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International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 783

Volume-1, Issue-12, December-2018

www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

Analysis of Increasing the Productivity of Using

Tinting Machines Based on the VSM Method in
the Paint Industry
Gun Nanda Tian Purnama1, Gunanto2, Humiras Hardi Purba3, Siti Aisyah4
Master of Industrial Engineering Program, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Polytechnic STMI, Ministry of Industry Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract: Paint manufacturers experience the complexity of found in buildings. Because consumers have become
production planning due to the many color variations for a paint increasingly sophisticated and individual in their color choices,
product that is supported by a lack of flexibility in batch the demand for a wider range of colors has also increased. This
production systems. The development of coloring technology with
color tinting machines has allowed paint coloring to be done by the poses a problem for paint producers and retailers or
paint shop, not necessarily done directly by the paint shopkeepers because the first must produce a lot of colors in
manufacturer. By using the Value Stream Mapping (VSM) small quantities, so losing economies of scale and, of course,
method, the paint production process will be mapped and analysis retailers or shopkeepers must provide additional space to store
of improvements with the application of production in the paint and display a number of these colored paints. Typical paint is
manufacturer only white / base and staining done in the shop using architectural paint used in locations at ambient temperatures
Tinting machines. From VSM mapping and comparison before
and after the improvement was carried out, the results showed [1]. The first factor that influences the complexity of paint
that with improvements made by paint manufacturers will product production planning is the many color variations for a
experience increased productivity through reducing production paint product. The second factor is a batch production system.
lead time by 41%, reducing NVA (Non Value Added) activities by The batch production system causes production planning to be
21%, increasing VA activity (Value Added) up to 17%, controlling less flexible and allows for overproduction of certain products.
the flow of raw material and simplifying inventory control for The third factor is the use of the same limited resources for the
finish good paint.
production process of various types of existing products.
Keywords: VSM, Color Tinting Machines, Improvement. Inappropriate production planning can result in products being
produced at an undesirable amount, the use of resources is not
1. Introduction optimal and all of these ultimately impact on the unmet demand
The color demand of wall painting material in Indonesia is from consumers and the high total costs to be borne [2]. With
very diverse, both for exterior and interior. The colors of the the current technological advancements, most paint
wall painting produced in Indonesia are always following the manufacturers have begun to move to tinting or mixing
trend of the world. The color of painting applied not only technology [3]. This technology makes it easier for consumers
limited to protecting but the color of painting can affect the to get more color choices. Some paint manufacturers in
aesthetic value of the building or house. Becomes beauty, many Indonesia who have used this Tinting technology include:
people applied to the homes with diverse colors. Consumers are Propan Raya ICC, Indaco, Danapaint, ICI Paint, Jotun, San
looking forward to having a great selection of colors to suit their Central, Avian Paint, Mowilex, Rajawali Hiyoto, Nippon Paint,
tastes. Color psychologically will give a certain message and TOA Paint. This analysis aims to calculate the productivity
effect. For examples of pink show love, green for natural improvement that will be obtained by the paint industry
comfort while blue for the coolness of the heart. Even company by using Tinting technology in the process of paint
businessman have begun to concern about the choice of colors production.
to support their business, both colors for interior shops / outlets,
office buildings and even logos that will be used as business 2. Literature study
symbols. Similar paints or coating compositions such as The use of paint is to provide surface protection, decorative
lacquers, varnishes or wood coloring, are used by skilled and many special uses for commodities and merchandise by
professional decorators who are relatively unskilled - the means of organic coatings [4]. The process of making paint uses
painters themselves for various reasons. Usually, this is to several raw materials and goes through several stages of the
brighten the environment and / or to match the color of certain process. The raw materials used in the paint industrial process
furniture items, floor coverings or walls, and other surfaces are resins, solvents, pigments / colors and extenders [5].
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 784
Volume-1, Issue-12, December-2018
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

 Resin: Alkyd, Aklirik, Vinyl etc. necessary necessities, such as Base color paint (basic color
 Solvents: Aromatic, Aliphatic, Ketone, Alcohol, paint that will be added with other colors), lever to open the lid,
Water etc. paint tinter (mixture paint to be mixed into the base paint earlier
 Pigment / Color: Organic, Inorganic. to give color), and so on. After that, the paint stock base color
 Extender: Calcium carbonate, Lime etc. will be mixed with other colors in the mixing machine as shown
 Auxiliary Material: Cooking Oil, Plasticizer etc. next. Every unique color that you choose has its own blend
formula to be the color you want. This is where the base paint
color will be added the color becomes what you want. Then,
after the colors needed are poured into the machine, the final
step is to pour the paint into the stirrer. The goal is that the
paints can be evenly mixed after being given the color [8].
Analyzing the coloring industry, where machine
manufacturers dispense dyes sell related products and services
to paint manufacturers, who install them in retail stores to sell
color paint to end consumers. The development of tinting
machines integrates existing ones with the following
specifications: (i) all relevant costs throughout the product life
cycle are considered; (ii) costs of related goods and services are
considered; (iii) explicit and hidden costs considered; (iv) the
model adapts to the perspective of various actors in the supply
Fig. 1. The process of making paint in general chain. [9] This tinting machine is related to coloring machines
to deliver coloring agents to the paint container and by a method
Tinting is a simple term from the process of mixing various to channel one or more dyes into a paint container with primer
colors to produce certain desired colors [6]. The tinting / using the coloring machine. [1] Tinting machines are systems
coloring process is made on a tinting machine that is and methods including self-service and automatic components
technologically advanced with excellent color accuracy. To be for paint coloring [10]. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is one of
able to produce a variety of color choices with a more attractive the key lean tools used to identify opportunities for various lean
design and make it easier for consumers to choose colors, many techniques. Potential benefits for managers such as reducing
paint manufacturers are now using a Computerized Tinting production time and lower inventory in the process. Because
System. With the tinting system, 2000 colors can be obtained in VSM is involved in all process steps, both added value and non-
a short time. This system is used on a machine that functions to value added, it is analyzed and uses VSM as a visual tool to help
produce paint colors that are tailored to the desires of see hidden waste and waste sources. The Current Condition
consumers. In this machine there is a computer system that can Map is made to document how things actually operate on the
mix several colors of paint that has been provided to produce production floor. Then, Future State Map was developed to
the desired paint product. The engine tinting system is intended design a stream of lean processes through eliminating the root
to meet consumer needs directly in accordance with the causes of waste and through process improvements [11].
consumer's desire for the color of the paint needed. With the VSM communicates valuable information, the most
tinting machine can also help paint manufacturers in making important benefits come from its creation. As long as the insight
decisions to produce paint that suits the needs of consumers. In mapping process grows, the paradigm shifts and builds
addition, paint manufacturers can also predict what kind of consensus. Mapping not only leads to a better process, but also
paint products consumers want. With this tinting system, any leads to consensus that enables and enhances implementation.
color choice from consumers is available in just a few minutes. VSM cannot reveal how the current process actually works and
Thus, consumers are no longer confused about the works well. This knowledge can be used to develop a more
unavailability of paint stock [7]. Choosing paint tinting economically efficient future VSM. To eliminate non-value-
technology is a very right decision, if the color we want is not added waste (NVA) for the procurement of endovascular stents
ready. Therefore, let's see how the process is made. First of all, in interventional radiology services by applying value stream
of course you as a customer come to our outlet, choose the paint mapping (VSM). By eliminating factors that do not add value
tinting brand that you want. Exacly, not all paint brands provide (NVA) and create a more refined whole process, products and
tinting technology, but we provide quality brands such as services become more valuable to consumers and also more
Dulux, Envi, Mowilex, Kem-Tone, Danapaint, and so on. After competitive to compete with competitors in the market [12].
you choose the paint tinting brand, you just choose the color VSM has proven effective in identifying and eliminating waste
you want on the color card. Each color has its own unique code, in facilities with the same or identical product routes, such as in
which you should note if in the future you want to make paint assembly facilities. The process of mapping material flow and
with the same color code. After you choose the color, our information from all components and sub-assemblies in the
employees will start working on it by providing all the
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 785
Volume-1, Issue-12, December-2018
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792

value stream that includes manufacturing, suppliers and production data, if paint coloring is done in the production
distribution to customers is known as value stream mapping process, while white paint / base data production data will be
(VSM) [13]. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a process of used as VSM future state data which shows the store only orders
mapping material flows and information needed to coordinate white color and the coloring will done later in the store
activities carried out by producers, suppliers and distributors to according to the color of the customer's request. After the data
deliver products to customers. Unlike the traditional process of each time the collected paint production process is made, the
mapping tool used by IE, VSM is a mapping tool that maps not Current State & Future State VSM is made as follows
only the flow of material but also the information flow that
signals and controls the flow of material. This enhanced visual
representation facilitates the identification of value added steps
in the Value Stream and elimination of steps that do not add
value, or waste / youth [14]. Lead Time (L / T) is the time spent
between customer orders and the final delivery of products to
customers [15]. With VSM, the process is redesigned to be
more effective and efficient than the previous one, namely the
reduction of input (resources) needed [15]. A value stream is
the entire set of activities running from raw material to finished
product for a specific product or product family. Value stream
Fig. 4. Current State VSM
maps are powerful visual tool used to identify waste and
understand the flow of material and Information. Value stream
maps show all actions required to deliver a product [16].

Fig. 5. Future State VSM

Source (Internal Data of Paint Manufacturers)

Fig. 2. VSM Flow 5. Result

In the Current State VSM the paint production process is
3. Research methodology carried out with various types of colors ordered by the customer
The methodology used in this analysis refers to the VSM while in the Future State the production process is only base /
principle by using data from paint manufacturers that have white paint when sent to the customer / shop and coloring can
applied Tinting technology in their business processes. The be done by tinting machine. Correctly argue that whenever
flow of this research is as follows: there is a product for a customer, there is a flow of values. The
challenge lies in seeing and doing it. VSM can be done in the
same way for almost all business activities and extended
upstream or downstream. This sophisticated tool not only
highlights process inefficiencies, transactional and
communication mismatches, but also guidance on areas of
improvement [17].
The following are the results of the current state and future
state VSM comparisons of this research:
Fig. 3. Research Flow  In the current state of VSM, customer orders and
supplier orders are "by order" which means that
4. Data collection customers will place an order with the paint
The data used is the average data of each process that is manufacturer according to the vacancy in the store
passed in the production of paint. Paint production data is stock and the minimum order set by the paint
divided into 2 types, namely production data for color paint and manufacturer. Paint manufacturers will also order raw
production data for white paint / base. Color paint production materials according to the need to reduce the amount
data will be used as VSM current state data that shows of inventory of their raw materials and adjust the
International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management 786
Volume-1, Issue-12, December-2018
www.ijresm.com | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
Table 1
VSM data
Warehouse of raw Preparation of Wait for Coloring & Filtering & finished goods Time VA / VA /
in Minutes Pre Mixing wip Dispersion wip Mixing wip wip Total
materials raw materials Production QC Packaging warehouse (NVA+VA NVA Total
Current NVA 1410.0 1390.0 644.7 644.7 644.7 81.0 989.0 5804.0
6996.0 21% 17%
State VA 167.0 233.0 243.0 161.0 93.0 295.0 1192.0
Future NVA 1050.0 774.0 272.7 272.7 272.7 83.0 540.0 3265.0
4111.0 26% 21%
State VA 151.0 207.0 187.0 111.0 85.0 105.0 846.0
41% 21% 17%

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