LC Handbook Complete 2

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The LC

Guide to LC Columns and
Method Development
The LC
Guide to LC Columns and
Method Development
Introduction 4
Essential chromatography
concepts 5
Efficiency (N) 6
Retention Factor (k) 7
Selectivity or separation factor () 7
Resolution (R
) 8
Pressure 9
van Deemter Curves 10
The gradient equation 10
Selecting your HPLC column 12
HPLC mode 13
Column selection basics: conventional columns 14
High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC) columns 15
UHPLC columns 16
Superficially porous particle columns 16
Columns for LC/MS 17
Columns for Gel Permeation
Chromatography (GPC), Size Exclusion
Chromatography (SEC), and Gel
Filtration Chromatography (GFC) 18
Columns for biocharacterization 18
Column characteristics 19
Silica 19
Bonded phases 19
Polymers 19
Pore size 20
Particle size 20
Column dimensions 21
Cartridge column systems 22
Keys to performance: column
configurations and settings 25
The importance of reducing extra-column
volume 26
Preparing the perfect fitting connection 27
Making a good connection 28
Sample injections 30
Setting the data collection rate 31
Dwell volume and its impact on chromatography 32
Measuring your systems dwell volume 34
Evaluating the impact of dwell volume 36
Dwell volume and analysis time 37
Chelating compounds 37
pH and mobile phase modifiers 38
Working with gradients 39
Optimizing column re-equilibration 40
Column aging 42
Loss of bonded phase 42
Cleaning a reversed-phase silica column 42
Cleaning a normal phase silica column 44
Cleaning a reversed-phase polymeric column 44
Method development 45
Method development: where to start 46
Mode Selection 46
Choosing the column and packing
dimensions 49
Choosing the stationary phase 50
Method development for reversed-phase
chromatography 50
Selection of stationary phase for reversed-
phase chromatography 50
Selection of mobile phase solvents for
reversed-phase chromatography 53
Working with mobile phases 53
Troubleshooting mobile phases and
mobile phase modifiers 53
Mixing mobile phases 54
Degassing mobile phases 54
Managing your pH with mobile phase modifiers 54
Common buffers for UV detectors 56
Considerations for LC/MS 57
Troubleshooting issues with mobile
phase modifiers 59
Troubleshooting example: drifting baseline 59
Troubleshooting example: broadening
or splitting caused by high pH 61
Troubleshooting example: mobile
phase modifiers and selectivity 61
Optimizing your chromatographic conditions
for reversed-phase chromatography 63
Isocratic optimization 64
Gradient optimization 67
Polymeric columns for reversed-phase
chromatography 69
A step-by-step guide for 'hands-on' isocratic
method development in reversed-phase
chromatography 70
Tips for transferring methods from
conventional columns to high efficiency columns 72
Automated method development tools 74
Method development for other HPLC modes 76
Normal phase chromatography 78
Ion-exchange chromatography 80
Gel permeation chromatography/size
exclusion chromatography 81
Protecting your
chromatographic results 82
Sample Preparation 83
Sample filtration 83
Solid Phase Extraction 84
Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE) 85
Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) 86
The importance of using high-quality-grade
solvents 88
Special considerations for UHPLC 88
Inline filters 89
Low-volume inline filters 89
Guard columns 90
Solvent-saturation columns 90
Column inlet frits 90
Column care and storage 90
Maximizing column lifetime 90
Care in storage 92
Unblocking a column 92
Quickly determining when a column is going bad 92
Ensuring method reproducibility around the
world 93
Increasing method robustness 93
A reminder about dwell volume
implications 94
Quick troubleshooting reference 95
Tips for effective troubleshooting 95
Useful references 101
USP designations 101
Solvent miscibility 107
UV cutoffs for mobile phase modifiers 110
Solid Phase Extraction sorbents 111
SPE sorbent conditions 112
Other suggested reading 113
Other Agilent resources 113
Glossary 114
Index 141
Agilent Products and
ordering information 147
Where to begin? Liquid chromatography is a vast and
complex subject, but one for which we never lose our
Chromatographers around the world are using HPLC techniques to ensure the safety of our food and water,
develop life-saving pharmaceutical products, protect our environment, guard public health, and thats just
the start of it. The more you know about chromatography, the more you can get done with this amazing
Today, you have more choices of columns and packing materials to suit an ever expanding range of uses.
Agilent now offers more than 2,000 column choices covering the broadest array of applications and conditions.
This increases your opportunities to select the most appropriate column for your needs.
As part of our commitment to helping you get the best results from your liquid chromatography, we have
compiled this handy guide to choosing LC columns, with plenty of tips and tricks to make your job easier and
more productive. In addition, weve drawn on more than 40 years of experience to provide suggestions for
overcoming some of the common problems that can occur with columns and ttings in everyday use. The guide
covers the main columns used in LC, with particular emphasis on reversed-phase high performance liquid
How to use this guide:
Sections are color-coded for your easy reference.
The glossary in the back is fairly comprehensive. Its intended to be a good resource, although we have not
touched on every glossary term in the rest of the book, due to space considerations.
This book primarily focuses on reversed-phase HPLC although we highlight other techniques elsewhere in
the book.
Essential chromatography
We all remember the feeling we had in school as we
learned math, wondering how it would actually come into
practical use. Scientists have to learn more math than
many professionals, and this section reminds us why.
Here, we will briey review the equations and theory behind many of the concepts that drive chromatography.
Understanding these concepts will help you to get the best results, and to troubleshoot if you encounter
We start with fundamentals of performance:
These are all key to understanding how to optimize results and successfully develop methods.
We also explore a few more complex concepts:
van Deemter curves
The gradient equation
These two topics are also important for method development.
Columns with high plate numbers are more efcient. A column with a high N will have a narrower peak at a
given retention time than a column with a lower N number.
Efficiency (N)
Column efciency is used to compare the performance of different columns. It is probably the most frequently
cited parameter of column performance and is expressed as the theoretical plate number, N.
N = 16 (t

For Peak B, 16(4.5 min./0.9 min.)
= 400
k = (t
= (2.5 - 1)/1 = 1.5
= (4.6 - 1)/1 = 3.6
= (6.2 - 1)/1 = 5.2
Selectivity (C-B)
= k
= k
= 5.2/3.6 = 1.44
= 1.44
Selectivity (B-A)
= k
= k
= 3.6/1.5 = 2.4
= 2.4
Equation 1. Effciency equation
Equation 2. Alternate equation for calculating effciency
Figure 1. Chromatographic illustration of effciency, Retention Factor and resolution
If we measure the distance t
here (Figure 1), by drawing tangent lines to approximate the four-sigma peak
width, we can measure the theoretical plates for peak B, using Equation 1, N = 16 (t
. Sometimes the
four-sigma peak width is difcult to measure (e.g., with a noisy baseline), so an alternate equation (Equation 2)
involves measuring the peak width at half-height (w
): N= 5.54 (t
High column efciency is benecial since less selectivity is required to completely resolve narrow peaks.
Column efciency is affected by column parameters (diameter, length, particle size), the type of eluent
(especially its viscosity), and ow rate or average linear velocity. Efciency is also affected by the compound
and its retention. When comparing columns, the number of theoretical plates per meter (N/m) is often used.
However, the same chromatographic temperature conditions and peak retention (k) are required for the
comparison to be valid. On stationary phases where is small, more efcient columns are benecial.
Retention Factor (k)
Formerly referred to as capacity factor or k (k prime), the Retention Factor measures the period of time that
the sample component resides in a stationary phase relative to the time it resides in the mobile phase. It is
calculated from the Retention Time divided by the time for an unretained peak (t
Selectivity or separation factor ()
The separation factor is a measure of the time or distance between the maxima of two peaks. If = 1, the two
peaks have the same retention time and co-elute.
Equation 3. Retention Factor equation
Equation 4. Selectivity equation
Selectivity is dened as the ratio in capacity factors. In Figure 1, you will see that there is better selectivity
between peaks A and B than between B and C. Calculations are provided to demonstrate.
Selectivity can be changed by changing the mobile phase constituents or changing the stationary phase.
Temperature may also be a factor in adjusting selectivity.
Resolution (R
Resolution describes the ability of a column to separate the peaks of interest, and so the higher the resolution,
the easier it is to achieve baseline separation between two peaks. Resolution takes into consideration
efciency, selectivity and retention, as can be seen in Equation 5. One can improve resolution by improving any
one of these parameters.
In Figure 2, we see the different effects of each component on the separation process. All of these terms show
a diminishing return. This means that the more you try to work on something to improve the separation, the
less effective it will become.
If you double the column length, you will obtain more theoretical plates, but your separation will take twice as
long; you will only get a square root of 2, or 1.4 improvement in the resolution.
A value of 1 is the minimum for a measurable separation to occur and to allow adequate quantitation. A value
of 0.6 is required to discern a valley between two equal-height peaks. Values of 1.7 or greater generally are
desirable for rugged methods. A value of 1.6 is considered to be a baseline separation and ensures the most
accurate quantitative result.
Equation 5. Resolution equation
The Pressure equation (Equation 6) identies ve key factors that affect system pressure: solvent viscosity(h),
ow rate (F), column length (L), column radius (r) and particle diameter (d
). It is a good idea to familiarize
yourself with the pressure equation to understand these key contributors to system pressure.
As noted in the formula, even a small decrease in the particle size (d
) has a signicant impact on
Equation 6. Pressure equation
Figure 2. Resolution as a function of selectivity, column effciency or retention
We often plot van Deemter curves to evaluate the performance of different columns, and to understand the
optimum linear velocity (u
) for a method.
The gradient equation
Whenever your sample has a wide variety of components present, it can be difcult to separate all of the
components in a reasonable time using isocratic elution (e.g. constant mobile phase composition). Gradient
elution is a process to increase the mobile phase strength as a function of time, resulting in faster analyses
and better peak shape and quantitation. With gradient elution, peak widths are typically more narrow and of
constant width (see p. 39 for more about gradients).
The gradient equation (Equation 8) shows key variables that affect your analysis, and may cause issues
with your chromatography if you dont account for them. The equation shows how the retention factor is
inuenced by ow rate (F), gradient time (t
), gradient range (DF), and column volume (V
). Its important to
Figure 3. Illustration of the van Deemter equation
Equation 7. van Deemter equation
van Deemter Curves
The van Deemter equation evaluates efciency (expressed as H, see Equation 7) as a function of linear velocity
(u) or ow rate. The H called plate height, or height of a theoretical plate is determined by dividing the
column length (L) by the calculated number of theoretical plates. The goal is to get a small plate height. We
can do this most effectively with smaller particle columns, optimum linear velocities and low viscosity mobile
phase. As particle size decreases, the optimum linear velocity increases.
In the gradient equation, S is a constant and is dependent on the size of the molecule being separated. For
small molecules, the value of S is about 4 to 6. For peptides and proteins, S lies between 10 and 1,000.
These days, it is common to change the dimension of the column, either to something shorter (e.g. for higher
throughput) or with a narrower internal diameter (e.g. for mass spectrometric detection). Any decrease in
column volume must be offset by a proportional decrease in gradient time (t
) or ow rate (F). Any change in
the gradient compositional range (DF), using the same column, needs to be adjusted by a proportional change
in gradient time (t
) or ow rate (F) if you want to maintain the same gradient slope and k* value.
Equation 8. Gradient equation
A great way to get help when transferring a method to a column with different dimensions is to use
the Agilent Method Translation Software. You can nd the method translator by typing in 'LC Method
Translator' in the search eld at
remember that in order to keep the retention factor constant, changes in the denominator need to be offset by
proportional changes in the numerator, and vice versa.
Increasing the retention factor k (or k*, in a gradient) is an easy way to increase resolution, but as shown
in Figure 2, it is not as effective as increasing efciency or selectivity. If the retention factor is increased by
increasing gradient time, you will have a longer run time, as Equation 8 shows.
Selecting your HPLC column
Selecting a column is part science and part art. We say
this because there are certainly some selection criteria
that are straightforward: column phase for application,
appropriate sizes for your system pressure limits, etc.
In many cases, a specic phase or column dimension may be specied for a pre-dened method, so your
selection will mostly have to do with meeting these specications and ensuring a reliable, high quality column
provider (we recommend Agilent, but we admit a bias).
Beyond that, your method development may enable you to get more artful, in that you will want to test the
performance of various stationary phases and mobile phases to get just the selectivity your application
This section will rst review a few basics:
HPLC modes
Common HPLC column materials
Then we'll talk specically about the key types of columns most often used today and what makes them each
HPLC columns
UHPLC columns
Superficially porous particle columns
Columns for LC/MS
Columns for Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) and Gel
Filtration Chromatography (GFC)
Columns for biochromatography
See pp 46 - 48 for more information about the differences between the various modes.
We'll also explain the importance of key column characteristics
Packing silicas, bonded phases, polymers
Pore size
Particle size
Column dimensions
At the end of this section, we will provide an overview of cartridge-style columns that are available, including
guard, semi-preparative, prep and process columns.
The information in this section should be used in conjunction with the column selection information in the
Method Development section (p. 45), which begins to incorporate more information about column stationary
phases and selectivities.
HPLC mode
The HPLC mode is the most important factor to decide before you can begin evaluating columns. There are a
number of common HPLC modes or techniques in use today:
Normal phase
Size exclusion
Generally, surveys have shown that 95% of all chromatographers use reversed-phase chromatography
sometime during their work, and, for this reason, this booklet will focus mostly on this technique. Well touch
on some of the others, however, to point out key differences and propose good resources for more information.
Column type Column internal
diameter (mm)
size (m)
Stainless steel Analytical 4.0-4.6 Silica,
1.8-10 Traditional quantitative
Analytical solvent
3 Silica 1.8-5 Reduced solvent
Analytical narrow
2.0-2.1 Silica 1.8-5 Reduced solvent
1 Silica,
3-5 Increased sensitivity,
sample size ng to g
0.3-0.5 Silica,
3-5 Sample size pg to ng
Analytical nano 0.075-0.1 Silica,
3 Sample size < 1 pg
Prep or semi-prep 9.4-50 Silica,
5-50 Sample purication
Column selection basics: conventional columns
Columns for liquid chromatography are made from cylinders of stainless steel or polymers or, more rarely,
glass, containing bonded silica or polymer particles. They are available in many dimensions to suit the
different needs of chromatographers and their applications. They range from short, narrow-bore columns
for high throughput LC/MS, to 50 mm internal diameter (id) preparative columns for gram-scale purication,
all the way up to preparative column packing stations with dimensions up to 600 mm for pilot, scale-up and
production facilities. Column dimensions affect sensitivity and efciency, and determine the amount of analyte
that can be loaded onto the column. For example, small id columns improve sensitivity compared to larger id
columns, but with reduced loading capacity.
Modern stainless steel analytical columns (1 to 4.6 mm id, 20 to 250 mm long) use very low, or zero,
dead-volume ttings. The column packing material is held in place by stainless steel frits at both ends.
Figure 4. Diagram of a column
Table 1. Some characteristics of columns for liquid chromatography Continued on next page
Column type Column internal
diameter (mm)
size (m)
Stainless steel Analytical 3 Silica 1.8-5 Good choice to match ow
rate capability of Agilent
narrow bore and
1-2.1 Silica,
1.8-10 Where higher sensitivity
or specialty detectors are
Fused silica Analytical
0.3-0.5 Silica,
1.8-10 With MS detectors
Stainless steel Analytical 4.6 Silica 1.8-2.7
For all fast
and high
Analytical solvent
3 Silica 1.8-2.7
Analytical narrow
2.1 Silica 1.8-2.7
Stainless Steel prep 10-100 polymer 10-50 Compound isolation
Stainless Steel process 10 cm to 100 cm polymer 10-50 Compound production
Note: Certain bioHPLC columns are available in PEEK for a metal-free sample path.
Use ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Throughput (RRHT) 1.8 m columns and Poroshell 120 2.7 m columns , up
to 600 bar. Use ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Denition (RRHD) columns, 1.8 m, up to 1200 bar.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) columns
Silica gel is commonly used as a stationary phase in normal phase, adsorption HPLC, and is the support for
numerous chemically bonded stationary phases. The surface of the silica is covered with strongly polar silanol
groups that interact with molecules in a non-polar mobile phase, or serve as reaction sites for chemical
bonding. Normal phase HPLC works well with analytes that are insoluble in water, and organic normal phase
solvents are more MS friendly than some of the typical buffers used in reversed-phase HPLC. However,
the technique sometimes suffers from poor reproducibility of retention times because water or protic organic
solvents (which have a hydrogen atom bound to an oxygen or nitrogen atom) change the hydration state of the
silica. This is not an issue for reversed-phase HPLC, which has become the main HPLC technique. In reversed-
phase chromatographic systems, the silica particles are chemically modied to be non-polar or hydrophobic,
and the mobile phase is a polar liquid.
Superficially porous particle columns
Supercially porous particle (SPP) columns have enjoyed a recent resurgence in smaller particle sizes than the
older 'pellicular' particle columns. As depicted in Figure 6, the Agilent Poroshell 120 particle has a solid core
(1.7 m in diameter) and a porous silica layer (0.5 m thickness) surrounding it. The current interest in this
technology is driven by its re-introduction in smaller particle sizes, such as the sub-3 m sizes, for use in typical
small molecule reversed-phase separations.
The Poroshell 120 offers signicant method development advantages to chromatographers using conventional
totally porous columns. Because diffusion only occurs in the porous outer shell, not the solid core, efciency
is increased compared to a totally porous particle of the same size. In fact, a 2.7 m SPP will give efciency
comparable to a 1.8 m totally porous particle. A big advantage is the fact that the backpressure created by
the SPP column is greatly reduced due to its larger particle size, allowing chromatographers to increase ow
rate and improve the speed of their analysis, while enjoying exceptional resolution. It is also important to know
that Poroshell 120 columns are packed with a standard 2 m frit, so they are more forgiving for dirty samples
and do not clog as readily as columns with smaller frits. Sample ltration, especially when using 1.8 m
columns, will also aid in reducing clogging.
UHPLC columns
Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) generally refers to liquid chromatography performed at
pressures in excess of 400 bar (6000 psi), which was the conventional maximum system operating pressure
for decades. Generally, UHPLC columns contain small particles (<3 m) that provide key benets in terms of
speed, resolution and efciency compared to conventional HPLC columns packed with 3 to 5 m particles.
However, as shown in the pressure equation (Equation 6, p. 9), the smaller the particle, the greater the
backpressure needed to force mobile phase through the column, so UHPLC columns are designed to operate at
pressures above 400 bar (6,000 psi).
For UHPLC operation, Agilent provides three types of columns: ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Throughput
(RRHT) 1.8 m particle size columns for operation up to 600 bar, Poroshell 120 columns with 2.7 m
supercially porous particles (also for up to 600 bar) and ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Denition (RRHD)
1.8 m columns, stable to 1200 bar. The separation speed achievable in UHPLC can be very fast. In general,
UHPLC separations that are less than 10 min are fast, and separations less than 1 min are commonly known as
Another aspect of UHPLC is the increased efciency and peak capacity when longer UHPLC columns with
1.8 m packing are used. Analytical column lengths up to 150 mm and ids up to 4.6 mm are available. It is
now possible to obtain almost 300% greater peak capacity, which is valuable for improving many complex
separations ranging from drug discovery to food safety and environmental applications, such as pesticide
Figure 5. ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Defnition (RRHD) Columns
The separation of peptides and proteins is challenging because they diffuse slowly, so ow rates must be kept
low to prevent peak broadening. Agilents Poroshell 300 columns use a supercially porous 5 m particle
made with a thin layer of porous silica (0.25 m thickness) surrounding an impervious solid-silica core. This
technology reduces the diffusion distance, permitting rapid HPLC separation of peptides and proteins from 500
Da to 1,000 kDa.
Columns for LC/MS
There are many columns for LC/MS, depending on the sample. For simple analytical samples, use short
columns (with high resolution) to reduce analysis time for high throughput LC/MS. For higher resolution, use
longer columns.
Flow rate also affects your choice of a column. LC/MS systems typically operate at ow rates from 1 L/min
to 1 mL/min. This makes smaller id columns such as Agilent Solvent Saver (3.0 mm id), narrow bore (2.1 mm
id), and capillary and nanobore columns (see Table 1, p. 15) good options for high sensitivity and fast analyses.
The best bonded phase choice is a high performance end capped C18 bonded phase, stable over a wide pH
range, compatible with the typical volatile mobile phase additives used for LC/MS, including formic acid and
acetic acid.
Figure 6. Poroshell Particles
Columns for Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), and
Gel Filtration Chromatography (GFC)
Separations based on molecular size in solution are generally performed by size exclusion chromatography
(SEC). This chromatographic mode is used to separate polymers, including biopolymers. It is used to
characterize the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of polymers. The columns are usually
stainless steel and contain gels, cross-linked polymers, or silica particles with tightly controlled pore sizes. The
separation mechanism relies solely on the size of molecules in solution, and unlike the other chromatographic
modes, there should be no chemical interactions between the particles and the stationary phase. We use
the term gel permeation chromatography (GPC) to describe the analysis of organic polymers (e.g. plastics)
in organic solvents, and aqueous SEC to describe the analysis of water-soluble organic polymers (e.g.
polyvinylalcohol) and water-soluble biopolymers (e.g. proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides) using
predominantly aqueous mobile phases. Gel ltration chromatography (GFC) has been historically used to
describe the low pressure separation of biopolymers such as proteins.
For a comprehensive guide to GPC/SEC we recommended Agilents Introduction to Gel Permeation
Chromatography and Size Exclusion Chromatography. (Agilent publication number 5990-6969EN)
Columns for biocharacterization
Biochromatography columns, or biocolumns, are columns for the separation of biological compounds such as
proteins and peptides, oligonucleotides and polynucleotides, and other biomolecules and complexes, including
virus particles. Biocolumns are designed to greatly minimize or eliminate irreversible or non-specic binding
of the sample to the packing and to retain biological function (enzymatic activity). Frequently, biocolumns are
constructed so that active metals do not contact the sample. They may be made with polymers (e.g. PEEK),
fused silica and glass-lined stainless steel, or metallic components that are coated to render the column
Column characteristics
Silica is an ideal material for chromatography, and has been the main base packing material for bonded phase
HPLC columns for decades. Silica particles are rigid and resist compaction due to ow, particularly important
when particle sizes are 5 m or less and higher pressures are necessary. Their extremely large surface areas
provide the adsorptive capacity for HPLC and UHPLC, and the silanols or Si-OH groups on the particle surface
are ideal bonding sites for functional carbon chains.
Not surprisingly, spherical silica particles used for column packing are available in a variety of sizes, purity and
acidity. Most modern packings are Type B silicas, which are very low in trace metals and are less acidic than
older Type A silicas. Less acidic silica means less potential for interaction between a basic analyte and silanol
groups on the silica surface, which contributes to improved peak shape. Columns made with high purity silica
are the most common choices for todays chromatographer.
Bonded phases
For reversed-phase chromatography, the most common bonded phase is a C18 (octyldecylsilane, ODS). This is
just one of the many types of alkyl or carbon chains attached to the surface of the silica particle. Some other
popular choices for linear alkylsilane phases include C8 and C4. Phenyl, including Phenyl-Hexyl and Diphenyl,
and AQ, CN, and PFP phases can offer signicant differences in selectivity from the straight-chain alkyl phases
and may provide a successful separation. There are an increasing number of bonded phase choices with some
specic to high aqueous mobile phases or other applications.
In general, larger solutes, such as proteins, are best separated on short-chain reversed-phase columns (C3,
CN, diol) bonded to wide pore silica gels (pore size: 300). Peptides and small molecules are separated on
longer-chain columns (C8, C18). There are many cases, however, where this convention does not apply.
Therefore, it is a good idea initially to select a phase in the middle of the hydrophobic spectrum (for example,
C8), then change to a more hydrophobic phase or more hydrophilic phase depending on initial results and the
solubility of your sample.
There are other options to consider for ion-exchange, gel permeation/size exclusion or HILIC chromatography.
We discuss these further on pp. 76 - 81.
When a column is needed that can operate at very low and high pH, polymeric packings provide an alternative
to silica-based materials. Polymeric particles are ideal for small-scale chromatography, particularly LC/MS,
as they are chemically stable and do not leach soluble or particulate species. Reversed-phase spherical
polymeric packings used in PLRP-S columns, for example, are based on a styrene/divinylbenzene copolymer
with an inherently hydrophobic surface. No bonded phase is required for reversed-phase chromatography
with polymeric particles. These rigid macroporous particles can be coated and derivatized to give a range of
functionalities, including weak and strong cation and anion-exchangers.
Pore size
The choice of the pore size is determined by the molecular weight of the component which is analyzed. For
reversed-phase separations of small molecules, choose a column packing with small pores (60-120). For
small molecules and peptides use 100-150, for polypeptides and many proteins choose 200-300, and
1,000 and 4,000 for very high molecular weight proteins and vaccines.
For GPC/SEC separations the molecular weight range for separations is typically given with the pore size
information so the right column can be selected. Tables of this information are listed with the column choices.
Particle size
The standard particle size for HPLC columns was 5 m for a long time, until the mid-1990s, when 3.5 m
became popular for method development. More recently, as higher speed and/or higher resolution is required,
chromatographers have turned to packings with sub-2-3 m, including 1.8 m particles made by Agilent.
Shorter columns with these particles can produce faster high-resolution separations. The 3.5 m particle size
operates at a routine operating pressure and may be used on all LCs, including those with a 400 bar operating
limit. Short (50 mm and shorter) 1.8 m columns may be employed on optimized standard LCs, while longer
columns may require a higher-pressure LC (e.g. Rapid Resolution LC or UHPLCs), operating at pressures from
600 to 1200 bar. Recently, newer technology (e.g. supercially porous particles) has been developed that
enables performance similar to sub-3 m columns, but generates lower backpressure, so it can be used with
conventional HPLC instruments (see Supercially Porous Particles, p.16).
If the particle size of a column is reduced by half, the plate number doubles (assuming column length remains
the same). However, if particle size halves, column backpressure increases four times (~1/d
). If column length
doubles, the plate number and analysis time also double. As column length increases, backpressure increases
linearly. For example, a 2.1 x 100 mm column packed with 3.5 m particles generates about 12,000-14,000
theoretical plates, an efciency that can provide adequate separation for many samples. By reducing the
particle size from 3.5 m to 1.8 m, the efciency of the same 2.1 x 100 mm column is doubled to about 24,000
theoretical plates. However, this column generates a backpressure that is four times greater than the pressure
of the same size column lled with 3.5 m particles.
Very often, an efciency of 24,000 plates is not required, so the column length can be halved to 50 mm, with
an expected efciency of 12,000 plates. The analysis time will be cut in half with this shorter column and the
backpressure is only twice as great as the 100 mm column with 3.5 m particles.
When you want to establish a routine method, consider reducing the column dimensions to the smallest
available size for your analysis and instrument; smaller columns are often less expensive to buy and use
less solvent. In some cases, if column diameter is reduced by half, sensitivity increases by four to ve times
(assuming the injection mass is kept constant). For example, when a sample is injected onto a 2.1 mm id
column, the peaks are about three to ve times higher than on an optimized LC than when the same amount
of sample is injected onto a 4.6 mm id column. If your instrument is optimized for low-volume columns, as long
as linear velocity is maintained, column efciency, theoretical plates, backpressure and analysis time are not
signicantly affected by reducing the diameter of the column.
Application objective Column diameter (mm)
Very high sensitivity, LC/MS, peptides and proteins 0.1, 0.075
Very high sensitivity, limited sample, LC/MS, peptides and proteins 0.3, 0.5
High sensitivity, limited sample, LC/MS 1.0
Save solvent; special low-volume instrumentation is available 2.1
Special detectors such as MS 2.1
High sensitivity, limited sample 2.1
Save solvent; standard HPLC equipment available, LC/MS 3.0
Standard separations 4.6
Small-scale (mg) preparative separations 9.4
Medium-scale preparative separations (100 mg to g) or semi-prep 21.2
Large-lab-scale preparative separations (up to 100 g) 30, 50
Pilot and process scale 100 mm to 1 m
Column dimensions
For many years the column sizes most often recommended for analytical method development were
4.6 x 150 mm or 4.6 x 100 mm with a 5 m particle size. If more resolution was needed, a 4.6 x 250 mm
column was recommended. But with the range of modern choices available analytical method development
with 4.6 x 100 mm columns with 3.5 m or 2.7 m supercially porous particles are the recommended starting
During method development, choose the column id (for example 2.1 or 3.0 mm) to accommodate additional
application objectives (such as sensitivity, solvent usage) or compatibility with certain instrument types
(capillary, nano, or prep columns).
Nano, capillary or microbore columns are used when increased sensitivity is required or when the sample is
extremely limited.
Nano columns for sample sizes below 1 pg used with nL/min flow rates
Capillary columns for sample sizes in the range pg to ng with flow rates around 4 L/min
Microbore columns for sample sizes from ng to g typically operate at flow rates around 40 L/min
Table 2. Applications and column diameters
It is easy to calculate whether a shorter column will achieve the same results as your longer development
column, by using data produced by the development column. Decision making by simple calculation will
save you a great deal of time. You can use Agilents Method Translation Software (search for LC Method
Translation Software at to help you with these calculations.
Cartridge column systems
Cartridge systems can provide exibility and economy because the cartridge is tted to existing column
hardware. Cartridges for analytical systems are pre-packed, whereas you can pack your own systems for
preparative and semi-preparative applications using media purchased in bulk.
Type of cartridge Features Benefits
Analytical Columns and Analytical/Guard combinations
Agilent HPLC Cartridge Can reverse collets in the end tting to add
guard cartridges
Extends column lifetime
Permits rapid column changes
Can use 2, 3, 4 and 4.6 mm cartridges
Cartridges have a unique lter and sieve at
each end
Helps prevent blockage
ChromSep: standalone
system comprising holder,
analytical cartridge, and
guard column
Wide combination of column lengths and
Modular exibility
Cartridges and guards in multi-packs Economical
No need for special tools Easy to use
ZORBAX Rapid Resolution
and Rapid Resolution HT
Cartridge Columns: 1.8
and 3.5 m packings,
standalone system
For high throughput LC/MS, LC/MS/MS and
combinatorial separations
For all analyte types
Packed with Eclipse XDB for pH 2-9 For all analyte types
Packed with StableBond for low pH use Low bleed
Sold individually or as three packs For all analyte types
ZORBAX Guard Cartridge:
standalone system
High efciency, standalone, low dead volume
Seals up to 340 bar
Polymeric cartridge designed for leak-tight
seals against metal surfaces
No gaskets required
Reusable ttings Adapt for connections to 1/16 in. LC
Continued on next page Table 3. Cartridge Systems
Type of cartridge Features Benefits
Semi-Preparative Guards
ZORBAX Semi-Preparative
Guard HPLC Hardware Kit:
standalone system
Easy low-dead-volume assembly Seals up to 2,000 psi (135 bar, 13.5 MPa)
Tubing (polyphenylene sulfone) designed for
leak-tight seals against metal surfaces
No gaskets required
Reusable ttings Adapt for connections to 1/16 in. LC
ZORBAX and Agilent
Prep Cartridge Column
and Guard HPLC System:
standalone and integral
hardware options
Easy low-dead-volume assembly Extends column lifetime
Reusable ttings Permits rapid column changes
Hardware options for integral and external
Use with 21.2 and 30 mm id columns
Load & Lock Preparative
Columns and Packing
Station: standalone
system for dynamic and
static locked axial
For laboratory and process purication, at
high quality and high volume with three
column sizes, up to 24 in. id
Easy scale-up from g to multi-kg quantities
Mobile packing station Use anywhere
Runs on compressed air Safe to use in hazardous environments
Quick release to pack and unpack in minutes Maximize productivity
Dynamax Preparative
Cartridge Column and
Guard: standalone
dynamic axial
compression system
Modular design with reusable end ttings Reduced hardware costs
10, 21.4 and 41.4 mm id Easy scale-up
Integral guard column option Delivers longer column lifetimes with
complex samples
Polymeric PLRP-S, PL-SAX
and PL-SCX
Range of pore sizes and particle sizes to give
high sample throughput
Increased productivity
Chemical and thermal stability enables
cleaning in place and sanitization
Increased column lifetime
Robust packing methods for process
Improved packed column performance
Column type Guard cartridge holder ID (mm) Phases
Cartridge/Guard Cartridge Systems Compatibility Guide*
Cartridge column cartridge holder
Guard cartridge (internal system)
cartridge holder
Standard tting Column guard cartridge
(standalone) cartridge holder
Rapid Resolution cartridge holder
No guard cartridge holder 4.6 ZORBAX
Semi-preparative column Semi-prep guard cartridge
(standalone) cartridge holder
PrepHT (no photo available) Guard cartridge
Agilent Prep
*Standalone guard cartridges t all cartridge and standard tting columns available from Agilent.
Table 4. Cartridge/Guard Cartridge Systems Compatibility Guide
Keys to performance: column
configurations and settings
There have been many books written about
chromatography, and there are many more 'keys to
performance' than we can possibly cover here.
Our objective here is to highlight a few areas which are often overlooked or tend to cause confusion.
We start with system and 'mechanical' items:
Reducing extra-column volume
Making good fittings
Sample injections
Understanding and measuring system dwell volume
Setting the data collection rate for high efficiency columns
Next, we move to topics that have more to do with the process of chromatography, and method development:
Understanding chelating compounds
Evaluating pH
Working with gradients
Optimizing column re-equilibration
We nish up the section with a few things you'll likely need to deal with over time:
Column aging
Column cleaning for reversed-phase (silica-based vs. polymeric) and normal phase
The importance of reducing extra-column volume
Extra-column volume refers to the 'extra' or 'external' (to the column) volume that is part of your system, most
specically, the connecting tubing carrying the sample aliquot between your LC components and your column,
your injection volume and your ow cell volume.
The larger your column, the larger your column volume (V
), and the less important it is to reduce your extra-
column volume. However, when you use smaller, high efciency columns such as Poroshell 120 and sub-2 m
particle columns, youll want to reduce your extra-column volume as much as possible, to avoid seeing it
impact your chromatographic results. Unnecessary extra-column volumes may lead to a loss of efciency and,
in some instances, tailing.
The following examples show the effects of extra-column volume (Figure 9). A small 4.6 x 30 mm column with
only 10 L of extra-column volume produced a nice separation. The same column with added extra tubing,
which created an extra-column volume of 50 L, gave broader peaks and loss of resolution as can be seen
by comparing the rst three peaks in both chromatograms. This situation is often created when someone
introduces tubing to a system without knowing the volume. The addition of a piece of tubing that is too long,
or a short tube with a larger id, can lead to poorer chromatography for very efcient columns. It is important to
know the internal diameter tubing you are using and what volume it adds. Also, if you are using smaller-volume
columns, you may need to use a micro or semi-micro ow cell. Standard ow cells increase extra-column
As a guideline, the maximum extra column volume of the system (tubing volume, injection volume and detector
volume) should not exceed 10% of the column volume.
Agilent sells capillary kits which contain capillary tubing and Swagelok connectors in various sizes, so you can
nd just the right length to minimize your connections and your tubing volume. Tubing is color-coded, to identify
the diameter of the tubing. As you move to high efciency columns, youll want to use the narrow-diameter
red tubing (0.12 mm id) for your connections, instead of the green 0.17 mm id tubing that is often used on
conventional HPLC instruments.
Peak identification
1. Phenylalanine
2. 5-Benzyl-3,6-dioxo-2-piperazine acetic
3. Asp-phe
4. Aspartame
Column: StableBond SB-C18,
4.6 x 30 mm, 3.5 m
Mobile phase: 85% H
O with 0.1%
Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
Temperature: 35 C
Figure 7. The infuence of tubing volume on chromatographic performance
Preparing the perfect fitting connection
Problems with improper stainless steel tubing connections are often mistaken for column issues, and are the
source of many calls to Agilent's technical support line.
Connection issues can arise because different manufacturers supply different types of ttings (see Figure 10).
You should ideally use the ttings that are recommended by your column manufacturer. Most analytical
reversed-phase columns are compatible with Swagelok or Parker type ttings when seated correctly in the
column that you will be using.
Stainless steel ttings are the best choice for permanent high pressure sealing. Agilent recommends Swagelok
type ttings with front and back ferrules that give the best performance throughout the Agilent LC system. You
can use them on all instrument connections such as valves, heaters, column connections, etc. Alternately, for
convenience and lower pressure operation to 600 bar, nger-tight polymeric ttings allow for adjustment of
the end-tting to seat the capillary into the column properly, helping to avoid extra-column voids and leaks.
These connectors can be tightened without wrenches. There are also new high pressure ttings, for use up
to 1200 bar (PN 5067-4733) which are designed to be able to be removed and resealed. See Figure 9 for
examples of the various ttings.
Figure 8. Column connectors used in HPLC
PEEK and polyketone ttings are ideal for connections that need to be changed frequently, or when
biocompatibility is required. They are also useful where pressure is less critical, such as the exit tting on a
column. PEEK ttings can be used up to 200 bar and polyketone ttings up to 600 bar.
Making a good connection
Relative to the distance from the end of the tubing to the bottom of the ferrule, tubing can be too long or too
short these situations can lead to leaks or peak tailing/splitting, as shown in the illustration on p 29. If the
tubing is too long, the ferrule will not seat properly and leaks will occur (see Figure 10). If the tubing is not
pushed in far enough, a void space is created that acts as a mixing chamber and introduces extra-column
volume, resulting in poor peak shape. If you use columns from different manufacturers make sure you use the
correct ttings and that the tting is correctly seated in the column end tting.
Which type is used when?
Agilent uses Swagelok pressure-type ttings with front and back ferrules - which
gives best sealing performance - throughout all our LC systems
Stainless steel (SS) fittings are the best choice for reliable high pressure sealing
Connections are changed frequently, i.e. connecting columns
Pressure is less critical
PEEK (<400 bar system pressure) fittings are ideal where:
Easy, hand tightened column connections
600 bar Pressure rating PN 5042-8957 (10/pk)
Fits to SS Tubing
1200 bar, PN 5067-4733 (also available in long and extra-long sizes, for
compatibility with columns with long and extra-long nuts)
High pressure fitting for 1290 Infinity LC
Figure 9. Different types of HPLC fttings
Steps for making good connections
Step 1:
Select a nut that is long enough for
the tting youll be using
Step 2:
Slide the nut over the end of the
Step 3:
Carefully slide the ferrule
components on after the nut and
then nger-tighten the assembly
while ensuring that the tubing is
completely seated in the bottom of
the end tting.
Step 4:
Use a wrench to gently tighten the
tting, which forces the ferrule to
seat onto the tubing. Dont over-
tighten it, though, because that will
shorten the useful life of the tting.
Step 5:
Once you believe you have the
tting complete, loosen the nut, and
inspect the ferrule for the correct
position on the tubing
Step 1
Step 5 - a perfect fitting
Step 3
Step 2
Step 4
Figure 10. Examples of incorrect fttings
Figure 11. Steps to make a proper ftting
Sample injection
The injection volume of your sample is important to your results. If you have your injection volume too large
the column can be overloaded, which will lead to peak broadening, most often peak fronting or in some cases,
peak tailing.
In Figure 12, we see an injection using 1, 2, 5 and 10 L injections, and you can see how the peaks broaden as
the injection volume is increased.
Figure 12. Sample loading volumes compared
To see more tips for making connections in action, check out the LC Troubleshooting series for more
information:, and look for the Peak Broadening Video.
After you have decided your injection volume, you need to make sure your injection solvent is similar enough to
the mobile phase to reduce band broadening or splitting.
Column: ZORBAX SB-C18,
3.0 x 50 mm, 1.8 m
Flow rate: 1 mL/min.
Temperature: 45C
Mobile phase: 30 - 65% ACN
at 2.5 min.
Detection: 250 nm UV
Diluent: methanol
Sample: methyl, propyl and
butyl paraben
The sample injection solvent and volume can have an impact on peak shape. In the example (Figure 13), even
a 5 L injection of a paraben sample in a methanol solvent shows evidence of the beginning of peak band
broadening. The reversed-phase column had the dimensions of 3 x 50 mm and the instrument was operated
in a low dispersion conguration. With a 10 L injection, the loss of peak symmetry is clearly a problem. In
reversed-phase LC, 100% organic, or 100% of the strong solvent (in this case methanol), for larger injection
volumes, will cause the peaks to be prematurely swept down the column, resulting in peak distortion. The
problem can be overcome by incorporating an evaporation step to concentrate the analytes so that a smaller
injection volume can be used. Alternatively, the injection solvent can be diluted with water to make it more
compatible with the mobile phase, allowing for larger injection volumes without peak distortion.
Figure 13. Solvent effects: strong diluents with 1-10 L of injection volume
Setting the data collection rate
When using small volume columns, the data collection rate is a common source of articial peak broadening.
For rapidly eluting peaks, youll want to make sure that you sample enough points across the peak so that the
algorithms in the data system can accurately determine peak widths, peak area and retention time. If you take
too few points by sampling slowly (e.g. low data collection rate), your peaks appear wider than they actually
are as they elute from the column. Youll want to look at your data collection rate and ensure it is properly
set to optimize your results for the specic column you are using. Figure 14 illustrates the impact of the data
collection rate.
If you are using the Agilent Method Translator with your current column and gradient conditions, the translator
will estimate the expected peak width (5 sigma) under your conditions. That information may be helpful when
setting up the initial method.
Column: ZORBAX SB-C18,
3.0 x 50 mm, 1.8 m
Flow rate: 1 mL/min.
Temperature: 45C
Mobile phase: 30 - 65% ACN
at 2.5 min.
Detection: 250 nm UV
Sample: methyl, propyl and
butyl paraben
Diluent: methanol
Here, were measuring the efciency, and as you can see, efciency increases as the data collection rate used
went higher.
You can optimize your data collection rate by adjusting the detector setting and/or the time constant to the
fastest possible value that does not compromise signal-to-noise. The peak width control in ChemStation
enables you to select the peak width, or response time, for your analysis. The peak width, as dened in the
ChemStation software, is the width of a peak at half height. Set the peak width to the narrowest expected
peak in your sample. You should not use a faster response time than you need since this may lead to greater
noise at the baseline.
Dwell volume and its impact on chromatography
For low pressure mixing systems dwell volume equals all of the volume from the proportioning valve, through
the pump and other system components and on to the head of the column (see Figure 15). For high pressure
mixing systems, dwell volume equals all of the volume from where the solvents rst meet, after the two
metering pumps, to the head of the column (see Figure 16).
Figure 14. Comparison of peak effciency on Poroshell 120 EC-C18 4.6 x 100 mm with different data collection rates
Column: Poroshell 120 EC-C18,
4.6 x 100mm
Instrument: 1200 SL 2 L flow cell
Flow rate: 2.00 mL/min
Sample: 2 L injection.
Mobile phase: 60:40 MeCN:Water
Figure 15. Dwell volume: low pressure mixing quaternary pump
For gradient separations, dwell volume imposes a de facto isocratic hold time at the beginning of the gradient,
equal to the dwell volume divided by the ow rate. Too large a dwell volume makes some instruments
impractical or unusable for narrow-bore gradient separations.
When using narrow-bore columns, instrument conguration is crucial. Both dwell volume and extra-column
volume must be minimized for optimal use of narrow-bore (2.1 mm id) and microbore (1 mm, and < 1 mm id)
Figure 17 shows a chromatographic example that demonstrates the effect of dwell volume on analytical
results. Note that the early eluting peaks are broader. The issue here is the early peaks are eluting quite
late due to the dwell volume - essentially, they are eluting isocratically. If this interferes with separation or
detection, we will need to reduce the dwell volume or move the application to another system.
Figure 16. Dwell volume: high pressure mixing binary pump
Peak identification
1. phenacetin
2. tolmetin
3. ketoprofen
4. fenoprofen
5. ibuprofen
6. phenylbutazone
7. mefenamic acid
8. flufenamic acid
Figure 17. Impact of dwell volume on gradient chromatographic results
Column: ZORBAX Rapid
Resolution Eclipse
Mobile phase: A: 0.1% TFA in H
B: 0.1% TFA in ACN
Temperature: 35C
Gradient: Case 1: 15-60% B/
6 min, 1.0 mL/min
Case 2: 30-75%
B/6 min, 0.2 mL/min
Using a ruler on paper or by inserting lines in PowerPoint, draw lines parallel to the x or y axis at the following
1. At the zero signal defined by the retention of 90% B
2. At the maximum stable signal defined by the region 100% B
3. Vertical line at 2.0 minutes. Your image should look like Figure 19.
Figure 19. Calculating dwell (delay) volumes, step two
Measuring your systems dwell volume
Start by replacing the column with a short piece of HPLC stainless steel tubing. Prepare mobile phase
components as follows: AWater (UV-transparent), B Water with 0.2% acetone (UV-absorbing). Monitor
at 265 nm. Run the gradient prole at 0 - 100% B/10 min. at 1.0 mL/min. Record, then print out your gradient
trace (Figure 18).
Figure 18. Calculating dwell (delay) volumes, step one
Follow the x axis to the 50% B vertical line and determine the time, as closely as possible, at which the 50%
response is observed. An error of 0.1 minute will be a 50 L error in your delay volume estimate, assuming your
test was run as we did at 500 L/min ow rate. In this example, we estimated the 50% time at 4.04 minutes.
To calculate the dwell volume the simple formula is Time (50%) - Time (step) x Flow Rate = Dwell Volume. In
this example, (4.04 - 2.00) minutes x 500 L/min = 1020 L.
This measurement was made on an Agilent 1200 RRLC system (1200 SL) with nominal 340 bar backpressure
via a nominal 100 cm PEEK restrictor with 0.062 mm (0.0025 inch) internal diameter using water as the
specied solvent for compressibility compensation in ow delivery. The system included the standard mixer
and pulse damper and the autosampler was used in the normal ow path (vs. bypass mode) to a restrictor as
described and tted with a 3 mm 2 L ow cell.
After the three lines have been added, add two additional lines. Calculate the 50% response of the step, in
this case, 24.5 mAU, and draw a horizontal line across the image. Next, draw a vertical line that intersects the
junction of the 50% response line and the observed detector signal. Your new image should look like Figure 20.
Figure 20. Calculating dwell (delay) volumes, step three
Here, the systems with the smallest and largest dwell volumes did not produce good results. It is likely that this
method was originally developed on an instrument with a dwell volume in the medium range.
To investigate the effect of dwell volume on your gradient separation, you can either increase or decrease the
isocratic hold at the beginning of the gradient run.
To simulate larger dwell volume on a system with lower dwell volume, set a hold time at the beginning of the
gradient program, equal to the difference between the two dwell volumes, in mL, divided by the ow rate in
To simulate smaller dwell volumes than that of your instrument, you must modify the injector program so you
impose an injection delay time equal to the same dwell time. Some instruments have this capability; others do
If the method is to be transferred to another laboratory with a different instrument, it is extremely important
to document, in your written method, the dwell volume of the instrument(s) used in method development, and
any effect of dwell volume on the separation.
Figure 21. Dwell volume and resolution
Evaluating the impact of dwell volume
Running a method on instruments with different dwell volumes can produce erratic results, as demonstrated in
Figure 21.
Dwell volume and analysis time
Dwell volume also includes injector volume, so it is important to minimize the internal volume and connecting
tubing around the injector. Most Agilent autosamplers offer the option of running in the bypass mode or with
Automatic Delay Volume Reduction (ADVR), where the injector is switched back to the load position after the
sample is ushed from the sample loop. Depending on which injector you are using, this reduces volume in
the system by up to 300 L. It is possible to start with a delay volume of about 1100 L on a standard Agilent
1200SL or 1260 Innity binary gradient instrument and get it down to about 280 L, by changing to smaller
diameter tubing, using the autosampler bypass function, and removing the mixer and damper.
You can reduce analysis time in rapid gradient separations by overlapping injections. In an overlapped
injection, the autosampler draws up the sample during the previous run and injects when the system is ready.
This can reduce run time by about 30 seconds or more per run. If you are doing fast, gradient combinatorial
chemistry runs, this is up to 1/3 of your analysis time.
If you are going to do a lot of gradient work with very small columns, like the capillary and microbore columns,
a delay volume of 280 L will be too high. It is important to choose the Agilent Capillary LC instrument for those
Dont forget that it is also important to minimize extra column volume and inject in an appropriate sample
diluent. This helps minimize band broadening that degrades the resolution.
In addition, as discussed earlier, it is necessary to make sure the detector response time is set correctly to
capture enough points on the quickly eluting peaks. If it is not, then distorted, articially broad peaks may
Chelating compounds
Some analytes have structures that are suitable for chelating metals. Metal on the frit or on the column walls
may interact with a chelating compound. A phosphoric acid wash may help to eliminate this problem.
Here is a good way to tell if metals pose a problem. With a compound that has a lone pair of electrons, the
addition of a metal may form a ring structure; this may cause irreproducible retention or a peak shape issues.
(Figure 22).
Figure 22. Evaluating compounds to identify chelating issues
In a case such as this, a phosphoric acid wash may be benecial. Notice in the before chromatogram,
compound 2 has a high peak-tailing factor (Figure 23). After the acid wash, we see a sharper peak and an
improved tailing factor on compound 2. A 1% phosphoric acid wash is acceptable for ZORBAX StableBond
columns because they are designed to be rugged in acidic conditions. If you use an Eclipse-XDB, Eclipse Plus,
or any end-capped column that is designed for the mid pH range, reduce the acid concentration to 0.5%.
Figure 23. Washing with phosphoric acid restores column performance for chelating compounds
Column: ZORBAX SB-Phenyl,
4.6 x 150 mm
Sample size: 5 L
Mobile phase: 75% 25 mM
ammonium phosphate
Buffer 25% ACN
Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
Temperature: Ambient
pH and mobile phase modifiers
The pH of your mobile phase and your sample can have a big impact on your method development (see
Working with Mobile Phases and Method Development sections for more information). If possible, it is good
to avoid extremes either high or low in pH, as working at these extremes may shorten the lifetime of your
Review the recommended pH range of the column you are using for the optimal pH range. Most separations
will take place between pH 2 and 8. The retention of acidic and basic ionizable analytes will be sensitive to
pH and can often change dramatically with pH. Evaluating the optimum pH for your separation is a key part of
method development and more detail can be found in the Method Development section.
Working with gradients
The more complex your sample, the more likely you are to use a gradient method. Gradient separations are
useful for compounds that differ widely in polarity, or are of high molecular weight, such as peptides and
Although isocratic methods are easy to use, peak broadening of late-eluting peaks can occur because peak
width increases with retention time. Gradient elution can overcome this problem by decreasing the retention
of late-eluting peaks. Benets of gradients include sharper peaks because of gradient compression effects
and reduced build-up of contamination, because the gradient exposes the column to continuously increasing
solvent strength.
Figure 24 shows a comparison between an isocratic and gradient method. When separated isocratically, this
eight-component herbicide mixture is not fully resolved in 70 minutes, and components 1 and 2 co-elute.
Reducing the percent organic to resolve peaks 1 and 2 will only lead to an unacceptable retention time and
possibly unacceptable limits of detection for peak 8. When using a gradient of 20-60%, all eight components
are well-resolved in less than 30 minutes with essentially equivalent limits of detection. The analysis time
could be further reduced by starting the gradient at a higher percent organic. One way to do this would be to
run a 25-65% organic.
Gradient separation for reversed-phase chromatography is accomplished using two to four mobile phase
components. In a binary gradient they are usually referred to as A and B. The A solvent is weaker (often
water or buffered water), and allows the analyte to slowly elute from the column. The B solvent is stronger
and causes the analyte to elute more rapidly. B is an organic solvent miscible with water, such as acetonitrile
(ACN), methanol (MeOH), tetrahydrofuran (THF), or isopropanol (IPA). Start by running a test during gradient
Here are the key steps to creating a gradient:
1. Start by running a test using a linear gradient from 5 - 10% to 100% organic over a set time period. Limit
your gradient to ~70% organic if your buffer is insoluble in the B solvent.
2. Hold the final composition for some additional time to ensure all sample components have eluted.
3. Examine the chromatogram to determine the appropriate initial gradient composition and gradient profile.
Most gradient separations are achieved using a linear gradient with a constant change in organic composition
over time. However, other types of gradient are possible. For example, some gradient programs involve
different slopes at different times, or sudden step changes in the relative concentrations of A and B, depending
on the separation and retention time needed.
See more about gradients, and some examples, in the Method Development section.
Keep your gradient simple (using shorter gradient times) and use a shorter column (50-75 mm) to reduce
run times and improve peak detection.
Optimizing column re-equilibration
Sufcient column equilibration is necessary so your retention times during method development or method
transfer are reproducible. Looking at the gradient separation in this grapefruit juice analysis (Figure 25), we
can see the column void volume and amount of time dedicated to column re-equilibration.
LC: Agilent 1290 Infinity
with DAD
Column: Agilent RRHD SB-C18
2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 m
PN 859700-902
Injection : 1 L of 0.2 m filtered
grapefruit juice
Temperature: 40 C
Detection: UV, 276 nm
Solvent A: Water
Solvent B: Acetonitrile Figure 25. Gradient example: grapefruit juice analysis
Figure 24. Comparison of isocratic and gradient analyses.
Peak Identification
1. Tebuthiuron
2. Prometon
3. Prometryne
4. Atrazine
5. Bentazon
6. Propazine
7. Propanil
8. Metolachlor
Column: ZORBAX SB-C8
4.6 x 150 mm, 5 m
Mobile phase: A: H
O with 0.1% TFA,
pH 2
B: Acetonitrile
Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
Temperature: 35 C
This is the time it takes to return the column to starting mobile phase conditions after a previous gradient has
run. In this case, re-equilibration time was 1.4 min, equivalent to 4 column volumes, for this column size.
Why does this have to be done by trial and error?
The rate of stationary phase re-equilibration back to the starting conditions varies. How slow or fast you go
depends on the mobile phase solvents, the buffers and gradient range used. This is why ten column void
volumes are recommended for method development, to be sure the stationary phase is re-equilibrated for
the next experimental run. Once you have the separation you want, you can then look at shortening the
re-equilibration time.
Because the equilibration volume includes the dwell volume of the instrument, this additional volume also
can vary from instrument to instrument. Dwell volume has no effect on retention in isocratic methods, but
in gradient methods it has a significant effect on retention. If you don't know your system's dwell volume,
it could have serious implications, because it's possible that your dwell volume is much larger than your
column volume. If you move a gradient method from one instrument to another and the retention times shift,
compare the dwell volumes of the two systems. The closer the flow path volumes match, the closer the
retention times will match.
Tip: View the pressure trace in the online signal window. The pressure changes as the mobile phase
composition changes. When the pressure trace returns to its starting value, you know you are near re-
LC: Agilent 1290 Infinity
with DAD
Column: Agilent RRHD SB-C18
2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 m
PN 959759-902
Injection: 1 L of 0.2 m filtered
grapefruit juice
Temperature: 40 C
Detection: UV, 276 nm
Solvent A: Water
Solvent B: Acetonitrile
Sample: Grapefruit juice
Figure 26. Overlay of chromatograms confrms equilibration
You can estimate your column void volume by looking at a chromatogram and measuring the time from the
start of the chromatogram to the rst disturbance on the baseline. Take this time in minutes and divide by the
ow rate in mL/min to nd the mL of void volume. Alternately, use the Agilent Method Translator which will
calculate the void volume for you.
The rule of thumb is to use ten column volumes of equilibration during method development, but for
established methods, the equilibration time can be evaluated and shortened, for instance, like in this case
to 4 column volumes. The minimum equilibration time has to be determined by trial and error, by running the
gradient repeatedly and looking for any changes in retention. If several repeated injections are identical, as in
Figure 26, equilibration time is sufcient.
Column aging
As you use your column and expose it to various mobile phases, analytes, and sample matrices, it will be
subtly affected by these interactions and over time, there may be changes in its resolution. Its important to
keep a test chromatogram, from when your column was new, to compare and understand these changes in
performance over time. If resolution degrades beyond an acceptable value for good quantitation, the column
should be discarded and replaced with a new one.
Loss of bonded phase
While column contamination is one of the most common reasons for decline in silica-based column
performance, loss of bonded phase will change retention over time. If certain non-compatible solvents are
used in the mobile phase, the bonded phase can be stripped away from the base silica, leading to changes
in resolution and retention times, and an increase in peak tailing. Loss of bonded phase is most severe below
pH 2. You can limit its effects by using a stabilized bonded phase column, or by operating between pH 2 and
pH 7, and below 60 C. On the high pH side, the dissolution of the underlying silica gel can lead to a loss of
packing, formation of a void and poor peak shapes. If you must work at pH values greater than 9, make sure
you use a specialty bonded phase column suited for this operation or a polymer-based column which can easily
withstand high pH mobile phases.
To determine when a column is wearing out, you should monitor and look for changes in its capacity factor,
selectivity and tailing factor. This will also help you predict when your column needs to be replaced.
Cleaning a reversed-phase silica column
Sometimes you can alleviate a high pressure or peak tailing issue by cleaning your column. Before cleaning
your column, we recommend that you disconnect it from your detector and run your wash solvents into a
beaker or other container. In some cases, it is advisable to backush the column while cleaning it. This keeps
the column contamination from owing through the column. Check with your column manufacturer, or review
the instructions that came with your column before doing this.
Cleaning the column requires solvents that are stronger than your mobile phase. You should use at least ten
column volumes (see Figure 27) of each solvent for cleaning analytical columns. See the following procedure
for cleaning reversed-phase columns. When nished cleaning your column, return your column to the ow
direction recommended by the manufacturer.
Tip: Know your system's dwell volume! Check out p. 34 for a method to do this. Check your system's
documentation, or contact Agilent tech support for help. See Agilent resources section in this book.
A pressure problem may not be due to column blockage, but to seals breaking down in your system and
depositing particulates on the frit in your inline lter; try changing your inline lter frit before cleaning your
Tip: To avoid precipitation if there are non-volatile buffers in your system, rst ush with non-buffered
aqueous mobile phase before introducing pure organic solvent.
Figure 27. Calculating your column volume
Do not attempt to change the inlet frit on your column. Due to the high efciency processes used today to
pack columns, this may cause irreversible damage to your column
Steps to backush or clean your column:
1. Disconnect the column from the detector, attach tubing to the end of the column and place it in a
beaker to capture the liquid.
2. Start with your mobile phase without buffer salts (water/organic)
3. Next, use 100% organic (methanol and acetonitrile)
4. Check pressure to see if it has returned to normal; if not, then
5. Discard column or consider stronger conditions: 75% acetonitrile/25% isopropanol
6. 100% isopropanol
7. 100% methylene chloride*
8. 100% hexane*
*When using either hexane or methylene chloride, the column must be ushed with isopropanol prior to use and before returning to
your reversed-phase mobile phase.
Buffer salts can precipitate out and cause backpressure build-up inside the column. If this occurs, slowly pump
warm water through the column to remove them.
Wash solutions containing propanol will generate higher operating pressures due to increased viscosity. You
may need to reduce the ow rate during that stage of cleaning to maintain safe pressure operation.
Cleaning a normal phase silica column
For normal phase, you can only use organic solvents. Use at least 50 mL of each solvent, assuming your
column is the traditional analytical 4.6 x 250 mm column (20 column volumes). Try these solvents, in order of
increasing strength:
1. 50% methanol:50% chloroform
2. 100% ethyl acetate
Cleaning a column used in normal phase mode may depend on the sample type. If these solvents do not work,
contact Agilent so we can recommend a solvent that may be more effective with your application and sample
Cleaning a reversed-phase polymeric column
We strongly recommend that you maintain a minimum of 1% organic modier in the mobile phase when using
polymeric reversed-phase columns. Column performance can be degraded when reintroducing organic mobile
phases after prolonged use in 100% aqueous eluents; nor should columns be washed with 100% aqueous
buffer. You can reverse the direction of ow, and if starting pressures are high, reduce the ow rate. Here are
the steps to clean a reversed-phase polymeric column:
1. Run a clean-up gradient using the current mobile phase, moving to a high-percent organic (95%) and hold
for several column volumes. Repeat this step two or three times. Buffers may precipitate at high organic. If
your mobile phase contains a buffer, you may want to limit the organic to ~70% or flush out the buffer with
the mobile phase minus the buffer prior to cleaning.
2. Try a higher-strength organic modifier such as TFA to remove hydrophobically-bound contaminants
3. Peptide or protein contamination may sometimes be removed by aqueous/ACN containing 1.0% v/v TFA
4. Strong acids and bases, including 1 M sodium hydroxide, can be used for cleaning in place and
Tip: Filtering your sample will increase the lifetime of your column and will help reduce instrument wear.
Method development
If you don't have an established HPLC method, you'll need
to do some method development in order to have a robust
and reproducible analysis. Having the skill to develop
a successful method will help you when encountering
difficult assays in the future.
In this section, we start off broadly with an overview that encompasses all HPLC modes:
Key steps of method development
Mode selection
Column packing and dimensions
Stationary phase selection
Then, we focus on reversed-phase method development:
Selection of stationary phase for reversed-phase chromatography
Selection of mobile phase for reversed-phase chromatography
Tips for working with mobile phases
Troubleshooting examples involving mobile phase and mobile phase modifiers
Managing pH with mobile phase modifiers
Troubleshooting examples involving pH
Reversed-phase method development with polymeric columns
Tips for transferring existing methods on conventional columns to superficially porous particle columns
A step-by-step guide to 'hands-on' method development
Automated method development
At the end of this section, we also discuss method development for other HPLC modes:
Normal Phase Chromatography
Ion-exchange Chromatography
Gel Permeation/Size Exclusion Chromatography
Method development: where to start
The overall goal in method development is to optimize the resolution for the desired analyte(s) in the shortest
possible time. When you start out thinking about method development, it's a good idea to review the key
drivers of resolution. So, as a refresher, you may want to review the Essential Chromatography Concepts
section (pages 5 - 11)
A typical method development scheme has the following steps, which will guide our content in this section:
1. Choose the mode
2. Choose the column and column packing dimensions
3. Choose the stationary phase chemistry
4. Choose the mobile phase solvents
5. If the mode requires it, adjust the mobile phase pH
6. Run some initial isocratic or gradient experiments to define boundary conditions
7. Optimize the experimental conditions
Mode Selection
The rst thing you should do is to choose the HPLC mode. The mode is generally decided by the type and
solubility of the analyte(s) of interest, its molecular weight (MW), the sample matrix and the availability of the
appropriate stationary phase and column. Figures 28 and 29 outline the steps for evaluating the best choice of
mode, based on the molecular weight of your compound and the solvents youll be using.
Solvent Mode
Normal phase with bare silica (adsorption)
Normal phase with bonded phase silica
Reversed-phase (RP)
HILIC (for weak retention in RP)
MeOH and MeOH:H
Gel permeation (small molecules) THF
HILIC (for weak retention in RP)
Reversed-phase with ionization control
Reversed-phase with ion-pair agent
Reversed-phase with bare silica
Gel permeation
Gel ltration
Ion-exchange with wide-pore material
Reversed-phase with wide-pore material
Figure 28. LC and LC/MS column selection by solvent and mode
Solvent Compound class Separation mechanism
Small Aqueous/
Lipids Silver ion complexation
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Reversed-phase C18
Organic acids Ligand interaction reversed-phase ion
Monosaccharides and disaccharides Ligand interaction
Normal phase amino
Oligosaccharides Ligand interaction and ion-exchange
Sugar alcohols Ligand interaction
Normal phase Normal phase amino/cyano/diol
Basic, polar Polar reversed-phase C8 or C18 or HILIC
Reversed-phase C18 ion suppression
H-bonding Reversed-phase C8 or C18
Positional isomers Reversed-phase C8
Aromatic or structurally similar Reversed-phase phenyl/phenyl-hexyl/
Very polar Reversed-phase other or HILIC
Extreme conditions Reversed-phase polymeric
Organic Non-polar Normal phase Si
Polar Normal phase amino/cyano/diol
Sometimes, more than one mode may work for a particular set of analytes. For example, ionic compounds
can be separated by ion-exchange chromatography on a resin or silica-based column or on a reversed-phase
column using ion pair partition chromatography.
Many chromatographers start with reversed-phase HPLC since there are many published applications.
Reversed-phase chromatography can be used for non-polar, nonionic, ionic, and polar compounds and with a
judicious choice of mobile phase and operating conditions, sometimes the entire analysis can be accomplished
by this mode alone. We'll discuss the other modes at the end of this section, after we cover reversed-phase.
Figure 29. LC and LC/MS column selection by analyte and separation mechanism
Choosing the column and packing dimensions
Figure 30 shows some of the parameters to consider when evaluating a column stationary phase and column
dimensions. To perform high throughput analysis, a short column with small particles (e.g., sub-2 m) may be
the best choice. If you have a complex separation involving many sample components, then a long column
packed with small particles could be chosen, keeping in mind that the operating pressure of such a column
may increase dramatically. If you are performing mass spectrometry, a small internal diameter column (e.g.
2.1 mm id) may be the best choice, due to the lower ow rates used with an MS detector. For preparative
chromatography, larger particles (5 or 10 m) packed into larger diameter columns are often used. For such
columns, it is preferable to have a higher ow rate pump to match the ow requirements of a preparative
The pore size of the packing is important since the molecules must 't' into the porous structure in order
to interact with the stationary phase. Smaller pore size packings (pore size 80 to 120) are best for small
molecules with molecular weights up to a molecular weight of 2000. For larger molecules with MW over
2000, wider pore packings are required; for example, a popular pore size for proteins is 300.
For most separations, stainless steel column hardware is sufcient. However, if you are analyzing fragile
molecules that may interact with the metal surface such as certain types of biomolecules, then column
materials such as PEEK or glass-lined stainless steel might be used. For the separation of trace cations,
sometimes PEEK columns are the most inert. Note, though, that PEEK columns are limited to 400 bar.
HPLC column
Stationary phase Column dimensions
Chemical properties
Chemical lifetime/Sensitivity
Retention Factor
Type of
Physical properties
Pore size Length
Particle size
Figure 30. Some column and chemistry effects
Choosing the stationary phase
There are a wide variety of stationary phases that are available for each of the modes. Many
chromatographers practicing reversed-phase chromatography start with the most popular phase,
octadecylsilane (C18), especially for small molecule separations. We will focus on reversed-phase separations
in the next discussion but will cover other modes later in the chapter.
Method development for reversed-phase chromatography
Reversed-phase chromatography is by far the most common type of method used in HPLC - it probably
accounts for 60% of all methods, and is used by nearly 95% of all chromatographers.
In reversed-phase chromatography, we partition analytes between the polar mobile phase and the non-polar
stationary phase the opposite of normal phase chromatography. Typically, we get non-polar, non-specic
interaction of analytes with hydrophobic stationary phase, meaning the sample partitions into the stationary
phase. We use stationary phases like C18, C8, phenyl, or C3, which give polarity discrimination and/or
discrimination based on the aromatic structure of a molecule.
More polar analytes are less retained than non-polar analytes in reversed-phase chromatography. Retention
is roughly proportional to the hydrophobicity of the analytes. Those analytes that have large hydrophobic
groups and with longer alkyl chains will be more retained than molecules that have polar groups (e.g., amine,
hydroxyl) in their structure. If you have a series of fatty acids, such as C12, C14, C16 and C18, the C12 would
be the least retained and the C18 would be the most retained.
The mobile phase is comprised of two main parts:
1. Water with an optional buffer, or perhaps an acid or base to adjust pH
2. Water-miscible organic solvent.
Reversed-phase chromatography is quite versatile and it can be used to separate non-polar, polar, ionizable
and ionic molecules, sometimes in the same chromatogram. Typically, with ionizable compounds, to improve
retention and peak shape, we will add a modier to the mobile phase to control pH and retention.
Selection of stationary phase for reversed-phase chromatography
Lets consider an approach to developing a reversed-phase chromatography method. Figure 31 gives a general
ow chart on how to select an appropriate stationary phase based on the molecular weight of a particular
analyte. First, the pore size must be chosen to ensure that the molecules of interest will penetrate the packing
material and interact with the hydrophobic stationary phase within the pores. Next, we choose the stationary
phase; most start with a C18 phase initially. Depending on the ultimate goal of your method, you may choose a
conventional analytical column, or if you are interested in high throughput, you might choose a fast analysis
reversed-phase chromatography column.
Most chromatographers begin with a C18 stationary phase but as Figure 32 demonstrates, other phases may
show different selectivity that can help if C18 doesn't do the job. In this example, cardiac drugs were separated
on short Rapid Resolution HT columns containing different sub-2 m packing materials using an isocratic
buffered mobile phase consisting of 70% phosphate buffer adjusted to pH 3.0 and 30% acetonitrile.
First choice of a packing pore size is based on the size of molecules to be analyzed. Typical small molecules can
diffuse easily in and out of standard 80 - 120 pore size packings, but larger peptides and proteins may not. For this
reason, it is recommended to use 300 pore size packings (300SB) for isocratic or gradient separations of peptides
and proteins.
80 - 120 Packing pore size 300
Small molecule
MW < 2000
Large molecule
MW > 2000
Eclipse Plus C18
4.6 x 150 mm, 3.5 m
PN 959963-902
Poroshell 120 EC-C18
4.6 x 7.5 mm, 2.7 m
PN 697975-902
Standard analysis
Poroshell 120 EC-C18
4.6 x 100 mm, 2.7 m
(supercially porous)
PN 695975-902
Resolution HD Eclipse
Plus C18, 1200 bar
2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 m
PN 959757-902
Fast analysis
4.6 x 150 mm, 5 m
PN 889395-902
Standard analysis
4.6 x 50 mm, 3.55 m
PN 8656973-902
Poroshell 300SB-C18
2.1 x 75 mm, 5 m
PN 660750-902
Fast analysis
Small molecules Large molecules
A C18 is recommended as the starting column bonded phase for most samples since it maximizes retention for
moderately polar to non-polar compounds. Shorter chain phases should be considered if resolution cannot be
optimized with a C18 phase or if you are analyzing larger proteins, or very hydrophobic compounds that are difcult to
elute from C18 with conventional reversed-phase solvents.
Eclipse Plus C18 Starting column bonded phase StableBond 300SB-C18
Figure 31. Reversed-phase chromatography: Overview for selecting stationary phase
Essentially, you should choose a phase that matches the requirements of the sample. When working with
hydrophobic small molecules, a longer chain alkyl phase such as C18 should be the rst choice. If there is too
strong of a retention on the C18 phase, then choose a shorter chain C8 or C3 phase. The C8 phases normally
have similar selectivity to a C18 phase but show slightly lower retention. For very hydrophobic molecules, it is
preferable to use a very short chain phase like C3. If the analyte molecules have aromatic character and can't
be sufciently separated on an alkyl phase, an aromatic bonded phase such as phenyl or diphenyl could be
used. In the case where the desired analytes are strongly polar and unretained or slightly retained on a typical
reversed-phase chromatography packing, consider hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) as an
alternative HPLC mode (see Section on HILIC, p. 76). If in the course of method development, you discover that
high pH must be used, you'll want to select a stationary phase designed for high pH work such as Extend-C18
or a polymeric phase such as PLRP-S. Silica gel columns with short chain bonded phases may be unstable at
high pH values due to dissolution of the silica.
Although all of the columns gave a complete or partial separation of each of the ve drugs in the sample, the
SB-CN column gave the fastest separation with more than adequate resolution.
Peak identification
1. Pindolol
2. Diisopyridamide
3. Propranolol
4. Dipyridamole
5. Diltiazem
4.6 x 50 mm, 1.8 m
Mobile phases: A: 25 mM NaH
3.0 B: ACN
Mobile phase composition:
30% B
Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min
Temperature: 30 C
Detection: UV 240 nm
Sample: Cardiac Drugs
Figure 32. Bonded phase selectivity differences in reversed-phase chromatography
Selection of mobile phase solvents for reversed-phase chromatography
Typical mobile phases for reversed-phase LC include water with either acetonitrile or methanol as the organic
modier. Less common modiers are tetrahydrofuran (THF) and isopropanol. We recommend that you always
work with HPLC grade or better solvents and modiers. For UHPLC, Agilent recommends that you only use
LC/MS grade solvents or better. Selectivity differences and sample retention will vary signicantly between
mobile phases. Sample solubility is also likely to differ and dictate the use of a specic solvent or solvents.
In reversed-phase chromatography, both pH and ionic strength of the aqueous portion of mobile phases are
important in developing rugged methods not sensitive to small variations in conditions. With ionic compounds,
retention of typical species shows signicant changes with pH. It is very important to control pH in such
reversed-phase systems to stabilize retention and selectivity. A pH between 2 and 4 generally provides
the most stable condition for retention versus small changes in pH, and this pH range is recommended for
starting method development with most samples, including basic compounds and typical weak acids. For
reproducibility, the pH used should be one pH unit above or below the pK
or pK
of the solutes being
You may not know the pK
s of your analytes, so testing more than one mobile phase pH may provide the best
results. Most reversed-phase columns can be used between pH 2-8 or more, allowing a wide range to nd
the optimum mobile phase pH for your separation. Note that when you are determining the mobile phase pH,
measure and adjust it on the aqueous component, before mixing with organic modiers for the most accurate
and reproducible results.
Working with mobile phases
When you begin using a new column right out of the box, you should only use solvents that are compatible
with the shipping solvent. To prevent the buffer precipitating in the column, the buffer should not be pumped
through a column shipped or stored in 100% organic for reversed-phase operation. Instead, we recommend
equilibrating the column rst, without the buffer, then equilibrating with buffered mobile phase. Both the
CN and NH
columns can be used with normal and reversed-phase solvents, so you need to check that
your solvents are miscible with the shipping solvents before equilibration. If you want to convert a normal
phase column to a reversed-phase column you may have to ush it with a mutually miscible solvent, such as
isopropanol. Then you may equilibrate with your desired mobile phase. Check the Useful References section in
back for a solvent miscibility chart.
Look to your mobile phase as a potential source of problems that may develop in your HPLC column. To avoid
potential problems, check out the tables with common solvent properties and miscibility information in the
reference section, see p. 107.
Troubleshooting mobile phases and mobile phase modifiers
In Figure 33, see an example of an analysis that was initially done on an older column (column 1) that gave
acceptable performance. However, when the chromatographer put on a new column (column 2) the resolution
of key components was quite different and the new column was 'blamed' for the discrepancy. However, the
chromatograher made up fresh mobile phase buffer and the resolution returned to normal, as can be seen in
the right chromatogram. In this case, the problem was narrowed down to a bad bottle of TEA or phosphoric
acid. These solvents had been used for a while and changes or contamination had occurred. See more about
using buffers, or mobile phase modiers, in the next section.
It is important to try to prepare your sample in the same solvent as the mobile phase. See the example on page
30 for the band broadening and splitting that can occur when the injection solvent is much stronger than the
mobile phase.
Figure 33. Variations in mobile phase can have a marked effect on results
Mixing mobile phases
Sometimes, a mobile phase differs because of something as simple as the way it is mixed in your lab. If you
are making a 50/50 methanol/water mixture ofine, for example, its important to measure each volume
separately, in clean glassware, before mixing them together, because the volume of the MeOH:H
O mixture
is more than the sum of the individual components. If you mix them in the same container, the mixture will
differ in total volume. Therefore these two mobile phases, prepared in a different manner, are not the same
Degassing mobile phases
Degassing your mobile phase is important, too. Dissolved gas in the solvents can come out of solution, forming
an air bubble in the ow path, and possibly interfere with the pump or detectors performance.
Fortunately, nowadays, most LC systems have degassers built in, but if the degasser is bypassed, absent, or
not working correctly, be sure to sparge with helium or use some other means to degas.
Managing your pH with mobile phase modifiers
The pH of the mobile phase can affect your chromatography in a number of ways. Depending on the compound
you are analyzing, pH can impact selectivity, peak shape and retention. If you have a fairly non-polar or neutral
compound, the effect of pH will typically be insignicant for the resolution and retention.
See Figure 34 for a simple example of how pH can affect resolution. On the left hand side, we have examples
of non-polar samples being run at pH values of 3 and 7. Notice that there is not much difference between the
two chromatograms.
The polar compounds, which can be seen in the middle panel, tend to be less retentive on C18 columns. Notice
that pH has little or no effect on the retention time or peak shapes of the compounds.
Figure 34. pH and resolution
When considering method development with ionizable analytes, it is important to know that non-ionized
analytes have better retention than ionized analytes.
If you have acidic analytes, choose a low mobile phase buffered pH to keep the analytes from being ionized.
Knowing the pka of the analytes allows you to effectivity choose a mobile phase pH. A buffer is effective at +/-
1 pH units from the pK of the buffering ion, giving you some exibility in optimizing your mobile phase. Acetate,
for example has a pK
of 4.8 and buffers from pH 3.8-5.8. Formate is more acidic and buffers from pH 2.8-4.8.
There are additional buffer choices if your acidic analytes would be not be ionizable at lower pH. For more
details on buffers, refer to the chart on p. 110.
If you have basic compounds, the non-ionized form may be at a high pH that is not suitable for the column. But
many basic compounds are adequately retained at low pH. While greater retention can be achieved in an non-
ionized form, this may not be practical or necessary for all basic compounds.
If you have ionizable compounds, such as acids or bases, you will see signicant changes in retention factor
and selectivity with changes in pH. Look at the example of benzoate and benzanilide in the right hand panel
and notice the change in retention factor time with pH. Benzanilide, a neutral compound, shows almost no
change in retention while benzoic acid has a very noticeable change in retention as the pH is shifted from 3 to
7. At pH 7, well above the pK
of benzoic acid, it exists as the ionized benzoate anion. This form is more ionic,
prefers the aqueous mobile phase, and elutes from the column much faster than at pH 3, where it exists as the
predominantly non-ionized* form.
*Generally, non-ionized can be used interchangeably with the term ion-suppressed.
Common buffers for UV detectors
The choice of buffers strongly inuences the means of detection. For chromatographers working with UV
detectors, the buffer needs to be effectively transparent at the wavelength of interest. Buffers with UV cut-
offs below 220 nm work best. Many popular buffers have the needed UV transparency, especially when
labeled HPLC grade or better. For example, the excellent low UV transparency of phosphoric acid and its
salts make it, along with ACN (acetonitrile) the favored starting point of many method development chemists.
With bases, TEA-phosphate is a ready alternative. Phosphate salts have limited high organic solubility, to
their disadvantage, and it is recommended not to exceed 70% organic with phosphate buffer in the mobile
phase. Fortunately, those compounds requiring ionic control are normally polar enough that very high organic
is not required to elute them, even in their non-ionized state, from most reversed-phase columns. Acetate,
like formate and TFA, contributes to UV background at wavelengths below about 240 nm and becomes very
difcult to use, in signicant concentrations, anywhere below 210 nm. Because method development chemists
relying on UV detection often start at low UV wavelengths to acquire 2D channels and 3D spectra, ACN/
phosphate combinations certainly meet many of the development requirements.
Tips for choosing a buffer
It is not necessary to fully suppress ionization for success with HPLC 90% suppression is generally
considered adequate when sufficient buffer capacity is employed in the mobile phase.
The buffering capacity of any mobile phase is related to the prepared molarity and how close the
desired eluent pH is to the pK of the buffering ion.
Buffering is typically effective at up to 1 pH unit above or below the pK of the buffering ion. See the
reference section, p 110 for a chart with pK and pH ranges for common buffers.
Chromatographers may also choose a non-buffered mobile phase for pH modification. It is not unusual
for acidic analytes to be chromatographed with simple acid solutions, where the concentration of acid
is sufficient to create a much lower pH than needed.
On the alkaline side, choices are limited. TEA (triethylamine) is not freely water soluble and has a high
pK (11) and ammonia itself dissolves freely but also has a pK too high for most columns.
Tip: In the reference section, p. 110, we have a chart that shows UV cutoffs for common mobile phase
modiers. As wavelengths decrease and approach the UV cutoff of the modier, you will start to see
problems with your detection.
An additional issue impacting retention of acidic and basic compounds is the potential ionization of silanols on
the silica surface at mid pH. Typically, these silanols will get de-protonated and become negatively charged.
This may result in more retention for positively-charged compounds, such as amines. This can result in ion-
exchange interactions, a type of secondary interaction. The end result is often peak broadening or peak tailing
due to an interaction other than the partitioning that is expected with a reversed-phase column. This does not
happen at low pH and is another reason why acidic mobile phases are preferred for the separation of ionizable
compounds by reversed-phase chromatography.
Table 5. Mobile phase modifers for LC/MS
Density Approx.
Volume (mL)
required to
make 1000 mL
1 M 1 N
Acetic Acid
60.062 1.05 99.8% 17.4 17.4 57.5 57.5
Formic Acid (HCOOH) 46.026 1.13 90% 23.6 23.6 42.5 42.5
Ammonium Hydroxide
35.046 0.90 56.5%
14.5 14.5 69 69
1. Based on Atomic Weight Table (32 C = 12)
2. Representative value, w/w %.
3. Rounded to nearest 0.5 mL
4. Equivalent to 28.0% w/w NH
Considerations for LC/MS
However, when working with MS detectors, with readily usable LC/MS ionization sources, it is absolutely
important to exclude non-volatile materials from the mobile phase, and even the sample in some cases, to
prevent fouling of the ionization source as the mobile phase is nebulized and partially dried in the source.
Signicant amounts of inorganic salts in the sample matrix that emerge in the solvent front, for example, can
enter the source. Due to the possibility that a developed method on LC/UV might later need to be used in LC/
MS as well, many chemists are moving away from phosphoric acid, phosphate salts, non-volatile counter-ions
and also any volatile modiers with a history of causing ion suppression in the source (TFA and TEA being the
most common examples).
As a result, today we see universal trends toward formate and acetate, and their volatile ammonium salts, as
the dominant ionic modiers. While they are freely soluble in organic solvents, volatile and available in high
HPLC or LC/MS purity, they present signicant difculties when optical detectors (UV or Diode Array UV)
are used at lower wavelengths. The modiers must be added to the aqueous and organic phases and often a
slightly lower concentration of modier (usually 85% of what is in the aqueous phase) is added to the organic
due to different absorbance properties in the organic solvent. Anecdotally, ELSDs (evaporative light scattering
detectors) also require a wholly volatile mobile phase and have also driven many applications once done with
UV and/or RID (Refractive Index Detection) away from the familiar pre-MS modiers.
Figure 35. Syringe flters
Use Agilent Captiva Premium Syringe Filters with low extractables
for sample ltration; certied for use with LC/MS
A few notes about pH:
Non-ionized analytes have better retention (i.e. acids at low pH and bases at high pH if feasible)
Silanols on silica ionize at mid pH, increasing retention of basic analytes (i.e. possible ion-exchange
Choose mobile phase pH to optimize retention and selectivity during method development
Avoid extreme pH values very high or very low in order to lengthen the life of your column. You can use
buffers to help modify your pH value. Buffers will maintain a consistent pH and improve reproducibility.
Remember to consider your detector when choosing a mobile phase modifier; modifiers that work well with
UV detectors may not be compatible with MS detectors.
Eclipse Plus can be used over a wide pH range (pH 2-9)
Other choices exist for high pH (Extend-C18, polymeric phases) and low pH (StableBond and polymeric
When mixing triethylamine acetate or triethylamine phosphate, put in the phosphate or acetate rst, then
add the triethylamine, because you won't have water solubility with pure triethylamine.
Tip: Some salts such as ammonium acetate and ammonium formate are particularly hydroscopic, so they
will collect water if they are sitting long on the shelf, and as they are opened and used over time. It is a
good idea in your method development practice to try variations of the molarities of these salts in your
method, to ensure your method is sufciently rugged to account for these inevitable variances.
Good practices for mixing buffers:
1. Use a good pH meter. Calibrate your pH meter, bracketing your target pH. This is key for reliably
measuring pH with a pH meter.
2. Make sure your reagents are as fresh as possible.
3. Start by dissolving the solid in the liquid, very close to the final volume desired. After you have
adjusted the mixture to the pH you need, then add additional liquid to bring your solution to the right
4. pH adjustments should be made to the aqueous solution before addition of the organic. There is no
reliable way to measure pH after adding the organic.
5. When your buffer solution is complete, filter it before using it in your HPLC, to remove any particulates
that may have been in the water or in the solid buffer. Use a 0.45 m filter for most HPLC applications;
use a 0.22 m filter for UHPLC applications.
Troubleshooting issues with mobile phase modifiers
Try altering the mobile phase pH to determine if peak shape or retention problems can be attributed to
secondary interactions. Adding triuroacetic acid (TFA) can be benecial, but remember that adding more
components to your mixture may create more opportunities for error. Try using a low pH rst before working
with additives. 'Keep it simple' is a key to your starting point with pH-modied mobile phases.
One of the reasons people like to use acetonitrile is its low UV cutoff 190 nm whereas methanol is 205 nm
and THF is 212 nm. Even THF at 215 nm can have such a high absorbance that it would be difcult to use in a
gradient. (Note that fresh THF protected from oxygen is very good but difcult to maintain. Bottles that have
been previously opened are vulnerable to higher UV absorbance). Depending on the range of your gradient,
the absorbance from the THF could be as high as 2 AU. At a higher wavelength such as 254 nm you would not
have this problem.
It's important to think about solvent choice and modiers. The UV cutoff for 1% acetic acid is 230 nm, for 0.1%
TFA it is 205 nm. See more on mobile phase modiers in the Essential Chromatographic Concepts section, p. 5.
Historically, many chromatographers have used phosphate buffers or have diluted phosphoric acid. Whether
at acidic or neutral pH, it has excellent UV transparency. However, phosphate can have solubility problems
and is non-volatile, and it is not appropriate for use with mass spectrometry. You should avoid using phosphate
buffers at concentrations greater than ~25-50 mM, especially at high organic mobile phase concentrations
where precipitation may occur.
Ideally, you should have the same level of buffer or modier in both mobile phase A and B. In other words, your
best chromatographic results will be obtained when only the organic concentration varies during the gradient.
Of course, there are always exceptions. Sometimes, you won't need to use a buffer; H
may be sufcient.
Troubleshooting example: drifting baseline
For some mobile phase modiers absorbance is different in water versus acetonitrile, which can cause drift as
a gradient is formed (see Figure 36). TFA is one such example. When using TFA, try using 0.1% TFA in Solvent
A and about ~0.09% in Solvent B.
In Figure 36 we have 0.1% TFA in both mobile phases A and B and, at 215 nm, the baseline in our gradient
is drifting up. If we adjust the TFA concentration in B to a lower amount, such as 0.09%, we can level the
baseline and x the problem. Using a higher wavelength such as 254 nm could also help to address the
problem, but this may not always be possible for detectability reasons.
Peak identification
1. phenacetin
2. tolmetin
3. ketoprofen
4. fenoprofen
5 ibuprofen
6. phenylbutazone
7. mefenamic acid
8. flufenamic acid
Column: Eclipse XDB-C8
4.6 x 150 mm, 5 m
Solvent A: 0.1% TFA in H
Solvent B: 0.1% TFA in ACN
Temperature: 35C
Gradient: 5 - 100% B in 30 min
Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min
Figure 36. Effect of TFA on baseline
See here (Figure 37) a chromatogram that illustrates the desired state with a nice at baseline. Note that this
is a different analysis than the example used in Figure 36.
This shows a typical gradient elution of peptides/proteins of varying molecular weights. We have 0.1% TFA in
mobile phase A and 0.085% in B. The result is a level baseline which not only looks better, but helps with peak
There are going to be times when the baseline drift is small enough that it may not matter, especially if your
peaks stay on scale and youre able to integrate accurately.
Peak identification
1. leucine enkephalin
2. angiotensin
3. rnase A
4. insulin
5. cytochrome C
6. lysozyme
7. myoglobin
8. carbonic anhydrase
Column: ZORBAX 300SB-C3
4.6 x 150 mm, 5 m
Gradient: 15-35% B in 19 min
Mobile phase: A: 95:5 H
O:ACN with
0.1% TFA
B: 5:95 H
O:ACN with
0.085% TFA
Figure 37. Gradient separation with a desirable fat baseline
Troubleshooting example: broadening or splitting caused by high pH
In Figure 38, see a dramatic example on a ZORBAX StableBond column, which is not designed to be used at
high pH. The chromatographer made up his mobile phase which contained 0.2% TEA but forgot to reduce the
pH, so the pH of his mobile phase was actually 11. He began his overnight series of chromatographic injections,
came back the next day, and the chromatogram on the right is what he obtained after 30 injections. Basically,
pH 11 dissolved the silica and formed a void, thereby causing catastrophic band broadening. A new column
was the only option.
Thus, pH should be considered a key method development parameter simply because it can have such an
impact on retention and column integrity. We recommend that you use a buffer so you can control your pH
and maintain it constantly.
Troubleshooting example: mobile phase modifiers and selectivity
When you are choosing a mobile phase modier, or buffer, make sure it is well within your buffering range.
Look up the range in which the buffer solution is effective, and then use that range generally, 1 pH unit
above or below the pK of the buffer. See the reference section in back for a chart with typical buffer ranges.
Lets take a look at some method development schemes for a low pH application (Figure 39). This scheme
uses the ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 and is being run at low pH. We can do this by using a buffer or weak acid
solution and we can adjust the percentage of organic to control peak retention.
A mid pH level (~4-7) can provide better selectivity, and may be more compatible with your sample. The
process for investigating mid pH is the same as for low pH. Eclipse Plus delivers outstanding performance at
mid pH. Alternate bonded phases should also be considered if improved selectivity is desired.
The Eclipse Plus column is ideal for method development. It has a very wide pH range from 2-9, and is ideal for
method development in the low and mid pH ranges. It provides excellent peak shape and efciency.
Mobile phase: 50% ACN:50% H
with 0.2% TEA
(~ pH 11)
Figure 38. The effect of operating a silica column at high pH
If you are still having resolution problems in the mid pH range, you may also want to consider trying a higher
pH. Sometimes, low pH level or mid pH level applications do not work and they will not give you the retention
you desire. With high pH applications, you may increase the retention of basic compounds by analyzing them in
non-ionized form and improve selectivity.
The ZORBAX Extend-C18 is a bidentate column that can withstand the rigors of high mobile phase pH. It can
be used up to pH 11.5 using organic buffers such as TEA. Just like method development at low pH, the organic
modier concentration can be adjusted for optimal resolution. We will now get into a more detailed discussion
of our suggested method development scheme for reversed-phase chromatography.
Easy, Reliable pH Testing
Agilent offers a full line of pH meters and electrodes. Designed for chromatographers, these pH meters offer
intuitive user design and exceptional ruggedness for your lab.
Learn more at
Peak identification
1. Acetaminophen
2. Caffeine
3. Acetylsalicylic acid
4. unknown
Column: Eclipse Plus C8
4.6 x 50 mm, 5 m,
PN 959946-906
Gradient: 10-60% B/3 min.
pH 2.7 A: 0.1% formic acid
B: 0.1% FA in ACN
pH 7.0 A 20 mM Na
phosphate adjusted to
pH 7.0 with phosphoric
Sample: 'generic Excedrin
Figure 39. Selectivity differences at pH 2 and pH 7 can be dramatic
Figure 40. ph meter and electrodes
Low pH < 3 Mid pH 7 High pH > 9
Region A Region B Region C
Start method development at low
pH, where silanols on a reversed-
phase-HPLC column are protonated,
to minimize peak tailing by eliminating
silanol/base interactions
Develop methods at pHs at least 1
pH unit above or below the pK
minimize changes in retention with
small changes in pH
Basic compounds may be in their free
base form
At low pH, basic compounds are
positively charged and their retention
may be reduced
Some silica surface SiOH groups
become SiO above pH 4 to 5; tailing
interactions may occur
Increased retention and resolution of
basic compounds is likely
Acidic compounds may be protonated
and have increased retention
Minimize interactions by selecting
a well-designed and endcapped
column,using additives such as TEA
(triethylamine) or using 'polar-linked'
bonded phases
Retention changes little in this
region, thus robust methods can be
Retention times are usually stable
with small changes in pH, producing a
robust method
Silica breakdown is prevented by
innovative bonding chemistry, heavy
endcapping, and use of very high
purity silica with lower silanol activity
due to low metal content (Rx-SIL)
Silica breakdown is prevented
by innovative bidentate column
chemistry, heavy endcapping, use of
Rx-SIL, and optimum mobile phase
Volatile mobile phase additives, such
as formic acid or TFA, are often used
at low pH with LC/MS
Ammonium hydroxide is an excellent
volatile mobile phase modier at
high pH
Optimizing your chromatographic conditions for reversed-phase chromatography
Once you have chosen your column dimensions, column packing with appropriate stationary phase, mobile
phase solvents and modiers, you should begin to optimize your method. Optimization is dependent on your
ultimate goal. If you are developing a method for quality control, you may want to try to develop an isocratic
separation so that there are fewer variables in the method. If the goal is to get the best resolution, and saving
time is not a priority, you might opt for longer columns for maximum resolution between all compounds.
If speed is important, use a shorter column and a fast ow rate. For a complex sample with a number of
compounds of interest that have different degrees of retention, an isocratic separation may not be practical
and a gradient method must be developed and optimized.
Lets consider the two approaches for condition optimization:
1. Isocratic (constant mobile phase composition)
2. Gradient (changing mobile phase strength as a function of time)
Table 6. Method development at different pH for silica columns
In our discussions, we will mostly deal with binary solvent systems but the same approach can be used
with ternary or quaternary mobile phases. We will refer to the common designations as mobile phase 'A',
the aqueous-based solvent, and the weaker solvent in reversed-phase chromatography, and the 'B' solvent,
higher in organic composition, and considered to be the stronger solvent. As we increase the % of B, retention
will generally decrease in the reversed-phase chromatography mode. Note that, in the absence of an actual
method for their sample, most people developing HPLC methods use the 'trial and error' approach, where
different mobile phase conditions are tried in order to nd the optimum conditions.
Isocratic optimization
The general approach for isocratic optimization is to vary mobile phase strength (% B) until the right retention
range is achieved. This approach is sometimes referred to as 'solvent scouting'. For simple separations, the k
value should be between 1 and 10. If k is too low (i.e. <1), then early eluting peaks may run into the unretained
peak or matrix components and their quantitation may be very difcult and irreproducible. In addition, low k
peaks are greatly inuenced by extra column effects and may be broader than one would desire. If the k value
is too large (i.e. > 10), the separation time may become excessive and detection limits may be higher due to
broader peaks.
For isocratic method development in reversed-phase chromatography, start with the highest percentage of
organic modier in the mobile phase and work downward. The idea here is to make sure that all components
are eluted from the column before starting to decrease the mobile phase strength. If components remain on
the column, they may elute at the lower % B values, resulting in unexplained 'ghost' peaks. Normally, changes
of mobile phase % are made in steps of +/-10% (e.g. 90% B, 80% B, 70% B, etc.) or +/-20%. With some of
the modern software (e.g. ChromSword by ChromSword, AutoChrom by ACD), as the retention prole unfolds,
the system makes automatic adjustments to get to the optimized conditions faster. Manually, as you approach
the optimum isocratic conditions, the increments should be decreased to 5% or even 3%.
Note that if the 'A' component of the mobile phase contains a high concentration of buffer (e.g. greater than
25 mM), you may not want to use 100% 'B' due to the possibility of precipitation of salt when the two solvent
systems begin to mix with each other as the % B decreases.
Once the optimum retention is established, if peaks of interest are not completely resolved, work on improving
selectivity (). Tweaking a separation to resolve closely spaced peaks can involve a number of experimental
parameter adjustments. Temperature can be used as a variable. Most modern instruments have some type of
column temperature control; most reversed-phase columns can withstand temperatures up to 60 C and some
even higher. In general, an increase in temperature will shorten the retention time of all the peaks but some
may be affected differently than others, resulting in a change in selectivity.
Other variables that can be used to change selectivity would be:
1. pH (for ionizable compounds)
2. Buffer (ionic) strength
3. Buffer type (e.g. phosphate to acetate or formate, depending on pH range desired)
4. Mobile phase organic modifier (e.g. change from acetonitrile to methanol or mixtures of the two; can use
ternary and quaternary mobile phase solvent mixtures)
5. Flow rate (generally lower flow rates will give slightly better separations due to improved efficiency, but this
is not always the case see the tip below)
6. Ion pair reagent concentration (if using ion pair RPC)
If adjusting these parameters does not give an improved separation, then changing the column or stationary
phase may be the best solution. A longer column will give more plates and therefore aid separation, but
remember that resolution only improves with L
. Doubling the column length doubles the analysis time and
solvent consumption, and reduces sensitivity, but only improves resolution by about 40%. Going to a smaller
particle size will also provide more theoretical plates but will also increase the pressure by 1/d
. Changing to
a new stationary phase (e.g. C18 to phenyl) may require a new set of solvent scouting experiments and cost
more time, but may give the best separation. It does pay to have some additional reversed-phase columns with
different stationary phases available for substitution.
As the particle size gets smaller, optimal ow rates get higher, so for a sub-2 m column, you may need
to use a higher ow rate than youre accustomed to using with conventional columns to optimize your
Lets look at one subset of scouting experiments to nd the best isocratic conditions for a simple multi-
component sample with 5 components. Figure 41 shows 3 chromatograms at 10% increments 40%, 30%
and 20% organic. Higher % organic eluted everything too quickly, in the void volume (not shown), while lower
than 20% organic was too time consuming (not shown). At 30% organic all 5 components were well resolved
and the analysis was quick. Small 1-2% organic changes can be made around 30% to further optimize this
separation if desired. Those steps are not shown here. Note that all other conditions stayed the same for these
experiments and it is only the % organic changing for this isocratic method optimization. The column used was
an Eclipse Plus C18 4.6 x 50mm, 1.8 m column allowing these experiments to all be done quickly and the
method development scouting process to be time efcient.
Figure 41. Example of optimization of an isocratic method by adjusting the organic modifer
Peak identification
1. Pindolol
2. Diisopyridamide
3. Propranolol
4. Dipyridamole
5. Diltiazem
Column: ZORBAX RRHT Eclipse
Plus C18, 4.6 x 50 mm,
1.8 m
Mobile phase: A: 25 mM NaH
pH 3.0, B: ACN
Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min
Temperature: 30C
Detection: UV 240 nm
To further illustrate an approach for getting better resolution, Figure 42 shows a comparison of different
stationary phases. The same optimum mobile phase is used on each column; only the bonded phase changes.
In this case the traditional C18 did not provide optimum resolution, but an alternate phase did. This approach
is sometimes referred to as 'Stationary Phase Scouting' and can be done with one or more different stationary
phases. Many laboratories have 'walk up' LC and LC/MS systems using this approach where the mobile phase
is xed and, through column selection valving, users can employ isocratic or gradient elution to develop and
optimize their separation with different stationary phases.
Figure 42. Selectivity scouting for isocratic methods
Peak identification
1. Estriol
2. Estradiol
3. Ethynylestradiol
4. Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
5. Dienestrol
Mobile phase: 60% MeOH,
40% water
Flow rate: 1 mL/min,
Detection: DAD=220 nm
There are two cases where gradient elution can be used for method development. One approach is to use
a gradient to predict the best starting isocratic conditions for a reversed-phase separation. Most method
development software (e.g. DryLab, ChromSword, AutoChrom) have the capability to make a minimum of two
gradient runs, then predict what the optimum isocratic conditions might be. One can then use those conditions
to further optimize the isocratic separation.
The second case is for the development of a gradient method and uses a wide range and rapid gradient (e.g.
5% B to 95% B in 10 min) to zero in on the best range for ones compounds of interest. In fact, some of the
software systems will actually optimize the separation by interacting with the chromatography data system/
controller to set up a nearly optimum gradient. However, manually one can accomplish the same by noting the
composition at which the peaks of interest are eluting and then ne tune the next gradient to adjust the k* (the
gradient equivalent to k) range so that the gradient separation can occur in a reasonable time.
Then, just as in isocratic optimization, once the separation time is reasonable, selectivity should next be
Figure 43. Gradient elutions: In this example, for every 20% change in acetonitrile,Dt is 10 minutes
Gradient optimization
For sample mixtures containing a wide variety of components, choosing a single mobile phase composition will
not result in a satisfactory solution (i.e., the general elution problem). For example, some sample components
such as very polar analytes might elute very quickly from a reversed-phase column, while hydrophobic
components may stick to the hydrophobic C8 or C18 phase very strongly and may never elute. The solution to
this problem is to change the mobile phase composition with time (gradient elution). In most cases, the initial
mobile phase is very weak (e.g. highly aqueous) and with time, the % of organic solvent is increased, usually in
a linear manner (Figure 43).
Peak Identification
1. Sulfadiozine
2. Sulfathiozole
3. Sulfapyridine
4. Sulfamerazine
5. Sulfamethazine
6. Sulfamethazole
7. Sulfamethoxypyrifadazine
8. Sulfachloropyridazine
9. Sulfamethoxazole
10. Sulfadimethoxine
Column: 4.6 x 250 mm Eclipse
Plus C18, 5 m
Flow rate: 1 mL/min
Detection: 254 nm
Injection: 5 L
Mobile phase: A: 0.1 % Formic Acid in
B:0.1 % Formic Acid
in MeCN
Figure 44. Initial gradient of sulfa drug analysis
The next step we took was to decrease the organic range and increase the gradient time in order to increase
the gradient retention, k*, to get our optimal separation in Figure 45. There were intermediate steps taken (not
shown) to optimize this gradient. Its all a matter of adjusting gradient time and %B until we have the optimum
At this point, we have gotten baseline resolution of our 10 compounds, but our analysis time is 30 minutes. By
looking at column dimensions and ow rates, we can optimize our gradient method further. Keep in mind that
as we adjust our column dimensions and ow rate, we need to adjust the gradient accordingly, as discussed in
the rst section, on p. 10.
Figure 45. Gradient optimized for 250 mm column
Peak Identification
For peak identification, see Figure 44
Column: 4.6 x 250 mm Eclipse
Plus C18, 5 m
Flow rate: 1 mL/min
Detection: 254 nm
Injection: 5 L
Mobile phase: A: 0.1 % Formic Acid in
B:0.1 % Formic Acid
in MeCN
To illustrate a simple optimization of a relatively complex mixture of 10 sulfa drugs, see Figures 44 - 46. First,
run a relatively rapid, wide range gradient as depicted in Figure 44. Here we have run the gradient from
8% B to 90% B in 20 minutes using a 250 mm column. With this initial chromatogram, we can make some
observations. First, no peaks eluted after 12.5 minutes, which indicates that 90% is too extreme in terms of the
% B required. Also note that the pairs of peaks 5 and 6 and peaks 7 and 8 are unresolved.
Here, we have used a Poroshell 120 column, 100 mm length, and reduced our analysis time to a little over 10
minutes, with good resolution. By further optimizing ow rate, we can get our analysis time down even further.
Polymeric columns for reversed-phase chromatography
Polymeric columns offer signicant advantages for analyses of difcult samples. They provide chemical and
extreme pH stability. These columns have no reactive sites and, due to their polymeric nature, the stationary
phase will not dissolve in extreme pH environments.
A good starting point for reversed-phase gradient separations with polymeric columns is to use ACN/water
+ 0.1% TFA mobile phase screening gradient, i.e. 5% to 95% ACN. Again, the gradient can be modied to
improve resolution of all components depending on where your analytes elute.
You can use polymeric media with acidic, neutral and basic eluents. For example, a synthetic peptide can be
screened using ACN eluents at four different pH levels; 0.1% TFA, 20 mM ammonium acetate at pH 5.5, 20
mM ammonium carbonate at pH 9.5 and 20 mM ammonium hydroxide at pH 10.5. For more complex samples
you may have difculty obtaining the desired purity or recovery, or both, due to limited solubility or co-eluting
species. The net charge on the peptide depends on the pH of the buffer, and it will have zero net charge at its
isoelectric point (pI). Therefore, in reversed-phase HPLC, changing the pH alters the net charge of the sample
and any closely related components, and hence changes the retention and selectivity of the separation.
Figure 46. Injection volume and gradient scaled from a 250 mm column to a 100 mm Poroshell 120 column
Peak Identification
For peak identification, see Figure 44
Column: 4.6 x 100 mm Poroshell
120 EC-C18, 2.7 m
Flow rate: 1 mL/min
Detection: 254 nm
Injection: 2 L
Mobile phase: A: 0.1 % formic acid in
B: 0.1% formic acid in
A step-by-step guide for 'hands-on' isocratic method development in reversed-phase
The method development practice most often used is the hands-on approach. Figure 47 presents a
ow process for developing methods using this approach. In this practice, you follow a preferred method
development scheme by selecting a specic column or bonded phase. You will vary the mobile phase by
adjusting the pH or trying different organic modiers.
You could also try utilizing method development software. Run a few experimental runs and obtain a prediction
for the best method.
You may choose the practice of evaluating multiple columns or multiple mobile phases in a manual or
automated fashion. In this practice, you will connect several different columns with different mobile phases
and try different combinations.
Tip: The ZORBAX Eclipse Plus Column is a particularly robust and exible column for method
development, over a wide pH range.
Choose Eclipse Plus C18
Low pH
Adjust % ACN for 0.5 < k < 20
Change organic modifier
Adjust % organic for 0.5 < k < 20
Change % organic
Change bonded phase
Eclipse Plus C8, SB-C18, -CN, -Phenyl,
other RP
Select a high quality C18 or C8 bonded
phase rst for good peak shape, retention
and resolution with typical acidic, basic and
neutral samples. Note that a short column
minimizes development time, and newer
technologies such as Poroshell 120 EC-C18
can improve results based on efciency at
reduced operating pressure and improved
peak shapes.
Start with a mobile phase modier that is
reliable and works with many samples, such
as a phosphate buffer at pH 3, TFA or formic
acid in aqueous portion, and acetonitrile or
methanol as the organic modier.
Look for adequate resolution of all peaks,
Rs>2.0. The retention of the rst peak should
be at least k = 2 (see p. 7-8 for more info)
Optimize the organic component of the mobile
phase to change selectivity.
Choose alternate bonded phases to
completely optimize method, if needed
Choose ZORBAX StableBond SB-C18 for
pH 1-2
Start with low pH
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2
Step 4
If retention problems, then...
If retention problems, then...
If retention problems, then...
Mid pH can provide better selectivity:
It may be more compatible with your sample
The process for investigating mid pH is the
same as for low pH
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus and Poroshell 120
columns deliver outstanding performance at
mid pH
Alternate bonded phases should also be
considered if improved selectivity is desired,
so long as appropriate buffers are used
(ammonium acetate or formate at mid pH vs.
phosphate buffer, phosphoric acid, formic acid
or TFA at low pH)
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18
pH 7 (6-9) 20-50 mM buffer
Adjust % ACN for 0.5 < k < 20
Change organic modifier (MeOH)
Adjust % organic for 0.5 < k < 20
Restart at step 6
Change % organic
Try Eclipse Plus Phenyl-Hexyl, Eclipse
XDB-CN, XDB-Phenyl or Bonus-RP
Restart at step 5
Step 5
Step 7
Step 6
Step 8
From low pH to mid pH
If retention problems, then...
If retention problems, then...
If retention problems, then...
Reasons to Consider High pH:
Increase retention of basic compounds by
analyzing them in non-charged form
Improve selectivity
From mid pH to high pH
ZORBAX Extend-C18
pH 10.5 (9-12) 5 mM ammonia or TEA, or
10-50 mM organic or borate buffers
T = 25 C (ambient 40 C)
Adjust % MeOH for 0.5 < k < 20
Step 9
Change organic modier (ACN or THF)
Adjust for 0.5 < k < 20
Try a different HPLC mode
Step 10
If retention problems, then...
Figure 47. Method development fowchart
A word of caution regarding using buffers at high pH: Depending on buffering capacity, these are very
liable to absorb CO
and the pH will change as carbonate is added inadvertently to the buffer. The only
protection against this is blanketing the mobile phase bottle to exclude air except through an Ascarite
Tips for transferring methods from conventional columns to high efficiency columns
High efciency columns for UHPLC/Fast LC will help you increase your analytical speed and resolution.
Depending on the instrument conguration you are using, you may need to make a few adjustments to get the
most from these columns.
Poroshell 120 columns have particles that are 2.7 m outer diameter, but these are supercially porous
particles which have a solid core and porous shell. Because of faster diffusion into and out of the porous shell
and a very homogeneous packed bed, these columns provide analytical performance thats comparable to a
sub-2 micron particle, but at the pressure of a 2.7 m particle. They are able to be used up to 600 bar, so you
can optimize UHPLC performance with Poroshell 120 columns. Sub-2 m columns are able to be used up to
1200 bar.
Because of their high efciency, very narrow peaks elute from higher efciency columns rather quickly. While
modern HPLC instrumentation and data systems are able to capture the benets of these particles, attention to
the instrumental conguration is important to get the best results.
The selectivity of these columns is very similar to other like phases, so it is easy to transfer your method and get
great results. Some of the things youll want to check are just part of routine LC optimization.
Steps to transfer your method:
Check the specifications and instructions that came with your instrument As your instrument
may already be configured appropriately for high efficiency columns. If not, then continue.
Optimize your data collection rate (at least 40 Hz detector with fast response time) With
Poroshell 120 columns at higher velocities, expect narrow peaks similar to those generated with sub-2
m columns. Set the detector to the fastest setting, then to the second fastest setting and evaluate if the
resolution is different. See p. 31 for more information.
Use a semi-micro or micro-flow cell The standard flow cell on the Agilent 1200 has a path length/
volume of 10 mm/13 L (note that not all detectors have the same flow cells). This may diminish the
performance achievable using Poroshell 120 columns. Smaller volume flow cells such as the semi micro
(6 mm/5 L) or micro (3 mm/2 L) are recommended for best performance. Generally, the smaller the
volume of the flow cell, the shorter the path length, which may decrease sensitivity for a UV method. Note
that some low-volume flow cells accomplish this by reducing path length which will decrease absolute peak
Minimize tubing volume in the instrument Use Red (0.12 mm id) tubing instead of Green (0.17 mm
id) as it has only half of the volume that the sample has to travel through. This cuts down the extra column
band broadening. Ensure that your connections are as short as possible (see p. 26 for more information).
Youll see there are three or four places where you might have to change tubing, so youll want to make a
note of the connection lengths you need:
The autosampler needle seat
The autosampler to the Thermal Column Compartment or TCC
The TCC to the column
The column to the flow cell, including the internal diameter of the integral flow cell inlet capillary
If youre not using elevated temperatures in your method, you can take a shortcut and connect your
autosampler directly to your column, and then from the column to your flow cell, which reduces
Scale your gradient profile and injection volume If using gradient elution to optimize your
chromatographic results, youll want to be sure to properly scale the gradient profile and injection volume
to the new smaller column to quickly transfer the method and avoid overloading. Use our free method
translation software, available at the Agilent website, to help select the proper conditions (see Other
Agilent Resources on p. 113). For isocratic and gradient elution, make sure that you scale the injection
volume to match the overall column volume.
Minimize injection sample dispersion in the column You need to use an injection solvent whose
solvent strength is equivalent to or weaker than the mobile phase, especially when using an isocratic
method. This is good practice in general for any column, and a little more important with very high
efficiency columns.
extra-column volume. This operation can cause problems if the temperature is not controlled, depending on
the compounds youre analyzing. All these specific capillaries can be ordered individually from Agilent, in
the lengths you need.
Take care to make proper connections Agilent recommends Swagelok fittings with front and
back ferrules, which give best sealing performance throughout our LC system (use this on the instrument
connections, i.e. valves, heaters, etc). Polyketone fittings are highly recommended for up to 600 bar. Use
this fitting (PN 5042-8957) on column connections with Poroshell 120. See more about fittings on p. 27.
Optimize your flow rate For Poroshell 120, if youre using a 2.1 mm id, the suggested starting flow rate
is 0.42 mL/min; for 3.0 mm id Poroshell 120 columns, we suggest starting at 0.85 mL/min, and for 4.6 mm
id, we suggest starting at 2 mL/min.
Figure 48. Overlay of van Deemter plots: the optimal fow rate for Poroshell 120 is faster than for 5 or 3.5 m columns
See a video that takes you through these steps at
Automated method development tools
The manual, or 'hands on' method development process is still in use in many labs. However, there are
advances in instrumentation that help to make LC method development easier. New method development
software, such as the Agilent 1200 Innity Series Multi-method Solutions, provides special hardware and
dedicated software solutions to automate many aspects of the method development process.
The 1290 Innity LC has wide ow and pressure ranges. This feature, combined with a minute gradient delay
volume, facilitate the development of methods for other HPLC or UHPLC systems. Depending on the complexity
of the separation problem, different requirements are placed on the software to be able to support the
experimental setup. New software such as the Agilent ChemStation Method Scouting Wizard provides a tool
to dene a sequence and all methods to screen a multidimensional matrix of columns, solvents, gradients and
With the Agilent 1290 Innity, up to three TCCs can be clustered together regardless of whether the system
is based on 1260 Innity or 1290 Innity modules. Quick-Change valves give the user easy access to capillary
ttings for straightforward installation and maintenance.
Figure 49. The Agilent 1200 Infnity Series Multi-method Solution
The number of solvents available can be extended, using one or two external 12-channel selection valves.
With the automated process, the user can select their solvents from a list on the computer screen. Valve
mounting aids and tubing kits are available for tidy and optimized setup. With a binary pump in the system, up
to 169 binary solvent combinations are possible. A quaternary pump allows up to 193 combinations. When
eight columns are installed, there are more than 1000 unique separation conditions available, all automated for
easy implementation. The Agilent system facilitates the use of all typical analytical column dimensions.
Tip: For more information about automated method development solutions, look for Agilent publication
5990-6226EN at the Agilent website.
System overview
1. External solvent selection valve for up to 12
additional solvents
2. 8-position/9-port outlet valve for column
3. 8-position/9-port inlet valve for column
All valves available for different pressure
Figure 50. Flexible automated method development
Method development for other HPLC modes
Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) sometimes called aqueous normal phase (ANP) is
a technique that has been around for several decades. The technique has received renewed attention in recent
years for the analysis of polar compounds that are unretained or poorly retained on reversed-phase columns.
And, the technique is readily adaptable to MS and MS/MS detection. When HILIC separations are performed
with high organic mobile phases, the result is enhanced MS sensitivity due to lower ion suppression than with
high aqueous buffered systems.
HILIC uses a polar stationary phase, such as silica, amino, mixed mode, zwitterionic, etc. with a water-miscible,
non-polar mobile phase containing a small amount of water (at least 2.5% by volume) and high organic
In HILIC methods, the hydrophilic, polar and charged compounds are retained preferentially, compared to
hydrophobic, neutral compounds. This directly contrasts reversed-phase liquid chromatography.
The addition of water to the mobile phase reduces the retention. HILIC provides good peak shapes for strongly
polar solutes, compared to normal phase. It is a complementary method for reversed-phase chromatography in
that it retains hydrophilic compounds and often reverses elution order.
When developing a HILIC method, you may need to take care to optimize the following parameters:
Stationary phase
Organic solvent concentration
Type of buffer
Buffer (salt) concentration
The typical columns used in HILIC methods:
Mixed-mode (Alkyl-diol, Alkyl-carboxyl, C18-amide, Aromatic-cyano, Alkyl hydroxyl, C18- SCX and
Hydride and modified hydride
Zwitterionic (e.g. tetraalkylamine-sulfonic)
Proprietary phases
In Figures 51-53, we show a pharmaceutical separation of two compounds ranitidine and paroxetine using
reversed-phase chromatography and followed by a HILIC method and MS data. The results show the key
advantages of the HILIC mode. The ranitidine is more retained in HILIC and has much greater sensitivity in the
Instrument Agilent Series 1100 LC
Column ZORBAX Eclipse XDB
C18, 2.1 x 150 mm,
5 m)
Mobile phase: A: 8 mM HCOONH

in 95% acetonitrile
(ACN)/5% water
Gradient: 5% B to 90% B in 10
Column temperature: 40 C
Sample volume: 5 L
Flow rate: 0.3 mL/min
Column: ZORBAX Rx-SIL,
2.1 x 150 mm, 5 m
Gradient: 100% B to 50% B in
10 min
Figure 51. LC/MS/MS separation of paroxetine and ranitidine on ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 column (reversed-phase HPLC mode)
Figure 52. LC/MS/MS separation of paroxetine and ranitidine on ZORBAX Rx-Sil column (HILIC mode) 100 ppb level
Normal phase chromatography
Normal phase or adsorption chromatography predates reversed-phase chromatography. The term normal
comes from the original idea that it was normal for the stationary phase to be polar, the mobile phase to be
non-polar, and for the polar components to be more retained.
In normal phase chromatography, we use silica or another polar stationary phase, such as short-chained
amines or diols. The mobile phase is non-polar usually hydrocarbons, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, or
another water-immiscible solvent. In normal phase chromatography, the polar components are more retained.
Retention decreases as polarity of mobile phase increases. If you have a more polar mobile phase, the analytes
will come off much faster. For normal phase gradient separations with silica columns, you can start with a
non-polar solvent such as hexane and then introduce a polar solvent such as ethyl acetate, i.e. 5% to 95%
ethyl acetate. Depending on where the analyte(s) of interest elute, the gradient can be modied to improve
resolution of all components. Sometimes a controlled amount of water or a small amount of isopropanol is
added to moderate the surface activity of the silica gel packing. Bonded phase columns may not need water
present, and often an alcohol is used as a modier. Consult solvent tables for UV cutoffs if your detector is a
UV or uorescence type. UV cutoffs for some of the most common solvents can be found in reference section
of this book, p. 110.
MS Conditions
Instrument: Series 1100 LC/MSD
Ionization: Positive ESI
Scan range: 100-500 m/z
SIM ions: m/z = 315, 330
Drying gas: 10 L/min at 350 C
Nebulizer gas: 45 psi
Fragmentor voltage: 0.25 V
Figure 53. MS/MS spectra of drug standards
One of the reasons we use normal phase chromatography is to get more polar components to be retained. This
mode can also be used to elute hydrophobic compounds which would be highly retained in reversed-phase
Normal phase chromatography has a number of other uses. It is good for separating geometric and positional
isomers. It allows for more discrimination than we nd with reversed-phase chromatography. We can use
normal phase chromatography when we do not have a water-miscible solvent. Its also used in preparative
separations where the mobile phase doesnt contain water and is easy to evaporate.
Summary: Normal phase
Column packing is polar: silica (strongest)>amino>diol>cyano (weakest)
Mobile phase is non-polar: hexane, iso-octane, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate, etc.
Polar compounds are more retained
Retention decreases as polarity of mobile phase increases
Choose normal phase for:
Resolution of strongly-retained hydrophobic samples
Isomer separations
Sample injection solvents that are non-polar and/or not water miscible.
Recovery in non-polar solvents
Ion-exchange chromatography
In ion-exchange chromatography, ionic and ionizable compounds can be separated. In this mode, we use
packing materials containing ionic functional groups with a charge opposite of the analytes. In strong cation-
exchange (SCX) chromatography we would be analyzing positively charged molecules or cations, so we would
use an anionic, or negatively charged stationary phase. If we were analyzing negatively charged molecules or
anions, we would use a cationic or positively charged stationary phase.
For this technique, the mobile phase is typically highly aqueous with some buffer or salts. Elution takes place
by increasing the ionic strength (salt concentration) either in a continuous or step-wise gradient. It is commonly
used for large biomolecule separations but is also useful for small molecule separations such as amino acids,
inorganic cations and anions and ionizable compounds like amines or carboxylic acids.
In the example in Figure 54, we are separating proteins, which due to their dual ionic functionality (both
positive and negative charges are present), functionality, certainly can take on a charge. Depending on the net
charge, proteins and peptides may be separated on cation- or anion-exchange columns.
Summary for ion-exchange:
Column packing contains ionic groups (e.g. sulfonate, tetraalkylammonium)
Mobile phase is an aqueous buffer (e.g. phosphate, formate, TRIS, etc.)
Used less frequently than reversed-phase chromatography
Similarities to ion-pair chromatography (see glossary for more information)
Peak identification
1. RNA polymerase
2. Chymotrypsinogen
3. Lysozyme
Figure 54. Basic proteins on strong cation-exchanger (-SO
Gel permeation chromatography/size exclusion chromatography
In GPC/SEC, there should be no interaction between the sample compounds and packing material. Molecules
diffuse into the pores of a porous polymeric or silica medium. They are separated depending on their size
relative to the pore size. Molecules larger than the pore opening do not diffuse into the particles while
molecules smaller than the pore opening enter the particle and may be separated. Different from reversed-
phase chromatography, large molecules elute rst, smaller molecules elute later.
In general, the larger molecules are excluded from the pores, so they elute from the column quickly, in the total
exclusion volume and the smallest molecules can penetrate all pores in the column and elute last, in the total
permeation volume. All other molecules elute in between and are therefore separated by size. If we want to
estimate a molecular weight (MW) value for the individual components or the overall distribution, a calibration
of log MW versus elution volume is constructed using standards of a known MW. Then, the MW and MW
distribution of a polymer can be estimated by running the polymer sample under the same conditions as the
The mobile phase is chosen mainly to dissolve the analyte.
Summary for GPC/SEC:
Two modes: non-aqueous GPC and aqueous SEC
(also Gel Filtration Chromatography, or GFC)
In size exclusion chromatography, there
should be no interaction between the sample
compounds and packing material. Molecules
diffuse into pores of a porous medium. They
are then separated depending on their size
in solution relative to the pore size. Different
solvents or mobile phases may result in different
hydrodynamic radii.
The mobile phase is chosen mainly to dissolve the
Used mainly for polymer characterizing,
polymer molecular weight determination and for
separating proteins
Column: PLgel MIXED-D
Mobile phase: Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
The monomer elutes after the polymer.
Figure 55. Gel permeation chromatogram of polybutadiene polymer on non-aqueous GPC/SEC column
Figure 56. GPC columns and standards
Protecting your
chromatographic results
Reproducibility is one of the most highly prized qualities of
chromatography. Getting good reproducibility starts with
high quality columns and robust HPLC methods.
There are practices that can help you increase your reproducibility, and lengthen the life of your columns.
In this section, we'll talk about these practices in the order of the workow:
Sample preparation
Using high quality solvents
Special solvent considerations for UHPLC
Inline filters
Inlet frits
Guard columns
Solvent saturation columns
Next, we'll discuss how to care for columns:
Maximizing column lifetime
Unblocking columns
Warning signs that your column is deteriorating
We'll wrap up the section with a few words about how to protect your method when it passes to other labs
Ensuring method reproducibility around the world
Changes in retention or selectivity from lot to lot
Sample Preparation
Sample preparation is an essential part of HPLC analysis, intended to provide a representative, reproducible
and homogenous solution that is suitable for injection into the column. The aim of sample preparation is to
provide a sample aliquot that (a) is free of interferences, (b) will not damage the column and (c) is compatible
with the intended HPLC separation and detection methods. It may be further desirable to concentrate the
analytes and/or derivatize them for improved detection or better separation.
Sample preparation begins at the point of collection, extends to sample injection onto the HPLC column, and
includes sample collection, transport, storage, preliminary processing, laboratory sampling and subsequent
weighing/dilution, all form an important part of sample preparation. All of these steps in the HPLC assay can
have a critical effect on the accuracy, precision, and convenience of the nal method. This section will be
devoted mainly to sample pre-treatment prior to injection into the column.
While there are some samples that require no special preparation prior to LC analysis, there are a variety of
easy-to-use sample preparation products available. The table below provides a quick guide to some of these
and the types of samples that may require these tools.
Sample filtration
Why lter the sample? Because better performance requires better sample hygiene. Filtering your sample
prevents the blocking of capillaries, frits, and the column inlet. If you take special care when preparing your
samples beforehand, it will result in less wear and tear on your instruments. Taking careful action before
analysis will result in less downtime for repair, and will also reduce the risks of contamination.
1. Sample filtering can extend column lifetime. Column frits can get clogged on smaller columns. As column
particle size goes down, frit size decreases as well. A 5 m or 3.5 m column should have a 2 m frit, a 2-3
m column should have a 0.5 m frit and a 1.8 m column should have a 0.3-0.5 m frit. The smaller the
particle size, the more important sample filtration becomes.
2. Filtering the mobile phase will reduce wear on the instrument parts, such as check valves, piston seals, and
autosampler plungers and needles. It also helps avoid plugging of capillary tubing.
3. Sample filtering helps to reduce contamination of the detector. For example, in MS detectors, solvent is
evaporated away and non-volatiles and particulates are deposited.
Technique Supported Liquid
Extraction (SLE)
Solid Phase
Interference Dilute and
Chem Elut Captiva Captiva ND
Bond Elut SPE
Particulates No No Yes Yes Yes
Proteins No Partial Yes Yes Yes
Lipids No No No Yes Yes
No No No Yes Yes
Salts No Yes No No Yes
Table 7. Bond Elut sample preparation products overview
Solid Phase Extraction
Solid Phase Extraction offers the highest degree of analyte selectivity and sample clean-up of any sample
preparation technology. In its simplest form, SPE employs a small plastic disposable column or cartridge (see
Figure 57), often the barrel of a medical syringe packed with an aliquot of functional sorbent. The sorbent is
commonly a reversed-phase material, e.g., C18-silica, and will have very similar chemical properties to the
associated HPLC phase. Although bonded-silica-based sorbents are the most popular, polymeric packings
have become very popular in recent years, due to some nice end user benets. Compared to silica-based
SPE packings, polymeric packings have the advantage of higher surface area (thus higher capacity),
chemical balance of hydrophilic-hydrophobic properties (better wetability and can dry out somewhat after
the conditioning step without affecting recovery and reproducibility), absence of silanols (less chance
of irreversible adsorption of highly basic compounds), and wide pH range (more exibility in adjusting
Figure 57. SPE cartridges and 96-well plate
The large array of selectivities and formats available in SPE affords the analytical chemist a 'toolbox' approach
to isolating an analyte or compound of interest. The SPE workow is simple, with four key steps: precondition,
load, wash and elute. Robust methods can be easily achieved with minimal method development and time.
SPE is also amenable to high sample throughput environments. Automation-friendly formats such as 96-well
plates and functionalized pipette tips offer speed, exibility and reproducible results.
SPE is used for ve main purposes in sample preparation:
Removal of matrix interferences and 'column killers'
Concentration or trace enrichment of the analyte
Solvent exchange (or solvent switching)
In-situ derivatization
Because SPE is based around a bonded silica platform, many phases used in HPLC are also available in SPE
versions. See the reference section for a table with SPE phases and conditions. In addition to the generic
phases referenced there, specialty phases are available for a wide variety of specic applications, including:
the isolation of drugs of abuse in urine, aldehydes and ketones from air, catecholamines from plasma and many
other popular assays. SPE can also employ polar phases: orisil (activated magnesium silicate) and alumina
are popular examples; many published methods exist for the isolation of pesticides using orisil. The use of
graphitized carbon black has increased, especially for the removal of chlorophyll-containing plant extracts, a
matrix interference that can cause signicant decrease in column performance.
Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE)
Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is useful for separating analytes from interferences by partitioning the sample
between two immiscible liquids or phases. One phase in LLE will usually be aqueous and the second phase
an organic solvent. More hydrophilic compounds prefer the polar aqueous phase, while more hydrophobic
compounds will be found mainly in the organic solvent. Analytes extracted into the organic phase are easily
recovered by evaporation of the solvent, while analytes extracted into the aqueous phase often can be injected
directly onto a reversed-phase HPLC column. The following discussion assumes that an analyte is preferentially
concentrated into the organic phase, but similar approaches are used when the analyte is extracted into an
aqueous phase.
Since extraction is an equilibrium process with limited efciency, signicant amounts of the analyte can remain
in both phases. Chemical equilibria involving changes in pH, ion-pairing, complexation, etc. can be used to
enhance analyte recovery and/or the elimination of interferences.
The LLE organic solvent is chosen for the following characteristics:
A low solubility in water (<10%).
Volatility for easy removal and concentration after extraction.
Compatibility with the HPLC detection technique to be used for analysis (avoid solvents that are strongly
Polarity and hydrogen-bonding properties that enhance recovery of the analytes in the organic phase
High purity to minimize sample contamination
One of the main problems that can occur when one is using two dissimilar phases is the formation of
emulsions. So instead of settling out into two layers, the two immiscible phases stay in a suspended state. In
order to avoid emulsions, Supported Liquid Extraction, or SLE, can be used.
Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE)
Instead of using a separatory funnel to perform LLE, one can immobilize one liquid phase in an inert medium
packed into a polypropylene tube and percolate the other immiscible liquid phase through the immobilized
liquid in a manner similar to chromatography. The most frequently used inert material is high-purity
diatomaceous earth with a high surface area and high capacity for aqueous adsorption. The process is termed
solid-supported liquid-liquid extraction or supported liquid extraction (SLE), and is a popular alternative to the
classical LLE experiment. In practice, the aqueous phase, which could be diluted plasma, urine or even milk, is
coated onto the diatomaceous earth and allowed to disperse for a period of time, usually a few minutes. The
aqueous sample spreads over the hydrophilic surface of the diatomaceous earth in a very thin layer. Next, the
immiscible organic solvent is added to the top of the tube and comes in contact with the aqueous layer nely
dispersed over the high surface area packing. Rapid extraction of analyte occurs during this intimate contact
between the two immiscible phases. The solvent moves through the packing by gravity ow or by use of a
gentle vacuum.
The tubes used in SLE resemble SPE cartridges and their volumes can range from 0.3- to 300 mL. Some SLE
tubes are pre-buffered for extracting acidic and basic substances, respectively. For example, at low pH, acids
will be in their unionized form and thus will be extractable from the immobilized aqueous phase. At high pH,
amines will be in their neutral form and thereby be extracted into the organic phase. It is possible to add salt
to the aqueous sample so that a 'salting out' effect occurs thereby leading to better extraction efciency of
certain analytes. The SLE tubes can also be used to remove small amounts of water from organic samples.
There is no vigorous shaking as in conventional LLE, so there is no possibility of emulsion formation. Since the
packed tubes are considered disposable, there is no glassware to be cleaned after use. The entire process is
amenable to automation and packed 96-well plates with several hundred milligrams of packing in each well
are readily available to perform this task. The 96-well plates are suitable for extraction of 150- to 200 L of
aqueous sample and thus miniaturize the conventional LLE experiment as well. An example of a commercial
product that performs SLE is Agilents Chem Elut (Santa Clara, CA),
QuEChERS (pronounced 'Catchers') stands for Quick Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe all qualities
that describe this sample prep method for food. In a few simple steps, you can prepare your food samples
for multi-class, multi-residue pesticide analysis. With QuEChERS, samples are prepared by mixing them with
extraction salts that separate out the matrices which need to be analyzed from the interferences. Kits are
available with pre-measured, pre-weighed salts for standard sample sizes.
The original QuEChERS method is non-buffered, and was developed by M. Anastassiades, S.J. Lehotay, D.
Stanjnbaher and F. J. Schenck in 2003 and published in the Journal of AOAC.
Later, renements were made to ensure efcient extraction of pH dependent compounds, to minimize
degradation of susceptible compounds (e.g. base and acid labile pesticides) and to expand the spectrum of
matrices covered.
Today there are two commonly used buffered methods: A European standard (EN 15662) available from
individual country members of the CEN and a standard recognized by the
Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC 2007.01), used in the US and other countries. Members have
access to the method
The versatility of QuEChERS has been demonstrated by its acceptance outside of its traditional application
Some emerging applications include:
The extraction of veterinary drugs in animal tissue (such as kidney and chicken muscle)
The extraction of environmental compounds in soil
Non-pesticide extraction of analytes such as antibiotics, acrylamide, perfluorinated compounds,
mycotoxins, PAHs, and alkaloids
Matrices such as grains (barley and rice), nuts, dough, seeds, oils (soybean, peanut, olive, and cooking),
chocolates, coffee, baby food, tobacco, and beverages (milk, wine, and water)
Figure 58. Agilent QuEChERS kits, pre-weighed for the sample size and method
The importance of using high-quality-grade solvents
In general, for HPLC applications, use only HPLC grade or better solvents. Filter all buffers. A 0.22 m lter is
preferred, especially for UHPLC applications, and a 0.45 m lter can be used for standard HPLC applications.
It is usually not necessary to lter HPLC grade or better organic solvents, and this practice can actually add
contaminants if the lters and glassware used for ltration are not chromatographically clean.
Always remember to ush your column appropriately. At the end of the day, ush the buffers from the system
and leave it in water/organic mobile phase. Use mobile phases that are miscible with your sample solvents (see
the reference charts in the back of this guide for help). If you are only using water or up to 5% ethanol in your
mobile phase A and you leave it sitting for a long period of time, bacteria will start to grow.
This can cause pressure problems and is difcult to eliminate, so be sure to put in fresh buffer every day, or at
least every couple of days.
Special considerations for UHPLC
Because the particles in high-efciency columns are so small, the column needs to have a smaller frit on each
end to contain them. And that frit is a lter that will trap particulates that enter your system, which can cause
pressure increases. So keeping your system free of contaminants becomes even more important at the higher
pressures of UHPLC applications.
For UHPLC, Agilent recommends Certied HPLC/MS grade solvents only. Be sure to check with your solvent
provider for certication on the following:
Low solvent and metal impurities, to reduce interference with minute or unknown samples
Trace metal specifications should be very low 5 ppb max is a good guide
Positive mode and negative mode specifications
Testing on LC-MS, and other QC test (the more QC testing, the better the solvent!)
Tips for solvent and buffer usage:
Filter aqueous mobile phases (including buffers). Use 0.45 m for standard HPLC and 0.2 m for UHPLC.
Buffers can increase your chance of clogging. Make sure the concentration used will not precipitate out in
your solvent.
When preparing mobile phase, it is important that the procedure be consistent and carefully followed, e.g.,
order of addition of solvents.
Algae and bacteria can grow in aqueous mobile phases, especially in the pH 4-8 range. Replace buffers on
a regular basis (every 2 days is good practice), always using a clean bottle.
Use an amber bottle for aqueous mobile phases.
Inline filters
Install an inline lter between your autosampler and column. This can catch particulates and keep them from
traveling to the top of the column and plugging the frit. If you have a 3.5 m column, a 2 m frit is a good t.
For a 1.8 m column use a 0.5 m frit.
Low-volume inline filters
Filters are available for every column and provide column protection from particulate materials. An inline lter
will increase analytical column lifetime by preventing particulates (from unltered samples and eluents, or
both) from plugging the analytical column frit. Using guard columns can compromise the efciency of very
low-volume columns and columns with very small particle sizes. For these columns, low volume inline lters
are strongly recommended.
The inline lter for the 1290 Innity LC (PN 5067-4638) contains a 0.3 m lter designed for low carryover. It
can be used at up to 1200 bar pressure and has 1.3 L dead volume. This same lter can be used on the 1260
and 1220 Innity LC as well as the 1200 RRLC.
Figure 59. The 1290 Inline Filter installed in a 1290 Infnity LC
Guard columns
Injecting dirty samples without a guard column can reduce the lifetime of the analytical column depending on
the number of injections. Choosing to use guard columns is an economic decision the chromatographer makes,
based on the number of injections typically run and the sample type.
Fit a guard column in the solvent line right before the analytical column.
The guard column prevents damage caused by particulate matter and strongly adsorbed material. To maintain
an adequate capacity for sample impurities, choose a guard column with an internal diameter similar to the
column internal diameter. Ideally, the packing of the guard column should be the same as the analytical column
so that the chromatography of the analytical column is not altered. Guard columns contribute to the separation,
so you should include a guard column inline during method development.
Judging when to replace a guard column can be difcult and best comes from experience. As a rough guide,
if plate number, pressure or resolution change by more than 10%, the guard column probably needs replacing.
You will need to make a judgment call on how often to replace your guard columns based on your application
type. It is always preferable to change the guard column sooner rather than later.
Solvent-saturation columns
A solvent- or silica-saturation column can be useful for protecting the analytical column if you use very harsh
mobile phase conditions, such as pH above 7 and 40 C, and buffer salt concentration over 50 mM. The
solvent-saturator column is placed between the pump and injector, and releases silica as the mobile phase
passes through it, saturating the mobile phase in the process. This prevents the dissolution of silica in the
analytical column, prolonging its lifetime. Solvent-saturation columns can add to the dwell volume and delay
gradient effects, which is a disadvantage when using gradient techniques. This additional dwell volume should
be taken into account during method transfer to ensure reproducibility.
Column inlet frits
If HPLC columns are used without a guard column or inline pre-column lter, the analytical column may
become blocked. Due to the high efciency packing processes used today replacing the column inlet frit is
discouraged and may not be possible in many columns. Column efciency may be compromised if the frit is
Column care and storage
Maximizing column lifetime
Modern columns are robust and are designed to operate for long periods under normal chromatographic
conditions. You can maximize column lifetimes by running them within specications. Always review the
specications before putting in place a nal method.
Figure 60. Fast Guard columns for UHPLC protect analytical columns
Tip Additional info
Use a guard column and/or an inline 0.5 m lter See section on Guard columns, p. 90.
Frequently ush columns with a strong solvent Use 100% B solvent. If you suspect a pressure build-up,
use stronger solvents. See guidelines for cleaning columns
on p. 42.
Pre-treat dirty samples to minimize strongly retained
components and particulates
Use solid phase extraction, liquid-liquid extraction, ltering
sample through 0.45 m lters or 0.22 m lters for
UHPLC, or high speed centrifugation.
Follow manufacturer specications for maximum
temperature limits for your column
Many newer methods call for higher temperatures, and
some columns can withstand them; ideally, you should
operate your column below the maximum temperature
Use below the maximum pressure limit Choose a ow rate that keeps your pressure below the
maximum, ideally 10% below.
Operate the column in the direction marked on it. Check
the column documentation or check with the manufacturer
to determine if a column can be backushed
Be sure to check with the manufacturer if you have
Use a mobile phase between pH 2 and pH 7 for maximum
column lifetime.
If you work outside of this pH range, use a StableBond
column (for low pH) or a phase that is designed for high pH
(e.g. Eclipse Extend-C18) or polymeric column.
Use fresh solvents, and avoid bacterial growth If bacterial growth is a concern, make a stock solution
of mobile phase and store it in the refrigerator, using
only what you need daily. Sodium azide has been used
to prevent bacterial growth, but due to carcinogenic
properties, caution should be used.
When storing the column, purge out salts and buffers.
Leave the column in pure acetonitrile, or a 50/50 blend
with pure water and acetonitrile
This prevents precipitation of buffer salts in the column.
Acetonitrile is a good solvent for storage because aqueous
and alcohol mobile phases can increase the rate of
stationary phase hydrolysis.
When using elevated temperatures always increase the
column temperature gradually, and only with mobile phase
After the analysis, leave the mobile phase running through
the column until it reaches room temperature.
Take care not to over-tighten the end ttings of the column
when attaching them to the instrument. Use short-handled
wrenches/spanners to avoid excessive tightening of the
end ttings
Since columns have 3/8 in. end nuts, a short 3/8 in.
spanner or wrench should be used to attach the columns
to the instrument to avoid any additional tightening of the
end ttings.
Table 8. Tips for extending column lifetime
Care in storage
To avoid potential metal corrosion, long-term storage of any column in halogenated solvents (for example,
butyl chloride, methylene chloride, etc.) should be avoided. If the column has been used with a buffered mobile
phase, the column should be purged with 20 to 30 column volumes of ACN and water followed by the same
volume of the pure organic solvent. Leaving buffer in a column encourages growth of bacteria, which can block
columns or frits, or lead to ghost peaks. Storage of unbonded silica columns in most other liquids is acceptable.
Avoid storing in solvents that degrade easily, such as THF, TEA or TFA.
For overnight storage, rather than column shutdown, you can maintain mobile phase ow through the column
at 0.1 to 0.2 mL/min. This will also reduce equilibration time the following day. For longer-term storage use the
solvent that the column manufacturer recommends, often the solvent used to ship the new column.
Unblocking a column
If backpressure increases and you suspect a blocked column, then it may be able to be backushed.
Disconnect the column from the detector and pump mobile phase through it in the reverse direction, if the
manufacturer indicates it is safe. See p. 42, for more details about cleaning columns.
Quickly determining when a column is going bad
In addition to keeping a sample chromatogram of your columns performance right out of the box (see p. 95),
you can go back to the original essential chromatography concepts to evaluate when your column needs to be
Parameter Warning signs
Theoretical plates, N
Column voiding and column contamination over time will lead to reduced efciency. Peak
broadening is a sign of decreasing efciency. By monitoring N, you can detect these
problems. See p. 6 for more info.
Retention Factor, k Retention Factor measures retention independent of ow rate and column dimension.
Changes in k may indicate problems with loss of bonded phase or problems with column
contamination due to non-eluting compounds. It could also be related to mobile phase
changes that give a false impression of a column problem. See p. 7 for more info.
Selectivity, Shifts in selectivity are an additional indication, along with k, of problems with loss of
bonded phase, column contamination or changes in mobile phase conditions. See p. 7 for
more info.
Tailing factor, Tf Tailing factor is a measurement of peak symmetry. An increase in tailing factor may indicate
a problem with column voiding but may also result from an interaction between polar
solutes and silanol sites, permitted by the loss of bonded phase.
Column backpressure, P Increasing backpressure is almost always due to particulates clogging the column inlet frit.
However, column voiding induced by column packing collapse can cause a large surge in
pressure, too. See p. 9 for more info.
Table 9. Parameters that help monitor column performance
Ensuring method reproducibility around the world
Different column histories often affect retention if a column is used to develop a method, and then replaced
with another column that produces different results. The second column may not have been through similar
conditions as the rst column.
Insufcient or inconsistent equilibration may occur when a chromtographer develops a method and gives it to
other chemists to reproduce without clear instructions about the equilibration. Each chemist may equilibrate
their columns differently, which is likely to create some varation in results. Once they equilibrate their columns
in the same manner as the development chemist, they will obtain the same results.
Other causes of retention change include poor column/mobile phase combinations, because the method may
not be robust; changes in the mobile phase, ow rate, and other instrument issues; and slight changes in
column-bed volume from one packed column to another.
Increasing method robustness
There can be variations that are very compound-specic from lot to lot among different columns. There can
also be changes in reagents from lot to lot, which will affect chromatographic results. When developing a
method, good practice includes testing multiple lots and assessing that the conditions can accommodate slight
changes from lot to lot. Manufacturers attempt to ensure reproducibility from lot to lot, but there are always
going to be differences. Careful method development will help eliminate problems later on.
When evaluating lot-to-lot changes, rst make sure that you have eliminated all column-to-column issues.
Then check the robustness of your method. If you are working with ionizable compounds, make sure you have
buffers and you are not working near the pK
of your analytes. In addition, check the pH sensitivity of sample
and column, and secondary interactions. If you have determined that pH sensitivity is the problem, you may
need to reevaluate your method.
In the example (Figure 61), lot-to-lot changes involve pH. A method was developed at pH 4.5 using lot 1. Recall
that silanols become active for basic compounds around pH 4.5 (see more about pH and your method on p.
54). You can see two basic compounds with good peak shape. In lot 2, base 2 was shifted dramatically and
the peak shape is not as sharp. Solutions to this problem could involve adding TEA or dropping the pH. In this
case, the pH was lowered. Lot 1 at pH 3 changed the selectivity, but still produced good baseline separation.
In addition, reproducibility between lot 1 and lot 2 at pH 3 was good. In this particular case, peak 4 reduced,
but this was due to sample degradation.
A reminder about dwell volume implications
Understanding dwell volume is very pertinent to the transfer of methods from laboratory-to-laboratory (see
p. 32 for more informaton about dwell volumes). If the HPLC instrument used in one lab has a different dwell
volume to an instrument in another lab and the same method is used in both labs, there is a strong possibility
that the method will not perform exactly the same. The reason for this mismatch is that the gradient formed at
the point of mixing of the two (or more) mobile phases will take a different amount of time in the ow path of
the instruments to reach the head of the column. Thus, after injection the analytes will see a different mobile
phase composition as a function of time and their retention and resolution may be affected. Therefore, the
dwell volumes should be adjusted for by adding additional volume to the instrument whose dwell volume is
smaller. Alternatively, the instrument whose dwell volume is larger can attempt to match the dwell volume of
the smaller instrument by reducing connecting tubing id and lengths. Another 'trick' is to build a gradient delay
into the method to compensate for the different residence time in the ow system. However, some validated
methods may not allow this change to be used for analysis.
In summary, for lot-to-lot retention changes.
Eliminate all causes of column-to-column selectivity change
Reevaluate method ruggedness and modify your method
Determine pH sensitivity and, again, modify your method
Classify different selectivity changes and contact your manufacturer
Figure 61. Lot-to-lot changes in retention due to pH levels
Quick troubleshooting
We know how it is. Youd like to read the entire book in
one sitting, but who has the time?
Odds are, youre turning to this book because you have a question or issue. Therefore, we have a quick guide
table with the most common issues our technical support team hears from chromatographers in the eld, to
help you quickly identify the potential cause of your trouble, and provide time-saving tips to help you address
them. We refer you to other parts of this guide for more detail on specic issues.
Tips for effective troubleshooting
One principle to remember is that you can only know if something is wrong if you rst know what it looks like
when its right. So here are two practices to put into place in your lab to help you as a troubleshooter:
Run a test chromatogram with every new column Start by looking at the test chromatogram that
is supplied with the column. Most of the time, the test components are easy-to-find chemicals that are
common around the lab or can be purchased from chemical suppliers. Prepare the test sample (0.1 mg/mL
of each is a good starting concentration) and run it on your instrument with your new column to compare.
This initial test injection will help you identify if you have any system issues that prevent you from getting
optimum results. Some people prefer to use their own sample, or standard, because the test mix may not
be relevant to their application. It is best to employ isocratic conditions because sometimes a gradient
may disguise poor column performance by compressing peaks so that they look artificially sharper.
Over time, comparing your own test chromatogram to this original chromatogram can help you evaluate
whether your column has lost efficiency, or if there are other changes that affect performance. Its a good
idea to quantitatively analyze parameters such as efficiency, selectivity, resolution and pressure, using
the equations discussed on pp. 5 - 11. By understanding your columns comparative performance, you
can begin to isolate a potential source of problems. Manufacturer's instruments for testing columns are
optimized for column performance. You should expect a value lower than the plate number reported on the
manufacturer's test chromatogram.
Keep a system map of your optimized instrument When you install your instrument and optimize
your method, make a note of exactly how your instrument is stacked, part numbers and/or lengths of all
connecting tubing and accessories and all electrical connections. This map is a handy reference if you have
trouble, to ensure that no one has changed the configuration, thereby changing your results or instrument
Issue Potential causes Try this
(see pressure
for more
information, p. 9)
Plugged inlet frit on column Backush column (see p. 42)
Column blockage (chemical
Clean column with solvent or replace column if irreversible
Column particle size too small Review column selection (see p. 12)
Plugged frit in inline lter or guard
Inspect frits in lters and replace as necessary
Blocked tubing Remove tubing to conrm it is the culprit; replace as necessary
Polymeric columns: solvent
change causes swelling
Consult manufacturers solvent compatibility info
Mobile phase viscosity too high Use lower viscosity solvent or higher temperature
Salt/buffer precipitation Ensure mobile phase compatibility with buffer
Bubble in pump Degas the solvent (see p. 54); sparge solvent with helium or
use inline degasser
Leaking check valve or seals Replace or clean check valve; replace pump seals
pressure or low
Insufcient ow from pump Vent mobile phase reservoir, replace inlet line frit in reservoir;
check for pinched tubing; check ow rate setting; look for leaks
throughout system
Leaking pump check valve or seals Replace or clean check valves; replace pump seals; check for
salt residues
Pump cavitation Degas solvent; check for obstruction in line from solvent
reservoir to pump; replace inlet line frit
Peak shapes
No peaks Instrument problem Make sure all HPLC components are turned on and working;
check to see if there is ow from detector exit tube; inject
unretained compound to ensure system suitability; increase
solvent strength or run gradient.
Wrong mobile phase or stationary
phase combination
Extra peaks, or
ghost peaks
Analytes retained from a previous
Use a fast gradient, such as 10% ACN to 90% ACN in 10 - 15
min. to get a feel for the number of components in a sample
and their relative retention. Start with a strong mobile
phase, such as 75% MeOH and/or higher ow rate to get the
components to come off the column more quickly.
Mobile phase contamination Use high purity HPLC grade or better (LC/MS or gradient
grade) solvents only. Use high purity water from an in-house
water purication system. Use TFA in the aqueous mobile
phase solvent and TFA at a lower concentration in the organic
mobile phase solvent (e.g. 0.1% TFA in water/0.086% in ACN);
use a longer wavelength where TFA has poorer absorbance
(see p. 59)
Sample preparation/sample prep
Use sample prep to reduce contamination in general - ltration,
SPE, liquid-liquid extraction, centrifugation,etc
Continued on next page Table 10. Quick Troubleshooting Tips
Issue Potential causes Try this
Peak shapes, continued
Extra peaks, or
ghost peaks,
System contamination Inject the sample solvent to ensure that there is nothing in
the sample solvent that contributes to the issue; make a blank
injection during the course of multiple runs to demonstrate that
there are not ghost peaks present due to carryover.
Remove the autosampler from the owpath and make a
blank run to see if ghost peaks disappear. If so, clean the
autosampler. If not, then work back through the owpath to
other system components to isolate the source.
Column contamination (note:
a less common cause of ghost
Backush your column (if it is OK to do so; check
manufacturers information); clean your column (see p. 42)
Peak fronting Channelling in column Replace column; use guard columns
Column overload Use higher capacity column (increase length or diameter);
decrease sample amount.
Peak tailing Silanol interactions (silica-based
Use endcapped or specialty columns; increase buffer
concentraion; decrease mobile phase pH to suppress silanol
interactions; use a competing base; derivatize solution to
change polar interactions; if remedies fail, run in reverse
direction; if better results are seen, column contamination is
the likely cause; clean column or replace column.
Extra-column effects Check system for long tubing lengths between components
and replace with shorter connection lengths; if using a high
efciency column, replace green 0.18 mm id tubing with red
0.12 mm id tubing.
Degradation of column at high
temperature (silica-based
Reduce temperature to less than 40 C, especially for high pH
mobile phases; use high temperature compatible column such
as sterically-protected silica, hybrid, polymeric, zirconia-based,
Degradation of column at high pH
(silica columns)
Use column with high-coverage or bidentate phase specied
for higher pH work (e.g. ZORBAX Extend-C18), or use
polymeric, hybrid or zirconia-based reversed-phase column.
Column void Run in reverse direction; if poor peak shapes or peak doublets
are seen for all peaks, a column void may be present; discard
Interfering co-eluting peak Improve selectivity by adjusting the mobile phase (see p. 53) or
choosing a new stationary phase, improve sample clean-up.
Peak splitting/
Interfering component Use sample prep to clean up sample; change mobile phase or
stationary phase to adjust selectivity.
If component is suspected to be from previous injection, ush
column with strong solvent at end of run; add gradient at
higher solvent concentration; extend run time.
Continued on next page
Issue Potential causes Try this
Peak shapes, continued
Peak splitting/
Partially plugged column frit Backush column (if it is OK to do so) (see p. 42; use 0.2 m or
0.5 m (UHPLC) inline lter between injector and column; lter
samples, use guard columns (p. 90)
Column void Replace column; in future, use guard columns to protect
analytical column (see p. 90); use less aggressive mobile phase
Injection solvent effects Use mobile phase or weaker injection solvent (see p. 30-31)
Sample volume overload Use smaller sample injection volume (see p. 30)
Sample solvent incompatible with
mobile phase
Use mobile phase or weaker miscible solvent as injection
Worn injector rotor Replace injector rotor.
Improper ttings/connections Ensure your ttings are made correctly (see p. 29)
Extra tubing volume on system Ensure that the tubing is narrow and as short as possible, to
avoid extra-column volume (see p. 26)
Injection volume too large Reduce injection volume (see p.30)
System settings (e.g. data
sampling rate too low for
Check data collection rate. Adjust the detector setting and/
or time constant to the fastest possible value that does not
compromise signal-to-noise (see p. 31)
Sample diluent strength too high Reduce diluent strength (see p. 31)
For gradients: dwell volume Reduce initial gradient concentration, to focus peaks, or use
injector programming to start the gradient before the sample
injection is made (see p. 33) Check to see that the peak is
eluting during the gradient, and not isocratically.
Retention time
The column is getting old Check chromatogram against test chromatogram (see p. 95) to
compare and understand column changes; use guard columns
to extend column life.
Change in column dimensions or
ow rate
Ensure that your method parameters are adjusted to reect any
change in ow rate or column dimension (see p. 21-22). This is
especially important for gradients.
Poor column/mobile phase
combination for your analytes
(poor retention for bonded phase,
pH too close to pK
, pH range
of column not compatible with
mobile phase etc.)
It's possible that your mobile phase is not consistent. Ensure
that you prepare your mobile phase the same way every time
buffers and solvents should be measured separately in clean
glassware, then mixed; degas mobile phase; replace aged
mobile phase (see p. 63 - 66)
For gradients: insufcient column
Measure your column void volume and system dwell volume
and determine the optimal equilibration time for your method
(see p. 40 and p. 67)
Continued on next page
Issue Potential causes Try this
Retention, continued
Active sites on column packing Use mobile phase modier, competing base (basic compound
such as triethylamine) or increase buffer strength, use high
coverage column packing
Sample overload Decrease sample amount or use larger diameter or longer
Loss of bonded stationary phase or
base silica
Use mobile phase pH between 2 and 8; use specialty high pH
or low-pH silica-based columns, polymers or other high/low
pH column
Column aging Use guard column or high stability bonded phase polymeric,
hybrid or high-stability column (e.g. zirconia, titania,
graphitized carbon)
Decreasing ow rate Check and reset pump ow rate; check for pump cavitation;
check for leaking pump seals, and faulty check valves and
other system leaks.
Changing mobile phase
Cover solvent reservoirs; ensure that gradient system is
delivering correct composition; premix mobile phase for
isocratic runs (see p. 53)
Loss of bonded stationary phase For regular silica-based columns, keep mobile phase pH
between pH 2 and 8; use high-stability bonded phase,
polymeric or high stability stationary phase columns for very
high pH (>10) or very low pH (<2) work
Drifting baseline For gradients: absorbance of
mobile phase A or B
For negative drift: use non-UV-absorbing mobile phase
solvents; use HPLC-grade mobile phase solvents; add UV-
absorbing additive in mobile phase A to mobile phase B to
balance/compensate for drift.
For positive drift: use higher UV-absorbance detector
wavelength where analytes can still be present; use non-
UV-absorbing mobile phase solvents. Reduce amount of
UV-absorbing compound added to mobile phase B to balance/
compensate for drift. (p. 59)
Wavy or undulating - temperature
changes in room
Insulate column or use column oven; cover refractive index
detector and keep it out of the air currents.
Positive direction - LC/MS,
stationary-phase bleed
Use low-bleed, MS-compatible or high-stability stationary
phase column
Positive direction - MS
Clean MS interface, avoid THF and chlorinated solvents with
PEEK tubing columns.
Contaminated column (bleed from
Flush column with strong solvent; improve sample clean-up;
use/replace guard column; replace analytical column.
For continuous issues: look to
detector lamp or ow cell.
Replace UV lamp; clean and ush ow cell.
Continued on next page
Issue Potential causes Try this
Baselines, continued
Drifting baseline,
For gradients or isocratic: lack of
solvent mixing
Use proper mixing device; check proportioning precision by
spiking one solvent with UV-absorbing compound and monitor
UV-absorbance detector output.
Gradient or isocratic proportioning
- malfunctioning proportioning
Clean or replace proportioning values; partially premix solvents
(e.g. 5% B in A and/or vice versa).
Occasional sharp spikes - external
electrical interference
Use voltage stabilizer/constant voltage power supply for LC
system; check for local interfering sources such as cycling
oven; use independent electrical current.
Periodic - pump pulses Service or replace pulse damper; purge air from pump; clean or
replace check valves; degas mobile phase.
Random - contamination build-up Flush or backush column (if it is OK to do so) with strong
solvent (see p. 42); clean up sample; use HPLC-grade solvents.
Spikes - bubbles in detector Degas mobile phase (p. 54); use backpressure restrictor at
detector outlet; ensure that all ttings are tight and not leaking
(see p. 29.)
Useful references
Here's another good reason you'll want to keep this book
on hand.
We've included a few tables which are useful to reference for method development:
USP designations
Solvent properties table, including polarity index value and UV cutoffs
Solvent miscibility table
UV cutoffs for commonly used mobile phase modifiers
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) phase overview
SPE sorbent usage conditions
USP designations
The USP species columns by packing material rather than by manufacturer. In most categories several
different types of columns are listed which differ in particle size, particle shape, and perhaps carbon load or
surface area. In these cases, the USP column specications are quite broad and several column types meet the
basic specications. For example, an L1 specication calls for octadecyl silane chemically bonded to porous
silica or ceramic micro-particles, 1.5 to 10 m in diameter, or a monolithic rod.
Many commercially available columns meet the basic specications and may be different particle types,
including totally porous, supercially porous and monoliths. However, not all C18 columns are alike, and only a
limited number of the available C18 columns from any vendor will actually perform the desired separation. For
increased efciency and resolution, we recommend spherical particles, totally porous or supercially porous
from 1.5-3.5 m in diameter. The USP specically gives you the exibility to determine the best column for your
needs (Table 11).
USP Packing Materials Column Particle
Size (m)
Pore Size
L1 Octadecyl silane chemically bonded
to porous silica or ceramic micro-
particles, 1.5 to 10 m in diameter, or
a monolithic rod
Poroshell 120 EC-C18 2.7 120
Poroshell 120 SB-C18 2.7 120
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 1.8, 3.5, 5 95
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 1.8, 3.5, 5, 7 80
ZORBAX SB-C18 1.8, 3.5, 5, 7 80, 300
ZORBAX Rx-C18 3.5, 5 80
ZORBAX Extend-C18 1.8, 3.5, 5, 7 80, 300
ZORBAX ODS 3.5, 5, 7 70
ZORBAX ODS Classic 5 70
Pursuit XRs C18 3, 5, 10 100
Pursuit C18 3, 5, 10 200
Polaris C18-A 3, 5, 10 180
Polaris C18-Ether 3, 5 200
SepTech ST60 C18 10 60
SepTech ST150 C18 10 150
L3 Porous silica particles, 5 to 10 m in
diameter, or a monolithic silica rod
ZORBAX Rx-Sil 3.5, 5 80, 300
Pursuit XRs Si 3, 5, 10 100
Polaris Si-A 5, 10 180
L7 Octylsilane chemically bonded to
totally porous silica particles, 1.5 to
10 m in diameter, or a monolithic
silica rod
Poroshell 120 EC-C8 2.7 120
Poroshell 120 SB-C8 2.7 120
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C8 1.8, 3.5, 5 95
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C8 1.8, 3.5, 5, 7 80
ZORBAX SB-C8 1.8, 3.5, 5, 7 80, 300
ZORBAX Rx-C8 1.8, 3.5, 5, 7 80
ZORBAX C8 5 70
Pursuit XRs C8 3, 5, 10 100
Pursuit C8 3, 5, 10 200
Polaris C8-A 3, 5 180
Polaris C8-Ether 3, 5 200
Continued on next page Table 11. USP designations and Agilent columns
USP designations (12/2010)
USP Packing Materials Column Particle
Size (m)
Pore Size
L8 An essentially monomolecular layer of
aminopropylsilane chemically bonded
to totally porous silica gel support, 3 to
10 m in diameter
Polaris NH2 5 180
L9 Irregular or spherical, totally porous
silica gel having a chemically bonded,
strongly acidic cation-exchange
coating, 3 to 10 m in diameter
ZORBAX SCX 5 spherical 300
L10 Nitrile groups chemically bonded to
porous silica particles, 3 to 10 m in
ZORBAX SB-CN 3.5, 5, 7 80, 300
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-CN 3.5, 5 80
L11 Phenyl groups chemically bonded to
porous silica particles, 1.5 to 10 m in
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB Phenyl 5 70
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus Phenyl-
1.8, 3.5, 5 95
ZORBAX SB-Phenyl 3.5 80
ZORBAX 300-Diphenyl 1.8 300
Poroshell 120 Phenyl-Hexyl 2.7 120
Pursuit XRs Diphenyl 3, 5, 10 100
Pursuit Diphenyl 3, 5, 10 200
L13 Trimethylsilane chemically bonded to
porous silica particles, 3 to 10 m in
L14 Silica gel having a chemically bonded,
strongly basic quaternary ammonium
anion-exchange coating, 5 to 10 m
in diameter
IonoSpher A 5 120
L17 Strong cation-exchange resin
consisting of sulfonated cross-linked
styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer
in the hydrogen form, 7 to 11 m in
Hi-Plex H 8 N/A
L19 Strong cation-exchange resin
consisting of sulfonated cross-linked
styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in
the calcium form, 9 m in diameter
Hi-Plex Ca 8 N/A
Hi-Plex Ca (Duo) 8 N/A
L20 Dihydroxypropane groups chemically
bonded to porous silica particles, 3 to
10 m in diameter
LiChrospher Diol 5 N/A
Continued on next page
USP designations (12/2010)
USP Packing Materials Column Particle
Size (m)
Pore Size
L21 A rigid spherical styrene-
divinylbenzene copolymer, 5 to 10 m
in diameter
PLRP-S 3, 5, 8, 10,
10-15, 15-20,
PLRP-S 3, 5, 8, 10,
10-15, 15-20,
PLRP-S 5, 8, 10, 30,
PLRP-S 5, 8, 10, 30,
PLgel 3, 5, 10, 20 50, 100,
500, 103,
104, 105,
106, MIXED
L22 A cation-exchange resin made of
porous polystyrene gel with sulfonic
acid groups, about 10 m in size
Hi-Plex H 8 N/A
L25 Packing having the capacity to
separate compounds with a MW
range from 1,000 to 5,000 da (as
determined by the polyethylene
oxide), applied to neutral, anionic and
cationic water-soluble polymers. A
polymethacrylate resin base, cross-
linked with polyhydroxylated ether
(surface contained some residual
carboxyl functional gruops) was found
PL aquagel-OH 5, 8 30
L33 Packing having the capacity to
separate dextrons by molecular size
over a range of 4,000 to 500,000
da. It is spherical, silica-based, and
processed to provide pH stability
ZORBAX GF-250 4 150
Bio SEC-3 3 100, 150,
Bio SEC-5 5 100, 150,
300, 500,
1000, 2000
ProSEC 5 300
Continued on next page
USP designations (12/2010)
USP Packing Materials Column Particle
Size (m)
Pore Size
L34 Strong cation-exchange resin
consisting of sulfonated cross-linked
styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in
the lead form, about 9 m in diameter
Hi-Plex Pb 8 N/A
L35 A zirconium-stabilized spherical silica
packing with a hydrophilic (diol-type)
molecular monolayer bonded phase
having a pore size of 150
ZORBAX GF-250 4 150
ZORBAX GF-450 6 300
L43 Pentauorophenyl groups chemically
bonded to silica particles by a propyl
spacer, 5 to 10 m in diameter
Pursuit PFP 3, 5 200
L45 Beta cyclodextrin bonded to porous
silica particles, 5 to 10 m in diameter
ChiraDex Chiral 5 100
L50 Multifunction resin with reversed-
phase retention and strong anion
exhange functionalities. The resin
consists of ethylvinylbenzene, 55%
cross-linked with divinylbenzene
copolymer, 3 to 15 m in diameter,
and a surface area of not less than
350 m
per g. Substrate is coated with
quarternary ammonium functionalized
latex particles consisting of styrene
cross-linked with divinylbenzene.
ZORBAX 300SCX 5 300
L52 Weak cation-exchange resin made of
porous silica with sulfopropyl groups,
5 to 10 m in diameter
IonSpher C 5 120
L53 Weak cation-exchange resin
consisting of ethylvinylbenzene, 55%
cross-linked with divinylbenzene
copolymer, 3 to 15 m diameter.
Substrate is surface grafted with
carboxylic acid and/or phosphoric acid
functionalized monomers. Capacity not
less than 400 Eq/column
Bio SAX 3, 5, 10 300
L56 Propyl silane chemically bonded to
totally porous silica particles, 3 to
10 m in diameter
ZORBAX SB-C3 1.8, 3.5, 7 80, 300
L57 A chiral-recognition protein,
ovomucoid, chemically bonded to silica
particles, about 5 m in diameter, with
a pore size of 120
Ultron ES-OVM 5 120
Continued on next page
USP designations (12/2010)
USP Packing Materials Column Particle
Size (m)
Pore Size
L58 Strong cation-exchange resin
consisting of sulfonated cross-linked
styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer in
the sodium form, about 6 to 30 m in
Hi-Plex Na 10 N/A
Hi-Plex Na (Octo) 8 N/A
L60 Spherical, porous silica gel, 10 m in
diameter, the surface of which has
been covalently modied with alkyl
amide groups and endcapped
Bonus-RP 1.8, 2.1, 3.0,
3.5, 4.6, 5
Polaris Amide-C18 3, 5 180
USP designations (12/2010)
Table 12. Solvent Properties
Solvent miscibility
For liquid chromatography, it is important to understand the miscibility of various solvents, because
incompatible solvents in your system can cause erratic chromatographic results. Miscibility refers to the ability
of a solution to mix with another in all proportions and become a new homogenous solution.
For organic compounds, the polarity of a solvent determines what type of compounds are able to be dissolved
in it and with what other solvents or liquid compounds it is miscible. Generally, polar solvents dissolve polar
compounds best and non-polar solvents dissolve non-polar compounds best: 'like dissolves like'. Water
(strongly polar) and hexane (strongly non-polar), therefore are not miscible with each other and will quickly
separate into two layers even after being shaken well.
For inorganic compounds, the length of the carbon chain often determines miscibility relative to members of
the homologous series. For example, in the alcohols, ethanol has two carbon atoms and is miscible with water,
whereas butanol has four carbon atoms and is not miscible with water.
Solvent Viscosity
(cP at 20 C)
Point (C)
UV Cutoff
Index (P)
Number (M)
Acetone 0.36 56.29 330 5.1 15. 17
Acetonitrile 0.38* 81.60 190 5.8 11, 17
n-Butyl Acetate 0.74 126.11 254 4.0 22
n-Butyl Alcohol 2.98 117.50 215 3.9 15
n-Butyl Chloride 0.45 78.44 220 1.0
Chlorobenzene 0.80 131.69 287 2.7 21
Chloroform 0.57 61.15 245 4.1 19
Cyclohexane 1.00 80.72 200 0.2 28
Cyclopentane 0.44 49.26 198 0.1
o-Dichlorobenzene 1.32** 180.48 295 2.7
Dichloromethane 0.44 39.75 233 3.1 20
Dimethyl Acetamide 2.14 166.10 268 6.5
N,N-Dimethylformamide 0.92 153.00 268 6.4 12
Dimethyl Sulfoxide 2.24 189.00 268 7.2 9
1,4-Dioxane 1.37 101.32 215 4.8 17
Ethyl Acetate 0.45 77.11 256 4.4 19
Ethyl Alcohol 1.10 78.32 210
Ethyl Ether 0.24 34.55 215 2.8 23
Ethylene Dichloride 0.79 83.48 228 3.5
Heptane 0.42 98.43 200 0.1 29
Properties for common HPLC solvents
Continued on next page
Properties for common HPLC solvents
Solvent Viscosity
(cP at 20 C)
Point (C)
UV Cutoff
Index (P)
Number (M)
Hexane 0.31 68.70 195 0.1 29
Iso-Octane 0.50 99.24 215 0.1 29
Isobutyl Alcohol 107.70 220 4.0 15
Isopropyl Alcohol 2.40 82.26 205 3.9 15
Isopropyl Myristate 192.60
Methanol 0.59 64.70 205 5.1 12
Methyl t-Butyl Ether 0.27 55.20 210 2.5
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 0.43 79.64 329 4.7 17
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.58 117.40 334 4.2
N-Methylpyrrolidone 1.67** 202.00 285 6.7
Pentane 0.23 36.07 190 0.0
Petroleum Ether 0.1
n-Propyl Alcohol 2.30 97.20 210 4.0
Propylene Carbonate 241.70 220 6.1
Pyridine 0.95 115.25 5.3 16
Tetrahydrofuran 0.55 66.00 212 4.0 17
Toluene 0.59 110.62 284 2.4 23
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 213.50 308
Triethylamine 0.36** 89.50
Trifluoroacetic Acid 0.93 71.80 210
Water 1.00 100.00 190 10.2
o-Xylene 0.81 144.41 288 2.5
* cP at 15 C
** cP at 25 C
Missing values indicate data was not available
Miscibility (M) number:
1. All pairs whose M number differs by 15 units or less are miscible in all proportions at 15 C
2. Each pair whose M number difference is 16 has a critical solution temperature between 25 and 75 C,
generally about 50 C
3. A difference of 17 or more corresponds to immiscibility or to a critical solution temperature above 75 C
Information in this chart supplied by Honeywell Burdick & Jackson,

















Acetontrile (ACN)
n-Butyl Alcohol
Dichloromethane (DCM)
N,N- Dimethylformamide
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)
Ethyl Acetate
Ethyl Alcohol
Ethyl Ether
Ethylene Dichloride
Isopropanol (IPA)
Methyl t-butyl Ether
Methyl Ethyl Ketone
Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
Immiscible Miscible
Table 13. Solvent miscibility
Solvent miscibility table
This chart classies two solvents as miscible if they can be mixed together in all proportions without forming
two separate phases. Information for this chart supplied by Honeywell Burdick & Jackson. Contact B&J with
questions at
UV cutoffs for mobile phase modifiers
The selection of a mobile phase modier is a balance among various requirements. Does it produce a stable
pH solution within the safe range of the column, and appropriate to control the ionization (either by ion
suppression, ion pairing or a combination) of the analytes? Does it not interfere signicantly with the detector
performance, including the disparate properties of volatility, MS ion suppression and UV transparency?
The challenge today is to work with a smaller range of acceptable modiers, often requiring the analyst to
investigate a more diverse range of stationary phases (embedded polar, alkyl phenyl, uorinated RP in addition
to typical alkyl phases like C8 and C18) in order to enhance selectivity for specic analytes.
The chart below provides UV cutoffs for common HPLC mobile phase modiers.
v/v pK
at 25 C Max. pH Range UV Cutoff (nm)
Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) 0.1% 0.3 210
0.05% 0.3 210
0.01% 0.3 210
Phosphate, pK
2.1 1.1. 3.1 <200
Phosphate, pK
7.2 5.2 8.2 <200
Phosphate, pK
12.3 11.3 13.3 <200
Citrate, pK
3.1 2.1 4.1 230
Citrate, pK
4.7 3.7 5.7 230
Citrate, pK
6.4 5.4 7.4 230
Carbonate, pK
6.1 5.1 - 7.1 <200
Carbonate, pK
10.3 9.3 11.3 <200
Formate 3.8 2.8 4.8 210 (10 mM)
Acetic Acid (HAC) 1.0% 4.8 3.8 5.8 210
Acetate 4.8 3.8 5.8 210 (10 mM)
Ammonia 9.2 8.2 10.2 200 (10 mM)
Borate 9.2 8.2 10.2 n/a
Triethylamine (TEA) 10.8 9.8 11.8 <200
TRIS-HCl 8.3 7.3 - 9.3 205 (120 mM)
Shaded area indicates buffers that are more commonly used in LC/MS applications.
Table 14. UV Cutoffs for Common Mobile Phase Modifers
Solid Phase Extraction sorbents
Table 15. Overview of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Phases
Mechanism of Separation Typical Phases Structure(s)
Normal Phase (Adsorption) Silica Si-OH
Alumina AlOH
Florisil Mg
Normal Phase (polar bonded phase) Cyano -CN
Amino -NH
Diol -CH(OH)-CH(OH)-
Reversed-phase (nonpolar bonded phase
strongly hydrophobic)
Octadecylsiloxane (C18) (-CH
Octylsiloxane (C8) (-CH2-)
DVB (Polymeric) DVB
Reversed-phase (nonpolar bonded phase
intermediate hydrophobicity)
Reversed-phase (nonpolar bonded phase low
Ethyl (C2) -C2H
Methyl (C1) -CH
Polymeric Reversed-phase (Hydrophilically
Polyamide, Various polymers
hydroxylated DVB Various polymers
Methacrylate-DVB Various polymers
WAX (Weak Anion-exchange) Amino (-CH
1, 2-amino (-CH
SAX (Strong Anion-exchange) Quaternary Amine (-CH
WCX (Weak Cation-exchange) Carboxylic Acid (-CH2-)
SCX (Strong Cation-exchange) Alkyl Sulfonic acid (-CH2-)
Aromatic Sulfonic Acid SO
Mechanism of Separation Use for analytes
that are:
Loading Solvent Eluting Solvent
Normal Phase (Adsorption) Slightly to moderately
Low polarity (P), e.g.
hexane, CHCl
High polarity (P), e.g.
methanol, ethanol
Normal Phase (polar bonded
Moderately to strongly
Low P, e.g. hexane, CHCl
High P', e.g. methanol,
Reversed-phase (nonpolar
bonded phase-strongly
Hydrophobic (strongly
High P, e.g. H
Low P', e.g. hexane, CHCl
Reversed-phase (nonpolar
bonded phase-intermediate
Moderately nonpolar High P, e.g. H
Intermediate, e.g.
Methylene chloride, ethyl
Reversed-phase (nonpolar
bonded phase-low
Slightly polar to
moderately nonpolar
High P, e.g. H
O to
moderate P, e.g ethyl
High P', e.g acetonitrile,
Polymeric Reversed-phase
(Hydrophilically Modified)
Acidic, basic, neutral Water or buffer High P, e.g. acetonitrile,
WAX (Weak Anion-exchange) Ionic (ionizable), acidic Water or buffer (pH =
+ 2)
A. Buffer (pH = pK
- 2)
B. pH value where sorbent
or analyte is neutral
C. Buffer with high ionic
SAX (Strong Anion-exchange) Ionic (ionizable), acidic Water or buffer (pH =
+ 2)
A. Buffer (pH = pK
- 2)
B. pH value where analyte
is neutral
C. Buffer with high ionic
WCX (Weak Cation-exchange) Ionic (ionizable), basic Water or buffer (pH =
- 2)
A. Buffer (pH = pK
+ 2)
B. pH where sorbent or
analyte is neutral
C. Buffer with high ionic
SCX (Strong Cation-exchange) Ionic (ionizable), basic Water or buffer (pH =
- 2)
A. Buffer (pH = pKa + 2)
B. pH value where analyte
is neutral
C. Buffer with high ionic
Table 16. Guidelines for SPE Sorbent Conditions
SPE sorbent conditions
Other suggested reading
Snyder, Lloyd R, Kirkland, Joseph J. and Dolan, John W., Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography.
Third Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2010.
An Introduction to Gel Permeation Chromatography and Size Exclusion Chromatography, Agilent
Technologies 2011, pub no. 5990-6969EN.
Meyer, Veronika R., Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Fourth Edition, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1999.
Snyder, Lloyd R. and Dolan, John W., High-Performance Gradient Elution, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.
Snyder, Lloyd R. Kirkland, Joseph J. and Glajch, Joseph L., Practical HPLC Method Development, John
Wiley & Sons, Second Edition, 1997.
Cunico, Robert L.; Gooding, Karen M. and Wehr, Tim, Basic HPLC and CE of Biomolecules, Bay
Bioanalytical Laboratory, Inc., 1998.
Neue, Uwe D., HPLC Columns: Theory, Technology and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997.
Other Agilent resources
Here are a few good places to go for more information:
Table 17. Other Agilent Resources
Resource Details
LC Column & Sample Prep Navigator An interactive online tool which recommends the best HPLC column and
sample prep product for your application.
The LC Method Translator This online tool helps you quickly factor for changes in column length,
diameter, system ow rate, etc., and calculate adjustments to your
methods. This can be especially helpful for adjusting gradient methods
accurately. Go to and search for LC Method
The LC Flow Rate Calculator App If you have a smart phone, you can get a free app for your phone that lets
you quickly adjust your ow rate to accommodate other method changes.
Find the app at
Agilent CrossLab Selection Tool Just by answering a few simple questions on this online tool we can
recommend which supplies are best for your non-Agilent instruments.
Vial Selector With so many options to choose from, selecting the right vials, caps and
septa for your application can be difcult and time consuming. Simplify
the process by using this interactive tool.
Syringe Filter Online Selection Guide This tool makes it fast and easy to choose the best syringe lter for your
We have created a series of videos to illustrate some of the points in this
guide. Over time, well be adding other videos.
a: See separation factor.
A solvent: Usually the weaker solvent in a binary eluent
or gradient elution separation. In reversed-phase liquid
chromatography (LC), the A solvent typically is water or a
water-rich mixture.
A term: The rst term in the van Deemter equation. See
eddy dispersion term and van Deemter equation.
Adapter: A union with different threads on each end;
generally used to connect two different types of tubing
Absorption: The process of retention in which the solute
partitions into a liquid-like coating.
Activity: The relative strength of the surface of the
packing in adsorption chromatography. For silica gel, the
more available the silanol groups, the more active the
surface. Activity can be controlled by adding water or
other polar modier that hydrogen bonds to the active
sites, thereby reducing the surface activity.
Additive: A substance added to the mobile phase to
improve the separation or detection characteristics;
for example, a competing base to negate the effects
of silanols, a chelating agent to block metal sites, or a
UV-absorbing compound to perform indirect photometric
Adjusted retention time (t
): A measure of the
retention time adjusted for the holdup time; t
' = t
- t
where t
is the retention time and t
is the holdup time
(the time it takes for a small, unretained compound that
completely permeates the pores to be eluted from the
chromatographic column).
Adjusted retention volume (V
): Adjusts the retention
volume for the holdup volume; V
= V
- V
, where V
the retention volume of the peak of interest and V
is the
holdup volume (the volume corresponding to the total
volume of mobile phase in the column). See also dead
volume and holdup volume.
Adsorbent: Packing used in adsorption chromatography.
Silica gel and alumina are the most frequently used
adsorbents in high performance liquid chromatography
Adsorption: The process of retention in which the
interactions between the solute and the surface of an
adsorbent dominate. The forces can be strong forces
(hydrogen bonds) or weak (van der Waals forces).
For silica gel, the silanol group is the driving force for
adsorption, and any solute functional group that can
interact with this group can be retained on silica. The
term adsorption places emphasis on the surface versus
penetration or embedding in the stationary phase coated
or bonded to a surface.
Adsorption chromatography: One of the basic LC
modes that relies upon adsorption to the surface of an
active solid to effect the separation. Silica gel and alumina
are the most frequently used normal phase adsorbents,
and molecules are retained by the interaction of their
polar function groups with the surface functional groups;
for example, silanols of silica. Carbon is also used as an
adsorbent in a reversed-phase mode.
Adsorption isotherm: A plot of the equilibrium
concentration of sample in the mobile phase per unit
volume versus the concentration in the stationary phase
per unit weight in adsorption chromatography. The
shape of the adsorption isotherm can determine the
chromatographic behavior of the solute; for example, peak
tailing, peak fronting, and column overload.
Aerogel: A packing prepared when the dispersing agent
is removed from a gel system without collapsing the
gel structure. Silica gels and glass beads used for size
exclusion chromatography (SEC) are examples of aerogels
that can retain their structures even at the high pressures
used in HPLC. See also xerogels.
Afnity chromatography: A technique in which a
biospecic adsorbent is prepared by coupling a specic
ligand such as an enzyme, antigen, or hormone for the
macromolecule of interest to a solid support (or carrier).
This immobilized ligand will interact only with molecules
that can selectively bind to it. Molecules that will not bind
will be eluted unretained. The retained compound later can
be released in a puried state. Afnity chromatography is
normally practiced as an on-off separation technique.
Agarose: High molecular weight polysaccharide used
as a separation medium in biochromatography. It is used
in bead form, often in gel ltration chromatography, with
aqueous mobile phases.
Alkoxysilane: A reactant used for the preparation of
chemically bonded phases. It will react with silica gel as
follows: R
SiOR + ^ SiOH & ^ Si-OSiR
+ ROH, where R
is an alkyl group.
Alumina: A normal phase adsorbent used in adsorption
chromatography. Aluminum oxide is a porous adsorbent
that is available with a slightly basic surface; neutral and
acidic modications also can be made. Basic alumina can
have advantages over silica, which is considered to have
an acidic surface.
Amino phase: A propylamino phase used in normal
bonded-phase chromatography. It is somewhat reactive
for solute molecules such as aldehydes or mobile-phase
additives that can react with amines. The amino phase has
found some applications as a weak anion-exchanger, and
it also is used for the separation of carbohydrates with a
water-acetonitrile mobile phase. It is a relatively unstable
Amphoteric ion-exchange resin: Ion-exchange resins
that have both positive and negative ionic groups. These
resins are most useful for ion retardation in which all
ionic materials can be removed from solution because the
anionic and cationic functionalities coexist on the same
Analyte: The compound of interest to be analyzed by
injection into and elution from an HPLC column.
Analytical Column: An HPLC column used for qualitative
and quantitative analysis; a typical analytical column
will be 4.6 mm id x 50-250 cm in length but columns
with smaller diameters (down to 0.05 mm id) can also
be considered as analytical columns; can be constructed
of stainless steel, glass, glass-lined SS, PEEK and other
metallic and non-metallic materials.
Anion-exchange: The ion-exchange procedure used
for the separation of anions. Synthetic resins, bonded-
phase silicas, and other metal oxides can be analyzed in
this mode. A typical anion-exchange functional group is
the tetraalkylammonium, which makes a strong anion-
exchanger. An amino group on a bonded stationary phase
is an example of a weak anion-exchanger.
Asymmetry: Factor describing the shape of a
chromatographic peak. Chromatographic theory assumes
a Gaussian shape and that peaks are symmetrical. A
quantitative measure is the peak asymmetry factor, which
is the ratio of the distance from the peak apex to the back
side of the chromatography curve over the distance from
the peak apex to the front side of the chromatography
curve at 10% of the peak height. Other measures of
asymmetry are commonly used, especially the U.S.
Pharmacopeia (USP) method. See Figure 62. See also
Foley-Dorsey equation.
Asymmetry factor: A factor that denotes band
shape. The asymmetry factor is calculated from the
chromatographic peak by dropping a perpendicular at
the peak apex and a horizontal line at 10% of the peak
height; at the intersection, the distance to the tail of the
peak along the horizontal line (distance B) divided by the
distance along the horizontal line to the front of the peak
(distance A) produces a ratio called the peak asymmetry
factor (see Figure 62). The ratio is 1 for a symmetrical
peak, less than 1 for a fronting peak, and greater than 1 for
a tailing peak. The higher the value, the less symmetrical
the peak; values greater than 2 are unacceptable.
Atmosphere (atm): A measure of the pressure drop
across an HPLC column; 1 atm = 14.7 lb/in.
(psi). See also
bar and pascals.
b: See phase ratio.
: See permeability.
B solvent: Usually the stronger solvent in a binary eluent
or gradient separation; typically the organic modier or
modier-rich binary mixture with water in reversed-phase
B term: The second term of the van Deemter equation.
See also longitudinal diffusion and molecular diffusion
Backushing: A column-switching technique in which
a four-way valve placed between the injector and the
column allows mobile phase ow in either direction.
Backushing is used to elute strongly held compounds at
the head of a column. It can be used for analyzing these
compounds or merely removing them from the column.
Backpressure: Same as head pressure, column
Backpressure regulator: A device placed online
after the detector to maintain a positive pressure on the
ow cell minimizing solvent outgassing problems in the
Band: Refers to the chromatographic peak as it moves
down and is eluted from the column.
Band broadening: The process of increasing width
and concomitant diluting of the chromatographic band
as it moves down the column. The peak is injected as
a narrow slug and, ideally, each separated component
Figure 62. Example of a tailing peak (modifed with permission
from reference 3)
would be eluted as a narrow slug of pure compound if
not for the process of band broadening. The measure of
band broadening is bandwidth (t
) or, more correctly, the
number of theoretical plates (N) in the column. Sometimes
called band dispersion or band spreading. See Figure 63.
Bandwidth (t
): The width of the chromatographic band
during elution from the column. It usually is measured
at the baseline by drawing tangents to the inection
points on the sides of the Gaussian curve that represents
the peak. Small bandwidths usually represent efcient
separations; also called peak width. See Figure 63.
Bar: A unit of pressure measurement in HPLC equal to 1
atm, ~ 15 lb/in.
, or 0.1 MPa.
Baseline: The baseline is the line drawn by the recording
device representing the signal from the detector when only
mobile phase is passing through. It also represents the
point from which calculations are often made on peaks to
determine peak area or peak height.
Baseline noise: Irregular variations (short term) in
the chromatographic baseline due to electrical noise or
temperature uctuations, outgassing in the ow cell, or
poorly mixed mobile phase solvents.
BET method: Developed by Bruner, Emmett, and
Teller (BET), a method for measuring surface area
that uses nitrogen adsorption-condensation in pores
at liquid nitrogen temperature. Pore volume and pore
size distribution also can be obtained from BET method
Bidentate silane: A specic type of bonded phase in
which a short hydrocarbon bridge connects two silicon
atoms in a silane that is bound to the surface through two
siloxane groups.
Binary mobile phase: Mobile phase comprising two
solvents or buffers.
Biocompatible: A term to indicate that the column or
instrument component will not irreversibly or strongly
adsorb or deactivate biomolecules such as proteins.
Frequently means metal-free or ceramic surfaces and
Bonded-phase chromatography: The most popular
mode in LC in which a phase chemically bonded to a
support is used for separation. The most popular support
for bonded-phase chromatography is microparticulate
silica gel, and the most popular type of bonded phase
is organosilane such as octadecyl for reversed-phase
chromatography. Approximately 70% of all HPLC
applications are performed using chemically bonded
Bonded-phase concentration: See coverage.
Boxcar chromatography: See column switching.
Breakthrough volume: The volume at which a particular
solute pumped continuously through a column will begin
to be eluted. It is related to the column volume and the
retention factor of the solute. It is useful to determine the
total sample capacity of the column for a particular solute.
Buffer: A solution that maintains constant pH by resisting
changes in pH from dilution or addition of small amounts of
acids and bases.
Buffer capacity: A quantitative measure of the potential
of a buffer solution (dened as the number of equivalents
of strong acid or base to cause a one pH unit change in 1
L of a buffer solution) or simply the ability of a buffer to
withstand injections of a buffered sample solution without
changing mobile phase pH; capacity determined by pH,
buffer pK
, and buffer concentration.
Buffer strength: See ionic strength.
C term: The interphase mass transfer term of the van
Deemter equation. See also mass transfer and van
Deemter equation.
C8: See octylsilane.
C18: See octadecylsilane.
C4, C8, C18, etc.: Refer to the alkyl chain length of a
reversed bonded phase.
: See Langmuir isotherm.
Capacity: See sample capacity.
Capacity factor (k): Old term for a chromatographic
Figure 63. Widths of a Gaussian peak at various heights as a
function of the standard deviation (s) of the peak. (Modifed with
permission from reference 2).
parameter that measures the degree of retention. Now
dened as the retention factor (k) by the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). See
also retention factor for method of calculation.
Capillary column: Refers to columns with inner
diameters less than 0.5 mm.
Capillary electrochromatography (CEC): A hybrid
technique in which capillary columns are packed with
chromatographic sorbents and electroosmotic ow rather
than pressure moves mobile phase through the column;
technique has the surface-mediated selectivity potential of
HPLC and the high efciency of capillary electrophoresis
Capillary LC: Generally refers to HPLC performed in a
fused-silica or other type of capillary column; the inner
diameters typically are less than 0.5 mm; has also been
called micro-LC.
Capillary micellar electrochromatography: The CEC
version of micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography
Capillary tubing: Tubing to connect various parts of
a chromatograph and direct ow to the proper places.
Most capillary tubing used in HPLC is less than 0.020 in.
in inner diameter. The smallest useful inner diameter is
approximately 0.004 in.
Capping: Same as endcapping.
Carbon load: For a bonded phase silica, term usually used
to describe the surface coverage or the degree to which
the available silanols on the column packings surface have
reacted and been replaced with the bonded phase; the
higher the carbon load, the lower the number of residual
silanols. The carbon load is normally expressed as a %
carbon (e.g. 12% carbon). In reversed-phase LC, the
higher the carbon load, the greater the analyte retention.
Carrier: A term most often used in afnity
chromatography; refers to the support that binds the active
ligand, usually by a covalent bond; can also refer to the
support in other chromatography modes such as liquid-
liquid chromatography.
Carrier gas: The mobile phase in gas chromatography
Cartridge column: A column type that has no endttings
and is held in a cartridge holder. The column comprises
a tube and packing contained by frits in each end of the
tube. Cartridges are easy to change and are less expensive
and more convenient than conventional columns with
Cation-exchange chromatography: The form of ion-
exchange chromatography that uses resins or packings
with functional groups that can separate cations. An
example of a strong cation functional group would be a
sulfonic acid; a weak cation-exchange functional group
would be a carboxylic acid.
CE: Capillary electrophoresis.
CEC: See capillary electrochromatography.
CGE: See capillary gel electrophoresis.
CZE: See capillary zone electrophoresis.
Chain length: The length of carbon chain in the
hydrocarbon portion of a reversed-phase packing. It is
expressed as the number of carbon atoms (C8, C18, etc.).
It specically excludes the short chains - typically methyl,
isopropyl, and sec-butyl groups - that also are attached to
the silane.
Channeling: Occurs when voids created in the packing
material cause mobile phase and accompanying solutes to
move more rapidly than the average ow velocity, which
in turn allows band broadening to occur. The voids are
created by poor packing or erosion of the packed bed.
Check valve: A device inserted into a moving liquid
stream that allows ow of the stream in only one direction;
most often used on the inlet and outlet sides of an HPLC
Chemisorption: Sorption caused by a chemical
reaction with the packing. Most of these interactions are
irreversible and usually occur on packings with reactive
functional groups such as silanol or bonded amino phases.
Chemisorption is common with metal oxide phases that
have strong Lewis acid sites.
Chiral recognition: The ability of a chiral stationary
phase to interact differently with two enantiomers leading
to their HPLC separation.
Chiral stationary phases: Stationary phases that are
designed to separate enantiomeric mixtures. The phases
can be coated or bonded to solid supports, created
in situ on the surface of the solid support, or exist as
surface cavities that allow specic interactions with one
enantiomeric form.
Chlorosilane: A chemical reagent used to prepare
siloxane bonded phases; reactivity changes from a
monochlorosilane < dichlorosilane < trichlorosilane;
the alkyl portion (octadecyl, octyl, etc.) will dictate
the hydrophobicity of the resulting bonded phase;
alkoxysilanes can be used but are less reactive.
Chromatogram: A plot of detector signal output or
sample concentration versus time or elution volume during
the chromatographic process.
Chromatograph: As a noun: a device used to implement
a chromatographic separation. As a verb (IUPAC): the act
of separating by elution through a chromatographic bed.
Chromatographic conditions: Those chromatographic
method experimental parameters that describe how an
analysis was performed. Sufcient information must
be presented so that the analysis can be duplicated for
verication purposes.
Classication: The process of sizing column packing
particles; generally in HPLC, small particle size distribution
provides better efciency and a greater permeability
because of the absence of nes. Classication can be
performed by sedimentation, elutriation, and centrifugalair
Column backpressure: See head pressure.
Column chromatography: Any form of chromatography
that uses a column or tube to hold the stationary phase.
Open-column chromatography, HPLC, and open-tubular
capillary chromatography are all forms of column
chromatography. Most often refers to open-column
chromatography used for preparative scale work.
Column dead time: The time associated with the dead
volume; determined by the dead volume divided by the
ow rate; in reversed-phase LC, uracil is often used to
measure dead volume and dead times.
Column length (L): The length of chromatography
column in HPLC or capillary in CE used to perform the
liquid phase separation.
Column packing: The solid material, usually a porous
solid with or without a chemically interactive surface,
placed inside of the column used to differentially retain
analytes; referred to as the stationary phase; common
packings are unbonded and bonded silica, resins,
inorganic-organic hybrids, graphtized carbon
Column performance (N): Refers to the efciency of a
column; the number of theoretical plates for a given test
Column plate number (N): Denotes the column
efciency; the larger the plate number, the more
theoretical plates the column possesses; a typical well-
packed column with a 5-/m d
porous packing in a 150 x
4.6 mm column should provide 10,000-12,000 plates.
Column switching: Using multiple columns connected by
switching valves for better chromatographic separations
or sample clean-up. Fractions from a primary column can
be switched to two or more secondary columns, which
in turn can be further diverted to additional columns
or to detectors; sometimes called multidimensional
Column volume (V
): The volume of the unpacked
column; V
= A
L, where A
and L are the cross-sectional
area of the tube and the tube length, respectively.
Competing base: Adding a small basic compound such
as triethylamine or dimethyloctylamine at 10-50 mM
concentration to the mobile phase in reversed-phase
chromatography to inhibit basic analytes from interacting
with residual silanols; works by the law of mass action
because concentration of competing base is much greater
than analyte. See also additive.
Comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography:
Two-dimensional chromatography applied to every
fraction. See also two-dimensional chromatography.
Controlled surface porosity support: Same as porous
layer bead and pellicular packing.
Counterion: The ion in solution used to displace the ion
of interest from the ionic site in an ion-exchange process.
In ion pairing, it is the ion of opposite charge added to the
mobile phase to form a neutral ion pair in solution.
Coupled columns: A form of column switching that uses
a primary column connected to two secondary columns
by a selector valve. Fractions from the rst column can be
selectively transferred to the second and third columns for
additional separations. This term is also used to describe
two or more columns connected in series to provide an
increased number of plates.
Coverage: Refers to the amount of bonded phase on a
silica support in bonded-phase chromatography. Coverage
usually is described in micromoles per square meter or in
terms of percentage carbon (w/w).
Critical micelle concentration: The concentration of
an ionic surfactant above which a micelle is formed by
aggregation; micelles added to a mobile phase improve the
separation of nonionic substances in HPLC and CE (MEKC)
by a partitioning mechanism.
Cross-linking: During the process of copolymerization of
resins to form a three-dimensional matrix, a difunctional
monomer is added to form cross-linkages between
adjacent polymer chains. The degree of cross-linking
is determined by the amount of the monomer added to
the reaction. For example, divinylbenzene is a typical
cross-linking agent for the production of polystyrene ion-
exchange resins. The swelling and diffusion characteristics
of a resin are governed by its degree of cross-linking.
Cyano phase: A chemically bonded phase that terminates
with the -CN functional group; it can be used in normal
phase as a moderate polarity sorbent and in reversed-
phase as a short chain bonded phase.
Cyclodextrins: Cyclic oligomers of several D-(+)-
glucopyranose units used in chiral HPLC and CE
separations; popular ones are named , b, and
g-cyclodextrins; they have a truncated cone shape, a
relatively hydrophobic cavity, and primary and secondary
hydroxyl groups at their ends; they separate on the
basis of differential inclusion of enantiomers; modied
cyclodextrins with derivatized hydroxyl groups also are
used for selectivity modication.
Data acquisition rate: A term referring to the rate
of sampling of a detector output. To characterize a
chromatographic peak at least 20-30 data points must
be collected. The data acquisition rate, usually measured
in Hertz, denes how many data points per second are
collected while the peak is moving through the detector.
For fast chromatography, the data acquisition rate must be
sufciently rapid to characterize a narrow peak. Modern
detectors have data rates up to 80 Hz; also known as data
rate and sampling rate.
Dead volume (V
): The column dead volume comprises
the entire space accessible to a small molecule that can
fully permeate all pores of a packing material. It includes
the interstitial volume and the unoccupied pore volume. It
is de-noted as V
. The system dead volume includes the
additional volume in the tubing that connects the injector
and detector to the column. The system dead volume
usually is approximated by injecting a small, essentially
unretained species. Uracil, acetone and thiourea
are most commonly used species in reversed-phase
chromatography. See also adjusted retention volume,
holdup volume, and void volume.
DEAE: See diethylaminoethyl.
Degassing: The process of removing dissolved gas
from the mobile phase before or during use. Dissolved
gas may come out of solution in the detector cell and
cause baseline spikes and noise. Dissolved air can
affect detectors such as electrochemical (by reaction) or
uorescence (by quenching) detectors. Dissolved gases
also can cause pumps to lose their prime. Degassing is
performed by heating the solvent, helium sparging, or
using vacuum (in a vacuum ask) or online evacuation
from a tube made of a gas-permeable substance such as
polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE).
Denaturing HPLC: Using reversed-phase HPLC to
investigate genetic mutations by the investigation of DNA
base pairs.
Desalting: Technique in which low molecular weight salts
and other compounds can be removed from nonionic and
high molecular weight compounds. An example is using
a reversed-phase packing to retain sample compounds
by hydrophobic effects yet allowing salts to pass through
unretained. Using an SEC column to exclude large
molecules and retain lower molecular weight salts is
another example.
Dextran: Polydextran-based packing material primarily
used for low pressure biochromatography; an example
would be Sephadex (GE Healthcare, Piscataway, New
Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE): A popular weak anion-
exchange functionality (typically attached to cellulose
or Sepharose [GE Healthcare]) used for separating
Diffusion coefcient (D
or D
): A fundamental
parameter of a molecule in gas, solution (D
), or the
stationary phase (D
). Expressed in square centimeters per
second. D
is dependent on the molecular weight of the
solute, temperature, solvent viscosity, and molar volume
of the solute. A typical value for a 100-Da molecule in
reversed-phase chromatography at room temperature is
Diol phase: A hydrophilic phase that is useful in normal
and reversed-phase. It is a diol structure (two -OH groups
on adjacent carbon atoms in an aliphatic chain). In normal
phase work, it is less polar than silica. It has been used
to separate proteins and polypeptides in reversed-phase
Displacement chromatography: A chromatographic
process in which the sample is placed onto the column
head and then is displaced by a compound that is more
strongly sorbed than the compounds of the original
mixture. Sample molecules then are displaced by each
other and by the more strongly sorbed compound. The
result is that the eluted sample solute zones may be
sharpened; displacement techniques have been used
mainly in preparative-scale HPLC applications.
Distribution constant (coefcient) (K
): The total
equilibrium concentration of a component in all forms or
on the stationary phase divided by the total equilibrium
concentration of the component in the mobile phase;
also called the distribution coefcient or the partition
coefcient in partition chromatography. In partition
chromatography, K
is used when the concentration in the
stationary phase is expressed per unit volume of the phase
= V
+ K
). In a solid stationary phase, KV
is used
and is expressed per mass (weight) of the dry solid phase.
In adsorption chromatography with a well characterized
adsorbent of known surface area, the concentration in the
stationary phase is expressed per unit surface area.
: See diffusion coefcient.
: See particle size.
: See diffusion coefcient.
Dwell time: The time equivalent to dwell volume;
determined by the product of ow rate and the dwell
Dwell volume: The volume between the point of mixing
of solvents (usually in the mixing chamber or at the
proportioning valves in the liquid chromatograph) and
the head of an LC column. Important in gradient elution
or in isocratic elution situations when changes in solvent
composition are made so that the column experiences
the composition change in the shortest possible time.
Low-pressure mixing systems generally have larger dwell
volumes than high pressure mixing systems.
Dynamic coating: The formation of in-situ coatings
on the packing in HPLC or on capillary walls in CE by
adding a substance to the mobile phase that adsorbs
onto (or absorbs into) the packing or at the wall surface.
The purpose of a dynamic coating is to generate a new
stationary phase or to deactivate the packing material
or capillary wall to prevent unwanted interactions. One
simple example is the adjustment of the mobile phase or
running buffer to less than pH 3 to protonate silanols and
negate their effect. Another example is coating the phase
with a hydrophilic polymeric material to prevent adsorption
of proteins.
E: See separation impedance.
e: See interparticle porosity.
Eddy dispersion (diffusion) term (l): The A term in
the van Deemter equation. It is the contribution to plate
height from the heterogeneity in axial velocities as a result
of the particle size and geometry of the packing, as well
as wall effects; A = 2 ld
, where l is an empirical column
constant. Typical values of l for well-packed columns are
0.8-1.0. Some theories of chromatography indicate a
velocity-dependent contribution to the height equivalent to
a theoretical plate (HETP) from this process. Also known
as eddy diffusion, ow-heterogeneity induced broadening,
and the multipath term. See also van Deemter equation.
: See interstitial porosity.
Effective plate height (H
): The column length divided
by the effective plate number.
Effective theoretical plates (N
): Also called the
effective plate number by IUPAC. The true number of
plates in a column, because it corrects theoretical plates
for dead volume. N
= 16[(t
], where t
is the
adjusted R
retention time and w
is the bandwidth of the
peak (see Figure 63, p. 116). It is a better gure of merit
than simple plate number for comparing devices of very
different geometries and phase ratios.
Efciency (N or H ): A measure typically determined by
the number of theoretical plates (N) calculated from the
equation N = 16(V
= 16 (t
, where w
is the
peak width measured at the base (see Figure 63, p. 116).
If the peak width is measured at half height, the following
equation is used: N = 5.545 (V
. The plate height
(H) or HETP is deter mined by H = L/N. The efciency
of asymmetric peaks is better determined from the peak
centroid and variance by mathematical analysis of the
peak shape. See also Foley-Dorsey equation.
Efuent: The mobile phase leaving the column; same as
: See intraparticle porosity.
Eluate: Combination of mobile phase and solute exiting
the column; also called efuent.
Eluent: The mobile phase used to perform a separation.
Eluite: The species being eluted, the analyte, or the
Eluotropic series: A series of solvents (eluents) with
an increasing degree of solvent strength generally
used in liquid- solid or adsorption chromatography. In
normal phase chromatography, a non-polar solvent such
as pentane would be at the low end of the scale, an
intermediate solvent such as methylene chloride would be
in the middle of the scale, and a strongly polar solvent such
as methanol would be near the upper end of the scale.
In reversed-phase chromatography, the reverse order of
strength would be observed; water would be weak and
acetonitrile strong. Thus, when developing a method
or running a gradient, an eluotropic series is useful for
selecting solvents. See also Snyder e
Elute: To chromatograph by elution chromatography. The
term elute is preferred over develop, which was used in
older nomenclature.
Elution: The process of passing mobile phase through the
column to transport solutes down a column.
Elution chromatography: The most commonly used
chromatographic method in which a sample is applied to
the head of the column as a narrow zone and individual
analytes are separated and eluted from the end of the
column. Compare with displacement chromatography and
frontal analysis.
Elution volume (V
): Refers to the volume of mobile
phase necessary to elute a solute from a column. It is
the volume from the point of injection to the volume at
maximum concentration (apex) for a symmetrical peak; V

= Ft
, where F is the ow rate and t
is the retention time
of the peak of interest.
Elutriation: A technique used to fractionate packing
particles by size based on the difference in their Stokes
terminal velocities. It most often is used for the separation
of ion-exchange resins that require a particularly narrow
size range, such as amino acid resins. The technique
involves the upward ow of water into a large tube. The
unsized beads are added to the moving water, and the
particles seek their own level, depending upon their
density and particle size. They are removed at certain
levels in the tube. High-purity spherical silica gels
sometimes are sized by elutriation.
Enantiomeric compound: Chemical compounds that
display chiral activity; such compounds will require a
separation mechanism that can differentiate between the
R- or S-enantiomer and specialty columns are available for
this purpose.
Endcapping: A technique used to remove silica gel silanol
groups that may remain after reaction with a large silylatin
agent such as octadecyltrichlorosilane. The column is said
to be endcapped when a small silylating reagent (such as
trimethylchlorosilane or dichlorodimethylsilane) is used to
bond residual silanol groups on a silica gel-based packing
surface. Most often used with reversed-phase packings
to minimize undesirable adsorption of basic, ionizable, and
ionic compounds. Endcapping reactions also are used to
remove terminal silanol groups from polymeric phases.
Endtting: The tting at the end of the column that
permits connection to the injector or detector. Most HPLC
endttings have frits to contain the packing and low dead
volumes for minimum band spreading. They usually are
constructed of stainless steel, but poly-etherether ketone
(PEEK) and other polymeric materials also are used.
: See total porosity.
Exchange capacity: See ion-exchange capacity.
Excluded volume: See interstitial volume.
Exclusion chromatography: See ion exclusion
chromatography and steric exclusion
Exclusion limit: The upper limit of molecular weight (or
size) beyond which molecules will be eluted at the same
retention volume, called the exclusion volume. Many
SEC packings are known by their exclusion limit. For
example, a 105 column of porous silica gel will exclude any
compounds with a molecular weight greater than 100,000,
based on a polystyrene calibration standard.
Exclusion volume (V
, V
): The minimum retention
volume of a molecule on an SEC packing in which all
molecules larger than the size of the largest pore are
totally excluded. These molecules are incapable of
penetrating the pores and are eluted at the interstitial
(interparticle) volume of the column.
Exponentially modied Gaussian peak: An
asymmetric peak resulting from passing a Gaussian peak
through a detector that is excessively slow or has an
excessive volume. Frequently used to model peak tailing
arising from the column per se. The basis for the Foley-
Dorsey equations. See also Foley-Dorsey equation.
Extracolumn effects: The total band broadening effects
of all parts of the chromatographic system outside of the
column itself. Extracolumn effects must be minimized
to maintain the efciency of a column. Sources of band
broadening can include the injector design, injection
volume, connecting tubing, endttings, frits, detector cell
volume, and internal detector tubing. The variances of all
of these contributions are additive.
Extracolumn volume: The volume between the effective
injection point and the effective detection point, excluding
the part of the column containing the stationary phase.
It comprises the volumes of the injector, connecting lines
and frits, and the detector. It determines the extracolumn
F: See ow rate.
F: See ow resistance parameter.
Fast LC: Use of HPLC of short columns (1.5-7 cm) with
conventional inner diameters (2-6 mm) packed with small
particles (3- or 5-m d
). Separation times in the range of
minutes, or even seconds, are common.
Fast protein LC (FPLC): A termed coined to cover the
specic use of HPLC for separating proteins. Generally,
glass columns, moderate pressure, and spherical
microbeads are used for FPLC.
Flow rate (F): The volumetric rate of ow of a mobile
phase through an LC column. Typical ow rates are 1-2
mL/min for a conventional 4.6-mm id HPLC column.
Flow resistance parameter (F): F = d
, where B

is permeability. See also permeability.
Fluoro phase: One of a family of aliphatic and aromatic
reversed-phase materials in which a substantial fraction of
the bonded phase is uorinated. Sometimes called uorous
phases or per-uoro phases. Typically these phases have
different selectivities than hydrocarbon phases.
Foley-Dorsey equation: A correction of the plate count
and retention time for peak tailing from extracolumn
sources of broadening. See reference 3.
FPLC: See fast protein LC.
Fractionation range: Refers to the operating range of
a gel or packing in SEC. This range is where a packing
can separate molecules based on their size. At one end
of the range, molecules that are too large to diffuse into
the pores are excluded. At the other end of the range,
molecules that can diffuse into all of the pores totally
permeate the packing and are eluted (unseparated) at the
permeation volume.
Frit: The porous element at either end of a column that
contains the column packing. It is placed at the very ends
of the column tube or, more commonly, in the endtting.
Frits can be stainless steel or other inert metal or plastic
such as porous PTFE or polypropylene. The frit porosity
must be less than the smallest particle in the HPLC column;
otherwise particles will pass through the frit, and the
packing will be lost.
Frontal analysis: A chromatographic technique that
involves continuous addition of sample to the column with
the result that only the least sorbed compound, which
moves at the fastest rate, is obtained in a pure state. The
second-least sorbed compound is eluted with the rst-
eluted compound, the third-least sorbed compound with
the rst and second compound and so on until the original
sample is eluted at the column exit. Frontal analysis is
seldom used and is mainly a preparative technique.
Frontal chromatography: Same as frontal analysis.
Fronting: Peak shape in which the front part of the peak
(before the apex) in a chromatogram tapers in advance of
the remainder of the peak; that is, the front is less steep
than the rear. The peak has an asymmetric distribution
with a leading edge. The asymmetry factor for a fronting
peak has a value of less than one. Tailing is the opposite
effect. Fronting can result at high sample loads because
of positive curvature in the isotherm and from using poorly
packed columns.
g: The obstruction or tortuosity factor. Molecular diffusing
term. See also tortuosity.
Gaussian curve: A standard error curve, based on a
mathematical function, that is a symmetrical, bell-shaped
band or peak. Most chromatographic theory assumes
a Gaussian peak. Using the peak maximum position as
a measure of retention and the efciency equations
mentioned above assume Gaussian peak shape. See
Figure 63, p. 116.
Gaussian peak: A peak whose shape conforms closely to
the equation: C = C
exp[-(t - t
Gel: The solid packing used in gel chromatography or gel
permeation chromatography (GPC). An actual gel consists
of two parts: the dispersed medium (solid portion) and
the dispersing medium (the solvent). Also dened as a
colloidal dispersion of a solid and liquid in which the solid
is the continuous phase.
Gel ltration chromatography (GFC): Also called
aqueous size exclusion chromatography. Performed with
aqueous mobile phases. Generally refers to molecular size
separation performed on soft gels such as polydextrans,
but analysts also can use highly cross-linked polymers,
silica gels, and other porous media. Most gel ltration
separations involve biopolymers and water-soluble
polymers such as polyacrylic acid.
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC): SEC
performed with organic mobile phases used for the
separation and characterization of polymers. SEC with
aqueous mobile phases is called aqueous GPC, GFC, or
aqueous SEC.
GFC: See gel ltration chromatography.
Gigapores: See perfusion chromatography.
GPC: See gel permeation chromatography.
Gradient: A process to change solvent strength as a
function of time (normally solvent strength increases)
thereby eluting progressively more highly retained
analytes. Typically gradients can be binary, ternary, and
quaternary solvent mixtures in which solvents are blended
to achieve the proper strength.
Gradient delay volume: See dwell volume.
Gradient elution: Technique for decreasing separation
time by increasing the mobile phase strength over time
during the chromatographic separation. Also known
as solvent programming. Gradients can be continuous
or stepwise. Binary, ternary, and quaternary solvent
gradients have been used routinely in HPLC.
Graphitized carbon: Graphitized carbon is a graphitic
carbon with more or less perfect three-dimensional
hexagonal crystalline order prepared from non-graphitic
carbon by graphitization heat treatment; this packing
material has a strong afnity for polar compounds in
aqueous samples and water miscible organic extracts.
Commonly used in pesticide analysis of food samples.
Graphitized carbon packing: A reversed-phase packing
material consisting of pure graphitic carbon. Possesses
interesting sorbent properties such as preferential
separation of geometric isomers such as o-, m- and
p-aromatics and cis-trans isomers.
Guard column: A small column placed between
the injector and the analytical column. It protects
the analytical column from contamination by sample
particulates and strongly retained species. The guard
column is usually packed with the same material as that
in the analytical column and is often of the same inner
diameter. It is much shorter, costs less, and usually is
discarded when it becomes contaminated. Integrated
guard-analytical column systems are often preferred to
minimize extracolumn effects caused by connecting tubing
with separate guard and analytical columns.
h: Reduced plate height. Dened as HETP/d
, where HETP
is the height equivalent to a theoretical plate and d
is the
particle diameter. See also reduced plate height.
H: Same as HETP. See also efciency.
h: See viscosity.
Head pressure (Dp): The difference in pressure between
the inlet and outlet of a column measured in pounds per
square inch. Governed by the following approximate
equation for a column packed with spherical particles of
typical internal porosity (0.5):Dp = 3000Lh/t
, where
L is the column length in centimeters, h is the mobile
phase viscosity in centipoise, t
the column holdup time
in minutes, and d
is the particle diameter in micrometers.
Pressure can be expressed in pounds per square inch,
bars, atmospheres, or pascals.
Heart cutting: Refers to collection of the center of the
peak at which purity should be maximum in preparative
LC. The term also is used in column switching.
: See effective plate height.
Helium sparging: See degassing. Helium has a very low
solubility in most common liquids.
HETP: Height equivalent to a theoretical plate. A carryover
from distillation theory; a measure of column efciency;
HETP = L/N, where L is column length and N is the number
of theoretical plates. HETP should be approximately 2-3 d

for 5 m particles with a typical well-packed HPLC column,
HETP (or H) values usually are in the range of 0.01-0.03
mm. See also efciency and h.
High performance CE: A technique in which small-
diameter capillaries, buffered conducting solutions,
and high voltages (as much as 30,000 V) separate ionic
molecules based on their differential electrophoretic
mobilities. Nonionic (neutral) molecules can be separated
by MEKC.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC):
The modern, fully instrumental form of liquid-phase
chromatography technique that uses small particles and
high pressures. Sometimes called high-pressure LC.
High pressure mixing: A conguration of a gradient
HPLC system where the solvents are mixed on the high
pressure side of multiple pumps (usually 2, binary); such
a system offers a lower gradient delay volume than low
pressure mixing systems where the solvents are mixed by
proportioning valves prior to a single pump.
Holdup volume (V
): The total volume of mobile
phase in the column regardless of where it exists; V
+ V
, where V
is the interstitial volume and Vi is the
intraparticle volume. Also called the column void volume.
IUPAC indicates that use of the term dead volume should
be eliminated for this concept. The use of dead volume
is limited to regions not swept by the owing mobile
phase system. Holdup volume is measured by injecting
an unretained species that ts in all the pores. See also
interstitial porosity and intraparticle porosity.
HPLC: See high performance liquid chromatography.
Hybrid silica: Silica gel comprising both organic and
inorganic moieties with hybrid properties of polymeric
packings and silica packings. Synthesized from silanes
containing organic functionality. Different selectivity but
better high pH stability than bare or uncoated silica gel.
Hydrodynamic volume: The molecular volume dened
by the effective diameter of a molecule in free solution at
which the hydrodynamic sphere would be a sphere dened
by the molecule as it revolves around its central axis in
solution. Term used in SEC to dene molecular shape
and to explain why molecules with the same molecular
weight often have different elution volumes. Measured by
determining the Stokes radius.
Hydrophilic: Greek word for water loving. Refers to
stationary phases that are fully compatible with water
and to water-soluble molecules in general. Many columns
used to separate proteins - such as ion-exchange, SEC,
and afnity columns - are hydrophilic in nature and should
not irreversibly sorb or denature protein in an aqueous
Hydrophilic interaction chromatography: An
alternative technique to reversed-phase HPLC (RPC)
for the separation of highly polar analytes that may
be only slightly retained by RPC, HILIC requires a high
percentage of a non-polar mobile phase and a polar
stationary phase, similar to the requirements in normal
phase chromatography (NPC). However, unlike NPC
which uses non-polar solvents such as hexane and
methylene chloride and tries to exclude water from
the mobile phase, HILIC requires some water in the
mobile phase to maintain a stagnant enriched water
layer on the surface into which analytes may selectively
partition. In addition, water-miscible organic solvents
are used instead of the water-immiscible solvents used
in NPC. With HILIC, sorbents such as bare silica, bonded
diol, and polyhdroxyethylaspartamide are used. Polar
analytes are well retained and elute in order of increasing
hydrophilicity, just the inverse of RPLC.
Hydrophobic: Greek word for water fearing. Refers to
stationary phases that are incompatible with water or
to molecules that in general have little afnity for water.
Hydrophobic molecules have few polar functional groups.
Most have a high content of hydrocarbon (aliphatic and
aromatic) functionality.
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography: A
technique in which weakly polar (non-hydrocarboneous)
packings are used to separate molecules by the
interactions of their hydrophobic moieties and the
hydrophobic sites on their packing surface. High
concentrations of salt solutions are used in the mobile
phases, and separations are generated by changing
the salt concentration. The technique is analogous to
salting out molecules from solution. Gradients are run
by decreasing the salt concentration. The technique
often is used to separate proteins that are sensitive to
denaturization by the organic solvents used in regular
reversed-phase chromatography. Usually little or no
organic solvent is used in the mobile phase in hydrophobic
interaction chromatography.
Hydroxyapatite: A porous calcium hydroxy phosphate
solid that chemically resembles bone and tooth. Used as
a packing material in biochromatography for nucleic acid
constituents, monoclonal antibodies, and proteins.
Hyphenated techniques: Refers to the family of
techniques best known by their acronyms, including
LC-mass spectrometry (MS), LC-Fourier transform
IR spectroscopy (FTIR), and LC-MS-MS. See also
multidimensional chromatography.
IC: See ion chromatography.
Immobilized metal-afnity chromatography: See
metal-afnity chromatography.
Immunoafnity chromatography: A specic form of
separation where an antibody is bonded or immobilized
onto the surface of an HPLC support material. Based on
a molecular recognition mechanism, analytes that are
specically targeted by the antibody can be selectively
retained via antibody-antigen interactions from a complex
mixture. After interferences are washed away, retained
analytes can be released by changing the mobile phase
conditions such that the strong binding is disrupted.
Imprinted phases: Polymer and silica phases generated
in the presence of a template or printing molecule. These
phases have enhanced selectivity for the templating
Included volume: Also known as totally included volume.
The volume at which a small molecule that explores the
entire pore space of a column is eluted. See also size
exclusion chromatography.
Indirect detection: Used for non-UV-absorbing or
non-uorescing analytes. A UV-absorbing or uorescent
compound added to the mobile-phase maintains a high
background signal; when a non-absorbing or non-
uorescing analyte is eluted, the background is diluted
and a negative peak is observed for that analyte. When an
analyte acts to increase the concentration of the indicating
species, it produces a positive peak. When a negative
signal is detected, the detector signals are reversed to the
output device.
Innite diameter column effect: At a certain column
length, a sample injected into the center of a packed bed
spreads by radial diffusion but never reaches the column
wall, where wall effects can cause band broadening.
Phenomenon observed by John Knox, who showed
that a sample peak collected in the exact center of the
column exit displayed a higher efciency than a sample
peak collected near the wall. The innite diameter effect
depends on column length, internal diameter, particle size,
and mobile phase properties. Very seldom applied in HPLC.
Injection solvent: Solvent used to inject sample into an
HPLC column; solvent should be of equal or lower strength
than the mobile phase to prevent premature movement
down the column due to the presence of a stronger
Inlet: The initial part of the column where the solvent
and sample enter. An inlet frit usually holds the packing in
place and, in some cases, protects the packed bed.
Inlet/outlet check valves: The check valve(s) on an LC
pump that allow(s) mobile phase to ow in one direction
but not in the reverse direction. The inlet check valve
allows ow from the reservoir into the pump and the outlet
check valve allows mobile phase to ow to the column
from the pump.
Inlet lter: Filtration devices attached to the inlet lines of
the pump that removes particulate matter from the mobile
phase before the solvent reaches the pump; reservoir
lters are an inlet lter that resides in the solvent bottle.
Inline lter: A device that prevents particulate matter
from damaging the column. Modern low-volume, inline
lters can be placed between the injector and the column
without major contributions to band broadening. A lter in
this position prevents sample particles from entering the
packed bed or column inlet frit.
Interparticle porosity (e
): The interparticle volume of a
packed column per unit column volume; e
= V
, where
is the interstitial volume and Vc is the total column
volume. See also interstitial porosity.
Interparticle volume (V
): The volume of mobile phase
located outside the particles.
Interstitial porosity (e
): The fraction of the volume in
the column located in the interparticle (interstitial) space;
= V
Interstitial velocity (u
): The actual velocity of the
eluent as it moves through the column owing around the
particles; u
= F/A
. The interstitial velocity is the basis
for computing the reduced velocity.
Interstitial volume (V
): The volume between the
particles. It does not include the volume in the pores of the
particles. Also called the excluded volume (see SEC) and
interparticle volume. Measured by injecting a molecule
that does not permeate any pores and does not interact
with the surface of the particles. In SEC, this volume is
denoted V
Intraparticle porosity (e
): The fraction of the particle
volume that is the pore volume; e
= V
Intraparticle volume (V
): The volume inside the pores
of the particles. Also called the internal and included
volume. Can be measured by the BET method or mercury-
intrusion porosimetry.
Ion chromatography (IC): An ion-exchange technique in
which low concentrations of organic and inorganic anions
or cations are determined using ion-exchangers of low
ion-exchange capacity with dilute buffers. Conductivity
detectors often are used. IC is practiced in two forms: in
suppressed IC, a second column or a membrane separator
is used to remove the buffer counter ion from the analyte
and simultaneously replace it with a hydrogen or hydroxide
ion that concomitantly converts the buffer to an uncharged
species thereby suppressing background and enhancing
sensitivity. In non-suppressed IC, low concentration,
weakly conducting buffers are carefully selected, the
entire efuent is passed through the detector, and ions are
detected above the background signal.
Ion-exchange capacity: The number of ionic sites on
the packing that can participate in the exchange process.
The exchange capacity is expressed in milliequivalents
(mequiv) per gram. A typical styrene-divinylbenzene
strong anion-exchange resin may have 3-5 mequiv/g
capacity. Exchangers for IC have very low capacity.
Capacity of weak anion and cation-exchangers varies
dramatically with pH.
Ion-exchange chromatography: A mode of
chromatography in which ionic substances are separated
on cationic or anionic sites of the packing. The sample
ion, usually with a counter ion, will exchange with ions
already on the ionogenic group of the packing. Retention
is based on the afnity of different ions for the site and
other solution parameters such as pH, ionic strength, and
counter ion type. Ion chromatography basically is an ion-
exchange technique.
Ion exclusion: The process in which ionized solutes
can be separated from un-ionized or partially ionized
solutes using ion-exchange resins. Separation results from
Donnan potential in which ionic solutes exist at a higher
concentration in solution than in the stationary phase,
whereas non-ionic solutes are evenly distributed between
the mobile phase and resin. Therefore, ionic solutes will
move faster down the column than nonionic solutes. Ion
exclusion occurs in reversed-phase chromatography when
anions are separated at pH values at which the silanol
groups are ionized.
Ionic strength: Ionic strength is a characteristic of
an electrolyte solution. It is typically expressed as the
average electrostatic interactions among an electrolytes
ions. It is related to electrolyte concentration but the
main difference between ionic strength and electrolyte
concentration is that the former is higher if some of the
ions are more highly charged. The higher the ionic strength
of a mobile phase the more the mobile phase competes
with the analyte for ionic or adsorptive sites.
Ion-moderated partitioning chromatography: A
technique used for separating carbohydrates using strong
cation-exchange packings that are in specic cationic form
(for example, calcium, hydrogen, silver). The separation
mechanism is complexation rather than ion-exchange.
Ion-pair chromatography: Form of chromatography
in which ions in solution can be paired or neutralized and
separated as an ion pair on a reversed-phase column. Ion-
pairing agents usually are ionic compounds that contain a
hydrocarbon chain, which imparts a certain hydrophobicity
so that the ion pair can be retained on a reversed-phase
column. Retention is proportional to the length of the
hydrophobic chain and the concentration of the ion-pair
additive. Ion pairing also can occur in normal phase
chromatography when one part of the pair is dynamically
loaded onto a sorbent, but this technique is not as popular
as reversed-phase chromatography. Also known as
ion-interaction chromatography or dynamic ion-exchange
chromatography, which stresses that users sometimes
do not know the precise mechanistic details of how the
additive controls retention.
Ion retardation: Refers to using amphoteric ion-
exchange resins, which retard ionic molecules and allow
non-ionic molecules or nonelectrolytes to be eluted
Ion suppression: Buffering in an aqueous mobile phase
at a particular pH to suppress solute ionization. For
example, weak carboxylic acids can have their ionization
suppressed by the adjustment of the pH below their pK

value. Useful for improving peak shape of weak acids and
bases in reversed-phase chromatography.
Irregular packing: Refers to the shape of a
column packing. Irregular packings are available in
microparticulate sizes. The packings are obtained from
grinding solid materials into small particles and sizing
them into narrow fractions using classication machinery.
Spherical packings are used more often than irregular
packings in analytical HPLC, but the less-expensive,
irregular packings are still widely used in preparative-scale
Irreversible adsorption: When a compound with a very
strong afnity for an adsorbent is injected onto a column, it
can be adsorbed so strongly that it cannot be eluted from
the column. A chemical reaction between the sample and
the surface of the adsorbent is an example of irreversible
adsorption. See also chemisorption.
Isocratic: Using a time invariant-eluent composition in
Isotherm: See adsorption isotherm.
Isothermal chromatography: Using conditions of
constant temperature. The vast preponderance of all LC is
performed under isothermal conditions.
k: See Retention Factor.
k: An old term that has been replaced by the IUPAC-
approved term, retention factor (k).
K: See partition coefcient.
: See selectivity coefcient.
: See distribution constant (coefcient).
Kieselguhr: A diatomaceous earth used in column
chromatography and also as a sample clean-up media.
Only weakly adsorptive, it can be used as a support in
liquid-liquid chromatography. Rarely used in HPLC.
Kinetic Plot: Kinetic plots are methods to characterize the
practical limits of column performance, where theoretical
plates (H) and separation impedance (E) are plotted as a
function of the pressure-drop limited plate number (N). The
kinetic plot retains the information shown in van Deemter
plots but completes it with the information on the bed
permeability. See Poppe Plot.
Knox equation: A modication of the van Deemter
equation developed by John Knox in which the A term that
represents eddy dispersion multiplied by u1/3, where u is
the interstitial eluent velocity. Usually written in terms of
the dimensionless or reduced plate height (h) and reduced
velocity (v) as h = Av 1/3 + B/v + Cv. See also van
Deemter equation.
L: See column length.
Laminar ow: The smooth time invariant ow that
develops when a liquid is moving under conditions in
which viscous forces dominate inertial forces. Laminar
ow is characterized by a low Reynolds number (see
Reynolds number). In a cylindrical tube, uid streams
in the center ow faster than those at the tube wall,
which results in a radially parabolic distribution in axial
uid velocity. This non-uniformity of axial velocities in the
interstices in a packed bed also causes substantial peak
broadening in packed columns.
Langmuir isotherm: A specic form of an isotherm; C
= N
+ C
), where C
and C
are the equilibrium
stationary and mobile-phase concentrations of the solute,
the total number of surface sites available for sorption,
and Kd the sorption binding constant.
LC: See liquid chromatography.
Ligand: In ligand exchange chromatography, it refers
to the analyte that undergoes ligand exchange with the
stationary phase. In afnity chromatography, it refers to
the biospecic material - enzyme, antigen, or hormone
- coupled with the support (carrier) to form the afnity
column. In bonded-phase chromatography, it refers to the
moiety covalently bound to the surface.
Ligand exchange chromatography: A technique in
which chelating ligands are added to the mobile phase and
undergo sorption onto a packing. These sorbed molecules
can act as chelating agents with certain solutes. For
example, copper salt can be added to the mobile phase
for the chelation and separation of amino acids. Chelating
resins function in a similar manner: chelating groups are
chemically bonded to the polystyrene backbone.
Linear elution adsorption chromatography: Refers to
adsorption chromatography performed in the linear portion
of an adsorption isotherm. A term coined by Lloyd Snyder.
Linear velocity (u): The velocity of the mobile phase
moving through the column. Expressed in centimeters per
second. Related to ow rate by the cross-sectional area
of the column. Determined by dividing the column length
(L) by the retention time of an unretained compound. See
also void time.
Liquid chromatography (LC): A separation technique in
which the mobile phase is a liquid. Most often performed
in a column.
Liquid-liquid chromatography: One of the earliest
separation modes of HPLC; it gave way to chemically
bonded phases in the early 1970s. Same as partition
Liquid-solid chromatography: Same as adsorption
Loadability: The maximum amount of analyte that can be
injected onto a column that no longer permits the isolation
of product at the desired level of purity or recovery level;
important in preparative chromatography
Loading (phase loading versus sample loading):
The amount of stationary phase coated or bonded onto a
solid support. In liquid-liquid chromatography, the amount
of liquid phase in milligrams of per gram of packing. In
bonded-phase chromatography, the loading may be
expressed in micromoles per square meter or percentage
carbon (w/w). Also called coverage or surface coverage.
An alternate and unrelated meaning is the amount of
sample mass injected on an analytical or preparative scale
column; preparative-scale columns often are operated in
an overloaded condition for throughput reasons.
log k
: The extrapolated intercept of a plot of log k versus
volume fraction of organic modier in reversed-phase LC.
See also S.
Longitudinal diffusion: Same as molecular diffusion
term. B term in van Deemter equation. See also van
Deemter equation.
Low pressure mixing: See high pressure mixing.
: See electrophoretic mobility.
Macroporous resin (macroreticular): Cross-linked
ion-exchange resins that have molecular-scale micropores
and also macropores of several hundred angstroms. These
highly porous resins have large internal surface areas that
are accessible to large molecules.
Mass transfer (interphase): The process of solute
movement between the moving and stationary zones.
The C term of the van Deemter equation is called the
interphase mass transfer term. The faster the mass
transfer process, the better the column efciency. In HPLC,
slow mass transfer is the most important factor affecting
column efciency. Its rate can be increased by using
small particle packings, thin stationary-phase layers, low
viscosity mobile phases, and high temperatures.
Mean pore diameter: The average diameter of the pore
of a porous packing. It most commonly is determined by
the BET method and is reported as fourfold the specic
pore volume divided by the specic surface area (4V/A)
based on the assumption of uniform cylindrical pores.
The pore diameter is important in that it must allow free
diffusion of solute molecules into and out of the pore so
that the solute can interact with the stationary phase.
Additionally, the pores must be well-connected, with
a minimum of dead ends, so many paths can allow a
molecule to access any part of the pore space. In SEC,
the packings have different pore diameters; therefore,
molecules of different sizes can be separated. For a typical
substrate such as silica gel, 60- and 100 pore diameters
are most popular. Pore diameters greater than 300 are
used for the separation of biomolecules. Pores usually are
classied as micro (<20), meso (20-500), and macro
MECC: See micellar electrokinetic capillary
Megapores: See perfusion chromatography.
MEKC: See micellar electrokinetic capillary
Metal-afnity chromatography: A special form
of ligand exchange chromatography used to separate
biopolymers with a particular afnity for a specic metal
cation, typically copper(II), zinc(II), and iron(II).
Metalophile: A compound that has high afnity for active
acidic silanol groups on the surface of silicas. Usually a
strongly basic amine or multifunctional carboxylate or
Method development: A process for optimizing the
separation, including the sample pretreatment, to obtain a
reproducible and robust separation. Usually, it emphasizes
the search for the stationary phase, eluent, and column
temperature combination that provides an adequate, if not
optimum, separation.
Method validation: A process of testing a method to
show that it performs to the desired limits of precision and
accuracy in retention, resolution, and quantitation of the
sample components of interest.
Micellar chromatography: Adding micelles to the
mobile phase to cause separation. The micelles may
act as displacing or partitioning agents and provide
another parameter to change selectivity. Surfactants
at concentrations greater than their critical micelle
concentration are used in micellar chromatography and
in MEKC.
Micro-LC: Refers collectively to techniques in which a
column of smaller than conventional inner diameter is used
for separation. The term micro-LC most often is used for
HPLC in columns with inner diameters smaller than 0.5
mm; micro-LC is used in high-sensitivity analysis when
the sample amount is limited and with certain ionization
techniques in LC-MS in which the volume of solvent
owing into the ionization source must be minimized.
Microbore: Refers to the use of smaller-than-usual inner
diameter columns in HPLC. Columns of 2 mm and less are
considered to be microbore sizes. Inner diameters of 0.5
mm and smaller are considered micro-LC columns.
Microchip devices: Microdevices based on silicon,
glass, and other types of microfabricated chips in
which experiments can be miniaturized into single or
multichannel microuidic circuits. These devices can
be used for CE and CEC. They should be low cost and
disposable. Using microdevices for separation currently is
in its infancy, and applications should expand with time.
Microparticulate: Refers to the small particles used
in HPLC. Generally packings with a particle diameter of
less than 10 mm that are totally porous are considered
Microporous resin: Same as microreticular resin.
Microreticular resin: Cross-linked, synthetic ion-
exchange resins that have pores with openings that
correspond to molecular sizes. Diffusion into the narrow
pores can be impaired, and low exchange rates and poor
performance can occur, especially for large molecules.
Migration rate: See electrophoretic mobility.
Migration time (t
): The time it takes for a charged
molecule to move from the point of injection to the point of
detection in a CE capillary. Distinct from holdup time (t
Minimum plate height: The minimum of the van
Deemter curve that results from a plot of H versus v. This
value represents the most theoretical plates that can be
obtained for a certain column and mobile phase system.
Usually occurs at excessively low ow rates. Also known
as the optimum plate height. It typically is two- to threefold
the particle diameter of well-packed columns.
Mixed-bed column: Combination of two or more
stationary phases in the same column, used most often in
IEC (mixed anion and cation resins) and SEC (mixture of
different pore size packings). Its advantage in IEC is the
total removal of both cationic and anionic compounds.
Useful in SEC because a wider molecular weight range can
be accommodated by the same column.
Mixed-mode separation: A separation that occurs in
a single column caused by the retention and selectivity
provided by a dual-retention mechanism. For example,
a reversed-phase column with residual silanols at
intermediate-to-high pH values can separate by
hydrophobic interaction and ionic interaction by the ionized
silanols. Sometimes mixed-mode separations can be
quite benecial to the selectivity (band spacing), but they
can cause peak asymmetry, and the precise balance of
interactions may be difcult to reproduce with subsequent
packing batches.
Mobile phase: The solvent that moves the solute through
the column. In LC, the mobile phase interacts with both the
solute and the stationary phase and, therefore, can have a
powerful inuence on the separation.
Mobile phase strength: See solvent strength.
Mobile phase velocity (u
): The velocity at which the
mobile phase percolates through the bed of particles; u
, where L is column length and t
is holdup time. See
also adjusted retention volume, holdup volume, and
dead volume.
Mobility: See electrophoretic mobility.
Modier: An additive that changes the character of the
mobile phase. For example, methanol is the strong solvent
in reversed-phase and sometimes is called the modier
(water is the weak solvent); sometimes other additives
- competing bases such as triethylamine or ion-pairing
reagents - are referred to as modiers, but they more
correctly should be called additives. See also additives.
Molecular diffusion term (B term): Refers to the B
term (second term) of the van Deemter equation. Also
called longitudinal or axial diffusion term. It dominates
band broadening only at very low ow rates below the
minimum plate height at which the diffusion of individual
solutes can occur in a longitudinal (lengthwise) direction
on the column. The contribution to the B term arises from
diffusion in the mobile phase and is 2gD
, where g is
the obstruction factor (typically 0.6-0.8) and D
is the
diffusion coefcient. See also van Deemter equation.
Molecular weight distribution: The distribution of
molecular weight of molecules in a polymer sample.
Distribution can be dened as weight average and number
average. Molecularly imprinted phases: See imprinted
Monodisperse particles: Particles that fall into a
narrow range of diameters. See also polydisperse
Monomeric phase: Refers to a bonded phase in which
single molecules are bonded to a support. For silica gel,
monomeric phases are prepared by the reaction of an
alkyl- or aryl- monochloroor or alkoxysilane. Polymeric
phases generally are prepared from a di- or trichlorosilane
or an alkoxysilane reactant in the presence of water.
Moving zone: To be distinguished from the mobile phase,
this zone is the fraction of the mobile phase in the column
that occupies the interstitial spaces. See also stationary
Multidimensional chromatography: The use of two or
more columns or chromatographic techniques to generate
a better separation. It is useful for sample clean-up,
increased resolution, increased throughput, and increased
peak capacity. It can be used ofine by collecting
fractions and reinjecting them onto a second column or
online by using a switching valve. Also called coupled
column chromatography, column switching, multicolumn
chromatography, and boxcar chromatography.
n: See peak capacity.
N: The number of theoretical plates; N = 16(t
where t
is retention time and w
is the base width of the
peak. A measure of the efciency of a column. Sometimes
measured as N = 5.54(t
, where w
(or w
1 2
) is
the peak width at half height. See also efciency and
theoretical plate.
n: See reduced velocity.
NanoLC: LC practiced with columns less than 100
m in internal diameter; usually requires specialized
instrumentation; often used in proteomic studies where
sample is limited and sensitivity is required.
Narrow-bore column: Columns of less than 2 mm id
used in HPLC. Also called microbore.
: See effective theoretical plates.
Noise: See baseline noise.
Non-aqueous reversed-phase chromatography:
Refers to reversed-phase chromatography performed
without water as a component of the eluent on a reversed-
phase packing. Used for very non-polar compounds that
cannot be eluted or are difcult to elute from a reversed-
phase column with 100% methanol or acetonitrile. In
these cases, solvent A should be acetonitrile, and solvent
B should be a stronger solvent such as tetrahydrofuran.
Reversed-phase rules apply to non-aqueous reversed-
phase chromatography; that is, the more non-polar the
analyte, the greater the retention.
Non-Polar: A non-polar molecule is one that the
electrons are distributed more symmetrically and thus
does not have an abundance of charges at the opposite
sides. The charges all cancel out each other. Non-polar
compounds, solvents or bonded phases readily dissolve in
organic solvents, such as hexane, or prefer such solvents
in place of water. Non-polar substances do not readily
dissolve in water.
Nonporous packing: Particles similar to porous-layer
bead but with particle diameters in the sub-5 m range;
particles often are in the sub-2 m d
range. Used for
high-speed separations in short columns. Common column
abbreviations include NPS, which refers to nonporous
silica; NPR, which refers to nonporous resins; and NPZ,
which refers to nonporous zirconia.
Nonporous particle: Refers to a solid particle used as
a support for a porous coated or bonded phase; pellicular
particles are nonporous particles of large particle diameter
(~40 m). Nonporous silicas and resins with small particle
diameters of less than 3 m usually are microbeads with
thin porous outer coatings of silica gel, bonded silica gel,
or polymeric phase.
Normal phase chromatography: A mode of
chromatography performed when the stationary phase
is more polar than the mobile phase. A typical normal
phase system would be adsorption chromatography on
silica gel or alumina using mixtures of less polar eluents
such as hexane-diethethyl ether as a mobile phase.
Also refers to the use of polar bonded phases such as
cyano and alumina. Sometimes called straight-phase
Octadecylsilane: The most popular reversed-phase
in HPLC. Octadecylsilane phases are bonded to silica
or polymeric packings. Both monomeric and polymeric
phases are available. Abbreviated in column names as C18
and ODS.
Octylsilane: A popular stationary phase in reversed-
phase chromatography. Usually provides slightly less
retention than the more popular C18. Both monomeric and
polymeric phases are available. Abbreviated in column
names as C8.
ODS: See octadecylsilane.
On-column detection: The column itself serves as the
ow cell in HPLC or CE-CEC. Generally, the term used with
fused-silica capillary applications. Outer polyimide layer is
removed, an optical beam is directed through the capillary,
and a measuring device such as a photomultiplier tube is
located on the opposite side of the capillary.
Online preconcentration: A precolumn is placed in front
of the separation column to concentrate analytes before
their separation. Different mechanisms - hydrophobic
interaction, adsorption, or enzymatic reaction - may
be used to retain analyte as a function of time. Then
concentrated analytes are transferred to the separation
column by a displacement process such as solvent elution
or pH change.
Open tubular columns: Small inner diameter columns
(less than 100 m) currently being investigated for use in
HPLC, supercritical uid chromatography (SFC), and CE.
Stationary phases can be bonded on the internal walls of
these small columns. The most frequently used column
material is fused-silica tubing. Used very little in routine
HPLC or SFC but frequently in CE.
Optically active resin: Incorporation of optically active
groups into an ion-exchange resin to allow separation of
optically active isomers. Few commercially available resins
for HPLC applications.
Organic modier: Water-miscible organic solvent
added to an aqueous mobile phase to obtain separations
in reversed-phase HPLC. Common organic modiers are
acetonitrile, methanol, isopropanol, and tetrahydrofuran.
Orthogonality: Of two separation dimensions, such that
the elution times in the two dimensions can be treated
as statistically independent. Ideally, the two dimensions
should have totally different retention mechanisms (e.g.
reversed-phase and normal phase; ion-exchange and
Outlet Check Valve: See Check Valve
Overload: In preparative chromatography the overload
is dened as the sample mass injected onto the column
at which efciency and resolution begins to be effected
if the sample size is increased further. See also sample
Dp: See head pressure.
Pa: See pascal.
Packing: The adsorbent, gel, or solid support used in an
HPLC column. Most modern analytical HPLC packings
are less than 10 m in average diameter, and 5 m is the
current favorite.
Paired-ion chromatography: Same as ion-pair
Particle size (d
): The average particle size of the
packing in the LC column. A 5 m d
column would
be packed with particles with a denite particle-size
distribution because packings are never monodisperse.
See also monodisperse particles, particle size
distribution, and polydisperse particles.
Particle size distribution: A measure of the distribution
of the particles used to pack the LC column. In HPLC, a
narrow particle size distribution is desirable. A particle
size distribution of d
10% would mean that 90% of the
particles fall between 9 and 11 m for an average 10 m
dp packing.
Particulates: Generally refers to a small particle found in
the mobile phase that can cause backpressure problems
by lodging in frits; it can also refer to the small particles
packed into HPLC columns
Partition chromatography: Separation process in
which one of two liquid phases is held stationary on a solid
sup-port (stationary phase) while the other is allowed
to ow freely down the column (mobile phase). Solutes
partition them-selves between the two phases based
on their individual partition coefcients. Liquid-liquid
chromatography is an example; modern bonded-phase
chromatography can be considered to be a form of
partition chromatography in which one of the liquid phases
is actually bonded to the solid support. Mechanistically
partition chromatography implies that the solute becomes
at least partially embedded within the stationary phase,
which is impregnated, coated, or bonded to the substrate.
In contrast to an adsorption process in which the solute
does not penetrate into the retentive surface or interphase.
Partition coefcient (K): The ratio of the equilibrium
concentration of solute in the stationary phase relative
to the equilibrium concentration of solute in the mobile
phase. Also called distribution coefcient, K
, and
distribution constant (K
Pascal (Pa): A unit of pressure. 1 MPa is approximately
10 bar (atm) or 150 psi.
Peak: The prole of an analyte compound as it elutes from
a column through a detector; usually depicted on a visual
output on a recorder or printer based on the detectors
electrical response.
Peak area: The area measured under a chromatographic
peak; usually measured by an integrator or data system;
the peak area is related to the amount of substance eluted
in a peak.
Peak capacity (n): The number of equally well-resolved
peaks (n) that can be t in a chromatogram between the
holdup volume and some upper limit in retention. For R = 1,
n is given by the approximation 1 + 0.25[(N)1/2 ln(1 + k
where R is the resolution, N is the number of theoretical
plates, and k
is the retention factor for peak n.
Peak dispersion: See band broadening.
Peak doublet: A split peak generally caused by a column
void. Could be closely eluted compounds.
Peak height: The height of a chromatographic peak as
measured from the baseline to the peak apex; the peak
height is related to the amount of substance eluted in a
Peak shape: Describes the prole of a chromatography
peak. Theory assumes a Gaussian peak shape (perfectly
symmetrical). Peak asymmetry factor describes shape as
a ratio. See Figures 62 and 63, p. 115 and 116. See also
Peak tracking: A way of matching peaks that contain
the same compound between different experimental
runs during method development. Relies upon detection
parameters of each pure analyte. Diode array detectors
and mass spectrometers are among the best detectors for
peak tracking because of their specicity.
Peak variance (s
): The second central moment of the
peak about the retention time. For a Gaussian peak, the
variance is the fundamental parameter controlling peak
width. See Figure 63, p. 116. See also Gaussian peak.
Peak volume: The total volume occupied by a
chromatographic peak as it passes through the detector;
= F x W
. See Figure 63, p. 116.
Peak width (W
): Same as bandwidth. See Figure 63,
p. 116.
Pellicular packing: See porous-layer bead.
Percent B solvent (% B solvent): Refers to the stronger
solvent in a binary solvent mixture. % A solvent would be
the weaker solvent analog.
Perfusion chromatography: Refers to chromatography
performed using particles with very large pores (4000-
8000) called throughpores (megapores or gigapores).
Eluent ows between the large pores and through the
particles 300-1000 interconnecting pores, called
diffusive pores. Best suited for the preparative separation
of macromolecules.
Permeability (B
): Also called column permeability and
specic permeability. A term expressing the resistance
of the packed column to the ow of mobile phase. For
a packed column, B
] 5 d
/1000. A
column with high permeability gives a low pressure drop.
Permeation: Refers to the SEC process in which a solute
can enter a mobile-phase-lled pore of the packing.
Phase ratio (b): The relative amount of stationary to
mobile phase in the column. In partition chromatography,
b = V
, where V
and V
are the volume, of stationary
and mobile phase in the column, respectively. The
retention factor is the product of the phase ratio and the
partition coefcient.
Phenyl phase: A popular non-polar bonded phase
prepared by the reaction of dimethylphenylchloro- or
alkoxysilane with silica gel. Reportedly has afnity for
aromatic-containing compounds and does impart a
different selectivity compared with alkyl-bonded phases.
Pirkle column: Chiral, brush-type stationary phases
based on 3,5-dinitrobenzoylphenylglycine silica used in the
separation of a wide variety of enantiomers. Named after
its developer, William Pirkle of the University of Illinois.
Planar chromatography: A separation technique
in which the stationary phase is present as or on a
plane (IUPAC). Typical forms are paper and thin-layer
Plate height (H): See HETP.
Plate number: See column plate number.
Plate or plate number: Refers to theoretical plates in a
packed column (IUPAC). See also theoretical plate.
Polar: Chemical polarity refers to the dipole-dipole
intermolecular forces between the slightly positively-
charged end of one molecule to the negative end of
another or the same molecule. Molecular polarity
is dependent on the difference in electronegativity
between atoms in a compound and the asymmetry of
the compounds structure. For example, water is polar
because of the unequal sharing of its electrons. However,
methane is considered non-polar because the carbon
shares the hydrogen molecules uniformally.
Polyacrylamide gel: Neutral hydrophilic polymeric
packings used in aqueous SEC. Prepared by
the copolymerization of acryl-amide with N,N-
Polydisperse particles: Particles that have a substantial
range of diameters (>10%).
Polyethyleneimine: An anionic polymeric phase used to
coat or bond onto silica or a polymeric packing. Most often
used for separating proteins and peptides.
Polymeric packings: Packings based on polymeric
materials, usually in the form of spherical beads. Typical
polymers used in LC are polystyrene-divinyl-benzene
(PS-DVB), polydivinylbenzene, polyacryl-amide,
polymethylacrylate, polyethylene-oxide, polydextran, and
Polymeric phase: Refers to a chemically bonded phase
in which a polymer species is bonded to silica-based
Polystyrene-divinylbenzene resin (PS-DVB):
The most common base polymer for ion-exchange
chromatography. Ionic groups are incorporated by various
chemical reactions. Neutral PS-DVB beads are used in
reversed-phase chromatography. Porosity and mechanical
stability can be altered by varying the cross-linking
through the DVB content.
Poppe Plot: A kinetic plot named after Prof. Hans
Poppe [J. Chromatogr. A 778, 3 (1997)], University
of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where the plate time
[log (t0/N)] is depicted as a function of the number of
theoretical plates (N) in order to assess the limits of
column performances as a function of particle size, column
pressure drop, etc.
Pore diameter: Same as mean pore diameter.
Pore size: The average size of a pore in a porous packing.
Its value is expressed in angstroms or in nanometers. The
pore size determines whether a molecule can diffuse into
and out of the packing. See also mean pore diameter.
Pore volume: The total volume of the pores in a porous
packing, usually expressed in milliliters per gram. More
appropriately called the specic pore volume. It is
measured by the BET method of nitrogen adsorption or by
mercury intrusion porosimetry in which mercury is pumped
into the pores under high pressure.
Porosity: For a porous substrate, the ratio of the volume
of the pores in a particle to volume occupied by the
particle. The pore volume is a measure of the porosity and
is expressed in milliliters per gram.
Porous-layer bead: A small glass bead coated with a
thin layer of stationary phase. The thin layer can be an
adsorbent, resin, or a phase chemically bonded onto the
adsorbent. These packings were among the rst to be used
in HPLC. They had 20-40 m particle sizes, which were
larger than the microparticulate packings of today, but
were easy to pack and provided adequate efciency. Also
called controlled surface porosity supports and pellicular
Porous particle: Refers to column packing particles that
possess interconnecting pores of specied diameter and
pore volume. For HPLC applications, analysts generally use
porous particles with diameters less than 10 mm. Larger
particles are used in preparative-scale chromatography
because of lower cost and higher column permeability.
Porous polymer: A packing material, generally spherical,
that is based on organic polymers or copolymers. Popular
examples include PS-DVB, polyacrylates, polydextrans,
polyacrylamides, and polybutadienes.
Precolumn: A small column placed between the pump
and the injector. It removes particulate matter that may
be present in the mobile phase, presaturates the mobile
phase with stationary phase or with dissolved substrate
to prevent a loss of stationary phase or dissolution of the
analytical column, and chemically absorbs substances that
might interfere with the separation. Its volume has little
effect on isocratic elution but contributes a delay to the
gradient in gradient elution.
Precolumn Filter: A lter used between the injector and
the column (or guard column) to keep unwanted sample
components from reaching the column; sometimes called
inline lter, occasionally inlet lter.
Preconcentration: See trace enrichment.
Preparative chromatography: Refers to the process
of using LC as a technique for the isolation of a sufcient
amount of material for other experimental or functional
purposes. For pharmaceutical or biotechnological
purications, large columns of several feet in diameter
can be used for multiple grams of material. For isolating a
few micrograms of valuable natural product an analytical
column with a 4.6 mm id can be used. Based on the
intended need of the chromatographer, both size of
columns are preparative chromatographic approaches.
Pressure (pressure drop) (Dp): See head pressure.
Pressure injection: Pressure-induced injection in CE.
Using pressure or vacuum to inject nanoliter-level volumes
of sample into a capillary column. Best for narrow-bore
capillaries that have inner diameters less than 10 m. A
version of hydrostatic injection.
Process-scale chromatography: Refers to the use of
LC at the industrial-scale level outside of laboratories.
Generally requires specially designed columns (usually
with diameters > 5 cm), recoverable solvents, low-cost
packings (larger and irregular-shaped particles), and over-
loaded operating conditions compared with laboratory-
scale HPLC.
Programmed-temperature chromatography: Varying
temperature during a chromatographic run. Seldom used
in LC.
PS-DVB: See polystyrene-divinylbenzene resin.
Pulsating ow: Flow originating from a reciprocating
pump. Normally, the pulses are dampened by a pulse
damper, an electronic pressure feedback circuit, or
an active damper pump head. Detectors such as
electrochemical and refractive index detectors are greatly
affected by ow pulsations.
Quaternary methyl amine: A strong anion-exchange
functionality popular in resin-based packings. Usually
supplied in chloride form.
Quaternary mobile phase: A mobile phase comprising
four solvents or buffers.
Quaternary-solvent mobile phase: A mobile phase
consisting of four separate solvents which allow for ne
tuning mobile phase composition; most often this mobile
phase is delivered by a low-pressure quaternary pump.
r: See relative retention.
Radial compression: Using radial pressure applied to a
exible wall column to reduce wall effects.
Radial diffusion-dispersion: Diffusion-dispersion
across the LC column in a radial direction. If the sample is
injected into the exact center of a column, it will spread
not only in a longitudinal direction as it moves down the
column but also radially, which allows the solute to reach
the wall region where the eluent velocity is different than
in the center of the column.
Re: See Reynolds number.
Recovery: The amount of solute or sample that is eluted
from a column relative to the amount injected. Excellent
recovery is important for good quantitation, preparative
separations, especially biomolecules, and good peak
shape and resolution. Reasons for inadequate recovery
can be solute interaction with active sites on the packing,
column frits, and column tubing. Compound decomposition
during the separation process also can affect recovery.
Recycling chromatography: A technique in which
the column efuent is recirculated onto the head of the
column to take advantage of extended column length. Can
be performed on a single column by passing the efuent
through the pump again. An alternative technique uses
two columns connected by a switching valve where the
efuent of one column is directed onto the head of the
other column. Very seldom used in HPLC and then only in
exclusion chromatography.
Reduced plate height (h): Used to compare efciencies
of different columns; h = H/d
, where H is the height
equivalent to a theoretical plate and d
is the particle
diameter. An h value of 2 or less at the optimum velocity is
considered to be a well-packed HPLC column.
Reduced velocity (v): Used with the reduced plate
height to compare different packed chromatographic
columns. It relates the solute diffusion coefcient (D
) in
the mobile phase to the particle size of the column packing
); v= ud
, where u is the average interstitial mobile-
phase linear velocity. See also Knox equation.
Refractive index peak: A pseudo-peak normally found
near the dead volume that results from the refractive index
sensitivity of absorbance and other detectors. See also
vacancy peak.
Regeneration: Regenerating the packing in the column
to its initial state after a gradient elution. Mobile phase
is passed through the column stepwise or in a gradient.
The stationary phase is restored or solvated to its initial
condition. In ion-exchange, regeneration involves
replacing ions taken up in the exchange process with
the original ions, which occupied the exchange sites.
Regeneration also can refer to bringing any column back
to its original state; for example, removing impurities with
a strong solvent.
Relative retention (r): Retention relative to a standard; r
= t
= k/k
, where t
is the adjusted retention time
of the component of interest, t
is the adjusted retention
time of the standard, k and k
are the corresponding
retention factors. For two adjacent peaks, a expresses the
relative retention and is called separation factor (formerly
called selectivity or selectivity factor); calculated as
= t
= k
, where t
and t
are the adjusted
retention times of peaks 2 and 1, respectively, and k
are the corresponding retention factors.
Residual silanols: The silanol (-Si-OH) groups that
remain on the surface of a packing after chemically
bonding a phase onto its surface. These silanol groups,
which may be present in very small pores, may be
inaccessible to a reacting bulky organosilane (such as
octadecydimethylchlorosilane) but may be accessible
to small polar compounds. Often they are removed
by endcapping with a small organosilane such as
trimethylchlorosilane. See also endcapping.
Resin: A solid polymeric packing used in ion-exchange
separations. The most popular resins are PS-DVB
copolymers with particle sizes less than 10 m. Ionic
functionality is incorporated into the resin.
Resolution (R
): Ability of a column to separate
chromatographic peaks; R
= (t
- t
+ w
where t
and t
are the retention times of the two peaks
and w
is the baseline width of the peaks. It usually is
expressed in terms of the separation of two peaks. A value
of 1 is considered to be the minimum for a measurable
separation to occur and to allow good quantitation. A
value of 0.6 is required to discern a valley between two
equal-height peaks. A value of 1.5 is considered sufcient
for baseline resolution for two peaks of equal height.
Values of 1.7 or greater generally are desirable for rugged
methods. See Figure 63, p. 116.
Resolution equation: Also called the general resolution
equation and the Purnell equation; R = 4N
(1+k)], where N is the efciency, is the separation factor,
and k is the retention factor.
Retention factor (k): The period of time that the sample
component resides in the stationary phase relative to the
time it resides in the mobile phase. It is calculated from the
adjusted retention time divided by the holdup time; k = (t

- t
, where t
is retention time for the sample peak and
tM is the retention time for an unretained peak. (Formerly,
k was used, and it was called the capacity factor or the
capacity ratio.)
Retention time (t
): Also called the total retention
time. The time between injection and the appearance
of the peak maximum. The total retention volume (V
) is
determined by multiplying the retention time by the ow
rate. The adjusted retention time (t
) adjusts for the
column void volume; t
= t
- t
. It usually is measured
from the point of injection to the apex of the peak, but it
should be measured to the center of gravity of the peak for
asymmetric peaks.
Retention volume (V
): The volume of mobile phase
required to elute a substance from the column; V
= Ft

or V
= V
+ K
, where V
is the void volume, K
is the
distribution coefcient, and V
is the stationary-phase
volume. See also retention time.
Reversed-phase chromatography: The most frequently
used mode in HPLC. Uses low-polarity packings such as
octadecyl- or octylsilane phases bonded to silica or neutral
polymeric beads. The mobile phase usually is water or
water-miscible organic solvents such as methanol or
acetonitrile. Elution usually occurs based on the relative
hydrophobicity or lipophilicity of the solutes. The more
hydrophobic, the stronger the retention. The greater the
water solubility of the analyte, the less it is retained.
The technique has many variations in which various
mobile phase additives impart a different selectivity. For
example, adding a buffer and a tetraalkylammonium salt
to an anion analysis would allow ion-pairing to occur and
generate separations that rival those of ion-exchange
chromatography. More than 90% of HPLC analysts use
reversed-phase chromatography.
Reynolds number (Re): The ratio of viscous to inertial
energy of the moving uid. A measurement of ow in a
smooth unpacked pipe; Re =ud/(h/r), where u is the
average velocity (in centimenters per second), d is the
pipe diameter, h is the viscosity (in grams per centimeter
seconds), and r is the density (in grams per cubic
centimeters). At low Re, viscous friction dominates and
controls uid motion, making it slow and steady. In an
unpacked tube, ow becomes fully turbulent when Re
exceeds 4200. In a packed bed, u is replaced with the
average interstitial velocity and d with the average particle
diameter. Flow becomes turbulent in a packed bed at
Re values greater than approximately 10 but is not fully
turbulent until Re exceeds 100-200.
: See resolution.
S: The solvent-strength parameter in reversed-phase
chromatography. The solute-dependent slope of a plot of
k versus volume fraction of organic modier. S varies
with modier type, stationary phase, and temperature.
SAX: See strong anion-exchanger.
SCX: See strong cation-exchanger.
WAX: See weak anion-exchanger.
WCX: See weak cation-exchanger.
: See peak variance.
Salting-out effect: Using a high concentration salt buffer
in the mobile phase to cause a low-polarity analyte to have
a decreased solubility in water and therefore precipitate or
come out of solution. Most often used for the hydrophobic
interaction chromatography of proteins when proteins
are precipitated rst at high salt concentrations and then
eluted by gradual dilution using reversed gradient elution.
Sample capacity: Refers to the amount of sample that
can be injected onto an LC column without overloading.
Often expressed as grams of sample per gram of packing.
Overloading is dened as the sample mass injected when
the column efciency decreases by 10% from its normal
value; sometimes called sample loading.
Sampling Rate: See Data acquisition rate.
Saturator column: See precolumn.
Scalability: In going from analytical to preparative
chromatography, refers to the reproducibility of results on
columns of different internal diameters when using the
same particle size and bonded phase; normally a larger
diameter column is used to increase capacity; a linear
scale-up process minimizes time required to optimize
preparative separations.
SEC: See size exclusion chromatography and steric
exclusion chromatography.
Sedimentation: A technique used for the sizing of resins
for ion-exchange chromatography. A broad distribution of
beads are placed in a solvent, often water, in a container
that is afxed to a stationary surface. Based on particle
size and particle density, the beads will settle at different
velocities into a gradient of sizes, and the fraction of
interest is removed. Workers can obtain very narrow cuts
of particle size by sedimentation.
Selectivity or selectivity factor (): Old term replaced
by the separation factor. Sometimes called relative
Selectivity coefcient (k
): In ion-exchange
chromatography, the equilibrium coefcient obtained by
applying the law of mass action to an ion-exchanger and
characterizing the ability of an ion-exchanger to select
two ions present in the same solution using electroosmotic
ow. For example, the exchange of Na
for H
Semi-preparative chromatography: Refers to
preparative LC performed on analytical (4-5 mm id) or
slightly larger (6-10 mm id) columns. Normal injection size
would be milligram- to low-gram-size samples.
Separation factor (): A thermodynamic factor that
is a measure of relative retention of two substances.
Formerly called selectivity or selectivity factor. The relative
retention; = t
= k
, where t
and t
are the
adjusted retention times of peaks 2 and 1, respectively,
and k
and k
are the corresponding retention factors.
Separation impedance (E): A gure of merit
developed by John Knox to compare the efciency of two
chromatographic systems that normalize for both analysis
time and pressure drop; E = t
v(1 + k), where t

is the retention time, D
is the pressure drop, N is the
efciency, v is the reduced velocity, and k the retention
factor. The lower the value of E, the better the system.
SFC: See supercritical uid chromatography.
Silanol: The Si-OH group found on the surface of silica
gel. Silanols vary in strength depending upon their
location, relationship to each other, and the metal content
of the silica. The strongest silanols are acidic and often
lead to undesirable interactions with basic compounds
during chromatography.
Silanophile: A compound that has high afnity for active
or acidic silanol groups on a silica surface. Usually a
strongly basic amine.
Silica gel: The most widely used HPLC packing. It has
an amorphous structure, is porous, and is composed
of siloxane and silanol groups. It is used in all modes of
LC as a bare packing for adsorption, as the support for
liquid-liquid chromatography or for chemically-bonded
phases, and as an SEC packing with various pore sizes.
Microparticulate silicas of 3, 5, and 10 m average particle
diameter are used in HPLC. Compared with irregular
silicas, spherical silicas are preferred in modern analytical
HPLC columns because of their packing reproducibility and
lower pressure drops. Sometimes called silica.
Siloxane: The Si-O-Si bond. A principal bond found in
silica gel or a silylated compound or bonded phase. Stable,
except at high pH values. Has little effect on the HPLC
Silylation: The reaction process of an organochloro- or
organoalkoxysilane with a compound that contains an
reactive group. In LC, it refers to the process of derivatizing
the solute before chromatography to make it detectable or
to prevent unwanted stationary-phase interactions. It also
can refer to the process of adding a chemically-bonded
phase to a solid support or deactivating the packing to
reduce surface activity.
Simulated moving bed: A chromatographic system
involving a series of columns and valves set up to simulate
the countercurrent movement of the mobile and stationary
phases and enable the continuous removal of product
and reapplication of sample. A complex form of recycle
chromatography used in preparative-scale chromatography.
Size exclusion chromatography (SEC): Same as steric
exclusion chromatography.
Slurry packing: The technique most often used to pack
HPLC columns with microparticles. The packing is suspended
in a slurry of approximately 10% (w/v) and rapidly pumped
into the empty column using special high pressure pumps.
Snyder e
: Solvent-strength parameter in adsorption
chromatography. The energy of solvent adsorption per unit
surface area occupied by the solvent.
Soap chromatography: The earlier name for ion-pair
chromatography. Long-chain soaps or detergents were used
as the mobile phase additives.
Sol gel: Silica gel formed by the aggregation of silica sol.
Generates Type B silica gel with lower surface acidity, lower
trace metal, lower surface area and porosity, and greater
high pH stability than older Type A silica gels.
Solid phase extraction (SPE): A technique for sample
preparation using a 20-40 m d
solid phase packing
contained in a small plastic cartridge, disk, or in the wells
of a 96-well owthrough plate. The solid stationary phases
used are identical to HPLC packings. Although related to
chromatography, the principle of SPE is different and is
sometimes called digital chromatography. The process as
most often practiced requires four steps: conditioning the
sorbent, adding the sample, washing away the impurities,
and eluting the sample in as small a volume as possible with
a strong solvent.
Solid support: Same as support.
Solute: See also analyte.
Solvent: The liquid used to dissolve a sample for injection
into an HPLC column or CE capillary. Sometimes refers to the
mobile phase used. See also eluent.
Solvent demixing: Occurs when two solvents with very
different strengths A is the weak solvent, and B is the
strong solvent are used with unmodied silica or alumina.
The strong solvent (B) will be adsorbed preferentially by the
active surface of the stationary phase until it is saturated;
until this occurs, the weak solvent (A) will be enriched or
demixed as it travels down the column. Eventually, when the
entire column is saturated with solvent B, this solvent will
be eluted, mixed with solvent A at the initial strength, and
sample components will be eluted with the sudden change in
solvent strength.
Solvent selectivity: Ability of a solvent to inuence
selectivity. For example, a change in solvent strength
from 5% to 10% solvent B or a change from methanol to
acetonitrile as the reversed-phase organic modier will affect
band spacing.
Solvent-selectivity triangle: A useful guide for choosing
among different solvents for changing band spacing. Solvent
selectivity is dependent on dipole moment, acidity, and
basicity of the solvent molecule.
Solvent strength: Refers to the ability of a solvent to
elute a particular solute or compound from a column.
Snyder described this quality for linear elution adsorption
chromatography (liquid-solid chromatography) on alumina
and quantitatively rated solvents in an eluotropic series. Less-
extensive data are available for silica and carbon adsorbents.
See also Snyder e
Sorb: The process of being retained by a stationary phase
when the retention mechanism adsorption, absorption, or
partitioning is unclear.
Sorbent: Refers to a packing used in LC. Common sorbents
are polymers, silica gel, alumina, titania, zirconia, and
chemically modied materials.
SPE: See solid phase extraction.
Specic surface area: The surface area of an LC packing
based on measurement by an accepted technique such as the
BET method using nitrogen adsorption.
Spherical packing: Refers to spherical, solid packing
materials. In analytical HPLC, spherical packings generally
are preferred over irregular particles, but irregular particles
often are used in preparative work because of their lower
Standards: A sample which contains known quantities
of the compounds of interest. Standards are used to help
identify sample peaks by comparing the time in which they
elute to the retention times obtained through the injection
of the sample under the same conditions. For quantitation,
external standards are compounds that are used to construct
calibration curves of detector output (peak area or peak
height) vs. concentration; the concentration of unknowns are
determined by tting the detector output to the calibration
curve. Internal standards are compounds of known
concentration with different retention times that are added
to the sample and relative detector responses between the
internal standard and the unknown are compared in order to
quantitatively measure unknown compounds.
Stagnant mobile phase: The fraction of the mobile phase
contained within the pores of the particle.
Stationary phase: The chromatographically retentive
immobile phase involved in the chromatographic process.
The stationary phase in LC can be a solid, a bonded, an
immobilized or a coated phase on a solid support or a wall-
coated phase. The stationary phase often characterizes
the LC mode. For example, silica gel is used in adsorption
chromatography and octadecylsilane bonded phase is used in
reversed-phase chromatography.
Stationary zone: To be distinguished from the stationary
phase. The stationary zone includes the stagnant mobile
phase and the chromatographically active stationary
Stepwise elution: Using eluents of different
compositions during a chromatographic run. These
eluents are added in a stepwise manner with a pump or a
selector valve. Gradient elution is the continuous version of
changing solvent composition.
Steric exclusion chromatography: A major mode of
LC in which samples are separated by virtue of their size
in solution. Also known as size exclusion chromatography,
gel permeation chromatography, gel ltration
chromatography, and gel chromatography. Steric exclusion
chromatography is used most often for polymer separation
and characterization.
Sterically protected bonded phase: Bonded phase
that has sterically protecting bulky functional groups
such as isopropyl and isobutyl surrounding a siloxane
covalent surface bond. Prevents attacks on siloxane bond,
catalyzed hydrolysis, and loss of bonded phase at pH levels
less than 3.
Straight phase chromatography: Same as normal
phase chromatography.
Strong anion-exchanger: Anion-exchange
packing with strongly basic ionogenic groups such as
tetraalkylammonium groups.
Strong cation-exchanger: Cation-exchange packing
with strongly acidic ionogenic groups such as sulfonate
Strong solvent: In general, refers to a solvent
which is a good solvent for a chemical compound; in
chromatography, refers to the mobile phase constituent
that provides a higher solvent strength that causes an
analyte to elute more quickly from the column; in a water-
acetonitrile binary solvent system for reversed-phase LC,
acetonitrile would be considered to be the strong solvent.
Sub-2 m: A term that refers to the use of porous
packings below 2 m average particle diameter; current
products vary from 1.5- to 2.0 m
Sulfonyl cation-exchanger: A strong cation-exchange
functionality found in resin-based packings, usually
H. May come in cationic forms such as sodium,
ammonium, silver, and calcium.
Supercritical uid chromatography (SFC): A
technique that uses a supercritical uid as the mobile
phase. The technique has been applied to the separation
of substances that cannot be handled effectively by LC
(because of detection problems) or GC (because of the lack
of volatility). Examples include separations of triglycerides,
hydrocarbons, and fatty acids. GC detectors and HPLC
pumps have been used together in SFC.
Supercial velocity (us): The hypothetical velocity
that a mobile phase would have if the same column were
operated unpacked but with the same ow rate; u
= F/A
where F is the ow rate and A
is the cross-sectional area
of the tube.
Supercially porous packing: Same as porous-layer
Support: Refers to solid particles. A support can be
naked, coated, or have a chemically-bonded phase in
HPLC. Normally the solid support doesnt contribute to the
chromatographic process.
Suppressor column: Refers to the column placed after
the ion-exchange column. Its purpose is to remove or
suppress the ionization of buffer ions so that sample ions
can be observed in a weakly conducting background
with a conductivity detector. Sometimes membrane
suppressors are used rather than a column.
Surface area: Refers to the total area of the solid
surface in an adsorbent as determined by an accepted
measurement technique such as the BET method, which
uses nitrogen adsorption. The surface area of a typical
porous adsorbent such as silica gel can vary from less than
100 to 600 m
Surface coverage: Usually refers to the mass of
stationary phase per unit area bonded to an LC support.
Often expressed in micromoles per square meter of
surface. Sometimes the percent-age of carbon is given as
an indicator of surface coverage.
Swelling-shrinking: Process in which resins and gels
increase or decrease their volume because of their solvent
environment. Swelling is dependent upon the degree of
cross-linking; low-cross-linking resins will swell and shrink
more than highly cross-linked resins. If swelling occurs in
a packed column blockage, increased backpressure can
occur, and column efciency can be affected.
Tailing: The phenomenon in which a normal Gaussian
peak has an asymmetry factor greater than 1. The peak
will have an extended trailing edge. Tailing is caused
by packing sites that have both a stronger-than-normal
retention for the solute and slower desorption kinetics.
A typical example of a tailing phenomenon would be the
strong adsorption of amines on the residual silanol groups
of a low-coverage reversed-phase packing at intermediate
pH values. Tailing also can result from injecting an
excessive mass or sample, badly packed columns,
excessive extracolumn volume, poor ttings, excessive
detector volume, and slow detector response. See Figure
62, p. 115.
Tailing factor: U.S. Pharmacopeia measure of peak
asymmetry dened as the ratio of the peak width at 5%
of the apex to twofold the distance from the apex to the
5% height on the short time side of the peak. Greater than
unity for tailed peaks. See also asymmetry factor.
Temperature programming: Changing column
temperature as a function of time during the separation.
Rarely used in HPLC; if so, usually in a stepwise manner.
Ternary mobile phase: Mobile phase that is a mixture of
three solvents or buffers.
Theoretical plate (N): A concept described by Martin
and Synge. Relates chromatographic separation to the
theory of distillation. Length of column relating to this
concept is called height equivalent to a theoretical plate.
See also HETP. Plates are calculated as N = 16(V

= 16 (t
, where V
is the retention volume, w
is the
width at the peak base, and t
is the retention time. See
also N.
Thermally tuned tandem column chromatography:
A form of LC in which two columns with distinctly different
selectivities are placed in tandem and operated at two
temperatures to optimize the resolution or analysis speed.
Both columns use a common eluent, and the entire sample
passes through both columns and is detected with a single
detector. It is not a two-dimensional technique because
each sample component provides only one peak.
Titania: An uncommon adsorbent used in adsorption
: See migration time.
: Holdup time.
Tortuosity or tortuosity factor: A packed-column
property that controls the inhibition of longitudinal
diffusion of the solute as it diffuses along the column axis.
The B term in the van Deemter equation is proportional
to the tortuosity. See also B term, g, and molecular
diffusion term.
Total mobile-phase volume (V
): The total volume of
mobile phase in an SEC column. Also known as totally
included volume. Same as V
Total permeation volume (V
): The retention volume
of an SEC packing in which all molecules smaller than the
smallest pore will be eluted. In other words, all molecules
totally permeate all of the pores at V
and are eluted as a
single peak. Same as V
Total porosity (e
): Ratio of the total volume of mobile
phase in the column to the total column volume; e =V

= e
+ e
(1 - e
); where V
is the mobile phase volume, V

is the column volume, e
is the interstitial porosity, and e
the intraparticle porosity.
Totally porous packing: The stationary phase is a
porous matrix, and solutes penetrate the porous matrix to
interact with the stationary phase.
: See retention time.
: See adjusted retention time and retention time.
Trace enrichment: Technique in which trace amounts of
compounds are retained on an HPLC or precolumn packing
out of a weak mobile phase or solution and then are eluted
by adding a stronger mobile phase in a concentrated form.
The technique has been applied most successfully in the
concentration of trace amounts of hydrophobic compounds
such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from water
using a reversed-phase packing. A strong solvent such as
acetonitrile will elute the enriched compounds.
Triethylamine: A very common additive used to block
silanol groups in reversed-phase chromatography when
separating basic analytes.
Triuoroacetic acid: A very common additive in
reversed-phase chromatography for peptides and proteins.
Tryptic digestion: A method for selectively and
reproducibly dissecting peptide chains of proteins to
yield a characteristic pattern of smaller units that enables
analysis of the parent protein by gradient elution reversed-
phase LC.
Turbulence: The state in which uid velocity uctuates
randomly at a point. See also Reynolds number and
turbulent ow.
Turbulent ow: A form of uid motion in which the ow
ceases to be smooth and steady and becomes chaotic
and uctuates with time. It is characterized by a pressure
drop signicantly higher than what would be extrapolated
from the laminar region to achieve the same volumetric
ow rate.
Turbulent ow chromatography: Chromatography
performed at very high linear velocities with large particles
under conditions using high Reynolds numbers. At these
conditions, the H versus v curves show a decrease in H as
v increases. See Figure 63, p. 116.
: See bandwidth.
Two-dimensional chromatography: A procedure in
which part or all of the separated sample components
are subjected to additional separation steps. It can be
performed by conducting a particular fraction eluted from
the rst column into a second column or system that has a
different separation characteristic. It includes techniques
such as two dimensional TLC using two eluent systems
in which the second eluent is applied after rotating the
plate through 90. It also includes LC followed by GC
and one LC mode followed by a different mode such as
reversed-phase chromatography followed by SEC. See
also multidimensional chromatography.
Type A silica: Silica gel formed by gelling soluble
silicates. Generally has higher acidity, higher surface
area and porosity, more trace metals, and poorer high-pH
stability than Type B silicas.
Type B silica: See sol gel.
: See void time.
u: See linear velocity and velocity.
: See interstitial velocity.
: See mobile phase velocity.
: See supercial velocity.
: See zone velocity.
UHPLC: Refers to Ultra High Pressure Liquid
Chromatography; often loosely used for any separation
performed over the pressures of conventional pumps (400
bar); original meaning was for separations in the 20,000
psi+ range.
Vacancy chromatography: Technique in which a mobile
phase additive causes a positive detector signal output.
When a solute is eluted from the column, it dilutes the
signal and generates a negative peak or vacancy. The
technique has been applied primarily to single-column
ion chromatography in which mobile phases such as
citrate and phthalate buffers absorb in the UV region.
When a non-absorbing anion is eluted, it dilutes the
UV-absorbing background and causes a negative peak;
the detector output leads usually are reversed so that the
chromatogram looks normal. It also has been used in CE
for detection.
van Deemter equation: An equation used to explain
band broadening in chromatography. The equation
represents the height of a theoretical plate (HETP) and
has three terms. The A term describes eddy dispersion or
diffusion that results from axial velocity heterogeneity.
The B term is for the contribution of molecular diffusion or
longitudinal diffusion of the solute while passing through
the column. The C term is the contribution from interphase
mass transfer, which allows for the nite rate of transfer
of the solute between the stationary phase and mobile
phase. In its simplest representation, h = A + B/v + Cv.
See also reduced plate height and reduced velocity.
: See column volume.
: See dead volume.
: See interstitial volume.
Velocity (u): Same as linear velocity.
: See electroosmotic ow.
: See intraparticle volume.
Viscosity (h): Also called mobile phase viscosity. The
viscosity of the mobile phase varies with the temperature
of the column. Low-viscosity mobile phases generally
provide better efciency than less-viscous ones because
diffusion coefcients are inversely related to solvent
viscosity. For example, column efciency is higher in
reversed-phase chromatography with acetonitrile as an
organic modier than with isopropanol, which is more
viscous. Column backpressure is directly proportional to
solvent viscosity.
: See holdup volume. Also mobile phase volume.
Void: The formation of a space or gap, usually at the head
of the column, caused by a settling or dissolution of the
column packing. A void in the column leads to decreased
efciency and loss of resolution. Even a small void can be
disastrous for small particle microparticulate columns. The
void sometimes can be lled with glass beads or the same
porous packing used in a column.
Void time (t
): The elution time of an unretained peak;
also called the dead time and the holdup time (t
). The
void volume is determined by multiplying the void time and
the ow rate.
Void volume (V
): The total volume of mobile phase
in the column; the remainder of the column is taken up
by packing material. This volume can be determined
by injecting an unretained substance. Also called dead
volume. The symbol V
is often used to denote the void
volume. This is valid only for a column packed with
non-porous particles. V
is valid when used to denote the
excluded volume (V
) in SEC.
: See total permeation volume.
: See retention volume and elution volume.
: See adjusted retention volume.
: See total mobile phase volume.
: See exclusion volume.
Wall effect: The consequence of a looser packing density
near the walls of a rigid HPLC column. The mobile phase
has a tendency to ow slightly faster near the wall because
of the increased local permeability. The solute molecules
near the wall are carried along faster than the average of
the solute band, and, consequently, band spreading results
and the column loses efciency.
: See peak width.
Weak anion-exchanger: Anion-exchange packing with
weakly basic ionogenic groups such as amino diethylamino
ethyl groups.
Weak cation-exchanger: Cation-exchange packing with
weakly acidic ionogenic groups such as carboxyl groups.
Weak solvent: In general, refers to a solvent which is a
poor solvent for a chemical compound; in chromatography,
refers to the mobile phase constituent that provides a
low solvent strength that causes an analyte to elute more
slowly from the column in a water-acetonitrile binary
solvent system for reversed-phase LC, water would be
considered to be the weak solvent.
Wilke-Chang equation: A semi-empirical equation used
to estimate diffusion coefcients in liquids as a function of
solute molecular size and solvent viscosity.
Xerogels: Gels used in SEC that swell and shrink in
different solvents. Also refers to silica-based packings
that are prepared from acidication of soluble silicates to
generate an amorphous, high surface area, high-porosity,
rigid particle.
Zero dead volume: Any tting or component that has no
volume that is unswept by the eluent.
Zirconia: Porous zirconium oxide. Used as a
chromatographic sorbent, usually coated or bonded with
polymeric organic phase.
Zone: See band.
Zone velocity (u
): The velocity at which the solute zone
travels; u
= u
/(1 + k) = L/t
, where u
is the mobile
phase velocity, k is the retention factor, L is the column
length, and t
is the retention time.
Zwitterions: Compounds that carry both positive and
negative charges in solution.
Glossary references
1: R.E. Majors and P.W. Carr, LCGC 19 (2) 124-162 (2001).
2: 'Nomenclature for Chromatography', Pure and Appl.
Chem. 65 (4), 819-872 (1993).
3: J.P. Foley and J.G. Dorsey, Anal. Chem. 55, 730 - 737
4: L.R. Snyder, P.W., Carr, and S.C. Rutan, J. Chromatogr.
A 656, 537 (1993).
Glossary authors
Peter W. Carr: Peter W. Carr is a professor of chemistry
in the Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota,
207 Pleasant Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0431,
and is a member of LCGCs editorial advisory board.
Ronald E. Majors: Ronald E. Majors, 'Column Watch'
and 'Sample Prep Perspectives' Editor Ronald E. Majors
is Senior Chemist, Columns and Supplies Division,
Agilent Technologies, Life Sciences Chemical Analysis,
Wilmington, Delaware, and is also a member of LCGCs
editorial advisory board.
Special thanks to the Agilent chromatographers who
contributed to this book:
Paul Boguszewski, Sample Prep Product Manager
William Champion, LC Columns Technical Support
John W. Henderson Jr., Applications Chemist
Maureen Joseph, PhD., LC Columns Strategic
Marketing Manager
Jason Link, PhD., Small Molecule LC Columns
Product Manager
Linda Lloyd, PhD., Large Molecule LC Columns
Product Manager
William Long, PhD., LC Senior Applications Scientist
Ron Majors, PhD., Senior Scientist
Rita Steed, LC Columns Technical Support Specialist
Michael Woodman, Applications Specialist, LC and
Index of factors affecting
buffers (also see mobile phase) 43-44, 50, 53-54,
56-65, 70-71, 78, 88, 99, 101, 110
capacity factor 7, 8, 42
capillaries 21, 152
aging .......................................................25, 42, 99
care ..................................................................... 90
chelating ................................................. 25, 37-38
dimensions ........................................................... 21
extending life ...........22, 23, 82, 83, 89, 90-91, 98
equilibration/re-equilibration .................................
........................................ 25, 40-41, 53, 92, 93, 98
storage .................................................... 83, 90-92
selection ........... 12, 14, 46-49, 65-66, 75, 96, 113
superficially porous ...................................... 16, 72
data collection rate 25, 31-32, 72, 98
degassing 54
diluent strength 98
dwell volume 25, 32-37, 41-42, 90, 94, 98
efficiency 6-7, 9, 21, 90
extra-column volume 25-26, 33, 37, 72-73, 98
filters in-line 89, 157
fittings and connections
correct use .....................................................27-30
dead-volume ....................................................... 14
high-pressure ................................................ 27, 28
how to make a proper fitting .............................. 29
Parker .................................................................. 27
PEEK (polyketone) ......................................... 28, 73
polymeric ............................................................ 27
reusable ........................................................ 22, 23
types of fittings ................................................... 28
stainless steel ....................................... 27, 28, 152
Swagelok ................................................ 27, 28, 73
troubleshooting .....................................91, 98, 100
Agilent 1290 LC .................................................. 74
Agilent Method Translator ................................. 31
column cleaning ................................................. 44
dwell volume ............................. 33, 34, 36, 37, 94
gradient equation ......................................... 10-11
ion-exchange ...................................................... 80
method development ......................................... 46
normal phase ...................................................... 78
optimization ............................................ 63, 67-68
peptide/protein application ................................ 60
polymeric columns .............................................. 69
reversed-phase ................................................... 69
scaling profile ..................................................... 73
solvent saturation ............................................... 90
stationary phase selection ................................. 50
sulfa drug application ......................................... 68
troubleshooting ..................................... 59, 95-100
'walk-up systems ............................................... 66
working with ................................................. 39-41
method transfer 40, 72, 90
mobile phase
LC/MS ................................................................. 57
mixing .......................................53, 54, 58, 94, 100
normal phase ...................................................... 78
strength ...................................................10, 63, 64
selecting modifiers/buffers ..................38, 56, 110
selecting solvents ............................................... 53
troubleshooting ............................................. 53-54
UHPLC ................................................................. 88
UV detectors ....................................................... 56
variation .................................................. 53-54, 58
pH 38, 54-59, 61, 62, 69, 94
pressure equation 9, 16, 96
resolution 8-9
column aging ...................................................... 42
column dimensions ............................................. 21
drug application .................................................. 52
dwell volume .......................................... 36, 37, 94
extra-column volume ......................................... 26
gradient optimization .....................................67-69
guard columns .................................................... 90
isocratic optimization .............................. 64-66, 70
LC/MS ................................................................. 17
method development ......................................... 45
mobile phase modification ........................... 54-56
normal phase ................................................ 78, 79
particle size ......................................................... 20
retention factor ..................................................... 7
stationary phase selection ................................. 50
troubleshooting .......................... 53, 59-63, 72, 95
UHPLC ................................................................. 16
USP designations .............................................. 101
chelating compounds ......................................... 37
column aging ...................................................... 42
column selection ................................................. 49
data collection rate ............................................. 31
dwell volume ...................................................... 34
gradient equation ......................................... 10-11
gradient optimization .......................................... 68
gradients ............................................................. 39
isocratic optimization .............................. 64, 70-71
LC/MS ................................................................. 57
method development ............................. 50-52, 71
mobile phase modification ..................... 38, 54-56
mobile phase selection ....................................... 53
normal phase .................................................78-79
optimizing column re-equilibration .............. 40-41
polymeric columns .............................................. 69
resolution .............................................................. 8
retention factor ..................................................... 7
troubleshooting .........59, 61-64, 92-94, 96, 98-99
UHPLC ................................................................. 14
USP designations .............................................. 101
sample injection 30
scaling profile (gradients) ................................... 73
troubleshooting ............................... 53, 61, 95-100
sample preparation 83
column aging ...................................................... 42
column characteristics ....................................... 19
column choice ............................................... 51-52
efficiency ............................................................... 6
gradient optimization .......................................... 67
isocratic optimization ............................. 64, 66, 70
LC/MS ................................................................. 57
method reproducibility ....................................... 93
method transfer .................................................. 72
mobile phase modification ................... 54-56, 110
mobile phase selection ....................................... 53
polymeric columns .............................................. 69
resolution .............................................................. 8
retention factor ..................................................... 7
selectivity equation ........................................... 7-8
selectivity factor ................................................ 7-8
separation factor ............................................... 7-8
solid phase extraction ........................................ 84
troubleshooting ............................... 61, 92, 95-100
solvent effects 31, 98
solvent safety caps 156
troubleshooting 95
baselines .................................................59-60, 99
mobile phases ............................................... 53-54
mobile phase modifiers .......................... 59, 61-62
pressure .............................................................. 96
peak shapes ........................................................ 96
retention .............................................................. 98
USP designations 101-106
van Deemter curves 10, 73
Index of products
columns, cartridge systems
HPLC cartridge 22
ChromSep ........................................................... 22
Dynamax Preparative Columns .......................... 23
Load & Lock Preparative Columns ..................... 23
PLRP-S ................................................................. 23
PL-SAX ................................................................ 23
PL-SCX ................................................................. 23
ZORBAX Guard Cartridge ................................... 22
ZORBAX RR ......................................................... 22
ZORBAX RRHT .................................................... 22
ZORBAX Semi-Preparative Guard ...................... 23
chiral columns
ChiraDex Chiral ................................................. 105
columns, HILIC
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 .......................... 77, 102
ZORBAX Rx-SIL ........................................... 77, 102
columns, ion-exchange
Bio SAX ............................................................. 105
Hi-Plex Ca ......................................................... 103
Hi-Plex Ca (Duo) ............................................... 103
Hi-Plex H ........................................................... 104
Hi-Plex Na ......................................................... 106
Hi-Plex Na (Octo) .............................................. 106
Hi-Plex Pb .......................................................... 105
PL-SAX ................................................................ 23
PL-SCX ................................................................. 23
ZORBAX 300SCX .............................................. 105
ZORBAX SAX .................................................... 103
ZORBAX SCX ..................................................... 103
columns, normal phase
Polaris Amide-C18 ............................................ 106
Polaris NH2 ....................................................... 103
ZORBAX CN ...................................................... 103
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-CN ........................... 71, 103
ZORBAX NH2 .................................................... 103
ZORBAX Rx-SIL ........................................... 77, 102
ZORBAX SB-CN ................................................ 103
columns, polymers
Bio SEC-3 .......................................................... 104
Bio SEC-5 .......................................................... 104
Hi-Plex Ca ......................................................... 103
Hi-Plex Ca (Duo) ............................................... 103
Hi-Plex H ........................................................... 104
Hi-Plex Na ......................................................... 106
Hi-Plex Na (Octo) .............................................. 106
Hi-Plex Pb .......................................................... 105
PL aquagel-OH .................................................. 104
PLgel .................................................................. 104
PLgel MIXED-D ................................................... 81
PLRP-S .............................................19, 23, 52, 104
PL-SAX ................................................................ 23
PL-SCX ................................................................. 23
ProSEC .............................................................. 104
SepTech ST150 C18 .......................................... 102
SepTech ST60 C18 ............................................ 102
columns, reversed-phase
Bio SEC-3 .......................................................... 104
Bio SEC-5 .......................................................... 104
IonSpher A ........................................................ 103
IonSpher C ........................................................ 105
LiChrospher Diol ............................................... 103
PL aquagel-OH .................................................. 104
PLgel .................................................................. 104
PLgel MIXED-D ................................................... 81
PLRP-S .............................................19, 23, 52, 104
Polaris C18-A .................................................... 102
Polaris C18-Ether .............................................. 102
Polaris C8-A ...................................................... 102
Polaris C8-Ether ................................................ 102
Polaris Si-A ....................................................... 102
Poroshell 120 ...16, 26, 32, 51, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
Poroshell 120 EC-C18 ....................................... 102
Poroshell 120 EC-C8 ......................................... 102
Poroshell 120 SB-C18 ....................................... 102
Poroshell 300 ...................................................... 17
ProSEC .............................................................. 104
Pursuit C18 ........................................................ 102
Pursuit C8 ......................................................... 102
Pursuit Diphenyl ............................................... 103
Pursuit PFP ........................................................ 105
Pursuit XRs C18 ................................................ 102
Pursuit XRs C8 .................................................. 102
Pursuit XRs Diphenyl ........................................ 103
Pursuit XRs Si .................................................... 102
SepTech ST150 C18 .......................................... 102
SepTech ST60 C18 ............................................ 102
ZORBAX 300SB-C3 ............................................ 60
ZORBAX 300SB-C18 .......................................... 51
ZORBAX Bonus-RP ..................................... 71, 106
ZORBAX C8 ....................................................... 102
ZORBAX Eclipse Extend-C18 ............................. 91
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus ........................ 38, 58, 70-71
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 ......... 51, 61, 65, 68, 70,
102, 150
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C8 ............................ 62, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus Phenyl-Hexyl ........... 71, 103
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB ................................... 22, 38
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB Phenyl ..................... 71, 103
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 .......................... 77, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C8 ...........................60, 102
ZORBAX Extend-C18 ...................... 62, 71, 97, 102
ZORBAX GF-250 .......................................104, 105
ZORBAX GF-450 ............................................... 105
ZORBAX ODS .................................................... 102
ZORBAX ODS Classic ....................................... 102
ZORBAX Phenyl ................................................ 103
ZORBAX Rapid Resolution Eclipse XDB-C8 33, 52
ZORBAX RRHD ........................................... 40, 149
ZORBAX RRHD SB-C18 ...................................... 40
ZORBAX RRHT .................................................... 52
ZORBAX Rx-C18 ............................................... 102
ZORBAX Rx-C8 ................................................. 102
ZORBAX SB-C18 ...........................................26, 30
ZORBAX SB-C3 ................................................. 105
ZORBAX SB-C8 ...........................................40, 102
ZORBAX SB-Phenyl ....................................38, 103
ZORBAX SIL ...................................................... 102
ZORBAX StableBond .......................................... 61
ZORBAX TMS .................................................... 103
Ultron ES-OVM ................................................. 105
columns, silica
IonSpher C ........................................................ 105
Polaris C18-A .................................................... 102
Polaris C18-Ether .............................................. 102
Polaris C8-A ...................................................... 102
Polaris C8-Ether ................................................ 102
Polaris Si-A ....................................................... 102
Poroshell 120 ..........................................................
................... 16, 26, 32, 59, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 148
Poroshell 120 EC-C18 ....................................... 102
Poroshell 120 EC-C8 ......................................... 102
Poroshell 120 SB-C18 ....................................... 102
Poroshell 300 ...................................................... 17
Pursuit C18 ........................................................ 102
Pursuit C8 ......................................................... 102
Pursuit Diphenyl ............................................... 103
Pursuit PFP ........................................................ 105
Pursuit XRs C18 ................................................ 102
Pursuit XRs C8 .................................................. 102
Pursuit XRs Diphenyl ........................................ 103
Pursuit XRs Si .................................................... 102
ZORBAX 300SB-C3 ............................................ 60
ZORBAX 300SB-C18 .......................................... 51
ZORBAX Bonus-RP ..................................... 71, 106
ZORBAX C8 ....................................................... 102
ZORBAX Eclipse Extend-C18 ............................. 91
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus ........................ 38, 58, 70-71
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 .. 51, 61, 65, 68, 70, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C8 ............................ 62, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus Phenyl-Hexyl ........... 71, 103
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB ................................... 22, 38
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C8 ...........................60, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 .......................... 77, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-Phenyl ..................... 71, 103
ZORBAX Extend-C18 ...................... 62, 71, 97, 102
ZORBAX GF-250 .......................................104, 105
ZORBAX GF-450 ............................................... 105
ZORBAX ODS .................................................... 102
ZORBAX ODS Classic ....................................... 102
ZORBAX Rapid Resolution Eclipse XDB-C8 ...... 33
ZORBAX RRHT .................................................... 52
ZORBAX RRHD SB-C18 ...................................... 40
ZORBAX Rx-C18 ............................................... 102
ZORBAX Rx-C8 ................................................. 102
ZORBAX SB-C18 ...........................................26, 30
ZORBAX SB-C3 ................................................. 105
ZORBAX SB-C8 ...........................................40, 102
ZORBAX SB-Phenyl ....................................38, 103
ZORBAX SIL ...................................................... 102
ZORBAX StableBond .......................................... 61
ZORBAX TMS .................................................... 103
Ultron ES-OVM ................................................. 105
columns, size exclusion
Bio SEC-3 .......................................................... 104
Bio SEC-5 .......................................................... 104
PL aquagel-OH .................................................. 104
PLgel .................................................................. 104
PLgel MIXED-D ................................................... 81
ProSEC .............................................................. 104
ZORBAX Guard Cartridge ................................... 22
ZOBAX Semi-Preparative Guard ........................ 23
1200 RRLC ..................................................89, 157
1260 Infinity LC ........................................... 89, 157
1290 Infinity LC ........................................... 89, 157
HPLC Cartridge ................................................... 22
Poroshell 120 ...................................................... 16
LC instruments
1100 LC ............................................................... 77
1200 RRLC ............................................. 35, 72, 89
1200SL ................................................................ 37
1260 Infinity LC ...............................37, 74, 89, 158
1290 Infinity LC ........................ 40, 41, 74, 89, 158
Agilent Solvent Saver ......................................... 17
PLRP-S .............................................19, 23, 52, 104
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 .......................... 77, 102
ZORBAX Rapid Resolution HT Cartridge Columns
............................................................................. 22
ZORBAX Rx-SIL ........................................... 77, 102
phases, amino
Polaris Amide-C18 ............................................ 106
Polaris NH2 ....................................................... 103
ZORBAX NH2 .................................................... 103
phases, C3
ZORBAX 300SB-C3 ............................................ 60
ZORBAX SB-C3 ................................................. 105
phases, C8
Polaris C8-A ...................................................... 102
Polaris C8-Ether ................................................ 102
Poroshell 120 EC-C8 ......................................... 102
Pursuit C8 ......................................................... 102
Pursuit XRs C8 .................................................. 102
ZORBAX C8 ....................................................... 102
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C8 ............................ 62, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C8 ...........................60, 102
ZORBAX Rapid Resolution Eclipse XDB-C8 ...... 33
ZORBAX Rx-C8 ................................................. 102
ZORBAX SB-C8 ...........................................40, 102
phases, C18
Polaris Amide-C18 ............................................ 106
Polaris C18-A .................................................... 102
Polaris C18-Ether .............................................. 102
Poroshell 120 EC-C18 ....................................... 102
Poroshell 120 SB-C18 ....................................... 102
Pursuit C18 ........................................................ 102
Pursuit XRs C18 ................................................ 102
SepTech ST150 C18 .......................................... 102
SepTech ST60 C18 ............................................ 102
ZORBAX 300SB-C18 .................................. 51, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse Extend-C18 ............................. 91
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 .. 51, 61, 65, 68, 70, 102
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 .......................... 77, 102
ZORBAX Extend-C18 ...................... 62, 71, 97, 102
ZORBAX RRHD SB-C18 ...................................... 40
ZORBAX Rx-C18 ............................................... 102
ZORBAX SB-C18 .........................................30, 102
phases, CN
ZORBAX CN ...................................................... 103
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-CN ........................... 71, 103
ZORBAX SB-CN ................................................ 103
phases, phenyl
Pursuit Diphenyl ............................................... 103
Pursuit PFP ........................................................ 105
Pursuit XRs Diphenyl ........................................ 103
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus Phenyl-Hexyl ........... 71, 103
ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-Phenyl ..................... 71, 103
ZORBAX Phenyl ................................................ 103
ZORBAX SB-Phenyl ............................................ 38
Poroshell 120 ................................................ 15, 16
ZORBAX RRHD ................................................... 16
ZORBAX RRHT .............................................. 15, 16
Product and Ordering Information
On the following pages, weve chosen a few products to highlight and
provide quick part number reference for you.
Agilent LC Columns
Poroshell 120 columns help you get more efficiency and analytical speed from any HPLC/UHPLC instrument.
See pp. 15 17 for more information.
Poroshell 120 - Particle Size 2.7 m
Eclipse Plus
(USP L1)
Eclipse Plus
(USP L7)
Eclipse Plus
(USP L1)
(USP L7)
Analytical 4.6 x 150 693975-902 693975-906 693975-905 683975-902 683975-906
Analytical 4.6 x 100 695975-902 695975-906 695975-905 685975-902 685975-906
Analytical 4.6 x 75 697975-902 697975-906 687975-902
Analytical 4.6 x 50 699975-902 699975-906 699975-905 689975-902 689975-906
Analytical 4.6 x 30 691975-902 691975-906 681975-902
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 150 693975-302 693975-306 693975-305 683975-302 683975-306
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 100 695975-302 695975-306 695975-305 685975-302 685975-306
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 75 697975-302 697975-306 687975-302
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 50 699975-302 699975-306 699975-305 689975-302 689975-306
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 30 691975-302 691975-306 681975-302
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 150 693775-902 693775-906 693775-905 683775-902 683775-906
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 100 695775-902 695775-906 695775-905 685775-902 685775-906
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 75 697775-902 697775-906 687775-902
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 50 699775-902 699775-906 699775-905 689775-902 689775-906
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 30 691775-902 691775-906 681775-902
Fast Guard 4.6 x 5 820750-911 820750-912
Fast Guard 3.0 x 5 823750-911 823750-912
Fast Guard 2.1 x 5 821725-911 821725-912
Continued on next page
More Poroshell 120 phases will be developed.
For a complete listing, visit
For a full list of columns from Agilent, request the current Essential Chromatography and Spectroscopy
Catalog from Agilent at
Poroshell 120 - Particle Size 2.7 m
(USP L11)
(USP L60)
Analytical 4.6 x 150 683975-914 693975-912 693968-901 693975-901
Analytical 4.6 x 100 685975-914 695975-912 695968-901 695975-901
Analytical 4.6 x 50 689975-914 699975-912 699968-901 699975-901
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 150 683975-314 693975-312 693968-301 693975-301
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 100 685975-314 695975-312 695968-301 695975-301
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 50 689975-314 699975-312 699968-301 699975-301
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 150 683775-914 693775-912 693768-901 693775-901
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 100 685775-914 695775-912 695768-901 695775-901
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 50 689775-914 699775-912 699768-901 699775-901
More RRHD phases are being developed.
For a full list of available part numbers, visit
ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Definition (RRHD) Columns, Stable to 1200 Bar
Eclipse Plus C18
(USP L1)
Eclipse Plus C8
(USP L7)
Eclipse XDB-C18
(USP L1)
(USP L1)
RRHD 2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 m 959759-902 959759-906 981759-902 759700-902
RRHD 2.1 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 959758-902 959758-906 981758-902 758700-902
RRHD 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 959757-902 959757-906 981757-902 757700-902
RRHD, 3.0 x 150 mm, 1.8 m 959759-302 959759-306 981759-302
RRHD 3.0 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 959758-302 959758-306 981758-302 758700-302
RRHD 3.0 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 959757-302 959757-306 981757-302 757700-302
(USP L1)
(USP L7)
(USP L11)
(USP L10)
RRHD 2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 m 859700-902 859700-906 859700-912 859700-905
RRHD 2.1 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 858700-902 858700-906 858700-912 858700-905
RRHD 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 857700-902 857700-906 857700-912 857700-905
RRHD 3.0 x 150 mm, 1.8 m 859700-302 859700-306
RRHD 3.0 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 858700-302 858700-306 858700-312 858700-305
RRHD 3.0 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 857700-302 857700-306 857700-312 857700-305
Eclipse PAH
(USP L1)
HILIC Plus Eclipse Plus
RRHD 2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 m 959759-918 859700-914 959759-901 959759-912
RRHD 2.1 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 959758-918 858700-914 959758-901 959758-912
RRHD 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 959757-918 857700-914 959757-901 959757-912
RRHD 3.0 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 959758-318 858700-314 959758-301 959758-312
RRHD 3.0 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 959757-318 857700-314 959757-301 959757-312
Agilent LC Columns
300 for the analysis of proteins and peptides
(USP L56)
(USP L11)
RRHD 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 857750-909 857750-944 857750-901
RRHD 2.1 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 858750-902 858750-906 858750-909 858750-944 858750-901
RRHD 2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 m 857750-902 857750-906
RRHD 2.1 x 50 mm, 1.8 m 857768-901
RRHD 2.1 x 100 mm, 1.8 m 858768-901
RRHD 2.1 x 150 mm, 1.8 m 859768-901
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus
Size (mm) Particle
size (m)
Eclipse Plus
C18 (USP L1)
Eclipse Plus
C8 (USP L7)
Eclipse Plus
(USP L11)
Eclipse Plus
Analytical 4.6 x 250 5 959990-902 959990-906 959990-912 959990-918
Analytical 4.6 x 150 5 959993-902 959993-906 959993-912 959993-918
Analytical 4.6 x 100 5 959996-902 959996-906 959996-912 959996-918
Analytical 4.6 x 50 5 959946-902 959946-906
Rapid Resolution 4.6 x 150 3.5 959963-902 959963-906 959963-912 959963-918
Rapid Resolution 4.6 x 100 3.5 959961-902 959961-906 959961-912 959961-918
Rapid Resolution 4.6 x 75 3.5 959933-902 959933-906 959933-902
Rapid Resolution 4.6 x 50 3.5 959943-902 959943-906 959943-912 959943-918
Rapid Resolution 4.6 x 30 3.5 959936-902 959936-906 959936-912
Rapid Resolution
HT, 600 bar
4.6 x 100 1.8 959964-902 959964-906 959964-912 959964-918
Rapid Resolution
HT, 600 bar
4.6 x 75 1.8 959951-902
Rapid Resolution
HT, 600 bar
4.6 x 50 1.8 959941-902 959941-906 959941-912 959941-918
Rapid Resolution
HT, 600 bar
4.6 x 30 1.8 959931-902 959931-906 959931-912 959931-918
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 250 5 959990-318
Solvent Saver 3.0 x 150 5 959993-302 959993-306
Solvent Saver Plus 3.0 x 150 3.5 959963-302 959963-306 959963-312
Solvent Saver Plus 3.0 x 100 3.5 959961-302 959961-306 959961-312
Solvent Saver
RRHD, 1200 bar
3.0 x 150 1.8 959759-302 959759-306
Solvent Saver
RRHD, 1200 bar
3.0 x 100 1.8 959758-302 959758-306
Solvent Saver
RRHD, 1200 bar
3.0 x 50 1.8 959757-302 959757-306
Solvent Saver HT,
600 bar
3.0 x 100 1.8 959964-302 959964-306 959964-312
Solvent Saver HT,
600 bar
3.0 x 50 1.8 959941-302 959941-306 959941-312
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 250 5 959790-918
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 150 5 959701-902 959701-906 959701-912 959701-918
Narrow Bore 2.1 x 50 5 959746-902 959746-906
Continued on next page
Agilent LC Columns
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus
Size (mm) Particle
size (m)
Eclipse Plus
C18 (USP L1)
Eclipse Plus
C8 (USP L7)
Eclipse Plus
(USP L11)
Eclipse Plus
Narrow Bore RR 2.1 x 150 3.5 959763-902 959763-906 959763-912
Narrow Bore RR 2.1 x 100 3.5 959793-902 959793-906 959793-912 959793-918
Narrow Bore RR 2.1 x 50 3.5 959743-902 959743-906 959743-912
Narrow Bore RR 2.1 x 30 3.5 959733-902 959733-906 959733-912
Narrow Bore
RRHD, 1200 Bar
2.1 x 150 1.8 959759-902 959759-906
Narrow Bore
RRHD, 1200 Bar
2.1 x 100 1.8 959758-902 959758-906
Narrow Bore
RRHD, 1200 Bar
2.1 x 50 1.8 959757-902 959757-906
Narrow Bore
RRHT, 600 Bar
2.1 x 100 1.8 959764-902 959764-906 959764-912 959764-918
Narrow Bore
RRHT, 600 Bar
2.1 x 50 1.8 959741-902 959741-906 959741-912 959741-918
Narrow Bore
RRHT, 600 Bar
2.1 x 30 1.8 959731-902 959731-906 959731-912
This is only a partial list of available phases and columns. Plus, Agilent offers a range of BioHPLC columns
for fast and accurate protein and peptide separations.
For a full list of available part numbers, visit the Agilent website, or request an Agilent Essential
Chromatography and Spectroscopy Catalog, or a BioHPLC Column Selection Guide at
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus: Guard Cartridges
Size (mm) Particle
size (m)
Eclipse Plus
C18 (USP L1)
Eclipse Plus
C8 (USP L7)
Eclipse Plus
(USP L11)
Eclipse Plus
Guard Cartridges
4 pk.
4.6 x 12.5 5 820950-936 820950-937 820950-938 820950-939
Guard Cartridges
4 pk.
2.1 x 12.5 5 821125-936 821125-937 821125-938 821125-939
Guard Hardware
820999-901 820999-901 820999-901 820999-901
Agilent LC Columns
Agilent Capillaries and
Select the right capillaries for your application
Using the right capillaries is important for best analytical performance. Below are recommended fittings for
conventional HPLC and UHPLC systems
Standard System Capillaries: 1290 Series 1200 Bar
From (A) From (B) Material ID
Pump Autosampler SS 0.17 300 S S Pre-swaged
on A and B
Pump Thermostatted
SS 0.17 450 S S Pre-swaged
on A and B
Autosampler TCC SS 0.12 340 S S Pre-swaged
on A
Column DAD SS 0.12 220 S S Pre-swaged
on A
1290 System CTC
SS 0.17 600 S SH Pre-swaged
on A
Column SS 0.12 600 S S 5067-4669
Detector Waste PTFE 0.8 5000* Finger-tight ttings
not included
(0100-1516, 2/pk)
Key Description
SS Stainless steel
S Swagelok 1.6 mm port id
SH Swagelok 1.6 mm port id, long head
SL Swagelok 1.6 mm port id, long
SLV Swagelok 1.6 mm port id, long, 1200 bar
SX Swagelok 1.6 mm port id, extra-long
M Metric M4 0.8 mm port id
Connections for 1290 valve heads: 600 and 1200 Bar
From (A) From (B) Material ID
Notes Valve
Autosampler Valve with
SS 0.12 340 S SX Pre-swaged
on A
Autosampler Valve with
SS 0.12 340 S SX Pre-swaged
on B
G4231A/B 2
Position/6 Port
valve head,
600/1200 bar
Autosampler Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.12 340 SLV M G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
micro valve head,
600 bar
Autosampler Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.12 500 SLV M G4234A/B 6
column selector
valve, 600/1200
Valve with
SS 0.12 90 SX S Pre-swaged
on A and B
G4231A/B 2
Position/6 Port
valve head,
600/1200 bar
Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.12 90 M SL Pre-swaged
on B
G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
micro valve head,
600 bar
Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.12 130 SV M G4234A/B 6
column selector
valve, 600/1200
Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.12 150 SV M G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
micro valve head,
600 bar
Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.12 280 SV M G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
micro valve head,
600 bar
Valve with
SS 0.12 150 SL SX Pre-swaged
on B
G4231A/B 2
Position/6 Port
valve head,
600/1200 bar
Valve with
SS 0.12 150 SL SX G4232B 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
Valve with
SS 0.12 280 SL SX Pre-swaged
on B
G4231A/B 2
Position/6 Port
valve head,
600/1200 bar
Continued on next page
Connections for 1290 valve heads: 600 and 1200 Bar
From (A) From (B) Material ID
Notes Valve
Detector SS 0.12 200 SX S Pre-swaged
on A and B
G4231A/B 2
Position/6 Port
valve head,
600/1200 bar
Long column Valve
SS 0.12 280 SL SX G4232B 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
Detector SS 0.12 200 SX S Pre-swaged
on A
G4232B 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
Valve with
M4 port
Detector SS 0.12 250 M SLV G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
micro valve head,
600 bar
Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.17 90 SL M Pre-swaged
on A
G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
Column Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.17 90 SV M G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
Column Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.17 150 SV M G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
Column Valve with
M4 port
SS 0.17 280 SV M G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
G4232A 2
ports valve
head, 1200
SS 0.17 250 SL M Pre-swaged
on A
G4232A 2
Position/10 Port
valve head, 1200
Description Key Unit Part No.
Swagelok 1.6 mm stainless steel fitting S 10/pk 5062-2418
Swagelok 1.6 mm stainless steel fitting, long screw SL 10/pk 5065-4454
Swagelok 1.6 mm stainless steel fitting, extra long screw SX 10/pk 5062-9967
Swagelok 1.6 mm 1200 bar removable fitting SV 1/ea 5067-4733
Swagelok 1.6 mm 1200 bar removable fitting, long screw SLV 1/ea 5067-4738
Swagelok 1.6 mm 1200 bar removable fitting, extra long screw SXV 1/ea 5067-4739
Agilent Lamps for LC
Dont risk your chromatographic
results with an imperfect fit
Only Agilent lamps are designed and built to match
Agilent instruments. Dont risk your results due to an
ill-fitting or poorly made lamp in your detector. Only
Agilent knows the alignment specifications of Agilent
instrument detectors. Use the table on the right to
easily cross reference your detector to the correct
lamp needed for optimal performance.
To learn more, visit
Detector Part No. Original Lamp
Part Number
DAD G1315A/B 5182-1530
G1315C/D 2140-0820
G4212A/B 5190-0917
MWD G1365A/B 2140-0813
G1365 C/D 2140-0820
VWD G1314A/B/C G1314-60100
G1314D/E/F G1314-60101
UV VIS 8453A 2140-0605
Improve Acuracy with Agilent Captiva Premium Syringe Filters
Sample filtration prior to HPLC, UHPLC, GC/MS, or LC/MS analysis is critical to achieving optimal system
performance. Agilent Captiva Premium Syringe Filters make the process faster than ever with the industry's
highest flow rates and loading capacities. Choose from a variety of membrane types and pore sizes to suit your
For additional products and the learn more about Captiva filtration products,
Premium Syringe Filters (100/pk)
Diameter/Pore Size
Membrane 4 mm 15 mm 25 mm
0.2 m 0.45 m 0.2 m 0.45 m 0.2 m 0.45 m
PTFE 5190-5082 5190-5083 5190-5084 5190-5085 5190-5086 5190-5087
Nylon 5190-5090 5190-5091 5190-5092 5190-5093
PES 5190-5094 5190-5095 5190-5096 5190-5097 5190-5098 5190-5099
Regenerated cellulose 5190-5106 5190-5107 5190-5108 5190-5109 5190-5110 5190-5111
Cellulose acetate 5190-5116* 5190-5117*
Glass microfiber 5190-5120 5190-5122*
Depth filters: glass/PTFE 5190-5126 5190-5127 5190-5128 5190-5129
Depth filters: glass/nylon 5190-5132 5190-5133 5190-5134 5190-5135
Notes: *larger diameter is 28 mm (not 25 mm). PNs in blue are LC/MS certied; all others are LC/UV certied
Agilent Solvent Safety Caps
Increase your Lab Safety
Agilent safety caps are freely rotating, PTFE and PFA screw caps for all solvent bottles and waste containers
used with HPLC systems in the lab. They reduce solvent emissions by up to 70%, and prevent leakage and
evaporation, which can change chromatographic results. They optimize solvent replacement with a freely
rotating cap design that helps avoid tube twisting during container exchange.
For NS29/32 ground neck bottles
Safety Cap II with 2 ports - NS29/32 5043-0221
1 basic cap,PP, blue, NS29/32, with PTFE cone, 2 ports included
2 one piece fittings, PFA, 3,2mm, (1x blue, 1x red) included
1 venting valve 1m,PTFE membrane included
For GL 45 threaded solvent bottles
Safety Cap II with 2 ports - GL 45 5043-0222
1 basic cap,PP, blue, GL45, with PTFE cone, 2 ports included
2 fittings, PFA 3,2mm, (1x blue, 1x red) included
1 venting valve, 1m,PTFE membrane included
Safety Cap I with 1 port - GL 45 5043-0223
1 basic cap,PP, blue, GL45, with PTFE cone, 1 port included
1 one piece fitting, PFA, 3,2mm, black included
1 venting valve, 1m,PTFE membrane included
Safety Cap II with 2 stopcocks - GL 45 5043-0224
1 basic cap,PP, blue, GL45, with PTFE cone, 2 ports, 2 Stopcocks included
2 fittings, PFA 3,2mm, (1x blue, 1x red) included
2 fittings, PTFE 3,2mm, (white) included
1 venting valve 1m,PTFE membrane included
Safety Cap I with 1 stopcock - GL45 5043-0225
1 basic cap,PP, blue, GL45, with PTFE cone, 1 port , 1 Stopcock included
1 one piece fitting, PFA, 3,2mm, black included
1 fittings, PTFE 3,2mm, (white) included
1 venting valve 1m,PTFE membrane included
HPLC In-Line Filters
Description Frit Porosity
Frit Inlet ID
Comments Part No. Replacement
RRLC in-line filter,
connecting capillary
0.2 4.6 Max 600 bar 5067-1553 5067-1562,
RRLC in-line filter,
connecting capillary
0.2 2.1 Max 600 bar 5067-1551 5067-1555,
Low dispersion in-line
filter, includes two frits

2.1 <1 mL/min. 01090-68702 280959-904,
10/pk (2 m).

10/pk (0.5 m).
Universal in-line filter,
two frits, with inserts,
130 x 0.25 mm
connecting capillary
2 4.8 1 5 mL/min. 01090-69703 01090-27609,
2 /pk.
Semi-prep filter 0.5 12.7 1 5 mL/min. 5064-8273 5022-2185
High pressure semi-prep
10 19 5 10 mL/min 5022-2165 5022-2166,
Prep filter 10 10 100
5065-4500 5065-9901,
replacement glass
In-line filter for G1311A Recommended when high salt concentrations
are used
1290 Infinity in-line filter
(0.3 m)
0.3 2.0 1200 bar 5067-4638 5023-0271,
Agilent In-line Filters
Protect your LC System
Column inlet frit contamination can increase column back pressure and reduce efficiency. Microbore column
blockages are a particular problem, due to the small diameter of the inlet frit. To prevent blockages always use
the appropriate filters in your LC system. Agilent offers several types of high-pressure in-line filter kits for use
with any HPLC system.
Low-dispersion in-line filter: Positioned immediately before the column, removes particles from the sample
and injection system. Minimizes external band spreading due to frit diameter of only 2.1 mm and tapered
inserts. Can be used with any microbore, high speed or standard analytical column.
Universal in-line filter: Installed between the LC pump and injector to remove particles from the solvent.
Uses a high capacity filter. The frit is placed between the tapered edges of the inserts so the solvent is evenly
distributed over the filtering frit.
The Agilent 1200 Infinity
Series LC Instruments
Future Proof Your Lab
Agilent offers unlimited module and system compatibility between the new 1200 Infinity Series and previous
1100 or 1200 Series instruments. This unique capability of Agilents LC solutions facilitates flexible, stepwise
upgrade for any Agilent LC now or in the future!
Infinitely more affordable: The Agilent 1220 Infinity LC is a high quality, integrated system for routine
HPLC and advanced UHPLC analysis, for maximum return on investment.
600 bar power range up to 5 mL/min and 80 Hz detector speed prepare your lab to take advantage of
latest advances in LC column technology
Full compatibility with all other detectors within the 1200 Infinity Series and with 6100 Series Quadrupole
MS run any existing HPLC or RRLC method
Uses same technology and parts as 1260 and 1290 Infinity LC systems
Infinitely more confident: The Agilent 1260 Infinity LC raises the standard in HPLC without raising the
price. It offers new levels of productivity, data quality and robustness to give you highest confidence in your
600 bar standard pump pressure, 80 Hz standard detector speed and up to 10 times higher UV detection
sensitivity be prepared for todays and tomorrows challenges
100% compatible with all your HPLC methods ensuring riskless replacement of existing equipment
Infinitely more powerful: The Agilent 1290 Infinity LC is the last word in chromatographic performance
providing highest speed, resolution and sensitivity.
Wide power range up to 1200 bar deploy any particle type, any column dimensions, or any mobile and
stationary phases
Ultimate method flexibility from conventional HPLC to UHPLC run your existing methods and solve all your
LC and LC/MS challenges on one system
Lower total cost of ownership get UHPLC productivity at service costs comparable to HPLC equipment
Keep up to date on the infinitely better technologies coming from Agilent instruments at
Overcome pitfalls in the transfer of methods between different LC
instruments with Intelligent System Emulation Technology (ISET)
Design differences between LC instrumentation such as power range, delay volume, mixing behavior,
temperature control, extra column volume and detector cell design all affect the ability to transfer a method
from one system to another. Therefore identical LC methods used on different LC instrumentation could result
in different retention time and chromatographic resolution.
The impact of delay volume and gradient mixing
The delay (dwell) volume of an LC system determines how fast the gradient reaches the column. Further, the
mixing behavior influences the gradient profile. Both these factors delay (dwell) volume and mixing behavior
are determined by the instrument design and the consequences for method transfer are differences in retention
times and in resolution.

The solution for instrument to instrument method transfer:
1290 Infinity LC with ISET
Intelligent System Emulation Technology makes the 1290 Infinity LC the world's first truly universal LC system
as it can execute other HPLC and UHPLC methods and deliver the same chromatographic results without any
change of the instrument or the original method all by simple mouse click.
Agilent 1290 Infinity LC with
Column: Poroshell 120, 3 x 50
mm (2.7um)
Flow Rate: 0.85 mL/min.
Mobile phase: Water, Acetonitrile.
Gradient: 0 min
(10 % Acetonitrile),
3 min
(90 % Acetonitrile)
Mobile phase: Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
Different solvent compositions at the column
due to different delay volumes and gradient
mixing behaviours result in different retention
times and resolutions.
1 1.5 3
Absorbance [mAU]
3.5 2 2.5
R = 1.15
R = 1.90
1100 Series Binary LC
Typical UHPLC system
with low delay volume

Higher productivity and cost savings for both method development and QA/QC
With 1290 Infinity LC and ISET you can speed up your method development with UHPLC performance and then
fine-tune your method by emulating the target system and be confident that the method will run as intended.
Simply emulate the LC system on which the original method was developed. You can run your legacy methods
with ISET and at the same time take full advantage of the UHPLC speed, resolution and sensitivity of the 1290
Infinity LC. With ISET, there is no need to maintain your old legacy LC systems..
Learn more about this technology, and keep up to date on the infinitely
better technologies coming from Agilent instruments at
The result: same retention times and same
resolution, without modifying the instrument
or original method.
1 1.5 3
Absorbance [mAU]
3.5 2 2.5
R = 1.90
1100 Series Binary LC
1290 Infinity LC with ISET
R = 1.87
Learn more:
Buy online:
Find an Agilent office or authorized
U.S. and Canada
1-800-227-9770, [email protected]
[email protected]
Asia Pacific
[email protected]
[email protected]
Information, descriptions and specications in this publication are
subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies shall not be
liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of
this material.
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2011
Published in USA, October, 2011
Publication Number 5990-7595EN
Trust Agilent for all your supplies... including supplies for
non-Agilent instruments
Vials, caps and other small LC system components can contribute to big problems such as injector damage,
ghost peaks and analyte degradation. Agilent supplies and sample preparation products are engineered with
the same reliability and reproducibility you expect from Agilent instruments and columns. They help you keep
your system operating at peak performance with the highest possible uptime. Agilent also offers supplies for
your non-Agilent instruments. Try Agilent CrossLab supplies risk-free, with a 90-day, money-back guarantee.

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