How To Learn Astrology

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How To Learn Astrology

From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

How To

Michael Erlewine

From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

An ebook from
315 Marion Avenue
Big Rapids, Michigan 49307
Fist published 2006
2006 Michael Erlewine
ISBN 978-0-9794970-2-5
All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the publisher.
Some images 2007JupiterImages Corporation
Cover photo by Margaret Erlewine.
Photos mostly by Margaret Erlewine. Some by Michael
Erlewine or Kate White.

From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

This book is dedicated to

Margaret Erlewine

From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................ 5
Greetings!......................................................... 29
Celestial Influences .......................................... 30
Astrology Not a Matter of Faith ......................... 31
What This Course Offers .................................. 32
Learn To Read Natal Charts ............................ 34
Examine Your Relationships ............................ 35
Determine Career Moves ................................. 36
Living with Astrology......................................... 37
Getting Your Forecast ...................................... 38
How Best to Use This Course .......................... 39
Astrology Now .................................................. 40
The Study of Cycles ......................................... 42
Life As Cycles .................................................. 44
The Tangle of Cycles ....................................... 46
The Straighter The Line.................................... 47

The Houses ................................................ 50

The Houses ...................................................... 50
What Are Houses? ........................................... 51
Houses Are Three Dimensional ....................... 52
House Cusps .................................................... 53
Why Houses Are Important .............................. 54
The Meaning of the Twelve Houses ................. 56

House Keywords ....................................... 57

First House Keywords ...................................... 58
Second House Keywords ................................. 59
Third House Keywords ..................................... 60
Fourth House Keywords ................................... 61
Fifth House Keywords ...................................... 62
Sixth House Keywords ..................................... 63
Seventh House Keywords ................................ 64
Eighth House Keywords ................................... 65
Ninth House Keywords ..................................... 66
Tenth House Keywords .................................... 67
From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

Eleventh House Keywords ............................... 68
Twelfth House Keywords .................................. 69

Houses Interpretations ............................. 70

First House: Interpretation ................................ 71
Second House: Interpretation ........................... 72
Third House: Interpretation............................... 73
Fourth House: Interpretation ............................ 74
Fifth House: Interpretation ................................ 75
Sixth House: Interpretation ............................... 76
Seventh House: Interpretation .......................... 77
Eighth House: Interpretation............................. 78
Ninth House: Interpretation .............................. 79
Tenth House: Interpretation.............................. 80
Eleventh House: Interpretation ......................... 81
Twelfth House: Interpretation ........................... 82

Signs Interpretations ................................ 83

Aries ................................................................. 84
Taurus .............................................................. 85
Gemini .............................................................. 86
Cancer.............................................................. 87
Leo ................................................................... 88
Virgo ................................................................. 89
Libra ................................................................. 90
Scorpio ............................................................. 91
Capricorn.......................................................... 93
Aquarius ........................................................... 94
Pisces............................................................... 95

Zodiac: Keywords ..................................... 96

Aries ................................................................. 97
Taurus .............................................................. 98
Gemini .............................................................. 99
Cancer............................................................ 100
Leo ................................................................. 101
Virgo ............................................................... 102
Libra ............................................................... 103
Scorpio ........................................................... 104
From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

Sagittarius ...................................................... 105
Capricorn........................................................ 106
Aquarius ......................................................... 107
Pisces............................................................. 108

Cycles and Signs .................................... 109

What's Your Sun Sign? .................................. 111
Different Sun Signs ........................................ 112
Learning the Signs ......................................... 113

Zodiac Cycles .......................................... 114

Capricorn........................................................ 115
Aquarius ......................................................... 116
Pisces............................................................. 117
Aries Phase .................................................... 118
Taurus Phase ................................................. 119
Gemini ............................................................ 120
Cancer............................................................ 121
Leo ................................................................. 122
Virgo ............................................................... 123
Libra ............................................................... 124
Scorpio ........................................................... 125
Sagittarius ...................................................... 126
The Familiar Sun Signs .................................. 127
Sun Sign Dates .............................................. 128
Visualizing Your Sun Sign .............................. 129
Sun Sign Astrology Works .............................. 131
The Sun is the Self ......................................... 132
Rote Memorization ......................................... 134
The Point of No Return................................... 136

Zodiac Correspondences ....................... 137

Aries ............................................................... 139
Taurus ............................................................ 144
Gemini ............................................................ 149
Cancer............................................................ 154
Leo ................................................................. 159
Virgo ............................................................... 164
Libra ............................................................... 169
From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

Scorpio ........................................................... 174
Sagittarius ...................................................... 179
Capricorn........................................................ 184
Aquarius ......................................................... 189
Pisces............................................................. 194

Correspondences Part 1 ......................... 199

Gender ........................................................... 201
Positive/Negative ........................................... 202
Month ............................................................. 203
Day of Week ................................................... 204
Phrase ............................................................ 205
Keyword ......................................................... 206
Tendency ....................................................... 207
12 Phases ...................................................... 208
Critical Degrees .............................................. 209
House ............................................................. 210
Quadruplicities ............................................... 211
Quadruplicity .................................................. 212
Triplicities ....................................................... 213
Triplicities 2 .................................................... 214
Triplicities 3 .................................................... 215
Triplicities 4 .................................................... 216
Triplicities 5 .................................................... 217

Correspondences Part 2 ......................... 218

Number .......................................................... 220
Color............................................................... 221
King's Color Scale 6 ....................................... 222
Perfume.......................................................... 223
Animals .......................................................... 224
Plants ............................................................. 225
Gems.............................................................. 226
Metal .............................................................. 227
Mineral Salts .................................................. 228
Music Key....................................................... 229
Musical Tone .................................................. 230
Nature Spirits ................................................. 231
From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

Four Animal Types ......................................... 232
Bestial/Bi-Corporal ......................................... 233
Ruminant Signs .............................................. 234
Ascension....................................................... 235
Nocturnal/Diurnal ........................................... 236
Ascending/Descending................................... 237
Aestival/Hyemal ............................................. 238
Tropical Equinoctial ........................................ 239
Temperaments ............................................... 240
Body Part ....................................................... 241
Disease .......................................................... 242
Apostle ........................................................... 243
Evangelist ....................................................... 244
4 Consecrated Beings .................................... 245
Infernal River .................................................. 246
Hindu Deities .................................................. 247
40 Buddhist Meditations ................................. 248
4 Divisions Pranava Vada .............................. 249
Greek Deities ................................................. 250
Egyptian Deities ............................................. 251
Roman Deities ................................................ 252
Ruling Planet .................................................. 253
Detriment........................................................ 254
Exalted ........................................................... 255
Fall ................................................................. 256
Lineal figure.................................................... 257
Path on the Tree of Life .................................. 258
Path Title ........................................................ 259
Qliphotic Name ............................................... 260
Sephirotic Number.......................................... 261
Hebrew Letter ................................................. 262
12 Tribes of Israel........................................... 263
12 Prophets .................................................... 264
Jewish Calendar ............................................. 265
Order of Blessed Spirits ................................. 266
Angel .............................................................. 267

From Michael Erlewine

How To Learn Astrology

Elemental Ruler .............................................. 268
Four Angels .................................................... 269
Hierarchy ........................................................ 270
Alice Bailey..................................................... 271
Realm ............................................................. 272
12 Degrees of the Damned ............................ 273
Magical Powers .............................................. 274
Magical Weapons ........................................... 275
Legendary Order of Beings ............................ 276
Vegetable Drugs ............................................ 277
Tarot Trump ................................................... 278
Tarot Design ................................................... 279
Tarot Trump TItle............................................ 281
Fortunate/Unfortunate .................................... 283
Commanding/Obeying 4................................. 284
Affinities.......................................................... 285
Barren/Fruitful ................................................ 286
Bitter/Sweet .................................................... 287
Whole/Broken ................................................. 288
Hot/Cold ......................................................... 289
Conceptive ..................................................... 290
Crooked.......................................................... 291
Dry/Moist ........................................................ 292
Hoarse/Mute ................................................... 293
Violent Signs .................................................. 294
Vital Signs ...................................................... 295
Voice Signs .................................................... 296
Whole Signs ................................................... 297
Boreal Signs ................................................... 298
Changeable (East Side of Chart) ................... 299
Changeable (West Side of Chart) .................. 300
Brutish ............................................................ 301
Beholding Signs ............................................. 302
Imperfect Signs .............................................. 303
Initiating Signs ................................................ 304

Planets Introduction................................ 305

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

A Working System .......................................... 306
The Planets .................................................... 308
The Lights ...................................................... 309
The Sun.......................................................... 311
The Moon ....................................................... 312
The Major or External Planets ........................ 313
Mars ............................................................... 314
Jupiter ............................................................ 315
Saturn............................................................. 316
Putting It All Together ..................................... 317

The Inner is the Key to the Outer ........... 317

The Inner is the Key to the Outer ................... 318
Jupiter is the Life Path .................................... 319
Earth and the Inner Planets............................ 320
The Earth/Sun ................................................ 321
The Key to Mars is Earth ................................ 322
The Key to Earth is Venus.............................. 323
The Key to Venus is Mercury ......................... 324
The Sun as Key .............................................. 325

Planet Interpretations ............................. 326

The Sun.......................................................... 327
The Moon ....................................................... 328
Mercury .......................................................... 329
Venusen ......................................................... 330
Mars ............................................................... 331
Jupiter ............................................................ 332
Saturn............................................................. 333
Uranus............................................................ 334
Neptune.......................................................... 335
Pluto ............................................................... 336

Planets: Meaning ..................................... 337

The Sun.......................................................... 338
The Moon ....................................................... 339
Mercury .......................................................... 340
Venus ............................................................. 341
Mars ............................................................... 342
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Jupiter ............................................................ 343
Saturn............................................................. 344
Uranus............................................................ 345
Neptune/......................................................... 346
Pluto/ .............................................................. 347

Planet Interpretations ............................. 348

The Sun.......................................................... 349
The Moon ....................................................... 350
Mercury .......................................................... 351
Venus ............................................................. 352
Mars ............................................................... 353
Jupiter ............................................................ 354
Saturn............................................................. 355
Uranus............................................................ 356
Neptune.......................................................... 357
Pluto ............................................................... 358
North Node ..................................................... 359
Ascendant ...................................................... 360
Midheaven ...................................................... 361
Vertex ............................................................. 362

Planet Keywords ..................................... 363

The Sun.......................................................... 364
The Moon ....................................................... 366
Mercury .......................................................... 368
Venus ............................................................. 370
Mars ............................................................... 373
Jupiter ............................................................ 375
Saturn............................................................. 377
Uranus............................................................ 380
Neptune.......................................................... 382
Pluto ............................................................... 384
North Node ..................................................... 386
Ascendant ...................................................... 388
Midheaven ...................................................... 389
Vertex ............................................................. 391

Transcendental Planets .......................... 392

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

The Turning Point ........................................... 393
Esoteric Astrology .......................................... 395
Hide in Plain Sight .......................................... 396
The Afterlife .................................................... 398
Metaphysical .................................................. 399
The Outer Planets .......................................... 400
Uranus............................................................ 402
Neptune.......................................................... 403
Pluto ............................................................... 405

The Planets as Chakras .......................... 406

Vast Areas of Life ........................................... 408
Opening the Chakras ..................................... 409
Summing Up .................................................. 410
Esoteric Keys ................................................. 412
The Key To The Outer Is Always The Inner ... 413

Planets as Chakras ................................. 415

The Inner is the Key to the Outer 0 ................ 416
Mercury Through Mars ................................... 418
Climateric Years ............................................. 420
The Point ........................................................ 421
Mercury and Earth .......................................... 422
The Ultimate Talisman ................................... 424
Saturn............................................................. 426

Saturn: A Formal Definition .................... 427

Saturn: Natural Law........................................ 428
The Guardian at the Threshold ...................... 429
The Saturn Chakra ......................................... 431
Experience under Saturn ................................ 433

Jupiter is the KEY to Your Natal Saturn 434

Vision of Jupiter is Baptism or Rebirth............ 436
Summary ........................................................ 437
Vocational Struggle? ...................................... 439
Natal Jupiter ................................................... 440
New Chakra Level .......................................... 442
Planet Chakras ............................................... 443

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Saturn Chakra ................................................ 444
Jupiter Chakra ................................................ 445
Jupiter Profile ................................................. 447
Mars Chakra ................................................... 448
Earth or Heart Chakra .................................... 450
The Inner Planets ........................................... 452
Venus, the Key to the Earth Chakra 6 ............ 453
Mercury - The Light of Love ........................... 455
The Sun Center Itself ..................................... 456

Esoteric Planets Diagram ....................... 457

Saturn............................................................. 458
Jupiter ............................................................ 459
Mars ............................................................... 459
Earth............................................................... 460
Venus ............................................................. 460
Outgoing......................................................... 461
Uranus............................................................ 462
Neptune.......................................................... 462
Pluto ............................................................... 463

The Aspects ............................................. 464

Aspect Orbs ................................................... 464
Standard Aspects ........................................... 465
Exact Aspects ................................................ 467
Tight or Wide Orbs ......................................... 468
Entering and Leaving Orbs ............................. 469
Planets, Bodies, and Points 4 ........................ 470
Standard Aspect Set ...................................... 472
Large Scale Patterns ...................................... 473
The Forest and the Trees ............................... 474
The Main Point Here ...................................... 475
Where In The Cycle?...................................... 476

Full-Phase Aspects ................................. 478

Conjunction - New Idea .................................. 479
Semisextile (waxing) - Planning ..................... 480
Semisquare (waxing) - Overcome Resistance 481
Sextile (waxing) - Making Plans ..................... 482
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Square (waxing) - Positive Start ..................... 483
Trine (waxing) - Building................................. 484
Sequiquadrate (waxing) - Push On ................ 485
Inconjunct (waxing) - Connect Up .................. 486
Opposition - Result or Experience .................. 487
Inconjunct (waning) - Dawning ...................... 488
Sequiquadrate (waning) - Gather Things ...... 489
Trine (waning) - Conservation ....................... 490
Square (waning) - Responsibility ................... 491
Sextile (waning) - Analysis ............................ 492
Semisquare (waning) - Push In ..................... 493
Semisextile (waning) - Encapsulation............ 494

Aspects Continued.................................. 495

The Phases of the Moon ................................ 496
Which Side Are You On? ............................... 497

Aspect Phase Keywords ......................... 501

Conjunction: 0 Degrees .................................. 503
Semisquare: 45 Degrees................................ 505
Sextile: 60 Degrees ........................................ 506
Square (waxing) - 90 Degrees ....................... 507
Trine: 120 Degrees......................................... 508
Sequiquadrate: 135 Degrees ......................... 509
Inconjunct: 150 Degrees ................................ 510
Opposition: 180 Degrees................................ 511
Inconjunct: 210 Degrees ................................ 512
Sequiquadrate: 225 Degrees ......................... 513
Trine: 240 Degrees......................................... 514
Square: 270 Degrees ..................................... 515
Sextile: 300 Degrees ...................................... 516
Semisquare: 315 Degrees.............................. 517
SemiSextile: 330 Degrees .............................. 518

Cycle Phases ........................................... 518

Phases Keywords........................................... 519
Phase 1 90 Waxing ........................................ 520
Phase 2 120 Waxing ...................................... 521
Phase 3 135 Waxing ...................................... 522
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Phase 4 Opposition ........................................ 523
Phase 5 135 Waning ...................................... 524
Phase 6 120 Waning ...................................... 525
Phase 7 90 Waning ........................................ 526
Phase 8 60 Waning ........................................ 527
Phase 9 45 Waning ........................................ 528
Phase 10 Conjunction .................................... 529
Phase 11 45 Waxing ...................................... 530
Phase 12 60 Waxing ...................................... 531

Cycles Continued .................................... 532

Cycle Phases ................................................. 533
Cycle of the Breath ......................................... 534
Inward and Outward Points of a Cycle ........... 536
Cycles: Four Main Phases ............................. 538
Cycles Are Organic ........................................ 539

Cycle Phases ........................................... 541

Conjunction - New Idea .................................. 545
Semisextile (Waxing) - Making Plans ............. 546
Semisquare (waxing) - Overcome Resistance 547
Sextile (waxing) - Paying the Dues................. 548
Square (waxing) - Positive Start ..................... 549
Trine (waxing) - Building................................. 550
Sequiquadrate (waxing) - Push On ................ 551
Inconjunct (waxing) - Connect Up .................. 552
Opposition - Result or Experience .................. 553
Inconjunct (waning) - Dawning ...................... 554
Sequiquadrate (waning) - Gather Things 1 ... 555
Trine (waning) - Conservation ....................... 556
Square (waning) - Responsibility ................... 557
Sextile (waning) - Analysis ............................ 558
Semisquare (waning) - Packing It In.............. 559
SemiSextile (waning) - Encapsulation ............ 560

The Study of Cycles ................................ 561

Life As Cycles ................................................ 563
A Tangle of Cycles ......................................... 565
Investment and Returns ................................. 566
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Making Bodies ................................................ 568
As Below, So Above ....................................... 570
Who Is The Spaceman? ................................. 571

The Twelve Phases ................................. 574

Phase 10: Capricorn Phase ........................... 576
Phase 11: Aquarius Phase 6 .......................... 577
Phase 12: Pisces Phase ................................ 578
Phase 01: Aries Phase ................................... 579
Phase 02: Taurus Phase ................................ 580
Phase 03: Gemini Phase................................ 581
Phase 04: Cancer Phase ............................... 582
Phase 05: Leo Phase ..................................... 583
Phase 06: Virgo Phase................................... 584
Phase 07: Libra Phase ................................... 585
Phase 08: Scorpio Phase ............................... 586
Phase 09: Sagittarius Phase .......................... 587

Phase Details ........................................... 588

Phase 10 ........................................................ 589
Phase 11 ........................................................ 590
Phase 12 ........................................................ 591
Phase 01 ........................................................ 592
Phase 02 ........................................................ 593
Phase 03 ........................................................ 594
Phase 04 ........................................................ 595
Phase 05 ........................................................ 596
Phase 06 ........................................................ 597
Phase 07 ........................................................ 598
Phase 08 ........................................................ 599
Phase 09 ........................................................ 600

Transits .................................................... 601

Snapshot ........................................................ 601
Charting It....................................................... 602
The Bi-Wheel ................................................. 603
Transits on the Wheel .................................... 604
The Wheel of Houses ..................................... 605
Interpreting Transits ....................................... 606
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Transits to the Natal Chart ............................. 607
The Quadrants or Sectors .............................. 609

The Saturn Cycle ..................................... 610

Saturn in Your Chart....................................... 611
Transits on the House Wheel 4 ...................... 612
Interpreting Transits ....................................... 614
Transits to the Natal Chart ............................. 615
The Quadrants or Sectors .............................. 616
Saturn Transits ............................................... 618
Saturn in Your Chart....................................... 619
The 2nd Sector: New Beginning ..................... 620
The 3rd Sector: Rising.................................... 622
The 4th Sector: Consolidation ........................ 623
The 1st Sector: The Obscure Sector 8 ........... 625

Saturn Cycle Summary ........................... 627

Your Natal Saturn ........................................... 629
Saturn on the First House Cusp 5 .................. 630
The Early Riser .............................................. 631
Saturn on the Fourth House Cusp .................. 633
Teen Prominence ........................................... 634
Saturn on the Descendant 7........................... 635
The Late Bloomer ........................................... 636

Saturn on the Angles .............................. 638

Saturn on the Tenth House Cusp ................... 638
Saturn 10th House ......................................... 639
More Thoughts ............................................... 640
Saturn Sectors ............................................... 641
The 2nd Sector: New Beginning ..................... 642
The 3rd Sector: Rising.................................... 644
The 4th Sector: Consolidation ........................ 645
The 1st Sector: The Obscure Sector 8 ........... 647
Saturn Cycle Summary .................................. 649

Saturn in the Natal Chart ........................ 651

Saturn on the First House Cusp ..................... 652
Saturn on the Fourth House Cusp .................. 654

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Saturn on the Descendant.............................. 656
Saturn on the Tenth House Cusp ................... 658
Closing Thoughts ........................................... 659

Your Saturn Transits ............................... 660

Tenth House Saturn Transit ........................... 661
Eleventh House Saturn Transit ...................... 664
Eleventh House (Tomb-Sign) ........................ 666
Twelfth House Saturn Transit ......................... 667
First House Saturn Transit ............................. 669
Second House Saturn Transit ........................ 671
Second House (Tomb-Sign) .......................... 672
Third House Saturn Transit ............................ 673
Fourth House Saturn Transit .......................... 675
Fifth House Saturn Transit ............................. 677
Fifth House (Tomb Sign) ................................ 679
Sixth House Saturn Transit ............................ 680
Seventh House Saturn Transit ....................... 682
Eighth House Saturn Transit .......................... 684
Eighth House (Tomb Sign) ............................. 685
Ninth House Saturn Transit ............................ 686

The Saturn Passage ................................ 687

The Slow Curve .............................................. 688
The Closed Circle ........................................... 689
Awareness of the Saturn Return .................... 690
Forever Young ............................................... 692
The Turning Point ........................................... 693

Basic Chart Factors ................................ 695

The Four Elements ......................................... 695
Luck Element 7 .............................................. 697
Cautionary Element ........................................ 698
List of Signs and Elements ............................. 699
The Fire Element ............................................ 700
Want Fire - Your Luck Element ...................... 701
Have Fire - Your Cautionary Element............. 702
The Water Element ........................................ 703
Want Water - Your Luck Element ................... 704
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Have Water - Your Cautionary Element ......... 705
The Air Element ............................................. 706
Want Air - Your Luck Element ........................ 707
Have Air - Your Cautionary Element .............. 708
The Earth Element ......................................... 709
Want Earth - Your Luck Element .................... 710

The Qudruplicities ................................... 711

Cardinal Signs ................................................ 713
Want Cardinal Signs....................................... 714
Above Average Cardinal Signs ...................... 715
Fixed Signs .................................................... 716
Want Fixed Signs ........................................... 717
Above Average Fixed Signs ........................... 718
Mutable Signs ................................................ 719
Want Mutable Signs ....................................... 720
Above Average Mutable Signs ....................... 721

Hemisphere Balance ............................... 722

East Hemisphere ............................................ 723
Wants East Hemisphere................................. 724
West Hemisphere ........................................... 725
Wants West Hemisphere ................................ 726
North Hemisphere .......................................... 727
Wants North Hemisphere ............................... 728
South Hemisphere.......................................... 729
Wants South Hemisphere .............................. 730

Dignities ................................................... 731

Rulership ........................................................ 732
The Ancient Rulership .................................... 733
The Modern Rulership .................................... 734
Exaltation ....................................................... 735
Planets in Detriment 2 .................................... 736
Planets in Fall ................................................. 737
The Ancient Rulership .................................... 739
The Modern Rulership .................................... 740
Exaltation ....................................................... 741
Planets in Detriment ....................................... 742
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Planets in Fall................................................. 743

Major Chart Patterns ............................... 744

StarType Patterns .......................................... 744
How StarTypes Came To Be .......................... 746
Sun-Centered Astrology ................................. 747
Two Indispensable Charts .............................. 749
Startypes Examines The Large-Scale Planetary
Patterns .......................................................... 750
Green Lines and Red Lines ............................ 752
Major Patterns ................................................ 753
Sun Cross ...................................................... 755
The Receivers ................................................ 756
Major Chart Types .......................................... 757
Relationship Types ......................................... 759
The Four Main Relationship Types................. 760
Chart Types .................................................... 761
The Two Views ............................................... 762
The First Step ................................................. 763

Determining Your Chart Type ................. 764

The Lover Chart Type .................................... 766
The Independent or Blue-Line Chart Types ... 767
The Loved One Chart Type ............................ 768
The Four Chart Types .................................... 769
The Lover ....................................................... 771
In Service ....................................................... 772
Green-Bordered Types................................... 773
Compassion ................................................... 774
The Loved One: Red Lines ............................ 775
The Other Side ............................................... 776
The Independent (blue-borders) ..................... 778
Self-Sufficient ................................................. 779
An Island to Themselves ................................ 780
Multi-Relational Chart Type (maroon) ............ 781

Different Views of You ............................ 783

Inner and Outer .............................................. 783
Geocentric or Heliocentric? ............................ 784
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

The Geocentric Natal Chart (Outer Chart)...... 785
The Heliocentric Chart (Inner Chart) .............. 786
Two Views ...................................................... 787
The Perspective ............................................. 788
The Geocentric Chart (Outer Chart) ............... 789
The Heliocentric Chart (Inner Chart) .............. 790
The Comparison ............................................. 791
The Heliocentric Chart.................................... 792
Differences in Chart Patterns ......................... 793
Inner and Outer Comparison .......................... 795
Difference in Positions.................................... 796
The Other Shoe .............................................. 798
Astronomers and Astrologers ......................... 799

Your Astrological Toolbox...................... 801

The Toolbox ................................................... 801
The Lights, Planets, and Angles ..................... 802
The Signs of the Zodiac ................................. 803
The South ....................................................... 804
The North ....................................................... 805
The East ......................................................... 806
The West ........................................................ 807
The Twelve Houses........................................ 808
House Cusps .................................................. 809
The Twelve House Cusps .............................. 810
Putting in the Planets ..................................... 811
Astrology Chart Forms ................................... 812
The Standard Wheel of Twelve Houses ......... 813
Unequal Wheel of Houses .............................. 814
The Euro Wheel ............................................. 815
The 360-Degree Open Wheel ........................ 816
My Favorite Style Open Wheel ....................... 818

Astrological Symbols .............................. 820

The Planets .................................................... 820
The Sun Symbol ............................................. 821
The Moon Symbol .......................................... 822
Mercury Symbol ............................................. 823
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Venus Symbol ................................................ 824
Mars Symbol .................................................. 825
Jupiter Symbol ............................................... 826
Saturn Symbol ................................................ 827
Uranus Symbol ............................................... 828
Neptune Symbol ............................................. 829
Pluto Symbol .................................................. 830
Earth Symbol .................................................. 831
The Signs ....................................................... 832
Aries Symbol .................................................. 833
Taurus Symbol ............................................... 834
Gemini Symbol ............................................... 835
Cancer Symbol ............................................... 836
Leo Symbol .................................................... 837
Virgo Symbol .................................................. 838
Libra Symbol .................................................. 839
Scorpio Symbol .............................................. 840
Sagittarius Symbol ......................................... 841
Capricorn Symbol ........................................... 842
Pisces Symbol ................................................ 844

Astronomy for Astrologers..................... 845

The Solar System ........................................... 845
The Natal Chart .............................................. 846
Natal and Transit ............................................ 847
The Bi-Wheel ................................................. 848
The Obliquity of the Ecliptic ............................ 849
The Band of the Zodiac .................................. 851
Ecliptic Coordinate System ............................ 852
Equatorial Coordinates ................................... 855
Horizon Coordinate System ........................... 858
Astronomy of Astrology: The Earth's Tilt ........ 860
The Earth's Tilt ............................................... 861
The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn ............ 862
The Earth's Tilt ............................................... 863
The Earth's Tilt ............................................... 864
Planet Longitude and Latitude ........................ 866
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

From the Sky to the Chart Form: Part 2 ......... 868
From the Sky to the Chart Form: Part 3 ......... 869
Snapshots of Earth at a Birth ......................... 870
The View at Birth ............................................ 871
The Ecliptic Sphere ........................................ 872
The Celestial/Equatorial Sphere ..................... 873
The Horizon Sphere ....................................... 875
The Tropical Zodiac or Ecliptic ....................... 876
Tropical Zodiac ............................................... 877
The Ecliptic Plane........................................... 878
The Ecliptic Sphere ........................................ 880
Geographic and Celestial Latitude ................. 881
Latitude .......................................................... 882
The Pole Star (North Star).............................. 883
Circles of Latitude........................................... 884
North and South Circles ................................. 885
Cities on the Same Meridian .......................... 886
Longitude and Latitude ................................... 887
Longitude Meridian ......................................... 888
Meridian Alignment......................................... 889
The Horizon .................................................... 891
The Horizon System ....................................... 893
The Straighter The Line, The Finer The Curve895
Time Spiral ..................................................... 896

Astrology as a Business ......................... 898

Setting Up an Astrological Practice ................ 898
Signs of Success ............................................ 898
Rites of Passage ............................................ 899
You Know You're an Astrologer When ........... 901
Amateur or Professional? ............................... 902
Clients Must Request ..................................... 904
The Home Office ............................................ 906
The Downtown Office ..................................... 907
Most Important Tool ....................................... 908
Other Tools You Need.................................... 910
Techniques..................................................... 911
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Popular Techniques ....................................... 913
Birth Charts .................................................... 913
Transits, Directions, and Progressions ........... 914
Client Confidentiality....................................... 915
How Long a Session? .................................... 917
Documenting the Reading .............................. 919
Tell It Like It Is ................................................ 920
Techniques as Experience ............................. 922
Read from the Client or the Chart? ................ 924
Other Persons Present ................................... 925
Death and Medicine ....................................... 926
Astrological Jargon ......................................... 927
Friendship with Clients ................................... 929
Astrological Therapy....................................... 930
Setting up A Business .................................... 932
Word of Mouth ................................................ 934
Business Cards .............................................. 935
Your Web Page .............................................. 936
Other Advertising ........................................... 937
Paid Advertising ............................................. 938
Astrology Classes........................................... 939
Lectures ......................................................... 940
Newspaper and Radio Astrology .................... 941
Fellow Astrologers .......................................... 943
You the Author ............................................... 944
Your Computer Printout.................................. 945
Summary ........................................................ 945

Birth Data ................................................. 947

The Birth Time ................................................ 948
Time Changes ................................................ 949
Daylight Savings Time (DST) ......................... 950
The Birth Place ............................................... 951
World Time Zones .......................................... 952

The Astrology Reading ........................... 954

Midwife of the Psyche .................................... 956
Locked In........................................................ 957
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Venting ........................................................... 959
Blowing Off Steam.......................................... 961
Getting It All Out ............................................. 963
Coming Down: Re-Entry................................. 965
Getting A Grip ................................................ 967
The Counselor's Role ..................................... 969
After the Release ........................................... 971
Accepting What Is .......................................... 973
The Turning Point ........................................... 975
Pressures of Counseling ................................ 977
The Rites of Passage ..................................... 979

The Moon ................................................. 980

Eastern Astrology: Lunation Cycle ................. 980
The Lunar Birthday ......................................... 981
The Cycle of the Sun and Moon ..................... 982
Lunar Gaps .................................................... 984
Thirty Lunar Days ........................................... 986
Moments of Clarity ......................................... 987
Summary: Lunar Gaps ................................... 989
Observation Times ......................................... 990
Lunar Opportunities ........................................ 991
Taking Advantage of the Lunar Cycle ............ 993
Lunation Cycle in Western Astrology.............. 993
The Phases of the Moon ................................ 995
Phase Cycles ................................................. 996
New Moon ...................................................... 997
Second Quarter .............................................. 998
Full Moon ....................................................... 999
Fourth Quarter .............................................. 1000
Seed Impulse: Themes ................................ 1002
Eclipses ........................................................ 1003
The Vision of the Eclipse .............................. 1004
The Lunation Cycle: East and West ............. 1006
East and West .............................................. 1007
Gaps in the Clouds ....................................... 1008
The Thirty Lunar Days .................................. 1009
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

The Four Quarters ........................................ 1011
Protector Days ............................................. 1012
Days of Observation ..................................... 1014
Health and Healing ....................................... 1015
Purification Days .......................................... 1016
Insight Moments ........................................... 1017
Open Channels ............................................ 1019
East and West .............................................. 1020
Summary ...................................................... 1022

The Lunation Cycle ............................... 1023

Earth's Aura.................................................. 1024
Auroras......................................................... 1026
Rainfall ......................................................... 1027
Thunderstorms and Cosmic Radiation ......... 1028
The Moon and Geomagnetic Activity............ 1029
Polar Cap Absorption (PCA) ........................ 1031
Solar Sectors ................................................ 1032
Solar Flares .................................................. 1035
Summary ...................................................... 1036
Exoteric References ..................................... 1037
Mind Practice ............................................... 1040
Mind Practice ............................................... 1041
Sitting and Looking ....................................... 1042
The Techniques ........................................... 1043

The Retrograde Phenomenon .............. 1046

Burn Rate ..................................................... 1046
Psychometrists ............................................. 1048
Outer Planets Retrograde ............................ 1049
Inner Planets Retrograde ............................. 1051
Background .................................................. 1053
Geocentric and Heliocentric: Interface ......... 1054
Before and Behind........................................ 1056
The Burn Rate .............................................. 1058
The Past, Present, and Future ..................... 1060
Retrograde and Direct .................................. 1061
Inner and Outer ............................................ 1063
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How To Learn Astrology

The Retrograde Loop: Conjunct ................... 1064
Sun Conjunct Planet..................................... 1065
Planet Retrogrades ...................................... 1066
Planet Retrograde Interpretation .................. 1067
Sun Opposition Planet.................................. 1068
Sun Opposition Planet Interpretation............ 1069
Planet Goes Direct in Motion ........................ 1070
Planet Direct Interpretation........................... 1071
Sun Conjunct Planet (again .......................... 1072
Sun Conjunct Planet Interpretation .............. 1073
Summary ...................................................... 1075
Astrologer Michael Erlewine ......................... 1077

Michael Erlewine ................................... 1079

Michael Erlewine . Error! Bookmark not defined.
A Brief Bio of Michael Erlewine .................... 1079
Example Astro*Image Card .......................... 1081
Personal Astrology Readings ....................... 1082
The Heart Center House ............................. 1082
Heart Center Library ..................................... 1083
The All-Music Guide / All-Movie Guide ......... 1084
Heart Center Meditation Room ..................... 1086
Heart Center Symbol .................................... 1087
Music Career ................................................ 1089

Email: ..................................................... 1091

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology


My name is Michael Erlewine and I will be your guide

through this course on astrology. As for my
qualifications, I have been studying astrology for over
forty years, and during that time have worked as a
teacher, programmer, author, and counselor. You can
read about my background elsewhere in this course, but
right now let's get down to it.
Astrology is ancient, probably as old as when man first
measured time. It is present in some form in all
countries and cultures, and always has been. In fact,
the majority of the world's population uses astrology at
the day-to-day level, and not just for entertainment, as
we do here the West. Before we begin our study of
astrology, it might be important to clear away two
popular misconceptions about astrology.

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Celestial Influences
One popular misconception about astrology is that the
planets out there in the heavens cause events to
happen down here on the earth. Professional
astrologers that I have known, and I have known many,
do not hold with these theories of "celestial influence,"
that planets somehow make things happen to us.
Instead, modern astrologers see the heavens and the
earth as one whole entity, interpenetrating, and sharing
the same space and time, which in fact is the case.
They do not see the various planetary configurations as
causing events to happen here on earth, but rather see
the earth (itself a planet) and all the other planets as
interacting in the very same space, and as sharing
whatever events are occurring. In other words, whatever
events taking place out there in the heavens are also
happening down here on earth. Neither is the cause of
the other; both are happening simultaneously. The

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

planetary configurations are just grand signatures (like
writing in the sky), signs of events happening right here
in our own lives. Both are the product of the same
moment, one acted out in the heavens above, the other
here on the Earth below.
In other words, there is only one grand "play" or moment.
The great drama enacted in the sky above is also acted
out (in exact detail) here on Earth, and in the same
moment. Another way to say this is that the Earth is part
of the cosmos and shares in that cosmic moment.
Astrologers tend to feel that all major cosmic events
(eclipses, etc.) are interactive; they represent an activity
also taking place within our self and consciousness.

Astrology Not a Matter of Faith

A second misconception about astrology is that to be an
astrologer, you have to somehow "believe" in astrology.
Astrology is not a question of belief, any more than you

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

believe in psychology. It is not a question of belief, but
one of use. I often find astrology useful in my life as a
way of understanding who I am and what my life is
about, plain and simple. I don't "believe" in astrology. I
use it when I find it useful, and leave it alone, when I
don't, like any other tool. Astrology is useful or it is not.
In summary, astrology is a study of heavenly cycles and
cosmic events as they are reflected in our earthly
environment and vice versa -- a vast cosmic clock.
Astrologers find the cosmic patterns revealed in the
rhythmic motions of the planets useful in shedding light
on the seeming helter-skelter of everyday life.
Astrologers do study the sky writing in the heavens, but
only to better live life here on the Earth.

What This Course Offers

Welcome to a course on how to learn astrology online.
My name is Michael Erlewine, and I will be your guide to

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

learning astrology. My background in this subject
(teaching, readings, writing, programming) goes back
some forty years. You can learn more about my
involvement in astrology elsewhere on this site. Here I
would like to give you an idea of what you need coming
into this course and what you can expect to get out of it
when you are done.
As for requirements, there are none, other than your
own interest in astrology. Previous knowledge of the
subject is not assumed and you can learn at your own
pace. If course outlines are too confining, you are free
to jump around and sample whatever sections interest
you. I have tried to make the sections short and use
illustrations as much as possible, sometimes just
because they are fun and look good.
We will start at the beginning, working with concepts
you already may (or may not) be familiar with, such as
sun sign astrology, the signs, planets, and so forth.
From there, we will learn the major elements of modern
astrology, which include planets, signs, houses, aspects,
and many other areas.
Throughout this course, I have tried to offer you several
approaches, since we don't all learn in the same way.
Of course, you will be introduced to the concepts,
keywords, phrases, and images that astrologers have
studied by rote memory and used for centuries. For
those of you who like the nuts and bolts approach, we
also offer much of the astronomy that astrology is built
In addition, in most modules, you have the option of
learning a more in-depth approach to astrology, one that
explains not only how and why these concepts were
created, but how to use them dynamically to develop

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

your own keywords - to better understand how these
concepts work.
Most important, we will study how to use astrology to
interpret our own chart and those of our family and
friends. This is the reason most of us study astrology in
the first place: to better understand ourselves and our
And last, but not least, I have done my best to include
where possible short sidebars on the esoteric meaning
of astrology, the inner or hidden side of the subject.

Learn To Read Natal Charts

Most of us study astrology, because it offers us another
view to our self than what we have known up to that
point. Astrology gives us a different perspective, a
second opinion as to who we are and why it is we are
here. It also can help us to maximize our talents, and to
take a direction in life that will be successful and fulfilling.

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Therefore, the first thing most of us want to do is to
learn more about our natal chart, the personal
astrological chart created for the moment or day we
were born. As we study the various planets, signs,
houses, and aspects (the basic building blocks of
astrology), we will learn how they are configured in our
own birth chart, our particular astrological signature.
Learning about your own chart is perhaps the best place
to begin. It is where most of us start out. We will spend
the bulk of this beginning course introducing you to the
basic elements of your natal chart, showing you how to
use them.

Examine Your Relationships

Once we have learned the basics of astrology, and have
some idea of what our chart is like (who we are,
astrologically), we will want to look at the charts of our
family, friends, not-so-friends, not to mention those of
celebrities, important events in our lives, and so on.

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

When we have satisfied our thirst to know something
about ourselves through astrology, the next thing most
of us want to do is find out about our relationships, in
particular if we are married or have a partner. If we are
in a relationship, our well being depends on their well
being, so what makes them tick is important to us. I
have been doing astrological readings for some forty
years now, and the most frequently asked question that
comes up during a consultation is: what about my
partner? Or, if they don't have a partner at that point,
then they have a list of candidates to look at
astrologically. At the very least, most people want some
idea as to what kind of partner would be best for them.
In this course, we will learn to examine relationships,

Determine Career Moves

Almost as popular as learning about relationships is
learning about your career. Regardless of how much or
how little vocational training you have at this point in
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

your life, what are you best suited for? Most clients I
have worked with want to be put to some good use, to
be used up in the most satisfying and successful way
possible. Finding our path or road to success (making a
living) is something each of us must do, before we can
turn our attention to anything else - relationships,
marriage, children, etc. If the wolf is at our door, that fact
keeps us from enjoying many of the other areas of our
life. Therefore, finding a career, your particular way
through life (how to be successful) is key. In this course,
we will learn several methods to determine career

Living with Astrology

As we shall see, astrology is not only a way to better
understand who we are or what makes our neighbor tick,
it is itself a way to live life - a path. In this course, we
shall learn to become aware of the cycles of ups and
downs we go through (and have always gone through)
since the day we were born.
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Our life is filled with cycles, even if we have not learned
to recognize them in the world around us. The monthly
solunar cycle of the phases of the Moon, the cycles of
the various planets and their aspects, the daily cycle of
day and night, etc., are all astrological cycles that we
can learn to be aware of and to put to use.

Getting Your Forecast

"Coming events cast their shadows" is an ancient
astrological slogan. Looking ahead is something
astrology is good at. In this beginning course, we will
learn to use various astrological forecasting methods,
like the daily transits of the inner planets, the monthly
lunar cycle, solar cycles, and the long-term cycle of the
planet Saturn. Whether it is today, tomorrow, or the next
thirty years, astrology has something to show us worth
Astrology is perhaps most used for examining our self
and life through the natal chart, as a way to better

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

understand who we are. But these same astrological
principles that we find in our birth chart are not static.
They can be used to look ahead as well as back at our
birth chart. Once we understand our own personal chart,
with its inclinations and disinclinations, we can scan
ahead in time, looking for days and weeks when a
similar astrological climate is available. We can look
forward to these astrological events, just like we now
look forward to celebrating our birthday. A birthday is, of
course, an astrological event. In this course, we will
learn to use astrological forecasting tools to help us pick
the appropriate days for different kinds of events.

How Best to Use This Course

As you can see, this course is laid out in modules. Each
module has different sections, and each section has
different topics. Once you select a section from a
module, that section will be displayed on a separate
page, with the text for the selected topic running down
the right-hand side of your screen. However, the rest of
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

the topics in that section are still available to you, and
are listed along the left-hand side of the screen.
You can browse through all the topics, looking for those
that most interest you at the moment. Each topic has an
image or diagram to help illustrate what is being
presented. If a topic does not warrant an image, you will
get some image anyway - something fun to look at.

Astrology Now
Astrology is ancient, probably as old as when man first
measured time. It is present in all countries and all
cultures, and always has been. In fact, the majority of
the world's population uses astrology on a day-to-day
basis, and not just for entertainment, as we do here the
West. It would seem that almost everyone knows a little
astrology, but I have found there are two popular
misconceptions about astrology.
The first is that the planets out there in the heavens
cause events to happen down here on the earth.
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Professional astrologers that I have known, and I have
known many, do not hold with these theories of
"celestial influence," that planets somehow make things
happen to us. Instead, modern astrologers see the
heavens and the earth as one whole entity,
interpenetrating, and sharing the same space and time,
which in fact is the case. They do not see the various
planetary configurations as causing events to happen
here on earth, but rather see the earth (itself a planet)
and all the other planets as interacting in the very same
space, and as sharing whatever events are occurring. In
other words, whatever events taking place out there in
the heavens are also happening down here on earth.
Neither is the cause of the other; both are happening
simultaneously. The planetary configurations are just
grand signatures (like writing in the sky), signs of events
happening right here in our own lives. Both are the
product of the same moment, one acted out in the
heavens above, the other here on the earth below.
In other words, there is only one grand "play" or moment.
The great drama enacted in the sky above is also acted
out (in exact detail) here on Earth, and in the same
moment. Another way to say this is that the Earth is part
of the cosmos and shares in that cosmic moment.
Astrologers tend to feel that all major cosmic events
(eclipses, etc.) are interactive; they represent an activity
also taking place within our self and consciousness.
The second misconception is that to be an astrologer,
you have to somehow "believe" in astrology. Astrology
is not a question of belief, any more than you believe in
psychology. It is not a question of belief, but one of use.
I often find astrology useful in my life as a way of
understanding who I am and what my life is about, plain
and simple. I don't "believe" in astrology. I use it when I

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

find it useful, and leave it alone, when I don't, like any
other tool. Astrology is useful or it is not, at any one time.
In summary, astrology is a study of heavenly cycles and
cosmic events as they are reflected in our earthly
environment and vice versa -- a vast cosmic clock.
Astrologers find the cosmic patterns revealed in the
rhythmic motions of the planets useful in shedding light
on the seeming helter-skelter of everyday life.
Astrologers do study the writing in the heavens, but only
to better live life here on the Earth.

The Study of Cycles

For now, we could define Astrology as the study and
practice of the cycles we can find present in our life. We
study astrology and cycles to get a better idea as to
what is happening to us in our lives, and we practice or
put to use what we have found through our study and
understanding. It will do no harm to start with the

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

dictionary definition of a cycle, although we will soon get
much less formal.
The Oxford Universal Dictionary states:
Cycle : A circle or orbit in the heavens. A recurrent
period in a definite period of years. A period in which a
certain round of events or phenomena is completed,
recurring in the same order in equal succeeding periods.
A long, indefinite period, an age. A round, course or
period through which anything runs to its completion.
Therefore, a cycle is something that happens in our life
again and again, and always in roughly the same form
or format. Each of us cycles through periods of feeling
good or normal and feeling bad and not-so-good. This is
a cycle none of us seem to be able to avoid. We
experience all kinds of cycles all the time. The first step
is to be aware of that fact.
Cycles are so important to the study of astrology that
understanding what the dictionary has to say about
them is but a start, and quite abstract at that. We must
extend and deepen this understanding until we can see
cycles not just as formal concepts, but as they are
happening to us right now, and at work around us in our
day-to-day life. Understanding these cycles in our lives
may come slowly at first, but they are not that difficult
It can take a little time to pick up on these ideas, much
less to experience them happening in life around us, but
it is well worth our effort. Without becoming aware of the
cycles in our life that we have always been experiencing,
and learning to recognize them as they occur, our
understanding of cycles remains just an abstract idea a bunch of words. Let's go over this again.

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

Life As Cycles
Our life is filled with cycles. There are very short cycles,
short cycles, long cycles, and very long cycles. All
cycles repeat or return on themselves - happen again.
Some examples of convenient-sized cycles that we can
understand and measure with our mind include the
cycle of our breath, the cycle of the seasons or year,
and the cycle of day and night. The cycle of our heart
beating is almost too small and fast for us to keep in
mind. Smaller cycles yet include cellular cycles and, of
course, atomic and sub-atomic cycles. These smaller
cycles happen so often or fast that they are a blur to our
mind. They fall through or beneath our awareness and
make up the ground of our consciousness.
When we look for long cycles, the planets provide good
examples. We live through and experience the two-year
cycle of the planet Mars, the 12-year Jupiter cycle, and
even the 30-year Saturn cycle. However, many people
don't live through the 84-year Uranus cycle, much less
From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

the much longer cycles of Neptune and Pluto. While it is
possible to grasp the meaning or import of these longer
sized cycles with our mind, it can be very hard to bring
home the meaning of these long cycles - to practice
them consciously on a day-to-day level. Then there are
cycles, like that of our Sun orbiting the Galactic Center,
that take so many millions of years that, for our
purposes, these cycles assume the proportions of a
straight line. The portion of these larger size circles or
cycles that we can witness or comprehend in our
lifetime are so small as to appear like a straight line. We
can't even see the curve of the line, much less the
Thus our awareness is bounded on the one hand by the
incessant hum of smaller cycles and the long-theme
straight-lined cycles on the other. This leaves us with
our awareness or consciousness of those cycles that we
CAN recognize and appreciate. At this point, it is
important for you to be beginning to understand that our
entire life is cyclic. It is all cycles - nothing else. I will

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

The Tangle of Cycles

For now, let's not even try to sort out the tangle of
cycles in which we are embedded, and say "This is the
Mars cycle doing this, that is the Jupiter cycle over
there," and so on. It is quite enough to become aware
that our moods, capabilities, attitudes, etc. come and go
in a very regular manner. We can wake up minutes,
hours, days, months, or years later and remember that
we have been here before, have been going through a
patch just like this. We may not have felt this good in
years. These are cycles that we are seeing at these
times, although they have been there all along.
Many people have no awareness of the cycles they are
going through each day or month. They may not even
recognize that they don't feel very good or that they do
feel very good, so embedded in the tangle of life's
cycles are they. That is why the first step is to develop

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

an awareness of how you do feel and begin to be aware
of the cycles in life.

The Straighter The Line

This next concept is very difficult to grasp and realize,
but I am going to put it out there anyway. You can work
on it. Here it is:
All existence (our very life) is maintained or keeps going
through the sum total of the endless repeating cycles of
which it is composed. It is even more direct than that
and I am going to get very abstract for a just a moment.
Our very existence is ONLY by virtue of our awareness
of these cycles or circles. And now for the hard part:
Everything IS or continues to exist only by returning,
repeating, and restating itself. That is: everything we
know and can have any awareness of has to somehow
persist or exist long enough for us to experience it. The
converse is also true.

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

That which does not re-instate or repeat itself (in other
words, that from which we get no return) IS NOT for us.
In fact, that which does not return for us (come to our
awareness) comprises the sum total of our ignorance.
We ignore it. It does not register. Our consciousness
then, that which we are aware of, is made up of the
endless returns or returning of cycles. Don't panic. I am
going to try to make this clear.
This is not an easy concept to grasp, but it is an
essential one, and if you can get it, it will make your
study of astrology much easier. Let me rephrase:
Our consciousness, in other words, that which we are
now aware of, is made up of whatever lasts (holds
together) long enough for us to see and experience it. It
persists, and we perceive it. Every thing we can see
lasts long enough to restate itself, and these endless restatements or returns make up our conscious life, and
only that.
When we reach the 'point of no return' in any project, we
abandon that direction. When something ceases to
restate itself, to return on itself, it drops from our
awareness and is forgotten. Everything that is only is by
having the strength to last and exist. If it loses that
strength, it no longer persists.
Everything is only by returning. It is by the returns that
we know anything. If we reach the point of no return on
any subject, it is just that: the point where there is
nothing coming back. It becomes like a straight line for
This concept is difficult, so let's drop it for now and take
another approach at the same material.
Our entire life can be viewed as a process of investment
and returns, giving and taking, and this process

From Michael Erlewine


How To Learn Astrology

endlessly repeats itself and can be studied in the form
of cycles.

From Michael Erlewine


House Systems

The Houses

The Houses
We have all seen an astrological chart wheel, divided
into twelve roughly equal pie-shaped sections, much
like we would cut up an apple pie or pizza. These twelve
sections are called the "Astrological Houses" or usually
just the "houses." In each pie-shaped house, we might
find one or more the planets or the Sun and the Moon.
Just as someone might tell you they have the Sun in
Aries, so they might also say that they have the Sun in
the 11th house. And these twelve houses have specific
meanings, just as the twelve zodiac signs do. The
phrase "He's a Taurus," might just as easily be "He's a
Second House Sun." We will learn about what the
houses mean, but first it will help to know something
about what houses are, and where they come from.

From Michael Erlewine


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