Patient and Family Rights (PFR) : Hakpasiendankeluarga

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Patient and Family Rights (PFR)

Hak Pasien dan Keluarga

6th Edition | Effective 1 July 2017

KFSH&RC provides the highest
level of specialized healthcare in
an integrated education and
research setting.
It is important to have a culture of :
Patient safety
Continuous Improvement

JCIA accreditation is designed to create that culture.

Re-akreditasi JCI

 JCI mempersyaratkan re akreditasi setiap 3 tahun

 Setiap tahun akan ada kunjungan untuk menilai kelangsungan proses
peningkatan mutu
 Setiap reakreditasi diharapkan ada peningkatan mutu yang


 Continous quality Improvement

 Monitoring dan evaluasi terus menerus untuk menilai implementasi standar
 Capacity building dan Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkesinambungan bagi staff medis
meningkatkan kemampuan seluruh staf
Hak Pasien dan Keluarga
terkait komplain, konflik, dan perbedaan pendapat
Standar GLD 6 – GLD 6.2
2008 JCIA Survey visit findings

2008 JCIA Survey visit findings

 H&P form (Admission Notes) use.

 Procedural Sedation Assessment form

completion (Endoscopy).

 Pain documentation.

 D4 Chronic Patients Weekly Assessment.

2008 JCIA Survey visit findings

 Authentication of telephone orders.

 PRN order for Restraint.

 Inconsistency in ASA score documented for

the same patient.

 Renewed orders completion (e.g. cont

2008 JCIA Survey visit findings

 Consultants co-signature on Residents

entries as hospital policy states

 Date documentation in the progress notes

 Significant Medical Record Documentation

issues: Timeliness, Eligibility, Completeness
2008 JCIA Survey visit findings

Practice & Documentation

 ASA Score of III accepted for procedural

sedation in Outpatient w/o explanation

 Inconsistency in the location of documenting

site marking (tooth) in dental clinic

 Patient discharged from post anesthesia unit

w/o physician order
Standards Changes

Quality Management is currently

working with concerned departments
and staff to implement the required
policies & processes for the standards
At least 5 Clinical
should be chosen from
(International Library of International
Measures) Library of Measures

 Heart Failure (HF)

 Stroke (STK)
 Children’s Asthma Care (CAC)
 Hospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric Services (HBIPS)
 Perinatal Care (PC)
 Pneumonia (PN)
 Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP)
 Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
 Acute Myocardial infarction (AMI)
 Nursing Sensitive care (NSC)
Standards Changes
(International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG))

 IPSG – stay the same but more emphasis on monitoring

1. Identify Patients Correctly
2. Improve Effective Communication
3. Improve the Safety of High-Alert Medications (IPP list)
4. Ensure Correct Site , Correct- Procedure , Correct –
Patient Surgery
5. Reduce the Risk of Health Care Associated Infections
6. Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls
(High Alert Medication Policy)
(High Alert Medication Policy)
Standards Changes
Standards Changes
(Patient and Family Rights – PFR)
 Patient’s right to seek a second opinion without fear

 Consent is obtained in a language the patient can


 Process to respond to patient’s request for additional

information on the practitioner

 The organization obtains informed consent from live

Standards Changes
Standards Changes
(Patient and Family Rights – PFR)
 Patient’s right to seek a second opinion without fear

 Consent is obtained in a language the patient can


 Process to respond to patient’s request for

additional information on the practitioner

 The organization obtains informed consent from

live donors
Standards Changes
(Access to Care and Continuity of
Care – ACC)

 Patients with emergent, needs are given priority for

assessment and treatment.
 The clinical records of outpatients receiving continuing
care contain a summary of all significant diagnoses,
drug allergies…etc
 Follow-up process for patients who leave against
medical advice.
 Planning to meet the patients’ transportation needs.
 Medication reconciliation upon admission.
 The planned care is documented in the record in
the form of measurable progress (goals) & updated
based on assessment

 The care planned is reviewed and verified by the

responsible physician.
 The post-surgical plan is documented by the
responsible surgeon or verified by the responsible

 The plans of care are documented within 24 hours

of surgery.

 The anesthesiologist are identified in the patient’s

anesthesia record.
Standards Changes
(Staff Qualification and Education-SQE)

 Each medical staff member provides only those

services that have been permitted by the

 Have a uniform process (defined by organization

policy for ongoing professional practice evaluation &
(at least) annual review on quality & safety of
Standards Changes
(Staff Qualification and Education-SQE)

 Uses comparative data such as benchmarking to

literature-based medicine.

 Use conclusions of in-depth analysis of known

complications as applicable.

 Feedback to staff.
Your role as a Quality Director

Reinforce the following to department members:

 Patient Safety.
 Safety reporting (SRS).
 Applying Infection Control Measures.

 Promote the Just culture.

Your role as a Quality Director

Documentation :
(Not documented, Not completely done !!)
 Identify documentation compliance issues in your
area (i.e. insufficient computers, training..etc ) and
work with Chairman for solutions.

 Review tracer reports & Quarterly documentation

reports. Discuss results with the concerned staff.
Your role as a Quality Director

Medical Staff files, Ensure that :

 Staff privileges are up to date

 Saudi Commission registration completed

 Life Support certification is completed

 Fire training completed

Reference: Joint Commission
 Evaluations International Accreditation Hospital
Survey Process Guide
Page 67
Your role as a Quality Director

Departmental education on :

 New JCIA standards

 Hospital policies related to physicians.

Quality Management Educational Role

 Help directors to provide JCIA visit update in

departments’ meetings.

 Provide Educational material for directors.

 Prepare Readiness Tips.

Thank You

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