Acupuncture Formulas

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Acupuncture Formulas

Review Course
CEU Training Course

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Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675

Therapeutic Learning Colleges Scope and Function

Therapeutic Learning College/Technical Learning College (TLC) offers affordable
continuing education for todays working professionals who need to maintain licenses or
certifications. TLC holds approximately eighty different governmental approvals for
granting of continuing education credit.

TLCs delivery method of continuing education can include traditional types of classroom
lectures as well as distance-based courses or independent study. Most of TLCs
distance based or independent study courses are offered in a print based format and
you are welcome to examine this material on your computer with no obligation. Our
courses are designed to be flexible and for you to finish the material at your leisure.
Students can also receive course materials through the mail. The CEU course or e-
manual will contain all your lessons, activities and assignments. Most CEU courses
allow students to submit lessons using e-mail or fax; however some courses require
students to submit lessons by postal mail (see the course description for more
information). Students have direct contact with their instructorprimarily by e-mail.
TLCs CEU courses may use such technologies as the World Wide Web, e-mail, CD-
ROMs, videotapes and hard copies (see the course description). Make sure you have
access to the necessary equipment before enrolling; i.e., printer, Microsoft Word and/or
Adobe Acrobat Reader. Some courses may require proctored exams depending upon
your state requirements.

Flexible Learning
At TLC, there are no scheduled online sessions you need contend with, nor are you
required to participate in learning teams or groups designed for the "typical" younger
campus based student. You will work at your own pace, completing assignments in time
frames that work best for you. TLC's method of flexible, individualized instruction is
designed to provide each student the guidance and support needed for successful
course completion.

We will beat any other training competitors price for the same CEU material or
classroom training. Student satisfaction is guaranteed.

Course Structure
TLC's online courses combine the best of online delivery and traditional university
textbooks. Online you will find the course syllabus, course content, assignments, and
online open book exams. This student friendly course design allows you the most
flexibility in choosing when and where you will study.

Classroom of One
TLC Online offers you the best of both worlds--you learn on your own terms, on your
own time, but you are never on your own. Once enrolled, you will be assigned a
personal Student Service Representative who works with you on an individualized basis
throughout your program of study. Course specific faculty members are assigned at the
beginning of each course providing the academic support you need to successfully
complete each course.

Satisfaction Guaranteed
Our Iron-Clad, Risk-Free Guarantee ensures you will be another satisfied TLC student.
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We have many years of experience, dealing with thousands of students. We assure you,
our customer satisfaction is second to none. This is one reason we have taught more
than 10,000 students.

Our administrative staff is trained to provide outstanding customer service. Part of that
training is knowing how to solve most problems on the spot.

TLC Continuing Education Course Material Development
Therapeutic Learning Colleges/Technical Learning Colleges (TLCs) continuing
education course material development was based upon several factors: extensive
academic research, advice from subject matter experts, data analysis, task analysis and
training needs assessment process information gathered from other states.

You are welcome to download the CEU Assignment from our website in a
Microsoft Word document or as a PDF. Once finished with the assignment,
simply e-mail or fax the Answer Key along with your registration page.
Allow two weeks for grading and receipt of your certificate of completion

Rush Service: If you need a certificate back within 48 hours, prepare to pay
an additional rush handling service fee of $25.00, this may not cover
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Meridian name
Yin / Yang
Arm /
Major Yin () Arm () Metal () Lung ()
Yin () Arm () Fire () Pericardium ()
Minor Yin () Arm () Fire () Heart ()
Yang () Arm () Metal ()
Large Intestine

Minor Yang
Arm () Fire () Triple Warmer ()

Major Yang
Arm () Fire ()
Small Intestine
Minor Yin () Leg () Water () Kidney ()
Major Yin () Leg () Earth () Spleen ()
Yin () Leg () Wood () Liver ()
Yang () Leg () Earth () Stomach ()

Major Yang
Leg () Water () Bladder ()

Minor Yang
Leg () Wood () Gall Bladder ()
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Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675

Acupuncture Formula Review CEU Training Course
Course Description

Welcome to TLCs Acupuncture Formula Review CEU training course. The purpose of
this course is to help you learn and review the highly specialized area of acupuncture
and how to identify techniques and doctrines of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),
including acupuncture, acupressure, and qigong. According to these practices, the
body's vital energy, "qi", circulates through the body along specific interconnected
channels called meridians. Only by being properly prepared can you expect to perform
your duties safely and effectively as a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner.

This CEU training course will improve the practitioner's ability and success rate in
treating both traditional organ syndromes and soft tissue problems. A knowledge of the
biomechanical aspects of the skeletal and muscular systems and how to impact them
through acupuncture will lead to faster, more effective and longer-lasting results.

Our acupuncturists Continuing Education classes are offered to licensed acupuncturists
to provide required continuing education. This CEU course is also recommended for
beginning students, people skilled in other therapeutic disciplines (e.g., acupuncture,
physical therapy, etc), or Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs) needing Continuing
Education Units (CEU) to complete state licensing or recertification requirements.

Course Objectives
This CEU training course familiarizes students
with the concepts of channels and meridians and
presents a survey of the 12 primary and 8
extraordinary meridians and the various
pathways and collaterals associated with each
meridian. It also presents the traditional system of
proportional measurement combined with
anatomical landmarks as a guide for locating
points along a pathway. This course will
familiarize the student with the meridian system
and pathways as well as point locations and their

The purpose of this CEU training course is to
instruct the student in the art of proper
acupuncture techniques. Also, this course will
instruct the student to perform or prescribe the
use of oriental massage, acupressure, breathing
techniques, exercise, or nutrition, including the
incorporation of drugless substances and herbs
as dietary supplements to promote health.

Upon completion of this course students will be
able to perform patient evaluations based on
Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts and
identify the correct meridian system and pathways, as well. Topics of discussion include
observations, tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, history taking and clinical note taking.
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This course will provide 10 hours of continuing education knowledge base in systems
pathology for the mastery of acupuncture points for clinical competencies. Material in
this course will contribute to a student's ability to perform or understand:
1. To provide continuing education training in Acupuncture formulas and acupuncture
points. Acupressure/acupuncture formulas use a combination of points along energy
meridians to treat different conditions.
2. Diagnostic Studies of Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine,
Urinary Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Triple Warmer (aka Triple Heater), Gall Bladder,
and Liver.
3. A knowledge of the biomechanical aspects of the skeletal and muscular systems.

CEU Learning Course Objectives and Timed Breakdowns The specific course
objectives are:

Students will study the concepts of channels and meridians and present a survey of
the 12 primary and 8 extraordinary meridians and the various pathways and
collaterals associated with each meridian. This course will cover over 2,000 different
point locations traditionally called "acupuncture points" in English, or "xue" (,
cavities) in Chinese or a combination of these points. 240 Minutes
Describe how patterns of disharmony are treated.
Name the 12 primary pathways and explain how they are named.
Describe the six yin and six yang channels.
Explain the movement of qi through each channel.
Analyze internal and external pathways.
Illustrate the 12 main meridians and the acupoints of the body.
Identify and explain each of the meridians.
Define elegant treatment.
Analyze the usefulness of acupuncture.

Students will master proportional measurement combined with anatomical landmarks
as a guide for locating points along a pathway. Students will be examined for their
ability to locate, name point locations and their use. 145 minutes.
Define cun.
Explain how landmarks are used.

The student will learn the principles of meridians that are divided into Yin and Yang
groups. Learn and explore Zang Fu theory as well as understand San Jiao. Like
most other organs, the San Jiao has a meridian named for it which is also a
reflection of the energetic health of the organ. 20 minutes
Explain the imbalances of qi.
Evaluate the San Jiao concept and locate the corresponding meridian.
Differentiate between yin and yang organs.
Discuss qigong.
Compare Western and Chinese attitudes towards qigong.
Analyze Zung Fu theory.
Contrast yin and yang.
Describe yin and yang therapies; TCM's Chinese Clock and Chinese philosophy
recognizes five distinct elements of cyclical change called water, wood, fire, earth,
and metal. 35 minutes
Define Qi, Shen and Jing according to TCM.
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Describe the acupuncture traditional theory.
Explain the Chinese Clock.
List the five elements and the Zung Fu organs they are associated with.

Students will review various acupuncture techniques. 30 minutes
Describe the role of an acupuncturist in TCM.
Examine Daoism.
Explain the process of counteracting qi imbalances.
Analyze the 8-HUI acupoints.

Students will be able to perform patient evaluations based on Traditional Chinese
Medicine concepts and identify the correct meridian system and pathways. Finish
with a complex assignment of identifying meridians and the various pathways and
collaterals associated with each meridian. 140 minutes.
Describe in detail the four diagnostic methods in TCM.
Compare the five elements to the seasons and list the accompanying yin-
yang phase.
List energy patterns and associated color, emotion, taste and voice.
Analyze ideal conditions according to Oriental Medicine.
Explain the gate theory of pain.
Discuss the electrical theory of pain.
List the seven inquiries in the evaluation of patients.
Evaluate palpation in acupuncture.
Define auscultation and olfaction.
Differentiate between acupuncture and warming acupuncture points.
Define and identify uses for moxibustion.
Outline the acupuncture process.
Compare the different styles of acupuncture common in the US.
List general guidelines for prognosis.
Name conditions for which acupuncture is considered a complementary
This handbook or course is not intended as a complete guide to the art of proper
acupuncture techniques. It is not complete and should not be used to diagnose disease
or to instruct the student to performing or prescribing the use of oriental massage,
acupressure, breathing techniques, exercise, or nutrition, including the incorporation of
drugless substances and herbs as dietary supplements to promote health.

Information is supplied here with the understanding that no discrimination is intended
and no endorsement by Therapeutic Learning College/Technical Learning College is
implied. Due to constantly changing laws and regulations, the authors can assume no
liability for the recommendations. Any use of a treatment contrary to your State licensed
instructions is not legal or recommended. Several of the treatments in this manual can
cause death, paralysis or serious illness if misused.
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Medical Department Mission Statement
Our mission is to present to the student a foundation in public health, communicable
disease, pathogenesis, immunology, mechanisms of pathological change, and pertinent
clinical presentation preparatory to further studies in diagnosis and other clinical
sciences. This syllabus reflects case study-oriented approaches to the presentation of
the course material, one that parallels standard approaches to teaching medicine.

Accreditation Formula for Figuring CEU Credit
The results of beta-testing were used in conjunction with a formula to determine average
student time for accreditation purposes for intended audiences. This formula may not
work for unintended audiences.

1 page of text = 2 minutes of student time.
1 word practice problem = 1 minute of student
1 word quiz/exam question = 1 minutes of
student time. Our assignment is based upon
two problems or variables per question.
The above time averages may change with
certain audiences.

**CEU is awarded based on guidelines
established by the International Association of
Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

Final Examination for Credit
Opportunity to pass the final comprehensive
examination is limited to three attempts per
course enrollment.

Course Procedures for Registration and
All of Technical Learning
Colleges/Therapeutic Learning Colleges
distance learning courses have complete registration and support services offered.
Delivery of services will include e-mail, web site, telephone, fax and mail support. TLC
will attempt immediate and prompt service.

All students will be tracked by their social security number or a unique number will be
assigned to the student.

Instructions for Written Assignments
The Acupuncture Formula Review CEU training course uses a multiple choice style
answer key. You can write your answers in this manual or type out your own answer
key. TLC would prefer that you type out and e-mail the examination to TLC, but it is not
required. There is also an alternative CEU course practicum assignment available,
contact your Instructor for further instruction and permission.

Feedback Mechanism (examination procedures)
Each student will receive a feedback form as part of his or her study packet. You will
find this form at the end of this course.
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Security and Integrity
All students are required to do their own work. All lesson sheets and final exams are not
returned to the student to discourage sharing of answers. Any fraud or deceit and the
student will forfeit all fees and the appropriate agency will be notified.

Grading Criteria
TLC will offer the student either pass/fail or a standard letter grading assignment. If TLC
is not notified, you will only receive a pass/fail notice.

Required Texts
The Acupuncture Formula Review CEU training course will not require any other
materials. This course comes complete.

Acupuncture Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
TLC provides a glossary that defines in scientific language commonly used Acupuncture
terms appearing in common Acupuncture publications and materials. It also explains
abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the Acupuncture and medical community.
You can find the glossary in the rear of this manual.

Recordkeeping and Reporting Practices
TLC will keep all student records for a minimum of five years. It is the students
responsibility to give the completion certificate to the appropriate agencies. TLC will
complete and return to you the forms necessary for your certificate renewal.

ADA Compliance
TLC will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities.
Students should notify TLC and their instructors of any special needs. Course content
may vary from this outline to meet the needs of this particular group. There is also an
alternative CEU course practicum assignment available, contact your Instructor for
further instruction and permission.

Note to students: Keep a copy of
everything that you submit. If your work is
lost, you can submit your copy for grading. If
you do not receive your graded assignment or
quiz results within two or three weeks after
submitting it, please contact your instructor.
We expect every student to produce his/her
original, independent work. Any student whose
work indicates a violation of the Academic
Misconduct Policy (cheating, plagiarism) can
expect penalties as specified in the Student
Handbook, which is available through Student
Services; contact them at (928) 468-0665. You
will have 90 days from receipt of this manual to
complete it in order to receive your Continuing
Education Units (CEUs) or Professional
Development Hours (PDHs). A score of 70% or better is necessary to pass this course.
If you should need any assistance, please email all concerns or call us. If possible, e-
mail the final test to [email protected] or fax (928) 468-0675.

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Course Objective: To provide continuing education training in Acupuncture formulas
and acupuncture points. Acupressure/acupuncture formulas use a combination of points
along energy meridians to treat different conditions. This course will teach the student
safe and effective acupuncture techniques and common formulas as well as being
properly prepared in proper anatomical identification and appropriate health care
management strategies.

The Educational Mission of TLC is:
To provide TLC students with comprehensive and ongoing training in the theory and
skills needed for the acupuncture education field,

To provide TLC students with opportunities to apply and understand the theory and skills
needed for a successful career,

To provide opportunities for TLC students to learn and practice environmental
educational skills with members of the community for the purpose of sharing diverse
perspectives and experience,

To provide a forum in which students can exchange experiences and ideas related to
acupuncture education,

To provide a forum for the collection and dissemination of current information related to
acupuncture education, and to maintain an environment that nurtures academic and
personal growth.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675


Acupuncture Introduction 15
San Jiao 16
Chinese Phonetics 19
General Information 21
Moxibustion 27
Twelve Primary Pathways 33
Chinese Clock 34
Invisible Pathways of Qi 35
Meridians 39
Qigong 59
Yin and Yang 61
Chinese Medical Theory 63
Five Elements 63
Indications 69
Footnotes 72
Exercise #1 73
Identification Section 75
Gall Bladder 87
Governing Vessel 93
Heart 97
Kidney 99
Large Intestines 103
Lung Meridian 107
Pericardium 109
Small Intestines 111
Spleen 113
Stomach 117
Triple Burner 123
Chinese Names 127
Exercise #2 131
Other Causes of Disease 133
Evil Influences 137
Formula Flow Chart 139
Glossary 307
Chinese Glossary 325
References 343

Library of Congress Registration Number TX- 6-823-321
Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675


Gather a cup of tea and relax while completing this course. This course is
primary for professionals needing CEUs and not a comprehensive
acupuncture course. I hope you find this course a refreshing difference
from other courses you may have taken in the past.

It is crazy the current price for a pound of good tea. It cost more than most
drugs. If I would have know about this business, I would became a tea
dealer instead of an acupuncturist.
Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675

Acupuncture Introduction

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a system of
healing that dates back thousands of years. At the core of TCM is the notion that a type
of life force, or energy, known as qi (pronounced "chee") flows through energy pathways
(meridians) in the body. Each meridian corresponds to one organ, or group of organs,
that governs particular bodily functions. Achieving the proper flow of qi is thought to
create health and wellness. Qi maintains the dynamic balance of yin and yang, which
are complementary opposites. According to TCM, everything in nature has both yin and
yang. An imbalance of qi (too much, too little, or blocked flow) causes disease. To
restore balance to the qi, an acupuncturist inserts needles at points along the meridians.
These acupuncture points are places where the energy pathway is close to the surface
of the skin.

California Acupuncture Board
According to the California Acupuncture Board, acupuncture means the stimulation of a
certain point or points on or near the surface of the body by the insertion of needles to
prevent or modify the perception of pain or to normalize physiological functions,
including pain control, for the treatment of certain diseases or dysfunctions of the body
and includes the techniques of electroacupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion.

A Little History
In China, the practice of acupuncture can perhaps be traced as far back as the stone
age, with the Bian shi, or sharpened stones. Clearer evidence exists from the 1

millennium BC, and archeological evidence has been identified with the period of the
Han dynasty (202 BC220 AD). Forms of it are
also described in the literature of traditional
Korean medicine where it is called chimsul. It is
also important in Kampo, the traditional medicine
system of Japan.

Recent examinations of tzi, a 5,000-year-old
mummy found in the Alps, have identified over 50
tattoos on his body, some of which are located on
acupuncture points that would today be used to
treat ailments tzi suffered from. Some scientists
believe that this is evidence that practices similar
to acupuncture were practiced elsewhere in
Eurasia during the early Bronze Age. According to
an article published in The Lancet by Dorfer et al.,
"We hypothesized that there might have been a
medical system similar to acupuncture (Chinese
Zhenjiu: needling and burning) that was practiced
in Central Europe 5,200 years ago... A treatment
modality similar to acupuncture thus appears to
have been in use long before its previously known
period of use in the medical tradition of ancient
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This raises the possibility of acupuncture having originated in the Eurasian continent at
least 2000 years earlier than previously recognized."

Acupuncture's origins in China are uncertain. The earliest Chinese medical texts (Ma-
wang-tui graves, 68 BC) do not mention acupuncture. The Chinese medical text that first
describes acupuncture is the Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine (History of
Acupuncture) Huangdi Neijing, which was compiled around 305204 B.C.

Some hieroglyphics have been found dating back to 1000 B.C. that may indicate an
early use of acupuncture. Bian stones, sharp pointed rocks used to treat diseases in
ancient times, have also been discovered in ruins; some scholars believe that the
bloodletting for which these stones were likely used presages certain acupuncture

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Philosophy of the Dao
Dao is often described as "the path" or "the way of life" in Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) and acupuncture, just as its counterpart in ancient India, Ayurveda. The laws of
the Dao advocate moderation, living in harmony with nature and striving for balance.
Ancient Chinese believed that moderation in all areas of life is essential to a long and
fruitful life. We are "fueled" by three treasures: Qi or Chi (pronounced chee), Shen, and
Jing. Chi is energy or vital substance, Shen is the spirit, and Jing is our essence. Qi is
both the life force (or vital substance) and the organizing principle flowing through all
things and establishing their interconnectedness. The Chinese believe that every living
thing (both human and non-human) has qi. In the body, qi is found in the heart and lungs
in circulating blood and oxygen. Shen is the treasure that gives brightness to life and is
responsible for consciousness and mental abilities. Sometimes it is compared to soul.

Within the individual, Shen is manifested in personality, thought, sensory perception, and
the awareness of self. Jing is responsible for growth, development and reproduction.
Jing represents a person's potential for development (comparable to the Western
concept of genetical inheritance). The Chinese believe that everyone is born with a finite
amount of Jing. As we go through life, we lose or consume our Jing little by little. Once
we lose Jing, it cannot be replaced; it is gone forever. We lose Jing if we live a wrong or
careless life, but Jing can be preserved if we live in moderation. Acupuncture can reduce
the loss of Jing.

San Jiao
The San Jiao () is a traditional Chinese medical (TCM) concept of a functional
organ that is not found outside of TCM (see Zang Fu theory). San Jiao has been
translated as "triple heater," "triple warmer," and "triple burner," the latter of which is
probably favored because of the involvement of the San Jiao in metabolism (burner
meaning "metabolizer"). Like most other organs, the San Jiao has a meridian named for
it which is also a reflection of the energetic health of the organ. The Triple Warmer
Meridian is located from the fingernail of the ring finger, up the outside center of the
hand and arm, behind the top of the shoulder but above the shoulder blade, up the neck
to behind the ear, then up and around the base of the ear to the top & front, then on the
outer tip of the eyebrow.

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In TCM theory, the San Jiao is a yang organ paired with the pericardium which is the yin
organ associated with it. Yang organs are typically hollow, whereas yin organs are more
solid. The triple burner, however, is said to be primarily energetic and does not have a
physical component, unlike all the other organs in TCM. The San Jiao occupies the trunk
of the body, in three compartments (hence the "triple" in its name). The upper
compartment is the chest down to the diaphragm - which is associated with respiration.
The middle compartment is from the diaphragm to the umbilicus - which is associated
with digestion.

The lower compartment is from the umbilicus to the top of the pubic bone - which is
associated with elimination. However, in dissecting a body, one would not be able to find
a structure that could be called the San Jiao.

The San Jiao is said to be a metabolism mechanism similar to an old-fashioned water
wheel that is turned by incoming water and creates energy for accomplishing a task,
such as grinding grain in the case of the water wheel, or for metabolizing and digesting
food in the case of the San Jiao. The San Jiao is closely associated with the spleen
functions of transformation and transportation, particularly the metabolism of incoming
food. The San Jiao is also closely associated with the kidney's function in TCM. The San
Jiao, however, is not limited to one metabolism function as the spleen or kidneys are, but
is a general metabolizer which can be applied to a variety of metabolism needs.

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Acupuncture Traditional Theory

Chinese medicine is based on a different paradigm from scientific biomedicine. Its theory
holds the following explanation of acupuncture:

Acupuncture treats the human body as a whole that
involves several "systems of function." These systems
are in some cases loosely associated with (but not
identified on a one-to-one basis with) physical organs.
Some systems of function, such as the "triple heater"
(San Jiao, also called the "triple burner") have no
corresponding physical organ, but instead represent the
various jiaos (or levels) of the ventral body cavity (upper,
middle and lower).

Disease is understood as a loss of balance between the
yin and yang energies, which bears some resemblance
to homeostasis among the several systems of function,
and treatment of disease is attempted by modifying the
activity of one or more systems of function through the
activity of needles, pressure, heat, etc. on sensitive parts
of the body of small volume traditionally called
"acupuncture points" in English, or "xue" (, cavities) in Chinese. This is referred to in
TCM as treating "patterns of disharmony".

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Chinese Phonetics and Understanding the Language

Pinyin is a Chinese system for transliterating Mandarin Chinese into 25 European
characters (the letter v is not included).

In Chinese, each character corresponds to one syllable (which corresponds to a part of
an English word, and entire word or more than one word). Chinese syllables consist of
three elements: initial sound, final sound and tone. The initial sounds are consonants
and the final sounds contain at least one vowel. Some syllables consist only of an initial
sound or a final sound.

Note that "c", "ch", "j", "q", "r", "sh", "x", "z" and "zh" are spelt differently.

In Chinese (Mandarin) there are 21 initial sounds: b, c, ch, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s,
sh, t, x, z, zh

In Chinese (Mandarin) there are 35 final sounds:

6 simple finals: a, e, i, o, u,

13 compound finals: ai, ao, ei, ia, iao, ie, iou, ou, ua, uai, e, uei, uo

16 nasal finals: 8 front nasals: an, en, ian, in, uan, an, uen, n
8 back nasals: ang, eng, iang, ing, iong, ong, uang, ueng

Additional syllables in Mandarin Chinese: 5 special cases: er, hm, hng, ng, ~r

The initial and final sounds make a total of 56 basic sounds. Combinations of initials and
finals plus the special cases result in 411 possible combinations. Applying the four tones
of Mandarin Chinese to this, we get a total of around 1,600 unique syllables.

Tones in Chinese (Mandarin)
In Chinese (Mandarin) there are four tones:
The 1st tone is marked with a line ("a" + "
" = ""). This is a high, even and
constant tone.
The 2nd tone is marked with a rising line ("a" + "" = ""). This is a rising tone that
grows stronger.
The 3rd tone is marked with a hook ("a" + "
" = ""). This tone is first falling and
fading, then rising and growing strong.
The 4th tone is marked with a falling line ("a" + "`" = ""). This is a quickly falling
and fading tone.
Tone markings are written over the central vowels in most syllables. Some
syllables have no specific tone, and then no sign is put above any vowel.

In Chinese it is always very important to pronounce words with correct tone. In
transliterated Chinese.
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There is no Chinese alphabet in the sense we understand it in the West. Chinese
characters are not letters (with some exceptions), Chinese characters represent an idea,
a concept or an object. While in the west each of the letters of our alphabet represents a
sound that generally has no particular meaning.

In modern Chinese there is a set of more than 400 syllables, made of two elements: an
initial, the sheng and a final the yun. The first part, the sheng is the consonant that
begins a syllable. The sheng is followed by a yun that is usually a vowel. The Chinese
computerized fonts for words processor include 6500 characters for the simplified form.

These are different Chinese symbols:

Chinese, by contrast, uses pictographs or ideographs. Here, each Chinese symbol
represents an object, concept or idea.

Single Chinese characters may represent many concepts. Take the number "1" for
example. It is one of the simplest characters possible but can mean one, unit, once,
alone, whole, all etc. For this reason, it is common for Chinese words to consist of two
characters, in order to clarify the exact meaning. An example would be , meaning rat
or mouse. By adding the character for "old" in front of it, , the meaning is
unambiguously changed to "mouse"
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General Acupuncture and Related Information

How Does Acupuncture Work?
Historically, acupuncture points were believed to be holes that allow entry into channels.
These holes provide us gateways to influence, redirect, increase, or decrease the body's
vital substance, qi, thus correcting many of the imbalances. Many studies and research
have been directed towards understanding the mechanism of acupuncture.

Effects of Acupuncture
Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the immune system. It also affects the
circulation, blood pressure, rhythm and stroke volume of the heart, secretion of the
gastric acid, and production of red and white cells. It stimulates the release of a variety
of hormones that help the body to respond to injury and stress.

The Gate Control Theory of Pain
According to this theory, pain signals must pass through a number of high-traffic "gates"
as they move from the area of injury upward through the spinal cord into the brain. Like a
road or highway, these nerves can handle only a limited number of nerve signals at one
time. The pain signals travels very slowly. We can generate other signals which move
faster. The faster signals crowd out the slower ones because of the limited capacity of
the nerves. (Imagine sitting in traffic near a construction zone, where the two lanes
merge into one. The fast cars on the merging lanes go further and merge ahead of the
slower ones, making it nearly impossible for the slow traffic on the lane to move forward.
Now, the pain signals are the slow ones sitting there waiting for an opening to move
through. If one can produce enough fast signals, it can effectively crowd out the pain
signals.) Acupuncture generates competing stimulus and effectively blocks the slow pain
signals from reaching the brain. The result: we never "experience the pain".

Electrical Theory of Pain
The body continually generates tiny but detectable electrical discharges. This electrical
field influences the growth, maturation, and functioning of some types of cells. It is
known that acupuncture points are concentrated in regions of low electrical resistance.
Studies have shown that there is a correlation between the electromagnetic fields in the
body and the channels or meridians. So, this electrical theory suggests that acupuncture
works by influencing the body's electromagnetic fields. Acupuncture points have certain
electrical properties, and stimulating these points alters chemical neurotransmitters in
the body.

Auscultation and olfaction refer, respectively, to listening for particular sounds (such as
wheezing) and attending to body odor. Inquiring focuses on the "seven inquiries", which
are: chills and fever; perspiration; appetite, thirst and taste; defecation and urination;
pain; sleep; and menses and leukorrhea. Palpation includes feeling the body for tender
"ashi" points, and palpation of the left and right radial pulses at two levels of pressure
(superficial and deep) and three positions Cun, Guan, Chi(immediately proximal to the
wrist crease, and one and two fingers' breadth proximally, usually palpated with the
index, middle and ring fingers).

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Other forms of acupuncture employ additional diagnostic techniques. In many forms of
classical Chinese acupuncture, as well as Japanese acupuncture, palpation of the
muscles and the hara (abdomen) are central to diagnosis.

TCM Perspective on Treatment of Disease
Although TCM is based on the treatment of "patterns of disharmony" rather than
biomedical diagnoses, practitioners familiar with both systems have commented on
relationships between the two. A given TCM pattern of disharmony may be reflected in a
certain range of biomedical diagnoses: thus, the pattern called Deficiency of Spleen Qi
could manifest as chronic fatigue, diarrhea or uterine prolapse. Likewise, a population of
patients with a given biomedical diagnosis may have varying TCM patterns. These
observations are encapsulated in the TCM aphorism "One disease, many patterns; one
pattern, many diseases". (Kaptchuk, 1982)

What Is A Cun?
The cun is a measurement relative to the patients body that is used to find acupuncture
points. Generally speaking one cun is equal to the space between the distal
interphalangeal joint and the proximal interphalangeal joint on the middle finger.
However, this cun can only be used on certain parts of the body when finding
acupuncture points - on other points you use other relative landmarks. For example, the
space from nipple to nipple is 8 cun and this 8 cun can be used to find points on the
chest - the space from the center of the patella to the lateral malleolus is 16 cun and this
16 cun can be used to find points on the legs, etc.

Clinical Practice
Classically, "in clinical practice, acupuncture treatment is typically highly-individualized
and based on philosophical constructs and subjective and intuitive impressions" and not
on controlled scientific research."

Most modern acupuncturists use disposable stainless steel needles of fine diameter
(0.007" to 0.020", 0.18 mm to 0.51 mm), sterilized with ethylene oxide or by autoclave.
These needles are far smaller in diameter (and therefore less painful) than the needles
used to give shots, since they do not have to be hollow for purposes of injection. The
upper third of each needle is wound with a thicker wire (typically bronze), or covered in
plastic, to stiffen the needle and provide a handle for the acupuncturist to grasp while
inserting. The size and type of needle used, and the depth of insertion, depend on the
acupuncture style being practiced.

Warming an acupuncture point, typically by moxibustion (the burning of a combination of
herbs, primarily mugwort), is a different treatment than acupuncture itself and is often,
but not exclusively, used as a supplemental treatment. The Chinese term zhn ju (),
commonly used to refer to acupuncture, comes from zhen meaning "needle", and jiu
meaning "moxibustion".

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Table of Commonly Used Proportional Measurements

Head and Neck

Distance Proportional Unit (cun) Remarks
Anterior hairline to posterior hairline. 12 There are the standards vertically
measured from the forehead to the
Glabella to anterior hairline. 3 neck if hairlines are indistinguishable
the distance from the glabella to
Posterior hairline to Tachui (GV 14). 3 Tachui (GV 14) taken s 18 cun.

The hairline between the two temporal. 9 These are the standards measured
transversely regions in the head
region. The distance between the
Distance between the tips of two mastoid. 9 tips of the two mastoid processes is
measured processer instead in
case the hairlines on the temples are
From the laryngeal prominence to Tientu 4 This is the standard measured
(CV 22). vertically on the neck.

Distance between two Jenying (ST 9). 3 This vertical distance is used as the
standard measured transversely on
the neck.

Thorax and Abdomen

Distance Proportional Unit (cun) Remarks
From Tientu (CV 22) to Tanchung 6.8 This vertical distance is measured as
(CV 17). standard on the chest.

From lower end of sternum to 8 This standard measured vertically is
Umbilicus. used on hypochondriuim. The
xiphoid process is equivalent to 0.5
Umbilicus to upper border of symphysis 5 This vertical measurement is the pubia.
standard used in hypogastrium.

Distance between two nipples. 8 This is the transverse measurement
used in chest and abdominal Between
the midlines of two clavicles. 8 regions. In women use the
measurement between the midlines
of the clavicles.

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Lateral Aspect of Thorax and Abdomen

Distance Proportional Unit (cun) Remarks
The center of the axil lary fossa to the 12 This vertical measurement is taken free
end of the 11
rib. as the standard for the lateral aspect
of thorax.

The free end of the 11
rib to the tip 9 This vertical measurement is taken of
greater trochanter. as the lateral aspect of abdomen.

Upper Extremities

Distance Proportional Unit (cun) Remarks
Front (or back) transverse crease of 9 This distance is measured vertically
the axilla to the cubital crease upper extremities.
(or the olecranon).
The cubital crease (or the olecranon) 12
to the wrist tranaverse crease.

Lower Extremities

Distance Proportional Unit (cun) Remarks
From the upper border of the symphysis 18 This is the standard measurement of
pubia to the upper border of the medical three Yin meridians of the foot.
condyle of the femur.

From the tip of greater trochanter to the 19 This is the standard measurement of
middle of the knee. three Yang meridians of the foot.

From the inferior border of medical 13 This measurement is used for the
condyle of tibia to the tip of medical three Yin meridians of the foot.

From the middle of the knee to the tip 16 This measurement is used for the
of lateral malleolus. three Yang meridians of the foot.

The distance from the middle of knee to the inferior border of medical
condyle of the tibia is 2 cun. The medial malleohus is 1 cun higher than the
lateral malleolus. Therefore the length fromithe middle of knee to the tip of
lateral malleolus is 16 cun. This standard may be also used for the three Yin
meridians of the foot.

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3 18



8 0.5



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() () 9

() 12


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The characters that we translate as acupuncture, zhen jui in Chinese and shinkyu in
Japanese, translate more literally as needles and moxa. From the earliest Han dynasty
texts, to complete Song dynasty treatises solely dealing with moxibustion, moxa has
been an integral part of medical practice.

Moxa is processed from the fibers inside the leaves of Mugwort (various Artemisia
species). The fibers are separated from the rest of the plant matter, allowed to bleach in
the sun, and aged for several years. They smolder when ignited, rather than burning with
a flame, and the ashes tend to tighten up, holding their shape, rather than falling apart.

The word moxa is an English approximation of the Japanese mogusha, the Mugwort
plant. The term moxibustion describes the techniques of burning moxa for therapeutic

Moxibustion is still used in the 21
century to varying degrees among the schools of
oriental medicine. For example, one well known technique is to insert the needle at the
desired acupuncture point, attach dried moxa to the external end of an acupuncture
needle, and then ignite it. The moxa will then smolder for several minutes (depending on
the amount adhered to the needle) and conduct heat through the needle to the tissue
surrounding the needle in the patient's body. Another common technique is to hold a
large glowing stick of moxa over the needles. Moxa is also sometimes burned at the skin
surface, usually by applying an ointment to the skin to protect from burns, though
burning of the skin is a general practice in China.

Grades of Moxa
There are a number of grades of moxa; more refined and aged moxa burns at a lower
temperature. The highest grade is suitable for use directly on the skin of children, while
the lower grades are applied to needles or burned with a something between them and
the skin, often ginger, garlic, salt or miso paste.

Various techniques are used to apply the heat to the points. The types used most often
are thread moxa (sesame seed or rice grain size), cone moxa (smaller soybean size or
larger pyramids) or needle moxa (spheres of moxa on the top of an inserted needle).
Moxa adds warmth when Cold is a problem, creates movement when Stagnation is a
problem, and adds Qi when Vacuity is a problem.

Gua sha
In cases of the common cold or muscular pain, either cupping or gua sha may be used
to support the healing process. Gua Sha is performed by rubbing the skin with the
smooth surface of a coin, ceramic spoon or lid in areas where stuck or stagnated blood
is found to reside. Small red dots or petechiae come to the surface. The result is healthy
circulation of blood and an improvement of symptoms that is usually felt immediately.
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Cupping uses glass, plastic or bamboo cups that create suction when placed upon the
patients body. The technique may temporarily leave small round red marks on the skin.
Typically, the marks will clear within a few days. Similar to the technique of gua sha,
cupping can be used for many conditions including muscular pain and the common cold.

What Does an Acupuncturist Do?
In addition to asking questions, the acupuncturist may want to take your pulse at several
points along the wrist and look at the shape, color, and coating of your tongue. The
acupuncturist may also look at the color and texture of your skin, your posture, and other
physical characteristics that offer clues to your health. You will lie down on a padded
examining table, and the acupuncturist will insert the needles, twirling or gently jiggling
each as it goes in. You may not feel the needles at all, or you may feel a twitch or a
quick twinge of pain that disappears when the needle is completely inserted. Once the
needles are all in place, you rest for 15 to 60 minutes. During this time, you'll probably
feel relaxed and sleepy and may even doze off. At the end of the session, the
acupuncturist quickly and painlessly removes the needles.

For certain conditions, acupuncture is more effective when the needles are heated using
a technique known as "moxibustion" (see previous section). Another variation is
electrical acupuncture. Acupuncturists trained in Chinese herbal preparations may
prescribe herbs along with acupuncture.

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Different Styles of Acupuncture

There are several different approaches to acupuncture. Among the most common in the
United States today are:

TCM-based acupuncture -- the most commonly practiced in the United States, it bases a
diagnosis on eight principles of complementary opposites (yin/yang, internal/external,
excess/deficiency, hot/cold).

French energetic acupuncture -- mostly used by MD acupuncturists, it emphasizes
meridian patterns, in particular the yin-yang pairs of primary meridians.

Korean hand acupuncture -- based on the principle that the hands and feet have
concentrations of qi, and that applying acupuncture needles to these areas is effective for the
entire body.

Auricular acupuncture -- this technique is widely used in treating addiction disorders. It is
based on the idea that the ear is a reflection of the body and that applying acupuncture
needles to certain points on the ear affects corresponding organs.

Myofascially-based acupuncture -- often practiced by physical therapists, it involves feeling
the meridian lines in search of tender points, then applying needles. Tender points indicate
areas of abnormal energy flow.

Japanese styles of acupuncture -- sometimes referred to as "meridian therapy," it
emphasizes needling technique and feeling meridians in diagnosis.

What is Gokavi Transverse Technique (GTT Acupuncture)?
GTT Acupuncture is a dry needling acupuncture technique combined with high frequency
electrical stimulation. It is said to be very useful in the treatment and management of chronic
myofascial pain release.

Typically, GTT Acupuncture technique involves two stages.
In stage 1, acupuncture needles are inserted in a specific transverse direction to form a
special circuit enclosing the area of pain. The needles are electrically stimulated at two
different high frequencies. The end result of this treatment is relaxation and analgesia of the
muscles involved.

The high frequency electrical stimulation activates skin and muscle receptors. The
proponents of the method propose that the high frequency electrical stimulation also causes
the midbrain to bypass the endorphin system and causes the release of serotonin and
norepinephrine. This suppresses the transmission of pain, causing an analgesic effect.

In stage 2, the dry needling is done in a transverse direction. Since the muscle is already
relaxed as a result of the treatment in stage 1, the therapist can lift the muscle and needle the
muscle through its entire thickness, releasing spasms and trigger points. Deeper layers of
muscles are accessible in this two step process than are available in conventional
acupuncture. The stage 2 treatment increases mobility and reduces the pain.

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The transverse needling employed in GTT acupuncture is safe, reliable and effective. The
soothing pain relief obtained causes a significant improvement in patient compliance and
tolerance to the dry needling. This produces dramatic and long term effects. GTT
Acupuncture is especially effective in the treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia and
chronic myofascial pain.

How Many Treatments do I Need?
The number of acupuncture treatments you need depends on the complexity of your illness,
whether it's a chronic or recent condition, and your general health. For example, you may
need only one treatment for a recent wrist sprain, while a long-standing, chronic illness may
require treatments once or twice a week for several months to achieve good results.

Listed below are some general guidelines related to forming a prognosis. To discuss any of
this information, please utilize our Chinese Acupuncture Theory forum.

Organ vs. Meridian Pathology
In general, meridian imbalances take less time to treat than deeper organ imbalances.

Interior vs. Exterior Patterns
In general, exterior patterns take less time to treat than interior ones. For example, the
common cold (external wind-cold) takes less time to treat than the heat in the lung variation of

Qi vs. Blood
It is generally easier to build and/or move Qi than it is to build and/or move Blood. For
example, Qi Stagnation will resolve faster than Blood Stagnation.

Deficiency vs. Excess
It is generally easier to drain an excess pathology than to build up a deficiency. Additionally, there
are variations within these broad categorizations. For example, a Yang Deficiency may take longer
to build than Qi Deficiency. On the deficiency side, Yin Deficiency may take longer to build than
Blood Deficiency.

Dampness and Phlegm
Dampness is generally considered easier to treat than Phlegm. They are both, however, slow to
move and resolve by their nature and will generally complicate other imbalances.

Lifestyle/Psycho-Emotional Factors
Conditions that have fostered certain states of imbalance (living in a damp environment, for
example) if left unresolved will generally hinder the treatments. On a psycho-emotional level, the
continued repression, over expression or over experience of certain emotional states will also
make imbalances more difficult to resolve.

Factors related to the Four Stages
The prognosis is worsened depending on the stage of disease, ranging from the Wei level, to the
Qi level, to the Ying, to the Blood.

Factors related to the Six Stages
The prognosis is worsened depending on the stage of disease, ranging from Tai Yang, to Yang
Ming, to Shao Yang, to Tai Yin, to Shao Yin, to Jue Yin.

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What does Acupuncture Feel Like?
Acupuncture needles are hair-thin, metallic, and solid. People experience acupuncture differently,
but most feel minimal pain (or even none at all) as the needles are inserted. Some people are
energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed. Improper needle placement, movement of the
patient, or a defect in the needle can cause soreness and pain during treatment. This is why it is
important to seek treatment from a qualified acupuncture practitioner.

What are the needles like? Can I get infected?
In 1996 US FDA approved acupuncture needles for licensed practitioners. The FDA requires that
the needles be sterile, nontoxic, and disposed of after a single use.

Only FDA approved sterile, disposable needles should be used, and they are only used once.
These needles are carefully manufactured under the guidance of the FDA. There is no risk of

Acupuncture needles are small and hair-thin. They are solid (not hollow like the needles used by
doctors in surgery). The end of an acupuncture needle is smooth and rounded. Acupuncture
needles are not designed to cut the skin. Instead, when an acupuncture needle is inserted, the
round edge pushes the tissue aside without cutting it. Acupuncture needles are so thin it's as if
they can glide through the spaces between the individual cells of the body.

Does it (Needling or Acupuncture Process) Hurt?
People experience needling differently. Most feel no pain. Some experience minimal pain as the
needles are inserted. The needles can be quickly adjusted in the unlikely event of uncomfortable
feelings during the needling process. (Please do not hesitate to tell the practitioner if you feel

Some people experience a sensation like that of a mosquito bite that disappears very quickly.
Often people describe their sensations as warming, heavy, numb or tingling. Be comfortable and
relax while the needles are in place. The more you can relax during an acupuncture treatment, the
better the results. Some people even fall asleep during the treatment. Following treatment, it is
very common to feel a tremendous sense of relaxation and calm.

Are there any Possible Problems or Complications?
When done by a trained professional, acupuncture is generally considered safe. The number of
complications reported have been relatively few, but there is a risk that a patient may be harmed if
the acupuncturist is not well trained.

Traditional needle acupuncture can cause dizziness, fainting, local internal bleeding, convulsions,
hepatitis B, dermatitis, nerve damage, and increased pain. Punctured lungs have happened rarely
but have resulted in a few deaths. Traditional acupuncture also poses risks, such as infection from
contaminated needles or improper delivery of treatment. The risk of infection is much lower now
that acupuncturists in the United States use sterile needles that are discarded after a single use.

Those who are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) may have bleeding problems with traditional
needle acupuncture. People with cardiac pacemakers, infusion pumps, or other electrical devices
should avoid electroacupuncture.

Relying on this type of treatment alone, and avoiding or delaying conventional medical care, may
have serious health consequences.

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Twelve Primary Pathways

Treatment of acupuncture points may be performed along several layers of pathways, most
commonly the twelve primary pathways (meridians), located throughout the body. Other pathways
include the Eight Extraordinary Pathways Qi Jing Ba Mai, the Luo Vessels, the Divergents and the
Sinew Channels. Unaffiliated, or tender points, called "ah shi" (signifying "that's it", "ouch", or "oh
yes") are generally used for treatment of local pain. Of the eight extraordinary pathways, only two
have acupuncture points of their own. The other six meridians are "activated" by using a master
and couple point technique which involves needling the acupuncture points located on the twelve
main meridians that correspond to the particular extraordinary pathway. Ten of the primary
pathways are named after organs of the body (Heart, Liver, etc.), one is named for the serous
membrane that wraps the heart (Heart Protector or Pericardium), the last is the 'three spaces' (San

The pathways are capitalized to avoid confusion with a physical organ (for example, we write the
"Heart meridian" as opposed to the "heart meridian"). The two independent extraordinary
pathways Ren Mai and Du Mai are situated on the midline of the anterior and posterior aspects of
the trunk and head respectively. The twelve primary pathways run vertically, bilaterally, and
symmetrically and every channel corresponds to and connects internally with one of the twelve
Zang Fu ("organs"). This means that there are six yin and six
yang channels.

There are three yin and three yang channels on each arm, and
three yin and three yang on each leg.

The three yin channels of the hand (Lung, Pericardium, and
Heart) begin on the chest and travel along the inner surface
(mostly the anterior portion) of the arm to the hand.

The three yang channels of the hand (Large intestine, San
Jiao, and Small intestine) begin on the hand and travel along
the outer surface (mostly the posterior portion) of the arm to
the head.

The three yin channels of the foot (Spleen, Liver, and Kidney)
begin on the foot and travel along the inner surface (mostly
posterior and medial portion) of the leg to the chest or flank.

The three yang channels of the foot (Stomach, Gallbladder,
and Bladder) begin on the face, in the region of the eye, and travel down the body and along the
outer surface (mostly the anterior and lateral portion) of the leg to the foot.

The movement of qi through each of the twelve channels is comprised of an internal and an
external pathway. The external pathway is what is normally shown on an acupuncture chart and it
is relatively superficial. All the acupuncture points of a channel lie on its external pathway. The
internal pathways are the deep course of the channel where it enters the body cavities and related
Zang-Fu organs.

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The superficial pathways of the twelve channels describe three complete circuits of the body,
chest to hands, hands to head, head to feet, feet to chest, etc.

Chinese Clock
The distribution of qi through the pathways is said to be as follows (based on the demarcations in
TCM's Chinese Clock): Lung channel of hand taiyin to Large Intestine channel of hand yangming
to Stomach channel of foot yangming to Spleen channel of foot taiyin to Heart channel of hand
shaoyin to Small Intestine channel of hand taiyang to Bladder channel of foot taiyang to Kidney
channel of foot shaoyin to Pericardium channel of hand jueyin to San Jiao channel of hand
shaoyang to Gallbladder channel of foot shaoyang to Liver channel of foot jueyin then back to the
Lung channel of hand taiyin. Each channel occupies two hours, beginning with the Lung, 3AM-
5AM, and coming full circle with the Liver 1AM-3AM.

Role of Acupuncturist in Traditional Chinese Medicine
According to the philosophy of Dao, the role of the acupuncturist is to restore your health and
enable you to live a little closer to the Dao, thus preserving your Jing and helping you live to a ripe
old age. A number of factors can contribute to the depletion of Jing. Living a life of excess, drinking
too much, excessive emotional reactions, working too hard, inappropriate sexual behavior, etc. all
are believed to result in the depletion of Jing. Balance in all things is considered the key to good
health and long life. In order to increase their understanding of the Dao, the Chinese developed
two concepts that together form the basis of Chinese thought: yin and yang and the more detailed
system of the five elements.

The Dao De Jing, along with the Zhuangzi, is
one of the core texts of the Chinese way of
thinking known as "Daoism". This word has a
number of meanings. In early texts, Daoism is
manifest as a sophisticated view of the world
which mediates on the nature of the world.
There is a common disapproval of the
unnatural and artificial. Social convention is
rejected in favor of the ecstatic and the
immediate nature of experience.

Later on Daoism also came to signify the
large number of popular cults that exist in
China (so-called "popular Daoism"). Although
Daoism is often set in opposition to
Confucianism, both ways of thinking interact
with each other. It should also be noted that
although Ch'an Buddhism (or Zen Buddhism)
is usually seen as a variant of Mahayana
Buddhism, in many respects it draws on
Daoist ideas.

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Channels or Meridians in Acupuncture
The Invisible Pathways of Qi

Chinese use the term "jing luo" which means, channels, conduit, meridian etc. According to
acupuncture, these are the invisible channels through which qi circulate throughout the body. The
acupuncture points (or holes as the Chinese term xue is more aptly translated means) are the
locations where the qi of the channels rises close to the surface of the body. There are 12 main
meridians, six of which are yin and six are yang and numerous minor ones, which form a network
of energy channels throughout the body.

In acupuncture, each meridian is related to, and named after, an organ or function. The main ones
are: the lung, kidney, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, large intestine, gall
bladder, urinary bladder, san jiao (three heater) and pericardium (heart protector/ or circulation sex

There are also 8 extraordinary channels in acupuncture that are considered to be reservoirs
supplying qi and blood to the twelve regular channels. These are believed to have a strong
connection to the kidney. The meridians are shown in the figures.

Location of the meridians and acupoints (acupuncture points) in the body.

Dotted along these meridians are more than 400 acupuncture points, classified by WHO. (There
may be as many as 2000 points in use for different treatments.) These are listed by name, number
and the meridian to which they belong.

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When Chi flows freely through the meridians, the body is balanced and healthy, but if the energy
becomes blocked, stagnated or weakened, it can result in physical, mental or emotional ill health.
An imbalance in a person's body can result from inappropriate emotional responses such as:
excess anger, over-excitement, self-pity, deep grief and fear. Environmental factors such as cold,
damp/humidity, wind, dryness, and heat can also cause imbalance so as factors such as wrong
diet, too much sex, overwork and too much exercise.

To restore the balance, the acupuncturist stimulates the acupuncture points that will counteract
that imbalance. So, if you have stagnant Chi, he will choose specific points to stimulate it. If the
Chi is too cold, he will choose points to warm it. If it is too weak, he will strengthen it. If it is
blocked, he will unblock it, and so on. In this way, acupuncture can effectively rebalance the
energy system and restore health or prevent the development of disease. The points that the
practitioner chooses to stimulate may not necessarily be at the site of the symptoms.

Meridian name
Yin / Yang
Arm /
Major Yin () Arm () Metal () Lung ()
Yin () Arm () Fire () Pericardium ()
Minor Yin () Arm () Fire () Heart ()
Yang () Arm () Metal ()
Large Intestine

Minor Yang
Arm () Fire () Triple Warmer ()

Major Yang
Arm () Fire () Small Intestine ()
Minor Yin () Leg () Water () Kidney ()
Major Yin () Leg () Earth () Spleen ()
Yin () Leg () Wood () Liver ()
Yang () Leg () Earth () Stomach ()

Major Yang
Leg () Water () Bladder ()

Minor Yang
Leg () Wood () Gall Bladder ()

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Indication of the " 8-Hui" Acupoints for Treatment

Points Meridians Involved Area Involved
#1 (B62)
& #7 (SI
SI (Small Intestine), B (Bladder), K (Kidney), GV
(DM, Dumai)
Ears, Shoulder, Nape, Head, Back,
Abdomen, Internal canthus,
Limbs (along the related Meridian
#3 (TE5)
& #4
G (Gallbladder), Liv (Liver), TE (Triple Energizer),
BV (Belt Vessel, Daimai -- one of the Extra-
Meridians related to gynecological diseases)
External canthus, Eyes, Ears,
Head area behind ears, Cheek,
Neck, Shoulder, Limbs (along the
related Meridian area)
#2, #5
(K6) & #9
L (Lung), K (Kidney), LI (Large Intestine),
CV (RM, Renmai)
Lungs, Throat & Larynx, Face,
Diaphragm, Low back, Sexual
organs, Limbs (along the related
Meridian area)
#6 (Sp4)
& #8 (P6)
H (Heart), S (Stomach), Sp (Spleen), P
Chest, Heart, Stomach, Tongue,
Limbs (along the related Meridian

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Lung Meridian (LU)
The Hand Greater Yin (Tai Yin) of the Lung has 11 points
The lung channel of the Hand Taiyin originates from the lateral aspect of the chest near the arm
pit. It then travels along the anterior-medial aspect of the upper arm, passes the cubital region and
arrives at the radial side of the wrist containing the radial artery for pulse palpation. Passing the
thenar eminence, it travels along the radial border of the palm ending at the medial side of the tip
of the thumb.

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Large Intestine (LI)
The Hand Bright Yang (Yang MIng) of the Large Intestine 20 points
The large intestine channel of the Hang-Yangming starts from the tip of the index finger. Running
upward along the radical aspect of the index finger, it passes through the inter-space of the first
and second metacarpal bones, and ascends along the lateral anterior aspect of the upper arm to
the highest point of the shoulder. It then travels along the anterior border of the acromion, then
descends to the supraclavicular fossa. From the supraclavicular fossa it travels upward to the neck
and to the cheek, then it curves around the upper lip and exits at the corner of the mouth, where it
crosses the opposite large intestine channel of the Hand-Yangming at the philtrum. it ends at the
side of the nose, where is connects with the stomach channel of the Foot-Yangming.

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Stomach Meridian (ST)
The Foot Bright Yang (Yang MIng) of the Stomach 45 points
The stomach channel of the Foot-Yangming starts directly below the pupil between the eyeball
and the infraorbital ridge. Running downward along the lateral side of the nose, to the lateral
corner of the mouth. Curving posterior to the anterior angle of the mandible. Then it travels to the
posterior aspect of the mandible, ascending in front of the ear and following the anterior hairline,
reaching to the forehead. It then runs along the throat and enters the supraclavicular fossa. The
straight line of the channels separates the supraclavicular fossa and runs downward along the
middle mammillary line. It travels to the side of the umbilicus and descends to the inguinal groove.
Running downward, it travels along the anterior aspect of the thigh and reaches the knee. From
there it continues further down along the anterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia to the
dorsum of the foot and reaches the lateral side of the tip of the second toe.

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Spleen Meridian (SP)
The Foot Greater Yin (Tai Yin) of the Spleen 21 points
The spleen of the Foot-Taiyin starts from the medial aspect of the tip of the big toe. It travels along
the medial aspect of the foot at the junction between the red and white skin, ascends anteriorly to
the medial malleolus up to the medial aspect of the leg. Passing through the anterior medial
aspect of the thigh, it enters the inguinal region traveling along the anterior of the abdomen. It then
curves lateral to the midline to the intercostal space up to the 2nd intercostal space; then turns
inferior to midway between the axilla and the free end of the eleventh rib.

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Heart Meridian (HT, HE)
The Hand Lesser Yin (Shao Yin) of the Heart 9 points
The heart channel of the Hand-Shaoyin starts in the center of axilla. From there is goes along the
posterior border of the medial aspect of the upper arm. Passing through the cubital region, it
descends to the pisiform region proximal to the palm and enters the palm. Then it ends at the
medial aspect of the tip of the little finger.

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Small Intestine Meridian (SI)
The Hand Greater Yang (Tai Yang) of the Small Intestine 19 points
The small intestine channel of the Hand-Taiyang starts at the ulnar aspect of the tip of the little
finger, and travels along the ulnar border of the hand dorsum upward to the posterior border of the
lateral aspect of the upper arm . It passes through the cubital region, curving around the scapular
region. Then, turning downward to the supra-clavicular fossa, it ascends to the neck; travels up to
the cheek going through the outer canthus of the eye, and ends anterior to the tragus of the ear.

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Bladder Meridian (BL, UB)
The Foot Greater Yang (Tai Yang) of
the Bladder 67 points
The urinary bladder channel of the Foot-
Taiyang originates from the inner
canthus of the eye. Passing through the
forehead, it flows up to the vertex. It
bifurcates above the posterior hairline
into two lines. One line runs from the
posterior aspect of the neck downward
along the medial border of the scapula (3
cun lateral to the back mid-line). Passing
through the gluteal region. Another line
runs straight downward (1.5 cun lateral
to the mid-line of the back) to the lumbar
region. From there, it descends along
the posterior aspect of the thigh to the
popliteal fossa. Descending to the
posterior aspect of the gastrocnemius
muscle and further to the posterior
inferior aspect of the lateral malleolus.
Ending at lateral posterior side of the tip
of the little toe.

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Kidney Meridian (KI)
The Foot Lesser Yin (Shao Yin) of the Kidney 27 points
The kidney channel of the Foot-Shaoyin starts from the interior aspect of the little toe (or the sole
of the foot, depending on the text), and runs through a depression in the lower aspect of the
tuberosity of the navicular bone. It travels behind the medial malleolus and encircles the malleolus.
Ascending along the medial side of the leg, it passes the medial side of the popliteal fossa and
goes further upward along the posterior-medial aspect of the thigh. Traveling to the superior
border of the symphysis pubis, it forms a straight line 0.5 cun from the midline. It ascends
diverging at the diaphragm, ending in a depression on the lower border of the clavicle 2 cun from

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Pericardium Meridian (P, PC)
The Hand Terminal Yin (Jue Yin) of the Pericardium 9 points
The pericardium channel of the Hand-Jueyin originates in the chest lateral to the nipple. It then
ascends to the axillary fossa and runs along the medial aspect of the upper arm, passing through
the cubital fossa. It goes further downward to the forearm between the tendons of the m. palmaris
longus and m. flexor carpi radialis. It enters the palm and passes along the middle finger to its tip.

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Triple Warmer (San Jiao) Meridian (TW, TB, SJ)
The Hand Lesser Yang (Shao Yang) of the San Jiao 23 points
The sanjiao channel of the Hand-Shaoyang originates from the tip of the ring finger. It travels
upward between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones and along the dorsal side of the wrist and
the lateral side of the forearm between the radius and ulna, it passes through the olecranon. Then
it runs along the lateral aspect of the upper arm and reaches the shoulder region. Crossing over
the shoulder, it enters the supraclavicular fossa. It then ascends to the neck, running along the
posterior border of the ear. It crosses from the superior aspect of the ear to the corner of the
forehead. Then it turns downward to the cheek and terminates in the depression at the lateral end
of the eyebrow.

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Gall Bladder Meridian (GB)
The Foot Lesser Yang (Shao Yang) of the Gall bladder 44 points
The gall bladder channel of the Foot-Shaoyang starts from the outer canthus of the eye, and
descends to the anterior aspect of the ear; then ascends to the corner of the forehead, and winds
downward posterior to the ear. It then arches forward to the forehead at the midpoint of the
eyebrow, and runs above the hairline to the lateral side of the neck, where it then travels to the
highest point of the trapezium muscle. From there, it further descends to the axilla and enters the
chest. It then travels interiorly in the hypochondriac region, emerging at the lateral side of the lower
abdomen near the femoral artery in the inguinal region. Then it curves along the margin of the
pubic hair and runs transversely into the hip region. It then travels downward along the lateral side
of thigh to the lateral side of the knee. Further descending along the anterior aspect of the fibula, it
reaches the lower end of the fibula, and the anterior aspect of the lateral malleolus. Following the
dorsum of the foot, it terminates at the lateral side of the fourth toe's tip.

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Liver Meridian (LV)
The Foot Terminal Yin (Jue Yin) of the Liver 14 points
The liver channel of the Foot-Jueyin originates on the lateral side of the great toe. Ascending along
the dorsum of the foot, it flows further upward to the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus. Then
it runs upward to the medial side of the knee and along the medial aspect of the thigh into the
pubic region. From there it curves around the external genitalia and crosses the midline up to the
lower abdomen, ending directly below the nipple.

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Conception Vessel Meridian (CV, Ren)
The Directing Channel has 28 points
The Ren channel starts on the midline between the anus and the scrotum in males, and between
the anus and the posterior labial commissure in females. It ascends anteriorly to the pubic region.
Along the midline of the abdomen, it flows upward, reaching the throat. Flowing further upward, it
ends in the depression in the center of the mentolabial groove.

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Governing Vessel Meridian (GV, Du)
The Governing Channel has 28 points
The Du channel starts midway between the tip of the coccyx bone and the anus with patient lying
prone. It then flows upward inside the spinal column to the nape of the neck, and ascends to the
vertex. Along the forehead, it descends to the nose bridge, then to the lips, ending at the labial
frenulum inside the upper lip.

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Reflexology promotes healing by stimulating the nerves in the body and encouraging the flow of
blood. In the process, reflexology not only quells the sensation of pain, but relieves the source of
the pain as well. Anecdotally, reflexologists claim success in the treatment of a variety of
conditions and injuries. One condition is fibromyalgia. People with this disease are encouraged to
undergo reflexology therapy to alleviate any of a number of chronic bowel syndromes associated
with the condition. Frequent brief sessions of reflexology therapy are also recommended as an
alternative to drug therapy for controlling the muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia and for
relieving difficult breathing caused by tightness in the muscles of the patient's neck and throat.
Reflexology applied properly can alleviate allergy symptoms, as well as stress, back pain, and
chronic fatigue. The techniques of reflexology can be performed conveniently on the hand in
situations where a session on the feet is not practical, although the effectiveness of limited hand
therapy is less pronounced than with the foot pressure therapy.

How does reflexology work?
There are many theories but in our approach we look at the nervous system as the explanation of
reflexology's working. Pressure sensors in the feet and hands are a part of the body's reflexive
response that makes possible the "fight or flight" reaction to danger. Feet ready to flee and hands
ready to fight communicate with the body's internal organs to make possible wither eventuality.
The sudden adrenal surge that enables a person to lift a car is an example of this reaction.

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Reflexology taps into this reflex network, providing an exercise of pressure sensors and thus the
internal organs to which they are inextricably tied.

In order to realize maximum benefit from a reflexology session, the therapist as well as the patient
should be situated so as to afford optimal comfort for both. Patients in general receive treatment in
a reclining position, with the therapist positioned as necessaryto work on the bare feet, or
alternately on the bare hands. A reflexology patient removes both shoes and socks in order to
receive treatment. No other preparation is involved. No prescription drugs, creams, oils, or lotions
are used on the skin.

Reflexology is extremely safe. It may even be self-administered in a limited form whenever
desired. The qualified reflexologist offers a clear and open disclaimer that reflexology does not
constitute medical treatment in any form, nor is reflexology given as a substitute for medical advice
or treatment. The ultimate purpose of the therapy is to promote wellness; fundamentally it is a form
of preventive therapy.

People with serious and long-term medical problems are urged to seek the advice of a physician.
Diabetes patients in particular are urged to approach this therapy cautiously. Likewise pregnant
women are cautioned emphatically to avoid reflexology during the early phases of pregnancy
altogether, as accidentally induced labor and subsequent premature delivery can result from
reflexology treatment.

A consultation with a reflexologist is recommended in order to determine the safety and
appropriateness of reflexology therapy for a specific health problem or condition.

Side effects
Because reflexology is intended to normalize the body functions, the therapy does not cause a
condition to worsen. Most patients find that pain diminishes over the course of the therapy. It has
been noted, however, that some patients experience greater discomfort in the second session
than in the first session, because a significant easing of pain and tension is generally associated
with the initial therapy session. As a result, when pressure is reapplied to the tender points of the
foot during the second session, the sensitivity has been heightened. This increase in sensitivity
may cause minor additional discomfort for the patient.

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Qigong ( - Pinyin: qgng, Wade-Giles: ch'i kung) is an increasingly popular aspect of
Chinese medicine. Qigong is mostly taught for health maintenance purposes, but there are also
some who teach it, especially in China, for therapeutic interventions. Various forms of traditional
qigong are also widely taught in conjunction with Chinese martial arts.

There are many hundreds, if not thousands, of different styles and schools of qigong. In general,
qigong schools teach their own variations of physical training routines based on coordinating
different patterns of breathing with different physical motions of the body. Qigong relies on the
traditional Chinese belief that the body has an energy field, known as Qi. Qi means breath or to
breathe in Mandarin Chinese, and by extension the energy produced by breathing that keeps us
alive; gong means work or technique. Qigong is then "breath work" or the art of managing the
breath to achieve and maintain good health, and especially in the martial arts, to enhance the
leverage and stamina of the body in coordination with the physical process of respiration.

Attitudes toward the basis of qigong vary markedly. One view which is one taken by most Western
medical practitioners, many practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the Chinese
government views qigong simply as a set of breathing and movement exercises, with many
possible benefits to health through stress reduction and exercise. Others see qigong in more
metaphysical terms, claiming that breathing and movement exercises can influence the
fundamental forces of the universe. An extreme form of the latter view was advocated by some
participants in the Boxer Rebellion of the late 19th century who believed that breathing and
movement exercises would allow them to ward off bullets.

More on Zang-Fu
Zang-Fu theory is a concept within traditional Chinese medicine, part of the TCM model of the
body. There are five zang ( pinyin zang4 ) and six fu ( pinyin fu3

This theory treats each of the Zang
organs as an energy center that runs
an entire system, similar to the Hindu
chakra concept. The Zang systems
include organs, senses, emotions,
and the musculoskeletal system--
essentially, the entire person divided
into five categorical systems. Zang
organs are also known as yin
organs, and each has a Fu partner, a
yang organ (see Yin Yang). In
addition to bodily functions, each
Zang organ is the home of an aspect
of the spirit.

With a thorough understanding of either of these schools of thought, therapeutic results are
achieved accordingly. The theory is always in service of practical, therapeutic application, with the
goal of an "elegant" treatment. An elegant treatment uses the least amount of force for the
greatest therapeutic benefit, and requires true mastery of the art of traditional Chinese Medicine.

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The five elements are associated energetically with the following Zang-Fu organs.
Wood: Liver, home of the Hun (Ethereal Soul), paired with the Gall Bladder.
Fire: Heart, home of the Shen (Aggregate Soul) paired with the Small intestine. (and
secondarily, the San Jiao or Triple burner and Pericardium).
Earth: Spleen, home of the Yi (Intellect), paired with the Stomach.
Water: Kidney, home of the Zhi (Will), paired with the Bladder.
Metal: Lung, home of the Po (Corporeal Soul), paired with the Large Intestine.

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Yin and Yang in Acupuncture and in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The idea of harmony and balance are also the basis of yin and yang. The principle that each
person is governed by the opposing, but complementary forces of yin and yang, is central to all
Chinese thought. It is believed to affect everything in the universe, including ourselves.

Yin-Yang Symbol (Tai Chi symbol)

Traditionally, yin is dark, passive, feminine, cold and negative; yang is light, active, male, warm
and positive. Another simpler way of looking at yin and yang is that there are two sides to
everything - happy and sad, tired and energetic, cold and hot. Yin and yang are the opposites that
make the whole. They cannot exist without each other and nothing is ever completely one or the

There are varying degrees of each within everything and everybody. The tai chi symbol, shown
above, illustrates how they flow into each other with a little yin always within yang and a little yang
always within yin. In the world, sun and fire are yang, while earth and water are yin. Life is possible
only because of the interplay between these forces. All of these forces are required for the life to
exist. See the table below to understand the relationship between yin and yang.

The yin and yang is like a candle. Yin represents the wax in the candle. The flame represents the
yang. Yin (wax) nourishes and supports the yang (flame). Flame needs the wax for its existence.
Yang consumes yin and, in the process, burns brightly. When the wax (yin) is gone, the flame is
gone too. Ying is also gone at that time. So, one can see how yin and yang depend on each other
for their existence. You cannot have one without the other.

The body, mind and emotions are all subject to the influences of yin and yang. When the two
opposing forces are in balance we feel good, but if one force dominates the other, it brings about
an imbalance that can result in ill health.

One can compare the concept of yin and yang to the corresponding principle of tridoshas in
Ayurveda, the ancient remedy from India. Ayurveda proposes that every person has vata, pitta and
kapha. When these are balanced, there is the state of perfect health. When there are imbalances
then there is disease.

One of the main aims of the acupuncturist is to maintain a balance of yin and yang within the
whole person to prevent illness from occurring and to restore existing health. Acupuncture is a
yang therapy because it moves from the exterior to the interior. Herbal and nutritional therapies, on
the other hand, are yin therapies, as they move from the interior throughout the body. Many of the
major organs of the body are classified as yin-yang pairs that exchange healthy and unhealthy

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Yin Forces/Aspects Yang Forces/Aspects
Dark Light
Moon Sun
Water Fire
Passive Active
Descending Ascending
Female Male
Contracting Expanding
Cold Hot
Winter Summer
Interior Exterior
Heavy Light
Bone Skin
Front Back
Interior of Body Exterior of body

Yin and yang are also part of the eight principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The other six
are: cold and heat, internal and external, deficiency and excess. These principles allow the
practitioner to use yin and yang more precisely in order to bring more detail into his diagnosis.

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Chinese Medical Theory

Chinese medical theory holds that acupuncture works by normalizing the free flow of qi (a difficult-
to-translate concept that pervades Chinese philosophy and is commonly translated as "vital
energy"), blood and body fluids (jin ye) throughout the body. Pain or illnesses are treated by
attempting to remedy local or systemic accumulations or deficiencies. Pain is considered to
indicate blockage or stagnation of the flow of qi, blood and/or fluids, and an axiom of the medical
literature of acupuncture is "no pain, no blockage; no blockage, no pain". The delicate balance
between qi and blood is of primary concern in Chinese medical theory, hence the axiom blood is
the mother of qi, and qi is the commander of blood. Both qi and blood work together to move (qi)
and to nourish (blood) the body fluids.

Arrival of the Qi
Many patients claim to experience the sensations of stimulus known in Chinese as "deqi" (,
"obtaining the qi" or "arrival of the qi"). This kind of sensation was historically considered to be
evidence of effectively locating the desired point. There are some electronic devices now available
which will make a noise when what they have been programmed to describe as the "correct"
acupuncture point is pressed.

The acupuncturist decides which points to treat by observing and questioning the patient in order
to make a diagnosis according to the tradition which he or she utilizes. In TCM, there are four
diagnostic methods: inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiring, and palpation (Cheng, 1987,
ch. 12). Inspection focuses on the face and particularly on the tongue, including analysis of the
tongue size, shape, tension, color and coating, and the absence or presence of teeth marks
around the edge.

The Five Elements in Chinese Philosophy

The yin and yang philosophy was further refined into the system of the five elements to gain a
deeper understanding of how the body, mind and spirit work in acupuncture.

The microcosm of the body is linked to the universe and is affected by
the daily and seasonal cycles of nature. (Think about the seasonal
affective disorder which manifests itself in winter or when the light is
not sufficient). The individual and the world are changing all the time.
But the Chinese believe that these changes are occurring in certain
order and in cycles. (We can think about these like our economic
cycles or agricultural cycles. A period of growth is always followed by a
period of stagnation or unemployment. In the stock market, a bull
market is always followed by a bear market etc.)

In the same way, a seed planted in spring blooms in summer, seeds
itself in late summer to autumn, dies in winter, and a new seed grows
again in spring. It is part of a never-ending cycle and each phase has
its role to play in maintaining the balance of nature.

The same process of change occurs within the body. Cells grow and die to make way for new
cells, and body systems depend upon each other in a similar way to the seasons, working together
to ensure the balanced functioning of the body, mind and spirit and the healthy flow of life through
the whole person.

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Representation of the Five Elements

Chinese philosophy recognizes five distinct elements of cyclical change called water, wood,
fire, earth, and metal. These five elements can be related to our four seasons (with a fifth late
summer season) as shown in the table below. The elements can also be related to different colors,
emotion, taste, voice and various organs. These can also be related to the selection of food and
herbs. Notice the correspondence between the Chinese philosophy and the underlying Indian
philosophy, which also classifies everything in the universe under earth, water, fire, air, and ether.

The doctrine of five phases describes both a generating ( Sheng) cycle and an overcoming (
Ke) cycle of interactions between the phases. In the generating cycle, wood generates fire; fire
generates earth; earth generates metal; metal generates water; water generates wood. In the
overcoming cycle, wood overcomes earth; earth overcomes water; water overcomes fire; fire
overcomes metal; metal overcomes wood. The doctrine of five phases was employed in many
fields of early Chinese thought, including seemingly disparate fields such as music, medicine, and
military strategy.

Season Element
Yang Organ
Winter Water Full yin Kidney Urinary bladder
Spring Wood New yang Liver Gallbladder
Summer Fire Full yang Heart Small Intestine
Late Summer Earth
Spleen Stomach
Autumn Metal New yin Lungs Large Intestine

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Energy Pattern Color Emotion Taste Voice
Conserved Black Fear Salty Groans
Expansive Green Anger Sour Shouts
Red Joy Bitter Laughs
Balance Yellow Sympathy Sweet Sings
Pungent Weeps

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How the Imbalance of the Elements Affect Us?
Imbalance Meaning Symptoms
Too low fire - not
warming the earth
Heart (fire) unable to
warm spleen (earth)
Dislike of cold, cold in extremities, early
morning diarrhea, urinary symptoms, edema,
distended abdomen, fatigue, weakness
Too low metal - metal
not producing water
Lungs (metal) not
sending water to
Shortness of breath, thirst, weak knees,
lower back pain, scanty dark urine.
Too much wood -
Wood overpowers
the earth
Liver (wood) qi
dominates spleen
Headache, sore eyes, gas, poor appetite,
weakness, pain in flanks, vertigo, chest
Too much metal -
Fire cannot control
Heart (fire) yang
cannot control lung
(metal) fluids
Frequent urination, shortness of breath,
palpitation, insomnia

Each person's physical and mental constitution can be described as a balance of the elements in
which one or more may naturally dominate. The proportion of the elements in a person determines
his or her temperament. Oriental medicine considers the ideal condition as one in which all the five
elements are in balance or in harmony. Wood is said to be the mother of fire and the son of water.
(Water allows wood to grow, wood provides fuel for the fire). Using these relationships one can
describe all possible yin-yang imbalances within the body. The thrust of five element diagnosis is
to isolate and treat the imbalanced element, because an imbalanced element is like a weak link in
your energetic chain that can undermine the strength of your mind, body and spirit.

Element Tastes Smells Viscera
1 Wood sour goatish liver
2 Fire bitter burning heart
3 Metal acrid rank lungs
4 Water salty rotten kidney
5 Earth sweet fragrant spleen

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Element Heavenly Creature Season Host of The Direction
1 Wood Ching-long (), the Blue-green Dragon Spring East
2 Fire Zhu-chue (), the Red Bird Summer South
3 Earth Huang-long (), the Yellow Dragon Late Summer middle-earth
4 Metal Bai-hu (), the White Tiger Autumn West
5 Water Hsuen-wu (), the Dark Tortoise-Serpent Winter North
(corrected in 2004 Dec, not in accordance with Needham's book)
They also correlate to the 8 trigrams of the I Ching.

Element I Ching trigrams
1 Wood Wind, Thunder :|| ( xn) |:: ( zhn)
2 Fire Fire |:| ( l)
3 Metal Sky, Lake ||| ( qin) ||: ( du)
4 Water Water :|: ( kn)
5 Earth Earth, Mountain ::: ( kn) ::| ( gn)

Western parallels and contrasts, revolving instead around only four
elements, called the "temperaments" or the four humours in Western
physiology, psychology and pre-scientific medicine, from the time of the
pre-Classical Greeks until the 18th century Enlightenment, also
informed the historical study called alchemy that led to chemistry.

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How the Five Elements are Manifested Internally and Externally

Element Universe Individual
Growing, flourishing, rooted yet
pushing upward
Striving, controlling, flexible strength,
Earth Productive, fertile
Solid, stable, reliable, tenacious,
Metal Hard, structured, symmetric
Organized, substantial, strong,
Fire Dry, hot, ascending Dynamic, sparkling, enthusiastic
Water Wet, cool, descending Flowing, adaptable, pliant

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Indications According to Acupuncturists in the West

According to the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (2004), acupuncture may be
considered as a complementary therapy for the conditions in the list below. The conditions labeled
with * are also included in the World Health Organization list of acupuncture indications. These
cases, however, are based on clinical experience, and not necessarily on controlled clinical
research: furthermore, the inclusion of specific diseases is not meant to indicate the extent of
acupuncture's efficacy in treating them.
Abdominal distention/flatulence*
Acute and chronic pain control*
Allergic sinusitis *
Anesthesia for high-risk patients or patients with previous adverse responses to
Anxiety, fright, panic*
Arthritis/arthrosis *
Atypical chest pain (negative workup)
Bursitis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome*
Certain functional gastrointestinal disorders (nausea and vomiting, esophageal spasm,
hyperacidity, irritable bowel) *
Cervical and lumbar spine syndromes*
Constipation, diarrhea *
Cough with contraindications for narcotics
Drug detoxification *
Dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain *
Frozen shoulder *
Headache (migraine and tension-type), vertigo (Meniere disease), tinnitus *
Idiopathic palpitations, sinus tachycardia
In fractures, assisting in pain control, edema, and enhancing healing process
Muscle spasms, tremors, tics, contractures*
Neuralgias (trigeminal, herpes zoster, postherpetic pain, other)
Paresthesias *
Persistent hiccups*
Phantom pain
Plantar fasciitis*
Post-traumatic and post-operative ileus *
Premenstrual syndrome
Selected dermatoses (urticaria, pruritus, eczema, psoriasis)
Sequelae of stroke syndrome (aphasia, hemiplegia) *
Seventh nerve palsy
Severe hyperthermia
Sprains and contusions
Temporo-mandibular joint derangement, bruxism *
Urinary incontinence, retention (neurogenic, spastic, adverse drug effect) *
Additionally, other sources advocate the use of acupuncture for the following conditions:
Infertility, regarding in vitro fertilization, see Expansions of in vitro fertilization

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Is Acupuncture Useful for Cancer?

According to American Cancer Society, there is no evidence that acupuncture is effective as a
treatment for cancer. However, clinical studies have shown that acupuncture is helpful in treating
nausea caused by chemotherapy drugs and surgical anesthesia. Another clinical trial found that
acupuncture was effective in reducing the number of hot flashes experienced by men after
prostate cancer hormonal therapy. Acupuncture may lessen the need for pain medicines. For
example, headache sufferers treated with acupuncture used less pain medicines and missed
fewer work days as compared with those taking standard treatment.

Acupuncture is often used as an adjunctive therapy in anesthesia, in post-operative pain control,
and in aiding and hastening recovery from the side effects of the various therapies. Acupuncture is
effective for control of pain, of local swelling post-operatively, for shortening the resolution of
hematoma and tissue swelling and for minimizing use of medications and their attendant side
effects. Energetic acupuncture, an approach consisting of the use of needles with electricity and
moxibustion, imparts a sense of well being and accelerates patients' recovery. It is used routinely
in cancer institutions along with nutritional support.

For many people undergoing chemotherapy, the dreaded side effect of nausea and vomiting is
more sickening than the chemotherapy itself. A study conducted at the University of Los Angeles
(UCLA) School of Medicine found significant reduction of nausea and vomiting when the patients
were treated with acupuncture before undergoing chemotherapy. The American Cancer Society
reports that acupuncture is now routinely administered before, after and in between chemotherapy
treatment sessions for control of nausea and emesis. Use of acupuncture helps in minimizing the
use of standard, expensive multi-drug anti-nausea regimens with their attendant side effects for
chemotherapy patients.

Acupuncture is useful in managing cancer-related pain. The use of acupuncture can reduce the
need for narcotic drugs. This also means that acupuncture will minimize side effects such as
confusion, disturbed mentation, behavioral changes, nausea and severe constipation, the normal
result of taking narcotics.

Needling a variety of trigger and painful points, percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and
osteo-puncture, along with whole body energetic acupuncture support, are approaches available
to the acupuncturists.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), any such energy depletion can be ameliorated
by a process known as tonification by imparting energy into the system. This is deemed necessary
for more durable, successful pain control. It can also add to the patients' sense of well being and
decrease the malaise associated with any chronic disease, especially cancer.

The chronic disease process depletes the energy level in the organism. Energetic acupuncture
repletes energy level to the body and the diseased organs or part of the body. It also reestablishes
homeostasis by re-balancing energy distribution and un-blocking energy flow. Acupuncture can
provide a more durable, successful pain control and provide a sense of well being to cancer

Energetic acupuncture is routinely used to provide healing energy to diseased organs such as
liver, pancreas, kidney, and others that are ravaged by cancer. Researchers at UCLA found that

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when nutrition and supplements are combined with energetic acupuncture, it boosts the immune
response in cancer patients, along with minimizing the immune and white blood cell suppression.

In summary, acupuncture can help in the care of the cancer patient.
Source: American Cancer Society

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1. ^ WHO Publications and documents -Standard acupuncture nomenclature. Second edition
2. ^ Lee A, Done ML (2004). "Stimulation of the wrist acupuncture point P6 for preventing
postoperative nausea and vomiting". Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
(3): CD003281. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD003281.pub2. PMID 15266478.
3. ^
4. ^ Furlan AD, van Tulder MW, Cherkin DC, et al (2005). "Acupuncture and dry-needling for
low back pain". Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) (1): CD001351.
DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD001351.pub2. PMID 15674876.
5. ^ Manheimer E, White A, Berman B, Forys K, Ernst E (2005). "Meta-analysis: acupuncture
for low back pain" (PDF). Ann. Intern. Med. 142 (8): 651-63. PMID 15838072.
6. ^

Trinh K, Graham N, Gross A, Goldsmith C, Wang E, Cameron I, Kay T (2007).
"Acupuncture for neck disorders". Spine 32 (2): 236-43. PMID 17224820. Cochrane review
of Acupuncture for neck disorders
7. ^ The Cochrane Collaboration - Acupuncture for idiopathic headache. Melchart D, Linde K,
Berman B, White A, Vickers A, Allais G, Brinkhaus B
8. ^ The Bonghan Theory by Kim, Bong-Han
9. ^ HS Shin, HM Johng, BC Lee, S Cho, KS Soh, KY Baik, JS Yoo, KS Soh, Feulgen
reaction study of novel threadlike structures (Bonghan ducts) on the surfaces of
mammalian organs, Anatomical record. Part B New anatomist, 284(1), pp. 35-40, 2005.
(Feature article)
10. ^ Biomedical Physics Laboratory for Korean Medicine, School of Physics, Seoul National
University, South Korea. This lab. studies on the Bonghan system.
11. ^

Lewith GT, White PJ, Pariente J (Sep 2005). "Investigating acupuncture using brain
imaging techniques: the current state of play". Evidence-based complementary and
alternative medicine: eCAM 2 (3): 315-9. DOI:10.1093/ecam/neh110. Retrieved on 2007-
12. ^ Felix Mann: "...acupuncture points are no more real than the black spots that a drunkard
sees in front of his eyes." (Mann F. Reinventing Acupuncture: A New Concept of Ancient
Medicine. Butterworth Heinemann, London, 1996,14.) Quoted by Matthew Bauer in
Chinese Medicine Times, Vol 1 Issue 4 - Aug 2006, "The Final Days of Traditional Beliefs?
- Part One"
13. ^ Kaptchuk, 1983, pp. 34-35
14. ^ "Despite considerable efforts to understand the anatomy and physiology of the
"acupuncture points", the definition and characterization of these points remains
controversial. Even more elusive is the basis of some of the key traditional Eastern medical
concepts such as the circulation of Qi, the meridian system, and the five phases theory,
which are difficult to reconcile with contemporary biomedical information but continue to
play an important role in the evaluation of patients and the formulation of treatment in
acupuncture." Acupuncture. National Institutes of Health: Consensus Development
Conference Statement, November 3-5, 1997. Available online at Retrieved 30 January 2007.
15. ^ Medical Acupuncture - Spring / Summer 2000- Volume 12 / Number 1

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Dr. Rustys Point Exercise Number 1

This is only an exercise to see your skills at naming acupuncture points. Answers are on
the back of this page. Full listing is towards the rear of this section.

Example Shao Hai = HE3

A. Fu Bai _________

B. Fu Fen _________

C. Fu Tu _________

D. Yang Gu _________

E. Yang Jiao _________

F. San Yin Jiao _________

G. Shan Guan _________

H. Yang Lao _________

I. Yang Ling Quan _________

J. Yang Xi _________

K. Yao Shu _________

L. Yao Yang Guan _________

M. Shang Liao _________

N. Shang Qu _________

O. Shang Qui_________

P. Shang Xing _________

Q. TB2 _________

R. TB17_________

S. BL49_________

T. BL22_________

U. TB8_________

V. CV17_________

W. GB3_________

X. SP14 _________

Y. KI7 _________

Z. SP13_________

1. ST37_________

2. LI9_________

3. LI1_________

4. LU11_________

5. HE9_________

6. HE8_________

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Answers to Exercise Number 1

A. Fu Bai GB10
B. Fu Fen BL41
C. Fu Tu LI18
D. Yang Gu SI5
E. Yang Jiao GB35
F. San Yin Jiao SP6
G. Shan Guan CV13
H. Yang Lao SI6
I. Yang Ling Quan GB34
J. Yang Xi LI5
K. Yao Shu GV2
L. Yao Yang Guan GV3
M. Shang Liao BL31
N. Shang Qu KI17
O. Shang Qui SP5
P. Shang Xing GV23
Q. Ye Men TB2
R. Yi Feng TB17
S. Yi She BL49
T. San Jiao Shu BL22
U. San Yang Luo TB8
V. Shan Zhong CV17
W. Shang Guan GB3
X. Fu Jie SP14
Y. Fu Liu KI7
Z. Fu She SP13

1. Shang Ju Xu ST37
2. Shang Lian LI9
3. Shang Yang LI1
4. Shao Shang LU11
5. Shao Chong HE9
6. Shao Fu HE8

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Meridians and Acupuncture Point Identification Section
Alphabetical Order

Bladder Meridian

BL1 Jing Ming
Bladder 1

Bright Eyes. Meeting Point on Bladder
Channel with Small Intestine, Stomach, Gall
Bladder, Triple Energizer Channels
Governing, Conception, and Yin and Yang
Motility Vessels.

On the face, 0.1 cun superior to the inner
canthus when the eye is closed.
Contraindication: Moxa.

BL2 Zan Zhu
Bladder 2

Bamboo Gathering.

On the face, at the medial end of the
eyebrow, on the supraorbital notch.

BL3 Mei Chong
Bladder 3

Eyebrow Ascencion

In the frontal region of the head, 0.5 cun
within the anterior hairline and 0.5 cun lateral
to GV 24 at the midline.

BL4 Qu Chai
Bladder 4

Deviating Turn.

In the frontal region of the head, 0.5 cun
within the anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to
GV 24 at the midline.

BL5 Wu Chu
Bladder 5

Fifth Place. On the head, 1 cun posterior to
anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to GV 23 at
the midline.

BL6 Cheng Guang
Bladder 6

Light Guard.

On the head, 2.5 cun posterior to anterior
hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline.

BL7 Tong Tian
Bladder 7

Celestial Connection.

On the head, 4 cun posterior to anterior
hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline.

BL8 Luo Que
Bladder 8

Declining Connection.

On the head, 5.5 cun posterior to anterior
hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the midline.

BL9 Yu Zhen
Bladder 9

Jade Pillow.

In the occipital region, in a depression 1.5
cun lateral to the superior aspect of the
external occipital protruberance.

BL10 Tian Zhu
Bladder 10

Celestial Pillar. Major Window of the Sky

In the nuchal region, on the lateral border of
the trapezius muscle, 1.3 cun lateral to GV
15 at the level between cervical vertebrae C1
and C2. Caution Do not needle upward
toward medulla oblongata.

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BL11 Da Zhu
Bladder 11

Great Shuttle. Meeting Point on Bladder
Channel with Small Intestine, Triple
Energizer, Gall Bladder, Spleen and Lung
Channels. Meeting Point of Bones.

On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
first thoracic vertebra (T1).

BL12 Feng Men
Bladder 12

Wind Gate. Meeting Point on the Bladder
Channel with the Governing Vessel.

On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
second thoracic vertebra (T2).

BL13 Fei Shu
Bladder 13

Lung Shu. Back Shu of the Lung that
connects with Front Mu LU1.

On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
third thoracic vertebra (T3).

BL14 Jue Yin Shu
Bladder 14

Pericardium Shu. Back Shu of the
Pericardium that connects with Front Mu
CV17. On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to
the lower border of the spinous process of
the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4).

BL15 Xin Shu
Bladder 15

Heart Shu. Back Shu of the Heart that
connects with Front Mu CV14.

On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
fifth thoracic vertebra (T5).

BL16 Du Shu
Bladder 16

Governing Shu.

On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
sixth thoracic vertebra (T6).

BL17 Ge Shu
Bladder 17

Diaphragm Shu.

On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
seventh thoracic vertebra (T7).

BL18 Gan Shu
Bladder 18

Liver Shu. Back Shu of the Liver that
connects with Front Mu LR14.

On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
ninth thoracic vertebra (T9).

BL19 Dan Shu
Bladder 19

Gall Bladder Shu. Back Shu of the Gall
Bladder that connects with Front Mu GB24.

On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
tenth thoracic vertebra (T10).

BL20 Pi Shu
Bladder 20

Spleen Shu. Back Shu of the Spleen that
connects with Front Mu LR13.

On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11).

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BL21 Wei Shu
Bladder 21

Stomach Shu. Back Shu of the Stomach that
connects with Front Mu CV12.

On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
twelfth thoracic vertebra (T12).

BL22 San Jiao Shu
Bladder 22

Triple Burner Shu. Back Shu of the Triple
Energizer that connects with Front Mu CV5.

On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
first lumbar vertebra (L1). Caution Avoid the

BL23 Shen Shu
Bladder 23

Kidney Shu. Back Shu of the Kidney that
connects with Front Mu GB25.

On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
second lumbar vertebra (L2). Caution Avoid
the Kidneys.

BL24 Qi Hai Shu
Bladder 24

Sea of Qi Shu. Back Shu for Sea of Qi that
connects with Front Mu CV6.

On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
third lumbar vertebra (L3).

BL25 Da Chang Shu
Bladder 25

Large Intestine Shu. Back Shu of the Large
Intestine that connects with Front Mu ST25.

On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
fourth lumbar vertebra (L4).
BL26 Guan Yuan Shu
Bladder 26

Origin Pass Shu. Back Shu Point for Energy
and Blood that connects with CV4.

On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
fifth lumbar vertebra (L5).

BL27 Xiao Chang Shu
Bladder 27

Small Intestine Shu. Back Shu of the Small
Intestine that connects with Front Mu CV4.

In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the
posterior midline, at the level of the first
posterior sacral foramen.

BL28 Pang Guang Shu
Bladder 28

Bladder Shu. Back Shu of the Bladder that
connects with Front Mu CV3.

In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the
posterior midline, at the level of the second
posterior sacral foramen.

BL29 Zhong Lu Shu
Bladder 29

Central Backbone Shu.

In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the
posterior midline, at the level of the third
posterior sacral foramen.

BL30 Bai Huan Shu
Bladder 30

White Ring Shu

In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the
posterior midline, at the level of the fourth
posterior sacral foramen.

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BL31 Shang Liao
Bladder 31

Upper Bone Hole.

In the sacral region, in the first posterior
sacral foramen.

BL32 Ci Liao
Bladder 32

Second Bone Hole.

In the sacral region, in the second posterior
sacral foramen.

BL33 Zhong Liao
Bladder 33

Central Bone Hole.

In the sacral region, in the third posterior
sacral foramen.

BL34 Xia Liao
Bladder 34

Lower Bone Hole.

In the sacral region, in the fourth posterior
sacral foramen.

BL35 Hui Yang
Bladder 35

Meeting of the Yang.

On either side of the tip of the coccyx, 0.5
cun lateral to the posterior midline.

BL36 Cheng Fu
Bladder 36


In the gluteal region, In the middle of the
transverse gluteal fold.

BL37 Yin Men
Bladder 37

Gate of Abundance.

On the posterior thigh, 6 cun inferior to BL 36
at the transverse gluteal fold, on a line joining
BL 36 and BL 40 at the popliteal fossa.

BL38 Fu Xi
Bladder 38

Superficial Cleft.

In the popliteal fossa, with the knee in slight
flexion, 1 cun superior to BL 39, on the
medial side of biceps femoris tendon.

BL39 Wei Yang
Bladder 39

Bend Yang. Lower He Sea Point on the
Triple Energizer Channel.

In the popliteal fossa, at the lateral crease,
medial to the biceps femoris tendon.

BL40 Wei Zhong
Bladder 40

Bend Middle. He Sea Point on the Bladder
Channel. Command Point for the Upper and
Lower Back. Earth Point on Water Meridian.

At the midpoint of the popliteal fossa.

BL41 Fu Fen
Bladder 41

Attached Branch. Meeting Point on the
Bladder Channel with the Small Intestine

On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the second
thoracic vertebra (T2), at the level of BL 12.

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BL42 Po Hu
Bladder 42

Door of the Corporeal Soul.

On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the third
thoracic vertebra (T3), at the level of BL 13.

BL43 Gao Huan Shu
Bladder 43

Vital Center Shu.

On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the fourth
thoracic vertebra (T4), at the level of BL 14.

BL44 Shen Tang
Bladder 44

Spirit Hall.

On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the fifth
thoracic vertebra (T5), at the level of BL 15.

BL45 Yi Xi
Bladder 45

Yi Xi. On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the
lower border of the spinous process of the
sixth thoracic vertebra (T6), at the level of BL

BL46 Ge Guan
Bladder 46

Diaphragm Pass.

On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the seventh
thoracic vertebra (T7), at the level of BL 17.

BL47 Hun Men
Bladder 47

Hun Gate. On the middle back, 3 cun lateral
to the lower border of the spinous process of
the ninth thoracic vertebra (T9), at the level of
BL 18.
BL48 Yang Gang
Bladder 48

Yang Headrope.

On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the tenth
thoracic vertebra (T10), at the level of BL 19.

BL49 Yi She
Bladder 49

Reflexion Abode.

On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the eleventh
thoracic vertebra (T11), at the level of BL 20.

BL50 Wei Cang
Bladder 50

Stomach Granary.

On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the twelfth
thoracic vertebra (T12), at the level of BL 21.

BL51 Huang Men
Bladder 51

Huang Gate.

On the lower back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the first
lumbar vertebra (L1), at the level of BL 22.

BL52 Zhi Shi
Bladder 52

Will Chamber. On the lower back, 3 cun
lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the second lumbar vertebra (L2),
at the level of BL 23.

BL53 Bao Huang
Bladder 53

Bladder Huang. In the sacral region, 3 cun
lateral to the posterior midline, at the level of
the second sacral foramen.

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BL54 Zhi Bian
Bladder 54

Sequential Limit.

In the sacral region, 3 cun lateral to the
posterior midline, at the level of the fourth
sacral foramen.

BL55 Hey Yng
Bladder 55

Yang Union.

On the posterior leg, 2 cun inferior to BL 40
at the popliteal crease, between the medial
and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius

BL56 Cheng Jin
Bladder 56

Sinew Support.

On the posterior leg, 5 cun inferior to BL 40,
in the center of the gastrocnemius muscle.

BL57 Cheng Shan
Bladder 57

Mountain Support.

On the posterior leg, 8 cun inferior to BL 40,
along the line connecting BL 40 at the
popliteal crease and BL 60 posterior to the
lateral malleolus.

BL58 Fei Yang
Bladder 58

Taking Flight. Luo Connecting Point on the
Bladder Channel to KI3.

On the posterior leg, 7 cun superior to BL 60
posterior to the lateral malleolus, and 1 cun
inferior to BL 57, 8 cun inferior to BL 40 at the
popliteal crease.

BL59 Fu Yang
Bladder 59

Instep Yang. Xi Cleft Point on Yang Motility

On the posterior surface of the leg, 3 cun
superior to BL 60 posterior to the lateral

BL60 Kun Lun
Bladder 60

Kun Lun Mountains. Jing River Point on the
Bladder Channel. Fire Point on Water
Meridian. On the lateral ankle, in the
depression midway between the external
malleolus and the tendon calcaneus.
Contraindication: Do Not Needle If
Pregnancy is known or suspected

BL61 Pu Can
Bladder 61

Subservient Visitor. Meeting Point on the
Bladder Channel with the Yang Motility

On the lateral foot, in a depression on the
lateral calcaneus, 1.5 cun inferior and
posterior to the lateral malleolus, directly
below BL60 which is posterior to the lateral

BL62 Shen Mai
Bladder 62

Extending Vessel. On the lateral foot, in the
depression directly inferior to the lateral
malleolus, at the dorsal-plantar skin junction.

BL63 Jin Men
Bladder 63

Metal Gate. Xi Cleft Point on the Bladder
Channel. Meeting Point of the Bladder
Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel.

On the lateral foot, in the depression
posterior to the fifth metatarsal bone and
lateral to the cuboid bone.

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BL64 Jing Gu
Bladder 64

Capital Bone. Yuan Source Point on the
Bladder Channel.

On the lateral foot, in the depression anterior
and inferior to the tuberosity of the fifth
metatarsal bone.

BL65 Shu Gu
Bladder 65

Bundle Bone. Shu Stream Point on the
Bladder Channel. Wood Point on Water

On the lateral foot, in the depression
posterior and inferior to the fifth
metatarsophalangeal joint.

BL66 Tong Gu
Bladder 66

Valley Passage. Ying Spring Point on the
Bladder Channel. Water Point on Water

On the lateral foot, in the depression anterior
and inferior to the fifth metatarsophalangeal

BL67 Zhi Yin
Bladder 67

Reaching Yin. Jing Well Point on the Bladder
Channel. Metal Point on Water Meridian.

On the lateral foot, at the lateral fifth digit, 0.1
cun from the corner of the nailbed.
Contraindication: Do Not Needle If
Pregnancy is known or suspected.

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Conception Vessel Meridian

CV1 Hui Yin
Conception Vessel 1

Meeting of Yin. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Governing and
Penetrating Vessels.

In the perineal region, at the midpoint
between the anus and the posterior border of
the scrotum in males and the posterior labial
commissure in females.
Contraindication: Do Not Needle If
Pregnancy is known or suspected.

CV2 Qu Gu
Conception Vessel 2

Curved Bone. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Liver Channel.

In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, at
the superior border of the symphysis pubis.

CV3 Zhong Ji
Conception Vessel 3

Central Pole. Front Mu Point of the Bladder
that connects with Back Shu BL28. Meeting
Point on the Conception Vessel with the
Spleen, Liver and Kidney Channels.

In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, 1
cun superior to the upper border of the
symphysis pubis.

CV4 Guan Yuan
Conception Vessel 4

Origin Pass. Front Mu Point of the Small
Intestine that connects with Back Shu BL27.
Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with
the Spleen, Liver and Kidney Channels.

In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, 2
cun superior to the upper border of the
symphysis pubis.

CV5 Shi Men
Conception Vessel 5

Stone Gate. Front Mu Point of the Triple
Energizer that connects with Back Shu BL22.

On the lower abdomen, on the anterior
midline, 2 cun inferior to the umbilicus.

CV6 Qi Hai
Conception Vessel 6

Sea of Qi. Front Mu Point for Sea of Qi that
connects with Back Shu BL24.

On the lower abdomen, on the anterior
midline, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus.

CV7 Yin Jiao
Conception Vessel 7

Yin Intersection. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Penetrating
Vessel. Command Point for the Lower

In the umbilical region, on the anterior
midline, 1 cun inferior to the umbilicus.

CV8 Shen Que
Conception Vessel 8

Spirit Gate. Needling is Contraindicated.
Moxa is applicable. At the umbilicus.

CV9 Shui Fen
Conception Vessel 9

Water Divide. In the umbilical region, on the
anterior midline, 1 cun superior to the

CV10 Xia Guan
Conception Vessel 10

Lower Stomach Cavity. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Spleen Channel.

In the umbilical region, on the anterior
midline, 2 cun superior to the umbilicus.

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CV11 Jian Li
Conception Vessel 11

Interior Strengthening.

In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior
midline, 3 cun superior to the umbilicus.

CV12 Zhon Guan
Conception Vessel 12

Central Venter. Front Mu Point of the
Stomach that connects with Back Shu BL21.
Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with
the Lung, Spleen, Stomach, and Triple
Energizer Channels.

In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior
midline, 4 cun superior to the umbilicus.

CV13 Shan Guan
Conception Vessel 13

Upper Venter. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Stomach and
Small Intestine Channels.

In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior
midline, 5 cun superior to the umbilicus.

CV14 Ju Que
Conception Vessel 14

Great Tower Gate. Front Mu of the Heart that
connects with Back Shu BL15.

In the epigastric region, on the anterior
midline, 2 cun inferior to the xiphoid process
and 6 cun superior to the umbilicus.

CV15 Jiu Wei
Conception Vessel 15

Turtledove Tail. Luo Connecting Point on the
Conception Vessel to the internal abdominal

In the epigastric region, on the anterior
midline, 1 cun inferior to the xiphoid process
and 7 cun superior to the umbilicus.

CV16 Zhong Ting
Conception Vessel 16

Central Palace.

In the epigastric region, on the anterior
midline, on the xiphoid process.

CV17 Shan Zhong
Conception Vessel 17

Chest Center. Front Mu of the Pericardium
that connects with Back Shu BL14. Meeting
Point on Conception Vessel with
Pericardium, Spleen, Kidney, Small Intestine
and Triple Energizer Channels.

On the sternal midline, level with the fourth
intercostal space, between the nipples.

CV18 Yu Tang
Conception Vessel 18

Jade Hall.

On the sternal midline, level with the third
intercostal space.

CV19 Zi Gong
Conception Vessel 19

Purple Palace.

On the sternal midline, level with the second
intercostal space.

CV20 Hua Gai
Conception Vessel 20

Florid Canopy.

On the sternal midline, level with the first
intercostal space.

CV21 Xuan Ji
Conception Vessel 21

Jade Pivot.

On the manubrium midline, midway between
CV 20 and CV 22.

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CV22 Tian Tu
Conception Vessel 22

Celestial Chimney. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Yin Linking
Vessel. Minor Window of the Sky Point.

In the suprasternal fossa, on the anterior
midline, just above the jugular notch.

CV23 Lian Quan
Conception Vessel 23

Ridge Spring. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Yin Linking

On the neck, on the anterior midline, in the
depression superior to the hyoid bone.

CV24 Cheng Jiang
Conception Vessel 24

Sauce Receptacle. Meeting Point on the
Conception Vessel with the Governing
Vessel, Large Intestine and Stomach

On the chin, in the depression in the center of
the mentolabial groove, below the middle of
the lower lip.

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Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Gall Bladder Meridian

GB1 Tong Zi Liao
Gall Bladder 1

Pupil Bone Hole. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Small Intestine and
Triple Energizer Channels.

On the lateral face, 0.5 cun lateral to the
outer canthus of the eye.

GB2 Ting Hui
Gall Bladder 2

Auditory Convergence.

With the mouth open, in the depression
anterior to the auricular intertragic notch.

GB3 Shang Guan
Gall Bladder 3

Upper Gate. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Triple Energizer
and Stomach Channels. On the lateral face,
anterior to the ear, on the upper border of the
zygomatic arch.

GB4 Han Yan
Gall Bladder 4

Suspended Fullness. Meeting Point on the
Gall Bladder Channel with the Triple
Energizer, Large Intestine and Stomach
Channels. In the temporal region, posterior to
the hairline, at the junction of the upper
quarter and lower three-quarters of the
distance between ST 8 and GB 7.

GB5 Xuan Lu
Gall Bladder 5

Suspended Skull. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Triple Energizer,
Large Intestine and Stomach Channels.

In the temporal region, posterior to the
hairline, midway between ST 8 and GB 7.

GB6 Xuan Li
Gall Bladder 6

Suspended Tuft. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Triple Energizer,
Large Intestine and Stomach Channels.

In the temporal region, posterior to the
hairline, 2 cun inferior to GB4 on the curved
line connecting ST 8 and GB 7.

GB7 Qu Bin
Gall Bladder 7

Temporal Hairline Curve. Meeting Point on
the Gall Bladder Channel with the Bladder

Within the hairline, anterior and superior to
the auricle, about 1 cun anterior to TE 20.

GB8 Shuai Gu
Gall Bladder 8

Valley Lead. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Bladder Channel.

1.5 cun superior to the auricular apex and
directly above TE 20.

GB9 Tian Chong
Gall Bladder 9

Celestial Hub. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Bladder Channel.

Posterior and superior to the auricular border
and 0.5 cun posterior to GB 8.

GB10 Fu Bai
Gall Bladder 10

Floating White. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Bladder Channel.

In the temporal region, posterior to the auricle
and superior to the mastoid process, at the
junction of the upper and middle thirds of a
curved line connecting GB 9 and GB 12.

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GB11 Tou Qiao Yin
Gall Bladder 11

Head Portal Yin. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Bladder Channel.

In the temporal region, posterior to the auricle
and superior to the mastoid process, at the
junction of the middle and lower thirds of a
curved line connecting GB 9 and GB 12.

GB12 Wan Gu
Gall Bladder 12

Completion Bone. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Bladder Channel.

In the temporal region, in the depression
posterior and inferior to the mastoid process,
at the level of the inferior ridge of the auricle.

GB13 Ben Shen
Gall Bladder 13

Root Spirit. Meeting point on the Gall Bladder
Channel with the Yang Linking Vessel.

In the frontal region, 0.5 cun within the
anterior hairline, on a sagittal line ascending
from the lateral canthus of the eye.

GB14 Yang Bai
Gall Bladder 14

Yang White. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Stomach and Large
Intestine Channels and Yang Linking Vessel.

In the frontal region, 1 cun superior to the
eyebrow, aligned with the pupil when the
eyes are focused forward.

GB15 Tou Lin Qi
Gall Bladder 15

Head Overlooking Tears. Meeting point on
the Gall Bladder Channel with the Bladder
Channel and Yang Linking Vessel. In the
frontal region, 0.5 cun within the hairline,
aligned with the pupil when the eyes are
focused forward.
GB16 Mu Chuang
Gall Bladder 16

Eye Window. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Yang Linking

In the frontal region, 1.5 cun posterior to GB
15 and 3 cun lateral to the mid-sagittal line.

GB17 Zheng Ying
Gall Bladder 17

Upright Construction. Meeting Point on the
Gall Bladder Channel with the Yang Linking

In the frontal region, 1.5 cun posterior to GB
16, on the line connecting GB15 and GB20.

GB18 Cheng Ling
Gall Bladder 18

Spirit Container. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Yang Linking

In the parietal region, 1.5 cun posterior to GB
17 and 3 cun lateral to GV 20.

GB19 Nao Kong
Gall Bladder 19

Brain Hollow. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Yang Linking
Vessel. In the occipital region, 2.25 cun
lateral to the posterior midline, at the level of
the upper border of the external occipital

GB20 Feng Chi
Gall Bladder 20

Wind Pool. Meeting Point on Gall Bladder
Channel with the Triple Energizer Channel,
Yang Linking and Yang Motility Vessels.

At the posterior head, at the junction of the
occipital and nuchal regions, in the
depression between the origins of
Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius muscles.

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GB21 Jian Jing
Gall Bladder 21

Shoulder Well. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Triple Energizer
and Stomach Channels.

In the suprascapular region, midway between
the tip of the acromion process and below the
spinous process of the seventh cervical
vertebra (C7). Contraindication: Do Not
Needle If Pregnancy or Heart Disease is
known or suspected.

GB22 Yuan Ye
Gall Bladder 22

Armpit Abyss.

On the lateral chest wall, on the midaxillary
line, 3 cun inferior to the axillary fold.

GB23 Zhe Jin
Gall Bladder 23

Sinew Seat. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Bladder Channel.
Secondary Front Mu Point for the Gall

On the lateral chest wall, on the 4th
intercostal space, 1 cun anterior to GB22.

GB24 Ri Yue
Gall Bladder 24

Sun and Moon. Front Mu Point of the Gall
Bladder that connects with Back Shu BL19.

On the anterior chest midclavicular line at the
level of the seventh intercostal space.

GB25 Jing Men
Gall Bladder 25

Capital Gate. Front Mu Point of the Kidneys
that connects with Back Shu BL23.

On the lateral abdomen at the lower border of
the free end of the twelfth rib.

GB26 Dai Mai
Gall Bladder 26

Girdling Vessel. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel.

On the midaxillary line, superior to the iliac
crest, at the level of the umbilicus.

GB27 Wu Shu
Gall Bladder 27

Fifth Pivot. Meeting Point on the Gall Bladder
Channel with the Girdling Vessel.

In the inguinal region, medial to the anterior
superior iliac spine, 3 cun inferior to the level
of the umbilicus.

GB28 Wei Dao
Gall Bladder 28

Linking Path. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Girdling Vessel.

In the inguinal region, 0.5 cun inferior to the
anterior superior iliac spine, at the anterior
margin of the ileum.

GB29 Ju Liao
Gall Bladder 29

Squatting Bone Hole. Meeting Point on the
Gall Bladder Channel with the Yang Motility
Vessel. At the hip, midway between the
anterior superior iliac spine and the greater
trochanter. GB29 is located with patient in the
lateral recumbent position with the thigh
flexed slightly.

GB30 Huan Tiao
Gall Bladder 30

Jumping Round. Meeting Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel with the Bladder Channel.

In the gluteal region, one third the distance
from the greater trochanter to the sacral
hiatus. Locate GB30 with the patient in the
lateral recumbent position with the thigh
flexed slightly.

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GB31 Feng Shi
Gall Bladder 31

Wind Market.

On the midline of the lateral thigh, 7 cun
superior to the popliteal crease. GB 31 can
also be located directly inferior to the tip of
the middle finger when patient is standing
and the arm is extended along the thigh.

GB32 Zhong Du
Gall Bladder 32

Central River.

On the midline of the lateral thigh, 5 cun
superior to the popliteal crease.

GB33 Xi Yang Guan
Gall Bladder 33

Knee Yang Gate.

On the lateral side of the knee, superior to
the jointline, in a depression between biceps
femoris tendon and the lateral condoyle of
the femur.

GB34 Yang Ling Quan
Gall Bladder 34

Yang Mound Spring. Hui Point for Tendons
and Muscles. He Sea Point on Gall Bladder
Channel. Earth Point on Wood Meridian.

On the lateral side of the leg, in the
depression anterior and inferior to the head
of the fibula.

GB35 Yang Jiao
Gall Bladder 35

Yang Intersection. Xi Cleft Point of the Yang
Linking Vessel.

On the lateral side of the leg, on the posterior
border of the fibula, 7 cun superior to the
prominence of the lateral malleolus.

GB36 Wai Qui
Gall Bladder 36

Outer Hill. Xi Cleft Point on the Gall Bladder

On the lateral side of the leg, 7 cun superior
to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.

GB37 Guang Ming
Gall Bladder 37

Bright Light. Luo Connecting Point on the
Gall Bladder Channel to LR3.

On the lateral side of the leg, 5 cun superior
to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.

GB38 Yang Fu
Gall Bladder 38

Yang Assistance. Jing River on the Gall
Bladder Channel. Fire Point on Wood

On the lateral side of the leg, 4 cun superior
to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.

GB39 Xuan Zhong
Gall Bladder 39

Suspended Bell. Hui Meeting Point for
Marrow. Intersection Point of the three Yang
channels of the leg.

On the lateral side of the leg, 3 cun superior
to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.

GB40 Qiu Xu
Gall Bladder 40

Hill Ruins. Yuan Source point on the Gall
Bladder Channel.

At the lateral ankle, In the depression anterior
and inferior to the lateral malleolus.

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GB41 Zu Lin Qi
Gall Bladder 41

Foot Overlooking Tears. Shu Stream Point
on the Gall Bladder Channel. Wood Point on
Wood Meridian.

On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression
between the fourth and fifth metatarsals.

GB42 Di Wu Hui
Gall Bladder 42

Earth Fivefold Convergence.

On the dorsum of the foot, in a depression
proximal to the heads of the fourth and fifth
metatarsal bones.

GB43 Jia Xi
Gall Bladder 43

Pinched Ravine. Ying Spring Point on the
Gall Bladder Channel. Water Point on Wood

On the dorsum of the foot, distal to the fourth
and fifth metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 cun
proximal to the web margin.

GB44 Zu Qiao Yin
Gall Bladder 44

Foot Portal Yin. Jing Well Point on the Gall
Bladder Channel. Metal Point on Wood

On the lateral side of the fourth toe, 0.1 cun
from the nail bed.

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Governing Vessel Meridian

GV1 Chang Qiang
Governing Vessel 1

Long Strong. Luo Connecting Point of the
Governing Vessel to CV1. Meeting Point on
the Governing Vessel with the Conception

Midway between the anus and the tip of the

GV2 Yao Shu
Governing Vessel 2

Lumbar Shu.

On the posterior midline at the sacral hiatus.

GV3 Yao Yang Guan
Governing Vessel 3

Lumbar Yang Pass.

On the lower back, below the spinous
process of the fourth lumbar vertebra (L4).

GV4 Ming Men
Governing Vessel 4

Life Gate. Reunion point on Curious Meridian
Dai Mo.

On the lower back, below the spinous
process of the second lumbar vertebra (L2).

GV5 Xuan Shu
Governing Vessel 5

Suspended Pivot. On the lower back, below
the spinous process of the first lumbar
vertebra (L1).

GV6 Ji Zhong
Governing Vessel 6

Spinal Center. On the middle back, below
the spinous process of the eleventh thoracic
vertebra (T11).

GV7 Zhong Shu
Governing Vessel 7

Central Pivot.

On the middle back, below the spinous
process of the tenth thoracic vertebra (T10).

GV8 Jin Suo
Governing Vessel 8

Sinew Contraction.

On the middle back, below the spinous
process of the ninth thoracic vertebra (T9).

GV9 Zhi Yang
Governing Vessel 9

Extremity of Yang.

On the middle back, below the spinous
process of the seventh thoracic vertebra (T7),
approximately level with the inferior angle of
the scapula.

GV10 Ling Tai
Governing Vessel 10

Spirit Tower.

Below the spinous process of the sixth
thoracic vertebra (T6).

GV11 Shen Dao
Governing Vessel 11

Spirit Path.

Below the spinous process of the fifth
thoracic vertebra (T5).

GV12 Shen Zhu
Governing Vessel 12

Body Pillar.

Below the spinous process of the third
thoracic vertebra (T3).

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GV13 Tao Dao
Governing Vessel 13

Kiln Path. Meeting Point on the Governing
Vessel with the Bladder Channel.

Below the spinous process of the first
thoracic vertebra (T1).

GV14 Daz Hui
Governing Vessel 14

Great Hammer. Meeting Point on the
Governing Vessel with the six yang channels.
Sea of Qi Point.

Below the spinous process of the seventh
cervical vertebra (C7).

GV15 Ya Men
Governing Vessel 15

Mute's Gate. Meeting Point on the Governing
Vessel with the Yang Linking Vessel.

Below the spinous process of the first
cervical vertebra (C1).

GV16 Feng Fu
Governing Vessel 16

Wind Mansion. Meeting Point on the
Governing Vessel with the Yang Linking
Vessel. Sea of Marrow Point. On the
posterior head, 0.5 cun directly below the
external occipital protuberance.

GV17 Nao Hu
Governing Vessel 17

Brain's Door. Meeting Point on the Governing
Vessel with the Bladder Channel. On the
posterior head, 1.5 cun directly above the
external occipital protuberance.

GV18 Qiang Jian
Governing Vessel 18

Unyielding Space. On the posterior head, 2.5
cun directly above the external occipital
GV19 Hou Ding
Governing Vessel 19

Behind the Vertex.

On the posterior head, 4 cun directly above
the external occipital protuberance.

GV20 Bai Hui
Governing Vessel 20

Hundred Meetings. Meeting Point on the
Governing Vessel with the six yang channels.

On the midsagittal line, at the intersection of
a line connecting the right and left ear apices.

GV21 Qian Ding
Governing Vessel 21

Before the Vertex.

On the midsagittal line, 1.5 cun anterior to the
intersection of the line connecting the right
and left ear apices.

GV22 Xin Hui
Governing Vessel 22

Fontanelle Meeting.

On the midline, 2 cun posterior to the anterior

GV23 Shang Xing
Governing Vessel 23

Upper Star.

On the midline, 1 cun posterior to the anterior

GV24 Shen Ting
Governing Vessel 24

Spirit Court. Meeting point on the Governing
Vessel with the Bladder and Stomach

On the midline, 0.5 cun posterior to the
anterior hairline.

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GV25 Su Liao
Governing Vessel 25

White Bone Hole.

At the tip of the nose.

GV26 Shui Gou
Governing Vessel 26

Water Trough. Meeting Point on the
Governing Vessel with the Large Intestine
and Stomach Channels.

In the philtrum, 1/3 the distance from the
nose and the top of the lip.

GV27 Dui Duan
Governing Vessel 27

Extremity of the Mouth. Reunion Point on the
Governing with the Conception Vessels.

At the junction of the philtrum with the upper

GV28 Yin Jiao
Governing Vessel 28

Gum Intersection. Meeting Point on the
Governing Vessel with the Conception

In the mouth, at the junction of the frenulum
of the upper lip with the upper gum.

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Heart Meridian

HE1 Ji Quan
Heart 1

Highest Spring.

In the axillary fossa when the arm is
abducted, medial to the axillary artery.
Caution Avoid the axillary artery.

HE2 Qing Ling
Heart 2

Cyan Spirit.

On the medial arm when the elbow is flexed,
3 cun proximal to the transverse cubital

HE3 Shao Hai
Heart 3

Lesser Sea. He Sea Point on the Heart
Channel. Water Point on Fire Meridian.

With the elbow flexed, at the medial end of
the transverse cubital crease.

HE4 Ling Dao
Heart 4

Spirit Pathway. Jing River Point on the Heart
Channel. Metal Point on Fire Meridian.

On the palmar surface of the forearm, 1.5
cun proximal to the transverse wrist crease,
on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris

HE5 Tong Li
Heart 5

Connecting Li. Luo Connecting Point on the
Heart Channel to SI4.

On the palmar surface of the forearm, 1 cun
proximal to the transverse wrist crease, on
the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris tendon.

HE6 Yin Xi
Heart 6

Yin Cleft. Xi Cleft Point on the Heart Channel.

On the palmar surface of the forearm, 0.5
cun proximal to the transverse wrist crease,
on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris

HE7 Shen Men
Heart 7

Spirit Gate. Shu Stream Point on the Heart
Channel. Yuan Source Point on the Heart
Channel. Earth Point on Fire Meridian.

On the transverse wrist crease, in the small
depression between the pisiform and ulna

HE8 Shao Fu
Heart 8

Lesser Mansion. Ying Spring Point on the
Heart Channel. Fire Point on Fire Meridian.

On the palmar surface of the hand, between
the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones. When
a tight fist is made, HE 8 is where the fifth
digit rests.

HE9 Shao Chong
Heart 9

Lesser Surge. Jing Well Point on the Heart
Channel. Wood Point on Fire Meridian.

On the radial side of the fifth digit, 0.1 cun
from the corner of the nail bed.
Caution Reserve HE 9 for
Unconsciousness or Shock.

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Kidney Meridian

KI1 Yong Quan
Kidney 1

Gushing Spring. Jing Well Point on the
Kidney Channel. Wood Point on Water

On the sole of the foot, between the second
and third metatarsal bones, one-third the
distance from the webs of the toes to the

KI2 Ran Gu
Kidney 2

Blazing Valley. Ying Spring Point on the
Kidney Channel. Fire Point on Water

On the medial surface of the foot, in the
depression inferior to the lower border of the
tuberosity of the navicular bone.

KI3 Tai Xi
Kidney 3

Great Ravine. Shu Stream Point on the
Kidney Channel. Yuan Source on the Kidney
Channel. Earth Point on Water Meridian.

On the medial ankle, at the midpoint between
the prominence of the medial malleolus and
Achilles Tendon.

KI4 Da Zhong
Kidney 4

Large Goblet. Luo Connecting point on the
Kidney Channel to BL64.

On the medial ankle, posterior and inferior to
the medial malleolus, in the depression
anterior to the medial side of the attachment
of Achilles tendon.

KI5 Shui quan
Kidney 5

Water Spring. Xi Cleft Point on the Kidney

On the medial ankle, 1 cun below KI 3, in the
depression anterior and superior to the
medial side of the tuberosity of the

KI6 Zhao Hai
Kidney 6

Shining Sea. Intersecting Point on Kidney
Channel with the Yin Motility Vessel.

On the medial ankle, in the depression 1 cun
inferior to the medial malleolus.

KI7 Fu Liu
Kidney 7

Recover Flow. Jing River Point on the Kidney
Channel. Metal Point on Water Meridian.

On the medial leg, 2 cun superior to KI 3 on
the anterior border of the Achilles tendon.

KI8 Jiao Xin
Kidney 8

Intersecting Reach. Xi Cleft Point on the Yin
Motility Vessel.

On the medial leg, 2 cun superior to KI 3 and
0.5 cun anterior to KI 7.

KI9 Zhu Bin
Kidney 9

Guest House. Xi Cleft Point on the Yin
Linking Vessel.

On the medial leg, 5 cun superior to KI 3, at
the lower end of the gastrocnemius muscle.

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KI10 Yin Gu
Kidney 10

Yin Valley. He Sea Point on the Kidney
Channel. Water Point on Water Meridian.

On the medial side of the popliteal fossa, in
the depression between tendons of
semitendinosus and semimembranosus
muscles when the knee is flexed.

KI11 Heng Gu
Kidney 11

Pubic Bone. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the pubic region, immediately superior to
the symphysis pubis, 0.5 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 2.

KI12 Da He
Kidney 12

Great Manifestation. Meeting Point on the
Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the pubic region, 1 cun superior to the
symphysis pubis, 0.5 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 3.

KI13 Qi Xue
Kidney 13

Qi Hole. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the pubic region, 2 cun superior to the
symphysis pubis, 0.5 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 4.

KI14 Si Man
Kidney 14

Fourfold Fullness. Meeting Point on the
Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the pubic region, 3 cun superior to the
symphysis pubis, 0.5 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 5.

KI15 Zhong Zhu
Kidney 15

Central Flow. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the umbilical region, 1 cun inferior to the
level of the umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to the
midline, at the level of CV 7.

KI16 Huan Shu
Kidney 16

Shu of Abdominal Fu. Meeting Point on the
Kidney Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

At the umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to the
midline, at the level of CV 8.

KI17 Shang Qu
Kidney 17

Shang Bend. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the umbilical region, 2 cun superior to the
umbilicus and 0.5 cun lateral to the midline at
the level of CV 10.

KI18 Shi Guan
Kidney 18

Stone Pass. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the umbilical region, 3 cun superior to the
umbilicus and 0.5 cun lateral to the midline at
the level of CV 11.

KI19 Yin Du
Kidney 19

Yin Metropolis. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the epigastric region, 4 cun superior to the
umbilicus and 0.5 cun lateral to the midline at
the level of CV 12.

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KI20 Tong Gu
Kidney 20

Open Valley. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the epigastric region, 5 cun superior to the
umbilicus and 0.5 cun lateral to the midline at
the level of CV 13.

KI21 You Men
Kidney 21

Dark Gate. Meeting Point on the Kidney
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

In the epigastric region, 6 cun superior to the
umbilicus and 0.5 cun lateral to the midline at
the level of CV 14. Caution Avoid the Liver.

KI22 Bu Lang
Kidney 22

Corridor Walk.

In the pectoral region, in the fifth intercostal
space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline at
the level of CV 16.

KI23 Shen Feng
Kidney 23

Spirit Seal.

In the pectoral region, in the fourth intercostal
space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline at
the level of CV 17.

KI24 Ling Xu
Kidney 24

Spirit Ruins.

In the pectoral region, in the third intercostal
space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline at
the level of CV 18.

KI25 Shen Cang
Kidney 25

Spirit Storehouse.

In the pectoral region, in the second
intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline at the level of CV 19.

KI26 Yu Zhong
Kidney 26

Lively Center.

In the pectoral region, in the first intercostal
space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline at
the level of CV 20.

KI27 Shu Fu
Kidney 27

Shu Mansion.

On the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun
lateral to the anterior midline.

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Large Intestine Meridian

LI1 Shang Yang
Large Intestine 1

Metal Yang. Jing Well Point on the Large
Intestine Channel. Metal Point on Metal

On the radial side of the second digit, 0.1 cun
from the corner of the nail bed.

LI2 Er Jian
Large Intestine 2

Second Space. Ying Spring Point on the
Large Intestine Channel. Water Point on
Metal Meridian.

On the radial side of the second digit in slight
flexion, in the depression anterior to the
metacarpophalangeal joint.

LI3 San Jian
Large Intestine 3

Third Space. Shu Stream Point on the Large
Intestine Channel. Wood Point on Metal

On the dorsum of the hand, on the radial side
of the second metacarpal bone, proximal to
the metacarpophalangeal joint, at the dorsal-
palmar skin junction.

LI4 He Gu
Large Intestine 4

Union Valley. Yuan Source Point on the
Large Intestine Channel. Command Point of
the Face and Mouth.

On the dorsum of the hand, approximately at
the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone,
in the belly of the first interosseus dorsalis
muscle. Contraindication: Do Not Needle If
Pregnancy is known or suspected.

LI5 Yang Xi
Large Intestine 5

Yang Ravine. Jing River Point on the Large
Intestine Channel. Fire Point on Metal

On the radial side of the wrist, distal to the tip
of the radial styloid process, in the
depression between the tendons of extensor
pollicis longus and brevis, in the "anatomical
snuff box".

LI6 Pian Li
Large Intestine 6

Veering Passageway. Luo Connecting Point
on the Large Intestine Channel to LU9.

On the radial side of the posterior
antebrachial region, 3 cun proximal to the
dorsal wrist crease, on the line connecting LI
5 at the wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital

LI7 Wen Liu
Large Intestine 7

Warm Flow. Xi Cleft Point on the Large
Intestine Channel.

On the radial side of the posterior
antebrachial region, 5 cun proximal to the
dorsal wrist crease, on the line connecting LI
5 at the wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital

LI8 Xia Lian
Large Intestine 8

Lower Ridge.

On the radial side of the posterior
antebrachial region, 4 cun distal cubital
crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the
wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital crease.

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LI9 Shang Lian
Large Intestine 9

Upper Ridge.

On the radial side of the posterior
antebrachial region, 3 cun distal cubital
crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the
wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital crease.

LI10 Shou San Li
Large Intestine 10

Arm Three Li.

On the radial side of the posterior
antebrachial region, 2 cun distal cubital
crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the
wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital crease.

LI11 Qu Chi
Large Intestine 11

Pool at the Bend. He Sea Point on the Large
Intestine Channel. Earth Point on Metal

On the lateral side of the cubital crease when
the elbow is close to full flexion.

LI12 Zhou Liao
Large Intestine 12

Elbow Bone Hole.

On the lateral side of the cubital crease, 1
cun superior to LI 11, at the junction of the
lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus
with the epicondyle. Locate LI 12 with the
elbow flexed.

LI13 Shou Wu Li
Large Intestine 13

Arm Five Li.

On the lateral brachial region, 3 cun superior
to LI 11, on the line connecting LI 11 at the
cubital crease and LI15 inferior to the

LI14 Bi Nao
Large Intestine 14

Upper Arm. Meeting Point on the Large
Intestine Channel with the Small Intestine
and Bladder Channels.

On the lateral brachial region, on the anterior
margin of the insertion of the deltoid muscle,
on the line connecting LI 11 at the cubital
crease and LI15 inferior to the acromion.

LI15 Jian Yu
Large Intestine 15

Shoulder Bone. Meeting Point on the Large
Intestine Channel with the Small Intestine
and Triple Energizer Channels.

On the shoulder in the depression on the
anterior border of the acromial part of the
deltoid muscle when the arm is abducted.

LI16 Ju Gu
Large Intestine 16

Great Bone. Meeting Point on the Large
Intestine Channel with the Yang Motility

On the superior aspect of the scapular
region, in the depression posterior to the
acromial extremity of the clavicle and anterior
to the scapular spine.

LI17 Tian Ding
Large Intestine 17

Celestial Tripod.

At the anterior margin of the posterior triangle
of the neck, on the posterior border of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle, 1 cun inferior to
LI 18 at the level of the laryngeal

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LI18 Fu Tu
Large Intestine 18

Protuberance Assistant. Major Window of
Sky Point.

On the neck, on the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, 3 cun lateral to the laryngeal

LI19 He Liao
Large Intestine 19

Grain Bone Hole.

In the oral region, directly inferior to the
lateral margin of the nostril, level with GV 26.

LI20 Ying Xiang
Large Intestine 20

Welcome Fragrance. Meeting Point on the
Large Intestine Channel with the Stomach

In the nasolabial groove, 0.5 cun lateral to
the nostril.

Liver Meridian

LR1 Da Dun
Liver 1

Large Pile. Jing Well Point on the Liver
Channel. Wood Point on Wood Meridian.

On the lateral side of the first digit, the great
toe, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail bed.

LR2 Xing Jian
Liver 2

Moving Between. Ying Spring Point on the
Liver Channel. Fire Point on Wood Meridian.

On the dorsum of the foot, between the first
and second metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5
cun proximal to the web margin.

LR3 Tai Chong
Liver 3

Great Surge. Shu Stream Point on the Liver
Channel. Yuan Source Point on the Liver
Channel. Earth Point on Wood Meridian.

On the dorsum of the foot, between the first
and second metatarsal bones, approximately
2 cun superior to the web margin.

LR4 Zhong Feng
Liver 4

Mound Center. Jing River Point on the Liver
Channel. Metal Point on Wood Meridian.

On the dorsum of the foot, 1 cun anterior to
the medial malleolus, in the depression
medial to the tibialis anterior tendon.

LR5 Li Gou
Liver 5

Woodworm Canal. Luo Connecting Point on
the Liver Channel to GB40.

On the medial side of the leg, posterior to the
tibial medial margin, 5 cun superior to the
medial malleolus.

LR6 Zhong Du
Liver 6

Central Metropolis. Xi Cleft Point on the Liver

On the medial side of the leg, posterior to the
tibial medial margin, 7 cun superior to the
medial malleolus.

LR7 Xi Guan
Liver 7

Knee Joint.

On the medial side of the leg, inferior to the
medial condyle of the tibia, in the upper
portion of the medial head of the
gastrocnemius muscle, 1 cun posterior to SP

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LR8 Qu Quan
Liver 8

Spring at the Bend. He Sea Point on the
Liver Channel. Water Point on Wood

One the medial side of the knee, in the
depression of the transverse popliteal crease
between the upper border of the medial
epicondyle of the femur and semitendinosus
and semimembranosus tendons.

LR9 Yin Bao
Liver 9

Yin Bladder.

On the medial thigh, 4 cun superior to the
medial epicondyle of the femur, between
sartorius muscle anteriorly and vastus
medialis posteriorly.

LR10 Zu Wu Li
Liver 10

Foot Five Li.

On the medial thigh, on the lateral border of
abductor longus muscle, 2 cun along the
tendon/muscle from its attachment near the
pubic symphysis and 3 cun inferior to ST 30.

LR11 Yin Lian
Liver 11

Yin Corner.

On the superior, medial thigh, on the lateral
border of abductor longus muscle, 1 cun
along the tendon/muscle from its attachment
near the pubic symphysis and 2 cun inferior
to ST 30.

LR12 Ji Mai
Liver 12

Urgent Pulse. At the base of the femoral
triangle, medial to the femoral artery, 2.5 cun
lateral to the anterior midline. Beware the
Femoral Vein!
LR13 Zhang Men
Liver 13

Camphorwood Gate. Front Mu Point of the
Spleen that connects with Back Shu BL20.
Meeting Point on the Liver Channel with the
Gall Bladder, Kidney, Heart, Spleen and
Lung Channels.

On the lateral abdomen, slightly inferior and
anterior to the tip of the free end of the
eleventh rib.

LR14 Qi Men
Liver 14

Cycle Gate. Front Mu Point of the Liver that
connects with Back Shu BL18. Meeting Point
on the Liver Channel with the Spleen

On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the
sixth intercostal space, at the level of CV 14.

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Lung Meridian

LU1 Zhong Fu
Lung 1

Central Treasury. Front Mu Point of the Lung
that connects with Back Shu BL13. Meeting
Point on the Lung Channel with the Spleen

On the lateral chest, inferior to the acromial
end of the clavicle, 6 cun lateral to the
Conception Vessel. Caution Avoid the

LU2 Yun Men
Lung 2

Cloud Gate.

On the lateral chest, In the depression
formed by the deltoid muscle, pectoralis
major muscle and the clavicle.

LU3 Tian Fu
Lung 3

Celestial Storehouse. Major Window of the
Sky Point.

On the upper arm, on the lateral border of
muscle biceps brachia, 3 cun inferior to the
anterior axillary fold.

LU4 Xia Bai
Lung 4

Guarding White. On the upper arm, on the
lateral border of muscle biceps brachia, 4 cun
inferior to the anterior axillary fold.

LU5 Chi Ze
Lung 5

Cubit Marsh. He Sea Point on the Lung
Channel. Water Point on Metal Meridian.

At the elbow, in the cubital crease, in the
depression lateral to biceps brachia tendon.

LU6 Kong Zui
Lung 6

Collection Hole. Xi Cleft Point on the Lung

On the radial side of the forearm, 5 cun
inferior to LU 5, on a line from LU 5 at the
cubital crease and LU 9 at the lateral side of
the wrist crease.

LU7 Lie Que
Lung 7

Broken Sequence. Luo Connecting Point on
the Lung Channel to LI4. On the radial side
of the forearm, 1.5 cun superior to the tip of
the radial styloid process.

LU8 Jing Qu
Lung 8

Channel Ditch. Jing River Point on the Lung
Channel. Metal Point on Metal Meridian.

On the radial side of the forearm, 1 cun
superior to the transverse wrist crease and in
the depression between the radial artery and
styloid process. Contraindication: Moxa is

LU9 Tai Yuan
Lung 9

Great Abyss. Shu Stream Point on the Lung
Channel. Yaun Source Point on the Lung
Channel. Earth Point on Metal Meridian.

On the lateral side of the anterior wrist
crease, in the depression on the radial side of
the radial artery.

LU10 Yu Ji
Lung 10

Fish Border. Ying Spring Point on the Lung
Channel. Fire Point on Metal Meridian.

Midpoint on the thenar eminence, on the
dorsal-palmar surface.

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LU11 Shao Shang
Lung 11

Lesser Merchant. Jing Well Point on the Lung
Channel. Wood Point on Metal Meridian.

On the radial side of the thenar eminence,
0.1 cun posterior to the nailbed.

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Pericardium Meridian

PC1 Tian Chi
Pericardium 1

Celestial Pool. Meeting Point on the
Pericardium Channel with the Gall Bladder,
Liver and Triple Energizer Channels. Minor
Window of the Sky Point.

On the lateral chest, in the fourth intercostal
space, 5 cun lateral to the anterior midline,
approximately 1 cun lateral to the nipple.

PC2 Tian Quan
Pericardium 2

Celestial Spring. On the upper arm, 2 cun
inferior to the axillary fold, between the two
heads of muscle biceps brachii.

PC3 Qu Ze
Pericardium 3

Marsh at the Bend. He Sea Point on the
Pericardium Channel. Water Point on Fire
Meridian. At the elbow, on the ulnar side of
the biceps brachii tendon, medial to the
brachial artery.

PC4 Xi Men
Pericardium 4

Xi Gate. Xi Cleft Point on the Pericardium

On the anterior forearm, 5 cun superior to the
transverse wrist crease, between the tendons
of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis

PC5 Jian Shi
Pericardium 5

Intermediary Courier. Jing River Point on the
Pericardium Channel. Metal Point on Fire
Meridian. On the anterior forearm, 3 cun
superior to the transverse wrist crease,
between the tendons of palmaris longus and
flexor carpi radialis muscles.

PC6 Nei Guan
Pericardium 6

Inner Pass. Luo Connecting Point on the
Pericardium Channel to TE4. Special
Command Point for the Thorax.

On the anterior forearm, 2 cun superior to the
transverse wrist crease, between the tendons
of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis

PC7 Da Ling
Pericardium 7

Great Mound. Shu Stream Point on the
Pericardium Channel. Yuan Source Point on
the Pericardium Channel. Earth Point on Fire

At the transverse wrist crease, between the
tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi
radialis muscles.

PC8 Lao Gong
Pericardium 8

Palace of Toil. Ying Spring Point on the
Pericardium Channel. Fire Point on Fire

On the palmar surface, between the second
and third metacarpal bones, proximal to the
metacarpophalangeal joint.

PC9 Zhong Chong
Pericardium 9

Central Hub. Jing Well Point on the
Pericardium Channel. Wood Point on Fire

On the center of the tip of the third digit.

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Small Intestine Meridian

SI1 Shao Ze
Small Intestine 1

Lesser Marsh. Jing Well Poing on the Small
Intestine Channel. Metal Point on Fire

On the ulnar side of the fifth digit, 0.1 cun
from the corner of the nail bed.

SI2 Qian Gu
Small Intestine 2

Front Valley. Ying Spring Point on the Small
Intestine channel. Water Point on Fire

On the ulner side of the fifth digit, in the
depression distal to the metacarpophalangeal
joint, at the junction of the dorsal and palmar

SI3 Hou Xi
Small Intestine 3

Back Ravine. Shu Stream Point on the Small
Intestine Channel. Wood Point on Fire

In the depression proximal to the head of the
fifth metacarpal bone, at the junction of the
dorsal and palmar surfaces.

SI4 Wan Gu
Small Intestine 4

Wrist Bone. Yuan Source Point on the Small
Intestine Channel.

On the ulna side of the wrist, in the
depression between the fifth metacarpal
bone and the hamate and pisiform bones, at
the junction of the dorsal and palmar

SI5 Yang Gu
Small Intestine 5

Yang Valley. Jing River Point on the Small
Intestine Channel. Fire Point on Fire

On the ulna side of the wrist, in a depression
between the styloid process of the ulna and
the triquetral and pisiform bones.

SI6 Yang Lao
Small Intestine 6

Nursing the Aged. Xi Cleft Point on the Small
Intestine Channel.

On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the
depression between the ulnar styloid process
and the triquetrum and pisiform bones. SI 6
can be located when patient's wrist is in
flexion with the index finger pointing to the

SI7 Zhi Zheng
Small Intestine 7

Branch to the Correct. Luo Connecting Point
on the Small Intestine Channel to HE7.

On the ulnar side of the forearm, between the
anterior border of the ulna and flexor carpi
ulnaris muscle, 5 cun superior to the wrist
crease, on the line connecting SI 5 at the
wrist and SI 8 at the medial epicondyle of the
humerus at the elbow.

SI8 Xiao Hai
Small Intestine 8

Small Sea. He Sea Point on the Small
Intestine Channel. Earth Point on Fire

With the elbow in flexion, in the depression
between the olecranon and the medial
epicondyle of the humerus.

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SI9 Jian Zhen
Small Intestine 9

True Shoulder.

On the upper back, with the arm in abduction,
1 cun superior to the posterior end of the
axillary fold.

SI10 Nao Shu
Small Intestine 10

Upper Arm Shu. Meeting Point on the Small
Intestine Channel with the Bladder Channel.

On the posterior shoulder, with the arm in
abduction, in the depression inferior and
lateral to the scapular spine, 1 cun superior
to SI 9 .

SI11 Tian Zong
Small Intestine 11

Celestial Gathering.

On the scapula, in the depression of the
infrascapular fossa, one-third the distance
between the lower border of the scapular
spine and the inferior angle of the scapula.

SI12 Bing Feng
Small Intestine 12

Grasping the Wind. Meeting Point on the
Small Intestine Channel with the Large
Intestine, Triple Energizer and Gall Bladder

On the upper back, with the arm in slight
abduction, in the middle of the supraspinous

SI13 Qu Yaun
Small Intestine 13

Crooked Wall.

On the upper back, in the depression on the
medial end of the supraspinous fossa.

SI14 Jian Wai Shu
Small Intestine 14

Outer Shoulder Shu.

On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the first
thoracic vertebra (T1).

SI15 Jian Zhong Zhu
Small Intestine 15

Central Shoulder Shu.

On the upper back, 2 cun lateral to the lower
border of the spinous process of the seventh
cervical vertebra (C7).

SI16 Tian Chuang
Small Intestine 16

Celestial Window.

On the neck, on the posterior margin of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the level of
the laryngeal prominence and the transverse
process of the fourth cervical transverse
process (C4).

SI17 Tian Rong
Small Intestine 17

Celestial Counternance. Minor Window of the
Sky Point.

On the neck, In the depression between the
angle of the mandible and the anterior margin
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

SI18 Quan Liao
Small Intestine 18

Cheek Bone Hole. Meeting Point on the
Small Intestine Channel with the Triple
Energizer Channel.

On the face, on the lower border of the
zygomatic bone, inferior to the outer canthus
of the eye.

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SI19 Ting Gong
Small Intestine 19

Auditory Palace. Meeting Point on the Small
Intestine Channel with the Triple Energizer
and Gall Bladder Channels.

Anterior to the tragus of the ear, in the
depression between the tragus and the
mandibular joint when the mouth is open

Spleen Meridian

SP1 Yin Bai
Spleen 1

Hidden White. Jing Well Point on the Spleen
Channel. Wood Point on Earth Meridian.

On the medial great toe, .01 cun from the
corner of the nail bed.

SP2 Da Du
Spleen 2

Great Metropolis. Ying Spring Point on the
Spleen Channel. Fire Point on Earth

On the great toe, in the depression distal to
the metatarsophalangeal joint, at dorsal -
plantar junction.

SP3 Tai Bai
Spleen 3

Supreme White. Shu Stream Point on the
Spleen Channel. Yuan Source Point on the
Spleen Channel. Earth Point on Earth

On the medial foot, in the depression
proximal to the first metatarsophalangeal
joint, at the dorsal - plantar junction.

SP4 Gong Sun
Spleen 4

Yellow Emperor. Luo Connecting Point on
the Spleen Channel ST42. Confluent point of
the Penetrating Vessel.

On the medial foot, in the depression distal to
the base of the first metatarsal bone.

SP5 Shang Qui
Spleen 5

Shang Hill. Jing River Point on the Spleen
Channel. Metal Point on Earth Meridian.

On the medial foot, in the depression midway
between the navicular bone and the vertex of
the medial malleolus.

SP6 San Yin Jiao
Spleen 6

Three Yin Intersection. Meeting Point on the
Spleen Channel with the Liver and Kidney

On the medial leg, 3 cun superior to the
medial malleolus, on the posterior border of
the tibia. Contraindication: Do Not Needle
If Pregnancy is known or suspected.

SP7 Lou Gu
Spleen 7

Leaking Valley.

On the medial leg, 6 cun superior to the
medial malleolus, posterior to the medial
margin of the tibia.

SP8 Di Ji
Spleen 8

Earth's Crux. Xi Cleft Point on the Spleen
Channel. On the medial leg, 3 cun inferior to
the medial condyle of the tibia on the line
connecting the medial malleolus at the ankle
and SP 9 at the lower border of the medial
condyle of the tibia.

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SP9 Yin Ling Quan
Spleen 9

Yin Mound Spring. He Sea Point on the
Spleen Channel. Water Point on Earth

On the medial leg, on the inferior border of
the medial condyle of the tibia, in the
depression between the posterior border of
the tibia and gastrocnemius muscle.

SP10 Xue Hai
Spleen 10

Sea of Blood.

On the medial thigh, with the knee in flexion,
2 cun superior to the superomedial angle of
the patella, on vastus medialis muscle.

SP11 Ji Men
Spleen 11

Winnower Gate.

On the medial thigh, 6 cun superior to SP 10,
on the line connecting SP 10 above the
superomedial angle of the patella and SP 12,
3.5 cun lateral to the upper border of pubic

SP12 Chong Men
Spleen 12

Surging Gate. In the inguinal region, on the
lateral side of the femoral artery, 3.5 cun
lateral to the anterior midline. Avoid the
Femoral Artery!

SP13 Fu She
Spleen 13

Bowel Abode. Meeting Point on the Spleen
Channel with the Liver Channel and Yin
Linking Vessel.

On the lower abdomen, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 3, 1 cun
above the superior border of the pubic
SP14 Fu Jie
Spleen 14

Abdominal Bind.

On the lower abdomen, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline and 1 cun below the
umbilicus at the level of CV 7.

SP15 Da Heng
Spleen 15

Great Horizontal. Meeting Point on the
Spleen Channel with the Yin Linking Vessel.

On the abdomen, at the level of the
umbilicus, 4 cun lateral to the anterior

SP16 Fu Ai
Spleen 16

Abdominal Lament. Meeting Point on the
Spleen Channel with the Yin Linking Vessel.

On the upper abdomen, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, 3 cun above the umbilicus at
the level of CV 11.

SP17 Shi Dou
Spleen 17

Food Hole.

On the lateral chest, in the fifth intercostal
space, 6 cun lateral to anterior midline.

SP18 Tian Xi
Spleen 18

Celestial Ravine.

On the lateral chest, in the fourth intercostal
space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at
the level of CV 17.

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SP19 Xiong Xiang
Spleen 19

Chest Village.

On the lateral chest, in the third intercostal
space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

SP20 Zhou Rong
Spleen 20

All Round Flourishing.

On the lateral chest, in the second intercostal
space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

SP21 Da Bao
Spleen 21

Great Embracement. Great Luo Connecting
Point on the Spleen Channel.

On the lateral chest wall, on the midaxillary
line, 6 cun inferior to the anterior axillary

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Stomach Meridian

ST1 Cheng Qi
Stomach 1

Tear Container. Meeting Point on the
Stomach Channel with the Yang Motility and
Conception Vessels.

One the face, on the inferior border of the
orbit, in the orbicularis oculi muscle, directly
below the pupil when eyes are focused
forward. Caution Do not manipulate the
needle as bleeding occurs very easily.

ST2 Si Bai
Stomach 2

Four Whites. On the face, on the infraorbital
foramen, 0.5 cun inferior to ST 1 when eyes
are focused forward. Caution Do not
needle deeply as to puncture the eyeball.

ST3 Ju Liao
Stomach 3

Great Bone Hole. Meeting Point on the
Stomach Channel with the Yang Motility

On the face, level with the border of the ala
nasi, in line with the pupil when the eyes are
focused forward.

ST4 Di Cang
Stomach 4

Earth Granary. Meeting Point on the
Stomach Channel with the Large Intestine
Channel and Yang Motility and Conception

On the face, in the oral region, 0.5 cun lateral
to the corner of the mouth, in line with the
pupil when the eyes are focused forward.

ST5 Da Ying
Stomach 5

Great Reception.

On the cheek, anterior to the angle of the
mandible, on the anterior border of masseter
muscle. Caution Avoid the Artery!

ST6 Jia Che
Stomach 6

Jaw Bone. On the cheek, 1 cun anterior and
superior to the angle of the mandible, in the
belly of masseter muscle.

ST7 Xia Guan
Stomach 7

Below the Joint. Meeting Point on the
Stomach Channel with the Gall Bladder

On the lateral face, in the depression at the
lower border of the zygomatic arch, anterior
to the condyloid process of the mandible. ST
7 is located with the mouth closed.

ST8 Tou Wei
Stomach 8

Head Corner. Meeting Point on the Stomach
Channel with the Gall Bladder Channel and
Yang Linking Vessel.

At the corner of the forehead, 0.5 cun
posterior to the anterior hairline, 4.5 cun
lateral to the anterior midline.

ST9 Ren Ying
Stomach 9

Man's Prognosis. Meeting Point on the
Stomach Channel with the Gall Bladder
Channel. Major Window of Sky Point.

On the neck, on the anterior border of
sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the level of
the laryngeal prominence. Caution Avoid
the Vasculature!

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ST10 Shui Tu
Stomach 10

Water Prominence.

On the neck, on the anterior border of
sternocleidomastoid muscle, midway
between ST 9 at the level of the laryngeal
prominence and ST 11 at the upper clavicle
border. Caution Avoid the Artery!

ST11 Qi She
Stomach 11

Qi Abode.

At the root of the neck, at the superior border
of the sternal end of the clavicle, between the
sternal and clavicular heads of
sternocleidomastoid muscle.

ST12 Que Pen
Stomach 12

Empty Basin. Meeting Point on the Stomach
Channel with the Large Intestine, Small
Intestine, Triple Energizer, Lung and Gall
Bladder Channels.

At the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa,
posterior to the clavicle, on the midclavicular
line, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Contraindication: Do not use if pregnancy
is known or suspected.

ST13 Qi Hu
Stomach 13

Qi Door. Meeting Point on the Stomach
Channel with the Kidney, Gall Bladder, Large
Intestine, Triple Energizer, Pericardium and
Lung Channels.

In the infraclavicular fossa, on the
midclavicular line, 4 cun lateral to the anterior

ST14 Ku Fang
Stomach 14


On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the
first intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline.

ST15 Wu Yi
Stomach 15

Roof. On the chest, on the midclavicular line,
in the second intercostal space, 4 cun lateral
to the anterior midline.

ST16 Ying Chuang
Stomach 16

Breast Window.

On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the
third intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline.

ST17 Ru Zhong
Stomach 17

Breast Center.

At the center of the nipple.
Contraindication: DO NOT NEEDLE OR

ST18 Ru Gen
Stomach 18

Breast Root.

On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the
fifth intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline.

ST19 Bu Rong
Stomach 19

Not Contained. On the upper abdomen, 2
cun lateral to the anterior midline and 6 cun
superior to the umbilicus, at the level of CV

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ST20 Cheng Man
Stomach 20

Assuming Fullness.

On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline and 5 cun superior to the umbilicus,
at the level of CV 13.

ST21 Liang Men
Stomach 21

Beam Gate. On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral
to the anterior midline, 4 cun superior to the
umbilicus, at the level of CV 12.

ST22 Guan Men
Stomach 22

Pass Gate. On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to
the anterior midline, 3 cun superior to the
umbilicus, at the level of CV 11.

ST23 Tai Yi
Stomach 23

Supreme Unity.

On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline, 2 cun superior to the umbilicus, at
the level of CV 10.

ST24 Hua Rou Men
Stomach 24

Slippery Flesh Gate.

On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline, 1 cun superior to the umbilicus, at
the level of CV 9.

ST25 Tian Shu
Stomach 25

Celestial Pivot. Front Mu Point of the Large
Intestine that connects with Back Shu BL25.

On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the
umbilicus. Contraindication: Do Not Needle
If Pregnancy is known or suspected

ST26 Wai Ling
Stomach 26

Outer Mound.

On the lower abdomen, 1 cun inferior to the
umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline, at the level of CV 7.

ST27 Da Ju
Stomach 27

Great Gigantic.

On the lower abdomen, 2 cun inferior to the
umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline, at the level of CV 5.

ST28 Shui Dao
Stomach 28


On the lower abdomen, 3 cun inferior to the
umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline, at the level of CV 4.

ST29 Gui Lai
Stomach 29


On the lower abdomen, 1 cun above the
pubic symphysis and 2 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 3.

ST30 Qi Chong
Stomach 30

Surging Qi. Meeting Point on the Stomach
Channel with the Penetrating Vessel.

At the superior border of the pubic
symphysis, 2 cun lateral to the anterior
midline, at the level of CV 2. Caution Avoid
the Femoral Vein, spermatic cord in men
and round ligament in women.

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ST31 Bi Guan
Stomach 31

Thigh Joint.

On the anterior thigh, directly inferior to the
anterior superior iliac spine, in the depression
lateral to the sartorius muscle.

ST32 Fu Tu
Stomach 32

Crouching Rabbit.

On the anterior thigh, on a line between the
anterior superior iliac spine and the
superolatero patella, 6 cun superior to lateral

ST33 Yin Shi
Stomach 33

Yin Market.

On the anterior thigh, on a line between the
anterior superior iliac spine and the
superolatero patella, 3 cun superior to lateral

ST34 Liang Qiu
Stomach 34

Beam Hill. Xi Cleft Point on the Stomach

On the anterior thigh, on a line between the
anterior superior iliac spine and the
superolatero patella, 2 cun superior to lateral
patella. Contraindication: Do Not Needle If
Pregnancy is known/suspect.

ST35 Du Bi
Stomach 35

Calf's Nose

At the knee region, in the depression below
the lateral side of the patella when the knee
is flexed slightly.

ST36 Zu San Li
Stomach 36

Leg Three Li. He Sea Point on the Stomach
Channel. Special Command Point for the
Abdomen. Earth Point on the Earth Meridian.

On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the
tibia's anterior crest, 3 cun inferior to ST 35 in
the depression to the lateral side of the

ST37 Shang Ju Xu
Stomach 37

Upper Great Hollow. Lower He Sea Point of
the Large Intestine. Lower Body Sea of Blood
Point with ST39.

On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the
tibia's anterior crest, 6 cun inferior to ST 35 in
the depression to the lateral side of the

ST38 Tiao Kou
Stomach 38

Ribbon Opening.

On the leg, one cun lateral to the tibia's
anterior crest, at the midpoint of a line
between ST 35 at the lateral patella and the
lateral malleolus.

ST39 Xia Ju Xu
Stomach 39

Lower Great Hollow. Lower He Sea Point of
the Small Intestine. Lower Body Sea of Blood
Point with ST37.

On the leg, one cun inferior to ST 38 at the
midpoint of a line between ST 35 at the
lateral patella and the lateral malleolus.

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ST40 Feng Long
Stomach 40

Bountiful Bulge. Luo Connecting Point on the
Stomach Channel to SP3. On the leg, one
cun lateral to ST 38 at the midpoint of a line
between ST 35 at the lateral patella and the
lateral malleolus.

ST41 Jie Xi
Stomach 41

Ravine Divide. Jing River Point on the
Stomach Channel. Fire Point on Earth
Meridian. On the dorsum of the foot, between
tendons of muscles extensor digitorum
longus and extersor hallucis longus, level
with the tip of the lateral malleolus.
ST42 Chong Yang
Stomach 42

Surging Yang. Yuan Source Point on the
Stomach Channel.

On the dorsum of the foot, 1.5 cun inferior to
ST 41, in the depression between the second
and third metatarsals and cuneiform bones.
Caution Avoid the Dorsal Artery.

ST43 Xian Gu
Stomach 43

Sunken Valley. Shu Stream Point on the
Stomach Channel. Wood Point on Earth

On the dorsum of the foot, between the
second and third metatarsal bones, 1.5 cun
superior to the web margin, in line with the
lateral side of the second digit.

ST44 Nei Ting
Stomach 44

Inner Court. Ying Spring Point on the
Stomach Channel. Water Point on Earth

On the dorsum of the foot, at the proximal
end of the web between the second and third
ST45 Li Dui
Stomach 45

Severe Mouth. Jing Well Point on the
Stomach Channel. Metal Point on Earth

On the lateral side of the second toe, 0.1 cun
from the corner of the nail bed.

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Triple Burner Meridian

TB1 Guan Chong
Triple Burner 1

Passage Hub. Jing Well Point on the Triple
Energizer Channel. Metal Point on Fire
Meridian. On the ulnar side of the fourth digit,
0.1 cun from the corner of the nailbed.

TB2 Ye Men
Triple Burner 2

Humor Gate. Ying Spring Point on the Triple
Energizer Channel. Water Point on Fire

On the dorsum of the hand, 0.5 cun from the
web margin between the fourth and fifth

TB3 Zhong Zhu
Triple Burner 3

Central Islet. Shu Stream Point on the Triple
Energizer Channel. Wood Point on Fire
Meridian. On the dorsum of the hand, in the
depression proximal to the fourth and fifth
metacarpophalangeal joints.

TB4 Yang Chi
Triple Burner 4

Yang Pool. Yuan Source Point on the Triple
Energizer Channel.

On the dorsal transverse wrist crease,
between the tendons of muscles extensor
digitorum and extensor digiti minimi.

TB5 Wai Guan
Triple Burner 5

Outer Pass. Luo Connecting Point on Triple
Energizer Channel to PC7. Confluent Point of
the Yang Linking Vessel.

On the dorsal forearm, between the radius
and ulna, 2 cun superior to TE 4 at the dorsal
transverse wrist crease.
TB6 Zhi Gou
Triple Burner 6

Branch Ditch. Jing River Point on Triple
Energizer Channel. Fire Point on Fire

On the dorsal forearm, between the radius
and ulna, 3 cun superior to TE 4 at the dorsal
transverse wrist crease.

TB7 Hui Zong
Triple Burner 7

Convergence and Gathering. Xi Cleft Point
on Triple Energizer Channel.

On the dorsal forearm, 3 cun superior to the
dorsal transverse wrist crease, on the radial
border of the ulna, at the level of TE 6.

TB8 San Yang Luo
Triple Burner 8

Three Yang Connection. Intersection Point
for the three Yang Channels of the arm.

On the dorsal forearm, between the radius
and ulna, 4 cun superior to TE 4 at the dorsal
transverse wrist crease.

TB9 Si Du
Triple Burner 9

Four Rivers.

On the dorsal forearm, between the radius
and ulna, 7 cun superior to TE 4 at the dorsal
transverse wrist crease.

TB10 Tian Jing
Triple Burner 10

Celestial Well. He Sea Point on the Triple
Energizer Channel. Earth Point on Fire

In the posterior cubital region, in the
depression 1 cun superior to the olecranon
when the elbow is flexed.

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TB11 Qing Leng Yuan
Triple Burner 11

Clear Cold Abyss.

In the posterior cubital region, 2 cun superior
to the olecranon when the elbow is flexed.

TB12 Xiao Luo
Triple Burner 12

Dispersing Riverbed

On the posterior upper arm, 5 cun superior to
the olecranon, on a line joining TE 10 at the
posterior elbow and TE 14 posterior and
inferior to the acromion.

TB13 Nao Hui
Triple Burner 13

Upper Arm Convergence. Meeting Point on
the Triple Energizer Channel with the Yang
Linking Vessel.

On the posterior border of the deltoid muscle,
2 cun inferior to TE 14 at the posterior and
inferior to the acromion.

TB14 Jian Liao
Triple Burner 14

Shoulder Bone Hole. Meeting Point on the
Triple Energizer Channel with the Yang
Linking Vessel.

On the posterior deltoid region, in the
posterior depression on the lateral border of
the acromion when the arm is abducted 90

TB15 Tian Liao
Triple Burner 15

Celestial Bone Hole. Meeting Point on the
Triple Energizer Channel with the Gall
Bladder Channel and Yang Linking Vessel.

In the scapular region, on the superior angle
of the scapula, at the insertion of lavator
scapulae muscle.
TB16 Tian You
Triple Burner 16

Celestial Oriole. Major Window of the Sky

On the lateral neck, posterior and inferior to
the mastoid process on the posterior border
of sternocleidomastoid muscle.

TB17 Yi Feng
Triple Burner 17

Wind Screen. Meeting Point on the Triple
Energizer Channel with the Gall Bladder

At the ear, in the depression between the
mastoid process and the mandible, behind
the earlobe.

TB18 Qi Mai
Triple Burner 18

Spasm Vessel.

On the mastoid bone, posterior to the ear, at
the junction of the lower and middle third of
the curve that connects TE 17 at the earlobe
and TE 20 at the apex of the ear.

TB19 Lu Xi
Triple Burner 19

Skull's Rest.

On the mastoid bone, posterior to the ear, at
the junction of the middle and upper third of
the curve that connects TE 17 at the earlobe
and TE 20 at the apex of the ear.

TB20 Jiao Sun
Triple Burner 20

Angle Vertex. Meeting Point on the Triple
Energizer Channel with the Small Intestine
and Gall Bladder Channels.

In the temporal region, within the hairline,
superior to the apex of the ear.

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TB21 Er Men
Triple Burner 21

Ear Gate.

Anterior to the ear, in the depression anterior
to the supratragic notch and posterior to the
mandibular condyloid process when the
mouth is open.

TB22 He Liao
Triple Burner 22

Harmony Bone Hole. Meeting Point on the
Triple Energizer Channel with the Small
Intestine and Gall Bladder Channels.

Anterior to the ear, on the hairline, level with
the lateral canthus of the eye.

TB23 Si Zhu Kong
Triple Burner 23

Silk Bamboo Hole. In the depression at the
lateral end of the eyebrow.

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Chinese Name and Acupuncture Point Location

Alphabetical Order

Bai Huan Shu BL30
Bai Hui GV20
Bao Huang BL53
Ben Shen GB13
Bi Guan ST31
Bi Nao LI14
Bing Feng SI12
Bu Lang KI22
Bu Rong ST19
Chang Qiang GV1
Cheng Fu BL36
Cheng Guang BL6
Cheng Jiang CV24
Cheng Jin BL56
Cheng Ling GB18
Cheng Man ST20
Cheng Qi ST1
Cheng Shan BL57
Chi Ze LU5
Chong Men SP12
Chong Yang ST42
Ci Liao BL32
Da Bao SP21
Da Chang Shu BL25
Da Du SP2
Da Dun LR1
Da He KI12
Da Heng SP15
Da Ju ST27
Da Ling PC7
Da Ying ST5
Da Zhong KI4
Da Zhu BL11
Dai Mai GB26
Dan Shu BL19
Daz Hui GV14
Di Cang ST4
Di Ji SP8
Di Wu Hui GB42
Du Bi ST35
Du Shu BL16
Dui Duan GV27
Er Jian LI2
Er Men TB21
Fei Shu BL13
Fei Yang BL58
Feng Chi GB20
Feng Fu GV16
Feng Long ST40
Feng Men BL12
Feng Shi GB31
Fu Ai SP16
Fu Bai GB10
Fu Fen BL41
Fu Jie SP14
Fu Liu KI7
Fu She SP13
Fu Tu LI18
Fu Tu ST32
Fu Xi BL38
Fu Yang BL59
Gan Shu BL18
Gao Huan Shu BL43
Ge Guan BL46
Ge Shu BL17
Gong Sun SP4
Guan Chong TB1
Guan Men ST22
Guan Yuan CV4
Guan Yuan Shu BL26
Guang Ming GB37
Gui Lai ST29
Han Yan GB4
He Gu LI4
He Liao LI19
He Liao TB22
Heng Gu KI11
Hey Yng BL55
Hou Ding GV19
Hou Xi SI3
Hua Gai CV20
Hua Rou Men ST24
Huan Shu KI16
Huan Tiao GB30
Huang Men BL51
Hui Yang BL35
Hui Yin CV1
Hui Zong TB7
Hun Men BL47
Ji Mai LR12
Ji Men SP11
Ji Quan HE1
Ji Zhong GV6
Jia Che ST6
Jia Xi GB43
Jian Jing GB21
Jian Li CV11
Jian Liao TB14
Jian Shi PC5
Jian Wai Shu SI14
Jian Yu LI15
Jian Zhen SI9
Jian Zhong Zhu SI15
Jiao Sun TB20
Jiao Xin KI8
Jie Xi ST41
Jin Men BL63
Jin Suo GV8
Jing Gu BL64
Jing Men GB25
Jing Ming BL1
Jing Qu LU8
Jiu Wei CV15
Ju Gu LI16
Ju Liao GB29
Ju Liao ST3
Ju Que CV14
Jue Yin Shu BL14
Kong Zui LU6
Ku Fang ST14
Kun Lun BL60
Lao Gong PC8
Li Dui ST45
Li Gou LR5
Lian Quan CV23
Liang Men ST21

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Liang Qiu ST34
Lie Que LU7
Ling Dao HE4
Ling Tai GV10
Ling Xu KI24
Lou Gu SP7
Lu Xi TB19
Luo Que BL8
Mei Chong BL3
Ming Men GV4
Mu Chuang GB16
Nao Hu GV17
Nao Hui TB13
Nao Kong GB19
Nao Shu SI10
Nei Guan PC6
Nei Ting ST44
Pang Guang Shu BL28
Pi Shu BL20
Pian Li LI6
Po Hu BL42
Pu Can BL61
Qi Chong ST30
Qi Hai CV6
Qi Hai Shu BL24
Qi Hu ST13
Qi Mai TB18
Qi Men LR14
Qi She ST11
Qi Xue KI13
Qian Ding GV21
Qian Gu SI2
Qiang Jian GV18
Qing Leng Yuan TB11
Qing Ling HE2
Qiu Xu GB40
Qu Bin GB7
Qu Chai BL4
Qu Chi LI11
Qu Gu CV2
Qu Quan LR8
Qu Yaun SI13
Qu Ze PC3
Quan Liao SI18
Que Pen ST12
Ran Gu KI2
Ren Ying ST9
Ri Yue GB24
Ru Gen ST18
Ru Zhong ST17
San Jian LI3
San Jiao Shu BL22
San Yang Luo TB8
San Yin Jiao SP6
Shan Guan CV13
Shan Zhong CV17
Shang Guan GB3
Shang Ju Xu ST37
Shang Lian LI9
Shang Liao BL31
Shang Qu KI17
Shang Qui SP5
Shang Xing GV23
Shang Yang LI1
Shao Chong HE9
Shao Fu HE8
Shao Hai HE3
Shao Shang LU11
Shao Ze SI1
Shen Cang KI25
Shen Dao GV11
Shen Feng KI23
Shen Mai BL62
Shen Men HE7
Shen Que CV8
Shen Shu BL23
Shen Tang BL44
Shen Ting GV24
Shen Zhu GV12
Shi Dou SP17
Shi Guan KI18
Shi Men CV5
Shou San Li LI10
Shou Wu Li LI13
Shu Fu KI27
Shu Gu BL65
Shuai Gu GB8
Shui Dao ST28
Shui Fen CV9
Shui Gou GV26
Shui quan KI5
Shui Tu ST10
Si Bai ST2
Si Du TB9
Si Man KI14
Si Zhu Kong TB23
Su Liao GV25
Tai Bai SP3
Tai Chong LR3
Tai Xi KI3
Tai Yi ST23
Tai Yuan LU9
Tao Dao GV13
Tian Chi PC1
Tian Chong GB9
Tian Chuang SI16
Tian Ding LI17
Tian Fu LU3
Tian Jing TB10
Tian Liao TB15
Tian Quan PC2
Tian Rong SI17
Tian Shu ST25
Tian Tu CV22
Tian Xi SP18
Tian You TB16
Tian Zhu BL10
Tian Zong SI11
Tiao Kou ST38
Ting Gong SI19
Ting Hui GB2
Tong Gu BL66
Tong Gu KI20
Tong Li HE5
Tong Tian BL7
Tong Zi Liao GB1
Tou Lin Qi GB15
Tou Qiao Yin GB11
Tou Wei ST8
Wai Guan TB5
Wai Ling ST26
Wai Qui GB36
Wan Gu GB12
Wan Gu SI4
Wei Cang BL50
Wei Dao GB28
Wei Shu BL21
Wei Yang BL39

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Wei Zhong BL40
Wen Liu LI7
Wu Chu BL5
Wu Shu GB27
Wu Yi ST15
Xi Guan LR7
Xi Men PC4
Xi Yang Guan GB33
Xia Bai LU4
Xia Guan CV10
Xia Guan ST7
Xia Ju Xu ST39
Xia Lian LI8
Xia Liao BL34
Xian Gu ST43
Xiao Chang Shu BL27
Xiao Hai SI8
Xiao Luo TB12
Xin Hui GV22
Xin Shu BL15
Xing Jian LR2
Xiong Xiang SP19
Xuan Ji CV21
Xuan Li GB6
Xuan Lu GB5
Xuan Shu GV5
Xuan Zhong GB39
Xue Hai SP10
Ya Men GV15
Yang Bai GB14
Yang Chi TB4
Yang Fu GB38
Yang Gang BL48
Yang Gu SI5
Yang Jiao GB35
Yang Lao SI6
Yang Ling Quan GB34
Yang Xi LI5
Yao Shu GV2
Yao Yang Guan GV3
Ye Men TB2
Yi Feng TB17
Yi She BL49
Yi Xi BL45
Yin Bai SP1
Yin Bao LR9
Yin Du KI19
Yin Gu KI10
Yin Jiao CV7
Yin Jiao GV28
Yin Lian LR11
Yin Ling Quan SP9
Yin Men BL37
Yin Shi ST33
Yin Xi HE6
Ying Chuang ST16
Ying Xiang LI20
Yong Quan KI1
You Men KI21
Yu Ji LU10
Yu Tang CV18
Yu Zhen BL9
Yu Zhong KI26
Yuan Ye GB22
Yun Men LU2
Zan Zhu BL2
Zhang Men LR13
Zhao Hai KI6
Zhe Jin GB23
Zheng Ying GB17
Zhi Bian BL54
Zhi Gou TB6
Zhi Shi BL52
Zhi Yang GV9
Zhi Yin BL67
Zhi Zheng SI7
Zhon Guan CV12
Zhong Chong PC9
Zhong Du GB32
Zhong Du LR6
Zhong Feng LR4
Zhong Fu LU1
Zhong Ji CV3
Zhong Liao BL33
Zhong Lu Shu BL29
Zhong Shu GV7
Zhong Ting CV16
Zhong Zhu KI15
Zhong Zhu TB3
Zhou Liao LI12
Zhou Rong SP20
Zhu Bin KI9
Zi Gong CV19
Zu Lin Qi GB41
Zu Qiao Yin GB44
Zu San Li ST36
Zu Wu Li LR10

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Dr. Rustys Exercise Number 2
Chinese Symbols

Example = () Heart
Place the correct organ with the correct Chinese Meridian. Answers are
on the back of this page.


Here are the organs. Try to match these up to the correct meridian.

() Triple Warmer () Liver () Spleen
() Gall Bladder () Large Intestine () Lung () Kidney
() Bladder () Pericardium () Small Intestine
() Stomach

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Answers to Exercise Number 2

1. 1. () Lung
2. 2. ()
3. 3. () Kidney
4. 4. () Spleen
5. 5. ()
6. 6. () Gall
7. 7. () Liver
8. 8. ()
Small Intestine
9. 9. ()
Triple Warmer
10. 10. ()
Large Intestine
11. 11. ()

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Miscellaneous Causes of Disease

Excessive Sexual Activity: Excessive sexual activity depletes one's vital energy. The body draws
on Essence at ejaculation and orgasm. Excessive sexual activity depends on the strength of one's
Essence which reaches a peak during the twenties and then declines slowly. If the constitution is
strong, more activity is possible. Men's ejaculation is more depleting than women's orgasm, but a
woman loses Essence through the process of childbirth. Sexual activity not leading to ejaculation
in men is thought to be non-detrimental to health Excessive sexual activity is one that leads to
marked fatigue, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision,
lower backache, weak knees and frequent urination. Sexual activity should be seriously curtailed if
there is Qi or Blood deficiency, or especially in the presence of a weakness of the Kidneys. Men
are more affected than women by a Kidney weakness (women's sexual energy is more related to
Blood than men's which is more related to
Essence). Lack of sexual activities is also
considered a disease.

Kidney-Essence: Kidney-Essence and Kidney-
Yin are important for the nourishment of the Uterus,
and their deficiency may cause infertility in women.

Kidney-Yang Deficiency: Kidney-Yang deficiency
may lead to a lack of sexual desire or to an inability
to enjoy sex or reach orgasm. In men, it can lead to
impotence and premature ejaculation.

Kidney-Yin deficiency may lead to excessive sexual
desire that can never be satisfied. The person may
also have vivid sexual dreams resulting in nocturnal
emissions in men and orgasms in women.

Latrogenesis: This includes the side effects of
any medical treatment, and illnesses caused by
medical treatment. In acupuncture or Asian
bodywork therapy, this is a minor problem only, as
the body can readjust itself after a few days, but
with herbal therapy there is a potential risk.

Over-Exertion: This is a frequent problem in the West. Insufficient rest over a period of months or
years means that the body has to draw on Jing (Original Essence) for additional strength. There
are three types of overwork: mental overwork; physical overwork; excessive physical exercise.
Physical work depletes the Spleen-Qi. Repetitive use of muscles may cause localized Qi or Blood
stagnation. Irregular and exhausting exercise depletes the Qi. Excessive lifting can deplete the
Kidneys and the lower back, and so does excessive standing. Mental overwork includes working
long hours in conditions of extreme stress, eating irregular meals, being always in a hurry, over a
long period. Overthinking depletes the Spleen, while the irregular diet depletes the Stomach-Qi or
Stomach-Yin which can lead to a Kidney-Yin deficiency. Exercise is good for the health, but not
when done to the point of exhaustion. However, lack of exercise also leads to stagnation of Qi,
and this can lead to Dampness. Yoga and Tai Chi Chuan are good for those deficient in Qi who do
not have enough energy for more rigorous exercise.

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Parasites and Poisons: Treated with herbal prescriptions.

Poor Constitution: The person's constitutional strength depends on the health and age of their
parents, particularly at the time of conception, because the child's Pre-Heaven Essence is formed
by the fusion of the parental Essences. It also depends especially on the mother's health and age
during the pregnancy. A severe shock during pregnancy is also detrimental to the health of the
child. Many childhood diseases, particularly whooping cough, indicate a weak constitution. Pre-
Heaven Essence can be prematurely drained through overwork, inadequate rest, alcohol,
excessive sexual activity or can be preserved and enhanced by Tai Qi Quan, meditation, breathing
exercise, and Qi Gung. The constitution determines how much Qi you have in reserve to combat
any stress factors that might undermine your health. Small ears with short ear lobes, according to
the Chinese, show constitutional weaknesses.

Poor Dietary Habit: From a Chinese point of view, diet can be unbalanced from a quantitative and
a qualitative point of view. Malnutrition is such a problem, found all over the world. It seriously
weakens the Qi and the Blood and results in Spleen Deficiency. It is caused by eating food with no
calorific or nutritive value, or by adhering too strictly to fixed diets. Trying to loose weight by not
eating enough is also detrimental. Over-eating also weakens the Spleen and Stomach, and leads
to retention of Food characterized by a bloated feeling in the Stomach, belching, nausea and
gastric reflux (heartburn). Excessive consumption of food that is Hot or Cold in energy can also be
detrimental. Large quantities of cooling food (fruits, fruit juice and ice cream, salads) can injure the
Yang of the Spleen. Excessive consumption of sweet foods and sugar also blocks the Spleen
function and leads to Dampness. Oily, fried and greasy food, including deep-fried food, milk,
cheese, butter, cream, ice-cream, bananas, peanuts, fatty meats, should be reduced in amount, as
it may cause Dampness. Excessive consumption of hot food (alcohol and spicy food) should be
reduced by those who are Yin deficient, especially of the Liver and Stomach. It is not only what
one eats, it is also the way one eats it. Eating in a hurry, going straight back to work after eating,
eating late in the evening, eating in a state of emotional tension can lead to Stomach Yin
deficiency. The main problem is a lifestyle one, and that is what has to be changed.

Rest: Too little rest, and a person cannot transform food into Blood and Body Fluids; too much
rest, on the other hand, leads to Dampness and Stagnation.

Trauma: Trauma includes physical accidents such as broken bones and bruising. A slight trauma
causes Stagnation of Qi, a more serious one, stasis of Blood. In all cases, it causes pain, bruising
and swelling. It may cause long-term stagnation of Qi if combined with other factors such as
External Dampness. Shiatsu can help with old injuries by increasing Qi and blood circulation that is
often blocked where there is scar tissue.

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(Miscellaneous Causes of Disease)






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External Causes of Disease: The Evil Pernicious Influences

External causes of diseases are of a physical nature and are due to climatic factors. They
encroach upon the body from the outside environment. They are also called External Pathogenic
Factors, Evils, or Excesses. Evils can penetrate the body when the weather is unseasonably
excessive or when the Defensive Qi is weak and they cause an imbalance. If our defensive system
is strong, it simply repels the invasion or adjusts to the sudden changes; if the defensive system is
weak or the Evil unusually strong, an illness develops and may go progressively deeper in the
body. Usually there is an aversion to the Evil one is affected by. Evils can appear in combination or

An Evil describes both the cause of the condition and the condition. When a patient is described
as suffering from Wind Heat, it does not necessarily
mean that it was caused by Wind or Heat. It is the
way the body reacts and a description of symptoms.
However, Evils tend to be a predominant cause or
aggravation of a disease in their related seasons. An
Evil can penetrate either via the mouth, the nose or
the skin. Heat invades more readily by the nose and

Cold: External cold can penetrate the body of those
who live or work in cold conditions or cannot dress
properly. It causes Qi stagnation and results in
contraction of muscles and joints, cramping pain and
watery discharge.

Dampness: Exposure to damp weather, wearing
wet clothes, a humid environment can cause
External Dampness to invade. It often combines with
Heat and Cold.

Dryness: Dryness attacks are usually limited
to the respiratory tract or the skin.

Fire/Summer Heat: External Heat can
penetrate the body of those who live or work
in hot conditions, and it may combine with
external pathogenic factors such as Wind or

Wind: This term usually suggests a pattern
of disharmony rather than a climatic factor. It
can appear in any season and it can combine
with any other evil. Some people get neck
problems from exposure to Wind, and the
presence of Wind can worsen the impact of
the other climatic factors.

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The Formula Flow Chart below is to help the students determine the right way of
diagnosis proper remedy. You can also call it Point Indications.

Formula Flow Chart

Secondary Problem Alphabetized

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final: Abdominal Distention
BL19 . Dan Shu, CV13 . Shan Guan,
LR2 . Xing Jian, SP6 . San Yin Jiao, ST36 .
Zu San Li

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final: Abdominal Fullness
PC6 . Nei Guan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Abdominal Pain
PC6 . Nei Guan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Agitation
GV20 . Bai Hui, PC3 . Qu Ze,
PC5 . Jian Shi

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Ankle Conditions
BL62 . Shen Mai

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Anxiety HE1 . Ji Quan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Arm Contraction
PC6 . Nei Guan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Arm Pain
HE5 . Tong Li, PC2 . Tian Quan, PC3 . Qu
Ze, PC6 . Nei Guan, TB10 . Tian Jing, TB2 .
Ye Men

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Cardiac Arrhythmia
BL15 . Xin Shu, HE5 . Tong Li

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Cardiac Conditions
BL15 . Xin Shu, HE8 . Shao Fu, PC7 . Da

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Cardiac Pain
CV14 . Ju Que, HE7 . Shen Men, HE8 . Shao
Fu, PC7 . Da Ling

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Cough
HE5 . Tong Li

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Depression
HE7 . Shen Men, LR5 . Li Gou

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Dream Disturbed Sleep
HE7 . Shen Men

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Eye Disorders
BL64 . Jing Gu

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Fright Palpitations
GV11 . Shen Dao, GV24 . Shen Ting

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Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Nausea
KI26 . Yu Zhong

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Palpitations
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu, CV15 . Jiu Wei,
HE6 . Yin Xi, HE9 . Shao Chong

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Posterior Shoulder Pain
PC2 . Tian Quan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Arrhythmia
Final Pounding Of The Heart
HE9 . Shao Chong

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Abdominal Pain
GV26 . Shui Gou, LI11 . Qu Chi, LI4 . He Gu,
LR3 . Tai Chong, SP6 . San Yin Jiao, ST36 .
Zu San Li, TB5 . Wai Guan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Agitation
LR2 . Xing Jian

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Amenorrhea
ST40 . Feng Long

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Anal Prolapse
GV20 . Bai Hui

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Anger
PC8 . Lao Gong

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Arm Motor Impairment
LI15 . Jian Yu

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Asthma
GV14 . Daz Hui, LI18 . Fu Tu, PC6 . Nei
Guan, ST9 . Ren Ying

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Back Pain
GB20 . Feng Chi

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Bitter Taste
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Cardiac Pain
PC9 . Zhong Chong

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Chest Pain
GB43 . Jia Xi

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Constipation
KI1 . Yong Quan

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Cough
LU7 . Lie Que, ST9 . Ren Ying

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Deafness
GV20 . Bai Hui

Circulation Problems
Secondary: Blood Pressure
Final: Hypotension
GV25 . Su Liao

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Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Abdominal Distention
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu, SP9 .
Yin Ling Quan

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Abdominal Pain
LU10 . Yu Ji, SI19 . Ting Gong

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Amenorrhea
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Arm Pain
LU5 . Chi Ze, SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Below Heart Distention And Fullness
LI13 . Shou Wu Li

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Breast Swelling
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Cardiac Arrhythmia
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Cough
LU11 . Shao Shang

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Dizziness
BL3 . Mei Chong, BL4 . Qu Chai

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Fever LU11 . Shao Shang, LU8 . Jing
Qu, PC9 . Zhong Chong,

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Finger Pain LU11 . Shao Shang

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Abdominal Distention
BL17 . Ge Shu, BL20 . Pi Shu, BL22 . San
Jiao Shu, GB39 . Xuan Zhong, KI7 . Fu Liu,
LR13 . Zhang Men, SP1 . Yin Bai, SP2 . Da
Du, SP4 . Gong Sun, SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Abdominal Pain
BL20 . Pi Shu, CV3 . Zhong Ji, CV4 . Guan
Yuan, CV8 . Shen Que, SP4 . Gong Sun,
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan, ST25 . Tian Shu, ST29
. Gui Lai, ST43 . Xian Gu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Allergies
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Amenorrhea
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Anger
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Ankle Conditions
GB38 . Yang Fu, GB40 . Qiu Xu,
LR3 . Tai Chong

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Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Aphasia
ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Apprehension
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Ascites
CV9 . Shui Fen, LI6 . Pian Li, SP17 . Shi
Dou, SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Asthma
BL23 . Shen Shu, LU5 . Chi Ze, LU9 . Tai
Yuan, SI17 . Tian Rong

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Axillary Edema
GB22 . Yuan Ye

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Axillary Swelling
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Borborygmus
KI7 . Fu Liu, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Breast Pain
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Cardiac Conditions
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Cardiac Pain
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Chest Discomfort
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Circulation,
Secondary: Edema
Final: Chest Pain
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Coma GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Constipation
KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Cystitis
BL58 . Fei Yang, GB29 . Ju Liao

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Deafness
GB20 . Feng Chi, GB43 . Jia Xi,
SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Diarrhea KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Dysuria BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Edema
CV11 . Jian Li, CV5 . Shi Men, CV9 . Shui
Fen, LI6 . Pian Li . SP8 . Di Ji,
ST22 . Guan Men

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Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Eye Deviation
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Facial And Head Edema
ST41 . Jie Xi

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Facial And Lower Cheek Edema
ST5 . Da Ying

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Facial Edema
ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Fever
SI2 . Qian Gu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Edema
Final: Uterine Prolapse
BL36 . Cheng Fu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Hemorrhage

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Hemorrhage
Final: Appetite Absent
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Abdominal Distention
CV12 . Zhon Guan

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Amenorrhea
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Anal Prolapse
CV8 . Shen Que

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Asthma
CV17 . Shan Zhong, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Bitter Taste
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Cardiac Pain
PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Chest Discomfort
CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Common Cold
BL2 . Zan Zhu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Deafness
GV15 . Ya Men, LI1 . Shang Yang

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Diarrhea
SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Dizziness BL7 . Tong Tian, GV20 . Bai
Hui, KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Dysuria
LR1 . Da Dun

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Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Edema
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
LI19 . He Liao, LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Headache
BL7 . Tong Tian, PC9 . Zhong Chong

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Loss Of Consciousness
LU11 . Shao Shang

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Syncope
Final: Syncope
HE9 . Shao Chong

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM
Final: Abdominal Distention
KI15 . Zhong Zhu, LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM
Final: Abdominal Masses
CV13 . Shan Guan, LR13 . Zhang Men

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM,
Final: Abdominal Pain
SP16 . Fu Ai, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM
Final: Bone Disorders
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM
Final: Childbirth Disorders
ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM
Final: Depression
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Circulation:
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dry Tongue
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Circulation
Secondary: TCM, Final: Headache
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB41 . Zu Lin Qi, GV20 .
Bai Hui, GV23 . Shang Xing, LI4 . He Gu,
LR8 . Qu Quan, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal

Question: Digestion:
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Abdominal Fullness
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Digestion:
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Abdominal Masses
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Breast Pain
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Breast Swelling
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Constipation
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

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Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Dizziness
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Edema BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Facial Edema LI20 . Ying Xiang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Thigh Lateral Distention
BL38 . Fu Xi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Tibial Bone Pain
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Abdominal Discomfort
BL45 . Yi Xi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Abdominal Distention
BL21 . Wei Shu, BL25 . Da Chang Shu, BL26
. Guan Yuan Shu, BL53 . Bao Huang, CV10 .
Xia Guan, CV11 . Jian Li, CV6 . Qi Hai, GB24
. Ri Yue, GB25 . Jing Men, KI16 . Huan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Abdominal Distention And Fullness
ST22 . Guan Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Abdominal Distention And Pain
KI20 . Tong Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Abdominal Fullness
ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Abdominal Pain
BL16 . Du Shu, BL25 . Da Chang Shu, BL40
. Wei Zhong, CV12 . Zhon Guan, KI10 . Yin
Gu, LR13 . Zhang Men, SP2 . Da Du, SP5 .
Shang Qui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Allergies
LI11 . Qu Chi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Anuria
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Anxiety
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Appetite Absent
ST25 . Tian Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Ascites
BL22 . San Jiao Shu, CV5 . Shi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Asthma
KI3 . Tai Xi, LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Back Pain
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Beriberi
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

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Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Body Heaviness SP3 . Tai Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Borborygmus
CV13 . Shan Guan, LR13 . Zhang Men, ST36
. Zu San Li, ST43 . Xian Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Chest Discomfort
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Constipation
BL33 . Zhong Liao, CV12 . Zhon Guan, LR2 .
Xing Jian

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Cough
CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Deafness
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Diarrhea
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Dream Disturbed Sleep
SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Dysmenorrhea
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Genital Pain
LR1 . Da Dun, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Hypogastric Distention And Fullness
T27 . Da Ju

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Indigestion
CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Jaundice
CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Lower Abdominal Disorders
ST26 . Wai Ling

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Distention
Final: Toothache
LI7 . Wen Liu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Abdominal Distention And Fullness
SP7 . Lou Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Abdominal Fullness
BL50 . Wei Cang, GV7 . Zhong Shu, LR10 .
Zu Wu Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Amenorrhea
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Ankle Conditions
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

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Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Asthma
BL17 . Ge Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Borborygmus
CV10 . Xia Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Constipation
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Diarrhea
BL40 . Wei Zhong, CV12 . Zhon Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Dizziness
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Dry Tongue KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Genital Swelling
ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Fullness
Final: Hypogastric Fullness
LR10 . Zu Wu Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Hardness

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Hardness
Final: Axillary Swelling
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Hardness
Final: Constipation
BL32 . Ci Liao
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Hardness
Final: Epigastric Hardness Below The Heart
BL51 . Huang Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Hardness
Final: Stomach Pain
CV10 . Xia Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Masses

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Abdominal Masses
SP12 . Chong Men, SP13 . Fu She

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Abdominal Pain
BL18 . Gan Shu, BL21 . Wei Shu, KI17 .
Shang Qu, LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Anuria
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Borborygmus BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Coma PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Diarrhea
BL20 . Pi Shu, BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

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Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Abdominal Cold Pain
SP15 . Da Heng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Abdominal Discomfort
BL49 . Yi She

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Abdominal Distention
LI8 . Xia Lian, SP15 . Da Heng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Abdominal Masses CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Abdominal Pain
BL11 . Da Zhu, BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu,
BL34 . Xia Liao, BL48 . Yang Gang, CV5 .
Shi Men, GB26 . Dai Mai, GB27 . Wu Shu,
KI16 . Huan Shu, KI18 . Shi Guan, KI21 . You

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Abdominal Pain Or Swelling
SP13 . Fu She

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Abdominal Swelling
CV7 . Yin Jiao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Amenorrhea
ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Ankle Conditions
LR4 . Zhong Feng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Appetite Absent
BL21 . Wei Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Arm Motor Impairment
T B5 . Wai Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Arm Pain
LU6 . Kong Zui, PC5 . Jian Shi, TB6 . Zhi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Asthma
BL24 . Qi Hai Shu, ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Axillary Swelling
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Back Pain
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Beriberi
ST37 . Shang Ju Xu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Bone Disorders
BL17 . Ge Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Borborygmus
BL16 . Du Shu, BL25 . Da Chang Shu, CV8 .
Shen Que, SP3 . Tai Bai, SP4 . Gong Sun,
ST25 . Tian Shu, ST37 . Shang Ju Xu

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Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Cardiac Pain
CV13 . Shan Guan, PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain:
Final: Chest Discomfort
LR14 . Qi Men, PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Chest Lumps
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Chest Pain
PC6 . Nei Guan, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Constipation
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, SP2 . Da Du, SP3 .
Tai Bai, ST25 . Tian Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Coughing Blood
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Deafness
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Diarrhea
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, GB25 . Jing Men, LR3
. Tai Chong, SP4 . Gong Sun, SP9 . Yin Ling

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Diarrhea with Undigested Food
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Digestive Disturbances
CV12 . Zhon Guan, GB24 . Ri Yue, SP4 .
Gong Sun

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Dizziness
BL18 . Gan Shu, GB43 . Jia Xi, LR3 . Tai
Chong, LR8 . Qu Quan, SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Dorsal Foot Painful Swelling
ST43 . Xian Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Dyspnea
CV12 . Zhon Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Dysuria
KI1 . Yong Quan, KI10 . Yin Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Edema
KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Endocrine Disorders
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Epigastric Pain
BL51 . Huang Men, ST20 . Cheng Man

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Genital Pain
LR4 . Zhong Feng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Genital Swelling
LR1 . Da Dun

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Hernia
KI10 . Yin Gu, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Hiccough
ST34 . Liang Qiu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Hypogastric Pain
KI11 . Heng Gu, LR12 . Ji Mai, LR6 . Zhong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Impotence
KI10 . Yin Gu, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Intestinal Pain
CV11 . Jian Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Loss Of Consciousness
PC9 . Zhong Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Lower Abdominal Pain
GB28 . Wei Dao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Memory Impaired
CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Menstrual Disorders
SP8 . Di Ji

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Periumbilical Pain
CV7 . Yin Jiao, CV9 . Shui Fen, SP14 . Fu
Jie, SP16 . Fu Ai
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Periumbilical Pain Acute
ST22 . Guan Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Abdominal Pain
Final: Stomach Pain
ST23 . Tai Yi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Agitation
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Anal Prolapse
ST21 . Liang Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Ankle Conditions
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Appetite Absent
GV9 . Zhi Yang, KI17 . Shang Qu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Back Pain LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Body Aches General
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Borborygmus
BL21 . Wei Shu, CV9 . Shui Fen

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Cardiac Pain
KI3 . Tai Xi, LR13 . Zhang Men

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Chest Pain
BL21 . Wei Shu,LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Constipation
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Cough
BL17 . Ge Shu, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Diarrhea
BL23 . Shen Shu, SP2 . Da Du, SP3 . Tai
Bai, ST25 . Tian Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Digestive Disturbances
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Dysmenorrhea
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Dysuria
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, LR8 . Qu Quan, SP9
. Yin Ling Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Edema
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Elbow Problems
TB1 . Guan Chong, TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Digestion:
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Endometriosis
SP4 . Gong Sun
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Eyelid Spasm
ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Fever
BL64 . Jing Gu, SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Gastric Ulcer
CV12 . Zhon Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Hernia Pain LR4 . Zhong Feng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: Jaundice LR4 . Zhong Feng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: No Appetite
KI24 . Ling Xu, SP8 . Di Ji, ST19 . Bu Rong,
ST20 . Cheng Man, ST22 . Guan Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: No Desire To Eat
GV7 . Zhong Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: No Pleasure In Eating
BL48 . Yang Gang, CV10 . Xia Guan, CV11 .
Jian Li, KI22 . Bu Lang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Appetite
Final: No Pleasure In Eating With Abdominal
ST42 . Chong Yang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Appetite Absent
ST21 . Liang Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Appetite Excessive
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Asthma
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Borborygmus
BL48 . Yang Gang, BL53 . Bao Huang, GB25
. Jing Men, LI9 . Shang Lian, SP17 . Shi Dou,
SP7 . Lou Gu, ST20 . Cheng Man, ST22 .
Guan Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Borborygmus With Abdominal Pain
LI7 . Wen Liu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Cardiac Pain
BL16 . Du Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Constipation
BL34 . Xia Liao, ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Diarrhea
BL21 . Wei Shu, BL22 . San Jiao Shu, CV8 .
Shen Que, ST36 . Zu San Li, ST37 . Shang
Ju Xu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Dizziness
BL23 . Shen Shu, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Dysmenorrhea
BL32 . Ci Liao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Edema
KI7 . Fu Liu, SP3 . Tai Bai, ST25 . Tian Shu,
ST43 . Xian Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Elbow Problems
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Eye Disorders
LI3 . San Jian, LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Fever Without Sweating
CV13 . Shan Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders Acute
SP3 . Tai Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Borborygmus
Final: Intestinal Disorders
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, SP4 . Gong Sun

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Abdominal Pain
CV6 . Qi Hai, SP15 . Da Heng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Arm Pain
LI11 . Qu Chi, LI4 . He Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Arm Tremor
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Constipation
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Diarrhea
CV4 . Guan Yuan, ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Digestive Disturbances
BL22 . San Jiao Shu, KI14 . Si Man, ST37 .
Shang Ju Xu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Dysenteric Disorder
BL29 . Zhong Lu Shu, BL35 . Hui Yang,
SP16 . Fu Ai, SP8 . Di Ji, ST39 . Xia Ju Xu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Edema
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Fever Without Sweating
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
CV12 . Zhon Guan, ST25 . Tian Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Headache
SP3 . Tai Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Hemiplegia
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Hemorrhage Chronic
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Jaundice
SP4 . Gong Sun

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Dysenteric Disorder
Final: Leg Numbness
BL25 . Da Chang Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Agitation
BL15 . Xin Shu, PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Anal Prolapse
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Arm Contraction
HE4 . Ling Dao

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Arm Motor Impairment
LI16 . Ju Gu, LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Arm Numbness
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Arm Pain
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Arm Paralysis
LI11 . Qu Chi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Arthritis Shoulder
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Asthma
BL12 . Feng Men, BL13 . Fei Shu, CV22 .
Tian Tu, LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Axillary Pain
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Back Pain
BL13 . Fei Shu, LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Back Stiffness
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Bitter Taste
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Bone Disorders
BL19 . Dan Shu, GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Borborygmus
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Cardiac Pain
BL15 . Xin Shu, LU10 . Yu Ji, PC3 . Qu Ze,
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Chest Discomfort
CV17 . Shan Zhong, LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Chest Pain
GB40 . Qiu Xu, LU10 . Yu Ji, LU9 . Tai Yuan,
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Constipation
BL31 . Shang Liao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Cough
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu, LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Coughing Blood
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Deafness
SI17 . Tian Rong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Depression
HE5 . Tong Li

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Diarrhea
GB29 . Ju Liao, LR13 . Zhang Men, LR14 .
Qi Men, ST21 . Liang Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Digestive Disturbances
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Dizziness
BL22 . San Jiao Shu, ST36 . Zu San Li, ST8 .
Tou Wei, ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Dysmenorrhea
CV4 . Guan Yuan, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Dysuria
LR2 . Xing Jian, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Edema
BL21 . Wei Shu, KI1 . Yong Quan, ST36 . Zu
San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Edema Lower Body
SP2 . Da Du

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Elbow Problems
PC3 . Qu Ze, PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Eructations
BL17 . Ge Shu, PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Eye Disorders
BL18 . Gan Shu, TB1 . Guan Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Eyes Yellow
HE7 . Shen Men, PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Facial Edema
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Fear
PC5 . Jian Shi, PC7 . Da Ling, PC8 . Lao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Fever
BL17 . Ge Shu, PC6 . Nei Guan, PC8 . Lao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Fever Tidal
BL17 . Ge Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Foot Cold
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Gastric Disorders
BL21 . Wei Shu, LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
BL21 . Wei Shu, CV13 . Shan Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Genital Pain
BL52 . Zhi Shi, LR3 . Tai Chong

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Genital Penis Pain
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Headache
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Headache Migraine
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Headache Vertex
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Hematuria
SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Hemorrhoids
BL40 . Wei Zhong, SP3 . Tai Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Hernia
KI9 . Zhu Bin

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Hiccough
BL46 . Ge Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
BL21 . Wei Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Indigestion
CV12 . Zhon Guan, CV13 . Shan Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Infertility
ST25 . Tian Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Intestinal Disorders
BL20 . Pi Shu, CV12 . Zhon Guan, ST25 .
Tian Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Jaundice
BL20 . Pi Shu, CV12 . Zhon Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Menses Irregular
SP4 . Gong Sun

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Mental Disorders
CV14 . Ju Que, LU11 . Shao Shang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Nausea
CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Nausea And Vomiting
CV10 . Xia Guan, ST24 . Hua Rou Men,
TB19 . Lu Xi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Palm Heat
PC9 . Zhong Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Retching
LU4 . Xia Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Sadness
KI17 . Shang Qu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Stomach Pain
ST24 . Hua Rou Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Throat Disorders
CV23 . Lian Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Vomiting
BL46 . Ge Guan, BL47 . Hun Men, BL49 . Yi
She, CV18 . Yu Tang, GB23 . Zhe Jin,
GB24 . Ri Yue, KI16 . Huan Shu, KI18 . Shi
Guan, KI20 . Tong Gu, KI21 . You Men,

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Emesis
Final: Vomiting Blood
LI13 . Shou Wu Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Chest Pain
LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Cough
LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Dysuria
CV4 . Guan Yuan, LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Edema Lower Body
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Eructations
BL46 . Ge Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Eye Disorders
ST43 . Xian Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Fever
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Flatulence
SP7 . Lou Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Halitosis
PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Eructation
Final: Hiccough
BL17 . Ge Shu, KI18 . Shi Guan, PC6 . Nei
Guan, SP18 . Tian Xi, ST13 . Qi Hu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Asthma
CV21 . Xuan Ji

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Chest Discomfort
BL19 . Dan Shu, CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Chest Pain
CV17 . Shan Zhong, LU1 . Zhong Fu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Chills
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Cough
CV17 . Shan Zhong, CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Coughing Blood
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu, CV17 . Shan Zhong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Digestive Disturbances
LR13 . Zhang Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Dysphagia
BL46 . Ge Guan, BL48 . Yang Gang, BL49 .
Yi She, CV19 . Zi Gong, CV20 . Hua Gai
SP20 . Zhou Rong, ST20 . Cheng Man

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Dyspnea
GB40 . Qiu Xu, ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Edema BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Esophageal Constriction
CV16 . Zhong Ting

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Gastric Reflux
CV15 . Jiu Wei

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Gastroesophageal Reflux
CV9 . Shui Fen, GB23 . Zhe Jin, GB24 . Ri
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
BL22 . San Jiao Shu, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Hiccough
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Inability To Swallow Food
PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Indigestion
BL21 . Wei Shu, ST34 . Liang Qiu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Jaundice
CV13 . Shan Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Menorrhagia
SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Menses Irregular
ST25 . Tian Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Mental Disorders
CV12 . Zhon Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Nausea
BL21 . Wei Shu, CV12 . Zhon Guan, CV13 .
Shan Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Palpitations
CV14 . Ju Que

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Perspiration At Night
BL17 . Ge Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Respiratory Disorders
CV16 . Zhong Ting

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Seizures
CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Skin Disorders
LI17 . Tian Ding

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Swallowing Difficult
BL17 . Ge Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Gastroesophageal
Final: Throat Disorders
BL17 . Ge Shu, CV14 . Ju Que

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Asthma SI15 . Jian Zhong Zhu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Bone Disorders
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Cough
KI3 . Tai Xi, LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Coughing Blood
KI2 . Ran Gu, LU9 . Tai Yuan
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Dyspnea
CV22 . Tian Tu, LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Excessive Production Of Watery Saliva
CV23 . Lian Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Eye Deviation
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Gastric Disorders
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Hypersalivation
KI18 . Shi Guan, KI21 . You Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Saliva Like White Glue
CV19 . Zi Gong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Urticaria
BL17 . Ge Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Saliva
Final: Vomiting
CV14 . Ju Que

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Axillary Pain
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Bitter Taste
GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Chest Pain
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Eye Disorders
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Fever
SI4 . Wan Gu, TB1 . Guan Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Gastric Disorders
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Headache
BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Hemiplegia
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: Taste
Final: Hernia Pain
LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Abdominal Distention
KI15 . Zhong Zhu, LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Abdominal Pain
SP16 . Fu Ai, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Agitation
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Arm Paralysis
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Back Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, GV10 . Ling Tai, GV12 .
Shen Zhu, GV9 . Zhi Yang, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Beriberi
ST32 . Fu Tu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Breast Pain
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Cardiac Pain
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Chest Discomfort
CV21 . Xuan Ji

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Chest Pain
GV9 . Zhi Yang, HE8 . Shao Fu, ST40 . Feng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Constipation
SP15 . Da Heng

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Cough
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, GV14 . Daz Hui, LU1 .
Zhong Fu, LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Coughing Blood
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Diarrhea
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu, SP14 . Fu Jie

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Digestive Disturbances
CV8 . Shen Que, CV9 . Shui Fen, CV9 . Shui
Fen, ST19 . Bu Rong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dyspnea
BL12 . Feng Men, BL13 . Fei Shu, BL15 .
Xin Shu, GB21 . Jian Jing, KI4 . Da Zhong,
LU8 . Jing Qu, LU9 . Tai Yuan,

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dysuria
BL32 . Ci Liao, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Infection
Secondary: TCM
Final: Eczema
GV14 . Daz Hui, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Edema
BL23 . Shen Shu, CV3 . Zhong Ji, LR13 .
Zhang Men

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Edema Lower Body
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Ejaculation Premature
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Endometriosis
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu, LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
LI2 . Er Jian, ST5 . Da Ying, TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever
BL12 . Feng Men, BL19 . Dan Shu, LU10 .
Yu Ji, PC5 . Jian Shi, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Genital Itching
CV3 . Zhong Ji, KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Genital Pain
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Goiter
CV22 . Tian Tu, LI16 . Ju Gu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Gynecological Disorders
SP12 . Chong Men

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hematuria
BL23 . Shen Shu, CV4 . Guan Yuan, LR1 .
Da Dun

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hemiplegia
GB21 . Jian Jing, KI6 . Zhao Hai, ST36 . Zu
San Li, ST37 . Shang Ju Xu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hepatobiliary Disorders
GB24 . Ri Yue

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hiccough
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hypertension
GV14 . Daz Hui, SP6 . San Yin Jiao, ST36 .
Zu San Li

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, LR13 . Zhang Men,
LR14 . Qi Men, PC6 . Nei Guan, TB10 . Tian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hysteria
GV12 . Shen Zhu, PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Infertility
CV4 . Guan Yuan, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Insomnia
LR2 . Xing Jian, PC4 . Xi Men, PC6 . Nei

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Intestinal Disorders
CV4 . Guan Yuan, SP3 . Tai Bai, ST37 .
Shang Ju Xu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, BL23 . Shen Shu, BL64 .
Jing Gu, GB31 . Feng Shi, LR13 . Zhang
Men, ST30 . Qi Chong, ST31 . Bi Guan,

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Memory Impaired
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Menses Irregular
BL23 . Shen Shu, CV4 . Guan Yuan, KI3 .
Tai Xi, ST30 . Qi Chong,

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mental Disorders
GV14 . Daz Hui, KI1 . Yong Quan, PC5 . Jian
Shi, SP4 . Gong Sun, TB10 . Tian Jing,

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Neurasthenia
CV12 . Zhon Guan, HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Peritonitis
ST25 . Tian Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Seizures
BL62 . Shen Mai, BL64 . Jing Gu, CV13 .
Shan Guan, GV15 . Ya Men, HE3 . Shao Hai,
LI16 . Ju Gu, LR2 . Xing Jian, TB23 . Si Zhu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stomach Dilated
CV13 . Shan Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stomach Pain
BL21 . Wei Shu, CV12 . Zhon Guan, ST34 .
Liang Qiu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stool With Undigested Food
BL21 . Wei Shu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Visual Dizziness
GV19 . Hou Ding, GV24 . Shen Ting

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Vomiting With Uprising Qi
CV19 . Zi Gong


Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Agitation
GV12 . Shen Zhu, ST23 . Tai Yi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Agitation And Fullness Below The
KI21 . You Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Arm Cold
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Bone Disorders
GV13 . Tao Dao

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Cardiac Pain
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu, PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Chills And Fever
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Constipation
SP5 . Shang Qui, ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Dysuria
HE8 . Shao Fu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Fear
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Fever
PC3 . Qu Ze, SP2 . Da Du

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Fever Without Sweating
SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Foot Cold
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Headache
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Headache Migraine
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Hemorrhoids
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Hysteria
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Insomnia
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Jaundice
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Agitation
Final: Mental Disorders
PC8 . Lao Gong, SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Anger, Fear, Fright, Unhappiness
KI4 . Da Zhong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Coughing Blood
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Dizziness HE5 . Tong Li

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Headache
LR2 . Xing Jian
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Hemiplegia
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Indigestion
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Jaundice
LR13 . Zhang Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Leg Pain Medial
KI9 . Zhu Bin

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Anger
Final: Mouth Ulcers
PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Aversion

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Aversion
Final: Dorsal Foot Painful Swelling
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Aversion
Final: Esophageal Disorders
CV15 . Jiu Wei

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Aphasia From Stroke
BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Arm Motor Impairment
GB21 . Jian Jing

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Arm Pain
SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Chest Pain
PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Cough
BL15 . Xin Shu, ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Deafness
LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Diarrhea
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Dizziness
GV23 . Shang Xing

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Eye Deviation
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Facial Edema
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Fear
HE5 . Tong Li, LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Fever And Chills
GV15 . Ya Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Fever Tidal
BL64 . Jing Gu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Foot Pain
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Hysteria
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Intestinal Disorders
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Jaundice
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Knee Disorders
KI10 . Yin Gu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Mania
ST23 . Tai Yi, ST24 . Hua Rou Men, ST42 .
Chong Yang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Mania And Depression
BL65 . Shu Gu, BL8 . Luo Que, CV1 . Hui
Yin, GV18 . Qiang Jian, GV27 . Dui Duan,
HE9 . Shao Chong, SI7 . Zhi Zheng, ST45 .
Li Dui

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Menses Irregular
LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Mental Disorders
KI9 . Zhu Bin

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Nosebleed
PC8 . Lao Gong, SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Respiratory Disorders
SI16 . Tian Chuang

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Seizures
SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Stomach Pain
SP4 . Gong Sun

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Urine Dark
CV12 . Zhon Guan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Depression
Final: Vomiting
BL17 . Ge Shu

Emotions Secondary:

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Disorientation
Final: Coughing Blood
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Disorientation
Final: Deafness
GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Disorientation
Final: Disorientation
GV11 . Shen Dao

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Disorientation
Final: Disorientation And Forgetfulness
LU3 . Tian Fu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Disorientation
Final: Hypertension
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Disorientation
Final: Insomnia
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Excessive Thinking
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Emotions
Final: Abdominal Pain

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Abdominal Pain
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Coughing Blood
PC4 . Xi Men

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Cystitis
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Deafness Sudden
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Diarrhea
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Edema
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Eye Disorders
LI5 . Yang Xi, TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Fear And Fright
GB9 . Tian Chong, SI7 . Zhi Zheng, TB19 .
Lu Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Fever
LI2 . Er Jian

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Fifth Digit Disorders
HE8 . Shao Fu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Finger Inflammation
LI3 . San Jian

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders Acute
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Genital Itching
HE8 . Shao Fu, LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Headache
BL64 . Jing Gu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Headache Vertex
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Hemiplegia
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Hemorrhage Postpartum
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Hernia
CV4 . Guan Yuan, LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Hernia Pain
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Hypertension
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Insomnia
KI6 . Zhao Hai, PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Irritable
HE7 . Shen Men

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Knee Disorders
ST34 . Liang Qiu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Liver Disorders
LR13 . Zhang Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Malaria
PC5 . Jian Shi, PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Perspiration Excessive in Palms
PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Fear
Final: Seizures LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy
Final: Dizziness
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy
Final: Facial Edema
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy
Final: Grief
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy
Final: Headache
LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy
Final: Hemorrhoids
SP5 . Shang Qui
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy
Final: Loss Of Voice
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Joy
Final: Lumbar Pain
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Aphasia From Stroke
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Arm Pain
HE3 . Shao Hai, SI5 . Yang Gu, TB3 . Zhong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Arthritis Shoulder
LI11 . Qu Chi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Asthma
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Aversion To Cold
BL10 . Tian Zhu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Chest Discomfort
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Chest Pain
SI19 . Ting Gong

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Clonic Spasm
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Constipation
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Curled Tongue Edges
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Deafness
TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Depression
ST41 . Jie Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Dizziness
BL2 . Zan Zhu, BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Ear Disorders
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Eye Disorders
BL10 . Tian Zhu, GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Fright Mania
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Heat Stroke
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Hemorrhoids
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Iliac Region Pain
ST32 . Fu Tu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Jaw Disorders
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Mania
BL5 . Wu Chu, BL61 . Pu Can, GB9 . Tian
Chong, GV16 . Feng Fu,
GV19 . Hou Ding

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Mania And Depression
CV15 . Jiu Wei

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Memory Impaired
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Menses Irregular PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Mental Disorders
KI10 . Yin Gu, PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Nosebleed
LU11 . Shao Shang

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Mania
Final: Pelvic Problems
KI9 . Zhu Bin

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Seizures
HE7 . Shen Men, PC5 . Jian Shi, PC8 . Lao
Gong, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Arm Pain
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Cardiac Pain
HE4 . Ling Dao

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Depression
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Diarrhea
SP15 . Da Heng

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Dizziness
GV13 . Tao Dao

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Dyspnea
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Elbow Problems
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Fever
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Jaundice
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Leukorrhea
KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Loss Of Voice Sudden
HE5 . Tong Li

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Memory Impaired
GV20 . Bai Hui, HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Menses Irregular
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Mental Disorders
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Palm Heat
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Palpitations
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Sadness
GV11 . Shen Dao, LU3 . Tian Fu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Sadness And Anxiety
SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Skin Disorders PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Sadness
Final: Stool With Blood
SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Agitation And Heat Of The Hands And
Feet GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Anger Injuring The Liver
GV8 . Jin Suo

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Deafness
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin, KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dizziness
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB17 . Zheng Ying, GB19 .
Nao Kong, GV17 . Nao Hu,
TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dyspnea
BL12 . Feng Men, BL13 . Fei Shu, BL15 . Xin
Shu, GB21 . Jian Jing, KI4 . Da Zhong,
LU8 . Jing Qu, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever
BL12 . Feng Men, BL19 . Dan Shu, LU10 .
Yu Ji, PC5 . Jian Shi, TB6 . Zhi Gou
Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Groin Itches
HE8 . Shao Fu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Headache Frontal
BL4 . Qu Chai

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, LR13 . Zhang Men,
LR14 . Qi Men, PC6 . Nei Guan, TB10 . Tian

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hypogastric Pain Twisting
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Knee Disorders
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, BL23 . Shen Shu, BL64 .
Jing Gu, GB31 . Feng Shi,
LR13 . Zhang Men, ST30 . Qi Chong, ST31 .
Bi Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mental Disorders
GV14 . Daz Hui, KI1 . Yong Quan, PC5 . Jian
Shi, SP4 . Gong Sun, TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Skin Disorders
HE1 . Ji Quan, LI13 . Shou Wu Li, LI15 . Jian
Yu, PC7 . Da Ling, ST44 . Nei Ting

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Vomiting
CV12 . Zhon Guan, CV13 . Shan Guan,
CV22 . Tian Tu, GV3 . Yao Yang Guan, PC6
. Nei Guan

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Timid
Final: Worry
GV11 . Shen Dao

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Worry
Final: Genital Pain
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Emotions
Secondary: Worry
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Arthritis
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Chest Pain
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Cough
BL12 . Feng Men

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Deafness
SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Dizziness
GB14 . Yang Bai
Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Dyspnea
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Eye Disorders
LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Eyes Yellow
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
ST3 . Ju Liao

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Facial Pain
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Fever
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Fever Tidal
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Grief
BL42 . Po Hu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Headache
BL58 . Fei Yang, LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Hysteria
HE8 . Shao Fu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Mental Disorders
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Nosebleed
LI2 . Er Jian

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Postpartum Abdominal Pain
KI14 . Si Man

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Chills
Final: Vomiting Blood
BL17 . Ge Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Aphasia From Stroke
TB8 . San Yang Luo

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Arm Pain
TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Asthma
LU8 . Jing Qu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Back Heaviness
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Back Pain
BL10 . Tian Zhu, BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Breast Pain
GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Chest Pain
LU8 . Jing Qu, TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Cough
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Coughing Blood
BL13 . Fei Shu, LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Deafness
LI4 . He Gu, SI5 . Yang Gu, TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Diarrhea
LI11 . Qu Chi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Dizziness
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Dream Disturbed Sleep
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Ear Disorders
TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Eye Disorders
GV23 . Shang Xing, SI1 . Shao Ze, SI3 . Hou
Xi, TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Facial Edema
GB43 . Jia Xi, ST43 . Xian Gu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Fever
SI7 . Zhi Zheng, ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Fever High
LI1 . Shang Yang

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Fever Tidal
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Fever With Absence Of Sweating
GB6 . Xuan Li

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Fever Without Sweating
SP2 . Da Du

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Finger Contraction
SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Finger Numbness
SI2 . Qian Gu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Hand Tremor
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Headache
TB1 . Guan Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Hemorrhoids
BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Hip Joint Mobility Decreased
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Hypertension
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Impotence
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Indigestion
SP2 . Da Du

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Irritable
TB1 . Guan Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Leg Pain
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Loss Of Voice
TB1 . Guan Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Lumbar Pain
LR4 . Zhong Feng

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Lumbar Spinal Pain
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Mastitis
ST36 . Zu San Li

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Mental Disorders
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Metabolic Disturbances
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Nausea
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
LR4 . Zhong Feng

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Seizures
PC7 . Da Ling, PC9 . Zhong Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Shock
PC9 . Zhong Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Stomach Pain
CV13 . Shan Guan, SP3 . Tai Bai

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Throat Constriction
LI2 . Er Jian, LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Throat Soreness
LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Ulcers
PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
SP1 . Yin Bai

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever
Final: Vomiting
PC8 . Lao Gong, SP3 . Tai Bai

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Arm Motor Impairment
SI10 . Nao Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Axillary Swelling
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Back Pain
SI15 . Jian Zhong Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Chest Discomfort
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Constipation
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Diaphragm Spasm
BL16 . Du Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Dizziness
SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Dyspnea
LU1 . Zhong Fu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Elbow Problems
TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Emaciation
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Eye Deviation
BL62 . Shen Mai, LI4 . He Gu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Eye Disorders
GB20 . Feng Chi, ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Facial Edema
SI17 . Tian Rong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Fever
GV13 . Tao Dao, SI1 . Shao Ze, SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Fever And Chills
SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Fever Tidal
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Finger Movement Inhibited
SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Flaccid Tongue
GV15 . Ya Men

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Gastric Disorders
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Genital Pain
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Hand Dorsal Inflammation
LI3 . San Jian

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Headache
BL59 . Fu Yang

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Hematuria
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Hiccough
CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Hypertension
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Indigestion
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Intestinal Disorders
BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Jaw Disorders
GV26 . Shui Gou

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Knee Disorders
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Leg Muscle Weakness
BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Leg Pain
BL64 . Jing Gu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Mental Disorders
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Mouth Dryness
TB1 . Guan Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Neck Movement Restricted
SI14 . Jian Wai Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Fever And Chills
Final: Parotitis
LU11 . Shao Shang

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Bitter Taste GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Windstroke
GV15 . Ya Men, PC8 . Lao Gong

Secondary: TCM

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Anal Prolapse
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Arm Motor Impairment
SI9 . Jian Zhen

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Aversion To Wind And Cold
BL65 . Shu Gu, GB3 . Shang Guan, GV19 .
Hou Ding

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Cardiac Conditions GV11 . Shen Dao

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Back Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, GV10 . Ling Tai, GV12 .
Shen Zhu, GV9 . Zhi Yang, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Cough
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, GV14 . Daz Hui, LU1 .
Zhong Fu, LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Deafness
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin, KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dizziness
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB17 . Zheng Ying, GB19 .
Nao Kong, GV17 . Nao Hu, TB23 . Si Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dyspnea
BL12 . Feng Men, BL13 . Fei Shu, BL15 . Xin
Shu, GB21 . Jian Jing, KI4 . Da Zhong, LU8 .
Jing Qu, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Elbow Problems
LI11 . Qu Chi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Eye Disorders
BL2 . Zan Zhu, GB14 . Yang Bai, TB16 . Tian
You, TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever Afternoon
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever With Absence Of Sweating
TB15 . Tian Liao

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Heat In The Body Like Fire
HE9 . Shao Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, LR13 . Zhang Men,
LR14 . Qi Men, PC6 . Nei Guan, TB10 . Tian

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Infertility
CV4 . Guan Yuan, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Insomnia
LR2 . Xing Jian, PC4 . Xi Men, PC6 . Nei

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Intestinal Disorders
CV4 . Guan Yuan, SP3 . Tai Bai, ST37 .
Shang Ju Xu

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Jaundice
BL22 . San Jiao Shu, BL49 . Yi She

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Loss Of Voice
KI1 . Yong Quan, LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, BL23 . Shen Shu, BL64 .
Jing Gu, GB31 . Feng Shi, LR13 . Zhang
Men, ST30 . Qi Chong, ST31 . Bi Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mastitis
CV17 . Shan Zhong, LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nasal Congestion
GV20 . Bai Hui, GV23 . Shang Xing, LU1 .
Zhong Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Palpitations
CV17 . Shan Zhong, PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Skin Disorders
HE1 . Ji Quan, LI13 . Shou Wu Li, LI15 . Jian
Yu, PC7 . Da Ling, ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stiff Tongue
GV15 . Ya Men, PC9 . Zhong Chong, TB1 .
Guan Chong

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stomach Spasms
CV13 . Shan Guan

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Back Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, GV10 . Ling Tai, GV12 .
Shen Zhu, GV9 . Zhi Yang, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dizziness
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB17 . Zheng Ying, GB19 .
Nao Kong, GV17 . Nao Hu, TB23 . Si Zhu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Eye Disorders
BL2 . Zan Zhu, GB14 . Yang Bai, TB16 . Tian
You, TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Facial Edema
SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
LI2 . Er Jian, ST5 . Da Ying, TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Menses Irregular
BL23 . Shen Shu, CV4 . Guan Yuan, KI3 .
Tai Xi, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Hearing

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Ears
Final: Leukorrhea CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Arm Pain
SI9 . Jian Zhen, TB8 . San Yang Luo

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Breast Swelling
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Deafness
GB10 . Fu Bai, GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin, GB3 .
Shang Guan, LI6 . Pian Li, SI19 . Ting Gong
ST7 . Xia Guan, TB21 . Er Men, TB4 . Yang
Chi, TB5 . Wai Guan, TB7 . Hui Zong
Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Dizziness
KI3 . Tai Xi, TB16 . Tian You

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Dream Disturbed Sleep
TB16 . Tian You

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Ear Disorders
GB2 . Ting Hui, TB17 . Yi Feng, TB20 . Jiao
Sun, TB21 . Er Men, TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Elbow Problems
SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Eye Deviation
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Eye Disorders
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin, LI4 .
He Gu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Facial Pain GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Fever
GB20 . Feng Chi, SI5 . Yang Gu, TB3 .
Zhong Zhu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Fever And Chills Without Sweating
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Finger Contraction
SI3 . Hou Xi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Finger Numbness
LI1 . Shang Yang

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Goiter
SI17 . Tian Rong, TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Gum Disorders
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Hand Pain
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Headache
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Hearing Loss
TB18 . Qi Mai, TB19 . Lu Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Shoulder Pain
SI16 . Tian Chuang

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Throat Soreness
TB1 . Guan Chong

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Hearing Loss
Final: Tinnitus
LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Ear Disorders
GB12 . Wan Gu, SI19 . Ting Gong, ST7 . Xia
Guan, TB19 . Lu Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Ear Pain
GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Elbow Problems
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Eye Deviation
GB2 . Ting Hui, ST7 . Xia Guan, TB17 . Yi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Eye Disorders
TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Eye Redness And Swelling
TB20 . Jiao Sun

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Facial Edema
TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Facial Pain
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Fever
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Finger Movement Inhibited
TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Headache
GB43 . Jia Xi, TB2 . Ye Men, TB21 . Er Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Jaw Disorders
TB21 . Er Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Lip Stiffness
TB21 . Er Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Tinnitus
TB21 . Er Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Toothache
LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Otitis
Final: Visual Disturbances
SI16 . Tian Chuang

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever
BL12 . Feng Men, BL19 . Dan Shu, LU10 .
Yu Ji, PC5 . Jian Shi, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever High
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Headache
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB41 . Zu Lin Qi, GV20 .
Bai Hui, GV23 . Shang Xing, LI4 . He Gu,
LR8 . Qu Quan, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hematuria
BL23 . Shen Shu, CV4 . Guan Yuan, LR1 .
Da Dun

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nosebleed
GV20 . Bai Hui, KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Visual Dizziness
GV19 . Hou Ding, GV24 . Shen Ting

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Bone Disorders
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Cardiac Pain
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Eye Disorders
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Facial Edema
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
ST7 . Xia Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Failure to Discharge Placenta
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Fever
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Finger Pain
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Forearm Pain
TB9 . Si Du

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Headache
SI1 . Shao Ze, SI3 . Hou Xi, SI4 . Wan Gu,
TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Headache Lateral
BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Headache Midline
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Headache Migraine
GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Hemiplegia
GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Impotence
BL23 . Shen Shu, KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Intestinal Disorders
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Jaw Disorders
LI1 . Shang Yang, TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Loss Of Voice
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Malaria
LI3 . San Jian

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Mental Disorders
SI19 . Ting Gong

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Nausea
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Nosebleed
SI2 . Qian Gu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Seizures
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Throat Infections
SI17 . Tian Rong

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Tinnitus
BL8 . Luo Que, GB10 . Fu Bai, GB11 . Tou
Qiao Yin, GB3 . Shang Guan, GB4 . Han
Yan, GB42 . Di Wu Hui, PC9 . Zhong Chong,
TB18 . Qi Mai, TB19 . Lu Xi, TB22 . He Liao

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Toothache TB21 . Er Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Tinnitus
Final: Urticaria LI5 . Yang Xi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Bone Disorders
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Diarrhea
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Dizziness
BL10 . Tian Zhu, GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Edema Lower Body
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Eye Disorders
LI11 . Qu Chi, TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Eyelid Itching
GB14 . Yang Bai

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Eyelid Spasm
ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Goiter
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Hand Tremor
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Headache
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Hearing Loss
GB20 . Feng Chi, GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Hypertension
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Jaundice
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Knee Disorders
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Lacrimation
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Liver Disorders
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Leg Pain
BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Menses Irregular
KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Menses Painful
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Nausea
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Neurasthenia
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Shock
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Shoulder Pain
TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Vertigo
BL3 . Mei Chong, BL8 . Luo Que, BL9 . Yu
Zhen, GB8 . Shuai Gu, GV16 . Feng Fu,
GV22 . Xin Hui

Question: Hearing
Secondary: Vertigo
Final: Vertigo With Agitation
GV18 . Qiang Jian

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Back Pain
BL65 . Shu Gu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Chest Discomfort
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Chest Pain
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Cough
LU8 . Jing Qu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Dorsal Foot Painful Swelling
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Dyspnea
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Dysuria
BL31 . Shang Liao

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Eye Disorders
TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Facial Edema
GV23 . Shang Xing, TB16 . Tian You

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Fear
PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Fever
LI11 . Qu Chi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Fever And Chills
GV13 . Tao Dao

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Headache
GV13 . Tao Dao, GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Headache Migraine
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Hemiplegia
GB20 . Feng Chi, LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Herpes Zoster
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Hypertension
GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan, SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Hysteria
ST43 . Xian Gu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Insomnia
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Lactation Insufficient
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Lateral Costal Region Swelling
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Leg Numbness
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Leukorrhea
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Loss Of Consciousness
LI1 . Shang Yang

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL58 . Fei Yang, SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Malaria
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Mastitis
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Menorrhagia
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Mental Disorders
BL64 . Jing Gu, SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Mouth Deviation
ST44 . Nei Ting

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Nasal Congestion
BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Palm Heat
HE8 . Shao Fu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Palpitations
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Parotitis
SI2 . Qian Gu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Respiratory Disorders
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Saliva Excessive
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Swallowing Difficult
BL21 . Wei Shu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Throat Infections
LU11 . Shao Shang

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Throat Soreness
LI3 . San Jian, TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Tinnitus
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Urine Retention
LR4 . Zhong Feng

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Vomiting
SP4 . Gong Sun

Question: Infection
Secondary: Malaria
Final: Wrist Joint Soft Tissue Diseases
LI5 . Yang Xi

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps
Final: Fever Without Sweating
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps
Final: Headache
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps
Final: Jaw Disorders
GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps
Final: Jaws Clenched
ST5 . Da Ying

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps
Final: Mouth Deviation
TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps
Final: Seizures SI2 . Qian Gu

Question: Infection
Secondary: Mumps
Final: Throat Soreness
LU11 . Shao Shang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Infection
Secondary: TCM

Question: Infection
Secondary: TCM
Final: Anal Diseases
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu

Question: Infection
Secondary: TCM
Final: Decreased Energy
KI4 . Da Zhong

Question: Infection
Secondary: TCM
Final: Eczema
GV14 . Daz Hui, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Infection
Secondary: TCM
Final: Palm Heat
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Dementia

Question: Mind
Secondary: Dementia
Final: Fever
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Dementia
Final: Palpitations
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Breast Swelling
GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Carbuncles And Furuncles
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Cardiac Conditions
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Constipation
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Epilepsy
GV8 . Jin Suo

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Eye Disorders
BL10 . Tian Zhu, GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Fever Without Sweating
BL10 . Tian Zhu, SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Headache
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Headache Unilateral
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Infertility
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Insomnia
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
ST40 . Feng Long

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Lip Tremor
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Liver Disorders
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Mania
BL5 . Wu Chu, BL61 . Pu Can, GB9 . Tian
Chong, GV16 . Feng Fu, GV19 . Hou Ding

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Manic Raving
LI6 . Pian Li, LI8 . Xia Lian

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Menses Early
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Neck Pain
SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Pancreatitis
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Paralysis Due To Wind Stoke
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Perspiration At Night
BL13 . Fei Shu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Reproductive System Disorders
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Seizures
HE7 . Shen Men, PC5 . Jian Shi, PC8 . Lao
Gong, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Stomach Pain
PC5 . Jian Shi, PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Stool With Undigested Food
LR13 . Zhang Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Suicidal Tendencies
GV16 . Feng Fu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Throat Constriction
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Throat Infections
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mania
Final: Visual Dizziness
GV18 . Qiang Jian

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Axillary Pain
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Fever High
LI11 . Qu Chi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Hypertension
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Irritable
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Jaw Disorders
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Leg Paralysis
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Lumbar Pain
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Perspiration At Night
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Poor Memory
GV11 . Shen Dao

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Rectal Prolapse
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Seizures
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Thirst
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Uterine Prolapse
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Mind
Secondary: Memory
Final: Vomiting
PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mind

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mind
Final: Nosebleed
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mind
Final: Throat Dryness
HE7 . Shen Men

Question: Mind
Secondary: Mind
Final: Vertigo
GV20 . Bai Hui

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: TCM
Final: Respiratory Disorders
BL11 . Da Zhu, BL43 . Gao Huan Shu, GV10
. Ling Tai, GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Abdominal Pain
ST35 . Du Bi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Borborygmus
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Chills And Fever without Sweating
GB37 . Guang Ming

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Constipation
BL36 . Cheng Fu, BL54 . Zhi Bian, CV6 . Qi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Diarrhea
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Dysmenorrhea
BL24 . Qi Hai Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Dysuria
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu, BL33 . Zhong Liao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Edema
GB30 . Huan tiao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Eye Disorders
GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Genital Pain
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Goiter
LI11 . Qu Chi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Headache
GB31 . Feng Shi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Hip Movement Inhibited
SP12 . Chong Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Hypochondriac Region Swelling
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Jaundice
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Knee Disorders
ST32 . Fu Tu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Leg Atrophy
BL61 . Pu Can

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
BL37 . Yin Men, GB39 . Xuan Zhong, ST31 .
Bi Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Leg Pain
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, BL40 . Wei Zhong,
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Leg Paralysis
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Lower Extremity Pain
ST39 . Xia Ju Xu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Lower Extremity Pain Or Paralysis
ST41 . Jie Xi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Lower Leg Pain Or Paralysis
ST38 . Tiao Kou

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Lower Limb Atrophy
GB32 . Zhong Du

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Lower Limb Atrophy With Painful
GB35 . Yang Jiao, GB36 . Wai Qui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Mastitis
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Nosebleed
BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Orchitis
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Paralysis
BL59 . Fu Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Seminal Emissions
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Atrophy
Final: Vomiting
LR13 . Zhang Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Diarrhea
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Eye Disorders
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Knee Disorders
BL23 . Shen Shu, BL52 . Zhi Shi, SP9 . Yin
Ling Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL22 . San Jiao Shu, BL26 . Guan Yuan
Shu, BL34 . Xia Liao
BL56 . Cheng Jin, BL57 . Cheng Shan, BL59
. Fu Yang, BL60 . Kun Lun
BL63 . Jin Men, BL65 . Shu Gu, GB27 . Wu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Upper

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Upper
Final: Loss Of Voice Sudden
CV22 . Tian Tu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Arm Pain
LI14 . Bi Nao, LI15 . Jian Yu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Chills
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Dysuria
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Elbow Hypertonicity
SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Elbow Problems
HE4 . Ling Dao, LI13 . Shou Wu Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Eye Disorders
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Facial Edema LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Finger Contraction
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Four Limbs Contraction
GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Groin Pain
GB30 . Huan Tiao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Headache
BL10 . Tian Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Headache Migraine
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Heat Stroke
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Hemiplegia
GB31 . Feng Shi, TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Hypertension
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB43 . Jia Xi, GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Impotence
GV3 . Yao Yang Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Indigestion
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Insomnia
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Jaundice
LR3 . Tai Chong

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Knee Disorders
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Leg Numbness
ST31 . Bi Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Leg Pain
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Leg Paralysis
ST32 . Fu Tu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Loss Of Consciousness
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Malaria
SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Mental Disorders
HE5 . Tong Li, SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Mouth Deviation
LR2 . Xing Jian, ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Palpitations
HE8 . Shao Fu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Seizures
KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Shoulder And Back Contraction
BL60 . Kun Lun

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Shoulder and Neck Pain
BL41 . Fu Fen

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Thigh Pain
BL38 . Fu Xi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Throat Soreness
TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Ulcer Gastric
BL21 . Wei Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
HE8 . Shao Fu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Contraction
Final: Vomiting
PC7 . Da Ling

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremities

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremities
Final: Deafness
TB8 . San Yang Luo

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremities
Final: Limb Weakness
SP21 . Da Bao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremities
Final: Seminal Emissions
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremities
Final: Stomach Pain
SP2 . Da Du

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremities
Final: Stool With Undigested Food
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Constipation
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Dorsal Foot Painful Swelling
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Foot Pain
BL60 . Kun Lun, GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Headache Occipital
BL10 . Tian Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Hematuria
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Knee Pain
BL61 . Pu Can, SP7 . Lou Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Leg Muscle Cramp
BL55 . Hey Yng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Leg Numbness
BL37 . Yin Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Neck Stiffness
BL64 . Jing Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Nosebleed
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Palpitations
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Seizures
BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Shock
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Thigh And Knee Swelling
ST38 . Tiao Kou

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Arm Contraction
LI12 . Zhou Liao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Arm Paralysis
LI14 . Bi Nao, LI15 . Jian Yu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Forearm Medial Pain
LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Hemiplegia
LI11 . Qu Chi, SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Hypertension
LI11 . Qu Chi, TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Liver Disorders
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Loss Of Consciousness
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Mouth Deviation
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Scapular Pain
SI13 . Qu Yaun, SI9 . Jian Zhen, TB13 . Nao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Stomach Pain
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Tinnitus
SI17 . Tian Rong, SI3 . Hou Xi, SI5 . Yang
Gu, TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Toothache
LI1 . Shang Yang, LI11 . Qu Chi, LI2 . Er
Jian, LI3 . San Jian, LU10 . Yu Ji, SI5 . Yang
Gu, TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Arm Pain
SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Asthma
GV10 . Ling Tai, ST16 . Ying Chuang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Cheek And Sub mandible Swelling
GB7 . Qu Bin

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Cheek Swelling
GB12 . Wan Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Cough BL11 . Da Zhu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Diarrhea
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Facial Itching
LI20 . Ying Xiang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
CV24 . Cheng Jiang
GB14 . Yang Bai, ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Facial Numbness
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Facial Pain
CV24 . Cheng Jiang, ST7 . Xia Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Facial Swelling
ST42 . Chong Yang, ST45 . Li Dui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Fever Without Sweating
GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Hand Pain
SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Headache
BL12 . Feng Men, GV15 . Ya Men, TB16 .
Tian You

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Headache Midline
BL62 . Shen Mai
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Headache Occipital
GV15 . Ya Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Hearing Loss Sudden
TB16 . Tian You

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Heaviness Of The Head
BL59 . Fu Yang, GB8 . Shuai Gu, GV17 .
Nao Hu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Heaviness Of The Head And Neck
BL9 . Yu Zhen

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Hemiplegia
BL7 . Tong Tian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Insomnia
BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Jaundice
SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Jaw Disorders
ST7 . Xia Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Leg Numbness
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Lips Swelling And Stiffness
GV27 . Dui Duan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Lumbar Pain
LR3 . Tai Chong, ST32 . Fu Tu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Malaria
GV13 . Tao Dao, SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Mastitis
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Mental Disorders
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Mouth Deviation
BL7 . Tong Tian, GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Nasal Congestion
BL2 . Zan Zhu, BL7 . Tong Tian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Neck Nodular Growths
CV22 . Tian Tu, LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Neck Pain
BL66 . Tong Gu, GB36 . Wai Qui, GV16 .
Feng Fu, ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Neck Stiffness
BL42 . Po Hu, BL60 . Kun Lun, BL65 . Shu
Gu, GV16 . Feng Fu, SI7 . Zhi Zheng,
TB16 . Tian You, TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Palpitations
BL64 . Jing Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Parotitis
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Saliva Excessive
ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Tension Headache
BL9 . Yu Zhen

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Throat Constriction
LI1 . Shang Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Throat Pain
SI17 . Tian Rong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Trigeminal Neuralgia
LI3 . San Jian, ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Trismus
ST45 . Li Dui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Windstroke
GV20 . Bai Hui

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Dysmenorrhea
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Dyspnea
BL11 . Da Zhu, GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Fever
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Forearm Pain SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Genital Swelling
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Hemiplegia
CV24 . Cheng Jiang, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Jaw Disorders
SI5 . Yang Gu, ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Leg Muscle Cramping
BL57 . Cheng Shan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Leg Muscle Weakness
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Leg Pain
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Mental Disorders
BL18 . Gan Shu, SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Nasal Discharge Excessive
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Skin Disorders
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Stomach Pain
GV8 . Jin Suo, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Stool With Blood
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Throat Dryness
KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
CV4 . Guan Yuan, LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL18 . Gan Shu, BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Vomiting
SP2 . Da Du, ST36 . Zu San Li

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Arm Motor Impairment
TB14 . Jian Liao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Arm Pain
LI13 . Shou Wu Li, SI10 . Nao Shu, SI6 .
Yang Lao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Arm Paralysis
SI9 . Jian Zhen

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Arthritis Shoulder
HE1 . Ji Quan, SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Asthma
SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Back Pain
GB21 . Jian Jing, LI14 . Bi Nao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Cardiac Pain
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Dysuria
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Elbow Problems
HE3 . Shao Hai, LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Endometriosis
GB29 . Ju Liao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Fever And Chills
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Forearm Pain
TB8 . San Yang Luo

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Hand Inability To Grip Firmly
SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Headache
LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Hemiplegia
GB30 . Huan Tiao, LI15 . Jian Yu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Hernia Pain
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Hypertension
LI15 . Jian Yu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Inability To Turn Over When Lying
SP19 . Xiong Xiang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Insomnia
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Intestinal Disorders
SP15 . Da Heng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Itching
GB31 . Feng Shi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Knee Disorders
GB33 . Xi Yang Guan, GV3 . Yao Yang
Guan, ST35 . Du Bi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Leg Numbness
GV3 . Yao Yang Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Leg Pain
BL55 . Hey Yng, BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Leg Paralysis
ST31 . Bi Guan, ST34 . Liang Qiu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL62 . Shen Mai, ST34 . Liang Qiu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Lumbar Stiffness
BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Lumbosacral Pain
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Menses Irregular
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Nasal Congestion
BL10 . Tian Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Neck Pain
SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Neck Stiffness
SI4 . Wan Gu, SI8 . Xiao Hai, ST11 . Qi She

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Neck Stiffness With Inability To Rotate
GV18 . Qiang Jian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Parotitis
GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Perspiration At Night
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Sciatica
BL29 . Zhong Lu Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Seizures
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Shoulder And Arm Pain
HE2 . Qing Ling, LI7 . Wen Liu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Shoulder Pain
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Thirst SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Thoracic Discomfort
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Throat Soreness
LU5 . Chi Ze, SI2 . Qian Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Tinnitus
TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Urinary Incontinence
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Range Of Motion
Final: Wrist Pain
GB4 . Han Yan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Genital Itching
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Jaundice
SP5 . Shang Qui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Leg Paralysis
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Leukorrhea
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Mastitis
ST34 . Liang Qiu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Mouth Deviation
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Perspiration Absent
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Stomach Prolapse
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Sensation
Final: Throat Soreness
KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Back Pain and Stiffness
BL46 . Ge Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Chest Discomfort
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Cough GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Edema
CV6 . Qi Hai, CV8 . Shen Que

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Fever
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Fever Tidal
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Headache Splitting
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Heat Stroke
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Hemorrhoids
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Impotence
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Insomnia
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Intestinal Disorders
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Leg Muscle Weakness
ST35 . Du Bi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Leg Pain
BL37 . Yin Men, GB36 . Wai Qui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Loss Of Consciousness
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Loss Of Voice Sudden
GV15 . Ya Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Lumbar Pain
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Lumbar Spinal Pain And Stiffness
GV5 . Xuan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Lumbar Spinal Stiffness
GV6 . Ji Zhong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Meniere's Disease
BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Mental Disorders
GV13 . Tao Dao, GV15 . Ya Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Nausea
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Nosebleed
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Respiratory Disorders
BL13 . Fei Shu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Seizures
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Spinal Stiffness And Contraction
GV8 . Jin Suo

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Urticaria
ST32 . Fu Tu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Vertigo
TB3 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Skeletal
Final: Vomiting
BL40 . Wei Zhong

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Back Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, GV10 . Ling Tai, GV12 .
Shen Zhu, GV9 . Zhi Yang, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Bone Marrow With Coldness
LI9 . Shang Lian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Chest Fullness And Distention
GB35 . Yang Jiao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Chest Pain
GV9 . Zhi Yang, HE8 . Shao Fu, ST40 . Feng

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dyspnea
BL12 . Feng Men, BL13 . Fei Shu, BL15 .
Xin Shu, GB21 . Jian Jing, KI4 . Da Zhong,
LU8 . Jing Qu, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dysuria
BL32 . Ci Liao, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Endometriosis
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu, LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
LI2 . Er Jian, ST5 . Da Ying, TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fear
HE4 . Ling Dao

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever
BL12 . Feng Men, BL19 . Dan Shu, LU10 .
Yu Ji, PC5 . Jian Shi, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Flaccidity Of The Hundred Joints
SP21 . Da Bao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Foot Swelling
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Headache
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB41 . Zu Lin Qi, GV20 .
Bai Hui, GV23 . Shang Xing, LI4 . He Gu,
LR8 . Qu Quan, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Headache Unilateral
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Heat In The Soles Of The Feet
BL67 . Zhi Yin

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hemiplegia
GB21 . Jian Jing, KI6 . Zhao Hai, ST36 . Zu
San Li, ST37 . Shang Ju Xu

Question: Urination
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hernia
CV5 . Shi Men, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hip Pain
GB30 . Huan Tiao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hypertension
GV14 . Daz Hui, SP6 . San Yin Jiao, ST36 .
Zu San Li

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, LR13 . Zhang Men,
LR14 . Qi Men, PC6 . Nei Guan, TB10 . Tian

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Insomnia
LR2 . Xing Jian, PC4 . Xi Men, PC6 . Nei

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Intercostal Neuralgia
GB43 . Jia Xi, GV9 . Zhi Yang, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Labor Difficult
BL33 . Zhong Liao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lack Of Energy
KI15 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lateral Costal Region Pain
GB36 . Wai Qui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
GB31 . Feng Shi

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Leg Numbness
GB33 . Xi Yang Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Leg Numbness And Pain
SP7 . Lou Gu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Leg Pain And Swelling
BL61 . Pu Can

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Leukorrhea
GV4 . Ming Men

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Liver Disorders
BL47 . Hun Men, GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Loss Of Voice
KI1 . Yong Quan, LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lower Limbs And Feet Cold
ST45 . Li Dui

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, BL23 . Shen Shu, BL64 .
Jing Gu, GB31 . Feng Shi, LR13 . Zhang
Men, ST30 . Qi Chong, ST31 . Bi Guan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Menses Irregular
BL23 . Shen Shu, CV4 . Guan Yuan, KI3 .
Tai Xi, ST30 . Qi Chong

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mental Disorders
GV14 . Daz Hui, KI1 . Yong Quan, PC5 . Jian
Shi, SP4 . Gong Sun, TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Neck Stiffness
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, GV14 . Daz Hui, LU7 .
Lie Que

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nephritis
KI3 . Tai Xi, ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
BL15 . Xin Shu, BL23 . Shen Shu, KI3 . Tai
Xi, SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nosebleed
GV20 . Bai Hui, KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Perspiration Absent
GV13 . Tao Dao

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Perspiration Continuous Postpartum
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Perspiration Excessive
LI15 . Jian Yu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Perspiration Spontaneous
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Postpartum Uterine Hemorrhage
LR6 . Zhong Du

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Rhinitis GV24 . Shen Ting

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Sadness LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Sciatica
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu, BL28 . Pang Guang
Shu, GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Seizures
BL62 . Shen Mai, BL64 . Jing Gu, CV13 .
Shan Guan, GV15 . Ya Men, HE3 . Shao Hai,
LI16 . Ju Gu, LR2 . Xing Jian, TB23 . Si Zhu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Shoulder Joint Soft Tissue Diseases
LI15 . Jian Yu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Shoulder Pain
LI10 . Shou San Li, LI15 . Jian Yu, SI9 . Jian

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Skin Disorders
HE1 . Ji Quan, LI13 . Shou Wu Li, LI15 . Jian
Yu, PC7 . Da Ling, ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stomach Pain
BL21 . Wei Shu, CV12 . Zhon Guan, ST34 .
Liang Qiu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Thirst
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Throat Constriction
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Tinnitus
BL62 . Shen Mai, LI1 . Shang Yang, SI2 .
Qian Gu, TB18 . Qi Mai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Ulcer Gastric
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urinary Incontinence
HE8 . Shao Fu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urination Frequent
CV4 . Guan Yuan, KI6 . Zhao Hai

Question: Skin
Secondary: TCM
Final: Uterine Prolapse
CV6 . Qi Hai, KI6 . Zhao Hai, LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Weakness General
BL43 . Gao Huan Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Wheezing
LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Wind Tetany With Lockjaw
ST5 . Da Ying

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Convulsions
BL5 . Wu Chu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Epilepsy
BL3 . Mei Chong, BL63 . Jin Men, GB13 .
Ben Shen, GB15 . Tou Lin Qi, GB9 . Tian,
Chong, GV17 . Nao Hu, GV18 . Qiang Jian,
GV19 . Hou Ding, GV2 . Yao Shu, TB7 . Hui

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Eyelid Spasm
BL2 . Zan Zhu, TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Forearm Numbness
HE3 . Shao Hai

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Insomnia
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Lumbar Pain
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Lumbar Pain
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Mastitis
PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Memory Impaired
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Mental Disorders
BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Mouth Deviation
BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Nasal Congestion
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Neck Muscle Stiffness And Tension
BL10 . Tian Zhu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Neck Pain
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Neck Stiffness
GV15 . Ya Men, SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Scapular Pain
SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Seizures
BL10 . Tian Zhu, KI1 . Yong Quan, LR3 . Tai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Spinal Pain
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Thigh Pain
BL64 . Jing Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Throat Constriction
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Throat Dryness
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Throat Soreness
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Tinnitus
SI19 . Ting Gong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Urinary Incontinence
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan, LR1 . Da Dun

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Epilepsy
Final: Wrist Pain
PC7 . Da Ling

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Lower

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Indigestion
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Lower Extremity Arthralgia
LR6 . Zhong Du

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Nosebleed
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Testicular Swelling
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Upper

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Hand Numbness
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Respiratory Disorders
LI4 . He Gu, LU9 . Tai Yuan, TB4 . Yang Chi,
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Eye Deviation
GB1 . Tong Zi Liao, ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Eyelid Spasm
GB14 . Yang Bai, ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
GB4 . Han Yan, TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Gum Disorders
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Hemiplegia
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Hypertonicity Of The Jaws
TB22 . He Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Indigestion
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Jaw Disorders
LI19 . He Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Loss Of Sense Of Smell
LI20 . Ying Xiang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Lumbar Sprain
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Mouth And Eye Deviation
GB12 . Wan Gu, GB3 . Shang Guan, SI18 .
Quan Liao, ST3 . Ju Liao

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Mouth Deviation
ST42 . Chong Yang, ST45 . Li Dui, ST5 . Da
Ying, ST6 . Jia Che, ST7 . Xia Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Neck Nodular Growths
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Nosebleed
BL62 . Shen Mai, BL7 . Tong Tian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Parotitis
TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Stomach Pain
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Throat Soreness
LI2 . Er Jian, LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Tinnitus
GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Toothache
LU7 . Lie Que, ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Facial Deviation
Final: Urethral Discharge
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
CV24 . Cheng Jiang, GB14 . Yang Bai, ST6 .
Jia Che

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Neck Pain
BL66 . Tong Gu, GB36 . Wai Qui, GV16 .
Feng Fu, ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Trigeminal Neuralgia
LI3 . San Jian, ST4 . Di Cang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Amenorrhea
GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Chest Pain
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Constipation
GB27 . Wu Shu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Dyspnea
BL11 . Da Zhu, GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Facial Neuralgia
TB22 . He Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Facial Tetany GB7 . Qu Bin

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Fever Without Sweating
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Headache
BL11 . Da Zhu , TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Hemiplegia
CV24 . Cheng Jiang, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Hemorrhoids
LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Hysteria
HE4 . Ling Dao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Impotence
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Intestinal Disorders
LI11 . Qu Chi, LI4 . He Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Jaw Disorders
SI5 . Yang Gu, ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Loss Of Voice Sudden
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Lumbar Pain
V1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Lumbar Stiffness
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Malaria
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Mental Disorders
BL18 . Gan Shu, SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Mouth Deviation
LI19 . He Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Neck Pain
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Neck Stiffness
ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Nosebleed
GV15 . Ya Men, SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Palm Heat
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Palpitations
BL62 . Shen Mai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Seizures
GV13 . Tao Dao, SI8 . Xiao Hai, TB10 . Tian

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Stomach Pain
GV8 . Jin Suo, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Stool With Undigested Food
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Throat Soreness
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Tinnitus
SI4 . Wan Gu, ST7 . Xia Guan, TB17 . Yi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Toothache
TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Trismus
TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
CV4 . Guan Yuan, LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Urinary Incontinence
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL18 . Gan Shu, BL58 . Fei Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Vomiting
SP2 . Da Du, ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Vomiting Blood
BL18 . Gan Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Weakness General
ST36 . Zu San Li

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Muscle
Final: Worry
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Coma
CV1 . Hui Yin

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Constipation
ST24 . Hua Rou Men

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Cystitis
ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Dorsal Foot Pain And Swelling
ST41 . Jie Xi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Hand Pain HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Hemorrhoids
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Hernia
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu, BL32 . Ci Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Impotence
BL31 . Shang Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Indigestion
ST23 . Tai Yi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Infertility
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Leg Muscle Cramp
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL33 . Zhong Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL25 . Da Chang Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Measles
LI11 . Qu Chi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Mental Disorders
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Neck Swelling
SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Retention Of Urine And Feces
CV7 . Yin Jiao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Saliva Excessive
KI10 . Yin Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Shoulder Pain
SI8 . Xiao Hai, TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Stiff Tongue
SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Tongue Pain
LI7 . Wen Liu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
BL53 . Bao Huang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Urination And Defecation Difficult
KI8 . Jiao Xin

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Urination Difficult
CV1 . Hui Yin

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Neural
Final: Vertigo
GV24 . Shen Ting

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Arm Pain
TB14 . Jian Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Arm Upper And Elbow Numbness
BL41 . Fu Fen

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Back Pain
SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Constipation
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Deafness
SI9 . Jian Zhen

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Hand Numbness
LI9 . Shang Lian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Hand Tremor
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Headache GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Impotence BL32 . Ci Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Inguinal Lymphadenitis
ST31 . Bi Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
GB30 . Huan Tiao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Leg Muscle Weakness
GB31 . Feng Shi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Lower Limb Numbness
GB32 . Zhong Du

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Seminal Emissions
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu, KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Skin Disorders
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Somnolence
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Throat Soreness
LI1 . Shang Yang, SI1 . Shao Ze

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Tinnitus
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Urine Retention
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Numbness
Final: Vomiting
GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Arm Paralysis
TB14 . Jian Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Cardiac Pain
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Deafness
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Hemiplagia
GB32 . Zhong Du, GV16 . Feng Fu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Hemiplegia
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Impotence
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Irritable PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Jaw Disorders
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Labor Difficult
BL32 . Ci Liao, GB21 . Jian Jing, LI4 . He Gu
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Leg Pain, GB29 . Ju Liao, GB30 . Huan
Tiao, GB31 . Feng Shi, GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Lumbar Pain
GB24 . Ri Yue

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Mental Disorders
BL15 . Xin Shu, CV24 . Cheng Jiang, LI11 .
Qu Chi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Neck Stiffness
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Nephritis
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Neurasthenia
HE5 . Tong Li

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Perspiration At Night
SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Sciatica
GB39 . Xuan Zhong

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Shock
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Shoulder Wind Damp
LI15 . Jian Yu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Thigh Pain
ST31 . Bi Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Wrist Joint Soft Tissue Diseases
LU7 . Lie Que

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Paralysis
Final: Wrist Pain
SI4 . Wan Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Sciatica

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Sciatica
Final: Dysuria
BL36 . Cheng Fu, BL54 . Zhi Bian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Sciatica
Final: Leg Pain
BL32 . Ci Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Sciatica
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL37 . Yin Men, GB29 . Ju Liao, GB30 .
Huan Tiao, GB31 . Feng Shi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Sciatica
Final: Malaria
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Sciatica
Final: Sciatica
BL53 . Bao Huang, GB32 . Zhong Du

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Sciatica
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Arm Pain
LI16 . Ju Gu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Epilepsy
CV15 . Jiu Wei, GV21 . Qian Ding, GV24 .
Shen Ting, GV6 . Ji Zhong

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Fever
BL12 . Feng Men, BL19 . Dan Shu, LU10 .
Yu Ji, PC5 . Jian Shi, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Heat Stroke
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hemiplagia
LI9 . Shang Lian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hysteria
GV12 . Shen Zhu, PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lactation Insufficient
GB21 . Jian Jing

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lumbar Spinal Pain
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Malaria
GV14 . Daz Hui

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mouth Deviation
CV24 . Cheng Jiang, GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Neck Pain
BL11 . Da Zhu, GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
BL15 . Xin Shu, BL23 . Shen Shu, KI3 . Tai
Xi, SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Seizures
BL62 . Shen Mai, BL64 . Jing Gu, CV13 .
Shan Guan, GV15 . Ya Men, HE3 . Shao Hai,
LI16 . Ju Gu, LR2 . Xing Jian, TB23 . Si Zhu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Shock
CV8 . Shen Que

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Shoulder Pain
LI10 . Shou San Li, LI15 . Jian Yu, SI9 . Jian

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Skin Disorders
HE1 . Ji Quan, LI13 . Shou Wu Li, LI15 . Jian
Yu, PC7 . Da Ling, ST44 . Nei Ting,

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Soles Hot
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stool With Blood
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Surgical Pain Or Post Surgical Shock
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Tinnitus
BL62 . Shen Mai, LI1 . Shang Yang, SI2 .
Qian Gu, TB18 . Qi Mai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Toothache
GB2 . Ting Hui

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urinary Tract Pain
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urine Retention
CV4 . Guan Yuan, LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urticaria
LI15 . Jian Yu, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Skin
Secondary: TCM
Final: Uterine Prolapse
CV6 . Qi Hai
KI6 . Zhao Hai, LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Vomiting
CV12 . Zhon Guan, CV13 . Shan Guan,
CV22 . Tian Tu, GV3 . Yao Yang Guan, PC6
. Nei Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Windstroke
CV8 . Shen Que, GB15 . Tou Lin Qi, GV16 .
Feng Fu, PC9 . Zhong Chong

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor
Final: Fever Without Sweating
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor
Final: Headache with Dizziness
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor
Final: Lumbar Sprain
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor
Final: Mental Disorders
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor
Final: Palpitations
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor
Final: Skin Disorders
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Tremor
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch
Final: Eye Disorders
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch
Final: Eyelid Twitching
SI18 . Quan Liao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch
Final: Facial Pain
BL2 . Zan Zhu

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch
Final: Headache
ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch
Final: Headache Frontal
GB14 . Yang Bai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: Twitch
Final: Mental Disorders
TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Abdominal Masses

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Dysuria
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Infertility
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Stool With Undigested Food
BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Urinary Incontinence
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Abdominal Masses
Final: Urine Turbid LR2 . Xing Jian

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Breast Abscess
KI23 . Shen Feng, KI24 . Ling Xu, ST15 . Wu
Yi, ST16 . Ying Chuang

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Breast Pain
ST15 . Wu Yi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Breast Pain And Distention
GB42 . Di Wu Hui

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Chest Discomfort
SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Dyspnea
CV17 . Shan Zhong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Elbow Problems
SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Headache Migraine
GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Headache Occipital
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Hiccough
BL16 . Du Shu, CV17 . Shan Zhong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Jaw Disorders
GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Lateral Costal Region Fullness And
KI26 . Yu Zhong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Mastitis
GB21 . Jian Jing, LR14 . Qi Men, SP18 . Tian
Xi, ST18 . Ru Gen, ST39 . Xia Ju Xu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Neck Pain
GB21 . Jian Jing

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Palpitations
LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Skin Disorders
TB16 . Tian You

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Throat Infections
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Tinnitus
GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Breast
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
LR3 . Tai Chong

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Edema
ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Impotence
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Insomnia
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Labor Difficult
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Labor Difficult Or Prolonged
BL60 . Kun Lun, BL67 . Zhi Yin

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Leg Paralysis BL32 . Ci Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Mouth Deviation
LI4 . He Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Neck Stiffness
GB21 . Jian Jing

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Retention Of Placenta
BL67 . Zhi Yin

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Shoulder Pain
GB21 . Jian Jing

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Childbirth
Final: Vertigo
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Amenorrhea
SP10 . Xue Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Dysuria
BL34 . Xia Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Endometriosis
ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Genital Itching
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Genital Diseases
CV1 . Hui Yin

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Genital Pain
BL36 . Cheng Fu, BL54 . Zhi Bian, CV2 . Qu
Gu, KI11 . Heng Gu, KI12 . Da He, LR12 . Ji,
Mai, LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Genital Pain And Retraction
KI11 . Heng Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Genital Swelling
BL52 . Zhi Shi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Hernia Pain
LR12 . Ji Mai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Infertility
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Intestinal Disorders
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Itching
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Jaundice
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Leg Pain
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL31 . Shang Liao, BL55 . Hey Yng

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Leukorrhea
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL55 . Hey Yng

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Menstrual Lumbar Pain
BL35 . Hui Yang

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Seminal Emissions
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Thigh Medial Pain
KI10 . Yin Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Urination Frequent
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu, BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Urine Dark
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Urine Retention
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Visual Disturbances
LR3 . Tai Chong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Cystitis GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Genital Penis Pain
ST29 . Gui Lai

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Hemorrhage Postpartum
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Hernia
ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Hip Pain
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Infertility
KI18 . Shi Guan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Leg Pain
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Leg Paralysis
GV3 . Yao Yang Guan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Leukorrhea
BL31 . Shang Liao, BL32 . Ci Liao, BL33 .
Zhong Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Menses Irregular
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Throat Constriction
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Urogenital Disorders
KI10 . Yin Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Uterine Prolapse
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Gynecological Disorders
Final: Windstroke
CV4 . Guan Yuan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lactation

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lactation
Final: Facial Edema
SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lactation
Final: Insufficient Lactation
SP18 . Tian Xi, ST18 . Ru Gen

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lactation
Final: Intercostal Neuralgia
CV17 . Shan Zhong

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lactation
Final: Skin Disorders
GB21 . Jian Jing

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lactation
Final: Vertigo
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lactation
Final: Vomiting
LR3 . Tai Chong

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Dysmenorrhea
SP10 . Xue Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Endometriosis
GB26 . Dai Mai, GB27 . Wu Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Gluteal Muscle Pain
BL54 . Zhi Bian

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Hemorrhoids
BL24 . Qi Hai Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Hernia
CV6 . Qi Hai, ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Intestinal Disorders
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Jaundice
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Labor Difficult
BL34 . Xia Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Leg Paralysis
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL31 . Shang Liao, BL32 . Ci Liao, BL33 .
Zhong Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Leukorrhea
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu, BL35 . Hui Yang, CV2
. Qu Gu, CV5 . Shi Men, CV7 . Yin Jiao,
GB28 . Wei Dao, GV3 . Yao Yang Guan,
KI12 . Da He, KI13 . Qi Xue, LR5 . Li Gou

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Lumbosacral Joint Diseases
BL31 . Shang Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Menorrhagia
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Menses Irregular
BL31 . Shang Liao, GV4 . Ming Men

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Tinnitus
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
KI10 . Yin Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Leukorrhea
Final: Visual Disturbances
LR2 . Xing Jian

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lochia

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lochia
Final: Impotence
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lochia
Final: Leukorrhea
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lochia
Final: Lochia Persistent Flow
CV7 . Yin Jiao, LR6 . Zhong Du

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lochia
Final: Menses Irregular
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lochia
Final: Nephritis
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Lochia
Final: Vaginal Discharge
CV5 . Shi Men

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Amenorrhea
CV7 . Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Dysmenorrhea
CV2 . Qu Gu, KI5 . Shui quan, SP8 . Di Ji,
ST26 . Wai Ling

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Eczema
SP10 . Xue Hai
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Genital Swelling
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Hernia
GB26 . Dai Mai, GB27 . Wu Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Impotence
ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Infertility
CV6 . Qi Hai, ST28 . Shui Dao, ST29 . Gui

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Intestinal Disorders
CV6 . Qi Hai, GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Leg Pain
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Leukorrhea
BL34 . Xia Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Lumbar Cold Sensation
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL24 . Qi Hai Shu, BL30 . Bai Huan Shu,
GV3 . Yao Yang Guan, LR5 . Li Gou

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Lumbar Spinal Pain
BL24 . Qi Hai Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Lumbar Sprain
BL25 . Da Chang Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Lumbosacral Joint Diseases
BL32 . Ci Liao, BL33 . Zhong Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Malaria GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Menses Irregular
BL32 . Ci Liao, BL33 . Zhong Liao, CV1 . Hui
Yin, CV2 . Qu Gu, CV7 . Yin Jiao, GV2 . Yao
Shu, KI13 . Qi Xue, KI14 . Si Man, KI15 .
Zhong Zhu, KI5 . Shui quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Neurasthenia
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
CV3 . Zhong Ji, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Nosebleed LI4 . He Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Orchitis
BL31 . Shang Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Palpitations
HE5 . Tong Li

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Perspiration At Night
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Reproductive System Disorders
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Retention Of Placenta
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Sciatica
BL31 . Shang Liao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Seminal Emissions
CV3 . Zhong Ji, KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Skin Disorders
LI11 . Qu Chi, SP10 . Xue Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Spinal Stiffness
GV7 . Zhong Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Stiff Tongue
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Throat Soreness
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Ulcer Gastric
BL20 . Pi Shu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Urinary Incontinence
BL23 . Shen Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Vertigo
GB43 . Jia Xi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Vomiting
LR2 . Xing Jian

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Menstruation
Final: Windstroke
PC6 . Nei Guan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pain

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pain
Final: Cardiac Pain
KI21 . You Men

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pain
Final: Leukorrhea
GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pain
Final: Perineum Pain And Itching
CV1 . Hui Yin

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pain
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Post-Partum

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Post-Partum
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Post-Partum
Final: Leukorrhea
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Post-Partum
Final: Postpartum Abdominal Pain
KI18 . Shi Guan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Post-Partum
Final: Postpartum Disorders
LR14 . Qi Men

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Post-Partum
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Gynecological Disorders
CV2 . Qu Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Malposition Of Fetus
BL67 . Zhi Yin

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Menses Irregular
ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Nausea And Vomiting
KI21 . You Men

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Parotitis LI4 . He Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Throat Soreness
KI1 . Yong Quan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Urinary Incontinence
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Pregnancy
Final: Urine Retention
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Genitals Itch
CV7 . Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Gluteal Muscle Pain
BL36 . Cheng Fu

Question: Hearing
Secondary: TCM
Final: Headache
BL62 . Shen Mai, GB41 . Zu Lin Qi, GV20 .
Bai Hui, GV23 . Shang Xing, LI4 . He Gu,
LR8 . Qu Quan, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Impotence
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Intercostal Neuralgia
GB43 . Jia Xi, GV9 . Zhi Yang, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mouth Ulcers
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nephritis
KI3 . Tai Xi, ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Seizures
BL62 . Shen Mai, BL64 . Jing Gu, CV13 .
Shan Guan, GV15 . Ya Men, HE3 . Shao Hai,
LI16 . Ju Gu, LR2 . Xing Jian, TB23 . Si Zhu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Thigh Medial Pain
SP10 . Xue Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Throat Soreness
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Tinnitus
BL62 . Shen Mai, LI1 . Shang Yang, SI2 .
Qian Gu, TB18 . Qi Mai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Toe Pain
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urogenital Disorders
KI12 . Da He

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urticaria
LI15 . Jian Yu, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL23 . Shen Shu, GB14 . Yang Bai, GB20 .
Feng Chi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Knee Disorders
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Leukorrhea
GB27 . Wu Shu, ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Lumbar Pain GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Lumbosacral Pain
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Menses Irregular
CV6 . Qi Hai, ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Metrorrhagia
KI14 . Si Man

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Orchitis
LR5 . Li Gou, ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Pelvic And Reproductive Conditions
KI11 . Heng Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Stiff Tongue
HE5 . Tong Li

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Stiff Tongue
HE5 . Tong Li
Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Stool With Pus
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Throat Soreness
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
CV6 . Qi Hai, SP10 . Xue Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Urticaria
BL20 . Pi Shu, SP10 . Xue Hai

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
CV3 . Zhong Ji , CV7 . Yin Jiao, GB21 . Jian
Jing, LR6 . Zhong Du, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Uterine Prolapse
BL31 . Shang Liao, CV1 . Hui Yin, GB28 .
Wei Dao, KI5 . Shui quan, KI8 . Jiao Xin,
LR12 . Ji Mai, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Vertigo
SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Uterus
Final: Vomiting
LR14 . Qi Men

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal

Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Abdominal Distention
SP8 . Di Ji

Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Diaphragm Pain
SP17 . Shi Dou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Inguinal Region Pain And Swelling
SP11 . Ji Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Leg Pain
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Tinnitus
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Abdominal
Final: Urinary Incontinence
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back
Final: Back Pain
BL47 . Hun Men, BL49 . Yi She, BL50 . Wei

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back
Final: Back Pain And Stiffness
BL44 . Shen Tang
Question: Pain
Secondary: Back
Final: Carbuncles And Furuncles
GV10 . Ling Tai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back
Final: Impotence
BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back
Final: Vomiting
BL21 . Wei Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Back Pain
GB28 . Wei Dao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Back Pain Radiates To Testicles
ST39 . Xia Ju Xu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Coccyx Pain
BL35 . Hui Yang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Cough
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Edema BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Elbow Problems
SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Foot Pain
BL39 . Wei Yang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Hand Pain
TB8 . San Yang Luo

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Headache
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Headache With Chills
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Hemorrhoids
BL36 . Cheng Fu, BL54 . Zhi Bian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Hip Movement Decreased
BL53 . Bao Huang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Knee Disorders
BL23 . Shen Shu, BL52 . Zhi Shi, SP9 . Yin
Ling Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
BL36 . Cheng Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Leg Pain
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lower Abdominal Pain
KI15 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lumbar And Back Pain
GV7 . Zhong Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lumbar And Leg Pain
BL35 . Hui Yang

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL22 . San Jiao Shu, BL26 . Guan Yuan
Shu, BL34 . Xia Liao, BL56 . Cheng Jin,
BL57 . Cheng Shan, BL59 . Fu Yang, BL60 .
Kun Lun, BL63 . Jin Men, BL65 . Shu Gu,
GB27 . Wu Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lumbar Spine Pain And Stiffness
BL29 . Zhong Lu Shu, KI4 . Da Zhong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lumbosacral Joint Diseases
BL34 . Xia Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Lumbo-Sacral Pain Radiates To
LR9 . Yin Bao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Menses Irregular
BL24 . Qi Hai Shu, BL30 . Bai Huan Shu,
BL34 . Xia Liao, GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Nasal Congestion
BL12 . Feng Men

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Orchitis
BL32 . Ci Liao, BL33 . Zhong Liao, GB29 . Ju

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Parotitis
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Rectal Prolapse
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Respiratory Disorders
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Sacral Pain
BL25 . Da Chang Shu, BL32 . Ci Liao, BL33 .
Zhong Liao, GV1 . Chang Qiang, GV2 . Yao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Sciatica
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu, GB30 . Huan Tiao,
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Seizures
GV1 . Chang Qiang, SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Sexual Dysfunction
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Skin Disorders
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Stool With Blood
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Tooth Decay
SI8 . Xiao Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Toothache
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Urine Retention
ST28 . Shui Dao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Urogenital Disorders
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Urticaria
TB10 . Tian Jing

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Uterine Prolapse
BL20 . Pi Shu, BL32 . Ci Liao, CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Vertigo
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Lower
Final: Vomiting
GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Upper
Final: Back Pain
GV11 . Shen Dao

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Upper
Final: Irritable
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Upper
Final: Jaw Disorders
SI11 . Tian Zong, SI9 . Jian Zhen

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Upper
Final: Neck Swelling Posterior
CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Upper
Final: Respiratory Disorders
LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Back-Upper
Final: Shoulder Pain
SI3 . Hou Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Abdominal Fullness And Distention
ST45 . Li Dui

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Cardiac Pain
HE6 . Yin Xi, HE9 . Shao Chong, LU4 . Xia
Bai, PC2 . Tian Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Cardiothoracic Pain
CV15 . Jiu Wei

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest And Lateral Costal Region Pain
SP21 . Da Bao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest And Lateral Costal Region Pain
And Fullness
KI22 . Bu Lang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest And Sternal Pain
CV18 . Yu Tang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Discomfort
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu, BL45 . Yi Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Fullness And Pain
SP18 . Tian Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Pain
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu, CV19 . Zi Gong, CV20 .
Hua Gai, CV21 . Xuan Ji, GB13 . Ben Shen,
GB36 . Wai Qui, HE1 . Ji Quan, KI21 . You
Men, KI27 . Shu Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Pain And Lateral Costal Region
CV16 . Zhong Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Pain And Oppression
KI25 . Shen Cang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chills
LI14 . Bi Nao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Dyspnea
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Elbow Problems
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest

Question: Circulation
Secondary: Chest
Final: Fever
LU11 . Shao Shang, LU8 . Jing Qu, PC9 .
Zhong Chong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Gastric Disorders
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Heart Pain
CV11 . Jian Li

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Intercostal Neuralgia
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Lactation Insufficient
CV17 . Shan Zhong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Lateral Costal Region Fullness
KI24 . Ling Xu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Lateral Costal Region Fullness And
GB35 . Yang Jiao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Lateral Costal Region Pain
PC2 . Tian Quan, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Lateral Leg Pain
KI19 . Yin Du

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Leg Pain Lateral
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Loss Of Voice
LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Loss Of Voice Sudden
HE4 . Ling Dao, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Lumbar Pain
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Malaria
TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Melancholy
PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Nosebleed
PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Oppressive Sensation In The Heart
CV15 . Jiu Wei

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Palpitations
BL15 . Xin Shu, PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Panic
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Parotitis
SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Perspiration At Night
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Respiratory Disorders
LU8 . Jing Qu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Scapular Pain
BL11 . Da Zhu, SI11 . Tian Zong, TB15 . Tian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Shoulder Movement Limited
LU2 . Yun Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Shoulder Pain
LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Stomach Pain
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Stool With Blood
GV1 . Chang Qiang
Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Thoracic Distention And Fullness
ST13 . Qi Hu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Thoracic Pain
BL60 . Kun Lun, ST18 . Ru Gen

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Throat Soreness
HE5 . Tong Li
SI17 . Tian Rong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Urination Frequent
KI3 . Tai Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Urine Retention
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Uterine Prolapse
KI2 . Ran Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Vertigo
ST40 . Feng Long

Question: Pain
Secondary: Chest
Final: Visual Disturbances
KI1 . Yong Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Epigastrium
Final: Windstroke
GB21 . Jian Jing

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremities
Final: Emaciation
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Abdominal Pain
ST39 . Xia Ju Xu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Ankle Pain
BL60 . Kun Lun

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Ankle Pain And Swelling
ST41 . Jie Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Dorsal Foot Pain And Swelling
GB42 . Di Wu Hui, ST42 . Chong Yang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: External Malleolus Pain
BL63 . Jin Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Foot Pain
BL60 . Kun Lun, GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Heel Pain
BL57 . Cheng Shan, BL60 . Kun Lun, BL61 .
Pu Can, KI4 . Da Zhong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Hip Movement Decreased
LR11 . Yin Lian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Knee Disorders
BL11 . Da Zhu, GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Knee Pain
BL61 . Pu Can, SP7 . Lou Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Knee Pain And Swelling
GB35 . Yang Jiao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Lateral Malleolus Edema
BL59 . Fu Yang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Leg Muscle Atrophy
BL54 . Zhi Bian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Leg Muscle Pain Lateral
GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Leg Pain
BL56 . Cheng Jin, GB37 . Guang Ming, SP9 .
Yin Ling Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL36 . Cheng Fu, GB33 . Xi Yang Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Lower Extremity Disorders
ST33 . Yin Shi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL37 . Yin Men, SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Malaria
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Mastitis
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Medial Knee Pain, Swelling And
LR7 . Xi Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Menses Irregular
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi, GV3 . Yao Yang Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Paralysis GB29 . Ju Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Seminal Emissions
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Skin Disorders
GB30 . Huan Tiao, GB38 . Yang Fu, GB41 .
Zu Lin Qi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Supraclavicular Fossa Pain
GB38 . Yang Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Testicular Pain
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Thigh And Knee Pain
ST33 . Yin Shi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Thigh Medial Pain
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Thigh Pain
GB30 . Huan Tiao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Throat Constriction
LI11 . Qu Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Throat Infections
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Throat Soreness
LU8 . Jing Qu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Urine Retention
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
SP10 . Xue Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Uterine Prolapse
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Vertigo
GB41 . Zu Lin Qi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Lower
Final: Windstroke
KI1 . Yong Quan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Arm And Elbow Pain
LI8 . Xia Lian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Arm Numbness
LI9 . Shang Lian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Arm Pain
LI6 . Pian Li, LI9 . Shang Lian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Arm Weakness
SI10 . Nao Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Axillary Pain And Swelling
GB42 . Di Wu Hui, PC1 . Tian Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Back Pain
GB25 . Jing Men, LI16 . Ju Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Chest Pain PC2 . Tian Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Chills SI10 . Nao Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Chills And Fever
LI14 . Bi Nao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Cough
SI15 . Jian Zhong Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Elbow Pain
LI6 . Pian Li

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Eye Disorders
SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Fingers Ache
SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Headache Migraine
TB9 . Si Du

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Hemiplegia
LI11 . Qu Chi, SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Hypochondriac Region Fullness
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Intestinal Disorders
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Lassitude
TB8 . San Yang Luo

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Lateral Costal Region Pain
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Lumbar Mobility Decreased
SI6 . Yang Lao

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Lumbar Pain
SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Mastitis
SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Memory Impaired
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Mental Disorders
HE4 . Ling Dao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Mouth Dryness
TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Nasal Discharge
BL12 . Feng Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Neck Stiffness
SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Perspiration Absent
LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Respiratory Disorders
LI4 . He Gu, LU9 . Tai Yuan, TB4 . Yang Chi,
TB5 . Wai Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Rib Fullness
SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Sadness
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Scapular Pain
SI13 . Qu Yaun, SI9 . Jian Zhen, TB13 . Nao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Sciatica
GB29 . Ju Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Seizures
GB20 . Feng Chi, SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder And Arm Pain
TB11 . Qing Leng Yuan, TB12 . Xiao Luo,
TB13 . Nao Hui, TB15 . Tian Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder And Back Pain
BL10 . Tian Zhu, BL45 . Yi Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder Heaviness
TB14 . Jian Liao, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder Movement Limited
ST12 . Que Pen

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder Pain
HE2 . Qing Ling, LI9 . Shang Lian, LU2 . Yun
Men, SI13 . Qu Yaun, ST12 . Que Pen,
TB4 . Yang Chi, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder Pain And Swelling
ST10 . Shui Tu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder Pain With Stiffness
ST38 . Tiao Kou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder, Scapula And Back Pain
BL42 . Po Hu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Mid Back Pain
SI14 . Jian Wai Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Throat Constriction TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Throat Soreness
LI11 . Qu Chi, LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Tinnitus
SI17 . Tian Rong, SI3 . Hou Xi, SI5 . Yang
Gu, TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Toothache
LI1 . Shang Yang, LI11 . Qu Chi, LI2 . Er
Jian, LI3 . San Jian, LU10 . Yu Ji, SI5 . Yang
Gu, TB2 . Ye Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Trigeminal Neuralgia
LI2 . Er Jian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Upper Arm Antero-Lateral Pain
LU3 . Tian Fu
Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Upper Arm Pain
LU4 . Xia Bai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
HE5 . Tong Li

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Visual Disturbances
HE5 . Tong Li

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Vomiting
BL20 . Pi Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Extremity-Upper
Final: Wrist Pain
LI6 . Pian Li, LU8 . Jing Qu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Eye Disorders
GB1 . Tong Zi Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Facial Pain
GB3 . Shang Guan, GV17 . Nao Hu, SI18 .
Quan Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Headache
BL2 . Zan Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Lacrimation
BL2 . Zan Zhu, GB14 . Yang Bai

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Lacrimation Upon Wind Exposure
BL2 . Zan Zhu, GB14 . Yang Bai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Mania And Depression
GV28 . Yin Jiao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Mental Disorders
GV23 . Shang Xing

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Mouth Deviation
LI20 . Ying Xiang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Neck Stiffness
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: One Sided Headache
GB5 . Xuan Lu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Outer Canthus Pain
GB15 . Tou Lin Qi, GB4 . Han Yan, GB6 .
Xuan Li

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Sinus Pain
ST3 . Ju Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Skin Disorders
LI4 . He Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Supraorbital Neuralgia
GB14 . Yang Bai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Swelling Of Lips And Cheeks
ST3 . Ju Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Throat Constriction
TB16 . Tian You

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Throat Soreness
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Tinnitus
GB44 . Zu Qiao Yin

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Toothache
ST7 . Xia Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Trigeminal Neuralgia
ST7 . Xia Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Visual Disturbances
LI2 . Er Jian, TB17 . Yi Feng

Question: Pain
Secondary: Facial
Final: Vomiting
LI11 . Qu Chi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Nasal Congestion
BL2 . Zan Zhu, BL7 . Tong Tian

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Neck Pain
BL66 . Tong Gu, GB36 . Wai Qui, GV16 .
Feng Fu, ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Neck Pain And Stiffness
BL41 . Fu Fen, GB10 . Fu Bai, GB11 . Tou
Qiao Yin, GB12 . Wan Gu,
GB13 . Ben Shen, GB19 . Nao Kong, GV17 .
Nao Hu, TB15 . Tian Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Neck Stiffness And Pain
TB12 . Xiao Luo

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Shoulder Disorders
SI9 . Jian Zhen

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Shoulder Pain
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Supraclavicular Fossa Pain
ST12 . Que Pen

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Thirst TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Throat Soreness
TB16 . Tian You

Question: Pain
Secondary: Head And Neck
Final: Toothache
LU9 . Tai Yuan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Chills
BL1 . Jing Ming

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Dizziness
BL65 . Shu Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Eyelid Spasm
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Headache
BL3 . Mei Chong, BL4 . Qu Chai, BL5 . Wu
Chu, BL6 . Cheng Guang, BL60 . Kun Lun,
BL65 . Shu Gu, BL67 . Zhi Yin, GB1 . Tong Zi
Liao, GB10 . Fu Bai, GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Headache Migraine
ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Headache One-Sided
GB17 . Zheng Ying

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Headache With Dizziness
BL56 . Cheng Jin

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Headache With Heaviness
TB22 . He Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Hypertension
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Leg Paralysis
GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Lumbar Stiffness
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Neck Mobility Decreased
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Neck Stiffness
BL12 . Feng Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: One Sided Headache
GB6 . Xuan Li, GB8 . Shuai Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Outer Canthus Pain
GB5 . Xuan Lu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Respiratory Disorders
BL7 . Tong Tian, LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Seminal Emissions
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Superciliary Region Pain
BL2 . Zan Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Temporal Headache
GB4 . Han Yan, GB8 . Shuai Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Throat Soreness
BL10 . Tian Zhu, LI4 . He Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Tinnitus
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Toothache
LI4 . He Gu, TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Urine Retention
BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Urticaria
GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Vaginitis
LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Vertex Headache
GV21 . Qian Ding

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Vertigo
BL10 . Tian Zhu, TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Visual Disturbances
TB16 . Tian You

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Voice Hoarse
LU10 . Yu Ji

Question: Pain
Secondary: Headache
Final: Wrist Pain
HE5 . Tong Li

Question: Pain
Secondary: Hypogastrium

Question: Pain
Secondary: Hypogastrium
Final: Vaginal Pain
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: Pain
Secondary: Hypogastrium
Final: Vaginitis
CV3 . Zhong Ji

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Asthma
BL45 . Yi Xi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Lateral Costal Region
GB25 . Jing Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Lateral Costal Region Distention And
SP21 . Da Bao
Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Lateral Costal Region Pain
CV18 . Yu Tang, GB22 . Yuan Ye, GB24 . Ri
Yue, HE2 . Qing Ling, PC1 . Tian Chi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Menses Irregular
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Shoulder Joint Soft Tissue Diseases
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Tinnitus
TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Pain
Secondary: Lateral Costal
Final: Uterine Prolapse
GB26 . Dai Mai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Cough
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Dental Pain
ST3 . Ju Liao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Erosion Of The Gums
GV28 . Yin Jiao

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Gum Pain And Swelling
GB9 . Tian Chong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Gum Pain And Swelling And Redness
GV28 . Yin Jiao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Gums Bleeding
GV28 . Yin Jiao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Gums Painful
GV27 . Dui Duan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Loss Of Voice Sudden
TB9 . Si Du

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Mental Disorders
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Mouth Pain
LI7 . Wen Liu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Mouth Ulcers
CV23 . Lian Quan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Neck Stiffness
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: One Sided Headache
GB4 . Han Yan

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Parotitis
ST6 . Jia Che

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Saliva Excessive
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Thigh Swelling
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Tinnitus
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Toothache
GB12 . Wan Gu, GB17 . Zheng Ying, GB3 .
Shang Guan, GB5 . Xuan Lu, GB9 . Tian,
Chong, LI10 . Shou San Li, SI18 . Quan Liao,
SI19 . Ting Gong, ST42 . Chong Yang,
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Toothache Lower Jaw
ST5 . Da Ying

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Trigeminal Neuralgia
ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Visual Disturbances
TB23 . Si Zhu Kong

Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Wrist Joint Soft Tissue Diseases
LU9 . Tai Yuan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: Mouth
Final: Wrist Pain
SI5 . Yang Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: Pain

Question: Pain
Secondary: Pain
Final: Asthma
SP21 . Da Bao

Question: Pain
Secondary: Pain
Final: Pain Of The Anus And Urethra
CV1 . Hui Yin

Question: Pain
Secondary: Pain
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL10 . Tian Zhu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Wheezing
LI18 . Fu Tu, LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Damp Painful Obstruction
ST38 . Tiao Kou

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Damp Painful Obstruction With Inability
To Walk
LR6 . Zhong Du

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Frontal Headache
GV24 . Shen Ting

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Goiter
CV22 . Tian Tu, LI16 . Ju Gu

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Joint Wind With Sweating
GB4 . Han Yan

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL54 . Zhi Bian

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, BL23 . Shen Shu, BL64 .
Jing Gu, GB31 . Feng Shi, LR13 . Zhang
Men, ST30 . Qi Chong, ST31 . Bi Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mastitis
CV17 . Shan Zhong, LU5 . Chi Ze

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Mental Disorders
GV14 . Daz Hui, KI1 . Yong Quan, PC5 . Jian
Shi, SP4 . Gong Sun, TB10 . Tian Jin

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nasal Congestion
GV20 . Bai Hui, GV23 . Shang Xing, LU1 .
Zhong Fu

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Neck Pain
BL11 . Da Zhu, GB40 . Qiu Xu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Neurasthenia
CV12 . Zhon Guan, HE3 . Shao Hai

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Palpitations
CV17 . Shan Zhong, PC5 . Jian Shi

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Sciatica
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu, BL28 . Pang Guang
Shu, GB34 . Yang Ling Quan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Seizures
BL62 . Shen Mai, BL64 . Jing Gu, CV13 .
Shan Guan, GV15 . Ya Men, HE3 . Shao Hai,
LI16 . Ju Gu, LR2 . Xing Jian, TB23 . Si Zhu

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Seminal Emissions
BL30 . Bai Huan Shu, GV3 . Yao Yang Guan

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Shoulder Pain
LI10 . Shou San Li, LI15 . Jian Yu, SI9 . Jian

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Skin Disorders
HE1 . Ji Quan, LI13 . Shou Wu Li, LI15 . Jian
Yu, PC7 . Da Ling, ST44 . Nei Ting

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Spinal Pain
GV2 . Yao Shu, GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Stiff Tongue
GV15 . Ya Men, PC9 . Zhong Chong, TB1 .
Guan Chong

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Syncopy
BL2 . Zan Zhu
Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Thoracic Discomfort
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Tinnitus
BL62 . Shen Mai, LI1 . Shang Yang, SI2 .
Qian Gu, TB18 . Qi Mai

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urinary Tract Infection
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
GV4 . Ming Men

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Vertigo
GB14 . Yang Bai, GB20 . Feng Chi

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL23 . Shen Shu, GB14 . Yang Bai, GB20 .
Feng Chi

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Vomiting
CV12 . Zhon Guan, CV13 . Shan Guan,
CV22 . Tian Tu, GV3 . Yao Yang Guan, PC6
. Nei Guan

Question: Pain
Secondary: TCM
Final: Wrist Pain
LU9 . Tai Yuan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Hemorrhoids
BL29 . Zhong Lu Shu

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Neck Pain
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Night Sweating
HE6 . Yin Xi

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Seizures
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Spinal Pain
GV13 . Tao Dao

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Thirst
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
KI7 . Fu Liu

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Vertigo
BL4 . Qu Chai

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: Perspiration
Final: Windstroke
GV15 . Ya Men, PC8 . Lao Gong

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Neck Stiffness
GB39 . Xuan Zhong, GV14 . Daz Hui, LU7 .
Lie Que

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: TCM
Final: Respiratory Disorders
BL11 . Da Zhu, BL43 . Gao Huan Shu, GV10
. Ling Tai, GV12 . Shen Zhu,

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: TCM
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL23 . Shen Shu, GB14 . Yang Bai, GB20 .
Feng Chi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Asthma
CV20 . Hua Gai, KI22 . Bu Lang, KI23 . Shen
Feng, KI24 . Ling Xu, KI25 . Shen Cang, KI26
. Yu Zhong, KI4 . Da Zhong, LU2 . Yun Men,
LU3 . Tian Fu, ST13 . Qi Hu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Cough
GV10 . Ling Tai, LI18 . Fu Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Hypotension ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Jaundice
GB23 . Zhe Jin

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Leukorrhea
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Respiratory Disorders
CV17 . Shan Zhong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Sputum with Blood and Pus
CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Thoracic Fullness
LU4 . Xia Bai

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Airway Obstruction
Final: Throat Infections
LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Agitation
PC1 . Tian Chi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Agitation And Oppression
LU2 . Yun Men

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest and Diaphragm Discomfort
BL46 . Ge Guan

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest And Lateral Costal Region
BL47 . Hun Men

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest And Lateral Costal Region
KI23 . Shen Feng, SP17 . Shi Dou, SP19 .
Xiong Xiang, SP20 . Zhou Rong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Fullness
GB22 . Yuan Ye, HE6 . Yin Xi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Fullness And Distention
KI26 . Yu Zhong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Oppression
ST12 . Que Pen, TB15 . Tian Liao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Chest Pain And Fullness
ST14 . Ku Fang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Hiccough
GB23 . Zhe Jin

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Lateral Costal Region Pain
PC2 . Tian Quan, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Leg Muscle Cramp
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Neck Nodular Growths
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Perspiration Excessive
ST13 . Qi Hu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Scapular Pain
BL11 . Da Zhu, SI11 . Tian Zong, TB15 . Tian

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Seminal Emissions
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Skin Disorders
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Spinal Pain
BL11 . Da Zhu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Thoracic Pain
BL60 . Kun Lun, ST18 . Ru Gen

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Throat Constriction
CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Throat Disorders
CV17 . Shan Zhong, CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Chest
Final: Wheezing
CV17 . Shan Zhong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Cough
BL45 . Yi Xi, CV19 . Zi Gong, CV20 . Hua
Gai, CV21 . Xuan Ji, CV23 . Lian Quan,
GV11 . Shen Dao, KI22 . Bu Lang, KI23 .
Shen Feng, KI24 . Ling Xu, KI25 . Shen Cang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Cough And Dyspnea
KI20 . Tong Gu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Cough With Agitation
CV18 . Yu Tang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Cough With Copious Phlegm
PC1 . Tian Chi, SP20 . Zhou Rong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Coughing Blood
SI15 . Jian Zhong Zhu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Dyspnea
CV19 . Zi Gong, GV10 . Ling Tai

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Gastric Disorders
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Grief And Sadness
ST14 . Ku Fang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Hemoptysis
KI4 . Da Zhong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Loss Of Voice
LI18 . Fu Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Mental Disorders
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Nosebleed
LU3 . Tian Fu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Respiratory Disorders
BL12 . Feng Men, BL44 . Shen Tang, PC4 .
Xi Men, ST14 . Ku Fang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Shoulder Pain
BL12 . Feng Men, SI11 . Tian Zong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Skin Disorders
LI18 . Fu Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Thoracic Distention
SP20 . Zhou Rong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Throat Soreness
LU6 . Kong Zui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Toothache
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Urticaria
BL12 . Feng Men

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Vomiting
BL15 . Xin Shu, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Cough
Final: Vomiting Blood
BL15 . Xin Shu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Cardiac Conditions
BL44 . Shen Tang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Dyspnea
BL42 . Po Hu, BL45 . Yi Xi, CV15 . Jiu Wei,
CV20 . Hua Gai, CV21 . Xuan Ji, GB23 . Zhe
Jin, KI22 . Bu Lang, LU3 . Tian Fu, LU4 . Xia
Bai, SP21 . Da Bao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Hypochondriac Region Fullness
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Lacrimation Upon Wind Exposure
ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Mouth Dryness
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Nasal Allergies
BL3 . Mei Chong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Nasal Congestion
GV25 . Su Liao, LI20 . Ying Xiang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Neck Stiffness
GV10 . Ling Tai

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Nephritis
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Nosebleed
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Respiratory Disorders
CV18 . Yu Tang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Throat Dryness
CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
CV6 . Qi Hai

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Dyspnea
Final: Vomiting
PC3 . Qu Ze

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Epistaxis

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Epistaxis
Final: Epistaxis Ceaseless
GV27 . Dui Duan

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Epistaxis
Final: Nasal Congestion
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Epistaxis
Final: Nasal Polyps
GV23 . Shang Xing

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Lung

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Lung
Final: Respiratory Disorders
BL42 . Po Hu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Lung
Final: Throat Infections
CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Aversion To Wind And Cold
GB15 . Tou Lin Qi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Epistaxis
BL66 . Tong Gu, GB5 . Xuan Lu, GV16 .
Feng Fu, HE6 . Yin Xi, LI6 . Pian Li, LU3 .
Tian Fu, ST3 . Ju Liao, ST45 . Li Dui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Congested
GV22 . Xin Hui, GV27 . Dui Duan, GV28 . Yin

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Congestion
BL3 . Mei Chong, BL4 . Qu Chai, BL6 .
Cheng Guang, BL67 . Zhi Yin, GB15 . Tou
Lin Qi, GB18 . Cheng Ling, GV21 . Qian
Ding, LI19 . He Liao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Congestion And Discharge
GV24 . Shen Ting

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Discharge Copious And Clear
BL6 . Cheng Guang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Disorders
LI20 . Ying Xiang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Obstruction
KI22 . Bu Lang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Polyps
GV25 . Su Liao, LI19 . He Liao, LI20 . Ying

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nasal Sores
GV28 . Yin Jiao
LI19 . He Liao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Nosebleed
BL4 . Qu Chai, BL67 . Zhi Yin, GV23 . Shang
Xing, GV25 . Su Liao, GV26 . Shui Gou, LI20
. Ying Xiang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Perspiration At Night
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Respiratory Disorders
GV23 . Shang Xing, GV25 . Su Liao, LI20 .
Ying Xiang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Retching Blood
PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Seizures
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Throat Soreness
CV22 . Tian Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Toothache
CV24 . Cheng Jiang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Nasal
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL2 . Zan Zhu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration
Final: Chest Fullness
KI24 . Ling Xu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration
Final: Dry Heaves
ST19 . Bu Rong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration
Final: Dyspnea
CV18 . Yu Tang, KI23 . Shen Feng

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration
Final: Respiratory Disorders
CV20 . Hua Gai, ST13 . Qi Hu, ST15 . Wu Yi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration
Final: Swallowing Difficult
LI18 . Fu Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration
Final: Throat Disorders
CV21 . Xuan Ji

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Respiration
Final: Voice Hoarse
CV22 . Tian Tu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: Rhinitis

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Rhinitis
Final: Epistaxis
GB18 . Cheng Ling

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Rhinitis
Final: Nosebleed
BL60 . Kun Lun, LI19 . He Liao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Rhinitis
Final: Rhinitis
BL4 . Qu Chai, GB5 . Xuan Lu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Rhinitis
Final: Syncope
BL2 . Zan Zhu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Sense Of Smell

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Sense Of Smell
Final: Loss Of Sense Of Smell
GV22 . Xin Hui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Sense Of Smell
Final: Respiratory Disorders
LI19 . He Liao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Sense Of Smell
Final: Shock
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Sense Of Smell
Final: Vertigo
BL6 . Cheng Guang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Dyspnea
SP18 . Tian Xi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Respiratory Disorders
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Shortness Of Breath
LU4 . Xia Bai, PC1 . Tian Chi, SP19 . Xiong
Xiang, ST15 . Wu Yi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Skin Disorders
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Thirst
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Thoracic Pain And Distention
ST16 . Ying Chuang

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Throat Infections
TB9 . Si Du

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Shortness Of Breath
Final: Vomiting
BL14 . Jue Yin Shu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Sneezing
Final: Headache Frontal
BL2 . Zan Zhu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: TCM
Final: Chest Fullness
BL44 . Shen Tang

Question: Fever/Chills
Secondary: TCM
Final: Dyspnea, BL12 . Feng Men, BL13 . Fei
Shu, BL15 . Xin Shu, GB21 . Jian Jing,
KI4 . Da Zhong, LU8 . Jing Qu, LU9 . Tai

Question: Neuromuscular
Secondary: TCM
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
BL15 . Xin Shu, BL23 . Shen Shu, KI3 . Tai
Xi, SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Perspiration
Secondary: TCM
Final: Respiratory Disorders
BL11 . Da Zhu, BL43 . Gao Huan Shu, GV10
. Ling Tai, GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: TCM
Final: Upper Respiratory Conditions
GV16 . Feng Fu

Question: Emotions
Secondary: TCM
Final: Vomiting
CV12 . Zhon Guan, CV13 . Shan Guan,
CV22 . Tian Tu, GV3 . Yao Yang Guan, PC6
. Nei Guan

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Dry Throat
HE9 . Shao Chong

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Headache
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Lacrimation
GB1 . Tong Zi Liao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Rib Constriction
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Seizures
HE4 . Ling Dao

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Speech Impaired
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Throat Constriction
LI18 . Fu Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Throat Infections
CV21 . Xuan Ji, TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Throat Pain
GB12 . Wan Gu, LI7 . Wen Liu, ST45 . Li Dui

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Throat Pain And Swollen
GV16 . Feng Fu, ST11 . Qi She

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Throat Sore And Swollen
ST12 . Que Pen

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Throat Soreness
CV21 . Xuan Ji, LI18 . Fu Tu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Throat Soreness And Swelling
ST10 . Shui Tu

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Toothache
TB9 . Si Du

Question: Respiration
Secondary: Throat
Final: Voice Hoarse
LI18 . Fu Tu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Complexion

Question: Skin
Secondary: Complexion
Final: Complexion Red
SI18 . Quan Liao

Question: Skin
Secondary: Complexion
Final: Facial Redness And Swelling
GV21 . Qian Ding

Question: Skin
Secondary: Complexion
Final: Facial Swelling
LI7 . Wen Liu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Complexion
Final: Jaundice
BL48 . Yang Gang

Question: Skin
Secondary: Complexion
Final: Throat Constriction
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Skin
Secondary: Goiter

Question: Skin
Secondary: Goiter
Final: Eye Disorders
LI14 . Bi Nao

Question: Skin
Secondary: Goiter
Final: Goiter
TB13 . Nao Hui

Question: Skin
Secondary: Goiter
Final: Shoulder Movement Limited
LI16 . Ju Gu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Goiter
Final: Throat Soreness
ST9 . Ren Ying

Question: Skin
Secondary: Itching

Question: Skin
Secondary: Itching
Final: Sciatica
GB31 . Feng Shi

Question: Skin
Secondary: Itching
Final: Testicular Swelling
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Skin
Secondary: Itching
Final: Thoracic Pain And Fullness
ST15 . Wu Yi

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Axillary Adenopathy
GB22 . Yuan Ye

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Chest Fullness
GB23 . Zhe Jin

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Chills And Fever
SI10 . Nao Shu

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Facial Redness And Swelling
GB6 . Xuan Li

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Fever
LI14 . Bi Nao

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Hypochondriac Region Pain
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Jaundice
GB24 . Ri Yue, GV6 . Ji Zhong

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Seizures
GV12 . Shen Zhu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Shoulder Pain
LI16 . Ju Gu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Spleen Heat
GV10 . Ling Tai

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Syncope
GV26 . Shui Gou

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Throat Dryness
HE1 . Ji Quan

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Toothache
HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Ulcer Gastric
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Vomiting
BL22 . San Jiao Shu

Question: Skin
Secondary: Skin
Final: Wheezing
LI18 . Fu Tu, LU1 . Zhong Fu

Question: Skin
Secondary: TCM
Final: Blotches Purple-White From Wind
LU4 . Xia Bai

Question: Musculoskeletal
Secondary: TCM
Final: Intercostal Neuralgia
GB43 . Jia Xi, GV9 . Zhi Yang, TB6 . Zhi Gou

Question: Skin
Secondary: TCM
Final: Uterine Prolapse
CV6 . Qi Hai, KI6 . Zhao Hai, LR1 . Da Dun

Question: Skin
Secondary: Urticaria
Final: Urticaria
GB31 . Feng Shi

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Dreams

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Dreams
Final: Dreaming Excessive
ST45 . Li Dui

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Sleep
Secondary: Insomnia
Final: Insomnia
GB12 . Wan Gu, GB23 . Zhe Jin, GV18 .
Qiang Jian, GV19 . Hou Ding, GV24 . Shen
Ting, LU3 . Tian Fu

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Insomnia
Final: Insomnia With Fear
ST27 . Da Ju

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Insomnia
Final: Jaundice
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Insomnia
Final: Seizures
GV14 . Daz Hui, PC4 . Xi Men

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Sleep

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Sleep
Final: Insomnia
ST16 . Ying Chuang

Question: Sleep
Secondary: Somnolence
Final: Somnolence
LU3 . Tian Fu

Question: Sleep
Secondary: TCM

Question: Sleep
Secondary: TCM
Final: Arm Numbness
LI12 . Zhou Liao

Question: Sleep
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hip Movement Decreased
LR10 . Zu Wu Li

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Abdominal Pain
SP14 . Fu Jie

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Constipation
BL51 . Huang Men, BL56 . Cheng Jin, BL57 .
Cheng Shan, KI15 . Zhong Zhu, KI16 . Huan
Shu, KI17 . Shang Qu, KI18 . Shi Guan,
SP13 . Fu She, SP16 . Fu Ai, ST41 . Jie Xi,

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Leg Paralysis
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Lumbar pain
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Orchitis
BL34 . Xia Liao, GB27 . Wu Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Thirst
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Constipation
Final: Uterine Prolapse
BL33 . Zhong Liao

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Diarrhea
BL35 . Hui Yang, BL47 . Hun Men, BL48 .
Yang Gang, BL49 . Yi She, CV5 . Shi Men,
GV5 . Xuan Shu, GV6 . Ji Zhong, KI13 . Qi
Xue, KI14 . Si Man, KI17 . Shang Qu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Gastrointestinal Disorders
ST21 . Liang Men

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Mouth Dryness
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Respiratory Disorders
KI20 . Tong Gu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Sacral Pain
BL34 . Xia Liao

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Sciatica
BL37 . Yin Men

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Urinary Incontinence
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Stools
Secondary: Diarrhea
Final: Urinary Tract Infection
SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids
Final: Hemorrhoids
BL35 . Hui Yang, BL56 . Cheng Jin, BL57 .
Cheng Shan, CV1 . Hui Yin,
GV2 . Yao Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids
Final: Lumbar Pain
BL36 . Cheng Fu, BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids
Final: Lumbosacral Pain
BL54 . Zhi Bian

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids
Final: Sacral Pain
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu, BL36 . Cheng Fu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids
Final: Tetany
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Question: Stools
Secondary: Hemorrhoids
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
GV1 . Chang Qiang

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Stools
Secondary: Rectal Prolapse

Question: Stools
Secondary: Rectal Prolapse
Final: Anal and Rectal Conditions
BL35 . Hui Yang

Question: Stools
Secondary: Rectal Prolapse
Final: Rectal Prolapse
BL57 . Cheng Shan, GV6 . Ji Zhong

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Anger
BL47 . Hun Men

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Blood And Pus In Stools
SP16 . Fu Ai

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Dry Stools
KI15 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Headache
BL66 . Tong Gu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Irregular Defecation
BL48 . Yang Gang

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Menses Irregular
BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Sciatica
BL34 . Xia Liao, BL36 . Cheng Fu, BL54 . Zhi

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Seminal Emissions
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Stomach Nervous Dysfunction
ST21 . Liang Men

Question: Stools
Secondary: Stools
Final: Undigested Food In Stool
CV10 . Xia Guan, GV5 . Xuan Shu

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Diarrhea
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu, SP14 . Fu Jie

Question: Stools
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hemorrhoids
GV6 . Ji Zhong

Question: Stools
Secondary: Tenesmus
Final: Scrotal Conditions
GB27 . Wu Shu

Question: TCM
Secondary: Cold
Final: Shoulder Pain
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: TCM
Secondary: Deficient
Final: Digestive Disturbances
SP8 . Di Ji

Question: TCM
Secondary: Heat
Final: Angina
ST12 . Que Pen

Question: TCM
Secondary: Heat
Final: Excessive Heat In The Body
ST45 . Li Dui

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: TCM
Secondary: Heat
Final: Jaundice
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: TCM
Secondary: Heat
Final: Stomach Disharmony
ST41 . Jie Xi

Question: TCM
Secondary: Pulse
Final: Digestive Disturbances
CV10 . Xia Guan

Question: TCM
Secondary: Pulse
Final: Thoracic Fullness
LU2 . Yun Men

Question: TCM
Secondary: Qi
Final: Cardiac Pain CV18 . Yu Tang

Question: TCM
Secondary: Qi
Final: Large Intestine Qi Stagnation
LI9 . Shang Lian

Question: TCM
Secondary: Qi
Final: Respiratory Disorders
KI22 . Bu Lang

Question: TCM
Secondary: Qi
Final: Small Intestine Disorders
ST39 . Xia Ju Xu

Question: TCM
Secondary: Qi
Final: Uprising Qi
PC1 . Tian Chi

Question: TCM
Secondary: Rebel Qi

Question: TCM
Secondary: Rebel Qi
Final: Wheezing
CV21 . Xuan Ji
Question: TCM
Secondary: Running Piglet Qi

Question: TCM
Secondary: Running Piglet Qi
Final: Orchitis
ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: TCM
Secondary: Running Piglet Qi
Final: Running Piglet Qi
CV7 . Yin Jiao

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Hernia
BL29 . Zhong Lu Shu, SP13 . Fu She, SP14 .
Fu Jie, ST26 . Wai Ling

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Hernia Pain
SP12 . Chong Men

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Joint Pain
LR6 . Zhong Du

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Lumbar Pain
GB28 . Wei Dao

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Postpartum Uterine Hemorrhage
CV7 . Yin Jiao

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Stool With Blood
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
LR5 . Li Gou

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Urine Retention
LR5 . Li Gou, SP9 . Yin Ling Quan

Question: TCM
Secondary: Shan Disorder
Final: Uterine Prolapse
BL34 . Xia Liao, ST29 . Gui Lai

Question: TCM
Secondary: Stagnation

Question: TCM
Secondary: Stagnation
Final: Stomach Pain
ST21 . Liang Men

Question: TCM
Secondary: Stagnation
Final: Ulcer Gastric
ST21 . Liang Men

Question: TCM
Secondary: Stagnation
Final: Uterine Bleeding Abnormal
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: TCM
Secondary: Taxation
Final: Speech Impaired
GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: Digestion
Secondary: TCM
Final: Digestive Disturbances
CV8 . Shen Que, CV9 . Shui Fen, CV9 . Shui
Fen, ST19 . Bu Rong

Question: TCM
Secondary: Tongue

Question: TCM
Secondary: Tongue
Final: Stiff Tongue
GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin, ST24 . Hua Rou Men

Question: TCM
Secondary: Tongue
Final: Swollen Tongue
CV23 . Lian Quan
Question: TCM
Secondary: Turmoil Disorder

Question: TCM
Secondary: Turmoil Disorder
Final: Digestive Disturbances
BL50 . Wei Cang, ST18 . Ru Gen

Question: TCM
Secondary: Turmoil Disorder
Final: Edema
SP12 . Chong Men

Question: TCM
Secondary: Turmoil Disorder
Final: Intestinal Cramping
BL56 . Cheng Jin

Question: TCM
Secondary: Turmoil Disorder
Final: Nocturnal Emissions
BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: TCM
Secondary: Turmoil Disorder
Final: Ovarian Pain
SP13 . Fu She

Question: TCM
Secondary: Turmoil Disorder
Final: Vomiting
LI10 . Shou San Li

Question: TCM
Secondary: Wind

Question: TCM
Secondary: Wind
Final: Rhinitis
GB18 . Cheng Ling

Question: TCM
Secondary: Wind
Final: Spinal Pain
GV11 . Shen Dao, GV14 . Daz Hui

Question: TCM
Secondary: Zang
Final: Emotional Liability
SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Thirst
Secondary: Thirst

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Thirst
Final: Thirst
CV23 . Lian Quan

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Thirst
Final: Thirst Excessive
SP20 . Zhou Rong

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Thirst
Final: Throat Soreness
TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Thirst
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Wasting And Thirst Disorder

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Wasting And Thirst Disorder
Final: Spleen Disorders
BL49 . Yi She

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Wasting And Thirst Disorder
Final: Urination Frequent
BL26 . Guan Yuan Shu

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Wasting And Thirst Disorder
Final: Urine Dark
BL27 . Xiao Chang Shu

Question: Thirst
Secondary: Wasting And Thirst Disorder
Final: Wrist Joint Soft Tissue Diseases
TB4 . Yang Chi

Question: Urination
Secondary: Enuresis

Question: Urination
Secondary: Enuresis
Final: Enuresis
CV1 . Hui Yin, CV2 . Qu Gu, LR10 . Zu Wu
Li, SP11 . Ji Men

Question: Urination
Secondary: Enuresis
Final: Lower Abdominal Distention
KI11 . Heng Gu

Question: Urination
Secondary: Enuresis
Final: Lumbar Stiffness
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Urination
Secondary: Incontinence

Question: Urination
Secondary: Incontinence
Final: Dribbling And Hesitant Flow Of Urine
CV2 . Qu Gu

Question: Urination
Secondary: Incontinence
Final: Seminal Emissions
BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Urination
Secondary: TCM
Final: Amenorrhea
CV5 . Shi Men

Question: Urination
Secondary: TCM
Final: Failure Of The Water Passages To
Flow GB25 . Jing Men

Question: Urination
Secondary: TCM
Final: Hernia
CV5 . Shi Men, SP6 . San Yin Jiao

Question: Urination
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urethritis CV1 . Hui Yin

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Urination
Secondary: TCM
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
CV2 . Qu Gu

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Anuria
SP11 . Ji Men

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Difficult Urination
KI13 . Qi Xue, KI4 . Da Zhong, KI5 . Shui
quan, LR10 . Zu Wu Li, LR9 . Yin Bao,
SP7 . Lou Gu

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Dysuria
SP11 . Ji Men, ST27 . Da Ju

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Inability To Urinate
CV7 . Yin Jiao

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Liver Disorders
BL49 . Yi She

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Retention Of Urine
CV5 . Shi Men, KI11 . Heng Gu, LR10 . Zu
Wu Li, LR9 . Yin Bao, SP11 . Ji Men
SP12 . Chong Men, ST27 . Da Ju

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Thigh Pain
BL36 . Cheng Fu

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Urinary Dysfunction
BL52 . Zhi Shi
Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Urinary Obstruction
BL39 . Wei Yang

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Urination Difficult
CV2 . Qu Gu, CV5 . Shi Men

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Urogenital Disorders
BL61 . Pu Can, SP8 . Di Ji

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urination
Final: Uterine Prolapse
LR5 . Li Gou

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urine
Final: Dark Urine
CV10 . Xia Guan, GB12 . Wan Gu, ST39 .
Xia Ju Xu

Question: Urination
Secondary: Urine
Final: Hematuria
LI8 . Xia Lian

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Genital Pain
BL36 . Cheng Fu, BL54 . Zhi Bian, CV2 . Qu
Gu, KI11 . Heng Gu, KI12 . Da He
LR12 . Ji Mai, LR8 . Qu Quan

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Genitalia

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Menorrhagia
KI8 . Jiao Xin

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Penis Pain
LR12 . Ji Mai

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Postpartum Uterine Hemorrhage
CV5 . Shi Men

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Testicular Swelling And Pain
KI8 . Jiao Xin

Question: OBGYN
Secondary: Genitalia
Final: Urination Frequent
BL28 . Pang Guang Shu, BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Impotence

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Impotence
Final: Impotence
BL35 . Hui Yang, CV2 . Qu Gu, KI11 . Heng
Gu, KI12 . Da He

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Impotence
Final: Vomiting
BL52 . Zhi Shi

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Infertility
Final: Infertility
CV7 . Yin Jiao
KI13 . Qi Xue
LR11 . Yin Lian

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Seminal Emission

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Seminal Emission
Final: Premature Ejaculation
ST27 . Da Ju

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: Seminal Emission
Final: Seminal Emissions
CV1 . Hui Yin, CV2 . Qu Gu, KI11 . Heng Gu,
KI12 . Da He, SP8 . Di Ji, ST27 . Da Ju

Question: Urogenital
Secondary: TCM
Final: Deficiency And Exhaustion Of The Five
Zang KI11 . Heng Gu

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Dizziness
BL1 . Jing Ming

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Facial Edema
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Inner Canthus Redness And Pain
KI15 . Zhong Zhu

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Lacrimation
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Liver Disorders
BL19 . Dan Shu

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Mouth Deviation
GB1 . Tong Zi Liao

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Optic Nerve Atrophy
GB1 . Tong Zi Liao, GB37 . Guang Ming

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Ptosis
GB14 . Yang Bai

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye
Final: Yellow Eyes
HE2 . Qing Ling, SI18 . Quan Liao

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Eye Disorders
BL1 . Jing Ming

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Eye Pain
BL4 . Qu Chai, BL67 . Zhi Yin, BL9 . Yu
Zhen, GB11 . Tou Qiao Yin, GB15 . Tou Lin
Qi GB19 . Nao Kong

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Eye Pain And Redness
GB42 . Di Wu Hui

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Eye Pain And Redness With Swelling
GB16 . Mu Chuang

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Eye Redness
KI17 . Shang Qu

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Lateral Leg Cramping
KI19 . Yin Du

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Mental Disorders
ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Shoulder Pain
SI6 . Yang Lao

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Teeth Grinding
GB37 . Guang Ming
Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Pain
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL9 . Yu Zhen, GB1 . Tong Zi Liao

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Redness
Final: Lacrimation Upon Wind Exposure
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Redness
Final: Facial Muscle Paralysis
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Redness
Final: Shoulder Pain
LI14 . Bi Nao

Question: Vision
Secondary: Eye Redness
Final: Vomiting HE3 . Shao Hai

Question: Vision
Secondary: Lacrimation

Question: Vision
Secondary: Lacrimation
Final: Facial Pain
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Vision
Secondary: Lacrimation
Final: Headache
BL1 . Jing Ming

Question: Vision
Secondary: Lacrimation
Final: Lacrimation ST3 . Ju Liao

Question: Vision
Secondary: Lacrimation
Final: Lacrimation Upon Wind Exposure
GB15 . Tou Lin Qi

Question: Vision
Secondary: Lacrimation
Final: Mouth Deviation
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Vision
Secondary: Lacrimation
Final: Visual Disturbances
ST8 . Tou Wei

Question: Vision
Secondary: TCM
Final: Optic Nerve Atrophy
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Vision
Secondary: TCM
Final: Optic Nerve Inflammation
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Blurred Vision
LI13 . Shou Wu Li, SI7 . Zhi Zheng

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Cloudy Vision
KI5 . Shui quan

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Dizziness
GV21 . Qian Ding, LU3 . Tian Fu, SI7 . Zhi
Zheng, ST41 . Jie Xi

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Fever And Chills
SI15 . Jian Zhong Zhu

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Headache
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Lacrimation
BL1 . Jing Ming, ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Lacrimation Upon Wind Exposure
BL1 . Jing Ming

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Mouth Deviation
ST2 . Si Bai

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Myopia
BL9 . Yu Zhen, GB16 . Mu Chuang

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Nausea And Vomiting
BL6 . Cheng Guang

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Rhinitis
BL3 . Mei Chong

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Superficial Visual Obstruction
ST3 . Ju Liao

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Thoracic Oppression
PC1 . Tian Chi

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Visual Disturbances
BL1 . Jing Ming, BL4 . Qu Chai, GB37 .
Guang Ming, LI6 . Pian Li, SI6 . Yang Lao
ST1 . Cheng Qi

Question: Vision
Secondary: Vision
Final: Visual Dizziness
BL60 . Kun Lun, BL65 . Shu Gu, BL66 . Tong
Gu, GB13 . Ben Shen, GB15 . Tou Lin Qi,
GB16 . Mu Chuang, GB17 . Zheng Ying, GB4
. Han Yan, GV16 . Feng Fu, GV22 . Xin Hui

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Question: Voice
Secondary: TCM

Question: Voice
Secondary: TCM
Final: Limb Heaviness
GV9 . Zhi Yang

Question: Voice
Secondary: TCM
Final: Sudden Inability To Speak Following
GV16 . Feng Fu

Question: Voice
Secondary: Voice
Final: Loss Of Voice Sudden
CV23 . Lian Quan, GV16 . Feng Fu

Question: Voice
Secondary: Voice
Final: Trismus
ST6 . Jia Che

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Acupuncture Location Identification Key

Alphabetical Order

Bai Huan Shu BL30: In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the
level of the fourth posterior sacral foramen.

Bai Hui GV20: On the midsagittal line, at the intersection of a line connecting the right
and left ear apices.

Bao Huang BL53: In the sacral region, 3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the level
of the second sacral foramen.

Ben Shen GB13: In the frontal region, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, on a sagittal
line ascending from the lateral canthus of the eye.

Bi Guan ST31: On the anterior thigh, directly inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine,
in the depression lateral to the sartorius muscle.

Bi Nao LI14: On the lateral brachial region, on the anterior margin of the insertion of the
deltoid muscle, on the line connecting LI 11 at the cubital crease and LI15 inferior to the

Bing Feng SI12: On the upper back, with the arm in slight abduction, in the middle of
the supraspinous fossa.

Bu Lang KI22: In the pectoral region, in the fifth intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the
anterior midline at the level of CV 16.

Bu Rong ST19: On the upper abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline and 6 cun
superior to the umbilicus, at the level of CV 14.

Chang Qiang GV1: Midway between the anus and the tip of the coccyx.

Cheng Fu BL36: In the gluteal region, In the middle of the transverse gluteal fold.

Cheng Guang BL6: On the head, 2.5 cun posterior to anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to
the midline.

Cheng Jiang CV24: On the chin, in the depression in the center of the mentolabial
groove, below the middle of the lower lip.

Cheng Jin BL56: On the posterior leg, 5 cun inferior to BL 40, in the center of the
gastrocnemius muscle.

Cheng Ling GB18: In the parietal region, 1.5 cun posterior to GB 17 and 3 cun lateral to
GV 20.

Cheng Man ST20: On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline and 5 cun
superior to the umbilicus, at the level of CV 13.

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Cheng Qi ST1: One the face, on the inferior border of the orbit, in the orbicularis oculi
muscle, directly below the pupil when eyes are focused forward. Caution Do not
manipulate the needle as bleeding occurs very easily.

Cheng Shan BL57: On the posterior leg, 8 cun inferior to BL 40, along the line
connecting BL 40 at the popliteal crease and BL 60 posterior to the lateral malleolus.

Chi Ze LU5: At the elbow, in the cubital crease, in the depression lateral to biceps
brachia tendon.

Chong Men SP12: In the inguinal region, on the lateral side of the femoral artery, 3.5
cun lateral to the anterior midline. Avoid the Femoral Artery!

Chong Yang ST42: On the dorsum of the foot, 1.5 cun inferior to ST 41, in the
depression between the second and third metatarsals and cuneiform bones. Caution
Avoid the Dorsal Artery.

Ci Liao BL32: In the sacral region, in the second posterior sacral foramen.
Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected.

Da Bao SP21: On the lateral chest wall, on the midaxillary line, 6 cun inferior to the
anterior axillary crease.

Da Chang Shu BL25: On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the
spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra (L4).

Da Du SP2: On the great toe, in the depression distal to the metatarsophalangeal joint,
at dorsal - plantar junction.

Da Dun LR1: On the lateral side of the first digit, the great toe, 0.1 cun from the corner
of the nail bed.

Da He KI12: In the pubic region, 1 cun superior to the symphysis pubis, 0.5 cun lateral
to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 3.

Da Heng SP15: On the abdomen, at the level of the umbilicus, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline.

Da Ju ST27: On the lower abdomen, 2 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 2 cun lateral to
the anterior midline, at the level of CV 5.

Da Ling PC7: At the transverse wrist crease, between the tendons of palmaris longus
and flexor carpi radialis muscles.

Da Ying ST5: On the cheek, anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior
border of masseter muscle. Caution Avoid the Artery!

Da Zhong KI4: On the medial ankle, posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in
the depression anterior to the medial side of the attachment of Achilles tendon.

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Da Zhu BL11: On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the first thoracic vertebra (T1).

Dai Mai GB26: On the midaxillary line, superior to the iliac crest, at the level of the

Dan Shu BL19: On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the tenth thoracic vertebra (T10).

Daz Hui GV14: Below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7).

Di Cang ST4: On the face, in the oral region, 0.5 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth,
in line with the pupil when the eyes are focused forward.

Di Ji SP8: Xi Cleft Point on the Spleen Channel. On the medial leg, 3 cun inferior to the
medial condyle of the tibia on the line connecting the medial malleolus at the ankle and
SP 9 at the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia.

Di Wu Hui GB42: On the dorsum of the foot, in a depression proximal to the heads of
the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.

Du Bi ST35: At the knee region, in the depression below the lateral side of the patella
when the knee is flexed slightly.

Du Shu BL16: On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the sixth thoracic vertebra (T6).

Dui Duan GV27: At the junction of the philtrum with the upper lip.

Er Jian LI2: On the radial side of the second digit in slight flexion, in the depression
anterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Er Men TB21: Anterior to the ear, in the depression anterior to the supratragic notch
and posterior to the mandibular condyloid process when the mouth is open.

Fei Shu BL13: On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the third thoracic vertebra (T3).

Fei Yang BL58: On the posterior leg, 7 cun superior to BL 60 posterior to the lateral
malleolus, and 1 cun inferior to BL 57, 8 cun inferior to BL 40 at the popliteal crease.

Feng Chi GB20: At the posterior head, at the junction of the occipital and nuchal
regions, in the depression between the origins of Sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius

Feng Fu GV16: Meeting Point on the Governing Vessel with the Yang Linking Vessel.
Sea of Marrow Point. On the posterior head, 0.5 cun directly below the external occipital

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Feng Long ST40: Luo Connecting Point on the Stomach Channel to SP3. On the leg,
one cun lateral to ST 38 at the midpoint of a line between ST 35 at the lateral patella and
the lateral malleolus.

Feng Men BL12: On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the second thoracic vertebra (T2).

Feng Shi GB31: On the midline of the lateral thigh, 7 cun superior to the popliteal
crease. GB 31 can also be located directly inferior to the tip of the middle finger when
patient is standing and the arm is extended along the thigh.

Fu Ai SP16: On the upper abdomen, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, 3 cun above
the umbilicus at the level of CV 11.

Fu Bai GB10: In the temporal region, posterior to the auricle and superior to the
mastoid process, at the junction of the upper and middle thirds of a curved line
connecting GB 9 and GB 12.

Fu Fen BL41: On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the second thoracic vertebra (T2), at the level of BL 12.

Fu Jie SP14: On the lower abdomen, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline and 1 cun
below the umbilicus at the level of CV 7.

Fu Liu KI7: On the medial leg, 2 cun superior to KI 3 on the anterior border of the
Achilles tendon.

Fu She SP13: On the lower abdomen, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the level
of CV 3, 1 cun above the superior border of the pubic symphysis.

Fu Tu LI18: On the neck, on the sternocleidomastoid muscle, 3 cun lateral to the
laryngeal prominence.

Fu Tu ST32: On the anterior thigh, on a line between the anterior superior iliac spine
and the superolatero patella, 6 cun superior to lateral patella.

Fu Xi BL38: In the popliteal fossa, with the knee in slight flexion, 1 cun superior to BL
39, on the medial side of biceps femoris tendon.

Fu Yang BL59: On the posterior surface of the leg, 3 cun superior to BL 60 posterior to
the lateral malleolus.

Gan Shu BL18: On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the ninth thoracic vertebra (T9).

Gao Huan Shu BL43:On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the
spinous process of the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4), at the level of BL 14.

Ge Guan BL46: On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the seventh thoracic vertebra (T7), at the level of BL 17.

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Ge Shu BL17: On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the seventh thoracic vertebra (T7).

Gong Sun SP4: On the medial foot, in the depression distal to the base of the first
metatarsal bone.

Guan Chong TB1: Jing Well Point on the Triple Energizer Channel. Metal Point on Fire
Meridian. On the ulnar side of the fourth digit, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nailbed.

Guan Men ST22: On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline, 3 cun superior
to the umbilicus, at the level of CV 11.

Guan Yuan CV4: In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, 2 cun superior to the
upper border of the symphysis pubis.

Guan Yuan Shu BL26: On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the
spinous process of the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5).

Guang Ming GB37: On the lateral side of the leg, 5 cun superior to the prominence of
the lateral malleolus.

Gui Lai ST29: On the lower abdomen, 1 cun above the pubic symphysis and 2 cun
lateral to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 3.

Han Yan GB4: Meeting Point on the Gall Bladder Channel with the Triple Energizer,
Large Intestine and Stomach Channels. In the temporal region, posterior to the hairline,
at the junction of the upper quarter and lower three-quarters of the distance between ST
8 and GB 7.

He Gu LI4: On the dorsum of the hand, approximately at the midpoint of the second
metacarpal bone, in the belly of the first interosseus dorsalis muscle. Contraindication:
Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected.

He Liao LI19: In the oral region, directly inferior to the lateral margin of the nostril, level
with GV 26.

He Liao TB22: Anterior to the ear, on the hairline, level with the lateral canthus of the

Heng Gu KI11: In the pubic region, immediately superior to the symphysis pubis, 0.5
cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 2.

Hey Yn BL55: On the posterior leg, 2 cun inferior to BL 40 at the popliteal crease,
between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle.

Hou Ding GV19: On the posterior head, 4 cun directly above the external occipital

Hou Xi SI3: In the depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone, at the
junction of the dorsal and palmar surfaces.

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Hua Gai CV20: On the sternal midline, level with the first intercostal space.

Hua Rou Men ST24: On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline, 1 cun
superior to the umbilicus, at the level of CV 9.

Huan Shu KI16: At the umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to the midline, at the level of CV 8.

Huan Tiao GB30: In the gluteal region, one third the distance from the greater
trochanter to the sacral hiatus. Locate GB30 with the patient in the lateral recumbent
position with the thigh flexed slightly.

Huang Men BL51: On the lower back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the first lumbar vertebra (L1), at the level of BL 22.

Hui Yang BL35: On either side of the tip of the coccyx, 0.5 cun lateral to the posterior

Hui Yin CV1: In the perineal region, at the midpoint between the anus and the posterior
border of the scrotum in males and the posterior labial commissure in females.
Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected.

Hui Zong TB7: On the dorsal forearm, 3 cun superior to the dorsal transverse wrist
crease, on the radial border of the ulna, at the level of TE 6.

Hun Men BL47: On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the ninth thoracic vertebra (T9), at the level of BL 18.

Ji Mai LR12: Urgent Pulse. At the base of the femoral triangle, medial to the femoral
artery, 2.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Beware the Femoral Vein!

Ji Men SP11: On the medial thigh, 6 cun superior to SP 10, on the line connecting SP
10 above the superomedial angle of the patella and SP 12, 3.5 cun lateral to the upper
border of pubic symphysis.

Ji Quan HE1: In the axillary fossa when the arm is abducted, medial to the axillary
artery. Caution Avoid the axillary artery.

Ji Zhong GV6: On the middle back, below the spinous process of the eleventh thoracic
vertebra (T11).

Jia Che ST6: On the cheek, 1 cun anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible, in
the belly of masseter muscle.

Jia Xi GB43: On the dorsum of the foot, distal to the fourth and fifth
metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin.

Jian Jing GB21: In the suprascapular region, midway between the tip of the acromion
process and below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7).
Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy or Heart Disease is known or suspected.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Jian Li CV11: In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 3 cun superior to
the umbilicus.

Jian Liao TB14: On the posterior deltoid region, in the posterior depression on the
lateral border of the acromion when the arm is abducted 90 degrees.

Jian Shi PC5: Jing River Point on the Pericardium Channel. Metal Point on Fire
Meridian. On the anterior forearm, 3 cun superior to the transverse wrist crease,
between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles.

Jian Wai Shu SI14: On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the first thoracic vertebra (T1).

Jian Yu LI15: On the shoulder in the depression on the anterior border of the acromial
part of the deltoid muscle when the arm is abducted.

Jian Zhen SI9: On the upper back, with the arm in abduction, 1 cun superior to the
posterior end of the axillary fold.

Jian Zhong Zhu SI15: On the upper back, 2 cun lateral to the lower border of the
spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7).

Jiao Sun TB20: In the temporal region, within the hairline, superior to the apex of the

Jiao Xin KI8: On the medial leg, 2 cun superior to KI 3 and 0.5 cun anterior to KI 7.

Jie Xi ST41: Jing River Point on the Stomach Channel. Fire Point on Earth Meridian.
On the dorsum of the foot, between tendons of muscles extensor digitorum longus and
extersor hallucis longus, level with the tip of the lateral malleolus.

Jin Men BL63: On the lateral foot, in the depression posterior to the fifth metatarsal
bone and lateral to the cuboid bone.

Jin Suo GV8: On the middle back, below the spinous process of the ninth thoracic
vertebra (T9).

Jing Gu BL64: On the lateral foot, in the depression anterior and inferior to the
tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone.

Jing Men GB25: On the lateral abdomen at the lower border of the free end of the
twelfth rib.

Jing Ming BL1: On the face, 0.1 cun superior to the inner canthus when the eye is

Jing Qu LU8: On the radial side of the forearm, 1 cun superior to the transverse wrist
crease and in the depression between the radial artery and styloid process.
Contraindication: Moxa is forbidden!

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Jiu Wei CV15: In the epigastric region, on the anterior midline, 1 cun inferior to the
xiphoid process and 7 cun superior to the umbilicus.

Ju Gu LI16: On the superior aspect of the scapular region, in the depression posterior
to the acromial extremity of the clavicle and anterior to the scapular spine.

Ju Liao GB29: At the hip, midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the
greater trochanter. GB29 is located with patient in the lateral recumbent position with the
thigh flexed slightly.

Ju Liao ST3: On the face, level with the border of the ala nasi, in line with the pupil
when the eyes are focused forward.

Ju Que CV14: In the epigastric region, on the anterior midline, 2 cun inferior to the
xiphoid process and 6 cun superior to the umbilicus.

Jue Yin Shu BL14: Pericardium Shu. Back Shu of the Pericardium that connects with
Front Mu CV17. On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the fourth thoracic vertebra (T4).

Kong Zui LU6: On the radial side of the forearm, 5 cun inferior to LU 5, on a line from
LU 5 at the cubital crease and LU 9 at the lateral side of the wrist crease.

Ku Fang ST14: On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the first intercostal space, 4
cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Kun Lun BL60: Jing River Point on the Bladder Channel. Fire Point on Water Meridian.
On the lateral ankle, in the depression midway between the external malleolus and the
tendon calcaneus. Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected

Lao Gong PC8: On the palmar surface, between the second and third metacarpal
bones, proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Li Dui ST45: On the lateral side of the second toe, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail

Li Gou LR5: On the medial side of the leg, posterior to the tibial medial margin, 5 cun
superior to the medial malleolus.

Lian Quan CV23: On the neck, on the anterior midline, in the depression superior to the
hyoid bone.

Liang Men ST21: On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline, 4 cun superior
to the umbilicus, at the level of CV 12.

Liang Qiu ST34: On the anterior thigh, on a line between the anterior superior iliac
spine and the superolatero patella, 2 cun superior to lateral patella. Contraindication: Do
Not Needle If Pregnancy is known/suspect.

Lie Que LU7: Luo Connecting Point on the Lung Channel to LI4. On the radial side of
the forearm, 1.5 cun superior to the tip of the radial styloid process.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Ling Dao HE4: On the palmar surface of the forearm, 1.5 cun proximal to the
transverse wrist crease, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris tendon.

Ling Tai GV10: Below the spinous process of the sixth thoracic vertebra (T6).

Ling Xu KI24: In the pectoral region, in the third intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the
anterior midline at the level of CV 18.

Lou Gu SP7: On the medial leg, 6 cun superior to the medial malleolus, posterior to the
medial margin of the tibia.

Lu Xi TB19: On the mastoid bone, posterior to the ear, at the junction of the middle and
upper third of the curve that connects TE 17 at the earlobe and TE 20 at the apex of the

Luo Que BL8: On the head, 5.5 cun posterior to anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the

Mei Chong BL3: In the frontal region of the head, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline
and 0.5 cun lateral to GV 24 at the midline.

Ming Men GV4: On the lower back, below the spinous process of the second lumbar
vertebra (L2).

Mu Chuang GB16: In the frontal region, 1.5 cun posterior to GB 15 and 3 cun lateral to
the mid-sagittal line.

Nao Hu GV17: Meeting Point on the Governing Vessel with the Bladder Channel. On
the posterior head, 1.5 cun directly above the external occipital protuberance.

Nao Hui TB13: On the posterior border of the deltoid muscle, 2 cun inferior to TE 14 at
the posterior and inferior to the acromion.

Nao Kong GB19: In the occipital region, 2.25 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the
level of the upper border of the external occipital protuberance.

Nao Shu SI10: On the posterior shoulder, with the arm in abduction, in the depression
inferior and lateral to the scapular spine, 1 cun superior to SI 9 .

Nei Guan PC6: On the anterior forearm, 2 cun superior to the transverse wrist crease,
between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles.

Nei Ting ST44: On the dorsum of the foot, at the proximal end of the web between the
second and third toes.

Pang Guang Shu BL28: In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at
the level of the second posterior sacral foramen.

Pi Shu BL20: On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11).

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Pian Li LI6: On the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, 3 cun proximal to
the dorsal wrist crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the wrist and LI 11 at the lateral
cubital crease.

Po Hu BL42: On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the third thoracic vertebra (T3), at the level of BL 13.

Pu Can BL61: On the lateral foot, in a depression on the lateral calcaneus, 1.5 cun
inferior and posterior to the lateral malleolus, directly below BL60 which is posterior to
the lateral malleolus.

Qi Chong ST30: At the superior border of the pubic symphysis, 2 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 2. Caution Avoid the Femoral Vein, spermatic cord in
men and round ligament in women.

Qi Hai CV6: On the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun inferior to the

Qi Hai Shu BL24: On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the third lumbar vertebra (L3).

Qi Hu ST13: In the infraclavicular fossa, on the midclavicular line, 4 cun lateral to the
anterior midline.

Qi Mai TB18: On the mastoid bone, posterior to the ear, at the junction of the lower and
middle third of the curve that connects TE 17 at the earlobe and TE 20 at the apex of the

Qi Men LR14: On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the sixth intercostal space, at
the level of CV 14.

Qi She ST11: At the root of the neck, at the superior border of the sternal end of the
clavicle, between the sternal and clavicular heads of sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Qi Xue KI13: In the pubic region, 2 cun superior to the symphysis pubis, 0.5 cun lateral
to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 4.

Qian Ding GV21: On the midsagittal line, 1.5 cun anterior to the intersection of the line
connecting the right and left ear apices.

Qian Gu SI2: On the ulner side of the fifth digit, in the depression distal to the
metacarpophalangeal joint, at the junction of the dorsal and palmar surfaces.

Qiang Jian GV18: On the posterior head, 2.5 cun directly above the external occipital

Qing Leng Yuan TB11: In the posterior cubital region, 2 cun superior to the olecranon
when the elbow is flexed.

Qing Ling HE2: On the medial arm when the elbow is flexed, 3 cun proximal to the
transverse cubital crease.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Qiu Xu GB40: At the lateral ankle, In the depression anterior and inferior to the lateral

Qu Bin GB7: Within the hairline, anterior and superior to the auricle, about 1 cun
anterior to TE 20.

Qu Chai BL4: In the frontal region of the head, 0.5 cun within the anterior hairline, 1.5
cun lateral to GV 24 at the midline.

Qu Chi LI11: On the lateral side of the cubital crease when the elbow is close to full

Qu Gu CV2: In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, at the superior border of the
symphysis pubis.

Qu Quan LR8: One the medial side of the knee, in the depression of the transverse
popliteal crease between the upper border of the medial epicondyle of the femur and
semitendinosus and semimembranosus tendons.

Qu Yaun SI13: On the upper back, in the depression on the medial end of the
supraspinous fossa.

Qu Ze PC3: He Sea Point on the Pericardium Channel. Water Point on Fire Meridian.
At the elbow, on the ulnar side of the biceps brachii tendon, medial to the brachial artery.

Quan Liao SI18: On the face, on the lower border of the zygomatic bone, inferior to the
outer canthus of the eye.

Que Pen ST12: At the midpoint of the supraclavicular fossa, posterior to the clavicle,
on the midclavicular line, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Contraindication: Do not
use if pregnancy is known or suspected.

Ran Gu KI2: On the medial surface of the foot, in the depression inferior to the lower
border of the tuberosity of the navicular bone.

Ren Ying ST9: On the neck, on the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle, at
the level of the laryngeal prominence. Caution Avoid the Vasculature!

Ri Yue GB24: On the anterior chest midclavicular line at the level of the seventh
intercostal space.

Ru Gen ST18: On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the fifth intercostal space, 4
cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Ru Zhong ST17: At the center of the nipple. Contraindication: DO NOT NEEDLE OR

San Jian LI3: On the dorsum of the hand, on the radial side of the second metacarpal
bone, proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint, at the dorsal-palmar skin junction.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
San Jiao Shu BL22: On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the
spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra (L1). Caution Avoid the Kidneys

San Yang Luo TB8: On the dorsal forearm, between the radius and ulna, 4 cun
superior to TE 4 at the dorsal transverse wrist crease.

San Yin Jiao SP6: On the medial leg, 3 cun superior to the medial malleolus, on the
posterior border of the tibia. Contraindication: Do Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or

Shan Guan CV13: In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 5 cun superior
to the umbilicus.

Shan Zhong CV17: On the sternal midline, level with the fourth intercostal space,
between the nipples.

Shang Guan GB3: Meeting Point on the Gall Bladder Channel with the Triple Energizer
and Stomach Channels. On the lateral face, anterior to the ear, on the upper border of
the zygomatic arch.

Shang Ju Xu ST37: On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the tibia's anterior crest, 6
cun inferior to ST 35 in the depression to the lateral side of the patella.

Shang Lian LI9: On the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, 3 cun distal
cubital crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital

Shang Liao BL31: In the sacral region, in the first posterior sacral foramen.

Shang Qu KI17: In the umbilical region, 2 cun superior to the umbilicus and 0.5 cun
lateral to the midline at the level of CV 10.

Shang Qui SP5: On the medial foot, in the depression midway between the navicular
bone and the vertex of the medial malleolus.

Shang Xing GV23: On the midline, 1 cun posterior to the anterior hairline.

Shang Yang LI1: On the radial side of the second digit, 0.1 cun from the corner of the
nail bed.

Shao Chong HE9: On the radial side of the fifth digit, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
bed. Caution Reserve HE 9 for Unconsciousness or Shock.

Shao Fu HE8: On the palmar surface of the hand, between the fourth and fifth
metacarpal bones. When a tight fist is made, HE 8 is where the fifth digit rests.

Shao Hai HE3: With the elbow flexed, at the medial end of the transverse cubital

Shao Shang LU11: On the radial side of the thenar eminence, 0.1 cun posterior to the

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Shao Ze SI1: On the ulnar side of the fifth digit, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail bed.

Shen Cang KI25: In the pectoral region, in the second intercostal space, 2 cun lateral
to the anterior midline at the level of CV 19.

Shen Dao GV11: Below the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra (T5).

Shen Feng KI23: In the pectoral region, in the fourth intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to
the anterior midline at the level of CV 17.

Shen Mai BL62: On the lateral foot, in the depression directly inferior to the lateral
malleolus, at the dorsal-plantar skin junction.

Shen Men HE7: On the transverse wrist crease, in the small depression between the
pisiform and ulna bones.

Shen Que CV8: At the umbilicus.

Shen Shu BL23: On the lower back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the second lumbar vertebra (L2). Caution Avoid the Kidneys.

Shen Tang BL44: On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the fifth thoracic vertebra (T5), at the level of BL 15.

Shen Ting GV24: On the midline, 0.5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline.

Shen Zhu GV12: Below the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra (T3).

Shi Dou SP17: On the lateral chest, in the fifth intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to
anterior midline.

Shi Guan KI18: In the umbilical region, 3 cun superior to the umbilicus and 0.5 cun
lateral to the midline at the level of CV 11.

Shi Men CV5: On the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, 2 cun inferior to the

Shou San Li LI10: On the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, 2 cun distal
cubital crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital

Shou Wu Li LI13: On the lateral brachial region, 3 cun superior to LI 11, on the line
connecting LI 11 at the cubital crease and LI15 inferior to the acromion.

Shu Fu KI27: On the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Shu Gu BL65: On the lateral foot, in the depression posterior and inferior to the fifth
metatarsophalangeal joint.

Shuai Gu GB8: 1.5 cun superior to the auricular apex and directly above TE 20.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Shui Dao ST28: On the lower abdomen, 3 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 2 cun
lateral to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 4.

Shui Fen CV9: In the umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 1 cun superior to the

Shui Gou GV26: In the philtrum, 1/3 the distance from the nose and the top of the lip.

Shui quan KI5: On the medial ankle, 1 cun below KI 3, in the depression anterior and
superior to the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneus.

Shui Tu ST10: On the neck, on the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle,
midway between ST 9 at the level of the laryngeal prominence and ST 11 at the upper
clavicle border. Caution Avoid the Artery!

Si Bai ST2: On the face, on the infraorbital foramen, 0.5 cun inferior to ST 1 when eyes
are focused forward. Caution Do not needle deeply as to puncture the eyeball.

Si Du TB9: On the dorsal forearm, between the radius and ulna, 7 cun superior to TE 4
at the dorsal transverse wrist crease.

Si Man KI14: In the pubic region, 3 cun superior to the symphysis pubis, 0.5 cun lateral
to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 5.

Si Zhu Kong TB23: In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow.

Su Liao GV25: At the tip of the nose.

Tai Bai SP3: On the medial foot, in the depression proximal to the first
metatarsophalangeal joint, at the dorsal - plantar junction.

Tai Chong LR3: On the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second metatarsal
bones, approximately 2 cun superior to the web margin.

Tai Xi KI3: On the medial ankle, at the midpoint between the prominence of the medial
malleolus and Achilles Tendon.

Tai Yi ST23: On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline, 2 cun superior to
the umbilicus, at the level of CV 10.

Tai Yuan LU9: On the lateral side of the anterior wrist crease, in the depression on the
radial side of the radial artery.

Tao Dao GV13: Below the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra (T1).

Tian Chi PC1: On the lateral chest, in the fourth intercostal space, 5 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, approximately 1 cun lateral to the nipple.

Tian Chong GB9: Posterior and superior to the auricular border and 0.5 cun posterior
to GB 8.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Tian Chuang SI16: On the neck, on the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, at the level of the laryngeal prominence and the transverse process of the fourth
cervical transverse process (C4).

Tian Ding LI17: At the anterior margin of the posterior triangle of the neck, on the
posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, 1 cun inferior to LI 18 at the level of
the laryngeal prominence.

Tian Fu LU3: On the upper arm, on the lateral border of muscle biceps brachia, 3 cun
inferior to the anterior axillary fold.

Tian Jing TB10: In the posterior cubital region, in the depression 1 cun superior to the
olecranon when the elbow is flexed.

Tian Liao TB15: In the scapular region, on the superior angle of the scapula, at the
insertion of lavator scapulae muscle.

Tian Quan PC2: On the upper arm, 2 cun inferior to the axillary fold, between the two
heads of muscle biceps brachii.

Tian Rong SI17: On the neck, in the depression between the angle of the mandible and
the anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Tian Shu ST25: On the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus. Contraindication: Do
Not Needle If Pregnancy is known or suspected

Tian Tu CV22: In the suprasternal fossa, on the anterior midline, just above the jugular

Tian Xi SP18: On the lateral chest, in the fourth intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the
anterior midline, at the level of CV 17.

Tian You TB16: On the lateral neck, posterior and inferior to the mastoid process on
the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Tian Zhu BL10: In the nuchal region, on the lateral border of the trapezius muscle, 1.3
cun lateral to GV 15 at the level between cervical vertebrae C1 and C2.

Tian Zong SI11: On the scapula, in the depression of the infrascapular fossa, one-third
the distance between the lower border of the scapular spine and the inferior angle of the

Tiao Kou ST38: On the leg, one cun lateral to the tibia's anterior crest, at the midpoint
of a line between ST 35 at the lateral patella and the lateral malleolus.

Ting Gong SI19: Anterior to the tragus of the ear, in the depression between the tragus
and the mandibular joint when the mouth is open slightly.

Ting Hui GB2: With the mouth open, in the depression anterior to the auricular
intertragic notch.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Tong Gu BL66: On the lateral foot, in the depression anterior and inferior to the fifth
metatarsophalangeal joint.

Tong Gu KI20: In the epigastric region, 5 cun superior to the umbilicus and 0.5 cun
lateral to the midline at the level of CV 13.

Tong Li HE5: On the palmar surface of the forearm, 1 cun proximal to the transverse
wrist crease, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris tendon.

Tong Tian BL7: On the head, 4 cun posterior to anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to the

Tong Zi Liao GB1: On the lateral face, 0.5 cun lateral to the outer canthus of the eye.

Tou Lin Qi GB15: In the frontal region, 0.5 cun within the hairline, aligned with the pupil
when the eyes are focused forward.

Tou Qiao Yin GB11: In the temporal region, posterior to the auricle and superior to the
mastoid process, at the junction of the middle and lower thirds of a curved line
connecting GB 9 and GB 12.

Tou Wei ST8: At the corner of the forehead, 0.5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline,
4.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Wai Guan TB5: On the dorsal forearm, between the radius and ulna, 2 cun superior to
TE 4 at the dorsal transverse wrist crease.

Wai Ling ST26: On the lower abdomen, 1 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 2 cun lateral
to the anterior midline, at the level of CV 7.

Wai Qui GB36: On the lateral side of the leg, 7 cun superior to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus.

Wan Gu GB12: In the temporal region, in the depression posterior and inferior to the
mastoid process, at the level of the inferior ridge of the auricle.

Wan Gu SI4: On the ulna side of the wrist, in the depression between the fifth
metacarpal bone and the hamate and pisiform bones, at the junction of the dorsal and
palmar surfaces.

Wei Cang BL50: On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the twelfth thoracic vertebra (T12), at the level of BL 21.

Wei Dao GB28: In the inguinal region, 0.5 cun inferior to the anterior superior iliac
spine, at the anterior margin of the ileum.

Wei Shu BL21: On the middle back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the twelfth thoracic vertebra (T12).

Wei Yang BL39: In the popliteal fossa, at the lateral crease, medial to the biceps
femoris tendon.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Wei Zhong BL40: At the midpoint of the popliteal fossa.

Wen Liu LI7: On the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, 5 cun proximal to
the dorsal wrist crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the wrist and LI 11 at the lateral
cubital crease.

Wu Chu BL5: On the head, 1 cun posterior to anterior hairline, 1.5 cun lateral to GV 23
at the midline.

Wu Shu GB27: In the inguinal region, medial to the anterior superior iliac spine, 3 cun
inferior to the level of the umbilicus.

Wu Yi ST15: On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the second intercostal space, 4
cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Xi Guan LR7: On the medial side of the leg, inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia, in
the upper portion of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle, 1 cun posterior to SP

Xi Men PC4: On the anterior forearm, 5 cun superior to the transverse wrist crease,
between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles.

Xi Yang Guan GB33: On the lateral side of the knee, superior to the jointline, in a
depression between biceps femoris tendon and the lateral condoyle of the femur.

Xia Bai LU4: On the upper arm, on the lateral border of muscle biceps brachia, 4 cun
inferior to the anterior axillary fold.

Xia Guan CV10: In the umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 2 cun superior to the

Xia Guan ST7: On the lateral face, in the depression at the lower border of the
zygomatic arch, anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible. ST 7 is located with
the mouth closed.

Xia Ju Xu ST39: On the leg, one cun inferior to ST 38 at the midpoint of a line between
ST 35 at the lateral patella and the lateral malleolus.

Xia Lian LI8: On the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, 4 cun distal cubital
crease, on the line connecting LI 5 at the wrist and LI 11 at the lateral cubital crease.

Xia Liao BL34: In the sacral region, in the fourth posterior sacral foramen.

Xian Gu ST43: On the dorsum of the foot, between the second and third metatarsal
bones, 1.5 cun superior to the web margin, in line with the lateral side of the second

Xiao Chang Shu BL27: In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at
the level of the first posterior sacral foramen.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Xiao Hai SI8: With the elbow in flexion, in the depression between the olecranon and
the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

Xiao Luo TB12: On the posterior upper arm, 5 cun superior to the olecranon, on a line
joining TE 10 at the posterior elbow and TE 14 posterior and inferior to the acromion.

Xin Hui GV22: On the midline, 2 cun posterior to the anterior hairline.

Xin Shu BL15: On the upper back, 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the fifth thoracic vertebra (T5).

Xing Jian LR2: On the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second
metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 cun proximal to the web margin.

Xiong Xiang SP19: On the lateral chest, in the third intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to
the anterior midline.

Xuan Ji CV21: On the manubrium midline, midway between CV 20 and CV 22.

Xuan Li GB6: In the temporal region, posterior to the hairline, 2 cun inferior to GB4 on
the curved line connecting ST 8 and GB 7.

Xuan Lu GB5: In the temporal region, posterior to the hairline, midway between ST 8
and GB 7.

Xuan Shu GV5: On the lower back, below the spinous process of the first lumbar
vertebra (L1).

Xuan Zhong GB39: On the lateral side of the leg, 3 cun superior to the prominence of
the lateral malleolus.

Xue Hai SP10: On the medial thigh, with the knee in flexion, 2 cun superior to the
superomedial angle of the patella, on vastus medialis muscle.

Ya Men GV15: Below the spinous process of the first cervical vertebra (C1).

Yang Bai GB14: In the frontal region, 1 cun superior to the eyebrow, aligned with the
pupil when the eyes are focused forward.

Yang Chi TB4: On the dorsal transverse wrist crease, between the tendons of muscles
extensor digitorum and extensor digiti minimi.

Yang Fu GB38: On the lateral side of the leg, 4 cun superior to the prominence of the
lateral malleolus.

Yang Gang BL48: On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the tenth thoracic vertebra (T10), at the level of BL 19.

Yang Gu SI5: On the ulna side of the wrist, in a depression between the styloid process
of the ulna and the triquetral and pisiform bones.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Yang Jiao GB35: On the lateral side of the leg, on the posterior border of the fibula, 7
cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.

Yang Lao SI6: On the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the ulnar
styloid process and the triquetrum and pisiform bones. SI 6 can be located when
patient's wrist is in flexion with the index finger pointing to the sternum.

Yang Ling Quan GB34: On the lateral side of the leg, in the depression anterior and
inferior to the head of the fibula.

Yang Xi LI5: On the radial side of the wrist, distal to the tip of the radial styloid process,
in the depression between the tendons of extensor pollicis longus and brevis, in the
"anatomical snuff box".

Yao Shu GV2: On the posterior midline at the sacral hiatus.

Yao Yang Guan GV3: On the lower back, below the spinous process of the fourth
lumbar vertebra (L4).

Ye Men TB2: On the dorsum of the hand, 0.5 cun from the web margin between the
fourth and fifth digits.

Yi Feng TB17: At the ear, in the depression between the mastoid process and the
mandible, behind the earlobe.

Yi She BL49: On the middle back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (T11), at the level of BL 20.

Yi Xi BL45: On the upper back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process
of the sixth thoracic vertebra (T6), at the level of BL 16.

Yin Bai SP1: On the medial great toe, .01 cun from the corner of the nail bed.

Yin Bao LR9: On the medial thigh, 4 cun superior to the medial epicondyle of the
femur, between sartorius muscle anteriorly and vastus medialis posteriorly.

Yin Du KI19: In the epigastric region, 4 cun superior to the umbilicus and 0.5 cun lateral
to the midline at the level of CV 12.

Yin Gu KI10: On the medial side of the popliteal fossa, in the depression between
tendons of semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles when the knee is flexed.

Yin Jiao CV7: In the umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 1 cun inferior to the

Yin Jiao GV28: In the mouth, at the junction of the frenulum of the upper lip with the
upper gum.

Yin Lian LR11: On the superior, medial thigh, on the lateral border of abductor longus
muscle, 1 cun along the tendon/muscle from its attachment near the pubic symphysis
and 2 cun inferior to ST 30.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Yin Ling Quan SP9: On the medial leg, on the inferior border of the medial condyle of
the tibia, in the depression between the posterior border of the tibia and gastrocnemius

Yin Men BL37: On the posterior thigh, 6 cun inferior to BL 36 at the transverse gluteal
fold, on a line joining BL 36 and BL 40 at the popliteal fossa.

Yin Shi ST33: On the anterior thigh, on a line between the anterior superior iliac spine
and the superolatero patella, 3 cun superior to lateral patella.

Yin Xi HE6: On the palmar surface of the forearm, 0.5 cun proximal to the transverse
wrist crease, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris tendon.

Ying Chuang ST16: On the chest, on the midclavicular line, in the third intercostal
space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline.

Ying Xiang LI20: In the nasolabial groove, 0.5 cun lateral to the nostril.

Yong Quan KI1: On the sole of the foot, between the second and third metatarsal
bones, one-third the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel.

You Men KI21: In the epigastric region, 6 cun superior to the umbilicus and 0.5 cun
lateral to the midline at the level of CV 14. Caution Avoid the Liver.

Yu Ji LU10: Midpoint on the thenar eminence, on the dorsal-palmar surface.

Yu Tang CV18: On the sternal midline, level with the third intercostal space.

Yu Zhen BL9: In the occipital region, in a depression 1.5 cun lateral to the superior
aspect of the external occipital protruberance.

Yu Zhong KI26: In the pectoral region, in the first intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the
anterior midline at the level of CV 20.

Yuan Ye GB22: On the lateral chest wall, on the midaxillary line, 3 cun inferior to the
axillary fold.

Yun Men LU2: On the lateral chest, In the depression formed by the deltoid muscle,
pectoralis major muscle and the clavicle.

Zan Zhu BL2: On the face, at the medial end of the eyebrow, on the supraorbital notch.

Zhang Men LR13: On the lateral abdomen, slightly inferior and anterior to the tip of the
free end of the eleventh rib.

Zhao Hai KI6: On the medial ankle, in the depression 1 cun inferior to the medial

Zhe Jin GB23: On the lateral chest wall, on the 4th intercostal space, 1 cun anterior to

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Zheng Ying GB17: In the frontal region, 1.5 cun posterior to GB 16, on the line
connecting GB15 and GB20.

Zhi Bian BL54: In the sacral region, 3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the level of
the fourth sacral foramen.

Zhi Gou TB6: On the dorsal forearm, between the radius and ulna, 3 cun superior to TE
4 at the dorsal transverse wrist crease.

Zhi Shi BL52: On the lower back, 3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous
process of the second lumbar vertebra (L2), at the level of BL 23.

Zhi Yang GV9: On the middle back, below the spinous process of the seventh thoracic
vertebra (T7), approximately level with the inferior angle of the scapula.

Zhi Yin BL67: On the lateral foot, at the lateral fifth digit, 0.1 cun from the corner of the

Zhi Zheng SI7: On the ulnar side of the forearm, between the anterior border of the
ulna and flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, 5 cun superior to the wrist crease, on the line
connecting SI 5 at the wrist and SI 8 at the medial epicondyle of the humerus at the

Zhon Guan CV12: In the upper umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 4 cun superior
to the umbilicus.

Zhong Chong PC9: On the center of the tip of the third digit.

Zhong Du GB32: On the midline of the lateral thigh, 5 cun superior to the popliteal

Zhong Du LR6: On the medial side of the leg, posterior to the tibial medial margin, 7
cun superior to the medial malleolus.

Zhong Feng LR4: On the dorsum of the foot, 1 cun anterior to the medial malleolus, in
the depression medial to the tibialis anterior tendon.

Zhong Fu LU1: On the lateral chest, inferior to the acromial end of the clavicle, 6 cun
lateral to the Conception Vessel. Caution Avoid the Lungs!

Zhong Ji CV3: In the pubic region, on the anterior midline, 1 cun superior to the upper
border of the symphysis pubis.

Zhong Liao BL33: In the sacral region, in the third posterior sacral foramen.

Zhong Lu Shu BL29: In the sacral region, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the
level of the third posterior sacral foramen.

Zhong Shu GV7: On the middle back, below the spinous process of the tenth thoracic
vertebra (T10).

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Zhong Ting CV16: In the epigastric region, on the anterior midline, on the xiphoid

Zhong Zhu KI15: In the umbilical region, 1 cun inferior to the level of the umbilicus, 0.5
cun lateral to the midline, at the level of CV 7.

Zhong Zhu TB3: Shu Stream Point on the Triple Energizer Channel. Wood Point on
Fire Meridian. On the dorsum of the hand, in the depression proximal to the fourth and
fifth metacarpophalangeal joints.

Zhou Liao LI12: On the lateral side of the cubital crease, 1 cun superior to LI 11, at the
junction of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus with the epicondyle. Locate LI
12 with the elbow flexed.

Zhou Rong SP20: On the lateral chest, in the second intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to
the anterior midline.

Zhu Bin KI9: On the medial leg, 5 cun superior to KI 3, at the lower end of the
gastrocnemius muscle.

Zi Gong CV19: On the sternal midline, level with the second intercostal space.

Zu Lin Qi GB41: On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression between the fourth and
fifth metatarsals.

Zu Qiao Yin GB44: On the lateral side of the fourth toe, 0.1 cun from the nail bed.

Zu San Li ST36: On the leg, one finger breadth lateral to the tibia's anterior crest, 3 cun
inferior to ST 35 in the depression to the lateral side of the patella.

Zu Wu Li LR10: On the medial thigh, on the lateral border of abductor longus muscle, 2
cun along the tendon/muscle from its attachment near the pubic symphysis and 3 cun
inferior to ST 30.

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
Common Acupuncture Formulas
Alphabetical Order Fast Find

S 36

CV 4 5 6 8
P 6
GB 27
GV 20 26
KI 15 16 17 18 19 20
LI 4 8 9
SP 1 2 4 5 6 9 15 16 21
ST 24 25 26 27 36 37 38 39 40 43 44
BL 16 25 43 48 57

P 6
LI 4 11
LU 11
LV 11 14
SP 6 10
ST 36

GB 8
LI 4
SP 6
ST 36

LI 4 11
BL 12 38

GB 20 11
LI 4 11
BL 16 23 38 54

P 8
KI 9
LI 5
ST 23 45
TW 2 10

CV 2 3 4 5 6
GV 1 4
KI 5 12 14
LI 4
LV 8
SP 6 8 10
ST 29 36
BL 18 20 23 25 37 38 60

CV 17
GV 14 20
LI 4 11
LV 3
ST 36
BL 10 15 60

GB 43
GV 4 20
KI 1
LI 4 11
LV 8 14
SP 6 10
ST 44
BL 11 12 15 17 18 20 21

CV 14 15
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
GB 20
GV 8 11 12
HT 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KI 1 4 5 23 24
LI 4
LU 5 9
LV 3
SI 1
ST 19 36
TW 6 7

GB 39 40 42
LV 6
ST 41
BL 58 63

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14
P 2 6
GB 6 28
GV 9
HT 3 7
KI 3 17 22 23 24 25 26 27
LI 4 11
LV 4 13
SP 1 2 4 8 9 19 20
ST 19 20 21 22 23 36 39 42 44 45
TW 1
BL 13 17 18 19 20 22 40 41 42 44 46 57 64

GB 20
GV 16 23
LI 4 19 20
SP 4
ST 6 8
BL 1 2 17 21

CV 14 17
P 7
GV 15 24
HT 4 5 6 7 8 9
KI 1 4 9
LU 4 10
LV 2 5
SI 3 4 7
ST 36 40
BL 14 20

P 5 6
GB 21
HT 2 5 3
LI 1 4 10 11 12 15 16
LU 5 6
SI 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ST 36
TW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

CV 3
SP 10
ST 36
BL 17

P 6
GB 34
GV 14
LI 4 11 15
LV 2
SI 9
SP 5
ST 36
TW 5
BL 8 10 11 58 60

CV 6 12 16 17 18 20 21 22 23
GB 19 20 23 25 35
GV 10 12 14
KI 1 2 3 4 5 6
LI 4 8
LU 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
LV 8 14
SI 4 14 15
SP 21
ST 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 36
TW 3 5
BL 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23
25 36 37 38 40 51

GV 4 14
SI 6 14
TW 3 6
BL 9 10 11 23 24 25 29 50 51 54 55 60 62 63

GB 25 26
GV 5 6 7 10 12 14
KI 7 15
SP 2 3 5
TW 3
BL 33 40 54 60

CV 12 13
P 6
KI 21
ST 36

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
P 1
GB 4 13 14 15 16 17 41 43
GV 16 18 20 21 22
HT 5
KI 1 4
LI 2
SI 6
ST 8
BL 1 2 4 5 6 18 23

P 1 3
GB 41 42
SI 1
SP 5
ST 18

CV 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
P 6 9
GB 10 11 18 20 21
GV 10 12 14
HT 3
KI 3 21 22 23 26 27
LI 4 8 10 11
LU 1 3 5 6 8 9
LV 1 14
SI 14 15
SP 18
ST 10 14 15 36
TW 3 10
BL 8 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 36 37 38 39 41 42

GB 30 34
SP 6
ST 31
BL 50 54 55 56 57 61 63

P 4 6

P 6
GB 1 2 3 14 20 41
GV 14 20 28
LI 4 11
LU 9
LV 3
ST 1 2 6 14
TW 1 5 23
BL 1 2 8 10 11 18 64 67

GB 21
GV 14
LI 4
SI 10 11 12 13 14 15
TW 3 5 15
BL 11 13 60

P 5 6 GB 34
HT 6 8 9
KI 21 24 24 26 27
LU 1 2 4 7 8 9
LV 14
SI 1 11
SP 18 19 21
ST 13 14 18 19
TW 5 6
BL 14 15 17 19 24 25 42

CV 4 6
P 6 8
GB 20
GV 4
LI 4 11
LV 8
SP 6
ST 36
BL 17 18 20 38

S 6 7
LI 4

DU 26
EX 24 (ShiXuan)

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 12
GB 18 19 20
GV 14 16
LI 4 11
SP 6
ST 36
TW 4 5
BL 11 12 13

P 7
GB 1 4 14 20 37 42
GV 12 14
LI 4 5 20
LU 9
LV 2
ST 1 2 36 44
TW 23
BL 1 2 10 18 20

CV 6
GB 28
KI 2 7 15
LI 4
LU 8
LV 2 8 11
SP 1 9 14

CV 1 4 6 12
P 6
GB 24 27 28 34
HT 5
KI 6 8 15 16 17 18
LI 2 3 4 6 11 13
LV 1 2 3 8 12
SP 3 5 6 13 15 16
ST 22 23 25 26 27 28 36
TW 6
BL 23 24 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 38 45 46
48 50 52 56 57 58
SJ 6
C 1
K 6

LI 4

CV 6 12 16 17 20 21 22 23
P 2 4
GB 8 10 11 20 21 44
GV 9 10 11 12 14 23
KI 1 3 19 22 24 27
LI 4 11 13 15 18
LU 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
LV 14
SI 1 2 15
SP 5 14 18 20
ST 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 36 38 40
TW 5 10
BL 11 12 13 14 15 17 20 21 37 38 42 43 44

CV 2 5 23
P 2 3 4 5 7 9
GB 1 2 3 4 10 11 15 17 20 23 25 41 43 44
GV 15 16 20
HT 5 6
LI 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 17 19
LV 3 5 6 8
SI 1 3 5 8 9 16 17 19
ST 1 4 7 36 38
TW 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 19 21 23
BL 1 18 23 65

CV 3 6 12
P 4 6
GV 4 13 14 20
HT 3 7
LI 4
LV 3
LU 4
SP 6
BL 13 15 38
H 3
Ren 6

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 4 12
DU 6
P 6
GV 26
HT 6
KI 2 5 7
LV 2
S 25 30 36
SP 4 6
ST 33 36
BL 13 15 17 20 22 23 26 28 29 31 32 34 50

CV 4 5 6 8 9 12 13
P 6
GB 25 26 39
GV 3 4 5 6
KI 8 13 14
LI 10 11
LV 6 8 13
SP 3 4 6 14 15
ST 16 22 25 34 36 37 39
TW 6 18
BL 10 21 22 23 24 25 28 35 43

CV 6
SP 6
ST 25
BL 25

GB 4 8 20 41 43
GV 14 17 19 20 24
KI 1
LU 3
ST 8 36
BL 3 5 9 10 12 40 62 64 65 67

GB 44
LI 3
LU 11
ST 19
TW 4

CV 5 6 10 11 12 13
P 6
GB 25
GV 5
KI 1 19 20
LI 4 13
LV 3 8 13 14
SP 3 4 5 6 7
ST 21 22 23 25 36 44 45
BL 17 20 21 25 42

GB 11
ST 7
TW 19

SP 6 10
SI 11
LI 11

CV 5 6 8 9 11
GB 28
GV 28
KI 7
LI 6
LV 13
SP 8 9
ST 22 25 28 43
BL 20 22 23 27 47 52

P 3
HT 1 3 5 9
LI 10 11 12 13 15
LU 5
SI 7
TW 10

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 12 13 15 16 17 20 21
GV 4 10 12 14
HT 3 6
KI 1 3 4 9 20
LI 1
LU 5 7 8 9 11
LV 1
SI 14
SP 21
ST 13 14 16 36 40
BL 11 12 13 17 18 22 23 36 37 38

GB 26 28 29
GV 2 4
KI 2 8
LV 5
SP 9 12
ST 29
BL 23 30

CV 4 6
GV 1
KI 3 11
LV 1 9
SP 6
ST 23 25 36
BL 22 27 28 32 33

Du 23
LI 4

GB 1 11 16 44
GV 23
LI 3 4 5 11
ST 8
TW 23
BL 1 2 6 18 58

LI 4
LV 3
TW 1 2 3
BL 18

GB 14
LI 4
LV 3
SP 1 9
ST 2 36

HT 4 5 8
KI 1 4
LI 13
ST 36
TW 18
BL 23 38 47 66

DU 14
P 3 9
GV 4 13 14 16
HT 9
LI 1 2 4 5 11
LU 10 11
SI 5
SP 2
ST 43
TW 1 3 5 6 15
BL 5 11 12 13 19 39

SI 4 7 8

P 1 2 8
GB 34 39 40 41
GV 5
LV 13
SP 17 19 20 21

GB 39 41
KI 2 3
LV 3
ST 34 41 44
TW 3 4
BL 55 56 61 62

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 10 12 13
GB 34
LV 13 14
ST 36
TW 6
BL 18 19

CV 10 12 13 14 15
P 5 6 7 8
KI 20
LI 4 11
LU 5
LV 13
SP 4 5
ST 19 21 22 23 24 28 36 37
TW 6 8
BL 13 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 66

CV 1
GB 30
GV 1
KI 10 11 12
LV 4 8 12
BL 47 49 50

GB 4 12
GV 27
LI 4
SI 8 16 17 18
ST 4 5 42 44 45
TW 2 20

LV 2 3 4
SP 4 5 6
ST 44
BL 39

CV 5
GB 4 8 20
KI 1
SI 1
ST 2 8 44
TW 12
BL 60
GB 14 20
GV 14 20 23 24
LI 4
SI 1
ST 8
BL 2 63

CV 4 12
GB 1 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 19 20 38
GV 19
KI 10 11
LI 4 10 11
LU 6
SP 6
ST 8 36 44
TW 3 5 10 22 23
BL 2 7 10 62 67

CV 4 12 14
P 6 7
GB 35
HT 5 7
KI 25
ST 36
BL 12 15

KI 3 4
SP 5
BL 57 60 61

GB 24 34
GV 14
LV 4 13 14
ST 36
BL 18 19 20 21

CV 2 3 4 5 6 7
GB 26 27
KI 6
LV 1 2 3 4 5 6 12
SP 5 6 12 13 14
ST 23 26 27 28 29 43
BL 29 30 32 55

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 6 12 13 15 17 22
P 6 8
GB 20 24
GV 16 26
KI 3 17 18
LI 5 9
LU 6
LV 2 8 13 14
SP 3
ST 11 13 18 25 36
BL 14 17 18 19 21 38 40 41
S 36
UB 17

SJ 6
GB 34

CV 12
P 8 9
GB 20 25 34
HT 7
KI 1 3
LI 11
LV 2 3 13
SP 6
ST 36 40
BL 15 19 54

CV 22 23
P 6
GB 1 20 21 26
GV 12 14
KI 15
LI 4
ST 2 9 10 26
BL 10 11

GV 20 25 26
HT 1 5 6
KI 1
LV 3
SP 6
ST 9 36
BL 15 17 18 22 23 38

LI 4 11
SP 10
GV 14 20
ST 36

CV 1 2 3 4 6
GB 34
GV 4 20
HT 8
ST 22 36
BL 22 23 24 25

P 6
GB 20
GV 13 14 16
LI 4
LU 7 9 10
SP 15
ST 36
TW 5
BL 11 12 38

CV 4 6 12
P 6 7
GB 17 20 41 44
GV 4 18 19 20 24
GV 4 18 19 20 24
HT 6 7
KI 1 6 24
LI 1 4
LU 9 10
LV 2 10
SI 3
SP 1 2 6 9
ST 12 27 36 40 45
TW 16
BL 13 15 18 20 21 23 26 30 39 42 62

L 7

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 24
GB 7
GV 20
LI 4 19
ST 5 6 7 44
TW 6 17 22

S 41

GB 26 34
KI 3
SP 6
ST 36
BL 22 23 24 25 26 27 46 47

GB 31 33 34 39
GV 3
KI 10
SP 9
BL 54 56

GB 30 33 34 39
GV 12 14
KI 1 10
LV 4 7 8
SI 2
SP 9 10
ST 33 34 35 36
BL 53 54

GB 28 29 30 31 34 37 39 40 41
KI 2 8 10
LV 9 11
SP 6 9 10
ST 31 32 38
BL 49 54 56 57 58 62 63 64 65

LV 3 9 14
SP 10
ST 36
BL 18 19 20 23 24 25

GB 25 26 27 28 29 30 34
GV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KI 3 7
LV 2 3 4 9 11 13
SI 3
SP 2 3 8
ST 31 36 37
BL 13 18 22 23 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 35 49
51 54 55 60 62 63 64 65

GB 34
KI 9
LV 6
SP 8 9
BL 23 24 25 50 51 55

CV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GB 26 34 41
GV 2
KI 2 3 5 6 8 13 14 15
LV 1 2 5 9 11
SP 1 6 9 10
ST 25 30 36
BL 18 23 31 32 33 34

UB 31

CV 3 4 5 6
HT 1 8
KI 2 10
LV 1 2 3 6
SP 1 2 6 8
ST 10 12 36
TW 3
BL 23 54

GB 41
GV 12
HT 1
LV 3 5
SP 10
ST 43

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
S 34

CV 4 6 12
P 6
GB 34 35
GV 4
KI 27
LV 8 13 14
SI 3
SP 6
ST 25 36
BL 20 21 22 25 54 57 60

CV 12
P 4 6
GB 14
HT 4
LU 4 9 5
LV 3 13
SP 1
ST 18 24 36
TW 5 7
BL 19 21

GB 4 20 21 36 39 40
GV 13 14 16
LI 4 11
LU 7
SI 3 6 13 14 15
ST 5
TW 5 10 15 17

GB 20
SI 3 14
TW 10 16
BL 12 64

GB 7 13 19 20 21 36 39
GV 10 14 15 16 18 19
HT 3
LI 1 11
LU 7
SI 3 4 5 7 14 15 16 19
ST 6 11
TW 5 10 12 15 16
BL 1 2 4 10 11 12 64 65 66

K 7
C 3
UB 15

H 6
SI 3

SP 3 6
K 3 6
REN 24
S 45

GB 34
LI 4
LV 3
SP 6
ST 36

GB 2
LI 1 4 11
SI 19
ST 7
TW 3 22

GB 2 3 12 20 21 41
LI 4 11
SI 14 15 17 19
ST 6 7 36
TW 5 17 19 21

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
P 4 6
H 7

CV 4
GB 20
GV 4 12 20
SI 3

CV 12 17 22
GV 12 14
KI 24 25 26 27
LI 4 10 11 13
LU 1 5 6 7 9
LV 14
SI 14
ST 13 14 15 16 36
TW 5 6
BL 11 12 13 14 15 20 23 36 37 38

CV 3 4
GV 4
SP 6 9
ST 36
BL 23 28 47

P 6
LI 4 11 15
LV 3
SP 6 10
ST 25
BL 25

CV 2 3 4 8
P 6
GB 20
GV 1 2 4 20
KI 1 5 15
SP 4 6 9 12
ST 15 25 26 36
TW 1 3 7
BL 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 57 58

SI 8 9 10 11 13 14
TW 15

GB 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
GV 3 4
KI 4
LV 4
SP 2 4 6 9
ST 31 36
BL 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
36 37 38 48 49 50 51 53 54 57 58 60 64

DU 4
Ren 4

GB 4 20 21 29 30
HT 2
LI 11 14 15 16
LU 2
SI 3 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
ST 32 38
TW 3 6 10 13 14 15 16
BL 10 21 37

CV 9
P 5
GV 8
KI 18
LU 1
SP 2 3 4 5
ST 19 20 21 36

CV 12 24
P 5 6 9
GB 12 15 20 21 30 34 39
GV 12 15 16 20 26
HT 9
LI 1 4 9 10 11
LU 10 11
LV 2
ST 36
TW 10
BL 10 18 25 54 62

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
H 5
K 7

L 10
P 8
H 8

H 1

K 1

Ren 5 9
Sp 9
UB 20

CV 8
GB 43
GV 20 26
HT 3 9
LU 11
LV 1
SI 3 5
ST 36 45
BL 3 38 58

GB 20
HT 3 7
KI 25
SI 14
SP 19
ST 36
BL 10 11 12 38

GB 30
LV 11
SP 5
ST 32
BL 51

L 7
S 34

CV 22
KI 1 2 3 6
LI 1 2 3 4 11 17 18
LU 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
LV 3
SI 17 19
ST 9 10 11 12
TW 1 2 3 6
BL 11 15 54

GB 2 4 10 11 12 20 21 42
GV 4 20
LI 4 5 6
SI 2 3 4 5 9 16 17
ST 36 44
TW 1 2 3 5 17 18 19 21 22
BL 8

CV 24
GB 2 4 5 6 10 12 17
GV 16 26
KI 6
LI 1 4 6 10 11
LV 2 3
ST 6 36 42 44
TW 5 17
SJ 3 5
UB 60
LI 4 specific for lower jaw
ST 44 specific for upper jaw

CV 24
GB 1 11 14 20 41
LI 4 11 20
LU 7
LV 3
SI 4 8 18
ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 36 40 44
BL 2

Acupuncture Formulas WWW.ABCTLC.COM Fax (928) 468-0675
CV 24
GB 7
GV 20
LI 4 19
ST 5 6 7 44
TW 6 17 22

CV 10 12 13 14
P 6 8
HT 5 7
LI 4 13
LU 5
SP 1
ST 36 38
TW 6
BL 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 38 44 45

CV 1 6
GV 20
KI 1 2 3 11
LV 8 12
SP 6
ST 36
BL 31 32

CV 1 2 3 4
KI 4 7 8 9 10 12 18
LV 1 4
SP 6 11 12 15
ST 25 31
BL 22 24 26 27 28 31 32 33 34 35 48 57 61

CV 4 6 12
P 1 6 7
GB 3 4 8 13 15 16 17 20 21 34 41 43
GV 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26
HT 3 5 6 7
KI 1 3
LI 1 2 4
LU 3 10
LV 2 3
SI 3 7 15
SP 6
ST 2 7 36 40 41
TW 2 3 12 23
BL 1 2 5 6 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 20 23 40 58
60 62 65 66 67

L 9

P 6
S 30 36

CV 22
P 6
KI 21
ST 36
BL 17

S 36
DU 4

P 5 8
LI 3 4 5 11
LU 6 7 9 10 11
SI 4 6
TW 4 6


This technique combines local and adjacent points with distant points.

The adjacent points may be used independently or in combination with the local points.
The distant points, generally, are located below the elbows and knees.





Forehead GB14, Yintang Du20 LI4, S44
Temple GB8, Taiyang GB20 SJ3, SJ5, GB41,
Nape UB10 DU14 SI3, UB60, UB65,
SI6, L7
Eye UB1, S1, Du23,
UB2, GB1, GB14,
Yintang, Yuyao
GB16 SI6, Liv3, LI4,
GB37, S44
Ear SJ17, SJ21, SI19,
GB20 SJ3, SJ5, GB41,
Nose LI20, Yintang, S2,
S3, S6, S7
GB20 L7, LI4, LI11, S45
Mouth and cheek S4, S6, S7 SI18 LI4, S41, S44
Throat Ren22, Ren23,
UB10 L10, L11, K6
Chest Ren17, Ren22 L1, UB13 L5, L7, P6
Costal region Liv14, GB27 Liv13, UB18 SJ6, GB34
Upper abdomen Ren12 S21, UB21 P6, S36
Lower abdomen Ren4, Ren6 S25 Sp1, Sp6, Liv8,
Lumbar region UB23, UB25 UB32 UB40, SI3, SI6,
Shoulder area SJ14, SJ15, LI14,
LI15, SI9, SI10
GB21 LI4, S38
Knee area S35, Heding, Xiyan S36, GB34, Liv8,
S44, UB60
Rectum Du1 UB30 UB57






ARMS LI 4 LI 11 LU 5












EAR GB 25 KI 3
















HIPS GB 30 GB 34


JAW SI 18 LI 4


KNEES GB 34 BL 60 BL 54

LEG BL 54 GB 34
























Organ Diseases

Sensitive Points (if present) + Mu + Shu points + points for symptoms
(or) Sensitive points + Yuan + Luo + Xi + points for symptoms
(or) Sensitive points + Earpoints
(or) Sensitive points + Local points + Distant points on the affected Channel

Local Disorders (elbow pain, for instance):
Sensitive points (if present) + Local points + Distant points on affected and
related Channels
(or) Sensitive Points + Earpoints for Elbow + Earpoint ShenMen
(or) Sensitive Points + Tsing points + Local points + Distant points on affected
and related Channels

Distal Points
Acupuncture points are not always chosen locally to treat a problem. Often distal points
are chosen. These points are generally located quite far from the diseased area (often
below the elbows and knees), and are chosen for their ability to treat the problem.

Local Points
There are two kinds of local acupuncture points: classical acupuncture points which are
located close to the area of pain, and, points of sensitivity (not actual points) called
AhShi points, which may also be effective.

Experience Points
These acupuncture points have been proven by clinical experience over time to be very
effective in the treatment of a particular disorder.

Interior- Exterior (Yin-Yang)
The twelve regular meridians are paired together into six groups. One of each pair
represents the interior (yin) aspect of the relationship while the other represents the
exterior (yang) of the relationship. For example the Spleen (yin) and Stomach (yang) are
one pair. A Stomach problem may therefore be treated with points on the Spleen

Front and Back:
Often points are chosen from both the front of the body and the back of the body in order
to elicit balance in the acupuncture treatment. A good example of this would be the
combination of a Front (Mu) point and a Back (Shu) point in the treatment of a disorder.

Upper and Lower:
Disease in the upper part of the body may be treated by selecting points in the lower part
of the body and vice versa. For example, GV 20 on the top of the head is an effective
point to treat hemorrhoids. Left and Right: Acupuncture points in the right side of the
body may be selected for diseases in the left side of the body and vice versa. This type
of treatment may be implemented for the purpose of balancing the energy in a meridian
on different sides of the body, or in the case of head acupuncture, one side of the head
may be treated to affect the opposite side of the body.

Acupuncture Terms and Glossary

Abdominal Distention: Abdominal distention is a common condition, which usually
results from over-eating, rather than from a serious illness. Simple weight gain,
premenstrual syndrome (PMS), pregnancy, or the unconscious swallowing of air can
also cause distention. Abdominal distention is often caused by intestinal gas. This may
result from eating fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables. Legumes such as beans
are common sources of intestinal gas. People who are lactose intolerant cannot properly
digest dairy foods, and eating such foods may cause distention. Abdominal distention
may also occasionally result from the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, which can
be a sign of serious medical problems. There are usually other symptoms in this case.

Acupuncture: The practice of inserting very thin needles in specific acupuncture points or
combinations of points on the body to improve health and well-being. There are over
1,000 acupoints that can be stimulated through the insertion of needles.

Allopathy: A term for conventional medicine, used most frequently by its critics. The word
was coined by Samuel Hahnemann. See also: Allopathic medicine

Alternative Medical Systems: The precise name of an NCCAM classification for those
forms of alternative medicine that are built upon a complete system of theory and

Alternative Medicine: "A group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices,
and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine."
Alternatively defined in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary as: a wide range
of treatments for medical conditions that people use instead of or with western medicine:
Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture, homeopathy and
hypnotherapy. See Alternative medicine for additional definitions.

Anal Prolapse: Rectal prolapse is a condition in which the rectum falls downwards and
turns inside out. Initially, the rectum stays inside the body, but as the condition worsens,
it may protrude outside through the anus. There is often weakness of the anal muscles,
which may result in leakage of mucus or stool. Incomplete rectal prolapse involves the
abnormal protrusion of rectal mucosa through the anus. There is a partial overlap of this
diagnosis with chronic prolapsed hemorrhoids, especially if part of the prolapse is
hemorrhoids, and part of the tissue is rectal mucosa. If the protrusion of rectal mucosa is
only partial, then this is called a partial mucosal prolapse.

Aromatherapy: The use of essential oils and other aromatic compounds from plants to
affect someone's mood or health.

Aromatic Stomacic: Herbs that are aromatic and promote digestion by moving

Arrhythmia: Cardiac arrhythmia is any of a group of conditions in which the electrical
activity of the heart is irregular or is faster or slower than normal. Some arrhythmiae are
life-threatening medical emergencies that can cause cardiac arrest and sudden death.
Others cause aggravating symptoms, such as an awareness of a different heart beat, or
palpitation, which can be annoying. Some are quite small and normal. Sinus arrhythmia

is the mild acceleration followed by slowing of the normal rhythm that occurs with
breathing. In adults the normal resting heart rate ranges from 60 beats per minute to 100
beats per minute.

Asklepios: (Latinate spelling Asclepius) the Greek god of medicine who treated the sick
with the help of his daughters, Hygeia and Panacea.

Ayurveda: "This comprehensive system of medicine, developed in India over 2,000
years ago, places equal emphasis on body, mind, and spirit. The goal is to restore the
natural harmony of the individual. An Ayurvedic doctor identifies an individual's
constitution or overall health profile by ascertaining the patient's metabolic body type
(Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) through a series of personal history questions. The patient's
constitution then becomes the foundation of a specific treatment plan designed to guide
the individual back into harmony with his or her environment. This plan may include
dietary changes, exercise, yoga, meditation, massage, herbal tonics, and other

Bates Method: An alternative approach to eyesight improvement and maintenance.
Recent reviews and clinical trials have failed to show its effectiveness and it is largely
considered pseudoscience.

Biofeedback: Links the mind with the body through high-technology devices that allow
the mind to control certain bodily functions. In this treatment method, an individual is
hooked up to monitoring devices which provide an indication of how brain waves,
breathing patterns, muscle activity, sweat gland function, pulse, skin temperature, and
blood pressure are responding to relaxation techniques, such as meditation.
"Biofeedback has been used to reduce stress, eliminate headaches, recondition injured
muscles, control asthmatic attacks, and relieve pain."

Biologically Based Therapies: The precise name of an NCCAM classification for
alternative treatments that use substances found in nature and/or some other natural

Biomedical Model: A conceptual model of illness that excludes psychological and social
factors and includes only biological factors in an attempt to understand a person's

Biopsychosocial Model: Sees health, illness and healing as resulting from the interacting
effects of events of very different types, including biological, psychological, and social

Blood Deficiency: A lack of blood with signs of anemia, dizziness, dry skin or hair, scant
or absent menstruation, fatigue, pale skin and poor memory.

Blood: A broad term to describe the physical blood in the body that moistens the
muscles, tissues, skin and hair, and also nourishes the cells and organs. In oriental
medical systems many terms have more meaning than in Western medicine--this is one
of those. Blood in Chinese medicine is a nourishing substance which cools and moistens
the tissues including the skin, and anchors the shen (mind/spirit). Therefore someone
who is blood deficient may have dry skin, or their sleep may be disturbed by vivid

Body Work: The preferred name for massage treatments, because this health
profession is trying to disassociate itself from the sex industry. Body work "involves
pressing, rubbing, and otherwise manipulating muscles and other soft tissues of the
body, causing them to relax and lengthen and allowing pain relieving oxygen and blood
to flow to the affected area. Using their hands and sometimes feet, elbows, and
forearms, massage therapists may use over 75 different methods, such as Swedish
message, deep-tissue massage, neuromuscular massage, and manual lymph drainage.
Massage is considered effective for relieving any type of pain in the body's soft tissue,
including back, neck, and shoulder pain, headaches, bursitis, and tendonitis.

Borborygmus: Bowel sounds, the gurgling, rumbling, or growling noise from the
abdomen caused by the muscular contractions of peristalsis, the process that moves the
contents of the stomach and intestines downward. The plural is borborygmi. Bowel
sounds are normal. Their absence can indicate intestinal obstruction. Bowel sounds may
also be temporarily absent after abdominal surgery. The word "borborygmus" has been
rumbling around the English language for some 200 years. Its earliest known use in
English dates to 1796. The word arrived from New Latin, but traces its way back to the
Greek "borboryzein," which means "to rumble."

Breathing Meditation: Many forms of meditation, especially Asian, focus on breathing in
their technique, including yoga, qigong, vipassana, etc. "Deep breathing involves slow,
deep inhalation through the nose, usually for a count of 10, followed by slow and
complete exhalation for a similar count. To help quiet the mind, one generally
concentrates fully on breathing and counting through each cycle. The process may be
repeated 5 to 10 times, several times a day."

Calmative: Has a sedative or calming effect on the mind and the nerves.

CAM: An acronym for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This is an umbrella
term for a large range of treatments and theories on the nature of health and illness,
many of them unrelated, which have in common that they are not generally accepted by
the conventional medical establishment. While some scientific evidence exists for or
against some CAM therapies, for most there are key questions that are yet to be
answered through well-designed studies, including whether these therapies are safe,
whether they work for the diseases or medical conditions for which they are used, and
whether the explanations proponents offer for them are correct. The list of therapies
included under CAM changes gradually.

Channels: Over 2000 years of empirical practice has mapped out the course of the flow
of Qi along the channels and identifies key focus points along these channels. It appears
that they were identified to explain the progression of diseases and also by the
massaging or needling of the channels, relieving symptoms.

Chelation Therapy: The use of chelating agents such as EDTA to remove heavy metals
from the body. While in conventional medicine chelation therapy is used only to treat
heavy metal poisoning, some alternative practitioners advocate the use of chelation
therapy to treat coronary artery disease.

Chinese Medicine: The group of philosophies embodied by Chinese medicine is more
accurately referred to as Oriental Medicine, with roots in many different Asian countries.
This millennia-old Asian medical tradition works to bring balance to the body through
acupuncture, massage, Eastern herbalism, diet; and lifestyle changes such as martial
arts and meditation.

Chiropractics: A popular form of alternative medicine, in which the most commonly
utilized intervention is spinal manipulation. Some chiropractors maintain that their spinal
adjustments move vertebrae to release pressure on spinal nerves to improve health.
"This care involves the adjustment of the spine and joints to influence the bodys nervous
system and natural defense mechanisms to alleviate pain and improve general health. It
is primarily used to treat back problems, headaches, nerve inflammation, muscle
spasms, and other injuries and trauma."

Complementary Medicine: Alternative treatments that are used alongside
("complementary to") conventional medicine, especially as palliative care.

Cupping: An adjunctive physical technique of TCM (Chinese Medicine) employed by
acupuncturists. It involves creating a vacuum in specialized cups to affect the body. It
increases fluid circulation in the tissues and has been shown to reduce inflammation.
It is also used on internal problems, including colds, and appears in traditional
medicines around the world including Turkish, Romany and Brazilian. You can see
Sicilian immigrants using it in The Godfather II to treat colic.

Damp Heat: Collection of Dampness and Heat, often resulting in infection (bacterial or

Deficient Blood: Blood is one of the five essential energies of the body in Oriental
Medicine. Blood is the physical manifestation of Qi and is responsible for carrying
nourishment and moisture to the Organs, tissues, and muscles. Deficient blood shows a
general pattern of dizziness; pale, lusterless face; pale lips; dry skin or hair; scant
menses; pale Tongue material; thin Pulse.

Deficient Qi: Qi is the fundamental life force or energy that is found in all living things and
is formed from the interaction of yin and yang energies. Deficient Qi shows general
weakness; pale, bright face; shallow respiration; low or soft voice; spontaneous
sweating; pale Tongue material; Empty, weak Pulse.

Deficient Yang: Yang is one of the two fundamental polar energies found in all living
things. Yang qualities or conditions are hot, dry, and excessive, on or near the surface of
the body. Yang complements yin. Deficient Yang is similar to Deficient Qi but with signs
of Interior Cold, including cold limbs; aversion to cold; puffy Tongue; slow Pulse.

Deficient Yin: Yin is one of the two fundamental polar energies found in all living things.
Yin qualities or conditions are cold, damp, deficient, and found in the interior of the body.
Yin complements yang. Deficient Yin is similar to Deficient Blood, but characterized by
"appearance of Heat, including agitated manner; red cheeks; warm palms and soles;
night sweats; red Tongue material and rapid, thin Pulse.

Diet-based Therapy: Uses a variety of diets in order to improve health and longevity, to
control weight, as well as to treat specific health conditions like high cholesterol.

Disease Models: How people who have studied diseases try to explain them.

Doctrine of Signatures: Developed around 1500 and claims that a plant's physical
appearance reveals its medical value. The Doctrine of Signatures is often associated
with Western herbalism.

Dysmenorrhea: This condition refers to the pain or discomfort associated with
menstruation. Although not a serious medical problem, its usually meant to describe a
woman with menstrual symptoms severe enough to keep her from functioning for a day
or two each month.

Dyspnea: Difficult or labored breathing; shortness of breath. Dyspnea is a sign of serious
disease of the airway, lungs, or heart. The onset of dyspnea should not be ignored but is
reason to seek medical attention. The word dyspnea comes the Greek "dys-", difficulty +
"pnoia", breathing = difficulty breathing. Dyspnea is the American spelling and dyspnoea
is the British (mis)spelling. Common Misspellings: dyspenia, dypsena, dypsnea, dyspena

Eclectic Medicine: A nineteenth-century system of medicine used in North America that
treated diseases by the application of single herbal remedies to effect specific cures of
certain signs and symptoms.

Edema: Means swelling caused by fluid in your body's tissues. It usually occurs in the
feet, ankles and legs, but it can involve your entire body. Causes of edema include:
Eating too much salt, Sunburn, Heart failure, Kidney disease, Liver problems from
cirrhosis, Pregnancy, Problems with lymph nodes, especially after mastectomy, Some
medicines, Standing or walking a lot when the weather is warm.

Efferent: Neural pathways that have an 'effect'. They carry signals from the body to the
central nervous system; e.g. your sense of touch.

Emesis: Vomiting. An emesis basin is usually kept handy for surgery patients recovering
from general anesthesia since nausea and vomiting are common in that situation. From
the Greek emein (to vomit), from the Indo-European root wem- (to vomit), the source of
the words such as wamble (to feel nauseated) and vomit.

Empty Fire: In Excess/Heat conditions where the "Fire" often rises to the head, and there
are signs such as splitting headaches; dizziness; red face and eyes; dry mouth;
deafness or sudden ringing in the ears. In addition, irritability, frequent anger and
insomnia may be present, as well as constipation; dark, scanty urine; red Tongue with
rough, yellow moss; and a rapid and full, as well as Wiry, Pulse. This pattern is often
seen in Western medicine as essential hypertension, migraine headaches, bleeding of
the upper digestive tract, menopausal complaints; eye diseases such as acute
conjunctivitis and glaucoma; or ear disturbances such as labyrinthitis, Meniere's disease,
or otitis.

Energy Therapies: The name of an NCCAM classification for alternative treatments that
involve the use of purported energy fields.

Eructation: The voiding of gas or of a small quantity of acid fluid from the stomach
through the mouth. Normally the air in stomach is passed downstream into the
intestines. Belching occurs when the stomach air, instead of going down, goes up into
the esophagus and is expelled though the mouth. As in gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD) or heartburn, this process requires that the one way valve between esophagus
and stomach (lower esophageal sphincter or LES) relax and allow the regurgitation of air
upward into the esophagus and then out through the mouth making a sound.

Exercise-based Therapy: Uses a variety of traditional forms of physical exercise in order
to improve health and longevity, and to increase muscle mass, as well as to treat
specific health conditions and to relieve stress.

Fascia: Connective tissue which wraps around and is continuous though muscle tissue.
It is this connective tissue which the contractile muscle cells pull on to effect movement.
It also connects the muscles to tendon bones and each other, for example the fascial
sheet at the lower back is an attachment for many different muscles, and therefore
tightness in one place can also affect a distant muscle.

Flower Essence Therapy: A sub-category of homeopathy which uses homeopathic
dilutions of flowers. This practice was begun by Edward Bach with the Bach flower
remedies but is now practiced much more widely, utilizing flowers all over the world.
There are numerous makers of flower essences, using the flowers that are local to their

Folk Medicine: The collection of procedures traditionally used for treatment of illness and
injury, aid to childbirth, and maintenance of wellness.

Gastroesophageal: Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Your esophagus is the tube that
carries food from your mouth to your stomach. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
happens when a muscle at the end of your esophagus does not close properly. This
allows stomach contents to leak back, or reflux, into the esophagus and irritate it. You
may feel a burning in the chest or throat called heartburn. Sometimes, you can taste
stomach fluid in the back of the mouth. This is acid indigestion. If you have these
symptoms more than twice a week, you may have GERD.

Grahamism: Recommended hard mattresses, open bedroom windows, chastity, cold
showers, loose clothing, pure water and vigorous exercise.

Green Prescription: A card given by a doctor or nurse to a patient, with exercise and
lifestyle goals written on it.

Group Modalities: Forms of CAM that an individual must seek out and perform with a
group of like-minded people.

Heat: An external or internal "climatic" imbalance or ailment characterized by fever,
aversion to heat, overactivity, constipation, dehydration, sparse dark urination, and
insomnia. Heat can also progress and penetrate to the interior of the body and frequently
combines with damp to create internal heat-damp imbalances. Heat is Yang in

Hemorrhoids: Or piles, are varicose veins of the rectum or anus. They are common in
middle and later life, often caused by years of chronic constipation. The three different
types of hemorrhoids include: Internal hemorrhoids - found inside the rectum. They are
painless but tend to bleed. Prolapsed hemorrhoids - a more severe and painful form of
internal hemorrhoids. These veins push through the anus and hang out of the body,
particularly after going to the toilet. Sometimes, the anal sphincter (ring of muscle) can
strangulate veins that hang out permanently. External hemorrhoids - these are like small
hemorrhages (bleeds) under the skin around the anus. They feel like hard lumps.

Herbalism: The practice of making or prescribing herbal remedies for medical conditions.

Herbology: The traditional Chinese medical practice of combining plants, minerals, and
parts of animals for medical treatment.

Heroic Medicine: Any medicine or method of treatment that is aggressive or daring in a
dangerously ill patient.

Holism: The study and advocacy of wholeness in health, science, politics, or any other
area of life.

Homeopathy: An alternative medical practice founded on similars. The underlying
theory is that disease states are cured by remedies which produce, on a healthy person,
similar effects to the symptoms of the patient's complaint. "For example, someone
suffering from insomnia may be given a homeopathic dose of coffee. Administered in
diluted form, homeopathic remedies are derived from many natural sources, including
plants, metals, and minerals. Numbering in the thousands, these remedies have been
used to treat a wide variety of ailments including seasonal allergies, asthma, influenza,
headaches, and indigestion."

Hydrotherapy: The external use of water in the medical treatment of disease.

Hypnosis: "An altered state of consciousness, it is characterized by increased
responsiveness to suggestion. The hypnotic state is attained by first relaxing the body
then shifting the client's attention toward a narrow range of objects or ideas as
suggested by the hypnotist or hypnotheraptist. The procedure is used to access various
levels of the mind to effect positive changes in a person's behavior and to treat
numerous health conditions. For example, hypnosis has been used to lose weight,
improve sleep, and reduce pain and stress."

Hypnotherapy: The treatment of a symptom, disease, or addiction by means of

Integrative Medicine: As defined by NCCAM, combines conventional medical treatments
and CAM alternative treatments for which there is some high-quality scientific evidence
of their safety and effectiveness.

Interventions: Any attempt to modify a medical or health condition.

Iridology: The study of the iris to determine health. (See also eyology and sclerology.)

Jin Shin Jyutsu: An ancient Japanese technique for energy healing, using deep
breathing and the placement of one's hands on specific areas of the body, called Safety
Energy Locks (or SELs). It was rediscovered in Japan in the early 1900's by Master Jiro
Murai. He taught the techniques to Mary Burmeister in the late 1940s, and she brought it
to the US.

Jing: The Substance, or Essence, that underlies all organic life and is the source of
organic change. It is thought of as fluid-like, and is supportive, nutritive and is the basis
of reproduction and development. It has functions but mainly is seen as the store of
energy one is born with, determining a persons constitution. On a continuum it is seen
as a more Yin dense Qi, as opposed to Shen (mind/ Spirit) which is a more rarefied Qi
giving rise to consciousness.

Journaling: A technique for reducing stress by writing about stressful events in your life.

Leukorrhea: Is the medical term for a certain type of vaginal discharge that is common
during pregnancy as well as at other times during your reproductive years. If you have
leukorrhea, you may have a thick and sticky vaginal discharge that is white, yellow, or
green. It can vary with a woman's menstrual cycle as her hormone levels change.
Vaginal discharges are often a sign of vaginal yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or
sexually transmitted diseases. Leukorrhea may or may not indicate the presence of
infection, and it is not usually accompanied by other signs and symptoms, such as
itching, pain, burning or irritation, or redness, of the tissue. Only a qualified health
professional can tell you whether you have an infection. If you have any unusual type of
vaginal discharge during pregnancy or at any other time, always consult your health
professional before trying any over-the-counter treatments or home remedies.

Life Extension: A movement, the goal of which is to live longer through intervention, and
to increase maximum lifespan or average lifespan, especially in mammals. Researchers
of life extension are a subclass of biogerontologists known as "biomedical

Lifestyle Diseases: Diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become
more industrialized and people live longer.

Lifestyle: Describes the particular attitudes, habits or behaviors associated with an

Lower Warmer: Anatomical location referring to the abdominal area below the navel,
especially encompassing the Kidney and Liver (the location of the liver is related to its
Meridian pathway in the lower groin). The condition of Damp Heat in the lower Warmer
may refer, for example, to an infectious process in the large intestine (dysentery) or in
the bladder (urinary tract infection).

Manipulative and body-based methods: The precise name of an NCCAM classification
for alternative treatments that are based on manipulation and/or movement of one or
more parts of the body (See also manipulative therapy).

Massage Therapy: "Involves pressing, rubbing, and otherwise manipulating muscles and
other soft tissues of the body, causing them to relax and lengthen and allowing pain
relieving oxygen and blood to flow to the affected area. Using their hands and

sometimes feet, elbows, and forearms, massage therapists may use over 75 different
methods, such as Swedish message, deep-tissue massage, neuromuscular massage,
and manual lymph drainage. Massage is considered effective for relieving any type of
pain in the body's soft tissue, including back, neck, and shoulder pain, headaches,
bursitis, and tendonitis.

Meditation: "Mental calmness and physical relaxation is achieved [with meditation] by
suspending the stream of thoughts that normally occupy the mind. Generally performed
once or twice a day for approximately 20 minutes at a time, meditation is used to reduce
stress, alter hormone levels, and elevate one's mood; In addition, a person experienced
in meditation can achieve a reduction in blood pressure, adrenaline levels, heart rate,
and skin temperature." Other forms of meditation work with focusing or distracting one's
attention rather than "suspending the stream of thoughts".

Middle Warmer: Anatomical area below the chest, but above the navel, including the
Spleen and Stomach in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, the term Spleen/Stomach
disharmony often refers to a variety of digestive disorders.

Mind-body Connection: Says that the causes, development, and outcomes of an illness
are determined as much from the interaction of psychological and social factors as they
are due to the biological factors of health.

Mind-body Interventions: The precise name of an NCCAM classification that covers a
variety of techniques designed to enhance the mind's capacity to affect bodily function
and symptoms.

Moxa: An herbal preparation of Mugwort, dried and rolled into a pole which resembles a
cigar. It is not smoked, but used for warming regions on the body including acupuncture
points. Use of moxa is called moxibustion. It is one of the techniques of traditional
Chinese medicine.

Moxibustion: The practice of burning an herb (Moxa/ artemesia vulgaris) over an area,
on a needle or on the skin (with precautions to prevent burning the skin) in order to warm
the area. This warming can be used to engender the production of Qi and blood
(Tonifying), to promote circulation and healing. In Japanese acupuncture systems the
use of moxa is more refined and it can be used for almost anything, to clear heat even in
the case of fever.

Muscle Energy Technique: basically involves using motion on the part of the client to
facilitate lengthening of muscle tissue to return it to its normal resting length.

Myofascial Release: A technique which releases muscular tension by working on
connective tissue (fascia). It is currently thought that the transverse pressure applied
induces the peripheral nervous system to release the muscle. It can be effective in any
problem featuring tight muscle tissue, and is very effective in relieving myofascial pain.

Natural Health: An eclectic self-care system of natural therapies that purports to build
and restore health by working with the natural recuperative powers of the human body.

Natural Hygiene: A variation of the nature cure. Its major practices are fasting, food
combining, and a raw food diet.

Natural Therapy: The treatment method used by advocates of natural health.

Nature Cure: The progenitor of naturopathy in Europe. It postulates that all disease is
due to violations of nature's laws, and that true healing consists in a return to natural

Naturopathic Medicine: The eclectic practice of Naturopathic Doctors (N.D) using many
different natural therapies as treatment. The original method of treatment of Naturopathy
was the water cure. Some other treatments are as follows:
o Acupressure
o Acupuncture
o Chinese martial arts
o Chinese pulse diagnosis
o Coin rubbing
o Cupping
o Five Elements
o Food therapy
o Herbology
o Jing
o Meridian
o Moxibustion
o Neigong
o Qigong
o San Jiao
o Seven star
o Shen
o Tao Yin
o TCM model of the body
o Trigger point
o Tui na
o Yin and yang
o Zang Fu theory

OPI: Outside Pernicious Influence - Outside factor precipitating a sudden onset of acute
illness. In Western medicine terms, this frequently refers to onset of an acute infectious
process, such as that seen with the common cold or flu (OPI Wind-Cold or OPI Wind-

Orifices: The sense organs of the head, including eyes, ears, nose and mouth. In
conditions where the orifices are "closed," there is unconsciousness.

Orthopathy: Started in 1802 in the US and developed into the natural hygiene

Otitis: Otitis media. Ear infections are the most common illnesses in babies and young
children. Most often, the infection affects the middle ear and is called otitis media. The
tubes inside the ears become clogged with fluid and mucus. This can affect hearing,
because sound cannot get through all that fluid.

Patent Formulas: A pre-made medicinal, usually based on a Classic TCM decoction.
Patents come in many forms, plasters, ointments, liniments, syrups, liquors, but are
usually in pill form.

Patent Medicines: Like Western Over-The-Counter drugs, generally for more minor
conditions. Typically, they are used for acute conditions like onset of colds or for chronic
but stable conditions, like asthma. Patent medicines are more convenient than brewing
decoctions and thus are highly suited for taking outside of the home.

Pattern Discrimination: The method by which Chinese Pathology is classified. Unlike
Western medicine, the disease entity is not the basis. Pattern Discriminations are much
broader and based primarily on how the condition is manifesting in the individual patient.

Physical Educators: Teach physical fitness and exercise.

Peritonitis: Is an inflammation (irritation) of the peritoneum, the tissue that lines the wall
of the abdomen and covers the abdominal organs.

Plum Blossom: (Chinese medicine) The name of both a tool (also called "Seven Star")
and a technique in traditional Chinese medicine, as well as a metaphor used by several
different Chinese martial arts.

Positional Release: A highly useful technique born of osteopathic practice, based on the
idea that finding a position of a muscle where it is under no strain (position of ease)
allows the muscle to release. It is thought that this position allows the nervous system to
reset afferent stimulus holding the muscle in a contracted and painful position by
minimizing the painful stimuli. It is performed by the therapist by moving a joint gently
without the participation of the client, in different ranges of motion, while ease is
determined by palpation and the feel of the movement. It can also be done with the client
giving feedback about pressure on a tender point.

Professionalized Modalities: A professional used in this context is referring to a person
engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career. It is a provider-
based therapy where someone who is knowledgeable about a specific alternative health
therapy provides care or gives advice about its use. It refers to all doctor/patient
relationships where the professional is functioning in the role of a doctor, whether
licensed or not. The professional is providing some type of treatment or therapy which
the patient cannot perform on themselves.

Progressive Relaxation: "This therapy involves the successive tensing and relaxing of
each of the 15 major muscle groups. Performed lying down, one generally begins with
the head and progresses downward, tensing each muscle as tightly as possible for a
count of 5 to 10 and then releasing it completely. Often combined with deep breathing,
progressive relaxations are particularly useful for reducing stress, relieving tension, and
inducing sleep."

Qi: This Chinese word is usually translated as energy, or vital energy. The character is
formed of a pictogram meaning rice and another meaning steam or vapour. Together
they imply that Qi can be material or immaterial, and has a connotation of the transition
from one state to another. This is the way it is seen in Qigong practice and Chinese
medicine. There is a continuum from the solid material Qi (Jing) to the Qi which we

influence with needles, massage or exercise (and herbs) through to the more rarefied
Shen (mind/spirit). By working on the quality of Qi, one can therefore benefit ones
physical constitution, and the quality of ones consciousness.

Qigong: An increasingly popular exercise aspect of Chinese medicine. Qigong is mostly
taught for health maintenance purposes, but there are also some who teach it, especially
in China, for therapeutic interventions. There are hundreds of different schools, and it is
also an adjunct training of many East Asian martial arts. The term Qigong is relatively
recent and refers to physical practices which aim to work on Qi. The character Gong
means, work, or endeavour, so it is working on ones Qi. There are hundreds of different
systems of Qigong, often stemming from family traditions or martial arts schools, and
many variations to those systems. They are given the label of internal exercises as they
work on ones internal systems. Some Qigong involves movement; other systems hold
static postures. Seated meditation can also be seen as Qigong, and some believe that
any exercise can be Qigong if the right intention and presence of mind is brought to it.
R-A Therapy: An alternative cancer therapy utilizing natural substances that purports to
induce re-differentiation and apoptosis in tumors so as to cause a reduction of cancer
cell numbers or an elimination of aggregations of malignant cells.

Reiki: Purports to be an energy healing therapy, which is claimed to help the body's
ability to heal itself through the flow and focusing of healing energy (reiki means "ghostly
energy"). During treatment, this healing energy is said to be channeled through the
hands of a practitioner into the client's body to restore a normal energy balance and
health. Energy healing therapy has been used to attempt treatment of a wide variety of
ailments and health problems and is sometimes used in conjunction with other
alternative and conventional medical treatments.

Self-care Modalities: Forms of CAM that individuals can perform by themselves, even if
they need to be trained to do so. These cover techniques that can be self-taught with the
aid of books or instructional videos, or can be learned from an experienced practitioner.
Although some initial training is needed, once these techniques are learned, you will
need no additional outside assistance unless you want to improve your skills.

Seven Emotions: Sadness, fright, fear, grief, anger, joy (extreme excitability) and
pensiveness. These are all considered as potential causes of illness.

Shen: The spirit and mental faculties of a person which include the zest for life,
charisma, the ability to exhibit self control, be responsible, speak coherently, think and
form ideas and live a happy, spiritually-fulfilled life. Mind or Spirit. It is seen on a
continuum as a rarefied, more yang form of Qi, as opposed to Jing, a condensed store of
Qi. Shen gives rise to conscious thought and all spiritual considerations of the human
condition. It was thought by the Taoists to reside in the head or brain, and by the
Confucians to reside in the heart. It can be subdivided into constituent parts in diagnostic
terms: will (zhi), intent (yi), mind (shen), ethereal soul (hun), and corporeal soul (po).

Six External Evils: Like the seven emotions, causes of illness and disease. Also known
as the six climatic factors, the six excesses and the six evil qi. The six external evils are
terms from nature that are used to describe the condition. These include wind, cold,
summer heat, dampness, dryness and fire. Terms are also used metaphorically to
indicate the behavior of a particular ailment or condition.

Stagnation of Blood (or Congealed Blood): The Blood has become obstructed and is not
flowing smoothly. There is sharp, stabbing pain accompanied by tumors, cysts or
swelling of the Organs (most commonly the Liver).

Stagnation of Qi: (or Stuck Qi) The normal movement of Qi is impaired, where it does
not flow through the body in a smooth and orderly fashion. Stagnant Qi in the limbs and
Meridians may be the origins of pain and aches in the body. Stagnation of Qi in the
Lungs may result in coughing and dyspnea. Stagnation of Qi in the Liver may result in
distension in the ribs and abdomen, or elsewhere, including breast distension.

Stagnation: A blockage or buildup of qi or blood that prevents it from flowing freely. Is a
precursor of illness and disease and is frequently accompanied by pain or tingling.

Stomach Heat: Too much heat in the stomach is represented by bad breath, bleeding or
swollen gums, burning sensation in the stomach, extreme thirst, frontal headaches
and/or mouth ulcers.

Summer Heat: Overactive functioning of an organ system resulting in symptoms of thirst,
aversion to heat and craving for cold, infection, inflammation, dryness, red face,
sweating, irritability, dark yellow urine, restlessness, constipation and "hyper" conditions
such as hypertension.

Sweat Therapy: The combination of group counseling/psychotherapy with group
sweating. Group sweating is social interaction while experiencing psycho physiological
responses to heat exposure. Group sweating has strong cultural validity, as it has
existed throughout the world for thousands of years to promote well-being. Examples
include the Finnish Sauna, the Russian Bania, the American Indian Sweat Lodge
Ceremony, the Islamic Hammam, the Japanese Mushi-Buro, and the African Sifutu.
Sweat therapy has been found to accelerate and intensify counseling process. Sweating
procedures are beneficial for the prevention and treatment of some lung, heart, and skin
problems. It promotes deeper sleep, pain relief, muscle relaxation, and has been helpful
in treating insomnia and arthritis. It also promotes positive effects on feeling states.

Syncope: Syncope (SIN'ko-pe) is temporary loss of consciousness and posture,
described as "fainting" or "passing out." It's usually related to temporary insufficient
blood flow to the brain. It's a common problem, accounting for 3 percent of emergency
room visits and 6 percent of hospital admissions. It most often occurs when the blood
pressure is too low (hypotension) and the heart doesn't pump a normal supply of oxygen
to the brain. It may be caused by emotional stress, pain, pooling of blood in the legs due
to sudden changes in body position, overheating, dehydration, heavy sweating or
exhaustion. Syncope may occur during violent coughing spells (especially in men)
because of rapid changes in blood pressure. It also may result from several heart,
neurologic, psychiatric, metabolic and lung disorders. And it may be a side effect of
some medicines.

Tai Chi: A set of smooth, flowing exercises used to improve or maintain health, create a
sense of relaxation and keep qi flowing.

Taiji: The supreme ultimate or great polarity. This is represented by the commonly
known yin-yang symbol and is the name given to the popular internal martial art Taiji.

Chuan: Great polarity fist (the word Chuan means fist, boxing, grasping but also letting
go in different contexts). It is a core principle in oriental thought and medicine. Diagnosis
uses the idea of the interconnectedness, interdependence, and mutually transforming
nature of yin and yang to understand disharmony in the person and how this affects

Tantra: Emphasizes a ritual connection with elements from an Indian cultural
background. Tantric tradition uses sexual rituals for spiritual development.

Tao: The ancient philosophy of oneness in all creation.

TCM: The abbreviation for Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Therapeutic Nihilism: Skepticism regarding the therapeutic value of drugs or medical
treatment voiced by physicians. The Hippocratic Oath exhorts doctors to avoid
therapeutic nihilism.

Thomsonianism: A form of herbalism in use during the 19th century in the US.
Tibetan Eye Chart: A mandala-like chart used to improve eyesight through exercise.
Tinnitus: Causes of tinnitus include hearing loss, exposure to loud noises or medicines
you may be taking for a different problem. Tinnitus may also be a symptom of other
health problems, such as allergies, high or low blood pressure, tumors and problems in
the heart, blood vessels, jaw and neck. Treatment depends on the cause. Treatments
may include hearing aids, sound-masking devices, medicines and ways to learn how to
cope with the noise.

Tonification/Tonify: To nourish, support or strengthen the condition of qi, blood or weak
organ function.

Toxicity: Applies to any inflammation, infection or severe heat disease.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): A system of health care which is based on the
Chinese notion of harmony and balance inside the human body as well as harmony
between the body and its outside environment. The medical system that originated in
China approximately 3000 years ago. It consists of not only Acupuncture, but Herbology,
Massage (Tuina), Exercise (Tai Qi), Moxabustion, Cupping, Nutrition, and others. TCM
has its own pathology system, which uses a broader characterization of illness (Pattern
Discriminations) than Western Medicines disease based pathology system. Constantly
refined and improved over the course of its history, it offers treatments for a wide variety
of ailments, both chronic and acute. Its effectiveness, low cost, less invasive nature, and
low incidence of side-effects have made it an attractive alternative to conventional care.

Traditional Japanese Medicine: Pre-Western Japanese medicine was strongly
influenced by traditional Chinese medicine and is often seen as a sub-category of TCM.

Trigger Points: Areas of myofascial (muscle) tissue where the local circulation has been
impeded to the extent that they are held in contracture. They are exquisitely painful are
characterised by referred pain patterns. That is, the point causes pain elsewhere in the
body. They form in muscle that is held in undue stress for long periods and pain can be
managed by releasing them. The patterns of referral and common sites of trigger point
formation have been mapped and often correspond with acupuncture points and

Triple Burner or Triple Warmer: Represents the three production centers for warm
energy and water. The upper burner is the heart/lung system, the middle burner is the
spleen/stomach, and the lower burner is the kidney/bladder/intestines.

Triple Warmer: Also called "Triple Burner" and San Jiao in Chinese. In Oriental
Medicine, this is a yang organ or, more precisely, an "energy system that has no
equivalent in conventional medicine. The Triple Warmer is crucial to all phases of
digestion and has three parts: The Upper Burner (from mouth to Stomach); the Middle
Burner (from Stomach to Large Intestine); and the Lower Burner (from Small Intestine to
the Rectum).

Tuina: Traditional Chinese massage technique that focuses on meridians and acupoints.
Upper Warmer: Anatomical area including the head and chest.

Uropathy: A specialized branch of alternative medicine, including any sort of oral or
external application of urine for medicinal or cosmetic purposes.

Visualization: Or guided imagery, "involves a series of relaxation techniques followed by
the visualization of detailed images, usually calm and peaceful in nature. If used for
treatment, the client may visualize his/her body as healthy, strong, and free of the
specific problem or condition. Sessions, conducted in groups or one-on-one, are typically
20-30 minutes and may be practiced several times a week. Guided imagery has been
advocated for a number of chronic conditions, including headaches, stress, high blood
pressure, and anxiety."

Wei qi: Defensive energy, the TCM equivalent of the immune system.

Wei Stage of Febrile Disease: The first stage of Four Stages of Febrile Disease. The
Wei Qi is the protective Qi of the body. This stage develops when an OPI is in the first
depth of the body, with symptoms such as fever, a slight fear of cold, headache, and
coughing, slight thirst, with or without perspiration. It is often an early stage of OPI Wind-
Heat syndrome, seen with the common cold or flu.

Wei Syndrome: Weakness and eventual wasting of the musculature, especially of the
lower extremities, and the resultant impairment of motor function.

Wellness: Has been used in CAM contexts since Halbert Dunn began using the phrase
"high level wellness" in the 1950s, based on a series of lectures at a Unitarian
Universalist Church in Arlington, VA. Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy
balance of the mind-body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.

Western Medicine: The biological and biochemistry based medical system used in the
United States and most Western nations. Sometimes people use the word Allopathy, but
this term is so broad that it includes both TCM and Western Medicine. Western Medicine
is the treatment of choice for many life-threatening conditions, including trauma, heart
attack, stroke, and cancer.

Wholeness: More than mere completeness or fullness. It implies a reality, system or
truth in which all parts or aspects are present in right and healthy relationship with each
other. This right relationshipor synergyis a major factor in the whole being "greater
than the sum or its parts". From the perspective of preferential wholeness, a healthy

person is more whole than an ill or injured one, and curing or fixing them is central to
their healing. In contrast, from the perspective of existential wholeness, illness and injury
are part of the larger wholeness of life, and real healing would entail appreciation and
positive engagement with illness and injury as well as wellness.

Wind In: Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, this refers to anything that has sudden
onset and movement. This may refer to sudden onset from an Outside Factor, such as
the common cold or flu (OPI Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat) as seen in an infectious or
contagious disease. Or, this may refer to sudden onset from the inside, such as Internal
Wind (often referred to as Liver Wind), where there is dizziness, tinnitus, numbness of
the limbs, tremors, convulsions and stroke (apoplexy). Because Wind is associated with
movement, it is often recognized by signs that move from place to place, such as itching
or skin eruptions that change location, spasms, tremors of the limbs, twitching,
dizziness, or joint and muscle pains that move throughout the body. Wind symptoms are
sudden and acute, frequently occurring in the spring, and commonly occur in tandem
with other external causes of illness, especially cold.

Wind: Causes the sudden movement of a condition. Examples are a rash that is
spreading, onset of colds, fever, chills, vertigo, spasms or twitches.

Wind-Cold: An OPI condition (acute, infectious disease) characterized by headache,
soreness due to obstructed Meridians; relatively severe chills; low fever; white, moist
Tongue moss; floating, tight Pulse.

Wind-Heat: An OPI condition (acute, infectious disease) similar to Wind-Cold, however
the fever tends to be higher and the chills are less pronounced; the Pulse is floating and
fast; the Tongue is dry and reddish, with a yellow moss.

Yang Deficiency: A cold condition due to lack of the heating quality of yang. Symptoms
include lethargy, poor digestion, cold, lower back pain and decreased sexual drive.

Yang: In the Taiji symbol, the white half with the seed of black in it. The parts making up
the Chinese character mean the sunny side of a hill. It describes the active part of
nature, the more airy, moving, hot and ascending qualities of the world, human
physiology or disease. Yin and yang are seen as a dynamic interface which is
interdependent, transforming and mutually supportive. There cannot be one without the
other and each contains the potential of its opposite.

Yin Deficiency: A heat condition that results in symptoms of night sweats, fever, nervous
exhaustion, dry eyes and throat, dizziness, blurred vision, insomnia and a burning
sensation in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and the chest.

Yin: In the Taiji symbol, Yin is represented by the dark half with the seed of white in it.
The Chinese character means the dark side of a hill which shows us the roots of the
philosophy in the natural world. It describes the passive part of nature, the more solid,
grounded, still cold and descending qualities of the world, the person or illness. Yin and
yang are seen as a dynamic interface which is interdependent, transforming and
mutually supportive. There cannot be one without the other and each contains the
potential of its opposite. Represents cool and the substance of the body, including blood
and bodily fluids that nurture and moisten the organs and tissues.

Yoga: A diverse and ancient East Indian practice. There are many different styles and
schools of yoga. It is generally a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures,
and meditation that calms the nervous system and balances body, mind, and spirit. It is
thought to prevent specific diseases and maladies by relaxing the body, deepening
respiration and calming the mind. Yoga has been used to lower blood pressure, reduce
stress, and improve flexibility, concentration, sleep, and digestion. It has also been used
as supplementary therapy for such diverse conditions as cancer, diabetes, asthma, and

Zangfu: Describes the solid organs (zang) that store vital substances and the hollow
organs (fu) which are responsible for transportation.


(Acupuncture Terms and Glossary)




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Edward Bach

















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Sea Cucumber


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