Dasamsa 2
Dasamsa 2
Dasamsa 2
Dasäàça use
Sunday 31th July, 2005; 9.30 am- 5.30 pm
Venue - Theosophical Society, 50
Gloucester Place, London
Sanjay Rath
Jyotish Guru, Sri Jagannath Center
http://srijagannath.org & http://srath.com
To know
1. Dasäàça Näräyaëa Daçä
Changes in Career
what constitutes career and/or job changes;
Identifying the factors of change and timing changes
2. Ups and Down in Career
identifying factors causing career upheavals like promotions,
change of place/workstations
job loss and timing the same
3. Serious Career Problems
Identifying the cause and nature of job related problems and
their solutions.
death in service
enquiries, allegations
Changes in Career
1. A change in career is often 1. Amätyakäraka – planets
brought about by forces that influencing AmK by
are beyond the control of the conjunction or aspect show
native and this is often the directions coming from
forced. This can be seen in the soul
the dasäàça when planets 2. Planets in 10th house from
alter the delicate balance in Moon or influencing 10th
the artha trikoëa due to a lord from Moon show what
change in daçä. we (mind) want to do
2. A change by choice is rare 3. 10th house and trines in
and even then it shows dasäàça or 7th house – the
internal forces that are opportunities for success
changing the native. This 4. Ghäöikä lagna – position and
can be in the form of power
carakäraka replacement.
5. Horä lagna – definition of
Rajiv Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi – Pilot to Prime Minister.
Dasäàça – 10th house (artha) trines has a
delicate balance between (a) Mars & Mercury
in the 6th house showing service as a pilot
(Ketu supports Mercury ruling air travel) and
(b) Sun & Ketu in the 10th house showing
In the dasäàça Näräyaëa daçä of Pisces his
brother Sanjay died in a plane crash and he
was brought into politics by his mother Indira
Gandhi. Pisces has Rähu the amätyakäraka
and indicator for politics. Jupiter is well placed
in Sagittarius in lagna and will not encourage Narayana Dasa of D-10 chart
Mercury and Mars in the 6th house (Pacakadi Aq: 1944-08-20 - 1949-08-20
sambandha). Cn: 1949-08-20 - 1955-08-21
In Leo Näräyaëa daçä, his mother died and he Sg: 1955-08-21 - 1967-08-21
became the Prime Minister of India. Leo is Ta: 1967-08-21 - 1976-08-20
aspected by 8th lord Moon (inheritance from Li: 1976-08-20 - 1980-08-20
Mother) and its lord Sun is in the 10th house Pi: 1980-08-20 - 1983-08-21
promising a political career. Le: 1983-08-21 - 1994-08-21
Cp: 1994-08-21 - 1998-08-21
Ge: 1998-08-21 - 2009-08-20
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi has four planets Jup (R),
Merc, Sat and Ketu in the second house
influencing the artha trikoëa.