This document summarizes key mechanical properties of wood including compression strength, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and the effects of moisture content. It explains that wood is both elastic and plastic, exhibiting viscoelastic behavior where applied loads cause both temporary and residual deformations. Equations are provided to calculate compression strength, MOE, MOR and how properties vary with moisture content. Specific gravity and common values for properties like MOE and MOR are listed for several wood species.
This document summarizes key mechanical properties of wood including compression strength, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and the effects of moisture content. It explains that wood is both elastic and plastic, exhibiting viscoelastic behavior where applied loads cause both temporary and residual deformations. Equations are provided to calculate compression strength, MOE, MOR and how properties vary with moisture content. Specific gravity and common values for properties like MOE and MOR are listed for several wood species.
Original Description:
properties of diff wood types for use as an alternative engineering material
This document summarizes key mechanical properties of wood including compression strength, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and the effects of moisture content. It explains that wood is both elastic and plastic, exhibiting viscoelastic behavior where applied loads cause both temporary and residual deformations. Equations are provided to calculate compression strength, MOE, MOR and how properties vary with moisture content. Specific gravity and common values for properties like MOE and MOR are listed for several wood species.
This document summarizes key mechanical properties of wood including compression strength, modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), and the effects of moisture content. It explains that wood is both elastic and plastic, exhibiting viscoelastic behavior where applied loads cause both temporary and residual deformations. Equations are provided to calculate compression strength, MOE, MOR and how properties vary with moisture content. Specific gravity and common values for properties like MOE and MOR are listed for several wood species.
plays an important role in almost any construction proj- ects. If the compression strength or bending strength of a 2-inch by 4-inch beam is not known, deection due to bearing a load may cause signicant deformation, which could even lead to its failure during service life. There- fore, most softwood construction lumber is graded based Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Strength Properties of Wood for Practical Applications Mechanical properties of wood play an important role when used for different design applications. Wood is widely used for structural purposes. This fact sheet sum- marizes some of the basic concepts related to mechani- cal characteristics of wood, including viscoelasticity, compression, shear, bending strength properties and how such characteristics should be taken into consideration for an efcient practical design. Viscoelasticity In contrast to metals and plastics, wood is an orthotro- pic material, meaning its properties will be independent in three directions longitudinal, tangential and radial, as illustrated in Figure 1. Another unique property of wood is its viscoelasticity, which can be described as having both plastic and elastic characteristics when exposed to a certain deformation. Elastic materials easily stretch under an applied load. However, they return to their original conditions once the load is released. In contrast, plastic materials stay at the stretched condition even if the load is released after a long period time. The behavior of wood products is between the above two types of conditions. A bookshelf example can be used to illustrate the viscoelasticity of wood: A number of books are put on a shelf and, in time, it will have a limited amount of sag- ging deformation. When all books are removed from the shelf, it will never return to its original at condition. Thus, there will be a residual deformation left because of its viscoelasticity. Figure 2 illustrates the viscoelastic behavior of wood, as in the bookshelf example. FAPC-162 Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center FOOD TECHNOLOGY FACT SHEET 405-744-6071 Adding Value to Oklahoma f a p c Salim Hiziroglu FAPC Wood Products Specialist Figure 1. Orthotropic structure of wood. on allowable load resistance, which can be determined from a stress test. However, strength properties of hard- wood lumber are not that critical because a majority of it is used for furniture manufacturing and is not exposed to substantial loads. Compression or shear strength of a wood beam or truss used extensively for construction can be calculated based on the following equation: Sigma () = P/A, where is stress, P is load and A is surface area. In general, stress is the load per unit area and is expressed in pound per square inch (psi), kilogram per square centimeter (kg/cm 2 ) or any other units. Figures 3 and 4 show compression and shear stress developed by a perpendicularly applied load on small wood blocks. MOE and MOR In the case of bending a beam, we are dealing with modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) to evaluate its load resistance. While MOE is a measure of the stiffness of a body, MOR is related to maximum strength that can be resisted by a member. Both are expressed as stress similar to most of the other mechanical properties of wood. The following two equa- tions are used to calculate MOE and MOR of wood with a rectangular cross section: MOE = (P L 3 ) / (48 I D)
MOR = (P max L) / (b d 2 ) I = (bd 3 ) / 12 162-2 Where: P = load below proportional limit (lb.) P max = failure load (lb.) L = test span (in.) b = width of the sample (in.) d = thickness of the sample (in.) D = center deection (in.) I = moment of inertia, which is the inertia of a rigid body with respect to its rotation and, in the case of a rectangular cross section, is expressed as in 4 . In general, depending on the species, wood has MOE and MOR values of 800,0002,500,000 psi and 5,000 15,000 psi, respectively. If a Red Oak with an approximate MOE value of 2,000,000 psi is used to make the bookshelf mentioned above, its deection deformation will be less than that of Aspen, which has a lower MOE. Both MOE and MOR values of different species can be obtained from various references for a particular de- sign. Table 1 displays some of the mechanical properties, including MOE and MOR, of several species. Figure 5 also illustrates a typical beam bending with deection as a result of a central load. Moisture Content The moisture content of wood also is an important parameter inuencing almost all mechanical properties. Strength properties of wood increase with its decreasing moisture content. For example, air-dried wood with aver- age moisture content of 12-13 percent will have higher strength properties than that of wood with 20 percent moisture content. In general, wood is dried to 15-20 Specie MOE (psi) MOR (psi) Compression // to the grain (psi) Shear // to the grain (psi) Specic gravity Douglas Fir 1,950,000 12,400 3,780 900 0.48 Sitka Spruce 1,570,000 10,200 5,610 1,150 0.40 White Pine 1,240,000 8,600 4,800 900 0.35 Eastern Redcedar 880,000 8,800 3,520 1,010 0.47 Red Pine 1,630,000 11,000 6,070 1,210 0.46 Cottonwood 1,100,000 6,800 4,020 790 0.34 Red Oak 2,200,000 15,400 6,770 2,020 0.63 Red Maple 2,200,000 13,400 6,540 1,850 0.54 White Oak 1,030,000 10,300 6,060 1,820 0.64 Black Walnut 1,680,000 14,600 1,010 1,370 0.55 Table 1. Some of the mechanical properties of various species at 12 percent moisture content. (From Wood Handbook, 1999) 162-3 percent moisture for typical structural application rather than using it in green condition. Strength properties of wood also can be estimated using the following equation for given moisture content, so that wood can be used with a higher efciency for any applications: P = P 12 (P 12 / P g ) (12-M / Mp12)
Where: P = property value P 12 = property value at 12 percent moisture content P g = property value at green moisture content M = moisture content M p = moisture content at which property is changed (M p is assumed 25 percent for most species, based on USDA Forest Service, 1999). Example: If a Douglas Fir beam has MOR values of 7,700 psi at green moisture content and 12,400 psi at 12 percent air-dry conditions, its MOR value at 18 percent moisture content can be calculated as below: P = 12,400 (12,400 / 7,700) (-6 / 13)
P = 12,400 x 1.610 -0.461 P = 12,400 / (1.610) 0.461 P = 9,959 psi
Further Information Detailed information about mechanical proper- ties of wood and wood products also can be found in the following literature: Wood Handbook (1999). Wood as an engineering material. USDA Forest Products Lab: Madison, Wisconsin. Hoadley, B. (2000). Understanding Wood. The Taun- ton Press: Newtown, Connecticut. Ambsore, J. (1994). Simplied Design of Wood Structures. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated: New York. Smith, I., Landis, E., & Gong, M. (2003). Fracture and Fatigue in Wood. John Wiley & Sons, Incor- porated: New York. Bowyer, J., Smulsky, R., & Haygreen, J. (2007). For- est Products & Wood Science, An Introduction. Blackwell Publishing Incorporated: Malden, Massachusetts. Figure 2. Viscoelastic behavior of wood. Figure 3. Compression parallel to grain. 162-4 Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other federal laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices or procedures. This includes but is not limited to admissions, employment, nancial aid, and educational services. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Robert E. Whitson, Director of Oklahoma Cooperative Exten- sion Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Vice President, Dean, and Director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of 74 cents per copy. 0109 The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Bringing the University to You! It provides practical, problem-oriented education for people of all ages. It is designated to take the knowl- edge of the university to those persons who do not or cannot participate in the formal classroom instruction of the university. It utilizes research from university, government, and other sources to help people make their own decisions. More than a million volunteers help multiply the impact of the Extension professional staff. It dispenses no funds to the public. It is not a regulatory agency, but it does inform people of regulations and of their options in meeting them. Local programs are developed and carried out in full recognition of national problems and goals. The Extension staff educates people through personal con- tacts, meetings, demonstrations, and the mass media. Extension has the built-in exibility to adjust its pro- grams and subject matter to meet new needs. Activities shift from year to year as citizen groups and Extension workers close to the problems advise changes. The Cooperative Extension Service is the largest, most successful informal educational organization in the world. It is a nationwide system funded and guided by a partner- ship of federal, state, and local governments that delivers information to help people help themselves through the land-grant university system. Extension carries out programs in the broad categories of agriculture, natural resources and environment; home economics; 4-H and other youth; and community resource development. Extension staff members live and work among the people they serve to help stimulate and educate Americans to plan ahead and cope with their problems. Some characteristics of Cooperative Extension are: The federal, state, and local governments cooperatively share in its nancial support and program direction. It is administered by the land-grant university as designated by the state legislature through an Exten- sion director. Extension programs are nonpolitical, objective, and based on factual information. Figure 5. Bending of a wood beam. Figure 4. Sheer stress of a sample.