Eco Club Nature

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Eco Club is a platform where we get knowledge about environment. Eco Club enables
the students to be sensitive towards environmental concern to tackle environmental
The main objectives of ECO CLUB are:
To educate the students about their environment.
To create a clean and green consciousness among students through various
innovative methods.
To mobilize students towards scientific enquiry into environmental problem.
To involve them in efforts to preserve environment.
To motivate students how to imbibe habits and life style for minimum waste
Activities for
Earth Day celebration
wareness campaigns on !Clean Delhi" #reen Delhi$
Community %ervice &ro'ects
(itter clean ups of garden and open spaces )inside school*
+anmahotsava celebration
&oster making competition
%owing of Tomato seeds
,ield +isit
-aking ,lower .used paper / straw0
Distinguish waste .biodegradable and non1biodegradable0
2arvesting of tomato and making ketchup
Celebration of 2oli with herbal colour .student will make0
Earth 2our celebration
The Eco club )seniors* is popularly called 4The Green Marks !ociet"4.
The #reen ambassadors pledge to work in an environment friendly manner which
includes usage of paper bags" steel lunch bo5es" water management" saving electricity
and other activities.
The anti cracker campaign in various localities has been a part of their agenda
6n an interview to The Hindu" she said the eco1clubs which were aimed at enhancing
the children7s love for environment were already formed in some 8"9:: highs schools
under different managements. The institutions which have eco clubs included the
government high schools and ashram schools. The e5ercise was meant for covering
every institution under the environmental education programme.
The eco units were yet to be formed only in about 8: per cent of high schools1 mainly
in the institutions under the private management. special campaign would be taken
up from the beginning of the new academic year to make eco units functional in the
ne5t si5 months.
The ;ational #reen Corps" a Central #overnment funded initiative has been
organising special campaigns involving at least <: children from every school covered
under the programme" in the activity designed to arouse curiosity about nature and
restore harmony with it.
The campaign themes included among other things understanding of eco1systems and
their interrelations" pollution control" scientific water management" land management
and biodiversity. The need for discouraging use of plastic glasses and covers was
stressed in the campaign.
campaign organised on eco1 friendly -edaram was quite successful one. %imilar
campaigns were organised on forests in =hadrachalam and >arangal pockets.
Trips intended to arouse interest about the nature were organised in a big way. ,ive
teams would be formed under each eco unit comprising mainly of Class +666 students.
ECO#CLUB !choo$s
%tarted in 3@@9 with 3:: schools
6n 8::9" participation of 8::: active eco club schools has set a record in the
whole country.
3. 3@:: %chools / 3:: Colleges
8. @? lead eco1club schools
?. 3A18: schools connected with each lead school
=y 8::@" all middle schools and above will be covered" adding another A::
odd" making a total of 8A::.
Eco1club school teachers act as master trainers for new schools added every
>ith annual grants of Bs. 3:::: C 38A:: D1" each eco club schools propagates
environmental issues like %olar >ater heating" Bain water harvesting"
plantation" waste management" herbal garden" mushroom cultivation using
nnual Eco1meet held very successfully from 3<13E December 8::9 at &ragati
-aidan" 2all ;o. ?. 2on7ble C- inaugurated the e5hibition and cultural
programme. ;early E::: students visited the e5hibition. <: ;#Fs and 8:
schools put up their stalls. -assive public awareness was generated.
Delhi Council for %cience and Technology is going to deliver specialized talks
on new frontiers of science and Technology to 8 schools and 8 colleges full
week through e5pert resource persons selected from the %cientific Community.
Goung scientist and outstanding teacher7s awards have been constituted.
-Ds Tehlka is organizing a ridge awareness programme with leading Delhi
schools to inculcate a sense of involvement in the management / protection of
the ridge.
ll the lead eco1club teachers were trained on #reen %chool uditing by -Ds
3:: lead eco1club teachers were trained under #lobe programme by -Ds
6ndian Environment %ociety
%tudents of Delhi made a presentation on Earth Charter in the 6nternational
conference organized by CEE" hmedabad.
+ocational programme for student of 3:: schools is organized by -Ds TBEE
and -Ds ravali ,oundation since last A years.
%cientists from the Dept. of Environment have attended a programme on
Environment Education (eading to %ustainable Development organized by
%6D" %weden.
lso programmes conducted by Hapan #ovt. in Tokyo where details of the
functioning of Eco1club in Delhi was presented.
large number of Eco club teachers participated in Environment Educator
Conference conducted by -Ds TEB6.
Campaigns in Eco1club %chools
&lantation drive
3. ,orest Department provides free saplings
8. &lantation activity in @ new city forests
nti C ,ire Crackers
%ay ;o To &lastic =ags
Ihelo 2oli ;aturally
Jero #arbage Concept in schools
>ater Conservation and Energy Conservation
BallyD 2uman Chain DEco1care in schools and surrounding areas
-essage on environment during &rayerD -orning ssembly
ction oriented programmes like paper recycling" +ermi1composting" Bain
water harvesting.
,inancial ssistance for ction Friented &rogrammes
Rain %ater &arvesting :The financial assistance for A:K of the pro'ect cost
or Bs. Fne (akh" whichever is ma5imum" is provided by Delhi #ovt to the
B>sD%chools for this purpose. Target is 8A:: #ovt schools
'aste (a)er Rec"c$ing machine 3:: schools have been provided small
paper recycling plants. Cost of paper recycling unit is Bs. 3.: lakh
!o$ar %ater heating s"stem <A schools" colleges and social welfare
institutions have been provided effective solar water heating systems with a ?:
year life span. ssistance for Bs. L:":::D1 from &ower Dept. and Bs. L:":::D1
from Environment Dept.
&erba$ gar*en set up in L: schools by -Ds Deeksha and -Ds Mdhan
,oundation N Bs. 8::::D1 per school.
+ermi#com)osting set up in 8:: schools by -Ds %ociety for Environment /
Development and -Ds 6ndian &ollution Control ssociation N Bs. 3E:::D1 per
M,shroom c,$tivation set up in <: schools using waste material by -Ds
Delhi Tamil Education ssociation %r. %econdary %chool" -oti =agh N Bs.
8::::D1 per school.
-istrib,tion of C-s of The 6nconvenient Truth and Environment tlas of
6ndia prepared by -FE,
!o$ar !ignages are proposed in 8::: eco1club schools by -Ds &rime #reen"
free of cost through corporate sponsorship.

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