Be bytes 180000 in xs bytes 0
The following is sample output for a PVC that has been assigned high priority:
Router# show frame-relay pvc 100 PVC Statistics for interface Serial0 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 100, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial0 input pkts 0 output pkts 0 in bytes 0 out bytes 0 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 pvc create time 00:00:59, last time pvc status changed 00:00:33 priority high
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command for a PVC shaped to a 64000 bps committed information rate (CIR) with fragmentation. A policy map is attached to the PVC and is configured with a priority class for voice, two data classes for IP precedence traffic, and a default class for best-effort traffic. Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) is used as the drop policy on one of the data classes.
Router# show frame-relay pvc 100 PVC Statistics for interface Serial1/0 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 100, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = INACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial1/0.1 input pkts 0 output pkts 0 in bytes 0 out bytes 0 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 pvc create time 00:00:42, last time pvc status changed 00:00:42 service policy mypolicy Class voice Weighted Fair Queueing Strict Priority Output Queue: Conversation 72 Bandwidth 16 (kbps) Packets Matched 0 (pkts discards/bytes discards) 0/0 Class immediate-data Weighted Fair Queueing Output Queue: Conversation 73
Bandwidth 60 (%) Packets Matched 0 (pkts discards/bytes discards/tail drops) 0/0/0 mean queue depth: 0 drops: class random tail min-th max-th mark-prob 0 0 0 64 128 1/10 1 0 0 71 128 1/10 2 0 0 78 128 1/10 3 0 0 85 128 1/10 4 0 0 92 128 1/10 5 0 0 99 128 1/10 6 0 0 106 128 1/10 7 0 0 113 128 1/10 rsvp 0 0 120 128 1/10 Class priority-data Weighted Fair Queueing Output Queue: Conversation 74 Bandwidth 40 (%) Packets Matched 0 Max Threshold 64 (packets) (pkts discards/bytes discards/tail drops) 0/0/0 Class class-default Weighted Fair Queueing Flow Based Fair Queueing Maximum Number of Hashed Queues 64 Max Threshold 20 (packets) Output queue size 0/max total 600/drops 0 fragment type end-to-end fragment size 50 cir 64000 bc 640 be 0 limit 80 interval 10 mincir 64000 byte increment 80 BECN response no frags 0 bytes 0 frags delayed 0 bytes delayed 0 shaping inactive traffic shaping drops 0
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command that shows the PVC statistics for serial interface 5 (slot 1 and DLCI 55 are up) during a PPP session over Frame Relay:
Router# show frame-relay pvc 55 PVC Statistics for interface Serial5/1 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 55, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial5/1.1 input pkts 9 output pkts 16 in bytes 154 out bytes 338 dropped pkts 6 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 pvc create time 00:35:11, last time pvc status changed 00:00:22 Bound to Virtual-Access1 (up, cloned from Virtual-Template5)
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command for a PVC carrying Voice over Frame Relay (VoFR) traffic configured via the vofr cisco command. The frame-relay voice bandwidth command has been configured on the class associated with this PVC, as has fragmentation. The fragmentation type employed is proprietary to Cisco. A sample configuration for this situation is shown first, followed by the output for the show frame-relay pvc command.
interface serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay traffic-shaping frame-relay interface-dlci 108 vofr cisco class vofr-class map-class frame-relay vofr-class
Router# show frame-relay pvc 108 PVC Statistics for interface Serial0 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 108, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial0 input pkts 1260 output pkts 1271 in bytes 95671 out bytes 98604 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 1271 out bcast bytes 98604 pvc create time 09:43:17, last time pvc status changed 09:43:17 Service type VoFR-cisco configured voice bandwidth 25000, used voice bandwidth 0 voice reserved queues 24, 25 fragment type VoFR-cisco fragment size 100 cir 64000 bc 64000 be 0 limit 1000 interval 125 mincir 32000 byte increment 1000 BECN response no pkts 2592 bytes 205140 pkts delayed 1296 bytes delayed 102570 shaping inactive shaping drops 0 Current fair queue configuration: Discard Dynamic Reserved threshold queue count queue count 64 16 2 Output queue size 0/max total 600/drops 0
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command for an application employing pure FRF.12 fragmentation. A sample configuration for this situation is shown first, followed by the output for the show frame-relay pvc command.
interface serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay traffic-shaping frame-relay interface-dlci 110 class frag map-class frame-relay frag frame-relay fragment 100 frame-relay fair-queue frame-relay cir 64000 Router# show frame-relay pvc 110 PVC Statistics for interface Serial0 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 110, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial0 input pkts 0 output pkts 243 in bytes 0 out bytes 7290 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 243 out bcast bytes 7290 pvc create time 04:03:17, last time pvc status changed 04:03:18 fragment type end-to-end fragment size 100 cir 64000 bc 64000 be 0 limit 1000 interval 125 mincir 32000 byte increment 1000 BECN response no pkts 486 bytes 14580 pkts delayed 243 bytes delayed 7290 shaping inactive shaping drops 0 Current fair queue configuration: Discard Dynamic Reserved
threshold queue count queue count 64 16 2 Output queue size 0/max total 600/drops 0
Note that when voice is not configured, voice bandwidth output is not displayed.
Multipoint Subinterfaces Transporting Data
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command for multipoint subinterfaces carrying data only. The output displays both the subinterface number and the DLCI. This display is the same whether the PVC is configured for static or dynamic addressing. Note that neither fragmentation nor voice is configured on this PVC.
Router# show frame-relay pvc DLCI = 300, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial0.103 input pkts 10 output pkts 7 in bytes 6222 out bytes 6034 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 outbcast pkts 0 outbcast bytes 0 pvc create time 0:13:11 last time pvc status changed 0:11:46 DLCI = 400, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = ACTIVE, INTERFACE = Serial0.104 input pkts 20 output pkts 8 in bytes 5624 out bytes 5222 dropped pkts 0 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 outbcast pkts 0 outbcast bytes 0 pvc create time 0:03:57 last time pvc status changed 0:03:48
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay pvc command for a PVC carrying voice and data traffic, with a special queue specifically for voice traffic created using the frame-relay voice bandwidth command queue keyword:
Router# show frame-relay pvc interface serial 1 45 PVC Statistics for interface Serial1 (Frame Relay DTE) DLCI = 45, DLCI USAGE = LOCAL, PVC STATUS = STATIC, INTERFACE = Serial1 input pkts 85 output pkts 289 in bytes 1730 out bytes 6580 dropped pkts 11 in FECN pkts 0 in BECN pkts 0 out FECN pkts 0 out BECN pkts 0 in DE pkts 0 out DE pkts 0 out bcast pkts 0 out bcast bytes 0 pvc create time 00:02:09, last time pvc status changed 00:02:09 Service type VoFR configured voice bandwidth 25000, used voice bandwidth 22000 fragment type VoFR fragment size 100 cir 20000 bc 1000 be 0 limit 125 interval 50 mincir 20000 byte increment 125 BECN response no fragments 290 bytes 6613 fragments delayed 1 bytes delayed 33 shaping inactive traffic shaping drops 0 Voice Queueing Stats: 0/100/0 (size/max/dropped) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current fair queue configuration: Discard Dynamic Reserved threshold queue count queue count 64 16 2 Output queue size 0/max total 600/drops 0
Table 32 provides a listing of the fields in these displays and a description of each field.
Table 32 show frame-relay pvc Field Descriptions
Field DLCI DLCI USAGE PVC STATUS INTERFACE LOCAL PVC STATUS1 NNI PVC STATUS input pkts output pkts in bytes out bytes dropped pkts in FECN pkts in BECN pkts out FECN pkts out BECN pkts in DE pkts out DE pkts out bcast pkts out bcast bytes switched pkts no out intf 2 out intf down no out PVC
2 2 2 2 1
Description One of the DLCI numbers for the PVC. Lists SWITCHED when the router or access server is used as a switch, or LOCAL when the router or access server is used as a DTE device. Status of the PVC: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or DELETED. Specific subinterface associated with this DLCI. Status of PVC configured locally on the NNI interface. Status of PVC learned over the NNI link. Number of packets received on this PVC. Number of packets sent on this PVC. Number of bytes received on this PVC. Number of bytes sent on this PVC. Number of incoming and outgoing packets dropped by the router at the Frame Relay level. Number of packets received with the FECN bit set. Number of packets received with the BECN bit set. Number of packets sent with the FECN bit set. Number of packets sent with the BECN bit set. Number of DE packets received. Number of DE packets sent. Number of output broadcast packets. Number of output broadcast bytes. Number of switched packets. Number of packets dropped because there is no output interface. Number of packets dropped because the output interface is down. Number of packets dropped because the outgoing PVC is not configured. Number of packets dropped because the incoming PVC is inactive. Number of packets dropped because the outgoing PVC is inactive. Number of packets dropped because the packet size is greater than media MTU 3. Number of packets dropped because the Frame Relay traffic-shaping queue is full. Number of packets dropped because they are above the DE level when Frame Relay congestion management is enabled. Number of packets dropped because of Frame Relay traffic policing. Time at which the PVC was created.
shaping Q full2 pkt above DE2 policing drop2 pvc create time
Table 32
Field last time pvc status changed VC-Bundle priority pkts marked DE policing Bc policing Be policing Tc in Bc pkts in Be pkts in xs pkts in Bc bytes in Be bytes in xs bytes Congestion ECN threshold Service type Post h/w compression queue configured voice bandwidth used voice bandwidth service policy Class Output Queue Bandwidth Packets Matched Max Threshold pkts discards bytes discards tail drops mean queue depth
Description Time at which the PVC changed status. PVC bundle of which the PVC is a member. Priority assigned to the PVC. Number of packets marked DE because they exceeded the Bc. Committed burst size. Excess burst size. Measurement interval for counting Bc and Be. Number of packets received within the committed burst. Number of packets received within the excess burst. Number of packets dropped because they exceeded the combined burst. Number of bytes received within the committed burst. Number of bytes received within the excess burst. Number of bytes dropped because they exceeded the combined burst. PVC queue percentage at which packets are set with the BECN and FECN bits. Type of service performed by this PVC. Can be VoFR or VoFR-cisco. Number of packets in the post-hardware-compression queue when hardware compression and Frame Relay fragmentation are configured. Amount of bandwidth in bits per second (bps) reserved for voice traffic on this PVC. Amount of bandwidth in bps currently being used for voice traffic. Name of the output service policy applied to the VC. Class of traffic being displayed. Output is displayed for each configured class in the policy. The WFQ 4 conversation to which this class of traffic is allocated. Bandwidth in kbps or percentage configured for this class. Number of packets that matched this class. Maximum queue size for this class when WRED is not used. Number of packets discarded for this class. Number of bytes discarded for this class. Number of packets discarded for this class because the queue was full. Average queue depth, based on the actual queue depth on the interface and the exponential weighting constant. It is a moving average. The minimum and maximum thresholds are compared against this value to determine drop decisions. WRED parameters.
Congestion DE threshold PVC queue percentage at which packets with the DE bit are dropped.
Table 32
Description IP precedence value. Number of packets randomly dropped when the mean queue depth is between the minimum threshold value and the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence value. Number of packets dropped when the mean queue depth is greater than the maximum threshold value for the specified IP precedence value. Minimum WRED threshold in number of packets. Maximum WRED threshold in number of packets. Fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold. (Applies to class default only) Number of queues available for unclassified flows. Type of fragmentation configured for this PVC. Possible types are as follows:
tail min-th max-th mark-prob Maximum Number of Hashed Queues fragment type
end-to-endFragmented packets contain the standard FRF.12 header VoFRFragmented packets contain the FRF.11 Annex C header VoFR-ciscoFragmented packets contain the Cisco proprietary header
Size of the fragment payload in bytes. Indicates whether Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation is active or inactive. Number of seconds left on the Frame Relay voice-adaptive fragmentation deactivation timer. When this timer expires, Frame Relay fragmentation turns off. Current CIR in bps. Current committed burst (Bc) size, in bits. Current excess burst (Be) size, in bits. Maximum number of bytes sent per internal interval (excess plus sustained). Interval being used internally (may be smaller than the interval derived from Bc/CIR; this happens when the router determines that traffic flow will be more stable with a smaller configured interval). Minimum CIR for the PVC. Number of bytes that will be sustained per internal interval. Indication that Frame Relay has BECN adaptation configured. Number of packets associated with this PVC that have gone through the traffic-shaping system. Total number of fragments shaped on this VC. Number of bytes associated with this PVC that have gone through the traffic-shaping system.
Table 32
Description Number of packets associated with this PVC that have been delayed by the traffic-shaping system. Number of fragments delayed in the shaping queue before being sent. Number of bytes associated with this PVC that have been delayed by the traffic-shaping system. Indication that shaping will be active for all PVCs that are fragmenting data; otherwise, shaping will be active if the traffic being sent exceeds the CIR for this circuit. Number of packets dropped by the traffic-shaping process. Statistics showing the size of packets, the maximum number of packets, and the number of packets dropped in the special voice queue created using the frame-relay voice bandwidth command queue keyword. Maximum number of packets that can be stored in each packet queue. Additional packets received after a queue is full will be discarded. Number of packet queues reserved for best-effort traffic. Number of packet queues reserved for voice traffic. Size in bytes of each output queue. Maximum number of packets of all types that can be queued in all queues. Number of frames dropped by all output queues.
Discard threshold Dynamic queue count Reserved queue count Output queue size max total drops
1. The LOCAL PVC STATUS and NNI PVC STATUS fields are displayed only for PVCs configured on Frame Relay NNI interface types. These fields are not displayed if the PVC is configured on DCE or DTE interface types. 2. The detailed packet drop fields are displayed for switched Frame Relay PVCs only. These fields are not displayed for terminated PVCs. 3. MTU = maximum transmission unit 4. WFQ = weighted fair queueing
Related Commands
Command frame-relay interface-queue priority frame-relay pvc service-policy show dial-peer voice show frame-relay fragment show frame-relay map show frame-relay vc-bundle
Description Enables FR PIPQ on a Frame Relay interface and assigns priority to a PVC within a Frame Relay map class. Configures Frame Relay PVCs for FRF.8 Frame Relay-ATM Service Interworking. Attaches a policy map to an input interface or VC or an output interface or VC. Displays configuration information and call statistics for dial peers. Displays Frame Relay fragmentation details. Displays the current Frame Relay map entries and information about the connections Displays attributes and other information about a Frame Relay PVC bundle.
Syntax Description
interface number
(Optional) Indicates the number of the physical interface for which you want to display QoS information.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to display information about Enhanced Local Management Interface (ELMI) address registration.
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay qos-autosense command when ELMI and ELMI address registration are enabled.
Router# show frame-relay qos-autosense ELMI information for interface Serial1 IP Address used for Address Registration: My Ifindex:4 ELMI AR status : Enabled. Connected to switch:hgw1 Platform:2611 Vendor:cisco Sw side ELMI AR status: Enabled IP Address used by switch for address registration : Ifindex:5 ELMI AR status : Enabled. (Time elapsed since last update 00:00:40)
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay qos-autosense command when ELMI and traffic shaping are enabled:
Router# show frame-relay qos-autosense ELMI information for interface Serial1 Connected to switch:FRSM-4T1 Platform:AXIS Vendor:cisco (Time elapsed since last update 00:00:30) DLCI = 100 OUT: CIR IN: CIR Priority 0
64000 BC 50000 BE 25000 FMIF 4497 32000 BC 25000 BE 12500 FMIF 4497 (Time elapsed since last update 00:00:12)
DLCI = 200 OUT: CIR 128000 BC 50000 BE 5100 FMIF 4497 IN: CIR Unknown BC Unknown BE Unknown FMIF 4497 Priority 0 (Time elapsed since last update 00:00:13)
Table 33
Field IP Address used for Address Registration My ifIndex ELMI AR status Connected to switch Platform Vendor Sw side ELMI AR status IP Address used by switch for address registration ifIndex DLCI Out: In: Priority
Description Management IP address of the data terminal equipment (DTE) interface. ifIndex of the DTE interface on which ELMI is running. Indicates whether ELMI is enabled or disabled on the interface. Name of neighboring switch. Platform information about neighboring switch. Vendor information about neighboring switch. Indicates whether ELMI is enabled or disabled on the neighboring switch. IP address of DCE. If ELMI is not supported or is disabled, this value will be ifIndex of DCE. Value that indicates which PVC statistics are being reported. Values reporting settings configured for the outgoing Committed Information Rate, Burst Size, Excess Burst Size, and FMIF. Values reporting settings configured for the incoming Committed Information Rate, Burst Size, Excess Burst Size, and FMIF. Value indicating priority level (currently not used).
Related Commands
Description Enables ELMI on the Cisco router. Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay route command:
Router# show frame-relay route Input Intf Serial1 Serial1 Serial1 Serial1 Serial2 Serial2 Serial2 Serial3 Input Dlci 100 101 102 103 200 201 202 203 Output Intf Serial2 Serial2 Serial2 Serial3 Serial1 Serial1 Serial1 Serial1 Output Dlci 200 201 202 203 100 101 102 103 Status active active active inactive active active active inactive
Field Input Intf Input Dlci Output Intf Output Dlci Status
Description Input interface and unit. Input DLCI number. Output interface and unit. Output DLCI number. Status of the connection: active or inactive.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.2
The following example shows, first, the configuration of the shank map list and, second, the corresponding output of the show frame-relay svc maplist command. The following lines show the configuration:
map-list shank local-addr X121 87654321 dest-addr X121 12345678 ip class shank ietf ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 class shank ietf ! map-class frame-relay shank frame-relay incir 192000 frame-relay min-incir 19200 frame-relay outcir 192000 frame-relay min-outcir 19200 frame-relay incbr(bytes) 15000 frame-relay outcbr(bytes) 15000
The following lines show the output of the show frame-relay svc maplist command for the preceding configuration:
Router# show frame-relay svc maplist shank Map List : shank Local Address : 87654321 Destination Address: 12345678
Protocol : ip Protocol : ipx 123.0000.0c07.d530 Encapsulation : IETF Call Reference : 1 DLCI : 501 Configured Frame Mode Information Field Size : Incoming : 1500 Outgoing : 1500 Frame Mode Information Field Size : Incoming : 1500 Outgoing : 1500 Configured Committed Information Rate (CIR) : Incoming : 192 * (10**3) Outgoing : 192 * (10**3) Committed Information Rate (CIR) : Incoming : 192 * (10**3) Outgoing : 192 * (10**3)
Configured Minimum Acceptable CIR : Incoming : 192 * (10**2) Outgoing : 192 * (10**2) Minimum Acceptable CIR : Incoming : 0 * (10**0) Outgoing : 0 * (10**0) Configured Committed Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 15000 Outgoing : 15000 Committed Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 15000 Outgoing : 15000 Configured Excess Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 16000 Outgoing : 1200 Excess Burst Rate (bytes) : Incoming : 16000 Outgoing : 1200
Field Map List Local Address...Type Destination Address...Type Protocol : ip ... Protocol: ipx ... Encapsulation Call Reference DLCI: 501 Configured Frame Mode Information Field Size: Incoming: Outgoing: Frame Mode Information Field Size: Incoming: 1500 Outgoing: 1500 Configured Committed Information Rate (CIR): Incoming: 192 * (10**3) Outgoing: 192 * (10**3) Committed Information Rate (CIR): Incoming: 192 * (10**3) Outgoing: 192 * (10**3) Configured Minimum Acceptable CIR: Incoming: 192 * (10**2) Outgoing: 192 * (10**2) Minimum Acceptable CIR: Incoming: 0 * (10**0) Outgoing: 0 * (10**0)
Description Name of the configured map-list. Configured source address type (E.164 or X.121) for the call. Configured destination address type (E.164 or X.121) for the call. Destination protocol addresses configured for the map-list. Configured encapsulation type (CISCO or IETF) for the specified destination protocol address. Call identifier. Number assigned by the switch as the DLCI for the call. Lines that contrast the configured and actual frame mode information field size settings used for the calls.
Lines that contrast the configured and actual committed information rate (CIR) settings used for the calls.
Lines that contrast the configured and actual minimum acceptable CIR settings used for the calls.
Table 35
Configured Committed Burst Rate (bytes): Lines that contrast the configured and actual Incoming: 15000 Outgoing: 15000 committed burst rate (bytes) settings used for the calls. Committed Burst Rate (bytes): Incoming: 15000 Outgoing: 15000 Configured Excess Burst Rate (bytes): Lines that contrast the configured and actual excess Incoming: 16000 Outgoing: 1200 burst rate (bytes) settings used for the calls. Excess Burst Rate (bytes): Incoming: 16000 Outgoing: 1200
Related Commands
Command class (map-list) frame-relay bc frame-relay cir frame-relay mincir map-class frame-relay map-list
Description Associates a map class with a protocol-and-address combination. Specifies the incoming or outgoing Bc for a Frame Relay VC. Specifies the incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay VC. Specifies the minimum acceptable incoming or outgoing CIR for a Frame Relay VC. Specifies a map class to define QoS values for an SVC. Specifies a map group and link it to a local E.164 or X.121 source address and a remote E.164 or X.121 destination address for Frame Relay SVCs.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
The following is sample output from the show frame-relay traffic command:
Router# show frame-relay traffic Frame Relay statistics: ARP requests sent 14, ARP replies sent 0 ARP request recvd 0, ARP replies recvd 10
Syntax Description
vc-bundle-name detail
Name of this Frame Relay PVC bundle. (Optional) Displays output packet count information in addition to the other bundle member attributes for each PVC in the bundle specified by vc-bundle-name.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display packet service levels, bumping attributes, and other information about a specific Frame Relay PVC bundle. To view packet counts for each PVC in the bundle in addition to the other attributes, use the detail keyword.
General Example
The following example shows the Frame Relay PVC bundle named MP-4-dynamic with PVC protection applied. Note that in this PVC bundle, data-link connection identifier (DLCI) 400 is configured to explicitly bump traffic to the PVC that handles DSCP level 40, which is DLCI 404. All the other DLCIs are configured for implicit bumping. In addition, all the DLCIs are configured to accept bumped traffic. The asterisk (*) before PVC 4a indicates that this PVC was configured with the precedence other command, which means the PVC will handle all levels that are not explicitly configured on other PVCs. In this example all PVCs are up so, the values in the Active level fields match the values in the Config level fields. If a PVC goes down and its traffic is bumped, the Active level field value for the PVC that went down is cleared. The Active level field values for the PVC that the traffic bumped to will be updated to include the levels of the PVC that went down. The first three PVCs in the following example make up a protected group. All three of these PVCs must go down before the bundle will go down. The last two PVCs are protected PVCs: if either of these PVCs goes down, the bundle will go down.
Router# show frame-relay vc-bundle MP-4-dynamic MP-4-dynamic on Serial1/4.1 - Status: UP Match-type: DSCP Name *4a DLCI 400 Config. Active level level 0-9 0-9 Bumping to/accept 40/Yes PG/ PV pg CIR kbps Status up
4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 4g 4h
pg pg pv pv
up up up up up up up
Bumping Example
The following example shows that although some DLCIs are down, the bumping rules and the remaining DLCIs keep the bundle up and running for all traffic types. Note that DLCI 304 is handling the traffic being bumped from the three DLCIs that are down. The Active level field indicates the levels that the PVC is actually handling, not just which levels are configured.
Router# show frame-relay vc-bundle MP-3-static MP-3-static on Serial1/4.1 - Status: UP Match-type: DSCP Name 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g 3h DLCI 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 Config. level 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-62 63 Active level 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-59,63 60-62 Bumping to/accept -/Yes 9/Yes 19/Yes 40/Yes 39/Yes 49/Yes 59/No 62/Yes PG/ PV CIR kbps Status up up up deleted up deleted up deleted
Traffic-Shaping Example
The following example shows output for a PVC bundle configured with traffic shaping. The same rules of class inheritance apply to PVC-bundle members as to regular PVCs.
Router# show frame-relay vc-bundle 26k 26k on Serial1/4.1 - Status:UP Name DLCI Config. level 0,2,4 1,3,5-6 7 Match-type:PRECEDENCE Active level 0,2,4 1,3,5-6 7 Bumping to/ accept -/Yes 0/Yes 6/Yes PG/ CIR PV kbps 20 26 20 Status
up up up
Detail Example
The following example shows the detail output of a PVC bundle. Note in this example that because all packet service levels are not handled, and because the PVCs are currently down, this bundle can never come up.
Router# show frame-relay vc-bundle x41 detail
x41 on Serial1/1 - Status: DOWN Match-type: DSCP Name DLCI Config. Active level level 50-62 30,32,34,36,3.. Bumping to/accept 49/Yes 29/Yes PG/ PV CIR kbps Status
410 411
down down
Packets sent out on vc-bundle x41 : 0 Active configuration and statistics for each member PVC DLCI Output pkts Active level 410 0 50-62 411 0 30,32,34,36,38-40 Router#
Table 36 describes the significant fields shown in the show frame-relay vc-bundle displays.
Table 36 show frame-relay vc-bundle Field Descriptions
Description PVC bundle status. Possible values are UP, DOWN, and INITIAL (no PVCs associated with the bundle). The user-defined, alphanumeric name of the PVC. The ID number of the PVC bundle member. The packet service levels configured for the PVC. The packet service levels actually handled by the PVC. This may include packet service levels for bumped traffic accepted by the PVC. The packet service level that the PVC will bump to if it goes down/whether or not the PVC will accept bumped traffic from another PVC. Indicates whether the PVC is a member of a protected group or is an individually protected PVC. A dash in this field indicates that the PVC is not protected. Committed information rate for the PVC, in kilobits per second. Indicates whether the PVC is up, down, or deleted. Number of packets sent out on the PVC.
Bumping to/accept
Related Commands
show frame-relay map Displays the current Frame Relay map entries and information about the connections. show frame-relay pvc Displays statistics about PVCs for Frame Relay interfaces.
show ima interface atm [slot/port] [detail] or show ima interface atm [slot/port-adapter/imagroup-number] [detail]
Cisco 7500 Series
show ima interface atm [slot/port-adapter/slot] [detail] or show ima interface atm [slot/port-adapter/imagroup-number] [detail]
Syntax Description
(Optional) ATM slot number. (Optional) This keyword indicates an IMA group specification rather than a port value for a UNI interface. (Optional) Enter an IMA group number from 0 to 3. If you specify the group number, do not insert a space between ima and the number. (Optional) ATM port number. (Optional) ATM port adapter. (Optional) To obtain detailed information, use this keyword.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Support for Cisco 7200 and 7500 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100 series routers was added. Support for Cisco 7100, 7200, and 7500 series routers was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.1(5)T.
Usage Guidelines
On Cisco 7100 or 7200 series routers, the following example displays detailed information about IMA group 0 on ATM interface 2. If you do not enter the detail keyword, you do not see the IMA MIB information or the Detailed Link Information output.
Router# show ima interface atm 5/ima0 detail ATM5/ima0 is up ImaGroupState:NearEnd = operational, FarEnd = operational ImaGroupFailureStatus = noFailure IMA Group Current Configuration: ImaGroupMinNumTxLinks = 2 ImaGroupMinNumRxLinks = 2 ImaGroupDiffDelayMax = 250 ImaGroupNeTxClkMode = common(ctc) ImaGroupFrameLength = 128 ImaTestProcStatus = disabled ImaGroupTestLink = 0 ImaGroupTestPattern = 0xFF IMA MIB Information: ImaGroupSymmetry = symmetricOperation ImaGroupFeTxClkMode = common(ctc) ImaGroupRxFrameLength = 128 ImaGroupTxTimingRefLink = 0 ImaGroupRxTimingRefLink = 0 ImaGroupTxImaId = 0 ImaGroupRxImaId = 0 ImaGroupNumTxCfgLinks = 2 ImaGroupNumRxCfgLinks = 2 ImaGroupNumTxActLinks = 2 ImaGroupNumRxActLinks = 2 ImaGroupLeastDelayLink = 0 ImaGroupDiffDelayMaxObs = 0 IMA group counters: ImaGroupNeNumFailures = 1 ImaGroupFeNumFailures = 2 ImaGroupUnAvailSecs = 18 ImaGroupRunningSecs = 241 IMA Detailed Link Information: ATM5/0 is up ImaLinkRowStatus = active ImaLinkIfIndex = 1 ImaLinkState: NeTx = active NeRx = active FeTx = active FeRx = active ImaLinkFailureStatus: NeRx = noFailure FeRx = noFailure ImaLinkTxLid = 0 ImaLinkRxTestPattern = 64 ImaLinkRelDelay = 0 IMA Link counters : ImaLinkImaViolations = 1 ImaLinkNeSevErroredSec = 10 ImaLinkNeUnavailSec = 7 ImaLinkNeTxUnusableSec = 17 ImaLinkFeTxUnusableSec = 17 ImaLinkNeTxNumFailures = 0 ImaLinkFeTxNumFailures = 1 ATM5/1 is up ImaLinkRowStatus = active ImaLinkIfIndex = 2 ImaLinkState: NeTx = active NeRx = active FeTx = active FeRx = active ImaLinkFailureStatus: NeRx = noFailure FeRx = noFailure ImaLinkTxLid = 1
ImaLinkGroupIndex = 47
ImaLinkRxLid ImaLinkTestProcStatus
= 0 = disabled
= = = = = =
10 8 16 16 2 1
ImaLinkGroupIndex = 47
= 1
ImaLinkRxTestPattern ImaLinkRelDelay IMA Link counters : ImaLinkImaViolations ImaLinkNeSevErroredSec ImaLinkNeUnavailSec ImaLinkNeTxUnusableSec ImaLinkFeTxUnusableSec ImaLinkNeTxNumFailures ImaLinkFeTxNumFailures
= 64 = 0 = = = = = = = 1 10 7 16 16 0 1
= disabled
= = = = = =
10 8 16 16 2 1
On a Cisco 2600 or 3600 series router, the following example displays detailed information about IMA group 0 on ATM interface 2. Without the detail keyword, only the information up to Detailed group Information: appears.
Router# show ima interface atm 4/ima0 detail Interface ATM2/IMA2 is up Group index is 2 Ne state is operational, failure status is noFailure active links bitmap 0x30 IMA Group Current Configuration: Tx/Rx configured links bitmap 0x30/0x30 Tx/Rx minimum required links 1/1 Maximum allowed diff delay is 25ms, Tx frame length 128 Ne Tx clock mode CTC, configured timing reference link ATM2/4 Test pattern procedure is disabled Detailed group Information: Tx/Rx Ima_id 0x22/0x40, symmetry symmetricOperation Number of Tx/Rx configured links 2/2 Number of Tx/Rx active links 2/2 Fe Tx clock mode ctc, Rx frame length 128 Tx/Rx timing reference link 4/4 Maximum observed diff delay 0ms, least delayed link 5 Running seconds 32 GTSM last changed 10:14:41 UTC Wed Jun 16 1999 IMA Group Current Counters (time elapsed 33 seconds): 3 Ne Failures, 3 Fe Failures, 4 Unavail Secs IMA Group Total Counters (last 0 15 minute intervals): 0 Ne Failures, 0 Fe Failures, 0 Unavail Secs Detailed IMA link Information: Interface ATM2/4 is up ifIndex 13, Group Index 2, Row Status is active Tx/Rx Lid 4/4, relative delay 0ms Ne Tx/Rx state active/active Fe Tx/Rx state active/active Ne Rx failure status is noFailure Fe Rx failure status is noFailure Rx test pattern 0x41, test procedure disabled IMA Link Current Counters (time elapsed 35 seconds): 1 Ima Violations, 0 Oif Anomalies 1 Ne Severely Err Secs, 2 Fe Severely Err Secs 0 Ne Unavail Secs, 0 Fe Unavail Secs 2 Ne Tx Unusable Secs, 2 Ne Rx Unusable Secs 0 Fe Tx Unusable Secs, 2 Fe Rx Unusable Secs 0 Ne Tx Failures, 0 Ne Rx Failures 0 Fe Tx Failures, 0 Fe Rx Failures IMA Link Total Counters (last 0 15 minute intervals): 0 Ima Violations, 0 Oif Anomalies 0 Ne Severely Err Secs, 0 Fe Severely Err Secs 0 Ne Unavail Secs, 0 Fe Unavail Secs 0 Ne Tx Unusable Secs, 0 Ne Rx Unusable Secs 0 Fe Tx Unusable Secs, 0 Fe Rx Unusable Secs
0 Ne Tx Failures, 0 Ne Rx Failures 0 Fe Tx Failures, 0 Fe Rx Failures Interface ATM2/5 is up ifIndex 14, Group Index 2, Row Status is active Tx/Rx Lid 5/5, relative delay 0ms Ne Tx/Rx state active/active Fe Tx/Rx state active/active Ne Rx failure status is noFailure Fe Rx failure status is noFailure Rx test pattern 0x41, test procedure disabled IMA Link Current Counters (time elapsed 46 seconds): 1 Ima Violations, 0 Oif Anomalies 1 Ne Severely Err Secs, 2 Fe Severely Err Secs 0 Ne Unavail Secs, 0 Fe Unavail Secs 2 Ne Tx Unusable Secs, 2 Ne Rx Unusable Secs 0 Fe Tx Unusable Secs, 2 Fe Rx Unusable Secs 0 Ne Tx Failures, 0 Ne Rx Failures 0 Fe Tx Failures, 0 Fe Rx Failures IMA Link Total Counters (last 0 15 minute intervals): 0 Ima Violations, 0 Oif Anomalies 0 Ne Severely Err Secs, 0 Fe Severely Err Secs 0 Ne Unavail Secs, 0 Fe Unavail Secs 0 Ne Tx Unusable Secs, 0 Ne Rx Unusable Secs 0 Fe Tx Unusable Secs, 0 Fe Rx Unusable Secs 0 Ne Tx Failures, 0 Ne Rx Failures 0 Fe Tx Failures, 0 Fe Rx Failures
Related Commands
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.1
The following is sample output from the show interface cbr command.
Router# show interface cbr 6/0 CBR6/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is DCU MTU 0 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 0 usec, rely 255/255, load 248/255 Encapsulation ET_ATMCES_T1, loopback not set Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of show interface counters never Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/0, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops 5 minute input rate 1507000 bits/sec, 3957 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 1507000 bits/sec, 3955 packets/sec 3025960 packets input, 142220120 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 3030067 packets output, 142413149 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Description Type, slot, and port number of the interface and indicates whether the interface hardware is currently active (whether carrier detect is present), down, or if it has been taken down by an administrator. Indicates whether the software processes that handle the line protocol think the line is usable (that is, whether keepalives are successful). Values are up, down, and administratively down. Hardware type. Maximum transmission unit of the interface.
Table 37
Description Bandwidth of the interface in kilobits per second. Delay of the interface, in microseconds. Reliability of the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is 100% reliability), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes. Load on the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is completely saturated), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes. The calculation uses the value from the bandwidth interface configuration command. Encapsulation method assigned to interface. Indicates whether or not loopback is set. Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully received by an interface. Useful for knowing when a dead interface failed. Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully transmitted by an interface. Number of hours, minutes, and seconds (or never) since the interface was last reset because of a transmission that took too long. When the number of hours in any of the last fields exceeds 24 hours, the number of days and hours is printed. If that field overflows, asterisks are printed. The time at which the counters that measure cumulative statistics (such as number of bytes transmitted and received) shown in this report were last reset to zero. Note that variables that might affect routing (for example, load and reliability) are not cleared when the counters are cleared. *** indicates that the elapsed time is too large to be displayed. 0:00:00 indicates that the counters were cleared more than 231 ms (and less than 2 32 ms) ago.
Last clearing
Queueing strategy Output queue, drops input queue, drops 5 minute input rate, 5 minute output rate packets input bytes input no buffer
First-in, first-out queuing strategy (other queueing strategies you might see are priority-list, custom-list, and weighted fair). Number of packets in output and input queues. Each number is followed by a slash, the maximum size of the queue, and the number of packets dropped due to a full queue. Average number of bits and packets transmitted per second in the last 5 minutes. Total number of error-free packets received by the system. Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, in the error-free packets received by the system. Number of received packets discarded because there was no buffer space in the main system. Compare with ignored count. Broadcast storms on Ethernets and bursts of noise on serial lines are often responsible for no input buffer events. Total number of broadcast or multicast packets received by the interface. Number of packets that are discarded because they are smaller than the mediums minimum packet size.
broadcasts runts
Table 37
Description Number of packets that are discarded because they exceed the mediums maximum packet size. Total number of no buffer, runts, giants, CRCs, frame, overrun, ignored, and abort counts. Other input-related errors can also increment the count, so that this sum may not balance with the other counts. Cyclic redundancy checksum generated by the originating LAN station or far end device does not match the checksum calculated from the data received. On a LAN, this usually indicates noise or transmission problems on the LAN interface or the LAN bus itself. A high number of CRCs is usually the result of collisions or a station transmitting bad data. On a serial link, CRCs usually indicate noise, gain hits or other transmission problems on the data link. Number of packets received incorrectly having a CRC error and a noninteger number of octets. Number of times the serial receiver hardware was unable to hand received data to a hardware buffer because the input rate exceeded the receivers ability to handle the data. Number of received packets ignored by the interface because the interface hardware ran low on internal buffers. These buffers are different than the system buffers mentioned previously in the buffer description. Broadcast storms and bursts of noise can cause the ignored count to be incremented. Illegal sequence of one bits on the interface. This usually indicates a clocking problem between the interface and the data link equipment. Total number of messages transmitted by the system. Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, transmitted by the system. Number of times that the transmitter has been running faster than the router can handle. This may never be reported on some interfaces. Sum of all errors that prevented the final transmission of datagrams out of the interface being examined. Note that this may not balance with the sum of the enumerated output errors, as some datagrams may have more than one error, and others may have errors that do not fall into any of the specifically tabulated categories. Because collisions do not occur on CBR interfaces, this statistic is always zero. Number of times an interface has been reset. The interface may be reset by the administrator or automatically when an internal error occurs. Number of no resource errors received on the output. Number of packets swapped to DRAM.
frame overrun
collisions interface resets output buffer failures output buffers swapped out
Related Commands
Syntax Description
(Optional) ATM slot number and port number. Use this format for the following platform configurations:
The AIP on Cisco 7500 series routers. The ATM port adapter, ATM-CES port adapter, or enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 7200 series routers. The 1-port ATM-25 network module on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers.
(Optional) ATM slot, port adapter, and port numbers. Use this format for the ATM port adapter or enhanced ATM port adapter on Cisco 2600 and 3600 series routers.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 10.0
The following is sample output from the show interfaces atm command:
Router# show interfaces atm 4/0 ATM4/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is cxBus ATM Internet address is, subnet mask is MTU 4470 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 ATM E164 Auto Conversion Interface Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) Encapsulation(s): AAL5, PVC mode 256 TX buffers, 256 RX buffers, 1024 Maximum VCs, 1 Current VCs Signalling vc = 1, vpi = 0, vci = 5 ATM NSAP address: BC.CDEF.01.234567.890A.BCDE.F012.3456.7890.1234.13 Last input 0:00:05, output 0:00:05, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops Five minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Five minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 144 packets input, 3148 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 154 packets output, 4228 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets, 0 restarts
The following is sample output from the show interfaces atm command for the ATM port adapter on a Cisco 7500 series router:
Router# show interfaces atm 0/0/0 ATM0/0/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is cyBus ATM Internet address is MTU 4470 bytes, sub MTU 4470, BW 156250 Kbit, DLY 80 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation ATM, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) Encapsulation(s): AAL5, PVC mode 256 TX buffers, 256 RX buffers, 2048 maximum active VCs, 1024 VCs per VP, 1 current VCCs VC idle disconnect time: 300 seconds Last input never, output 00:00:05, output hang never Last clearing of show interface counters never Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec 5 packets input, 560 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 5 packets output, 560 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
ATM... is {up | down| Indicates whether the interface hardware is currently active (whether carrier administratively down} detect is present) and if it has been taken down by an administrator. line protocol Indicates whether the software processes that handle the line protocol think is {up | down | the line is usable (that is, whether keepalives are successful). administratively down} Hardware is Internet address is MTU sub MTU BW DLY rely load Hardware type. Internet address and subnet mask. Maximum Transmission Unit of the interface. Maximum Transmission Unit of the subinterface. Bandwidth of the interface in kilobits per second. Delay of the interface in microseconds. Reliability of the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is 100% reliability), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes. Load on the interface as a fraction of 255 (255/255 is completely saturated), calculated as an exponential average over 5 minutes. The calculation uses the value from the bandwidth interface configuration command.
Table 38
Field ATM E164 Auto Conversion Interface Encapsulation loopback keepalive Encapsulation(s) TX buffers RX buffers Maximum active VCs VCs per VP Current VCs Signalling vc vpi vci ATM NSAP address Last input
Description Indicates that ATM E164 auto conversion is enabled. When this field is not present, ATM E164 auto conversion is disabled. Encapsulation method assigned to interface. Indicates whether the interface is configured for loopback testing. Indicates whether keepalives are set or not. Type of encapsulation used on the interface (for example, AAL5, and either PVC or SVC mode). Number of buffers configured with the atm txbuff command. Number of buffers configured with the atm rxbuff command. Maximum number of virtual circuits. Number of virtual circuits per virtual path (the default is 1024). Number of virtual circuit connections currently open. Number of the signaling PVC. Virtual path identifier number. Virtual channel identifier number. NSAP address of the ATM interface. Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully received by an interface. Useful for knowing when a dead interface failed. Number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully transmitted by an interface. Number of hours, minutes, and seconds (or never) since the interface was last reset because of a transmission that took too long. When the number of hours in any of the last fields exceeds 24 hours, the number of days and hours is printed. If that field overflows, asterisks are printed. The time at which the counters that measure cumulative statistics (such as number of bytes transmitted and received) shown in this report were last reset to zero. Note that variables that might affect routing (for example, load and reliability) are not cleared when the counters are cleared. *** indicates that the elapsed time is too large to be displayed. 0:00:00 indicates that the counters were cleared more than 2 31ms (and less than 2 32ms) ago.
VC idle disconnect time Number of seconds the SVC must be idle before the SVC is disconnected.
Last clearing
Queueing strategy Output queue, drops input queue, drops 5 minute input rate, 5 minute output rate packets input
First-in, first-out queueing strategy (other queueing strategies you might see are priority-list, custom-list, and weighted fair). Number of packets in output and input queues. Each number is followed by a slash, the maximum size of the queue, and the number of packets dropped due to a full queue. Average number of bits and packets transmitted per second in the last 5 minutes. Total number of error-free packets received by the system.
Table 38
Description Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, in the error free packets received by the system. Number of received packets discarded because there was no buffer space in the main system. Compare with ignored count. Broadcast storms on Ethernets and bursts of noise on serial lines are often responsible for no input buffer events. Total number of broadcast or multicast packets received by the interface. Number of packets that are discarded because they are smaller than the mediums minimum packet size. Number of packets that are discarded because they exceed the mediums maximum packet size. Total number of no buffer, runts, giants, CRCs, frame, overrun, ignored, and abort counts. Other input-related errors can also increment the count, so that this sum may not balance with the other counts. Cyclic redundancy checksum generated by the originating LAN station or far-end device does not match the checksum calculated from the data received. On a LAN, this usually indicates noise or transmission problems on the LAN interface or the LAN bus itself. A high number of CRCs is usually the result of collisions or a station transmitting bad data. On a serial link, CRCs usually indicate noise, gain hits or other transmission problems on the data link. Number of packets received incorrectly having a CRC error and a noninteger number of octets. Number of times the serial receiver hardware was unable to hand received data to a hardware buffer because the input rate exceeded the receivers ability to handle the data. Number of received packets ignored by the interface because the interface hardware ran low on internal buffers. These buffers are different than the system buffers mentioned previously in the buffer description. Broadcast storms and bursts of noise can cause the ignored count to be incremented. Illegal sequence of one bits the interface. This usually indicates a clocking problem between the interface and the data link equipment. Total number of messages transmitted by the system. Total number of bytes, including data and MAC encapsulation, transmitted by the system. Number of times that the transmitter has been running faster than the router can handle. This may never be reported on some interfaces. Sum of all errors that prevented the final transmission of datagrams out of the interface being examined. Note that this may not balance with the sum of the enumerated output errors, as some datagrams may have more than one error, and others may have errors that do not fall into any of the specifically tabulated categories. This feature is not applicable for ATM interfaces.
frame overrun
Table 38
Description Number of times an interface has been completely reset. This can happen if packets queued for transmission were not sent within several seconds. On a serial line, this can be caused by a malfunctioning modem that is not supplying the transmit clock signal, or by a cable problem. If the system notices that the carrier detect line of a serial interface is up, but the line protocol is down, it periodically resets the interface in an effort to restart it. Interface resets can also occur when an interface is looped back or shut down. Number of times that a packet was not output from the output hold queue because of a shortage of MEMD shared memory. Number of packets stored in main memory when the output queue is full; swapping buffers to main memory prevents packets from being dropped when output is congested. The number is high when traffic is bursty. Number of times the controller was restarted because of errors.
show network-clocks
To display the current configured and active network clock sources, use the show network-clocks privileged EXEC command. show network-clocks
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to Voice over Frame Relay, Voice over ATM, and Voice over HDLC on the Cisco MC3810. The Cisco MC3810 has a background task that verifies whether a valid clocking configuration exists every 120 seconds. If this task detects an error, you will be reminded every 120 seconds until the error is corrected. A clocking configuration error may be generated for various reasons. Using the show network-clocks command, you can display the clocking configuration status.
The following is sample output from the show network-clocks EXEC command.
Router# show network-clocks Priority Priority Priority Priority 1 2 3 4 clock clock clock clock source: source: source: source: ATM3/0/0 System clock System clock System clock
The following is sample output from the show network-clocks command on the Cisco MC3810:
Router# show network-clocks Priority 1 clock source(inactive config): T1 0 Priority 1 clock source(active config) : T1 0 Clock switch delay: 10 Clock restore delay: 10 T1 0 is clocking system bus for 9319 seconds. Run Priority Queue: controller0
In this display, inactive configuration is the new configuration that has been established. Active configuration is the run-time configuration. Should an error be made in the new configuration, the inactive and active configurations will be different. In the above example, the clock priority configuration is valid, and the system is being clocked as indicated.
The following is another sample output from the show network-clocks command:
Router# show network-clocks Priority 1 clock source(inactive config) : T1 0 Priority 2 clock source(inactive config) : T1 1 Priority 1 clock source(active config) : T1 0 Clock switch delay: 10 Clock restore delay: 10 T1 0 is clocking system bus for 9319 seconds. Run Priority Queue: controller0
In this display, the new clocking configuration has an error for controller T1 1. This is indicated by checking differences between the last valid configuration (active) and the new proposed configuration (inactive). The error may result from hardware (the system controller board or MFT) unable to support this mode, or controller T1 1 is currently configured as clock source internal. Since the active and inactive configurations are different, the system will periodically display the warning message about the wrong configuration.
Related Commands
Description Establishes the sources and priorities of the requisite clocking signals for an ATM-CES port adapter.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies a particular ATM interface by interface number and possibly a subinterface number. A period (.) must precede the optional subinterface number.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
This command is useful for obtaining session counts, the state of the PPPoA sessions, and the interfaces they are running on. This command gives a summary of the number of PPPoA sessions in each state and the session information of each individual session. If a subinterface number is given in the command, the output is a summary report of the PPPoA sessions in the subinterface. If a main interface number is given, the output will have the summary reports for each individual subinterface of that main interface as shown in the example that follows. If no interface is given, the output will contain the summary reports for each ATM interface on the router.
The following example displays PPPoA session counts and states for ATM interface 5/0:
Router# show pppatm summary interface atm 5/0 ATM5/0.3: 0 sessions total ATM5/0.6: 1 in PTA (PTA) State 1 sessions total VPI 6 VCI 101 Conn ID 11 PPPoA ID DA000009 SSS ID BB000013 PPP ID E5000017 AAA ID C VT 1 VA/SID 1.1 State PTA
Most of the messages displayed by the show pppatm summary command are self-explanatory. Table 39 describes the significant fields shown in the displays. Any data not described in Table 39 is used for internal debugging purposes.
Table 39
Description Virtual path identifier of the permanent virtual circuit (PVC). Virtual channel identifier of the PVC. Unique connection identifier for the PPPoA session. This ID can be correlated with the unique ID in the show vpdn session command output for the forwarded sessions. Internal identifier for the PPPoA session. Internal identifier in the Subscriber Service Switch. Internal identifier in PPP. Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) unique identifier for accounting records. Virtual template number used by the session. PPPoA virtual access number for PPP Termination Aggregation (PTA) sessions, and switch identifier for forwarded sessions. PPPoA state of the session.
Related Commands
Command clear pppatm interface atm debug pppatm show pppatm trace
Description Clears PPP ATM sessions on an ATM interface. Enables reports for PPPoA events, errors, and states either globally or conditionally on an interface or VC. Displays a sequence of PPPoA events, errors, and state changes when the debug pppatm command is enabled.
Syntax Description
(Optional) PPPoA events. (Optional) PPPoA errors. (Optional) PPPoA state. Specifies a particular ATM interface by interface number. (Optional) Specifies a subinterface number preceded by a period. Virtual circuit (VC) keyword followed by a virtual path identifier (VPI), virtual channel identifier (VCI).. The absence of the / and a vpi value causes the vpi value to default to 0. Name of the VC.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
When the debug pppatm command has been enabled, this command displays messages from the specified permanent virtual circuit (PVC). If only one debug pppatm command keyword is supplied in the command, the report will display only the sequence of events for that particular debug type.
The following example traces the debugging messages supplied by the debug pppatm command on PVC 101. The report is used by Cisco technical personnel for diagnosing system problems.
Router# Router# Router# Router# Event Event Event Event State Event Event Event = = = = = = = = debug pppatm trace interface atm 1/0.10 vc 101 debug pppatm state interface atm 1/0.10 vc 101 debug pppatm event interface atm 1/0.10 vc 101 show pppatm trace interface atm 1/0.10 vc 101 Disconnecting AAA gets dynamic attrs AAA gets dynamic attrs SSS Cleanup DOWN Up Pending Up Dequeued Processing Up
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event State Event State Event State Event Event Event Event Event Event State
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Access IE allocated Set Pkts to SSS AAA gets retrieved attrs AAA gets nas port details AAA gets dynamic attrs AAA gets dynamic attrs AAA unique id allocated No AAA method list set SSS Request NAS_PORT_POLICY_INQUIRY SSS Msg PPP_START PPP Msg LCP_NEGOTIATION PPP Msg Access IE get nas port AAA gets dynamic attrs AAA gets dynamic attrs PPP Msg Set Pkts to SSS FORWARDED
Related Commands
Command clear pppatm interface atm debug pppatm show pppatm summary
Description Clears PPP ATM sessions on an ATM interface. Enables reports for PPPoA events, errors, and states either globally or conditionally on an interface or VC. Displays PPPoA session counts.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 10.0
The following is sample output from the show smds addresses command:
Router# show smds addresses SMDS address - Serial0 c141.5555.1212.FFFF
Description Interface to which this SMDS address has been assigned. SMDS address that has been assigned to the interface.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 10.0
The following is sample output from the show smds map command:
Router# show smds map Serial0: ARP maps to e180.0999.9999.FFFF multicast Serial0: IP maps to e180.0999.9999.FFFF multicast Serial0: IPX 1ABC.000.0c00.d8db maps to c111.1111.1111.1111 -- dynamic, TTL: 4 min
Description Name of interface on which SMDS has been enabled. Higher-level protocol address that maps to this particular SMDS address. SMDS address. Includes all SMDS addresses entered with either the smds static-map command (static) or smds multicast command (multicast). IP address. Subnet mask for the IP address. The address was obtained from a static map or dynamic map. Time to live.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 10.0
The following is sample output from the show smds traffic command:
Router# show smds traffic 624363 Input packets 759695 Output packets 2 DXI heartbeat sent 0 DXI heartbeat received 0 DXI DSU polls received 0 DXI DSU polls sent 0 DXI invalid test frames 0 Bad BA size errors 0 Bad Header extension errors 65 Invalid address errors 1 Bad tag errors
Field Input packets Output packets DXI heartbeat sent DXI heartbeat received DXI DSU polls sent DXI DSU polls received DXI invalid test frames Bad BA size errors
Description Number of input packets. Number of output packets. Number of Data Exchange Interface (DXI) heartbeat polls transmitted. Number of DXI heartbeat polls received. Number of DXI Data Service Unit (DSU) polls sent. Number of DXI DSU polls received. Number of invalid test frames seen. Number of packets that have a size less than 32 or greater than 9188 bytes.
Table 42
Field DXI Header extension errors DXI Invalid address errors Bad tag errors
Description Number of extended SMDS Interface Protocol (SIP) Layer 3 header errors. Number of address errors. Status indicating the number of errors that occur when there is a mismatch between the Tag value in the header and the BeTag value in the trailer of an SMDS frame. This usually indicates that there is a misconfiguration (that is, a DXI is connected to a non-DXI) or that the SMDS data service unit (SDSU) is scrambling the Layer 2 protocol data units (PDUs).
show sscop
To show Service-Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol (SSCOP) details for all ATM interfaces, use the show sscop privileged EXEC command. show sscop
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Release 10.0
Table 43 describes the fields shown in the display. Interpreting this output requires a good understanding of the SSCOP; it is usually displayed by our technicians to help diagnose network problems.
Table 43 show sscop Field Descriptions
Field SSCOP details for interface Current State Send Sequence Number Send Sequence Number Acked
Description Interface slot and port. SSCOP state for the interface. Current and maximum send sequence number. Sequence number of packets already acknowledged.
Table 43
Field Rcv Sequence Number Poll Sequence Number Poll Ack Sequence Number Vt(Pd) Connection Control Keep Alive Timer Current Retry Count Maximum Retry Count Pdus Sent Pdus Received Pdus Ignored Begin Begin Ack Begin Reject End End Ack Resync Resync Ack Sequenced Data Sequenced Poll Data Poll Stat Unsolicited Stat Unassured Data Mgmt Data Unknown Pdus
Description Sequence number of packets received. Current poll sequence number. Poll sequence number already acknowledged. Number of sequenced data (SD) frames sent, which triggers a sending of a Poll frame. Timer used for establishing and terminating SSCOP. Timer used to send keepalives on an idle link. Current count of the retry counter. Maximum value the retry counter can take. Total number of SSCOP frames sent. Total number of SSCOP frames received. Number of invalid SSCOP frames ignored. Number of Begin frames sent/received. Number of Begin Ack frames sent/received. Number of Begin Reject frames sent/received. Number of End frames sent/received. Number of End Ack frames sent/received. Number of Resync frames sent/received. Number of Resync Ack frames sent/received. Number of Sequenced Data frames sent/received. Number of Sequenced Poll Data frames sent/received. Number of Poll frames sent/received. Number of Stat frames sent/received. Number of Unsolicited Stat frames sent/received. Number of Unassured Data frames sent/received. Number of Mgmt Data frames sent/received. Number of Unknown Pdus frames sent/received.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command in global configuration mode to display the contents of an Autodomain exclude-profile downloaded from the AAA server. If any exclude entries downloaded from the AAA server are removed by the no exclude {apn | domain} name command, these entries will not be displayed by the show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile command.
The following sample displays the contents of an Autodomain exclude profile downloaded from the AAA server. The report is self-explanatory.
Router# show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile Exclude APN Entries Downloaded: apn1.gprs apr2.com
Related Commands
Command exclude mode extended nat user-address select show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile ssg enable
Description Configures the Autodomain exclusion list. Enables extended mode for SSG Autodomain. Enables NAT on Autodomain tunnel service. Configures the Autodomain selection mode. Adds to the Autodomain download exclusion list. Enables SSG functionality.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Begin with the line that contains expression. (Optional) Word or phrase used to determine what lines will be shown. (Optional) Exclude lines that contain expression. (Optional) Include lines that contain expression.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display services and the interfaces to which they have been bound.
The following example shows all service names that have been bound to interfaces:
Router# show ssg binding WhipitNet Service1.com Service2.com Service3.com GoodNet Perftest -> -> -> -> -> -> (NHT) (NHT) (NHT) (NHT)
Related Commands
Command clear ssg service show ssg service ssg bind service
Description Removes a service. Displays the information for a service. Specifies the interface for a service.
Syntax Description
IP address of an active Service Selection Gateway (SSG) connection. This is always a subscribed host. Name of an active SSG connection. (Optional) The IP address through which the host is connected.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. The interface argument was added for the SSG Host Key feature. This command was modified to display information about SSG prepaid billing. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T. This command was modified for Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
The following example displays the SSG connection for a prepaid service that uses a volume-based quota:
Router# show ssg connection InstMsg ------------------------ConnectionObject Content ----------------------User Name: Owner Host: Associated Service:InstMsg Connection State:0 (UP) Connection Started since:*00:25:58.000 UTC Tue Oct 23 2001 User last activity at:*00:25:59.000 UTC Tue Oct 23 2001 Connection Traffic Statistics: Input Bytes = 0, Input packets = 0 Output Bytes = 0, Output packets = 0 Quota Type = 'VOLUME', Quota Value = 100 Session policing disabled
The following example displays the SSG connection for a prepaid service that uses a time-based quota:
Router# show ssg connection Prepaid-internet ------------------------ConnectionObject Content ----------------------User Name:Host Owner Host: Associated Service:Prepaid-internet Connection State:0 (UP) Connection Started since:*00:34:06.000 UTC Tue Oct 23 2001 User last activity at:*00:34:07.000 UTC Tue Oct 23 2001 Connection Traffic Statistics: Input Bytes = 0, Input packets = 0 Output Bytes = 0, Output packets = 0 Quota Type = 'TIME', Quota Value = 100 Session policing disabled
The following example shows the service connection for the autologin service to host
Router# show ssg connection autologin ------------------------ ConnectionObject Content ----------------------User Name:autologin Owner Host: Associated Service:autologin Connection State:0 (UP) Connection Started since: *20:41:26.000 UTC Fri Jul 27 2001 User last activity at:*20:41:26.000 UTC Fri Jul 27 2001 Connection Traffic Statistics: Input Bytes = 0 (HI = 0), Input packets = 0 Output Bytes = 0 (HI = 0), Output packets = 0
Field User Name Owner Host Associated Service Connection State Connection Started since User last activity at Input Bytes Input packets Output Bytes Output packets Quota Type Quota Value
Description Subscriber name supplied at authentication. IP address of the subscribed host. Service name of the connected service. State of activation (active or inactive). Time of host connection to the associated service. Time of last data packet sent over this connection. Number of bytes received on this connection. Number of packets received on this connection. Number of bytes sent on this connection. Number of packets sent on this connection. Form in which the quota value is expressed (time or volume). Value of the quota (in bytes for volume or seconds for time).
Related Commands
Syntax Description
(Optional) Begin with the line that contains expression. (Optional) Word or phrase used to determine what lines will be shown. (Optional) Exclude lines that contain expression. (Optional) Include lines that contain expression.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to show all interfaces that have been specified as uplinks or downlinks.
The following example shows the direction of all interfaces that have been specified as uplinks or downlinks.
Router# show ssg direction ATM0/0/0.10: Uplink BVI1: Downlink FastEthernet0/0/0: Uplink
Related Commands
Syntax Description
(Optional) IP address of the host. (Optional) Interface through which the host is connected. (Optional) Displays the usernames logged into the active hosts.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. The interface argument was added. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
The following example shows two host objects with the same IP address:
Router# show ssg host SSG:Overlapping hosts for IP at interfaces:FastEthernet0/0/0 Virtual-Access1
In this case, use the interface argument to uniquely identify the host:
Router# show ssg host FastEthernet0/0/0
Note that the output produced by this command is the same as that produced by the command without the interface argument. The interface argument is used only to uniquely identify a host when there are overlapping host IP addresses. The following example shows the usernames logged in to the active hosts:
RouterA# show ssg host username 1: 2: (active) Host name:pppoauser (active) Host name:ssguser2
Related Commands
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays lines beginning with the line that contains expression. (Optional) Word or phrase used to determine what lines will be shown. (Optional) Excludes lines that contain expression. (Optional) Includes lines that contain expression.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Related Commands
Description Removes the next-hop table. Downloads the next-hop table from a RADIUS server.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
In the following example, all configured open garden services are displayed:
Router# show ssg open-garden nrp1-nrp2_og1 nrp1-nrp2_og2 nrp1-nrp2_og3 nrp1-nrp2_og4
Related Commands
Description Configures a local service profile. Designates a service, defined in a local service profile, as an open garden service. Specifies the order in which SSG searches for a service profile.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Begin with the line that contains expression. (Optional) Word or phrase used to determine what lines will be shown. (Optional) Exclude lines that contain expression. (Optional) Include lines that contain expression.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the downloaded transparent pass-through filter. The filter prevents pass-through traffic from accessing the specified IP address and subnet mask combinations. The filter is set using the ssg pass-through command. To display a filter defined on the command line, use the show running-config command.
Extended IP access list (SSG ACL) permit tcp any eq telnet permit tcp eq ftp
Related Commands
Description Removes the downloaded filter for transparent pass-through. Enables transparent pass-through.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Related Commands
Syntax Description
IP address used to identify the port bundle. TCP port number used to identify the port bundle.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Port maps in the port bundle IP address of the subscriber Interface through which the subscriber is connected
The following output shows the Virtual-Access2 interface connected to the subscriber:
Router# show ssg port-map ip port 64 State = IN-USE Subscriber Address = Downlink Interface = Virtual-Access2 Port-mappings:Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber Subscriber Port: Port: Port: Port: Port: 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 Mapped Mapped Mapped Mapped Mapped Port: Port: Port: Port: Port: 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028
Table 45
show ssg port-map ip Field Descriptions Description Port bundle status. Subscriber IP address. Interface through which the subscriber is connected. Port maps in the port bundle. Subscriber port number. Port assigned by SSG.
Field State Subscriber Address Downlink Interface Port-Mappings Subscriber Port Mapped Port
Related Commands
Syntax Description
free reserved
(Optional) Lists the port bundles that are in the free state for each bundle group. (Optional) Lists the port bundles that are in the reserved state for each bundle group. Also displays the associated subscriber IP address and interface for each port bundle. (Optional) Lists the port bundles that are in the inuse state for each bundle group. Also displays the associated subscriber IP address and interface for each port bundle.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Entered without any keywords, the command displays a summary of all port-bundle groups, including the following information:
A list of port-bundle groups Port-bundle length Number of free, reserved, and in-use port bundles in each group
The following example shows output for the show ssg port-map status command with no keywords:
Router# show ssg port-map status Bundle-length = 4 Bundle-groups:IP Address Free Bundles 4032 Reserved Bundles 0 In-use Bundles 0
Table 46
show ssg port-map status Field Descriptions Description The bundle-length value indicates the number of ports per bundle and the number of bundles per bundle group. List of bundle groups. IP address of a bundle group. Number of free bundles in the specified bundle group. Number of reserved bundles in the specified bundle group. Number of in-use bundles in the specified bundle group.
Field Bundle-length Bundle-groups IP Address Free Bundles Reserved Bundles In-use Bundles
Display In-Use Bundles Example
The following example shows output for the show ssg port-map status command with the inuse keyword:
Router# show ssg port-map status inuse Bundle-group has the following in-use port-bundles:Port-bundle 64 Subscriber Address Interface Virtual-Access2
Description Port-bundle number. Subscriber IP address of the subscriber. Interface through which the subscriber is connected.
Related Commands
Syntax Description
(Optional) IP addresses configured for a specific domain. (Optional) Name of the domain to display. (Optional) IP addresses currently available in the free pool. (Optional) IP addresses currently in use.
If no domain name is provided, the command displays information for all IP addresses configured in an address pool.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the IP address pools configured for a router or for a specific domain. You can also display which IP addresses are available or are in use.
The following example shows how to display information for IP addresses in the IP address pool:
Router# show ssg radius-proxy address-pool Global Pool: Free Addresses= 10234 Inuse Addresses= 0
The following example shows how to display information about the IP addresses in the IP address pool in the domain called ssg.com:
Router# show ssg radius-proxy address-pool domain ssg.com Domain Pool(ssg.com): Free Addresses= 20 Inuse Addresses= 10
The following example shows how to display information about the IP addresses in the IP address pool for the domain called ssg.com that are currently in use:
Router# show ssg radius-proxy address-pool domain cisco inuse Inuse Addresses in Domain Pool(ssg.com):10
The following example shows how to display information about the IP addresses in the IP address pool for the domain called ssg.com that are currently available:
Router# show ssg radius-proxy address-pool domain ssg.com free Free Addresses in Domain Pool(ssg.com):20
Related Commands
Command address-pool clear ssg radius-proxy client-address clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address clear ssg service forward accounting-start-stop idle-timeout (SSG) server-port show ssg binding ssg bind service ssg enable ssg radius-proxy
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS. Removes a service. Proxies accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS clients to the AAA server. Configures a host object timeout value. Defines the ports for the SSG RADIUS proxy. Displays service names that have been bound to interfaces and the interfaces to which they have been bound. Specifies the interface for a service. Enables SSG. Enables SSG RADIUS Proxy.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Name of an active Service Selection Gateway (SSG) service. (Optional) Begin with the line that contains expression. (Optional) Word or phrase used to determine what lines will be shown. (Optional) Exclude lines that contain expression. (Optional) Include lines that contain expression.
If no service name is provided, the command displays information for all services.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. The output of this command was modified on the Cisco 6400 node route processor to display the following Service-Info Attributes when they are present in the proxy RADIUS service profile:
12.2(4)B 12.2(8)T
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows the information for the service called serv1-proxy:
Router# show ssg service serv1-proxy ------------------------ ServiceInfo Content ----------------------Uplink IDB: Name:serv1-proxy Type:PROXY Mode:CONCURRENT Service Session Timeout:0 seconds Service Idle Timeout:0 seconds Class Attr:NONE Authentication Type:CHAP Reference Count:1
Next Hop Gateway Key:my-key DNS Server(s):Primary: Radius Server:IP=, authPort=1645, acctPort=1646, secret=my-secret Included Network Segments: Excluded Network Segments: Full User Name Used Service Defined Cookie exist
Related Commands
Command clear ssg service show ssg binding ssg bind service
Description Removes a service. Displays service names that have been bound to interfaces and the interfaces to which they have been bound. Specifies the interface for a service.
Syntax Description
(Optional) The previously defined name for the captive portal group.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command replaced the show ssg http-redirect group command. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display information about the captive portal groups and their associated networks defined in your system. If you omit the optional group-name argument, this command displays a list of all defined captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. If you specify the group-name argument, this command displays information about that group and its associated networks.
The following example shows how to display a list of all of the defined captive portal groups:
Router# show ssg tcp-redirect group Current TCP redirect groups: RedirectServer CaptivateServer SMTPServer SSD Unauthenticated user redirect group:RedirectServer Default service redirect group:SSD SMTP forwarding group:SMTPServer, for all users Default initial captivation group:CaptivateServer, for 10 seconds Default advertising captivation group:CaptivateServer, for 30 seconds approximately every 3600 seconds
Table 48
Field Current TCP redirect groups: Default service redirect group: SSD SMTP forwarding group: SMTPServer, for all users
Description List of all TCP-redirect groups. Default service redirect group. SMTP redirection settings.
Default initial captivation group: CaptivateServer, Default initial captivation group, name of for 10 seconds captivation, and duration of captivation. Default advertising captivation group: CaptivateServer, for 30 seconds approximately every 3600 seconds Default advertising captivation group, name of captivation group, duration, and frequency of advertising captivation.
The following example shows how to display a detailed description of the captive portal group called RedirectServer:
Router# show ssg tcp-redirect group RedirectServer TCP redirect group RedirectServer: Showing all TCP servers (Address, Port):, 8080, FastEthernet0/0 Networks to redirect to (network-list RedirectNw): /24 /16 TCP port to redirect: 80
Field Showing all TCP servers (Address, Port): 8080 FastEthernet0/0 Networks to redirect to (network-list RedirectNw): TCP port to redirect:
Description List of all servers. Server IP address. Server port number. Interface on which this server is reachable. List of networks. Network list name. Name of port-list (if port-list is used).
Related Commands
Description Turns on debug information for the SSG TCP Redirect for Services feature. Adds an IP address to a named network list. Defines a list of one or more IP networks that make up a named network list. Adds a TCP port to a named port list.
Command port-list
Description Defines a list of one or more TCP ports that make up a named port list and enters SSG-redirect-port configuration mode. Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Selects a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified named captive portal group. Redirects the traffic from authenticated users to a specified captive portal group. Adds a server to a captive portal group. Defines the group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enters SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group duration redirect port to redirect smtp group redirect unauthorized-service to redirect unauthenticated-user to server (SSG) server-group
Syntax Description
(Optional) Virtual path identifier (VPI)/virtual channel identifier (VCI) value, including the slash; for example, 3/33. (Optional) Displays the VCs mapped to a service name. (Optional) Service name.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows the VCs mapped to the service name Worldwide:
Router# show ssg vc-service-map service Worldwide Interface All From 3 /33 To None Service Name Worldwide Type non-exclusive
Related Commands
Syntax Description
ip-address interface
(Optional) Displays redirection mappings for this specific host. (Optional) Displays redirection mappings for the host connected to Service Selection Gateway (SSG) on the specified downlink interface.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. If you omit the optional ip-address argument, this command displays a list of all host IP addresses that currently have stored mappings. If you include the ip-address argument, this command displays any mappings for the host with the specified IP address. You can use the interface argument when SSG is running in port mapped host key mode to specify the downlink interface on which the host is connected to the SSG. Use the interface argument when you want to display information about a specific host where there are overlapping IP addresses among hosts. The TCP-redirect mappings are removed automatically after the TCP session terminates or has been idle for more than 60 seconds.
The following example displays all of the hosts that have redirect mappings stored on your system:
Router# show tcp-redirect mappings Authenticated hosts: TCP remapping Host: to servers (IP:Port) ### Total authenticated hosts being redirected = 1 Unauthenticated hosts: TCP remapping Host: to server: on port:8080
The following example displays detailed mapping for the host at IP address
Router# show tcp-redirect mappings TCP remapping Host: TCP remapping to server: on port:8080 Connection Mappings (src port <-> dest IP,dest port,timestamp, flags): 11092 <->,80,730967636,0x1 TCP remapping to server: on port:25 Connection Mappings (src port <-> dest IP,dest port,timestamp,flags): 11093 <->,25,730967652,0x0
Field Authenticated hosts TCP remapping Host: Unauthenticated hosts TCP remapping Host: to server: on port:8080 dest IP, dest port, timestamp 0x1
Description List of all authenticated hosts having mappings. Host IP address. List of server and port to which this host is being redirected. List of unauthenticated host IP addresses. Unauthenticated host IP address. Server IP address and port. Timestamp when the last packet was translated using this mapping. State of the TCP connection. 0x0 indicates a fully active session. Other values can indicate that the session has shut down partially or fully. 0x01 indicates a session reset. 0x1E indicates the session has terminated.
Related Commands
Command debug ssg tcp-redirect network (ssg-redirect) network-list port (ssg-redirect) port-list
Description Turns on debug information for the SSG TCP Redirect for Services feature. Adds an IP address to a named network list. Defines a list of one or more IP networks that make up a named network list. Adds a TCP port to a named port list. Defines a list of one or more TCP ports that make up a named port list and enters SSG-redirect-port configuration mode. Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Selects a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic.
redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group duration redirect port to redirect smtp group
Description Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group. Redirects traffic from authenticated users to a specified captive portal group. Adds a server to a captive portal group. Defines the group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enters SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
show vc-group
To display the names of all virtual circuit (VC) groups, use the show vc-group EXEC command. show vc-group [group-name]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Name defined by the vc-group command. If this argument is not specified, the names of all VC groups in the system are displayed.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
The following example shows the default display of the show vc-group EXEC command:
Router# show vc-group Name of All VC Groups: ====================== network-1
Related Commands
Description Displays all ATM PVCs, SVCs, and traffic information. Displays statistics about Frame Relay interfaces. Assigns multiple Frame Relay DLCIs to a VC group.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays information specific to X.25 over TCP (XOT) contexts. (Optional) Specific serial interface. (Optional) Specific data-link connection identifier (DLCI) link. (Optional) Local Connection Mode Network Service (CMNS) interface type and number. CMNS interface types are Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI. The interface numbering scheme depends on the router interface hardware. (Optional) Hardware address of the CMNS interface.
mac mac-address
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to display information about X.25 failover. The xot keyword was added to display information specific to XOT contexts.
XOT Example
The following is sample output from the show x25 context command with the xot keyword:
Router# show x25 context xot XOT Access-group 2 PROFILE mod128 station DXE/DTE, address 2222, state R1, modulo 128, timer 0 Defaults: idle VC timeout 0 input/output window sizes 80/80, packet sizes 256/256 Timers: T20 180, T21 200, T22 180, T23 180 RESTARTs 0/0 CALLs 5+0/7+0/0+0 DIAGs 0/0 XOT Access-group 3 station DXE/DTE, address <none>, state R1, modulo 8, timer 0 Defaults: idle VC timeout 0 input/output window sizes 2/2, packet sizes 128/128 Timers: T20 180, T21 200, T22 180, T23 180 RESTARTs 0/0 CALLs 21+0/50+0/0+0 DIAGs 0/0
The following is sample output from the show x25 context command:
Router# show x25 context interface serial 1 Serial1 DLCI 20 PROFILE DCE, address <none>, state R1, modulo 8, timer 0 Defaults: idle VC timeout 0 input/output window sizes 2/2, packet sizes 128/128 Timers: T10 60, T11 180, T12 60, T13 60 Channels: Incoming-only none, Two-way 1-1024, Outgoing-only none RESTARTs 1/0 CALLs 0+0/0+0/0+0 DIAGs 0/0 LAPB DCE, state CONNECT, modulo 8, k 7, N1 12056, N2 20 T1 3000, T2 0, interface outage (partial T3) 0, T4 0 VS 7, VR 6, tx NR 6, Remote VR 7, Retransmissions 0 Queues: U/S frames 0, I frames 0, unack. 0, reTx 0 IFRAMEs 111/118 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 SABM/Es 14/1 FRMRs 0/0 DISCs 0/0
The following is sample output from the show x25 context command when the X.25 Failover feature is configured. The Fail-over delay field appears when the primary interface has gone down and come back up again. The number of seconds indicates the time remaining until the secondary interface will reset.
Router# show x25 context Serial1 DLCI 33 PROFILE dxe/DCE, address 3032, state R1, modulo 8, timer 0 Defaults:idle VC timeout 0 input/output window sizes 2/2, packet sizes 128/128 Timers:T20 180, T21 200, T22 180, T23 180 Channels:Incoming-only none, Two-way 1-4095, Outgoing-only none RESTARTs 12/0 CALLs 5+4/0+0/0+0 DIAGs 0/0 Fail-over delay:16 seconds remaining on Dialer0 LAPB dxe/DCE, state CONNECT, modulo 8, k 7, N1 12056, N2 20 T1 3000, T2 0, interface outage (partial T3) 0, T4 0 VS 1, VR 1, tx NR 1, Remote VR 1, Retransmissions 0 Queues:U/S frames 0, I frames 0, unack. 0, reTx 0 IFRAMEs 97/88 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 SABM/Es 55490/12 FRMRs 186/0 DISCs
Description Number of the XOT access group. X.25 profile associated with the XOT access group. Address to which the interface is connected. State of the interface. Possible values are as follows: R1 normal ready state R2DTE 1 restarting state R3DCE 2 restarting state If the state is R2 or R3, the interface is awaiting acknowledgment of a Restart packet.
Table 51
Field timer
Description Interface timer value (zero unless the interface state is R2 or R3).
Defaults: idle VC timeout Inactivity time before clearing the virtual circuit. input/output window sizes Default window sizes (in packets) for the interface. The x25 facility interface configuration command can be used to override these default values for the switched virtual circuits originated by the router. packet sizes Default maximum packet sizes (in bytes) for the interface. The x25 facility interface configuration command can be used to override these default values for the switched virtual circuits originated by the router. Values of the X.25 timers are as follows: T10 through T13 for a DCE device T20 through T23 for a DTE device Channels RESTARTs CALLs Virtual circuit ranges for this interface. Restart packet statistics for the interface using the format Sent/Received. (number of successful calls sent + calls failed)/(calls received + calls failed)/(calls forwarded + calls failed). Calls forwarded are counted as calls sent. Number of diagnostic messages sent and received. Number of seconds remaining until secondary interface resets.
Related Commands
Description Displays information about configured X.25 profiles. Displays information about active X.25 virtual circuits. Configures an X.25 profile without allocating any hardware-specific information.
Syntax Description
Displays CUGs by locally significant CUG identifier. (Optional) Local CUG number (0 to 9999). If you do not specify a CUG number, information for all CUGs will be displayed. Displays CUGs by network-translated CUG identifier. (Optional) Network CUG number (0 to 9999). If you do not specify a CUG number, information for all CUGs will be displayed.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to show information about CUG selection facility suppression. This command was modified to display information about all or specific CUGs configured on terminal lines.
Usage Guidelines
You must designate either the local CUG or the network CUG by the choice of keyword. Within that designation you can view all CUGs or a specific CUG defined by its local or network CUG identifier.
The following is sample output for the show x25 cug command when CUG selection facility is suppressed for all CUGs on serial interface 1/2 and for the preferential CUG on the X.25 profile named cug.
Router# show x25 cug local-cug X.25 Serial1/2, 2 CUGs subscribed with no public access CUG selection facility suppressed for all CUGs local-cug 100 <-> network-cug 10 local-cug 1 <-> network-cug 11 PROFILE cug, 2 CUGs subscribed with incoming public access CUG selection facility suppressed for preferential CUG local-cug 0 <-> network-cug 0 , preferential local-cug 100 <-> network-cug 100 local-cug 200 <-> network-cug 200
The following sample output from the show x25 cug local-cug command displays information about all local CUGs on configured on the router.
Router# show x25 cug local-cug X.25 Serial1/1, 3 CUGs subscribed with no public access local-cug 99 <-> network-cug 9999, no-incoming, preferential local-cug 100 <-> network-cug 1000 local-cug 101 <-> network-cug 1001 PROFILE cugs, 2 CUGs subscribed with with incoming public access local-cug 1 <-> network-cug 10, no-outgoing local-cug 2 <-> network-cug 20, no-incoming, preferential Line: 129 aux 0 , 1 CUGs subscribed with outgoing public access local-cug 1 <-> network-cug 10 Line: 130 vty 0 , 4 CUGs subscribed with incoming and outgoing public access local-cug 1 <-> network-cug 10 local-cug 50 <-> network-cug 5, preferential local-cug 60 <-> network-cug 6, no-incoming local-cug 70 <-> network-cug 7, no-outgoing Line: 131 vty 1 , 1 CUGs subscribed with no public access local-cug 1 <-> network-cug 10
The following is sample output from the show x25 cug network-cug command specifically for network number 10 showing that local CUG 1 is associated with it.
Router# show x25 cug network-cug 10 X.25 Serial1/2, 5 CUGs subscribed with no public access network-cug 10 <-> local-cug 1 PROFILE cugs, 2 CUGs subscribed with no public access network-cug 10 <-> local-cug 1 , no-outgoing Line: 129 aux 0 , 1 CUGs subscribed with no public access network-cug 10 <-> local-cug 1 Line: 130 vty 0 , 4 CUGs subscribed with incoming and outgoing public access network-cug 10 <-> local-cug 1 Line: 131 vty 1 , 1 CUGs subscribed with no public access network-cug 10 <-> local-cug 1
Description DCE interface with X.25 CUG service subscription. X.25 profile with X.25 CUG service subscription. Terminal line with X.25 CUG service subscription. Local CUG details. Network CUG details. Identifies which CUG, if any, is preferred. A single CUG listed for an interface is assumed to be preferred.
Related Commands
x25 subscribe cug-service Enables and controls standard CUG behavior on an X.25 DCE interface.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The command output status field was modified to include unoperational as a type of interface status.
Usage Guidelines
Use the clear counters or the clear x25 commands in EXEC mode to clear the count of VCs in use in the status field and the number of bytes of data transmitted and received in the traffic field. Since the uses field is a hunt-group-specific counter, it will not be cleared using the clear counters or clear x25 commands. The uses field is only cleared at boot time or when the hunt group is defined.
The following is sample output from the show x25 hunt-group command:
Router# show x25 hunt-group ID Type Target uses status traffic(out/in) ================================================================================= HG1 rotary Serial1 2 next 1158/1691 Serial2 2 next 1328/2146 xot 2 last_used 137/3154 xot 1 next 137/3154
Serial2 Serial3
4 2
5 VCs 1 VC
6921/1364 70/1259
Description Hunt group name. Method of load balancing (rotary or vc-count). Range of interfaces that a call within the hunt group can go to.
Table 53
Description Total number of call attempts (failed plus successful) made to the interface. State of interface at that moment. The status of an interface may be one of the following:
nextInterface will be used next for rotary distribution method. last usedInterface was just used for rotary distribution method. unavailableInterface is shutdown. fullAll logical channels on the interface are in use. # VC(vc-count only) Number of VCs currently in use on the interface. unoperAll VCs on the interface are unoperational.
traffic (out/in)
Related Commands
Description Restarts an X.25 or CMNS service, clears an SVC, or resets a PVC. Creates and maintains a hunt group.
Syntax Description
(Optional) Keyword serial and number of the serial interface used for X.25. (Optional) Local CMNS interface type and number, plus the MAC address of the remote device. CMNS interface types are Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI. The interface numbering scheme depends on the router interface hardware.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.2
The following show x25 interface sample output displays X.25 information about VCs on serial interface 0:
Router# show x25 interface serial 0 SVC 1, State: D1, Interface: Serial0 Started 00:13:52, last input 00:00:05, output never Connects 3334 <-> ip Call PID ietf, Data PID none Window size input: 7, output: 7 Packet size input: 512, output: 512 PS: 0 PR: 6 ACK: 1 Remote PR: 0 RCNT: 5 RNR: no P/D state timeouts: 0 timer (secs): 0 data bytes 0/2508 packets 0/54 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0 SVC 32, State: D1, Interface: Serial0.11 Started 00:16:53, last input 00:00:37, output 00:00:28 Connects 3334 <-> clns Call PID cisco, Data PID none Window size input: 7, output: 7 Packet size input: 512, output: 512 PS: 5 PR: 4 ACK: 4 Remote PR: 4 RCNT: 0 RNR: no P/D state timeouts: 0 timer (secs): 0 data bytes 378/360 packets 21/20 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to display record boundary preservation information for address maps.
Usage Guidelines
The show x25 map command displays information about the following:
Configured maps (defined by the x25 map command) Maps implicitly defined by encapsulation permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) (defined by the encapsulating version of the x25 pvc command) Dynamic maps (from the X.25 Defense Data Network [DDN] or Blacker Front End [BFE] operations)
The following is sample output of the show x25 map command for a router that is configured with record boundary preservation (RBP) using the x25 pvc rbp remote command:
Router# show x25 map Serial1/0:-> rbp, destination host port 9999 PVC, 1 VC:1/P
The following is sample output of the show x25 map command for a router that is configured with RBP using the x25 map rbp remote command:
Router# show x25 map Serial3/0:12132 -> rbp, destination host port 9999 permanent, 1 VC:1024
The following is sample output of the show x25 map command for a router that is configured with RBP using the x25 pvc rbp local command:
Router# show x25 map Serial3/0:<- rbp, listening at port 9999 PVC, 1 VC:2/P
The following is sample output of the show x25 map command for a router that is configured with RBP using the x25 map rbp local command:
Router# show x25 map Serial1/0:12131 <- rbp, listening at port 9999 permanent, 1 VC:1
Field Serial1/0 12131 -> rbp <- rbp destination host port 9999 listening at port 9999 permanent PVC
Description Interface on which this map is configured. (For SVCs only) X.121 address of the remote host. If any call user data is configured, it will appear in this field also. Indicates an outgoing TCP session that is configured to use RBP. Indicates an incoming TCP session that is configured to use RBP. IP address and port number of the destination host for an outgoing TCP session. Port number on which the router is listening for a TCP connection request for incoming TCP sessions. Indicates that the address map was explicitly configured using the x25 map rbp local or x25 rbp remote command. Indicates that the address map was created when a PVC was configured using the x25 pvc rbp local or x25 pvc rbp remote command. Number of circuits associated with the map, followed by a list of circuit numbers. /P indicates a PVC.
1 VC:1
The following is sample output from the show x25 map for five maps that were configured with the x25 map command:
Router# show x25 map Serial0: X.121 1311001 <--> ip PERMANENT, BROADCAST, 2 VCS: 3 4 Serial0: X.121 1311005 <--> appletalk 128.1 PERMANENT Serial1: X.121 2194441 cud hello <--> pad PERMANENT, windowsize 5 5, accept-reverse, idle 5 Serial1: X.121 1311005 <--> bridge PERMANENT, BROADCAST Serial2: X.121 001003 <--> apollo 1.3, appletalk 1.3, ip, decnet 1.3, novell 1.0000.0c04.35df, vines 00000001:0003, xns 1.0000.0c04.35df, clns PERMANENT, NVC 8, 1 VC: 1024
The display shows that five maps have been configured for a router: two for serial interface 0, two for serial interface 1, and one for the serial interface 2 (which maps eight protocols to the host). Table 55 describes significant fields shown in the display.
Table 55 show x25 map Field Descriptions for Typical X.25 Maps
Description Interface on which this map is configured. X.121 address of the mapped encapsulation host. Type and address of the higher-level protocols mapped to the remote host. Bridge maps do not have a higher-level address; all bridge datagrams are sent to the mapped X.121 address. Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) maps refer to a configured neighbor as identified by the X.121 address. Address-mapping type that has been configured for the interface in this entry. Possible values include the following:
CONSTRUCTEDDerived with the DDN or BFE address conversion scheme. PERMANENTMap was entered with the x25 map interface configuration command. PVCMap was configured with the x25 pvc interface command.
If any options are configured for an address mapping, they are listed; the example shows a map that is configured to forward datagram broadcasts to the mapped host. If the map has any active virtual circuits, they are identified. Identifies the circuit number of the active virtual circuits. Note that a single protocol virtual circuit can be associated with a multiprotocol map.
2 VCs: 34
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to display the XOT access groups associated with an X.25 profile.
Usage Guidelines
When the X.25 profile name is not specified, the output shows all configured profiles for a given interface.
The following sample output from the show x25 profile command displays details about the X.25 profile called XOT-DEFAULT:
Router# show x25 profile XOT-DEFAULT X.25 profile name: XOT-DEFAULT In use by: Access-group 2 Access-group 10 PROFILE dxe/DTE, address 12345, state R/Inactive, modulo 128, timer 0 Defaults: idle VC timeout 0 input/output window sizes 20/20, packet sizes 256/256 Timers: T20 180, T21 200, T22 180, T23 180 Channels: Incoming-only none, Two-way 1-4095, Outgoing-only none
The following sample output from the show x25 profile command displays all profiles configured on the same interface:
Router# show x25 profile X.25 profile name:NetworkNodeA Number of references:2 In use by: Annex G:Serial1 DLCI 20 Annex G:Serial1 DLCI 30 PROFILE DCE, address <none>, state R/Inactive, modulo 128, timer 0 Defaults:idle VC timeout 5 input/output window sizes 2/2, packet sizes 128/128 Timers:T10 60, T11 180, T12 60, T13 60 Channels:Incoming-only none, Two-way 1-128, Outgoing-only none LAPB DCE, modulo 8, k 7, N1 default, N2 20 T1 3000, T2 0, interface outage (partial T3) 0, T4 0
X.25 profile name:NetworkNodeB Number of references:1 In use by: Annex G:Serial1 DLCI 40 PROFILE DTE, address 1111, state R/Inactive, modulo 8, timer 0 Defaults:idle VC timeout 0 input/output window sizes 2/2, packet sizes 128/128 Timers:T20 180, T21 200, T22 180, T23 180 Channels:Incoming-only none, Two-way 1-1024, Outgoing-only none LAPB DTE, modulo 8, k 7, N1 default, N2 20 T1 3000, T2 0, interface outage (partial T3) 0, T4 0
Description Number of X.25 connections using this profile. Shows the interface, XOT access group, and X.25 service using this profile. Address to which interface is connected. State of the interface. Possible values are as follows: R1normal ready state R2DTE 1 restarting state R3DCE 2 restarting state If the state is R2 or R3, the interface is awaiting acknowledgment of a Restart packet.
Value that determines the packet sequence numbering scheme used. Interface timer value (zero unless the interface state is R2 or R3). Inactivity time before clearing the virtual circuit. Default window sizes (in packets) for the interface. The x25 facility interface configuration command can be used to override these default values for the switched virtual circuits originated by the router. Default maximum packet sizes (in bytes) for the interface. The x25 facility interface configuration command can be used to override these default values for the switched virtual circuits originated by the router. Values of the X.25 timers are as follows: T10 through T13 for a DCE device T20 through T23 for a DTE device
packet sizes
Related Commands
Description Displays details of an Annex G DLCI link. Displays information about active X.25 virtual circuits. Configures an X.25 profile without allocating any hardware-specific information.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The dns keyword was added.
The following example shows output from the show x25 route command:
Router# show x25 route # 1 2 3 4 Match dest ^1311001$ dest ^1311002$ dest 444 dest 555 Substitute Route To Serial0, 0 uses xot xot dns \0 xot dns \0
Description Number identifying the entry in the X.25 routing table. The match criteria and patterns associated with this entry. Destination to which the router will forward a call; X.25 destinations identify an interface; CMNS destinations identify an interface and host MAC address; XOT destinations either identify up to six IP addresses (#2), or the x25 route pattern for retrieving up to six IP addresses from the DNS (#3 and #4).
Related Commands
Description Creates an entry in the X.25 routing table (to be consulted for forwarding incoming calls and for placing outgoing PAD or protocol translation calls).
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
The following is sample output from the show x25 services command:
Router# show x25 services X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. 3 configurations supporting 3 active contexts VCs allocated, freed and in use: 7 - 0 = 7 VCs active and idle: 4, 3 XOT software, Version 2.0.0. VCs allocated, freed and in use: 2 - 1 = 1 connections in-progress: 0 outgoing and 0 incoming active VCs: 1, connected to 1 remote hosts
Related Commands
Command show x25 interface show x25 map show x25 route show x25 vc
Description Displays information about VCs that use an X.25 interface and, optionally, about a specified VC. Displays information about configured address maps. Displays the X.25 routing table. Displays information about active SVCs and PVCs.
show x25 vc
To display information about active switched virtual circuits (SVCs) and permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), use the show x25 vc command in privileged EXEC mode. show x25 vc [lcn]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced in a release prior to Release 8.3. This command was modified to display information about record boundary preservation.
Usage Guidelines
To examine a particular virtual circuit number, add an LCN argument to the show x25 vc command. This command displays information about virtual circuits (VCs). VCs may be used for a number of purposes, such as the following:
Encapsulation traffic Traffic switched between X.25 services (X.25, Connection-Mode Network Service [CMNS], and X.25 over TCP/IP [XOT]) PAD traffic QLLC traffic
The connectivity information displayed will vary according to the traffic carried by the VC. For multiprotocol circuits, the output varies depending on the number and identity of the protocols mapped to the X.121 address and the encapsulation method selected for the circuit.
The following is sample output of the show x25 vc command for a PVC configured with record boundary preservation (RBP):
Router# show x25 vc PVC 2, State:D1, Interface:Serial3/0 Started 00:08:08, last input 00:00:01, output 00:00:01 recordsize:1500, connected local address port 9999; remote address port 11029 deferred ack:1 Window size input:2, output:2 Packet size input:128, output:128 PS:2 PR:2 ACK:1 Remote PR:2 RCNT:1 RNR:no P/D state timeouts:0 timer (secs):0 data bytes 8000/8000 packets 80/80 Resets 9/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Table 58 describes the fields shown in the sample output that are typical for virtual circuits.
Table 58 show x25 vc Field Descriptions
Description Identifies the type of virtual circuit (switched or permanent) and its LCN (also called its virtual circuit number). State of the virtual circuit (which is independent of the states of other virtual circuits); D1 is the normal ready state. See the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) 1 X.25 Recommendation for a description of virtual circuit states. Interface or subinterface on which the virtual circuit is established. Time elapsed since the virtual circuit was created. Time of last input. Time of last output. Traffic-specific connection information. See Table 60, Table 61, Table 62, and Table 63 for more information. Indicates that the X.25 D-bit (Delivery Confirmation) may be used on this circuit (displayed as needed). Indicates that the Fast Select facility was present on the incoming call (displayed as needed). Indicates reverse charged virtual circuit (displayed as needed). Window sizes for the virtual circuit. Maximum packet sizes for the virtual circuit. Current send sequence number. Current receive sequence number. Last acknowledged incoming packet. Last receive sequence number received from the other end of the circuit. Count of unacknowledged input packets. State of the Receiver Not Ready flag; this field is true if the network sends a Receiver-not-Ready packet. This line appears if the router cannot transmit any more packets until the X.25 Layer 3 peer has acknowledged some outstanding packets. Number of times a supervisory packet (Reset or Clear) has been retransmitted. A nonzero time value indicates that a control packet has not been acknowledged yet or that the virtual circuit is being timed for inactivity. Number of bytes received and held for reassembly. Packets with the M-bit set are reassembled into datagrams for encapsulation virtual circuits; switched X.25 traffic is not reassembled (and is displayed only when values are not zero).
Interface Started last input output Connects... <-->.. D-bit permitted Fast select VC Reverse charged Window size Packet size PS PR ACK Remote PR RCNT RNR Window is closed P/D state timeouts Timer Reassembly
Held Number of X.25 data fragments to transmit to complete an outgoing datagram, Fragments/Packets and the number of datagram packets waiting for transmission (displayed only when values are not zero). data bytes m/n packets p/q Total number of data bytes sent (m), data bytes received (n), data packets sent (p), and data packets received (q) since the circuit was established.
Table 58
Description Total number of reset packets transmitted/received since the circuit was established. Total number of Receiver Not Ready packets transmitted/received since the circuit was established. Total number of Reject packets transmitted/received since the circuit was established. Total number of Interrupt packets transmitted/received since the circuit was established.
1. The ITU-T carries out the functions of the former Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT).
Table 59 describes the fields specific to VCs configured with record boundary preservation.
Table 59 show x25 vc Field Descriptions for VCs That Use Record Boundary Preservation
Field recordsize connected local address; port remote address; port input queue record buffer
Description Maximum record size for the session. Connection status. IP address and port number of the local end of the TCP session. IP address and port number of the remote end of the TCP session. Number of inbound X.25 data packets not yet processed. This field appears in the display only when the value is not zero. Number of bytes of X.25 data in the current partial record (not including data packets in the input queue). This field appears in the display only when the value is not zero. Number of X.25 data packets that have been received and processed but not yet acknowledged. This field appears in the display only when the value is not zero.
deferred ack
The following is sample output of the show x25 vc command used on an encapsulated traffic circuit:
Router# show x25 vc 1024 SVC 1024, State: D1, Interface: Serial0 Started 0:00:31, last input 0:00:31, output 0:00:31 Connects 170090 <--> compressedtcp ip Call PID multi, Data PID ietf Reverse charged Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 5 PR: 5 ACK: 4 Remote PR: 5 RCNT: 1 RNR: FALSE Window is closed P/D state timeouts: 0 Timer (secs): 0 data bytes 505/505 packets 5/5 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Description The X.121 address of the remote host. The higher-level protocol and address values that are mapped to the virtual circuit. Identifies the method used for protocol identification (PID) in the Call User Data (CUD) field. Because PVCs are not set up using a Call packet, this field is not displayed for encapsulation PVCs. The available methods are as follows:
ciscoCiscos traditional method was used to set up a single protocol virtual circuit. ietfThe IETFs standard RFC 1356 method was used to set up a single protocol virtual circuit. snapThe IETFs Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP) method for IP encapsulation was used. multithe IETFs multiprotocol encapsulation method was used.
Data PID
Identifies the method used for PID when sending datagrams. The available methods are as follows:
noneThe virtual circuit is a single-protocol virtual circuit; no PID is used. ietfThe IETFs standard RFC 1356 method for identifying the protocol is used. snapThe IETFs SNAP method for identifying IP datagrams is used.
The following is sample output of the show x25 vc command used on a virtual circuit carrying locally switched X.25 traffic:
Router# show x25 vc PVC 1, State: D1, Interface: Serial2 Started 0:01:26, last input never, output never PVC <--> Serial1 PVC 1, connected Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 0 PR: 0 ACK: 0 Remote PR: 0 RCNT: 0 RNR: FALSE P/D state timeouts: 0 Timer (secs): 0 data bytes 0/0 packets 0/0 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0 SVC 5, State: D1, Interface: Serial2 Started 0:00:16, last input 0:00:15, output 0:00:15 Connects 170093 <--> 170090 from Serial1 VC 5 Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 5 PR: 5 ACK: 4 Remote PR: 5 RCNT: 1 RNR: FALSE P/D state timeouts: 0 Timer (secs): 0 data bytes 505/505 packets 5/5 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Table 61 describes the connection fields for virtual circuits carrying locally switched X.25 traffic.
Table 61
Description Indicates a switched connection between two PVCs. Identifies the other half of a local PVC connection. Identifies connection status for a switched connection between two PVCs. See Table 64 for PVC status messages. Identifies the Calling (source) Address of the connection. If a Calling Address Extension was encoded in the call facilities, it is also displayed. If the source host is a CMNS host, its MAC address is also displayed. Identifies the Called (destination) Address of the connection. If a Called Address Extension was encoded in the call facilities, it is also displayed. If the destination host is a CMNS host, its MAC address is also displayed. Indicates the direction of the call and the connecting interface. Identifies the circuit type and LCN for the connecting interface. VC indicates an SVC, and PVC indicates a PVC. If the connecting host is a CMNS host, its MAC address is also displayed.
from Serial1 VC 5
The following is sample output of the show x25 vc command used on a virtual circuit carrying locally switched PVC-to-SVC X.25 traffic:
Router# show x25 vc PVC 5, State: D1, Interface: Serial0 Started 4d21h, last input 00:00:14, output 00:00:14 Connects 101600 <--> 201700 from Serial2 VC 700 D-bit permitted Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 5 PR: 5 ACK: 4 Remote PR: 5 RCNT: 1 RNR: no P/D state timeouts: 0 timer (secs): 0 data bytes 1000/1000 packets 10/10 Resets 1/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0 SVC 700, State: D1, Interface: Serial2 Started 00:00:16, last input 00:00:16, output 00:00:16 Connects 101600 <--> 201700 from Serial0 PVC 5 Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 5 PR: 5 ACK: 5 Remote PR: 4 RCNT: 0 RNR: no P/D state timeouts: 0 timer (secs): 103 data bytes 500/500 packets 5/5 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Table 62 describes the connection fields for virtual circuits carrying locally switched X.25 traffic between PVCs and SVCs.
Table 62
Field 101600
Description Identifies the Calling (source) Address of the connection. If a Calling Address Extension was encoded in the call facilities, it is also displayed. If the source host is a CMNS host, its MAC address is also displayed. Identifies the Called (destination) Address of the connection. If a Called Address Extension was encoded in the call facilities, it is also displayed. If the destination host is a CMNS host, its MAC address is also displayed. Indicates the direction of the call and the connecting interface. Identifies the circuit type and LCN for the connecting interface. VC indicates an SVC and PVC indicates a PVC. If the remote host is a CMNS host, its MAC address is also displayed.
The following is sample output from the show x25 vc command used on a virtual circuit carrying remotely switched X.25 traffic:
Router# show x25 vc PVC 2, State: D1, Interface: Serial2 Started 0:01:25, last input never, output never PVC <--> [] Serial2/0 PVC 1 connected XOT between, 1998 and, 27801 Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 0 PR: 0 ACK: 0 Remote PR: 0 RCNT: 0 RNR: FALSE P/D state timeouts: 0 Timer (secs): 0 Reassembly (bytes): 0 Held Fragments/Packets: 0/0 data bytes 0/0 packets 0/0 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0 SVC 6, State: D1, Interface: Serial2 Started 0:00:04, last input 0:00:04, output 0:00:04 Connects 170093 <--> 170090 from XOT between, 1998 and, 27896 Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 5 PR: 5 ACK: 4 Remote PR: 5 RCNT: 1 RNR: FALSE P/D state timeouts: 0 Timer (secs): 0 Reassembly (bytes): 0 Held Fragments/Packets: 0/0 data bytes 505/505 packets 5/5 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0
Table 63 describes the connection fields for virtual circuits carrying remotely switched X.25 traffic.
Table 63 show x25 vc Remote X.25 Traffic Field Descriptions
Description Flags PVC information. Indicates the IP address of the router remotely connecting the PVC. Identifies the remote interface and PVC number. Identifies connection status for a switched connection between two PVCs. See Table 64 for PVC status messages.
Table 63
Description Identifies the Calling (source) Address of the connection. If a Calling Address Extension was encoded in the call facilities, it is also displayed. Identifies the Called (destination) Address of the connection. If a Called Address Extension was encoded in the call facilities, it is also displayed. Indicates the direction of the call. Identifies the IP addresses and port numbers of the X.25-over-TCP (XOT) connection.
Table 64 lists the PVC states that can be reported. These states are also reported by the debug x25 command in PVC-SETUP packets (for remote PVCs only). Some states apply only to remotely switched PVCs.
Table 64 X.25 PVC Status Messages
Description A remote PVC has initiated an XOT TCP connection and is waiting for a reply to the setup message.
cant support flow control values The window sizes or packet sizes of the PVC cannot be supported by one of its two interfaces. connected dest. disconnected dest interface is not up dest PVC config mismatch mismatched flow control values no such dest. interface no such dest. PVC non-X.25 dest. interface PVC/TCP connect timed out PVC/TCP connection refused PVC/TCP routing error trying to connect via TCP waiting to connect The PVC is up. The other end has disconnected the PVC. The target interfaces X.25 service is down. The targeted PVC is already connected. The configured flow control values do not match. The remote destination interface was reported to be in error by the remote router. The targeted PVC does not exist. The target interface is not configured for X.25. A remote PVC XOT TCP connection attempt timed out. A remote PVC XOT TCP connection was tried and refused. A remote PVC XOT TCP connection routing error was reported. A remote PVC XOT TCP connection is established and is in the process of connecting. The PVC is waiting to be processed for connecting.
Syntax Description
local ip-address [port port] remote ip-address [port port] access-group access-group-number
(Optional) Local IP address and optional port number. (Optional) Remote IP address and optional port number. (Optional) Displays configuration information about XOT access groups. (Optional) Displays configuration information about a specific XOT access group.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. Access group options were added.
The following show x25 xot sample output displays information about all XOT virtual circuits:
Router# show x25 xot SVC 11, State: D1, Interface: [,1998/,11002] Started 00:00:08, last input 00:00:08, output 00:00:08 Line: 0 con 0 Location: Host: 5678 111 connected to 5678 PAD <--> XOT,1998 Window size input: 2, output: 2 Packet size input: 128, output: 128 PS: 2 PR: 3 ACK: 3 Remote PR: 2 RCNT: 0 RNR: no P/D state timeouts: 0 timer (secs): 0 data bytes 54/18 packets 2/3 Resets 0/0 RNRs 0/0 REJs 0/0 INTs 0/0\
The following example shows sample output for the show x25 xot command with the access-group keyword:
Router# show x25 xot access-group xot access-group 1 using built-in default configuration xot access-group 10 using x.25 profile ocean xot access-group 55 using x.25 profile river
Related Commands
Description Displays information about VCs that use an X.25 interface and, optionally, about a specified VC. Displays information pertaining to the X.25 services.
shutdown (FR-ATM)
To shut down a Frame Relay-ATM Network Interworking (FRF.5) connection or a Frame Relay-ATM Service Interworking (FRF.8) connection, use the shutdown command in FRF.5 or FRF.8 connect configuration mode. To disable disconnection, use the no form of this command. shutdown no shutdown
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
An FRF.5 or FRF.8 connection must be manually shut down once the interworking connection is created by use of the shutdown command.
Related Commands
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(5)T
Related Commands
Description Defines a range of ATM PVCs. Deactivates an individual PVC within a PVC range.
shutdown (PVC-in-range)
To deactivate an individual permanent virtual circuit (PVC) within a PVC range, use the shutdown command in PVC-in-range configuration mode. To reactivate an individual PVC within PVC range, use the no form of this command. shutdown no shutdown
Syntax Description
Command Modes
PVC-in-range configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(5)T
In the following example, pvc1 within the PVC range called range1 is deactivated:
interface atm 6/0.110 multipoint range range1 pvc 100 4/199 pvc-in-range pvc1 7/104 shutdown
Related Commands
Command pvc-in-range
smds address
To specify the Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) individual address for a particular interface, use the smds address interface configuration command. To remove the address from the configuration file, use the no form of this command. smds address smds-address no smds address smds-address
Syntax Description
No address is specified.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
All addresses for SMDS service are assigned by the service provider, and can be assigned to individuals and groups. Addresses are entered in the Cisco SMDS configuration software using an E prefix for multicast addresses and a C prefix for unicast addresses. Cisco IOS software expects the addresses to be entered in E.164 format, which is 64 bits. The first 4 bits are the address type, and the remaining 60 bits are the address. If the first 4 bits are 1100 (0xC), the address is a unicast SMDS address, which is the address of an individual SMDS host. If the first 4 bits are 1110 (0xE), the address is a multicast SMDS address, which is used to broadcast a packet to multiple end points. The 60 bits of the address are in binary-coded decimal (BCD) format. Each 4 bits of the address field presents a single telephone number digit, allowing for up to 15 digits. At a minimum, you must specify at least 11 digits (44 bits). Unused bits at the end of this field are filled with ones.
If bridging is enabled on any interface, the SMDS address is erased and must be reentered.
smds dxi
To enable the Data Exchange Interface (DXI) version 3.2 support, use the smds dxi interface configuration command. To disable the DXI 3.2 support, use the no form of this command. smds dxi no smds dxi
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Adding this command to the configuration enables the DXI version 3.2 mechanism and encapsulates SMDS packets in a DXI frame before they are transmitted. DXI 3.2 adds an additional 4 bytes to the SMDS packet header to communicate with the SMDS data service unit (SDSU). These bytes specify the frame type. The interface expects all packets to arrive with DXI encapsulation. The DXI 3.2 support also includes the heartbeat process as specified in the SIG-TS-001/1991 standard, revision 3.2. The heartbeat (active process) is enabled when both DXI and keepalives are enabled on the interface. The echo (passive process) is enabled when DXI is enabled on the interface. The heartbeat mechanism automatically generates a heartbeat poll frame every 10 seconds. This default value can be changed with the keepalive (LMI) command. Fast switching of DXI frames is supported, but Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) is not.
If you are running serial lines back-to-back, disable keepalive on SMDS interfaces. Otherwise, DXI declares the link down.
Switching in or out of DXI mode causes the IP cache to be cleared. This clearing process is necessary to remove all cached IP entries for the serial line being used. Stale entries must be removed to allow the new MAC header with or without DXI framing to be installed in the cache. This clearing process is not frequently done and is not considered to be a major performance penalty.
Related Commands
Description Enables the LMI mechanism for serial lines using Frame Relay encapsulation.
smds enable-arp
To enable dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), use the smds enable-arp interface configuration command. The multicast address for ARP must be set before this command is issued. To disable the interface once ARP has been enabled, use the no form of this command. smds enable-arp no smds enable-arp
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Related Commands
Command arp
Description Enables ARP entries for static routing over the SMDS network.
smds glean
To enable dynamic address mapping for Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) over Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS), use the smds glean interface configuration command. To disable dynamic address mapping for IPX over SMDS, use the no form of this command. smds glean protocol [timeout-value] [broadcast] no smds glean protocol
Syntax Description
protocol timeout-value
Protocol type. Only IPX is supported. (Optional) Time to live (TTL) value. Value can be from 1 to 65535 minutes. The default is 5 minutes. This value indicates how long a gleaned dynamic map is stored in the SMDS map table. (Optional) Marks the gleaned protocol address as a candidate for broadcast packets. All broadcast requests are sent to the unicast SMDS address.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.1
Usage Guidelines
The smds glean command uses incoming packets to dynamically map SMDS addresses to higher-level protocol addresses. Therefore the need for static map configuration for the IPX protocol is optional rather than mandatory. However, any static map configuration overrides the dynamic maps. If a map is gleaned and it already exists as a dynamic map, the timer for the dynamic map is reset to the default value or the user-specified value.
The following example enables dynamic address mapping for IPX on interface serial 0 and sets the time to live (TTL) to 14 minutes:
interface serial 0 encapsulation smds smds address c141.5797.1313.FFFF smds multicast ipx e1800.0999.9999.FFFF smds glean ipx 14
smds multicast
To assign a multicast Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) E.164 address to a higher-level protocol, use the smds multicast command in interface configuration mode. To remove an assigned multicast address, use the no form of this command. smds multicast protocol smds-address no smds multicast protocol smds-address
Syntax Description
protocol smds-address
Protocol type. See Table 65 for a list of supported protocols and their keywords. SMDS address. Because SMDS does not incorporate broadcast addressing, a group address for a particular protocol must be defined to serve the broadcast function.
No mapping is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The vines and xns arguments were removed because Banyan VINES and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
When configuring DECnet, you must enter all four DEC keywords (decnet, decnet_router-L1, decnet_router-L2, and decnet_node) in the configuration. Table 65 lists the high-level protocols supported by the smds multicast command.
Table 65 smds multicast Supported Protocols
Protocol AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol Transparent bridging International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) Multicast address for all CLNS end systems Multicast address for all CLNS intermediate systems DECnet
Table 65
Protocol DECnet multicast address for all end systems DECnet multicast address for all Level 1 (intra-area) routers DECnet multicast address for all Level 2 (interarea) routers Internet Protocol (IP) Novell IPX
For IP, the IP NETwork and MASK fields are no longer required. The Cisco IOS software accepts these arguments, but ignores the values. These were required commands for the previous multiple logical IP subnetworks configuration. The software continues to accept the arguments to allow for backward compatibility, but ignores the contents.
The following example maps the IP broadcast address to the SMDS group address E180.0999.9999:
interface serial 0 smds multicast IP E180.0999.9999.FFFF
Syntax Description
SMDS address in E.164 format. (Optional) IP address. (Optional) Subnet mask for the IP address.
No mapping is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is used only when an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) server is present on a network. When broadcast ARPs are sent, SMDS first attempts to send the packet to all multicast ARP SMDS addresses. If none exist in the configuration, broadcast ARPs are sent to all multicast IP SMDS multicast addresses. If the optional ARP multicast address is missing, each entered IP multicast command is used for broadcasting.
Related Commands
Syntax Description
No multicast SMDS address is defined. Spanning tree updates are disabled for transparent bridging across SMDS networks.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
To allow transparent bridging of packets across serial and High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI ) interfaces in an SMDS network, the SMDS interface must be added to an active bridge group. Also, standard bridging commands are necessary to enable bridging on an SMDS interface. When the smds multicast bridge command is added to the configuration, broadcast packets are encapsulated with the specified SMDS multicast address configured for bridging. Two broadcast Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets are sent to the multicast address. One is sent with a standard (SMDS) ARP encapsulation, while the other is sent with the ARP packet encapsulated in an 802.3 MAC header. The native ARP is sent as a regular ARP broadcast. Ciscos implementation of IEEE 802.6i transparent bridging for SMDS supports 802.3, 802.5, and FDDI frame formats. The router can accept frames with or without frame check sequence (FCS). Fast-switched transparent bridging is the default and is not configurable. If a packet cannot be fast switched, it is process switched. In Cisco IOS Release 10.2 software (or earlier), bridging over multiple logical IP subnetworks is not supported. Bridging of IP packets in a multiple logical IP subnetworks environment is unpredictable.
In the following example, all broadcast bridge packets are sent to the configured SMDS multicast address:
interface hssi 0 encapsulation smds smds address C120.1111.2222.FFFF ip address smds multicast bridge E180.0999.9999.FFFF bridge-group 5
Related Commands
Command bridge-group
smds multicast ip
To map a Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) group address to a secondary IP address, use the smds multicast ip interface configuration command. To remove the address map, use the no form of this command. smds multicast ip smds-address [ip-address mask] no smds multicast ip smds-address [ip-address mask]
Syntax Description
SMDS address in E.164 format. (Optional) IP address. (Optional) Subnet mask for the IP address.
The IP address and mask default to the primary address of the interface if they are left out of the configuration.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command allows a single SMDS interface to be treated as multiple logical IP subnetworks. If taking advantage of the multiple logical IP subnetworks support in SMDS, you can use more than one multicast address on the SMDS interface (by entering multiple commands). However, each smds multicast ip command entry must be associated with a different IP address on the SMDS interface. Broadcasts can be sent on the SMDS interface by means of the multicast address. By sending broadcasts in this manner, the router is not required to replicate broadcasts messages to every remote host. In addition, the higher-level protocols such as Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) can use the multicast capability by sending one update packet or routing packet to the multicast address. If the optional IP address and mask arguments are not present, the SMDS address and multicast address are associated with the primary IP address of the interface. This association allows the command to be backward compatible with earlier versions of the software. If an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) multicast address is missing, each entered IP multicast command is used for broadcasting. The ARP multicast command has the same format as the IP multicast command and is typically used only when an ARP server is present in the network.
All routers at the other end of the SMDS cloud must have the multiple logical IP subnetworks capability enabled. If you allocate a different SMDS subinterface for each logical IP subnetwork on the SMDS interface, you do not have to configure secondary IP addresses.
The following example configures an interface with two subinterfaces to support two different IP subnets with different multicast addresses to each network:
interface serial 2/0 encapsulation smds smds address C120.1111.2222.4444 interface serial 2/0.1 multipoint smds addr c111.3333.3333.3333 ip address smds multicast ip e222.2222.2222.2222 smds enable-arp interface serial 2/0.2 multipoint smds addr c111.2222.3333.3333.3333 ip address smds multicast ip E180.0999.9999.FFFF smds enable-arp
Related Commands
smds static-map
To configure a static map between an individual Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) address and a higher-level protocol address, use the smds static-map command in interface configuration mode. To remove the map, use the no form of this command with the appropriate arguments. smds static-map protocol protocol-address smds-address [broadcast] no smds static-map protocol protocol-address smds-address [broadcast]
Syntax Description
Higher-level protocol. It can be one of the following values: appletalk, clns, decnet, ip, or ipx. Address of the higher-level protocol. SMDS address, to complete the mapping. (Optional) Marks the specified protocol address as a candidate for broadcast packets. All broadcast requests are sent to the unicast SMDS address.
No mapping is defined.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The vines and xns arguments were removed because Banyan VINES and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
The smds static-map command provides pseudobroadcasting by allowing the use of broadcasts on those hosts that cannot support SMDS multicast addresses.
The following example illustrates how to enable pseudobroadcasting. The router at address C120.4444.9999 will receive a copy of the broadcast request because the broadcast keyword is specified with the smds static-map command. The host at address is incapable of receiving multicast packets. The multicasting is simulated with this feature.
interface hssi 0 encapsulation smds smds address C120.1111.2222.FFFF ip address smds static-map ip C120.4444.9999.FFFF broadcast smds enable-arp
The following example illustrates how to enable multicasting. In addition to IP and ARP requests to E100.0999.9999, the router at address C120.4444.9999 will also receive a copy of the multicast request. The host at address is incapable of receiving broadcast packets.
interface hssi 0 encapsulation smds smds address C120.1111.2222.FFFF ip address smds multicast ip E100.0999.999.FFFF smds static-map ip C120.4444.9999.FFFF smds enable-arp
sscop cc-timer
To change the connection control timer, use the sscop cc-timer interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. sscop cc-timer seconds no sscop cc-timer
Syntax Description
1 second
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The connection control timer determines the time between transmission of BGN (establishment), END (release), or RS (resynchronization) protocol data units (PDUs) as long as an acknowledgment has not been received.
Related Commands
sscop keepalive-timer
To change the keepalive timer, use the sscop keepalive-timer interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. sscop keepalive-timer seconds no sscop keepalive-timer seconds
Syntax Description
Number of seconds the router waits between transmission of POLL PDUs when no sequential data (SD) or SDP PDUs are queued for transmission or are outstanding pending acknowledgments.
5 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
sscop max-cc
To change the retry count of connection control, use the sscop max-cc interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. sscop max-cc retries no sscop max-cc
Syntax Description
Number of times that SSCOP will retry to transmit BGN (establishment), END (release), or RS (resynchronization) PDUs as long as an acknowledgment has not been received. Valid range is from 1 to 6000.
10 retries
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
The following example sets the retry count of the connection control to 20:
sscop max-cc 20
Related Commands
sscop poll-timer
To change the poll timer, use the sscop poll-timer interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. sscop poll-timer seconds no sscop poll-timer
Syntax Description
Number of seconds that the router waits between transmission of POLL PDUs.
100 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The poll timer controls the maximum time between transmission of POLL PDUs when SD or SDP PDUs are queued for transmission or are outstanding pending acknowledgments.
sscop receive-window
To change the receiver window, use the sscop receive-window interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. sscop receive-window packets no sscop receive-window
Syntax Description
Number of packets the interface can receive before it must send an acknowledgment to the ATM switch. Valid range is from 1 to 6000.
7 packets
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
sscop send-window
To change the transmitter window, use the sscop send-window interface configuration command. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command. sscop send-window packets no sscop send-window
Syntax Description
Number of packets the interface can send before it must receive an acknowledgment from the ATM switch. Valid range is from 1 to 6000.
7 packets
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Syntax Description
Number of seconds after which an accounting update will be sent to the accounting server. The range is from 60 to 2147483647 seconds, in increments of 60 seconds. The value entered will be rounded up to the next multiple of 60. Default is 600.
600 seconds
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to specify the interval at which accounting updates are sent to the accounting server.
The following example shows how to specify that SSG will send an accounting update to the accounting server every 60 seconds:
Router(config)# ssg accounting interval 60
Related Commands
ssg accounting
To enable Service Selection Gateway (SSG) accounting, use the ssg accounting command in global configuration mode. To disable the SSG accounting, use the no form of this command. ssg accounting no ssg accounting
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The ssg accounting command enables the sending of start, stop, and interim accounting records for hosts and connections.
The following example shows how to reenable SSG accounting if it has been disabled:
Router(config)# ssg accounting
Related Commands
Description Specifies the interval at which accounting updates are sent to the accounting server.
ssg auto-domain
To enable Service Selection Gateway (SSG) Autodomain, use the ssg auto-domain command in global configuration mode. To remove all Autodomain configuration from the running configuration and to prevent further activation of autodomains, use the no form of this command. ssg auto-domain no ssg auto-domain
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
To enable SSG Autodomain, use this command in global configuration mode. SSG must be enabled before the ssg auto-domain command can be entered.
The ssg auto-domain command enables basic Autodomain. In basic Autodomain, the profile downloaded from the AAA server for the Autodomain name is a service profile (either with or without SSG-specific attributes). By default, an attempt is made to find a valid service profile first based on Access Point Name (APN), then based on username. Use the mode extended command to configure Autodomain extended mode. Use the no ssg auto-domain command to prevent further activations of autodomains and to remove all Autodomain configuration from the running-configuration. Subsequent reissuing of the ssg auto-domain command restores Autodomain to its former state.
Related Commands
Description Adds to the Autodomain download exclusion list. Configures the Autodomain exclusion list.
Description Enables extended mode for SSG Autodomain. Enables NAT on Autodomain tunnel service. Configures the Autodomain selection mode.
show ssg auto-domain exclude-profile Displays the contents of an Autodomain exclude-profile downloaded from the AAA server. ssg enable Enables SSG functionality.
Syntax Description
interval seconds
(Optional) ARP ping interval, in seconds. The interval specified will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 30. An interval of less than 30 will be rounded up to 30 seconds. The default interval is 30 seconds.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
When the ssg auto-logoff arp command is configured, SSG will use the ARP ping mechanism to detect connectivity to hosts.
ARP ping should be used only in deployment situations in which all hosts are directly connected to the SSG through a broadcast interface such as an Ethernet interface or a bridged interface such as a routed bridge encapsulation (RBE) or an integrated routing and bridging (IRB) interface. ARP request packets are smaller than Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping packets, so it is recommended that you configure SSG auto logoff to use ARP ping in situation sin which hosts are directly connected. ICMP ping can be used in all types of deployment situations. See the ssg auto-logoff icmp command page for more information about SSG auto logoff using ICMP ping. ARP ping will work only on hosts that have a MAC address. So, for example, ARP ping will not work for PPP users because they do not have a MAC table entry. ARP ping does not support overlapping IP addresses. SSG autologoff that uses the ARP ping mechanism will not work for hosts with static ARP entries.
You can use only one method of SSG autologoff at a time: ARP ping or ICMP ping. If you configure SSG to use ARP ping after ICMP ping has been configured, the ICMP ping function will become disabled.
The following example shows how to enable SSG autologoff. SSG will use ARP ping to detect connectivity to hosts.
Router(config)# ssg auto-logoff arp interval 60
Related Commands
Description Configures the SSG to automatically log off hosts that have lost connectivity with SSG and to use the ICMP ping mechanism to detect connectivity.
Syntax Description
(Optional) ICMP ping response timeout. The default is 500 milliseconds. (Optional) Number of ICMP ping packets that will be sent after a ping packet indicates that a host is unreachable. The default is 2 packets. (Optional) ICMP ping interval, in seconds. The interval specified will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 30. An interval less than 30 will be rounded up to 30 seconds. The default interval is 30 seconds.
SSG autologoff is not enabled. Interval: 30 seconds Timeout: 500 milliseconds Number of packets: 2 packets
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
When the ssg auto-logoff icmp command is specified, SSG will use the ICMP ping mechanism to detect connectivity to hosts.
ICMP ping may be used in all types of deployment situations. ICMP ping supports overlapping IP addresses. If a user is not reachable, a configured number of packets (p) will be sent, and each packet will be timed out (t). The user will be logged off in p * t milliseconds after the first pinging attempt. If p * t milliseconds is greater than the configured pinging interval, then the time taken to log off the host after connectivity is lost will be greater than the configured autologoff interval. If parameters are configured this way, the following warning will be issued: Hosts will be auto-logged off (p * t) msecs after connectivity is lost. When the pinging interval is less than p * t, the timeout process for a host that has
become unreachable will be invoked when the pinging to that host is still occurring. However, because the timeout process will check the status of the host object and find that it is in a pinging state, the host will not be pinged again. You can use only one method of SSG autologoff at a time: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) ping or ICMP ping. If you configure SSG to use ARP ping after ICMP ping has been configured, the ICMP ping function will become disabled. Default values will be applied if a value of zero is configured for any parameters. The ssg auto-logoff arp command will configure SSG to use the ARP ping mechanism to detect connectivity to hosts. ARP ping should be used only in deployment situations in which all hosts are directly connected to the SSG through a broadcast interface such as an Ethernet interface or a bridged interface such as a routed bridge encapsulation or an integrated routing and bridging interface. ARP request packets are smaller than ICMP ping packets, so it is recommended that you configure SSG autologoff to use ARP ping in situations in which hosts are directly connected. For more information about SSG autologoff that uses ARP ping, see the ssg auto-logoff arp command reference page.
The following example shows how to enable SSG autologoff. SSG will use ICMP ping to detect connectivity to hosts.
Router(config)# ssg auto-logoff icmp interval 60 timeout 300 packets 3
Related Commands
Description Configures the SSG to automatically log off hosts that have lost connectivity with SSG and to use the ARP ping mechanism to detect connectivity.
Syntax Description
downlink uplink ATM atm-interface Async async-interface BVI bvi-interface Dialer dialer-interface Ethernet ethernet-interface FastEthernet fastethernet-interface Group-Async group-async-interface Lex lex-interface Loopback loopback-interface Multilink multilink-interface Null
Specifies interface direction as downlink. Specifies interface direction as uplink. Indicates that the interface is ATM. ATM interface. Indicates that the interface is Async. Async interface. Indicates that the interface is BVI. Bridge-Group Virtual Interface. Indicates that the interface is Dialer. Dialer interface. Indicates that the interface is Ethernet. IEEE 802.3. Indicates that the interface is Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3. Indicates that the interface is Group Async. Group async interface. Indicates that the interface is Lex. Lex interface. Indicates that the interface is Loopback. Loopback interface. Indicates that the interface is Multilink. Multilink interface. Indicates that the interface is Null.
null-interface Port-channel port-channel-interface Tunnel tunnel-interface Virtual-Access virtual-access-interface Virtual-Template virtual-template-interface Virtual-TokenRing virtual-tokenring-interface
Null interface. Indicates that the interface is Port Channel. Port channel interface. Indicates that the interface is Tunnel. Tunnel interface. Indicates that the interface is Virtual Access. Virtual access interface. Indicates that the interface is Virtual Template. Virtual template interface. Indicates that the interface is Virtual Token Ring. Virtual token ring interface.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to specify an interface as downlink or uplink. An uplink interface is an interface to services; a downlink interface is an interface to subscribers.
The following example shows how to specify an ATM interface as a downlink interface:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg bind direction downlink ATM 0/0/0.10
Related Commands
Description Displays service names that have been bound to interfaces and the interfaces to which they have been bound.
Syntax Description
service-name ip-address ATM atm-interface Async async-interface BVI bvi-interface Dialer dialer-interface Ethernet ethernet-interface FastEthernet fastethernet-interface Group-Async group-async-interface Lex lex-interface Loopback loopback-interface Multilink multilink-interface Null null-interface
Service name. IP address of the next-hop router. Indicates that the interface is ATM. ATM interface. Indicates that the interface is Async. Async interface. Indicates that the interface is BVI. Bridge-Group Virtual Interface. Indicates that the interface is Dialer. Dialer interface. Indicates that the interface is Ethernet. IEEE 802.3. Indicates that the interface is Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3. Indicates that the interface is Group Async. Group async interface. Indicates the interface is Lex. Lex interface. Indicates that the interface is Loopback. Loopback interface. Indicates that the interface is Multilink. Multilink interface. Indicates that the interface is Null. Null interface.
Port-channel port-channel-interface Tunnel tunnel-interface Virtual-Access virtual-access-interface Virtual-Template virtual-template-interface Virtual-TokenRing virtual-tokenring-interface
Indicates that the interface is Port Channel. Port channel interface. Indicates that the interface is Tunnel. Tunnel interface. Indicates that the interface is Virtual Access. Virtual access interface. Indicates that the interface is Virtual Template. Virtual template interface. Indicates that the interface is Virtual Token Ring. Virtual token ring interface.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows the interface for the service defined as MyService:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg bind service MyService ATM 0/0/0.10
Related Commands
Command clear ssg service show ssg binding show ssg service
Description Removes a service. Displays service names that have been bound to interfaces and the interfaces to which they have been bound. Displays the information for a service.
ssg default-network
To specify the default network IP address or subnet and mask, use the ssg default-network command in global configuration mode. To disable the default network IP address and mask, use the no form of this command. ssg default-network ip-address mask no ssg default-network ip-address mask
Syntax Description
ip-address mask
Service Selection Gateway (SSG) default IP address or subnet. SSG default network destination mask.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to specify the first IP address or subnet that users will be able to access without authentication. This is the address where the Cisco Service Selection Dashboard (SSD) resides. After users enter the URL for the Cisco SSD, they will be prompted for a username and password. A mask provided with the IP address specifies the range of IP addresses that users will be able to access without authentication.
The following example shows a default network IP address,, and mask
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg default-network
ssg enable
To enable Service Selection Gateway (SSG), use the ssg enable command in global configuration mode. To disable SSG, use the no form of this command. ssg enable no ssg enable
Syntax Description
SSG is disabled.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
ssg local-forwarding
To enable Service Selection Gateway (SSG) to forward packets locally, use the ssg local-forwarding command in global configuration mode. To disable local forwarding, use the no form of this command. ssg local-forwarding no ssg local-forwarding
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
ssg maxservice
To set the maximum number of services per user, use the ssg maxservice command in global configuration mode. To reset the maximum number of services per user to the default, use the no form of this command. ssg maxservice number no ssg maxservice
Syntax Description
Maximum number of services per user. The minimum value is 0; the maximum is 20.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to limit the number of services to which a user can be logged on simultaneously.
The following example shows how to set the maximum number of services per user to 10:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. Router(config)# ssg maxservice 10 End with CNTL/Z.
Syntax Description
profile-name profile-password
If no profile name and password are provided, the previous profile specified with this command is downloaded. If no previous profile was specified, an error message is generated.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
When this command is used, an entry is made in the running configuration. When the configuration is reloaded, the next-hop table is automatically downloaded. If the no form of this command is used to remove the command from the running configuration, a next-hop table will not be automatically downloaded when the configuration is reloaded.
The following example shows how to download the next-hop table called MyProfile from a RADIUS server:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg next-hop download MyProfile MyProfilePassword
Related Commands
ssg open-garden
To designate a service as an open garden service, use the ssg open-garden command in global configuration mode. To remove a service from the open garden, use the no form of this command. ssg open-garden profile-name no ssg open-garden profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to designate a service, defined in a local service profile, as an open garden service.
In the following example, the service called fictitiousname.com is defined in a local service profile and added to the open garden:
Router(config)# local-profile cisco.com Router(config-prof)# attribute 26 9 251 "Oopengarden1.com" Router(config-prof)# attribute 26 9 251 "D10.13.1.5" Router(config-prof)# attribute 26 9 251 "R10.1.1.0;" Router(config-prof)# exit Router(config)# ssg open-garden fictitiousname.com
Related Commands
Command clear ssg open-garden clear ssg service local-profile show ssg open-garden ssg service-search-order
Description Removes open garden configurations and all open garden service objects. Removes an SSG service. Configures a local service profile. Displays all open garden services. Specifies the order in which SSG searches for a service profile.
ssg pass-through
To enable transparent pass-through, use the ssg pass-through command in global configuration mode. To disable transparent pass-through, use the no form of this command ssg pass-through [filter {ip-access-list | ip-extended-access-list | access-list-name | download [profile-name | profile-name profile-password]} [downlink | uplink]}] no ssg pass-through [filter {ip-access-list | ip-extended-access-list | access-list-name | download [profile-name | profile-name profile-password]} [downlink | uplink]}]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specify access control for packets. (Optional) IP access list (standard or extended). (Optional) IP extended access list (standard or extended). (Optional) Access list name. (Optional) Load a service profile and use its filters as default filters. (Optional) Service profile name. (Optional) Service profile password. (Optional) Apply filter to downlink packets. (Optional) Apply filter to uplink packets.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to enable transparent pass-through if you want to allow unauthenticated traffic to pass through the Service Selection Gateway (SSG) in either direction without modification. If you want all traffic to be authenticated by the SSG, use this command to disable transparent pass-through. You can use the filter option to prevent pass through traffic from accessing the specified IP address and subnet mask combinations. Use the no form of this command to remove a transparent pass-through filter that was configured at the command line. This will also remove it from the running configuration.
The following example shows how to enable SSG transparent pass-through and download a pass-through filter from the AAA server called filter01:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z Router(config)# ssg pass-through Router(config)# ssg pass-through filter download filter01 cisco Radius reply received: Created Upstream acl from it. Loading default pass-through filter succeeded.
Related Commands
Description Removes the downloaded filter for transparent pass-through. Displays the downloaded filter for transparent pass-through.
Syntax Description
Integer from 100 to 199 that is the number or name of an extended access list.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
When the ssg port-map destination access list command is configured, any traffic going to the default network and matching the access list will be port-mapped.
A default network must be configured and routable from Service Selection Gateway (SSG) in order for this command to be effective. You can use multiple entries of the ssg port-map destination access-list command. The access lists are checked against the subscriber traffic in the order in which they are defined.
In the following example, packets permitted by access list 100 will be port-mapped:
ssg port-map enable ssg port-map destination access-list 100 ssg port-map source ip Ethernet0/0/0 ! . . . ! access-list 100 permit ip host access-list 100 deny ip any any
Related Commands
Description Identifies packets for port-mapping by specifying the TCP port range to compare against the subscriber traffic.
Syntax Description
Specifies lower end of TCP port range. Port number at lower end of TCP port range. Specifies higher end of TCP port range. Port number at higher end of TCP port range. (Optional) Destination IP address in the packets.
If an IP address is not specified, Service Selection Gateway (SSG) will allow any destination IP address in the subscriber traffic to be port-mapped, as long as the packets match the specified port ranges.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
If the destination IP address is not configured, a default network must be configured and routable from SSG in order for this command to be effective. If the destination IP address is not configured, any traffic going to the default network with the destination port will fall into the destination port range and will be port-mapped. You can use multiple entries of the ssg port-map destination range command. The port ranges are checked against the subscriber traffic in the order in which they were defined.
In the following example, packets that are going to the default network and have a destination port within the range 8080 to 8081 will be port-mapped:
Router(config)# ssg port-map destination range from 8080 to 8081
Related Commands
Description Identifies packets for port-mapping by specifying an access list to compare against the subscriber traffic.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command will not take effect until the router has been reloaded. The SSG Port-Bundle Host Key feature requires Cisco Service Selection Dashboard (SSD) Release 3.0(1) or Cisco Subscriber Edge Services Manager (SESM) Release 3.1(1). If you are using an earlier release of SSD, use the no ssg port-map enable command to disable the SSG Port-Bundle Host Key feature.
The following example shows how to enable the SSG port-bundle host key:
Router(config)# ssg port-map enable
Related Commands
Description Identifies packets for port-mapping by specifying an access list to compare against the subscriber traffic. Identifies packets for port-mapping by specifying the TCP port range to compare against the subscriber traffic.
ssg port-map source ip Specifies SSG source IP addresses to which to map the destination IP addresses in subscriber traffic.
Syntax Description
4 bits
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
The port-bundle length is used to determine the number of bundles in one group and the number of ports in one bundle. By default, the port-bundle length is 4 bits. The maximum port-bundle length is 10 bits. See Table 66 for available port-bundle length values and the resulting port-per-bundle and bundle-per-group values. Increasing the port-bundle length can be useful when you see frequent error messages about running out of ports in a port bundle, but note that the new value does not take effect until SSG next reloads and Cisco Service Selection Dashboard (SSD) restarts.
For each Cisco SSD server, all connected SSGs must have the same port-bundle length.
Table 66 Port-Bundle Lengths and Resulting Port-per-Bundle and Bundle-per-Group Values
Number of Bundles per Group (and per SSG Source IP Address) 64512 32256 16128 8064 4032 2016
Table 66
Number of Bundles per Group (and per SSG Source IP Address) 1008 504 252 126 63
The following example results in 64 ports per bundle and 1008 bundles per group:
Router(config)# ssg port-map length 6
Related Commands
Syntax Description
ip-address interface
SSG source IP address. Interface whose main IP address is used as the SSG source IP address.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 series. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
With the SSG Port-Bundle Host Key feature, SSG maps the destination IP addresses in subscriber traffic to specified SSG source IP addresses. All SSG source IP addresses configured with the ssg port-map source ip command must be routable in the management network where the Cisco SSD resides. If the interface for the source IP address is deleted, the port-map translations will not work correctly. Because a subscriber can have several simultaneous TCP sessions when accessing a web page, SSG assigns a bundle of ports to each subscriber. Because the number of available port bundles is limited, you can assign multiple SSG source IP addresses (one for each group of port bundles). By default, each group has 4032 bundles, and each bundle has 16 ports. To modify the number of bundles per group and the number of ports per bundle, use the ssg port-map length global configuration command.
The following example shows the SSG source specified with an IP address and with specific interfaces:
Router(config)# ssg port-map source ip Router(config)# ssg port-map source ip Ethernet 0/0/0 Router(config)# ssg port-map source ip Loopback 1
Related Commands
Description Modifies the port-bundle length upon the next SSG reload.
ssg profile-cache
To enable caching of user profiles for non-PPP users, use the ssg profile-cache command in global configuration mode. To disable caching of user profiles, use the no form of this command. ssg profile-cache no ssg profile-cache
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
The ssg profile-cache command allows Service Selection Gateway (SSG) to cache the user profiles of non-PPP users. User profiles of PPP and RADIUS proxy users are always cached by SSG by default. In situations in which the user profile is not available from other sources, SSG user-profile caching makes the user profile available for RADIUS status queries, providing support for single-sign-on functionality and for failover from one Subscriber Edge Services Manager (SESM) to another. In order for a user profile to be cached, the ssg profile-cache command must be configured before account login occurs. Once the user authentication has been done (as part of the account login), the host object is created, and the user profile is cached.
If you are using SSG with the SESM in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) mode, you may want to disable SSG user-profile caching in order to save memory and improve scalability. SSG user-profile caching is required only when SSG is used with the SESM in RADIUS mode.
Syntax Description
user session
(Optional) Specifies per-user policing. Per-user policing is used to police bandwidth allocations for separate subscribers of an SSG service. (Optional) Specifies per-session policing. Per-session policing is used to police the bandwidth used by one subscriber for multiple services.
Traffic is forwarded with no SSG policing restrictions if the ssg qos police command is disabled.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command enables the SSG Hierarchical Policing feature, which is used to limit the output transmission rate for a subscriber or for a specific SSG service used by a subscriber. The parameters used to police traffic (committed rate, normal burst, and excess burst) are configured in a RADIUS user profile (per-user policing) or a RADIUS service profile (per-session policing) by using the Q option.
The following is an example of a user profile with the SSG Hierarchical Policing enabled for downstream traffic. In this example, an excess burst size is set at 0 so all dropped packets are tail-dropped. In this particular profile, only downstream traffic is policed (although it is important to note that an upstream token bucket algorithm would operate identically to the downstream policing algorithm).
user = johndoe radius = 7200-SSG-v1.1 check_items= { 2 = cisco } reply_attributes={ 9,250=Nproxy_ser 9,250=Ntunnel_ser 9,250=QD8000;2000;0
Per-user policing must be enabled on the router before the traffic directed to the subscriber is policed. Per-user policing is enabled on the router by entering the following global configuration command:
Router(config)# ssg qos police user
The following steps provide an example of how traffic going to the subscriber is treated in the example configuration. Because packet sizes are variable, the packet sizes used in this example are created for the sake of the example. The token bucket starts at 1000 tokens. Although the committed rate is specified in bits per seconds, the token bucket operates based on bytes. 8000 bits is equal to 1000 bytes, so a full token bucket has 1000 tokens. The normal burst parameter is set at 2000. For the sake of the example, no actual debt has been accrued before the arrival of the first packet.
The first packet is 500 bytes and arrives 3/4 second after the last packet.
The packet size is 500 bytes. The time difference (td) is 3/4 of a second. actual_debt = previous_actual_debt + packet_size = 0 + 500 = 500 tokens = committed_rate * td = 1000 * 3/4 = 750 750 > 500. Therefore, the tokens are greater than the actual debt.
Because tokens are greater than the actual debt, the user has been idle for a sufficient amount of time and the packet is transmitted.
The second packet is 1500 bytes and arrives 1/2 second after the previous packet.
The packet size is 1500 bytes. The td is 1/2 of a second. actual_debt = 0 + 1500 = 1500 tokens = 1000 * 1/2 = 500 500 < 1500. Therefore, the tokens are less than the actual debt. Because the tokens are less than
the actual debt, an updated actual debt must be calculated and compared to the normal burst size.
New actual_debt = previous_actual_debt tokens = 1500 500 = 1000 Normal burst is configured at 2000. 1000 < 2000. Because the actual debt is less than the normal burst size, the packet is forwarded.
The next packet is 4000 bytes and it arrives 1/2 second later.
The packet size is 4000 bytes. The td is 1/2 second. actual_debt = previous_actual_debt + packet_size = 1000 + 4000 = 5000 tokens = 1000 * 1/2 = 500 500 < 5000. The tokens are less than the actual debt, so the new actual debt must be computed. actual_debt = previous_actual_debt tokens = 5000 500 = 4500 4500 > 2000. Because the actual debt is greater than the normal burst size, the packet is dropped.
Related Commands
Command attribute
Description Specifies the attributes of a service profile for SSG. The parameters that are used by the token bucket to police traffic are specified using the attribute command. Displays information about an SSG host, including whether policing is enabled or disabled and the policing configurations of a particular host. Displays information about a particular SSG connection, including the policing parameters.
ssg radius-helper
To enable communications with the Cisco Service Selection Dashboard (SSD) and specify port numbers and secret keys for receiving packets, use the ssg radius-helper command in global configuration mode. To disable communications with the Cisco SSD, use the no form of this command. ssg radius-helper [acct-port port-number | auth-port port-number | key key] no ssg radius-helper [acct-port port-number | auth-port port-number | key key]
Syntax Description
acct-port port-number
(Optional) UDP1 destination port for RADIUS accounting requests; the host is not used for accounting if set to 0. The default is 1646. (Optional) UDP destination port for RADIUS authentication requests; the host is not used for authentication if set to 0. The default is 1645. (Optional) Key shared with the RADIUS clients
auth-port port-number
key key
1. UDP = User Datagram Protocol
The default port number for acct-port is 1646. The default port number for auth-port is 1645.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
You must use this command to specify a key so that SSG can communicate with the Cisco SSD.
The following example shows how to enable communication with the Cisco SSD:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg radius-helper acct-port 1646 auth-port 1645 Router(config)# ssg radius-helper key MyKey
ssg radius-proxy
To enable SSG RADIUS Proxy, use the ssg radius-proxy command in global configuration mode. To prevent further connection of proxy users, use the no form of this command ssg radius-proxy no ssg radius-proxy
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to enable SSG RADIUS Proxy. This command also enables SSG-radius-proxy configuration mode. You must enable SSG with the ssg enable command before you can enter the ssg radius-proxy command. If you do not enter the ssg radius-proxy command, SSG continues to proxy RADIUS packets containing SSG vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) received from the Service Selection Dashboard (SSD), but does not act as a generic RADIUS proxy. The no ssg radius-proxy command does not log off RADIUS client hosts that are already logged in. If you configure the no ssg radius-proxy command, no further connections of proxy users are allowed, but hosts from already configured RADIUS clients remain connected. If you subsequently configure the ssg radius-proxy command, the previous RADIUS proxy configuration is restored.
Related Commands
Description Defines local IP pools to be used by SSG to assign IP addresses to users for which SSG is acting as a RADIUS client. Clears all hosts connected to a specific RADIUS client.
Command clear ssg radius-proxy nas-address forward accounting-start-stop idle-timeout (SSG) server-port show ssg tcp-redirect group ssg enable
Description Clears all hosts connected to a specific NAS. Proxies accounting start, stop, and update packets generated by any RADIUS clients to the AAA server. Configures a host object timeout value. Defines the ports for the SSG RADIUS proxy. Displays the pool of IP addresses configured for a router or for a specific domain. Enables SSG.
ssg service-password
To specify the password for downloading a service profile, use the ssg service-password command in global configuration mode. To disable the password, use the no form of this command. ssg service-password password no ssg service-password password
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
This command sets the password required to authenticate with the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server and download a service profile.
The following example shows how to set the password for downloading a service profile:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg service-password MyPassword
ssg service-search-order
To specify the order in which Service Selection Gateway (SSG) searches for a service profile, use the ssg service-search-order command in global configuration mode. To disable the search order, use the no form of this command. ssg service-search-order {local | remote | local remote | remote local} no ssg service-search-order {local | remote | local remote | remote local}
Syntax Description
Search for service profiles in local Flash memory. Search for service profiles on a RADIUS server. Search for service profiles in local Flash memory, then on a RADIUS server. Search for service profiles on a RADIUS server, then in local Flash memory.
The default search order is remote; that is, SSG searches for service profiles on the RADIUS server.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
SSG can search for service profiles in local Flash memory, on a remote RADIUS server, or both. The possible search orders are:
Localsearch only in Flash memory Remotesearch only on the RADIUS server Local remotesearch in Flash memory first, then on the RADIUS server Remote localsearch on the RADIUS server, then in Flash memory
The following example shows how to set the search order to local remote, so that SSG will always look for service in Flash memory first, then on the RADIUS server:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg service-search-order local remote
Related Commands
ssg tcp-redirect
To enable SSG TCP redirection and SSG-redirect mode, use the ssg tcp-redirect command in global configuration mode. To disable SSG TCP redirection, use the no form of this command. ssg tcp-redirect no ssg tcp-redirect
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command replaces the ssg http-redirect group command. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to enable SSG TCP redirection. This command also enables SSG-redirect mode. The no ssg tcp-redirect command disables SSG TCP Redirect and removes all configurations created in the SSG-redirect mode. You must enable SSG by issuing the ssg enable command before you can configure SSG TCP redirect.
The following example shows how to select a captive portal group for redirection of traffic from unauthorized users. In the following example, traffic from unauthorized users is redirected to the captive portal group named RedirectServer:
ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect redirect unauthenticated-user to RedirectServer
The following example shows how to define a port list named WebPorts and adds TCP ports 80 and 8080 to the port list. Port 8080 is configured to be redirected by the captive portal group named Redirect Server:
ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect port-list WebPorts port 80 port 8080 exit redirect port 8080 to RedirectServer
Related Commands
Command debug ssg tcp-redirect network (ssg-redirect) network-list port (ssg-redirect) port-list redirect captivate advertising default group redirect captivate initial default group duration redirect port to redirect smtp group redirect unauthorized-service to redirect unauthenticated-user to server (SSG) server-group
Description Turns on debug information for the SSG TCP Redirect for Services feature. Adds an IP address to a named network list. Defines a list of one or more IP networks that make up a named network list. Adds a TCP port to a named port list. Defines a list of one or more TCP ports that make up a named port list and enters SSG-redirect-port configuration mode. Configures the default captive portal group, duration, and frequency for advertising. Selects a default captive portal group and duration of the initial captivation of users on Account Logon. Marks a TCP port or named TCP port list for SSG TCP redirection. Selects a captive portal group for redirection of SMTP traffic. Sets a list of destination IP networks that can be redirected by a specified, named captive portal group. Redirects traffic from authenticated users to a specified captive portal group. Adds a server to a captive portal group. Defines the group of one or more servers that make up a named captive portal group and enters SSG-redirect-group configuration mode. Displays information about the captive portal groups and the networks associated with the captive portal groups. Displays information about the TCP redirect mappings for hosts within your system. Enables SSG. Enables SSG TCP redirect and enters SSG-redirect mode.
show ssg tcp-redirect group show tcp-redirect mappings ssg enable ssg tcp-redirect
ssg vc-service-map
To map virtual circuits (VCs) to service names, use the ssg vc-service-map command in global configuration mode. To disable VC-to-service-name mapping, use the no form of this command. ssg vc-service-map service-name [interface interface-number] start-vpi | start-vpi/vci [end-vpi | end-vpi/vci] exclusive | non-exclusive no ssg vc-service-map service-name [interface slot-module-port] start-vpi | start-vpi/vci [end-vpi | end-vpi/vci] exclusive | non-exclusive
Syntax Description
Service name. (Optional) Specifies a service name mapping for an interface. (Optional) Number of the interface (such as 1/0) through which SSG will access the mapped service. Virtual path identifier (VPI) or start of a range of VPIs that will be mapped to the service. The range is from 0 to 255. VPI/virtual channel identifier (VCI) or start of a range of VPI/VCIs that will be mapped to the service. The range is from 0 to 255. (Optional) End of a range of VPIs that will be mapped to the service. The range is from 0 to 255. (Optional) End of a range of VPI/VCIs that will be mapped to the service. The range is from 0 to 255. Users will be able to access only the mapped service. Users will be able to access the mapped service and any other services to which they are subscribed. Users can log in to the Service Selection Gateway (SSG) with a username and password, establishing a non-PPP Termination Aggregation (PTA) session, and a PTA session to the mapped service will be established by default. If non-exclusive is specified for the service mapping, users can also establish a PTA session to another service to which they are subscribed.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)B. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to map VCs to service names. If you specify a VC-to-service-name mapping as exclusive, specifying a username will log you in to the mapped service. However, specifying username@service will not log you in. If you specify a mapping as nonexclusive, specifying a username will log you in to the mapped service. However, username@service1 will log you in to service1.
The following example shows how to map all users coming into SSG on VPI/VCI 3/33 to the service Worldwide exclusively:
Router# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Router(config)# ssg vc-service-map Worldwide 3/33 exclusive
Related Commands
To create an ATM switched virtual circuit (SVC) and specify the destination network service access point (NSAP) address on a main interface or subinterface, use the svc interface configuration command. To disable the SVC, use the no form of this command. svc [name] [nsap address] [ces] no svc [name] [nsap address] [ces]
Syntax Description
(Optional) The name of the SVC and map. The name can be up to 16 characters long. A name is required when creating passive a CES SVC. (Optional) The destination ATM NSAP address. Must be exactly 40 hexadecimal digits long and in the correct format. See the Usage Guidelines section. An NSAP address is required when creating an active CES SVC. (Optional) Circuit Emulation Service encapsulation. This keyword is available on the OC-3/STM-1 ATM Circuit Emulation Service network module only.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The ces keyword was added to configure CES encapsulation when using the OC-3/STM-1 ATM Circuit Emulation Service network module on Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series platform. This command was modified to allow an SVC to be created without having a specific NSAP address associated with it.
Usage Guidelines
After configuring the parameters for an ATM SVC, you must exit the interface-ATM-VC or interface-CES-VC configuration mode in order to enable the SVC settings. Once you specify a name for an SVC, you can reenter the interface-ATM-VC or interface-CES-VC configuration mode by simply entering svc name. You can remove an NSAP address and any associated parameters by entering no svc name or no svc nsap address. Creating an SVC without a specific NSAP address will allow a router to accept calls from any ATM address, and allow multiple VCs to be set up using the same configuration. Use the ces keyword to configure an active or passive CES SVC. An active CES SVC can originate and terminate SVC calls. A passive CES SVC can only terminate calls.
SVC Example
The following example creates an SVC called chicago on ATM interface 2/0/0:
interface atm 2/0/0 svc chicago
The following example creates an SVC with the name lion and specifies the 40-digit hexadecimal destination ATM NSAP address:
svc lion nsap 47.0091.81.000000.0040.0B0A.2501.ABC1.3333.3333.05
threshold de
To configure the threshold at which discard eligible (DE)-marked packets will be discarded from switched permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) on the output interface, use the threshold de command in Frame Relay congestion management configuration mode. To remove the threshold configuration, use the no form of this command. threshold de percentage no threshold de percentage
Syntax Description
Threshold at which DE-marked packets will be discarded, specified as a percentage of maximum queue size.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
You must enable Frame Relay congestion management on the interface before congestion management parameters will be effective. To enable Frame Relay congestion management and to enter Frame Relay congestion management configuration mode, use the frame-relay congestion-management interface command. You must enable Frame Relay switching, using the frame-relay switching global command, before the threshold de command will be effective on switched PVCs.
The following example shows how to configure a DE threshold of 40% on serial interface 1.
interface serial1 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay congestion-management threshold de 40
Related Commands
Description Enables Frame Relay congestion management functions on all switched PVCs on an interface, and enters congestion management configuration mode. Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets will be discarded from the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC.
Description Configures the threshold at which ECN bits will be set on packets in the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC. Enables PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or NNI. Configures the threshold at which ECN bits will be set on packets in switched PVCs on the output interface.
threshold ecn
To configure the threshold at which ECN bits will be set on packets in switched PVCs on the output interface, use the threshold ecn Frame Relay congestion management configuration command. To remove the threshold configuration, use the no form of this command. threshold ecn {bc | be} percentage no threshold ecn {bc | be} percentage
Syntax Description
bc be percentage
Specifies threshold for committed traffic. Specifies threshold for excess traffic. Threshold at which ECN bits will be set on packets, specified as a percentage of maximum queue size.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
You must enable Frame Relay congestion management on the interface before congestion management parameters will be effective. To enable Frame Relay congestion management and to enter Frame Relay congestion management configuration mode, use the frame-relay congestion-management interface command. You must enable Frame Relay switching, using the frame-relay switching global command, before the threshold ecn command will be effective on switched PVCs. You can configure separate queue thresholds for committed and excess traffic. Configure the Be ECN threshold so that it is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the Bc ECN threshold. Configure the Bc ECN threshold so that it is less than or equal to 100.
The following example shows how to configure a Be threshold of 0 and a Bc threshold of 20% on serial interface 1.
interface serial1 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay congestion-management threshold ecn be 0 threshold ecn bc 20
Related Commands
Description Enables Frame Relay congestion management functions on all switched PVCs on an interface, and enters congestion management configuration mode. Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets will be discarded from the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC.
frame-relay congestion threshold ecn Configures the threshold at which ECN bits will be set on packets in the traffic-shaping queue of a switched PVC. frame-relay switching threshold de Enables PVC switching on a Frame Relay DCE or NNI. Configures the threshold at which DE-marked packets will be discarded from switched PVCs on the output interface.
To configure unspecified bit rate (UBR) quality of service (QoS) and specify the output peak cell rate (PCR) for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), PVC range, switched virtual circuit (SVC), virtual circuit (VC) class, or VC bundle member, use the ubr command in the appropriate command mode. To remove the UBR parameter, use the no form of this command. ubr output-pcr [input-pcr] no ubr output-pcr [input-pcr]
Syntax Description
output-pcr input-pcr
The output PCR in kbps. (Optional for SVCs only) The input peak cell rate (PCR) in kilobits per second. If this value is omitted, the input-pcr will equal the output-pcr.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC or SVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) Bundle-vc configuration (for ATM VC bundle members) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was enhanced to support selection of UBR QoS and configuration of output PCR for ATM VC bundles and ATM VC bundle members. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
To configure ATM SVCs with an output PCR and an input PCR that differ from each other, you must expressly configure an output value and an input value using the output-pcr and input-pcr arguments, respectively. Configure QoS parameters using the ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt command. The last command you enter will apply to the PVC or SVC you are configuring. If the ubr command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of next highest precedence):
Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVC or SVC itself. Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM subinterface.
Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM main interface. Global default: UBR QoS at the maximum line rate of the PVC or SVC.
To use this command in VC-class configuration mode, enter the vc-class atm global configuration command. This command has no effect if the VC class that contains the command is attached to a standalone VC, that is, if the VC is not a bundle member. To use this command in bundle-vc configuration mode, first enter the bundle command to specify the bundle, then enter bundle configuration mode. Then enter the pvc-bundle configuration command to add the VC to the bundle as a member of it and enter bundle-vc configuration mode. VCs in a VC bundle are subject to the following configuration inheritance rules (listed in order of next highest precedence):
VC configuration in bundle-vc mode Bundle configuration in bundle mode (with effect of assigned VC-class configuration) Subinterface configuration in subinterface mode
The following example specifies the output-pcr argument for an ATM PVC to be 100,000 kbps:
pvc 1/32 ubr 100000
The following example specifies the output-pcr and input-pcr arguments for an ATM SVC to be 10,000 kbps and 9,000 kbps, respectively:
svc lion nsap 47.0091.81.000000.0040.0B0A.2501.ABC1.3333.3333.05 ubr 10000 9000
Related Commands
Command abr broadcast bump bundle class-int class-vc encapsulation inarp oam-bundle
Description Selects ABR QoS and configures output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC or virtual circuit class. Configures broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM VC class, PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Configures the bumping rules for a virtual circuit class that can be assigned to a virtual circuit bundle. Creates a bundle or modifies an existing bundle to enter bundle configuration mode. Assigns a VC class to an ATM main interface or subinterface. Assigns a VC class to an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member. Sets the encapsulation method used by the interface. Configures the Inverse ARP time period for an ATM PVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for a virtual circuit class that can be applied to a virtual circuit bundle. Configures parameters related to OAM management for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle.
oam retry
Command precedence
Description Configures precedence levels for a virtual circuit class that can be assigned to a virtual circuit bundle and thus applied to all virtual circuit members of that bundle. Configures a virtual circuit class with protected group or protected virtual circuit status for application to a virtual circuit bundle member. Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC by either configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, on the VC bundle, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only). Adds a PVC to a bundle as a member of the bundle and enters bundle-vc configuration mode in order to configure that PVC bundle member. Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures the VBR-NRT QoS and specifies output peak cell rate, output sustainable cell rate, and output maximum burst cell size for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member.
pvc-bundle ubr+
To configure unspecified bit rate (UBR) quality of service (QoS) and specify the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), PVC range, switched virtual circuit (SVC), virtual circuit (VC) class, or VC bundle member, use the ubr+ command in the appropriate command mode. To remove the UBR+ parameters, use the no form of this command. ubr+ output-pcr output-mcr [input-pcr] [input-mcr] no ubr+ output-pcr output-mcr [input-pcr] [input-mcr]
Syntax Description
The output peak cell rate (PCR) in kbps. The output minimum guaranteed cell rate in kbps. (Optional for SVCs only) The input PCR in kbps. If this value is omitted, the input-pcr will equal the output-pcr. (Optional for SVCs only) The input minimum guaranteed cell rate in kbps. If this value is omitted, the input-mcr will equal the output-mcr.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC or SVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) Bundle-vc configuration (for ATM VC bundle members) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was enhanced to support selection of UBR+ QoS and configuration of output PCR and output minimum guaranteed cell rate ATM VC bundles, and VC bundle members. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
To configure ATM SVCs with an output PCR and an input PCR that differ from each other, you must expressly configure an output value and an input value using the output-pcr, output-mcr, input-pcr, and input-mcr arguments, respectively. Configure QoS parameters using the ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt command. The last command you enter will apply to the PVC or SVC that you are configuring. If the ubr+ command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC or SVC, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVC or SVC itself. Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM main interface. Global default: UBR QoS at the maximum line rate of the PVC or SVC.
To use this command in VC-class configuration mode, enter the vc-class atm global configuration command before you enter the ubr+ command. This command has no effect if the VC class that contains the command is attached to a standalone VC, that is, if the VC is not a bundle member. To use this command in bundle-vc configuration mode, first enter the bundle command to specify the bundle the VC member belongs to, then enter bundle configuration mode. Then enter the pvc-bundle bundle configuration command to add the VC to the bundle as a member of it. VCs in a VC bundle are subject to the following configuration inheritance rules (listed in order of next highest precedence):
VC configuration in bundle-vc mode Bundle configuration in bundle mode (with effect of assigned VC-class configuration) Subinterface configuration in subinterface mode
The following example specifies the output-pcr argument for an ATM PVC to be 100,000 kbps and the output-mcr to be 3000 kbps:
pvc 1/32 ubr+ 100000 3000
The following example specifies the output-pcr, output-mcr, input-pcr, and input-mcr arguments for an ATM SVC to be 10,000 kbps, 3000 kbps, 9000 kbps, and 1000 kbps, respectively:
svc lion nsap 47.0091.81.000000.0040.0B0A.2501.ABC1.3333.3333.05 ubr+ 10000 3000 9000 1000
Related Commands
Description Selects ABR QoS and configures output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC or virtual circuit class. Configures broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM VC class, PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Configures the bumping rules for a virtual circuit class that can be assigned to a virtual circuit bundle. Creates a bundle or modifies an existing bundle to enter bundle configuration mode. Assigns a VC-class to an ATM main interface, subinterface, PVC, SVC, VC bundle, or VC bundle member. Sets the encapsulation method used by the interface. Configures the Inverse ARP time period for an ATM PVC, VC class, or VC bundle.
Command oam-bundle
Description Enables end-to-end F5 Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) loopback cell generation and OAM management for a virtual circuit class that can be applied to a virtual circuit bundle. Configures parameters related to OAM management for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Configures precedence levels for a virtual circuit class that can be assigned to a virtual circuit bundle and thus applied to all virtual circuit members of that bundle. Configures a virtual circuit class with protected group or protected virtual circuit status for application to a virtual circuit bundle member. Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC by either configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, on the VC bundle, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only). Adds a PVC to a bundle as a member of the bundle and enters bundle-vc configuration mode in order to configure that PVC bundle member. Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures the VBR-NRT QoS and specifies output peak cell rate, output sustainable cell rate, and output maximum burst cell size for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member.
To configure the variable bit rate-nonreal time (VBR-NRT) quality of service (QoS) and specify output peak cell rate (PCR), output sustainable cell rate, and output maximum burst cell size for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), PVC range, switched virtual circuit (SVC), VC class, or VC bundle member, use the vbr-nrt command in the appropriate command mode. To remove the VBR-NRT parameters, use the no form of this command. vbr-nrt output-pcr output-scr output-mbs [input-pcr] [input-scr] [input-mbs] no vbr-nrt output-pcr output-scr output-mbs [input-pcr] [input-scr] [input-mbs]
Syntax Description
The output PCR, in kbps. The output SCR, in kbps. The output maximum burst cell size, expressed in number of cells. (Optional for SVCs only) The input PCR, in kbps. (Optional for SVCs only) The input SCR, in kbps. (Optional for SVCs only) The input maximum burst cell size, expressed in number of cells.
Command Modes
Interface-ATM-VC configuration (for an ATM PVC or SVC) VC-class configuration (for a VC class) Bundle-vc configuration (for ATM VC bundle members) PVC range configuration (for an ATM PVC range) PVC-in-range configuration (for an individual PVC within a PVC range)
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was enhanced to support configuration of VBR-NRT QoS and specification of output PCR, output SCR, and output maximum burst cell size for ATM bundles and VC bundle members. This command was made available in PVC range and PVC-in-range configuration modes.
Usage Guidelines
Configure QoS parameters using the ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt command. The last command you enter will apply to the PVC or SVC you are configuring. If the vbr-nrt command is not explicitly configured on an ATM PVC or SVC, the VC inherits the following default configuration (listed in order of precedence):
Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVC or SVC itself. Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM subinterface. Configuration of any QoS command (ubr, ubr+, or vbr-nrt) in a VC class assigned to the PVCs or SVCs ATM main interface. Global default: UBR QoS at the maximum line rate of the PVC or SVC.
To use this command in VC-class configuration mode, enter the vc-class atm global configuration command before you enter the vbr-nrt command. This command has no effect if the VC class that contains the command is attached to a standalone VC, that is, if the VC is not a bundle member. To use this command in bundle-vc configuration mode, first enter the pvc-bundle configuration command to add the VC to the bundle as a member of it, then and enter bundle-vc configuration mode. VCs in a VC bundle are subject to the following configuration inheritance rules (listed in order of precedence):
VC configuration in bundle-vc mode Bundle configuration in bundle mode (with effect of assigned VC-class configuration) Subinterface configuration in subinterface mode
The following example specifies the output-pcr argument for an ATM PVC to be 100,000 kbps, the output-scr argument to be 50,000 kbps, and the output-mbs to be 64:
pvc 1/32 vbr-nrt 100000 50000 64
The following example specifies the VBR-NRT output and input parameters for an ATM SVC:
svc lion nsap 47.0091.81.000000.0040.0B0A.2501.ABC1.3333.3333.05 vbr-nrt 10000 5000 32 20000 10000 64
Related Commands
Command abr broadcast bump bundle class-int class-vc encapsulation inarp oam-bundle
Description Selects ABR QoS and configures output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC or virtual circuit class. Configures broadcast packet duplication and transmission for an ATM VC class, PVC, SVC, or VC bundle. Configures the bumping rules for a virtual circuit class that can be assigned to a virtual circuit bundle. Creates a bundle or modifies an existing bundle to enter bundle configuration mode. Assigns a VC class to an ATM main interface or subinterface. Assigns a VC class to an ATM PVC, SVC, or VC bundle member. Sets the encapsulation method used by the interface. Configures the Inverse ARP time period for an ATM PVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables end-to-end F5 OAM loopback cell generation and OAM management for a virtual circuit class that can be applied to a virtual circuit bundle.
Description Configures parameters related to OAM management for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Configures precedence levels for a virtual circuit class that can be assigned to a virtual circuit bundle and thus applied to all virtual circuit members of that bundle. Configures a virtual circuit class with protected group or protected virtual circuit status for application to a virtual circuit bundle member. Configures a static map for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle. Enables Inverse ARP or Inverse ARP broadcasts on an ATM PVC by either configuring Inverse ARP directly on the PVC, on the VC bundle, or in a VC class (applies to IP and IPX protocols only). Adds a PVC to a bundle as a member of the bundle and enters bundle-vc configuration mode in order to configure that PVC bundle member. Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member. Configures UBR QoS and specifies the output peak cell rate and output minimum guaranteed cell rate for an ATM PVC, SVC, VC class, or VC bundle member.
vc-class atm
To create a virtual circuit (VC) class for an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), switched virtual circuit (SVC), or ATM interface and enter vc-class configuration mode, use the vc-class atm global configuration command. To remove a VC class, use the no form of this command. vc-class atm name no vc-class atm name
Syntax Description
No VC class is defined.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.3 T
Usage Guidelines
If an SVC command (for example, the idle-timeout or oam-svc command) is applied on a PVC, the command is ignored. This is also true if a PVC command is applied to an SVC.
To assign multiple Frame Relay data-link connection identifiers (DLCIs) to a virtual circuit (VC) group for Frame Relay-to-ATM Network Interworking (FRF.5), use the vc-group command in global configuration mode. To disable the VC group assignments, use the no form of this command. vc-group group-name no vc-group group-name The vc-group command requires the use of the following command in VC-group configuration mode to provide a map between Frame Relay DLCIs and Frame Relay-SSCS DLCIs: FR-interface-name FR-DLCI [FR-SSCS-DLCI]
Syntax Description
The following syntax description applies to the VC-group entries: FR-interface-name FR-DLCI FR-SSCS-DLCI Frame Relay interface; for example, serial0/0. Frame Relay DLCI number, in the range 16 to 1007. (Optional) Frame Relay SSCS DLCI number, in the range of 16 to 991. Default is 1022.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.1(2)T
Usage Guidelines
This command specifies the Frame Relay DLCIs in the VC group and maps them to the Frame Relay-SSCS DLCIs. If the optional FR-SSCS DLCI value is not specified, its value is the same as the Frame Relay DLCI.
The following example shows how to configure an FRF.5 many-to-one connection. The vc-group command maps Frame Relay DLCI 16, 17, 18, and 19 to a VC group named friends:
Router(config)# vc-group Router(config-vc-group)# Router(config-vc-group)# Router(config-vc-group)# Router(config-vc-group)# friends serial0 serial0 serial0 serial0 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19
Related Commands
Syntax Description
Identifying number of the virtual template that will be used to clone virtual-access interfaces.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.2(15)T
Usage Guidelines
Each PPPoE profile can clone virtual-access interfaces using only one virtual template. If you enter a second virtual-template command in a PPPoE profile, it will replace the first virtual-template command. You can configure different PPPoE profiles to use different virtual templates. You can also configure multiple PPPoE profiles to use the same virtual template.
Related Commands
virtual-template pre-clone
To specify the number of virtual-access interfaces to be created and cloned from a specific virtual template, use the virtual-template pre-clone command in global configuration mode. To disable precloning, use the no form of this command. virtual-template template-number pre-clone number no virtual-template template-number pre-clone number
Syntax Description
template-number number
The number of the virtual template interfaces from which the new virtual-access interfaces are created. The number of virtual-access interfaces to be created.
Precloning is disabled.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 node route processor. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T.
Usage Guidelines
The number of precloned virtual-access interfaces should be set to the number of expected PPPoA and PPPoE sessions. The precloned virtual-access interfaces will be attached to the PVC upon receipt of the first PPP packet from the client on the PVC. The virtual-access interface will be detached from the PVC upon termination of the PPP session. When a PPP session is terminated, the virtual-access interface will remain in the router and will be reused. When precloning is disabled, any virtual-access interfaces that were already precloned but have not yet been used will remain in the router for future use.
The following example shows how to create 1200 precloned virtual-access interfaces on virtual template 1:
virtual-template 1 pre-clone 1200
Related Commands
Description Configures the ATM adaptation layer (AAL) and encapsulation type for an ATM virtual circuit (VC), VC class, VC, bundle, or PVC range. Displays a list of all configured virtual templates.
show vtemplate
vpn service
To configure a static domain name, use the vpn service command in ATM VC or VC class configuration mode. To remove a static domain name, use the no form of this command. vpn service domain-name no vpn service domain-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced on the Cisco 6400 NRP. This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the vpn service command in a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) or a PVC range configuration so that PPP over ATM (PPPoA) sessions in those PVCs will be forwarded according to the domain name supplied, without starting PPP.
In the following partial example, virtual private dialup network (VPDN) group 1 is selected for PPPoA session forwarding based on the domain name domain.com:
vpdn-group 1 request-dialin protocol l2tp domain abc.com initiate-to ip priority 1 . . . interface ATM1/0.1 multipoint pvc 101 protocol ppp virtual-template 1 vpn service domain.com
x25 accept-reverse
To configure the Cisco IOS software to accept all reverse-charge calls, use the x25 accept-reverse command in interface or X.25 profile configuration mode. To disable this facility, use the no form of this command. x25 accept-reverse no x25 accept-reverse
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command causes the interface to accept reverse-charge calls by default. You can also configure this behavior for each peer with the x25 map interface configuration command.
Related Commands
x25 address
To set the X.121 address of a particular network interface, use the x25 address command in interface or X.25 profile configuration mode. x25 address x121-address
Syntax Description
Defense Data Network (DDN) and Blacker Front End (BFE) encapsulations have a default interface address generated from the interface IP address. For proper DDN or BFE operation, this generated X.121 address must not be changed. Standard X.25 encapsulations do not have a default.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
When you are connecting to a public data network (PDN), the PDN administrator will assign the X.121 address to be used. Other applications (for example, a private X.25 service), may assign arbitrary X.121 addresses as required by the network and service design. X.25 interfaces that engage in X.25 switching only do not need to assign an X.121 address.
The following example sets the X.121 address for the interface:
interface serial 0 encapsulation x25 x25 address 00000123005
The address must match that assigned by the X.25 network service provider.
x25 alias
To configure an interface alias address that will allow this interface to accept calls with other destination addresses, use the x25 alias command in interface or X.25 profile configuration mode. x25 alias {destination-pattern | x121-address-pattern} [cud cud-pattern]
Syntax Description
Regular expression used to match against the destination address of a received call.
x121-address-pattern Alias X.121 address for the interface, allowing it to act as destination host for calls having different destination address. cud cud-pattern (Optional) Call user data (CUD) pattern, a regular expression of ASCII text. The CUD field might be present in a call packet. The first few bytes (commonly 4 bytes long) identify a protocol; the specified pattern is applied to any user data after the protocol identification.
No alias is configured.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.2
Modification This command was introduced. It replaces the functionality that was provided by the alias keyword of the x25 route command.
Usage Guidelines
Encapsulation, packet assembler/disassembler (PAD), and Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) calls are normally accepted when the destination address is that of the interface (or the zero-length address). Those calls will also be accepted when the destination address matches a configured alias.
An X.25 call may be addressed to the receiving interface; calls addressed to the receiving interface are eligible for acceptance as a datagram encapsulation, PAD or QLLC connection, and may not be routed. In the following example, serial interface 0 is configured with a native address of 0000123 and a destination alias for any address that starts with 1111123. That is, serial interface 0 can accept its own calls and calls for any destination that starts with 1111123.
interface serial 0 encapsulation x25 x25 address 0000123 x25 alias ^1111123.*
x25 bfe-decision
This command is no longer supported.
x25 bfe-emergency
This command is no longer supported.
x25 default
To set a default protocol that Cisco IOS software will assume applies to incoming calls with unknown or missing protocol identifier in the call user data (CUD), use the x25 default interface configuration command. To remove the default protocol specified, use the no form of this command. x25 default protocol no x25 default protocol
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command specifies the protocol assumed by the Cisco IOS software for incoming calls with unknown or missing protocol identifier in the call user data (CUD). If you do not use the x25 default interface configuration command, the software clears any incoming calls with unrecognized CUD.
The following example establishes IP as the default protocol for X.25 calls:
interface serial 0 x25 default ip
Related Commands
x25 facility
To force facilities on a per-call basis for calls originated by the router (switched calls are not affected), use the x25 facilitycommand in interface or X.25 profile configuration mode. To disable a facility, use the no form of this command. x25 facility option no x25 facility option
Syntax Description
Set of user facilities options. See Table 67 for a list of supported facilities and their values.
No facility is sent.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Table 67 lists the set of x25 facility command user facilities options.
Table 67 x25 facility User Facilities Options
Description Specifies a closed user group (CUG) number; CUGs numbered from 1 to 9999 are allowed. CUGs can be used by a public data network (PDN) to create a virtual private network within the larger network and to restrict access. Proposes input maximum packet size (in-size) and output maximum packet size (out-size) for flow control parameter negotiation. Both values must be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Proposes the packet count for input windows (in-size) and output windows (out-size) for flow control parameter negotiation. Both values must be in the range 1 to 127 and must not be greater than or equal to the value set for the x25 modulo command. Specifies reverses charging on all calls originated by the interface. Sets the requested throughput class negotiation values for input (in) and output (out) throughput across the network. Values for in and out are in bits per second (bps) and range from 75 to 64000 bps.
Table 67
Description Specifies a network transit delay to request for the duration of outgoing calls for networks that support transit delay. The transit delay value can be between 0 and 65534 milliseconds. Specifies the name defined by the x25 roa command for a list of transit Recognized Operation Agencies (ROAs) to use in outgoing Call Request packets.
roa name
The following example sets an ROA name and then sends the list via the X.25 user facilities:
x25 roa green_list 23 35 36 interface serial 0 x25 facility roa green_list
Related Commands
x25 fail-over
To configure a secondary interface and set the number of seconds for which a primary interface must be up before the secondary interface resets, use the x25 fail-over command in the appropriate configuration mode. To prevent the secondary interface from resetting, use the no form of this command. x25 fail-over seconds interface type number [dlci | mac-address] no x25 fail-over seconds interface type number [dlci | mac-address]
Syntax Description
Number of seconds for which the primary interface must be up before the secondary interface resets. Secondary interface. Interface type. Interface number. (Optional) DLCI number. (Optional) MAC address.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The x25 fail-over command can be configured on a primary X.25 interface or an X.25 profile only.
In the following example, X.25 failover is configured on a network that is also configured for Annex G. If data-link connection identifier (DLCI) 13 or DLCI 14 on serial interface 1/0 goes down, dialer interface 1 will serve as the secondary interface. After DLCI 13 or 14 comes back up and remains up for 20 seconds, dialer interface 1 will reset, sending all calls back to the primary interface.
interface serial1/0 encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay interface-dlci 13 x25-profile frame1 exit frame-relay interface-dlci 14 x25-profile frame1 dte exit !
interface dialer1 encapsulation x25 exit x25 route ^1234 interface serial1/0 dlci 13 x25 route ^1234 interface serial1/0 dlci 14 x25 route ^1234 interface dialer1 ! x25 profile frame1 x25 fail-over 20 interface dialer1 exit !
Related Commands
Description Displays information about X.25 links. Configures an X.25 profile without specifying any hardware-specific information.
x25 hic
To set the highest incoming-only virtual circuit (VC) number, use the x25 hic interface configuration command. x25 hic circuit-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable only if you have the X.25 switch configured for an incoming-only VC range. Incoming is from the perspective of the X.25 data terminal equipment (DTE). If you do not want any outgoing calls from your DTE, configure both ends to disable the two-way range (set the values of x25 ltc and x25 htc to 0) and configure an incoming-only range. Any incoming-only range must come before (that is, must be numerically less than) any two-way range. Any two-way range must come before any outgoing-only range.
Related Commands
x25 hoc
To set the highest outgoing-only virtual circuit (VC) number, use the x25 hoc interface configuration command. x25 hoc circuit-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable only if you have the X.25 switch configured for an outgoing-only VC range. Outgoing is from the perspective of the X.25 data terminal equipment (DTE). If you do not want any incoming calls on your DTE, disable the two-way range (set the values of x25 ltc and x25 htc to 0) and configure an outgoing-only range. Any outgoing-only range must come after (that is, be numerically greater than) any other range.
Related Commands
x25 hold-queue
To set the maximum number of packets to hold until a virtual circuit (VC) is able to send, use the x25 hold-queue interface configuration command. To remove this command from the configuration file and restore the default value, use the no form of this command without an argument. x25 hold-queue packets no x25 hold-queue [packets]
Syntax Description
Number of packets. A hold queue value of 0 allows an unlimited number of packets in the hold queue.
10 packets
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
If you set the queue-size argument to 0 when using the no x25 hold-queue command, there will be no hold queue limit. While this setting will prevent drops until the router runs out of memory, it is only rarely appropriate. A VC hold queue value is determined when it is created; changing this parameter will not affect the hold queue limits of the existing virtual circuits.
The following example sets the X.25 hold queue to hold 25 packets:
interface serial 0 x25 hold-queue 25
Related Commands
Description Sets the MTU size of IP packets sent on an interface. Sets the interface default maximum input packet size to match that of the network. Sets the interface default maximum output packet size to match that of the network.
x25 hold-vc-timer
To start the timer that prevents additional calls to a destination for a given period of time (thus preventing overruns on some X.25 switches caused by Call Request packets), use the x25 hold-vc-timer interface configuration command. To restore the default value for the timer, use the no form of this command. x25 hold-vc-timer minutes no x25 hold-vc-timer
Syntax Description
Number of minutes that calls to a previously failed destination will be prevented. Incoming calls are still accepted.
0 minutes
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Only Call Requests that the router originates are held down; routed X.25 Call Requests are not affected by this parameter. Upon receiving a Clear Request for an outstanding Call Request, the X.25 support code immediately tries another Call Request if it has more traffic to send, and this action might cause overrun problems.
x25 host
To define a static host name-to-address mapping, use the x25 host global configuration command. To remove the host name, use the no form of the command. x25 host name x121-address [cud call-user-data] no x25 host name
Syntax Description
Host name. The X.121 address. (Optional) Sets the Call User Data (CUD) field in the X.25 Call Request packet.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command permits you to map an X.121 address to an easily recognizable name. You can later use this host name instead of the X.121 address when you issue the translate command for X.25.
The following example specifies static address mapping from the X.121 address 12345678 to the host name ocean. It then uses the name ocean in the translate command in place of the X.121 address when translating from the X.25 host to the PPP host with address
x25 host ocean 12345678 translate x25 ocean ppp routing
Related Commands
Description When an X.25 connection request to a particular destination address is received, the Cisco router can automatically translate the request to another outgoing protocol connection type.
x25 htc
To set the highest two-way virtual circuit (VC) number, use the x25 htc interface configuration command. x25 htc circuit-number
Syntax Description
1024 for X.25 network service interfaces; 4095 for CMNS network service interfaces.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable if the X.25 switch is configured for a two-way VC range. Any two-way VC range must come after (that is, be numerically larger than) any incoming-only range, and must come before any outgoing-only range.
Related Commands
Description Enables the CMNS on a nonserial interface. Sets the lowest two-way VC number.
x25 hunt-group
To create and maintain a hunt group, use the x25 hunt-group global configuration command. To delete this hunt group, use the no form of this command. x25 hunt-group name {rotary | vc-count} no x25 hunt-group name
Syntax Description
Name you assign to the particular hunt group. Each call steps to the next interface. Each call is placed on the interface with most available logical channels.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(3)T
Usage Guidelines
Only one load-balancing distribution method can be selected for a hunt group, although one interface can participate in one or more hunt groups. The rotary distribution method sends every call to the next available interface regardless of line speed and the number of available VCs on that interface. The vc-count distribution method sends calls to the interface with the largest number of available logical channels. This method ensures a good load balance when you have lines of equal speed. If the line speeds are unequal, the vc-count method will favor the line with the higher speed. In cases where interfaces have the same line speed, the call is sent to the interface that is defined earliest in the hunt group. To distribute calls equally among interfaces regardless of line speed, configure each interface with the same number of VCs. With the vc-count distribution method, if a hunt group does not contain an operational interface, the call will be forwarded to the next route if one was specified. If a session is terminated on an interface within the hunt group, that interface now has more available VCs and it will be chosen next.
In the following example, the vc-count distribution method is used on a hunt group that contains two serial interfaces that have different numbers of VCs. Assuming no sessions are being terminated at this time, the first 450 calls will be sent to Serial1, and subsequent calls will alternate between Serial0 and Serial1 until the interfaces are full.
interface serial0 description 56k link supporting 50 virtual circuits x25 htc 50 !
interface serial1 description T1 line supporting 500 virtual circuits x25 htc 500 ! x25 hunt-group hg-vc vc-count interface serial0 interface serial1 !
The following example shows the creation of hunt group HG1 with serial interfaces 1 and 2 and two specific XOT target IP addresses ( and Hunt group "HG1" is configured to use rotary distribution method. The example also shows the creation of hunt group HG2 with serial interfaces 0 and 3. Hunt group "HG2" will use vc-count distribution method.
x25 hunt-group HG1 rotary interface serial 1 interface serial 2 xot xot exit x25 hunt-group HG2 vc-count interface serial 0 interface serial 3
Related Commands
Description Displays X.25 hunt groups, detailed interface statistics, and distribution methods.
x25 idle
To define the period of inactivity after which the router can clear a switched virtual circuit (SVC), use the x25 idle interface configuration command. x25 idle minutes
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Calls originated and terminated by the router are cleared; packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) and switched virtual circuits are not affected. To clear one or all virtual circuits at once, use the clear x25 privileged EXEC command.
The following example sets a 5-minute wait period before an idle circuit is cleared:
interface serial 2 x25 idle 5
Related Commands
x25 ip-precedence
To enable the Cisco IOS software to use the IP precedence value when it opens a new virtual circuit (VC), use the x25 ip-precedence interface configuration command. To cause the Cisco IOS software to ignore the precedence value when opening VCs, use the no form of this command. x25 ip-precedence no x25 ip-precedence
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This feature is useful only for Defense Data Network (DDN) or Blacker Front End (BFE) encapsulations because only these methods have an IP precedence facility defined to allow the source and destination devices to both use the VC for traffic of the given IP priority. Verify that your host does not send nonstandard data in the IP type of service (TOS) field because it can cause multiple wasteful virtual circuits to be created. Four VCs may be opened based on IP precedence to encapsulate routine, priority, immediate, and all higher precedences. The x25 map nvc limit or the default x25 nvc limit still applies.
The following example allows new IP encapsulation VCs based on the IP precedence:
interface serial 3 x25 ip-precedence
x25 ips
To set the interface default maximum input packet size to match that of the network, use the x25 ips interface configuration command. x25 ips bytes
Syntax Description
Byte count. It can be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.
128 bytes
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
X.25 network connections have a default maximum input packet size set by the network administrator. Larger packet sizes require less overhead processing. To send a packet larger than the X.25 packet size over an X.25 virtual circuit, the Cisco IOS software must break the packet into two or more X.25 packets with the more data bit (M-bit) set. The receiving device collects all packets with the M-bit set and reassembles the original packet.
Set the x25 ips and x25 ops commands to the same value unless your network supports asymmetric input and output packet sizes.
The following example sets the default maximum packet sizes to 512:
interface serial 1 x25 ips 512 x25 ops 512
Related Commands
Description Forces facilities on a per-call basis for calls originated by the router (switched calls are not affected). Sets the interface default maximum output packet size to match that of the network.
x25 lic
To set the lowest incoming-only virtual circuit (VC) number, use the x25 lic interface configuration command. x25 lic circuit-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable only if you have the X.25 switch configured for an incoming-only VC range. Incoming is from the perspective of the X.25 DTE device. If you do not want any outgoing calls on your DTE device, disable the two-way range (set the values of x25 ltc and x25 htc to 0). The following example sets a valid incoming-only VC range of 1 to 5, and sets the lowest two-way VC number:
interface serial 0 x25 lic 1 x25 hic 5 x25 ltc 6
Related Commands
x25 linkrestart
To force X.25 Level 3 (packet level) to restart when Level 2 (Link Access Procedure, Balanced [LAPB], the link level) resets, use the x25 linkrestart interface configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command. x25 linkrestart no x25 linkrestart
Syntax Description
Forcing packet-level restarts is the default and is necessary for networks that expect this behavior.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 loc
To set the lowest outgoing-only virtual circuit (VC) number, use the x25 loc interface configuration command. x25 loc circuit-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable only if you have the X.25 switch configured for an outgoing-only VC range. Outgoing is from the perspective of the X.25 DTE device. If you do not want any incoming calls from your DTE device, configure the values of x25 loc and x25 hoc and set the values of x25 ltc and x25 htc to 0.
The following example sets a valid outgoing-only virtual circuit range of 2000 to 2005:
interface serial 0 x25 loc 2000 x25 hoc 2005
Related Commands
x25 ltc
To set the lowest two-way virtual circuit (VC) number, use the x25 ltc interface configuration command. x25 ltc circuit-number
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command is applicable if you have the X.25 switch configured for a two-way virtual circuit range. Any two-way virtual circuit range must come after (that is, be numerically larger than) any incoming-only range, and must come before any outgoing-only range.
The following example sets a valid two-way virtual circuit range of 5 to 25:
interface serial 0 x25 ltc 5 x25 htc 25
Related Commands
x25 map
To set up the LAN protocols-to-remote host mapping, use the x25 map command in interface configuration or X.25 profile configuration mode. To retract a prior mapping, use the no form of this command. x25 map protocol address [protocol2 address2 [...[protocol9 address9]]] x121-address [option] no x25 map protocol address x121-address
Syntax Description
Protocol type, entered by keyword. Supported protocols are entered by keyword, as listed in Table 68. As many as nine protocol and address pairs can be specified in one command line. Protocol address. X.121 address of the remote host. (Optional) Additional functionality that can be specified for originated calls. Can be any of the options listed in Table 69.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The apollo, vines, and xns arguments were removed because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
Because no defined protocol can dynamically determine LAN protocol-to-remote host mappings, you must enter all the information for each host with which the router may exchange X.25 encapsulation traffic. Two methods are available to encapsulate traffic: Ciscos long-available encapsulation method and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard method (defined in RFC 1356); the latter allows hosts to exchange several protocols over a single virtual circuit. Ciscos encapsulation method is the default (for backward compatibility) unless the interface configuration command specifies the ietf keyword. When you configure multiprotocol maps, you can specify a maximum of nine protocol and address pairs in an x25 map command. However, you can specify a protocol only once. For example, you can specify the IP protocol and an IP address, but you cannot specify another IP address. If the compressedtcp and ip keywords are both specified, the same IP address must be used. Bridging is supported only if you are using Ciscos traditional encapsulation method. For correct operation, bridging maps must specify the broadcast option.
Since most datagram routing protocols rely on broadcasts or multicasts to send routing information to their neighbors, the broadcast keyword is needed to run such routing protocols over X.25. Encapsulation maps might also specify that traffic between the two hosts should be compressed, thus increasing the effective bandwidth between them at the expense of memory and computation time. Because each compression virtual circuit requires memory and computation resources, compression must be used with care and monitored to maintain acceptable resource usage and overall performance. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol treats a nonbroadcast, multiaccess network such as X.25 in much the same way as it treats a broadcast network by requiring the selection of a designated router. In previous releases, this required manual assignment in the OSPF configuration using the neighbor router configuration command. When the x25 map command is included in the configuration with the broadcast, and the ip ospf network command (with the broadcast keyword) is configured, there is no need to configure any neighbors manually. OSPF will now run over the X.25 network as a broadcast network. (Refer to the ip ospf network interface configuration command for more detail.)
The OSPF broadcast mechanism assumes that IP class D addresses are never used for regular traffic over X.25. You can modify the options of an x25 map command by restating the complete set of protocols and addresses specified for the map, followed by the desired options. To delete a map command, you must also specify the complete set of protocols and addresses; the options can be omitted when deleting a map. Once defined, a maps protocols and addresses cannot be changed. This requirement exists because the Cisco IOS software cannot determine whether you want to add to, delete from, or modify an existing maps protocol and address specification, or simply mistyped the command. To change a maps protocol and address specification, you must delete it and create a new map. A given protocol-address pair cannot be used in more than one map on the same interface. Table 68 lists the protocols supported by X.25.
Table 68 Protocols Supported by X.25
Protocol AppleTalk Bridging 1 ISO Connectionless Network Service TCP/IP header compression DECnet IP Novell IPX PAD links2 System Network Architecture (SNA) encapsulation in X.25 3
1. Bridging traffic is supported only for Ciscos traditional encapsulation method, so a bridge map cannot specify other protocols. 2. Packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) maps are used to configure session and protocol translation access, therefore, this protocol is not available for multiprotocol encapsulation. 3. Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) is not available for multiprotocol encapsulation.
The Connection-Mode Network Service (CMNS) map form is obsolete; its function is replaced by the enhanced x25 route command. Table 69 lists the map options supported by X.25 using the x25 map command.
Table 69 x25 map Options
Option accept-reverse
Description Causes the Cisco IOS software to accept incoming reverse-charged calls. If this option is not present, the Cisco IOS software clears reverse-charged calls unless the interface accepts all reverse-charged calls. Causes the Cisco IOS software to direct any broadcasts sent through this interface to the specified X.121 address. This option also simplifies the configuration of OSPF; see Usage Guidelines for more detail. Specifies a closed user group (CUG) number (from 1 to 9999) for the mapping in an outgoing call. Specifies that X.25 payload compression be used for mapping the traffic to this host. Each virtual circuit established for compressed traffic uses a significant amount of memory (for a table of learned data patterns) and for computation (for compression and decompression of all data). Cisco recommends that compression be used with careful consideration of its impact on overall performance. Specifies an idle timeout for calls other than the interface default; 0 minutes disables the idle timeout. Specifies the encapsulation method. The choices are as follows:
ciscoCiscos proprietary encapsulation; not available if more than one protocol is to be carried. ietfDefault RFC 1356 operation: protocol identification of single-protocol virtual circuits and protocol identification within multiprotocol virtual circuits use the standard encoding, which is compatible with RFC 877. Multiprotocol virtual circuits are used only if needed. snapRFC 1356 operation where IP is identified with SNAP rather than the standard IETF method (the standard method is compatible with RFC 877). multiForces a map that specifies a single protocol to set up a multiprotocol virtual circuit when a call is originated; also forces a single-protocol PVC to use multiprotocol data identification methods for all datagrams sent and received.
no-incoming no-outgoing
Use the map only to originate calls. Do not originate calls when using the map.
Table 69
Description Specifies the network user identification in a format determined by the network administrator (as allowed by the standards). This option is provided for connecting to non-Cisco equipment that requires an NUID facility. The string should not exceed 130 characters and must be enclosed in quotation marks ( ) if there are any spaces present. This option only works if the router is configured as an X.25 DTE. Specifies that a network user ID (NUID) facility be sent in the outgoing call with the specified TACACS username and password (in a format defined by Cisco). This option should be used only when connecting to another Cisco router. The combined length of the username and password should not exceed 127 characters. This option only works if the router is configured as an X.25 data terminal equipment (DTE). Sets the maximum number of virtual circuits for this map or host. The default count is the x25 nvc setting of the interface. A maximum number of eight virtual circuits can be configured for each map. Compressed TCP may use only 1 virtual circuit. Proposes maximum input packet size (in-size) and maximum output packet size (out-size) for an outgoing call. Both values typically are the same and must be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Specifies that the X.25 interface should send compressed outgoing TCP datagrams only if they were already compressed when they were received. This option is available only for compressed TCP maps. Specifies reverse charging for outgoing calls. Specifies the name defined by the x25 roa command for a list of transit Recognized Operating Agencies (ROAs, formerly called Recognized Private Operating Agencies, or RPOAs) to use in outgoing Call Request packets. Sets the requested throughput class values for input (in) and output (out) throughput across the network for an outgoing call. Values for in and out are in bits per second (bps) and range from 75 to 48000 bps. Specifies the transit delay value in milliseconds (0 to 65534) for an outgoing call, for networks that support transit delay. Proposes the packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for an outgoing call. Both values typically are the same, must be in the range 1 to 127, and must be less than the value set by the x25 modulo command.
nvc count
throughput in out
The following example maps IP address to X.121 address 000000010300. The broadcast keyword directs any broadcasts sent through this interface to the specified X.121 address.
interface serial 0 x25 map ip 000000010300 broadcast
The following example specifies an ROA name to be used for originating connections:
x25 roa green_list 23 35 36 interface serial 0 x25 map ip 10 roa green_list
The following example specifies an NUID facility to send on calls originated for the address map:
interface serial 0 x25 map ip 2 nudata Network User ID 35
Strings can be quoted, but quotation marks are not required unless embedded blanks are present.
Related Commands
Command ip ospf network show x25 map x25 facility x25 map bridge x25 map compressedtcp x25 map pad x25 route x25 suppress-called-address
Description Configures the OSPF network type to a type other than the default for a given medium. Displays information about configured address maps. Forces facilities on a per-call basis for calls originated by the router. Configures an Internet-to-X.121 address mapping for bridging over X.25. Maps compressed TCP traffic to an X.121 address. Configures an X.121 address mapping for PAD access over X.25. Creates an entry in the X.25 routing table. Omits the destination address in outgoing calls.
Syntax Description
The X.121 address. Required keyword for bridging over X.25. (Optional) Services that can be added to this map (same options as the x25 map command). See Table 6 for more details.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The X.25 bridging software uses the same spanning-tree algorithm as the other bridging functions, but allows packets to be encapsulated in X.25 frames and transmitted across X.25 media. This command specifies IP-to-X.121 address mapping and maintains a table of both the Ethernet and X.121 addresses. Table 70 lists x25 map bridge options.
Table 70 x25 map bridge Options
Option accept-reverse
Description Causes the Cisco IOS software to accept incoming reverse-charged calls. If this option is not present, the Cisco IOS software clears reverse-charged calls unless the interface accepts all reverse-charged calls. Causes the Cisco IOS software to direct any broadcasts sent through this interface to the specified X.121 address. This option also simplifies the configuration of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol; see Usage Guidelines for more detail.
Table 70
Option compress
Description Specifies that X.25 payload compression be used for mapping the traffic to this host. Each virtual circuit established for compressed traffic uses a significant amount of memory (for a table of learned data patterns) and for computation (for compression and decompression of all data). Cisco recommends that compression be used with careful consideration of its impact on overall performance. Specifies a closed user group (CUG) number (from 1 to 9999) for the mapping in an outgoing call. Specifies an idle timeout for calls other than the interface default; 0 minutes disables the idle timeout. Specifies the encapsulation method. The choices are as follows:
ciscoCiscos proprietary encapsulation; not available if more than one protocol is to be carried. ietfDefault RFC 1356 operation: protocol identification of single-protocol virtual circuits and protocol identification within multiprotocol virtual circuits use the standard encoding, which is compatible with RFC 877. Multiprotocol virtual circuits are used only if needed. snapRFC 1356 operation where IP is identified with SNAP rather than the standard Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) method (the standard method is compatible with RFC 877). multiForces a map that specifies a single protocol to set up a multiprotocol virtual circuit when a call is originated; also forces a single-protocol permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to use multiprotocol data identification methods for all datagrams sent and received.
Uses the map only to originate calls. Does not originate calls when using the map. Specifies the network user identification in a format determined by the network administrator (as allowed by the standards). This option is provided for connecting to non-Cisco equipment that requires an NUID facility. The string should not exceed 130 characters and must be enclosed in quotation marks ( ) if there are any spaces present. This option only works if the router is configured as an X.25 DTE device. Specifies that a network user ID (NUID) facility be sent in the outgoing call with the specified Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) username and password (in a format defined by Cisco). This option should be used only when connecting to another Cisco router. The combined length of the username and password should not exceed 127 characters. This option only works if the router is configured as an X.25 DTE.
Table 70
Option compress
Description Specifies that X.25 payload compression be used for mapping the traffic to this host. Each virtual circuit established for compressed traffic uses a significant amount of memory (for a table of learned data patterns) and for computation (for compression and decompression of all data). Cisco recommends that compression be used with careful consideration of its impact on overall performance. Specifies a closed user group (CUG) number (from 1 to 9999) for the mapping in an outgoing call. Specifies an idle timeout for calls other than the interface default; 0 minutes disables the idle timeout. Specifies the encapsulation method. The choices are as follows:
ciscoCiscos proprietary encapsulation; not available if more than one protocol is to be carried. ietfDefault RFC 1356 operation: protocol identification of single-protocol virtual circuits and protocol identification within multiprotocol virtual circuits use the standard encoding, which is compatible with RFC 877. Multiprotocol virtual circuits are used only if needed. snapRFC 1356 operation where IP is identified with SNAP rather than the standard Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) method (the standard method is compatible with RFC 877). multiForces a map that specifies a single protocol to set up a multiprotocol virtual circuit when a call is originated; also forces a single-protocol permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to use multiprotocol data identification methods for all datagrams sent and received.
Uses the map only to originate calls. Does not originate calls when using the map. Specifies the network user identification in a format determined by the network administrator (as allowed by the standards). This option is provided for connecting to non-Cisco equipment that requires an NUID facility. The string should not exceed 130 characters and must be enclosed in quotation marks ( ) if there are any spaces present. This option only works if the router is configured as an X.25 DTE device. Specifies that a network user ID (NUID) facility be sent in the outgoing call with the specified Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) username and password (in a format defined by Cisco). This option should be used only when connecting to another Cisco router. The combined length of the username and password should not exceed 127 characters. This option only works if the router is configured as an X.25 DTE.
Table 70
Description Sets the maximum number of virtual circuits for this map or host. The default count is the x25 nvc setting of the interface. A maximum number of eight virtual circuits can be configured for each map. Compressed TCP may use only 1 virtual circuit. Proposes maximum input packet size (in-size) and maximum output packet size (out-size) for an outgoing call. Both values typically are the same and must be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Specifies that the X.25 interface should send compressed outgoing TCP datagrams only if they were already compressed when they were received. This option is available only for compressed TCP maps. Specifies reverse charging for outgoing calls. Specifies the name defined by the x25 roa command for a list of transit Recognized Operating Agencies (ROAs, formerly called Recognized Private Operating Agencies, or RPOAs) to use in outgoing Call Request packets. Sets the requested throughput class values for input (in) and output (out) throughput across the network for an outgoing call. Values for in and out are in bits per second (bps) and range from 75 to 48000 bps. Specifies the transit delay value in milliseconds (0 to 65534) for an outgoing call, for networks that support transit delay. Proposes the packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for an outgoing call. Both values typically are the same, must be in the range 1 to 127, and must be less than the value set by the x25 modulo command.
throughput in out
The following example configures transparent bridging over X.25 between two Cisco routers using a maximum of six virtual circuits:
interface serial 1 x25 map bridge 000000010300 broadcast nvc 6
Related Commands
Description Sets up the LAN protocols-to-remote host mapping. Sets the X.121 address of a particular network interface.
Syntax Description
ip-address protocol
IP address. (Optional) Protocol type, entered by keyword. Supported protocols are entered by keyword, as listed in Table 68 earlier in this chapter. As many as nine protocol and address pairs can be specified in one command line. (Optional) Protocol address. X.121 address. (Optional) The same options as those for the x25 map command; see Table 69 earlier in this chapter.
No mapping is configured.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Cisco supports RFC 1144 TCP/IP header compression (THC) on serial lines using HDLC and X.25 encapsulation. THC encapsulation is only slightly different from other encapsulation traffic, but these differences are worth noting. The implementation of compressed TCP over X.25 uses one virtual circuit to pass the compressed packets. Any IP traffic (including standard TCP) is separate from TCH traffic; it is carried over separate IP encapsulation virtual circuits or identified separately in a multiprotocol virtual circuit.
If you specify both ip and compressedtcp in the same x25 map compressedtcp command, they must both specify the same IP address. The nvc map option cannot be used for TCP/IP header compression, because only one virtual circuit can carry compressed TCP/IP header traffic to a given host.
The following example establishes a map for TCP/IP header compression on serial interface 4:
interface serial 4 ip tcp header-compression x25 map compressedtcp 000000010300
Related Commands
Syntax Description
x121-address option
X.121 address of the interface. (Optional) Services that can be added to this mapthe same options as the x25 map command; see Table 69 earlier in this chapter.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.2
Usage Guidelines
Use a PAD map to configure optional X.25 facility use for PAD access. When used with the x25 pad-access interface configuration command, the x25 map pad command restricts incoming PAD access to those statically mapped hosts.
The following example configures an X.25 interface to restrict incoming PAD access to the single mapped host. This example requires that both incoming and outgoing PAD access use the network user identification (NUID) user authentication.
interface serial 1 x25 pad-access x25 map pad 000000010300 nuid johndoe secret
Related Commands
Description Sets up the LAN protocols-to-remote host mapping. Causes the PAD software to accept PAD connections only from statically mapped X.25 hosts.
Syntax Description
x121-address cud string port port cug group-number packetsize in-size out-size recordsize size reverse roa name
X.121 address of the remote host. (Optional) Call user data (CUD) to be included in the X.25 call request, as a hexadecimal string. TCP port number on which the router should listen. (Optional) Closed user group (CUG) number (from 1 to 9999) used for the mapping in an outgoing call. (Optional) Proposes maximum input packet size (in-size) and maximum output packet size (out-size). Both values typically are the same and must be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. (Optional) Maximum length of a record. (Optional) Specifies reverse charging for outgoing calls. (Optional) Specifies the name defined by the x25 roa command for a list of transit Recognized Operating Agencies (ROAs, formerly called Recognized Private Operating Agencies, or RPOAs) to use in outgoing Call Request packets. (Optional) Sets the requested throughput class values for input (in) and output (out) throughput across the network. Values for in and out are in bits per second (bps) and range from 75 to 48000 bps. (Optional) Transit delay value in milliseconds (0 to 65534) for an outgoing call, for networks that support transit delay. (Optional) Inbound and outbound window sizes (the number of packets permitted in each direction before an acknowledgment is required). Both values typically are the same, must be in the range from 1 to 127, and must be less than the value set by the x25 modulo command.
throughput in out
No SVC is configured.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(8)T
Usage Guidelines
RBP enables X.25 hosts to exchange data with TCP/IP hosts via TCP sessions while maintaining X.25 packet boundaries. When the x25 map rbp local command is configured, the router will listen for a request for a TCP connection to the specified TCP port. When the connection request is accepted, the router will then attempt to place an X.25 call on the interface on which the command was configured, using the X.25 address of the interface as the calling address, the X.121 address specified in the command as the destination address, and the call user data specified in the command. If the call is not successfully completed, the TCP connection will be closed. The number of connections that may be established to the TCP port is limited only by router resources (such as memory, processor utilization, and available X.25 circuits). When connections that will be established by the TCP/IP host are configured, the local TCP port number must be unique, with the exception that the same TCP port number may be configured once on each of multiple X.25 interfaces that will not be active simultaneously; this includes the case in which one X.25 interface is configured as a backup interface for another X.25 interface. No information from the TCP connection is included in the X.25 Call packet sent to the X.25 host.
In the following example, when the router receives a TCP connection request on port 9999, the host will make an X.25 call to X.121 address 12131 with no call user data.
interface Serial1/0 encapsulation x25 dce x25 address 13133 x25 map rbp 12131 local port 9999
Related Commands
Command show x25 map show x25 vc x25 map rbp remote
Description Displays information about configured address maps. Displays information about active SVCs and PVCs. Establishes TCP sessions in response to incoming X.25 calls and uses RBP to transfer data between the X.25 circuit and the corresponding TCP session. Sets the window modulus. Accepts an incoming TCP connection and uses RBP to transfer data between the TCP host and an X.25 PVC. Establishes a TCP session and uses RBP to transfer data between the X.25 host and the TCP session. Specifies a sequence of packet network carriers.
x25 modulo x25 pvc rbp local x25 pvc rbp remote x25 roa
Syntax Description
X.121 address of the remote host. (Optional) Call user data (CUD) to be included in the X.25 call request, as a hexadecimal string. Remote IP address for the TCP connection request. Remote TCP port number for the TCP connection request. (Optional) Causes the Cisco IOS software to accept incoming reverse-charged calls. If this option is not present, the Cisco IOS software clears reverse-charged calls unless the interface accepts all reverse-charged calls. (Optional) Maximum length of a record. (Optional) Name of an interface whose IP address will be used as the local IP address for the TCP connection.
No SVC is configured.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(8)T
Usage Guidelines
RBP enables X.25 hosts to exchange data with TCP/IP hosts via TCP sessions while maintaining X.25 packet boundaries. The router will accept an incoming X.25 call if the source address and call user data in the call request match the values configured in the x25 map rbp remote command. If the cud parameter is specified in the command, the call user data in the incoming call must match the configured value exactly. If the cud parameter is not specified in the command, the call user data must not conflict with any protocol ID recognized by the router, but it is otherwise ignored. If an incoming call requests reverse charging, and the accept-reverse option is not specified in the matching map, the call will be refused.
If the incoming call is accepted, the router will attempt to open a TCP connection to a configured IP address and TCP port using a dynamically assigned local TCP port number. If the TCP connection cannot be opened, the X.25 call will be cleared. The number of X.25 calls that may be accepted is limited only by router resources. No information from the X.25 call packet is provided to the TCP/IP host.
In the following example, when serial interface 1/0 receives a call from a remote host that has the X.121 address 12132, the router will open a TCP connection to port number 9999 on the TCP/IP host that has the IP address
interface Serial1/0 encapsulation x25 dce x25 address 12030 x25 map rbp 12132 remote host port 9999
Related Commands
Description Displays information about configured address maps. Displays information about active SVCs and PVCs. Establishes X.25 circuits in response to incoming TCP connections and uses RBP to transfer data between the TCP session and the corresponding X.25 circuit. Accepts incoming TCP connections uses RBP to transfer data between the TCP host and an X.25 PVC. Establishes TCP sessions and uses RBP to transfer data between the X.25 host and the TCP session.
x25 modulo
To set the window modulus, use the x25 modulo interface configuration command. x25 modulo modulus
Syntax Description
Either 8 or 128. The value of the modulo parameter must agree with that of the device on the other end of the X.25 link.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
X.25 supports flow control with a sliding window sequence count. The window counter restarts at zero upon reaching the upper limit, which is called the window modulus. Modulo 128 operation is also referred to as extended packet sequence numbering, which allows larger packet windows.
Related Commands
Description Forces facilities on a per-call basis for calls originated by the router (switched calls are not affected). Changes the default incoming window size to match that of the network. Changes the default outgoing window size to match that of the network.
x25 nvc
To specify the maximum number of virtual circuits (VCs) that a protocol can have open simultaneously to one host, use the x25 nvc interface configuration command. To increase throughput across networks, you can establish up to eight virtual circuits to a host and protocol. x25 nvc count
Syntax Description
Circuit count from 1 to 8. A maximum of eight virtual circuits can be configured for each protocol-host pair. Protocols that do not tolerate out-of-sequence delivery, such as encapsulated TCP/IP header compression, will use only one virtual circuit despite this value. Permitting more than one VC may help throughput on slow networks.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
When the windows and output queues of all existing connections to a host are full, a new virtual circuit will be opened to the designated circuit count. If a new connection cannot be opened, the data is dropped.
The count value specified for thex25 nvc command affects the default value for the number of VCs. It does not affect the nvc option for any x25 map commands that are configured.
The following example sets the default maximum number of VCs that each map can have open simultaneously to 4:
interface serial 0 x25 nvc 4
x25 ops
To set the interface default maximum output packet size to match that of the network, use the x25 ops interface configuration command. x25 ops bytes
Syntax Description
Byte count that is one of the following: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.
128 bytes
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
X.25 networks use maximum output packet sizes set by the network administrator. Larger packet sizes are better because smaller packets require more overhead processing. To send a packet larger than the X.25 packet size over an X.25 virtual circuit, the Cisco IOS software must break the packet into two or more X.25 packets with the more data bit (M-bit) set. The receiving device collects all packets with the M-bit set and reassembles the original packet.
Set the x25 ips and x25 ops commands to the same value unless your network supports asymmetry between input and output packets.
The following example sets the default maximum packet sizes to 512:
interface serial 1 x25 ips 512 x25 ops 512
Related Commands
Description Sets the interface default maximum input packet size to match that of the network.
x25 pad-access
To cause the packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) software to accept PAD connections only from statically mapped X.25 hosts, use the x25 pad-access interface configuration command. To disable checking maps on PAD connections, use the no form of this command. x25 pad-access no x25 pad-access
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.2
Usage Guidelines
By default, all PAD connection attempts are processed for session creation or protocol translation, subject to the configuration of those functions. If you use the x25 pad-access command, PAD connections are processed only for incoming calls with a source address that matches a statically mapped address configured with the x25 map pad interface configuration command. PAD connections are refused for any incoming calls with a source address that has not been statically mapped.
The following example restricts incoming PAD access on the interface to attempts from the host with the X.121 address 000000010300:
interface serial 1 x25 pad-access x25 map pad 000000010300
Related Commands
Command service pad x25 map pad x29 access-list x29 profile
Description Enables all PAD commands and connections between PAD devices and access servers. Configures an X.121 address mapping for PAD access over X.25. Limits access to the access server from certain X.25 hosts. Creates a PAD profile script for use by the translate command.
x25 profile
To configure an X.25 profile without allocating any hardware specific information, use the x25 profile command in global configuration mode. To delete this profile, use the no form of this command. x25 profile name {dce | dte | dxe} no x25 profile name
Syntax Description
X.25 profile name that you assign. Indicates a data communications equipment (DCE) interface. Indicates a data terminal equipment (DTE) interface. Indicates a data exchange equipment (DXE) interface.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The x25 subscribe flow-control command was added to the X.25 profile configuration mode X.25 options.
Usage Guidelines
You can enable many X.25 commands in X.25 profile configuration mode. Table 71 lists the following X.25 commands in X.25 profile configuration mode, which you may use to create your X.25 profile.
Table 71 x25 profile Configuration Mode X.25 Options
Command x25 accept-reverse x25 address x25 alias x25 aodi x25 default x25 facility x25 hic x25 hoc x25 hold-queue x25 hold-vc-timer
Description Accepts all reverse charged calls. Sets interface X.121 address. Defines an alias address pattern. Enables AODI (Always On/Direct ISDN) Service. Sets protocol for calls with unknown Call User Data. Sets explicit facilities for originated calls. Sets highest incoming channel. Sets highest outgoing channel. Sets limit on packets queued per circuit. Sets time to prevent calls to a failed destination.
Table 71
Command x25 htc x25 idle x25 lic x25 linkrestart x25 loc x25 ltc x25 map x25 modulo x25 nonzero-dte-cause x25 nvc x25 ops x25 subscribe flow-control x25 suppress-called-address x25 suppress-calling-address x25 t10 x25 t11 x25 t12 x25 t13 x25 threshold x25 use-source-address x25 win x25 wout
Description Sets highest two-way channel. Sets inactivity time before clearing switched virtual circuit (SVC). Sets lowest incoming channel. Restarts when Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) resets. Sets lowest outgoing channel. Sets lowest two-way channel. Maps protocol addresses to X.121 address. Sets operating standard. Allows non-zero DTE cause codes. Sets maximum virtual circuits (VCs) simultaneously open to one host per protocol. Sets default maximum output packet size. Controls flow control parameter negotiation facilities in call setup packets. Omits destination address in outgoing calls. Omits source address in outgoing calls. Sets DCE Restart Request retransmission timer. Sets DCE Call Request retransmission timer. Sets DCE Reset Request retransmission timer. Sets DCE Clear Request retransmission timer. Sets packet count acknowledgment threshold. Uses local source address for forwarded calls. Sets default input window (maximum unacknowledged packets). Sets default output window (maximum unacknowledged packets).
Table 72 lists LAPB commands in X.25 configuration mode, which you may use to create your X.25 profile.
Table 72 x25 profile lapb Options
Description Interface outage deadband (partial T3). Maximum number of outstanding frames (window size). Set frame numbering modulus. Maximum number of attempts to transmit a frame. Retransmission timer.
Table 72
Command T2 T4
The following example shows the NetworkNodeA profile being set as a DCE interface, and with x25 htc, x25 idle, x25 accept-reverse, and x25 modulo commands enabled:
Router(config)# x25 Router(config-x25)# Router(config-x25)# Router(config-x25)# Router(config-x25)# profile NetworkNodeA dce x25 htc 128 x25 idle 5 x25 accept-reverse x25 modulo 128
Related Commands
Syntax Description
circuit protocol
Virtual-circuit channel number, which must be less than the virtual circuits assigned to the switched virtual circuits (SVCs). Protocol type, entered by keyword. Supported protocols are listed in Table 73. As many as nine protocol and address pairs can be specified in one command line. Protocol address of the host at the other end of the PVC. X.121 address. (Optional) Provides additional functionality or allows X.25 parameters to be specified for the PVC. Can be any of the options listed in Table 74.
The PVC window and maximum packet sizes default to the interface default values.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The apollo, vines, and xns arguments were removed because Apollo Domain, Banyan VINES, and Xerox Network Systems are no longer available in the Cisco IOS software.
Usage Guidelines
PVCs are not supported for ISO Connection-Mode Network Service (CMNS). You no longer need to specify a datagram protocol-to-address mapping before you can set up a PVC; a map is implied from the PVC configuration. Configurations generated by the router will no longer specify a map for encapsulating PVCs. When configuring a PVC to carry CLNS traffic, use the X.121 address as the subnetwork point of attachment (SNPA) to associate the PVC with a CLNS neighbor configuration. When configuring a PVC to carry transparent bridge traffic, the X.121 address is required to identify the remote host to the bridging function. Other encapsulation PVCs do not require an X.121 address. Table 73 lists supported protocols.
Table 73
Protocol AppleTalk Bridging 1 OSI Connectionless Network Service TCP/IP header compression DECnet IP Novell IPX SNA encapsulation in X.25 2
1. Bridging traffic is supported only for Ciscos traditional encapsulation method, so a bridge PVC cannot specify other protocols. 2. QLLC is not available for multiprotocol encapsulation.
Option broadcast
Description Causes the Cisco IOS software to direct any broadcasts sent through this interface to this PVC. This option also simplifies the configuration of OSPF. Specifies the encapsulation method. The choices are as follows:
ciscoSingle protocol encapsulation; not available if more than one protocol is carried. ietfDefault RFC 1356 operation; single-protocol encapsulation unless more than one protocol is carried, and protocol identification when more than one protocol is carried. snapRFC 1356 operation where IP is identified when more than one protocol is carried using the SNAP encoding. multiMultiprotocol encapsulation used on the PVC.
Maximum input packet size (in-size) and output packet size (out-size) for the PVC. Both values are typically the same and must be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Specifies that transmitted TCP datagrams will be compressed only if they were received compressed. This option is available only for PVCs carrying compressed TCP/IP header traffic. Packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for the PVC. Both values are typically the same, must be in the range 1 to 127, and must be less than the value set for the x25 modulo command.
The following example establishes a PVC on channel 2 to encapsulate VINES and IP with the far host:
interface serial 0 x25 ltc 5 x25 pvc 2 vines 60002A2D:0001 ip 11110001
Related Commands
Syntax Description
Logical channel ID of the PVC. Value must be lower than any range of circuit numbers defined for SVCs. Specifies a SVC type. Destination X.121 address for opening an outbound SVC and source X.121 address for matching an inbound SVC. (Optional) Adds certain features to the mapping specified. It can be any of the options listed in Table 75. (Optional) Adds certain features to the mapping specified. It can be any of the options listed in Table 76.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 11.2 F
Usage Guidelines
The PVC window and maximum packet sizes default to the interface default values. The default idle time comes from the interface on which the x25 pvc command is configured, not the interface on which the call is sent/received. PVC circuit numbers must come before (that is, be numerically smaller than) the circuit numbers allocated to any SVC range. On an outgoing call, the packet size facilities and window size facilities will be included. The call will be cleared if the call accepted packet specifies different values. On an incoming call, requested values that do not match the configured values will be refused. Table 75 lists the flow control options supported by X.25 during PVC to SVC switching.
Table 75
Description Maximum input packet size (in-size) and output packet size (out-size) for both the PVC and SVC. Values may differ but must be one of the following: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for both the PVC and SVC. Both values may differ but must be in the range 1 to 127 and must be less than the value set for the x25 modulo command.
Table 76 lists the call control options supported by X.25 during PVC to SVC switching.
Table 76 x25 pvc Call Control Options
Option accept-reverse
Description Causes the Cisco IOS software to accept incoming reverse-charged calls. If this option is not present, the Cisco IOS software clears reverse-charged calls unless the interface accepts all reverse-charged calls. Idle time-out for the SVC. This option will override the interfaces x25 idle command value only for this circuit. Establishes a switched virtual circuit to the specified X.121 address when data is received from the permanent virtual circuit, but does not accept calls from this X.121 address. Accepts an incoming call from the specified X.121 address, but does not attempt to place a call when data is received from the permanent virtual circuit. If data is received from the permanent virtual circuit while no call is connected, the PVC will be reset.
The following example configures PVC to SVC switching between two serial interfaces:
x25 routing interface serial0 encapsulation x25 x25 address 201700 x25 ltc 128 x25 idle 2 interface serial2 encapsulation x25 dce x25 address 101702 x25 route ^20 interface serial0 x25 route ^10 interface serial2 interface serial0 x25 pvc 5 svc 101601 packetsize 128 128 windowsize 2 2 no-incoming x25 pvc 6 svc 101602 packetsize 128 128 windowsize 2 2 no-outgoing idle 0 x25 pvc 7 svc 101603 packetsize 128 128 windowsize 2 2
Any call with a destination address beginning with 20 will be routed to serial interface 0. Any call with a destination address beginning with 10 will be routed to serial interface 2. (Note that incoming calls will not be routed back to the same interface from which they arrived.)
Traffic received on PVC 5 on serial interface 0 will cause a call to be placed from address 201700 to the X.121 address 101601. The routing table will then forward the call to serial interface 2. If no data is sent or received on the circuit for two minutes, the call will be cleared, as defined by the x25 idle command. All incoming calls from 101601 to 201700 will be refused, as defined by the no-incoming attribute. The second x25 pvc command configures the circuit to allow incoming calls from 101602 to 201700 to be connected to PVC 6 on serial interface 1. Because idle is set to 0, the call will remain connected until cleared by the remote host or an X.25 restart. Because outgoing calls are not permitted for this connection, if traffic is received on PVC 6 on serial interface 0 before the call is established, the traffic will be discarded and the PVC will be reset. The last x25 pvc command configures the circuit to accept an incoming call from 101603 to 201700 and connects the call to PVC 7 on serial interface 0. If no data is sent or received on the circuit for two minutes, the call will be cleared. If traffic is received on PVC 7 on serial interface 0 before the call is established, a call will be placed to 101503 to 201700.
Syntax Description
PVC number that will be used on the local interface (as defined by the primary interface command). Required keyword to specify an interface. Remote interface type. Remote interface number. Required keyword to specify a switched PVC. PVC number that will be used on the remote interface. (Optional) Adds certain features to the mapping specified; can be either option listed in Table 77.
The PVC window and maximum packet sizes default to the interface default values.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
You can configure X.25 PVCs in the X.25 switching software. As a result, data terminal equipment (DTE) devices that require permanent circuits can be connected to the router acting as an X.25 switch and have a properly functioning connection. X.25 resets will be sent to indicate when the circuit comes up or goes down. PVC circuit numbers must come before (that is, be numerically smaller than) the circuit numbers allocated to any SVC range. Table 77 lists the switched PVC options supported by X.25.
Table 77
Description Maximum input packet size (in-size) and output packet size (out-size) for the PVC. Both values must be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for the PVC. Both values should be the same, must be in the range 1 to 127, and must not be greater than the value set for the x25 modulo command.
The following example configures a PVC connected between two serial interfaces on the same router. In this type of interconnection configuration, the alternate interface must be specified along with the PVC number on that interface. To make a working PVC connection, two commands must be specified, each pointing to the other, as this example illustrates.
interface serial 0 encapsulation x25 x25 ltc 5 x25 pvc 1 interface serial 1 pvc 1 interface serial 1 encapsulation x25 x25 ltc 5 x25 pvc 1 interface serial 0 pvc 1
Syntax Description
PVC number of the connecting device. Indicates two PVCs will be connected across a TCP/IP LAN using XOT. IP address of the device to which you are connecting. Indicates the interface is serial. Serial interface specification that accepts either a number or a string in model 7000 format (number/number) to denote the serial interface. Indicates a PVC. Remote PVC number on the target interface. (Optional) Adds certain features for the connection; can be one or more of the options listed in Table 78.
The PVC window and packet sizes default to the interface default values. The default for the xot-keepalive-period option is 60 seconds. The default for the xot-keepalive-tries option is 4 tries.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.3
Usage Guidelines
Use the PVC tunnel commands to tell the Cisco IOS software what the far end of the PVC is connected to. The incoming and outgoing packet sizes and window sizes must match the remote PVC outgoing and incoming sizes. It is recommended that the xot-source option be used on the remote host so that a consistent IP address is used for the connection. Table 78 lists the PVC tunnel options supported by X.25.
Table 78
Description Maximum input packet size (in-size) and output packet size (out-size) for the PVC. Both values must be one of the following values: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. Packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for the PVC. Both values should be the same, must be in the range 1 to 127, and must not be greater than or equal to the value set for the x25 modulo command. Number of seconds between keepalives for XOT connections. The default is 60 seconds. Number of times TCP keepalives should be sent before dropping the connection. The default value is 4 times. Indicates that the remote IP address should be ignored when matching an incoming XOT connection with the XOT PVC parameters. Specifies an interface whose IP address should be used as the local IP address of the TCP connection.
xot-source interface
Each XOT connection relies on a TCP session to carry traffic. To ensure that these TCP sessions remain connected in the absence of XOT traffic, use the service tcp-keepalives-in and service tcp-keepalives-out global configuration commands. If TCP keepalives are not enabled, the XOT PVCs might encounter problems if one end of the connection is reloaded. When the reloaded host attempts to establish a new connection, the other host refuses the new connection because it has not been informed that the old session is no longer active. Recovery from this state requires the other host to be informed that its TCP session is no longer viable so that it attempts to reconnect the PVC. Also, TCP keepalives inform a router when an XOT switched virtual circuit (SVC) session is not active, thus freeing the routers resources.
The following example enters the parameters for one side of a connection destined for a platform other than the Cisco 7000 series with RSP7000:
service tcp-keepalives-in service tcp-keepalives-out interface serial 0 x25 pvc 1 xot interface serial 1 pvc 2 The following example enters the parameters for one side of a connection destined for the Cisco 7000 series with RSP7000: service tcp-keepalives-in service tcp-keepalives-out interface serial 0 x25 pvc 1 xot interface serial 1/1 pvc 2
Refer to the section X.25 and LAPB Configuration Examples in the Cisco IOS Wide-Area Networking Configuration Guide for more complete configuration examples.
Related Commands
Description Generates keepalive packets on idle incoming network connections (initiated by the remote host).
service tcp-keepalives-out Generates keepalive packets on idle outgoing network connections (initiated by a user).
Syntax Description
circuit port port packetsize in-size out-size recordsize size windowsize in-size out-size
Virtual-circuit channel number, which must be less than the virtual circuits assigned to the switched virtual circuits (SVCs). TCP port number on which the router should listen. (Optional) Maximum input packet size (in-size) and output packet size (out-size) for the PVC. The two values are typically the same and must be one of the following: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. (Optional) Maximum length of a record. (Optional) Packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for the PVC. The two values are typically the same, must be in the range from 1 to 127, and must be less than the value set for the x25 modulo command.
No PVC is configured. The PVC window and maximum packet sizes default to the interface default values.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(8)T
Usage Guidelines
RBP enables X.25 hosts to exchange data with TCP/IP hosts via TCP sessions while maintaining X.25 packet boundaries. When connections that will be established by the TCP/IP host are configured, the local TCP port number must be unique, with the exception that the same TCP port number may be configured once on each of multiple X.25 interfaces that will not be active simultaneously. This includes situations in which one X.25 interface is configured as a backup interface for another X.25 interface.
When the x25 pvc rbp local command is configured, the router will listen for a TCP connection request to the configured TCP port. Until the connection request is received, the router will acknowledge any X.25 reset packets on the circuit. When the TCP connection request is received, the connection will be accepted, and the router will send an X.25 reset packet over the configured X.25 destination circuit. If the reset packet is not acknowledged, the TCP connection will be closed. Since this command is associated with a specific X.25 circuit, only one connection may be active per command. When a PVC is configured, the virtual circuit must be unique. Multiple commands referencing the same virtual circuit (matching logical channel identifier and interface) are not permitted. When connections that will be established by the TCP/IP host are configured, the local TCP port number must be unique, with the exception that the same TCP port number may be configured once on each of multiple X.25 interfaces that will not be active simultaneously. This includes the case in which one X.25 interface is configured as a backup interface for another X.25 interface.
The following example shows the configuration of a PVC with RBP. In this example, the router will listen for a TCP connection request on port 9999. When a TCP connection is established, the router will send an X.25 reset over the configured X.25 destination circuit.
Interface serial2/1 encapsulation x25 x25 pvc 2 rbp local port 9999
Related Commands
Description Displays information about configured address maps. Displays information about active SVCs and PVCs. Establishes X.25 circuits in response to incoming TCP connections and uses RBP to transfer data between the TCP session and the X.25 circuit. Establishes TCP sessions in response to incoming X.25 calls and uses RBP to transfer data between the X.25 circuit and the TCP session. Establishes TCP sessions and uses RBP to transfer data between the X.25 host and the TCP session.
Syntax Description
circuit host ip-address port port packetsize in-size out-size source-interface interface recordsize size windowsize in-size out-size
Virtual-circuit channel number, which must be less than the virtual circuits assigned to the switched virtual circuits (SVCs). Remote IP address for the TCP connection. TCP port number on which the router should listen. (Optional) Maximum input packet size (in-size) and output packet size (out-size) for the PVC. The two values are typically the same and must be one of the following: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096. (Optional) Name of an interface whose IP address will be used as the local IP address for the TCP connection. (Optional) Maximum length of a record. (Optional) Packet count for input window (in-size) and output window (out-size) for the PVC. The two values are typically the same, must be in the range from1 to 127, and must be less than the value set for the x25 modulo command.
The PVC window and maximum packet sizes default to the interface default values.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(8)T
Usage Guidelines
RBP enables X.25 hosts to exchange data with TCP/IP hosts via TCP sessions while maintaining X.25 packet boundaries. When a PVC is configured, the virtual circuit must be unique. Multiple commands referencing the same virtual circuit (matching logical channel identifier and interface) are not permitted. When the x25 pvc rbp remote command is configured, the router will wait until a data packet is received on a specific X.25 PVC. Until it receives a data packet, the router will acknowledge any X.25 reset packets on the circuit. When a data packet is received, the router will attempt to establish a TCP
connection to a configured IP address and TCP port, using a dynamically assigned local TCP port number. If the connection attempt fails, the router will reset the PVC and wait for another data packet before reattempting to establish the TCP connection. Since the x25 pvc rbp remote command is associated with a specific X.25 circuit, at most one connection may be active per command.
The following example shows an X.25 host configured to use a PVC with RBP. When PVC 1 receives a data packet, the router will attempt to establish a TCP connection to port 9999 at the TCP/IP host that has the IP address
interface serial1/0 encapsulation x25 x25 pvc 1 rbp remote host port 9999
Related Commands
Description Displays information about configured address maps. Displays information about active SVCs and PVCs. Establishes X.25 circuits in response to incoming TCP connections and uses RBP to transfer data between the TCP session and the X.25 circuit. Establishes TCP sessions in response to incoming X.25 calls and uses RBP to transfer data between the X.25 circuit and the TCP session. Accepts incoming TCP connections and uses RBP to transfer data between the TCP host and an X.25 PVC.
x25 remote-red
This command is no longer supported.
x25 retry
To activate a secondary route while also retrying a failed primary route, use the x25 retry interface configuration command in conjunction with the ip route or backup interface commands. To discontinue implementing secondary X.25 routes and retrying of primary X.25 routes, use the no form of this command. x25 retry interval seconds attempts count no x25 retry interval seconds attempts count
Syntax Description
Keyword defining interval between attempts. Number of seconds between attempts. Keyword defining number of attempts. Number of attempts to reestablish the closed link before discontinuing.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(5)T
Usage Guidelines
The x25 retry command is triggered when no switched virtual circuits (SVCs) are up, and an outgoing call fails. The retry attempts will continue until any of the following happens:
The configured retry attempts limit is reached. The attempt to reestablish the link is successful. An incoming call is received on the subinterface. The X.25 packet layer on the interface is restarted.
If the number of retry attempts exceeds the configured limit, the interface will remain marked down until any of the following happens:
An incoming call is received on the subinterface. The X.25 packet layer on the interface is restarted.
The following example shows the x25 retry command being configured on subinterface 1.1 with a retry interval of 60 seconds up to a maximum of 10 attempts:
Router(config)# interface serial1.1 point-to-point Router(config-if)# x25 retry interval 60 attempts 10
Related Commands
Description Configures an interface as a secondary or dial backup interface. Restarts an X.25 or CMNS service, clears an SVC, or resets a PVC. Establishes static routes and defines the next hop for large-scale dialout.
x25 roa
To specify a sequence of packet network carriers, use the x25 roa global configuration command. To remove the specified name, use the no form of this command. x25 roa name number no x25 roa name
Syntax Description
Recognized Operating Agency (ROA, formerly called a Recognized Private Operating Agency, or RPOA), which must be unique with respect to all other ROA names. It is used in the x25 facility and x25 map interface configuration commands. A sequence of 1 or more numbers used to describe an ROA; up to 10 numbers are accepted.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The following example sets an ROA name and then sends the list via the X.25 user facilities:
x25 roa green_list 23 35 36 interface serial 0 x25 facility roa green_list x25 map ip 10 roa green_list
Related Commands
Description Forces facilities on a per-call basis for calls originated by the router (switched calls are not affected). Sets up the LAN protocols-to-remote host mapping.
x25 route
To create an entry in the X.25 routing table (to be consulted for forwarding incoming calls and for placing outgoing packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) or protocol translation calls), use the appropriate form of the x25 route global configuration command. To remove an entry from the table, use the no form of the command. x25 route [#position] [selection-options] [modification-options] disposition-options [xot-keepalive-options] no x25 route [#position] [selection-options] [modification-options] disposition-options [xot-keepalive-options]
Syntax Description
(Optional) A pound sign (#) followed by a number designates the position in the routing table at which to insert the new entry. If no value for the position argument is given, the entry is appended to the end of the routing table. (Optional) The selection options identify when the subsequent modification and disposition options apply to an X.25 call; any or all variables may be specified for a route. For selection keyword and argument options, see Table 79 in the Usage Guidelines section. For selection and modification pattern and character matching and replacement see Table 81, Table 82, and Table 83 in the Usage Guidelines section. Although each individual selection criterion is optional, at least one selection or modification option must be specified in the x25 route command.
(Optional) The modification options modify the source or destination addresses of the selected calls. The standard regular expression substitution rules are used, where a match pattern and rewrite string direct the construction of a new string. For modification keyword and argument options, see Table 80 in the Usage Guidelines section. For selection and modification pattern and character matching and replacement see Table 81, Table 82, and Table 83 in the Usage Guidelines section. Although each individual modification is optional, at least one selection or modification option must be specified in the x25 route command.
Specifies the disposition of a call matching the specified selection pattern. For disposition keyword and argument options, see Table 84 in the Usage Guidelines section. (Optional) The XOT-keepalive options specify an X.25 over TCP (XOT) keepalive period and number of XOT-keepalive retries. XOT relies on TCP to detect when the underlying connection is dead. TCP detects a dead connection when sent data goes unacknowledged for a given number of attempts over a period of time. For XOT-keepalive keyword and argument options, see Table 85 in the Usage Guidelines section.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 11.3
The selection option keywords source and dest-ext and the interface disposition to a Connection-Mode Network Service (CMNS) destination was added. In prior releases, CMNS routing information was implied by maps defining a network service access point (NSAP) prefix for a CMNS hosts MAC address. The clear interface disposition option was added. In prior releases, the disposition was implicit in a route to the Null 0 interface.
12.0(3)T 12.0(5)T
The interface-based calling address insertion and removal feature was introduced. The following modifications were made:
For the DNS-Based X.25 Routing feature, the dns keyword and pattern argument (see Table 83) were added. The enhanced x25 route command replaces the x25 map cmns command. The x25 route alias form of this command (supported in earlier releases) was replaced by the x25 alias command.
Usage Guidelines
The enhanced x25 route command replaces the x25 map cmns command. The x25 route alias form of this command (supported in earlier releases) has been replaced by the x25 alias command. The modification options are long-standing but newly applicable to all dispositions in Cisco IOS Release 11.3 and later.
Selection arguments specify match criteria. When a call matches all selection criteria in an X.25 route, then the specified modification and disposition are used for the call. As many as four selection options can be used to determine the route:
Called X.121 network interface address (destination or source host address) Called address extension (destination NSAP address) X.25 packets call user data (CUD) field Input interface from which the call was received (input-interface option)
Table 79 lists the selection options for the x25 route command. At least one selection or modification option must be specified.
Table 79
Description (Optional) CUD pattern, which is specified as a regular expression of printable ASCII text. The CUD field may be present in a call packet. The first few bytes (commonly 4 bytes long) identify a protocol; the specified pattern is applied to any user data after the protocol identification. (Optional) Destination address pattern, which is a regular expression that can represent either one X.121 address (such as ^1111000$) or any address in a group of X.121 addresses (such as ^1111.*). (Optional) NSAP destination address pattern, which is a regular expression that can represent either an NSAP destination address (such as ^11.1111.0000$) or an NSAP prefix (such as ^11.1111.*).
dest-ext nsap-destination-pattern
A period (.) in the pattern is interpreted as a character wildcard, which will not interfere with a match to the actual period in the NSAP; if desired, an explicit character match may be used (such as ^11\.1111\..*).
Routes the selected call to the X.25 hunt group. The chosen router may vary depending on the hunt group configuration. (Optional) Specifies interface number on which the call will be received. (Optional) Source address pattern, which is a regular expression that can represent either one X.121 source address (such as ^2222000$) or any address in a group of X.121 addresses (such as ^2222.*).
The X.121 and NSAP addresses are specified as regular expressions. A common error is to specify the address digits without anchoring them to the beginning and end of the address. For example, the regular expression 1111 will match an X.121 address that has four successive 1s somewhere in the address; to specify the single X.121 address, the form ^1111$ must be used. Regular expressions are used to allow pattern-matching operations on the addresses and user data. A common operation is to use prefix matching on the X.121 Data Network Identification Code (DNIC) field and route accordingly. The caret (^) is a special regular expression character that anchors the match at the beginning of the pattern. For example, the pattern ^3306 will match all X.121 addresses with a DNIC of 3306.
Modification Options
Addresses typically need to be modified when traffic from a private network that uses arbitrary X.121 addresses must transit a public data network, which must use its own X.121 addresses. The easiest way to meet the requirement is to specify in the x25 route command a way to modify the private address into a network X.121 address, or to modify a network X.121 address into a private address. The addresses are modified so that no change to the private addressing scheme is required.
The modification options use the standard UNIX regular expression substitution operations to change an X.25 field. A pattern match is applied to an address field, which is rewritten as directed by a rewrite pattern. Table 80 lists the modification options for the x25 route command. At least one selection or modification option must be specified.
Table 80 x25 route Modification Options
Description (Optional) Called X.121 address rewrite pattern. The destination address, destination-pattern, and this rewrite-dest pattern are used to form a new destination address. If no destination-pattern is specified, a default match pattern of .* is used. See Table 81 and Table 82 for summaries of pattern and character matching, respectively. See Table 83 for a summary of pattern rewrite elements.
substitute-source rewrite-source
(Optional) Calling X.121 address rewrite pattern. The source address, source-pattern, and this rewrite-source pattern are used to form a new source address. If no source-pattern is specified, any destination-pattern match pattern is used. If neither match pattern is specified, a default match pattern of .* is used. See Table 81 and Table 82 for summaries of pattern and character matching, respectively. See Table 83 for a summary of pattern rewrite elements.
As of Cisco IOS Release 11.3, the substitute-source and substitute-dest options also apply to PAD calls. A modification of the source address is directed by the rewrite string using one of three possible match patterns. If the source source-pattern selection option is defined, it is used with the source-rewrite string to construct the new source address; otherwise, a destination-pattern regular expression is used (for backward compatibility) or a wildcard regular expression (.*) is used. In the rewrite-source argument, the backslash character (\) indicates that the digit immediately following the argument selects a portion of the matched address to be inserted into the new called address. A modification of the destination address is directed by the rewrite string using one of two possible match patterns. If the destination-pattern selection option is defined, it is used with the destination-rewrite string to construct the new destination address; otherwise, a wildcard regular expression (.*) is used. In the rewrite-dest argument, the backslash character (\) indicates that the digit immediately following the argument selects a portion of the original called address to be inserted into the new called address.
Pattern and Character Matching and Replacement for Selection and Modification Options
See Table 81, Table 82, and Table 83, respectively, for summaries of pattern matching, character matching, and pattern replacement elements. Note that up to nine pairs of parentheses can be used to identify patterns to be included in the modified string. A more complete description of the pattern-matching characters is found in the Regular Expressions appendix in the Cisco IOS Terminal Services Configuration Guide.
Table 81 Pattern Matching for x25 route Selection and Modification Options
Pattern * + ?
Description Matches 0 or more occurrences of the preceding character. Matches 1 or more occurrences of the preceding character. Matches 0 or 1 occurrences of the preceding character.1
1. Precede the question mark with Ctrl-V to prevent the question mark from being interpreted as a help command.
Table 82
Character ^ $ \char .
Description Matches the beginning of the input string. Matches the end of the input string. Matches the single character char specified. Matches any single character.
Table 83
Pattern \0 \1...9
Description The pattern is replaced by the entire original address. The pattern is replaced by strings that match the first through ninth parenthetical part of the X.121 address.
Disposition Option
The xot-source disposition option can improve the resilience of the TCP connection if, for instance, a loopback interface is specified. By default, a TCP connections source IP address is that of the interface used to initiate the connection; a TCP connection will fail if either the source or destination IP address is no longer valid. Because a loopback interface never goes down, its IP address is always valid. Any TCP connections originated using a loopback interface can be maintained as long as a path exists to the destination IP address, which may also be the IP address of a loopback interface. Using the continue keyword provides flexibility by reducing the number of X.25 route configurations necessary in the route table by breaking them into separate, simpler, and more manageable tasks. It allows the x25 route command to cumulatively hold all specified route entries and carry whatever selection or modification options you may have just specified on the command line. The route table lookup terminates when a matching route is found among the remaining entries in the route table. The continue disposition must be the last option on the x25 route command line. Table 84 lists the disposition options for the x25 route command. You must select one of these options.
Table 84
Description Terminates the call. (Optional) Combines sequential route table lookups, holding onto any selections and modifications specified on the x25 route statement. Routes the selected call to the X.25 hunt group. The chosen route may vary depending on the hunt group configuration. Routes the selected call to the specified X.25 serial interface. (Optional) Routes the X.25 call to the specified Annex G link. You must include the interface number and enter the data link connection identifier (DLCI) number. You only need to do this if you want the router to accept switched calls, as well as originate them. Routes the selected call out the specified broadcast interface via CMNS to the LAN destination station. The broadcast interface type can be Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI. The interface numbering scheme depends on the router interface hardware. Routes the selected call to the XOT host at the specified IP address. Subsequent IP addresses are tried, in sequence, only if XOT is unable to establish a TCP connection with a prior address. Used with DNS-based X.25 routing, this option consults the DNS to get up to six destination IP addresses using whatever lookup pattern you choose (see Table 83).
hunt-group name interface interface number interface interface number dlci number
XOT-Keepalive Options
TCP maintains each connection using a keepalive mechanism that starts with a default time period and number of retry attempts. If a received XOT connection is dispatched using a route with explicit keepalive parameters, those values will be used for the TCP connection. If an XOT connection is sent using a route with explicit keepalive parameters, those values will be used for the TCP connection. Table 85 lists and describes the xot-keepalive options for the x25 route command.
Table 85 x25 route XOT-Keepalive Options
Description Number of seconds between keepalives for XOT connections. The default is 60 seconds. Number of times TCP keepalives should be sent before dropping the connection. The default value is 4 times.
If a matching route is found, the incoming call is forwarded to the next hop depending on the routing entry. If no match is found, the call is cleared. If the route specifies a serial interface running X.25 or a broadcast interface running CMNS, the router attempts to forward the call to that host. If the interface is not operational, the subsequent routes are checked for forwarding to an operational interface. If the interface is operational but out of available virtual circuits, the call is cleared. Otherwise, the expected Clear Request or Call Accepted packet is forwarded back toward the originator. A call cannot be forwarded out the interface on which it arrived. If the matching route specifies an XOT disposition, a TCP connection is established to port 1998 at the specified IP address, which must be an XOT host. The Call Request packet is forwarded to the remote host, which applies its own criteria to handle the call. If, upon receiving an XOT call on the remote host, a routing table entry is not present, or the destination is unavailable, a Clear Request is sent back and the TCP connection is closed. Otherwise, the call is handled and the expected Clear Request or Call Accepted packet is returned. Incoming calls received via XOT connections that match a routing entry specifying an XOT destination are cleared. This restriction prevents Cisco routers from establishing an XOT connection to another router that would establish yet another XOT connection.
X.25 Routing Action When No Match Is Found
If no match is found, the action taken is specific to the application. X.25 switching will clear the call if there is no match in the routing table. X.25 PAD and PAD-related applications, such as protocol translation using X.25, will route the call to the default X.25 interface, which is the first X.25 interface configured.
The following example uses regular expression pattern matching characters to match just the initial portion of the complete X.25 address. Any call with a destination address beginning with 3107 that is received on an interface other than serial 0 is forwarded to serial 0.
x25 route ^3107 interface serial 0
The following Annex G example routes the X.25 call to the specified Annex G DLCI link. You must include both interface number and DLCI number. It is this combination of both these numbers that indicates the logical X.25 interface over Frame Relay.
x25 route ^2222 interface serial 1 dlci 20
The following example prevents X.25 routing for calls that do not specify a source address:
x25 route source ^$ clear
The following example configures alternate XOT hosts for the routing entry. If the first address listed is not available, subsequent addresses are tried until a connection is made. If no connection can be formed, the call is cleared.
x25 route ^3106$ xot
The following example clears calls that contain a 3 in the source address. The disposition keyword clear is new.
x25 route source 3 clear
The following example clears calls that contain 33 in the source address:
x25 route source 33 clear
The following example specifies a route for specific source and destination addresses. (The ability to combine source and destination patterns is a new feature.)
x25 route ^9999$ source ^333$ interface serial 0
The following example routes the call to the XOT host at the specified IP address. The disposition keyword xot is new. In prior releases the keyword ip was used.
x25 route ^3333$ xot
The following DNS-based X.25 routing example shows an X.25 request to the DNS. The \0 pattern indicates that the entire incoming X.121 address is being used as the index into the DNS, which will return the required IP address.
x25 route ^.* xot dns \0
The following example routes calls containing the destination extension address preamble 11.1234:
x25 route dest-ext ^11.1234.* interface serial 0
The following example rewrites the destination address as 9999. There must be a minimum of four 8s in the address. (8888888 will change to 9999.)
x25 route 8888 substitute-dest 9999 interface serial 0
The following example substitutes only part of the destination address. ^88 specifies the original destination string must begin with 88. (.*) indicates the string can end with any number, 0-9, and can be more than one digit. 99\1 changes the destination address to 99 plus whatever matches .* in the original destination address. For example, 8881 will change to 9981.
x25 route ^88(.*) substitute-dest 99\1 interface serial 0
The following example substitutes only part of the destination address and also removes a specified number of digits from the address. ^88 specifies the original destination string must begin with 88. (..) matches any two digits. (.*) specifies the string can end with any number, 0-9, and can occur zero or more times. Thus any address that starts with 88 and has four or more digits will be rewritten to start with 99 and omit the third and fourth digits. For example, 881234 will change to 9934.
x25 route ^88(..)(.*) substitute-dest 99\2 interface serial 0
The following example looks for a specified destination address and changes the source address. 9999 is the destination address. The original source address changes to 2222 because the call is made to the destination 9999.
x25 route ^9999$ substitute-source 2222 interface serial 0
The following example shows insertions and removals in the X.121 address as calls from the X.25 network get routed to X.25 devices. For a call coming from interface serial 0 with a called address starting with 2, the 2 is stripped off the called address and the call forwarded to serial interface 2. For a call coming from interface serial 2 with any calling address, a 2 will be inserted to its calling address and the call forwarded to serial interface 0.
x25 route ^02(.*) input-interface serial0 substitute-dest \1 interface serial2 x25 route input-interface serial2 source .* substitute-source 2\0 interface serial0
The following example shows how to insert the X.121 address to forward calls among local X.25 devices. For a call on interface 1 with a called address of 0255 and any calling address, the call is forwarded to serial interface 2 with a called address of 55 and a calling address inserted with 01. The continue keyword continues address substitution without address forwarding.
x25 route input-interface serial1 source .* substitute-source 01\0 continue
x25 route input-interface serial2 source .* substitute-source 02\0 continue x25 route ^01(.*) substitute-dest \1 interface serial1 x25 route ^02(.*) substitute-dest \1 interface serial2
The following example rewrites the source address based on the source address. 9999 matches any destination address with four consecutive 9s. ^...(.*) matches any source address with at least three digits; the command removes the first three digits and rewrites any digits after the first three as the new source address. For example, a call to 9999 from the source address 77721 will be forwarded using the calling address 21 and the called address 9999.
x25 route 9999 source ^...(.*) substitute-source \1 interface serial 0
The following example adds a digit to the source and destination addresses patterns. 09990 is the destination address pattern. The source can be any address. 9\0 specifies to add a leading 9 to the destination address pattern. 3\0 specifies to add a leading 3 to the source address pattern. For example, a call using source 03330 and destination 09990 will change to 303330 and 909990, respectively.
x25 route 09990 source .* substitute-dest 9\0 substitute-source 3\0 interface serial 0
Related Commands
x25 routing
To enable X.25 switching or tunneling, use the x25 routing global configuration command. To disable the forwarding of X.25 calls, use the no form of this command. x25 routing [acknowledge local | acknowledge end-to-end] [tcp-use-if-defs] no x25 routing [acknowledge local | acknowledge end-to-end] [tcp-use-if-defs]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Sets local acknowledgment on the router. (Optional) Sets end-to-end acknowledgment. (Default acknowledge setting.) (Optional) Accepts calls received over TCP.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The following keywords were added:
Usage Guidelines
The x25 routing command enables X.25 switching between the X.25 services (X.25, Connection-Mode Network Service [CMNS] and X.25 over TCP [XOT], and Annex G). X.25 calls will not be forwarded until this command is issued. The acknowledge local and acknowledge end-to-end keywords are optional, with acknowledge end-to-end being the default. To confirm what type of acknowledgment has been set, use the show protocol command. The tcp-use-if-defs keyword may be needed for receiving XOT calls from routers using older software versions. Normally, calls received over a TCP connection (remote routing reception) will have the flow control parameters (window sizes and maximum packet sizes) indicated, because proper operation of routed X.25 requires that these values match at both ends of the connection. Some previous versions of Cisco IOS software, however, do not ensure that these values are present in all calls. In this case, the Cisco IOS software normally forces universally acceptable flow control values (window sizes of 2 and maximum packet sizes of 128) on the connection. Because some equipment disallows modification of the flow control values in the call confirm, the tcp-use-if-defs keyword causes the router to use the default flow control values of the outgoing interface and indicate the resulting values in the call confirm. This modified behavior may allow easier migration to newer versions of the Cisco IOS software.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
The X.25-class services use the CLAMN security signaling facility in X.25 Call Confirm packets to notify the originator of the Call that a security event occurred during X.25 Call setup. The encoding of this facility specifies the reason for the signal, and the X.25 Recommendation also permits the Call Confirm packet to encode a different destination address when it encodes this facility. There are a number of reasons that can be encoded by the CLAMN facility. The Cisco X.25 hunt group implementation will cause the router to signal the hunt group event back to the X.25 Call originator using the CLAMN facility.
X.25 security signaling facilities are used to explicitly notify the connecting stations of events that might raise security issues if they were not signaled. Suppression of these facilities should be configured only when the attached equipment and network configurations are sufficiently secure that the signaled information is unnecessary. If no X.25 security issues apply, a network administrator may configure an X.25-class service to suppress the signaling of the CLAMN facility in Call Confirm packets using the no x25 security clamn command on an interface or x25 profile. This configuration may be necessary if the attached device or eventual recipient of the Call Confirm will not participate in a connection when the CLAMN security facility is encoded. The X.25 Recommendations specify that the CLAMN facility must be present in the X.25 Call Confirm packet if that packet encodes a destination address that is not the null address and that differs from the address encoded in the Call packet. Therefore, when the no x25 security clamn command is used to suppress the encoding of the CLAMN facility, it will also suppress the encoding of the destination address; that is, if the address block is encoded in the Call Confirm packet, the destination address will be encoded as the null address (zero digits).
This command can be configured with the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) 1980 X.25 recommendation mode with no error, although the 1980 mode does not define the CLAMN facility.
The following example shows how to suppress the CLAMN security signaling facility:
interface serial 0 no ip address encapsulation x25 no x25 security clamn
Related Commands
Description Disables the CRCDN security signaling facility in X.25 Call packets transmitted.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(13)T
Usage Guidelines
The X.25-class services use the CRCDN security signaling facility in X.25 call packets to notify the destination of the Call that a security event occurred during call processing. The encoding of this facility specifies the reason for the signal and the destination address that originally occurred in the call. There are a number of reasons that can be encoded by the CRCDN facility. The Cisco X.25 hunt group implementation will cause the router to signal the hunt group event to the X.25 call destination using the CRCDN facility.
X.25 security signaling facilities are used to explicitly notify the connecting stations of events that might raise security issues if they were not signaled. Suppression of these facilities should be configured only when the attached equipment and network configurations are sufficiently secure that the signaled information is unnecessary. If no X.25 security issues apply, a network administrator may configure an X.25-class service to suppress the signaling of the CRCN facility in call packets using the no x25 security crcdn command on an interface or X.25 profile. This configuration may be necessary if the attached device or eventual recipient of the X.25 call will not participate in a connection when the CRCDN security facility is encoded. This command can be configured with the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) 1980 X.25 recommendation mode with no error, although the 1980 mode will always suppress the CRCDN facility.
The following example shows how to suppress the CRCDN security signaling facility:
interface serial 0 no ip address encapsulation x25 no x25 security crcdn
Related Commands
Description Disables the CLAMN security signaling facility in X.25 Call Confirm packets and suppresses any destination address.
Syntax Description
incoming-access (Optional) Allows incoming access from the open network to the data terminal equipment (DTE) device. outgoing-access suppress preferential suppress all (Optional) Allows outgoing access from the data terminal equipment (DTE) device to the open network. (Optional) Suppresses CUG selection facility for the preferred CUG. This option is not available when configuring terminal lines. (Optional) Suppresses CUG selection facility for all CUGs. This option is not available when configuring terminal lines.
No incoming access and no outgoing access. (This is the most restrictive setting.) CUG selection facilities are not suppressed.
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. The suppress preferential and suppress all keywords were added to enable CUG selection facility suppression. This command was modified to configure support for X.25 CUG service on terminal lines.
Usage Guidelines
When entering this command, specify the incoming-access or the outgoing-access keyword or both, unless you intend to have neither incoming nor outgoing access on the interface. This command assumes that an X.25 network connection is being implemented and observes rules defined by X.25 and X.301 for CUG access. This command is enabled on a per-interface or per-line basis. Use this command to modify existing specified options without otherwise affecting the CUGs already defined.
The x25 subscribe cug-service command can be used to configure CUG security on synchronous X.25 data communications equipment (DCE) interfaces or terminal lines. A CUG service can be applied to console lines, auxiliary lines, standard asynchronous lines, and virtual terminal lines. A line configured for CUG service will apply CUG security to packet assembler/disassembler (PAD), X.28 mode, and protocol translation sessions. CUG protection is applied to incoming calls destined for the terminal line and call requests specified from the line. The CUG selection facility suppression options are not available for terminal lines because incoming PAD calls are terminated by the line. Use the x25 subscribe cug-service command with the suppress preferential or suppress all keywords to configure CUG selection facility suppression. The CUG selection facility suppression options are available on synchronous X.25 DCE interfaces only; they are not available on terminal lines because incoming PAD calls are terminated by the line. The following restrictions apply to the x25 subscribe cug-service command:
Disabling this command deconfigures all the CUGs defined for the device and disables all CUG-related commands, but it does not terminate the associated CUG switched virtual circuit (SVC) connections. The DTE cannot call the open part of the network unless the outgoing-access option is configured. Even if outgoing-access is permitted, the DCE will enforce any additional CUG requirements when handling an outgoing call (call request) from the DTE. The DTE will not receive calls from the open part of the network unless the incoming-access option is configured. Even if incoming-access is permitted, the DCE will enforce any additional CUG requirements before presenting an incoming call to the DTE.
The following example shows the configuration of CUG behavior on asynchronous line 1 and virtual terminal lines 0 to 9. The users of virtual terminal lines 0 to 9 have access only within the corporate CUGs designated for engineering (CUG 1102 or 1103); any call from a network X.25-class service destined for the line will be refused unless the inbound point of presence (POP) has validated it as a member of one of those two CUGs.
line vty 0 9 Location Company A. Engineering Access x25 subscribe cug-service x25 subscribe local-cug 2 network-cug 1102 preferential x25 subscribe local-cug 3 network-cug 1103
CUG Service with CUG Selection Facility Suppression and Incoming Access Example
In the following example, CUG selection facility suppression and incoming access are configured for all CUGs, including the preferred CUG on the X.25 profile:
x25 profile CUG-SUPRS-ALL dce x25 subscribe cug-service incoming-access suppress all x25 subscribe local-cug 0 network-cug 10 preferential x25 subscribe local-cug 20 network-cug 202 x25 subscribe local-cug 40 network-cug 40
The following example shows subscribing to both incoming and outgoing CUG service on the interface:
interface serial0 encapsulation x25 dce x25 subscribe cug-service incoming-access outgoing-access
Related Commands
Command show x25 cug x25 facility x25 map x25 subscribe local-cug
Description Displays information about all CUGs or specific CUGs. Forces facilities on a per-call basis for calls originated by the router. Sets the maximum number of virtual circuits that a protocol can have open simultaneously to one host. Configures subscription to a specific CUG.
Syntax Description
always never
Flow control parameter negotiation facilities are enabled and the flow control parameters are always included with call setup packets and are optional on inbound packets. Flow control parameter negotiation facilities are disabled and the flow control parameters are never included with call setup packets, and are not permitted on inbound packets. Negotiation of flow control parameters is disabled.
Flow control parameter negotiation facilities are included only when the parameter values differ from the default values.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 12.0(7)T
Usage Guidelines
This command has three statesdefault behavior (no x25 subscribe flow-control), facilities always included, or facilities never included (flow control parameter negotiation is not enabled). This command controls inclusion of the X.25 flow control parameter negotiation facilities in call setup packets. By default, these facilities are included in call setup packets only when their values differ from the default values. Configuring the no x25 subscribe flow-control command restores the default behavior. This only includes facilities outbound call setup packets when the requested values do not match the interface defaults. This command can also be used in X.25 profile configuration mode.
The following example shows flow control parameter negotiation disabled on serial interface 1/4:
Router(config)# interface serial 1/4 Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe flow-control never
Related Commands
Command x25 profile x25 routing x25 subscribe packetsize x25 subscribe windowsize
Description Configures an X.25 profile without allocating any hardware-specific information. Enables X.25 switching or tunneling. Sets permitted and target ranges for packet size during flow control negotiation. Sets permitted and target ranges for window size during flow control negotiation.
Syntax Description
Specific local CUG number (0 to 9999). Network translated CUG identifier. Specific network CUG number (0 to 9999). (Optional) Bars calls to data terminal equipment (DTE) within the specified CUG, unless x25 subscribe cug-service incoming-access is configured. (Optional) Bars calls from DTE within the specified CUG, unless x25 subscribe cug-service outgoing-access is configured. (Optional) Specified on only one CUG, which is the assumed CUG when none is provided in call setup. (A single CUG listed at the interface is automatically considered a preferred CUG.)
Incoming and outgoing access. Preferential (if this is the only CUG specified).
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to configure X.25 CUG subscription on terminal lines.
Usage Guidelines
The first x25 subscribe local-cug command in a group of configurations will automatically enable CUG service behavior on the interface or line, if it is not already enabled, with the default setting of no public access. The x25 subscribe cug-service command can be used to configure CUG subscription on X.25 synchronous data communications equipment (DCE) interfaces, console lines, auxiliary lines, standard asynchronous lines, and virtual terminal lines. A line configured for CUG service will apply CUG security to packet assembler/disassembler (PAD), X.28 mode, and protocol translation sessions. CUG protection is applied to incoming calls destined for the terminal line and call requests specified from the line.
A CUG number has only local significance. Because CUG service is a cooperative process among the network attachments (DCE devices), the local CUG number may have to be translated into a number that is significant to the network as a whole. For instance, two DTE devices may use CUG numbers 1 and 5 to refer to the global CUG number 1043 of the network. In this instance, both DCE devices would be configured to translate between the local CUG number of their DTE and the network CUG number. Duplicate network CUG identifiers are permitted for different local CUG identifiers. A DTE subscription to a CUG that also includes the no-incoming option prevents incoming calls on that CUG (however, the DTE may still receive calls within other CUGs to which it is subscribed, or from the open network if incoming public access is subscribed). CUG subscription of a DTE will not permit an outgoing call (call request) from the CUG if the no-outgoing option is configured. The CUG will be assumed to be set to preferential (preferred) if there is only one CUG subscribed on that interface.
The following example subscribes local CUGs 5000, 100, 200, and 300 to networks 55, 11, 22, and 33, respectively, with local CUG 5000 being set as the preferred CUG:
Router(config)# interface serial0 Router(config-if)# encapsulation x25 dce Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe cug-service incoming-access outgoing-access Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe local-cug 5000 network-cug 55 preferential Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe local-cug 100 network-cug 11 Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe local-cug 200 network-cug 22 Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe local-cug 300 network-cug 33
The following example shows the configuration of CUG behavior on asynchronous line 1 and virtual terminal lines 0 to 9. The users of virtual terminal lines 0 to 9 have access only within the corporate CUGs designated for engineering (CUG 1102 or 1103); any call from a network X.25-class service destined for the line will be refused unless the inbound POP has validated it as a member of one of those two CUGs.
Router(config)# line Router(config-line)# Router(config-line)# Router(config-line)# Router(config-line)# vty 0 9 Location Company A. Engineering Access x25 subscribe cug-service x25 subscribe local-cug 2 network-cug 1102 preferential x25 subscribe local-cug 3 network-cug 1103
Related Commands
Description Displays information about all or specific (defined by the local or network CUG number) CUGs. Forces facilities on a per-call basis for calls originated by the router (switched calls are not affected). Sets the maximum number of virtual circuits a protocol can have open simultaneously to one host.
x25 subscribe cug-service Enables and controls standard CUG behavior on an X.25 DCE interface.
Syntax Description
Permitted packet-size range identifier. Minimum setting for packet size range (16 to 4096 by a power of two). Maximum setting for packet size range (16 to 4096 by a power of two). Target packet-size range identifier.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(7)T
Usage Guidelines
The x25 subscribe packetsize command lets you specify the range of permitted and target values for packet size. These are called flow control parameter negotiation facilities. You can specify the permitted minimum and maximum packet sizes and target values for packet transmission (16 to 4096 as a power of two). Setting these values outside the permitted range will result in connection failure. The router attempts to negotiate values within the target range, but will only allow values outside the target range to be negotiated as long as the negotiation complies with the procedure defined in X.25 recommendations. This command should be configured separately on both the data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE), so that the permit range will be compatible and calls will be able to pass through the network. The target range is less critical. It only needs to be set on the Cisco router conducting the switching. The effective ranges will be further constrained by other configuration options including the selection of normal (modulo 8) or extended (modulo 128) sequence numbers, the maximum packet size supported by the interface, and the x25 subscribe flow-control command.
The following example shows X.25 local acknowledgment being configured on serial interface 1/4, with packet size ranges being set at a permitted rate of 64 (minimum) and 1024 (maximum) and target rate of 128 (minimum) and 1024 (maximum):
Router(config)# x25 routing acknowledge local Router(config)# interface serial 1/4 Router(config-if)# encapsulation x25 dte Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe packetsize permit 64 1024 target 128 1024
Related Commands
Description Enables X.25 switching or tunneling. Sets permitted and target ranges for window size during flow control negotiation. Controls flow control parameter negotiation facilities in call setup packets.
Syntax Description
Permitted window size range identifier. Minimum setting for window size range (1 to 127). Maximum setting for window size range (1 to 127). Target window-size range identifier.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 12.0(7)T
Usage Guidelines
The x25 subscribe windowsize command lets you specify the range of permitted and target values for window size. These are called flow control values. You can specify the permitted minimum and maximum window size permitted and target values for packet transmission (1 to 127) at one time. Setting these values outside the permitted range may result in connection failure. The router attempts to negotiate values within the target range, but will only allow values outside the target range to be negotiated as long as the negotiation complies with the procedure defined in X.25 recommendations. The effective ranges will be further constrained by other configuration options including the selection of normal (modulo 8) or extended (modulo 128) sequence numbers, the maximum window size supported by the interface, and the x25 subscribe flow-control command.
The following example shows X.25 local acknowledgment being configured on serial interface 1/4, with window size ranges being set at a permitted rate of 1 (minimum) and 7 (maximum) and target rate of 2 (minimum) and 4 (maximum):
Router(config)# x25 routing acknowledge local Router(config)# interface serial 1/4 Router(config-if)# encapsulation x25 dte Router(config-if)# x25 subscribe windowsize permit 1 7 target 2 4
Related Commands
Description Enables X.25 switching or tunneling. Controls flow control parameter negotiation facilities in call setup packets. Sets permitted and target ranges for packet size during flow control negotiation.
x25 suppress-called-address
To omit the destination address in outgoing calls, use the x25 suppress-called-address interface configuration command. To reset this command to the default state, use the no form of this command. x25 suppress-called-address no x25 suppress-called-address
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to include packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) calls.
Usage Guidelines
This command omits the called (destination) X.121 address in Call Request packets and is required for networks that expect only subaddresses in the Called Address field.
The following example suppresses or omits the called address in Call Request packets:
interface serial 0 x25 suppress-called-address
x25 suppress-calling-address
To omit the source address in outgoing calls, use the x25 suppress-calling-address interface configuration command. To reset this command to the default state, use the no form of this command. x25 suppress-calling-address no x25 suppress-calling-address
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Modification This command was introduced. This command was modified to include packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) calls.
Usage Guidelines
This command omits the calling (source) X.121 address in Call Request packets and is required for networks that expect only subaddresses in the Calling Address field.
The following example suppresses or omits the calling address in Call Request packets:
interface serial 0 x25 suppress-calling-address
x25 t10
To set the value of the Restart Indication retransmission timer (T10) on data communications equipment (DCE) devices, use the x25 t10 interface configuration command. x25 t10 seconds
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds.
60 seconds
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 t11
To set the value of the Incoming Call timer (T11) on data communications equipment (DCE) devices, use the x25 t11 interface configuration command. x25 t11 seconds
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds.
180 seconds
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 t12
To set the value of the Reset Indication retransmission timer (T12) on data communications equipment (DCE) devices, use the x25 t12 interface configuration command. x25 t12 seconds
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds.
60 seconds
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 t13
To set the value of the Clear Indication retransmission timer (T13) on data communications equipment (DCE) devices, use the x25 t13 interface configuration command. x25 t13 seconds
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds.
60 seconds
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 t20
To set the value of the Restart Request retransmission timer (T20) on data terminal equipment (DTE) devices, use the x25 t20 interface configuration command. x25 t20 seconds
Syntax Description
Time in seconds.
180 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 t21
To set the value of the Call Request timer (T21) on data terminal equipment (DTE) devices, use the x25 t21 interface configuration command. x25 t21 seconds
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds.
200 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 t22
To set the value of the Reset Request retransmission timer (T22) on data terminal equipment (DTE) devices, use the x25 t22 interface configuration command. x25 t22 seconds
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds.
180 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 t23
To set the value of the Clear Request retransmission timer (T23) on data terminal equipment (DTE) devices, use the x25 t23 interface configuration command. x25 t23 seconds
Syntax Description
Time, in seconds.
180 seconds
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
x25 threshold
To set the data packet acknowledgment threshold, use the x25 threshold interface configuration command. x25 threshold delay-count
Syntax Description
Value between zero and the input window size. A value of 1 sends one Receiver Ready acknowledgment per packet.
Command Modes
Command History
Release 11.2
Usage Guidelines
This command instructs the router to send acknowledgment packets when it is not busy sending other packets, even if the number of input packets has not reached the input window size count. The router sends an acknowledgment packet when the number of input packets reaches the count you specify, providing there are no other packets to send. For example, if you specify a count of 1, the router will send an acknowledgment per input packet if it is unable to piggyback the acknowledgment of an outgoing data packet. This command improves line responsiveness at the expense of bandwidth. This command only applies to encapsulated traffic over X.25 (datagram transport), not to routed traffic.
The following example sends an explicit Receiver Ready acknowledgment when it has received 5 data packets that it has not acknowledged:
interface serial 1 x25 threshold 5
Related Commands
Description Changes the default incoming window size to match that of the network. Changes the default outgoing window size to match that of the network.
x25 use-source-address
To override the X.121 addresses of outgoing calls forwarded over a specific interface, use the x25 use-source-address interface configuration command. To prevent updating the source addresses of outgoing calls, use the no form of this command. x25 use-source-address no x25 use-source-address
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
Some X.25 calls, when forwarded by the X.25 switching support, need the calling (source) X.121 address updated to that of the outgoing interface. This update is necessary when you are forwarding calls from private data networks to public data networks (PDNs).
The following example shows how to prevent updating the source addresses of outgoing X.25 calls on serial interface 0 once calls have been forwarded:
interface serial 0 no x25 use-source-address
x25 win
To change the default incoming window size to match that of the network, use the x25 win interface configuration command. x25 win packets
Syntax Description
Packet count that can range from 1 to one less than the window modulus.
2 packets
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command determines the default number of packets a virtual circuit can receive before sending an X.25 acknowledgment. To maintain high bandwidth utilization, assign this limit the largest number that the network allows.
Set x25 win and x25 wout to the same value unless your network supports asymmetric input and output window sizes.
The following example specifies that 5 packets may be received before an X.25 acknowledgment is sent:
interface serial 1 x25 win 5
Related Commands
Description Sets the window modulus. Sets the data packet acknowledgment threshold. Changes the default outgoing window size to match that of the network.
x25 wout
To change the default outgoing window size to match that of the network, use the x25 wout interface configuration command. x25 wout packets
Syntax Description
Packet count that can range from 1 to one less than the window modulus.
2 packets
Command Modes
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
This command determines the default number of packets a virtual circuit can send before waiting for an X.25 acknowledgment. To maintain high bandwidth utilization, assign this limit the largest number that the network allows.
Set x25 win and x25 wout to the same value unless your network supports asymmetric input and output window sizes.
The following example specifies a default limit of 5 for the number of outstanding unacknowledged packets for virtual circuits:
interface serial 1 x25 wout 5
Related Commands
Description Sets the window modulus. Sets the data packet acknowledgment threshold. Changes the default incoming window size to match that of the network.
x29 access-list
To limit access to the access server from certain X.25 hosts, use the x29 access-list global configuration command. To delete an entire access list, use the no form of this command. x29 access-list access-list-number {deny | permit} x121-address no x29 access-list access-list-number
Syntax Description
Number of the access list. It can be a value between 1 and 199. Denies access and clears call requests immediately. Permits access to the protocol translator. If applied as an inbound access class, specifies the X.121 address that can or cannot have access (with or without regular expression pattern-matching characters). The X.121 address is the source address of the incoming packet. If applied as an outbound access class, then the address specifies a destination to where connections are allowed.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The service pad global configuration command must be configured before the x29 access-list command can be used. An access list can contain any number of access list items. The list items are processed in the order in which you entered them, with the first match causing the permit or deny condition. If an X.121 address does not match any of the regular expressions in the access list, access is denied. Access lists take advantage of the message field defined by Recommendation X.29, which describes procedures for exchanging data between two PADs, or between a PAD and a DTE device. The UNIX-style regular expression characters allow for pattern matching of characters and character strings in the address. Various pattern-matching constructions are available that allow many addresses to be matched by a single regular expressions. For more information, refer to the Regular Expressions appendix in the Cisco IOS Terminal Services Configuration Guide. The access lists must be applied to a vty with the access-class command.
The following example permits connections to hosts with addresses beginning with the string 31370:
x29 access-list 2 permit ^31370
Related Commands
Description Restricts incoming and outgoing connections between a particular vty (into a Cisco device) and the addresses in an access list. Enables all PAD commands and connections between PAD devices and access servers.
x29 profile
To create a packet assembler/disassembler (PAD) profile script for use by the translate command, use the x29 profile global configuration command. x29 profile {default | name} parameter:value [parameter:value]
Syntax Description
Specifies default profile script. Name of the PAD profile script. X.3 PAD parameter number and value separated by a colon. You can specify multiple parameter-value pairs on the same line.
The default PAD profile script is used. The default for inbound connections is:
2:0 4:1 15:0 7:21
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 10.0
Usage Guidelines
The service pad global configuration command must be configured before the x29 profile command can be used. When an X.25 connection is established, the access server acts as if an X.29 Set Parameter packet had been sent containing the parameters and values set by the x29 profile command and sets the access server accordingly. For incoming PAD connections, the Protocol Translator uses a default PAD profile to set the remote X.3 PAD parameters unless a profile script is defined with the translate command.
If you set the X.29 profile to default, the profile is applied to all incoming X.25 PAD calls, including the calls used for protocol translation.
The following profile script turns local edit mode on when the connection is made and establishes local echo and line termination upon receipt of a Return packet. The name linemode is used with the translate command to effect use of this script.
x29 profile linemode 2:1 3:2 15:1
To override the default PAD profile, create a PAD profile script named default by using the following command:
x29 profile default 2:1 4:1 15:0 4:0
Related Commands
Description Enables all PAD commands and connections between PAD devices and access servers. Translates an X.25 connection request automatically to another outgoing protocol connection type.
xot access-group
To control access to X.25 over TCP (XOT) and allow IP addresses permitted by the access list to have unique X.25 configuration, use the xot access-group command in global configuration mode. To delete an XOT access group, use the no form of this command. xot access-group access-list-number [profile profile-name] no xot access-group access-list-number
Syntax Description
Number of a standard IP access list. The range is from 1 to 99. (Optional) X.25 profile to be associated with the access group.
No XOT access group is defined, and default X.25 parameter settings apply to XOT connections.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release 12.2(8)T
Usage Guidelines
The xot access-group command allows you to create XOT access groups by associating an IP access list with XOT. The access list provides a pass or fail indicator of whether a particular IP address is authorized. Only standard IP access lists are supported. XOT access groups are sorted by access-group number. When a new XOT connection is made, the IP address is tested against the access list of the first access group. If the IP address does not match the first list, the second list is tested, and so on. The xot access-group command disables the legacy XOT functionality and enables the new XOT access behavior. If you enter the xot access-group after the legacy XOT context has been created, the message Active connection(s) will terminate [confirm] will be displayed if any XOT connections are active. If the message is confirmed, any active XOT connections using the legacy context will be detached. The legacy context will then be deleted. Deleting an XOT access group by entering the no xot access-group command will cause the message Active connection(s) will terminate [confirm] to be displayed if any connections are active. Confirming the message will cause active connections using the access list to be detached and the associated XOT context to be deleted. XOT access groups can be associated with X.25 profiles. By this means, the IP addresses specified in the access list can have a unique X.25 configuration. An access group can be associated with one X.25 profile. If an access group is not associated with an X.25 profile, then the XOT connections associated with the access group will use the default X.25 configuration.
The X.25 profile must already exist and must specify a data exchange equipment (DXE) station type before it can be associated with an XOT access group. The station type of a profile cannot be changed once the profile is created. An X.25 profile can be associated with multiple access groups.
Unrestricted XOT Access with Defined X.25 Parameters for All XOT Connections Example
In the following example, an access list is defined to permit all XOT connections. All XOT connections will use the X.25 configuration defined in the X.25 profile called NEW-DEFAULT.
! Create a DXE station type profile with any name and configure the X.25 parameters under ! the named profile ! x25 profile NEW-DEFAULT dxe x25 address 12345 x25 modulo 128 x25 win 15 x25 wout 15 x25 ips 256 x25 ops 256 ! ! Define an IP standard access list to permit any XOT connection ! access-list 10 permit any ! ! Apply the access list and X.25 profile to all XOT connections ! xot access-group 10 profile NEW-DEFAULT
In the following example, XOT connections permitted by access list 10 will use the default X.25 configuration. XOT connections permitted by access list 22 will use the X.25 configuration that is defined in the X.25 profile TRANSPAC.
! Define the IP access lists by specifying an IP access list number and access condition ! ip access-list standard 10 permit deny any ip access-list standard 22 permit log deny any ! ! Apply the default X.25 configuration to XOT connections permitted by access list 10 ! xot access-group 10 ! ! Configure an X.25 profile with station type DXE ! x25 profile TRANSPAC dxe x25 modulo 128 x25 win 80 x25 wout 80 x25 default pad ! Apply the X.25 profile to XOT connections permitted by access list 22 ! xot access-group 22 profile TRANSPAC
Related Commands
Command access-list (IP standard) show x25 context show x25 profile show x25 xot x25 profile
Description Defines a standard IP access list. Displays operating configuration status details of an X.25 link. Displays details of X.25 profiles on your router. Displays information for all XOT virtual circuits that match a given criterion. Configures an X.25 profile without allocating any hardware-specific information.