CSC 108H1 S 2012 Test 2 Duration - 45 Minutes Aids Allowed: None

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CSC108H1 S 2012 Test 2

Duration 45 minutes
Aids allowed: none
Student Number:
Last Name: First Name:
Lecture Section: L0101 Instructor: Campbell
Do not turn this page until you have received the signal to start.
(Please ll out the identication section above, write your name on the back
of the test, and read the instructions below.)
Good Luck!
This midterm consists of 4 questions on 6 pages (including this one). When
you receive the signal to start, please make sure that your copy is complete.
Comments and docstrings are not required except where indicated, although
they may help us mark your answers. They may also get you part marks if
you cant gure out how to write the code. No error checking is required:
assume all user input and all argument values are valid.
If you use any space for rough work, indicate clearly what you want marked.
# 1: / 3
# 2: / 3
# 3: / 5
# 4: /13
TOTAL: /24
Total Pages = 6 Page 1 contd. . .
CSC108H1 S Test 2 Winter 2012
Question 1. [3 marks]
For each block of code in this question, write its output in the box below it. If it would generate an error,
say so, and give the reason for the error.
Part (a) [2 marks]
inner = [1, 2, 3]
nested = [inner, inner]
print nested[0]
# continued from above
print nested
Part (b) [1 mark]
inner2 = [4, 5, 6]
nested2 = [inner2[:], inner2[:]]
nested2[0].insert(3, 7)
print nested2
Question 2. [3 marks]
In A2, a board was a list of lists of strs where each inner list represented a row on the board.
Complete the following function, according to its docstring description.
def display_column(board, col):
(list of lists of strs, int) -> NoneType
Print column col of the board. You may assume: 0 <= col < len(board)
Student #: Page 2 of 6 contd. . .
CSC108H1 S Test 2 Winter 2012
Question 3. [5 marks]
Complete the following function according to its docstring description.
def num_start_with(sentences, letter):
(list of lists of strs, str) -> int
The strs in the lists in sentences are lowercase words
(e.g., [[hi, there], [this, is, fun], [hooray]])
and letter is a single lowercase letter.
Return the number of words from sentences that start with letter.
You may use the space below for rough work. This section will not be marked unless you clearly indicate
the part of your work that you want us to mark.
Student #: Page 3 of 6 contd. . .
CSC108H1 S Test 2 Winter 2012
Question 4. [13 marks]
An employee is keeping track of the dates he is scheduled to work in a le, where each line is of the form:
YEARs are 4-digits integers; MONTHs and DAYs are each 2-digit integers.
Here is a sample schedule le:
A schedule list is generated based on a schedule le like the one describe above.
The schedule list for the le above is:
["15-03-2012", "18-03-2012", "01-04-2012", "10-10-2012"].
Note: the date format in the le diers from the list (e.g., 2012,03,15 as compared to 15-03-2012).
Part (a) [6 marks] Complete the following function according to its docstring description.
def get_schedule_list(schedule_file):
(file) -> list of strs
Return a "schedule list" for the "schedule file" schedule_file.
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CSC108H1 S Test 2 Winter 2012
Part (b) [4 marks] Complete the following function according to its docstring description.
def is_booked(schedule_list, proposed_date):
(list of strs, str) -> bool
proposed_date is a date in the same format as those in a "schedule list".
Return True if proposed_date is booked (employee is scheduled to work)
according to "schedule list" schedule_list, and return False otherwise.
Part (c) [3 marks] In the question below, ll in the box with python code that will make the program
behaviour match the comments. You may not make any other changes to the code.
if __name__ == __main__:
schedule_file = open(schedule.txt)
schedule_list = get_schedule_list(schedule_file)
# Continually prompt the user (using raw_input) to enter a date (in DD-MM-YYYY format)
# until they enter a date that is not booked.
print "The date %s is not booked.", % (date)
Student #: Page 5 of 6 contd. . .
Last Name: First Name:
Short Python function/method descriptions:
len(x) -> int
Return the length of the list, tuple, dict, or string x.
open(name[, mode]) -> file object
Open a file.
range([start], stop, [step]) -> list of integers
Return a list containing the integers starting with start and ending with
stop - 1 with step specifying the amount to increment (or decrement).
raw_input([prompt]) -> str
Read a string from standard input. The trailing newline is stripped.
file (also called a "reader"):
F.close() --> NoneType
Close the file.[size]) -> string
Read at most size bytes; with no size, read until EOF.
F.readline([size]) -> string
Read next line, retaining newline; return empty string at EOF.
float(x) -> float
Convert a string or number to a floating point number, if possible.
int(x) -> int
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero.
str(x) -> str
Convert an object into its string representation, if possible.
S.find(sub[,i]) -> integer
Return the lowest index in S (starting at S[i], if i is given) where the
string sub is found or -1 if sub does not occur in S.
S.replace(old, new) -> string
Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of the string old replaced
with the string new.
S.split([sep]) -> list of strings
Return a list of the words in S, using string sep as the separator and
any whitespace string if sep is not specified.
S.startswith(prefix) -> boolean
Return True if S starts with the specified prefix and False otherwise.
S.strip() --> string
Return a copy of S with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
L.append(x) --> NoneType
Append x to the end of the list L.
L.index(value) -> integer
Return the lowest index of value in L.
L.insert(index, x) --> NoneType
Insert x at position index.
Total Pages = 6 Page 6 End of Examination

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