The document discusses a study of customer attitudes towards cell phone services in India. It finds that males constitute the majority (62%) of cell phone customers. The largest age group of customers is between 40-60 years old (37%). The majority of customers are married (57%) and have at least a higher secondary level of education. Most common occupations among customers are business owners (27%) and employees (12%). The largest income bracket among customers is Rs. 11,000 to Rs. 20,000 per month (32%). Customers' most common reasons for using cell phones are for contact while travelling (14%) and for quick communication (12%).
The document discusses a study of customer attitudes towards cell phone services in India. It finds that males constitute the majority (62%) of cell phone customers. The largest age group of customers is between 40-60 years old (37%). The majority of customers are married (57%) and have at least a higher secondary level of education. Most common occupations among customers are business owners (27%) and employees (12%). The largest income bracket among customers is Rs. 11,000 to Rs. 20,000 per month (32%). Customers' most common reasons for using cell phones are for contact while travelling (14%) and for quick communication (12%).
The document discusses a study of customer attitudes towards cell phone services in India. It finds that males constitute the majority (62%) of cell phone customers. The largest age group of customers is between 40-60 years old (37%). The majority of customers are married (57%) and have at least a higher secondary level of education. Most common occupations among customers are business owners (27%) and employees (12%). The largest income bracket among customers is Rs. 11,000 to Rs. 20,000 per month (32%). Customers' most common reasons for using cell phones are for contact while travelling (14%) and for quick communication (12%).
The document discusses a study of customer attitudes towards cell phone services in India. It finds that males constitute the majority (62%) of cell phone customers. The largest age group of customers is between 40-60 years old (37%). The majority of customers are married (57%) and have at least a higher secondary level of education. Most common occupations among customers are business owners (27%) and employees (12%). The largest income bracket among customers is Rs. 11,000 to Rs. 20,000 per month (32%). Customers' most common reasons for using cell phones are for contact while travelling (14%) and for quick communication (12%).
5.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, an attempt is made to study the customers who are using various mobiles and mobile services. This study is found to be important because customers are the background of a business. Without meeting the customers expectations and requirements, no business could thrive, let alone succeed. In order to fulfill the requirement, a study on the customers is done to find their preferences and tastes towards various mobile phones and services. This chapter also deals with the socio economic background of the intermediaries in relation to their Age, Gender, Marital Status, Educational Qualification, Occupation and the income earned per month and the like. 5.2 GENDER OF CUSTOMERS The gender of the customers is enquired into to understand which gender constitutes the majority in falling on mobile service trade. Table 5.1 describes it. Table 5.1 Gender of Customers Gender No. of Customers Per cent Male 186 62 Female 114 38 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey Table 5.1 shows that among the cell phone customers, males constitute the major proportion of 62 percent and the females constitute only 38 per cent. From the study, it is well-known that the males have the highest awareness and interest in using the mobile phones and services. 5.3 AGE OF THE CELL PHONE CUSTOMERS Age of the customers has been studied in order to identify the number of customers belonging to different age groups. Table 5.2 describes it. Table 5.2 Age of the Cell phone Customers Age No. of customers Per cent Below 18 08 03 18 to 25 62 21 25 to 40 73 24 40 to 60 111 37 Above 60 46 15 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey Table 5.2 shows that customers of the age group of 40 to 60 forms 37 per cent. Twenty four per cent of the customers belong to the age group of 25 to 40. Though age difference does not play a vital role in mobile phone usage, it is inferred from the study that majority of the customers surveyed are under the age group of 40 to 60.
5.4 MARITAL STATUS OF THE CUSTOMERS The marital status of the customers has been studied in order to find whether the respondents who are using the mobile services are married or unmarried. Table 5.3 depicts the same. Table 5.3 Marital status of the Customers Marital status No. of customers Per cent Single 128 43 Married 172 57 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey Table 5.3 shows that majority of the respondents are married. Out of 300 customers surveyed, 172 respondents are married and the percentage is worked out as 57 and only 128 are single, their per cent being 43 are, no doubt, lesser to the percentage of married respondents. Irrespective of the marital status, all the customers are highly oriented towards cell phone usage. From the present study, no doubt majority are found to be married. 5.5 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION OF CUSTOMERS Literacy level of customers is enquired into and presented in table 5.4. Education level influences not only their perceptions but also their level of knowledge. Under this segment, the customers are classified according to their educational qualification. Table 5.4 Educational Qualification of Customers Educational qualification No. of customers Per cent SSLC/Matric/CBSE 32 11 Diploma 36 12 Higher Secondary 54 18 Under Graduation 92 31 Post Graduation 86 28 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey For using mobile phones, no basic qualification is required. Both the literate and illiterate have realized the necessity of possessing the mobile phones. In the study, majority of cell phone users literacy level is up to under graduation which accounts for 31 per cent; 12 per cent of the customers are diploma holders and 18 per cent of them have reached only upto higher secondary level. 5.6 OCCUPATION OF THE CUSTOMERS Occupation determines ones status. The use of mobile phones does not have any relationship with status. The following table depicts the sample respondents on using mobile phones according to their occupation.
Table 5.5 Occupation of the Customers Occupation No. of respondents Per cent Business owners 82 27 Employees 36 12 Professionals 43 14 Agriculturists 39 13 Students 53 18 Teachers 47 16 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey Nowadays, daily wage earners, auto drivers, masons and home makers are using mobile phones due to their indispensable necessity. Mobile phones have become part and parcel of life. In the study, 27 per cent of the customers own business, 12 per cent of them are employees, 14 per cent professionals, 13 per cent agriculturists, 18 per cent students and 16 per cent are teachers. 5.7 AVERAGE INCOME PER MONTH OF THE CUSTOMERS Income is one of the attributes that plays an important role in the life of every body. A person cannot undertake a work or business which does not yield him reasonable income. Table 5.6 depicts this factor.
Table 5.6 Average Income per Month of the Customers
Source: Field Survey From Table 5.6, it is inferred that 11 per cent of the customers earn below Rs.5000, 31 per cent earn between Rs.5,000 and 10,000, 32 per cent between Rs.11,000 and 20,000, 18 per cent between Rs. 21,000 and 25,000 , the majority of income earned by the dealers is between Rs.11,000 and 20,000 and it is a 32 per cent. High amount is not consumed or needed to use the mobile phone. Nowadays, mobile phones are available even for less than Rs.1000 and low rate recharge cards are also available which can be affordable to any income group. 5.8 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN USING CELL PHONE An important factor namely duration of use of cell phone is studied in details to determine the perception of the customers. If customers are using the same mobile phone for a larger period, it shows that they have a wider perception related to the Income per month (in Rupees) No. of customers Per cent Below 5000 34 11 5,000 to 10,000 92 31 11,000 to 20,000 96 32 21,000 to 25,000 54 18 Above 25,000 24 08 Total 300 100 mobile. They come to know the merits and demerits of the particular mobile brand and tend to use the brand for long years. If the customers use the same mobile phone brand for a long period, it means that they are highly satisfied with the mobile possessed by them. Therefore, the duration of experience of cell phone customers is enquired into and the results are presented in table 5.7. Table 5.7 Years of Experience in Using Cell phone Years of experience No. of customers Per cent 1 year 64 21 2 years 123 41 3 years 51 17 4 years 32 11 5 years 16 05 Above 5 years 14 05 Total 300 100 Source: Field survey Table 5.7 highlights the fact that as high as 41 per cent of customers have two year experience with their mobile phones. Cell phone customers with one year experience account for 21 per cent. It could be stated that cell phone market attracts new entrants and it maintains existing customers also. Higher number of years of experience shows the awareness about mobile phones and usage for a longer period.
5.9 FAMILY SIZE Family size of the customers is studied in order to know the family conditions, and based on this, any change in their preferences and tastes is explored. Here, the grouping has been done as small family having three members, medium size family with more than three upto five members and large size family consisting of five members and more. Table 5.8 Family Size Family Size No. of respondents Per cent Small 72 24 Medium 124 41 Large 104 35 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From Table 5.8, it is revealed that 24 per cent of the customers belong to the small size family, 41 per cent to medium size family and 35 per cent to large size family. Today, even the school children and college goers use mobile phones. If the family size is big, there will be high possibility of usage of more number of cell phones by members of the family. 5.10 REASONS FOR USING MOBILE PHONE There are so many reasons accounted for using the mobile phone. This study has been carried out to analyze which major factor induces the customers to use the mobile phone for their day to day use. The major reasons analysed are easy contact, general use, prestige, quick communication, official purpose, contact while traveling etc. Out of the various reasons, the best have been anlaysed in the table below. Table 5.9 Reasons for Using Mobile Phone Reasons No. of respondents Per cent General use 21 07 Easy contact 34 11 Prestige 22 07 Quick communication 36 12 Official purpose 32 11 Contact while travelling 42 14 Cost economy 35 12 Any time contact 42 14 Development of business 12 04 To curtail telephone expenses 24 08 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From table 5.9, it is inferred that most of the customers prefer mobile phones to establish contact with others while travelling. Eleven percent of the customers prefer mobile phones for easy contact, 14 percent of the customers prefer cell phone for regular contact with others and 12 per cent of the customers prefer mobile phones for realizing cost economy. Depending upon the above factors, it is found that the reasons for use of mobile phone vary from customer to customer. 5.11 REASON FOR USING MOBILE PHONE INSTEAD OF LAND LINE Before 90s, land lines were the familiar ones and the mobile phones were still away from the reckoning of the people. After the introduction of mobile phones, people started realizing the benefit of using the mobile phones instead of the landlines. Most of the people started surrendering the land line connections and started getting cell phone connections to each and every member in the family. Table 5.10 Reasons for Using Mobile phone Instead of Land Line Reasons No. of respondents Per cent Mobility 111 37 Quick communication 68 23 Status symbol 0 0 Providing more service 42 14 Any time contact 79 26 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From table 5.10, it is inferred that most of the customers are using the mobile phones instead of landline phones. Since the mobile phones are handy and they could be carried to any place, such advantages are used in full, for mobility and all time contact; 26 per cent of the customers feel that the mobile phones provide any time contact. 5.12 UTILITY OF CELL PHONE COMPARED TO LANDLINE Every body knows that the utility of cell phone is always higher compared to that of land phone. Here, an attempt is made to study the customers opinions related to the efficacy of cell phone compared to land phone. Table 5.11 Utility of Cell Phone Compared to Landline Utility No. of respondents Per cent Very High 152 51 High 136 45 Neutral 12 04 Low - - Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From table 5.11, it is inferred that the majority 51 per cent of the customers feel that the mobile phones have more utility value than the land phones, four per cent of the customers feel the advantages of the two types and none of the customers feels that the mobile phones give lower utility value compared to land phones. Cell phones, no doubt, have a very high utility value and are mostly preferred by all the customers. 5.13 VARIOUS MEANS OF GETTING CELL PHONE The customers who possess the mobile phones have got them through various means. Some of them get through their employers and some others get them as gifts from inland as well as abroad, some of them own them by purchase. An attempt is made here to identify how majority of customers get the mobile phones. Table 5.12 Various Means of Getting Cell phones Various means No. of respondents Per cent Through employer 41 14 Self - bought 212 70 Gifted 47 16 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 14 per cent of the customers got the mobile through their employers, 70 per cent of them through their own fund, and only 16 per cent got them as gifts from their friends and relatives. Gifts act as an endearing sign of love; mobile phones are presented to the users as a sign of love from others. The important use of mobile phone motivates customers to get cell phones from their own money. 5.14 MEDIA OF ADVERTISEMENT ATTRACTING TO BUY MOBILE PHONES All the mobile companies adopt different types of advertisements to attract the customers to buy their brand of mobile phones. Different types of media such as television, newspaper, magazines, radio and displays and posters create impact on human mind through which the customers are made aware of the utility of the mobile phone. Table 5.13 Media of Advertisement Attracting to Buy Mobile Phones Media of Advertisement No. of respondents Per cent Television 72 24 Newspaper 42 14 Magazine 56 19 Radio - - Displays and posters 130 43 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From table 5.13, it is revealed that television has influenced 24 per cent of buyers, the majority 43 per cent of the respondents has been influenced through display aids, 14 per cent through newspaper, 19 per cent through different magazines and none of them ever got influenced through radio. Displays and posters attract every one and they play a major role in taking decision on the purchase of mobile phones. 5.15 FIRST RECALLING OF CELL PHONE BRAND NAME Different competitors are there in the market. So recalling the brand name has a greater influence on the sales promotion strategy. The influence of brand image on the customer is analyzed here. Table 5.14 First Recalling Cell phone Brand Name Brand No. of respondents Per cent Seimens 12 04 Sony Ericson 20 07 Nokia 119 40 Motorola 15 05 Samsung 26 09 RIM 46 15 Tata Indicom 20 07 LG 42 13 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that most of the customers are recalling Nokia, 15 per cent recall Reliance India mobile, 13 per cent recall LG, nine per cent recall Samsung. 5.16 NUMBER OF CELL PHONES OWNED Most of the customers possess more than one mobile phone for various purposes. Sometimes one may have got mobiles through ones own money, through ones employer; some may have separate mobiles for personal use and official purposes. Here this study shows how many per cent of customers possess more than one mobile phone.
Table 5.16 Number of Cell phones Owned Number of mobiles No. of respondents Per cent One 256 85 Two 32 11 Three 12 04 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 85 per cent of the customers own only a single mobile, 11 percent of them possess two mobiles, and only four per cent of the customers possess the luxury of three mobiles. Nowadays, all employers are providing mobile phones to their employees. These mobile phones are used only for official purpose. Other phone is used for personal purpose. The personal number is normally made known to the persons who have intimacy with the cell phone users. 5.17 BRANDS OF CELL PHONES USED Different brands of cell phones are available in the market. Customers will go for the one that meets their basic requirements and desires. Different brands such as Seimens, Sony Ericson, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Reliance, LG, and Tata Indicom are the different cell phone brands available in the market. In this, Tata Indicom and Reliance mobiles are using CDMA technology exclusively and other sim cards could not be inserted in these mobiles.
Table 5.16 Cell phone Brands Used Brand No. of respondents Per cent Nokia 119 40 Sony Ericson 20 07 Seimens 12 04 Motorola 15 05 Samsung 26 09 RIM 46 15 Tata Indicom 20 07 LG 42 13 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that most of the customers possess Nokia, 15 per cent of them possess Reliance India Mobile, and 13 per cent have LG, while nine per cent possess Samsung. Nokia has its own brand image and highly preferred by most of the customers. 5.18 TYPES OF MOBILE SET OWNED Customers always go in for new models disbanding or exchanging the old ones. There are various types of mobiles available in the market. This study has been done to identify the type of handsets highly preferred to by the customers.
Table 5.17 Types of Mobile phone Owned Type of mobile phone No. of respondents Per cent Ordinary 102 34 Colour 118 39 Camera 72 24 Video Camera 08 03 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that most of the customers use colour mobile; 34 per cent use ordinary mobiles, 24 per cent use camera mobiles, and only three per cent of the customers use video camera. Ordinary phones are available at cheaper rates. Colour phones, camera and video camera phones are costlier compared to ordinary phones. 5.19. BEST ASPECTS IN CELL PHONES There are a number of reasons accounted for the inclination of customers to select a particular handset. Aspects such as aesthetic look, brand image, sound, quality, price, video and special features influence the customers. These are brought out in the table below.
Table 5.18 Best Aspects in Cell Phones Aspects No. of respondents Per cent Aesthetic look 30 10 Brand image 92 31 Sound 47 16 Quality 72 24 Price 42 14 Video 08 02 Special features 09 03 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From table 5.18, it is known that 24 per cent of the customers like the quality in their mobile phones, 14 per cent the price of their mobile phones, 31 per cent brand image and only three per cent of customers like the special features found in their mobile phones. Various aspects found in the mobile phones attract the customers to prefer a particular brand. 5.20 WILLINGNESS TO CHANGE THE PRESENT MOBILE PHONE Most of the customers do get problems in the functioning of their mobiles and the various problems they face relate to audio, echo and battery, hand set board, and video problem respectively. Some customers want to change their mobile to seek fashion. This study has been done to find whether they are willing to change the present mobile brand for their next purchase. Table 5.19 Willingness to Change the Present Mobile Brand Willingness No. of respondents Per cent Yes 147 49 No 153 51 Total 300 100 Source: Field survey From the table, it is inferred that 49 per cent of the existing customers are willing to change their mobiles and 51 per cent are not willing to change their present mobile phone brand. When the customers are not satisfied with the cell phone brand currently used, they will be willing to switch over to some other brand giving longevity in all aspects. Not only that, when new brands emerge in the market with new style, innovations and technology, customers would like to prefer a new one. 5.21 CELL PHONE BRANDS PREFERRED FOR NEXT PURCHASE From the previous enquiry, it was inferred that 49 per cent of the customers are willing to change their existing cell phone brand. This study was done to analyze what brand the customers select for their next purchase.
Table 5.20 Cell phone Brand Preferred for Next Purchase Currently using Cell phone No. of respondents Percent Willing to change Per cent Nokia 119 40 42 29 Sony Ericson 20 07 15 10 Seimens 12 04 10 06 Motorola 15 05 12 08 Samsung 26 09 03 02 RIM 46 15 42 29 Tata Indicom 20 07 16 11 LG 42 13 17 05 Total 300 100 147 100 Source: Field Survey From table 5.21, it is inferred that 29 per cent of customers prefer Nokia, 10 per cent Sony Ericson, 02 per cent Samsung and five per cent prefer LG for their next purchase. For the new purchase, the selection of brand is determined by past experience with the mobile phones and getting added information from friends and relatives who use some other mobile phone brands. 5.22 FEATURES CONSIDERED WHILE CHANGING THE PRESENT MOBILE There are a lot of features found in the new mobile phones introduced. One brand is not inferior to the other. Customers will be focusing on various aspects such as sound quality, brand image, price and models before changing their present mobiles. Table 5.21 Features Considered While Changing the Present Mobile phone Features No. of respondents Per cent Sound 86 29 Quality 90 30 Brand Image 28 09 Price 54 18 Models 42 14 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that while changing their present mobile, customers concentrate more on quality, 29 per cent concentrate on sound, 18 per cent look into the price of the mobile and fourteen per cent of customers consider the various models provided by different brands. 5.23 BUDGETS FOR THE NEW CELL PHONE Customers having ordinary phones would try to get colour phones when they make a new purchase. Similarly those who have colour phones will opt for camera mobiles next time. In the same way, customers having camera mobiles will opt for video camera phones. Each type of mobiles quotes different prices. This study shows the allotment of budget by customers for effecting the next purchase. Table 5.22 Budgets for the New Cell phone Budget Amount (in Rs.) No. of respondents Per cent Below 5000 12 04 5000 10,000 232 77 10,000 15,000 50 17 Above 15,000 06 02 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is seen that 77 per cent of the customers allot Rs.5000 to 10,000 for their new purchase, seven per cent of the customers spend Rs.10,000 to 15,000 to the new ones, only two per cent spend above Rs. 15,000 for their next purchase. Based on the customers income and preference, budget of the new cell phone is decided. 5.24 RATING ON SCHEMES AND OFFERS FOR THE CELL PHONE PURCHASE Different schemes and offers are provided by cell phones companies as well as service providers to boost up their sales. This study gives the detailed rankings about the schemes and offers provided by the cell phone companies and service providers. Table 5.23 Rating on Schemes and Offers for the Cell phone Purchase Source: Primary Data From table 5.23, it is inferred that finance schemes are given high ranking by the customers; the second rank is given to the complementary gifts provided by the cell phone companies and the last rank is given to the discount schemes provided by the cell phone companies. Different types of customers prefer different schemes offered by cell phone companies. In general, all the cell phone companies offer various schemes to attract the customers. Offers 3 2 1 Weighted Total Weighted Average Rank Discount 32 36 232 400 1.3 IV Exchange offer 11 186 103 508 1.6 III Complementary gifts 46 123 131 515 1.7 II Finance Schemes 92 84 124 568 1.8 I 5.25 OVERALL SATISFACTION TOWARDS THE MOBILE PHONE Individuals reaction and response are based on their perceptions. As marketing concept is built on the premise that marketing first identifies consumer needs and then develops products and services to satisfy the needs, a study is attempted to know the satisfaction derived by the customers from the mobiles they purchase and possess. Table 5.24 Overall Satisfaction Towards the Mobile Phone Source: Primary Data Attributes Highly Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Weighted Total Weighted Average Rank Price of handset 12 254 34 578 1.93 IV Appearance of the set 232 46 22 810 2.7 I Weight of the set 14 270 16 598 2.0 III Multifunction settings 11 284 05 606 2.1 II Longevity of the set 0 273 27 573 1.91 VI Battery capacity 08 259 33 575 1.92 V Audio & Video 46
Resale value of the set 0 256 44 556 1.8 VII From the table, it is inferred that 232 customers are highly satisfied about the appearance of the hand sets which they possess, 46 customers are satisfied with the audio and video functions present in the mobile phone. Two hundred and fifty four customers are satisfied with the price of the mobile phone; 139 customers are highly dissatisfied with the audio and video functions of the mobile phone. An attribute which is found to be satisfactory to one customer will not be applicable to other. There are differences in the opinions and satisfaction levels of the customers. 5.26 CUSTOMERS RANKING OF BENEFITS FROM SUBSCRIBING TO CELL PHONES In this study, ranking has been done to analyse the various benefits acquired by the customers from the cell phones. Weighted Average Method is used to allocate various rankings to the various benefits derived. Table 5.25 Customers Ranking of Benefits from Subscribing to Cell phone Weightage 5 4 3 2 1 Weightage Total
Average Rank Ranking 5 4 3 2 1 Increase in Sales 152 46 32 26 44 1136 3.79 VIII
Improved customer relation 242
Reduction of travelling cost 256 24 10 10 0 1436 4.79 II Reduction in debt collection period 234 24 18 12 12 1368 4.56 V Increase in the good will of the firm 198
Product Diversification 52 12 13 111 112
Decrease in communication expenses because of of owning a telephone 282 10 08 0 0 1474 4.91 I Geographical expansion 32 42 86 92 48 818 2.73 IX Quick and accurate communication 234 39 12 10 05 1387 4.62 IV Obtaining market information 112 97 36 32 23 1143 3.81 VII Source: Primary Data From table 5.25, the rankings given for various benefits are inferred. Decrease in communication expenses because of owning the cell phone holds the first rank, quick and accurate communication ranks fourth, and tenth rank goes to product diversification 5.27 SIM CARDS POSSESSED BY THE CUSTOMERS The brand of cell connection used by the customers is enquired into understand which brand connection users constitute the majority. Table 5.28 describes the brand of connection used by the customers. Table 5.26 Sim Cards Owned Sim card No. of respondents Per cent BSNL 84 28 Aircel 42 14 Airtel 98 33 Tata Indicom 36 12 Vodafone 12 04 RIM 28 09 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey Table 5.26 shows that among the cell connections, majority of the customers use Airtel, 28 per cent use BSNL, nine per cent use Reliance, only four per cent use Vodafone. There are various players available in the market. Each one of them has its own merits and demerits. Brand preference by customers is made on the awareness and information sought from their friends and relatives. 5.28 NUMBER OF SIM CARDS OWNED Most of the customers possess more than one mobile phone for various purposes. Some times, one may get the cell connection through their own fund, or by the employer, some may use separate mobiles for personal and official use. Here this study shows how many per cent of customers possess more than one mobile phone connection. Table 5.27 Number of Sim cards Owned Quantity No. of respondents Per cent One 256 85 Two 32 11 Three 12 04 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 85 per cent of the customers have single mobile connection, 11 percent of them have two mobile connections, and only four per cent of the customers have three mobile connections. Based on the usage and purpose, more number of connections is obtained. Since various brands are offering different offers and schemes, customers use more than one sim card to avail themselves of the facilities provided by different brands.
5.29 TYPES OF SIM CARDS Two types of connections are provided by service providers namely prepaid and postpaid connections. This study analyzes which type of connection is highly preferred to by the customers. Table 5.28 Types of Connections Type of connection No. of respondents Per cent Prepaid 252 84 Postpaid 48 16 Total 300 100 Source: Primary Data From the table, it is seen that majority of the customers i.e., 84 per cent of the customers prefer prepaid service and 16 per cent of the customers prefer postpaid connection. This shows that prepaid connections offer a lot of facilities and therefore are sought after by most of the customers. Prepaid and postpaid connections have their own merits and demerits. To serve different purposes, people prefer different types of connections. Type of connections is selected based on the requirements and the preference of the customers. 5.30 REASONS FOR PREFERRING PREPAID CARDS From table, 5.28, it is inferred that most of the customers prefer prepaid cards. The reasons for their preference are analyzed through the following table.
Table 5.29 Reasons for Preferring Prepaid Cards Reasons No. of respondents Per cent Recharge cards available at various rates 53 21 Various offers available 49 19 Grace period allowed for incoming calls 17 07 Charge per call is less 13 05 Recharge can be done at convenience 120 48 Total 252 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 21 per cent of customers prefer the pre paid cards as the recharge cards are available at various rates, 48 per cent of the customers say that they have prepaid connection because they can do their recharge at their convenience. Monthly rental need not be paid in prepaid cards which is an advantage in this connection. Top up/recharge cards may be used only at the time of necessity. 5.31 REASONS FOR PREFERRING POSTPAID CARDS From table 5.28, it is inferred that some of the customers prefer postpaid cards. The reasons for their preference are analyzed in the table below.
Table 5.30 Reasons for Preferring Postpaid Cards Reasons No. of respondents Per cent Easy to get connection 06 12.5 Less rent 06 12.5 Reasonable talk time 04 08 Payments done through online 10 21 Free to talk as desired without fear of balance. 22 46 Total 48 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 46 per cent of customers prefer the postpaid cards as they are free to talk as desired without fear of balance, 21 per cent of customers prefer postpaid cards as they can make the cell phone bill payment through online. 5.32 FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMERS TO PREFER PARTICULAR CONNECTIONS There are so many factors and media of advertisements affecting each and every customer to buy a product. Here in this regard, it is found that also various factors influence the customers to prefer cell connections.
Table 5.31 Factors Influencing Customers to Prefer Particular Connections Factors No. of respondents Per cent Television 32 10 Newspaper 26 09 Radio 0 0 Magazine 32 11 Friends 98 33 Self 112 37 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From table 5.31, it is revealed that television has influenced 10 per cent, the majority of the respondents have got the mobile through display aids, nine per cent got influenced through newspaper, 11 per cent got influenced through different magazines and none of them got influenced through radio. Displays and posters attract every one and play a major role in decision making about a purchase, especially with regard to purchase of cell phones. 5.33 ASPECTS LIKED IN THE SIM CONNECTION There are different aspects such as low rent, free SMS, high talk time, special ring tones, low internet cost provided by the various service providers. An enquiry is conducted to identify the favourable aspects of the customers in the cell connection they use.
Table 5.32 Aspects Liked in the Cell Connection Aspects No. of respondents Per cent Low rent 32 11 Free SMS 46 15 High talk time 48 16 Special ring tones 92 31 Low internet cost 82 27 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 11 per cent of the customers like the low rent provided by the cell connection, 31 per cent like the special ring tones provided by the service providers, 27 per cent of the customers like the low internet charges offered through the sim card. 5.34 EXPERIENCES IN USING CELL CONNECTIONS Years of experience of customers in using the mobile connections are an important factor to be studied. If the customers are using the same mobile phone connection for long period, it shows that they have a wider perception related to the mobile connection. It shows that they are aware of the merits and demerits of that particular mobile. If the customers are using the same mobile connection for a long period, this shows that they are highly satisfied with the present mobile connection they possess. Therefore, the years of experience of cell phone customers are enquired and presented in table 5.33. Table 5.33 Experience in Using Cell Connections Period No. of respondents Per cent 1 year 36 12 2 years 41 14 3 years 66 22 4 years 124 41 5 years 21 07 Above 5 12 04 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey Table 5.33 highlights the fact that as high as 41 per cent of customers have four year experience. Customers with 1 year experience account for 12 per cent. Only five per cent of customers are using the cell connection for above five years. It can be stated that various cell phone connections attract new entrants and they maintain existing customers as well. 5.35 WILLINGNESS TO CHANGE THE PRESENT SIM CONNECTION BRAND Most of the customers have problems in the present functioning of mobile phone connection and the various problems they face are network problem, cross talk, delayed connectivity, poor clarity of signals, and abrupt disconnection respectively. This study has been done to find whether customers are willing to change the present mobile connection due to any of these problems.
Table 5.34 Willingness to Change the Present Sim Connection Brand Willingness No. of respondents Per cent Yes 231 76 No 69 24 Total 300 100 Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 76 per cent of the existing customers are willing to change their mobile connection and 24 per cent are not willing to change their present mobile connection brand. 5.36 SIM CARDS PREFERRED FOR NEXT PURCHASE From the previous enquiry, it was inferred that 76 per cent of the customers are willing to change their cell phone service provider. This study is done to analyze which service provider the customers select for their next purchase. Table 5.35 Sim Cards Preferred for Next Purchase Brand No. of respondents Per cent BSNL 43 19 Aircel 68 29 Airtel 70 30 Tata Indicom 06 3 Vodafone 23 10 RIM 21 09 Total 231 100 Source: Field survey From the table, it is inferred that 19 per cent of the customers prefer BSNL, 29 per cent Aircel, 30 per cent Airtel and 10 per cent Vodafone for their next purchase. For the new purchase, selection of sim card will be decided on past experience and getting information from friends and relatives who use some other sim cards. 5.37 RENTAL VALUE USED FOR POSTPAID Different plans are available to different postpaid connection holders. An enquiry is done here to identify which type of rental plan is highly preferred by the customers. Table 5.36 depicts that.
Table 5.36 Rental Value Used for Postpaid Rental plan (in Rs.) No. of respondents Per cent 140 18 38 350 16 33 500 12 25 1000 02 04 Total 48 100 Source: Field survey From the table, it is inferred that 38 per cent of the customers have Rs. 140 rental plan, 33 per cent customers Rs.350 rental plan, 25 per cent customers Rs.500 rental plan, and only four per cent customers have Rs.1000 rental plan. 5.38 RATES OF RECHARGE COUPONS USED FREQUENTLY Different plans are available to prepaid sim card users. An enquiry is done here to identify the rates of recharge coupons used frequently. Table 5.37 depicts this nature. Table 5.37 Rates of Recharge Coupons used Frequently Recharge card value (Rs.) Always Sometimes Rarely Special offer 331 113 22 83 64 551 86 130 26 10 1102 47 72 38 95 2204 06 04 105 137 Source: Primary Data From the table, it is inferred that recharge coupon for Rs.331 is used always by 113 customers, 22 customers use this card sometimes, 83 customers use this value rarely and 64 customers use this card only during special offer. Similarly 86 customers use Rs.551 recharge card always, 130 customers use the card sometimes and 26 customers use this card rarely. 5.39 VOLUME OF INCOMING CALLS PER WEEK Volume of incoming calls per week is studied to know how much incoming calls are received per week by customers to identify how far the mobile phones are helpful or used very often for various purposes. Sometimes due to the possession of mobile phone most of the outgoing calls could be minimized by getting incoming calls without charges or less charge. Table 5.38 Volume of Incoming Calls per Week Calls Local Outstation Below 20 - 192 20-50 24 52 50-100 112 56 100-150 106 - More than 150 58 - Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 192 customers receive below 20 calls per week, 24 customers receive 20 -50 local calls per week and 50 outstation calls, 50-100 local calls per week are received by 112 customers and 56 customers make 50 to 100 outstation calls per week. 5.40 VOLUME OF OUTGOING CALLS PER WEEK Volume of outgoing calls per week is studied to know how much outgoing call are done per week by the customer to identify how far the mobile phones are helpful or used very often for various purposes by avoiding or reducing the traveling cost and time incurred to convey or know certain information. Table 5.39 Volume of Outgoing Calls Per Week Calls local STD ISD Below 20 - 12 164 20-50 10 194 42 50-100 192 46 12 100-150 98 48 - More than 150 10 12 - Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 12 customers make below 20 STD calls and 164 customers make below 20 ISD calls, 10 customers make 20-50 local calls, 194 customers make 20-50 STD calls, 42 customers make 20-50 ISD calls approximately per week. This brings to light the fact that customers feel happy by conveying information to others abroad and at distant places.
5.41 AVERAGE WRONG CALLS SENT/RECEIVED PER WEEK While making calls, wrong calls could be sent as well as received. It may be due to the dialer himself as well as the exchange problem. Here, an attempt is made to know the average wrong calls sent or received on an average per week. Table 5.40 Average Wrong Calls Sent/Received per Week Calls Received Sent Nil 12 06 Up to 5 126 74 5 to 10 96 12 More than 10 - - Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that 126 customers were receiving up to five wrong calls per week and 74 customers send up to 5 wrong calls per week, 96 customers say that 5 to 10 wrong calls are received and 12 wrong calls sent, and 12 customers say that they have never received any wrong call in their mobile and 06 of them say that they have never sent any wrong call to any one. 5.42 OPINIONS ABOUT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS Various statements have been listed below related to the mobile phones and phone connections and the customer opinions related to them in the five point scale have been observed. The scaling has been distributed as strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree and strongly disagree. The scales start with 5 as maximum for strongly agree and end with minimum 1 for strongly disagree. Table 5.41 Opinions about the following statements Statements S t r o n g l y
A g r e e
A g r e e
N o
O p i n i o n
D i s a g r e e
S t r o n g l y
D i s a g r e e
W e i g h t e d
T o t a l
W e i g h t e d
A v e r a g e
R a n k
It is easy to get prepaid connection 152 136 12 0 0 1340 4.5 I Delay in getting postpaid connection 106 172 16 02 04 1274 4.2 II Convenient tariff packages are available 0 04 08 256 32 584 1.9 XII National wide connectivity can be accessed 66 12 132 72 18 936 3.12 VI Services offered by BSNL are good 02 04 12 172 10 416 1.4 XIII Private connections preferred more due to free sms 04 192 06 12 86 916 3.1 VII Prepaid connection is good 02 34 12 192 60 626 2.1 XI Postpaid connection is rarely preferred due to high rent 06 23 72 123 76 660 2.2 X Frequent changes in tariff rate are high 186 24 13 18 59 1160 3.9 III Excess billing is done in BSNL 192 12 26 34 36 1190 4.0 II Tower capacity of service providers is highly sufficient 32 26 72 106 64 756 2.5 IX High connectivity problem between BSNL and other connections
IV Verification procedures of private connections are high
V Cost of calls charged high 04 123 63 71 43 886 3.0 VIII Source: Primary Data From the table, it is inferred that it is easy to get prepaid connection holds the first rank , delay in getting postpaid connection ranks second, frequent changes in tariff rate are high is considered to be in third place by the customers, fourth rank is given to the high connectivity problem between BSNL and other connections. 5.43 SALES PROMOTIONAL ACITIVITES OFFERED BY BSNL Sales promotion is one of the marketing activities other than advertising, personal selling or publicity that stimulates customers choice. Therefore, it is thought necessary to study the various sales promotional activities offered by various service providers. Table 5.42 Weighted Average Method Ranking of Sales Promotional Activities Offered by BSNL Sales Promotio nal activities Ranking of Respondents Weighted Total Weig hted Aver age Rank R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Offers 120 54 42 06 12 12 18 06 06 24 2322 7.7 I Gifts 66 18 18 06 60 12 12 24 24 06 1602 5.3 IV Contests 24 06 12 54 36 36 78 12 30 12 1587 5.28 V Special sales on reduced price 30 36 24 36 24 24 24 72 18 12 1692 5.6 III Point of purchase displays and demonstra tions 12 24 06 48 30 36 60 18 42 24 1482 4.9 VI Bonus packs 24 30 72 24 24 48 12 18 42 06 1830 6.1 II Prizes 06 12 12 06 12 12 24 42 54 120 888 3.0 VII Source: Field Survey From the table, it is gathered that the customers give first rank to offers, second rank to bonus packs, third rank to special sales on reduced price, fourth rank to gifts, fifth rank to contests, sixth rank to point of purchase displays and demonstration, and seventh rank to prizes.
5.44 RANKING OF SALES PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED BY AIRTEL Sales promotion contributes in a number of ways to achieve overall promotional objectives. While it can be used merely to gain attention to a service, it is more likely to be employed as an incentive incorporating an offer which represents value to the target audience. It can also act as an invitation to engage in a transaction now rather than later. Sales promotion usually attracts brand switchers but is unlikely to turn them into loyal brand users without the use of other elements of the promotion mix. The following table shows the sales promotional activities of Airtel. Table 5.43 Weighted Average Method Ranking of Sales Promotional Activities Offered by Airtel Sales Promotional activities Ranking of Respondents Weighted Total Weighted Average Rank R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Offers 180 42 36 24 12 06 0 0 0 0 2736 9.1 I Gifts 18 24 36 30 66 54 12 42 06 12 1758 5.9 III Contests 06 66 42 12 54 24 12 18 54 12 1740 5.8 IV Special sales on reduced price 42 72 54 42 12 0 72 0 0 06 2160 7.2 II Point of purchase displays and demonstrations 06 36 06 48 18 12 54 60 48 12 1440 4.8 VI Bonus packs 36 12 30 42 06 72 12 24 06 60 1590 5.3 V Prizes 06 12 12 06 18 66 24 54 0 102 1104 3.7 VII Source: Primary Data
From the table, it is inferred that the customers give first rank to offers, second rank to special sales on reduced price, third rank to gifts, fourth rank to contests, fifth rank to bonus packs, sixth rank to point of purchase displays and demonstrations, and seventh rank to prizes. 5.45 RANKING OF SALES PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED BY AIRCEL Various sales promotional activities are offered by various service providers and the opinions of the customers about the promotional activities of Aircel are ranked and listed below. Table 5.44 Ranking of Sales Promotional Activities Offered by Aircel Sales Promotional activities Ranking of Respondents Weighted Total Weighted Average Rank R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Offers 162 66 54 0 06 06 06 0 0 0 2736 9.1 I Gifts 24 18 24 24 54 36 30 12 42 36 1542 5.1 V Contests 06 24 54 18 24 30 60 12 42 30 1518 5.06 VI Special sales on reduced price 24 42 72 06 0 12 06 72 48 18 1650 5.5 II Point of purchase displays and demonstratio ns 06 24 36 42 12 36 24 54 54 12 1488 5.0 VII Bonus packs 42 06 12 30 66 30 30 12 30 42 1584 5.3 III Prizes 02 30 12 30 82 30 36 24 36 18 1544 5.14 IV Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that the customer assigns first rank to offers provided by the companies, second rank to special sales on reduced price, third rank to bonus packs, fourth rank to prizes, fifth rank to gifts, sixth rank to contests, and seventh rank to point of purchase displays and demonstrations. 5.46 RANKING OF SALES PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED BY VODAFONE Sales promotion contributes in a number of ways to achieve overall promotional objectives. While it can be used merely to gain attention to a service, it is more likely to be employed as an incentive incorporating an offer which represents value to the target audience. It can also act as an invitation to engage in a transaction now rather than later. Sales promotion usually attracts brand switchers but is unlikely to turn them into loyal brand users without the use of other elements of the promotion mix. The following table shows the sales promotional activities of Vodafone.
Table 5.45 Ranking of Sales Promotional Activities Offered by Vodafone Sales Promotional activities Ranking of Respondents Weighted Total Weighted Average Rank R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Offers 114 72 78 12 06 0 06 12 0 0 2592 8.6 I Gifts 24 36 12 36 72 30 24 24 30 12 1734 5.8 III Contests 30 18 24 60 06 42 18 36 42 24 1608 5.4 IV Special sales on reduced price 30 36 30 12 12 48 18 54 30 30 1584 5.3 V Point of purchase displays and demonstra tions 12 06 54 36
12 42 36 78 18 1404 4.7 VI Bonus packs 34 42 22 48 46 12 36 16 16 28 1834 6.1 II Prizes 12 0 06 0 78 72 78 12 06 36 1392 4.6 VII Source: Field Survey From the table, it is inferred that the customer gives first rank to offers, second rank to bonus packs, third rank to gift, fourth rank to contests, fifth rank to special sales on reduced prize, sixth rank to point of purchase displays and demonstrations, seventh rank to prizes.
5.47 COMPARISON OF SALES PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED BY PREPAID MARKETERS AS PER CUSTOMER PERCEPTION The different prepaid marketers provide various promotional offers to the customers for improving their sales. This activity includes offers, contests, bonus packs, prizes etc. and these are tabulated below. Table 5.46 Comparison of Sales Promotional Activities Provided by Service Providers Sales promotional activities BSNL Airtel Aircel Vodafone Offers 7.7 9.1 9.1 8.6 Gifts 5.3 5.9 5.1 5.8 Contests 5.28 5.8 5.06 5.4 Special sales on reduced price 5.6 7.2 5.5 5.3 Point of purchase displays and demonstration 4.9 4.8 5.0 4.7 Bonus packs 6.1 5.3 5.3 6.1 Prizes 3.0 3.7 5.14 4.6 Source: Table 5.42, 5.43, 5.44, 5.45 From the table, it is inferred that offers, special sales on reduced price and gifts stands first among the entire promotional activities of service providers as per the customers perceptions.
CHI SQUARE ANALYSIS 5.48 CUSTOMER AGE AND SATISFACTION LEVELS The table 5.1 reveals that 62 percent of the customers are males and 38 per cent are females. Table 5.2 shows that highest number of customers belongs to the age group of 40 to 60 and it constitutes 37 percent and 24 percent of the customers belong to the age group of 25 to 40. It is known that highest proportion belongs to the age group of 40 to 60. Table 5.47 Relationship between Age and Satisfaction Level of Customers Attributes
Age Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total Below 18 02 02 02 01 01 08 18 25 04 19 21 12 06 62 25 40 21 31 06 07 08 73 40 60 33 24 20 21 13 111 Above 60 13 06 21 03 03 46 Total 73 82 70 44 31 300 Source: Primary Data Null Hypothesis: Ho Alternative Hypothesis: H1 H0: There is no significant association between Customer Age and Satisfaction in using the mobile phone. H1: There is significant association between Customer Age and Satisfaction in using the mobile. Statistical Test: Chi Square is the most appropriate test. On the basis of null hypothesis, one can conclude the expected distribution of data among the categories and the actual distribution of data available. Level of significance = 5 % Degree of freedom = (r-1) (c-1) = (5-1) ( 5-1) = 16
2 = (Fo Fe) 2 / Fe
2 Cal. = 52.46 (Calculated value) Critical test value: For = 0.5 and d.f. = 16, the critical test value is 26.296 Since the calculated value is greater than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus one can conclude that there is significant relation between the Customer Age and Satisfaction in using the mobiles. Phi co-efficient () is used as a measure of the strength of association between two variables in the special case of the table. =
2 /N = 52.46 /300 = 0.17 The value of phi is nearer to zero. It indicates that though there is significant association between the two variables, it is not very strong.
5.49 CUSTOMER GENDER AND SATISFACTION LEVEL The table 5.1 reveals that 62 per cent of the customers are males and 38 per cent are females. An attempt is made here to study the association between customer gender and their satisfaction levels. Table 5.48 Relationship between Gender and Satisfaction Level of Customers Attributes
Gender Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total Male 62 38 42 32 12 186 Female 25 16 39 28 06 114 Total 87 54 81 60 18 300 Source: Primary Data Null Hypothesis: Ho Alternative Hypothesis: H1 H0 : There is no significant association between Customer Gender and Satisfaction in using the mobile phone. H1 : There is significant association between Customer Gender and Satisfaction in using the mobile. Statistical Test: Chi Square is the most appropriate test. On the basis of null hypothesis, one can conclude the expected distribution of data among the categories and the actual distribution of data available. Level of significance = 5 % Degree of freedom = (r-1) (c-1) = (2-1) ( 5-1) = 4
2 = (Fo Fe) 2 / Fe
2 Cal. = 217.6 (Calculated value) Critical test value: For = 0.5 and d.f. = 04, the critical test value is 9.488 Since the calculated value is greater than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected. It can be concluded that there is significant relation between the customer gender and satisfaction in using the mobile phones. Phi co-efficient () is used as a measure of the strength of association between two variables in the special case of the table. =
2 /N = 217.6 /300 = 0.73 The value of phi is not nearer to zero. It indicates that though there is significant association between the two variables, the association is strong. 5.50 CELL BRANDS VS SATISFACTION LEVELS OF THE CUSTOMERS The table 5.16 reveals that majority of the customers possess Nokia, 15 per cent Reliance India Mobile, 13 per cent LG, and nine per cent Samsung. An attempt is made here to study the cell brand used by the customers and the satisfaction level derived out of it.
Table 5.49 Relationship between Cell Brand and Satisfaction Level of Customers Attributes
Brand Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total Nokia 12 47 34 23 03 119 Sony Ericson 02 06 05 04 03 20 Seimens 02 04 02 02 02 12 Motorola 02 05 04 02 02 15 Samsung 04 12 04 03 03 26 RIM 10 14 10 06 06 46 Tata Indicom 02 06 08 02 02 20 LG 13 11 12 04 02 42 Total 47 106 79 49 19 300 Source: Primary Data Null Hypothesis: Ho Alternative Hypothesis: H1 H0 : There is significant association between cell phone brands and satisfaction levels H1 : There is no significant association between cell phone brands and satisfaction levels. Statistical Test: Chi Square is the most appropriate test. On the basis of null hypothesis, one can conclude the expected distribution of data among the categories and the actual distribution of data available. Level of significance = 5 % Degree of freedom = (r-1) (c-1) = (8-1) ( 5-1) = 28
2 = (Fo Fe) 2 / Fe
2 Cal. = 33.4 (Calculated value) Critical test value: For = 0.5 and d.f. = 28, the critical test value is 41.34 Since the calculated value is lesser than the critical value, the alternative hypothesis is rejected. Thus, one can conclude that there is significant relation between the cell phone brand and satisfaction levels in using the mobiles. Phi co-efficient () is used as a measure of the strength of association between two variables in the special case of the table. =
2 /N = 33.4 /300 = 0.11 The value of phi is nearer to zero. It indicates that though there is significant association between the two variables, it is not very strong. 5.51 VARIOUS SERVICE PROVIDERS VS SATISFACTION LEVELS Table 5.30 shows that among the cell connections, majority of the customers use Airtel, 28 per cent use BSNL, nine per cent use Reliance, only four per cent use Vodafone. Table 5.50 Relationship between Service Providers and Satisfaction Levels of Customers Attributes
Service provider Highly satisfied Satisfied Average Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total BSNL 16 40 22 03 03 84 Aircel 06 07 18 04 07 42 Airtel 48 32 09 07 02 98 Tata Indicom 13 05 06 06 06 36 Vodafone 02 02 04 02 02 12 RIM 08 06 09 03 02 28 Total 73 88 56 20 22 300 Source: Primary Data Null Hypothesis: Ho Alternative Hypothesis: H1 H0 : There is no significant association between service provider and satisfaction levels of the customers. H1 : There is significant association between service provider and satisfaction levels of the customers. Statistical Test: Chi Square is the most appropriate test. On the basis of null hypothesis, one can conclude the expected distribution of data among the categories and the actual distribution of data available. Level of significance = 5 % Degree of freedom = (r-1) (c-1) = (6-1) ( 5-1) = 20
2 = (Fo Fe) 2 / Fe
2 Cal. = 85.19 (Calculated value) Critical test value: For = 0.5 and d.f. = 20, the critical test value is 31.410 Since the calculated value is greater than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, one can conclude that there is significant relation between the service providers and satisfaction levels of customers. Phi co-efficient () is used as a measure of the strength of association between two variables in the special case of the table. =
2 /N = 85.19 /300 = 0.28 The value of phi is nearer to zero. It indicates that though there is significant association between the two variables, it is not very strong. 5.52 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGE AND USAGE OF CELL PHONE The table 5.14 reveals that 62 per cent of the customers are males and 38 per cent are females. Table 5.2 shows that customers belonging to the age group of 40 to 60 are 37 per cent and 24 per cent of the customers belong to the age group of 25 to 40. It is known that highest proportion belongs to the age group of 40 to 60. Table 5.51 Relationship between Age and Usage of Mobile Phones Age
Gender Below 18 18 to 25 25 to 40 40 to 60 Above 60 Total Male 5 42 61 42 36 186 Female 3 20 50 31 10 114 Total 08 62 73 111 46 300 Source: Primary Data Null Hypothesis: Ho Alternative Hypothesis: H1 H0 : There is no significant association between age and usage of cell phones. H1 : There is significant association between age and usage of cell phones. Statistical Test: Chi Square is the most appropriate test. On the basis of null hypothesis, one can conclude the expected distribution of data among the categories and the actual distribution of data available. Level of significance = 5 % Degree of freedom = (r-1) (c-1) = (2-1) ( 5-1) = 4
2 = (Fo Fe) 2/ Fe 2 Cal. = 42.2 (Calculated value) Critical test value: For = 0.5 and d.f. = 4, the critical test value is 9.488 Since the calculated value is greater than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus one can conclude that there is significant relation between the usage of cell phone and age. Data reveal that respondents between the age group of 40 to 60 are the largest consumer group. Phi co-efficient () is used as a measure of the strength of association between two variables in the special case of the table. =
2 /N =42.2 /300 = 0.14 The value of phi is nearer to zero. It indicates that though there is significant association between the two variables, it is not very strong. RANK CORRELATION ANALYSIS 5.53 MARITAL STATUS VS TYPES OF MOBILE PHONES Rank Correlation Analysis has been done between marital status and types of mobile phones and the study has been carried out to find whether there is any correlation between marital status and the usage of different types of mobile phones. Table 5.52 depicts that.
Table 5.52 Marital status Vs Type of Mobile Phones D 2 = 6 N = 4 R = 1 - 6 D2 N3 N = 1- 6 X 6 43 - 4 = 1 - 36 60 = 0.4 From table 5.52, it is inferred that correlation exists between the type of mobile phones used and marital status. Married persons have a lot of responsibilities and they could not spend lavishly on high cost mobiles. The basic purpose of mobile Type of handset Single Married R 1 R 2 D=R 1 -R 2 D 2
Ordinary 07 24 4 3 -2 4 Colour 30 95 2 1 1 1 Colour with camera 78
Video camera 08 16 4 4 0 0 is its anytime usage and that facility is available in all sorts of mobiles. Single individuals who earn can change their mobiles then and there to meet the latest trends and fashion.
5.54 MEDIA OF ADVERTISEMENT VS GENDER An attempt is made to study whether there is any correlation existing between the media advertisement and the gender, both the genders get attracted to different aspects and their preferences and tastes are different, here the analysis is done to check these aspects. Table 5.53 Media of Advertisement Vs Gender Media Male Female R1 R2 D = R1- R2 D2 Television 36 46 3 1 2 4 Newspaper 28 14 4 4 0 1 Magazine 0 0 5 5 0 0 Radio 38 18 2 3 -1 1 Display 84 36 1 2 -1 1 D2 =7 N = 5 R = 1 - 6 D2 N3 N = 1- 6 X 7 53-5 = 1 - 42 120 = 0.7 From table 5.53, it is inferred that positive correlation exists between gender and the media of advertisement. Tastes and media attractions are viewed differently by men and women. Females are very easily lured to advertisements whereas the males will try to analyse the facts before taking any decision and they will not, therefore, easily get caught in the advertisement tangle. 5.55 APPLICATION OF CONSUMER DECISION PROCESS MODEL Consumer decision processes vary considerably in their complexity. Most of the decisions consumers are required to make are probably rather simple ones such as the purchase of staple foods. However consumers also must make decisions that are comparatively complicated such as when buying durable goods. The range of difficulty of consumer decision processes extends even further to problem solving that may be characterized as being highly complex, such as might well typify the consumers purchase of a very expensive item. The range of consumer problem solving approaches can be placed on a spectrum from routine problem solving, to limited solving, to extensive problem solving as follows: 1. Routine Problem Solving (RPS) When consumers buy a brand they have purchased before, it usually involves little or no information seeking and is performed quickly. Consumers are brand loyal and tend to buy in a habitual, automatic and unthinking way. 2. Limited Problem Solving (LPS) when consumers buy a new brand in a familiar product category, it usually involves a moderate amount of information seeking and time in choosing. 3. Extensive Problem Solving (EPS) When consumers buy in an unfamiliar product category, it usually involves the need to obtain substantial information and a longer time to choose. They must form a concept of the new product category and determine the criteria to be used in choosing the brand. A. STAGES IN THE CONSUMER DECISION MAKING PROCESS
The consumer problem solving model consists of four basic types of activities in the process of purchasing. The consumers four basic steps are 1. Problem Recognition : Problem recognition results when a consumer recognizes a difference of sufficient magnitude between what is perceived as the desired state of affairs and what is the actual state of affairs, enough to arouse and activate the decision process. Motivation Perception Attitude Formation Integration Learning Information search Alternative evaluation Purchase decision Post purchase evaluation
eevaluation Problem recognition The actual state refers to the way in which a need is already being met and the desired state is the way a person would like to act for the need to be satisfied. From the study it is inferred that most of the customers prefer mobile phones to establish contact with others while travelling. Eleven per cent of the customers prefer mobile phones for easy contact, 14 per cent of the customers prefer cell phones for regular contact with others and 12 per cent of the customers prefer mobile phones for realizing cost economy. Depending upon the above factors, it is found that use of mobile phone varies from customer to customer. From the study, it is identified that most of the customers are using the mobile phone instead of landline phone. Since the mobile phones are handy and they could be carried to any place, such advantages are used in full, for mobility and all time contact; 26 per cent of the customers feel that the mobile phones provide any time contact. From the survey, it is inferred that the majority 51 per cent of the customers feel that the mobile phones have higher utility value than the land phones, four percent of the customers feel the advantages of the two types and none of the customers feels that the mobile phones give low utility value compared to land phones. Cell phones no doubt have a very high utility value and are mostly preferred by all the customers. From the analysis, the ranking given for various benefits were inferred. Decrease in communication expenses because of owning the cell phone holds the first rank, quick and accurate communication ranks fourth, and tenth rank goes to product diversification.
2. The Information Evaluation Process As the consumer is engaged in search activity, he or she is also actively engaged in information evaluation. Evaluation involves those activities undertaken by the consumer to appraise carefully, on the basis of certain criteria, alternative solution to market related problems. The search process determines what the alternatives are, and in the evaluation process they are compared so that the consumer is ready to make a purchase decision. From the study, it is revealed that television has influenced 24 per cent, the majority 43 per cent of the respondents have been influenced through the display aids, 14 per cent through newspapers, 19 per cent through different magazines and none of them ever got influenced through radio. Displays and posters attract every one and they play a major role in making a decision on the purchase of mobile phones. 3. Alternative Evaluation After acquiring information during the information search stage of the decision process, the consumer moves to alternative evaluation. In this stage, the consumer compares the various brands or products and services he or she has identified as being capable of solving the consumption problem and satisfying the needs or motives that initiates the decision process. The various brands identified as purchase options to be considered during the alternative evaluation process are referred to as the consumers evoked set. From the analysis, it is clear that twenty four per cent of the customers like the quality in their mobiles, 14 per cent the price of their mobiles, thirty one per cent brand image and only three per cent of customers like the special features found in their mobiles. Various aspects found in the mobiles attract the customers to prefer a particular brand. 4. Purchase Decision As an outcome of the alternative evaluation stage, the consumer may develop a purchase intention or predisposition to buy a certain brand. Purchase intentions are generally based on a matching of purchase motives with attributes or characteristics of brands under consideration. Their formation involves many of the personal sub processes including motivation, perception, attitude formation and integration. From the research, it is inferred that 29 per cent of customers prefer Nokia, 10 per cent Sony Ericson, 02 per cent Samsung and five per cent prefer LG for their next purchase. For the new purchase, the selection of brand is determined by past experience with the mobile phones and getting added information from friends and relatives who use some other mobile brands. From the study, it is inferred that while changing their present mobile, consumers will concentrate more on the quality; 29 per cent concentrate on sound, 18 per cent look into the price of the mobile and 14 per cent of customers consider the various models provided by the different brands. From the survey, it is inferred that finance schemes are given high rank by the customers, the second rank is given to the complementary gifts provided by the cell phone companies and the last rank is given to the discount schemes provided by the cell phone companies. Different types of customers prefer different schemes offered by cell phone companies. In general, all the cell phone companies offer various schemes to attract the customers.
5. Post Purchase Behaviour The consumer decision process does not end with the purchase. After using the product or service, the consumer compares the level of performance with expectations and is either satisfied or dissatisfied. Satisfaction occurs when the consumers expectations are either met or exceeded; dissatisfaction results when performance is below expectations. The post purchase evaluation process is important because the feedback acquired from actual use of products will influence the likelihood of future purchases. Positive performance means the brand is retained in the evoked set and increases the likelihood that it will be purchased again. Unfavourable outcomes may lead the consumer to form negative attitudes toward the brand, lessening the likelihood that it will be purchased again or even eliminating it from the consumers evoked set. The study reveals that 232 customers are highly satisfied about the appearance of the handset which they possess, 46 customers are satisfied with the audio and video functions present in the mobiles. Two hundred and fifty four customers are satisfied with price of the mobiles; 139 customers are highly dissatisfied with the audio and video function of the mobiles. An attribute which is found to be satisfactory to one customer will not be applicable to other. There are differences in the opinions and satisfaction levels of the customers.