Emt Spanish

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English Spanish Name Phonetic sound

a a [ah]
b be [beh]
c ce [seh]
ch che [cheh]
d de [deh]
e e [eh]
f efe [EH.feh]
g ge [heh]
h hache [AH.cheh]
i i [ee]
j jota [HOH.tah]
k ka [kah]
l ele [EH.leh]
ll elle [EH.yeh]
m eme [EH.meh]
n ene [EH.neh]
n ene [EH.nyeh]
o o [oh]
p pe [peh]
q cu [koo]
r ere [EH.reh]
rr erre [EH.rreh]
s ese [EH.seh]
t te [teh]
u u [oo]
v ve [beh]
w doble u [DOH.bleh.OO]
x equis [EH.kees]
y i griega [EE.gree.YEH.gah]
z zeta [SEH.tah]

I'm very sorry. Lo siento mucho. [loh.SEE.EHN.toh.moo.choh]
Excuse me. Perdon. [pehr.DOHN]
Con permiso. [kohn.pehr.MEE.soh]
OR Disculpe. [dees.KOOL.peh]
I beg your pardon? ?Como? [KOH.moh]
?Mande? [MAHN.deh]
Yes, of course. Si, claro. [SEE.KLAH.roh]
OR Como no. [KOH.moh.NOH]
Thanks a lot. Muchas gracias. [MOO.chahs.GRAH.see.ahs]
You're welcome. De nada. [deh.NAH.dhah]
Tell me, please. Digame, por favor. [DEE.gah.meh.pohr.fah.BOHR]
Listen, please. Oiga, por favor. [OH.EE.gah.pohr.fah.BOHR]
How do you say? ?Como se dice? [KOH.moh.seh.DEE.seh]
How do you spell? ?Como se escribe? [KOH.moh.seh.ehs.KREE.beh]
with much pleasure con mucho gusto [kohn.MOO.choh.GOO.stoh]
Let's go. Vamonos. [BAH.moh.nohs]
OR Vamos. [BAH.mohs]
already, now ya [yah]
here aqui [ah.KEE]
there alli [ah.YEE]
also tambien [tahm.BEE.EHN]
Really? ?Verdad? [behr.DAHD]
Don't bother. No se moleste. [noh.seh.moh. LEHS.teh]
Good luck. Buena suerte. [BOO.EH.nah.SOO.EHR.teh]
good, O.K. bueno [BOO.EH.noh]
OR bien [bee.ehn]


0 cero [SEH.roh]
1 uno [OO.noh]
2 dos [dohs] light complexion
3 tres [trehs]
4 cuatro [KOO.AH.troh]
5 cinco [SEEN.koh]
6 seis [seh.ees]
7 siete [SEE.EH.teh]
8 ocho [OH.choh]
9 nueve [NOO.EH.beh]
10 diez [dee.ehs]


black negro [NEH.groh]
blue azul [ah.SOOL]
blond hair, fair complexion
pelo (cabello) rubio [PEH.loh.ROO.bee.oh]
brown pardo [ PAHR.doh],
cafe [Kah.FEH]
brown hair pelo (cabello) castano [PEH.loh.kahs.TAH.nyoh]
clear, light claro [KLAHR.oh]
dark oscuro [oh.SKOO.roh]
dark complexion (skin)
moreno [moh.REH.noh]
gold dorado [doh.RAH.doh]
gray gris [grease]
green verde [BEHR.deh]
orange naranja [nah.RAHN.hah]
pink rosado [roh.SAH.doh]


body el cuerpo [KOO.EHR.poh]
abdomen el abdomen [ahb.DOH.mehn]
ankle el tobillo [toh.BEE.yoh]
appendix el apendice [ah. PEHN.dee.seh]
arm el brazo [BRAH.soh]
arteries las arterias [ahr.TEH.ree.ahs]
back la espalda [ehs.PAHL.dah]
belly el vientre [BEE.EHN.treh]
bladder la vejiga [beh.HEE.gah]
blood la sangre [SAHN.greh]
bones los huesos [OO.EH.sohs]
brain el cerebro [seh.REH.broh]
breasts los senos [SEH.nohs]
buttocks las nalgas [NAHL.gahs]
chest el pecho [PEH.choh]
cheek la mejilla [meh.HEE.yah]
el cachete [kah.CHE.teh]
chin la barbilla [barh.BEE.yah]
OR el menton [mehn.TOHN]
ear la oreja [oh.REH.hah]
heart el corazon [kohr.ah.SOHN]


ache, pain el dolor [doh.LOHR]
attack, seizure el ataque [ah.TAH.keh]
bite, dog... la mordedura de perro [mohr.deh.DOO.rah.deh.PEH.rroh]
broken roto [RROH.toh]
bruise el moreton [moh.reh.TOHN]
burn la quemadura [keh.mah.DOO.rah]
collapse el desome [dehs.PLOH.meh]
concussion la concusion [kohn.KOO.SEE.OHN]
cut cortado [kohr.TAH.dhoh]
fall la caida [kah.EE.dah]
fracture la fractura [frahk.TOO.ra h]


aids el sida [SEE.dah]
alcohol el alcohol [ahl.koh.HOHL]
amphetamines las anfetaminas [ahn.feh.tah.MEE.nahs]
angel dust el polvo de angel [POHL.boh.deh.AHN.hehl]
cocaine la cocaina [koh.kah.EE.nah]
connection la conexion [koh.nehk.SEE.OHN]
crack el crak [krahk]
downers los abajos [ah.BAH.hohs]
drugs las drogas [DR OH.gahs]
drunk borracho [boh.RRAH.choh]
glue la cola [KOH.lah]
OR el pegamiento [peh.gah.MEE.EHN.toh]
hashish el hashish [ah.SHEESH]
heroine la heroina [eh.roh.EE.nah]
high, to be... andar alto [ahn.DAHR.AHL.toh]
intoxicated intoxicado [een.tohk.see.KAH.doh]
intoxicated embriado [ehm.bree.ah.GAH.doh]
joint el lano [LAH.nyoh]


apartment el apartamento [ah.pahr.tah.MEHN.toh]
bank el banco [BAHN.koh]
bakery la panaderia [pah.nah.deh.REE.AH.]
building el edificio [eh.dee.FEE.see .oh]
cafe el cafe [kah.FEH]
clinic la clinica [KLEE.nee.kah]
drugstore la farmacia [fahr.MAH.see.ah]
entrance la entrada [ehn.TRAH.dah]
exit la salida [sah.LEE.dah]
fire station la estacion de bomberos [eh.stah.SEE.OHN.deh.bohm.BEHR.ohs]
gas station la gasolinera [gah.soh.lee.NEH.rah.]


attic el desvan [dehs.BAHN]
balcony el balcon [bahl.KOHN]
basement el sotano [SOH.tah.noh]
bathroom el cuarto de bano,
el bano [KOO.AHR.toh.deh.BAH.nyoh]
bedroom el dormitorio [dohr.mee.TOH.ree.oh]
la recamara [reh.KAH.mah.rah]
el cuarto [KOO.AHR.toh]
la alcoba [ahl.KOH.bah]
ceiling el techo [TEH.choh]
chimney la chimenea [chee.meh.NEH.ah]
dining room el comedor [koh.meh.DOHR]
door la puerta [POO.EHR.tah]
floor el suelo [SOO.EH.loh]
el piso [PEE.soh]
kitchen la cocina [koh.SEE.nah]
living room la sala [SAH.lah]
roof el tejado, el techo [teh.HAH.doh]


* We're paramedics. What's the matter?
Somos paramedicos. ?Que tiene?
* Sit down and rest. How do you feel? Dizzy?
Sientese y descansese. ?Como se siente? ?Mareado?
* I think your husband's having a heart attack.
Creo que su marido (esposo) tiene un ataque al corazon (ataque cardiaco).
* Sir, I have some questions. Can you understand me?
Senor,tengo algunas preguntas. ?Pued e comprenderme?
* How long have you had these pains?
?Hace cuanto tiempo que usted tiene estos dolores?
* Can you describe them and say where they are?
?Puede describirlos y decir donde estan?


* Establish eye contact with the person you're speaking with.
* Speak louder than normally and project your voice. Put your face closer
to theirs than you would normally.
* Try to speak Spanish as clearly as you can. Repeat whenever possible and
use lots of hand gestures.
* Ask Spanish-speakers to slow down (mas despacio), repeat (repita) and
use please (por favor) when you can.
* Use English-speaking children to serve as interpreters for their parents.
Give numbers one at a time. Better yet, have them write them down .
* Don't be shy when you start out speaking Spanish, even if you feel a bit
awkward at first. Latinos really appreciate your effort. You're making
the effort to be a better professional. It's what you say, not how
you say it.
* Take charge of the conversation. You're calling the shots. Victims need
your help, they must get the point across to you anyway possible.
* Make sure you're speaking to Spanish speakers. Don't assume all victims
with dark features speaking a foreign language are Lat inos.

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