The Recent Maqra-ah'/Hadith Majlis Trend
The Recent Maqra-ah'/Hadith Majlis Trend
The Recent Maqra-ah'/Hadith Majlis Trend
by Shaykh Muhammad Awwmah "
From his book Malim Irshdiyyah
Translated by
Moulana Muhammad H Abasoomar"
First Edition Shaban 1435 June 2014
Translators Preface
Attending a few gatherings of completion of Hadith books (like the khatm-Bukhari)
for the purpose of barakah etc is applaudable and encouraged.
However, the recent trend of arranging public 'maqra-ahs' (swift recitals) of Hadith
books, like Sahih Bukhari etc. are indeed beneficial for the scholars, but harmful for
the layman who doesn't have a sound grounding in the basic subjects of the Islamic
Such recitals should be held in controlled environments, for the scholarly only. An
'under qualified' layman cannot suffice on mere Hadith recitals like these after
which 'ijazah' (permission) for transmitting Hadith is given to all. This could inflate
one's ego more than his knowledge!
In any field of knowledge, there is always a standard that needs to be maintained.
Unfortunately in the recent past, there has been total disregard for any standard with
regards to the knowledge of Islam. The extent of the resulting disarray is not good,
and will be explained further in this booklet.
In such a state, it is the responsibility of the learned ones to point out the wrongs so
the sincere ones may take heed.
This is exactly the motive of this book; to illustrate the malpractices that accompany
the contemporary maqra-ahs, and to point out as well as encourage the ideal. The
genuine enthusiasts will surely make the adjustments and will do what it takes to
pursue their goal, which ultimately should be the pleasure of Allah Taala.
3. Many of those who sign up are people who have little or no solid grounding
in the Islamic sciences. All they want is to attain the ijazah from the
musnid in attendance. (A musnid is one who narrates Hadith with a chain.
Its also used to refer to one who has abundant links and ijazat)
The fear is that these people may be ineligible to receive the ijazah for a variety of
reasons. See the next point for an example.
4. Another attendee admits to having little understanding of the Arabic
language, but was overjoyed to receive the ijazah!
The scholars mention an important rule of acquiring Hadith; that the one acquiring
must be able to comprehend what he/she is acquiring. This is generally applied to
the acquisition of children. So if an adult narrates something that he/she heard or
saw in their childhood, then it will only be accepted if at the time of the occurrence,
that child was at an age of understanding (tamyiz). The same applies to when a
person who doesnt understand
understand the Arabic language at the time of acquisition. How
could such an acquisition be legitimate?
5. One attendee stated that ijazah means: permission to teach that particular
How can that person teach the book if he doesnt even understand Arabic?! Even if
he understood the language, there was no commentary given, so what is he really
going to teach?
6. Undoubtedly, some of those who have acquired the ijazah will have the urge
to now pass it on, even though they havent understood the Hadith.
Allamah Dhahabi (rahimahullah) demise: 748 A.H. writes: [If] the only purpose of
acquiring [Hadith] is to pass it on, then this, by Allah! is not [done] for the sake of
7. The attraction of amassing abundant ijazat without acquiring the proper
explanation of the Hadiths, and without thorough study of the other fields
of Islamic knowledge is an old trap of Shaytan.
Ibnul Jawzi (rahimahullah) has expounded on this in his Talbis Iblis. I have
quoted excerpts in the footnotes.
At the beginning of his book,4 Imam Ibnus Salah (rahimahullah) demise: 643 A.H.
- complains of the degeneration of some of the Hadith students in his era. He
described them as: Those who engage in listening to Hadith lessons inattentively,
they have no standard of research and have abandoned the other branches of the
field of Hadith.
While discussing the etiquettes of a Hadith student,5 Ibnus Salah (rahimahullah)
advices: He should ensure that his motive is correct. His object should not be to
increase the numbers [of his shuyukh]. He then quoted from one Muhaddith who
had managed to acquire one particular Hadith with 200 different chains. He saw
Imam Yahya ibn Main in a dream telling him: I fear that this [abundant amassing
of chains] could fall under the [warning in] the verse:
Pg. 6.
The ideal
In light of the above, the ideal for any person who wishes to acquire the knowledge
of Hadith, is to first study the basics of Islamic knowledge. After spending several
years in this, when his teachers deem him eligible for Hadith study, then only should
he pursue it. In his perusal, he should study the traditional books with its translation
and adequate commentary under qualified Masters of the field. This has been the
methodology in all traditional schools of learning, irrespective of the country and
ethnic background.
When the seekers of Hadith do not follow the above pattern they expose themselves
and the blessed field of Hadith to objection. The famous, Khatib Baghdadi
(rahimahullah) demise: 463 A.H. wrote an entire book because of this. His book is
entitled: Advice for the Ahlul Hadith ()
His concern was exactly the same; namely that the Hadith seekers were abandoning
other fundamental branches of knowledge. Due to their lack of understanding of the
Hadiths, they became targets of abuse. This is a natural result of one who becomes
infatuated with amassing ijazat only.
The Senior Muhaddith of ancient Spain, Ibn Abdil Barr (rahimahullah) demise:
463 A.H. has a dedicated chapter in his Jamiu Bayanil ilmi wa Fadlihi entitled:
Those who criticized abundant amassing of Hadith without acquiring its
In this chapter, Ibn Abdil Barr (rahimahullah) mentions that it is makruh (disliked)
by the scholars for someone to acquire the Hadith only without its explanations.
A Ploy
I keep asking myself: Why didnt any of my Hadith teachers (or even their teachers)
engage in this kind of public maqra-ahs?
If attending maqra-ahs for barakah was a genuine pretext for public maqra-ahs, why
did the Muhaddithun that I quoted above not say so? Why did they discourage such
kinds of swift Hadith recitals without excluding those who were doing it for
The reality is that the modern maqra-ah seems to be a ploy of Shaytan. Firstly,
Firstly a
person is distracted from acquiring what is more important for himself. Secondly,
Secondly by
the layman acquiring ijazah, he will gradually see himself as independent of the
knowledgeable scholars, despite his ignorance. This will create a huge gap between
the well-grounded Ulama and the ignorant masses.
Even if they are told that the ijazah is merely for barakah, the fact that they are
being given official ijazah certificates surely inflates the ego. Ijazah is not a
precondition for barakah. The limitless blessings and benefits of Hadith recitals are
not restricted to maqra-ahs. They can still be attained if one spends ones time
constructively, by acquiring the correct explanations of a Hadith book that is more
conducive to the laymans level; like Riyadus Sawlihin.
Here in South Africa, our seniors have refused to accept or endorse this practice of
Public Hadith majlis / maqra-ahs. Its unfortunate, that in some parts of the world,
there are traditional scholars who have been overwhelmed by this trend. Insha Allah,
the following pages are sufficient to convince the sincere reader of this unfortunate
modernization of Hadith recitals.
Muhammad ibn Moulana Haroon Abasoomar /
29 Rajab 1435 A.H. = 29 May 2014
Ibnul Jawzi (rahimahullah) writes in Talbis Iblis, pg.155: One group of those who aspire
to amass abundant chains, are sincere, but shaytan has occupied them with this so they do
not engage in what is more beneficial for them.
A discussion
discussion regarding the innovative methods that have been introduced in
the swift recitals
recitals of Hadith books
The debate regarding contemporary styles of teaching, calls me to discuss these new
methods which have been introduced in the [swift] recital of the books of the
Prophetic Sunnah.
Very concisely I present the following:
Firstly a quick comparison between incidents pertaining to recitation and listening of
Hadith books, in the past and that of current times, gives us a true unbiased ruling
over the recent intrusions on the traditional scene.
From here on, all subheadings are added by the translator. This is to create ease for the
reader to follow the various angles of the discussion. Furthermore, all footnotes, besides the
references, are also by the translator.
Thereafter, I forgot which Hadith of the book it was, so I left the entire
2) Ibn Main said: We brought some Hadiths of Ubaydullah ibn Umar to
Hatim ibn Ismail (rahimahumullah). After he had recited to us one Hadith,
he said: I ask Allahs forgiveness! I had written a book [of narrations which
I had heard] from Ubaydullah, but then I had doubt regarding one
particular Hadith, therefore I will not narrate anything from him.9
3) Yusuf ibn Muslim (rahimahullah) said: I heard al-Haytham ibn Jamil (alBaghdadi al-Antaki) saying: I heard seven hundred Hadiths from Shubah
(rahimahullah), but I then developed a doubt regarding one Hadith, so I left
all of them.10
4) As-Samani quotes the following narration from Imam Yahya ibn Yahya atTamimi an-Naysaburi, one of the narrators of al-Muwatta from Imam Malik
(rahimahumullah): After having completed the reading of al-Muwatta,
Yahya said to Malik: my heart is not at ease with this listening. Imam
Malik asked: Why is that? he replied: It is because I fear that I may have
omitted something [during my recital]. So Imam Malik recited the entire
al-Kifayah, 234-235
al-Kifayah, 234-235
Imam Ali ibn Madini said regarding the famous narrator; Affan ibn Muslim
(rahimahullah): Whenever he doubted even a single letter in a Hadith, he would abstain
from reporting it. (Taqrib, no. 4625)
al-Kifayah, 234-235
book to him. When he had completed the reading Yahya said: My heart is
not pleased with this either, because I fear that something may have escaped
my ears. Imam Malik asked: So what do you propose? he replied: I will
read it again and you will listen. He then recited, thereby achieving three
readings of the Muwatta.11
5) Hafiz Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) states at the end of the biography of Imam
al-Hafiz Abu Qurrah az-Zabidi: He compiled the book as-Sunan according
to the chapters (of jurisprudence) in a single volume, which I have
personally seen. A distinct habit in this book is the he does not say in his
narration of Hadith: So and so narrated to us ([ ) like is the norm].
Rather, he only says: So and so mentioned () . When Imam
Daraqutni (rahimahullah) was asked about this he said: An irregularity had
Compare this level of caution to what happens nowadays, where Hadith recitals are
broadcast over the internet for anyone who can afford to pay the registration fee to
participate. Only Allah Taala knows the real condition, concentration and respect with
which the online audience participates. The Hadith lesson demands a certain amount of
respect, demeanour and dress-code, which isnt easily adhered to when one is alone behind
a computer monitor...
Consider the fact that in the era of our predecessors, the modes of transport were very
limited. Despite that they undertook lengthy journeys to attend Hadith lessons. The
modern-day situation is completely opposite; we have unparalleled modes of transportation,
yet we lack the courage and heart to physically attend the lesson!
For our salaf, their courage and aspirations made up for their lack of technological
advancements. They too viewed the world as one village, nay as one room; moving to any
corner as they wished to attain their goal... (see Maalim Irshadiyyah, pg.124)
befallen his books; therefore he was cautious of being explicit with the usage
of the term: So and so narrated to us () . 12
6) Az-Zarkashi states that Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Juwayni narrates from
Abu Bakr al-Hiri about Abul-Abbas al-Asam (rahimahumullah): A Hadith
was being read to him, and he said: I can narrate half of it, and not the
other half. When he was asked about that, he replied: I read half of it to
the shaykh thereafter a donkey brayed, so I did not know: if the shaykh
heard the rest or not? Because of this doubt, I left it. This is how [cautious]
the people were. 13
The demise of this Abul-Abbas was in the year 346 A.H. Look attentively and
comprehend his statement: This is how [cautious] the people were!!
The incidents which I have quoted above clearly attest to the people [of the past]
being like this.
7) It is mentioned, in the biography of Imam Ibnul-Imam; Abu Abdillah
Muhammad ibn Fadl al-Furawi (rahimahullah) that he said: We would hear
the book Al-Musnad of Abu Awanah being read to Abul-Qasim alQushayri. A very modest man would be present sitting next to the shaykh
(al-Qushayri). My father was the one reciting. It so happened that after he
had recited a substantial portion of the book that modest man was absent
one day. The shaykh came out, according to his habit; he would generally
come out and take his seat. At this time he was wearing a coarse black upper
garment and a small turban. I was under the impression that my father had
been reciting the book to that modest man [who was now absent]. Suddenly
my father began reciting, so I said: My Master! To whom are you reciting?
The shaykh is not present. He asked; It is as if you think my shaykh is
that (well-mannered) individual? I replied: Yes. He became annoyed and
uttered: inna li-llahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Addressing me, he said: Oh
my beloved son, your shaykh is this man seated here. He highlighted that
spot in the book and thereafter repeated his recital for my sake-from the
beginning of the book till that spot.14
This narration also shows the importance of knowing the identity of the shaykh
under whom one is studying. 15
Siyar Alamin Nubala, vol.19 pg.618 & Tabaqatush Shafiiyyah, vol.6 pg.168
Unlike another contemporary ploy; where the names of all the enthusiasts are written in
a book, and one genuine seeker takes these names to every Shaykh he visits. After
acquiring the ijazah (permission to narrate) from that Shaykh, he asks the Shaykh to confer
his ijazah to all those mentioned in that book!
I understand that one has the option to delegate someone to acquire the ijazah on his
behalf from a specific Shaykh, but in the above scenario, those whose names are on that list
have no clue whatsoever about which Shuyukh (plural of Shaykh) that genuine seeker will
be visiting!
In my opinion, this falls under what the famous Ibnus Salah (rahimahullah) termed as:
unapproved sloppiness. ()
The first time I heard of this practice was when I met a genuine seeker in Turkey in
November of 2007.
Note My objection here is on those who put their names on those lists. Undoubtedly there
are many sincere, genuine seekers who abide by the general rules and whose intentions are
good. Its just that they could have spent their energies more fruitfully. See the quote from
Imam Ibnul Jawzi (rahimahullah) in the footnote on page 20.
The first being: the habit of bringing tender aged children to the gatherings
of narration, as well as those who were not scholars.
[They did this with the expectation of such attendees progressing in Hadith,
later in their life]
Second was the desire of some scholars to acquire shorter chains of
narrations for particular books or to achieve more chains for that book.
[which they had already studied diligently prior to that]
During this early period in their lives, they may have acquired some renowned book
too. Despite their acquisition of that book being deficient, it would not be harmful to
that celebrated book which is already in circulation [due the prevalence of other
reliable reporters/copies of these books]
However, they would have also acquired booklets of Hadith that are called: juz. [a
booklet of Hadith dealing with one section out of the various sections of the sunnah]
This juz could be unknown and not in circulation. Since both these types of learners
were not suitable to receive Hadith as it should, the possibility of them lacking
accuracy and proficiency in what they have received is very likely. It therefore
becomes difficult for the scholars coming after them to pass verdicts of authenticity
on the Hadiths of these ajza. [plural of juz].
A Contemporary Trend
On the other hand if this feeble acquisition [like that of the first group, which has
become common nowadays!] is the first and last16 acquisition of that book of Hadith,
There are many contemporaries who have attended Maqra-ahs repeatedly, thereby
achieving several acquisitions of some books. Of these, some are such that not a single
and by means of it this person begins to boast17 that he heard such and such a book
from the six famous works, whilst not having any previous knowledge regarding the
established principles of knowle
dge:18 then there is no value19 to this listening and
acquisition of theirs was done with adequate commentary of the Hadiths. These will remain
in the same category being discussed by my Respected Shaykh above.
Ibnul Jawzi (rahimahullah) has cautioned that some people amass a lot of Hadith chains
so they may brag as follows: I met so and so, and I have achieved what no other has etc.
He writes: These people are far from sincere (Talbis Iblis, pg.158)
I have personally encountered and also heard about some contemporaries who introduce
themselves to anyone and everyone with statements like: The number of ijazat that I have,
no other has etc. Some say it clearly and others imply it.
When the motive is all about the numbers, one will compromise in whom he acquires his
Hadith ijzah from. In October of 2001, I met a young student of Al-Azhar in Cairo, who
was from an Arab country. He was in his early twenties, and by then he had amassed 100
ijazat! He invited me to his apartment, and informed me that he was expecting a visitor
whose field of expertise was Usulul Fiqh, but he also had ijazah in Hadith, and that if I
wished, I could ask the visitor to grant me his ijazah too. When the visitor arrived, his
demeanour never showed him to be a scholar of Islam of any kind. I met and spoke with
him, but I didnt request his ijazah!
Imam Muhammad ibn Sirin (rahimahullah) said: Indeed knowledge is [part of] your
religion, so check whom you acquire your religion from (Muqaddimah Sahih Muslim)
This is an important disclaimer from my Respected Shaykh (may Allah protect him).
This entire expose is to explain the harms of this kind of (unqualified) people attending
such Hadith recitals. The learned and scholarly who are adequately equipped in the fields of
Islamic sciences are the real deserving ones for such Maqra-ahs. A question arises as to why
would people go to such lengths to organise Maqra-ahs for public participation? I received
one explanation from a prominent Arab Hadith teacher who had attended the Imam
Nanotwi Conference at Azaadville, South Africa in January 2014. He said that some of the
organisers that he encountered were benefiting monetarily! Another senior in the same
A Mockery
The following is just one of a multitude of contemporary stories about recitals of
Hadith books:
Once, more than forty years ago, a student came to me giving an account, like a
proud peacock. He said that he had studied such and such a book, of the six famous
works, under the tutelage of so and so shaykh (who was a famed scholar). He
continued listing various works and scholars, until he mentioned Sunan Tirmidhi,
which he claimed to have studied under a very eminent scholar. So I deliberately
asked him: Without any gap! ( ) He immediately kept quiet and didnt
understand what I had just said! 20
gathering said: There are some who want to show the world that they too have ijazat in
Hadith. [like the traditional scholars have] By Allah! One who merely suffices on a
maqara-ah or two, will never match the standard of the traditional Hadith seekers,
irrespective of the number of his ijazat!!
Note I must reiterate that I am not singling out any particular individual here, but if the
cap fits...
Ibnus Salah (rahimahullah) says: One who merely seeks to increase his number of
Shuyukh (plural of shaykh) and thereby attain fame, has wasted his time and is deprived of
tawfiq (divine ability). (Muqaddimah Ibnus Salah, pg. 249)
Another modern trend is to acquire ijazah from a shaykh telephonically. As I was
preparing this article, one of my seniors received a call from someone in another continent
requesting his ijazah. My senior had no clue as to who this person was and as expected,
excused himself. During the call, the caller mentioned that he did acquire ijazah from other
contemporaries whom he met personally. The question is:
is If that is the reality, then why
was there a need to add to his list of ijazat telephonically?
telephonically Couldnt he understand that
what he had is sufficient?!
That phone call was on May 20th, 2014.
After writing the above footnote, I stumbled upon a unique surprise on May 22; It turns
out that the caller was one of the musnids (a technical term referring to one who has
amassed many chains/ijazat) who was in attendance at a certain Maqra-ah, earlier this
month! (I know this because I took the call on behalf of the senior, and I asked the callers
name) He was the one granting the ijazah to other innocent attendees who were being
charged a fee of around $100, and who had to spend a few days attending a recital to this
The question is:
is Why couldnt he just grant the ijazah for free to all who wanted it
telephonically too, instead of forcing them to attend. After all, he himself acquires ijazat in
this manner!!
Is it that the musnid has the right to get his ijazat for free (or for just the cost of a phone
call) and this gives him the authority to use
use this for his own fame & gain?
How true were the words of the senior Hadith Master; Shaykh Mufti Said Palanpuri (may
Allah protect him)! Subhanallah!
I am referring to a personal account with the Shaykh in 1999. Someone who had studied
the 6 books (Sihah Sittah) in detail at a reputable Madrasah/Darul Ulum, had requested
him for ijazah. Shaykh Palanpuri responded angrily and said: Some people have made this
system of ijazah a mockery!
mockery According to me, a bright student needs to further his Hadith
study for another 10 years, and then only does he become eligible for ijazah!
That was 15 years ago. Look at where we have reached today!
Anyone who studies the history of the Muhaddithun will know that the latter-day Hadith
Masters (Muta-akhirun) had relaxed the rules of acquiring Hadith, in comparison to the
earlier Masters (Mutaqaddimun). They did that out of necessity, and out of fear that the
system of isnad (chain transmission) may become extinct if the rules were not adjusted. In
our era, I dont see the need to relax the rules any further. Alhamdulillah! There is no real
new threat of this system becoming extinct. Throughout the globe, there are literally
thousands of Hadith seekers who engage in legitimate acquisitions of the famous Hadith
books (Sihah Sittah etc). We therefore need not loosen the knot!
A Grave Misinterpretation
It is as if the propagandists who promote this method are unmindful of the following
two aspects:
Firstly they are oblivious to the difference which I have already explained,
which is:
The earlier scholars first acquired those books, with absolute precision and
mastery as well as one could possibly wish, thereafter they acquired them in
this manner for a specific motive. Therefore, the argument of the careless
ones who quote these examples as evidence is what is termed by the
Theologians (usuliyyun) as analogy with a disparity or incorrect
analogy. ( / ) 22
May Allah Taala guide the Ummah at large and may He keep us all on the correct path.
See incident (1) under the subheading: Eye opening incidents from History.
Its a common contemporary wrong, that we justify our misdeeds with the justifiable
ones of the salaf (pious predecessors)
Ibnul Jawzi (rahimahullah) writes in Talbis Iblis, pg.155: One group of those who aspire
to amass abundant chains, are sincere, but shaytan has occupied them with this so they do
not engage in what is more beneficial for them. If they argue that many of the Salaf also
amassed [a large number of] chains, like Yahya ibn Main, Ali ibn Madini, Bukhari &
Muslim (rahimahumullah), then the answer to that would be: These [Muhaddithun] had
been able to do both; acquire the other necessary branches, like fiqh etc in addition to their
achievements in Hadith... Very few are capable of such a combination in our era. Ibnul
Jawzis demise was in 596 A.H.!!
Concluding advice
All of the above shows the need to fully comprehend the affairs, understand the
occurrences and suitably apply23 what we read according to the current circumstance
we live in.24
[May Allah Taala reward my Honourable Teacher for lifting his pen against this
modern drift. From a Master like himself, these few pages say a lot...
One should not become overwhelmed by the current maqra-ah/Hadith majlis frenzy
in the world. Rather, inspect the intention before attending/arranging such a
gathering. It shouldnt be that one thinks he is doing a good, while in reality he is
committing a disservice to himself and Islam.
May Allah Taala grant us the true understanding of the all of the above, and may
He bless the sincere ones with the tawfiq of accepting the truth. Amin]
Its incorrect to justify our personal whims with what was permitted for the sincere
scholars of the past.
End of quote from the book: Maalim Irshadiyyah.